#v; stranger things. ( running up that hill )
atomiqueen · 3 months
a silly stoner starter inspired by this gem xoxo
        “so since gandalf smokes weed and radagast does shrooms, i have a theory that each of the wizards represents a drug. saruman is cocaine,” @freakarus says, handing the joint back to lucy. she's not sure she feels anything yet, so she tries another little hit, proud of herself for not coughing up a lung this time.
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        “uh-huh,” she replies. “okay. so...grey wizard is dope. brown is mushrooms. white is cocaine, obviously. i follow so far.” she pauses for several seconds, squinting into the middle distance. then, as she passes the joint his way: “what are the blue wizards?”
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by-skilet-zayki · 2 years
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« And if I only could I'd make a deal with God And I'd get him to swap our places  — I'd be running up that road, Be running up that hill With no problems…» (c)
[ Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (Metal Cover by RichaadEB & Annapantsu) ]
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farfromstrange · 3 months
Thumb v Printer | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader (gender neutral)
Summary: Your clumsiness keeps Matt on edge at all times. Like when you cut your thumb on a printer.
Warnings: None. (Maybe slight description of injury for those of you who are squeamish). Tooth-rotting fluff.
Word Count: ~1k
A/n: This did happen to me. It's healed now, but a piece of my thumb was missing for like a week and it wasn't fun. All because I had to print my sources for an essay and the paper got stuck. Smh.
Read Me On AO3!
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If a stranger came up to you and told you, “I smell blood,” it would be more than enough to make you run for the hills. Sharing a home with Matt Murdock though, you have heard stranger things. 
You turn from your spot on the sofa, putting your laptop aside for a moment to greet him. “Hello to you too,” you answer casually.
He tilts his head in your direction. His nostrils flare. You know better than to question it. He’s wearing the same suit he left your shared apartment with this morning, his tie only loosened slightly to allow him some air to breathe. The last streaks of sunlight filter through the window, enveloping him in an ethereal glow. He’s so beautiful, but he doesn’t allow you much time to admire him as he stands in the hallway, his hands propped up on his hips as though he is about to lecture you on criminal law before the Civil War.
“You opened the first-aid kit,” he states. “What happened?” 
It’s an astute observation, you have to give him that. “Oh. Yeah.” You chuckle. “I just cut my finger on the printer, that’s all.”
He stutters for a moment, almost like an old engine. “You… I’m sorry, what?”
His worried expression fades into something else entirely. You know that look all too well; he’s confused—so confused, in fact, that he forgets how concerned he was a minute ago.
“I cut my finger on the printer,” you repeat, shrugging. “Happens.”
“I’m gonna regret asking you this, but…how?”
“Well, I was printing some documents earlier, and the paper got stuck, so, I had to lift the top and get in there, right?”
He nods. “Right.” 
So far, it sounds plausible, but he knows you. Matt is well aware that your clumsiness manages to exceed his in many ways, and you have gotten yourself into predicaments in the past that he still hasn’t wrapped his head around. Sometimes, shit happens to and around you, and he has to accept that. He never fails to try though, which is kind of endearing, in a way. It’s something you have gotten used to over the years; he has to ensure you’re okay or he can’t find a moment to rest.
“I wasn’t wearing my glasses,” you confess, “so I had to put my face as close as possible to see what I was doing. Anyway, the paper ripped and since my position didn’t allow for any traction, I accidentally got my thumb caught on a sharp edge because if I’d pulled my hand out I would’ve hit myself in the face.”
A moment of silence passes. The wheels in Matt’s head visibly turn. He fidgets with the waistband of his pants, still processing. Eventually, he asks, “What?”
You sigh. “I’m sorry for not cleaning up. I was busy trying to fix my thumb and the printer.”
“I’m not… sweetheart, I’m not worried about the mess. I’m worried about you.” Matt slips the glasses off his nose and places them aside. 
“I’m okay,” you tell him. But are you, really?
“You sure?” He bridges the gap between you, tugging at your hand to run his fingers over the bandage; the cut underneath screams in protest. “Let me check.” His hazel eyes focus blankly at the space where your nose is, but it feels as though he is staring into your soul. 
“Matt…” You try to stop him, but he swiftly unpacks the injury. 
He sucks in a sharp breath when the scent hits him. You wonder what it smells like; blood, definitely, and maybe some of the ink you accidentally got into the wound before disinfecting it. His thumb gently inspects the area around it, trying not to hurt you. Matt can’t help but shake his head again; it doesn’t take much for him to realize that it isn’t just a tiny cut. 
“Jesus,” he curses under his breath. “Feels like you’re missing some skin there.”
You try to make light of the situation. “Maybe we’ll find it the next time one of us prints something.”
His jaw clenches. You’re not in pain anymore, and your fight with the printer did not lead to a life-threatening injury, but he can’t stand the thought of you being hurt, not even for a second. 
“I love you,” he says, “but you’re the clumsiest person I’ve ever met.” It’s not as endearing as it usually sounds.
“Huh.” You huff. “That’s saying a lot, considering you’re the clumsiest person I’ve ever met.”
“I’m blind,” he retorts, eyebrows raised to his hairline. He’s standing there, expression suggesting he thinks you have officially lost your mind, and it rubs you the wrong way.
You retract your hand, glaring at him with all you’ve got. “And I’m extremely short-sighted!” You don’t have to yell for him to feel the intended sting of your tone. 
His hands find their way back to his hips like a condescending mother. “Why weren’t you wearing your glasses?”
“Because,” you say, “I accidentally got coffee on them this morning and forgot to put them back on.” Your confidence falters halfway through though, realizing it doesn’t work well in your defense. Especially not in an argument with a skilled lawyer such as your boyfriend.
You love his caring nature more than life, but sometimes he treats you like a child who needs saving. Your heart is racing in your chest, and perhaps that is why he stops before you can make an argument out of a simple cut on your finger. It’s not worth it.
“I… you know what,” Matt caves, and his biceps relax, “I’m not even going to ask.”
You nod, albeit not triumphantly. You didn’t exactly win this battle of wits. “Yeah. Probably for the better,” you answer, chin held high, but it’s of no use.
You got defeated. By a printer. 
His lips curve into a soft smile. “C’mere.” He leans in, his nose brushing against yours. He smells of his cologne, paper, and coffee—like home. And he probably tastes like what he had for lunch or maybe the water he gozzled before heading home, but there is always a slight tinge of something indescribable when he kisses you. 
Before your lips can finally touch though, he halts. Matt sniffs, licking his lips and tasting the air. “You smell like ink,” he says. 
Your eyes narrow. Asshole. “Thank you. That’s…should I pour bleach into my mouth to accommodate you, Murdock?” you snap, pushing away from him.
Instead of begging on his knees for forgiveness—a dramatic notion you would not be opposed to—he laughs. Matt Murdock has the audacity to laugh. “I’m sorry,” he breathes out between giggles. “I’m sorry. Hey!” He tugs at your arm once more. “At least let me hug you. Please.”
You pout. “I’ll bite you.”
“Please don’t.”
“I might.”
He brings you into his arms with little resistance from your end, guiding your head just above his heart. So you can hear him. Feel him. Smell him. “I love you too,” he murmurs against your hair. 
You bury your face in his chest. It’s unfair how comfortable he is. “Hm. You’re lucky you’re irreplaceable,” you say, but it lacks conviction.
Matt clicks his tongue. “You’re so nice to me.” 
“You started it.”
“That’s fair.” Grabbing your chin, he tilts your head back up. “I still love you.”
You can’t bite back a smile this time, purring, “Oh, I know.” 
That’s never going to change, you know. And you love him. All of him, all the time, and unconditionally. 
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Tag List: @littlenerdyravenclaw @yarrystyleeza @etanordoesbullsh1t @thychuvaluswife @harleycao @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch @sya-skies @amberritonicole @thatonegamefish @norestfortheshelbywicked @mattkinsella @itwasthereaminuteago @linamarr @gpenguin666 @acharliecoxedfan @pigeonmama @bohemianrhapsody86 @a-gir1-has-n0-name @winkev1 @callsign-ember @chittaphonstar @buckyyyismahhlife @trublu2u @xnatyx @zomtart
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Hi! Can I ask dante, vergil and maybe nero and v with a female reader who i like aerith in ff7. Like they suddenly fall from sky in the reader flower shop and then the more time they spend they fall in love with the reader and their lives change? And then they nearly get attacked by demons and they think that they lost her but find out she is fine and alive... thank you💙
Aw yeah, as an avid ff7 fan, I find this an absolute WIIIIN! (Sephiroth is best girl and I will die on that hill)
Sparda boys + V x Aerith-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-While fighting demons, Dante was dealt a nasty blow to the head and was subsequently knocked out.
-He fell a very long distance and ended up crashing through the ceiling of flower shop, thankfully landing right on a soft bush.
-You were absolutely terrified by this startling, sudden occurrence, but something compelled you to watch over this stranger, like he was important or something.
-You waited till he woke up, which didn't take long, and shakily introduced yourself. The moment you told him your name was the moment your lives changed.
-Dante fell in love with you the moment he saw you, and from that point on, you guys were inseparable.
-Or so you thought until demons showed up and carried you off. Rest assured, Dante did not sleep a wink until he found you running for your life in the streets, a bit scratched and with dirty clothes, but otherwise healthy and alive.
■ Vergil ■
-He must have cut a hole into the wrong dimension, because the next thing Vergil knew after making a badass descent from a tall precipice, he found himself falling right through some flower shop's ceiling.
-You, the owner, were understandably rattled by this encounter, but were still friendly and cheerful enough to introduce yourself to the tall and imposing man that just broke your ceiling.
-You guys actually got along very well, growing into friends, then quickly into mad lovers.
-Vergil was determined to protect this sweet, innocent, ray of sunshine that was you, so when the demons showed up and took you away, he was beside himself with rage.
-He chased after those fiends for several straight days, not daring to rest for fear something might happen to you if he stopped for even a second.
-Thankfully, he found you perfectly fine, unharmed and alive. After smothering you in a hug, he killed all the demons that had taken you and dragged you back to your flower shop for further "examination".
□ Nero □
-Nero's grappling hook broke unexpectedly mid-swing and he quickly found himself tumbling through the air, only to crash right into the ceiling of a flower shop.
-He thought he'd died and gone to heaven, the fact that you were looking over him worriedly made him wonder if he was seeing an angel. reference for ya
-He asked you a bunch of questions, eventually confirming that he was not dead and simply sprawled out on the floor of your flower shop, broken bits of ceiling all around him. How he had not died of fall damage was beyond him, but it didn't really matter because there was this cutie pie over here who wanted to talk--and Nero likes cutie pies who like to talk.
-The next few months were the best months of Nero's life. He got to bond with you, help you out in your flower ship, turning your chance encounter into a lasting relationship.
-Imagine his panic and anger when demons attacked you guys on the way home, dragging you off with them while you kicked and screamed. Nero fought harder in those next 5 minutes than he'd ever fought in his life, soon freeing you from those awful things.
-His hands were shaky as he held you close to him, repeatedly asking if you were alright. To his relief, you were fine--didn't even have a scratch on you.
● V ●
-Griffon was flying V away from some particularly powerful demons that he wasn't physically fit to deal with, when suddenly, he ran out of juice.
-One minute, V was casually drifting through the air, the next, falling through the roof of some building below.
-He awoke to find himself lying on an oddly fluffy bush, a very pretty florist hovering over him.
-The next few months were pure bliss as your relationship blossomed from curious strangers to passionate lovers.
-When the demons attacked, V suddenly found himself next to useless as they carted you off, thankfully, he had the sense to summon Nightmare to blast them all back to hell with a laser beam before they could retreat to wherever their hideout was.
-While you were perfectly fine, just a little shaken, V was determined to never allow that to happen again. To make this idea a reality, he simply never left your side.
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happilylovingchaos · 25 days
Music Mondays
I’m back for the tag game! Shout-out to @lonestar-s5countdown @tellmegoodbye
I’m in and out of the Stranger Things fandom (think D&D and children’s innocent adventures meets 1980s meta refs from sci-fi, fantasy and horror) and waiting on the latest season! My own suggestion is a song mashup of Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill” and Sia’s “Titanium” that pairs well with both disasters in the 9-1-1-verse (like a journey of self-actualization/ escaping a personal disaster in the middle of a natural one), and possibly brings up the question of what each Vecna-created mental world of each character there would look like. The music mixer Andy Wu has a pretty deft ear for mixing pop songs together, especially with his end-of-year music videos.
And here’s another song that was actually featured in one of Stranger Things’ action scenes! It drags in places so scene edits (imagined or prepped for screening) might need to get creative, but this could totally happen during the collapse of an unstable structure. Results might vary— a MC or side character (or both) might make it out alive, or not.
I found this slowed remix of Ruelle’s “Walk Through the Fire” on an AMV created by the YouTuber Killarious YouTube; it almost always makes me think of the 118 or the 126 (or both!) navigating a wildfire, tsunami/ hurricane/ tornado wreckage, or an unstable structure with citizens in tow.
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sterlingarcher23 · 1 year
All for ONE and ONE for all
The lie of One... "It's never true"
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The Musketeer chocolate bar clue is about the Musketeer's motto "All for One and One for all" - similar to the dialogs esp in S4, this chiasmus works in a similar way by referring AND containing several Ones or better: two of them. Like in Eleven.
All for ONE/1 and ONE/1 for all = 11
But it makes a distinction between the two Ones, they are separat but connected. Sounds familiar?
Brenner’s dialog initially refers to Henry/Edward as One but through Owens we also know that El is One.
- "I'm thinking...you are One of the good Ones."
Looking at Brenner’s "If you want to stop One" and compare it with the exchange between El and Owens ("Stop him - her") about Max it is clear that Max is also One although mirrored to Henry/Edward.
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Max is part of the NINA project scenes even though she isn't visible there. Ruth has a population of 371 according to a 2020 census. And the letters are the initials of Running up that hill which is incidentally connecting El and Max. Ob, and NINA isn't just the name of a opera but also the name of the main character in Black Swan that shows signs of DID and makes out with her alter personality (more in an upcoming post).
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Mirrors explained:
Like a shot of the Russian scientists on the left side looking to the right and the Americans standing on the right side looking to the left. (Don't have the pictures) Saying: they are similar but on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum.
Note that many scenes in Stranger Things are NOT parallels but mirrored shots and therefore meaning swaps. There are definitely similarities but also huge differences. Parallels can be mirrors but not all mirrors are parallels so to speak but the opposite. (As someone said once that Lumax and Mileven parallel each other in the opposite way. Yeah, that's a mirror.)
Just take look at of these this moment as an example for mirroring shots. With Brenner and Owens on the opposite side (which is also connected to Henry's and Max's dialogs down below) or in the scene with Kali, just with Max now in El's place on the opposite side of the frame.
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Those are clearly mirrored shots. And there are literal mirrors used in a mirrored way as some pointed out - the problem comes with the way they are meant. In case of Kali, Max, El it is a positive association.
Very similar to these scenes and the semantic differences that are screaming it into your face or to say it with the Master:
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The first lines are more complex: He is blaming the world, while she defends her father.
The next one is interesting: A lie is deceptive, it's intentional falsehood. Things can be "Untrue" can be mistakes, errors, a misunderstanding but are not necessarily a lie.
And of course the "I", refering to One and egoism, while the "We" refers to two (Ones) and co-working/a team.
That's why One's dialog refers to "could" as a hypothetical and Max's "We"/Ones is definite. Egoism is doomed to fail, a team effort wins.
"Henry"/Edward is One =I = 001
Max is One. El is One. 1 & 1 =We = 011
And I think even V refers to Max as One in a line?
There are at least three Ones in this Game:
One and One & One
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And Max is actually wearing the number in question on her sleeves. Two white lines: II as in 0II or Eleven.
Or, just take a look at these images. One casts a long shadow, the other a mirror image with a walkie talkie nearby. The shadow is Vecna/Edward and the mirror image is El.
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Thanks, Belloq.
In the newest game we have an artwork depicting "El" in a similar fashion.
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Note that her mirror image has a split face and Max's mirror in the gym's floor is also "split" and since these two are shown having mirroring images, that connects these two Ones like their couple accessories of the blue hair tie and yellow watch.
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The trophy and first price isn't a reference to "One" as in "Henry" but to Max.
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The Trophy shows a female character with wings, such as in "A wrinkle in time" Mrs Whatsit transforms into a centaur a horse like being with wings.
"A star that sacrificed itself to fight evil that became an astral traveler" - the writers even point to said character in their tweets.
- What
- Sit (writers)
- is that a command or a clue
- 🕵️‍♂️
(the horse appears in the painting, Lucas who is actually a ranger on it, and in El's room is a unicorn too. As in One)
A winged female, a horse with the color coding of the blue hair tie and yellow watch. The victory can be achieved with the help of this winged being... Max. And El since she needs to fly. With Max.
El is One & Max is One = 11.
All for one and one for all.
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nullshocked · 6 months
HELLO ALPHABET SOUP TIME!! WOOHOOO!! (answer as many/however u want 🧡)
A, E, J, K, Q, U, V, X, Z!!
and ima throw in a 6 and 13 and 22 just for no reason dnjksnfdsa!!
OC Alphabet Soup / Questions About Your Durge I ASSUME THE NUMBERS ARE FOR THE DURGE QUESTIONS???
Going under a cut for obvious reasons:
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A - Aodh'a Nbolo
One of my miqo'te boys! A kind of reserved, blunt, and grumpy conjurer who runs a clinic in Gridania where he treats people at little to no cost. He is a deeply caring person who is extremely bad at expressing himself and full of anxiety bees. Also has like four kids now (three he gave birth to, one he adopted as his own that's the daughter of his mate/partner by another mother) and the youngest two are twins and he is so tired all the fucking time for real.
E - Eyes
Not much to say because it's an OC I had when I was like 14 that I mostly just drew art of. I don't think there was anything I ever really like... did with him outside of that? He started with silver hair but I ended up making it bright blue later. I think he was blind maybe and the name was ironic??
J - Josef Hamilton
Dumb werewolf whose twin sister was a vampire, and he was pretty relentlessly cruel to her about that. Also just depraved bisexual vibes. I don't remember much beyond that about either of them, except that his sister was married to a rockstar AND had a girlfriend/wife (not legally married) and I think Josef was kind of pissed she got to be happy with her partners and their shared children.
K - Kaenea Dawnstar
Blood elf paladin I played for actual years. She was a war veteran involved in the Third War and the Northrend campaign, both of which profoundly scarred her emotionally as well as physically. She was a bit of a complicated mess determined to do the right thing in a world that... made that very difficult, a lot of the time. I love her.
Q, U - Nothing for these, unfortunately.
V - Vanessa Harley
Originally started as a Silent Hill OC with a split personality and got reworked. Her other personality just became her twin sister instead named Valerie. Vanessa is a violinist with a love of music and a quiet, soft personality contrasting with her twin's fiery passion. They also share a telepathic and empathic bond with one another. So that's neat.
X - None for this one either.
Z - Zion Tobias
Used to be a doctor, then he died and went to hell and became the side piece/personal manservant to Lucifer. Don't worry about how that works. I think he later got with a nurse if I recall? I dunno, he was. A guy.
6. How does your Dark Urge react to waking up with memory loss?
Jack wakes up with no memory and kind of not a lot of personality to start, which is eerie to the people he meets because he just seems so emotionally detached from everything around him. (He snaps out of it later and starts to kind of revert to some of his more benign tendencies pre-tadpole.) Overall he actually reacts quite calmly, but that's probably more to do with shock and the whole like... we're gunna crash if we don't do something about this ship crashing thing. Practicality.
He does spend a lot of time muttering "my name is Jack" to himself over and over again in some effort to like... make sure he doesn't lose the one piece of himself he remembers. This is also kind of weird to everyone he meets, before they realize what's up.
13. How does your Dark Urge feel about killing?
Pre-tadpole? He's good at it, but for him it's more practical and clinical than something he takes joy in. He kills for his father's approval, not because he enjoys the act of killing anyone. Post-tadpole, the ease with which he kills people (and doing while not in control of himself) is something that deeply frightens him, to the point that he actively avoids doing so if he doesn't have to.
22. What first impression does your Dark Urge give off to strangers?
"Sad wet cat man. Are we sure he's the Chosen of Bhaal? I mean look at him, he's got anxiety and he keeps clutching the pale one like a fucking freak."
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omahasnakes · 7 months
2022: Hi motherfuckers, did you miss me?
(A return to my dumb project of listening to the Billboard year-end top 100 chart and trying to make sense of it as a middle-aged person.)
I’ve been home since 2020. I’ve been twerking and making smoothies. It’s called healing?
There was a period of a couple of months in 2023 where I would wake up in the morning to one of my maddening-to-others alarm clock songs, probably “Rosanna” by Toto, and then I would immediately listen to the first half of Lizzo’s 2022 album Special, just to get myself out of bed. ANYWAYYYYY. “About Damn Time” is the only song from Special that charted in the top 100 in 2022, which surprised me, but it’s clearly song of the year for me by that metric. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXXxciRUMzE
If it was anyone’s year, and we are all starting to learn not to say “this year is going to be MY YEAR”, there were seven songs by Bad Bunny, all from the album Un Verano Sin Ti and six by Doja Cat (four from Planet Her).
“Big Energy” by Latto: runner-up song of the year. This is another defiant tough-girl anthem to listen to while you drag yourself out of bed to continue trying to live your shattered life in early 2023. Of course we can also talk about the prominent sampling of sample-darling “Genius of Love” by Tom Tom Club- I ended up getting more and more into Tom Tom Club based on this, and I played “Genius of Love” for my classes one day when we were on Zoom, and it got a rare comment from a student! The kids are alright.
“Running up that Hill” by Kate Bush: I was an undergrad in the days of Windows share files, and I downloaded most of Kate Bush’s discography that way. Because of that, my Kate Bush fandom always felt very much in a vacuum. So I’m excited that this struck such a cultural nerve when it appeared in Stranger Things! Everybody get on the weird Kate Bush train with me! Next we’re going to listen to a song that pretty straightforwardly explains the plot of Wuthering Heights!
“Unholy” by Sam Smith and Kim Petras. We don’t have guilty pleasures anymore, just pleasures. Sam Smith performs a cool different arrangement of this at the end of their Tiny Desk concert that I also really enjoyed. I can’t defend this or my bad taste, so I can only present it without further comment.
“good 4 u” by Olivia Rodrigo stuck around on the chart from last year, one of a few breakup songs. Well, it’s 2022 and I have no use for breakup songs, so I’ll just file these away for never!
“Bad Habit” by Steve Lacy: a Smart Music Person corroborated that this song and the album Gemini Rights are Good. You can take issue with me and my bad taste, but a broken clock is right twice a day, and you can’t argue with a Smart Music Person.
It is right and correct that “All I Want for Christmas is You” should chart year after year, but you all need to cool it with this stuff that just plays as a mix after that song ends: “Jingle Bell Rock”, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”, “A Holly Jolly Christmas”: we gotta get this outta here by next year!! When I come back for 2023, I expect that you’ll have that taken care of.
I try not to go down too many rabbit holes on these charts, because there are 100 songs and I have to move on to the next chart before I’m driven mad, but my research senpai Rachel pointed out that this chart includes 14 songs that carried over from the previous year, which I am starting to notice as well. My theory is that streaming encourages this more than terrestrial radio, which was always pushing new songs on us. Streaming is perfectly happy to have us listen to the same song over and over, sobbing quietly in the car.
Country music barometer: 26% Our society is truly lost.
“Buy Dirt” by Jordan Davis and Luke Bryan: the single most reactionary song on the chart. You: But it’s just a nice song about traditional values. Me: [seagull inhaling meme]
AA by Walker Hayes: I guess we didn’t all get the memo that sex work is work and pole dancing is art.
Rachel is also great for dumb questions like “Is Morgan Wallen one of the bad ones?” because she’s got the references and receipts and she knows how to Find Things. Also, yeah. He had one song on the chart this year that I thought was fine, “Sand in my Boots” but now he’s a non-starter.
“One Mississippi” by Kane Brown is another one for the country category of “this is fine.” It’s not the genre I object to anymore, it’s the reactionary politics and stagnant style, which now that I put the conjunction between the two phrases, they make perfect sense together.
Lest you think I’m being too hard on country music, this chart also features a song called “PUFFIN ON ZOOTIEZ” (caps lock theirs) and a shocking #9 finish for “Super Gremlin” by Kodak Black, a cool-sounding song that features some real classic homophobia I didn’t expect from 2022 and a prominent r-slur.
On the other hand, 10% of the songs were in Spanish! (Both of these statistics are from my own very rough counts, don’t roast me.)
Programming note: now that my algorithm is truly and permanently fucked, I’m planning to listen to the 1996 chart as a palate cleaner before diving in to the cursed 2023 chart.
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fanficfanatic000 · 1 year
Eddie x female reader
18+ warning
Kinda goes with stranger things s4
Spoilers ahead probably
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Chapter 3 (f#@!) Story name (i just moved to hawkins)
" I know where we should go" Eddie kept paddling The wind making me cold as hell I'm soaked with lake water the sky darkening as he paddled that dude dead and I wasn't Eddie or me it was something else "Eddie? Was that what happened to chrissy?" "Yeah… it is…." He gulped. You could tell that Eddie is on edge the boat hit the land then Eddie jumped on land and had his hand out to assist you from the boat. You grabbed his hand it felt like electricity zapped through your body just from his touch. "Thank you eddie" He looked at you with a boyish playful grin. "Y/n follow me skull rock isn't to far from here then we could dry off" You nodded " yes" You walked up a hill for 10 minutes Meanwhile
Dustin max Robin Steve and Nancy pov They just showed up to the shed where you were supposed to be. "Where did they go" Dustin said as he searched around the shed for anything "They left their walkie-talkie and the food " Hmm where could they be…. outside Dustin looked outside and saw blood on the sand of the lake. The boat was gone and foot prints and Dustin knew what was across the lake up the hill.. "skull rock!!!" "Skull rock?" Max asked in confusion "why would they go to skull rock?" "Wait" Steve said rushed. He ran to the front of refer Rick's house and found "Tire tracks! Someone was where someone who wanted eddie" the whole group thought it through Dustin knew "jason it was most likely jason since chrissy and jason were dating and everyone thinks eddie killed her…. but lets go to skull rock i know thats where they went".
(Your pov ) We finally made it to skull rock still soaked. I wonder if the others will find us And I have a headache damn. "Y/n watcha thinking about?" He tilted his head with a grin on his lips but he was also very concerned. "Nothing much just how it sucks to be sopping wet." "Well why dont you take your clothes off and let them dry" Realizing what he just said he started to blush red and so did you "sorry that sounded kinda weird i-i I'll turn around and we could go back to back " "No eddie its okay i trust you not to take advantage of me or anything like that..just take it easy on me okay" He looked at you with confusion You were nervous.. really nervous You've always been insecure about your weight and your body. All the things he could say running through your head You pulled you wet band t shirt off and Your arms shot up to your chest and you removed your jeans and shoes leaving you in Nothing but your matching bra and underwear with your layered necklaces Your arms covering your stomach And you notice eddie staring "Sorry! Sorry…..i didnt mean to be a creep…. are you uncomfortable?" "No im not uncomfortable" "Then why are you covering yourself?" "Because you probably dont want to see my body its not like other girls " "What your body is…." "Is what? Ugly?" "NO its beautiful" Eddie's face as red as yours your eyes wide open your heart beating fast "Eddie its not your just being my friend i have stretch marks from growing to fast And i have a muffin top….. im ugly… stop lieing eddie" His face blushing but his brown eyes glossed over "Y/n your not ugly" He says moving your arms from your stomach "you're beautiful" He smiles with reassurance "if you dont feel comfortable with me staring at you all night here my leather jacket is kinda waterproof so its dry-ish" You put Eddie's leather jacket on still warm from him and you immediately felt better Then he walked around skull rock until he found a ledge in the rock where he hung your clothes to dry and he takes off his shirt and his Many jackets to dry. And he puts your and his shoes hanging upside-down from a tree branch to dry Then you saw him his bare chest and stomach slightly toned and his v-line in the moon light. Is a sight you would never unsee. you would never want to unsee. "Hey sweetheart eyes up here" "sorry" You blush a light cherry pink "No need to apologize maybe we should get some sleep" " yeah some sleep sounds nice" You crawl next to skull rock in the almost cave like part and you laid down Then Eddie laid 1 foot away from you trying to give you some personal space "Eddie i-im cold" Eddie looked at you and grinned he was also cold. "Princesses you could come lay by me if you want" You smiled at his words "yeah that would be nice " you moved closer to eddie his brown eyes watching you you moved to where you were almost touching but not Then Eddie grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close really close his chest touching yours his smell of pine-tree and cigarette smoke with a hint of gasoline was making you feel light as a feather your blood rushing to you cheeks making you blush red. "Is this okay sweetheart?" He said softly and deeply. "Better than okay" His skin was warm like a campfire his heart was pounding so loud you could feel it then you fell asleep.
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mayahawkins · 2 years
top 5 stranger things songs (not ost) and top 5 songs on the ost
ok so i don’t listen to the ost like at all so i don’t have favs 😔, will have to listen to it more now! i also don’t rly listen to other songs from the show lmaooo which is v boring i know, so here’s my few fav songs from the show that’re v predictable i’m sure
running up that hill
california dreamin’
can’t fight this feeling
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atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@freakarus said: “i never forget a face.”
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        “Is that a fact, Eddie Munson?” Lucy rarely ever forgets a face herself, even if he's grown out his hair past what her father would consider a reasonable length (though, she disagrees; she thinks it suits him). Her eyes slip sideways to the poster she's in the process of taking down—the one with her face smiling brightly over a somewhat silly slogan for her class president run. That's when she laughs. “Oh! I get it.” She slides him a knowing grin as she carefully peels the poster down. “You're pretty funny.” 
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 month
STRANGER THINGS S4: Running Up That Hill - Rachel Hardy (Kate Bush cover) Hey, I'm back with a Stranger Things cover! One of my patreons suggested I cover "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush from the new season (and also... from the 80s, lol) and I quickly fell in love with the song. I had such a good time putting this one together with my own little twist and I am so excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy! (If you somehow found me amidst the sea of covers of this song, WELCOME to the channel and I hope you stay awhile!) Links for only the coolest of people: LISTEN: https://too.fm/bvlmbbq Instrumental Track: https://ift.tt/iUVsYve SUPPORT: Join the Patreon Family (my instrumental tracks / your name in the credits / hand-written cards / hangouts): https://ift.tt/mT25BZ1 Leave a Tip: https://ift.tt/bV2kvco FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: @rachelhardymusic (https://ift.tt/AvYkLwl) TWITTER: @RachelHardy306 (https://twitter.com/rachelhardy306) FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/dpUjBXE DISCORD: https://ift.tt/3aLDVm2 MORE: Equipment: Everything I use, including my computer build, studio equipment, filming equipment, and music gadgets can be found HERE: https://ift.tt/8pvo7s1 Merch: https://ift.tt/hRXWEvt #strangerthings #runningupthathill #cover via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYf-XQDFWd4
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inevitablemoment · 8 months
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The Aquinnah Chronicles Playlist (so far-- will be updated)
i. a sorta fairytale (tori amos)
like a good book // i can't put this day back // a sorta fairytale with you
ii. the shoop shoop song [it's in his kiss] (linda ronstadt)*
does he love me? i wanna know // how can i tell if he loves me so?
iii. paper rings (taylor swift)
i like shiny things // but i'd marry you with paper rings
iv. dog days are over (florence + the machine)
happiness hit her like a train on a track // coming towards her, stuck still, no turning back
v. running up that hill [a deal with god] (kate bush)
if i only could // i'd make a deal with god // and get him to swap our places
vi. running up that hill [epic version] (samuel kim)
no lyrics
vii. romeo and juliet (dire straits)
the dice was loaded from the start // and i bet, when you exploded into my heart
viii. journey to the past (christy altomare)
heart, don't fail me now // courage, don't desert me // don't turn back now that we're here
ix. magic to do (patina miller, pippin 2013 revival cast)
journey, journey to a spot ex // 'citing, mystic and exotic // journey through our anecdote revue
x. corner of the sky (matthew james thomas)
so many men seem destined to settle for something small // but i won't rest until i know i'll have it all // so don't ask me where i'm going // just listen when i'm gone // and far away, you'll hear me singing softly to the dawn
xi. ocean away (barlow & bear, ft. darren criss)*
am i the one to blame // when we're dancing in the same room // but you're an ocean away
xii. shy (sarah jessica parker)
can't you guess // that this confident air // is a mask that i wear // 'cause i'm shy?
More under the cut
xiii. doll on a music box/truly scrumptious reprise (sally ann howes & dick van dyke)*
you cannot see // how much i long to be free // turning around on this music box // that's wound by a key
xiv. elaborate lives (adam pascal & heather headley)
we all live such elaborate lives // wild ambitions in our sights // how an affair of the heart survives // days apart and hurried nights
xv. feels like this (maisie peters)
uncover secrets // treasure hunting days away // stumbling on diamonds // i'm speechless and blown away
xvi. salvation (gabrielle aplin)
i never meant to fall for you // but i was buried underneath // and all that i could see was white
xvii. medicine (james arthur)
you're my bulletproof vest when it's getting dangerous // always make me feel blessed // you're my guardian angel
xviii. love alone (katelyn tarver)
it's on the line // i'm waiting for a sign // i see it in your eyes, i // i know you really feel the same
xix. another op'nin', another show (kiss me, kate 2019 cast)
another job that you hope, at last // will make your future forget your past // another pain where the ulcers grow
xx. shall we dance? (kelli o'hara & ken watanabe)
shall we dance? // on a bright cloud of music // shall we fly?
xxi. i'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair (kelli o'hara & ensemble)
don't try to patch it up // tear it up, tear it up // wash him out, dry him out // push him out, fly him out // cancel him and let him go
xxii. strangers like me (tammy tuckey)
i want to know // can you show me // i want to know about these strangers like me
xxiii. simple joys (patina miller)
sweet summer evenings // hot wine and bread // sharing your supper, sharing your bed // simple joys have a simple voice // that says "why not go ahead?"
xxiv. morning glow (matthew james thomas & ensemble)
morning glow all day long // while we sing tomorrow's song // never knew we could be so strong // but now it's very clear // morning glow is almost here
xxv. i won't say i'm in love (carrie hope fletcher)
if there's a prize for rotten judgement // i guess i've already won that // no man is worth the aggravation
xxvi. illicit affairs (taylor swift)
don't call me kid, don't call me baby // look at this godforsaken mess that you made me // you showed me colors you know I can't see // with anyone else
xxvii. you belong with me (taylor swift)
i remember you driving to my house // in the middle of the night // i'm the one who makes you laugh // when you know you're about to cry
*Version not available on Spotify
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opportuning · 10 months
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Hey, welcome! This is a multimuse featuring both canon and original characters from/for games made by Rockstar. Mostly GTA and RDR with others as request characters. My name’s Rory, they/them, and I’m 29 years old. Due to my age and nature of this game, I will not be writing with muns who are under 21. I would consider this blog to be on low activity. Below are my pages.
song credit.
MAIN. (AKA. I always have muse.)
Trevor Philips - GTA Canon - [ Self-made businessman, meth and weapons. Former bank robber and running buddy of Michael’s, Trevor settles in Sandy Shores after a bank robbery that goes wrong. He attempts to deal his own drugs and weapons, but things don’t quite go according to plan when he finds out someone isn’t actually dead. ]
Michael De Santa - GTA Canon - [ ‘Retired’ bank robber, miserable millionaire. Formerly Michael Townley, a notorious bank robber. A seemingly botched score in North Yankton puts Townley in a grave, and De Santa in a mansion in Rockford Hills. ]
Devin Weston - GTA Canon - [ Billionaire, (wannabe) lifestyle guru. All American billionaire, a skilled investor and stockholder. With his hands in various ventures in Los Santos and Merryweather Security, Devin is able to live a very easy life and pursues a side project as a lifestyle guru. ]
Arthur Morgan - RDR2 Canon - [TBA.]
Hosea Matthews - RDR2 Canon - [TBA.]
SECONDARY. (AKA. I might be slow with these characters.)
Chef - GTA Canon - [ Meth cook, competent shot. Employee of Trevor’s, Chef is, as name implies, his meth cook. However, due to the chaotic establishment of TPI, Chef finds himself shooting a gun more often than he thought he would, which eventually makes him a viable candidate for future bank heists. ]
Karen ‘Michelle’ Daniels - GTA Canon - [ Federal agent, workaholic. After getting her big break in Liberty City, Karen climbed the ranks in the IAA in order to secure her position as a federal agent. Bitter and married to her job, she is trying to eventually settle in Los Santos. ]
Marnie Allen - GTA Canon - [ Spiritually enlightened, cult recruiter. After a horrible experience in Liberty City that resulted in a heroin addition, Marnie manages to make it back home with the help of a stranger (See: Niko Bellic). However, upon her release from rehab, the Epsilon Program picks her up and upon taking their philosophy, Marine becomes a recruiter. ]
Niko Bellic - GTAIV Canon - GTAV AU - [ Gun-for-hire, new to the country. After Niko’s revenge mission leads him to Liberty City, he soon finds out that things are not what he expected them to be. Getting caught up in a familiar cycle, Niko finds himself having to dig a dipper hole for himself before he can pull himself out. The cost of doing so is great, and in hopes of starting new (again) he moves to Los Santos. ]
Molly O'Shea - RDR2 Canon - [TBA.]
Josiah Trelawny - RDR2 Canon - [TBA.]
Abigail Roberts/Marston - RDR/RDR2 Canon - [TBA.]
REQUEST. (AKA. Ask me first/test muses.)
Nadiya Mitrovic - GTA OC
Roman Bellic - GTAIV Canon
Patrick ‘Packie’ McReary - GTAIV/V Canon
Bernie Crane - GTAIV Canon
Cole Phelps - L.A. Noire Canon
Stefan Bekowsky - L.A. Noire Canon
The Strange Man - RDR Canon
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A los creadores del psychobilly, el éxito les llegó cuando tres de ellos han muerto; sólo vive la guitarrista, Poison Ivy. Hace unos años los adolescentes descubrían a los grupos del pasado en los videojuegos, el fenómeno se repite en las series que hoy desempolvan canciones y las integran a su trama. Stranger Things trajo de vuelta a Kate Bush con “Running Up That Hill”; Wednesday, de Tim Burton, resucitó a los Cramps con “Goo Goo Muck”.
Acá puedes leer la columna completa: https://www.razon.com.mx/el-cultural/cramps-512694
Y acá puedes ver el video de Merlina bailando Goo Goo Muck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg3m1N6V_fk
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torley · 2 years
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(1) Stranger Things S4: Running Up That Hill | EPIC VERSION (Episode 9 Soundtrack Cover) - YouTube Sound & Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEK_K2JNQqk
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