#ic; starters.
atomiqueen · 4 months
another random starter for @radiaking bc i've been meaning to do this one...
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        “Oh, that's where I remember your name from!” Lucy plucks a tape from a shelf that's tipped sideways and looks very nearly on the verge of collapse. She blows off a cloud of dust, then uses her thumb to scrub some of the remaining dirt away from the title on the cover. A Man and His Dog. “Cooper Howard! I grew up on his movies...”
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||Between bloodlines||
~~Reserved A/O/B au thread with @within-the-resort ~~
Teru Mikami was well known for what he does. To being a criminal prosecutor during the day to insure all that crossed the line was taken down. Everyone knew not to mess with him and yet, this was only remaining quiet to it.
However during the night, he was a freelance assassin given missions to kill bad targets. Right now, he was on the roof of his next target, from the notes he gotten. Though, he was well known due to his skills but also being the strongest Alpha in the group.
Right now for his target, he was after the well known Patterson family. A heartless bloodline that seems to only see the rich for their own needs. He's heard other assassins tried to take them out but not all of them was successful. Some took out a few, others died in the job. However, Teru has gotten a lot more and was done taking down another a few weeks ago. Now he got another one.
"So....Jacob Patterson...tch, another one...this shouldn't take too long.." He said going to look for a way to find him but remains hidden while keeping quiet.
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runes-menagerie · 29 days
Bear with it ||Open
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Halsin ambled through the woods in his bear form. He had needed a break from the city even though he knew there was still much work to be done. The lack of nature and the confinement of the place were wearing on him however so he thought it best to give himself a little time and space to recenter himself.
And so, he was giving himself a single night to wander the woods outside the city. It was surprisingly peaceful given that the Absolute's army was on the way. Or at least it was until he heard someone or something moving nearby.
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justmemethings · 6 months
Random general RP prompts, without cursing, requested by anon. Feel free to edit pronouns / etc. to make them more fitting !
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“Oh my god, what is that !?”
“You should have seen them. I could hardly breathe with their ego taking up all the space in the room.”
“Hey, hey, stop. I literally have no idea of what you're talking about. How about you start from the beginning? Or at least put a subject in your sentences.”
“C'mon, who never had a ‘spaghetti coming out of the nose’ moment?”
“You insufferable...piece of...rotten lemon pie!”
“Do as I say and not as I do. For real, though. You don't want to do what I do. I don't want to do what I do.”
“I thought I’d never set foot in a place like this, but here we are. Congratulations on making my life a little more miserable.”
“Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. I might as well be talking to myself. I surely listen more to myself than you do.”
“Keep up the cocky act, it’ll only make you lose faster.”
“From where I’m standing, you’re the one who should be worrying.”
“Give me some credit. I know that I’m not a good person, but I like thinking that I can be a decent friend.”
“The only thing I trust humans with is dying when you shoot them.”
“How can you be vulnerable with someone who has shut you out over and over?”
“Yeah, not buying it. What is it that you truly want?”
“You know, now I have to challenge you at a drinking game.”
“Absolutely not. Don’t even think about it.”
“...Maybe I just need a real break.”
“I’d say that it’s nice to meet you, but maybe the circumstances could have been more…ideal.”
“You can’t be serious! Don’t you see what’s at stake here?!”
“Oh Lord, you gotta be kidding me. This will take forever.”
“Have you tried telling them that? It’s easy to forget that not everyone grieves in the same way.”
“Look at you, showing some actual good taste. I’m almost impressed.”
“Let’s skip over you judging me and talk business. Will you or won’t you?”
“Don’t get funny ideas. I’m just choosing the lesser evil.”
“Oh yeah? So, what? Are you saying that my problems will miraculously fix themselves, if I talk about them?”
“Let’s bet on it. The winner gets to make the loser do one thing. Whatever they want, no limits.”
“You must be really bored if this is how you chose to spend your night.”
“Patience, [name]. I thought you liked surprises.”
“I really wouldn't do that, if I were you.”
“Anything you’d like to say to plead your case?”
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strenuusvenator · 1 month
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Jade looked around, confused.
"I swear it was supposed to be around here somewhere."
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
Open RP Starter: Ending the Eternal Winter
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Finally. Finally, she was free. No more rules, no more restrictions, no more expectations. Elsa had never wanted that life, not even as a child—and certainly not with how her parents had shuttered her in, hidden from the world. Out here, she was free to be herself—to be the woman she was always meant to be.
She didn’t even mind that the kingdom was locked in a forever winter—she’d fix it eventually, but not now. Not when she could just be.
Her self-satisfied state stumbled as a loud, booming sound rumbled through her crystalline castle. Elsa frowned, turning to the castle doors, her eyes narrowing as she could see some conflict through the warped and thick ice-glass. Someone was here? She frowned—she just wanted to be left alone!
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mcltiples · 3 months
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"Such a shame, I've been here for a while now and have yet to interact with another version of myself. How disappointing."
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grandma-susan · 6 months
If the mourning dove could sing in hell, it would be a rare song to hear. But right here in hell, where the nights were bright a sailor's delights not even a hellborne swan could shed a tear. That was the color that filtered through the old maid's curtains. No matter how many layers, Pride's grotesque bruised night sky would bleed through the fabric as if it was flooding her modest Tudor home. An evening reminder that all blood would darken black and show the yellow fatty streaks of where it had stained through.
The gramophone's needle caught an unintentional groove and the horn let out a loud crackle that made a certain little creature whimper and look up at the old soul that had cranked it. Susan was curled up in her chair, a heavy blanket wrapped around her, asleep. Her tea sat half drunken on the side table, biscuits partially eaten and what seemed like an unfinished crumpled note sat on a small saucer soaking up the tea from her teaspoon.
Hell's night skies were abhorrent, and the day light skies were no better. The only thing anyone could do was to heavily drape the windows if you wanted any respite from the permanent crimson sky. At least in her corner of town it was rather quiet. At least here you could hear the little chips, chirps and lowly sleepy growls of breathing beasts in the distance. And unlike many parts of hell, the rustle of Pride's limited plant life, or at least...that was how she had left it hours ago before the clock had chimed for dinner and rest. What scuttled around her garden beds were presumed nothing more than skull faced rats, roaches and the occasional cannibal brat. Nothing more and nothing less...Especially half eaten carrion from Wrath.
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rubbarband · 10 months
Go beyond: In america
Closed rp with @FemDeku-rp
It wasn't often that America got Heroes from other states, usually it was a temp agency thing- or they were passing through mostly. Desmond and his Mom's agency was getting a really skilled hero, someone on the level of Japan's level 1 hero! So everyone was getting everything all dolled up for the time being.
Desmond was the same age as this hero, called themselves Deku but Izuka was a tough cookie, and honestly? this was great help after losing Stars and Stripes.
Here Des was waiting for the airplane to drop off Japan's toughest.
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"Ah Izuka over here, your ride awaits." Desmond waved her down, in his casual purple shirt and black pants he smiled at her approaching. "Lemme grab your bags, did you enjoy your flight?" Des asked plainly.
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the-bad-wclf · 3 months
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"I hope he's doing alright." Rogue muttered from where he was trapped in the pocket universe, alone, and feeling just a tad bit uncomfortable, but he would wait for however long it took. He would wait an eternity if it meant a reunion.
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atomiqueen · 3 months
a silly stoner starter inspired by this gem xoxo
        “so since gandalf smokes weed and radagast does shrooms, i have a theory that each of the wizards represents a drug. saruman is cocaine,” @freakarus says, handing the joint back to lucy. she's not sure she feels anything yet, so she tries another little hit, proud of herself for not coughing up a lung this time.
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        “uh-huh,” she replies. “okay. so...grey wizard is dope. brown is mushrooms. white is cocaine, obviously. i follow so far.” she pauses for several seconds, squinting into the middle distance. then, as she passes the joint his way: “what are the blue wizards?”
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||The Journey to Forgiveness||
~~Reserved Rp with @demon-blood-youths~~
The start of the new month has arrived and as Ink said, her fraction members the DBT was grounded this month. That means everyone had to stick to their punishments written by Ink and the boys. However, she did ask Jaron to drive Navarro later this morning to his own punishment. After that, Jaron would have to hand Ink his car keys to be put somewhere for the month. Along with the others who was having their things locked away.
At the apartment, Midoriya was waiting for Jaron to show with Navarro but it was pretty early. He did get a text from her to say Jaron should be dropping off near 8:33am this morning. Or due to the most of the boys being gone to do something. So for now, he waited.
But he was wondering if the DBT will be alright though, even Yuu who had a bruise on her cheek from the punch but she was fine.
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dvilsdesire · 14 days
Haarlep swirled his tail in his hand. "Give me attention. Pretty please?"
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chxrgebxltmeltdown · 20 days
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He’s back out here with his sign.
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cflight · 1 month
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Gently headbutts your leg. Gently headbutts your leg. Gently headbutts y-
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dramatisperscnae · 6 months
closed starter for @cxpedcrusxder and amnesiac!bruce
It's something they all quietly live in fear of. That one night, someone won't make it back. That some day The Call will come through and they'll be left with one less name in their lives, one less voice to hear. It's a fear, but it's a given. What they do is dangerous, and every night there is always the risk that they won't make it back. Dick knows this. He's known it since he was nine.
That hadn't changed the sudden ice-cold rush of panic he'd gotten when Alfred had called him over a week ago.
He'd just been finishing up his own patrol when the call came through over his comms. The Bat had fallen, badly. Possibly permanently. Dick hadn't hesitated - hell, he hadn't even stopped to pack; he'd just thrown a long coat on over his costume, hopped on his motorcycle, and raced to Gotham with his speedometer pushing 200mph the whole way. By the time he'd arrived Bruce was already in the hospital and Alfred - bless Alfred - was in the waiting room with a cup of coffee and a worrying grave expression.
In the days that followed Dick refused to leave the hospital. It was only at Alfred's insistence - and with his help - that Dick even bothered changing into proper clothes rather than remain in his working gear. Bruce wasn't dead - yet - but he was hardly out of the woods and there was no power in this or any other universe that could pry Dick away from his father's side. Sure their relationship hadn't been the best over the past few years, but none of that mattered. Not now.
At this point the nurses seem to have realized the family is not going to leave, given they've stopped bothering to remind Dick and the others about visiting hours. Only discussion - okay, an argument - between himself and his brothers pulls Dick from Bruce's bedside, and that only occasionally; they've set up a patrol rotation, picking up the slack while Batman is incapacitated to ensure that neither Bruce nor Gotham is left untended.
Tonight it's Dick's turn at Bruce's side, Tim and Damian having charge of the city under Alfred's guidance - and with some quiet help from Jason, not that anyone will openly say so. Dick's pulled his chair right beside Bruce's bed, a book open on his lap as he reads quietly aloud. Maybe Bruce can hear him, maybe he can't, but either way it's something, isn't it? It's at least doing more than just sitting there worrying and praying Bruce wakes up.
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