#v: ari's personal affects
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northopalshore · 3 months ago
Moon in the
Juno Persona Chart
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Juno asteroid (3) This post only applies to the Juno persona chart. The moon here tells you about how you connect with your future spouse or what emotional attachment you look for in an ideal relationship. It also tells you about how you feel & instinctively act throughout the progression of the relationship. This only applies when you are in the relationship.
୨୧ Please do not repost without consent ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠`⁠ʔฅ🔉
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In the signs, houses & degrees
🍪Aries (°1,°13,°25) @ The first house (I)
You may be rather erratic around them once you do get into a relationship however, a lack of patience may be a reoccurring theme as well. You may act rather childishly in the relationship i.e acting jealous, petty or even irrational at times around your person. You may show a lot of your "primal" emotional state one that isn't filtered or seen through rose coloured lenses. Both of you may have trouble expressing love in a traditional way i.e not completely comfortable being all lovey dovey or touchy feely at times, but it's not like it's completely void of that type of affection. Bickering just comes easier ^^".
Ex: My parents both have their Juno moon in an Aries degree (°1 & °13). Boy when I tell you these two are always arguing about something ( it's not really serious) but it's more like they both do not have any patience dealing with each other. They do not work well under pressure lmao. It's like little kids disagreeing with each other at times. Always trying to prove who's right and who's wrong. They don't hate each other, they just have a somewhat tsundere way of expressing their emotions to each other. It's funny, but also annoying looking at it from the perspective of their child.
🍪Taurus (°2,°14,°26) @ The second house (II)
You will feel very relaxed around your partner. You may have a sibling like dynamic where you may bicker and tease each other often, but it's not anywhere as "intense" as Aries. You won't be quick to anger, but there is a tendency to get rather lazy around your partner i.e wanting to stay home and do nothing all day. You may feel like your partner is your property in a way, wanting them to be just for you. You may also be rather sensitive to your partner's actions or habits. You are loyal, reliable & get very romantic around your partner.
🍪Gemini (°3,°15,°27) @ The third house (III)
You will likely feel like you're always on your toes around your partner. You may be required to think critically a lot, your partner may come to you for advice often therefore it's important for you to be or at least feel aware/awake. There is also a tendency to overreact (especially if in Aries/cancer degrees/houses). You will feel and act rather childishly as well, although not as hot headed as our Aries friend lol. Your expressions become more animated, and you're liking going to be more experimental in the relationship i.e want to explore or try new things with your partner.
🍪Cancer (°4,°16,°28) @ The fourth house (IV)
You are very, emotional with your partner. Acting more clingy around them or seeing them as your primary source of comfort. You are very affectionate with them, and may also tend to be dependant on them on certain things. You also have a tendency to mother them at times i.e taking care of their basic needs, listening to them rant and soothe their hearts / egos. You are also very sensitive to their mood swings especially, perhaps blaming yourself for things that go wrong even if the source of the problem isn't you. You also enjoy ranting to your partner.
🍪 Leo (°5,°17,°29) @ The fifth house (V)
You have a lot of love and adoration for your partner. You may be very flirty, and playful with them in the relationship. In your eyes, your partner is your only lover, wanting to feel adored and in some ways worshipped by them. Your partner's attention means the world to you, so you may get quite jealous when that attention is taken off of you. You are very generous when it comes to complimenting your partner. You feel good when you know you've made them happy and important. You may be quite dramatic too, displaying much playful exaggeration on a daily basis.
🍪 Virgo (°6,°18) @ The sixth house (VI)
You are the dependable, slightly erratic partner. The problem solver, but at the same time your critical nature can sometimes start disagreements within the relationship. Especially if your partner has more a "carefree" moon placement in their JPC. That being said you are extremely loyal as well, and you show that you love your partner by expressing your concern towards them. Whether that'd be by asking them about their day, or finding the smallest way to get closer to them on a daily basis. Showing them you care through your advice and recommendations. Their opinion means the world to you, and their dissatisfactions can ruin your whole day.
🍪 Libra (°7,°19) @ The seventh house (VII)
You will feel very comfortable around them. Something about them may make you feel balanced or more composed, and easygoing. It's a pleasant feeling that grows lovelier with time. You may strive to keep a sense of equity in the relationship, not wanting your partner to be the only one carrying the burden in the relationship. For the most part, you will not engage in petty rivalry or disagreements when something hurtful does arise you are able to tackle it with a fair judgement. Though, there is a tendency to sweep certain things under the rug just so you do not hurt your partner. Very flirty, and you'll always have your partner in mind, no matter what you're doing.
🍪 Scorpio (°8,°20) @ The eighth house (VIII)
You are very, and I mean very protective of your partner. You may love keeping them close to you often, especially when you're out together. You get possessive, and jealousy very easily in the relationship. However, you also give your all to your partner. Giving them the time of day and all the attention they may need. You may develop a strong attachment to them almost as if they are your property lmao. Your connection will be anything but shallow, as you desire to melt into your partner, sharing everything you have i.e secrets, fears and promises. So you can sort of see why you'll be protective in the first place. Your person is your true safe space & that is something you never wish to share.
🍪 Sagittarius (°9,°21) @ The ninth house (IX)
This is also a sign that you'll feel comfortable around them. Conversations come naturally, although there may this feeling that you should be guiding them or something similar to Virgo/the 6th house, but here you're more of a mentor. Perhaps you will feel like your partner is very playful or supportive (or they may look like they need to lighten up). Perhaps their presence always has a way of lightening your mood. There's this friendly chemistry between you that will make you keeping want more of them. You are the mood maker of the household, wanting the energy to be bright and optimistic.
🍪 Capricorn (°10,°22) @The tenth house (X)
In this relationship, you will feel very stable. Your emotional state depends on whether you have your shit together, if your partner is well & if you're able to provide for them. Perhaps you feel like you have a sort of status to uphold as well. You want them to see you as someone mature & dependable. That you aren't looking to play around. You may have trouble expressing your emotions to them completely, as you'd rather be the person that they come to for support. You also display a lot of patience & restraint when met with turbulence or disagreements in the relationship. Though it may make you seem rather dry at times even if you aren't. Your partner is the only lover you see. However, there may be control issues that arise as well on your part.
🍪 Aquarius (°11,°23) @The eleventh house (XI)
You'll feel quite uninhibited in your relationship. Being able to express yourself however you want, whenever you want. You allow both yourself & your partner emotional independence, and jealousy is not really an issue when it comes to you (depends on the sign/house/degree it's in as well) as you do not feel the need to question your partner's loyalty. You may come to intellectualize your emotions to some degree in your relationship. Perhaps you will be more sentimental about your connections, and society as well. Somehow thinking of the effects your relationship may have to those around you. Being in this relationship may make you unconsciously think of others.
🍪 Pisces (°12,°24) @ The twelfth house (XII)
This placement can be tricky, there are two sides of this coin. On one side, you will feel extremely connected with your FS/SO you will be especially patient and forgiving of your person, spiritually you may feel like you are one in the same and that your love can triumph all that opposes. For the most part, it's fine. You are loving, kind and very attentive to your person's emotional well-being or state. However, there may be a tendency to act based on favoritism i.e how you want to interpret things. In reality, you may be quite disconnected with your person not being able to see their worries or concerns. Still, it does not diminish your affection for your person. There is this sense of longing for your partner even if they are right next to you. You partners feelings will feel like an extension of your own.
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Thank you for reading!
@northopalshore Juno 2024 all rights reserved. Disclaimer
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sagittariusmarz · 2 months ago
How will they initiate intimacy with you (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that they will be a smooth talker, they know exactly what to say and how to say it so that you can get turned on. They will come up to you with a soft calm voice and show you that you’re in control but they know what to say to get you alone or to get you closer to them, I see that in public they will portray themselves as submissive and they’re good at listening and following directions but in private they have a more dominant energy that makes you feel submissive. I see that they’ll make sure you’re comfortable and ask for consent before touching you but once you give them consent they’ll do anything to make you feel good so that they can get to submit to them, they’re very logical in their approach and they definitely think before they act or say things. They may initiate intimacy during times where you need comfort, they may like to comfort you by being sexual or showing you physical affection. Signs- Scorpio/sagittarius, Leo in 8th house/ Scorpio in 7th house. Initials- B, U, D, W, N
Pile 2
I see that they will be initiate intimacy more after you guys argue or when they know you’re upset, I see that they’ll be more handsy/dominant and want to touch you more often. I see that they’ll initiate intimacy when you guys are in public and they want people to know you guys are together or they want others to know how much they’re attracted to you, they’ll pull you closer to them or hold your hands/put their arm around you. They’ll initiate intimacy by starting off slow like giving you soft kisses and caressing you and then when they see you’re into it they’ll get more aggressive or rough. Signs- Capricorn/aries, Aquarius in 8th house/ Taurus in 7th house. Initials- F, C, Y
Pile 3
I see that they’ll initiate intimacy when you guys are mad at each other/you had a disagreement or when they feel like the sex life is stagnant and it’s time to change things up, I see that you may usually be the one to initiate intimacy but when you guys aren’t on good terms or when things are stagnant they become more physically intimate and affectionate. I see that they will start off slow and gentle to see if you feel good and then they’ll become more intense and passionate, I see that they may be more submissive and they’re comfortable with you taking the lead but when they know you’re mad they want to show you how much they care or they know if you guys want to make up then they’ll have to take control. Signs- Leo, Gemini,pisces. Aries in 12th house, Taurus in 1st house. Initial- P, E, V, X, C
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astrologylunadream · 1 year ago
Their Deepest Desires of You💀🔞🖤 [SPICY] (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream and for my beautiful souls we are doing a reading on what your person's deepest desires are of you🖤 hope you find your message🗝
(Things get spicy�� Darker themes are included)
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^v^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~💋🖤
Pile 1📿
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Pile 2🥀
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Pile 3🎹
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Pile 4💄
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🗝🖤
Pile 1📿
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Sign energy: Hug from behind, Imagination, Fight, Royalty, Bend, Sun, Leo, Mars, 12th house, South node, 🧜‍♂️🍪🍷😔
💀Your person's energy: Ohh this is someone very captivating and alluring. They light up the room when they walk in, strong assertive/dominant energy for this pile's person. Leo, Aries and Pisces placements but mostly fiery energy. Could Leo mars or mars conjunct sun in their chart. I'm seeing ripped jeans and leather jackets as their thing, they unconsciously command attention even when they aren't trying at all😭 So independent and I feel like your person just knows they are untouchable omg they are so regal and effortlessly attract people because they are just so classy and stunning also hot lmao😂♥️ Siren energy, They ooze confidence but not in a cocky way but a subtle "I know what I'm worth" type way😎👌 Some of you have fought with this person or thought they had it out for you but it was just because they seem so fierce and intimidating, There are such high class vibes from your person, I feel like they spoil themselves in a good way. King/Queen vibes👑 You may be a little delusional over this person😂😂 Sometimes feeling overlooked or ignored by your person since attention is on them usually. They have you fantasizing hot scenarios about them LOL your imagination goes wild for this person🥵💭
🖤Their deepest desires of you: Pisces, Valentine, Fit, Trust, Boundaries, North node, Lilith, Libra, Leo, 11th house, 🏃‍♀️📆🤴🟪 My pile 1's this is getting interestingggg😉 Oh god they desire trust so much with you and loyalty too. It's quite funny because they desire healthy boundaries and almost more friendship dynamic with you but then they deeply desire unleashing their dark side on you and getting in deep..🥵👿🖤 Oml they have so many desires for this pile and like, how can it be so wholesome and so horny at the same time?? They want your full attention and I'm seeing a definite desire for a future with you🥺♡ They want you to take them places they never knew (spiritual and all) and the most prominent message is that they deeply desire a romantic partnership with my pile 1's🙊💞 They want to date you I'm hearing, and they are someone who deeply craves your attention and affection. They desire a full devotion from you as if they are your queen/king, they want your heart to be bound to them and them only.😚🖤 Ahh your person really desires a deep intimate and loving connection with you guys, so sweet. Devotion, dedication, loyalty, sweet moments, long stares, being true to one another, hot intimacy, naughtiness, valentines day with you, spoiling you rotten, these are all things they desire deeply with you my lovely pile 1~
💋Messages from your person: You're causing me pain, You leave me wondering, I told myself to quit, You aren't thinking rationally, I thought I was going crazy, You might get scared, Don't be so negative, Imagine if I kissed you, You are my sunshine, Your body is mine (🙈🥵😳) Extra cards: Inner thoughts, Prison, Neck, Height, Sun, 1st house, Sun, Venus, Vertex, Gemini (You are their light in the darkness☀️🥺)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Pile 2🥀
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Sign energy: Virgo, Boundaries, Options, Emotions, Fine, Venus, Mars, 10th house, Taurus, Air, 🧊🧚‍♀️🆓️💪
💀Your person's energy: This is a very lovely person on pile 2's mind, they radiate beauty and grace as well as a light presence about them. Lots of air and earth energy, they could be a Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn. Any of the air signs, especially Libra is likely. They may have Venus in Virgo or Mars in the 10th house. I'm seeing someone very capable and analytical, very successful in many ways. I think they are rather reserved in terms of relationships, they may even suppress their desires when it comes to romance and intimacy. I just heard "I don't give myself out for free" that could be them they may be sceptical of sharing themselves in a relationship.🖤🤚 Your person could be famous or well known, successful entrepreneur or business owner, or simply has many opportunities. They may work in the beauty industry or in a more feminine environment (could work around more females). I think both men and women admire and are attracted this person, they have qualities that many wish they had. I heard they make your heart flutter🦋 Also your person may be chill and say they are fine a lot and it may seem like they have very few emotions, but they do think a lot in their head and may worry about little things.💭
🖤Their deepest desires of you: Head, Feelings, Nice, Dark thoughts, Fast, Venus, Pisces, 9th house, 10th house, Vertex, 📱🧍‍♂️🦥🐍 Ahh my pile 2's your person gets dark thoughts so quick about you like it just comes out of nowhere and then suddenly they hold onto those thoughts and can't stop thinking about them🧠👿😰 Omg and your person thinks you have nice thighs/hips and legs too and they deeply desire this about you.🥰 They love seeing photos of you and think you look really attractive on screen (do with that info as you will👀🙈) They desire soft loving and ever expanding feelings with you, and deeply desire dreaming of you~💤😇 They love the way you creep around their mind, and they tend to desire thoughts of bossing you around or dominating you. (omg) They want to hold you tight and love thinking about doing so, wrapping you in their embrace so you can't get out without begging🥵 They have these types of thoughts they desire with you. You know what I think they really want to dominate you the most, holding you down or restraining you is what they REALLY desire deeply like oml they have an intense desire for that with you my pile 2's. They want to meet their fantasies as well as yours, and drown in pleasure with you. They wanna make you theirs fast so nothing can tear you two apart🥺♡
💋Messages from your person: I hope you feel better, You might get hurt, I know you're crazy over me, I can't even, I wish I could, It doesn't matter to me, I can save you, I need someone, I don't think dark thoughts about you, Give me more (Omg playing innocent but the thoughts don't lie😂😈) Extra cards: Beach, Art, Matching, Diamond, Sweetheart, 7th house, North node, 6th house, Aquarius, Venus (Aww pile 2 your person wants to be your lover and know they want a future with you!!!💖)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Pile 3🎹
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Sign energy: World, Self reflection, Binded, Hold on, Health, Water, 10th house, Sun, Pisces, North node, 🌊😖🔝🦁
💀Your person's energy: Aww I'm getting soft lion vibes from your person, like they wanna be fierce and assert dominance but they are such a literal sweetheart.😢💞💖 My pile 3's may have fell in love with this person's emotional side, they are so soft and imaginative. Pisces energy is strong in this pile, also soft Leo placements especially 12th house, also Capricorn placements are present. I can see them starimg at their reflection in the water a lot, or that could be how they see themselves from a illusive ever changing view. This is someone you see yourself with in the future, and omg this person really reminds you of yourself. They inspire you that's what I'm hearing, like they make you wanna be your best most successful self😟💝❤ So sweet I honestly love the way my pile 3's look at this person with just so much awe and admiration!! They make you feel emotional even if you aren't usually, you feel like this is your other half. You feel like they are apart of your identity in some way, and they give you a sense of pride.🥰 You guys are so cute and for some of you this person is a nature activist or wants to help save the planet, some of my pile 3's person are into veganism and healthcare. Now they could live near an ocean or beach and want to help clean beaches. Many of you wish to hold on to this connection.
🖤Their deepest desires of you: Eyelashes, Question, Out, Prince, Learn, Capricorn, 9th house, 12th house, Pisces, Vertex, 🟨🧍‍♂️���🥊 Okay so I'm getting that for some of you this person may be more on the innocent side, I mean they could be very "out of the loop" I'm hearing (I mean in terms of intimacy💋) I feel their energy is more lost and confused about what exactly they desire with you. It is inevitable that they will ask a lot of questions and need to learn a lot more about their kinks/what pleases them. But for my pile 3's your person is definitely ready to learn for you, they want to discover every way to thrill you and do it just right.🖤 They also desire to get high from you and be more in touch with their spirituality with you, they really want to feel outer-body experiences with my pile 3's just like things that take them higher☁️ (could desire using substances to get high with you for some🍷). Your person wants to dream of you and learn more about yours and their darkest fantasies they aren't aware of. For some of you this person has some masochistic desires for you or them🤯 I'm hearing they wanna "knock you out" could be physical pleasure or they could desire to have you unconscious and have fun from there wtf🥵🥵🥵 Wow I didn't expect that but it makes sense, they wanna have you vulnerable and helpless a little. Their deepest desires are to learn your unconcious mind and surprise you with things you don't even know you like😈😰😰 Wow this is crazy pile 3 your person wants to learn it ALL.
💋Messages from your person: You scare me sometimes, I can feel your pain, I can be your fantasy, Oh my god, I'm bleeding, It's so painful, I'm obsessed with you, My angel, This is all my fault, You make me angry (Wow the passion is insane with your person🤯😫♥️) Extra cards: Ego, Attraction, Violence, Violate, Lilith, 8th house, Pluto, 9th house, North node, 3rd house (WOW this just got crazy I'll just tell you they literally want to make you moan wtf for some of you this person literally wants to be SO aggresive and intense in ways that bring you pain and pleasure🥵👿 Using your hands thighs, and legs... They wanna show you their dark side wtf take what resonates of course.)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Pile 4💄
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Sign energy: Pessimist, Museum, Quiet place, Optimist, On, Uranus, Pisces, 11th house, Venus, Scorpio, 😫👊🍓🙊
💀Your person's energy: Ooh we got some very scorpio vibes, intense energy. This could be a Scorpio Venus or Venus in 11th house, maybe Capricorn rising for some of you. Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus. Your person has a more introverted vibe, they don't talk that much. But they are very unique, I feel themselves do all the talking them. They have unique sensual charms about them, even though they don't think so. They prefer to be in their home, that is when they are the most happy or in a good mood.🏠🖤 They are very sweet once observed further, if you give them time you will definitely notice how soft they can be on the inside. This could be a friend, or someone close to you like that but maybe they don't talk much. They are very gloomy though, always thinking the worst especially when it comes to close relationships and intimacy. They feel that making close friends/partners will end shortly after it begins, and they will be hurt again. So they can be very guarded and have bad associations about making close connections. They fight their unconscious social needs for others on a deeper level, and they tell themselves they don't need it.👥☹
🖤Their deepest desires of you: Push, Defensive, Spotlight, Holding hands, Meeting, 4th house, Virgo, 11th house, Mercury, 12th house, 🎁🔮🤤🔭 My pile 4's your person has some deep feelings for you, they desire to hold hands with you🥰💕 Aww now I'm getting that your person is really shy and/or defensive about their desires with you, they would feel uncomfortable to tell you themselves. They may feel like it is better if you know through other means such as divination or tarot, yeah I definitely don't see them opening up about this any time soon😂🖤 My pile 4's your person has a deep desire to have a very caring and healing connection with you, a relationship like a close friendship they long for but feel they can never keep or don't exist entirely. That's why they desire this with you, because all they truly want is close relationship almost like a best friend.😢 Your person desires being with you often, and they also sort of want your close relationships to be theirs too. May have the desire to have the same friends as you, they also desire attention from trusted circles people you know. Your person really desires you in a very sweet way, they want to give you gifts like matching bracelets and things best friends would do. It's not so much in a friendzone way but because they really want to be close like that with someone.🤧💌🖤
💋Messages from your person: I have no boundaries with you, Tell me how you really feel, This is all your fault, I won't let bad things happen to you, It's love at first sight, Don't let them treat you that way, Why not? I wanna thrill you, These emotions are too intense, I feel like a ghost (Ahh they don't know what to do with themselves😨) Extra cards: Risk, Obsession, Heartbreak, Mindfulness, Queen, Beauty & the beast, Scorpio, Saturn, Mars, Lilith, Uranus (Omg you guys this person is holding back such intense emotions and heavy passion they are so into my pile 4's but they don't wanna risk getting hurt anymore so they don't want to share their dark side or fall to deep into an obsession with you guys oml they don't want to spiral out of control with this intense passion for youuu🥺🖤)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💋
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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prettyboykatsuki-moved · 10 months ago
Okay Ari I’m not anon and I’m so sorry but I’ve wondered this for a long time and if you have insight I’d love a dissertation:
what in your opinion is the difference between what you find attractive and how you want to be treated with daddy issues, what you find attractive and how you want to be treated with mommy issues, what you find attractive and how you want to be treated with sibling issues, and what you find attractive and how you want to be treated with abandonment issues?
LOOOOOOOOOL . THIS IS UNSERIOUS . i am not a psychologist so think of this post more as a characterization thing so even tho i write with u im not being fr. i dont rlly have a definitive answer LMAOO. these things also imo r super affected by things like race, agab, and sexuality
THIS POST IS A JOKE !!!!!! IT IS NOT FR. its like. if i were writing a character and wanted to portray these issues i would use these characteristics 👍🏾
if u have mommy issues u: are sensitive to other peoples emotions, likely parentified or left alone often, get easily frustrated when other ppl are incompetent or excessively sensitive (even tho u are also senstive), work yourself to death and have ppl pleasing syndrome while being bossy at the same time. u also think of yourself as having all of the solutions, overbearing OR avoidant in relationships, sometimes both. u often victimize yourself in instances it is not valid
u r usually attracted to competence and intelligence in other people. u say u want to take the submissive role in relationships but your control issues beg 2 differ
if u have daddy issues u: take issue with authority, tend to be contrary for no reason, have approval seeking behaviors for mentors in your life, are quick to anger and tend to self-isolate, have a hard time expressing your needs to other people and don't cry as often as you need too, find men partially repulsive (depending on what brand of daddy issues this can lead to seeking their attention or being afraid of them), hold long grudges and stay angry longer than most. bad habit of self destruction.
u r usually attracted to people who are sensitive and firm in themselves ++ are good at meeting your needs quietly. u like being given authority even if its not legit. makes u feel better
if u have sibling issues: you may have a hard time connecting with your peers / ppl ur age, you get jealous about things easier but it's not always things that make sense to other people, you seek companionship but are usually unfulfilled with people u meet. often introverted and have difficulty saying no when asked smth (v different than being a ppl pleaser), u automatically distance yourself when forming friendships and believe innately that ppl are disinterested in you. tendency to be distrusting and to put the most stock in your abilities. highly likely to get frustrated when u are bad at things u are passionate abt
u r likely attracted to people with outgoing / loud / confident personalities (largely against your will sdkjdkjsksd) and enjoy a little resistance in flirting
if u have abandonment issues in general u have some combo of the above and a special added bonus of thinking that no one actually knows or acknowledges that u exist even when that is proved to u often not the case !
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rindousbbg · 11 months ago
wait hello hi this is v cute can i pls get a haikyuu personality match up??? i’m an infp. i get bored easily so i love doing things: picking up new hobbies, going out, being active. i like to think for the most part im v chill and easygoing but im actually very opinionated and can get a bit passionate over things. im basically like a textbook aries. im a lover of cats and art and music and movies. im a hater of people who are not upfront. i would say my type is someone who’s funny and easy to banter with and is very attentive/dedicated. secretly my type is dudes who are scary and would punch someone for me. my love language is physical touch (in like a, im not good with words so im just going to lie on top of you & crush u with my affection type of way)
thank you <3333
Here's your matchup...
You got..
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Kuroo tetsuro.
• Kuroo would participate in your hobbies. Going out together and participating in different activities with you. Going out to eat, or any sports match or just a rudimental shopping date. 
• Kuroo knows what you like and dislike so would orchestrate the best dates for days. Quite the perfectionist in this type of matter so wants everything on point. 
• Would love how passionate you are about certain things and support you. When you even lose motivation he would get you back on track. 
• He's a science nerd be ready for the constant pickup lines. He ain't stopping soon. 
• Kuroo prefers dogs but won't mind cats that much. Brings 10 kittens for you to impress. 
• Gets defensive whenever someone endeavors to deride you. 
• His cringe motivational lines are enough to make you roll on the floor, and he goes like :/.
• Won't mind if you roast him but would give the side eye to someone if they deride him. 
• He would notice every single thing and then utilize it for dates or whatever he has in his mind. eg: 2 months ago you said you love strawberry cheesecake and the next date would be filled with cheesecakes. 
• Bantering with him is so frolicsome and leads to him attacking you with his stong arms. (Tickling you)
• He looks scary (*cough* minus the bedhair), and won't mind punching and putting people in their place if needed. 
• Won't mind the physical contact because he liked it anyway. 
• Be ready for his dramatic complains tho and withal tantrums he would throw at you when you scarcely give more attention to someone else.
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hope you like it..
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theseeingsage · 6 months ago
aries cancer libra capricorn • s m r v
dealing with third party/karmic ❓❤️‍🩹
third-party energy disrupted this connection, with someone pursuing another person due to financial struggles and material concerns. the karmic may have been helping financially, paying bills, and providing stability. this was always meant to be a casual connection, just a hookup or temporary companionship, filling a void for intimacy.
during this time, healing took place around wounds tied to love and infidelity, pushing them to a crossroads. where there was once indecision, a turning point has now been reached. jealousy played a role, and now there's a deep sense of unhappiness and the realization that they deserve better. expect communication soon—whether through a phone call, text, or dm—where emotions and affection will be expressed. feelings of love are surfacing, and there's a desire to close the gap. for some, this could even mean planning a getaway or vacation together.
book this reading for $5.55 https://forms.gle/DMkQs2DHo77QiS1v9
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vanweezer · 8 months ago
all for rosalia: appearance 1, 2, and 19, objects 3, 9, and 17, food 2, 7, and 16, weather/nature 9, community 4 and 18, mind heart body and soul 9 and 10, and lastly hobbies 3 and 7
YAYYY THANK YOU this is gonna take ten million years to finish but YAYYYYY. also ime putting these under a readmore <3 but keep sending these yall i loveeeee yapping abt my ocs
1. what's your character's favorite physical trait they possess?
probably her arms (full of tatts!) or her eyes. doesnt happen often but they can kindasortaaliiiittle bit turn a yellow-er green when shes happy or hungry
2. what would your character wear if they were told they had to gussy up?
honestly some kinda suit?? not a proper 3 piece lol but like a 00s avril lavigne with a tie that doesnt match her normalassshirt & a studded belt. she'd also have some leather/denim jacket her mom gave her if the outfit needed to be Fancy fancy
19. if your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
rosie has PLANYYY of tattoos. a ram w stars and clouds on her left shoulder (shes v much an aries </3), moon cycle chart going down her left arm, a spiderweb on her left forearm, stars all the way down the side of her torso (i forget which part i kinda just draw them. a lot), two hearts on her pelvis, and a sleeve of a dragon with batwings on her right arm.
3. what type of object is likely to catch your character's attention?
anything black & astrology themed. hair clips, hats, belts, sometimes shoes. she loves a star motif
9. does your character prefer to give or receive gifts?
receiveeee im p sure her gf spoils her and while shes a normal amount of shy about big surprises or gifts (ahem hem, her mom be like) she loves whenever someone takes the time to give her something she might like. cannot be a collection or large amount of things at once though, or she'll get the urge to count em
17. what's most important to your character when shopping?
1: is it black, 2: is it cheap, and 3: if its not cheap can it fit in her pocket or been worn in such a cunty way the store employees already assumed she was wearing it
2. would your character prefer baking, cooking, or mixing drinks?
drink mixing for sure, and not just alcohol she'll go to a convenience store and get like 7 different slushie flavors in one if shes really jonesing for it
7. is there food that has made your character sick?
probably when she gets 7 different slushie flavors in one. or someone who mightve donated really nasty blood
16. is there a food texture your character doesn't like?
anything too close to organs/guts (hearts, lungs, skin sometimes) some vampires prefer their blood 'from the source' and that really skeeves rosie out. baby gurl prefers her blood bags </3
9. is your character good with animals?
while she LOVES cats i doubt she could be held responsible for one without either eating it or letting it roam the outdoors unsupervised. outside of that she might be good with a pet fish. coughs
4. is your character upfront about their feelings?
as far as like lying she wouldnt be eager to do that as she'd see no point in going out of her way to hide stuff from someone. outwardly shes kinda careless as opposed to carefree, so while people can open up to her without fear of judgement she doesnt really match that energy vulnerability wise. most things are for jokes with her </3 but when she Is honest or Does reflect on things she can sometimes be too blunt/unforgiving/blasé
18. what's your character's favorite form of affection?
depends on the person but she prefers physical affection in like different ways. shes fine with hugging family or linking arms at the very least. with friends she blurs the line with whats 'typical' in terms of affection, so shes fine with kissing or making out instead of a 'thanks' or a 'hey whats up'. with her gf definitely prooobably... 👉👌el oh el
mind body & soul
9. does your character have any allergies?
none that come to mind <3
10. is your character a light, medium, or heavy sleeper?
heavy HEAVY sleeper she'll knock out for days if she feels like it
3. what is a talent your character whishes they had?
singing or maybe being able to play chess really well. shes not into the game itself she just thinks immortality would be fun if she could whip out a new party trick every few centuries etc
7. what is a talent that your character is proud of?
my rosie can DRAW ok!!!!! she loves to make her lil pictures and paintings and sketches!!!! she can mf TATTOO!!!! literally your favorite tattoo artist's favorite tattoo artist
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kiestrokes · 2 years ago
F, M, K and you cannot break up the pair no matter how many times @minisugakoobies may try to convince you to:
Hongjoong/Lee Know
Astrological insight is always appreciated.
LUCE 😭 I thought this was going to be difficult, but it was actually kind of easy. I really love Hoba though. I am Yoongi-coded, love my Jihope.
Marry HJ + Lino:
Three cats? We would all coexist so well together. Which is fucking funny because I don’t particularly choose to hangout with Scorpios. But in my opinion Scorps are the Aries (me) of the water signs. So we would all be affectionate enough for one another, and understand each others need for space and solo time.
𖤓 Scorp: bonus! we potentially get divorced because the scorpios love to keep secrets. My dad and one grandfather (not the one I adore, he's a leo) are both scorpio men so you could say I'm a little (a lot) traumatized. but for the most part, a scorpio is just vibing in the world, with their cute little dark thoughts and quiet affection. brb running to look at lino's chart- BBY HAS A SAG MOON LIKE ME 🤗it's meant to be. tbh nothing is explaining why he's so touchy, bet his rising sign is libra.
Fuck Mingi + Changbin:
Even THOUGH astrologically I am more compatible with these two leo’s…idk if I could handle their super touchy asses all the time in marriage. But for some hookups 👀 let’s go. Manhandle tf out of me Changbin! Mingi I request all of the cuddles post sex, make my 5’10” ass feel small for once being spooned by this big man.
𖤓 Leo: ok Luce, sorry if I'm about to read you for filth. once a leo finds a person they like more than themselves...it's game over. that person is their person. they get jealous if they aren't receiving at least daily surface level attention, but it's not in the possesive way you see with air/water signs. it's kind of cute.
Kill Kiss Jeongin + Hobi
I have a v strict no Aquarius dating/fucking policy. I’ve been with too many and broke off an engagement with one 😬 but I will kiss Jeongin’s cute little cheeks and forehead. And Hoba can have any kind of kiss he’d like, with those pretty ass heart shaped lips 😌
𖤓 Aqua: they are incredibly particular about nearly everything and have trouble saving space for you and your opinions in the relationship. They might love you immensely but tend to only want you to be the person they see/imagine.
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bisluthq · 1 year ago
i don't think think comparing it to Joe is really fair in the first place. Travis has an established career. The jokes don't affect him, because he knows objectively they're wrong for the most part. I personally had never heard of him, but apparently in the US is a big deal. I mean yeah he's confident because it's obvious he's not starting his career now. Who knows if it was years before it would have been like that. Joe literally has been building his career with the "shadow" of Taylor behind. He handled it better than most people would have in his situation. Who knows if he was an established actor already, it wouldn't have been easier
Jake and CH were and are fuck established and nah they wouldn’t find that funny. Joe did handle the fame stuff really well on the whole and I don’t think he’s insecure or anything as fandom likes to say but there’s a huge difference between feeling secure in yourself and your talent and finding jokes about how you’re only famous for who you’re fucking actively funny. This is double as true for men because of how patriarchy socializes all of us - 99% of men don’t want to be reduced to the woman they’re with, see S1 and S2 of The Crown lol - but I mean Taylor also hated “I made that bitch famous” (not entirely the same but ykwim hopefully). If the roles were reversed, I’m not sure she’d be laughing as hard as he is. Which is why I say, he’s a super good fit for her because he’s insanely secure in himself and doesn’t take himself seriously at all and doesn’t give a fuck what people say except whether it’s amusing to him or not and that’s a really healthy energy for her to have around in her circle because most of her friends take things v personally and encourage her and their own fragility.
Just as another example - Pete D does have BDE and is a literal comedian who specializes in self-deprecating humor and he could take the Ari stuff but only to a point before getting fed up. The Travis stuff is already louder than that and Travis is just chilling and laughing and trimming his pornstache and hopefully dicking our girl down nicely.
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sagittariusmarz · 3 months ago
Your future spouse higher self’s message to you (PAC) *follower request
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Pile 1
They want you to stay focused on yourself and your success, don’t worry about people or situations that’s negative or draining. Don’t let people’s opinions and views of you change how you look at yourself, travel more/go outside more and take more pictures. They want you to know that they’re going to be loyal to you so don’t listen to rumors or jealousy that tries to say otherwise, they want you to prepare yourself for when you guys are together because a lot of people are going to want to be in your business and their business. They want you to know that they can’t wait to spend time with you/travel with you and get to know each other on a deeper level, they want you to know that they will protect you and be there for you. They feel lucky you have you and theyll make sure that you feel lucky to have them too, they feel like you came into their life unexpectedly or they didn’t know how important you would be to them. Signs- Pisces/cancer, Aries in the 12th house/aries in the 8th house. Initials- S, I, C
Pile 2
They want you to protect your energy more and have stronger boundaries, they want you to know that there could be some people around you currently that are sending you negative energy. They want you to know that they’ll take care of the kids and protect them, for some of you they want a family with you but they may want to enjoy just being in a relationship with you first. They feel like you’re a great friend and lover, they really enjoy being around you. They want you to know that even if they have a lot of friends or if they party a lot that they’re still faithful/they just like to have fun. They want you to always be yourself and don’t dim your light for anyone. Signs- Sagittarius,Aries, Leo . Sagittarius in the 4th house/Pisces in the 4th house. Initials S, H, Y, V, X
Pile 3
They want you to know that they love your creativity or what you do for a living, they think you’re very talented and good at what you do. They want you to know that they care about you a lot even if they try to act emotionally distant, sometimes they feel like youre too good for them or that you’re out of their league and they think if you guys weren’t together it wouldn’t really affect you as much as it would them. (Those thoughts/feelings they have may be mostly in the beginning of the marriage/relationship)They want you to know how amazing you are and how much they respect you, they put you on a pedestal and they think your beautiful on the inside and out. They’re attracted to everything about you not just your looks, they want you to promise to stay loyal to them and don’t go back to your past or be influenced by other people trying to court you. Signs- Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces. Virgo in the 6th house/libra in the 8th house. Initals- D, J, R, N, Q
Personal readings always available
PNGs by @buriedteen. Divider by @anitalenia
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itsfuckinganne · 2 years ago
Happy full moon in Aries :) The cardinal signs really need a break from this aggressive ass energy the moon is giving us lol. All the fire signs are probably going crazy right now and my big three being affected by this super moon…I have been a little bit of a mess lol. However, I took this day for myself and I got everything I needed to do done and I’m so blessed with so much support, love and kindness (from the meta and the physical).
Anywho, I wanted to vent about some thangs. It’s not really venting, it’s more so I guess sharing how I feel about everyone growing up. I’ve spoken about, maybe not here, on how I view growing up is. It fucking sucks seeing all my close friends and the extension of those taking it so negatively. I mean, I’m turning 23 in 5 months and every day, it just makes me realize that you can’t do shit about shit but learn how to adapt to change. What breaks my heart is how often I hear friendships kind of crumble because there’s no sense of communication or understanding that life happens and people change, things change; it’s never necessarily a bad thing. That perspective makes me really grateful for who I have around me and who I choose to be around me because we’ve all understood that if we need each other, we’re always going to be here. I have a lot of friendships I’ve had to close doors on because theyve created this weird idea in their head that “oh Anne’s not the same anymore” blah blah. Like, yeah. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t change or grow as a person. Growth is ever changing and it’s never linear so I’m glad to be surrounded by people who are also as open to growth as I am :). It does make me sad though because people I care about are going through the same thing and it’s frustrating to see them in a position where they’re kind of in limbo about how they want to go about their relationships. I wish I could make decisions for them, but what’s growth without making sacrifices?
This moon is super important to me and my friends who practice because not only is it going to force us to purge situations, but it’ll also open our eyes to what no longer serves us. This is more specific to the relationships we have with people so I’m excited to do my ritual tonight to just cut some ties. It’s been a lot for me this week, in terms of sitting down with myself and reevaluating how my past really affects my present. I’m happy that I had the conversation I did with V because he really did open my eyes about how much PRESSURE I put on myself and it fucking sucks because as much as I’ve been working on relearning who I am, leaving my home triggered those thoughts and I can’t have em anymore. Mo said that my attitude should be based on what I want my future to be and honestly, she’s right. I just have a hard time because I care so much about making my people proud, but I have no one else to prove myself to but myself. I want to be the best version of myself so I can be a better energy to those around me.
I’m feeling really good today and this energy I’m receiving is continuously reassuring me that I’m okay.
Being a mom right now. Catch you on the flip!
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frostironfudge · 2 years ago
You Said I Was Your Favourite - Ari Levinson
Summary: You're taken from Ari. He's promised you many things but when his eyes don't meet yours and his present words begin to make you doubt his past promises. Will you go back to him?
Paring: Mafia!Ari Levinson x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, angst, mentions of past self harm, scars of self harm mentioned, reader is clean since 3 months, canon level violence, reader kidnapped, swearing, guns, blood, injury, protective ari, smut, p in v, dirty talk, fluff, past is in italics, hurt/comfort, fluff/smut, nicknames: metuka (meaning sweetheart).
A.N.: honestly the lyric 'you drew stars around my scars, but now i'm bleeding' cardigan by taylor swift, was circling around my head for the most part writing this fic. this is sort of a self indulgent fic, plus Mr. Levinson just reminds me of this comforting bear, i adore him. wrote this amidst a writing block so it may not be top notch but i adore it.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics || Word Count: 4.1k
Main Masterlist || AO3
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Burning gunmetal and rust, a leaking pipe of water. Rough, uneven ground digs into your skin. Your gaze searches the dark room, vision field limited at the angle your head is twisted upon. 
The overhead light flickers with an inconsistent buzz. You groan when you feel yourself being propped up to your knees. 
“Stupid bitch.” The man sneers, grip tightening on your hair, twisting harshly. Your clothes stick to you, uncomfortably so. Sweat and you fear some amount of blood might be the reason. 
The door is kicked open, heavy footsteps each around the room. You can’t look up fully due to the grip on your head. 
However recognising that cologne is easy, and the way your heart soars even in this most horrible situation. You know it’s him—Ari. 
Another whimper is coaxed out of you, your head tilted further the warm barrel of the gun touches your jaw. 
Ari’s gaze is cold, not the warm blue waters that you love to sink into, none of the fiery blaze present with which he would trace your form. 
“I see you made it.” The man chuckles, tapping your jaw with the gun, “Here I thought apart from your long gone wife no one held your affections.” He laments. 
Ari’s jaw tightens, lips pressed into a thin line. It is then you realise he isn’t sparing you a glance. His gaze is on the man only. 
“What no words? I have your girl.” The man scoffs, Ari just shrugs. 
“You should really fact check, Parson.” Ari tuts, retrieving the pack of cigarettes he carries and lights one. 
One puff, then a second one. 
He scratches the side of his mouth with his thumb. Eyes everywhere else but on your form. 
You swallow, your heart trying to convince your mind this is a dream. You were sleeping. 
You had gone out, the mall? Yes. 
Picking up a dress for dinner with Ari. 
You must have gotten tired and fallen asleep. 
This is just a dream. 
Ari would never let his gaze stray from you. He would never ignore you. 
“So if I shoot her, you won’t be sad or mad?” Parson’s voice sounds full of doubt. 
“Oh I would be, but it is because you killed an innocent person, not because she means anything to me. You have the wrong woman.” Ari takes another drag of the cigarette. It burns bright then turns to ash. 
You feel tears brim your eyes, a wicked smirk on Ari’s face. 
“Oh, did you think more?” He speaks in a mocking tone. You feel your heart crack. 
Please be a dream. Your heart screams, wails in your chest. Your gaze shifts down, lips pressed together tightly not to let the sob break free. 
“But, but I saw the two of you, your hand on her face. She’s in l-love with y-you.” Parson stammers, his clear upperhand being undermined. 
“Half of the female population pines for a minute of my affection.” Ari drops the cigarette, stepping upon it with the heel of his boot.
“You should have had more women in here.” He gives a dry chuckle. 
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“There isn’t anyone apart from you, Metuka.” Ari whispers against your forehead, “After a long time my heart has thawed, waiting to place itself onto your palms.”
You stay silent, your heart hammering in your chest. 
“Bear.” Your throat tightens, “I, I have feelings for you too.” You admit, “I thought, I thought you wouldn’t—,” 
“Oh but I do, Metuka.” He smiles, the kind that melts your heart. He pulls you into his arms, engulfing you in his bear hug. You nuzzle closer into the crook of his neck. 
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You blink tears at the memory. 
“I’ve seen you kiss her.” Parson still argues. 
Ari clicks his tongue, clearly irritated. 
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Ari’s lips find yours, he walks in after his work day. You gave him your apartment key. A squeal leaves you when he lifts you up, arms wrapping around your waist pulling you flush against his broad chest. 
Deep rumbling laughter fills the small kitchen. You tilt your head back looking up at him. He then brushes his lips against yours, your hand moves to tangle with his soft hair. A few of the strands tickling your cheek.  
The kiss turns bruising, you tug on his hair, he groans into your mouth, hands tightening around you. Keeping you to him. 
“You’re mine, Metuka, as I am yours.” He promises. 
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“Parson, you’re wasting my fucking time.” Ari roars, anger coursing through his voice. You close your eyes. 
“So you won’t care if I hurt her?” Parson smirks, watching the man in front of him closely. He taps the gun to your forehead. 
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“No one will lay a finger upon you, Metuka.” Ari promises as you’re laying with your head in his lap. 
“Ari, nothing will happen to me.” You look up at him, his palm brushing over your head pauses, eyes harbour a moment of worry. 
You grasp the hand that is on your abdomen, bringing it to your lips you kiss his palm. The callouses memorised by you. Your thumb traces over them. 
“You will always protect me, I know.” You assure him. 
“I don’t want you to get hurt because of what I do. Ever.” There is a furrow between his brows. 
“Bear.” You try to get him to smile at the nickname, he doesn’t, you frown. 
“Metuka,” Ari struggles with verbalising, you sit up, effortlessly he makes you sit facing him, “I will protect you till my last breath.” 
“Bear, don’t, say that.” Your hands cup his face, stroking over his beard. 
“There is only you, I only harbour you in my heart.” Blue eyes study you as you take in his words, your skin heats. 
“I love you, Ari.” Your words light him up, he rewards you with the prized grin that belongs only to you. 
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“Parson, I was told you have a negotiation for business.” Ari taps his foot, your eyes drop from his face, “I didn’t realise you’d rather discuss the women I fuck.” 
The words are cruel, they make you question everything over the past six months. 
Your brain mocks your heart, you almost don’t feel the blade sinking into your forearm. When you refocus, you see the torn sleeve, Parson’s smile drops when Ari doesn’t show a shred of care. 
“Let's try the other hand.” Parson moves, gripping your left hand. You panic. 
“No.” You whisper, you hadn’t let Ari see your arms, favouring full sleeves. Not letting him take off your shirt when things got intimate during heavy make outs. 
You were waiting for the damn scars to fade. You try to pry your hand away. 
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Ari’s hands freeze under your shirt. The way you tensed had him pause. He retracts his hands and pulls his mouth away from your neck. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispers, attempting to shift away. Your hands grasp his shoulders urging him to stay. 
“Ari, Ari let me explain—,”
“You just have to say no, Metuka. It all stops. I don’t want an explanation.” He shakes his head. 
“I’m, no I want to do this, kissing you making out, I just, I’m not comfortable taking my top off yet.” Your skin heats, you gaze down at his half exposed chest. The hypocrisy makes you wince. 
“Do you want my hands to explore beneath?” He questions, you nod. 
“So the shirt is not off but I can try to touch your very pretty boobs.” He just laughs when you lightly smack his chest. Grasping your palm he brings your fingers to his lips. Placing soft kisses upon them as his beard tickles. 
You giggle, Ari adores you. 
His palms then cup your cheeks, “Whenever you’re ready, we’ll take it further okay? I’m very happy making out as though we’re horny teenagers.” 
That earns him another smack. 
His deep laugh rumbles through your chest. 
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You try to shift away, Parson points his gun at Ari. 
“He may feel nothing but I know you do, even if you’re nothing to him. Do you want him dead?” He chuckles darkly when your eyes shift from the gun to the towering man. 
Ari still doesn’t meet your gaze, you don’t understand. Till this morning it was as if you were his world. Now he looks at you as if you’re nothing to him.  
“Please don’t hurt him.” You look up at Parson. He only smiles, lowering the gun. Harshly grabbing your forearm you cry out, then bite down on your tongue to stop the whimpers. 
Parson pushes the sleeve back harshly, the knife ready but then he pauses, seeing the lines strewn across your skin. 
“Of course, big bad mafia man, Ari Levinson would never want someone broken.” Parson shakes his head with laughter bubbling past his tongue. 
Ari finally moves his gaze on you, you’re looking down, biting back sniffles. The sight of your forearm though, sends his heart plummeting. 
How had he not figured it out? 
Why hadn’t you told him? 
Is this why you didn’t want to show him all of you? 
Why had he not asked you more often if you were doing alright?
How selfish and blind had he been towards you?
How long has this been going on?
Guilt fills him. 
“No one would want someone this broken.” The disgust in Parson’s voice wraps around your mind, the scars ache beckoning you towards them yet again. 
“I know.” Your voice is so small, you don’t look up. You don’t want Ari to see you this way. He wouldn’t care either way. You blink away the tears, it only makes them brim over. 
“Parson, you have ten seconds to step away from her.” Ari warns through gritted teeth. 
The man scoffs, “You’re without a weapon. You’re in no position to—,” 
The mobster reaches into his jacket, retrieving a gun. 
“H-how did you get that past my guards?” Parson sutters at the ammunition reveal. 
“Oh, your guards? Did I say I came in here unprepared?” Ari chuckles darkly. 
Parson presses the gun to your forehead, again. 
“I won’t hesitate.” He warns. 
“Nor will I.” Ari declares, “Close your eyes for me, Metuka.”
You look up at him, he finally meets your gaze. You close your eyes. 
You hear the click, there is the echo of a shot fired followed by a clattering. You cover your ears. The gun no longer pressed to your forehead. 
Warmth wraps around you, the scent of musk and jasmine surrounds you. Ari. You’re pressed to his chest. You want to cry, bury yourself in him. 
You’re about to give in, take the comfort that belongs to you. Then you pause, you tense up. 
Pushing at him, no, no, he wasn’t yours, he promised and everything Ari just admitted to, he doesn’t, he never said it and you know why, now. 
“I’m sorry, I had to lie. Metuka, I’m so sorry, I should have been there with you. I sent you off alone like a fool.” He stumbles over his words, 
“I promised you and I broke it, I couldn’t protect you, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry about whatever I said, I had to make him question his plan. I’m so sorry. Please talk to me, Matuka.” He pleads, large hands running up and down your shaking form. 
You stay quiet, cheek pressed to the exposed flesh of his chest. His habit of having the top two buttons of his shirts unbuttoned was something you always found yourself drawn towards. Findinding your cheek pressed against it, hearing his breath and heart beating. 
“You said it all so easily.” You whisper. 
“I had to lie.” Ari explains, his hand cupping your face, trying to get you to look at him. 
The wet tears gracing his skin breaking everything within him. 
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“Bear?” Your voice is low, sleep ridden. 
He looks up from his files to you. You’re standing in the doorway of his office. 
“Metuka? Why are you awake, is everything alright?” Pushing the chair back he stands, motioning for you to come closer. 
“Bad dream…” you say, making your way to his open arms. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Ari wraps his arms around you, placing a kiss to the top of your head. 
You shake your head, wanting to dismiss the dream. It still gnaws at you. 
“You won’t, you won’t lie to me right?” You whisper the question. 
Ari’s brows furrow, “I’d never—,”
“About the way you feel, you won’t lie right? Saying that you have feelings for me when you actually don’t? If, if you just want sex then we can, you don’t have to lie to wait—,” 
“Metuka.” The pain in that one word makes you pause. 
Ari steps back, hands not leaving your face. 
“I want everything with you okay? I don’t care how long I need to wait. I want you to be comfortable. I know I don’t express myself enough but please know I will never lie to coerce you into bed.” His blue eyes gaze into your own. Slowly you move closer to him again. 
Closing the distance between the two of you. Ari’s hands move to your hips, aiding you in reaching up to him. He bends down, meeting your lips in a soft kiss. A promise. 
When your lips part, as you breathe in you contemplate telling him. 
“You can tell me what is on your mind.” His thumb strokes your cheek. 
“Previous, previous partners have said sweet words and declarations of emotions… just to get into bed and then they leave.” You tell him. 
“Give me the names.” He says so casually. 
“Ari you aren’t going all Mafia Boss on them.” You warn him. 
“They disrespected you, Metuka, they hurt you. Those who hurt you should not get a second chance at life.” He declares. 
There is a pause, “Was your dream about me hurting you?” He hesitates in wanting to know, a fear so deeply ingrained. 
You nod. 
“I wouldn’t ever intentionally hurt you, please know that. I may have to lie or keep some truths half hidden, to protect you from the world I am a part of, I don’t want that tainting you.” Ari admits his worries, your arms wrap around him. 
He seeks refuge in your warmth. 
“I cannot have people use you or hurt you just to get back at me, for things I’ve done.” He continues, “I don’t want you to be caught in the crossfire and I will make sure of it that you don’t ever get hurt.” 
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“I’m so sorry.” He says again, you grab at his coat lapels, “I’m going to find who leaked our location—,”
“Ari, it hurts.” You finally register the wound on your forearm, looking at it you frown. 
Then you look down at Ari’s sleeve, his jacket half off, the sleeve of his shirt torn to make a makeshift bandage for your wound. You stare up at him. 
“Metuka, we’ll talk about everything at home. Can you stand?” He watches over you, the protectiveness within him brimming over. 
You wince moving your leg forward. 
“Alright, I’m carrying you.” Ari decides, shifting to your side and in a blink you’re in his arms. 
“Boss.” Lloyd interrupts his step towards the door. 
“Close your eyes.” He whispers softly to you, you bury your head against his chest. Closing your eyes. Breathing in his scent. 
You feel Ari turn, “Keep him alive. I want answers, then I’ll take care of it. Metuka isn’t to be messed with, ever.” There is a dark edge to his voice, a judgement veiled between words. 
Lloyd hums, “Alright, can I be creative with the keeping alive process?”
You don’t hear Ari’s reply, just feel him beginning to move again. 
The distant yell has you know what his reply was to Lloyd. 
Ari doesn’t take you to your apartment, you’re driven up to his estate. The first time you had seen his home post the lunch he took you to for your first date you joked if he was a mafia drug lord. 
You giggle remembering his expression. Ari smiles when he hears the melodic sound. Nerves easing. 
“What’s making you laugh?” He smiles as you meet his gaze with a smile. The dim lighting of the car did not dull the soft shine in his loving gaze. 
“Just your face, when I asked if you’re a mafia drug lord when you brought me here for the first time.” You laugh again, he squeezes your side playfully. 
“I was so scared you’d go running to the hills when I told you.” He admits. His free hand softly traces your left hand. Never over the scars just bordering around them. 
“I wouldn’t, I mean, shady things yeah, but you aren’t in the whole drug thing so…” you trail off, the house comes into view. 
“Come, I’ve got a medic on call.” Ari holds you protectively yet again. 
“I think I can walk—,” you keep quiet at the look he gives you. 
The medic is a sweet woman, she tends to your wounds, the cut isn’t deep for stitches, just a dressing. Her eyes linger on your scarred forearm, she doesn’t broach. You’re thankful for that. 
The other scarpes littered over your form are checked and cleaned. 
Ari enters the room, holding your favourite blue shirt of his and a pair of leggings you left here. He places them then moves to stand outside the room, waiting for you to change. 
“I want to tell you about, about the scars.” You tell him, his face ashen as he turns. 
“I, I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention.” He doesn’t know what he should say, you shake your head. 
“I hid them, I, I’m about three months clean now. I wanted them healed before you saw, didn’t want you to think I’m broken.” You quietly admit the last part. 
“Metuka, I could never.” Ari gently grasps your hands, “You aren’t broken, this, this is hard, I just want to support you. The way you need. I don’t want you doing this to yourself ever again, but I know it’s easier said than done. I’m proud of you for being clean for three months. So immensely proud.” He peppers kisses all over your face, his beard tickling you laugh. 
“You never have to hide any part of you from me.” Ari grasps your chin gently, tilting your head back, “I love you. Every part, even the ones you may keep hidden away from me.” 
You stare up at him, the little flecks in his eyes, the sincerity of his words. Your chest tightens. 
“Ari.” You remember to breathe. 
“I love you.” He affirms again.
“Ari.” His name breaks as your voice does, “Ari, I love you too.” 
“Metuka.” His own voice grows heavy with emotion, “No one is in my heart but you, no one holds my heart but you.” 
Your hands move from his chest, up his neck, one cups his face the other runs through his hair. He sighs, basking in the warmth of your touch. 
You reach up, gently tugging him downward. Ari complies with your wish. 
Your lips meet, his hand moves over your back, towards your neck. His lips slightly chapped, bitten in worry, the lingering hint of smoke and the drink he probably took. His tongue moves over your bottom lip, parting your lips. 
Your groan has him push himself closer to you. Your legs around his waist, Ari nips at your bottom lip coaxing another whimper from you. Your fingers tug upon his hair, a deep growl rumbles within his chest. 
You can feel his hardening length against your core, you gasp when his hips move against you. 
“A-ari,” his lips move along your jaw, nipping and humming at the taste of your skin. 
Your clit pulses as he sucks upon the spot beneath your ear. 
“I feel so content.” He hums, tugging on your earlobe, “Having you back in my arms.” His beard brushes over the spot he just etched his mark onto. 
You keen as his bulge twists the fabric of your panties over your clit. Pleasure sparks across your spine. 
“Mine, just as I am yours.” Ari says, biting down on your collar bone. His large form encases you. His lips on every inch of your exposed skin, the little gown coming off, your nipples harden brushing against the fabric of his shirt. 
“Fuck,” you tug on the shirt, he shifts back letting you undo the buttons, his own large hands moving over your sides, eyes darkening. 
“You sure you want this, Metuka?” Ari hisses when your nails scrape over his chest, your lips tracing over his sternum, making way to his nipple tugging on it, his grip tightens on your thighs. 
“I want you, Ari. How much ever you’re willing to give me.” Your lips trace over his neck, to his jaw, then his lips. Hands moving to his pants, he aids you in undoing them. 
His length twitches in your palm, you moan softly feeling the familiar vein on the underside as you trace his length. Ari groans as your thumb circles over his tip collecting the precum and bringing it to your lips. 
Fingers hooking around the band, you raise your hips, Ari gets rid of your panties, discarding them to the side, you shiver as the cool air greets your wet folds. 
Warm fingers have you arch, grinding against them. 
He brings his soaked fingers toward his mouth. You moan when his eyes close as he hums at your taste appreciatively. 
“Ari, please.” You plead, he chuckles. 
“Impatient little sweet girl.” He teases, parting your thighs further, hooking them around his waist, his tip moves against your folds, you want to sigh at the relief of being so close to feeling him. 
It turns into a moan melding with his own groan as your walls take his girth in, chest rising and falling, Ari sinks into you inch by delicious inch. The burning stretch dulling into pleasure as his thumb draws circles onto your clit. 
“Ari, Ari, Ari—,” you choke on your words, his his flush against yours, your walls pulse around him. His lust blown eyes on your pussy. 
“She takes me so well, fuck baby, look at you.” He gazes into your eyes, slowly pulling out halfway then sinking into you again. And again. 
Your jaw slack, he shifts slightly, tip brushing over the spot that has you shuddering in his hold. Ari pushes you down, the angle making him go deeper, your back arched. The sound of skin slapping as his pace becomes relentless. 
“Squeezing me so good, don’t want to let your cock go do you, Metuka?” His mouth latches to your taut nipple, your hand grabs at his hair tugging harshly lips only know to say his name—oh god, oh god, oh god. 
You feel the pleasure build slowly then all at once he has you dancing along the edge. Your legs wrap around him tighter, not letting him go too far. His large hands squeeze at your hips, mouth latching onto the other nipple. His happy trail, rubs against your clit, sending you over. 
You cum with a cry of his name, the wet sloshing sounds only increase as you gush around him. His pace doesn’t relent, pushing you further down, he hovers above you. Your leg now over his shoulder. 
His hand wrapped around your throat, stroking over the sweat sheened skin.  
“So pretty this way, one more baby, one more before I fill you up. One more,” he coaxes, you feel him move impossibly deeper. Tip hitting your cervix stars cloud your vision. 
Can’t, I can’t, you think, “Ari,”
“You can and you will.” He growls, pinching your clit you shudder yet again, the pleasure begins to climb, taking over you nerve by nerve. 
“Look at you, so pretty, taking all of me so well, I belong to you my sweetness, all of me, yours, yours to love, yours to hold, yours to claim, yours to fuck.” Ari swears as he feels your walls spasm, your nails dig into his forearms you shudder in his grasp as your orgasm triggers his own. 
Ari moans your name, spilling into you, claiming your walls with his seed. He continues to thrust allowing you both to ride out your orgasms, he watches the mix of the two of you coat a ring at the base of his length. 
“I’m not done with you, Metuka.” He says, softly kissing your forehead. 
You look at him through glassy eyes, aftershocks lingering through you. 
He slowly pulls out, you whimper, then moan when his lips move along your inner thighs, blowing softly over your clit. 
“Ari—,” Your whine cut off when his mouth latches to your cunt. The way his eyes glaze and roll back at your taste, the moan that presses against your folds and clit. You cry out for more of him. 
“I told you I’m not done. Have to have a taste of my pretty pussy.” Is all he says, beard gleaming with your arousal, before his lips latch around your clit again. 
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kjnger · 3 years ago
Helloo,Can those who can read the career report first, check out my first post??
🟡mercury-uranus aspect may be the types that can wear lenses even if your eyes are not defective 🟡(Venüs pluto)I would interpret this aspect as attraction and attraction rather than
🟡Cancer men are really mommy and greedy
🟡venus-pluto aspects being harassment aspects (obsessed with love) People with pluto Sagittarius and Gemini Sun can fall in love very obsessively. 🟡 leo sun girls love fashion and can wear alpha clothes.
🟡 the aries and leo effect is an excellent sense of humor actually fire signs make more direct humor funny air signs affect with words even with silly shouts earth effect is a little more cautious and scorpion's in the direction of daily life is undermining 🟡 Mercury is the first decan of Taurus or any planet with the first decan of Taurus can make someone a funny person (but especially Mercury) 🟡 I'm jealous of Capricorn girls' v-chins. they look so cool.(valid for men)(lauren cohan ,kate moss,bradley cooper ,v bts) 🟡Aquarius girls are two types, one is a really extroverted friend group, trying to catch up with the other, and the other is quiet and hides his intelligence. 🟡 why most geniuses are capricorn effective and winter born this isn't fair lol 🟡 I love the aries the fact that they are the leading soul actually they are a real monster( in good way) 🟡Most comedians have a Gemini Sagittarius effect and 27 degrees in their chart. 🟡 music and singing are part of virgo (moon, venus, mercury, mars) (beyonce sun virgo) In astrology.
🟡 your guide planet is the planet before your sun sign, you can have a profession or a spouse in the contact of that planet.
🟡 Can Libras love to sing everywhere???? 🟡Gemini girls are good at humor and flirting. 🟡Piecies asc is one of the best in dance.
🟡Virgo Mercury is really good at math but I can't say that for every Gemini Mercury
🟡scorpio asc dresses up as anime and gives murderous looks 🟡Virgo of the chin lines is very striking (amy poehler example)
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oraclekleo · 2 years ago
Kim Junhyung (OnlyOneOf) - Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Kim Junhyung
Stage Name: Junji
Group: OnlyOneOf
DOB: 06.04.1998
Sun Sign: Aries
Chinese Sign: Earth Tiger
Life Path Number: 1
Masterpost: OnlyOneOf
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Kim Junhyung
Junji (OnlyOneOf)
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - 3 of Wands (Travel)
Junji’s special person is likely someone lively and enthusiastic about their passions. They are visionaries, one of a kind type of people and they are likely to carry themselves with confidence and know their potential. They might wear outstanding clothes, not necessarily brand ones but definitely original, maybe even self made. They have a contagious smile.
Heart - V The Hierophant (Spiritual Wisdom)
Junji’s significant other is a wise person at heart. They are not superficial nor egoistic, they are always up to discuss some deeper topics. They have respect for authorities but at the same time they stand for what’s right and moral and won’t hesitate to go against the system if it’s unfair.
Spirit - 2 of Swords (Difficult Choices)
Junji’s ideal partner might be someone used to making decisions. They are likely independent and making choices is a part of their everyday life. Sometimes they struggle more but they never close their eyes when facing difficulties. They will evaluate the situation and make a decision based on their best judgement.
Soul - 10 of Cups (Union)
Deep down in their soul, Junji’s perfect match is a sociable person. They like to be surrounded by the people they love and cherish. They have a kind heart and like to take care of others. They are likely to have a wide network of friends and close associates.
Time - VIII Justice
Junji and his lover might meet through some legal actions. Maybe they will negotiate a new contract together. The person can be a lawyer or agent Junji will deal with. The first professional relationship is likely to turn into friendship and blossom further into romantic affection. However, his love interest will likely insist on breaking all professional ties before engaging in a romantic relationship, as their professional ethics are high.
Place - Queen of Wands (Passion)
Junji and his lover are likely to create a passionate and fiery home. They both have many hobbies and interests and their home is likely to reflect that. They are likely to invite friends and family over often and have fun with people close to their hearts.
Zodiac Sign - /
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virghogh · 4 years ago
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Astro observations: houses version part 1 (1-6)
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Hi everyone I’m back with another Astro observation post! This time it’s all about things I’ve observed about certain planets etc. in the houses ;) some of these are observations, some of these are guaranteed. These observations can always be affected by other placements. This is only a glimpse at the expansiveness of planets in houses <3 take what resonates <3 Thoughts and feedback are always welcome
p.s. as I was typing this I realized trying to do all 12 houses would be too long so I’m splitting it into 2 parts <3
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🌱Any planet in the 1st house regardless of the sign will bring very Aires-like energy. the traits that I’ve noticed that seem to show more consistently are:
taking charge of life/tasks (leadership abilities)
competitive (but the degree varies depending on the sign and planets involved, for example you can be competitive but not aggressive, you can have a competitive spark but not really care whether you win or lose)
🌱Chart ruler in 1st people are so in control of their own lives. I’ve always considered this a “manifestation” placement, to me it just gives big vibes of those people having a lot of access to energy to get whatever they want out of life. I’d say this is particularly true for personal planet chart rulers and venus.
🌱moon in 1st is one of my favorite spots for the moon, regardless of the sign these people will always have a touch of that Aries transparency I was talking about, they can be very open and transparent with their thoughts, lives and feelings. The sign will determine their empathetic effectiveness though
🌱ex: from my experiences; I know a cancer moon in 1st and they share and also absorb. Really good at listening and talking about other people’s emotions. I know a Leo moon in 1st who is good at listening and being very supportive but not necessarily empathetic, just v supportive and validating. They also like to share a lot. I know an Aquarius moon in 1st who is an open book and will share any and every thought, but empathizing and listening to other people’s emotions is something they have to actively do and practice
🌱on the other hand though, personal planets in 1st can make someone quite easily defensive at times
🌱Jupiter in 1st gives big eyes👀 but what I like about them is it’s different from water risings/moon in 1st where they look really sparkly or like they’re crying. Jupiter in 1st makes these peoples eyes look like they are literally holding the entire wisdom of the universe. You can see their curiosity. It’s very beautiful.
🌱This is more of a theory but I feel like there is something really interesting and unique about people whose 1st and 12th cusp are in the same sign. It’s like the start and end of you is connected to the same desires. Your beginning and your undoing🤔
🌱Uranus and venus in cap/aqua in 2nd might make someone into vintage, antiques and thrift store finds. Either in fashion or how they decorate.
🌱Planets, but often more specifically Moon/venus, in 2nd people really like decorating and cultivating their rooms; or spaces that they feel safe in or deem personal. Could be anything from their room, to their kitchen, or a studio etc.
🌱Moon in 2nd people are really careful and responsible with money, but every so often they can be impulsively irresponsible with it, due to seeking comfort from a random splurge and also the rapidly changing nature of the moon. They might even splurge on someone else if they really love/care for them.
🌱Pluto in 2nd has been seen in many charts of people who are rich. Maybe you either were born with money (maybe from your family) and will continue to have it. This is more of a “you might have to work for it” thing but, if you weren’t born with money you may become abundant with money later in life.
🌱Jupiter in 3rd are very curious, philosophical and excellent writers. The same can be said for Jupiter in 9th but the difference is: the 3rd house operates on a closer level than the 9th.
Jupiter in 3rd want to share, enlighten and teach to their immediate surroundings and the people in it.
While the 9th house operates on a larger scale; books, classes, programs, journeys, entire series, documentaries etc.
🌱Neptune/Uranus in 3rd might actually struggle with clear communication. They have the exact image and concept in their head but struggle to find the right words because they’re very abstract thinkers.
🌱Pisces in 3rd might like poetry, they also are the type to get lost in their head a lot
🌱I’ve seen a few people with Saturn in 3rd and I’ve mostly seen it manifest as having doubts about what they should say, when they should speak, lacking assertion. They also tend to have really strong internal monologues. The type to hear everything and have a million thoughts, and even judgements, on what you’re saying but rarely speak up on it. When they do though, they speak as if what they want to say has been on the tip of their tongue for hours👀
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🌱planets in 4th means your family plays a big role in you finding your path in life. At its best, it’s because of the supportive, positive and abundant nature of your home life. But at its worst, it can mean there are tough lessons to be learned, and growth to come from your family that will put you on your path
🌱I’ve seen Pluto in 4th in a lot of kids who felt abandoned/neglected by their family/parents. Whether it’s physically or emotionally.
🌱I’ve also seen Pluto in 4th manifest as (sometimes unhealthy) over attachment to the family
🌱Your 4th house chart ruler can tell you a lot about what your childhood was like, where you’re affected by it now, and how you’re healing from it ex:
🌱Cap IC, Saturn in 3rd - had a lot of responsibilities and pressure as a child, it took a toll on you mentally and now you struggle with free expression, you’re healing through trying to find your expressions: writing, mentally processing, socializing
🌱cancer IC, moon in 7th - childhood felt highly emotional and sensitive, it took a toll on your emotional side and emotional control and now you struggle to make emotional connections and relationships, you look for healing through relationships/partnerships
🌱Aries IC, mars in 11th - childhood felt aggressive or energetically draining or there were power struggles, it took a toll on your energy, drive and how you deal with anger and now you struggle with healthy expression of yourself and making deep friendships, you’re healing through trying to connect with your community and friends
🌱if the 4th ruler is in 4th it can mean it all starts and ends at home.
🌱Ex: Aquarius IC, Uranus in 4th - childhood might have felt restrictive and like you were ahead of your years or too independent, it took a toll on your hopes, dreams, ideas and goals and now you struggle to be more attached to your family, but you’re also healing through learning how to be with family and keep your independence and dreams
🌱Another placement I’ve always associated with manifestation is sun in 5th. It’s the natural house for it, but it also just bring so much life and energy to the sun
🌱5th house in a fire sign, especially with planets there, love physical activity
🌱Pluto in 5th gives me tortured artist vibes
🌱Your 5th house planets, sign, and ruler can tell you a lot about your hobbies. Ex: (a friend) Taurus 5th house, Venus in Leo in 8th hobbies are baking and dancing!
🌱The 5th house is your hobbies but also your passions, a lot of people end up making money or pursuing a life path related to their 5th house (sign, planet, ruler)
🌱Moon in 5th people almost always develop some kind of creative outlet (as they should!)
🌱Ive also noticed if it’s a water moon or the 5th house is in a water sign, their hobby/passion is often music or art related
🌱If the 5th house is in a fire sign it’s often physical;
Sometimes it’s a physical activity that is heavily based on skill and technique (think gymnastics, martial arts, yoga, even skating or lifting weights etc!)
🌱Venus in 5th could have a hobby that is literally related to beauty and aesthetics! like making Pinterest boards, collages on paper or their wall, having a cute insta feed, really into how they dress, doing their hair, editing pictures etc. it can also be drawing etc.
🌱Fire signs in 6th care a lot about having exercise as part of their regular routine, whether that comes easily or not will depend on the planets, and house ruler. For example:
🌱 moon in 6th fire need a routine physical outlet but really struggle to find and stick to a routine (again usually because of the moons changing nature)
🌱Saturn has a similar effect of making the person really perfectionist about their routine or health and putting pressure and stress on themselves over it, making it harder to achieve. It can create a kind of self-destructive pattern or loop. Strong work ethic -> unrealistic high standard -> pressure -> failure -> repeat. But Saturn represents initial struggle and eventual success.
🌱But sun in 6th would mean it comes easier to them because it’s a big part of their identity and expression
🌱Uranus/Neptune in 6th can manifest as having negative feelings towards doctors. Sometimes it can be because they’ve gone through some health problems.
🌱Multiple planets in 6th people struggle a lot with work-life balance. I know we all do to some degree (thanks capitalism) but they’re huge workaholics but also kind of hate it at the same time. They just stress themselves out a lot.
🌱Many planets in 6th can also mean that their work spaces aren’t necessarily always pleasant either. It depends on the planets involved but, work can feel stressful and like a fight for power, control or recognition especially if Pluto is here
fire sign observations // masterlist
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plutosunshine · 4 years ago
How does the aspect of your Venus affect your love language?
Venus is our love language and behavior in a relationship. Every aspect of Venus affects this area of life. Let’s talk about the aspects and how every planet may affect your Venus.
Venus aspects Sun
Your self-esteem may strongly depend on love towards you from other people. You do care about people’s perception of you and can do everything to please them. You want others to admire you and you are upset when they don’t. You just really want to be loved. Sometimes you love the love from the partner, but not them. Negative aspects may add problems with ego.
Venus aspects Moon
Your love language is colored by high sensitivity. You are an empath and hate to see other people suffering. The influence of the Moon makes you a nurturing, caring, and soft partner. You want to feel a special emotional bond with your loved one. Negative aspects may make you too sensitive to the words of your special one, too clingy and co-dependent.
Venus aspects Mercury
You show your love and affection through communication, words of affirmation, compliments, and discussions. Mental stimulation is very important for you in a relationship. You are diplomatic and always find ways to compromise. Negative aspects may add to your love language too much rationalization and overthinking.
Venus aspects Mars
You express your feelings in a very lively, active, and assertive way. You are passionate, intense, and motivational. You want the relationship to constantly move on and develop. You know where to be soft and where to express your leadership qualities. Negative aspects can make you too impulsive, impatient, and aggressive.
Venus aspects Jupiter
You have a big heart. You are generous, kind, and honest. Jupiter expands your expression of feelings. You value the comfort in a relationship. Sometimes you overindulge yourself too much. You want to constantly grow in your relationship. You need fun, honesty, acceptance, generosity, and warmth. Negative aspects can make you too straightforward or lazy.
Venus aspects Saturn
Your attitude towards love is very serious. You don’t settle down until you find a person you fully trust. Even if you have your Venus in Aries or Gemini, the aspect with Saturn makes you more mature, responsible, and serious about relationships. Negative aspects can slow down your love life and make you too cautious and closed-off.
Venus aspects Uranus
This aspect often indicates love at first sight. Of course, it is not always the case. You need freedom and independence in a relationship. You show affection uniquely and creatively. You love to surprise and act spontaneously. You want to research the universe with the loved one. Negative aspects can make you too unpredictable and even extravagant.
Venus aspects Neptune
You are so gentle, loving, soft, and compassionate. You show your love most romantically and wonderfully. Neptune and Venus both are the planets of love. When they make an aspect, there is a high possibility to experience unconditional love. You dream about the romantic story from the fairy-tale. Negative aspects can make you a person who idealizes a partner too much and doesn’t want to see the reality.
Venus aspects Pluto
You need a special emotional connection with the partner. Your feelings are deep, intense, and passionate. You are very loyal, emotional, and careful in a relationship. You show your feelings through sex life. You don’t want your relationship to be superficial. Negative aspects can make you too secretive, mysterious, and toxic.
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