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rogucx-archive-blog · 9 years ago
:O I got scared for a second! i may be swapping tali and ari (meaning ari would be the main account and tali be the side blog, ive been more compelled to write him than her, or i may shelf her for the time being. idk hah ^^ yay for main blog!
// Hey. If you’ve seen “archive” in this account title, worry not. I’m actually transferring Eyal to be a main account: betterxinxisrael
If you could, follow me there. Everything character and thread-wise is the same. I just wanted to finally transfer him over. :)
[ kidonassxssin, rogucx Tagging you two for obvious reasons. :’) ]
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
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Send ☨ for our muses meeting as Hogwarts students
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
// I swear, rogucx, after that last reply, Eyal is just like:
Well, dammit. Was I that obvious?
*panics because now Ari knows and that could be bad for he and for israclilxoncss*
*waves his hand and attempts Jedi mindtrick*
You heard nothing, Haswari. This is not the boyfriend you’re looking for. 
I mean, what? Not that Ziva has a boyfriend. Who here in their right mind would date Ziva?
–– !!!!
*backtracks because that was not what he meant*
–– I mean… Wait. That came out wrong. I just meant that most people like breathing.
––No. Wait! that also came out wrong…
I meant that……… She has a reputation for being very intense and for kicking ass and most people––
…………………… Yes. 
Yes, I’m seeing Ziva.
{{OMG I DIED LAUGHING SO HARD <3 you’re amazing haha lolol! }}
*gives him a doubtful stare* 
*is amused by his babbling* 
It is almost laughable how easily it was figured out.
I did not need you to confirm it to know it. Just the way you are behaving, you forget I know how to play the game just as well..
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
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If Ari thought that he would get any argument from him about the sins of Eli David, he would be sorely disappointed. Eyal had long held a dislike for the man, particularly after Ziva was simply left in the capture of terrorists. God knows she had suffered for it. 
And Ari… Well, to himself he will admit that Eli likely held a great deal of responsibility for him as well… but admitting sympathy to someone who may well be an enemy is seldom a wise tactic, and so he doesn’t.
“A rather willing weapon it would seem,” is the only comment issued on the matter before he moves to the next point of contention. 
Still not giving his name, his expression turns dark, blood beginning to boil at how Ari speaks of Ziva. 
Perhaps he should keep his cards more closely to his chest, but Ari isn’t going to play this off like he was just some prodigal brother returned from his worldly adventures. 
He had taken actions that left Ziva no choice but to kill him, her last remaining sibling. At least everyone, including her, thought that was what she had done, and she has suffered for years over it, waking herself––and, over the past several months, him––with terrible nightmares.
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“Whether Ziva wished to believe something or not––such as that there was no way that her brother could be lying to her––doesn’t negate the manipulation or the harm it caused.” 
But then he collects himself again, straightening up once more and levelling a rather focused stare at the other.
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“Tell me, Haswari,” he begins, voice once more deceptively calm and mostly level. “After everything that you’ve done––after how you forced her hand––what makes you think that you have any right to even look at her again?”
Ari disregarded the man’s comment about him being willing to do his father’s bidding, at a point yes, but only to gain his father’s love. But what good would arguing about his father’s intentions do him? Nothing. He never had intended to hurt his sister, never. His sisters had been his world, he looked out for them, protected them and attempted to keep them away from their father’s world but all his efforts had failed. Both had been consumed in different ways. 
“You mistake my relationship with her, there was nothing negative about our relationship.” he brushed off the other man’s assumptions. “I owe her an apology.” to apologize for ever involving her, or letting her get involved. He;d promised Rivka he’d protect Ziva, then it seemed like she became the one protecting him after he had too much. He had been bent once too many times and snapped. 
“We were close even while I lost my way..” he did not want to sink into that dark place. Not now.. shaking away the thoughts he returned his focus on the younger man. He seemed to have great concern of Ziva’s well being. “What does she mean to you? You seem to have an awful lot of questions of my intentions, are you an ex boyfriend? current boyfriend?” he was sure that the  man was one of the two. “I did not realize I needed to ask your permission to see my own sister.”
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Whiskey tango foxtrot
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN I came home to some bomb replies ;) betterxinxisrael & mcmoneypenny yall da bomb haha! <3 
I need to reply to Kate and then Ari & Eyal’s other thread then get the one with Yael going (those will be done tomorrow including Mcgee’s) though i am answering one tonight before i hit bed. <3
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
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At the mention of his name eluding the man, he makes no attempt to supply it just yet. Names can be a dangerous thing in this profession, and he knows very well that Ari Haswari is a dangerous man. He was the best at one point.
But then Ari’s answer had moved on to his ‘miraculous’ survival––Eyal mentally referencing the knowledge from his days in medical school about frontal lobe damage, gunshot victims who had survived a bullet to the brain––and then to his intentions.
That does not help Eyal’s humor, but for now, he will play that close. He has no intention of giving Haswari enough rope with which to hang him, after all.
Regardless, he still requires answers and he intends to obtain them.
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“What family are you seeking, Mr. Haswari? The father you meant to embarrass and destroy or the sister you misled and manipulated? For what purpose?”
Now it seemed as if he was being baited, still keen and aware of what goes around, he would give just enough to satisfy the man’s questions. But elude to his true intentions. “He is no father to me, Eli David was incapable of loving, I was nothing but a weapon to him. He used my step-mother god, rest her soul and my sisters and one of them ended up dead for his sins.” Poor poor young Talia, she had been misguided and walked straight into a trap. Ari had personally taken care of the men responsible, since he was a mole, he had learned easily and gotten some peace of mind for at least himself. 
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“Manipulated? Never had I manipulated Ziva into believing anything she did not want to believe. What she did with the information that I shared is her prerogative Mr.?” his name still hadn’t come to surface in his mind. It was becoming a real bothersome, because the man looked extremely familiar. He would think of it eventually. 
“I have come to visit my sister, I heard of Eli’s passing, I thought it safe enough for me to reappear into her life. After all I am her brother.”
He had disguised his intentions enough, he was here because he needed to see Ziva. That much was true. His intention though, he planed on revisiting that fateful night. Ari would not harm his sister...or would he? He hadn’t decided yet.
Whiskey tango foxtrot
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
Tim looked at Haswari uneasily. "I-I thought you were dead!" He exclaimed, reaching for the SIG at his side.
{ mcmoneypenny}
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“I would not do that if I were you Agent Mcgee.” Ari had been following Gibbs’ team around for weeks like a ghost, it had been time to reveal himself. Haunting them from the grave was never enough, because of them he had nearly been killed, he didn’t remember that day very well. The memory was blurry it was one he didn’t want to remember. The man had his weapon drawn before the NCIS agent could even reach for his. “I just want to talk.”
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
Random question. Based on your backstory of how Ari survived and that he is occasionally prone to seizures, does he still drive a motorcycle or has he given that up?
Well I would say it is possible that he can still drive a motorcycle, the seizures are brought on when he doesn’t take his medication, (that or he allows his migraines to go on for too long) Though he probably wouldn’t due to the fact that light bothers him it would be easier for him to hide in a car rather than openly on a motorcycle, but he wouldn’t risk driving them anymore :( sadly. 
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
There’s no doubt it was always you.
From the first time i walked you home from school you stole my hear.
It was always you.
It hurts to see your pretty smile fade.
I know there’s nothing left for us to say but it’s okay.
It’s okay-
There’s no getting over you.
I tried my best to tell the truth but the missing is tearing me apart.
Forgetting is the hardest part.
The thought of losing you is all too much.
I’m a long, long way from home… From you.
I’ll be back some day.
We’ll do it all, everything.
We don’t need anything, or anyone.
If I lay here, If I just lay here… Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Those three words… Are said too much. They are not enough.
I don’t quite know how to say how I feel.
Would you lie with me, and just forget the world?
Forget what we’re told, before we get too old.
I need your grace to read my needs, to find my own.
Your perfect eyes is all that I can see.
I’m sorry for hurting you.
I’ll be here to hold your hand.
If only I knew what I know today.
I would hold you in my arms, and take the pain away.
Thank you for all you’ve done.
There’s nothing I wanna do to hear your voice again.
Sometimes… I wanna call you, but I’m scared that you won’t be there.
I’m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do.
I’ve hurt myself by hating you.
Some days I feel broken inside, but I just don’t want to admit it.
It��s so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this.
Would you tell that I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you proud of who I am?
If I had just one more day I would tell you how I’ve missed you since you’ve been away.
I’m sorry for blaming you.
Blame it all on me.
It was my fault – This wasn’t supposed to…happen.
Please forgive me.
I can’t stay… I really can’t –
I have come to talk with you again.
We need to talk…
Can we please just – Talk ?
I think we should… talk about… This – Us.
They know about us.
Oh come on – Look at us! Is this what we really want???
… I don’t think there’s anything left to say. 
Do you even know how to answer your phone?
I keep messaging you, but you never reply?
Never mind. It’s nothing. It never is. 
Can’t you just listen to me!?
I’m fine okay, can we drop this?
I’ve heard that you… Found… someone new?
There will always be things I can’t give you, things I can’t say – And I all I want… Is for you to be happy. 
It isn’t over – We are not over, yet.
I wish nothing but the best for you.
Don’t… Forget me – Please ?
I just want to forget everything about you. 
It hurts. It hurts so much – Don’t you understand!?
I can’t do this.
We can fix this.
We can’t fix this.
We could always…stop here and stay friends?
Are you sure that…we should – ? You know… do this?
I won’t ever find someone like you… You are special to me.
You are perfect.
We always were a thing, weren’t we?
Sad/cute shippy sentences
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
Sorry for being absent, i haven’t had much time to be here. And I am feeling rather down. so :/ sorry. I dont have much muse for Tali atm, but I will try and get stuff for Ari replied too. 
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
You’re a rebel by accident cause you get really animated when you talk and hit people in the face leading to fights. Now you just roll with it. I know the truth though.
Totally saw you spray paint the principals car and you’ll have to buy me dinner to keep me quiet.
I pretty much live in detention and you’re a straight A student here on your first offense. Wanna add another and skip detention with me?
Every time I get in a fight you patch me up but now I’m the one patching you up after your tripped on thin air.
I’m a super tough punk who hates authority. Your parents are cops who have met me more than once but I like you a lot.
Me and my buddies vandalized your backyard trampling your mini garden in the process. Now I feel really shitty cause you’re really upset about this. Look I’ll help fix it okay just stop with the sad faces.
Accidentally knocked you out when you got caught in the middle of a fist fight between me and this other kid during school. So I sat with you in the nurses office. Shut up! Punks like me have consciouses to you know!
You’re always picking fights and I’m the one who has to use my charm and way with words to stop them from getting out of hand.
You’re a police officer and I’m constantly in and out of holding/jail and we get to know each other well so sometimes you give me my favorite treats when no ones looking.
I’m always fighting and getting in trouble at school so people avoid me. You frequent the small ice cream shop my parents own and know how kind I am to children and elderly people but I don’t realize this.
You give me a piggy back ride (or ride home) after I got out of a brutal fight and can barely stand.
I brought my new kitten to school hold her please while I kick this guys ass. 
Punks can get scared of thunder storms to
Good Kid/Troublemaker AUs
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
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All of the kings horses
           and all of the kings men…
                                                             I can’t fix you
Indie Bassam Al Fayeed of FX’s Tyrant, Highly selective & friendly mun. Mun is 18+ and has been role playing for 9+ years! She is well versed in crime tv shows as well as medical shows! Crossovers are highly encouraged/welcome. OC friendly! Please read rules & bio before interacting! Please view verses!
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
Scrubs {Sentence Starters}
"Ahh. Uncomfortable silences and alcohol. Just like thanksgiving at home."
"You have no chance of being normal."
"Don't ever be afraid to come to me with stuff like that."
"A person doesn't have to be perfect to be exactly what you need."
"It's the kid inside of us that keeps us all from going crazy."
"I don't dislike you, I nothing you."
"Nothing's worse than a ninja - they're masters of every style of combat."
"Have you been in the supply closet, crying?"
"It sounds like you're asking me out on a man date."
"There's a good chance I'm gonna kill someone."
"The only way you could be more useless right now is if you actually were the wall."
"Gosh, now I'm too proud of you to be mad at you."
"Relationships don't work they way they do on television and in the movies."
"Sometimes it feels like you're holding back."
"All you do is bitch about your relationships all day long!"
"We're only four seconds in and I'm already regretting my decision."
"I can't believe you lost our bottle opener."
"I think we both know there's a little more to it than that."
"Does this lipstick make me look like a clown?"
"Why don't I ever listen to me?"
"Well isn't that just the pickle on the giant crap sandwich that is my day."
"Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"
"I can't help but notice you love telling jokes."
"Do you want to be alone?"
"You're telling me that you actually made a decision that had a positive impact on your life?"
"Can you get that for me? I can't reach it."
"Don't look in her eyes, she might steal your soul."
"I refuse to be judged by a grown man wearing a hockey jersey."
"That was my mistake. I keep forgetting that you're a horrible, horrible person."
"Why are you so afraid of loving me?"
"Do you want to cry a little?"
"Why do you have to jump out and scare me all the time?"
"What do I know about good relationships?"
"Newsflash! You can't drink and then come to work!"
"Why is there a pancake in the silverware drawer?"
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
Going back down to her lab was supposed to be a  trip for peace, solitude, and relaxation. That was             all Abby needed at the moment. 
The only person she could have expected to be in her lab was the Director, maybe. There was a short   list, however, from people she most to least likely expected in there. It was the Director, her brother,             and then a stuffed toy repo man. 
   Ari was a big no, literally nowhere near even the                            ‘least likely’ part. 
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     Abby stared in absolute horror, her heartbeat quickening and her entire body becoming rigid where      she stood. “No,” she whispered, ever so slightly                            shaking her head. 
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Her look of horror only made his smile grow wider. The experience was exhilarating, his heart was racing  but for a completely different reason. The hunt..
The chase, that was what he lived for. “Now do not be rude Miss Sciuto. I have feelings too.” he chuckled shoving his hands into his pocket he had a concealed weapon on his hip and one strapped to his calf. “Is that anyway to greet an old friend?
Surprise surprise,
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
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“You obviously don’t remember very much about me if you think that I’ve threatened you. Yet.”
As he steps into the room, he closes the door behind him, sharp gaze entirely focused on this impossibility standing before him. An impossibility. That’s exactly what it should be. God knows he had witnessed more than enough of Ziva’s nightmares in the late hours of the night, the early hours of the morning, had listened to her crying, had tried to comfort her through her pain, her guilt. 
Ari Haswari is supposed to be dead. Very dead. And yet here he stands. Very not.
“Now. Back to my original question. What are you doing here? More importantly, I know damn well what happened. How are you even alive?”
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Ari’s smirk only grew he put a hand up to merely stop the man’s thought. “I have forgotten nothing, though your name eludes me. I do not forget a face, ever.” his tone was noted, but he would disregard it unless he became a true threat to his own well-being. 
Some would call it dumb luck and others would say that there was a higher power looking out for him. He believed neither. “Obviously my business on this earth is not yet done. How? it is a miracle, I am very aware that I should be dead. But here I am. The bullet only pierced the frontal lobe, I had to relearn a lot yes, but at least I have my health. “ he would not mention all the side effects of having a bullet fragment rattling around in your skull. No, not until he knew the nature of this man’s visit. “As for my intentions, I have merely come to seek out my family.” this was the last place he knew to look for them. Talia was dead..along with his surrogate mother.
Whiskey tango foxtrot
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rogucx-archive-blog · 10 years ago
continued from here
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He raised his hand to block out more of the light he had forgotten his sunglasses, an action he regretted already. He did not need to be coached but he appreciated her efforts. “Please water would help immensely. “ though some sort of shades would benefit him in the long run. “I will be fine,  I am a doctor, unfortunately we can not self diagnose.” he chuckled motioning to see if he could sit down. “May I sit?”
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