#uwu talk coded af
linposter · 4 months
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he squeemed!
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China Season 4, Episode 5
- I love practice montages! I was surprised that we got to see the process of each of the captains (of the competing teams) choosing dancers to their teams. Ibuki and Ma Xiaolong were speaking English to each other, and I don’t doubt that English was probably the main mode of communication across borders for these dancers.
- Okay Ibuki leading Huang Xiao by hand and then Huang Xiao cackling in glee and hugging Ma Xiaolong....very cute.
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- So...is Huang Xiao baby?
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- Huehuehue love Poppin’C’s laugh
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- Ibuki said that Ma Xiaolong helped her a lot with recruitment. I think that’s for two reasons. One is that Ma Xiaolong (and Huang Xiao) are choreographers, so they have a better idea of what styles look together. The other is that Ma Xiaolong knows the Chinese dancers better than she would.
- Moony was saying how Ibuki is the captain but she is the youngest, and is definitely very cute haha.
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- Yang Kai was very worried about dancing to a rap song so he recruited as many choreographers as he could. But the issue was that they all had different approaches to choreographing so they spent a lot of time discussing before choreographing and rehearsing.
- Yang Kai deadass brought his laptop to the hotpot restaurant because he was going to turn dinner into a lesson on Three Kingdoms for Boris and Kenken lol. The name of their song was Chitu, which is the horse of Lv Bu. Basically Chitu was just a great super capable horse and that’s why it was so famous lol. Yang Kai was trying to compare their battle to the Three Kingdoms lmao. Kenken was Zhuge Liang, Ibuki was Cao Cao (LMAO), and Chitu Ma was a Ferrari lol. Not gonna lie though, the stories in Three Kingdoms are pretty iconic lol.
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- In terms of the performances, I liked them both! I think that Team Ibuki’s performance was very fun in the sense that it was like a story. I don’t think songs like that are popular dance songs, so I really liked seeing how they choreographed the dance and I felt that it was done in a very creative and fun way. I think where it may have fallen short was the cohesion. I like Poppin’C, but I wonder if it was difficult to fit him in because his skill set was so specific. As well, because all of the dancers were wearing different clothes, it was a bit difficult to see their synchronization during the group dance parts. For Team Yang Kai’s performance, it definitely was extremely hype. Whereas Team Ibuki wore different clothes, Team Yang Kai had a dress code so the cohesion was easy to see. But I feel like Team Yang Kai’s performance was being propped up by the fact that it had a very hype song, one that easy to dance to.
- Rochka continues to be the biggest fanboy of every single person on this show. I love him!!!
- Y’all have no idea how much I love hearing Boris speak Chinese. Yes, he has an accent, but he is also very easy to understand. You have no idea how difficult it is to find non-ethnic Chinese people who speak Chinese this fluently. Iunno, he just makes Mandarin seem so much more approachable. Boris said that he’d been in China for 7 years so it makes sense that he feels so confident speaking. A lot of people who are learning languages have to get over that hump where they stop feeling embarrassed about their accent because they have to go out and live their life and buy groceries and go to the doctor and stuff and it’s really interesting to hear Boris expressing himself.
- Henry feeling so pressured when he had to choose which team to pick lmao.
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- Yixing went “We’re looking at you because you’re cute!” So bold, Yixing XD
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- And Henry went “I feel pressured because you guys are handsome.” XD Two can play at that.
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- Then Han Geng went “Henry’s Chinese is so good now!” XD My mom says that to me when I make a good joke in Chinese.
- Yixing has to talk behind his clipboard because he’s so nervous lmfao.
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- So the rule is that one judge gets two votes for each matchup. In addition to that, that judge has to cut three members, two to enter a battle and one to be eliminated immediately, not including the captain.
- Ibuki was so upset when she returned to her seat :(
- Ye Yin had his team draw out their feelings as they listened to their assigned song. I thought it was a bit gimmicky, but this visual is cute.
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- I thought Team Ye Yin’s performance was cool considering this was a song that would be difficult to choreograph for. I was surprised with how the incorporated breaking and locking elements, as there are breaking and locking experts on their team. But overall I thought the choreography was so nice. It told a story, and it suited the vibe of the song. Props to Bunta for the awesome choreography.
- Han Geng said that their performance reminded him of his youth, and then Henry said that he felt the same, that the performance reminded him of Geng-ge. He was like “ge, do you remember?“ and Geng-ge was like of course! Han Geng said he remembered their romantic days X’D So unnecessary. At one point the director was like did Han Geng and Henry used to have their arms around each other’s shoulders? And both of them were like uhh yeah all the time dude.
- George was asked about his rivalry with C-Lil because they keep getting stuck together lol. Apparently C-Lil became a tea enthusiast which was cute.
- Yuwan clapping his hands while his arms around C-Lil :3
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- Team Liangliang’s performance was cut because apparently it was not very good, and the editors cut it out to prevent them from getting haters. I think Liangliang’s Sun Wukong headgear had obstructed his vision, and Yixing said that the performance wasn’t very in sync. A pity :(
- Gogo Brothers’ team is stack af.
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- Gogo Brothers + Hilty & Bosch hotel room conference lol.
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- AC went for a waacking + krump combo which is cool! Their performance was extremely aesthetically pleasing. Even though the fire power is perhaps less explosive, they worked together as a team very well. I definitely thought the waacking and the krump complemented each other very well.
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- AC bought snail noodles for his team members, and apparently it’s one of those very polarizing foods, but Chika really liked it haha.
- Ohh, you know this is gonna be good.
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- Team Gogo Brothers’ performance was good, but at the same time...there wasn’t anything new about it? Since there were five lockers on the, most of the performance was going to be high quality locking, but at the same time, the locking kind of overshadowed any attempt to try anything new. It was still good though, I just felt that it had limitations compared to AC’s performance that did something new with combining styles, both in terms of dance and aesthetics (costumes).
- Love to see the baby smile v.v
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- Lmao Xiao Jie said that Xiaohai was the good luck charm of their team XD His good luck charm name is Jr. Baby, aka Haibaobao lol
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- Yibo and Yixing voted for Gogo Brothers, and Han Geng voted for AC, so Henry, who had two votes, had the final say in who would win this battle. Then we got the theatrics where Han Geng, Yibo, and Yixing went into the audience because their job was done lol.
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- Then Henry was like “ge~~~~ didn’t you say you would take care of me?” And Han Geng’s like, I’m letting you have the SDOC experience bro.
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- Even though we all know it’s a joke, Han Geng is still so caring and affectionate lol.
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- Anyway, after all that shenaniganery, what Henry said was right. It feels so tough eliminating any single member of the team, because it was all of them who helped deliver such a beautiful performance. I know AC had a tough time going up against Gogo brothers but dammit I actually super loved their performance. So cruel!!!!!
- Han Geng felt bad because Auju had said he wanted to be in a solo battle in the 3 vs 3 challenge, but he was put in the 5 vs. 5 battle and then this group performance, so Han Geng wanted to let him have the stage to perform his best. I thought it was a nice gesture, to let him have the stage to show off in the way he was most confident with, to let himself show himself at his best.
- Then Henry was like “what if we had Auju AND Yixing????”
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- And then Boi Marble joined!!! Krumptastic
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- Yixing said that even though krumpers look really fierce, that aside from the krump, all of them are lil cuties uwu.
- Team Nelson having fun with Hanfu was so cute! :D Sometimes with the non-Chinese contestants, I worry that they find the Chinese culture stuff tedious, because SDOC does try to fit as much culture in. So I’m glad to see that they’re at least finding a way to have fun. I wish I had such pretty hanfu to dress up in v.v
- I’ll be honest though, I don’t think Nelson’s team was very synchronized. He had a lot of very good individual dancers (Bouboo, Zyko, Lil Kev, that firepower is undeniable), but there were parts when I felt like all of the dancers were doing their own thing. Maybe the choreography was too subtle, or maybe the dancers themselves had slightly different rhythms.
- Acky-san giving red pockets to his team, but instead of money, he wrote them letters in different languages T_T
- A full popping team is risky move, but it paid off. Everybody was popping so everybody was dancing to their strength. Compare that to some of the other teams, where there were some dancers who clearly were lagging because they were dancing to a style they were very comfortable with. In addition, the visual style of the performance was fresh and fun. Their costumes were very wacky and fun to look at, and their performance exuded the kind of fun vibes where you felt like you wanted to join them.
- Out of the captains who’d lost their challenges, they would have to battle each other in a round robin style tournament. First place would get to keep two of their "pending” members, and second place would get to keep one.
- Yixing got up SO FAST when Tell Me started playing. I didn’t know this song before so I looked it up and it is a bop haha.
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- Yixing dancing along uwu I don’t know the name of this song but it was the second song in the Ibuki vs. Liangliang battle.
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- AC vs. Ibuki dancing to It’s Raining Men was A LOT of fun, particularly because everybody including the spectators knew the song haha.
- The first place winner was Nelson who was able to save Tengzai and Lil Kev and the second place winner was AC who could only choose one person to save, and AC chose Fanfan.
- Ma Xiaolong and Huang Xiao comforting Ibuki because she couldn’t save her team members :(
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- Ahh I’m going to miss Yuri because she was so cute and fun. AC apologized for not being able to save her :( Gonna miss u bb ;(
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- I liked Latrice too T_T Hated to see her go :(
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- Brats playing with the microphones. They basically disassembled their standing microphones and waved the part around even after Han Geng already told Yibo not to lmao.
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- So this section was supposed to be the captains’ opportunity to tell the dancers what kind of team they were looking to put together. Yixing was so surprised because Han Geng and Yibo had very simple and short statements (though it took a while for Han Geng to get to his point), because the boy deadass prepared a speech. Of course he did.
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- Yang Kai said that his speech sounded like a motivational speech from a boss at work. That’s exactly what it is.
- Apparently Henry also prepared a speech XD
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- So from what I understand, the captains will recruit a team that they think represents their style. Afterwards, the dancers who have not been chosen will get to choose their team based on which captain’s style they like. I think that’s how it works, we’ll see if I’m right lol.
- Henry trying to gleam information X3 Yibo just deals with the pressure by smiling and shaking his head. Dare I say this is the first time I’ve seen Yibo look shy??????? It’s cuuuute.
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- Since the cubicles don’t have ceilings, Henry was like someone could be watching me!
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- Nosy housecat in training
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- Yibo and Henry and Han Geng were playing mind games being like “oh, you picked Poppin’C? And Yixing fell for the trick ^^;; Luckily he was not allowed to change his answer so at least he’s not going to make a change he regrets lol.
- All of the dancers Yixing picked were not picked by anyone else so he was quite lucky.
- Han Geng had three of his choices matching with Henry or Yibo.
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- Henry has no idea how to recruit dancers so he just ends up singing love songs. Of course.
- Zyko’s loyal dude XD I can see why Han Geng is a safe choice though. Han Geng is low on the theatrics, so if I was a low key guy like Zyko, I’d probably feel less pressure being on his team. I could just focus on dance and not on entertaining the cameras.
- I can see why Nelson would go with Yibo. Yibo is quiet but he’s serious and focused and more importantly they both confirmed that they are competitors.
- Henry and Han Geng both chose Ibuki. Here Han Geng is patiently waiting/spying while Ibuki and Henry have their interview.
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- Then he was offered a ladder and Geng-ge became the biggest gremlin lmao.
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- Yixing the good little helper.
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- C U T I E
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- When Han Geng was having his interview with Ibuki, he locked the ladder in his own room and kept the key. Then he stole the keys from all the other rooms and gave them to Henry XD Actual troll-ge.
- Ibuki chose Han Geng in the end.
- So all of the people Henry chose picked other captains. This frame lmfao.
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- I think last season Yixing had tons of trouble recruiting dancers to his team. In the hotpot preview he said he was super lax about this year and it worked in his favour.
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imagineitup · 4 years
𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺
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𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺: @spideyboipete
𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵: fake dating au
𝘢/𝘯: i tried out a new style of hc, so let me know if you like this version or my old versions better tysm <3
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you and scorpius are those friends
you’ve got that type of friendship where something clicked and suddenly you were both attached at the hip for years
because apparently having the same brand cauldron in the beginning of first year with the same exact hole in the side means best friends ride or die in first year culture
like what even is this? some psychic shit??
but anyway, with you being absolutely intent on making friends, scorpius couldn’t get rid of you if he tried but pls he could never survive without you anyway :p
since then you’ve both been best friends for life!  well, ever since the +1 with the introduction of albus potter
and at first you were super happy because yay new friends
but then they kind of stopped hanging out with you in the middle of fifth year or so and went off into their own little world
and you were a little sad
ok maybe a lot sad
but that was okay because that meant you were able to meet new friends and expand your horizons! you even got the chance to focus on yourself and join some new clubs, too!
who even is scorpius anymore lmao you don’t know him
but anyway
it was seventh year and you were so tired of your friends bugging you to get a s/o
“(Y/N) why don’t you date someone?”
“you’d really hit it off with so and so, don’t you think?”
“just put yourself out there”
exsqueeze me
so one day you just can’t take it anymore
and maybe you should’ve thought this through but nO
you don’t pause to think things through
because life is for living in the moment hell yes
“guys i’m already dating someone” (▰˘◡˘▰)
needless to say your friends go insane
like who tf is this humans (Y/N) hasn’t mentioned the audacity™
so like any normal person, you say the first name that comes to mind
“hahaha … scorpius!”
your friends stare at you like they’re in the office
blink blink
“but … weren’t you guys just friends”
you’re panicking but
“we’re in LOVE”
ur friends are really like ok whatever, but go off
and that is how you find yourself dragging yourself over to the slytherin common room and placing your hands on scorpius’s shoulders
“promise me you won’t freak out”
and ofc scorpius is already freaking out
bc why are you sitting in the common room with this crazily determined face and forcing him to listen to you
and this is how you get into this situation
with scorpius screeching and falling off his chair and you doing your best uwu pls help me 911 face
“i can’t DATE you”
you give scorpius your best professional face even though inside you’re ???
bc um is it that bad to date you??
you are confused???
you’ve saved scorpius thousands of times in his hogwarts career in both academics and social standing he can afford to pretend to date you ONCE
ರ_ರ ರ_ರ
obviously you’re not getting anywhere and you start to stand up, kind of annoyed
“fine then, ig i’ll just find someone else to date me.” sniff
as soon as you say that, it’s like you’ve flipped a switch and suddenly scorpius is very concerned and almost a little upset
and when you don’t notice him contemplating something, he runs in front of you and nearly knocks you over
“second thoughts?”
scorpius scowls
although it looks more like a lil pout pushing at his lips and he crosses his arms
lmao who is this and what’s happened to scorpius
you shrug and start to leave for real until scorpius reaches out to tug at your arm
you whirl around immediately and you are needless to say, very relieved!
but apparently scorpius hasn’t recovered from his fall from before
bc he can’t stop rubbing his hand against his neck and his face is all blotchy and pink
kinda cute, but in a best friends way.  like wowie my best friend looks kinda adorable look at that boy go
but ofc scorpius has to ruin the special moment because he offhandedly says, “shouldn’t we have rules or something?”
this is fake dating scorpius wdyfm rules?
“like … things not to do? maybe one big rule is not ruining our friendship???”
he smart smart
“ok easy then, just don’t fall in love with me”
apparently this is the WRONG thing to say?
scorpius is RED like boy is not pink anymore his cheeks are burning red
“you can’t just say that?”
you are confused bc what does that even mean
“why not?”
“that’s like ...  y-you you can’t just say that.”
you are, if possible, even more confused?
“okay and?”
scorpius blinks
bls this boy has the audacity to just shrug
reader u are duMB af scorpius bout to throw hands here
but he won’t bc he luvs u  (▰˘◡˘▰)
so fifteen minutes later you guys decide to make three big rules
scorpius had a whole list of like twenty but you narrowed it down to these:
1. don’t ruin ur friendship
2. no kissing
3. and ur paying for three hogsmeade rounds after this is over
honestly you think this is kinda rude considering scorpius is richer than ur entire life but whatever, at least he’s not leaving you out to the wolves
so when it’s finally time to put this fake dating thing to the test, you tug scorpius over to your side of the table at the great hall and make sure to swing his hand
which actually feels kind of nice??
like you’ve never actually thought about this before
but scorpius is comforting
his hand fits right in yours, and he’s so warm
and i mean haha it’s not like this is a new thing, pssh you two hold hands all the time!! but adjkaldjkfl not in a dating way
ur friends are shocked
like they never thought you’d actually show up with a DATE
and bc they’re all ruDE they grill scorpius
but scorpius is best boy
best bf
and answers all their questions like a pro
ur so proud
you let ur head rest against scorpius’s shoulder and BITCH
scorpius presses a kiss to ur forehead
why are u so happy? what is this??
it’s just so gentle and soft and you feel your heart getting all mushy and warm
your friends all give a big collective aww because one, they’re annoying af and yes y’all are cute cute and this is cute
but reader ur going through some existential crisis
and later when you’re walking with scorpius to all your classes, you can’t stop thinking that hey, this fakedating thing isn’t that bad
but whatever it’s just cause u miss spending time with scorpius!
yes, that’s it!
you’re just sad that scorpius always hangs out with albus and you don’t get to see him as much
so this is nice!
you’re just going through some bff nostalgia atm pls wait for (y/n).exe to start working again
anyway now bc of this fakedating thing, you and scorpius just spend so much time together
like y’all have always been best friends, but this feels different okay
scorpius will run over to you when he sees you and wrap his arms around your waist
the first time he did it, he had the cuteness to go “is this okay? are you okay?  is this too much?
you might’ve blushed
okay you did
but you convince yourself it’s just because ur touch starved
ʘ‿ʘ reader c’mon
but whenever you call scorpius and wave at him, his face just LIGHTS up
and you’re pretty sure yours does too
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
needless to say you kinda don’t want this all to end
because somewhere in the middle of all this, your head has gone from calling scorpius your fake boyfriend to your real boyfriend
and you don’t really want to go back to just being friends if you’re honest
wait hold up
uh oh
did you just admit you liked scorpius?? in a REALS way?
◉_◉ ◉_◉ ◉_◉
so like the only way you know how to deal with things, you avoid it!
you start to act really distant
and now whenever scorpius wraps his arms around you, you stiffen up
and scorpius like the angel he is pulls away so quickly bc ?? is his best friend upset? uncomfortable?
did HE make his best friend for life uncomfortable? omg this isn’t ok what is happening
everyone can tell sumn is up
ofc they can, what with you going to the extent of running away whenever you see scorpius and scorpius reacting like the entire light got blown out his life
and bruH scorpius may be innocent but he aiNT dumb
he knows your schedule he KNOWS you ignoring him
and baby is upset
because lately you’ve been starting to feel a lot more to him
and now you’re just gone??
that’s not okay and scorpius isn’t just gonna sit around and be sad
if there’s something he can do he’s gonna do all he can to try to fix it!
he corners you one day and holds up an angry piece of paper
“excuse me m’aam/sir but you broke rule number one which is, in case you forgot, don’t RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP”
“oh haha uh scorpius! hi uhh gotta blast”
scorpius’s face falls
and that was it
you just wanna smush his face together and tell him things are fine and that you love him
wait WHAT
but scorpius is still staring at you with that wounded look
like you’ve just ripped up his heart and torn it to shreds
bc that’s kinda what you’re doing
omg what’ve you done
“scorpius …”
his eyes lock onto yours so fast that you’re afraid he’s got whiplash
your mouth goes dry, and for a few moments it’s hard to talk
but you finally manage to tell him that “i don’t think we should fake date anymore.”
scorpius’s face breaks
his eyes go wide, and it looks like he wants to stagger.  and he almost does, just a little bit
“is it something i did?”
this boy
scorpius malfoy really gonna be the death of you
you’re shaking your head back and forth so fast because NO of course not of course this isn’t his fault
scorpius is still teetering back and forth, and his arms start to wrap around himself.  “because i swear i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.  if i screwed up just tell me and i can fix it, (Y/N), please”
you shake ur head, already starting to panic.  “of course not.  it’s not YOU scorpius. i just can’t fake date you because --”
you clamp your hands over your mouth
“because?” scorpius prompts, his voice careful
you just shake your head, already starting to turn and run back to your dorms because this is stupid and you’re scared
big scared
but scorpius just takes your hand and tugs you backward a bit, almost like a scene from a movie
you do that perfect little twirl back and are face to face with the one and only
“do you … do you like me?” scorpius asks
that’s it
it’s out
you’re ready for your entire friendship with scorpius to come crashing down
“do you?” he repeats softly
you try to pull away but scorpius isn’t having it
he’s still holding onto your hand, gently, of course, and his eyes are boring into yours
you’re too scared to look because you’re afraid of what you’ll find
but when you can’t take it anymore and finally tilt your head up you realize something important
because his eyes aren’t full of disgust
in fact, that’s further from the truth
scorpius malfoy is staring at you with the biggest heart-eyes you’ve ever seen and you’re confused to how you’ve never seen this sooner
it’s almost like you’re his whole world, and now you can’t fucking breathe
is this real?
your heart’s pounding in your chest so fast and there’s something bursting at your lungs
you nod faintly.  “yes.  i like you”
the huge grin that spreads across scorpius’s face is everything
he rushes forward to pull you into a gigantic hug, even lifting you up a little as he spins you around and lets out a little happy shriek
“i’ve liked you forever, (y/n), i can’t believe this is real”
so u could’ve been dating scorpius before??
“you dork why didn’t you tell me?”
“because you didn’t like me like that!”
“well maybe i was confused” you pipe back
scorpius just laughs, burying his head in your shoulder crook.  “i’m so happy right now.”
and honestly ?
so are you (´∀`)♡
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coasttocoastreads · 4 years
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Welcome back to Week 2 of Coast to Coast Reads! Who’s still alive? Katya and I are dying while social distancing, but at least we had a few laughs discussing this book:
Crescent City (House of Blood and Earth) // Sarah J Maas
★★ / ★★★★★
Summary in one two gif(s):
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Real Summary:
Crescent City, a place where vanir (supernatural beings such as angels, fae, shifters, etc.) and humans freely mingle and go about their days. Bryce Quilan is a 20-something fae/human who’s still reeling from the murder of her friends 2 years ago. But after she’s commissioned to help search for an ancient artifact, Bryce, along with her new angel partner Hunt, unearth previously buried secrets about the murder that threaten to expose a worldwide conspiracy. 
Great side characters. I would die for each and every one of them.
Lots of different mythological creatures! Not just another Fae Book™️
It’s literally ToG 2-7 combined. If you read Throne of Glass, you’ve already been spoiled for this book. 💀💀💀
It’s wayyyy too long
Drags a lot in the beginning
Plot .5/5 (the .5 is for you, Lehaba)
What can I say. SJM literally plagiarized herself by taking the plotline of the tog books and translating it to this new setting. The writing itself was subpar, and most of the time it felt like the author herself had no idea where the plot was going, instead letting it drag on until a plot twist that makes no sense is revealed. (You’ll know which one I’m talking about when you get there.) I’ll compare CC with ToG with spoilers under the cut. 
Pacing 2/5
The beginning is full of info-dumping as SJM tries to set up this world which is metaphorically like ours, but everyone’s hot and does fantasy cocaine all the time.  It narrates boring day-to-day schedules that could have been condensed into a paragraph and at times I was tempted to skip ahead. The plot does pick up near the last 25% though, so I’ll give it that. 
Worldbuilding 2.5/5
It was confusing. To be fair, after all the info was dumped at the beginning, I didn’t bother going back to try to figure things out when they popped up again after. But like still??? I think I only started understanding the hierarchy of the government with the Asterrii(?). Also what are the Triarii I am still lost. SJM attempts to blend a more modern society with one of fantasy creatures, and for the most part it succeeds, but it often just feels...strange. I think the one thing I’m most hung up about is why swords and guns still coexist. Like ??????? it’s one or the other plssssss abandon the “aesthetic” Also while they literally have cell phones and keurig machines there aren’t common things like cars? Why.
Characters: (This is unconventional, bear with me)
Main Characters: -infinity/5 they could go die for all I care
Bryce and Hunt were both super unlikeable, 10/10 would let fall from a cliff. They are literally just rewrites of Aelin and Rowan? Bryce is like ahahaha yeah people think I’m Just a dumb vapid Female™️ who parties too much and gets trashed but SIKE I’m actually the chosen one and I’ve been hiding it this whole time because I didn’t want to hurt people’s feelings uwu. And did I mention I’m actually a trained Warrior who can keep up with The Boys? It’s Aelin y’all. There are numerous times where a character says that she’s not stupid and I’m like...are you sure... This girl makes the poorest decisions, yet ofc, there aren’t any long term consequences... (Also 99% of her problems come from ghosting people literally just respond with “k” sis)
Hunt is... idek what to say about Hunt. He’s just Rowan but in angel form. His inner monologue cycles between I must pay off my debt so I can gain Freedom 😔, why is Bryce so hot 🥴, and Shahar 😭. Once again, literally Rowan who also was bound to some evil villain, had the hots for their CENTURIES YOUNGER pupil/protectee, and had an old lover die tragically which led to them believing they can never find love again UNTIL BryLin comes along. Snooze. 
Side Characters: Infinity/5 
Ruhn Danaan was the most valid character and that’s the hill I’ll die on. He literally just wanted to protect his sister cuz she’s stupid af but she keeps pushing him away bc he’s an “alphahole” (haha how subversive :/) I want a whole book about him and Hypaxia, preferably fanfiction so I don’t have to read “soft feminine breathing” ever again.
Literally all the supporting cast- Lehaba, Therion, Ithan, Jesiba, Flynn, Connor, etc, etc. had more compelling characters and side stories than Bryce/Hunt. I was 100% more invested in them and I can’t wait to read/write more about them. 
(Pls let me marry Jesiba Roga or Therion 🥺)
But while the people on the “good” side were spectacular, the villains all felt one-dimensional and the product of over-recycled and overused tropes mashed together. Sandriel and Pollux are literally just Maeve and Cairn (is that his name)
I’d recommend for:
People who loved Throne of Glass and are lamenting the absence of new content. Please read about Rowaelin 2.0
People stuck at home during this global crisis and have too much time on their hands. (If you need that free epub, hmu)
People who are willing to skip all scenes that feature just Bryce and/or Hunt 
People who hate themselves
Would I travel here?
Sorry, what? Already shredded my passport, not getting a replacement, sorry. 
Overall thoughts:
I wish I could somehow take those hours of my life back but alas. 
See y’all in two weeks with a hopefully better book selection,
Spoilers under cut
Okay time to VENT
OKAY so CC=ToG, let’s break down how
Danika’s death is the Nehemia Incident, setting the mc up for a journey of self discovery/reclaiming their power. They both show up as ghosts later to encourage mc in a time of great self-struggle.
Syrinx if Fleetfoot. bc all female mc’s need a pet to reveal her Feminine and Soft side
Sandriel and Pollux are Maeve and Cairn. Evil female character with vast power and her torturer? COOKIE CUTTER FORMULA. The scene where Bryce offers herself up for Hunt in the lobby also kinda mirrors that scene in..HoF? QoS? Don’t remember, but pretty sure that happened. Also that scene was so fucking dumb, I really thought Bryce had a Smart Plan, but I was bamboozled once again. 
A gem from my notes: “Bryce is Aelin but with cocaine”
I think the whole demon portal thing is a ripoff of ACOWAR (or is it KoA I can’t even remember), sacrificing yourself to close the rift, etc, etc. 
Anyways, Bryce = Aelin, a party-girl front with a sob backstory that’s her superpower origin story who always has a Plan. 
Hunt = Rowan, broody warrior busy repaying debts getting orders they don’t want while pining over a lost love. They reluctantly let the female mc in and voila they’re in LOVE
The whole “plot twist” that revealed Hunt’s true plan along was so fucking dumb...
It wasn’t a plot twist, it was just plain bad writing
There was no set up at all, nothing alluding to Hunt secretly masterminding an attempted coup with the help of Magic Meth
The whole time I was like “...this is part of their plan right. There’s no way he legit planned this...”
Character’s POVs should reveal what they’re thinking, even if you’re just hinting at something to reveal later...this was just lazy
Another thing that really rubbed me the wrong way was the sudden reveal that Fury and Juniper had been in a relationship the whole time? Despite like above, there was no prior allusion to that?
It felt like half-assed representation at best and completely irrelevant to the story with it coming up again in a throwaway line near the end
Also? I’m fairly certain there was a scene in the beginning where they were all out clubbing and Juniper hooked up with some rando while Fury was also at the club with them? Was this before they got together or did SJM insert this so last minute that no one caught it?
Wtf is sunball. Can someone just help me out here.
Some people have been saying Hunt is Asian coded? Where???!!!!! All I’m seeing is the same stuff she pulled in ACOTAR where all the Illyrians were tan so people could claim they were poc for woke points but not get in trouble for art depicting them as white ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SJM pls stay away from “like calls to like” you don’t deserve it
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avmisworld · 4 years
NCT Dream as your best friends:
He's like your very annoying brother
Acts like you're his little sister even if you're older than him
Teases you all the time about your non existent bf/gf, about your height... Anything he can really.
Teaches you curse words in Chinese so you can trashtalk the members (excluding Chenle)
Ruffles your hair all the time, mostly to annoy you.
(but also because he secretly thinks you're cute whenever you scowl at him)
Pretends he doesn't enjoy your company but sulks whenever you can't meet up
Sends you memey pictures of himself and of the members
Both of you have so much private jokes and codes
You can have full conversations without anyone understanding a thing
You guys bicker a lot
But even when you fight you make up almost immediately
Usually Renjun just texts you randomly as if nothing happened
Gets very jealous if you give someone more attention than you give him
Hates when you babie him
Acts like a tough guy around you but is actually just a marshmallow in disguise.
The sweetest relationship uwu
Everyone thinks you guys are a couple because of your great chemistry
Jeno will literally place his life in your hands without hesitation
You guys can talk for hours on end about the stupidest stuff
But you can also have really deep conversations sometimes
His gallery is full of pictures he took of you in every situation possible
Sleeping, eating, laughing etc...
Takes your opinion very seriously, so he constantly invites you to Dream's dance practices
You two go shopping together
Jeno always ends up carrying your bags
Despite promising that this time he won't
You guys usually go out to eat when you're together
Always complains that he gains weight everytime you're together
Your parents know Jeno and he's practically like a son to them
Same goes to you
He texts you every day
Even if he doesn't have anything to say he'll still text you
Always thinking about you, especially when you aren't together
Buys you souvenirs when he's in another country
You two don't fight at all
But sometimes you bicker like an old married couple
Usually about how Jeno should sleep more or how you should stop dieting
You're the only one who laughs from his corny ass jokes
One of the main reasons he loves you so much lol
You guys cuddle a lot
AKA you clinging to Jeno while he suffers with a smile on his face
Link arms while walking cause you cheesy AF
It still surprises you what a beast he is on stage
But to you he'll always be a giant puppy:')
The most dangerous friendship tbh
You've known each other since you were kids
You probably thought Haechan was annoying AF when you first met him (don't tell him that tho)
Pranking NCT members the majority of the time
And if you aren't, then you're probably pranking each other
Roasting each other 24/7
People probably think you hate each other but it's just your dynamic
Haechan is always ruffling your hair, pulling on your ear, pinching your cheek...
Your time together mostly consists of pissing each other off and cuddling while watching K-dramas
Cooks for you all the time
There's a fairly good chance he'll come over at two in the morning and start making you kimchi jiggae or something
Lots of sleepovers at your place when he's done with the 127 hyungs
Misses you so much when he's working
Also denies that fact religiously
But the members tell you how much he whines to them about needing to see you
Facetimes you at the most random times and feels betrayed when you don't answer
Your text messages consist of memes, ugly picture and emojis that only you understand the meaning of
Probably has some really cheesy nickname on his phone for you
Definitely changes his contact name on your phone to "the light of my life" or something gross like that
Your fights are just lots of yelling and silent treatments
Usually they start because of an insensitive comment that one of you said
But that hardly happens because you're so used to each other's bratty asses by now
Jaemin is practically your mother and your personal bodyguard
Very overprotective
He's always making sure you ate, slept on time, got your work done...
Calls you every two minutes when he's away
Saved your name in his phone as 공주님 (princess)
You saved his as 엄마 (mother)
Your parents love him because of his charming personality and probably secretly want you two to date
Buys you clothes when he's away and surprises you with them when he comes back
You always have one of his sweaters at your house because he always lends them to you when he thinks it's cold and forgets to take it back
Very affectionate with you
Kisses your cheeks and your forehead in the most random moments
Tackles you out of the blue when he wants hugs
You go out together a lot
Sometimes you go to the movies, sometimes you do a picnic, sometimes you just sleepover and eat takeout and gossip
You take lots of aesthetic pictures of each other
Have so much selfies together
One of them is probably Jaemin's lock screen or something
You feel very comfortable with each other
He knows everything about you and the other way around
Listens to whatever you say without judging, even if it's a rant about some guy you're crushing on
Will be up for whooping anyone's ass if they hurt you
Facetimes you when he's away
Sometimes you don't even talk, just minding your own business together
Both of you probably fall asleep in the middle
Flirts with you all the time
But uses only horrible pick up lines
"Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you’ve got fine written all over you"
So loud OMG
There's not a dull moment when you're together
You guys are like twins or something
You have some sort of telepathy that no one can understand
Laughing randomly without any obvious reason is practically your thing
You guys thrive off teasing each other and others
Gang up to drive the hyungs up the wall
You call each other soulmates everywhere you go
The type of bff's who finish each other's sentences
He buys you super expensive presents all the time
The type to see a diamond necklace and be like "oh Y/N might like this" and buy it
You talk mostly on Snapchat when you're apart
Chenle sends you snaps of everything he does
Literally everything
You have many cute pictures together
Also lots of weird ones
You've been to his house so much times you already have a room there
Pretty clingy
Always backhugging you or side hugging you
Likes to pull your hair to annoy you
Talks about you so much
The members probably know all about your adventures together
Teaches you Chinese and is surprisingly supportive and patient with you
Loves to explain about his culture to you and thinks it's cute you're so interested
You just make him happy tbh
You're the only person he trusts
The loyal BFF
Always says he doesn't need anyone when he has you
Appreciates your friendship so much uwu
You basically grew up together
Invites you to every one of his comebacks and gets super sad if you can't make it
You're his biggest supporter
Takes everything you say VERY seriously
Sends you every picture he wants to upload to Instagram to hear your opinion about it
Doesn't like when you get too close with the other members
Tries not to make it obvious but he's pouty and gives you the cold shoulder so it shows
Says he'll forgive you only if you buy him ice cream (a baby)
You're always taking his clothes to the point you have a small closet in your room just for them
Gets embarrassed whenever you hug him or squeeze his cheeks but he secretly loves it
Probably freaks out if you ever date someone because he's so afraid he'll be replaced
Texts you every few days when he's away to make you sure you didn't forget him
You go together to amusement parks or escape rooms or other stuff like that
Just anything extreme
Tries to prove he's a man by winning you plushies at the amusement park
Still doesn't change the fact that he's a really tall baby
He pretends to get embarrassed by your stupid shit but he honestly can't live without you
Is a bit awkward when it comes to deep conversations
So if you're sad or unwell he'll probably just take out his phone and watch fail complications on YouTube with you until you laugh
Doesn't talk to you much about his own feelings
So sometimes you feel insecure about your relationship, which is the main reason for fights between you two
But in the end of the day you know all the important stuff one way or another
Will cancel any plan he has to spend more time with you<3
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loudjune · 4 years
a post about sexuality! which devolves into relationships and sadness.
AKA, poor June, she didn't know she was not straight.
And that's like all I can say, right? I'm not just straight. Idk if I like either binary gender but I do know that I wanted to kiss girls when I was stuck with a bedroom full of them during Navy induction (yes, military! scary!!! didn't do it no worries guys). Or that I wanted to make out with my study partner in college. Nerdy ass bros would literally wall me on the way to my car (legit happened, I was cute as fuck once!), and yet I felt no connection with them. Honestly, men were more tools to destress too (sorry bros), and while they were fun I can only name one that I would have dropped my entire world for, you know? And that's because he was fuckin vulnerable. Idk. I haven't dated a girl tho! How the fuck do I fuCKIN KNOW WHAT SEXUALITY I AM?!
And reader, you're probably like why don't you just go to bed with one?? But reader, my sexuality is that of catharsis, I only partake when my life is in fuckin shambles and my lizard brain is like ah the sex felt good right??? yeah do that!!!
And I've never felt like doing that with a girl. Basically using them. My first partner was a close friend and I was fuckin curious and while yes, it was good, felt good, it was more that I trusted him than that he was male and had the right parts??? Idk. And my second partner was someone I had a crush on as a teen and I was fuckin sad after another guy I liked crushed my self worth. He didn't mind being used because that's all he does to women anyway so, worked out. Sex wasn't great, the only highlight is when he went to choke me? Like lightly and then he was like oops shit bad sorry. Yeah. He is... Honestly a toxic person without being toxic masculinity toxic. He's just toxic. Poor guy.
Is it just that I'm over men? Is it that I maybe like both but due to repeated offenses really don't want to be with men anymore because damn, damn I mean all genders be fucked up but the cismen got an edge on them ya know?
[I removed an unclear portion from here, but it basically said I follow a guy on FB that goes by Morningstar and he's a sweetie.] I'm from a Christian background and lemme tell you, there are a fuckin tonne more people that are satanists that are honestly good ass people than those that are Christians. Nearly every satanist I've met is generally a good fuckin person. I was literally (dry) molested at age 13 by a 16 year old at church. The only way others stepped in is to make him stop talking to me and leave me out to dry; being shunned by the entire group. (Related; one of many reasons I generally say fuck the idea of the Christian God, by like one of the smallest reasons ok? How my mom remains a Christian surpasses my ability to comprehend.)
So what the fuck am I? I don't know, and I don't really get to find out because my mother isn't comfortable with it. Sure, she acts like she supports people, but honestly she's got a lot of biases to overcome. Again, she was raised in a Christian coded household, and being gay is wrong? (Where does it say in the Bible? Like maybe one spot and honestly if you look up the history of weaponized sexual conquering in those times it makes sense why it was in there. No I don't feel like going over that because a) I barely recall the whole context and b) not what this post is about.)
So I'm stuck. Yeah. And it sucks! I don't know what I am, have no real way of finding out what I am because I don't particularly find anyone attractive beyond "zomg ur purdy :3 lemme pet ur hair" and unless I'm stressed I don't think about sex. I was programmed at such a young age by my peers that I was there for pleasuring others that now the thought of it just makes me angry af.
Like it still bothers me that one of my friends from an old RP, who commended me on my individuality and strength, asked me to marry him OUT OF THE FUCKIN BLUE [and some years later!] but had stipulations like I couldn't work, I couldn't have my own bank account, whatnot and I'm like bro??? Bro don't you know me?? You valued me as a friend because I fuckin fought for myself and didn't let anyone tie me up with others and their actions???
Some day I'm gonna look back at this post and go "woman could you not form a coherent thought" and honestly no I can't. This is a stream of consciousness nonsense post no one will ever fuckin read anyway.
What this all boils down to is that I'm isolated as fuck from so much of society. I'm not coded for the neurodivergent community. I'm not coded for the neurotypical community. I'm not coded for heteronormative partnership. I don't know what the fuck I am, where I am going, other than I just have to make it through the next day, week, and maybe month. I don't want to be alone when my parents die, but that's kinda how it looks. I mean my friends will go "uwu we are there for you!!" But for how long? It's never long.
I'm honestly coded to be alone. And that's really fuckin lame.
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magicrobins · 6 years
Dare you to answer all 100 of those questions
Well shit man I feel challenged.
All questions answered under the cut.
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
As in boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope, single af over here :P
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
Uhh probs? I mean I don’t really remember but it probably wasn’t a big thing.
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
My kitty, my little pumpkin, Freckles uwu
4: What’s something you really want right now?
To finish answering these questions? JK JK lmao!
I’d really like to see one of my best friends again, for like more than just one day but like I always really want that.
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
In a way, yes. I’m afraid that I’ll fall in love with someone I’m not meant to be with and have my heart broken. I’m afraid I’ll fall in love with someone who won’t like that I’m sex repulsed, who won’t like that I don’t think I’d want to have kids, or at least little kids/babies. I know the right person won’t mind any of that, but I’m afraid of falling for the wrong person before I fall for the right one.
6: Do you like the beach?
Yes! I like looking for seashells but I stay the fuck away from the ocean.
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
I haven’t fallen asleep on a couch, that I’m aware of, but one of my best friends and I cuddled on one while relaxing during a 24 film contest.
8: What’s the background on your cell?
A picture of Korrasami from the LOK comic.
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Name the last four beds?? Uh my own, my dad’s, and my sister’s?
10: Do you like your phone?
Meh. It’s a good phone but since some iOS update, it’s been a real bitch. :/
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Ahahahaha no. Some things are nice, some things are… what they are. I didn’t plan to spend four years at MJC but I’m getting my AA degree at the end of this year. I didn’t plan to want to continue my schooling and get a Bachelor’s/Master’s in archaeology but that’s because I’d y’know buried that dream deep down ‘cause I thought I wasn’t smart enough (still sometimes feel like that but I got this, don’t worry). I didn’t plan to actually get into theater and want to minor in theater. I didn’t plan to get hella into Dungeons & Dragons and play in two campaigns, DMing one, and uploading the videos to YouTube but hey, I like how that turned out. I didn’t plan on being stuck with writer’s block majority of the time and restarting the same book over ten times. All in all, life’s not really going how I’d planned but at the same time, I hadn’t really made a plan. I just sort of let it take its course, I guess?
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Oh a friend of a friend’s who joined this RPG campaign that’s based on the Dresden Files. She was added to the group chat so I added her number. :)
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
Uhh I’d rather have both, duh.
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional by far. I’ve dealt with physical pain for like four years now in my left shoulder (finally getting that fixed this summer) and while it can hurt so much that it makes me cry, I’ll take it over emotional pain. That’s probs not a good thing but that’s how I feel.
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
I like the zoo, but I’d rather go to an art museum. I adore museums and don’t go to them as often as I’d like.
16: Are you tired?
Who isn’t? It’s past 11pm rn so yeah, I am lol.
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
My first phone contact was probs my parents and sister so my whole life lol.
18: Are they a relative?
Yep ;P
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
I have one ex and I’d have to say no. Nothing against him, it’s just that I don’t have romantic feelings for him. I don’t want to date someone I don’t have romantic feelings for.
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
Not like a kiss on the cheek, I’m guessing? If so, then no one :P
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
Mm, I’d probs say yes if they proposed. A wedding takes time to plan though! ;P
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Haven’t ever kissed anyone -shrugs-
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
None, but I usually wear at least one on my right wrist if I’m not wearing long sleeves.
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
No really, sorry.
25: What’s on your mind?
“Dear God, there’s a lot of questions!” lmao
26: Do you have any tattoos?
Nope. I’d like some but I’m terrified of pain and needles. ^^”””
27: What is your favorite color?
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Shit idk? At this point it’s looking like never lmao
29: Who are you texting?
No one atm. Last person I sent a text to was my sis.
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
…Y’all just keep wanting to rub in that I ain’t ever kissed anyone before lmao!
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Probably. :| I also probably caused that bad thing to happen.
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Yep! uwu
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I mean there’s someone I’d love to have feelings for me but no, I don’t think so. It might be the insecurities talking, but no one, to my knowledge, has had feelings for me in a while.
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Uhh aside from parents or family?? Shit I can’t remember, but y’know what? I have damn pretty eyes. I have pretty hazel eyes ok lmao.
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
Then that person would be kissing air ‘cause I haven’t ever kissed anyone lmaooo
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
Every Valentine’s Day, yes. :’)
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Yes. I’m friends with Nobody. xDDD
38: What do your friends call you?
Depends on the friends and when they met me. Friends who I’ve known since high school called me by my full first name, “Briana.” Friends I’ve met online or at college call me by my nickname, “Anna.”
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Not that I can think of… Irritated, sure, but not really upset.
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
Pfffffffffffffffffffffft…. Of course.
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
Uhh I don’t have any atm but probs on my leg?
42: What is it from?
Hell if I know -shrugs-
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
That hasn’t been for a while… I usually feel this way when I go to class in the beginning when I don’t really know anyone, especially if I’m put in front of the class to talk. (This happened a lot in the beginning of the acting class I took.)
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My dad. Called him to let him know the fucking hide away door was busted again… I hate that door.
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
All of my boots. uwu
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Yep! Mostly depends on the outfit, but majority of the time I’ll wear this Code Geass hat I have.
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Fuck no.
48: Do you make supper for your family?
Pffft no.
49: Does your bedroom have a door?
50: Top 3 web-pages?
According to Chrome, the top three I go to is YouTube, Tumblr, and Facebook.
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
Maybe? I’m not sure.
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
My left shoulder. For the past four years. :’)
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
Depending on who they’re with. Saying “goodbye” to one of my best friends when he moved to Arizona was… that was painful.
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Probs Dr. Pepper.
55: How is your hair?
Fine atm. It’s not combed but I don’t mind how it looks rn.
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
Check my phone.
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
Yes, anythings possible.
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?
When aren’t I? Lol yes, I was.
59: Green or purple grapes?
Meh either is fine with me.
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Idk, when they need it?
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
…I’m not sure, tbh.
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
Tomorrow? Idk.
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
Home, in bed. :P
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
Sleeping ;P
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
My cat lmao
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I don’t really remember, sorry :/
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
Two - five tabs in Chrome though.
71: How many fingers do you have?
72: What is your ringtone?
Just some generic ring tone.
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
Still 23 :P
74: Where is your Mum right now?
At her house probs.
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
Let’s go with “almost in love” ‘cause idk wtf falling in love feels and idk if you can fall in love with someone who you have strong feelings for but never dated.
To answer the question, though: ‘cause I was a closeted af idiot. I mean, in all honesty, I understand why I was closeted. I was refusing to admit to even myself that I wasn’t straight. I get why I was so scared but like… in hindsight I wish I’d been open with myself and open with this person.
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
…Wtf is year 7? Is that 7th grade? If so, I was homeschooled then so didn’t have a crush. :P
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
I have a few family members with that name.
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
Mm one person but that’s just ‘cause I legitly don’t know how to move on, like no one’s really told me a good way to move on so my brain is just like “What to do with these unrequited feelings fuck :|”
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
I have ;D lmao
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Mm probs not? Not unless they text me. I texted them yesterday, didn’t get a response but I know they’ve been busy.
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Idk? I don’t drink so idk why I’d get drunk.
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I saw Black Panther. Enough said. uwu
87: Who was your last received call from?
Probs the hospital to schedule an appointment?
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
Wtf no!! DDD:
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
Either money specifically to pay for school, or filming equipment so I can film the D&D sessions how I’d like to film them. :|
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Maybe? Idk.
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
Nope. Door open but window closed.
92: Do you get along with girls?
Lmao I like to think so.
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Um idk? I mean I’ve never told the person I had (have?) strong feelings for that I’ve had those feelings and how long I’ve felt that way but like idk if they need to know that?
94: Does sex mean love?
No. You can have sex without love and love without sex.
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
I’d be alone. :|
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
Idk does Nobody have a lip ring? lmaoooo
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
Nope, I have my cat and my dog. uwu
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
Yes. I have my friends, my pets, and someone special to me.
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes. I don’t believe everyone experiences it - everyone falls in love in different ways - but I believe it’s possible.
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Uhhhh idk? That was probs years ago?
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nwolcdas · 4 years
"Dari film, saya menemui manusia yang belum pernah saya temui, datang ke tempat yang belum pernah saya datangi, dan menggali perspektif yang belum pernah saya gali."
Kalau ditanya, apa film favorit, saya jelas bingung. Terlalu banyak yang bagus. Saya awalnya berniat mencatutkan nama film garapan pak Cristopher Nolan yang judulnya "Interstellar", apalagi sekarang mau ada season 2 nya. Tapitapi..... saya urung mencatutkan Interstellar dan beralih ke.... Code Geass.
Bisa dibilang Code Geass bukan movie, tapi series. Anime pula. Oke, saya memang penyuka jejepangan. Murni karena saya suka skill menggambar yang dipadukan dengan perumusan storyline--Anime adalah tempat terbaik untuk mengamati perpaduan tersebut.
Sebenarnya, apa yang membuat saya menjadikan Code Geass sebagai film favorit saya?
Yeah, sebenernya ya... indikatornya sederhana saja : Plot twist.
Nggak sekedar plot twist biasa, tapi plot twist yang cukup emosional-menyentil-dan dalam. Sialnya, Jun Fukuyama dkk meramu plot twist tersebut di ending, bukan di pertengahan cerita atau di awal cerita. Bisa saya jamin, saat kamu nonton ending Code Geass di season 2, kamu akan jadi satu sekte dengan saya. Sekte yang meyakini bahwa sampai saat ini, Code Geass merupakan anime dengan ending paling epik. Bahkan lebih epik dari anime legend besutan Makoto Shinkai yang judulnya Kimi No Nawa.
Kalau boleh jujur, saya belum pernah mendapatkan film-anime-atau media hiburan apapun yang sensasi emosionalnya sedalam saat saya menonton series Code Geass.
Siapapun setuju ending Code Geass itu tragis, tapi siapapun juga akan setuju bahwa : tragically, that's absolutely beautiful.
Salah satu quotes favorit saya di Code Geass :
"All the hatred in the world is gathered on me, as promised. So, all you have to do is to erase my existence and put an end to this chain of hatred. The black knights will have the legend of zero left behind for them. Schneizel will work for zero. And now the world can be unified at one table, not through military force, but through negotiation and talk. Mankind can finally embrace the future.”
Yang kalo di Indonesiakan pake bahasa gaul kurang lebih artinya :
"Semua kebencian di dunia ini mengarah ke gw, macem apa yg gw janjikan. Jadi, tugas lo semua setelah ini adalah ngehapus eksistensi gw dan mengakhiri rantai kebencian ini. Black Knight (nama pasukan kerajaan di Code Geass) bakal punya Zero yang melegenda itu disamping mereka (Zero juga nama tokoh di Code Geass). Schneizel (nama tokoh di kode Geass) bakal kerja dari nol. Dan seluruh dunia bisa disatukan dalam satu meja, gapake perang (militer), tapi pake negosiasi dan diskusi. Dengan kayak gitu, umat manusia bisa punya masa depan."
Lelouch Lamperouge who quotes that statement above is the most adorable character I've ever seen. Maybe kalian pernah tau tentang Itachi Uchiha di serial manga/anime Naruto yang mati berkorban demi adiknya dan seluruh desa. BUT LELOUCH IS MOREEEEE POWERFULL YET SOFTIE FEELEY TOUCHY INSIDE.
Kalian nggak bisa bilang Lelouch itu sebaik Itachi. He is evil, penuh makar, intrik, dan too much brainy. Dia otak dibalik strategi perang yang out of the box, scene genosida yang ga berperikemanusiaan, dan mungkin ada juga segelintir orang yang nganggep bahwa Lelouch adalah protagonis ter evil sepanjang masa.
But hey. His heart is really fluffy, his brain is really awesome, and his insight is really gorgeous. Saya jatuh cinta sama tokoh ini sejak pertama kemunculannya yang dengan badass bilang "kalau raja nggak bergerak, anak buahnya nggak akan ada yang gerak." --- who the hell manusia yang main catur milih buat pakai raja di tahap awal movement bidak caturnya?! That is Lelouch. Kalau saya mah lebih milih korbanin anak buah atau mindahin kuda. Karena... raja itu gerakannya paling terbatas dan absolutely bidak catur paling miskin skill yang bisanya gerak satu langkah doang. Hehe. Hehe.
But lelouch prove to audience that something useless could be usefull if the mastermind behind that things is skilled af.
Oke. Cukup sampai disini perkenalan sama film favorit saya. Maybe kalau belum nonton, coba deh nonton. Terus ayo debat (re : diskusi) terkait endingnya yang cantik tapi nggantung itu. 💙💙💙
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amorremanet · 8 years
hate meme: harry james potter, abed nadir, freddie lounds & santana lopez? ^.^
“send me literally anything and ill tell you something i hate about it”
abed nadir
sometimes got too much attention and/or narrative forgiveness
like? abed is one of my favorite male fictional characters, period, and he means a lot to me because he’s one of the only examples of GOOD autistic spectrum representation in fiction, and i know that dan harmon and the writers loved him a lot (and for that, i don’t blame them)
but look at troy’s last episode in season five (the one where they had a massive, school-wide game of, “the floor is lava” before troy left to sail around the world with levar burton, but abed tried to drag it out forever, at the expense of literally everyone else, because he didn’t want troy to go)
for one thing: on the in-universe level, abed dragged the entire population of greendale into this game and kept dragging it out without regard for the game’s effects on anyone else (and people were getting hurt, greendale’s ability to function as a school — even by greendale standards — was pretty much dead, and abed was totally fine with that)
and he massively disregarded troy’s agency in the whole matter (because he lied to troy about the purpose of the game; britta, for all her many faults, is the one who went, “uh, troy, abed is screwing with everyone to keep you at greendale”) — and this was all cast not just as sympathetic, but as ultimately more or less okay, because abed only did it because he loves troy so much and he’s terrified of both change and losing his best friend
which *is* sympathetic, and i feel abed on both counts, but that doesn’t make what he did okay???
for another thing: on the meta-level, troy’s last episode wound up being more about abed than it was about troy. like, this was going to be the last time we got to see troy at greendale and he did have an arc in the episode, but his arc was subordinated for the sake of an abed-focused ep
and if they were trying to have a “troy and abed” focused ep, then…
1. troy’s last episode was really not the time for that; abed should’ve been a secondary focus, at most
2. they did not succeed, in terms of foregrounding the troy/abed relationship, because they approached troy and abed individually, rather than looking at their relationship, and they didn’t go back to the relationship enough to make it work (like in the “pillows and blankets” two-parter)

3. there wasn’t a balance between troy and abed like the one you had in the “pillows and blankets” two-parter, or like the abed/shirley balance in “messianic myths and ancient peoples” or like the jeff/shirley balance in “foosball and nocturnal vigilantism” (or basically any jeff/shirley episode; they usually balanced pretty well, without either overtaking the other)
so, yeah. i love abed, but ffs. making him the show’s pet was really not good for anybody. to be fair, i would also say that annie suffered from this at least as much as abed did, so it’s not like abed was alone in this — but it really sticks out in a series that otherwise tried to be good about balancing its ensemble cast and challenging the typical protagonist-centered worldviews you see in most sitcoms
harry james potter
it’s less about him, exactly, and more about how tumblr fandom has taken to handling his status as a survivor of horrific childhood abuse and a few metric fuck-tons of trauma (but tbf, i think most of these answers fall into the heading of, “it’s less about the character, more about X thing in contexts surrounding them,” so)
which isn’t even exclusive to harry, because the hp fandom is totally bogus about handling abuse culture in general, and it’s rife with all kinds of double standards
—like, on the one hand, sirius attempts to commit a very premeditated murder by proxy, and even though the proxy is remus and he would’ve suffered for it more than sirius bc he’s a werewolf and the murder would have happened on the full moon, this is apparently totally 5,000% acceptable because sirius has abusive parents and the intended victim is snape
but on the other hand, you are victim-blaming, abuse apologist garbage if you think that severus is justified in never forgiving james and sirius even if his actions based on that were mostly in the wrong, or thinking that he had every right to fight back against james and sirius when they tormented him in school
(and never mind that james potter was not, at that time in his life, a victim of fucking anything. he is a wealthy, pureblooded man who came from a loving, supportive family, and is canonically regarded as both straight and white
TO BE FAIR, he is also never specified as being white, like voldemort, lucius, and draco all are — and as other readers have noted elsewhere, the way the dursleys talk about james/lily is heavily racialized, despite being about him being a wizard, in the text — so poc!james is one of the, “jkr didn’t say it’s not canon, so it could be” type of headcanons
but he’s also never said to be a poc, so that’s fanon
moreover, it can’t be treated as canon in order to make it out like james’s years of bullying snape were anything but a guy who is canonically privileged in every way that he can possibly be privileged in jkr’s universe bullying another kid who does not have most of james’s privileges [he’s male, a halfblood — less privileged than purebloods but more privileged than muggleborns — and he’s canonically regarded as straight and white; that’s it on the, “privileges that snape has in jkr’s universe” front]
—but hey, if it’s fair game to bring up all of the racialized coding in how the dursleys talk about james by way of trying to ignore the fact that jkr treats him as white in canon, then how about let’s remember all the antisemitic coding in how jkr writes about severus, even though she doesn’t outright say that he’s jewish: source (nb: this post was written in 2005, the author didn’t have dh), source, source, source, source, source
and oh, never mind how james flat-out says that he bullies severus, “more [because of] the fact that he exists, if you know what i mean” [ootp 647]
and never mind how plenty of the people who act like severus was obligated to forgive james and sirius have reblogged things about how nobody is ever obligated to forgive their abusers, and/or condemn him for fighting back while applauding when hermione punches draco [which i say without judging them bc she’s fighting back against a blood purist little snot who torments her and her friends for fun, and i love that moment too], like??
ffs, guys, you can criticize and/or condemn snape’s actions without acting like he was terrible because he saw no reason to forgive james and sirius for what they did to him, or acting like it was Totally Wrong Forever for him to fight back against the guys who meant he didn’t even get a reprieve from his abusive, neglectful home-life at school bc they decided to torment him, and they had classmates who thought it made them cool)
furthermore, it’s apparently soooo totally not sirius’s fault that he abuses kreacher because he’s stuck in grimmauld place and lashing out against his abusive parents because kreacher still loves them…… or so say people who are otherwise happy to call out the wizarding world for having this institutionalized and magically reinforced system of slavery, which i guess doesn’t matter when sirius “cinnamon roll uwu~” black is the person abusing that system to get away with his bullshit and explicitly abusive treatment of another sentient being—
which all goes back to harry because of how abuse culture ends up rearing its ugly head in how people discuss him as a survivor
like, apart from the double standards that all fandoms have toward abuse culture and survivors, there are two big sides that i’ve seen, in this trend.
on one hand, you have the people who want harry being a survivor to excuse him of things like trying to use the cruciatus curse (and successfully using it on amycus in dh!) or similar
on the other hand, there was the shit like what you saw after “cursed child” first came out, where people were going, “omg but harry is an abuse survivor, he would NEVER say/do anything like this to his kids ever” — which…… uh?
no. not how it works.
even ignoring the irl psychology parts related to abuse and survivors of it, jkr has two big models of abusers in the series:
people who are over-privileged af and bully down because they fucking can and who the fuck is really going to stop them (draco, bellatrix, the dursleys, bartemius crouch sr., umbridge, tom-mort voldingdong, albus dumbledore, and oh yeah, james and sirius);
and people who have been hurt by others before and lash out at others because of it, to the point of becoming abusers themselves (severus, sirius, barty crouch jr., peter pettigrew, arguably albus and tom-mort have shades of this as well but it’s very debatable, and if ginny, and remus actually crossed the line into abusive, rather than being, “well, they’re not abusers, but they have these examples of behaviors that could become patterns that went this way,” they’d both be on this list too, but since they don’t, they’re only getting mentioned)
(she has three big models if we include, “abusers who are not recognized as abusers in the text because she didn’t feel like it today i guess” — which mostly means the weasley parents, but other characters definitely have moments of doing shit that should’ve been called out and wasn’t, c.f. harry running around and trying to cast the cruciatus curse, hermione keeping rita skeeter in a mason jar and hexing the signup parchment at the DA, hagrid trying to attack dudley and turn him into a pig over shit that vernon said and dudley trying to eat harry’s birthday cake, fred and george full stop)
so, yeah, uh
idk guys, how about let’s NOT invalidate abuse survivors in fandom by perpetuating these ideas that survivors are and/or have to be perfect cinnamon rolls, while all abusers ever in the world are these ridiculous slobbering caricatures of all things terrible
that’s not how it works
acting like that’s how it works ends up helping police survivors and invalidate their experiences because it plays into things like the idea that all abusers are obviously abusive, which leads to real-world survivors having a harder time being believed when they try to reach out for help
which makes it all a function of abuse culture
if you really care about survivors — and if you really care about harry as a survivor — then don’t use his status as a survivor to make shit harder for irl survivors, period
freddie lounds
i guess this is more of a problem with how freddie was written tbh
but, like…… true, nbc!hannibal avoided being absolute about most things even more than hannibal himself avoids vegetarian recipes
the most absolutism you really got was, “murder is generally wrong, like. killing in self-defense is one thing, but even if you’re trying to get ingratiated with a cannibalistic serial killer again in the name of stopping him (william), murder is probably going to be wrong so you should, like…… not do that, i’m just saying” and, “eating people is wrong unless hannibal didn’t tell you that you were eating people, in which case it is still wrong but it’s his fault, not yours”
all of which is stuff that the show doesn’t really get any cookies for taking a stand on because, “in 99.999% of cases, murder is wrong and should be avoided” is…… not really a unique or groundbreaking moral sentiment
like, it’s one of the beliefs you find in, as far as i know, every human civilization all over the world, throughout history
(there are, of course, differences of opinion on how to punish murderers, and there are exceptions made for people who get around the law by being wealthy and powerful, or by virtue of having some form(s) of societal privilege [e.g., whiteness, or straightness in the case of the, “gay panic” defense], or all of the old arguments about how killing someone during a time of war isn’t a murder and therefore doesn’t count, and then there are all of the semantic debates about, “are all killings inherently murders or what”
—but still. most people tend to agree that murdering other people is generally wrong.)
but yeah, uh
one place where i would’ve liked a little less ambiguity is freddie’s relationship with and feelings toward abigail
like, i wouldn’t have needed her to suddenly develop an increased amount of sympathy toward other victims — whether in general, or even just specifically, “other victims of hannibal lecter,” and given how he treated her on multiple occasions, it’s pretty ridiculous to just expect her ever stop being a pain in will’s ass (i mean, even when she wasn’t in the right, which was most of the time, some of how will treated her was unhelpful to everyone and in the realm of, “yes, i get where you’re coming from but this still wasn’t cool”)
—but with abigail specifically, the show sort of went back and forth between, “freddie is genuinely interested in helping abigail and does have some kind of regard for her as a person” and, “freddie is just out for herself and only using abigail and her trauma to further her own career,” which was all further complicated by the fact that pretty much no one on nbc!hannibal was a reliable narrator about anything, for any number of reasons
like, beverly probably came the closest before she got totally fridged for no good reason, but even she wound up hindered by the fact that hannibal was manipulating the evidence and playing everyone around him like a really overpriced theremin
and idk
i think the best “compromise” or interpretation here would’ve been, like… “freddie starts out just trying to advance her career because that’s just how she does things in general, but eventually, she did come to genuinely care for abigail as a person and to genuinely want to help her, which would explain things like why will was open to working with freddie against hannibal in season two, since he may not have trusted her in general, but he would trust her to want to take down the man whom they thought killed abigail (even though she was secretly still alive, at that point)”
but the show itself was never really clear on that, and it’s like
okay, guys, i don’t think you need to spell out absolutely everything, and i realize that a certain degree of ambiguity in most situations and with almost all of the characters is part of your #Aesthetic
but this would be an example of you once again screwing over the characters who are not named will and/or hannibal, especially since I got a feeling like it’s less that you were leaving things vague on the, “freddie and abigail” front, and more that you just didn’t really care to figure things out about this part of freddie’s character
so……… yeah
santana lopez
okay, i don’t blame her for wanting artie out of the way when he was dating brittany back in season 2 because lmao, i did too, but for starters, artie wouldn’t have been dating brittany if santana hadn’t blown her off in the first place
—which isn’t #Problematic in terms of her character development because…… uh, well yeah, that was the point. santana created the problem by blowing brittany off and trying to convince herself that she was “totally straight, except sometimes scissoring with brittany, lmao feelings are totally pointless and should be hated and santana doesn’t have them” and it was part of the story of her coming to accept herself as a lesbian
but it was kind of, “ummm…”-inducing that she… never actually had to accept her own responsibility for brittany/artie happening, like
first, in the duets episode, she tried to meddle and break them up by going, “brittany’s just using you for the free dinner at breadstix lmao” — which she succeeded in, because brittany and artie didn’t even sing (though they both still voted for themselves in the, “who should win” bit at the end) — and santana apparently thought that was it
tbf, it’s not like she could foresee puck and artie bonding, and puck trying to ““help”” artie get back with brittany by being so thoroughly himself…… but then brittany and artie were back on, and santana’s response was to manipulate brittany into cheating on him by going, “it’s not cheating bc we’re both girls” and expecting brittany to just go along with it
then, brittany calls her on that in “sexy” — inasmuch as brittany got a chance to do back then — and santana only accepts responsibility for anything in the sense of, “okay, brittany wants me to get more in touch with my feelings and admit that i do love her because that is how i fucked up before”
she doesn’t look at brittany’s relationships with other people, or at brittany’s feelings about anything but santana and the current state of their relationship + how it might go in the future, and so on — and this is another example of a situation where santana is presented as being sympathetic but still in the wrong, and brittany calls her on it, and it’s part of her overall growth in the end
but we never really address the manipulation in telling brittany, “it’s not cheating because we’re both girls” (which, by glee standards, is not that bad, and tbf, brittany and artie weren’t perfect angels in any of this, either, since artie was pretty ableist to brittany even before the, “how can you be so stupid, brittany!” “you were the only one in this school who never said that to me!” moment in the fleetwood mac episode, and brittany had her own manipulative moments with both artie and santana
—but it still kinda bugged me that santana had an opportunity to grow and learn more about using her capacity for manipulation for good, and it…… didn’t really go anywhere?
and you can tell that she didn’t learn about manipulating brittany — at least not until way later down the line — because a few episodes later, she’s plotting to use dave to win prom queen bc she thinks she can then go on to convince britt-britt that she’d made a royal decree that brittany had to be her girlfriend)
finally, santana was really ableist toward artie throughout the entire brittany/artie arc
……and beforehand.
…………and afterward.
………………and just in general, even without brittany needing to be involved, because to be fair, this was just one part of a larger overall pattern of ableist bullshit on glee’s part, of which artie wasn’t even the only victim (he was just one of the most notable ones because he was one of the only canonically disabled characters)
so, it’s like? yeah, santana said pretty ableist shit about artie, on a pretty regular basis — the “stubbles mc-cr*pple-pants” nickname is one example i’ll never forget
—and yeah, she said offensive things to basically everyone else on the show (c.f., calling rachel, “yentl”; calling mercedes, “wheezy”; taking her internalized homophobia out on kurt, not in the scenes like, “kurt and blarren sing about how much they love each other all over santana’s pain over being forcibly outed because that’s so what she needed to hear right now, stfu both of you” or in fairly going, “hey, shut up and quit judging MY wedding to brittany as a bad life choice just because YOU couldn’t make it work with blarren” but in all the smaller instances that you barely even notice at first; taking her internalized homophobia out on dave even while asking him to help her win prom queen/blackmailing him into it; list goes on)
but the ableist shit she said to artie sticks out to me, in particular, bc santana’s other examples of this behavior were generally cast as, “she’s witty and outrageous, yes, but you should really probably not actually say things like this, it’s asshole behavior on her part,” while the shit she said to artie…… kinda didn’t
not because the ableist shit she said to artie didn’t get called out
(bc lbr, most of the things that santana ever said didn’t get, “called out”
it got shown to be Not Cool bc it would get associated with people getting upset with her
or it would sound too much like Sue [who is almost always in the wrong, so sounding like her is something that you generally want to avoid]
or it would be used to show that santana is being selfish and rude even without it being called out [like when she called mercedes, “wheezy” before going, “we don’t have to like each other, let’s sing a duet together and win that free dinner at breadstix”]
or it would otherwise have some kind of repercussions
—but it probably wouldn’t get, “called out” as such, outside of REALLY big exceptions, like how they used, “well, but santana was bullying him” as a justification for finn getting her outed, when…… yes, her bullying him was wrong but these things are not the same
or the bit in, “silly love songs” where oher glee club kids [in order: finn, lauren, puck, quinn, tina, and rachel] bite back at santana over insulting them)
but her ableist shit toward artie sticks out because the show always kinda seemed to…… not agree with santana about it, exactly, since her saying it was still narratively seen as Not Cool?
but it seemed to give her a half-pass because plenty of the other characters who weren’t physically disabled expressed similar feelings about artie and his disability, just with less vitriol (e.g., puck, who even got to be friends with artie but still said ableist shit; he just wasn’t actively trying to be mean like santana was)
or they tried really hard to make it sound like, “well, this is just commonsense and how things are, what can you do” (e.g., MOST of them, back in season 1’s “wheels,” where rachel was pretty vitriolic in her ableist nonsense, but not directly at artie
—like, she was one of the, “but this is just how things are, don’t take it personally” when talking to him, but then lumped schue’s, “all of you will spend this week in wheelchairs to learn about accessibility!” lesson plan in with him giving kurt a fair audition for the “defying gravity” solo when she had her little diva moment of, “maybe someday, you’ll find a way to create teaching moments without RUINING MY LIFE” and then tried to storm out while still in a wheelchair)
which is all really less about santana herself, and more about how santana fit into the show’s overall patterns of ableism, but
i’m really hard-pressed to come up with something that i actually hate about santana, which is why hers is the longest answer (bc i had to dig deep and bullshit my way through it, oops)
(harry’s is closest in length but that’s because i had an actual point to make; by my standards, his answer is pretty short)
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