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justaninnocentstudent · 11 months ago
My roomie leaving to get fucked Vs me staying home to get fucked (Its just UWorld)
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dr-scarlette-witch · 2 years ago
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Had a busy couple of days. I am currently waiting for my official announcement for my course commencement. Until then I decided to tutor at a nearby coaching institute and I was kept busy, also it helps me pay for my Uworld.
Last Sunday I got a day off and I decided to meet my closest friends from school. We have know each other for over a decade and a half and our lives are so different now, but like every time we meet and hangout it feel like nothing has changed. So had lunch and decided to go beach hopping, while we reached the beach it was too sunny so we decided to wait for sometime, when we noticed this huge black cloud moving towards the beach from the sea. And our dumbasses were like yeah we ll go to the sea when the cloud comes closer because it will be less sunny then🤡. Long story short as soon as it got cloudy we walked towards the sea and the cloud bursted into a heavy 5mins rain and we all got wet👍🏽. Got my car covered in sand and rain water. Anyways had a good time.
Today I have an evening full of free time. Planning to read some neonatology. As I said before, I feel that I have a lot of unclear topics when it comes to neonatology. I am currently reading AIIMS NICU protocols, because I feel the language used is simple and I can cover the book faster and I feel that it will be enough for my first year residency.
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muraskivioletta · 2 years ago
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Belle (2021) 🌸🎶 - Lend me your voice 🌹🎶☄️
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melaniekudo · 5 months ago
“21 May 2021”
Still in awe.
First of all, I would like to thank my family and friends for being my inspiration through this journey. This one is for you!
I would like to thank also IRT Philippines - NCLEX Online Coaching (Sir Jhon Perey and Sir IRT4) for equipping me with knowledge that I need to conquer NCLEX. I used to review on my own for almost 2 years and it was tough not knowing where to start first, what books to read, what topics to focus on so on and so forth. It was the best 1 month review. Every hour during review was worth it. For those are going to, or are planning to take the NCLEX, the key that worked for me was the combination of lectures, notes and using Uworld.
Lastly, I want to thank our Lord for everything. I owe it all to you.
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jinnie-study · 2 months ago
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i got hobonichi dupes!! kinbor weekly a6 (pink) and kinbor daily a5 (black)
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this week's spread at the beginning of the week vs after last night! it's messier than id like but i think that's the realistic part of having a planner that's used everyday.
as badly as i want a hobonichi from everything ive been seeing online, i couldn't justify the price in the event that i.... didnt actually use it. however the kinbor techos are almost the same setup and only cost $10-20 each rather than $40-80 😭 so if it goes well, then maybe i will allow myself to invest in a hobonichi next year. the weekly is for schedule/to-do/planning and the daily is for journaling and documenting my every day :]
i've been recovering from the brutal fall semester of MS2 😭 and now we're straight back into the new spring term. i have my STEP 1 date now April 7 !! and i'm panicking and nervous 😬 cuz the practice test yesterday was Brutal. now i'm not sure if taking it at the beginning of dedicated is worth it. 😭 i'm gonna do a social media detox/cleanse and delete most things off my phone until i take STEP. my u🌏 app is about to become my most used and my best friend. i will try to be more active for accountability's sake but if i cannot post on here, i shall use my friends to hold me accountable haha. that's all my updates for now. 🫡
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cinnamoncianna · 2 months ago
people creep their exes’ social media I just stalk the mcat subreddit all day and feel like shit after
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idontmindifuforgetme · 1 month ago
This whole situation is so disgusting. You poor thing! Glad you can see the humour in it
Lol I’m lowkey bummed out but thank you😭😭 that’s literally every guy my age what can u do. But I also think he’s having a quarter life crisis like when we were studying he was using a physics mcat book that dates back to 2003 for no fucking reason I was like what is this man doing he’s so lost
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fauvester · 2 years ago
watching The Orville after like 5 people recd it and:
oops I accidentally gave my OC a VERY similar backstory to the main character. so sorry bruv not on purpose
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birdingandreading · 2 years ago
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Studying for my Emergency Medicine shelf exam that’s in a couple weeks. Recently made the transition into 4th year and started my second rotation of the year - emergency medicine. It’s such a different approach to medicine than the other specialties I’ve had the most exposure to (Internal Medicine/Hospitalist, Family Medicine.) I really like the fast pace and constant activity although my sleep schedule is entirely destroyed 🫠
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pressedstars-andflowers · 4 days ago
what if i did the usmle…… just for funsies
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vegasvagus · 7 days ago
I have a big final on Monday and I have been studying in the format based on my worst exam score to the best and I haven't been doing too bad in the class I am oddly worried about bombing the final....
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bloodglucose · 5 months ago
classmate who i haven’t spoken to or heard from since graduation just dmed me congratulating me on my board exam??? told me our DON told him about me
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shiningneedlecastle · 11 months ago
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what fresh hell is this (for context, this is a bunch of answer choices to a practice exam question)
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mokshconsultant · 1 year ago
The requirements for eligibility to take the USMLE Step 2 CK are outlined as follows:
You must be a graduate of a medical school in the United States or Canada that holds accreditation from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), or alternatively, you must be officially enrolled as a medical student at one of these accredited institutions.
For international medical graduates (IMGs), you must meet the eligibility standards established by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). This includes being a graduate of or currently enrolled as a medical student in a school outside of the United States and Canada that is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools.
Passing USMLE Step 1 is a prerequisite for taking Step 2 CK.
International medical students must also have current ECFMG sponsorship.
To schedule your Step 2 CK examination, you need to register an account with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). Once your account is set up, you can log in and arrange your exam date. It's important to note that eligibility criteria for Step 2 CK may undergo revisions, so it's advisable to regularly check with the NBME for the latest updates.
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usmlematerialsnet · 2 years ago
8 Months USMLE Step 1 Experience Score [PASS]
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dr-scarlette-witch · 2 years ago
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Was travelling with family last week and fell a lil sick. But the weather was wonderful today and I was able to spend a few hours learning. Finally completed uworld block on genetics. Feels like a huge achievement honestly.
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