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i got hobonichi dupes!! kinbor weekly a6 (pink) and kinbor daily a5 (black)

this week's spread at the beginning of the week vs after last night! it's messier than id like but i think that's the realistic part of having a planner that's used everyday.
as badly as i want a hobonichi from everything ive been seeing online, i couldn't justify the price in the event that i.... didnt actually use it. however the kinbor techos are almost the same setup and only cost $10-20 each rather than $40-80 😭 so if it goes well, then maybe i will allow myself to invest in a hobonichi next year. the weekly is for schedule/to-do/planning and the daily is for journaling and documenting my every day :]
i've been recovering from the brutal fall semester of MS2 😭 and now we're straight back into the new spring term. i have my STEP 1 date now April 7 !! and i'm panicking and nervous 😬 cuz the practice test yesterday was Brutal. now i'm not sure if taking it at the beginning of dedicated is worth it. 😭 i'm gonna do a social media detox/cleanse and delete most things off my phone until i take STEP. my u🌏 app is about to become my most used and my best friend. i will try to be more active for accountability's sake but if i cannot post on here, i shall use my friends to hold me accountable haha. that's all my updates for now. 🫡
#studyblr#studygram#bujo#studyspo#studyinspo#hobonichi#kinbor#hobonichi dupe#messybujolife#messybujo#med studyblr#med student#medical student#medical school#studyspiration#study#study blog#study motivation#study inspiration#studying#planner#hobonichi weeks#stickers#usmle#usmlestep1#ms2#uworld grinding begins now
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My goal for April is to actually get enough sleep every day! So far, so good, I think 🧐 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Tags: #studygram #studyspace #studygrammer #smallstudygram #newstudygram #personal #mine #jennastudiesgram #messy #messybujo #notperfect #proudanyway #bulletjouraladdict #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjouraladdict #newbujo #newbulletjournal #bujoaddicts #papermate #inkjoy #inkjoygelpens #studytips #study #studying #studytips #smallstudygram #newstudygram #personal #mine #habittracker #handlettering #march #april2019 #studywithjenna #sleeptracker #sleep #mildliners #mildliner #aprilgoals #2019 (at Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwVkpqcBCOf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8whf0jwrcqkv
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More trial and error with the weekly layout. I still feel like the area for my daily appointments and reminders are too small. But I have a new idea for next week that might work a little better. Quote of the week: "you cannot find peace by avoiding life." Virginia Woolf #bujo #bulletjournal #bujojunkies #bujojunkies #bujoweeklyspread #bujoweekly #personal #tombowdualbrushpens #micropens #ektoolspens #journaling #moleskine #littleblackbook #messybujo (at Piscataway, New Jersey)
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Yes, that's two Mondays at the top of my May calendar. This account is for my handwriting practice and my various journal and planning adventures, particularly in my bujo. In particular I'll be highlighting my humorous mistakes. Anyone that wants to submit their mistakes in either area can do so as well by DM. I am open to submissions. So check it our, @messybujo.
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#bulletjournal woes, I'm going to be starting over again, because #gelpens are beautiful but obnoxious. Or at the very least very inconsistent. Some (pastels, metallic and plain) are mostly fine if you are very careful to not smudge, glittery ones are bleeding, smudgy messes that get everywhere. So I'm switching to fineliners, only using gels for accents. Soon I'll be ordering a big selection of colors and getting a new journal. For now this one is good for practice and plotting ideas, but until the new stuff arrives I'm not going to be posting a ton of #bujo stuff. Fun fact, did you know you can use gel pens to make plain felt bindis sparkly? I just discovered that today! #bujoaddict #gelpenproblems #smudging #smearedink #messybujo #ocdtrigger #notasplanned #journalpage #journaling
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sometimes your words feel like the backdrop to my sins. are you my conscience or just another loud anxious voice in the crowd? all those voices sound like you, and your meaningless taunts. meaningless. like always, i hike up my sleeves. i'm no longer scared to ignore you.
living in an abusive household, trying to be a studious person, not wanting to be a mean aunt, being an older sibling. it's really really difficult to focus and drown out all the excesses in your head. it's hard to center your brain on what you need to do for yourself and your future and it's hardest to find motivation to work. i'm doing my best. my best is good enough. maybe if i repeat it enough, i will believe it. thank you to everyone for your support in my endeavors and my bullet journal work! 💞
#adhd management is very hard and im trying my best#studyblr#studygram#bujo#studyspo#studyinspo#bujospread#bulletjournal#study motivation#studying#med school#messybujo#med studyblr#medical student#medical school#premed#pre med#exam preparation#mcat prep#exam prep#mcatprep#mcat#countdown to june 4
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2022.05.07 - 05.08
i count the days waiting for the other shoe to drop. my stomach sinks anytime i put myself out there. my veins filled with the cold chill of anxiety, fear, and worry. i'm scared everything will collapse. i'm scared that the lie i've been living will be found out. i'm scared of losing you because my honesty is a sin wrapped in years if lies and mistakes. freedom...
a lot of days i feel like i take one step forward and 2 steps back. i want to be more honest, i want to grow. i hope i am doing enough.
in other news, i didn't do as good as i hoped on the PT but it was much MUCH better than i expected so yay!!! 3 PTs until d-day 😔
#countdown to june 4#studyblr#studygram#bujo#studyspo#studyinspo#bujospread#bulletjournal#study motivation#studying#heysareena#heydel#heyindia#hey sprouht#messybujolife#messybujo#mcat prep#mcatprep#mcat#exam prep#exam preparation#premed#pre med#med studyblr#medical student#medical school#med school
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spring!!!! i miss you. midterms are taking all my health out ㅠㅠ
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This week is really busy, but by some miracle I got some down time, so I did a little planning in my bujo I was also able to order some new goodies, so hopefully I'm able to start making some process videos and really turn the ideas I have for a YouTube channel into reality 🤞 (stay tuned for updates!) This week has started out well, and if things continue on this path, they'll just get better and better! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Tags: #studygrammer #studyspace #studygram #study #studying #studytips #smallstudygram #newstudygram #stationaryaddict #studyblr #study #futurelawyer #mine #messybujo #notperfect #proudanyway #bulletjouraladdict #bujo #bulletjournal #bujoideas #bujoinspiration #bujofebruary #mine #personal #washi #washitape #goldwashi #goldwashitape #muji #mujipens #jennastudiesgram #jennasbujo #jennastudies #studywithjenna #startingayoutube #staytuned (at Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCvHcwB8q3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e2q2fmhd603
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This week is another busy week, but I took the little bit of down time I found today to work on my bujo a bit I think I've found a weekly spread that works well for me, and next month I might try to add more color/pictures to my stuff! I also had the chance to order some new materials that should make it easy to start posting process videos so look out for those in the near future 😬 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Tags: #studygram #studyspace #studygrammer #smallstudygram #stationary #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjouraladdict #newbujo #newbulletjournal #messybujo #notperfect #proud #newstudygram #bujofebruary #weeklyspread #muji #messy #mine #productivity #newtothis #bujoideas #bujoinspiration #washitape #washi #goldwashitape #goldwashi #process #videoscomingsoon #jennastudiesgram #jennasbujo #studywithjenna (at Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCscp8h6n2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=buigqch0zbyf
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bts went to the grammys and its all im going to think about for the next month and a half! this week is midterms prep, im not ready but i think this spread might help keep me going! 💕
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the semester just started but im already messy and all over the placeㅠㅠ i miss break. magic shop was crazy yesterday and lots of fun so im glad i went through with it even though i have lots of studying to catch up on now. im set to follow through personal goals, though, and its nice (,:
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My March monthly layout includes an Irish proverb, "your feet will bring you where your heart is." #bujo #personal #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #bulletjournaljunkies #monthlyspread #goals #calendar #marchbujo #bujomonthly #bujojunkies #bujoinspire #moleskine #journaling #messybujo (at Dunellen, New Jersey)
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My bullet journal is simple this week. I like the idea of one weekly to do list and layout. The quote, “it is not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see” Henry David Thoreau. #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #bulletjournalweekly #bulletjournaljunkie #bujo #bujoweeklyspread #bujojunkies #bujoweekly #tombowdualbrushpens #lepen #micronpen #messybujo #simplebujo #simplebujospread #todolist #planner #personal #lettering #weeklybujo #bassetpaw
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Worked on some basic lettering from the ig of @bujo_cub #bujo #lettering #lepen #bujodailyspread #tombowdualbrushpens #leuchtturm1917 #messybujo #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #bulletjournaladdict #bujoaddict #personal #bujoaddict #bujojunkie
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