#ut girl666
soundcrusher · 6 months
Hihi!! :3
*mutual bingo!!*
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We need to continue our talk. I got some more ideas about the boys.
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dimorphodon-x · 2 years
And on Starhawk bringing Roddy sticks;
Hawk, stop just bringing him random sticks! Simply plant a sapling. Then there’s eternal sticks, if you take care of it properly and it becomes a big tree. Bc trees are just huge sticks with more sticks on them, and even more sticks on those sticks! And they’re probably more than big enough to impress him.
(At this rate he’s just gonna start bringing Rodimus full on trees-)
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“Awww but that’ll take foreeeverrrr!”
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cuppajj · 2 years
Okay, I’m writing a thing with Sentient Lost Light bc I still have Sentient!LL brainrot.
It’s got me thinking - what kind of angry would LL actually be? Like genuinely ‘you can tell in all that they are’ angry, or it’s ‘impossible to tell without context’ angry. Since we know how LL has the patience of a saint, but I’m curious about when they hit their limit.
I personally feel like LL would be the type to have a silent fury. Like to the point they sound extremely neutral, almost scarily neutral. No emotion or opinion. Just pure neutrality, unable to be swayed.
But what about you? Do you think that’d fit with their character, kinda? Since we saw they got a little confrontational when they were angry with Getaway, but we’ve never seen any more than that. So I’m really curious.
Oooh, good question! I think LL isn’t too far off from what you said. They do have the capability to get mad, but it’ll show itself only as a harsh frown at worst. Their tone of voice doesn’t change drastically either, sounding less furious and more disappointed. They’re more likely to sound and look sad/hurt than mad, and such is the case with their confrontation with Getaway. The only time I can imagine them yelling with fury is if a big external force threatened to hurt them and their crew, like… I dunno, another titan or something XD that’s when it would be revealed that LL can also throw hands
SG!Lost Light is the one who can fall into a fit of extreme rage a little easier. Granted it still takes a lot to anger them, but when they are angry, they’re terrifying. This can be true for normal LL too, but when they’re enraged, the whole ship will rumble and their screams deafeningly reverberate through the walls. It’s what would happen if you tip SGLL over the edge; if you’ve left/threatened to leave them too many times, if you keep fighting, if you hurt them; god forbid, if Rodimus is beyond saving. SGLL’s rage is scary when it’s loud, but it’s even more terrifying when the rage goes from hot to cold. There are no longer any rumbles or roars. LL’s voice is low, nearly indistinguishable from their normal voice in all but their drawling. This is when it’s truly time to be afraid, because a Lost Light in cold rage is one who has already decided what your fate will be.
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candychameleon · 1 year
Hi! I’m curious about the earrings; would I be able to get them at later point after pre-order timeframe is up or no? Just wondering, so I know if I need to preorder within the next week, or I can wait. Thanks! :).
Yup, there will be some left over that people can just buy normally if they missed the pre-orders!
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capn-rikshu · 11 months
get to know 9 people ask game
tagged by: @aecholapis
last song listened to: 'Romulus' by Sufjan Stevens
currently reading: 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 'Lolita' by Vladimir Nabokov
sweet/spicy/savory: Savoury
obsession: Transformers <3
relationship status: Taken
last thing i googled: "death with dignity lyrics"
currently working on: Commission, getting better at drawing (like im not trying to do that constantly xd), fanfics
Tagging: @perceptwhore @frosty-tian @thecreditsroll @grimlock @derpdino34 @deskraven @ut-girl666 @primekelly @lucygalaxyus
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micah-pl · 2 years
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WHO vs WHO??
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overlordraax · 2 years
Part 2 of this post discussing Megazarak’s role in the Galvadad au
#I love how well Zarak is written #I’ve never met him #and yet #I’m sat here like #‘you fucking asshole!! you sack of shit!!!’ #every time #like #I love how he’s been written effectively enough that he’s easy to hate as a character 
Ah thank you. It is at least fun that though Megazarak occupies the role of ‘Sir Not Appearing In This Film’ he still has an impact on the narrative. Maybe he will appear in some flashbacks but I get the feeling I’ll use him sparingly.
#and now that I have this information #it does take me down a brand new route for the funeral #but it will probably be even better from it.
Definitely looking forward to seeing how this goes! Do send me the fic once it’s done (or any snippets. I’m curious to see)
#though unfortunately I just always imagine Megs #- despite the resentment - #Megs actually does care a lot about Galv #on the level that in teen years #at least Galv was there #and Galv was probably willing to be something of an anchor to help Megs out #even just a little
I think they both got on best when they were really young kids. Both had fun playing and yeah, Galvs was always looking out for his little brothers back. He’d be the sort to play up his role as the Big Brother even though he’s only older than Megs by a few minutes.
The wedge probably only got driven in between them once they reached the age to start being properly trained as warriors and Megazarak slowly started to favour Galvs more and more.
#he may not have seen the favoritism so much #but he knew his twin wasn’t okay
Young Galvs was sadly oblivious to a lot of what was going on. From his pov everything was looking great and it’s hard to notice if Megs isn’t getting as much when Galvs is given nothing but praise. Even currently Galvs is still coming to terms with the impact that Megazarak’s actions had on him, so he’s not even really scraped the surface of how much this has affected Megatron.
The problem is no member of this family is good at talking about their feelings, especially with each other. Galvatron and Megatron could really use a long talk to each other, but that is a long way off happening.
#will prolly dive deeper in another add on shot I’m writing that kind of mixes our two AUs kinda
Sounds interesting! Still interested to see.
#and if you need help on making Roddy or Galv being neurodivergent (✨ADHD Flavor✨) #I am happy to help! #I have ADHD myself and I’m happy to help with it if you need! #of course; I only got diagnosed last year and am working on medication but I’ll still try to help if I can! just shoot me a DM! :). 
Cool, thanks for the offer! I will defo keep that mind cos it is definitely something I want to keep in mind for the au but just wanna make sure I can do it well.
But thanks for the comments again! Always appreciated
Also extra little fact: younger Galvs had a grey colour scheme like he has in the Marvel comics. It was post his recovery he changed his colours and went purple “New look new me”
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ut-reblogs · 2 years
Sideblog from @ut-girl666 for me to reblog everything. —<—
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cristiaso · 4 years
Day 28: Last Time I Cried
Yesterday I cried for my baby-girl. She is struggling with school right now, and I can’t break through the box-like thinking that schools and teachers have. Finally after a day of panic attacks I had an idea that may solve her being made to feel stupid, and my wanting to eat peoples faces. Independent study. Casey started making money a couple weeks ago…so technically she is employed and working.…
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👩🔨🖼? :).
Do you have any humans in your original continuity? If so, what are your thoughts on them?
Yes, yes I do! And boy were they hard! I have rewritten them so often it's crazy but I think I'm finally satisfied with them. They play an important role in the story so it's crucial to want to come back to them. They are very fun and have such amazing relationships with bots, I love writing them!
From which canon continuity have you taken inspiration the most and why?
I'd say Rescue Bots, but it's a little bit of everything honestly. Megatron and Optimus' story is inspired by tfp, Ravage is a part of the story thanks to idw, characters not having to hide from humans is from tfa and season 4 of Rescue Bots, humans being a bigger part of the story was a thing I loved about Rescue Bots, and Cybertron worldbuilding was fueled by Cyberverse. Also, there's randomness and ridiculousness of g1
Do you have any holoform designs for your characters?
Ye. Not any specific faceclaims yet, but a simple appearance aesthetic
Hot Rod- a kid with a flashy style. Moonracer- always looks like she's ready for an adventure. Bumblebee- cozy. Bulkhead- no sense of style whatsoever. Megatron- the fanciest, most colourful old man you'd see in a musical for kids. Ravage- Daft Punk helm and armor
Starscream- Tumblr sexy man. Soundwave- DILF. Breakdown- big and beefy, always wears the same shirt. Slipstream- punk rocker from the 80s. Barricade- wears a cowboy hat for some reason. Cassettes- same as Ravage. Shockwave- refuses to get holoform
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artobotsrollout · 3 years
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@ut-girl666 : Important question on Jazz; totally chill with his TFA design BUT-
will he have his signature head horns from G1/any continuity that he has horns in? :3?
Heck yee he will!! No matter which way I go with his design he will have his horns/ears in some form or another. Idk if giving him modified horns counts as giving him his signature head horns? but I am working on incorporating them.
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I'm going to play around with his design more but above is a pic I took of some conceptualizing around colour choices I was playing with for him. In it you can see a potential head with horns design.
Also! He's not going to be a full direct pull of TfA Jazz. I'm mostly using his TfA design as inspiration for the starting point vibes and rough silhouette/proportions. I am going to incorporate features from other versions of him plus add my own touches to it as well ^w^
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soundcrusher · 2 years
i feel like it might have to do with his perceived failures. and possibly ‘Thunderclash is better anyway’. and if so, oh my god, that is so much fucking angst fuel right there, straight up. and so much possibility for Thunders to go apeshit on his ass. no lies.
The way I like to imagen it, is that in reg/Phoenix's contenuity, Thrillchaser didn't want to leave the family, but he was forced to by his conjunx, because he openly sided with the Autobots. Expressing a wish to join their side, because the Decepticons have clearly lost their way and he didn't want their son being raised in a faction that would only shun him for looking like the prime. All the while Tankcrusher would glare at Thrillchaser and accuse him of treason.
You know, mixing the formula a little bit up and making Thrillchaser a good guy from the start, while Tankcrusher becomes more questionable. She still loves her son, yes, but she's also loyal to the Decepticons. Which is why she made sure reg/Phoenix would go with his former crew and serve the Decepticons who didn't believe the war was over.
And then reg/Phoenix got thrown overboard and ended up on the Lost Light.
(Thrillchaser is still trying to find reg/Phoenix. He wants to reconnect with his son, but he has no idead if he's alive or not. And Tankcrusher won't even tell him what happened to their son either.) (Also, reg/Phoenix doesn't even know that his father loves him. Tankcrusher told him that Thrillchaser left, because he hated them.)
In the 'Birds of a Feather' au, Thrillchaser didn't leave the family. Both he and Tankcrusher are living a happy live and love their sons very dearly.
They're also running Tankcrusher's bakery together and got sparkbroken as they recieved the news of their sons going missing with a high possibility that they're dead.
Hearing that is why caused Thrillchaser to leave Tankcrusher behind on Cybertron. Not because he no-longer loved her or anything, no, he decided to go looking for their sons while Tankcrusher stayed behind in case their sons would make it back to Cybertron.
Thrillchaser, while on his search, calls Tankcrusher regularly or sends her cheesy texts saying how much he loves her. He also keeps her updated on how things are going and how he sometimes finds traces of their sons being still alive.
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dimorphodon-x · 2 years
yo I just thought of an idea-
Would it be okay if I changed my AU around a little, made one of my OCs a Starseeker, and then the Starseeker frame type passed to Starscream?? Or something similar? Maybe skipped over to his own sparklings? Would that be okay? Or no- askin’ bc I just thought ‘wait, Starscream. what if he was a Starseeker?’
So like, can I apply the frame to canon too, or just OCs?
Sure, would be fun to see :>
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cuppajj · 2 years
i am about to post the thing, it’ll take a few minutes. tell me whenever you’re ready to see the most gaudy and garish and arizona tea can lookin’ mfs as car babies ever known to man.
ready XD
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ut-girl666 · 3 years
For the sake of keeping things organized, I’m dividing my entire thing into a couple blogs;
ut-girl666 - My main, where I reblog, and like, and everything I normally do. :) includes putting my own works on here, so others can see it, and my somewhat original random TFs posts. :). (You are here.)
@ask-uts-earthspark-au: My ask blog for my AU, where I welcome asks, and am really looking forward to to having plenty of asks in the box. :D!
@tf-girl666: An alt, where I’m going to try and keep all of my own original TFs content, such as incorrect quotes, links to works I’ve made, including on YouTube, and AO3, will gladly discuss and talk about my AU there, and so on. (I’ll also do this on my main/here, but it’ll be easier to navigate my works and things there. :). )
@ask-the-sparklings - Ask blog for all/most of my ship kids. Asks are welcome.
@ut-reblogs - sideblog where I rb most stuff.
Hope to see you over on those too, and I wish everyone a pleasant day/night!
ETA: terminology sheet for me, and a bit of clarity, for those who want to know.
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(Slang = Joking, somewhat funny, not truly serious or addressing me as though I am legitimately that. I guess that’s the best I can explain it?
Meh = somewhat irksome, but I’m not entirely bothered, just don’t use them all that often, thanks!
No = please don’t use these. I’m not really comfortable with it.
Yes = for the most part, feel free! Don’t use they/them too frequently for me, but I don’t mind if you use them, should you be unsure of my gender. Thx!)
Please follow the sheet/guide, thank you! - UT
ETA, 10/7/22: added my sparkling askblog + all SMs down here.
YT: UT_Girl666
Wattpad: UT_Girl666
AO3: UT_Girl666
Instagram: tf_girl666 (Not open for DMs.)
Discord: UT_Girl666 (Not open for DMs.)
ETA, 11/3/22: added my reblogging sideblog.
ETA 11/10/22: added my OC List and the ask game I am using as well. List has all of my current OCs. Please feel free to ask about them!
ETA 11/25/22: added my carrd + stylized the dividers a little.
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goobleflop · 3 years
Oplita for my trade with @utgirl666
Optimus: Elita, do you hear something?
Elita: Yeah, I do
*they walk down the stairs*
*optimus opens the door*
*he looks down*
Nigtbird in a cat maid outfit: Oh won't you help me? I'm just a poor, lost little kitty cat who needs a big, strong bot to take me in and cuddle.
Optimus: Me and Elita one have been married, for SEVENTEEN. YEARS.
Elita: *choking with emotions* you remembered!
Optimus: You're a dumbass Starscream
Starscream: *peering up from behind a bush* FUCK YOU!
This is my part of the trade with @ut-girl666
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