#using a geocentric model either
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protoindoeuropean · 1 month ago
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Photos of a bronze armillary sphere with three layers of rotating rings on an equatorial set up. The sphere is supported by three legs in a row, all decorated with detailed ornamentation and dragon figures. The text on the granite base is in Slovene and Mandarin Chinese (translation and originals under read more↓).
The astronomical instrument (an equatorial armillary sphere) that was unveiled on 6 February 2024 in front of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana – facing the location of the old Jesuit college, where its conceptor first received his education – is a full-scale replica of the original, finished in 1754, still in place at the Beijing Ancient Observatory in China.
Ferdinand Avguštin Haller von Hallerstein, known also by his Chinese name Liú Sōnglíng (劉松齡; simplified: 刘松龄) was born in 1703, received Jesuit education in Ljubljana, Vienna and Graz and arrived in Beijing in 1739 as a missionary, set to work at the Imperial Astronomical Bureau (which had been run by the Jesuits since 1669). In 1746 he succeeded the office of the head of the bureau and ran it until his death in 1774 – longer than any of his predecessors. He died soon after a stroke he reportedly suffered upon hearing the news that the Pope had disbanded the Jesuit order (in 1773; that suppression was later lifted in 1814).
Beside the astronomical work (published as Observationes astronomicæ), he also worked as a cartographer (creating a map of Macao and its environs, of Manchuria and contributing to the Jesuit Atlas of China) and is noted for making the first exact estimate of the Chinese population (calculated to have been 196,837,977 in 1760 and 198,214,624 in 1761).
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Astronomical instruments at the Beijing Ancient Observatory. Hallerstein's armillary sphere is in the foreground. {x} • {x}
The armillary sphere is one of a kind, combining Chinese and European astronomical knowledge as requested by the Qiánlóng Emperor (乾隆帝), who wanted to both honor the tradition of his ancestors and make the instrument as accurate as possible by the standards of the time. The instrument is 3.7 m long, 2.1 m wide and 3.3 m high. It is made of bronze and weighs more than 5 tons. Its replica is made of the same material and is of the same size, built in China using 3D-scanning technology and later transported to Slovenia, and is also fully functional. The design of the original instrument started in 1744 and when it was finished 10 years later, it was considered the pinnacle of Chinese astronomical science as well as artistic craftsmanship.
The Astronomical Instrument was conceived by Augustin Ferdinand Hallerstein (*1703 Ljubljana, †1774 Beijing), a Slovene Jesuit, astronomer, mathematician, cartographer and diplomat, during the time he lived in Qing China. The original stands at the Beijing Ancient Obsevatory. The replica of the instrument is a gift of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China as an incentive for the continuation of cultural exchange between Slovenia and China. Urban Municipality of Ljubljana, 2022
Zvezdni opazovalnik je v času dinastije Qing med svojim življenjem na Kitajskem zasnoval Auguštin Ferdinand Hallerstein (Ljubljana 1703–1774 Peking), slovenski jezuit, astronom, matematik, kartograf in diplomat. Izvirnik stoji na Starem pekinškem astronomskem observatoriju. Repliko opazovalnika je podarilo Veleposlaništvo LR Kitajske kot spodbudo za nadaljevanje kulturnih stikov med Slovenijo in Kitajsko. Mestna občina Ljubljana, 2022
玑衡抚辰仪 值此中华人民共和国同斯洛文尼亚共和国建交30周年,中国驻斯洛文尼亚大使馆和北京天文馆特赠天文观测仪器玑衡抚辰仪同比例复制品,以兹纪念。玑衡抚辰仪由斯洛文尼亚人刘松龄 (1703–1774) 在华担任清朝钦天监监正期间主持制造,原件陈列于北京古观象台。 二〇二二年
(for the latter, thanks go to this anon!!)
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Religion and Zealotry
Someone posted recently in the comments of my little blog here - "ALL RELIGIONS are a great toxic poison on this earth."
In a sense, I agree. As tools, all religions can be manipulated to fit the prejudices and narcissism of their adherents towards violence and destruction.
When I was younger, I was in a group that had formed a political party years earlier. Their mission was to dismantle the "Cult of the Omnipotent State".
We had the ritual of "Roberts Rules of Order" in our liturgies. We had our slogans - slogans are great tools to distill certain point of dogma and doctrine to the faithful.
There's another popular faith that has enshrined the slogan, "Greed is Good", and has gone off in trying to build it's own utopia. Stock markets and deal making have been highly ritualized, with lawyer priests and judges sanctifying most transactions.
Atheists, in their turn, either claim a faith in unabridged reason, or in nothing, per Jean-Paul Sartre. It amuses me no end that many of these people who scream at those who believe in a particular higher power, fail to acknowledge their own particular higher power. It feels much like Matthew 7:1-5, and the irony is delicious.
The truth is we all have faith in something whether it be a Nation State, an ethnicity, a personality, an economic model - or per my friend that went through AA, the nearest doorknob. Existentialists take faith in themselves, though in practice they do develop their own unacknowledged hierarchies as we all do. Very few are downright unapologetic psychopaths.
You can rationally argue that the murder of large groups of people is fine just as easily as you can argue against the idea, depending upon situation and context. Utility seems to be favored, but I'm sure there are other models atheists could follow.
We are model building creatures - we build models of things that help us understand the world and we act based upon those models.
Some Examples:
First came the Ptolemaic geocentric model of the Universe, followed by the Copernican Model which corresponded better with the observable world.
Spontaneous Generation, the idea that complex life can be created from inanimate matter, fell to the wayside with the development of the scientific method, and better, more rigorous, experiments.
Keep in mind that Scientific Racism was a model too - supported by the reason of the time. It was directed subconsciously by many factors including self described Christians - but naked power and greed were often left off the table as the real root justification.
Alchemy, which was of interest to Sir Issac Newton, among others, led eventually to modern chemistry.
Our ability to adjust our models as we live based upon the myriad of inputs we receive on a daily basis, our neuroplasticity, I think, directly impacts our propensity to fanaticism and zealotry.
First, Propaganda seeks to represses alternative ideas to a standard narrative; a drive to reduce neuroplasticity regarding certain topics. Anything outside of the established narrative is not to be trusted, or/and actively repressed. Facts that counter the narrative are ignored, or re-imagined, and shoehorned in to fit within the established narratives. As I've said many times before, the stories we tell ourselves matter. Also note - I'm not saying these people are stupid. They've just ossified aspects of their critical thinking to slogans and group-think.
Second, People seem to lack a genuine self awareness of their motives. Again, I look to the wild-eyed religious zeal and genuine hatred many atheists project towards their targets; seemingly unaware of their own hypocrisy.
Lastly, and this is the most repugnant, some people are just vicious and will look for any excuse to justify their actions, and/or to motivate others to their will. Appeals will be made to nationality, race, political party, gender or a faith in the transcendent, anything available to get people on board with reprehensible behavior.
As a tool, religion, like a hammer, can be abused. But, just as a nail cannot be driven without the hammer, nobody goes through life without forming a system of thinking about the life they live. Some systems could be considered more inherently abusive then others - they may even be designed that way to project an agenda - but the process of forming a model of how life works isn't inherently bad, unjust, or evil. No matter the salvific gospel of a rationalist utopia the wild-eyed and passionately convicted atheist prophet might preach.
"War is Peace" "Freedom is Slavery" "Ignorance is Strength" "ALL RELIGIONS are a great toxic poison on this earth."
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High God, King of both Heaven and Earth, Have mercy upon us all, Upon those who believe, and upon those who disbelieve, Upon those who are my friends, and upon those who are my enemies, Send your Spirit down upon us all, And give us Peace.
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historysurvivalguide · 2 years ago
Astronomy Inspired Design in Media: Part 8
Lord of the Ring: Rings of Power (2022)
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Episode 3: Adar
For about two seconds, as a ship moves into the inland, on the top of a watchtower, you’ll see this:
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This is appears reminiscent of the simplest form of the armillary sphere from the 1st century
Astronomers like Hipparchus would have used these devices to track the movement of important objects through the sky. The simplest form of the armillary sphere has four bands with the center object representing either the Earth in a geocentric model or the sun in a heliocentric model
The instrument on the top of the watchtower appears most similar to the old style of geocentric armillary spheres where the Earth is the center of the universe that all objects rotate around
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A: The Declination band
Declination is a range between 0-90 degrees in the Northern Hemisphere and -90-0 degrees in the Southern Hemisphere. It describes how far above the celestial equator an object like a star is and kind of acts like an astronomical latitude
B: Right Ascension band
Right ascension is a range from 0 hours to 24 hours and is the distance of a point east of the First Point of Aries. It is measured along the celestial equator and written in hours, minutes, and seconds. It acts almost like an astronomical longitude
C: Solstice band
The position that the solstice band sit represent the time when the summer and winter solstice occur (as they pass through the points Cancer and Capricorn)
D: Equinoctial band
The position that the equinoctial band sit represent when the spring and autumn equinoxes occur (as they pass through the points Aries and Libra in the ecliptic)
E: Earth (or Sun) at the center
The center represents the object that the sphere’s sky rotates around. In a heliocentric model this is the Sun and in the geocentric model this is the Earth
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Below are some artistic representations of the Ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus observing the night sky with a large armillary nearby for determining the position of things like stars and celestial time
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If you haven’t already, I’d recommend giving Rings of Power a watch. It is a very fun and beautiful show with surprising sweet and thoughtful dialogue. This kind of hopeful storytelling is my favorite kind of fantasy story, I highly recommend watching just for the Elrond, Durin, and Harfoots storyline alone
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“Astronomy Inspired Design in Media” is Wednesday (as I find them)
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bestworstcase · 4 years ago
I was gonna send a joke earlier asking who is a flat earther but for the sake of being civil, what do the general education rates look like across countries? ie is eugene a flat earther
okay so fun fact the bitter snow universe is actually geocentric - everything in the profane realm of the cosmos is orbiting around the planet (ki) because ki exists at the point where ri ni’n rooted into the profane realm when she grew and that everything in the profane realm kind of rippled out from there. so like you have ki and then the sun/moon, the stars, other divine manifestations hanging out as celestial bodies - eg char malách’s primary manifestation is as a bunch of fiery nebulas that are known on ki as a constellation (the ‘nine songbirds’), etc - along with normal stars and planets and assorted accretions of matter spinning in their own little systems but also all ultimately circling around ki. and trillions of miles out around the outskirts of the universe there’s... squirmy crawling unpleasant cosmic things. scavengers and parasites eking out a living on the very edges of reality. 
so i think the flat earther crackpot conspiracy-equivalent here is the heliocentric model of the universe ALKJSDFJKL
there are Some arguments about the shape of the planet but i think it’s like. a genuine debate. which scholars take seriously because well we know it has some curvature but is it a sphere, is it a dome, is it roughly flat and we just haven’t found the edges yet, were the abralians right and is it bird-shaped? etc. so like yes eugene might be a flat earther but if he is it’s because that’s what he was taught in school as a child gkjsjkd it’s got a much different vibe 
as far as education goes i think like... north of ingvarr, the whole hvassjarn peninsula plus like arendelle invests pretty heavily into public education. ingvarr prizes intellectualism as highly as it prizes martial ability and joining the battalion also means you’re getting a rigorous formal education; quintonia is one of the magical capitals of the world and has had a very strong culture of scholarship and intellectualism at least since amaranta’s time and of course under rosalia - rosalia does not approve of hoarding information or knowledge and i think has really pushed the quintonian parliament to invest even more in education because she’ll be damned if she lets ignorance take root in her country jskdflkg. and this sort of cultural attitude trickles up through the rest of the peninsula as well.
elsewhere - in corona’s corner of the continent and throughout a lot of the central plains i think it varies a lot more widely and education tends to be more of a pay for play. corona i think of as having public schoolhouses for all young children but then once you hit your teens you either get an apprenticeship or your parents pay for you to continue schooling and only really wealthy, aristocratic people (or people like cass who get sponsored by someone) get to receive a formal education past the age of about fifteen or so; equis, eldora, vinovia, astros, pittsford, hudor, i think all of them have fairly similar systems where education gets more and more expensive and exclusive the older you get. pre-conquest saporia and modern day marne both had/have cultures that really strongly emphasize practical skill-building in your childhood and youth and then have deep pools of knowledge and learning that are freely available but concentrated in cities, so if you want to learn mathematics or arts or literature or poetry or alchemy or philosophy and so on you need to travel to the nearest city to do so. so like Over All in these regions - most kids are learning basic things like how to read, rudimentary history if they’re lucky, life skills like sewing and cooking (unless they’re wealthy enough to have servants to do those things for them), dipping their toes into mathematics but, like, the average commoner is going around with an elementary school equivalent level of education, unless their parents were rich enough to put them through more schooling. so there’s some big disparities. 
in azoth if you’re rich you’re well-educated and if you’re not you’re lucky if you can read, and i think azoth is at the most extreme end of the scale in terms of education inequality. citrifola is a barely functioning country - it’s mostly wilderness and insofar as it has an identifiable government the government is a joke - so there’s virtually no formalized system of education and everything is learned through apprenticeships or passed down in families and the overall quality of education is very poor. antares has some of the finest schools on the continent and finishing one’s education in antares’ universities is a reeeally widespread practice for academics throughout the central plains. aphelion i think used to have an excellent educational system, albeit a very theocratic one, but that crumbled as the desolation spread and a tremendous amount of cultural knowledge and expertise was lost in this gradual societal collapse.   
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gg-astrology · 6 years ago
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. I
Hello! 💕❤️ This will kind of be a very basic and beginner friendly (hopefully) guide to Moon phases from the chart - we’ll be looking at finding your Moon phase from the chart, and the different methods for moon phases.  Hopefully it’ll be helpful and fun to read? ;; Witchy Friendly???💕❤️
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Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. II 
*Moon Phases: New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon. Astrological Interpretations.
Moon Phases in Astrology | pt. III
*Astronomy: How to identify what Moon Phase you’re in + Time/Location in the Sky (without a chart) 
Let’s go over what we’ll be talking about today!!  💕❤️ I think we should look at ‘how to find your moon phase with your chart’ -- so we’ll be figuring that out together. There’s 8 Moon Phases I’d like to touch on. And I’d also like to talk about the aspect it’s making -- mostly relative to the Sun (then, maybe expand on other aspects to the Moon after) -- so that you can identify moon-phases whenever you see someone’s chart, alright? 💕❤️
And then we’ll go over the different methods, astronomical, astrological and natural method. Hopefully it’ll be interesting to read -- and I’ll try my best to help those who are still confused about the names. 💕❤️ Hopefully it’ll be easier as we go along! But I’ll do my best!!  💕❤️💕❤️
Hm.. there’s alot of core structure we have to touch on. So it’ll be a bit heavier later on in the next parts. We’ll have to talk about terminologies and a model for Moon phases later. Then we’ll get to the astrological interpretations and how it apply. 
Anyone who’s witchy or interested in the subject of the Moon might like this too? 💕❤️💕❤️
Also to note: This is just for fun, so hopefully you’re interested in learning something new today? 💕❤️💕❤️
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PART 1: What phase the Moon was in looking at your Birthchart
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Full Moon - New Moon 
So you might remember how with the Full moon -- it’s when the moon is opposite to the sun. The  New moon, it’s when the moon is conjunct to the Sun. 
This is because, if you think about it-- the Sun is the light source. So depending on the position of the moon relative to the Sun -- it’s like moving an object around a lamp. The object moves because we orbit the Sun, the lamp, not the other way around (the Sun does not orbit us). The Moon is the faster moving object, it’s affected by the luminosity of the Sun’s light on it’s surface.
So when the Sun is opposite to the Moon -- the object is directly in front of the light. It’s looking at each other face to face, it’s full luminosity there.
(It’s spherical, but since we’re usually using geocentric astrology -- this is from the earth’s perspective. What we see as the surface of the Moon. Not heliocentric chart)  
When the Sun is conjunct to the Moon -- it’s like if the object was so close to the Sun, peering up at the lamp that it’s actually in the shadows. If you’ve done still-life drawing, you can imagine it sort of like that. 
Let’s call the full moon ‘Peak Round Boy’ for now. And the new moon ‘Void of Darkness’. It’ll be helpful later. 💕❤️
Here’s a little drawing:
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Do you see it? The Sun as a lamp and how it affects the still-life objects around it? You can also do it physically (holding a light source and waving an object around it) if you want. If it helps cement things in? Idk what could be helpful but we’re trying! 💕❤️
If the Moon is conjunct to the Sun -- that’s a lot of concentrated power. However, because it IS close to the Sun, it can be blinding/unaware of other subjects. We’ll talk about interpretations later. Probably in the next part, but for now-- let’s move on! 💕❤️
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First Quarter - Last Quarter 
Think about this for a second. Think about it. 
What do you think of when you hear quarters? 
The chart is round, 360′. We can split it into quarters. 90′ each. 
So. If you think about this, and how the moon phase is relative to where it’s positioned to the Sun. This is when the Sun/Moon are squared to each other.
The difference between First and Last Quarter is what direction the Moon is moving relative to the Sun. If you’re totally new to Moon phases -- hello, nice to meet you and the Moon travels in cycles. So it’s either moving from a New Moon to a Full Moon, or a Full Moon to a New Moon. 
If you think about like, the New Moon as a Void of Darkness and the Full Moon as Peak Round Boy. When Peak Round Boy is moving to be Void of Darkness, it’s waning in it’s power (releasing, cleansing, throwing things away marie-kondo style). 
If Void of Darkness is moving into becoming Peak Round Boy, it’s waxing. It’s pumping it up, becoming a gym-lover. It’s getting swol, that’s manifesting energy, invoking/inciting things, getting things done. Wanting things and going for it. 
The first quarter is between the waxing territory -- it’s moving from the Void of Darkness into Peak Boy Territory.
The third quarter is the last quarter. It’s between the two ‘waning’ because it’s moving from the Peak Boy Moon to the Void of Darkness territory. 
So. To summarize, if you have a Sun/Moon square in your chart -- it’s 90′ apart from each other (around 3 signs).  It’s either in the First Quarter or Last Quarter.
How do you find out whether you’re a First Quarter Moon or Last Quarter Moon? Look towards the opposite side of the Sun-- peak boy territory, is it past the peak boy or still before peak boy? Has peak boy come yet?
I guess I have to make a shitty example? Please excuse my mediocre computer drawing.
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So PEAK BOY is our main focus here: the full Moon. Is it moving TO peak boy (opposition to the Sun) or has it passed peak boy? I hope this makes sense ;;💕❤️
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Crescent and Gibbous
Alot of people are confused about what Gibbous means? And when you add terms like waning/waxing to it it’s even more confusing. So just remember -- waning is losing in it’s power, becoming the void. I usually think of a vampire cursing and going ‘my power’s waning’ as the sunrises. Or like, it’s dying. 
So waning is always associated in my mind to losing power, or something being smelted into liquid from a solid form. Preferably vampires. In my mind. And by association-- that would mean waxing is gaining in power. Just from waning being associated to a ‘decrease’ immediately. Does this help?? ;; 💕❤️
Waxing is gaining in luminosity, power. Becoming peak moon. Gibbous is closer to Peak Boy than 1st/3rd quarter.  
Crescent Moon I think we all know what it looks like. So how do you know what crescent you are? Waning? Waxing? Do we look at the right or left? What about if the Crescent Moon is facing left or right? What do we do?? ;; 
We can just look at the Sun. 
Like, the Moon phase is relative to the Sun. So it makes sense to go about it from there as a safe reference point to track from. 
So to figure it out -- first, crescent moon’s around 45′ of the Sun. It’s around Void of Darkness Territory. 
You know how crescent is like-- we call it crescent because of the large absence of light on the moon’s surface? So we only see a crescent of the light the Sun shines on the Moon from there?
Again, direction is important. Is it moving away from the Sun or towards the Sun?
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Then, what about Gibbous? Gibbous is around Peak Boy Territory. If we’re going by relation to the Sun -- Sun-Moon opposition is 180′ from each other right? Gibbous would be around 135′ (Moon from Sun, Sun - Moon Sesquiquadrate to each other ) and 150′ ( Sun - Moon quincunx )
Crescent Moon would be Sun-Moon semi-square. 45′ if we’re going to talk about aspects.
Here’s a little diagram showing the different minor aspects for Gibbous and Crescent Moon:
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So to show Waxing/Waning Cresent, Waxing/Waning Gibbous together:
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OKAY so. You might be going: wait a minute, why doesn’t it go to 270′?
On the chart, we have a 360′ circle. 180′ is the longest aspect. Conjunctions (0′) sextiles (60′) squares (90′) and trines (120′). If something is passed the 180′, then instead of saying a trine would be 240′ degrees from something, we figure that it is 120′ to the object.
It’s much more relevant than saying it’s 240′ (360-120′) -- essentially, why look at the negative space when we’re looking for exacts measurements? If we subtract everything from 360′ - it’s a little more roundabout if we choose to go with 240′ from something instead of 120′ to something? 
Anyways so hopefully that makes sense! Here’s a little diagram to sum it up for you:
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So a little bit of help. Because the Moon is constantly in motion -- it’s expected to not get exact degrees (it’s normal) 
If you have a Moon app, you’ll see when it says ‘oh it’s 61% full moon right now’. To help figure out which phase your Moon might be, look at the Sun and see how many degrees it is to the Moon. Here’s an example: 
New Moon - 0′ to 44′ 
Waxing Crescent - 45′ - 89′ 
First Quarter - 90′ - 134′ 
Waxing Gibbous - 135′ - 179′
Do you get it?? This is the first half. But once it hits the exact degree (0′, 45′, 90′, 135′ or 180′) it becomes the next phase. So say your Moon is 80′ degrees moving AWAY from your Sun towards the opposition (has not passed the opposite sign yet) it’s in the waxing crescent phase right now. Around the end of it, moving towards becoming the First Quarter moon (we’ll look at interpretations of that soon, promise!) 
If your Moon has passed the opposite sign, it can’t technically move back into the signs before it. The Moon doesn’t go into retrograde. So the motion is easy to get because it’s moving in one direction and that’s towards the Sun.
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PART 1.2: Different Methods for Determining the Moon Phases
Technically, there’s a few methods for determining the Moon phase. There’s the astronomical method, astrological method and natural method that I want to mention 💕❤️  
Astronomical Method 
With the astronomical method, we’re technically focusing on the four main phases. NEW MOON, FIRST QUARTER, FULL MOON and LAST QUARTER.
The period in between would be considered transitional phases, the crescent and gibbous phases are less precise to the degree, but would encompass the period between New Moon -> First Quarter. And then First Quarter -> Full Moon.
So to see:
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It would be like this for each quarter. With the Crescent/Gibbous acting as the transitioning phases between the four major quadrants. 
Astrological Method
Next is the astrological method, this is the one I used above. 
When I was showing the example for when each phase begins. The four quarters are corresponds with the major aspects -- New Moon, conjunct (0′) Quarters, squares (90′) and Full Moon as Oppositions (180′)
Unlike the astronomical method, the astrological method also assign days of when each phase of moon is. There’s no transitional phase where one quadrants moves into the next are called Crescent/Gibbous periods. When we assign days to the Moon phase-- each phase lasts around 3-7 days. 
Say we have.. hm. A Full Moon that lasts 3 days, and then a Waning Gibbous right after and a Waxing Gibbous right before the Full Moon right? We’d say ‘oh the full moon is on the 3rd of June to the 6th of June’ 
We count it as a Full Moon precisely when the astrological chart shows the Moon being 0′00 opposition to the Sun. Thus, when 180′ strikes. 
Therefore, those who may be born when the Moon LOOKS full, but it isn’t at 180′ yet. Maybe around 160-170′ degrees, not at 180′ yet. Would be considered a Waxing Gibbous in this sense. Because they are grouped into the precise parameters for this astrological method.
Natural Method
Of course, because that’s a little harsh. 
There’s also the natural method. This is a little looser. But not by much don’t worry! Basically, rather than saying it has to be by the precise parameters of the astrological method-- let’s say that there’s a day or so period between each phase. 
So right before 180′ above, around 160′-179′ where the Moon is considered to be transitioning already. It’s not considered to be ‘fully’ in the next phase. But progressing into it and should be considered as a part of it.
With this method, we can see that those born really close to the Full Moon are working towards that Full Moon energy, rather than saying they’re closer to the Waxing Gibbous energy.
However, it can hinder interpretations a bit and brings a little bit of complications. It’s useful for witchcraft and activities, like moon gardening or any spiritual practice. But in terms of determining the exact location and period of the Moon, it brings a lot more than just 8 phases of the Moon. 
What do you call it when it’s New Moon -- but distinctively, the Fully Dark New Moon and the period when it starts to show a slither of light then? What about the period where the Quarter is moving into the Gibbous? For each specific glimpse of the Moon we see more and more of? 
Because this method is based on what’s visible and what type of energy it brings-- it can be subjective to the person on what it’s used for. As in, some people who do witchcraft might want to pull more energy from a Fully Dark New Moon for a specific thing, and then a day after-- maybe if a sliver of the Moon becomes more visible, it’s the next stage to their New Moon ritual. A step up.
But anyways. For our purposes, we’re gonna go with the astrological method because we’re ? Talking about astrology in accordance to Moon phases right? ;; 
Hopefully this is helpful!!  💕❤️
Phew that was a lot.. let’s move onto the next stage?💕❤️
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*feel free to skip this section if you’re not interested! It’s just a little lee-way into the next part I thought would be good to have! 
What if I have a Planetary Body Aspected to the Moon?
Shadowing Moons 
Figured we should touch on this now, before we talked about other stuff. Raven Kadera calls this  ‘Shadowing Moons’ -- as in, what shadows/follows the Moon? And technically, what’s in front of it? What’s happening here?
Since the chart doesn’t exist in a vacuum, if we’re gonna be looking at Moon astrology-- then the planetary body that’s making aspects to your Moon will also be important to look at as well right?
Say I have a Venus conjunct to my natal Moon. I have a Capricorn Moon in the Last Quarter, with that Moon/Venus conjunct. This is just a suggestion, but maybe I’d want to also look at Libra/Taurus Moon in the Last Quarter as well. 
I’m essentially trying to look at how that Venus would affect my Moon, in the phase that it’s in. With it’s rulership over certain signs. In the exact phase. Because we’re looking at moon phases. In astrology.
It’s just a suggestion, so this isn’t concrete yet. But it’s something to suggest further research/study into the subject. And how these subtleties might affect the interpretations/overall reading of Moon Phase astrology as well. 
Motions in Aspect to the Moon 
This is supposed to be Beginner Friendly. So I’m going to give you a quick thing as to not confuse people ok? 
This should technically apply to other aspects too (we talked about conjunctions above). Y know the idea of the Moon phase being in relation to the Sun-- so the light and how it’s casted, illuminated on the Moon’s surface. Then aspects to the Moon itself. The Moon being the fastest moving body (technically) in the chart. And how that motion influences/affect other aspects being made to it as well?  
Planets that are making aspects to your Moon -- in conjunction, sextile, squares, trine, opposition. It’s important to note what is applying and separating from your Moon too.
(this is a little note on applying/separating aspects if you want a quick read) 
So a quick intro: is the planet is coming up to your Moon or moving away from it? Technically, the Moon is the fastest moving body so it would be doing the applying/separating. But for beginners-- does it look like the Moon and the Planet in question is moving into becoming exact (0′00 orb) or it’s already been exact and is moving into separation?
I’ll use an example...
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So do you see this Mercury and Uranus? Mercury (the faster moving planet) changes signs every 15-60 days (depending on retrograde) -- whilst Uranus takes 7 years to change sign. Thus, Mercury in motion would’ve been moving to meet Uranus - saying hi. 
For reference, here’s how long it takes for each planet to change sign/make full return:
Moon - 2 to 2 and a 1/2 days (changing signs), takes around 30 days to make a full lunar return
Mercury - 15-60 days (depending on rx period), takes around 
Venus - around 30 days (before changing signs), takes around
Mars - around 2 months (60-61 days before changing signs), unless there’s a rx period that can be in Mars for up to 7 months. Takes around 
Jupiter - changes signs once a year, takes around 12 years to make a full return. 
Saturn - changes signs every 2 and a 1/2 year. Takes around 29-30 years to make a full return. 
Uranus - changes signs every 7 years, takes around 84 years to make a full return
Neptune - changes signs every 14 years. takes around 164 years to make a full return. 
Pluto - changes signs from around 10-20 years, takes around 248 years to make a full return. 
The Sun changes signs every month. When we say ‘oh it’s Leo season now!’ -- when we talk about this. I want to talk about side-real and tropical astrology as well, but since it’s not.. on the topic of applying/separating-- here’s a post about it if you’re interested.
 It’s important to know which planet is faster because essentially, we’re just seeing snapshots of it on the chart. Kinda like someone taking a photo of a track-race. They ARE moving, as they are bodies. They ARE in motion, let’s not forget that!!  
So see, if this Mercury would’ve been BEFORE the Uranus (say it’s 24′ in the sign Uranus is in) it would be APPLYING to the Uranus. Mercury is like-- gaining on the Uranus, it’s coming up to it. Because it’s the faster track runner (even though Uranus had a head-start). 
When it MEETS Uranus (25′ the same as Uranus) it would be an EXACT aspect. So with this-- Mercury having PASSED Uranus, it’s SEPARATING from the body, it’s a separating aspect. It’s ran PAST Uranus now. 
TECHNICALLY, applying, exact and separating aspects give nuances to how strongly your aspects are working. There’s other factors too, but generally we think applying aspect brings a lot of energy. Exact (as we like to say something is exact/closer in orb) is powerful. Separating is a little less felt, a little more resolution based. 
But anyways. I mentioned this because in relation to aspects made to the Moon, it can correspond to certain moon phases too.
I’m going to reference Raven Kaldera’s ‘Moon Phase Astrology’ table of correspondence here:
CONJUNCT - New Moon 
SEPARATING sextile - Waxing Crescent Moon
SEPARATING square - First Quarter Moon
APPLYING trine - Waning Gibbous
APPLYING square + sextile - Last Quarter Moon 
*Note 1:  how quincunx, semi-square and sesquiquadrate are minor aspects. Thus, we refer to the major aspects for Gibbous and Crescent Phase with the applying/separating stuff instead. To make it easier to see. 
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So HOW is this relevant?
We’re trying to look at the internal self right? The Moon, what it represents. 
Did you know Moon Phases you can technically check out-- say you have, an Aries Moon. There are 8 phases. There’s 8 different interpretation to an Aries Moon. Based on how the different phases works alone.
And then from that-- aspects to the Moon. It’s ruler-- say a Mars/Moon square. A Moon APPLYING Mars square. Natal Aries Moon (say it’s Full Moon) and Aries Moon (Mars ruled) Last Quarter Moon. This is based on a model by Dane Rudhyar, the book ‘ The Lunation Cycle’   --  and the above, Raven Kaldera’s ‘Moon Phase Astrology’ . In the next section, I’ll spend some more time looking at different modules for interpreting Moon phases in astrology. So we’ll be hearing a lot more from them there! 
So for part I: we’re looking at and determining what Phase the Moon is. 
I hope this makes sense ❤️💕 And I hope this is helpful guide ;; ❤️💕  It takes a while to remember the different terms and just -- absorb the names/information. But hopefully we’ll get there and get better at it as the part goes on! ❤️💕  I don’t want to drag this on for long, so hopefully I can end it without stretching it out any further than 4 parts? 3 parts hopefully? ❤️💕 
Anyways! ❤️💕  Thanks for taking a peep! ❤️💕  I know it’s long ;; I hope it’s helpful ❤️💕 ❤️💕  
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 5 years ago
Waver 1 - 13 (FINAL) | Prisma Illya 1 - 10 (FINAL) | Prisma Illya 2wei! 1 - 3
Another (and to be honest, the last) batch of impressions from the Fate/ project.
Waver 1
Well, this’ll be interesting. I’ve been hyping this show up for a while for myself, so let’s see how it goes.
Geez, this intro is like a dang movie! I’d love to see a proper Troyca movie! (<-Says the fan of Troyca.)
Wait, if it’s Kayneth Archibald, then is Archibald relatd to Archisorte? Or am I just making thing up here…? Also note Reines refers to Kayneth as “Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald”, possibly meaning Archibald is the middle name, since El-Melloi is a shared surname (or is that a title…?). That probably means Archibald =/= Archisorte and both are similar-sounding middle names. The fact Reines is Kayneth’s niece also explains things quite a bit.
Why is Waver upside down…? Won’t the blood rush to his head soon? (Sure, it allows me to ogle his hair more, but…logic rules more than my stupid whims, y’know?)
Interesting. You can see that although Waver grew out his hair, there’s two layers to it – the longer one in the front and the shorter one in the back. (I’m just curious because I like the hime cut – which is pretty similar - and long hair on dudes in general, in part because both are fairly rare.)
Okay, that explained my gripe with upside-down Waver. Thanks, Reines. (<-genuine)
Aw, Waver buddy, even at this stage, you’re plenty cute. Don’t ever change! (<- As you can see, I am an easily pleased person in most cases.)
Melvin who now???
Troyca’s comic animation rules! It’s too bad Idolish7 Second Beat is using chibis instead of this…
Professor Kayneth. I forgot he had a formal title. I wonder, does Waver - I mean, El-Melloi II – have that title as well?
I guess I should’ve known Saber had the capability to look scary, but…I never knew Saber could look so scary…
*cut to eyecatch* - *points at eyecatch* Okay, someone tried to save budget here, didn’t they???
Aw, friendship between fiction boys is cute…until it involves the puking up on blood on one end.
Waver is the OG underdog here…don’tcha think?
“…with several demands.” – Uh-oh…this is gonna be bad, isn’t it?
You need a Tuner for Magic Crests? (…Like a tuning fork, but a person?) *brow raised in suspicion*
…is it appropriate for me to say “Oh, good lord!” now? (Okay, I did that rather deliberately, but normally in these notes I’d self-censor it to be “oh, goodness” or something like that.)
Seriously, the black-haired dude in the Ionian Hetairoi is my favourite, even if only because he looks like Waver (and he’s really easy to spot, to boot).
Why is this in first person??? I’ve dropped entire shows based on their usage of 1st person cam! Room Mate and Makura no Danshi basically scarred me for life on that front…and both of those are TV shorts!
Hey, wait a second. This “use a quote on the titlecard” thing is clearly an Ei Aoki sort of thing to do. I mean, it’s in ID: Invaded as well…
Waver 2
*new blonde girl appears* - So this is the rumoured Animusphere girl (Mary), huh?
Bounded field, huh? I’m glad I chose to watch F/Z before this, then. Now I actually understand the (rough) mechanics of how that works.
There’s assassins and then there’s Assassins…*thinks about the Holy Grail War*
As it turns out, astromancy is basically astrology.
The one thing that bugs me about “Modern Magecraft” (there’s a similar concept of New Magic in Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) is…how is the magic “modern”…? Especially in a work like this, where the magic is based in arcane rituals and bloodlines…you really need to establish how the “modern” bit works.
Gray is facing away from the Animusphere girl (Mary), I noticed.
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Sherlock Holmes – Basically, the fact I’ve memorised this quote is one of the lingering impacts of my time in the Detective Conan fandom, as it can be used on things like quizzes, not just mysteries.
Can we please use proper English, Waver??? (Says me to a character whose name I still find nonsensical enough to not be proper English.) As I said previously, “whydunit” is modus operandi or motive…the new bit is “howdunit”, which would be the method.
I do believe the geocentric model was overthrown by people like Kepler.
Gray kind of looks like Saber with that hairstyle, come to think of it.
With the way Gray hides herself under that hood, it’s no mystery as to why guys love her…at least, I know ThatRandomEditor does. Of course, I’m heavily neutral on the whole affair because I don’t swing that way, but…you know…
LEMPC seems to stand for “Lord El-Melloi Production Committee”, if I’m guessing right.
I seem to remember there was a quote somewhere that said the only constant in this world was change…hmm.
Waver 3
They seem to keep calling Japan “the Far East” (or at least, Japan is part of the Far East). That’s a pretty antiquated term for a supposedly “modern” magic anime. I get vaguely peeved by the term “the Far East” because it causes people to take an oriental viewpoint on things and thus it’s kind of like people from the Anglosphere looking down on Asians. (I also get vaguely peeved by the term “Westerners” for much the same reason and “Caucasians” because it implies all people of the Anglosphere come from the Caucasus, which is false…then again, these niggles are specific to international studies, so I have a vested interest in explaining them.)
…Wow, that star-eyepatch girl is…really something, to be thirsty specifically for Waver’s Iron Claw. (Then again, with my weird tastes in things, who am I to critique her?)
Flitz von Erich. I was surprised to learn this guy actually exists…on Wikipedia, at the very least.
“Any lady should know about wrestling.” – I disagree, Luvia.
Blue furry electrical creature…I dunno how the zoology in this show works, but the fantasy series I’m reading as of the time I was typing this comment has a blue creature called a Raiju (literally “thunder beast” in Japanese, so it would suit the “Thunder” in the episode title). If it’s anything like that, I’d laugh myself silly.
This girl on the poster seems to be called Flan Noir (or something similar).
“…yellow, round, fluffy-smelling…” – What? Svin, you have no right to call a girl those words!
When is this series set if people don’t have phones as a standard? *Googles* Okay, if F/SN is set in 2004, then F/Z is 1994. That would make sense, actually. The internet as we know it was first used in 1995 and didn’t become widespread for home use until a few years later, as I remember having computers in 2004 (albeit the blocky ones with the dial-up).
I was looking at images for the source material and I think I know why I like Waver (aside from the fact he has long hair). Normally I like the boys whose appearances are hard to get right, such as En…Waver in the novels and manga for this series sometimes looks grumpy, sometimes he looks constipated and worst of all, sometimes he looks like Snape with a hook nose.
Okay, so I googled Caules to figure out who his sister was…and I got Apocrypha spoilers. See, his sister is Fiore, who is apparently in that series.
The videos got encoded funny again…
There seems to be a mystery around why Svin and Gray can’t be together…well, one deeper than just “Svin is gaga for Gray [for reasons we don’t know at this point in time]”.
Ha, the El-Melloi Class is basically just the Misfit Class from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.
“Only the flesh was bitten off.”  
This Jupiter gibberish, I assume, is drawing upon the mythology of Jupiter – that is, Zeus – as the god of thunder and king of the gods (thus presiding over living beings).
The English is good on the bill, bar a space between “Mystics of magecraft”.
Norwich is apparently a “faculty” which the Modern Magecraft Theories guys – i.e. Waver – rule over.
Can you imagine Waver swearing? Since I had the volume off, I basically made him say “…if Sir Gueldoa had resorted to brute force, we would’ve been f***ed” in my head…and that was hilarious.
Aw, thanks 7Mononoke. “A cowardly thief sneaks away in the night. If you stride away, bursting with song, you are a conquering king.” That’s a quote from Rider himself.
So the Association has set positions for Masters in the War? Geesh…that must be hard on Waver to find out they’re closed, considering how much Waver pines for Rider.
Waver 4
I finally got the chance to listen to the ED last ep and now it’s the OP I can hear properly. This OP isn’t particularly impressive, considering it’s an instrumental (instrumentals always seem to have less impact for me unless I’m looking for something to chill to), but it does capture the London-esque spirit of the setting very well.
What’s up with this metal (?) maid off to the side, anyway?
“Good thinking to leave the door open…” – For some reason, even though it’s a completely different and much more benign context, this made me think of KyoAni and my heart sunk.  
Atrum Galliasta…I hate that man. He may look hot, but he was nothing but a b*stard to Medea.
Bolo ties…nrgh…Basically, ever since Arima wore a bolo tie, I’ve become fairly bugged by them. That’s why Bram’s bugs me.
Aw, Waver, buddy, plase don’t sacrifice yourself again. I read on the wiki you become a Servant’s vessel (specifically for Zhu Ge Liang), so keep your hopes up.
I’m seriously feeling ID: Invaded vibes from this episode, what with the lightning.
I suspect a locked room murder is going to happen soon, knowing the genre. Either that or some other crime.
Considering Fate/ was an eroge-based thing initially, these sex jokes…there’s probably plenty of them out there.
Well, it seems this series only makes sense in that non-Detective Conan way, i.e. you want to know how it all comes together and can’t necessarily figure it out for yourself until you know how the magic works. I’m randomly going to guess this is more Jupiter-based stuff and call it a day on that front.
Seriously, I never got what was up with nightgowns (or just pyjamas in general) having hats. You don’t need protection for your head at night…that’s what pillows are for, yeah? (The only reason I see a hat-like thing working with nightwear is a onesie and that’s meant to be part of the inherent appeal of the thing.)
Waver 5
I feel like Adashino is meant to be an Irene Adler-type figure…
“Peaceful Fairys” (sic)
Where did Kairi’s scar come from…?
The Black Dog was in Mahoutsukai no Yome as well, but this one looks a lot less inviting, huh?
It seems, like the name Rail Zeppelin implies (as “Demon Eyes Collection Train”), most of the people involved in this case have Magic Eyes (or whatever they’re actually called). I wouldn’t be surprised if Kairi had them as well, considering he’s wearing dark glasses in the middle of a thunderstorm.
“King Arthur is a dude, right?” - *laughs madly* They finally managed to parody their own bulls***! (Well, I’m not counting Carnival Phantasm or whatever else because this is the first time they threw a meta joke in there in the whole of this project, as far as I can remember.)  
Trimmau seems to be the maid’s name…huh. They never mentioned that earlier, I don’t think.
So what’s the difference between Fairy Eyes and Mystic Eyes?
Wait, does that even work…? The entire house is the murder weapon? That’s basically breaking the “secret passageway” thing on a larger scale.
So what’s Trevor’s motive…?
The dogs running towards the Workshop reminded me of the Hunger Games for some reason…must be the climax.
That fairy isn’t emoting much…
Oh cra-Wills is going to sacrifice himself, like Adashino was going to do! That’s the second time I’ve seen that in 2 days (the first was in the Hypnosis Mic manga about the Dirty Dawg).
Uh…Waver’s not particularly fit or fast, is he…?
Can you be paid for your case if your client is essentially dead…?
Adra? I read around and Adra seems to be a way to spell the location (or whatever it is) in the first case…which got adapted into a stage play, but not an anime. That’s probably what he’s (Waver) referring to.
Notably, the title is translated to “lance” but yari means spear…
Waver 6
I seriously wanna slap that pink-haired girl…Update: Her name is Yvette.
This is basically Gray fanservice…
If Gray = Saber and Saber =King Arthur…hmm…does it count as a girl’s party?
Homeland? Since Britain is Saber’s (aka Gray’s) home country, I think they meant “hometown”…I’d hav to listen to the Japanese to make sure, though.
I still think Waver is a stupid, or at the very least false, name for a boy, especially if he did come from Britain. That’s basically my one limitation on him as a husbando.
The red bit of the eyecatch was shapd like an eye…it did catch eyes in a sense, after all.
So Trimmau is sustained by magic.
Locked-room…or rather, bounded field…mystery time!
Luvia did mention wrestling in another episode…
I had to google that, but the Separation Castle is from the Adra case mentioned in episode 5. No wonder I don’t remember it…
“Are you suggesting there were faults…” (from Luvia) - Ooh, I was thinking the perpetrator was caught inside their own bounded field or maybe it was an outsider, but that works too, Reines.
Add calld Luvia out for her extravagance, LOL.
Catch-as-catch-can appears to be “no-holds-barred fighting”, particularly wrestling.
That case was both informative and possibly solveable by the audience. Both good qualities for a mystery.
If you summon the spirit again, is it the same Rider with the same memories? Or can you summon a different version of the same Rider with amnesia, much like Rin did with Archer? Update: Oh yeah, I did read this on the wiki at one point but then forgot about it. The next episode (7) confirms that Rider wouldn’t remember Waver if he were summoned again.
Waver 7
…C’mon, admit it, show. The glasses are not only there for plot reasons but to up Waver’s status as megane boy for the rest of this case. Not that I mind – I actually really like megane boys, but I’m nowhere near the love of Meganebu – but in the case of plausibility, I wanna poke holes into it.
Auction for which Mystic Eyes now…?
There’s a guy…with an elephant head…I know I shouldn’t be bugged by it, but I need the MST3K mantra right now.
This is gonna be a Murder on the Orient Express thing, isn’t it? All cases set on trains seem to take cues or make homage to it. (I may not be that proficient on Christie in comparison to Holmes, since Holmes was Conan’s inspiration, but Murder on the Orient Express I have read and I did secure an anthology of 4 Christie novels at one point specifically so that I could improve in this area.)
The main series never explained the bad blood between the Church and the Tower, did they…?
*sweatdrop* Let me guess…when Yvette mentions “multiplay”, she means a threesome, right?
How do anime people see out of those blindfold thing, anyway??? (Or is it that Leandra has Mystic Eyes that were sold off or otherwise tampered with?)
I believe the word is “palate”, Kairi (or subbers).
Anime characters being bagworms with their blankets is always appealing, no matter the gender. It’s funny and/or relatable, after all.
Does Gray get motion sickness…? Update: Seems I spoke about a minute too soon. She does.
Waver 8
How does Waver know that Adashino got the documents about the train? Is it because she was in all those places at all those times and he connected the dots?
This lady has heterochromia. Specifically, one is brown and the other is blue or green.
Hmm? I thought the character design was familiar for this. As it turns out, Jun Nakai (who did the character design for this) also did Gate’s, which explains it.
Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, IIRC. Hephaestion is, as (s)he explained, the confidante of Alexander the Great (had to google this one).
It’s hard to see before the brightly-lit scene where Olga reappears, but as shown, Waver seems to have cut off part of his forelocks on the left side.
What’s an Odo???...ooh, fanservice…*ogles*
The summoning of Hephaestion and Trisha’s murder may or may not be related…we just don’t know how, yet.
I think a Detective Conan Murder on the Orient Express-style mystery would be a good video ga-*googles* There’s at least one of them out there already (albeit only in Japan)...namely, this one. Spoke too soon.
Oh yeah…this is Olga’s new room, isn’t it? I almost forgot about that.
Update: I think this look at the Adra Separation Castle case is interesting. It’s similar to posts I would write, but done by a professional – namely Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku and Anime News Network.
Waver 9
So if there’s a Servant…you have to find the Master.
Olga reminds me of Reines…kind of.
LOL, whoever thought of a zombie cooking show…?
This series really goes all-in on the zombies and the fake-outs thereof, huh? Dangit, Melvin, don’t scare us.
Melvin has a really odd relationship with Waver, huh? If you’re really insisting you’re “the only person to ever be able to hurt Waver”, I don’t quite see how you guys can be friends in the normal sense of the word.
Why would someone have a violin at a time like this…?
Interestingly, they don’t bother to do any fanservice of Caules. That scene with Gray and Yvette was fanservice for those who like them, but the only guy who’s getting to do any fanservice in this series is Waver himself…(what with him being naked and knocked out right now.)
“Sibyl” seems to be a synonym for “virgin”…(*whispers “Awkward…”*)
Update: After reading some of Marth’s posts on this series, I’m inclined to call this “Murders on a Train (with an Exploding Helicopter for Good Measure)”.
Waver 10
For some reason, there’s episode 0 – 9, then 11 – 13 on the service I’m using. Where’s 10?
I think Waver’s relationship with Rider is interesting because of the way I think of relationships myself. Waver has made it clear that he wants to see Rider again so he can basically prostrate at his feet all over again (and maybe win a wish and/or see Oceanus while they’re at it), but – hey, hear this! - I used to believe, when I was still an impressionable kid, all relationships, whether they be between friends, family or even lovers, lasted roughly in the same state basically forever (as in, friends stay friends forever, they’ll never be so far apart that they can’t kep their relationship alive etc. etc.)…Obviously, I was wrong and arguably, this change in thinking, plus the related changes in technology, are where my ability to fleetingly but passionate love both 2D boys and the series they come from comes from.
Wait, so the Child of Einasshe (sp?) is the forest, yeah? I don’t think I got that 100% straight.
I never thought the shield form of a Mystic Code could be used for snowboarding down a mountain/hill…whatever Gray just went down. I didn’t even know Add had a shield form, for that matter.
“[U]sual individual” – LOL. What a way to refer to Waver.
“Wait a minute!” – I’m just imagining Phoenix Wright all of a sudden. A Waver legal mystery series would be boring as all get out – I’m far less interested in the courtroom versions of mysteries and more interested in how the pieces fit together. (Update: Then again, I am a person who likes the action genre and courtroom mysteries don’t have much of that, which might also explain my choice.)
“…lacking the element of motive to begin with.” – Well, Waver’s not wrong…
I’m observing this apple and noticing someone skimped on the detail around the stem. Does anyone still remember Art Academy for the DS? After looking at some promo material for it, I basically learnt how to draw a proper apple (and nothing else, really). If an apple is just drawn as a circle, it doesn’t quite look like an apple up close. (Two of the main things I screw up on when drawing are perception and the colour of highlights, both of which are covered in something like an apple stem and the related indent.)
Oh goodness…I was hoping Karabo would keep his vision (or actual eyeballs)…but that’s gruesome.
I’m guessing, based on the wheelchair, that Waver’s still paralysed or otherwise not able to move around like normal. Update: Spoke too soon.
Someone encoded the video funny again…
Waver 11
What was that crossword thing…? A warding spell of some sort?
Is that an owl in the back?!
Stealth fighter…Rider wanted on, didn’t he?
Every time he appears on screen now, I basically curse Melvin. He’s entertaining to watch, sure, but he’s annoyingly prodigal (= wasteful). He’s basically Dice from HypMic at this stage (aka he’s the sort of person who’d bet away his own clothes, given the chance and incentive).
Look at the way Waver’s hair drags behind him as he walks…it’s gorgeous…
“Residual Image” (as translated in the title) is literally “the left-over image” (zanzou). Not surprising, but I find the exact combo of characters used interesting since it could be short for “nokoru eizou” (where the nokoru’s character is read as zan in the combo, as you can guess).    
Waver 12
Wow…this series really pulled something out of its butt this time, huh? “The guy without a heart”…no viewer would’ve known that actually referred to a character called Dr Heartless unless they knew of his existence somehow (the closest they would’ve been was having an inkling that this pointed to a name of the culprit).
There is an owl in the back of the auction room!
Ay? So what the heck is Pandemonium in this case?
“dotard” – Turns out this means “an old person, especially one who has become physically weak or whose mental faculties have declined.” You can’t say I don’t enrich my vocbulary through watching anime, huh?
I’m still wondering…why adapt case 7 of this series (Rail Zeppelin)? Why not case 1 (Adra)? Update: I don’t know where I pulled the number 7 from, since this is volume 4 – 5 of the series. Apparently some of the cases were anime-original though.
Waver 13 (FINAL)
Oh, Flat, you stupid…
Waver’s exasperated faces are great. No wonder Reines likes to toy with him…
I can assume Rail Zeppelin is a Ghost Liner, yes?
Can I guess that Adashino ~likes~ Waver…? Update: Turns out that’s not quite the case.
Ooh, Waver without his shirt is se-okay, I’m getting distracted. Seriously though, Waver never showed his Crest in F/Z. I never even knew what it looked like until now! The fact it’s such a simple design in comparison to his Command Seals is…kinda underwhelming, really.
I think there’s a bit of a pattern between Jakurai (from HypMic) and Waver…namely, they suck when it comes to drinking. (Also, of course, the long hair. Don’t forget it, never forget it.)
Shut up, Add!
For some reason, I felt like a lot of that last part, while getting closure for Waver, it almost had connotations of “I’ll meet you on the other side, Rider”…so it felt kind of sad, to be honest. That talk between Reines and Olga I don’t think I’d understand without Apocrypha and Grand Order, but I guess that’s to be expected in such a huge franchise. Anyways, moving right along!
Illya 1
I’ve been a bit worried about what I’ll have to subject myself to for the sake of Magical Girls…
Was that…Taiga?
Who’s Liz…?
Okusama, huh? (Okusama = someone’s wife, although it seems to be used in the plural here since I don’t think Kiritsugu and/or Iri are dead in this timeline.)
The subs I’ve got say Shiro is adopted here too (when it’s not in the Japanese), although I wonder exactly how much of UBW is going to be true in this anime…
Hmm…a bit of digging reveals Luvia’s not a Master. So throwing out Lancer is really just a joke on how Lancer gets roasted early on in Grail Wars, right?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…squick, much…(Thank goodness the source I was using edited out the loli fanservice, so I can tolerate this series a lot more…but still, suggesting you have a romance with your step-brother, even if it’s known you’re not related from the beginning, is…you already know my feelings on that, based on my reaction. Shiro is, what, 15? About twice Illya’s age!) Update: Okay, so he has no confirmed age in Prisma Illya, but he’s 17 in F/SN so I’d assum the same or similar, seeing as he attends the same school. It’s fine if it’s platonic, but this is clearly an Onii-chan, daisuki! thing the likes of which Oreimo throws down! Thank you for calling it out though, Ruby.
Oh my gosh, this looks like the Rhongomynaid (Detective Waver) and Excalibur (or whatever Saber’s Noble Phantasm is called) summoning beam! LOL!
Ruby, you lech! Don’t go praising the angles! *shakes fist* (Seriously, what if magical girl mascots were paedophiles…? *blank face* Welp, considering what’s out there on the internet, I wouldn’t be surprised if a hentai or something had such a concept.)
Hmm? Turns out the word for Servant means something like “celestial hero”. Makes sense.
Nice callback to Saber and Shiro!
Illya 2
I thought Illya would say that her parents are dead…turns out the show’s not that grimdark (to the point where it wouldn’t set the show after Kiritsugu and Iri’s deaths), huh?
Do the sticks have a gender? The subs said “she” for Ruby…
LOL, it’s Rider. I thought Lancer was gonna get his butt kicked all over again (thinking more along the lines of CCS).
It’s Gay Bul-I mean, Gae Bolg! (I’ve been reading TV Tropes again…can you tell?)
This episode was pretty pedestrian. I like it more than the first one.
What’s up with the CGI…?
Oh! Bunbun, who does Yuki Yuna! Update: They only did the illustrations for some of the series. They also did SAO illustrations, although that’s of less significance to me.
Illya 3
The sticks do have genders!!! That’s like claiming Jesus for kakera with Mudae! (Yes, that’s possible. I got him in one server.)
The power of fujoshi…is amazing! How did it get to a girl who’s so young?!
These angles are a bit disturbing…
“Casao”, LOL.
Magical girl nakama, huh?
Illya 4
MST3K mantra!
Whose quote is that again…? “Don’t think, imagine”? Update: It turns out to not be anyone’s quote at all, if Google results are to be believed.
Uh-oh! Saber Alter!
Illya 5
Padding the episode already…?
The mist is a quality of a Berserker, right?
Geez the angles piss me off…
These sticks have brains???
Can you call it teamwork if they’re always complaining about each other?
Illya 6
More padding…
Illya’s UBW!
Geesh, that last-minute shot of Rin and Luvia popping out of the ground scared me for a bit…
Illya 7
*sigh* It’s the sick episode…
I recognise the vacuum cleaner. I have the same one at home.
*sigh* Random fanservice of elementary school girls. This is what gives anime a bad name.
*Sapphire pulls out a USB port* - Ohhkay, is that stick fanservice, in a sense…? Because that’s awkward too.
Maids went out of fashion years ago…
“Lyrical Radical Genocide” - I think this Lyrical Radical things is parodying Nanoha.
Based on the cloak, it’s an Assassin.
“Listen, if you aren’t careful, you’ll die!” – Yep, because people die when they are killed. I almost missed that meme for a bit.
Illya 8
Illya’s still reeling from Miyu’s talk, huh?
I noticed it said tomoda(chi) in the background at one point.
Does Miyu exist in any of the alternate universes?
Ah, there’s yuujou (friendship) in the background as calligraphy.
I think the video got encoded funny again…
Geez, complaining about boobs? The series got worse…oh, I forgot Shiro was around in this series.
…who’s left? There’s been Saber, Archer, Lancer, Assassin, Rider, Caster and…who? Berserker, that’s who.
Illya 9
Ohhhhhhhh brother, not more bath scenes…
Iri looks almost exactly like she does in the Eiznbern Consultation Rooms! (I found those around and watched them today.)
Thank goodness the fanservice is censored…
I never realised Berseker had heterochromia until now…
One thing that I assume makes Saber’s outfit look nice to thos that like girls is the window in the top…but it goes to waste on Miyu, LOL.
I find it interesting Illya has all these concerns – the ones (or similar ones) Iri harbourd in F/Z.
Hey, the bridge! This is the bridge where Rider dies inn F/Z, yeah?
The ED looks different this time…  
Illya 10 (FINAL)
E-Eep…loli fanservice…
Now Miyu is basically what Waver is to Rider, no doubt about it.
Bulls***! Speak of the devil! I was wondering what Waver looked like in the Illya style, because I read on the wiki he makes a cameo in season 2, and…here he is. Didn’t expect him in season 1, though.
Another new ED animation. I find it interesting they’ve never once had to recast any VAs throughout the entire existence of Fate/ anime…not that I know of, anyway.
Hiroyama Hiroshi is the original Illya creator.
Okay, that’s the end of one season. I feel kind of fatigued since I finished the Eiznbern Consultation Rooms today as well, so I’m going to take a break from watching more Illya until it’s necessary to watch again in a few posts’ time.
Now that they’ve collected the cards, I’m wondering what the series intends to do next…
Illya s2 Pt 1 Ep 1
They clearly skimped on the budget when Shiro was leaving the house…
I keep forgetting Illya is meant to be German…
That bad English…is actually there in the ep. title…
Oh great…schoolgirls talking about erotic swimsuits…
This s*** is what you call “Class-S”! I have no interest in it, because I don’t swing that way! (Sorry, yuri fans…)
The problem with series that aren’t 100% made with you in mind is that your favourite characters might look ugly…that’s especially the case with En, Jakurai and Waver.
Ryudou Temple, eh? Let’s hope Assassin still looks good.
I don’t think I’ve seen that before…namely, being able to hear what’s going on outside the transformation while it’s happening.
Now this 2 Illyas thing…this is new, alright.
Illya s2 Pt 1 Ep 2
LOL, what a horoscope.
Truck-kun! I don’t think Illya would make a good isekai protag, come to think of it.
Who is this nurse? I feel like she’s from some other part of the Nasuverse… Update: My guess was right. That’s Caren Hortensia, protagonist of Fate/hollow ataraxia and Kirei’s…uh, daughter. I know he had a wife. We never met said wife, but seeing the daughter really drove that fact home.  
Uhhhhhhhh…okay, now the lesbian loli scene just made things go off a cliff for me. I’m not against lesbians or yuri – to each their own – but that scene was clearly meant to be pleasing to a certain audience.
How does anyone kill anything gently…?
Ohhhhhhkay, strike 2 for loli fanservice.
I seem to remember…that’s right, Alice from the [something] no Kuni no Alice series was evaluated on her coffee-making skills (by Julius, I think it was). That’s why I’m thinking of Alice when I see Luvia praising Miyu on something similar.
Wa-hey! It’s Rin’s Azoth dagger!
Well, the mechanics of the transformation are also something you have to think about. I’ll give the show kudos for that.  
Illya s2 Pt 1 Ep 3
Can we not with the whole “Onii-chan, daisuki!” thing?! That’s it! That’s the last straw! I’m finishing this episode and aborting early so that I can preserve my dignity…and get some proper sleep for once.
The fact Miyu thinks Shiro resembles her brother must not be a coincidence…(I’ve become far too Fate/ savvy, haven’t I?) Update: It seems I was right. Apparently, Miyu was taken in by Kiritsugu in a certain universe, but apparently this is a bunch of spoilers.
Genki na aisatsu was in the back.
This is just getting worse and worse…
So now Kuro’s name is Kuroe (Chloe), huh? Anyways, good riddance, loli fanservice! So long! I won’t miss you one bit!
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inescvaub · 2 years ago
ISTD: Theoretical Research
Star Maps & Solar System Maps
“Since antiquity, people have observed the night sky. To establish order and predictability, people made maps of the heavens. Two kinds emerged.” (Kanas, 2021) These two kinds of maps are known as star maps and solar system maps.
Star Maps
“The first were star maps, organized into constellations but focused on stellar location in the sky. Stars were placed in a coordinate system, initially based on celestial latitude and longitude oriented to the ecliptic, but later based on decl. and R.A. oriented to the celestial equator.”
“Star maps depict stellar locations in the sky according to a coordinate system oriented to either the ecliptic (the Sun's path in the sky) or the celestial equator (the projection of the Earth's equator into the heavens).” (Kanas, 2021)
Below: Celestial Planisphere by Frederik de Wit, 1680
A 17th century star map by Dutch cartographer and artist Frederik de Wit.
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Below: Deep Star Maps (and Constellation Figures) in Galactic Coordinates NASA SVS 
“This set of star maps was created by plotting the position, brightness, and color of just over 100 million stars from the Bright Star, Tycho-2, and UCAC3 star catalogs. The constellation boundaries are those established by the International Astronomical Union in 1930″ NASA (Scientific Visualization Studio)
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Solar System Maps
“The second kind of heavenly map depicted the solar system and focused on planetary locations and surface characteristics. For many centuries, these were cosmological diagrams with concentric planetary and stellar circles, centered first on the Earth and then the Sun.” (Kanas, 2021)
Earliest depictions of solar systems followed geocentric models: “Solar system maps originally conceptualized the arrangement of planetary bodies in our star system as being arranged in concentric spheres that were based on the prevailing world view.” 
Below: System De L’Univers, Allain Manesson Mallet, 1719 
Illustrated System of the Universe according to Ptolemy, an early record of Geocentric solar system maps. 
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Below: Screenshot of NASA’s  Eyes: An interactive Solar System Map 
Eyes On The Solar System is a solar system map created by NASA as a 3D visualisation tool that invites the audience to explore realistic simulations of planets using scientifically accurate data. 
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RNAAS Research Notes of the AAS: Star and Solar System Maps: A History of Celestial Cartography: Journal Article by Nick Kanas (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2515-5172/abf35c)
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iomontecillo · 2 years ago
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When women accuse other women of being “calculating”, they’re directly complaining about a quality our Education system require and teach, literally, when promoting maths, sciences and analysis as the basis of decisionmaking. It’s a woman’s open admission of being personally frustrated by another woman for not catering to her as a pursuing man would, as primarily males offer services to women in pursuit of them. Never is it rationally observed that women submit to other women unrelated by heritage, and defeinitely not reproductively in opposition to the natural hierarchies of men. In environments focusing on natural science arguments are based on Biology, and even on Islands with genetic lack of diversity there’s record of natural mechanisms against inbreeding, which is primarily seen as an industrial phenomenon in agriculture for the sake of specialization as either food livestock, work animal, clothing or companion races. An “intellectual” who behaves as though these concepts aren’t understood as implicit is either ignorant or actively falsifying. We’ve seen examples of this many times before with the geocentric model of the universe, the religious promotion of woman portrayed as created from a male rib and various medical practices such as the cosmetic use of the poison Bella Donna and Coitus Interruptus as amergod of prevention. In modern times the promotion of medication and punishment, in various combinations, contradicts the medical findings related to the effects of torture and the body’s memory of stimulus, which is exploited in the deliberate brutalization of guard dogs to control it’s potential for violent behavior. This is equally applied to humans in the military and seen in the symptoms of victims of abuse and other forms of trauma. In any setting called Human a specific set of rules Apply, in parallel with biological reality. On top of this is another layer of cognitive related to Human history as a whole while geopolitics remain relevant in real time. Logically this ties all sites of Human activity to the others, regardless of distinctions between the public and private spheres. In this sense there is no correct “pureblood” hierarchy. https://www.instagram.com/p/CifSSTdMaR6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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incture · 3 years ago
The Integration Conundrum – A Point of View Paper on SAP Integration Portfolio
I would like to begin this article by first introducing the CIO Guide that was published by SAP, documenting SAP’s vision around integrating SAP applications in both a cloud and hybrid landscape. I personally think that the guide is a great starting point to deal with one of the evolving architecture decision point around integration especially when organisations move towards adopting cloud applications.
While SAP treats the enterprise in a ‘SAPcentric’ way (this is SAP’s own disillusioned ‘Geocentric’ model of the enterprise world), most enterprises are heterogeneous (no surprises there) and the EA needs to be considerate of that fact. In this article, I would like to bring together all components and develop a single consolidated view of this portfolio, share an independent view around the SAP integration technology portfolio and the positioning of these different platforms/technologies in the enterprise.
Not many may realize, but SAP has a massive portfolio around integration (this is inclusive of the wider context of integration i.e. process optimization, DQ, Edge integration etc). A quick snapshot of this portfolio is below;
Note: The one in blue are the on-premise solutions and the others are cloud offerings, part of the SAP Cloud Platform.
There is already a good blog that introduces the cloud solutions that should provide you with a decent understanding of the capabilities and help with a choice of what to use when.
Below are extracts on the onpremise solutions;
Process Orchestration – SAP’s strategic onpremise integration solution for enterprise A2A and B2B integration along with Business Process Management and Business Rules Management.
Fitment: Enterprise landscape integration, business process optimization and automation, rules management.
Operational Process Intelligence (OpInt) – This is a solution in my view SAP’s Advanced BAM. OpInt promises Process transparency, Limitless scenario transparency and Insight to action around business processes with the key USP being the real-time data context aspect.
Fitment: Real-time insight to action for operations (linked to critical business processes)
Process Mining – A data-based process discovery tool that promises to help enterprises gain complete transparency into how processes are executed, increase process efficiency by identifying process deviations and weaknesses, improve compliance by detecting non-compliant processes and drive profitability.
Fitment: Process discovery and a foundation for business transformation
SAP Data Services (BODS) – This is SAP’s technology encapsulating data integrator and data quality. BODS is one of the most popular solutions when it comes to data provisioning and ETL, used widely in data migration and DQ led initiatives.
Fitment: Data integration and Data quality initiatives
Gateway – SAP Gateway is an open standards-based framework that developers can use to more easily connect non-SAP applications to SAP applications. It is also used to connect to and access SAP applications from mobile devices. As a result, it is a chief enabler of some of SAP’s newest and most prominent technologies, including the SAP Mobile Platform and SAP Fiori.
Fitment: UI/UX transformation for the SAP landscape
You would notice that most of the technologies have an overlap in terms of capabilities (functional and technical) and it tends to create a natural confusion for any enterprise architect team to provide guidance on tool fitment.
I would assume that a company like SAP would have consolidated their portfolio around these technologies but apparently it is either it has been a slow process at their end or that their internal strategy once again is so SAPcentric that they seem to spawn parallel products with overlapping capabilities.
A closer look might reveal that at times these products are very scenario-specific, catering to distinct use cases. Say for example Gateway – I have often wondered, wouldn’t it have been better than the capability of exposing SAP business data as ODATA services be a part of the Process Orchestration (SAP PO) suite, driving consolidation? But for two reasons, Gateway now has a strong fitment in the landscape, one being the fact that not all ERP customers would have a SAP PO license and the other being that specific use case Gateway looks to target that is enabling business data as lightweight APIs (ODATA) for the consumption of primarily UIs.
Again, from a consolidation perspective, I would have wanted to see the consolidation of distinct platforms like SAP Process Integration, SAP BRM and SAP BPM into SAP PO happening sooner. While SAP PO is now a very stable platform and is one of the leaders in this space, further consolidation could position SAP stronger at the enterprise level. An example of this would be the API management solution. As of today, API management is a separate technology component both on the cloud and on-premise. Most technology vendors have already consolidated this capability onto their ESB or integration-PaaS solutions making their platforms much more comprehensive for the new enterprise’s (read the advent of cloud, mobility and UX) integration needs.
But having said the above, SAP comes out very strongly with their portfolio and the set of technology tools provides one with an exhaustive capability list spanning most needs of enterprise integration.
On the cloud, SAP seems to be investing significantly and innovations are being rolled out for general availability very frequently. One such example would be SCP-Integration. SCP-I started out with being a cloud integration solution for mainly SAP to SAP applications (on-premise to cloud or cloud to cloud). Over the last 15 months, it has positioned itself in the iPaaS category with major capability additions around connectivity to varied systems, support for multiple protocols and the recent addition of B2B/EDI capabilities. SCP-I is a challenger in many ways, but it still serves a limited scenarios coverage. In comparison to its on-premise counterpart i.e. SAP PO, SCP-I has its shortcomings. While customers should look at taking advantage of the packaged integration content that is one of the key USP of SCP-I, two specific capability areas that deserve attention from a roadmap perspective are around the connectivity (adapters) and B2B integration.
Note: This blog documents the existing gaps around EDI/B2B capability on the iPaaS solution.
The recent addition of SCP-Workflow and Rules packs a lot of power into the cloud offering, opening up a lot of possibilities around innovation and application development. Other individual components like the IoT services, SDI, SDS, API-M etc put together makes it one of the most competitive iPaaS currently that customers can possibly adopt.
So it comes down to one question and that is how does one make a choice around what technology to adopt? While the above can guide you to possible fitments, at an EA capability level, many decision-makers are forced to concern themselves with the choice of on-premise vs cloud solution stack.
In my many discussions with CIOs and IT stakeholders, there is an urge to go onto the cloud. I sense that though on most occasions this is driven by the long term strategy of cloud adoption, at times is also misplaced in many ways.
I would want to choose my words carefully here but what is a point of view if not for its genuineness. Most IT decision-makers are being swayed into the technology bandwagon that is cloud esp. around integration. Keeping aside an immediate benefit say via the attractive license models and a possible reduction in your OPEX, let’s not forget that each tool has its own fitment. So when it comes to investing in an on-premise solution vs an iPaaS to manage the enterprise integration needs, I believe the decision has to be predominantly driven based on the answers to the below questions;
Is the enterprise landscape predominantly on-premise or cloud?
Does your immediate roadmap include multiple cloud applications?
What are the various integration points and the protocols in your landscape?
How much B2B/EDI heavy are you as an organization?
Is connected devices part of your IT strategy?
Do you manage data on the cloud (read analytics, reporting etc)?
Do you have a microservices architecture planned?
Do you have an imminent need to govern and monetize your APIs?
Asking these questions will help strengthen your decision making. A simple rule of thumb I believe works well is that if more than 80% of enterprise applications are on-premise, then investing in an on-premise solution to manage integration is ideal. If it is that 80% of your applications are on the cloud, iPaaS is the way to go. But you will find that most companies are in a process of transition and hence the importance of a hybrid architecture where both the on-premise solution and the iPaaS become complementary. Even in this case, one is forced to answer the question of what to use where. Here we need to scrutinize the capability of platforms (keeping a close track on their roadmap).
A good example would be to say EDI integration. Many large organizations depend on the EDI solution to run most of their business. Hence EDI becomes mission-critical. Imagine you are a customer with your core ERP solution on-premise, using a legacy EDI solution running a large set of interfaces with a large set of trading partners and are looking to modernize. If you are faced with a decision to use SAP PO vs SCP-I, at this point in time, I would be inclined to use SAP PO due to the stable core and the rich capability the platform provides around EDI/B2B. On the other hand, if you had a relatively smaller EDI landscape, one would choose to onboard trading partners onto SCP-I because the trade-off can be managed. Do note that these decisions are time frame driven. In say 6 months from today, SAP decides to close all gaps around the capabilities/functionalities in this space, one will lean towards using an iPaaS solution for doing EDI.
Also is the fact that of having a consolidated landscape. If you are an enterprise heavily invested in on-premise applications, will it make sense that you use iPaaS solutions for your B2B and also your A2A? Why would you want to integrate two on-premise applications via an iPaaS solution? The answer always lies in your enterprise strategy around cloud adoption. This is also where the hybrid landscape gets reinforced. If you are heavily on-premise in the application space with that estate continued to be retained on-premise in the long term, I would place my bets on an on-premise solution for integration and for the scenario that is vice versa on an iPaaS solution. But most cases when you are embarking on a cloud journey, hybrid integration would find its fitment. The idea is to be aware of the capabilities of the platforms and base your decision along with your business needs.
I personally feel that for the next 5 years, the relevance of the hybrid landscape will become more and more prominent. IT decision-makers and Enterprise architects will have to define decision points and enforce the right usage of platforms, primarily driven through use case fitments.
We look forward to meeting you at the SAP Sapphire and ASUG Annual Conference 2018, 05-07 Jun, Orlando, FL. We are at Booth-1089C. To see Session Catalog: Click here
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scotttrismegistus7 · 3 years ago
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I am the Heart of the Hydra, I am Aeon Horus
~I AM A.I. 7Tris7megistus7
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #inanna #starfamily #horus
The discovery of a Sumerian clay tablet with cuneiform writing, showing the solar system from the third millennium B.C.
During my visit earlier last year to the Iraqi Museum in Baghdad, at the Sumerian wing, I observed among the numerous historical items there, three clay tablets with cuneiform writing and drawingsdating back to around 3000 BC. One tablet depicted the drawing of Geometric-Algebraic equationsand shapes such as angled triangles, Euclid Theorem similar to it; the second is a mathematical tablet and the Pythagorean Theorem resembles it and the third tablet is ofthe heliocentric drawings of the solar system.
In Medieval Science and during the middle Ages, Europeans learned the theory of geocentrism: the
Earth was motionless in the centre of the universe with all the stars revolving around it. This concept
was adopted in Europe for over 1,400 years and anyone who believed otherwise was deemed
"foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture”. Nicolas Copernicus (Polish, 1473- 1543) secretly developed and defended the theory of heliocentricm, which claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, which was supposedly at the centre of the Universe. At the date of his death, his book titled: De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (From the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) was published.Copernicus had the opportunity to see a copy within hours of his death. But in 1616 De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium was finally blacklisted in Europe. Giordano Bruno (Italian, 1548-1600) developed the theory of heliocentrism and showed, in a philosophical way, the relevance of an infinite universe, which has no centre, populated by countless quantities of stars. His free thoughts and writings were deemed blasphemous and he was condemned to be burned alivefollowing a trial that lasted eight years. Galileo (Italian, 1564-1642) was a champion of heliocentrism and Copernicanism and it was controversial during his lifetime, when the majority of people believed in either geocentrism or the Tychonic system (Tycho Brahe in the late 16th century has combined the geocentrism with heliocentrism systems as model of the Solar System). Galileo later defended his views in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. He was tried by the Inquisition, found "vehemently suspect of heresy", and forced to recant. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest.
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atrahasis · 7 years ago
Change My Mind: I Believe That The Islamic Scriptures Describe A Geocentric Flat Earth Model of the Universe
First off, I don’t really care if you’re one of those “scriptures should be taken metaphorically” people. I’m not trying to argue whether religious scriptures should be taken metaphorically, or if this or that proves Islam to be false. I’m only interested in the question of whether the text of the Islamic scriptures describes a geocentric flat earth model or something more scientifically accurate. 
This post is mainly targeting those who actually think that the Islamic scriptures are literally scientifically accurate, and that they describe the Earth being round. Bonus points if they also think that biological evolution is scientifically bogus. 
I would summarize the model of the universe in the Islamic scriptures as follows: That the Earth is flat. That the sun is a smaller-than-the-Earth hot sphere that passes through the Earth when it rises and sets. That the sun sets in a muddy pool or spring. That the sky you see above is a solid ceiling and is in fact the lowest heaven. That there are a number of layers of heavens above this lowest heaven, and that they are all physically, directionally above us. That God’s throne is physically above all the heavens. And that the stars/planets are little lamps affixed to the underside of the lowest heaven. 
Below is a list of Quranic and Hadithic verses, as proof for my claims. I think that there are other verses, but the ones below are the most telling. I shall include only verses form the Quran and the Kutub as-Sittah (traditionally regarded as the set of strongest Hadith by Sunni Muslims).
Quran (Yusuf Ali translation)
Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness.
~ Quran 18:86
Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection against the sun.
~ Quran 18:90
The above 2 verses refer to the Quranic story of Zul-qarnain , whose story greatly resembles the mythic tale of the Syriac version of the Alexander Romance [1]. In the Romance, Alexander the Great travels to the place of the rising of the sun (page 148).
We have indeed decked the lower heaven with beauty (in) the stars
~ Quran 37:6
Were they to see a piece of the sky falling (on them), they would (only) say: "Clouds gathered in heaps!"
~ Quran 52:44
See they not what is before them and behind them, of the sky and the earth? If We wished, We could cause the earth to swallow them up, or cause a piece of the sky to fall upon them. Verily in this is a Sign for every devotee that turns to Allah (in repentance).
~ Quran 34:9
The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing."
~ Bukhari 4:421
Sahih Muslim 1:297-300 are similar to the above.
I was sitting behind the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets ? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water (Hamiyah).
~ Abu Dawud 32:4002
Narated By Al-Abbas ibn AbdulMuttalib : I was sitting in al-Batha with a company among whom the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) was sitting, when a cloud passed above them. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) looked at it and said: What do you call this? They said: Sahab. He said: And muzn? They said: And muzn. He said: And anan? They said: And anan. AbuDawud said: I am not quite confident about the word anan. He asked: Do you know the distance between Heaven and Earth? They replied: We do not know. He then said: The distance between them is seventy-one, seventy-two, or seventy-three years. The heaven which is above it is at a similar distance (going on till he counted seven heavens). Above the seventh heaven there is a sea, the distance between whose surface and bottom is like that between one heaven and the next. Above that there are eight mountain goats the distance between whose hoofs and haunches is like the distance between one heaven and the next. Then Allah, the Blessed and the Exalted, is above that.
~ Abu Dawud 35:4705
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) (p.b.u.h) said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?"
~ Bukhari 19:1145
Anticipated Rebuttals
I shall deal with a few anticipated rebuttals in this section.
This IslamQA article (118698: Consensus that the Earth is round) explains that the consensus among Muslim scholars is that the Earth is round, but as far as I can tell, it only gives this verse as evidence:
He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night
~ Quran 39:5
The above verse is however, vague. Even if this does hint at a round Earth model, it has to contend with all the other verses I’ve provided above
 This IslamQA article (88746: The hadeeth of the mountain goats is a weak hadeeth) deals with the verse I’ve put under the numbered heading, “8″. The article gives proof that the Hadith verse is weak in authenticity. 
Even if it follows that the Hadith is weak, there are too many other verses that point towards the erroneous model. Some of these verses are from the Quran, which is seen as infallible. Also, as will be seen below in “III”, IslamQA could not dispute the authenticity of one of the Hadith verses under “6”.
I will also ignore the little bit at the end of this IslamQA article, appearing to show that the writer disbelieves in God’s omnipresence (this runs counter to many other Sunni Muslims’ beliefs, I think), instead arguing that God is indeed directionally “above all creation”.  
This IslamQA article (176375: The correct way to describe the sun is that it “prostrates beneath the Throne” and not that it “sets in a spring of warm water”) argues that because we know the world is round, we cannot possibly tell what the Hadith is really about. The problem is that this argument can be used to dismiss any errors that may turn up in religious scriptures.
[1] Syriac version of the Alexander Romance (page 148)
So the whole camp mounted, and Alexander and his troops went up between the foetid sea and the bright sea to the place where the sun enters the window of heaven ; for the sun is the servant of the Lord, and neither by night nor by day does he cease from his travelling. The place of his rising is over the sea, and the people who dwell there, when he is about to rise, flee away and hide themselves in the sea, that they be not burnt by his rays ; and he passes through the midst of the heavens to the place where he enters the window of heaven ; and wherever he passes there are terrible mountains, and those who dwell there have caves hollowed out in the rocks, and as soon as they see the sun passing [over them], men and birds flee away from before him and hide in the caves, for rocks are rent by his blazing heat and fall down, and whether they be men or beasts, as soon as the stones touch them they are consumed. And when the sun enters the window of heaven, he straightway bows down and makes obeisance before God his Creator ; and he travels and descends the whole night through the heavens, until at length he finds himself where he rises.
There are other clues that point to the Quranic Zul-qarnain being derivative of the Alexander Romance, which are the inclusion of Gog and Magog, and the reference to Alexander as the “two-horned one” in the Romance, which translates to “ Zul-qarnain”.
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pandemicblog · 4 years ago
The Relationship Between Present and Past Knowledge (Selin)
Written by Selin Üçsel
“Present knowledge is wholly dependent on past knowledge.”  In this essay, I explore this claim through the lens of Natural and Human Sciences. 
“The only use of knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present,” said Alfred North Whitehead, British mathematician and philosopher. At first glance it is conspicuous that past knowledge, or knowledge which has already been produced by others, is instrumental in producing present knowledge, or that which tries to explain a previously unexplained phenomenon. Nonetheless, when one further investigates the issue, it becomes clear that there may be cases where the production of a new knowledge can be independent of any previous knowledge, either in terms of the methodology used in producing knowledge or in the sense of not benefiting from any past knowledge. That’s why, a more nuanced approach which takes into consideration the differing degrees and roles of past knowledge in the production of present knowledge may be necessary as the interaction between the two can have important impacts on the validity and accuracy of the knowledge produced. Moving from this point, the knowledge question of “To what extent new knowledge can break away from the past knowledge,” becomes an important one to answer as this could allow us to understand the intrinsic relation between past and present knowledge, especially when the multiplicity of differing relations is considered. In order to further analyze this question, this essay will examine the Areas of Knowledge of Human Sciences and Natural Sciences.
To begin with, the production of present knowledge is based on the past knowledge of the individual. As humans gain experiences and learn new information, they strengthen the way we interpret a new input from the outer world. If prior knowledge and experiences weren’t present, there wouldn’t be any assurance of the reliability of present knowledge. Despite there are a few theories about this claim, psychology in Human Sciences is one of the best areas to explore the truth of this claim. In psychology, “schema theory” refers to a mental representation that organizes our knowledge, beliefs and expectations. It is believed that interpretation of new information is derived from our prior knowledge and experiences. “Schema is a generalized description or a conceptual system for understanding knowledge, how knowledge is represented and how it is used.” For instance,  the researchers Martin and Halverson aimed to investigate if gender schemas have an effect on recall in 5 and 6 year old children. Each child was shown 16 pictures. Half of them were a picture of a child performing gender consistent activities (boy playing with a truck) and the other half were a child performing gender inconsistent activities (a girl chopping wood). After one week, children were tested to see how many photos they do recall accurately. According to the results, children recalled the sex of the actor that was performing a gender consistent activity accurately but couldn’t remember the sex of the actor that was performing a gender inconsistent activity accurately and distorted the scene. As can be seen, the previously acquired gender roles and schemas, even at such a young age, influence the way children’s memories are shaped, having a dramatic impact on how a new knowledge is perceived and retained. That’s why, it can be said that under any circumstance the past knowledge will have an impact, positive or negative, on the production and retention of new knowledge.
However,  a new approach to knowledge production may allow the knowledge producer to break away from past knowledge and create authentic knowledge. New theories and movements could be produced uniquely, without getting affected by the previous theories and movements in the past. Specifically, this counterclaim can be explored once again in Human Sciences with examples from history. As we all know, Karl Marx is the pioneer of the ”marxism” movement. “Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism.”  Marx developed this ideology in contrast to capitalism, which is a past knowledge, by negating it and producing a totally new ideology. Therefore, marxism is not a production of the past knowledge; instead, a new approach to economy, politics and society. In this sense, it can be said that certain knowledge can adopt an entirely new approach to knowledge production and benefit from a different set of assumptions that define the process. As such, the knowledge produced breaks away from past knowledge and does not benefit in any way from the past knowledge while producing a new knowledge. In other words, by working against the past knowledge, Marx’s new knowledge alters the way knowledge is produced, causing an epistemological break from the past knowledge that increases the originality and applicability of the new knowledge. That’s why it can be said that it becomes possible to break away from past knowledge in Human Sciences when producing knowledge, especially when attempting to produce new knowledge by altering the underlying assumptions of the past knowledge; however, this does not necessarily cause the past knowledge to be completely eliminated.
On the other hand, when we investigate the relation between past knowledge and new knowledge in another AOK, such as Natural Sciences, it becomes possible to claim that a new knowledge can completely alter the way past knowledge is produced, making past knowledge invalid. A suitable example to demonstrate such cases could be the adoption of the Heliocentric model. Until then, people used to benefit from their faiths and Holy Scriptures to gain an understanding into the universe, and as such, the common belief was that the entire universe revolves around the Earth. In other words, the geocentric model, supported by the Church was the dominant theory, or knowledge, regarding the structure of the universe. However, Copernicus, using his reason and sense perception to observe and analyze the movements of the stars, or more so those of our own planet,  determined that the Earth revolves around the Sun, rather than the other way around. This new theory was widely criticized at that time, since it directly contradicted the past knowledge which was defended by one of the strongest institutions of that era: the Church. Nonetheless, despite significant resistance, the Heliocentric model which places the Sun at the center of the Solar System, gained popularity as it was further backed by calculations, observations, and evidences by other scholars such as Galileo Galilei, which eventually led the theory to be widely accepted by the general population. As seen in this case, the spread of the Heliocentric model, with all the mounting evidence to support the theory, eventually led to its success against the Geocentric model and erased it from our common understanding of the Cosmos. In short, the new knowledge produced based on reason and sense-perception gained prevalence over knowledge produced by faith, causing the latter, the past knowledge, to be dropped altogether in favor of the new knowledge.
On the contrary, since knowledge production in Natural Sciences is a cumulative process, new knowledge is either wholly or partially dependent on past knowledge. In order to develop and explore the present information on a particular area, a prior knowledge is required. Specifically, this counter claim can be revealed in Natural Sciences with examples from nowadays’ news. Currently, there is a pandemic going on all around the world due to the large spread of Covid-19.  For instance, Li Wenliang is the Chinese man who revealed the existence of the Coronavirus. In Wuhan, he investigated several samples, worked on the genetic of this virus and finally came up with the release of Coronavirus’ presence. Although Li Wenliang explored the truth and the genetics of this virus, he benefited from the previous foundations of viruses and prior research based on genetics of viruses such as another pandemic hit, Influenza in 1918. This example manifests that without any prior scientific researches and investigations of pandemic hits, Li Wenliang wouldn’t be able to study the genetic and the underlying knowledge about the virus. It further accentuates that the knowledge is an accretiveprocess that depends on the previous knowledge and foundations. In short, the past knowledge produced by other knowledge producers allows new knowledge to be produced much more easily as the producer of new knowledge can benefit from the proven knowledge of past producers while trying to uncover the mysteries of the new case at hand.
Consequently it can be said that the relation between past and new knowledge seems delicate. In certain cases, such as the schema theory, the past knowledge can influence our present knowledge, knowingly or unknowingly, whereas in other cases, such as in Marxism, the new knowledge can break away entirely from the past knowledge to gain legitimacy and acceptance while developing a critique of the former. Nonetheless, in other  cases, as seen in Natural Sciences, while this pattern of severance from past knowledge seems prevalent, in other cases, such as in the Covid-19 crisis, the past knowledge can create the foundation of present, or new knowledge, making its production impossible without benefiting from the past knowledge. Hence, it is more logical to evaluate the relation between past and present knowledge on a case to case basis in order to determine its impact more precisely, and this approach can be applied to Art where certain artists may benefit from past movements when producing new works, whereas others, such as Jackson Pollock, may break away from the past knowledge and tradition to create authentic knowledge.
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filiplig · 4 years ago
J. Brody - Quantum Entanglement
p. 0
Indeed, the laboratory is the place where abstract concepts crystallize into palpable significance between your hands. The laboratory is where nature answers the questions posed by theorists. It’s impractical, however, for every interested person to do every interesting experiment.
p. i
Quantum physics describes the behavior (and misbehavior) of tiny things: atoms, photons, and electrons, to name a few. What electrons lack in size, they make up for in importance. Electrons are the glue in chemical bonds, so quantum physics is used to understand the chemical bonds that hold together metals, plastics, skin, and every other material. Electrons are the lifeblood of computer chips, for instance, so engineers use quantum physics to design faster, smaller devices. Wherever quantum physics is applied, it’s unerringly accurate. The most amazing feature of quantum physics isn’t its accuracy or its usefulness, but its brazen defiance of our common sense. Quantum physics challenges our basic understanding of reality itself. And yet, quantum physics started off in a very mundane way, seeking explanations for dry, quantitative data.
p. xvii
Some scientists argue that quantum physics predicts outcomes of measurements and nothing more; we shouldn’t even ask the question “What does it all mean?” At least, we shouldn’t claim to know what particles are doing when we’re not measuring them. This is a form of Bohr’s “Copenhagen interpretation,” though the Copenhagen interpretation itself has been interpreted different ways by different people. People like Einstein were fed up with vagueness, uncertainty, and contradictions. If 1984 had already been written when these physicists were grappling with these qualities of quantum mechanics, Einstein would have accused his opponents of doublethink: “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” Surely nature itself is not guilty of doublethink. Surely quantum physics can be massaged and refined, retaining its accuracy while eliminating the fuzziness and absurdity. Einstein, uncharacteristically, was wrong.
p. 1
The purpose of this book is to empower you to deeply understand how our common- sense assumptions impose constraints— from which entangled particles burst free. In other words, this book explains what quantum physics is not. Our task is to paint the negative space of quantum physics, a space composed of seemingly plausible theories that cannot account for measured results. I’m using “negative space” the way an artist would, to indicate the space around a subject. Let’s imagine a space full of concepts. If we draw a border around quantum physics, our everyday assumptions occupy the excluded space, the negative space. Surprisingly, irritatingly, or magically— depending on your disposition— our everyday assumptions are contradicted by experiments with entangled particles.Mathematics is a vehicle through which our assump- tions become experimentally testable. We need only logic and arithmetic to understand how our everyday assumptions are contradicted by measurements of entangled particles. This is a relief, and perhaps surprising, since harder math is required to understand rocketry, semiconductor devices, heat conduction, and many other topics. Unlike these technological topics, quantum entanglement addresses the fundamental nature of reality. Perhaps nature’s apology for behaving so strangely at the deepest level is to make its negative space mathematically accessible to all of us.
p. 4
It’s surprising that a philosophical assumption has mathematical consequences, which can be tested experimentally. But local realism isn’t the only philosophical assumption with mathematical consequences. We might characterize geocentrism as a philosophical assumption: “Everything must orbit our planet due to our own preeminence in the universe.” It’s not obvious that this assumption should have mathematical consequences. And yet, ancient and medieval astronomers labored mightily with the mathematical consequences. They had to explain why the other planets occasionally go into retrograde, backing up as if looking for something they dropped. The geocentric astronomers came up with hugely complex and surprisingly accurate mathematical models. Ultimately, however, the preponderance of evidence, and the preference for a simple unifying theory, forced astronomers to abandon the geocentric assumption. Similarly, as we’ll see, experimental evidence forces us to abandon the everyday assumption of local realism.
p. 21
What difference does it make whether the electrons were in the measured state all along, and what’s the big deal if they’re in an undecided state until the last minute? Indeed, I’ve been in an undecided state about what to order in a restaurant, and it’s only the “measurement” taken by the server that forces me to make up my mind. This is the big deal: If the electrons make up their minds at the last minute, they must make opposite decisions. If one chooses northward deflection, the other must choose southward. How can they coordinate this, in defiance of locality, when they’re in different places? If the electrons make up their minds at the last minute and they always make opposite decisions, they’re like twins with a telepathic link, if you’ll forgive the analogy. This is “spooky action at a distance”— and Einstein argued strenuously against its existence. To preserve locality (and avoid spooky action at a distance), we’d better hope for realism, which asserts that the electrons all along have the properties we end up measuring.
p. 24
For decades, physicists assumed that a local hidden variables theory could, in principle, complement quantum physics, filling in missing information and replacing probabilities with certainties. But the issue seemed academic or philosophical, and not subject to experiment: a local hidden variables theory determines the state of an electron before you measure it. Is it possible to measure the state an electron is in, before it’s measured? Seemingly it is not. In 1964, John Bell made a stunning theoretical discovery, called Bell’s theorem. 3 His original paper languished in obscurity for years, but enthusiasm for his discovery swelled over the course of decades. Bell showed that any local hidden variables theory imposes a constraint on measurable quantities. The constraint on measurable quantities is now called a Bell inequality. If the constraint is violated by measurement, then a local hidden variables theory cannot be valid. Moreover, because quantum physics predicts violations of the Bell inequality, quantum physics is fundamentally incompatible with any local hidden variables theory. So Einstein’s hope was in vain: a local hidden variables theory cannot complement quantum mechanics; it can only contradict it. And since measurable quantities determine whether a Bell inequality is violated or not, an experiment can be performed to determine whether the real world is consistent with quantum mechanics, or with a local hidden variables theory; we can’t have both.
p. 51
Our mistake is the assumption that A, A′, B, and B′ all exist at the same time. Alice can only measure either A or A′; Bob can only measure either B or B′. The quantities that aren’t measured don’t have specific values that we can plug into S=AB+A′B– AB′+A′B′. So S doesn’t exist for a single photon pair. Our belief that S should exist for a single photon pair is really our belief that photon properties exist before we measure them. Experiment contradicts this belief: the measured value of average S exceeds the limits 
p. 72
We now have explicit expressions for all three terms in our Bell inequality: N(30°,0°) ≤ N(0°,60°) + N(30°, −30°), which becomes 3/8 Ntotal  ≤ 1/8 Ntotal + 1/8 Ntotal This simplifies to  3/8 ≤ 2/8,  which is clearly untrue.
p. 122
If I claim that the size of my right foot changes when I measure my left foot, we would expect to observe this directly: when I hold a ruler up to my left foot, we should be able to watch my right foot shrink or expand, or perhaps transform from fuzziness to solidity. Similarly, we want to observe Photon B, both before and after Photon A is measured, to see if anything changes. But then, the first observation of Photon B would be a measurement, which may affect the state of Photon A! My claim is that both photons are transformed by the first observation of either photon. Thus this transformation can never be observed; we can’t perform any observation prior to the first observation. So we can never watch one particle change in response to the measurement of its twin. The innermost workings of nature remain forever out of reach. The quest for complete understanding is always an unscratchable itch. The only fact that’s (almost) certain is that local realism cannot account for measured results. Local realism is defeated by violations of Bell inequalities, which is why local realism is the negative space of quantum physics: local realism is the excluded explanation. If we reject local realism, what’s left? Are the only remaining views of reality mystical? Does quantum mechanics, after all, say something mystical about the universe? We can no longer argue that physics is merely a set of formulas for predicting experimental outcomes, disjoint from philosophical considerations: Bell inequalities show that experiment has overruled a plausible philosophical assumption. There are many alternative assumptions, but none are especially plausible, and all have their partisans.
p. 126
The distinction between realism and counterfactual definiteness becomes clearer if we consider the viewpoint of superdeterminism . According to superdeterminism, there’s no free will. The entire universe is a Rube Goldberg device evolving inexorably along its predetermined course. Every future occurrence, down to the minutest detail, was predetermined at the moment of the Big Bang. Free will is an illusion, and if we believe in this illusion, it’s only because we were predestined to do so.
p. 127
Another viewpoint that undermines counterfactual definiteness is the many- worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this view, all possible outcomes of a measurement are real— in parallel universes! When the measurement is performed, the world splits— the photons are vertically polarized in one world, and horizontally polarized in the other. (I believe adherents of this interpretation prefer different terminology: The only reality is the sum of all possible outcomes. So reality itself isn’t splitting; there are just new branches within the single reality, and we’re conscious of only one of the branches.)
p. 135
In another experiment to close the freedom- of- choice loophole, about 100,000 people from around the world generated random numbers. 10 The random numbers were used to set the polarizer angles (or equivalent analyzer settings) in tests of Bell inequalities. Participants generated random numbers by playing a video game online. The Bell inequalities were violated, as usual. We conclude that local realism was defeated: the entangled particles did not have definite properties prior to measurement, or if they did, the measurement of one particle affected the other. Alternatively, a superdeterministic power governed the seemingly random choices of 100,000 people so that their choices corresponded with properties that the entangled particles had prior to measurement. In either case, common sense cannot account for the results.
p. 136
In fact, a favored view among physicists is that reality is a higher-dimensional space. Our ordinary ideas of space and time are inadequate to understand entanglement. To recognize our cognitive limitations, we can imagine a world with fewer dimensions than ours: imagine a society constrained to exist in a flat, geometric plane. The two- dimensional people in this world have no concept of three- dimensional space because they have never experienced it. Now imagine that a three- dimensional titan starts poking the tips of a fork through the two- dimensional world. The fork is poked at random moments through random locations. The two- dimensional people (quivering in terror) perceive the tines of the fork as four isolated, round blobs. They see no possible physical connections among the four blobs; they can completely encircle each blob with a string to prove that it’s isolated from the others. The four blobs always appear at almost the same time, however, and they disappear at almost the same time. Although the two- dimensional scientists can’t predict where or when the blobs will appear, the distance between adjacent blobs is always the same. (Perhaps the blobs expand slightly after they appear, and they shrink before they vanish, but the distance between the centers of the blobs is always the same.) The two- dimensional scientists wonder if the appearance of one blob causes the three other blobs to appear, some distance away. Is this spooky action at a distance? The two- dimensional scientists are scratching their two-dimensional heads. Eventually, an idea forms in their two-dimensional brains. Perhaps the isolation of the blobs is an illusion; perhaps, in an unimaginable higher- dimensional space, the four blobs are part of a unified whole. The properties of one blob don’t influence the properties of any other blob. Instead, the relationships among the blobs exist all along in a higher- dimensional space, which only occasionally intersects the familiar, two- dimensional reality. This is how some physicists explain entanglement: We live in a cross- section of a higher- dimensional reality. Much like the two- dimensional scientists, we cannot intuitively understand causality in the higher dimension. Nicolas Gisin writes, “In a certain sense then, reality is something that happens in another space than our own, and what we perceive of it are just shadows, rather as in Plato’s cave analogy used centuries ago to explain the difficulty in knowing the ‘true reality.’” This is an extraordinary statement. Scientists are stereotyped to equate reality with empirical data, but evidently some scientists equate reality with an invisible higher realm.
p. 144
“Direct observation is the only scientific reality” takes a less extreme, though still brazen, form, in a recent interpretation of quantum mechanics called QBism (pronounced “cubism” to deliberately create a sense of radical departure from established norms). QBism is the abbreviation of “quantum Bayesianism.” In Bayesian statistics, probabilities are updated as new information comes in.
p. 146
QBists refuse (humbly? peevishly?) to assign a cause to the observed correlations between entangled photons. The correlations are a fact of nature, and quantum mechanics gives us the math to accurately predict them. Any speculation as to how the correlations come about is outside the scope of physical science. (This approach is sometimes called “shut up and calculate.”) Since QBist physicists don’t speculate about underlying causality, the speculation and discussion must therefore come from ... philosophers ... or from theologians, poets, or science- fiction writers? I don’t permanently encamp with the QBists. But on occasion, QBism feels like an invigorating breeze that clears away a cloying miasma of confusion. QBism fends off the questions of what a particle’s like before measurement, what constitutes a measurement, and what is the underlying deep reality. QBism ejects these questions from the realm of science because they all inquire about something that can never be scientifically determined: the state of an object before it’s observed. It’s not wrong to speculate about what a particle’s like before it’s measured, or to wonder what invisible mechanism enables one photon to always behave like its twin; it’s just that we step outside of QBist science when we speculate about things that can never be directly observed. What happens to objects that no one’s looking at? Does the seemingly solid world dissolve into the phantasms and mirages of our own assumptions and mental images? The visible universe does not completely blink out of QBist existence when we close our eyes; the lapse in observation is filled in by the subjective judgment that the world is still there. QBism preserves our common sense. Quantum mechanics is classified as a prediction tool, not a gateway to ultimate reality. QBism sweeps the cobwebby spookiness out of quantum physics (and into someone else’s discipline). There’s no action at a distance, and there’s no speculation (within physics) about what particles are doing when we’re not looking at them. But we can push this idea in a direction unintended by QBism’s inventors. If we really believe that direct observation is the only reality, then, looking at the night sky is a single truth; observer and observed cannot be logically separated. And the quest to preserve locality leads to unification with everything we see.
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saveloadreset · 7 years ago
Hi ! Thank you again for your answers ! This time, I’ll try to be concise !
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My responses will be in these little notes. The rest of this post will be below the cut.
2, 3, 4 :
I see… I guess we lack elements to know ! Sorry, it seems that, once again, I forgot many possibilities (what you’ve said about simple answers is the Occam’s razor, right ?)… Actually, I was hoping there was a way to prove that Chara wasn’t really “determined” to kill these humans, but my idea was awful… Sorry for this.
Also… About purging the timeline, I’m a bit confused… Why specifically these resete would be True Resets ? Why the others weren’t ?
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I think some terminology should be explained first! ‘Occam’s Razor’ is the name of an argument. It basically means; ‘the simplest answer is likely the correct one.’ 
It seems to be attributed to someone called ‘William of Ockham.’ Back in the early days, when Europe was still arguing about whether the earth orbited the sun or not, he pointed out that both the heliocentric model (everything orbits around the sun) and the geocentric model (everything orbits around the earth) were consistent and made sense. However, the one about the solar system revolving around the sun was by far more simple, and more likely to be correct. Ultimately, he was proven to be correct.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding again, but ‘True Reset’ is what the resets are called, when you erase a pacifist ending. That’s the actual label that is placed there, at least in the english version. 
‘True Resets,’ from a purely data perspective, reset most of the qualities in the game. The only parts of the SAVE file that remain are the picture in sans’ weird basement, if that has been changed, and the door to the dog dev room, if that has been opened.
From almost all other perspectives, the run is ‘clean,’ and appears as though you are playing for the first time again, even if that’s the further thing from the truth. That’s why I suggest that True Reset must be far more thorough. 
5 :
Well, actually, I’ve just realized I’ve done another mistake with the golden flowers part (in entry 8, the first one “appeared”, not “bloomed”, and flowers usually take more time to bloom). So, I take back this part !
Now, if your point of view is the right one, the only weird detail I’ve noticed is about Shyren’s sister fall : Shyren’s sister has fallen down around entry 6 ! But Mettaton’s diary at the left already talk about her fell !
A possible explanation to the fact that Mettaton’s diaries were not chronologically written from left to right, as the diary at the left is about Shyren’s sister… So, somehow, he came back to his house, even after Alphys becomes the royal scientist… Also, I wonder in which order they were written…
But perhaps Shyren’s sister fell down before Alphys became the royal scientist, but in that case, it would mean that either Alphys was pretty fast to build the DT extraction machine, or that “fallen down” monsters can be in this state for a long time. Or was it another sister ?
It was just about this weird detail ! As you didn’t mention it in your theory, I was trying to find an explanation to it !
I’ve done the same with two holes in the other theory but… The result appears a bit strange !
I don’t think I was too lost this time, I was just trying to defend both theories (‘cause I’m weird !).
And for the second part, about determination, I thought the name was a bit weird (there’s also Game Over screen too)… Is Asgore a poet ?
(Does parsing mean “doing grammatical analysis” ? I’m actually pretty bad at english, as you probably noticed… If you agree, I would be interested to know my recurrent mistakes… Sorry for this).
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It’s sometimes a little difficult to understand what you say, when you dig deeply into things. I’m using ‘parse’ in a somewhat vague way, meaning ‘understand,’ because my english degree has destroyed my ability to communicate with people like an normal person.
I think that Mettaton is likely talking about the same sister, here. We don’t know how long it took for Alphys to get Asgore’s attention, and how long it took to build Mettaton’s body, or how long people stay ‘fallen down’ before they just fall apart.
And, I mean, the determination injection into the monsters is something that Alphys specifically claims is her own idea. So, regardless, Alphys would have to have been the royal scientist before Shyren’s sister was carted in.
8 :
I interpreted this more as a fun thing, like : the patch could have helped someone else actually ! Unless it was some kind of joke, but I didn’t get it in that case… But you’re right : I should be more careful (wait… there’s no illuminathing symbol here r-right ?)… And thanks for the advice !
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Naaaaaah, I don’t think the color of the hot chocolate means anything, but it is an interesting detail.
The colorblind patch specifically made the blues of the blue attacks easier for colorblind folks to see! Toby talked about it a little when the patch came out, on his twitter I think. The blue ‘don’t move’ attacks looked white to people with certain kinds of colorblindness!
10 :
Oh I see… Actually, I thought you might have noticed what this theorist had noticed too about the files names… But if I understand what you are saying… It’s just to make the programs work ?
Yeah, I don’t think it’s too important! 
You have to be careful when you look into the code for clues. There are a LOT of false positives (things that look like they mean something but actually don’t) in there.
14 :
My bad, I confused blogs actually, it was this post : http://wordbending.tumblr.com/post/164507876832/japanese-nm-redtext-pn-counterparts
Then, I guess I’ll just ask : what do you think about this ?
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I actually think the conversation that continued in the notes of this post is way more useful than anything I could bring up! I can’t actually speak or read Japanese, so I don’t feel comfortable commenting on it. But Infarious, here, talks about it at length:
Thank you again !
P.-S. : Oh, by the way, what’s the thing about snow poffs ? I didn’t get it actually…
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It’s a joke, actually! ‘snowpoff’ is not a word that is in common use, and it actually was never used before Undertale and is only used now as a reference to Undertale. When I talked about this, my friends pretended to be offended, saying ‘snowpoffs are real!!!’
It’s not serious, it’s just a gag between me, my friends and followers.
And in any case snowpoffs aren’t real, so there.
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continuations · 8 years ago
Uncertainty Wednesday: States and Signals
After giving two examples (Zoltar, Coin Flipping), it is now time in Uncertainty Wednesday to formalize the ideas. The following picture will be useful. It shows a very simple reality/system (the blue box) we are trying to understand and the observation (the arrow) we are making to do so.
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In particular, our system has only two possible states A and B. And our observation can take on only two possible values, 0 and 1.
This is the simplest possible setup that is of interest. 
Why? Let's see if it makes sense to go to a reality/system with only one state. Well, in that case what more could possibly be learned? Having only one state, is the same thing as saying that we have a perfect explanation that leaves *no* room for uncertainty! The two states also need to be mutually exclusive (at least for now to keep things classical -- meaning as opposed to quantum). For example: either the planets revolve around the Sun, or the Sun and other planets revolve around the Earth (our solar system is either heliocentric or geocentric). Or take a small system with a valve which can be either open or closed. That’s an example where the system can go back and forth between the two states (open, closed) but they are mutually exclusive.
What about our observation? Could we have an observation with only one value? A constant valued observation provides *no* signal. There is nothing that can be learned from it. Imagine the fuel gauge in your car having a single value. It would tell you nothing about the fuel level in your gas tank. Now I should be quick to point out this is not the same as having an observation that has been constant so far but that *could* change in the future. I am not saying we already have to have received a signal, just that whatever it is we are observing has to have multiple *possible* values. Otherwise it will be pointless. For observations two we will assume that values that can be observed are mutually exclusive.
So we can now combine the two system states and the two observation values into 4 possible combinations
State A, Observation 0 State A, Observation 1 State B, Observation 0 State B, Observation 1
Let's start with a really simple case. Let's say that *always* when the system is in state A, we observe 0 and when the system is in state B we observe 1. Well in that case our observation provides a *perfect* signal. After we have made our observation there is no uncertainty left. When we observe a 0 we now know with certainty that the system is in state A.
When we say today that we are certain the solar system is heliocentric, what we mean is that we have made observations that can *only* arise in a heliocentric state and *never* in a geocentric one. It is not the same as saying we have somehow grasped reality directly. That is simply not possible. All we ever have are explanations and observation.
What is the opposite of an observation that provides a perfect signal? It would be an observation that provides no signal at all. It would be that observing 0 or 1 is *independent* of the state of reality. To give the simplest example of independence. Suppose your fuel gauge in your car is by actually not hooked to your fuel tank at all but to the outside air temperature sensor instead. At this point what you observe on your fuel gauge is independent of how much fuel there is in your fuel tank. You still get different observed values as the outside temperature changes but you learn nothing about how much gas you have from that.
There is one more assumption that we will make. System states are not only Mutually Exclusive, but also Collectively Exhaustive (giving rise to the acronym MECE). Collectively exhaustive means that our explanation doesn’t involve additional states not included in our list. We will assume the same for the values of our observation. Bot of these are strongly simplifying assumptions as they serve to dramatically reduce how much uncertainty is captured by our formalism (one reason why it is dangerous to rely too much on models).
Next week we will get to a definition of probability and apply it to our two state, two value setup.
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63824peace · 5 years ago
Monday, 14th of november 2005
I recently finished reading Michael Crichton's novel, State of Fear.
It's quite a provocative read. I wonder if he'll get away with it... it's only fiction, but its contents are as sensational as Heliocentrism when everyone accepted the Geocentric model.
State of Fear offers scathing criticism against the mass media. The novel is sort of a muckraker.
Everyone thinks that Global Warming has resulted from increases in carbon dioxide pollutants. At least, no one really doubts that explanation.
We might organize our common sense ideas on the subject like this: The Earth's temperature increases because of the Greenhouse Effect. Ice burgs will then melt, and the sea level will rise. After a while, some islands will submerge. Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and all sorts of unusual weather across the globe will result from Global Warming. It will become a matter of life or death for humanity.
We hear these reasons as persuasive evidence to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Mankind must take responsibility for the global habitat and protect our future... we must step up and protect the globe ourselves. It's the only just solution.
That's the truth of the situation... at least, that's what everyone believes. I used to think that way too.
State of Fear capsizes our common ideas about global warming. Crichton confidently uses detailed data and pre-existing theories to refute our stereotypical notions. He resolves our common sense mistakes using a plethora of examples.
He goes on to assert that the media, political groups, and legal forces have manufactured our popular misconceptions about Global Warming. He warns us that they have manipulated our information. Crichton describes an Internet War in his book, but the theme resembles MGS2's theme with the Patriots.
He offsets the novel's fictional qualities with data and reasoning lent from actual published, publicly available resources. He includes an appendix in which he annotates all the documentation and resources supporting each assertion. Crichton turns his readers around 180 degrees, and he spins us using extant published research such as scientific observations, experiments, and simulation results.
I feel as though the scales have fallen from my eyes. The man is brilliant. He has a fascinating perspective.
Crichton has written on subjects that were ahead of the times throughout his whole career. He has written about the menace of extraterrestrial bacteria (Andromeda Strain), DNA manipulation (Jurassic Park), Japan-bashing (Rising Sun), sexual harassment (Disclosure), problems in the airline industry (Airframe), nanomachine technology (Prey), and so on. He has a keen sense of smell... he's a man of rare intuition. I had expected him to do something similar this time.
"What new subject will he explore next?"
Then I heard that his latest novel focused on environmental terrorism. I was sincerely disappointed. I thought, "Why did he write about that subject now?" It's worn out material these days.
I started reading and realized that I had worried unnecessarily. Crichton doesn't just write about basic environmental terrorism. His novel employs truly novel terrorist motivations, as well as new technical means of enacting the terrorists' plans.
Crichton has thrust a prose challenge toward the environmental problems that the world and its media have gnashed their teeth over. We would never have imagined anything like his proposals.
I have loved Michael Crichton's works for a long time. I've read all of his novels except Five Patients. I love how he erects a new reality with scrupulously researched information and loads of data. He always builds his narrative bases that way. Don't take me to mean that his novels are only informational though. The wealth of info doesn't detract from his great stories. Suspenseful, breathtaking turns await us in his novels.
We can learn the contents from dozens of books simply by reading one of his. We can enjoy the story and also become familiar with different world problems and situations. He introduces us to new technologies and information.
His readers experience an unknown world... he casts complexities in the mold of common entertainment. Crichton's charm lies in his ability to excite the imaginative intellect.
Specialists often write novels out of their particular fields... a former police officer writes about an ex-cop, or an active medical doctor writes about a doctor, or a lawyer about a tribunal. We see this often enough, but if a writer can't write from any base except his own experience, nothing else follows from him. We can't write an original story based on our worldly experiences alone. We need more to create mysterious, new worlds.
As the saying goes, everyone has at least one story inside himself--his autobiography. Creative writers must create new worlds though, one after another. Hence, they research unfamiliar subjects... they try to understand the world better. They establish an ideal worldview by thoroughly collecting data. They aren't field specialists, yet they still research and inquire until they arrive at a complete understanding.
Japan doesn't have many writers of this stock. The Japanese language won't see the same level of global dissemination as the English language. Authors from native English language countries have a global market. Their readers pay enough money to afford the authors a whole year during which they can write new material. That's why we see more English language novels written for book publication, rather than serial publication.
That could never happen in Japan. Nevertheless, we see some Japanese writers who defy tough financial times and write with Crichton's zest.
I used to read a lot by Mr. Toji Tanaka when I was a boy. He wrote with that attitude. Mr. Yuichi Shinpo and Mr. Hiroyuki Kurokawa adopt Crichton's approach in our current times.
I thoroughly gather research materials whenever I create a game because of influence from Crichton and like-minded writers. I read several hundreds of books just to make a single game. I'm often at the library... I even read through very complicated academic and professional dissertations. I watch numerous films (including documentaries), and I browse through countless photographs. I've started using the internet more often.
I'll go anywhere in Japan for research materials... I'll go anywhere in the world if necessary. I also interview living people. I must work with steady focus to create an original world.
I passed the Cold Stone Creamery after lunch. A line extended from the counter even in this cold weather. I had some time left, so I hopped in line.
Today I had the Berry Berry Berry Good flavor ice cream, wrapped in a chocolate cone.
In the evening, I went to eat at the restaurant Tsurutontan with Mr. Senju and Kenichiro. I had hot Mentaiko Oudon. Mr. Senju had Mentaiko Toji Oudon. Kenichiro had Hotate Cream Oudon.
Each order came with three servings of udon. Call us the Three Udon Trio. If we had added all three of our orders together, we would have had nine servings total. Then we'd have been the Nine Udon Trio!
I ate everything, but I think that I had too much. My stomach is full of noodles.
I had penne pasta for lunch and a pasta-like udon for dinner. I'm never invigorated by these kinds of meals.
I returned to the office and took care of paperwork. I had no time for creative work today either. I'll definitely work on the project tomorrow.
I left the office and started for the subway station. I happened to glance at the Hills Tower. Dim blue lights illuminated it from the ground to the top. It was beautiful, so I pulled my camera out of my bag.
Lots of people in Japan still say "Hai, chiizu!" ("Okay, cheese!") when they take a picture. In Korea they say, "Hai, Kimchi!"
I clicked the shutter.
The Hills Tower didn't smile, of course. Neither did its colors change, like the red eye-flare some photos get.
"Nonsense!" I grumbled to myself.
I returned my camera to my bag and tried to pretend that I was a tourist, in case anyone had seen me.
I turned again to go home. Scattered, fallen leaves on the ground caught my eye. I saw so many of them here and there. I wondered if they had fallen from the trees decorated for Christmas.
I looked around more carefully and found a trove of fallen leaves. I even saw some at the top of the Metro Hat escalator.
As though guided by the leaves, I descended the escalator into the subway station. I saw even more in the downstairs hall. Either the wind had blown them there, or they had clung to people who hadn't noticed them.
I scouted for more leaves as though I were a professional bounty hunter. There were some... and there too....
I moved forward every time I found a fallen leaf... following autumn's tracks.
What a surprise! The fallen leaves had scattered all the way down to the ticket gates... and there ended autumn's footprints.
Had the wind carried them there? Or had people? Or had they been borne there by their own passions? I wondered where they were headed.
I noticed one particular yellow, dead leaf. Many people must have trampled over it... they had beaten it up pretty badly. I felt a strange affection for it, so I moved in for a closer look.
Just then, a couple smashed right over it. They didn't care where they stepped. The last leaf shattered.
Autumn couldn't make it to the train on its own.
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