kuekyuuq · 1 year
Just read the words “sailor” and “Kara” in the same line...  Did a double-take and was severely disappointed that it was not about a Sailor Moon / Supergirl crossover...  But now my brain won’t shut up about it, bc Sailor Moon was my biggest first most passionate fandom. 
So, Sailor Krypton - yay or nay? 
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[Fanart not mine! See watermarked credits by Todd Nauck!]
On one hand... Why? She already got superpowers! Can even fly! 
On the other hand... Her first supersuit fit the theme really well. So at least visually it would make sense (but no, don’t squeeze Kara’s golden locks into pigtails, pls. she already resembles a golden retriever enough as is). 
She also exceeds the general age-group (13-18′ish)... 
She does not necessarily react well to prettily colored gems / crystals... 
She has superspeed, so her henshin/transformation sequence would be a blink-and-you-miss-it kinda situation... 
She’s severely over-powered, several elements (heat vision=fire, ice breath= ice (d’uh), flight=wind?, strength=earth?...) and then some - her fights against big bads should be short. 
But then would she be still vulnerable to magic, if being a Senshi is by definition a kind of magic(al girl)?
She has no Sailor Team - unless we’d recruit Sailor Naltor and Sailor ...Mars, oh. Oh! No! I am referring to M’gann! Nobody needs to see J’onn in a mini-skirt XD
So.... nay? *sighs disappointedly* 
...this does remind me, however, that so many years ago I shipped Usagi with Rei. So, another blonde titular heroine and her raven haired best friend... Huh. I guess, some things never change?
But, really, anyone ever wrote a (Supercorp) crossover fic like that? Even a parody?
...how would one even go about making this Supercorp...? Is Lena her Tuxedo Mask? Or, Tuxedo... Kieran?*  ... ....omg, please! Lena in suits is already a thing!!!!! And thanks to The Continental we even now got Katie with a mask... (That last part may be the only part that somewhat makes sense in this whole pointless rant XD )
[* Tuxedo Kieran is both a play on the Japanese Tuxedo Kamen (lit. “mask”) and Lena’s second / middle name meaning, “dark one”, making the character as ambiguous as, well a mask would imply, I suppose? Or just as literal as ‘yepp, they are wearing a mask’ bc it also means “dark/black haired”.]
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ragingphantom666 · 7 months
All the projects I have on my shelf
Note: I only work on the fandom I'm currently very interested in.
DC Dimensions
Aquaman: Bloodline [candidate for being scrapped]
Artemis: The Last Amazon
The Atom
Batman Beyond
Bloodsport: Santa Prisca
Blue & Gold [candidate for being scrapped]
Blue Beetle [candidate for being scrapped]
Blue Devil
Cheetah in the Wildlands
Cheetah's Curse [candidate for being scrapped]
Creature Commandos
The Creeper: Twisted Mind [candidate for being scrapped]
Cyborg & Beast Boy
Dark Trinity
Donna Troy [candidate for being scrapped]
Doom Comes For Us All
Doom Patrol: World's Strangest
The Flash: Abigail Akana
The Flash: Runs in the Family
The Flash: Wally West
Gotham: Urban Legends [candidate for being scrapped]
Green Lantern Corps
Hawk and Dove
The Hellblazers
Jonah Hex
Katana: Exile
Kung-Fu Fighters
Lobo [candidate for being scrapped]
Martian Manhunter [candidate for being scrapped]
Men from A.R.G.U.S. [candidate for being scrapped]
Metal Men [candidate for being scrapped]
Plastic Man
Realm of Dragons
Red Tornado's Neighborhood [candidate for being scrapped]
Sandman: Dreams & Nightmares
Shazam [candidate for being scrapped]
Supergirl: Daughter of Krypton
Superman: New Dawn
Swamp Thing
Wild Dog
Wonder Woman: Legacy [candidate for being scrapped]
Grayskull Universe
Catra: the Feral Princess
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
She-Ra of Etheria
Vex Astro
Marvel Worlds
Armored Adventures
Black Rose
Black Widow
Captain America
Cyclops: Age of the Phoenix
Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts
Guardians of the Galaxy
Knights of Wundagore
Loki: Exiled Prince
Morbius, the Living Vampire
The Punisher
She-Hulk: Next Gen
Silver Sable
Spider-Man: Parker Industries
Spider-Man 2099: The New Age
Solo: Rogue Soldier
The Wasp
Wicked World
Witchcraft [candidate for being scrapped]
Wolfsbane & Hrimhari
The Wolverine
The Wolverine: Heir
The Wolverine: Kirika
Mutant World
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Usagi Yojimbo: Reborn
Sonic World
Amy Rose
Babylon Rogues
Sally Acorn
Shadow the Hedgehog
Silver & Blaze
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tangle & Whisper
Trip the Sungazer
Transformers: War Zones
Anode & Lug
Exodus [candidate for being scrapped]
Hot Rod
Knockout & Jetfire
Tales to Amaze
Note: If you have questions about any of these, feel free to ask.
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
Hello! If you take requests for fanfics I have an idea! If you don’t just ignore this. I would write it myself but i suck at writing. It is based off of an episode of avatar the last airbender so if you haven’t watched this show, just ignore this. I couldn’t fit it all in so there is going to be maybe two parts. The cave of two lovers AU pt 1 The team have to go in the cave as a “shortcut” and Pidge and Lance get separated from the team in the tunnels due to some reasons. Continue in part two.
Pt 2 The cave of two lovers AU And the communicators don’t work. In the episode, you have to let love guide you out of the tunnels So, Pidge and Lance confess their love to eachother, because they think they’re gonna die in there, and as as the torch goes out they kiss! Thank you for reading this! I hope you like the idea!
i tried, and it’s ~2600 words and i hope you like it!! (no familiarity with ATLA required)
“We’vebeen through this tunnel already,” Lance said, peeking over Pidge’s shoulderand at the projection from her cuff.
She glanced up at him, a slight frown onher very close face, and said, “Notaccording to my map.”
Lance scanned their surroundings - a narrowtunnel deep under the surface of a dying Balmera, the walls where the lightfrom their armor fell glittering with tiny blue-white crystals. But tremorsshook the walls, dust raining down on them from the low ceiling, and every fewticks a the ground rumbled as if from thunder from a powerful storm.
“Well,”Lance said, carefully because he knew how testy Pidge could get about beingcorrected, “the Balmera’s alive, right?”
“Right…”Pidge agreed.
“Sowho’s to say the tunnels don’t change sometimes?”
Pidge turned to face him with her armscrossed. “Okay,first of all, the Balmera may be alive, but it’s also dying. Second of all, it’salso huge, so if the tunnels are changing, then it would probably be very slowly.” She nodded, apparently satisfied with herexplanation, and added, “Sure, it probably changes more rapidly than thesurface of a nonliving planet only subjected to its own erosion, but—” Shegasped, her eyes catching on something overhead, and blurted, “Lance, watchout!”
Pidge shoved him, hard, her hands plantedagainst his chest. He stumbled backwards, heart in his throat and flailing hisarms as his visor snapped shut. Dust filled the tunnel and his vision, and whenthe particles settled a giant shard lay where he’d just stood, silhouetted in the gloom.
But he couldn’t see Pidge.
“Pidge!”Lance said, his voice echoing eerily around the tunnel. “Are you—”
“I’mfine.” Pidge emerged from behind the fallen boulder, her steps rapid as sheapproached him. “What about you?” She grabbed his arms, staring wide-eyed athim and looking more frightened than he’d seen her.
Lance laughed, her concern cheering himalmost as much as seeing her upright and uncrushed, and gestured at himself. “I’mgreat, thanks to you.”
Pidge smiled, and when she didn’tlet go, he prompted, “Uh, Pidge? You know we’re not down here to sightsee,right?”
Pidge let go of him and cleared her throat.She raised her wrist, their makeshift map projected, and muttered, “IfI wanted to see you I wouldn’t have to go underground.”
Lance’s eyes narrowed, unsure what she meant bythe statement - only that he justcaught a hint of red in her cheeks, even in the dim glow of the projected map.
With so little light, their shadows stretchedlong, walking alongside them as they traveled deeper underground. The air grewstale, but not so unclean they had to rely on the life support in their armor.
But the ground still shook, each tremormore powerful than the last, and Lance stuck as close to Pidge as he could -close enough that his heart skipped a beat every time her arm brushed againsthis.
(That had been happening more and morearound her lately…)
“Ifyou were a small child whose planet was literally crumbling around you, wherewould you hide?” Lance posed, tapping his chin.
“Notunderground,” Pidge said. “You’re supposed to hide under something sturdy whenthere’s an earthquake.”
“Thisis like a doomsday quake, Pidge,” Lance pointed out, craning his neck to peerinto a shadowed crevice. “I don’t think a desk would help.”
Pidge admitted, “Iguess not…”
“Plus…well,underground is all these Balmerans really know. The sky’s got to be kind ofscary to them if the Galra have been keeping them underground.”
Pidge snorted and observed, “Thatsounds verbatim like something Hunk said.”
“Ver-bait-what?”Lance rubbed the back of his neck and frowned, confused.
Pidge sighed. “Itmeans word-for-word.” She grabbed his wrist - in time for Lance to realize hewalked a step behind her - and said, “Keep up, Lance.”
“Withyour pace or with your big words?”he retorted, though he sped up so he could trek beside her again.
But not before she halted at a fork in thetunnel, so suddenly he bumped into her, holding onto her shoulders so shewouldn’tpitch forward.
Pidge shrugged his hands off - for somereason disappointment filled him at how quickly she pushed him away - andconsulted her map. “Which way do you think?”
Lance glanced down the tunnel to his right,holding his breath. This far underground, in this deep dark, his sight was allbut useless. But if he could hearsomething—
A rumble filled the tunnel, and Lancestepped closer to Pidge on reflex. Rocks fell from the ceiling, and Lancewrapped an arm around Pidge, tucking her into his side, and put up his shieldand his head down.
Pebbles ricocheted off the energy shield,rattling to the ground. Bigger stones dropped around them, and Pidge pressedcloser.
Dust tickled his nose, making him sneeze,but when the latest collapse stilled - when the dust cleared - he stayedfrozen.
Lance looked down.
Pidge’s eyes were pinched shut, long lashescasting shadows across her cheeks. But they fluttered as she opened her eyesand met his. “Th-that was—”
“Yeah,”Lance agreed, his heart hammering out of fear or…something else.
His breath caught in his throat when Pidgebrushed her gloved thumb under his eye. “You got a little…dirt there,” shemuttered.
“Thanks,”he said.
“I-Ithink that collapse made our decision for us,” Pidge said without removing herhand.
Lance’s sluggish mind couldn’t comprehend whatshe meant. “Decision?”
“Oneof the forks is blocked.”
“O-oh,”Lance said, chuckling sheepishly as he remembered. He disengaged his shield andstood, offering Pidge a hand once he was on his feet again.
She took it, letting him pull her upright,only for her to immediately get back to business, directing them down thetunnel entrance not blockaded by boulders glittering with minerals.
They’d barely traveled down it when the soundof their footsteps changed, echoing slightly as if the tunnel widened ahead ofthem. Lance’s foot splashed, and when he glanced down, a puddle of waterreflected the glow from his helmet.
“Isthere an underground river here?” he wondered, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
But his pulse rushed in excitement; theidea of an underground river reminded him of discovering the Blue Lion onEarth!
Lance took Pidge’shand and tugged her along. But she didn’t protest, instead following almosteagerly.
This time she didn’tpull away, not even when they emerged into a cavern so wide its outerdimensions disappeared into shadow.
A lake filled the cavern, its surfaceglowing softly and its banks gently lapping at their feet.
Lance’s jaw dropped, awe overcoming him, and agasp even escaped Pidge.
“Holycrow,” he breathed, taking in the gleaming lake.
“Yeah,”Pidge said, her fingers tightening around his.
But the wonder proved short-lived.
Distant splashes echoed throughout thecavern as the ceiling crumbled, water from a nearby collision soaking into theground at his feet. And the longer they stood there, the more the lake’ssurface rippled, both with ground tremors and with boulders falling through it.
Its glow faded until all Lance could makeout was the nearest bank, faintly illuminated by his armor’slight.
“Lance,we need to move,” Pidge reminded him with a nudge. “We—this might be a deadend. We’ll have to head back.”
“Whycan’t we go around the lake?” he asked, nodding towards the unseen shore. “Ormaybe it’s shallow and we can wade across?”
“Wedon’t know how big it is,” Pidge pointed out tersely, “and the longer we stayhere arguing about it, the more—”
The loudest and nearest splash yet cut her off, a spurt of water shooting at themand across their visors. Lance wiped the drops away with his glove andreluctantly admitted, “Point taken.”
But the lake wasn’ttheir greatest obstacle.
Rubble blocked the tunnel that led into thecavern, and even as Lance, with a growing and breathless desperation, crouchedto dig through the debris, he knew they were running out of time.
Quakes hit more often, the biggest tremorsticks rather than doboshes apart, and larger and larger boulders plummeted fromabove, striking the ground with a small rumble of their own. And despite Pidgekneeling beside him and helping push rocks aside, it was useless.
This would take too long.
“Quiznak,”he hissed, standing and resting his hands on his hips. “This is useless, Pidge.”
“Whatelse do you suggest we do?” she demanded, eyes flashing. “Our only way out is—”
“Aroundthe lake!” Lance cut her off, gesturing at the disappearing path behind her. “Orbetter yet, throughthe lake.”
“Wedon’t know where eitherof those places lead!” Pidge protested. “And going around the lake? Can’t you see thepath slopes down?”
Lance peeked over her, scarcely interestedin that excuse even when he saw that she was right. But his heart poundedpainfully loudly in his ears, drowning out all reason - nothing but the need tosee both of them survive existed.
“Pidge,we have to try something!”
“I-Iknow,” she said, sighing, “but…”
A deafening crack erupted from overhead,drowning out the rest of Pidge’s argument. And Lance acted withoutthinking.
He darted at Pidge, pressing her against awall and shielding her with his body as more dirt and dust showered them. Hepinched his eyes closed, waiting until the latest tremor faded before openingthem again.
To be met with Pidge’s,with her brow furrowed and her hands resting on his chest.
Lance then recognized the compromisingposition, that she was yet again flush against him, only this time he’d…pinnedher to a wall.
His cheeks filling with heat, he said, “Areyou o—”
She kissed him.
His eyes shot open, heart skipping at thepress of her lips. Pidge kissed clumsily but with enthusiasm, their nosesbumping until Lance tilted his head and returned the pressure.
One of her arm’swrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, and Lance grasped her hand,pressing it to the wall while an almost delirious happiness filled him.
Warmth spread through his chest and bodyand seemed to concentrate in the hand that held Pidge’s,but when they parted to catch their breath, he remembered where they were.
Lance’s automatic smile faltered, his heartsinking where ticks ago it floated.
Pidge wore a frown that matched his,despite the pink in her cheeks, and said, “Lance, I’m—” She cut herself off, shakingher head and sighing. “We’re still quiznak knows how deep underground.”
“Y-yeah,”Lance said, but before he could step away from Pidge, something caught hisattention.
Where their linked hands touched the wall,it emitted a soft teal glow - and a trail of ignited crystals led from thatpoint along the rock, pushing away the shadows.
“Pidge,”Lance breathed, half-worried his voice would diminish the light, “do you seethat too?”
“Seewhat?” she asked, but her eyes widened when she followed his gaze to theirjoined hands. “What the quiznak?”
“Shouldwe follow where it goes?” he suggested, raising an eyebrow. When Pidgehesitated, he added, “We have nothing else to lose, Pidge.”
“Nothingbut our lives,” she said, then shrugged. “Let’s go.”
They followed their trail of glowingbreadcrumbs, and this time Pidge didn’t complain about the ground slopingsteadily down. But she lingered close to Lance, still holding tight to hishand, both of theirs pressed to the wall as the crystals behind them faded backinto darkness.
They hiked in silence, not even mentioningthe kiss, but when their breath grew short from the ground rising in elevation,Pidge said, “Thankquiznak.”
“We’llbe back on the Balmera’s surface before you know it,” Lance reassured her,squeezing her hand and glancing over his shoulder at her. “Allura will wrap upthat rejuvenation ceremony, and we can be on our merry—”
“Wehaven’t found the kid yet, Lance.”
His heart dropped into his stomach, and hesaid, “Oh,quiznak.”
A shadow danced across their path, catchinghis eye and making him stop, about to reach for his bayard. But when a smallfigure stepped into view, he sagged and told Pidge, “Thatwas…easier than I thought it would be.”
“Lance,we’ve almost been crushed three times!”
“Yeah,well…” Lance inhaled and cautiously withdrew his hand from Pidge’s - relaxingslightly when the crystals still lit the path ahead - to approach the Balmeranchild. “Hey,” he said, extending an arm towards them. “Your parents sent us toget you; they’re very worried about you.”
The child stared at his offered hand withgleaming eyes. Lance resisted the urge to grab them and go, declaring theirmission accomplished. Stopping renewed his sense of urgency, made his feet itchto be on the move lest the whole tunnel collapse on them.
The child took his hand.
The sound of Pidge’srelieved laughter filled his ears, but with the child occupying him, he couldn’thold her hand the whole hike up.
A new tension sat in the air, heavy overLance’sand Pidge’s heads, in the wake of the rescue.
In the wake of the kiss.
Lance didn’t understand why Pidge avoided himafterward, once they were safe on Earth again, but his mind supplied him withone conclusion:
Pidge kissed him out of desperation,because she thought they wouldn’t escape the Balmera’s tunnels alive.
Not because she felt something for him.
But he still cornered her after a meetingat the Garrison one evening, finding her in the hallway outside the conferenceroom.
Lance cleared his throat, seeking composuredespite the pounding of his heart, and asked, “Pidge, can we talk?”
Pidge froze, her posture stiff, and turnedto face him. “Wewere talking earlier,” she said, crossing her arms and meeting his eyes inchallenge.
“Wewere in a meeting and around other people,” Lance said, waving a dismissivehand. “That doesn’t count.”
“Okay,fine.” Pidge frowned. “What do you want?”
Lance ran his fingers through his hair -pressing his lips together to keep from smirking when he spotted Pidge trackingthe motion with her eyes - and decided to skip to the point:
“Whydid you kiss me?”
Pidge tore her gaze away from him, bitingher lip, and admitted, “I thought we were going to die down there.”
“O-oh,”Lance said, disappointment sitting heavily in his stomach at having hissuspicion confirmed. “But would you…do it again?”
“I—”Her eyes lifted, and she muttered, “If you wanted me to.”
His breath caught, hope reigniting withinhim, and he said, “I do. Want you to, I mean.” He smiled and rubbed the back ofhis neck.
Lance blinked, surprised by her question. “Whatdo you mean why?”
“Whydo you want meto kiss you?”Pidge squinted at him, as if he was something she didn’t understand.
The look made his skin crawl, but he pushedthat discomfort aside - if he couldn’t find the courage to speak frankly to thegirl of his dreams then why bother standing before her at all? - and said, “BecauseI love you.”
Pidge’s face turned red, her eyes wideningbehind her glasses, and she exclaimed, “Since when?”
Lance tried to shove aside his ownembarrassment with a shrug. “I’m not sure,” he admitted, “but for awhile now.” He smiled, taking her small hands in his, and when she didn’t pullaway, it emboldened him to step towards her, close enough that her warm breathcaressed his face. “So…I really dowant you to kiss me again.”
A wild grin finally overtook Pidge’sface. She tilted her head back, leaning slightly into him as she stood on hertoes so that their noses brushed.
Shestepped back, and when Lance’s face fell, she laughedand promised, “Later. I think this time I want to do it somewhere nothing likea cave-in or nosy friend can interrupt.”
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taylorlynn-art · 2 years
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Digital ✍🏻 2022
I love making OCs. So much that I drew Kinmoku’s three “outer guardians” that got cut from my Sailor Moon fic, “Drops of Starlight” ✨
Meet Sailor Helium! She is warm and nurturing like the sun. A dreamer, a bit of an airhead, enjoys hosting parties. ☀️
I imagine that Sailor Radon, Sailor Helium, and Sailor Oganesson would have likely awakened as senshi after the events of the story.
They would join the other Noble guardians; Sailor Krypton, Sailor Xenon, Sailor Neon, and Sailor Argon.
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cyangarden · 6 years
21?’s Tag
I was tagged by @artemisarya and @hailqiqi (thank you!)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: None (that I know of). Though interestingly (for some reason), CS students use my first given name while IT students use my second given name.
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5’6” (7″?)
Last Movie I Saw: Wonder Woman (2017) on TV but I wasn’t able to fully watch it.
Last Thing I Googled: F1 2019 testing date
Favorite Musician: I don’t really tend to follow them nowadays. But if I have to choose, it would probably be U2.
Song Stuck In My Head: Moog - Collide (ft. Erin Renee) and Moog - Take Me Back to Tokyo (ft. Glenn Cunningham)
Do I Get Asks: Very very rarely pssst, it’s open, go ahead
Following: 203
Amount Of Sleep: I try to get about about 6 hours a day.
Lucky Number: 24
What Am I Wearing: Just shorts and short sleeves even though it’s cold here.
Dream Trip: I’m actually torn between Pikes Peak, Colorado and Nürburgring, Germany.
Dream Job: Attainable? Sysadmin. Dream? Racing driver.
Play Any Instrument: None but I want to learn drums or piano.
Languages: English, Tagalog and some Spanish (some of the words are frequently used here)
Favorite Songs:
U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name (especially with the transition from All I Want Is You during the Slane Castle concert in 2001)
Approaching Nirvana - I Dream of Ibiza
Approaching Nirvana - One Last Time Again
Turboslash - Rush!
Dance With The Dead - Zombie Night
Dance With The Dead - Robeast
World Beyond - The Last Line of Defence
The Chemical Brothers - Mind Wide Open (ft. Beck)
Miami Nights 1984 - New Tomorrow
Boogie Belgique - Goodnight Moon
Westlife - Uptown Girl
And many more. Those are the things that I can think of now.
Random Fact: I drink a lot of water. Lots of it. I have decided to keep a log of my liquid intakes.
Describe Yourself As Aesthetic Things: Blue and green ;) Though it would probably be for the retro(wave), some of that 80′s aesthetic, cyan and magenta, a mountain overlooking a field below, forest, waterfall, stream, a winding road on a mountain/hillside. I actually have no idea how to answer this.
First Fandom: ATLA-ish. I already watched the show at the time of its airing, but I only joined the fandom stuff back in September ‘17.
I tag: @swindle94 @rainforestgeek @canadiantardis @cornflower-bluu @usagi-on-krypton @legendarypotat  I can’t think of anyone else to tag :(
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renaroo · 7 years
RenaRoo’s GIANT Comic Sale!
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I am preparing for a giant move and as a result I need to majorly cut down on my physical comic books!!!
Followers and friends will have access to a Giveaway of single issues in a week, but right now I need to sell a LOT of trade volumes I am offering to sell at SUPER REDUCED prices! 
If you are interested, please look below! And contact me for information on how to pay/get shipped to!
If you are interested in haggling/buying multiple comic collections and want to make a bundle deal, I’ll be more than happy to work with you! For me the main objective right now is to ship as many things out as I can before I move November 15th!!!
Payments will be processed through PayPal and Ko-Fi!
Paperback Comics - $10 + shipping BUY ONE GET ONE FREE
Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 1: The Chysalis by Chuck Dixon, Julian Lopez, Carlos Rodriguez, and Bit
Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2: The Snare by Chuck Dixon, Carlos Rodriguez, Julian Lopez, and Ryan Benjamin
Batman and Robin: Dark Knight vs. White Knight by Paul Cornell, Scott McDaniel, Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Judd Winick, and Greg Tocchini
Batman New Gotham Vol. 1: Evolution by Greg Rucka, Shawn Martinbrough, John Watkiss, William Rosado, Phil Hester, and Steve Mitchell
Batman: Birth of the Demon by Mike W. Barr, Dennis O’Neil, Jerry Bingham, Tom Grindberg, and Norm Breyfogle
Batman: Streets of Gotham Vol. 2: Leviathan by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs, Mike Benson, and Chris Yost
Batman: Streets of Gotham Vol. 3: The House of Hush by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs
Batman: The Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul by Grant Morrison and Paul Dini
Bedlam Vol. 1 by Nick Spencer, Riley Rossmo, and Frazer Irving
Ghost/Batgirl by Mike Kennedy and Ryan Benjamin
Lazarus Volume One by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, and Arcas
Nightwing Vol. 5: The Hunt for Oracle by Chuck Dixon, Greg Land, Patrick Zicher, and Butch Guice
Nightwing Vol. 6: Big Guns by Chuck Dixon, Greg Land, and Mike Collins
Nightwing Vol. 7: On the Razor’s Edge by Chuck Dixon, Greg Land, and Drew Geraci
Secret Six Vol. 3: Danse Macabre by Gail Simone, John Ostrander, and J. Calafiore
Secret Six Vol. 5: The Darkest House by Gail Simone and J. Calafiore
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1: Change is Constant by Tom Waltz, Dan Duncan, and Kevin Eastman
Transformers Regeneration One Vol. 1 by Simon Furman and Andrew Wildman
Transformers Regeneration One Vol. 2 by Simon Furman and Andrew Wildman
Villains United by Gail Simone, Dale Eaglesham and Val Semeiks
Large Books - $15 + shipping BUY ONE GET ONE FREE
Batman: Cataclysm
Batman: Dark Victory by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
Batman: The Black Mirror by Scott Snyder, Jock, and Francesco Francavilla
Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
Spider-Man: Birth of Venom by Jim Shooter, Tom DeFalco, John Byrne, Louise Simonson, and David Michelinie
Transformers: Phase One Omnibus Volume 1 by Simon Furman and E.J. Su
The Usagi Yojimbo Saga Book 2: Grasscutter by Stan Sakai
Collection Deals
52 Bundle - $15 + shipping + TWO FREE CHOICE
52 Volume One by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen 52 Volume Two by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen 52 Volume Three by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen 52 Volume Four by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen
Deadpool by Daniel Way Bundle - $50 + shipping +TWO FREE CHOICE
Deadpool: Suicide Kings by Mke Benson, Adam Glass, Carlo Barberi, and Shawn Crystal Deadpool Vol. 1: Secret Invasion by Daniel Way, Paco Medina, and Carlo Barberi Deadpool Vol. 2: Dark Reign by Daniel Way and Paco Medina Dark Reign: Deadpool/Thunderbolts by Andy Diggle, Daniel Way, Bong Dazo, and Paco Medina Deadpool Vol. 3: X Marks the Spot by Daniel Way, Shawn Crystal, Paco Medina Hardback Deadpool Vol. 4: Monkey Business by Daniel Way, Carlo Barberi, Dalibor Talajić Deadpool Vol. 5: What Happened in Vegas by Daniel Way and Carlo Barberi Deadpool Vol. 6: I Rule, You Suck by Daniel Way, Carlo Barberi, and Bongo Dazo Hardback Deadpool Vol. 7: Space Oddity by Daniel Way, Sheldon Vella, Carlo Barberi, and Bong Dazo Hardback Deadpool Vol. 8: Operation Annihilation by Daniel Way, Sheldon Vella, Bong Dazo Hardback Deadpool Vol. 9: Institutionalized by Daniel Way, Carlo Barberi Hardback Deadpool Vol. 10: Evil Deadpool by Daniel Way, Salva Espin, and John McCrea
Demon Knights Bundle - $15 + shipping + ONE FREE CHOICE
Demon Knights Vol. 1: Seven Against the Dark by Paul Cornell, Diogenes Neves, and Oclair Albert Demon Knights Vol. 2: The Avalon Trap by Paul Cornell, Diógenes Neves, and Bernard Chang Demon Knights Vol. 3: The Gathering Storm by Robert Venditti, Bernard Chang, and Paul Cornell
Full Metal Alchemist Bundle - $75 + shipping + TWO FREE CHOICE
Single Trade Volumes: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 3-in-1 Trade Volumes: Volumes 4-5-6, Volumes 7-8-9, Volumes 10-11-12, Volumes 13-14-15, Volumes 16-17-18, Volumes 19-20-21, Volumes 22-23-24, Volumes 25-26-27 Fullmetal Alchemist Profiles by Hiromu Arakawa (contains bonus manga material) The Art of Fullmetal Alcehmist Volume 2 by Hiromu Arakawa
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Bundle - $30 + Shipping + TWO FREE CHOICE
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Vol. 1 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Vol. 2 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Vol. 5 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 2 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics Vol. 3
Manga and Pocket Sized Volumes - $10 + shipping
DC Comics
The Untold Legend of the Batman by Len Wein, John Byrne, and Jim Aparo B&W SOLD
Dark Horse
Usagi Yojimbo Book 1: The Ronin by Stan Sakai SOLD
Usagi Yojimbo Book 2: Samurai by Stan Sakai SOLD
Paperbacked Deals - #15 + shipping
DC Comics
Batman: Contagion by Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, Dennis O’Neil, Doug Moench, and Christopher Priest SOLD
Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee, and Scott Williams SOLD
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert SOLD
Batwoman: Elegy by Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III SOLD
Birds of Prey: Blood and Circuits by Gail Simone, Nicola Scott, Paulo Siqueira, James Raiz SOLD
Birds of Prey: Sensei & Student by Gail Simone, Ed Benes, Michael Golden, Joe Bennett, Cliff Richards, Alex Lei, Ruy Jose, Mike Manley, and Scott Hanna SOLD
JLA: World Without Grown-Ups by Todd Dezago, Humberto Ramos, Mike McKone, and Todd Nauck SOLD
JLA/The Titans: The Technis Imperative by Devin Grayson, Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, and Dexter Vines SOLD
Power Girl Vol. 1: A New Beginning by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Amanda Conner SOLD
Red Hood: The Lost Days by Judd Winick SOLD
Robin: A Hero Reborn by Alan Grant, Norm Breyfogle, Steve Mitchell, Chuck Dixon, Tom Lyle, and Bob Smith SOLD
Robin: Violent Tendencies by Chuck Dixon, Chris Barista, Cam Smith SOLD
Supergirl: Bizarrogirl by Sterling Gates, Jamal Igle, and Jon Sibal SOLD
Superman: Last Son of Krypton by Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Adam Kubert, and Gary Frank SOLD
Superman: Secret Identity by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen SOLD
Superman: Shadows Linger by Kurt Busiek, Peter Vale, Jesús Merino, and Renato Guedes SOLD
Superman: Up, Up and Away! by Kurt Busiek, Geoff Johns, Pete Woods, and Renato Guedes SOLD
Teen Titans Vol. 4: The Future is Now by Geoff Johns, Mike McKone, Ivan Reis, and Tom Grummett SOLD
Teen Titans: Year One by Amy Wolfram, Karl Kerschl, and Serge Lapointe SOLD
Vixen: Return of the Lion by G. Willow Wilson and Cafu SOLD
Young Justice: Sins of Youth by Peter David, Karl Kesel, Todd Nauck, et. al SOLD
The Amazing Spider-Man: Unintended Consequences by J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita Jr., and Scott Hanna SOLD
Spider-Men by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli SOLD
White Tiger by Tamora Pierce and Timothy Liebe SOLD
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Tony Lee, Cliff Richards, Jane Austen, and Seth Grahame-Smith SOLD
Hardbacked Deals - $20 + shipping
DC Comics
Teen Titans Earth One Volume One by Jeff Lemire, Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, Cam Smith, Brad Anderson SOLD
Hawkeye Vol. 1 by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Javier Pulido, Steve Lieber, Jesse Hamm, Francesco Francavilla, Matt Hollingsworth SOLD
Omnibus Deals - $25 + shipping
Dark Horse
DC Comics
Batgirl/Robin: Year One by Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon, Marcos Martin, and Javier Pulido SOLD
DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner SOLD
DC Showcase Presents: Batman Volume 4 SOLD
Superman: Birthright by Mark Waid, Leinil Francis Yu, and Gerry Alanguilan SOLD
Collection Deals
The All New Atom Bundle - $25 + shipping SOLD
The All New Atom: My Life in Miniature by Gail Simone, John Byrne, Eddy Barrows, and Trevor Scott The All New Atom: Future/Past by Gail Simone, Mike Norton, and Eddy Barrows The All New Atom: The Hunt for Ray Palmer! by Gail Simone and Mike Norton The All New Atom: Small Wonder by Rick Remender, Gail Simone, Pat Olliffe, and Mike Norton
Catwoman by Ed Brubaker Bundle - $50 + shipping SOLD
Catwoman Vol. 1: Trail of the Catwoman by Darwyn Cooke and Ed Brubaker
Catwoman Vol. 2: No Easy Way Down by Ed Brubaker and Cameron Stewart
Catwoman Vol. 3: Under Pressure by Ed Brubaker, Paul Gulacy, and Jimmy Palmiotti
Saga Collection - $50 + shipping SOLD
Saga Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples 
Spider-Girl Bundle - $50 + Shipping SOLD
Spider-Girl by Todd DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Al Williamson Spider-Girl Vol. 2: Like Father, Like Daughter by Tom DeFalco and Pat Olliffe Spider-Girl Vol. 5: Endgame by Tom DeFalco and Pat Olliffe Spider-Girl Vol. 6:Too Many Spiders! by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz Spider-Girl Vol. 9:Secret Lives by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz Spider-Girl Vol. 10:Season of the Serpent by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz Spider-Girl Vol. 11:Marked for Death by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz
The Amazing Spider-Girl Vol. 3: Mind Games by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz The Amazing Spider-Girl Vol. 4: Brand New May by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz The Amazing Spider-Girl Vol. 5: Maybreak by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz
54 notes · View notes
fantomcomics · 5 years
What’s Out This Week? 6/19
The American Library Association is coming to town this week, and we’ve got the amazing Gene Ha coming in to do sketches and sign stuff!
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Lab Raider #1 (of 4) - Matt Miner and Creees Lee
A pair of young vigilantes break into a black market laboratory where illegal tests are being run on animals. What at first seems like a simple rescue mission becomes more dangerous when they stumble on secret military experiments, discovering to their horror that the animals they sought to help have been turned into something different, something monstrous... and, once the cages are opened, the rescuers quickly become the prey of these weaponized beasts. This high-octane action comic blends vigilante heroics with sci-fi horror for a brutal new adventure.
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Psi-Lords #1 - Fred Van Lente and Renato Guedes
Who are the cosmic beings known only as the Psi-Lords? And how will they change the course of the Universe in this brand-new ongoing series? Four astronauts awake in an otherworldly prison with no memory of how they got there! What is their connection to the Psi-Lords? And how will they escape?
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Superman Year One #1 (of 3) - Frank Miller and John Romita Jr.
From the burning world of Krypton to the bucolic fields of Kansas, the first chapter of SUPERMAN YEAR ONE tracks Clark Kent's youth in Kansas, as he comes to terms with his strange powers and struggles to find his place in our world. DC BLACK LABEL is proud to present the definitive origin of Superman as rendered by the legendary comics creators Frank Miller and John Romita Jr.!
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Usagi Yojimbo #1 - Stan Sakai
Follow the adventures of rabbit ronin Miyamoto Usagi as he wanders Edo period Japan on his warrior's journey. In the start of this three-part story, Usagi becomes embroiled in a puppet drama where the players are not quite what they seem! 
Whatcha grabbin this week, Fantomites? 
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