#usagi and mamoru fanfiction
sailormoonandme · 28 days
Ao3 Collection: Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie Epilogue
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Excerpt: Amidst the bright Solar System, two figures danced upon the Moon. “Be honest. Did you ever doubt you’d win?”   Despite her contentment, she didn’t have the heart to lie, especially not to him.      “Yeah, I did… Did you?”   He shook his head.   “How come?”   “Because I’ve always known that, no matter what, you will shine bright. For now, and all eternity.”   Endymion leaned in and, as their lips met, the Earth seemed to hang massive behind them. “I’m Tsukino Usagi. I’m over fourteen billion years old and in my second incarnation. I’ve been a princess, a queen, a klutz, and, I have to admit, sometimes a cry-baby. But the truth is, I am a pretty, sailor-suited soldier of love and justice. Sailor Cosmos..."
Summary: Much of what once was has been forever lost. What little remains stands upon the brink of total annihilation as this Last Great Sailor War draws to its close. There are just two Senshi left standing as the very dimensional fabric unravels. And only one of them holds the faintest glimmer of salvation for the cosmos.
Ao3 Collection: Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie Epilogue
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usamamoweek · 4 months
UsaMamo Week 2024 Prompts
UsaMamo Week 2024 will be the week of July 28 - August 3! We’re posting these prompts early to help you prepare.
See below for the daily prompts. Every day has two prompts to pick from – you are not required to use both. You can do as many or as few day’s prompts as you are inspired to do. We’re accepting any form of creative work – stories, drabbles, poetry, drawings, digital art, webtoons, moodboards, photography, cosplay… whatever medium speaks to you!
Usa/Mamo must be the central pairing
Any rating is OK as long as you flag / label correctly
All types of fanwork are accepted
You can do one prompt or more, there’s no minimum
Tag a Tumblr post with #usamamoweek2024 and/or @usamamoweek2024 to be reblogged by this account
Add to the collection on AO3 (this is optional) and tag #usamamoweek2024
If requested, we will share AO3 works on Tumblr
Have fun!
Daily Prompt List for July 28 - August 3
Day 1: First glance / Masquerade
Day 2: Meet the Parents / Second chance
Day 3: Inspired by a Song
Day 4: Free day
Day 5: Thunderstorm / Stargazing
Day 6: Coffee / Heat Waves
Day 7: Great Outdoors / Lifeguard
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master-ray5 · 27 days
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This author has a doujin coming out featuring the King and Queen enjoying some adult time together. Yes please!
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goddessalthena · 2 months
UsaMamo Week 2024 - Day 4 - Free Day
I'm late with this one, but better late than never, yes? This themeless installment just so happened to line up with wild card day. Fortuitous, no? A note to those of you who have read my previous posts in this series: I've added a timeline of sorts to the beginning of each chapter in order to make things a little easier to follow as we jump around. Day XX BU (Before Usagi) & AU (After Usagi)
(This is the third part. You can find Ch. 1 & Ch. 2 here.)
(Tentative) Title: A Matter of Timing Summary: Aged up, Friends to lovers UsaMamo Non-Senshi AU told in a series of snapshots. Rating: T (for language) Words: 3058
Free Day
Day 491 AU
“I know, I know! I’m late, but you would not believe the day I’ve had.”
Minako looks up at Mamoru with the expression of one who is not amused. "Har har har," she deadpans before smacking the seat of the empty chair beside her. "Sit your ass down, Chiba. You're three rounds behind."
Mamoru smiles and rolls his eyes before stepping aside. "Happy to, but we're going to need another chair." Minako blinks when she notices the woman to his right. “Everyone, this is Yūki Tomoko.” Minako’s eyes zero in on his right hand which is currently hovering directly behind the small of Tomoko’s back. “She’ll be joining us tonight." Minako’s eyes narrow.
All other eyes at the table go wide and a thick, palpable silence descends over the group until a shrill, “Hi, Tomoko-san!” rings out from the back. Mamoru’s eyes fly to the face he’s been dreading/anticipating seeing all week long. Even from a distance he can tell that Usagi’s cheeks are visibly flushed, but that’s more than likely due to the three empty beer bottles in front of her and not the fact that he’s brought a mystery woman to one of their gatherings for the first time since they met. He tells himself that that’s fine. That bringing Tomoko here tonight isn’t about seeing how Usagi reacts.
He figures after downing three or so beers of his own that’ll be easier to believe.
“There’s a free chair over here!” Usagi bellows, waving one arm in a wide arc. Makoto catches the rogue limb with a deft hand before it can hit her in the face. “Let me just—” There’s a screech of metal on tile and about two seconds go by before Mamoru realizes what she’s about to do. He reaches Usagi just in time to stop her from going ass over teakettle when she heaves the empty chair up off the floor. Makoto has frozen halfway out of her seat and is giving him a look that is part astonishment, part admiration. Mamoru shoots her an awkward smile as he settles Usagi back into her chair.
“Oh em gee, she’s so pretty!” Usagi hisses in his ear in the loudest stage whisper known to man.
Mamoru can feel the heat flooding his own cheeks now, but he manages to nod even though all he can think is, ‘Nowhere near as pretty as you are.’
It’s not until he’s carrying the empty chair back to a waiting Tomoko that it occurs to him to wonder why there’s an empty chair at all. Someone must be missing. His brain catalogues all of the faces he’s seen in the time it takes to swing his head back in Usagi’s direction. Makoto’s on her right, Ami’s on her left, and the douchebag is nowhere to be seen.
Forty minutes later Mamoru’s still wondering where Usagi’s jag of a boyfriend is. The guy has been glued to her side for months now—four months to be precise—crashing one get-together after another, trying to insert himself into their tightly knit group, seemingly oblivious to the fact that everyone but Usagi sees him for the pompous gasbag that he is. Mamoru wants to ask someone—mainly Usagi—where the chode is tonight, but he hasn’t had a chance. Bringing Tomoko to their regular group night has caused quite the stir. An eventuality that he had counted on but is now regretting.
The group has been peppering her with questions ever since she sat down and Mamoru can’t get a word in edgewise. Tomoko is completely at ease amidst a sea of inquisitive strangers as he knew she would be. He’s seen her manage raving meth heads in the ER without breaking a sweat, so she’s more than capable of handling this crazy bunch. Tomoko is intelligent, but not pretentious, confident, but not arrogant, witty, but not sarcastic. She is the perfect plus one and Mamoru cannot wait for her to leave.
Tonight is not going at all how he’d planned.
Reika draws Tomoko into a discussion about Cairo—they’re both avid travellers—and Mamoru leans back in his chair and tries to feign interest while keeping his gaze from wandering down the table. He thinks he’s been doing a decent job of the former, not so much of the latter. It might be easier to focus if he didn’t find Usagi staring back at him every second glance. Makoto has cut her off and swapped her to soda but her cheeks are still rosy. He wants to go over there and talk to her but he can’t. Right? That would be rude.
“You’re staring.”
His gaze slides to the left. Minako is eyeballing him. He doesn’t care. “Where’s—”
“Twat-wad?” Minako answers before he can finish. Her gaze flits to Usagi. “Not here.” That’s all she offers. Hard to say if that’s all she knows. She glances at Tomoko who is laughing at something Motoki has said. “Your date is charming.”
“She’s not my date.”
“Does she know that?”
Minako drops the side-eye and looks him full in the face. Mamoru holds her gaze. After a few beats she raises an eyebrow and leans back in her chair before turning her eyes to Usagi. “Hmm…” she hums. “Interesting.” That’s all she says, but Mamoru knows that’s not all she’s thinking.
Tomoko joins him at the bar twenty minutes later. “Now that is a chatty crew.” Mamoru offers her an apologetic look but she just laughs. “They’re really nice. I never would have guessed a nerd like you would have such cool friends.” This isn’t the first time he’s heard this, and he doesn’t really know what to say so he just shrugs and takes a sip of his beer. “I don’t get it though, I thought you brought me here to appease a jealous boyfriend. Where’s Mr. Insecure?”
“MIA, apparently,” Mamoru answers, stealing another glance at Usagi. She’s hugging Ami and trying to coax her into staying for one more round. Usagi knows Ami won’t stay because she’s got an early morning and she’s the most responsible one in their group, but she’s asking anyway because she knows it makes Ami feel loved. Usagi is amazing like that.
“Damn, you’re in deep. No wonder he’s jealous.”
Mamoru jerks to attention to find Tomoko studying him with wide, sympathetic eyes. He opens his mouth to speak then realizes there’s nothing he can say so he just sighs and runs a hand through his hair. Tomoko laughs and pats his arm. “I won’t tell you it gets easier because I know how much it sucks, but who knows? He didn’t show tonight. Maybe your luck is about to change.”
“I don’t believe in luck.”
“Well then, I guess you’re fucked.” Mamoru nearly spits out his beer. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand then gives Tomoko a questioning look. She crosses her arms. “If you really don’t think luck is going to lend a hand, then you better stop watching from the sidelines and get in the game. You’ve brought me here to play defence when you should be on offence.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Offence?”
“Who cares if the boyfriend is jealous? It’s her attention you’re after,” Tomoko tells him, nodding her head at Usagi. “You want me to help you get it?”
They stand shoulder to shoulder as Mamoru considers her offer. Ami is finally parting from the group, but Usagi is insisting on walking her all the way to the door. Usagi never lets anyone leave without at least two goodbye hugs. Everyone complains about it but she never seems to care, and she always gets her hugs. No matter how much they grouse about it they all humour her. Because they love her. How could they not? She wears her heart on her sleeve. There’s not a false bone in her body.
Mamoru turns to the bar and sets his empty bottle on the polished wood. “Thanks, but I’m not interested in playing games.”
“Then why did you bring me?”
Mamoru sighs. “I told you. He doesn’t like me. He thinks I’m a threat.”
“Yeah, but why do you care what he thinks?”
“I don’t. I could care less what he thinks.”
“Then what—”
“He’s a jackass, but for some reason beyond my comprehension he seems to make her happy. Except for when he’s sulking like a petulant child.” Mamoru takes a breath and flattens his palms against the bar. “I didn’t bring you to spare his feelings, I brought you to spare hers.”
Tomoko lays a hand on top of his and quirks her mouth in a half smile. He tries to mirror the expression but his heart just isn’t in it. The harsh sound of shattering glass makes them both jump and whirl around. Usagi is standing in front of them and her feet are surrounded by shards of broken glass. She stares at the pair of them like a deer in the headlights for two, maybe three beats, then her face turns beet red and a string of barely intelligible apologies—and several curses—spout from her lips as she drops into a crouch. Mamoru and Tomoko cry out in unison when Usagi reaches for the glass, but they’re too late. The damage is done, blood is already seeping from her left palm, and everyone is springing into action.
A waiter is rushing up with a broom, Tomoko is asking the bartender for a first aid kit, and a chorus of voices are crying out in concern. Mamoru is only vaguely aware of all this though because ninety nine percent of his focus is on Usagi. He scoops her up from the floor and into his arms before she has time to fully register the injury. It seems like the natural thing to do; he doesn’t want her to step on any of the glass, and as he makes his way to the restrooms it simply never occurs to him to bother putting her down. It’s possible she’s protesting, but he’s too busy deflecting the group and telling Tomoko to bring the first aid kit to the ladies’ room to listen. It’s not until he gets inside and sets Usagi down on the counter next to the sink that Mamoru realizes how fast his heart is beating. He’s pretty sure it’s not because of the extra cardio.
He takes a breath and looks at Usagi. “Are you okay?”
She blinks up at him with those wide blue eyes of hers. “Yeah,” she says but her voice is shaky.
After a few more breaths he feels calm enough to take a look at her hand. The wound doesn’t seem very deep, he needs to clean it to be sure, but it doesn’t appear to need stitches. He raises his eyes to her pale face and shakes his head. “Didn’t anybody ever tell you not to touch broken glass?”
Usagi looks instantly repentant which makes him regret the gentle rebuke. “I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”
“What? Don’t apologize,” he tells her, reaching over to turn the faucet on, “you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I ruined your moment.”
The quiet comment throws him off balance and he shoots her a puzzled look. “What moment?”
Usagi peers up at him from beneath her lashes and Mamoru’s heart skips a beat, but his question goes unanswered because Tomoko arrives with the first aid kit. Mamoru sees Usagi’s immediate blush but he doesn’t have time to dwell on it because there are more important things to focus on. He gets to work cleaning the wound. Tomoko offers to assist but makes no comment when he insists on tending to the injury himself. After they agree that stitches aren’t necessary—Usagi looks particularly relieved to hear this news—Mamoru dresses the wound. Usagi has been unusually quiet throughout. Mamoru chalks it up to shock.
“Looks like you’ve got this under control,” Tomoko says. Mamoru pretends not to notice the edge of amusement in her tone. “I’ve got an early shift tomorrow so I’m going to take off.” She flashes Usagi a genuine smile. “It was nice to meet you, Usagi. Take care of that hand.”
Usagi nods and offers her a shy smile in return. “Nice to meet you too, Tomoko. I hope you’ll come again. I promise not to bleed next time.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Mamoru says dryly.
Usagi shoots him a quelling look. “Quiet, you.” Mamoru smiles.
Tomoko laughs at the pair of them then turns and heads for the door. She lifts her hand in a casual wave and calls, “See you at the hospital, Chiba,” without turning back, and then she’s gone.
It’s just the two of them again.
Usagi gazes at the bathroom door for several moments before turning her eyes to Mamoru. A faint blush lights her cheeks when she finds him watching her. This small reaction kindles a glow of warmth inside his chest.
“Tomoko seems really nice,” Usagi says. Her voice is soft and sweet and maybe just a little bit timid. It’s not like her to be shy.
“She is,” Mamoru agrees, taking a small step closer to her.
“And smart,” she adds, raising her chin to hold his gaze.
Mamoru nods and places his right hand on the edge of the counter a scant few inches next to her left thigh.
Usagi swallows. “And she’s a doctor.”
He smiles. “Yes, she is all of these things.”
“You two look good together.” Mamoru looks past her, to their reflection in the mirror. He knows he’s biased, but he thinks they look good together. He wonders what Usagi saw when she was watching him with Tomoko. What she was feeling. Was it anything like how he feels when he sees her with—
“Usagi, where’s Hideyo?”
Her smiles dims and she looks away. There’s an excruciating pause during which Mamoru holds his breath, and then Usagi says the three words he’s been longing to hear for four long months. “We broke up.” It takes every ounce of Mamoru’s considerable self control to swallow the whoop of delight that bubbles up in his throat. Usagi stares down at her bandaged hand and mumbles, “Don’t tell Minako. I’m not ready to hear ‘I told you so’ yet.”
It’s not easy to force his features into a sympathetic expression when he’s feeling nothing short of ecstatic, but Mamoru understands that this breakup must be painful for her so he focuses on that and the urge to dance a jig begins to fade. “What happened?” Translation: how did the asshat fuck it up again?
Usagi’s gaze flits to his face then back to her hand. “I don’t…really want to talk about it.”
“All right.” He doesn’t really want to talk about it either. Sayonara, shithead.
“I just…” Maybe she does want to talk about it. “I think I made a mistake getting back together with him, and I’m mad at myself for being so stupid.”
“You’re not stupid, Usagi.”
“No, just hopeless.”
The bitter reply hangs in the air between them, reminding Mamoru that if anyone in this bathroom is stupid, it’s him. He cups her shoulders in his hands and waits for her to look up before he speaks. “I should never have said that. I was out of line.”
Usagi shakes her head from side to side and leans forward into his grip just a little. “You were being honest with me, just like Minako was. That’s what real friends do. They tell each other the truth, even when it’s hard. I want you to keep telling me the truth.”
‘Okay, I love you.’
He gives her shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Okay, I will.”
“Even when I don’t want to hear it?”
He nods. “Even when you don’t want to hear it.”
‘I hope you will though.’
Usagi smiles and Mamoru experiences a flash of perfect awareness. A window has opened. A perfect moment of opportunity, and there’s no telling how fleeting it might be. He’s had a number of chances like this before and he’s squandered each and every one of them. He promised himself it wouldn’t happen again. That when the time came, he’d be ready. The secret he’s long been harbouring unfurls in his chest and suddenly it’s too massive to contain. It rises up in his throat, sails along his tongue, and presses against his lips, begging to be set free.
“You’re a terrible singer.”
Usagi’s mouth drops open as Mamoru stares blankly into the mirror behind her head. A complete fucking moron wearing his face stares back at him. It’s unclear who, out of the three of them, is more shocked by what he’s just said.
“Shut up!” Usagi snaps, eyes sparking with indignation. She swats his chest with her uninjured hand for good measure. “I am not!”
Mamoru looks down at her and part of him wants to die. To just curl up into a ball right here and wait for death to claim him. But another part of him can’t help but notice how impossibly, unreasonably, irresistibly cute the girl in front of him is. That part of him thinks maybe it’s worth sticking around. You know, to see what she does next. He could go either way, but…
Usagi thrusts a self-righteous finger in his face. “I’ll have you know that some people really like my singing! I’ve been compared to Adele.”
Mamoru blinks. “Human people?”
“Shut up!” Usagi huffs as she hops down from the counter. “What do you know? Listening to you sing karaoke is like listening to an ox strangling a goat.” She sticks her nose up in the air and stomps off.
Mamoru stares after her in bafflement for a beat before jogging to catch up. He reaches the door and pulls it open in time for her to sweep through without missing a step. “An ox strangling a—what does that even mean?”
He’s gonna stick around. It’s definitely worth it. She’s definitely worth it. He wants to see what happens next. He’s got a good feeling that it’s going to be amazing. He can’t wait.
Today wasn’t the day. It wasn’t the right time. He wasn’t ready.
But he will be. One day soon, he will be.
Thanks again for reading! ❤️ NGL, three prompts was about three prompts more than I thought I'd write a week ago, but it's a welcome surprise.
Be sure to follow @usamamoweek for all of this year's content!
Many thanks to our awesome hosts @random-mailbox and @lilliebellfanfics for making this event possible. 😘😘
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random-mailbox · 11 months
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - College AU
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I am back this week with some College AU stories! You can check out the previous 52 weeks of recs at the end of this Crystal Tokyo post (link).
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Party On Campus - Luvdarain5
A bit of OG anime characterization on aged up Serena and Darien. Amy and Serena get invited to a college party by Zoi, which goes swimmingly until it doesn't.
i send you a sign, send you a signal - @hellomomo
Usagi decides to take a 300-level Emotion and Motivation Psychology class, solely because Mamoru mentioned he would be in it, making her term project on "goals" - getting Mamoru to fall in love with her (and writing a paper about it).
Wish You Would - @idesofnovember
Usagi slipped into a college party for the food, claiming to know the host's roommate TO the host's roommate, launching a sequence of exchanges that will drive Mamoru to seriously consider what he wants.
Better Than Dreaming - @wishwars
Returning a textbook Mamoru left behind at her library table should be quite simple. Except Usagi may have gotten more than she bargained for by going inside after hearing sounds emanating from his dorm room.
Stuff Tippy Wrote -- Sailor Moon edition: Chapter 5: right hand, yellow /Chapter 6: The day after Twister - @tiptoe39
At a college party, Usagi gets pushed into playing Twister by Rei and Minako against the one person who has been poking fun at her (no matter how cute he looks when he actually smiles!). 
And we are lucky to get a peek at the day after too! Where Usagi and Mamoru try to figure what happened and what's next.
Summer's Day - Please, more like Moonlight- @midnightdrops
Starting with a disclaimer: this story is amazing BUT it is not complete - Dr @midnightdrops has an outline for the remaining chapters already completed but is currently drowning in work. 
In this non-senshi College AU, Mamoru tries to figure out how he is feeling about his polar-opposite girlfriend, while external forces work on ripping them apart. 
The Secrets We Bear - Tumblr Snippets -  @lilliebellfanfics
This link is to some of the shorts that were published for Dendy Week 2022 (are part of a larger story that @lilliebellfanfics is working on) but are amazing as stand-alone chapters, exploring Mamoru navigating his new powers, university life and priorities. 
And last but not least, you should explore @caelenath 's musings in her Mamoru in College tag here on Tumblr - amazing little snippets in there!
That's it for now! I will do another fic list post soon. In the meantime, you should explore some of the prior lists and all the amazing content coming from the @senshixshitennouweeks!
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caelenath · 2 months
A Prince Comes Home (UsaMamo Week Day 2)
My contribution for Day 2 of @usamamoweek 2024, "Meet the Parents", is a companion piece to On This Day, a Prince Was Born, and also subtly references All the King's Children.
Though all three can be read separately, I encourage reading the other two first to experience the full effect of this piece. Both are pretty short.
Lastly, I must credit this stunning artwork by @sugarmint-dreams for inspiring this story by providing the vision of eternity.
~ * ~
She hoped he knew, and would always know, how much she loved him, even when he was one day too big or too far for her to hold. — On This Day, a Prince Was Born
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vifetoile · 4 months
Usagi x Mamoru and Senshi x Shitennou are ships that BEG for a bridgerton au
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i1976blunotte · 8 months
After watching Sailor Moon Cosmos, I have decided to write this.
In order to give an happy ending also to Senshi and Shitennou.
This past drawing of mine, is fitting with a scene of this chapter.
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Fandom: Sailor Moon
Character: Chibiusa
Sample Size: 294 stories
Source: AO3
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mamaladykt · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi Characters: Chiba Mamoru, Tsukino Usagi, Furuhata Motoki Additional Tags: Fluff, Post Sailor Stars, POV Chiba Mamoru, Established Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi, Tsukino Usagi is a little too popular, and Chiba Mamoru finds out, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Summary:
Chiba Mamoru is back to his old ways of studying himself into isolated oblivion when he overhears a conversation that reminds him of what's, or rather, who's really important to him. But first, he has some making up to do. Adorable fluff ensues.
You guys, I live!!!!!! I wrote and I didn’t hate it and I POSTED it! It’s just a one shot but still, yay me! 
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riverlethe · 1 year
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Minako organizes (by throwing together at the very last minute) Game Night to help the senshi blow off some steam on a rare night off.
Rei picked a small red box up off the table. “‘Love Letter’?” she grimaced. “This is going to be a long night, isn’t it?”
Written for @usamamoweek2023 Day 1: Year of the Rabbit/Kiss Game
Rated: T
"Game Night"
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usamamoweek · 1 year
UsaMamo Week 2023 - Master Post
Thank you to everyone who participated, reblogged, commented, liked and gave kudos. Thank you to everyone who was a beta / cheerleader behind the scenes. This event turned out amazingly well and we are so happy to see both new faces and some old friends participate this year. (And don't forget about our "Meet the Creators" series, to learn a little more about people in this fandom)
To make sure none of the amazing works that have been created for this UsaMamo Week have been missed, we have compiled them all into this master post (in alphabetical order by the creator):
@caelenath - UsaMamo Week 2023 - Day 4: Beach
The whole situation was any red-blooded man's dream—nine gorgeous women in swimwear, a dreamy sunset, and a legitimate excuse to ogle them from every angle.
But he had eyes for only one...
@daikon1 :
Moon Sake Bottle Action!
Somehow at a houseparty with Usagi, Mamoru feels totally out of his depth - until Minako suggests they liven things up a bit. But can an unusual talent for carnival games be leveraged into a kiss with his crush??
A Royal Audience
Once upon a time, there was an extremely self-centered mentor...
Ten Ways to Say 'I Love You'
A portrait of Usagi and Mamoru’s relationship over the years, told in letters, poems, and journal entries.
There Was Only One... Stowaway on the School Beach Trip
It was the perfect summer scheme... and then Mamoru had walked into the train compartment.
Mamoru's Anxiety: A Love Letter for Usagi!
Filling in a 'missing scene' from Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter From Tuxedo Mask - What does Mamoru think about Usagi receiving a love letter from his alter-ego?
Keyrings, and Chaos, and Gender Expectations, Oh My!
Galaxia may have been defeated, but the patriarchy is still alive and well. With some help from Sailor Moon, Mamoru has a few things to say about that!!
As Tsukino Usagi awoke one morning from pleasant dreams, she found herself transformed in her bed into an adorable kitty.
@goddessalthena :
Dear Mamo-chan
"I'll write. And I'll call," he promised. "So...I expect you to write me all the time."
"...I will," she vowed.
But only one of them kept their word.
Picture Perfect
It was a perfect day. Almost too good to be true.
Usagi & Mamoru share a few firsts as they bask in the first blush of young love.
@kaitoscarlett - The words I couldn't say
After their first night together, Usagi finds herself waking up alone in Mamoru's apartment. While waiting for him, she explores his book shelf and finds something, she probably shouldn't read.
@lilliebellfanfics :
Day 1: Kiss Game
Summary: Usagi and Mamoru are chosen as the next contestants in Minako's pop-up competitions. They expect something weird and zany like the previous ones... not a kissing game. Well, kissing or not, Usagi says bring it on.
Day 4: There was only one...
Usagi's investigating a series of energy bursts at Tokyo Dome City amusement park. With so many unknowns--what was the source of the energy? Was it Zoisite or a new enemy?--the last thing she wants to do is share a ride on the Ferris wheel with Mamoru.
Day 7: Midnight / Fireworks
"One thing I love about prompts is they get me writing for my WIPs! I bring you another scene from DFD, but this is much much later than the current arc. For reasons, Usagi ends up staying at Mamoru's place. Things get hot & steamy, and here's a scene from somewhere in the middle."
Day 5: Free Day
The Tsukino clan are about to hit the slopes as the next part of their winter competition. Usagi is a clear winner and she's excited to beat Shingo on the double black diamond and win points for her team... only Mamoru's never skied before. Shit.
(Also Christmas Markets and kissing)
@master-ray5 - Lips Of An Angel
Mamoru gets a call on his lunch break from his Ex in Japan.
@random-mailbox - Love Letter (Poem)
Poem inspired by the Stars arc in the Anime
@riverlethe - Game Night
Minako organizes (by throwing together at the very last minute) Game Night to help the senshi blow off some steam on a rare night off.
Rei picked a small red box up off the table. “‘Love Letter’?” she grimaced. “This is going to be a long night, isn’t it?”
@sailormoonandme - Year of the Rabbit. UsaMamo Week 2023
Unbeknownst to anyone else, Serenity and Endymion arrange a secret rendezvous on the beach. Manga Canon.
@speak-mnemosyne1 :
In a dark, cramped space with stifling air, something in the chemistry between two people transformed. The universe fell away and, in those seven minutes, actions had no consequences.
But this.. this felt more like Seven Minutes in Hell.
For the prince of Earth, there was only one girl in the entire Solar System with whom falling in love was forbidden..
“Just for a year… but I may end up staying longer than that.” Mamoru tried to swallow back the words as they left his mouth. He hated lying to Usagi, hated the way her blue eyes looked up at him with oceans of love.
@spei-sidus :
Lucky Bunny
Day 1: Year of the Rabbit / Kiss Game
Sailor Moon is forgiven by Tuxedo Kamen for Serenity's final actions
An Ode to the Rose
Valentine's Day is coming up and the girls decide, since they weren't giving chocolates to anyone, to write love letters to give to their future boyfriends.
The Binoculars
A day at the beach leads Mamoru to ask Usagi out.
Free Day
Neo Queen Serenity goes back in time to go on a date with First Season Mamoru.
Like a Fairy
An injured Usagi leads the nijizuishou to not only replenish her energy, but also form the Ginzuishou.
Moonlight Musings
Some midnight musings for our roaming heroine.
@wishwars - Confessions Left Unsaid
At the end of Season 1, Episode 3 of the 90s anime, Usagi decides to write a love letter to Tuxedo Mask. What if Mamoru reads it?
@iiyasbssmdoodles - Day 6 - wings
@iamcharlotte88 - Three Levels of Kisses for Mamoru Chiba (artwork for @daikon1 Moon Sake Bottle Action! story)
@lilliebellfanfics - Day 2: Royalty, Day 3: Love Letters / Poetry
@mhanevision - Day 2 Royalty , Day 5 - Free Day "Barbenheimer" , Day 7 - Midnight (Happy Birthday Mamo-Chan , Day 1 - Year of the Rabbit (Happy Birthday Usako)
@mochibuni - Art for Epilogue (story Rocks in Space by @vchanny-og )
Images / Mood boards:
@random-mailbox - Day 1 - Year of the Rabbit , Day 1 - Kiss Game, Week Day 2 - Royalty, Day 2 - Sword, Day 3 - Love Letters / Poetry, Day 4 - Beach, Day 4 - There was only one..., Day 5 - Free Day , Day 6 - Wings , Day 6 - Crystal, Day 7 - Midnight, Day 7 - Fireworks
@oshiokiyopod - UsaMamo Week 2023 Special Episode!
You can listen to the episode on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Cast, and Podchaser (links to show pages in the platform names).
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master-ray5 · 2 months
Happy Birthday Mamoru Chiba
Ah Prince of Earth, Happy Birthday to you. As with all of my Senshi Birtheday posts, my intention is to mention how I plan to use them in upcoming fics. Of course when it comes to you sir, I just had you and your beloved get stuck in a love hotel togethre in my latest story, "Sheltering in A Love Hotel." Still, I plan on getting more installments done of Royal Affairs and you know you and your Queen are going to have A LOT of fun. then. For now just enjoy your birthday and know I am working hard on helping you to get the happy ending you deserve.
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goddessalthena · 20 days
So, I'm finally doing a thing...
After many moons of tedious, painstaking effort I have finally reached a long awaited goal: I've finished a story. A story I've been wanting to tell for, well, a long time. Having accomplished this monumental task (for me at least) it is now time to YEET it out into the void and turn my beleaguered brain to other tasks.
I am equal parts nervous and excited to finally begin freeing this beast from the deep recesses of my hard drive, but I promised myself I would do so when the time came and the TIME HAS COME.
Without further ado, I present to you:
Summary: In order to rescue a boy she hardly knows, defeat an enemy she's never met, and save a world she'll never truly belong to, Tsukino Usagi must first accept a destiny she never wanted. An introspective re-imagining of season one's final arc told from Usagi’s perspective. What do you do when the sins of a past life come back to haunt you? How do you stay true to yourself when the lines of identity begin to blur? And when it comes to fate, do you ever really have a choice?
My thanks to everyone who gives this labour of love a looky-loo, and I hope those of you who choose to take this journey with me (and Usagi) will find it worthwhile.
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 51 - Furniture
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Second last post of the series is here! This week is light and fluffy as we look at furniture themed stories. (sorry for posting it a little later than usual on a Monday - this weekend completely got away from me).
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
My Own Little Stage: A Collection of Prompts: Chapter 1: Prompt: Rose Chair - @tinacentury
Neo Queen Serenity is VERY excited about new office chair she got for her King Endymion.
Usagi, Mamoru, and the Three Mattresses - @kaleidodreams
Finding just the right mattress that works for both partners is a very important step. Patience is an absolute must!
Little Strawberry Couch - @sailorspacecougar
Usagi might have forgotten to check dimensions on her latest online purchase, causing chaos when she insists that the old one needs to go before it gets delivered.
Usagi and the Spinny Chair - Star17P
Who doesn't love a spinny chair?!
at heart's rest (five scenes from a relationship) - @fated-addiction
In this story we get a look through the various stages of Usagi and Mamoru's relationship and the prominent role that their couch plays in it over the years.
Mamoru on the couch - @caelenath
Above is a link to the tag that @caelenath created for her musings on why would Mamoru have to sleep on the couch. Inspiring the Little Strawberry Couch story posted above and this amazing post where you should check ALL the reblogs / additions from @areptiledysfunction1107 , @danni-bunny , @linlamont , @master-ray5 , @riverlethe , @shnuggletea and @reispinkoveralls.
That's it for this week! Next Monday is my last and 52nd post of the series - wrapping it up with Crystal Tokyo stories.
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
Week 31 - Traditions
Week 32 - Dreams
Week 33 - Friends
Week 34 - Body-Swap
Week 35 - Medical Assistance
Week 36 - Sex Pollen
Week 37 - Psychometry
Week 38 - What If
Week 39 - Missing Scenes Part I
Week 40 - Green Jacket
Week 41 - Dr Chiba
Week 42 - Birthdays
Week 43 - Fluff
Week 44 - First Kiss
Week 45 - Reviving Shitennou
Week 46 - Tutoring
Week 47 - Thunderstorms
Week 48 - Food
Week 49 - Proposals
Week 50 - Locked In
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chibausagi · 5 months
Hello friends!! It's been so long since I've posted/written anything but I miss it so so much I thought that I'd try my best to write a little drabble to force myself back into it :))
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She had always thought that the story humans told of Selene and Endymion had been ridiculous.
Now, watching the soft rise and fall of his chest and the delicate pout of his lips, she didn't think it was that crazy of a story after all.
I would love for you to check it out!!
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