#us solar
alanshemper · 1 month
[6 August 2024]
After a drawn-out saga involving a restructuring and a management shakeup, one of the most-prominent names in US solar, SunPower Corp., has now filed for bankruptcy.
Over the course of less than two years, the once-darling of the industry was forced to fire workers to cut costs, restate earnings and it defaulted on a credit agreement. In 2024, the firm replaced its chief executive officer, restructured its operations and lost its accountant.
Industry headwinds added to the woes: High interest rates and subsidy changes in California — the US sector’s biggest market — have been a drag for solar firms that expected big growth from President Joe Biden’s signature climate law of 2022.
SunPower said in court papers that it’s carrying about $2 billion in long-term debt and it’s been struggling since October to avoid potential defaults under various financing arrangements. Top shareholders in the firm include France’s TotalEnergies SE.
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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Where AirBnBs are fully booked next week.
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evehiclesaura · 1 year
US Solar Flourishes as New Data Sets Record Highs
Solar Takes Giant Leap in New Generation Capacity The United States has been witnessing an incredible surge in solar energy growth, and July 2023 stands as a glaring testament to this trend. Data from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) reveals a quantum leap in solar’s contributions to the American energy landscape. In this single month, 1,824 megawatts (MW) of new generation…
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politijohn · 3 months
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connectrsmith · 1 year
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For Solar appointments in USA, contact us..!
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tsunosagun · 4 months
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i flew too high, please catch my fall
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polarracking · 2 years
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clowngem · 6 months
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cocoabell · 6 months
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The snail in my ear whispered something to me and I listened
Just started watching fma:b and I'm having the best and worst time simultaneously
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solcarow · 4 months
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How funny. I can't believe this is happening… did you forget that you promised to die?
i finally remembered to post my piece for the @orv-lovezine !!! i wasnt satisfied with the colors i submitted it with so you can find the original below + the lineart
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im starting pride month off strong by strujoshin out 🔥💥🔥💥💥
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brunhielda · 9 months
Gonna throw out something crazy. See what sticks. Maybe nothing, hopefully something:
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In about 3 months, the US is getting a total solar eclipse. I am a Librarian at a Public Library hosting an event.
Now, I KNOW every corner of the globe has mythology on this very cool astrological event. Many with neat monsters/creatures to go with. It is difficult to find images of said creatures. Sometimes even difficult to find the mythology from various parts of the world. Almost impossible to find coloring pages.
I live in a tiny town, and I am doing everything I can to expand the horizons of the kiddos who live here, and they go bananas for a good story out loud, especially if they have something to do with their hands while listening, like pictures to color in.
I call on the artists of the internet. If you know of a myth about Solar Eclipse, please add on to this post. Tell me the basic myth, tell me the country/culture of origin, and please please please, add a cool picture I can turn into a coloring page. Artist names will be left on pictures for admirers to go look them up, and I hope artists see this as a fun challenge.
I don’t even know if Tumbler in English language has that much of an international presence but… 🤷🏻‍♀️ Here’s hoping.
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odoraful · 3 months
details in snowy serenity | zayne ❄️
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oyarenewables · 2 years
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
Eddie gets Steve’s pickles when they go out to eat. Steve gets Eddie’s tomatoes. The transaction is seamless; it requires no words
Most of Eddie’s t-shirts have done time as sleep shirts for Steve. Eddie steals Steve’s hoodies without remorse. Neither of them remember which pair of sweatpants originally belonged to who at this point
No one bothers saving them more than one seat at any kind of movie night or other get-together; Eddie spends more time sitting on Steve than on the couch
They become an interchangeable taxi service at some point. The kids will say they’re getting a ride from eddiensteve, but it’s anyone’s guess if it’s going to be Steve’s beamer or Eddie’s van that rolls up (the only real difference is if they have to listen to Steve complaining about providing rides and then asking how their activities are going, or if they have to listen to Eddie’s music at deafening volume)
It feels so easy, the way their lives mesh, when they finally get together, and maybe it isn’t strictly healthy, but anyone who wants to throw around the word “codependent” must first survive at least one Upside Down Event. In any case, no one else really seems to mind–
“Y’know, when you two got together, I thought it would be weird. Like seeing your two older brothers make out,” Dustin mentions one day.
Steve’s face screws up in disgust. “Ew. Henderson–”
“But,” Dustin cuts in, “I’m actually kind of relieved.”
“I’ll bite,” Eddie drawls. “Pray tell: why?”
“Because you’re not going to make me pick a favorite anymore. You’ve basically melded into the same person.”
There is a beat of surprised silence before Steve and Eddie, almost simultaneously, burst out with “Oh my god, no we haven’t.” – “We have not.”
There is another beat of silence in which the two of them blink at each other as a grin spreads across Dustin’s face.
“See?” Steve finally says, recovering and looking at Dustin but pointing towards Eddie. “The way we said that was completely different.”
“Totally different,” Eddie agrees with a nod of his head.
“And we were never going to make you pick a favorite. What the hell, man?”
“What do you take us for, recently divorced parents?”
“That would’ve been petty.”
“Juvenile, even.”
Eddie shakes his head, clucking his tongue. “Where do you get these ideas, Henderson?”
Dustin, who has been watching their exchange like a tennis match, shakes his head right back. “It’s like you have two mouths but only one brain.”
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astrotruther · 1 month
Astro Observations
Solar Return Chart
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☆ Blake lively having her 12th House in Gemini in her Solar Return Chart & being called out for her tone deaf comments during the press tour of 'It Ends With Us' makes a lot of sense.
☆ Venus in 8th - You could have a higher libido than usual that year. You could also be hesitant to make new friends/ get into relationships due to an increased level of trust issues.
☆ Pisces in 11th - Be careful of the friends you make, some of them may have bad intentions or could inflict lasting emotional wounds.
☆ Sagittarius in 12th - You could face issues at school. Doesn't have to be with teachers or your studies, it could even be your acquaintances/ classmates screwing you over in some way.
☆ Venus in Pisces/ Venus-Neptune aspects might feel like they're getting to express their beauty and other people are subtly taking notice of it. Harsh aspects may feel like their looks are being overly analyzed/ their little flaws are being unnecessarily pointed out by others.
☆ Libra Ascendants might experiment with fashion and truly shine through their personal style. May even have the realization that their looks are more important to them than they previously thought.
☆ Leo Ascendants might experience a boost in hair growth & overall hair health.
☆ Pisces in 8th - Mental health issues will become unavoidable. If you haven't paid attention to stuff that needs to be worked through, your mind will forcefully bring it out to the forefront. Basically, this would be the year you admit to yourself that you need therapy.
☆ Venus Square Mars could develop certain insecurities about their looks, in particular their bodies.
☆ Aquarius Ascendants may not feel accepted in new communities/ spaces. Since Capricorn will fall in their 12th House, they may feel like people are perceiving them in an inaccurate way. Their public image could be particularly challenging that year.
☆ Virgo in 8th - Something about your routine is changing due to external circumstances. The place where you get your coffee every day shutting down, transferring to a new school/ office/ apartment, a break up with friends or your live-in partner.
☆ Pisces in 12th would be closing major karmic cycles and moving on towards a new era where they wouldn't entertain the same toxic narratives again. It's the closing ceremony of all the misery you've faced previously.
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Click daily to help Palestinians🍉🙏🏽: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
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connectrsmith · 1 year
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Need to increase your Sales in USA with fresh Solar appointments? Contact us…!
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