#urban legends that are true
morbidology · 3 months
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Everybody knows the urban legend of The Babysitter. The storyline is that a teenage girl is babysitting alone at night. She is watching TV after putting the children to bed when she receives a phone call in which a man laughs down the phone, telling her to check on the children. She eventually rings the police after numerous calls from the mysterious caller without ever checking on the children. The police trace the call and tell her the calls are coming from inside the house and tell her to run outside immediately. The man had been calling her after he killed each child.
What people don’t know is that this urban legend is loosely based on a real crime - the murder of 13-year-old Janett Christman, who was killed while babysitting. On the evening of March 18, 1950, she contacted police and screamed “come quick” before the line went dead. At a time when calls could not be traced, the operator had no idea where she was. She was found when the parents came home. Janett was dead in the living room and had been brutally bludgeoned with a blunt object, raped, and strangled. The baby remained upstairs asleep.
The murder was never solved.
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spookcataloger · 6 months
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Green Man (2015)
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greenerteacups · 11 days
Hi! I wanted to ask in regards to chemistry: Do you think Hermione and the twins have chemistry? Because I feel like whenever she talked to them there was something in the air (with Fred mostly, but I think Rowling just used Fred as the designated twin for everything). I loathe the fics with that pairing though
Most of Hermione's interactions with the twins are mildly antagonistic, since she's either telling them off or getting pissed that they're about to do something stupid. Is there some chemistry in that? Sure, could be! It's the eye of the beholder. The twins are tall, funny, and confident; I'm sure many girls find them attractive, and Hermione might well be one of them.
The only interactions I remember off the top of my head as being eyebrow-raising are (1) Fred trying to beat up Draco with his fists after the "mudblood" name-calling incident in COS, and (2) Fred giving Hermione healing ointment in OOTP after she used a boxing telescope (his telescope, mind, but it's still a nice gesture). Those are the two times we see Fred as consciously thinking about Hermione. Because we don't see any of the other older Weasleys do this — George/Percy/Charlie/Bill don't have any such micro-interactions with her — it reads like the author's calling attention to Fred and Hermione on purpose. There's so little romance in the books that a lot of gestures you could plausibly spin as friendly read as potential jumping-off points for romance.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 4 months
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The Urban Legend Of England’s Phantom Social Workers Who Steal Vulnerable Children
The legend began in the 1990s, when British newspapers starting reporting on unidentified men posing as social workers and taking children from their homes for an “evaluation.” According to legend, one man, who would be accompanied by several women, would masquerade as a social worker. He would enter and inspect homes for safety and examine children for signs of abuse, and then whisk the children away — never to be seen again. The urban myth spawned such hysteria that it spurred local law enforcement in South Yorkshire to create a task force to investigate the claim in 1990. The so-called Operation Childcare received more than 250 reports of this type of abduction as a result, though only two proved to be valid. One of those was the report of Anne Wylie, who claimed that a woman pretending to be a social worker suddenly appeared at her home after her 20-month-old son had been hospitalized for asthma. The woman had no identification and was accompanied by a man waiting outside. Suspicious, Wylie demanded more information. The strange woman placed her son’s medical records on the table. But after the couple left, Wylie was able to confirm that they weren’t social workers after all. Despite this chilling account, in its four years as an active task force, Operation Childcare didn’t make a single arrest. Instead, authorities blamed the press for “hyping” a small, legitimate problem into a large-scale paranoia that then spawned an urban legend. Nonetheless, there were at least two groups of individuals who abducted children by posing as social workers. Authorities believed these were vigilantes who believed that it was their duty to protect children from abuse in the wake of a major child abuse scandal in the 1980s.
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thedrotter · 3 months
Do any of you remember a Youtube video about Re:Kinder talking about how the game is seen and percieved by some people (mostly touching upon and arguing against how it has been treated insensitively as some sort of weird legend like "ooo disturbing game with a hidden truth behind it" due to it's creator being dead), as well as talking about the charm of the game (even mentioning it's art at some point) and sadness of the themes without spoiling anything at the same time?? I remember the video avoided saying any spoilers at all and only touched on the literal plot as the kids being stuck in a dire situation in the town with all the adults dead without really getting into the why (it didn't even say one of the kids themselves was the cause— as thus, spoiler free), other than that it just touched on the emotional side of it and vaguely mentioned some scenes.
i also remember at some point the later half (at the very least if not in all of it) of the video, music by Siinamota was playing in the background. Does anyone remember seeing a video like this?
I can't seem to find it anywhere and don't even remember the exact year I watched it.😭 It was the way I found out about this game a while ago, which eventually ended up in me playing it, and I really wish I could watch it again. I thought it was a deleted video by someone called hazel as it was mentioned by a lot of people, but I found that one and it isnt it.😓 I'm wondering if anyone remembers watching something along the lines of what im describing and knows if it's still up.
#re:kinder#not art#posting this because naw i am desperate ive been looking for this video for months#i genuinely thought it could be the hazel video but it wasnt and now im back at where i started...😞#if its still up i cannot find it on youtube#but i wonder if anyone even recalls watching this at all because im worried my memory is playing with me😞#itd be rather weird though because i do recall it very vividly. it struck with me in a way i managed to remember the game by name later on#looking back on my memory of it it was a really nice video. i do agree on what it said of how people seem to treat this game#the video was really trying to make people see and appreciate the game and the themes itself instead of the glorified urban legend idea ofi#because it is true that people treat it as some “disturbing fun fact” that someone died as if it was all his legacy was😞#i dont remember it being the high quality standard editing known of video essays nowadays#oh thats all i can say i dont recall much its been a while and i dont know how much a while is ...😞#id be very happy to know if anyone can recognize anything at all. that video really got imprinted into my memory#it left me very emotional even as it didnt even tell me much about the game it still managed to express the feelings of it#ou shoutout to this video forever i love you thank you for informing me of this awesome game while letting me go blind#i was up for a ride#i wish i could see it again#really showed me one of the ending scenes and i had NO IDEA I HAD NO IDEA#oh my god what a good video i had no idea yet i was so devastated#thats all i can convey im not sure if saying “it made a deep emotional impression on me” is a good descriptor to find a video i cant find#i dont know if anyone who has seen it would have felt as emotional as i had but im not sure how else to put it
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youtvb3 · 2 years
"Checking, checking, 1, 2, 3..."
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"Is this thing on?!"
The camera tuned in to a girl wearing pink, who then furrowed her brows with a determined grin. The livestream already had thirteen thousand viewers, even though it just started, and comments began flooding in.
"Hey, hey, hey! What's up, fuckers?! It's your girl, Miu here! Currently with Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko, Korekiyo, Kokichi, Gonta, Kaito, Tsumugi, Kiibo, Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko, who I'm sure you all recognize from the channel, at the convention we mentioned we'd be going to!!"
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"Thank you, Iruma. But yes, we are getting rather bored here, and desire interaction. We were hoping a few of you would be able to tune in and talk to us."
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"Yes, yes! Give us a good laugh! We are soooooooo bored~! I may even be willing to put in a good word to Atua for you if you do~."
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"Gonta not bored! Gonta brought lots of bug friends! See?"
The boy, presumably called "Gonta", holds out two handfuls of different kinds of insects. That causes another boy to dart to the other end of the group, hiding behind a masked man.
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"S-Stay over there... please."
He must not like bugs, huh? But then
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"U-Um, guys? The comments...?"
She directs their attention to the comments, where yours comes up.
What does your comment say?
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Mods that play Kokichi or Kotoko on ANY blog in ANY capacity DNI!!!! ))
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @pizza-for-my-friends @lildevxlsbakery and anyone else because the mod can't tag. ;w;
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bearfeathers · 2 months
no but the way halloween (2018) restores to michael myers the identity of the shape and the boogeyman is just 🤌
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doolallymagpie · 11 months
did i just write "charles kincaid chugged a gallon of milk after the first mackie test, in the tradition of indy 500 winners"?
yes, yes i did
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ross-hori · 7 months
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Fun fact: after the conquest of England in 1066, William The Bastard led a Norman invasion force into Japan. This historic event is captured in the Kobe Tapestry, parts of which are recreated around the city.
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alexanderpearce · 2 years
we’re all going to the world’s fair soundtrack making me cry and feel so incredibly melancholy it’s like indescribable. the internet.
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undeadhousewife · 5 months
The absolutely bizarre ice cream truck situation in my neighborhood continues. I almost posted the other day about how, in the middle of a wicked spring storm when it's barely 40 out with winds around 30mph (and gusts up to twice that) there was the first ice cream truck of the season out. No one is popping out for a cold treat.
Now it's currently 8am, and there's another one. I mean the weather is decent but kids are in school and it's a weird time to be out man.
(I tried to find my other posts about this to add onto it ranging from a truck playing techno metal and another one playing knock off ice cream music but couldn't find them needless to say it's a theme in my neighborhood)
I also have to stress these are decrepit 1990s minivans with stickers, slapped on the side. They just reach over and slide open the side door to hand out ice-cream.
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spookcataloger · 6 months
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Rat Man of DC (2013)
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that time I went to the league of legends world championship semi finals and all I took pictures of was transportation before and after
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The legend of Cropsey is essentially an unknown figure that would kidnap children and take them to an abandoned tunnel system under an old hospital to murder them. Various real and fake disappearances were attributed to Cropsey. Then in 1987, a man in the area named Andre Rand was found to be connected to crimes like those that Cropsey had supposedly committed. Rand was working as a janitor at a state school for kids with intellectual disabilities which was an abusive and unsafe environment for students. He was homeless at the time and living near an old hospital and an abandoned school.
Rand had a history of crimes against children including sexual assault as well as an incident where he kidnapped a bus of children. Rand was originally arrested for the disappearance of a 12-year-old student Jenifer Schweiger. Her body was later found on the school grounds where he was living. It is thought that Rand may be connected to even more cases of missing children from that time period. He was later found guilty of one of these cases and will not be eligible for parole until 2037.
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kraniumet · 8 months
"that's the thing I like so much about you, you're like a magnet, you attract some of the weirdest women in the western hemisphere" get him. say that
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