#up board 12th result
digikartik-blog · 3 months
UP Board Marksheet Download PDF & Online Verification
In the digital age, accessing academic records like the UP Board Marksheet has become increasingly convenient thanks to advancements in technology and the availability of school management software like Vedmarg ERP. This article explores the process to Download UP Board Marksheet PDF and performing online verification through Vedmarg ERP, highlighting the benefits of this streamlined approach. 
Vedmarg ERP Software revolutionizes the way educational institutions manage student data and academic records. One of its standout features is the ability to generate UP Board Marksheet PDFs effortlessly. School administrators can access the marksheet generation module within the ERP system, input student data, and generate mark sheets with just a few clicks. This streamlined process eliminates the need for manual paperwork and reduces the administrative burden on school staff. 
Downloading UP Board Marksheet PDFs through Vedmarg ERP offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it ensures accuracy and authenticity in marksheet generation, as the software adheres to UP Board guidelines and standards. This guarantees that mark sheets of UP board 10th result & 12th result reflect the student's actual performance and are accepted as official documents by educational institutions, employers, and other organizations. 
Moreover, Vedmarg ERP Software prioritizes data security and confidentiality. Student information is encrypted and stored securely within the system, protecting it from unauthorized access or tampering. This instills confidence among students, parents, and stakeholders, knowing that their data is safeguarded throughout the process. 
In addition to downloading mark sheets, Vedmarg ERP Software facilitates online verification of UP Board Marksheet PDFs. Educational institutions, employers, or other organizations can verify the authenticity of mark sheets by accessing Vedmarg's online verification portal. Here, they can input the necessary details from the mark sheet and receive instant confirmation of its validity. 
Online verification through Vedmarg ERP enhances efficiency and transparency in the verification process. It eliminates the need for manual verification procedures, such as contacting schools or requesting physical copies of mark sheets. This saves time and resources for both the verifying party and the student, enabling swift and reliable verification of academic credentials. 
Furthermore, Vedmarg ERP Software offers seamless integration with other educational modules, such as attendance tracking, exam management, and student information systems. This comprehensive approach to school management ensures that academic records are synchronized across different modules, reducing redundancy and improving data accuracy. 
In conclusion, downloading UP Board Marksheet PDFs and performing online verification through Vedmarg ERP Software offers a convenient, secure, and efficient solution for managing academic records. By leveraging technology-driven solutions, educational institutions can streamline administrative processes, enhance data security, and provide better services to students and stakeholders. With Vedmarg ERP, the journey towards digital transformation in education continues to evolve, empowering schools to thrive in the digital age.
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UP Board 12th Result 2023 Declared Date and Time
UP Board 12th Result 2023 Declared Date and Time     UP X Class Board 12th [email protected] 2023 Declared Date and Time:- Hey most lovable students the most exciting news coming from the centre is that the “12th Class  result” of “Uttar pradesh Madhyamik shiksha parishad” is going to be declared on may 2023 (Third Week of may). All the students are very excited and nervous also because this…
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tiwarisiracademy · 2 years
Continuity & Differentiability | Class 12 | CBSE | NCERT | Exercise- 5.1...
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thebharatexpress · 1 year
10th-12th board result link: 10वीं-12वीं का देखे रिजल्ट
लखनऊ। यूपी बोर्ड की परीक्षा देने वाले छात्रों का इंतजार खत्म हो गया है। हाईस्कूल और इंटरमीडिएट बोर्ड परीक्षा का रिजल्ट आज 25 अप्रैल को दोपहर 1:30 बजे प्रयागराज माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड के मुख्यालय से घोषित किया जाएगा। जिन छात्रों ने इस साल परीक्षा में हिस्सा लिया था, वे अपना परिणाम यूपी बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट upmsp.edu.in पर जाकर चेक और डाउनलोड कर सकेंगे। ALSO READ- LOCKDOWN: रात 8 बजे तक ही…
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rightchoices5050 · 1 year
Up Board 10th 12th Result 2023 How to check High school Intermediate result 2023 know more
Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Uttar Pradesh students are waiting for UP Board High School Intermediate Result 223 for a long time actually every year print by north board this year also result will come we will check up board 10th 12th result very easily for you know steps
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adda247-school · 1 year
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heartlilith · 7 months
Drunk Confessional (Personal Astrology Observations)
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements while sipping on some dranks ;)))
🍻My Sun, Venus, and Mars are in my 8th house using Whole Sign System and using Placidus I have Moon and Venus in the 8th house. Any other 8th housers especially attracted to what others deem creepy/weird/dangerous? Whether it's people, topics of conversation, music taste, or superstitions. When I talk to my boyfriend about what happens after we die, he WON'T hear it. I got an Ouija board for Christmas one year and he wouldn't summon demons with me :( he's so scared lmfaooo. Also, my boyfriend has been to jail, has face tattoos, and is the embodiment of controversial. Any other 8th housers relate? No? Okay.
🍻Going off of ^^^. I met this girl one time at a ... facility ... and she went by the name Lilith; she's instagram famous, goth, loves witch shit, she's a satanist and basically she was everything that people side eyed. When I tell you I LOVED THIS GIRL. I wish we kept in contact, I swear I had heart eyes and I'm straight af. She was so intriguing and we became such good friends... I miss her. She was an Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising. The coolest chick.
🍻I have 12th Pluto and Chiron (whole sign) and in the 11th house (Placidus) and I ghost everyone. Most times it's unintentional. Due to some issues at home, I up and left my hometown in the middle of the night to live with my boyfriend a couple states away and the next day my friends were like "Wtf? Where are you?".
🍻Guys I am the queen of running away when things get hard. Even when I was young. I'm not really sure what would indicate this? Maybe Uranus/Neptune in the 1st? 12th house Sagittarius? No clue. I'm a master escapist physcially, mentally, substance-ly ;).
🍻I have never had a "dream job" (Sun and Neptune square MC). All I know is I will be rich. I know it in my heart. I fucking better be.
🍻Actually ^ not true I wanted to be an Astronaut when I was like 5. URANUS IN THE 1ST... I am one with the aliens. This works for Aquarius rising, Uranus/Aquarius Dominant.
🍻Capricorn Rising/Saturn in the 5th house here and for all of you that claim prominent Capricorn placements are boring... let me tell you something... we are busy getting rich so fuck you
🍻I think prominent Earth placements (esp Cap), it's not the materialism that comes with being rich that we want... its the security. Like if life goes wrong in anyway, at least we have the resources to somehow make it better. It's a security blanket. I'd rather be crying in a mansion than crying in a shack. ALSO, most of us know what it's like to grow up poor or below the middle class line.
🍻So my placements - Lilith in the 1st house especially. I'm always reading posts about being sexually wanted or some version of that. Let me tell you I wear sweatpants and sweatshirts most of the time. That profile pic over there? Yeah I don't look like that most days. I feel like since this placement gets sexualized a lot and gets exposed sexually at a young age ... it results in this. Male attention? I used to need that, now I hate men (at least most of them). Scorpio MC and Lilith in Capricorn too.
🍻Scorpio MC - yes I want to be feared. I want to hold power over people that makes them think twice about fucking with me. But not feared in a way that they think I'm mean or rude... feared as in powerful, like a boss type of way. In reality, I run from confrontation and am too scared to stick up for myself but WE ARE WORKING ON IT. Check back in 10 years. I feel like Sun/Lilith in the 10th house, prominent Capricorn placements, prominent Scorpio placements, Aries placements, and Leo placements feel this too.
🍻I have Mars in the 7th house and in terms of romantic relationships, yes I am the problem.
🍻Aries in the 3rd house and the only person I've physcially fought is my sister. I beat the hoe.
🍻MY SISTER ... OK, HOLD ON NOW. SIT DOWN FOR THIS ONE. Let me know WHY this girl is a Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Aries Mercury, Taurus Venus, Virgo Mars... (I think her rising is Virgo but not confirmed) ... she goes into work one day, 2 hours late cause she overslept and when her boss confronted her she said "I don't believe in the concept of time" WTF. This is the only thing that makes me doubt astrology. Just kidding, I guess its all the Taurus but ??? Still I'm confused.
🍻Since she was Earth dominant ^, she never had to study for tests in school. She had an almost perfect average and never studied. Meanwhile my ADHD ass (Moon square Jupiter, Sun/Mars (3rd house ruler) opposition Neptune, Neptune in the 1st, Sun opposition Uranus) struggled with a 2.8 in high school.
🍻My mom is a Taurus Sun Libra Moon and my dad is a Scorpio Sun Sagittarius Moon. They aren't together anymore, but when I tell you they're children in old people bodies... me and my parents are more like friends if anything. I was never grounded, never in trouble for what other people my age were in trouble for, and my friends liked them more than me I swear.
🍻Having a lot of Leo in the chart mixed with a healthy scoop of Cancer may make someone kind of dramatic... but it's how I really feel guys ok? Yes, the fact that I have to wake up tomorrow at 8am is sending me rn. Off a ledge. Into a river. Never to return. I would rather eat dirt.
🍻12th house profection year and I never want to go to bed. I never want the day to end. Sleep is a bummer right now. Even when I do sleep I wake up like 100 times. Mostly cause my cat needs pets and who am I to deny him?
🍻ANYONE WITH AN EARTH MOON, ESPECIALLY VIRGO LIKE ME OR 6TH HOUSE. Get a pet. Get one. They rely on you and need you and love you to death. Someone/something NEEDING an Earth/Virgo Moon?! A dream. I love to be needed. I have a dog (1 year) and two kitties (7 months)... they are my literal children that I birthed.
🍻My boyfriend is a Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Mercury & Venus, and Libra Mars... I would pay money to see the female version of him. He's such a brat. BUT he is so fun to be around and is my best friend. His moon is in my 1st house, Sun in my 7th, Venus in my 8th and Mars in my 9th.
🍻Speaking of Aquarius Moon... I've met people with this moon sign and all of them have a detached sense of family in some way or another. Whether they don't have a close relationship with them or they're super independent. My boyfriend was adopted!
That's all for tonight folks xoxo
If I offended you in anyway, no I didn't.
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astroamorsworld · 2 months
What does this New Moon in Taurus have in store for your rising sign?
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On the 8th May 4:33am UK time, there will be a New Moon in Taurus. So what does this mean for your rising sign?
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Aries Rising: With this New Moon activating your 2nd house of finances and possessions, it's prime time to focus on building your sense of security! This New Moon energy is like a blank check for your financial future. This is your chance to get serious about your money. Do you want to finally create a budget? Increase your income? Treat yourself to something special but within reason? The New Moon encourages clear intentions. The stuff you own should reflect who you are. This might mean decluttering and getting rid of things that no longer spark joy, or saving up for that high-quality item you've been wanting👀. This New Moon is also about taking a slower, more strategic approach. Avoid impulsive purchases and focus on long-term plans that bring lasting security. A tip from me would be to Repeat positive affirmations about abundance and achieving your financial goals. Visualisation is powerful too – imagine yourself reaching your financial dreams!
Taurus Rising: This New Moon illuminates your 1st house, all about self-expression, confidence, and how you want to be perceived. It's your chance to embrace your unique qualities and let your inner light shine. Been wanting a new hairstyle, wardrobe update, or to cultivate a different vibe? This New Moon supports positive changes to your physical appearance or overall persona. The New Moon encourages connecting with your inner strength and values. When you feel good about who you are on the inside, it radiates outwards with confidence. Spend some time reflecting on what truly matters to you. A tip from me? Don't just dream it, embody it! This New Moon isn't just about introspection, it's about taking action to step into the best version of yourself. Start small with something that makes you feel empowered, like trying a new outfit or joining a class that interests you.
Gemini Rising: Since this New Moon lands in your 12th house, you’re gonna wanna pay attention to your dreams and intuition during this time. They might be offering valuable insights or nudges about what needs to be released or healed on a deeper level. Journaling or meditation can be helpful for deciphering these messages. The 12th house is associated with endings and letting go. This New Moon could prompt you to release limiting beliefs, past hurts, or negative self-talk that have been holding you back. It's a time for emotional cleansing and forgiveness. While the 12th house deals with endings, it's also about new beginnings on a subconscious level. The New Moon here is like planting a seed for personal growth and transformation. You might not see the results immediately, but trust that this inner work will pay off in the long run. Want advice from me? This New Moon isn't about outward action, but about introspection and self-discovery. Give yourself permission to take some quiet time for solitude and reflection. Disconnect from the busyness of the world and reconnect with your inner voice.
Cancer rising: This New Moon is landing in your 11th house, of hopes, wishes, and the company you keep. This New Moon energy is like rocket fuel for your social circle. It's a great time to reconnect with old friends, expand your network, or even attract new soul connections who share your aspirations. Feeling inspired? This New Moon is the perfect excuse to whip out a vision board and get clear on your long-term goals. Focus on what you hope to achieve, the kind of life you want to build, and the people you want to share it with. The 11th house also deals with social causes and movements. This New Moon might spark your interest in a particular cause or inspire you to collaborate with others to make a positive impact. Here’s my two cents - Believe in your dreams, nurture your connections, and take inspired action – the Universe is conspiring to help you bring your visions to life!
Leo Rising: With this New Moon falling in your 10th house, this New Moon is all about leveling up your professional life. Feeling stuck in a rut? This lunar energy ignites your ambition and motivates you to pursue your goals with renewed fire. Believe in your talents and don't be afraid to showcase them! The 10th house is all about how you're perceived by the world. This New Moon is the perfect time to refine your personal brand and make a lasting impression, whether it's through a captivating presentation, a bold social media presence, or even simply exuding confidence in your interactions. Natural leaders like yourself might find new opportunities to step into positions of authority. This New Moon empowers you to inspire and motivate others with your vision and charisma. Embrace your leadership qualities and guide your team towards success. My advice? Don't be afraid to put yourself out there! This New Moon encourages you to embrace the spotlight and share your talents with the world. Whether it's starting a YouTube channel, giving a presentation, or simply taking center stage at a social gathering, this is your moment to shine!
Virgo Rising: The 9th house is all about expanding your horizons and seeking knowledge. This New Moon is like a cosmic invitation to embark on a learning journey. Maybe it's signing up for a new course, devouring a stack of travel books, or diving deep into a philosophical topic that's piqued your interest. While the 9th house can ignite wanderlust, this New Moon with Taurus's grounding influence might inspire a more meaningful travel experience. Consider a trip with a focus on cultural immersion, historical exploration, or learning a new language. The 9th house also deals with belief systems and philosophies. This New Moon might prompt you to explore different perspectives or challenge your own limiting beliefs. Don't be afraid to question the status quo and seek out new ways of thinking. My advice - While the 9th house deals with exploration, it also encourages setting long-term goals and aspirations. This New Moon is a powerful time to envision your dream life and the experiences you want to have. Planting these seeds of intention now will guide you towards a fulfilling future.
Libra Rising: The 8th house is all about emotional intimacy, vulnerability, and merging with another. This New Moon energy can deepen your existing relationships or spark a new, intense connection. Be open to exploring intimacy on a deeper level, but remember, true intimacy requires vulnerability from both sides. The 8th house also deals with transformation and letting go. This New Moon might bring up past hurts or unresolved issues related to intimacy or shared resources. Don't shy away from these shadows – facing them head-on allows for healing and growth. For some Libra Risings, this New Moon could influence financial partnerships, investments, or inheritances. Proceed with caution with any financial decisions during this time, and prioritize open communication with partners involved. What i think - The 8th house encourages us to release what no longer serves us. This New Moon might prompt you to let go of emotional baggage, unhealthy attachments, or limiting beliefs that are hindering your growth. Embrace the power of forgiveness and release to create space for new beginnings.
Scorpio rising: The 7th house is all about one-on-one relationships, both personal and professional. For Scorpios who are single, this New Moon could spark a powerful new connection with someone who shares your intensity and depth. For those already coupled, this lunation encourages taking your relationship to a new level of intimacy and commitment. The 7th house also deals with teamwork and collaboration. This New Moon might bring opportunities to partner with others on creative projects or professional endeavors. The key here is finding collaborators who share your vision and complement your strengths. While Scorpios crave connection, they also value depth over superficiality. This New Moon encourages you to prioritize quality over quantity in your relationships. Be discerning about who you let into your inner circle and focus on cultivating deep, meaningful connections. Want ny opinion? Scorpio's emotional intensity can be both a gift and a challenge. This New Moon encourages you to be honest and vulnerable with your partners, both in expressing your desires and acknowledging potential power struggles. Open communication is key for building strong, lasting partnerships.
Sagittarius Rising: The 6th house is all about organization, productivity, and creating healthy habits. This New Moon is the perfect time to re-evaluate your daily schedule and make adjustments that support your well-being. Consider incorporating exercise routines, healthy meal planning, or creating a sleep schedule that fuels your body and mind. Feeling a bit sluggish? This New Moon in grounded Taurus encourages prioritizing your physical health. Schedule a check-up with your doctor, explore healthy eating habits, or consider a new workout routine. Remember, a healthy body fuels a vibrant spirit! Sagittarius’ are known for their adventurous spirit, but neglecting daily routines can lead to burnout. This New Moon encourages finding a balance between your work and personal life. Creating a structured schedule can actually free up more time for your passions and explorations. Want my advice? Let's face it, routines can feel restrictive at times. This New Moon whispers that even the mundane can be approached with your signature enthusiasm. Transform your chores into mini-adventures, find joy in healthy eating, and use your creativity to make even the most routine tasks engaging.
Capricorn Rising: The 5th house is all about self-expression, joy, and creative pursuits. This New Moon ignites a desire to explore your artistic talents, whether it's writing, painting, music, or any other creative outlet that sparks your joy. Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun! Are you feeling a bit disconnected from your hobbies or passions lately? This New Moon is the perfect opportunity to rekindle that spark. Dust off your creative tools, revisit an old project, or sign up for a new class to reignite your creative fire. Capricorns are known for their work ethic, but sometimes work can overshadow fun. This New Moon encourages you to find ways to integrate your passions into your professional life. Maybe there's a way to add a creative element to your work, or perhaps you can pursue a creative side hustle. Advice? The 5th house also governs love and romance. For Capricorns in relationships, this New Moon could spark a more playful and romantic dynamic. Plan a date night that's fun and lighthearted, or surprise your partner with a creative gesture of love.
Aquarius Rising: The 4th house is all about creating a safe and nurturing environment. This New Moon energy is like a cosmic home improvement project! Think about ways to make your living space feel more comfortable, stylish, or reflective of your unique personality. Decluttering, rearranging furniture, or adding some personal touches can make a big difference. The 4th house also deals with family dynamics. This New Moon could prompt you to reconnect with loved ones or mend any strained relationships within your family. Open communication and expressing your emotional needs can strengthen your family bond. For some Aquarius Risings, the concept of "home" might be unconventional. This New Moon encourages you to define what "home" means to you on a deeper level. Maybe it's a physical space, a sense of community, or a feeling of belonging. Embrace your unique definition of home and create a space that truly nourishes you. Advice - The 4th house is also associated with emotional security. This New Moon might prompt you to address any emotional baggage or limiting beliefs related to your upbringing. Healing past hurts and fostering emotional self-reliance can create a strong foundation for your future.
Pisces Rising: The 3rd house governs communication, both written and verbal. This New Moon in artistic Taurus awakens your creative side and encourages you to express yourself with more depth and feeling. Whether it's journaling, poetry, or simply more heartfelt conversations, embrace your artistic voice and share it with the world. Pisces are known for their intuition, and Taurus brings grounding energy. This New Moon creates a beautiful blend of intuition and logic in your communication. You'll be able to express complex ideas with clarity while weaving in your unique emotional perspective. The 3rd house also deals with close relationships, particularly siblings, neighbors, and classmates. This New Moon fosters a more empathetic and compassionate communication style, allowing you to connect with others on a deeper emotional level. For Pisces Rising, learning often comes through intuition and emotional connection. This New Moon amplifies this ability. Pay attention to your gut feelings and emotional responses as you learn something new. They might hold valuable insights waiting to be unlocked. Advice - you have a gift for empathy and compassion, and this New Moon encourages you to use these qualities in your communication. Listen deeply to others, express yourself with kindness, and don't be afraid to share your unique perspective. The world needs your voice!
Check my pinned post for more!💖
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khwxbeeda · 5 months
At the age of eight, I first learnt jealousy. I learnt it by feeling it, by grabbing it with both hands and tugging it close to my heart; my mother kissed my baby sister's forehead, but not mine. Never mine.
At ten, I learnt betrayal. Someone I though would be a true friend turned her back on me in the blink of an eye, and I spent the days alone, no one to hold hands and laugh with. She walked with the popular crowd, and I walked between the shelves of the library; maybe the books would be better friends.
By the time I turned twelve, I had learnt loneliness. I sat alone at lunch tables in school, I sat alone at the dinner table in my home. My sister was six and a monster for taking away all my parents' love, and my classmates were thirteen or fourteen and monsters for trying to take away my books. It was better to be away than suffer, I decided, and I didn't mind the loneliness much.
Thirteen was the age that taught me sadness. I went to school, studied, came back home, studied, ate, and went to bed. I buried tears and suffocated my crying with my pillows, and woke up with red-rimmed eyes that I ran to hide from my mother, as if she would care enough to ask if she did see them. I cried in the bathroom, my head bent over the sink so I didn't have to look in the mirror and my teeth digging into my bottom lip to stop the sounds from coming out. I learnt to cry silently that year.
Fourteen... was an empty year. There were no more tears left. No more crying. No more sadness or jealousy or anything. I did what I was told to do with a book in one hand and my schoolbag in the other, lips sealed shut and face cast in marble. No one wanted to know what I had to say, I did not want to say anything to anyone. (A few years later, I came across an article describing dissociation.)
Fifteen was anger. So much anger. I was angry at everything and everyone; at the world, at my classmates, at my teachers, my parents, my sister. At myself. An eternal fire burned in the back of my throat and in the pits of my heart and it refused to be extinguished: I wanted to scream, wanted to rage, wanted to throw things and destroy everything in my path. I was so so angry, all the time. I read, somewhere, that fifteen was the worst age to be. I pushed the fireball of anger deeper down, and agreed.
At sixteen, I was good at ignoring my thoughts. I looked at the ledge of the roof and turned away; I refused to step within twenty feet of it. I looked at the shine of the knife blade and put it down; I refused to cut fruit and vegetable. I looked at the rope in the corner of the balcony and stepped back into the house; I would not set the laundry out to dry. I buried myself in my textbooks— Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Hindi. I got higher marks than I'd ever gotten. My mother ran a hand over my head and smiled at me in a way she hadn't in the last ten years. I flinched away from her touch.
Seventeen... I was in bed. Surgery was nasty business, and throughout the seventeeth year of my life I went through seven of them. I laid in bed, a bandage over my left eye and tears rolling down my right cheek. I'd studied. I'd studied till I collapsed when I was sixteen, but I didn't get to sit for my 12th boards. All my efforts were in vain. At seventeen, I was in bed, and I languished.
Eighteen. Eighteen was the whirlwind year. I sat for my 12th boards but didn't get the marks I hoped for. I forgot that I'd registered for PCM and PCB CET until I got the emails, and then gave up on studying. The results were 95% for both exams. I changed my trajectory, and was granted admission in Fergusson. I yelled at my parents with tears in my eyes and kissed my sister on her forehead with a smile on my face. I made friends. I smiled, I laughed, I talked more and more with each passing month. Eighteen was a whirlwind. Eighteen was good to me.
Now, I am nineteen. Let's see how this year goes, shall we?
Tag list: @orgasming-caterpillar @musaafir-hun-yaaron @hum-suffer @h0bg0blin-meat @yehsahihai @blushlilyyy @budugu
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bypatia · 5 months
I don’t know what is prompting me to post this, but here it is. A lot of people who follow me, I’ve realised are really young, and are just giving their 12th grade finals. I need all of you to know something: you will be fine. No matter what the result. You will be fine, more than fine. All throughout my 11th & 12th I scored dismally low, got a pretty okay score in the boards but not great. And I thought my life was ending. But that’s a lie. It was just beginning. That 45 in math won’t matter when you’ll be cozying up in your dorm room two years later, chatting w your roommate about the wildest gossip you heard that day. You will go for night outs and house parties and join cool clubs in college and you will start dreaming again. There will be moments when you’ll feel older than you’ve ever been and there will be moments that will feel eternal, even after you graduate college. Especially after you graduate college. Life really didn’t end when I was 17 and it’s not going to end for you either.
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neet-aspirant · 4 months
Tuesday, 12th March 2024
my results were pretty good today and I'm happy! ofc, i gotta work harder this new term to score wayyyy more but yes! i can do it!!
class 11 is officially over!! i'm literally a 12th grader now wooohoo! from tomorrow, extra classes for class 12 begin at school, then from 23rd, one week of break and then from April, the new term officially starts!
if any seniors (especially desis cuz indian education system yk) but also anybody else at all have any tips on how to start out with class 12, please tell me! because this is board + neet year and i wanna manage time well, so!
senior year begins baby 🥂 (a lot of miseries, spirals, screaming, crying, throwing up, lost hope, rejuvenated faith, love, laughter, good marks and successes coming right up because beta, ab dikhega real wala fun :D)
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UP Board 10th Result 2023 Declared Date and Time
UP Board 10th Result 2023 Declared Date and Time     UP Board 10th Result 2023 Declared Date and Time: UP X Class Board 10th [email protected] 2023 Declared Date and Time:- Hey most lovable students the most exciting news coming from the centre is that the “10th Class  result” of “Uttar pradesh Madhyamik shiksha parishad” is going to be declared on may 2023 (Third Week of may). All the students…
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eggtrolls · 4 months
park stuff calendar:
March 9th: cancel pine bark order from Home Depot ASAP
March 10th - CANCELLED: weekly maintenance at horribly degraded wetland (HDW); bring sharps container for needles
March 11th - email boat club people about boat-based trash removal in the future and logistics for non-members
March 12th - 9:30 meeting with J.S.#3 about seed project and possible mugwort eradication March 12th - get 2023 budget from C.W. March 12th - community board parks subcommittee meeting at 6, take notes; follow-up item: confirm the deadline for bringing up Earth Day Festival as item at April meeting (3rd Thursday of every month) March 14th - HDW clean up with J.S.#3 and his dyke assistant March 14th - remove the wineberry in daffodil patch by the stairs March 14th - Earth Day Festival committee meeting at 6:30
March 15th - text JLS about adding earth day event to Parks calendar (confirm with Fucking Chris about when this should happen) March 15th - PFP GRANT IS DUE March 15th - unpack Home Depot deliveries and repot AWC cohort 1 seedlings
March 16th - riverside clean-up with boat club people March 16th - walk-through with J.S.#2 at the restoration creek project March 16th - remove Atlantic white cedar seeds from fridge and plant (3:2:1.5 peat:vermiculite:perlite with the slow-release fertilizer (it's in the foyer closet on the shelf and smells weird) + transplant cohort 1 (measure and record heights), same mix [source, Derby et al. (2004)]
March 17th - weekly maintenance at HDW
March 18th - text J.L.S. about getting parks committee chair email; soft pitch my concerns about park land use to her + include Patch article from 2021 March 18th - ask J.S.#2 about Army Corp of Engineers survey results (from 2023?)
March 20th - Riverkeeper orientation at 5:30 March 20th - deadline to email chair of community board parks committee to add what I think is illegal land use to the next board meeting agenda (incorporate lack of public feedback & Army Corps of Engineers report on sea level rise)
[March 21-March 26 - vacation; no weekly maintenance at HDW; morning pruning of wineberry at Shittier Park (bring bags for removal and double-glove) or follow-up on mulberry tree pruning
March 22nd: pick up seed mix from Autistic Seth or designate one of the SC to do it]
March 27th - watch Riverkeeper Sweep orientation recording on zoom & email Frances March 27th - repot Ursa Major & Ursa Minor March 27th - bother Dan (ICC) about boat plantings; bother Jana about beach plum locations March 27th - email Compost Lady from RSC March 28th - call with JS#1 at 9 am about wetland meeting; discuss the seed-sowing project for EDF March 28th - email JS#1 the seed invoice and species list from Autistic Seth March 28th - steering committee meeting at 6:30
March 29th - call with Rachel from comedically evil non-profit at 5:30 March 29th - return of J.S.#3 and his dyke assistant Paloma to HDW
March 30th - weekly maintenance at HDW
March 31st - community gardening day with the slightly cult-y Orthodox Jewish community group (to do: reach out to other group members to see if anyone wants to join in; double check that email didn't bounce back or if there's a better email)
April 7th - weekly maintenance in park
April 9th - community board meeting at 6:30 April 9th - email Bennett Park people
April 11th - sculpture reception, 9 am April 11th - private call with commissioners 1&2, 2pm April 11th - email CB committee head April 11th - email state senator's office
April 14th - weekly maintenance at HDW
April 15th - call with CB committee head, 6pm RESCHEDULED
April 18th - update on AWC cohort status April 18th - call with CB committee head and Evil Ryan, 3 pm RESCHEDULED
April 19th - pick up giant map from Staples
April 20th (ugh) - Earth Day Festival (HAT AND SUNSCREEN AND WATER BOTTLE) + make @roycohn attend under pain of death; wake up 7 am
April 21st - weekly maintenance at HDW or help B.S. with her site plantings in Bronx
April 22nd - actually Earth Day. also Pesach April 22nd - email compost lady
April 25th - steering committee meeting and EDF post-mortem
April 27th - tentative date for visiting compost site at RPC
April 28th - monthly check for cohort 1 heights
May 4th - Riversweep with boat club people
May 25th - clean up in Rockaway
general to-do list w/o fixed date:
talk to Unfriendly Caitlin or B.S. about the Japanese pagoda trees in Shittier Park and a possible transplant
ask Beth about making flyer for EDF (English and Spanish)
ask Unfriendly Caitlin about info on native bees that hibernate in grasses during the winter; ask Fucking C for the marsh groundskeeper guy's contact info to discuss future grass clearing and ideally make them stop it.
talk to bagel place guy and trump supporter Tom about donations and whatnot
email J.S.#2 about setting up private event for plant dividing in April (post-EDF)
email A (she/they) at RPC about compost visit on 4/27
email J.S#1 about plans for mugwort removal on Earth Day, signage, using the seed mix as cover crop, and beyond
email NutraSweet about discussion of mugwort with J.S.#3
email New York Metropolitan Flora survey about incidence of river cane
urban ecologist program at NYBG
get actual sharps containers for EDF clean-up at work (possibly boat club people have extras we can use either way I'm not paying for this shit)
ask super for my spare hand pruners back
place order from Prairie Moon once AWC cohort 2 starts sprouting
email A.R. (nursery) about group volunteering in exchange for a bunch of plants (deadline [self-imposed] is March 15th)
email J.S.#1 about wetland management goals based on call with S.H.
email J.S.#1 about DEC tidal wetlands permit
follow-up email to J.S.#3 about seed project + email fucking Seth if he doesn't get back to me about the mix
identify actual trail edges that can be cleared and planted + look up if hand rake would be useful
email N.H. at BRA about testing soil samples and if there's a cost/limit (update: NONE; ask NutraSweet to drop off in her car);- discuss results with J.S.#2 and how to incorporate into wetland management plan with J.S.#1
follow up with J.S.#2 about clearing the canal, which I hate
ask M.S. or R.K. about landscape architect stuff re: boardwalk design for wetland management plan
text B.S. about tree delivery from JBHS nursery
start looking for other grants once PFP is submitted
look into seed collection techniques and seed-sharing resources in mid-Atlantic/New England
--- Cohort 1 notes: on 3/15/24, 4 of the Cohort 1 AWC seedlings were planted in 3 pots: Gemini (two together), Atlas, and Pipsqueak in the Derby (2004) medium with a sprinkle of Osmocote + original medium from cones. Heights were 14.5 cm & 6 cm (Gemini), 12 cm (Atlas), and 10 cm (Pipsqueak). Pending them not dying immediately and/or showing signs of significant growth, the remaining seedlings will be repotted. Target height prior to planting is 36 cm. Repotting showed a shallower root system than expected, needs a wider container than cone or should be replanted sooner.
3/17/24 update: might be a coincidence but Pipsqueak and Atlas are already showing new growth (crown and branches, respectively). no changes from Gemini. among the un-repotted, Ursa Minor has some browning at the crown - might need to transplant soon than later, or perhaps burning from too much sun? will rotate and see if this improves. unsure how I will separate Gemini/Ursa Major and Minor when the time comes :/
3/20/24 - separated Gemini into two pots due to lack of immediate growth/improvement shown in Atlas and Pipsqueak. Concern about browning on Ursa Minor, may attempt to divide soon. Potted Hajime and Tagalong to use up the extra medium.
3/28/24 - Potted Ursa Minor and Ursa Major (without Osmocote). Atlas and Pipsqueak continue to show the most improvement. Tagalong has started to show some new growth; less from Hajime. Gemini 1 has started showing new radial growth with a hint of crown growth from Gemini 2. Added layer of compost to all C1 after morning watering
Heights updates:
Pipsqueak - 12.5 cm
Atlas - 13.0 cm
Gemini 1 - 14.5 cm
Gemini 2 - ~6 cm (note: crown is bent)
Hajime - 13.8 cm
Tagalong - 11.0 cm
Ursa Minor - 6.7 cm (note: browning on crown might affect future vertical growth)
Ursa Major - 18.3 cm
4/9/24 - noticed some burning on Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, likely due to the shitty addition of Osmocote. stirred soil and repotted. likely that Ursa Minor is not going to make it.
Cohort 2 notes: on 3/17/24, 105 seeds were planted for Cohort 2 in the Derby (2004) medium with the Osmocote. seeds were floated (77 floated, 28 didn't float) and grouped by float status, divided into 28 cones (on average 4 seeds to each cone), planted, and additional medium spread on top ~1/4 cm. some of the original medium from Cohort 1 was used in cones where Derby medium was insufficient. all cones were watered at approximately 12:00 with 2 tsp of distilled water.
3/20/24 - no growth so far. continuing with 2 tsp water daily (morning). May try dividing into 1 tsp morning, 1 tsp evening.
3/28/24 - no growth so far. continuing with 2 tsp water daily (morning). will switch to divided watering for a sample after 30 days.
4/18/24 - cohort 2 notes: one seedling still in cap, one with two leaves out and third budding (both in row 4FR). I didn't record the time for the first seedlings of cohort 1 to come up so this is a total craps shoot. switched back to 1 tsp of water (mornings) because of concerns of overwatering leading to bugs.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvFfjb2wGc0 This was uploaded on April Fool's day but nothing in the video or the description appears to be a prank. If the description is accurate, the reason he stopped making new episodes of Code MENT was because his sister passed away, and she was pregnant at the time so he lost both his sister and his unborn nephew/niece.
I don't know what these are normally like so I couldn't guess by the video, but from the video description
Given the impact these friendships and experiences have as influences, it is incumbent upon this parody to be unyielding in the very design philosophy and principals which was captured its creation (one example of a principle would be the necessity for parody and satire to have access to the full suite of human language, in tandem with discussion for categorical considerations (i.e. maturity, how many current farts are in the ecosystem, etc.) but always with the presumption of innocence on the side of parody, satire and comedy).
Says parody a lot, but that may be their normal MO, I don't know so I'll leave that up to people that do.
Full Video description under the cut
To the 6 viewers who read descriptions, At this very moment you may be asking yourself: but why? Well, sit back as the rambling commences; I applaud all those who might read it to the end. A significant portion of this series’ ethos is based on real world people trying to navigate this world in which we live. Elements of the characters are based off real-world friendships… nay, kinships! In that hopes that this may help understand the ethos of this channel, we want to share a bit of background here (limited time only, I’ll delete this when I remember how silly it is but until then do what you want with this info). The person that heavily influences characters seen on this channel experienced his first and second times of whompa-stompa times by two INDIVIDUAL (we promise to NEVER blow the lessons learned out to the category at large, in fact I’m starting to think it doesn’t really help in proper courtship) old globin women during his 12th and 14th year of age respectively (don’t pity him, you should have seen what he was wearing). On a more serious note, that same person lost his sister along with her amazing and wonderful yet-to-be-birthed human being in a horrific, terrible incident. Given the impact these friendships and experiences have as influences, it is incumbent upon this parody to be unyielding in the very design philosophy and principals which was captured its creation (one example of a principle would be the necessity for parody and satire to have access to the full suite of human language, in tandem with discussion for categorical considerations (i.e. maturity, how many current farts are in the ecosystem, etc.) but always with the presumption of innocence on the side of parody, satire and comedy). While most who use it are well-intentioned, DEI turns out to mostly result in Diversion (diverting people into unidimensional groups), Incursion (including a pre-set, one-sided, linguistically locked moral interpretation based on those groups into the workplace/school), and a contemporary Evil (prioritizing and rewarding loyalty to fully collectivist behaviors). The people in these DEI organizations are NOT themselves evil. Please, we extend this plea to you who are in these orgs: if you have the ability, help us get this out of acceptable society. It should be removed with minimal repercussions, as it was not fully understood by most. We’ve seen the ‘organizational redistribution/Harrison Bergeron equity apples’ too many times to ignore (I dunno what you guys are doing but its scariest to see these policies adopted by the New York State School Boards Association and subsequent grade schools, we are NOT having that). We have seen our own ethos’ accomplish better outcomes than DEI on the ground level and therefore will continue do what we are able to continue to champion it! Love, Nick Lizzo P.S. I miss Chappelle's Show. Comedy works. DEI doesn’t. I’m not entirely sure yet about the undefined gloss coming from these algorithms. To any YouTube employee who might happen to stumble upon this, Is Journalism covered in EDSA? It could fall under E or D but it’s a little confusing for me, just your average reader. Just trying to be helpful! Regards, Professionalism P.S. I think there might be a glitch, I wasn’t able to counter claim two videos on this channel. Is there any way to allow that? To my fellow abridgers/parody/comedy/artist peoples, I’m sorry for not saying this enough but you are some of the most talented and capable people I’ve ever met. From what I’ve seen you were able to tap into something we need now more than ever, ideas that transcend a sometimes-stifled paradigm. Keep that up and I believe humanity will never end up in a zero-sum game! Love, Purps To Insider, I don’t know if I ever said this formally but thank you. It was extremely gratifying to have gotten your acknowledgment. It feels good even all these years later to reflect on that achievement. I sincerely can’t thank you enough! From your supporter, Nick
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laufire · 2 months
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what is stacked100?
It’s something I thought up, inspired in part by “stackednatural”, but mostly by myself doing this with The Vampire Diaries this last year (see my #stackediaries tag). The gist of it is that you watch each episode of the show on the anniversary of their airing date. It “officially” started in October (with only two episodes) and it would end in September 2024. You can see the full schedule here.
what are we supposed to do with this
Whatever the hell you want lmao. Tag whatever post you make #stacked100 and go for it! Gifsets, live blogging, discussions… engage with other people as much or as little as you want. Watch some episodes and not others, for any reason. I’m doing this to have some fun with this VERY polarizing show, seeing how my perspective might be changed with hindsight + this specific way of watching it, and a bit because I miss my little corner of this messy as fuck fandom. But this is something you can do in whichever manner works for you, mate.
episodes to watch this month
under the cut as it gets long (this is the busiest month ^^U).
May 1st. Season 5 episode 2, “Red Queen”. Octavia is forced to take guidance from an unlikely ally when the future of the bunker and all those inside it is jeopardized.
May 3rd. Season 4 episode 10, “Die All, Die Merrily”. Octavia fights in the final battle for survival, but not everyone is willing to play fair.
May 5th. Season 3 episode 14, “Red Sky at Morning”. Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and Jasper hit a tragic roadblock. Meanwhile, Raven and Monty make an important discovery.
May 7th.
Season 1 episode 8, “Day Trip”. Shumway secretly orders one of the 100 to kill Bellamy. Meanwhile, hallucinogenic nuts provide Octavia with an opportunity to help the Grounder escape the camp, and Bellamy and Clarke investigate a nearby underground depot, where they find military weapons..
Season 6 episode 2, “Red Sun Rising”. The team on the ground fights to survive the threat they face on the new planet. Meanwhile, Raven must join forces with an unlikely ally to save everyone on board the Mothership.
May 8th. Season 5 episode 3, “Sleeping Giants”. Bellamy leads the charge investigating a potential way home. Meanwhile, Clarke and Madi deal with the new, uncertain threat to their home.
May 10th. Season 4 episode 11, “The Other Side”. Clarke faces the consequences of her fateful choice.
May 12th. Season 3 episode 15, “Perverse Instantiation: Part One”. Clarke finds hope in a place she never expected. Alie's master plan begins to coalesce.
May 14th.
Season 1 episode 9, “Unity Day”. Finn arranges a meeting with Clarke and the leader of the Grounders in order to bring peace, however a sceptical Clarke warns Bellamy, who along with Jasper and Raven follow them to the meeting with weapons. On the Ark, Diana takes over the exodus ship.
Season 6 episode 3, “The Children of Gabriel”. Clarke tries to win over the leaders of Sanctum in order to let her people stay. Meanwhile, Bellamy, Octavia, and Echo discover a new threat while on a mission to retrieve the transport ship.
May 15th. Season 5 episode 4, “Pandora's Box”. Our heroes are forced to rely on the help of Shallow Valley's dangerous new inhabitants in order to save some of their own, with surprising results.
May 17th. Season 4 episode 12, “The Chosen”. Jaha and Kane disagree over how to handle their grim reality. Meanwhile, Clarke leads a group to save a friend.
May 19th. Season 3 episode 16, “Perverse Instantiation: Part Two”. In the second half of the two-part season finale, everyone prepares for a final showdown as they begin to face the reality of their tragic situation in the epic and mind-bending conclusion.
May 20th. Season 7 episode 1, “From the Ashes”. Clarke and her friends attempt to rebuild Sanctum as a new threat rises in the woods.
May 21st.
Season 1 episode 10, “I Am Become Death”. Murphy returns to the camp carrying a horrific virus created by the Grounders to weaken the camp. After learning the Grounders plan to attack the next day, Bellamy, Finn and Raven come up with a plan to delay them.
Season 6 episode 4, “The Face Behind the Glass”. As Clarke and the others try to integrate themselves into the Sanctum, Octavia and Diyoza fight for their lives against an opposing faction of survivors.
May 22nd. Season 5 episode 5, “Shifting Sands”. Octavia leads her people towards Shadow Valley against the advice of Clarke and Bellamy; Kane and Abby adjust to a new set of challenges.
May 24th. Season 4 episode 13, “Praimfaya”. It's a race against the end of the world as Praimfaya arrives forcing our heroes to make impossible decisions to ensure their survival.
May 27th. Season 7 episode 2, “The Garden”. Echo and Gabriel learn more about Hope and her mysterious past.
May 28th.
Season 1 episode 11, “The Calm”. Clarke and Finn are captured by Anya, who forces them to save the life of a victim of the explosion. Meanwhile, Raven deals with her split from Finn, and Kane fights to save the Ark and it's survivors.
Season 6 episode 5, “The Gospel of Josephine”. Jordan investigates Sanctum. Meanwhile, Octavia and Diyoza discover the threats of the new planet firsthand. Lastly, Bellamy and Clarke butt heads.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Reset - Character Profiles: Tobias Carrick
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"Wait," the young boy wailed as he ran to the front of the palatial home. Pulling the heavy drapes to the side, his tiny hands made a futile attempt t open ornate windows. "Come back!" he cried, though they didn't hear.
"Tobias!" A kind-faced older woman ran after him, a bit winded as she attempted to catch up to him. "Tobias, come here, child. I've got your favorite cookies baking in the kitchen, and...."
"I don't want cookies!" he said as his lip began to quiver. "I want my Mom! I want my Dad!"
Abigail squatted beside the lad, scooping him up in her arms. "I know you do," she sighed, placing a loving kiss atop his head. "But your father was called away on business unexpectedly...."
"Mom wasn't!" He interrupted.
"No, but she needs to accompany him. It's only for a couple of days, they have assured me of that. We'll eat up those cookies and have such a good time, and they'll be back before you know it!"
"But they didn't even say goodbye!" he cried.
Abigail held the boy against her shoulder; she didn't want him to see the anger so plain on her face. She had made a career of covering their tracks when they mistreated their son, but she didn't have an answer for this. What kind of parents take off without even a word to their child?
"They thought you were sleeping, love," she whispered. "That is all. But they'll call as soon as they can, and even if you're asleep, I'll wake you to speak to them. I promise."
His little arms squeezed her tighter, and she had never felt such relief when she saw him smile as he pulled away. A smile that grew exponentially with his next sentence.
"So, Abby, when will my favorite cookies be ready?"
"Well, not long at all," she assured taking him by the hand. "What do you say we go to the kitchen and check on them right now."
All characters will have somewhat different backgrounds in this universe. Learn more about Tobias's below.
In this universe, Tobias is an only child. His parents are deceased; they died when their private jet crashed upon take off after the scene above. Tobias was seven years old. (I have not named them, but I cannot make it my beloved Charles and Vivian from canon!)
When they were alive, they were not very good to him. Like many extremely wealthy parents, their interests were centered on their business and social lives. Their main interest in their son was that he have the "proper" future.
He inherited his parent's estate upon their death, and it was put in trust for him until he was 21. His father's brother and wife oversaw the affairs, but he was raised by his nanny, Abigail Edwards, who loved Tobias like he was her own. Tobias lived alone in his big house with Abigail and some other staff until he began residing at Bellmont Hills Boarding School.
He was at Bellmont Hills from 7th - 12th grade, residing on campus five days a week and returning home to Abigail on the weekends. Tobias was an excellent student, but he was often involved in mischief. Mischief was overlooked because of the large endowment left to the school by his family.
Tobias's family estate was in Weston, Massachusetts, about 15 miles outside of Boston. Tobias was always very hesitant to move far away. Being near made him feel some form of connection to his late parents. As a result, he chose to attend Harvard, only deciding to attend Johns Hopkins because they had the best program for his field... and being the best was of paramount importance to him.
Tobias was definitely a "poor little rich boy." While Abby and some other longtime staff loved him like family, his own family really had little use for him. He knew his parents wanted him to be "the best," and that became his life obsession.
Beginning in high school, he was quite promiscuous. A lot of that stemmed from looking for love and attention. However, quantity and not quality of relationships seemed to be his driving factor. When we meet him, he has had a few significant relationships in his lifetime, but none lasting longer than two years. He has more or less sworn off the idea of ever having a serious relationship. Marriage, children, and all the trappings that come with that are not on his horizon.
Ethan was his first friend that was not from his economic strata, and it was life-changing. Tobias saw another way of life, often spending weekends in Providence with Ethan & Alan. The two were like brothers, and Tobias was fiercely protective of him... until their competitive natures turned their relationship toxic.
In this world, Tobias dated Diana during their time at Hopkins. It was the first time he was truly in love, and Ethan was a big factor in their demise (more to come). Tobias was furious and never forgave either of them. Most of the personal growth he had experienced during his time at Hopkins was undone after this. Leaving him much more shrewd and calculating in all aspects of his life.
He does try his hand at a serious relationship or two after Diana, but after they fizzle, he swears off of them for life.
Tobias's family was very tied to Mass Kenmore, and he is practically royalty there. That said, he works his ass off and is an excellent physician/director, but there is very little he couldn't get away with because of who he is.
While seeking to one-up Ethan isn't his main focus in life, Ethan is his nemesis, and he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to do so.
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