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yuveim · 2 years ago
The University of Brighton has announced its plans to make over 100 academic staff redundant in an effort to save costs despite clear signs of financial mismanagement evidenced by the University's recent investments. These redundancies threaten 400 academic staff and the School of Humanities in particular, and show the University's disregard for humanities and social science teaching and research.
Added to this is the University's most recent and sudden decision to permanently shut down Brighton's public Centre for Contemporary Art gallery.
Students at Brighton have taken to occupy executive offices in a peaceful protest for the last week, but articles are now coming out of the alleged mistreatment and verbal abuse from University staff who are intent on removing the students without meeting any demands. The occupying students have only one - no redundancies.
If you are a UK resident, by signing this petition you can show support to staff, students and the public who are opposing the plans for redundancies. If you live outside of the UK, please share this post.
If you are a current, prospective or past student at UoB or a member of another UK University, please consider also showing your support to the Humanities area here by following instructions to email your views to University executives.
University of Brighton staff plan strike in protest at over 100 proposed redundancies
Students occupy university offices over job cuts
University goes to court to stop student protest
The situation at the University of Brighton is worsening – but we’re fighting for justice
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asraralmajid · 4 months ago
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Author name: Allan Peters
Book title: Logos That Last: How to 
Create Iconic Visual Branding
Pages: 208 pages
Year of Publication: 2023
Publisher: Rockport Publishers
About the Author: 
Allan Peters is a notable designer and author, recognized for his work in graphic design, branding, and typography. He has a strong presence in the design community, particularly known for his contributions to visual identity and user experience design. Peters has worked with various high-profile brands and has a distinct style that often blends modern aesthetics with a touch of retro influence.
About the Book: 
"Logos That Last: How to Create Iconic Visual Branding" by Allan Peters is a comprehensive guide focused on the principles and practices of effective logo design. The book aims to equip designers with the tools and insights necessary to create memorable and enduring brand identities.
In the introduction, Allan Peters shares his journey as a designer and the motivations behind writing the book. He emphasizes that a successful design career relies on dedication, passion, and continuous learning, rather than just innate talent. Peters illustrates how each project enriches a designer's understanding of branding, highlighting the iterative nature of the design process.
He advocates for lifelong learning and engaging with diverse disciplines to enhance creativity and problem-solving. By merging personal experiences with industry insights, Peters inspires both novice and seasoned designers to embrace their craft. Ultimately, he asserts that dedication and a commitment to growth can lead to the creation of logos that resonate with audiences and stand the test of time, fostering iconic visual branding.
Chapter 1: What Makes a Logo Last?
This chapter explores the essential elements that contribute to the longevity of iconic logos. Peters identifies three factors beyond the designer's control—timeline, marketing budget, and product quality—and seven controllable elements: personal passion, visual beauty, originality, functionality, colour, memorability, and simplicity. He explains how these factors come together to create logos that stand the test of time.
Chapter 2: Brand Mark Process
Peters outlines his unique and meticulous six-week logo design process. He emphasizes the importance of client education and a clear methodology to ensure successful outcomes. This process includes thorough research, brainstorming, sketching, and refinement, culminating in a logo that is both effective and enduring.
Chapter 3: Inspiration Hunting
In this chapter, Peters advocates for sourcing inspiration beyond digital platforms. He encourages designers to explore antique stores, estate sales, and small-town museums to discover timeless and unique designs. This approach enriches a designer's work and helps avoid the homogenization often seen in the design community.
Chapter 4: Badge Design Process
Peters challenges the conventional dismissal of badge designs, arguing for their versatility and rich storytelling potential. He explains how to create modular brand systems that include badges, enhancing a brand's identity and making it more memorable.
Chapter 5: Brand Extensions
Peters discusses the importance of integrating brand elements across all design aspects. By incorporating the core elements of a brand mark into patterns, icons, custom typography, and illustrations, designers can maintain strong branding without needing overly prominent logos.
Chapter 6: Brand Evolution
Rather than starting from scratch, Peters highlights the strategic benefits of evolving existing logos to retain brand equity. He provides examples of how subtle refinements can enhance a logo's design while preserving its familiarity and recognition.
Chapter 7: The Shop
During the 2020 pandemic, Peters leveraged his passion for design by creating an online shop. He shares insights into merchandise design and the creative process behind his products, demonstrating adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit.
Chapter 8: Case Studies
Peters presents real-life projects to illustrate how his principles and processes can be applied to various clients' needs and budgets. Each case study showcases the creation of enduring brand identity systems, providing practical examples for readers.
Chapter 9: Passion Projects
Emphasizing the importance of passion in graphic design, Peters encourages designers to pursue passion projects to refine their skills and fuel their creativity. He shares personal anecdotes and underscores the value of doing work that truly inspires and motivates.
Allan Peters skillfully combines theoretical insights with practical advice in **"Logos That Last", providing a valuable guide for designers seeking to create impactful and enduring visual branding. He emphasizes the connection between design theory and practice, illustrating how a strong grasp of fundamental principles enhances the creative process.
Peters advocates for dedication and a systematic approach, essential for crafting logos that engage audiences and foster lasting connections. He also encourages reflective practice, urging designers to consider the cultural and historical contexts of their work. Ultimately, **"Logos That Last"** serves as both a practical resource and an inspiring guide, equipping designers to create logos that resonate through time and contribute meaningfully to the contemporary branding landscape.
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fateatee · 2 years ago
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✦ FA222
Assignment 5 : logo re-design
@patbarak @uob-funoon
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ellealswar · 4 months ago
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“Graphic Design: A History”
Pages: 427 pages
Year of publication: 2020
Publisher: yale University Press
Edition: third edition
by Stephen J. Eskilson is an important reference that provides a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of graphic design. The book narrates the development of graphic design from its origins in the 19th century to the present day, highlighting how design methods have evolved in response to social, technological, and political changes.
The book is filled with illustrative examples and images that showcase the evolution of different design styles, making it a rich resource for both those interested in the history of design and designers seeking inspiration. Moreover, the book includes over 800 illustrations and analyses how culture, technology, and politics shape design.
The chapters titles are so attractive to read, he named them for specific purposes each chapter, but the most thing that took my interest was the forth chapter which was contemporary design, he spoke about looks at modern trends including digital design and a lot of app designs.
At the end, I really like the book material and i think it’s super interesting and helpful for everyone who wants to learn more about graphic design and for me because of the visual arts all over the book is was so attractive, it’s a must read for anyone looking to connect the past to the future of graphic design..
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zahraa-saleh · 1 year ago
تلخيص لكتاب الفن والخوف
اسم الكاتب:ديفيد بايلز، تِد أورلاند
سنة النشر:2023
تلخيص الطالبة:زهراء صالح احمد
عدد الصفحات: 167
يسعى كتاب الفن والخوف إلى تفكيك مشاعر الخوف، في محاولة لفهم تأثيرها على صناعة الفن. ويُرجح الكتاب أن مصدرها الأول خوف الفنان من نفسه، وذلك ضمن مخاوف أخرى يستعرضها الكتاب من خلال طرح تساؤلات حول الطريقة التي يُصنع بها الفن، وأسباب عدم صُنعه في كثير من الأحيان، وطبيعة الصعوبات التي تؤدي بكثير من الفنانين إلى الاستسلام وسط الطريق عبر تأمل تنويعات الحالة الفنية كالموهبة والحرفة وفهم الخامات، والتوقعات،والأفكار.
يحتوي الكتاب على العديد من الفصول مثل مخاوف بشأن نفسك والفن والخوف ومخاوف بشأن الآخرين.
يتحدث الكاتبان عن المخاوف الخاصة بصنع الفن تنقسم إلى عائلتين: مخاوف بشأن النفس، ومخاوف بشأن استقبال الأخرين للعمل الفني، وحسب قولهما: تمنعك المخاوف بشأن نفسك من إنجاز أفضل أعمالك. بينما تمنعك المخاوف بشأن استقبال اللآخرين لك من إنجاز عملك. ويربط الكتاب ذلك بهاجس النظر للفن باعتباره منحة أو هبة أو عبقرية، على الرغم من أن الفن يصنعه ناس عاديون يواجهون مصاعب صناعته الشائعة والمألوفة، ويعتبر الكتاب أن أسطورة صناع الفن غير العاديين توفر ذريعة جاهزة للفنان كي يكف عن صناعة الفن.
شمل الكتاب أيضا جميع المعلومات التي تخص الطريقة التي يصنع بها الفن، وأسباب عدم صُنعه في كثير من الأحيان ويشمل ايضا طبيعة الصعوبات التي تؤدي بكثير من الفنانين إلى الاستسلام على دى الطريق.
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manarshehabi · 2 years ago
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سبيستون | Spacetoon‏
قناة شباب المستقبل🌷
Logo analysis in course fa222
تطورات شعار سبيستون بين الماضي والحاضر
لقد خضع شعار سبيستون إلى العديد من التطورات في شكلة وطريقة خلال السنوات السابقة في القناة الإنجليزية والعربية، ففي السابق كان الشعار بسيطاً جداً ولم تكن فيه تلك الحَلقة الدائرية التي تميزه الأن.
تحليل الشعار الجديد
هاذه الشعار قديم ويرسخ في الذاكرة ولاسيما انه مركز الهام واستمتاع الكثير من الأجيال.
- الشعار ممتع من الناحية الجمالية، فالالوان مختلفة عند كل حرف مما يولد التناغم اللوني المنسجم، وحرف (S) يبدو وكأنه توقيع يمتد على الحروف الأخرى، فهو يجذب أنظار المشاهد؛ لأنه البارز بين جميع الحروف والكلمة كأنها تدور حول حلقة مدارية في الفضاء.
- هناك الكثير من الألوان الأساسية والمكملة : كاللون الأصفر والبنفسجي والأزرق والأخضر.
- خلفية الشعار تحتوي على نجوم في الفضاء وكأنها تعبر عن معنى الكلمة.
- شعار سبيستون وظيفي، فهو يعبر ويرمز عن فكرة القناة وهنا تكمن أهمية الشعار في تعريف المشاهد على شعار ومحتوى القناة فهو يتميز بالبساطة بعيداً عن التعقيد.
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feath-desig · 2 years ago
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Assignment 4
Metaphorical photography a photograph is a metaphor, a figurative expression that is based on a comparison. The photographic representation of reality is a metaphorical image of another reality, which remains visually absent
@patbarak @uob-funoon
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rawanalhajri · 2 years ago
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FA224 👩🏽‍💻
Illustrator assignment
In this course, we learn with Dr. Samaa how to draw using pen tool
@uob-funoon ✨
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zahradesignsworld · 2 years ago
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maro03y · 2 years ago
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Story character (FA224)
شخصية "سراج" لمشروع القصة في مقرر fa224 باستخدام برنامج Procreate
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nadaalbalooshi · 2 years ago
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- Logo Re-Design -
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sarahalsadah · 9 months ago
FA327 - Silkscreen printing, pop art "Andy Warhol's style" - Mrs. Patricia Barakat #UoB_funoon
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kareem-alyousef · 2 years ago
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ASSIGNMENT 4 Photogrphy Metaphor
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fateatee · 2 years ago
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✦ FA222
Assignment 4 : metaphorical photography
@patbarak @uob-funoon
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starsignart · 2 years ago
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Visual metaphor •
Visual Metaphor:
Is a representation of a noun through a visual image that suggests a particular association or similarity .
@patbarak @uob-funoon
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
Dragon made up of 1,500 drones lights up Singapore's Marina Bay for Legend Of The Dragon Gate show
10 February 2024
Hundreds of people gathered at the Marina Bay waterfront on the first day of Chinese New Year (Feb 10) to watch a stunning spectacle of 1,500 drones forming a dragon against Singapore's skyline.
Many stayed on for the display even though it rained.
The show, titled The Legend Of The Dragon Gate, is part of a partnership between the Singapore Tourism Board, Marina Bay Sands, and UOB.
It is set to run on Feb 11, 12, 16, 17, and 18 at 8pm.
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