#until he respawns
an-albino-pinetree · 8 months
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, mutilation, blood, freakshow au
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Respawn company.
I was extremely inspired by the awesome doodle @sm-baby did on her blog, of Caine tearing the fuck into Jax, for the audience’s amusement
This was a lovely excuse to draw something nasty lookin 👍🏻
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pinacoladamatata · 3 months
Man like. I really hope the theories about 'redeeming Solas' ending being to die/mirror his friend wisdom where he dies but will eventually get respawned as a 'new' him, aren't true. Because ngl that's. A very unappealing ending imo. Like that isn't worth the 10 year wait at all.
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pixiemage · 3 months
I need more "Jimmy actually needs the Codfather head to breathe properly on land, so when Fwhip steals it, it poses an actual threat to his health" Empires fics in my life, please and thank you
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jevilowo · 7 months
Someone needs to make an au where Jane dies in russian roulette instead of Fritz. I mean I'm mainly thinking this bc I want his and Tavish's ghosts to haunt the shit out of Smoker. But I'm sure the IMPLICATIONS imply other interesting things that could come from such a turn of events.
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Look I promise today's prompt was going to be cute, I swear to high hell it was. And no, this isn't going to be anything like canon, and yes, I don't care fix is for silly ideas and aus and dreaming.
So anyway today, instead of nosebleed, I'm writing alt prompt: begging. Spoilers for 22/12/23 streams~
TW: temporary major character death, possession, grief, suicidal thinking as a result of said grief, self harm
(Read all the way to the end for a happy ending still)
"Please!" Philza screams. "Please, give him back!"
The others at Spawn look nervously between them. Their weapons are still raised, their tempers sharp, unable to quite process that whatever is controlling Forever will not use his totems.
Philza pays them no Mind, gives no quarter to their words. Ugly sobs tear through his voice, tears dropping onto the moss and cobble that makes up Spawn. He cradles Forever's head in his lap, shields him with his body even as he runs fingers through white hair and begs a miracle from the sky.
Forever - the parasite within Forever - laughs, his whole body shaking as black blood spills from his lips and from the gaping wound in his chest.
"How quaint," the monster laughs. "Even now you still can't accept what's been done."
"Fuck off!" Philza turns down to look at the monster corrupting his dear friend's skin, snarling even as tears continue to pour. "Fuck the fuck off and give me my fucking friend back!"
"Ah but little bird," Forever's chest strains in a cough and corrupted blood splatters over Philza's cheeks. "Can't you see he's already dead?"
Philza leans further down, pulling his hands from white hair to press against the wound. There's only more gasping, cackling laughter as he bows his head and let's a few sobs pass. "No, no..."
"Let him go, Phil," a gentle hand hovers near his shoulder. "He might respawn yet - just let him go."
If Forever wasn't allowed to use a totem, Philza doubts he'll be allowed to respawn; he slaps the hand away and turns his eyes back to the heavens.
"Rose!" He screams. "Rose! Help me! Please!"
She's only promised to aid him and his children, though - Philza knows this, knows that so far across the worlds she must be weak.
"Please," he sobs again, quieter now. "Please, I can't loose him... I can't..."
The tears are no longer sobs, now just silent torrents dripping from his face. The hand comes back, resting on his shoulder as he cradles Forever's possessed, dying form, and rocks himself.
Someone strokes Philza's wings, and he almost - almost relaxes. But then there's hands on Forever- hands trying to pull him away - and he screams again; he throws himself forwards, clawing at whatever would try steal his friend.
The monster in Forever's skin laughs, but laughs as though it can no longer breathe.
"She'll help!" He begs the people around him to understand. "She- She promised... She'll help..."
Because no matter what, if he loses Forever, Philza doesn't think there'll be anything left of himself for Rose to save.
---leave off here for ambigious ending. Continue for things getting worse, and then better---
The laughter beneath Philza's chest ceases, Forever's corrupted body falling still. The form that had been taunting him goes slack, tension against pain falling limp.
Philza is intimately familiar with what that means.
Philza knows death in all its forms.
Philza turns to the heavens, and screams.
It is not the screams of before, not a begging, not a plea, not a blind hope within the world. It is a scream born of anguish, of a splintering mind, of something once great and terrible carved open and laid bare. The abyss yawns before him, the void open and wide. Once he'd skim its surface, dancing and laughing and free - now he seeks only it's embrace, the oblivion which it promises as a final, lonely embrace.
The spectators turn away, or watch, Philza doesn't know - he just screams and screams and screams, helpless to what is happening, helpless against the shattering of an already fractured mind. He thinks he might see Rose's frowning in the grass around his knees - too late, too late, too late, and he would curse them if he had the throat left to form words at all.
But he doesn't, and so he screams.
The darkness fades from Forever's body only now, only too late. It trickles into the earth, corrupting instead the concrete beneath Forever.
The moss beneath the pair of them remains pristine.
Someone tries to pull Philza away - he hears Etoiles say something about an explosion - but he refuses. He refuses, he refuses, you will carve him from Forever or you will not seperate them at all. Bury him in the grave beside his confident, burn him on the pyre with his friend, leave their bodies entangled and deep and dark their remains.
Tubbo and Fit will look after his children - they don't need a broken husk for a father, after all.
He bends all the way down, now, pressing his face to Forever's chest. The blood there is red, red, red - still trickling from his back, but only as gravity pulls it away. Philza pays it no heed as he presses himself as close as he can.
Distantly he is aware of people being shepherded away, of whispers around him - it's a curse, it's a curse that even now his mind notices the movements, the threats, keeps plotting to keep him alive.
He doesn't want to live, not in a world without the sun.
He doesn't want to live, but his chest keeps on heaving anyway.
He doesn't want to live, but suspects he might be forced to anyway; hands peel him from Forever and force him against a solid chest, and this time he is powerless to stop them.
They let him keep Forever in his lap, at least, now cropped blonde hair bloody and draped across his thighs. His own black hair is stroked, and what can he do but continue his sobbing against Fit's chest as the world caves in?
The world remains suspended in time, a frozen mess only beating by Philza's sobs and tears. It drags and it shifts, and he is too far gone to recognise the vines which reach up, entwining around his limbs.
It's only when he hears the waystone that he looks up.
Blue eyes meet brown, and Philza throws himself at Forever.
Even after a respawn fuck only knows where Forever is weak, so weak. They both tumble to the floor, Philza's quick twist putting himself below the only thing saving Forever's head from the grown.
"You bastard!" His throat is too raw to scream, his sobbing back with full force and distorting everything he says. "You fucking dumbass! You- You- You fucking idiot why did you tell me you were okay?!"
"Hi Philza," Forever's words are rote and his smile is confused.
There's footsteps, heavy footsteps, and a potato canon pointed at the pair.
Philza twists again, shoving Forever behind himself, protecting him come what may.
"Sorry, Forever, but just need to check. Clothes off, and we need to see you bleed."
"Fit!" Forever struggles the full laughter or fake scandal, seemingly too weak to do more than lean against Philza's back. "I didn't know you were into that!"
Philza hates the option, he hates it so much, but Fit's right, Fit's absolutely right - they need to know.
"It's okay," Philza keeps his body between his friends, tears still quietly pouring as he cups Forever's cheek again. "I'll help you."
The "and all I needed to do was die" isn't nearly as obnoxious as either of them want it to be.
Gently Philza helps Forever strip. It's cold, and he shivers, and there's ugly burns on one shoulder and and ugly death-scar on his chest, but not a hint of the black infection from before.
The buttons on Forever's clothes are too complicated to easily redress him. Philza slips off his haori, and wraps it gently around him. Tucks the belt in an approximation of tied, and pulls Forever properly into his arms.
"Blood too," Fit says. "I'm sorry, but..."
"No, no, I understand," Forever whispers, even as Philza hisses.
He scrapes his hand through filthy gravel, tearing the skin in an absolute mess; Forever bleeds red, and Philza grabs his hand, already pouring a splash potion on it and picking out the gravel.
He can do this, he can do this, even if it's all he can do.
Behind them, Fit takes photos, a d relaxes.
"I'll let the others know," he promises. "Why don't you two get somewhere warm, eh?"
"I don't-" Forever begins.
"Let me show you somewhere special," Philza says. "I think you'll like it."
Even in the depths of hating himself for things he cannot help, Forever has never been able to say no to that.
The children are asleep in Rose's Garden. Philza won't wake them now, and especially not with Forever in tow. Now yet - reintroductions... they'll get there, they'll get there, just not today.
But the children are in Rose's Garden, and so the nest is free.
It's a little exposed, but the hay is warm and the blankets and pillows and clothes that make it up... And it's so far away from anywhere, so far from anyone who might panic and hurt Forever before there's been time to spread the news.
It's also home.
Philza will have to put Forever back on the bunker's allow lists, but in his heart he knows Forever will always be welcome in his home.
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
Slightly related: in pretty recent dc canon, Slade and Talia do have a biological test tube baby together. his name is Respawn. I think neither Talia nor Slade knew about him though bc it was all Ra's al Ghul fuckery ?
Yeah Respawn, that poor little thing. You're correct, neither Talia nor Slade knew anything about him. - it's one of those thing where Ra's al Ghul goes "brilliant mastermind is 600+ year old and instead of doing anything which makes a lick of sense with his centuries of hindsight and experience of the world, he obsesses over people's genes".
Basically he spliced Talia's DNA with Slade's to replicate whatever gave him his meta-abilities, and since DC can't decide if Slade's abilities derive from his meta-gene, from the serum he was given or from both (hell, they barely can decide if Slade's hair is white because of the serum or because man's old), everything makes so little sense that somehow what Ra's al Ghul does ends up working, and he manages to create this test tube baby who indeed has both Talia and Slade's DNA, and the latter's meta-abilities.
But instead of doing anything meaningful with this kid, he keeps him locked up and tortures him (?), or uses him to get organs when Damian needs them (???), and doesn't even give him a name. Respawn picks out his own nickname, and he survives only because his healing factor keeps him alive despite all of the above, and somehow he also stays sane despite the years of isolation and hardcore physical abuse.
At some point he manages to run away and connect with Slade, and Slade *immediately* (and I mean after barely batting an eye) decides that this is his son and he will cherish him and protect him. And of course a couple of issues later Respawn gets brutally murdered right before Slade's eyes, because DC art directors are so competent and the only development they could think of was that of re-traumatizing Slade in the exact same way as it already happened with Grant (and with Joseph pre-reboot), making him lose a child brutally and by failing to protect him. Right before his eyes.
And so they also wasted a perfectly good character (Respawn I mean) which could have had an amazing plotline both with Slade and Rose & by himself, and a lot of potential for future development, just because they wanted the quick and easy drama of "child gets tortured for all his brief life for absolutely no reason, finally finds someone that wants to take care of him and dies a horrible death".
You can tell it didn't really work because not many people even know that Respawn exist, and those who know didn't get the time to truly grow fond of him since he's there for such a short time. And I bet you can also tell I'm pissed about it.
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mechahero · 14 days
//Honestly, I need someone walking in on Lambda trying to bring back someone from the dead Frankenstein style.
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vioranhyperfixation · 6 months
Disable!Damian Al Ghul Au #1
About the Ghul Children birth #1
•Damian is born disable from a mistake made at the time Talia is persuing bruce that resulted in a near miscarriage, both of them make it out alive while he end up bearing disabilities within his bodies.
•Damian is not the heir of Al Ghul.
•Ra's don't like an imperfect heir in any way of form so Damian doesn't really thought of things regarding heir since it's never cross his mind either others than the benefit and fall out of befriending and be enemy of one.
•Damian still undergo training and studies since Ra's and Talia would not accept any descendant of the Ghul to be useless.
•With Ra's obsession on having the perfect heir Talia come up to make genetic clone from Damian DNA since his disabilities only come from the miscarriage, as long as that did not happen with the other's they should come up perfect.
•There are two best clone that come out, one a pure baby that can be shaped as they wish and the other is the genetic clone that been added with Deathstroke DNA.
•The one with an additional Deathstroke DNA come out with an additional accelerated healing factor which take up Ra's interest and bear the unfortunate fate of being Ra's lab experiment.
•The other one is pure baby with perfect body named kaasib.
•They both are born on April 1st, the day celebrate as april fool. Like their existence is no more than a joke from the world.
•Their age gap with Damian is around 10 month.
•Damian is born on 8th of may, and isn't that just an insult to Talia? On international mother day is the day she has her miscarriage.
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gierosajie · 1 year
Thinking about Venti's wish and og powers translating to his witch form in the Madoka au
Like, it doesn't have anything to do about splitting, but he can be in multiple places at once because of some minor time powers. And by that, I mean he could isolate an event and place a version of himself at a different point in time relative to it and the timeline where he changes something also happens at the same time where he originally was at
When it comes to his witch form, the arms and harp strings kinda reference that. Like how he tries to simultaneously change things, plus the strings being a reference to the fate he tries to change. But y'know, the paper hands kinda break every time he tries to use the strings, which calls back to how he ended up Like That in the first place
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i feel like we don't talk abt any of the tooltip quotes very often but out of all of one this one makes me particularly curious because it implies at least an assumption that some form of 'perma-death' is potentially possible within the constant. or maybe even that something might happen to ghosts who stay ghosts for too long? whatever 'lost' is meant to imply, it can't be talking about turning into a ghost, or they wouldn't be using the word 'nearly', since you can only use telltales as a ghost.
i mean, not like wilson has ever been known for knowing much about what hes talking about. especially when it doesn't pertain to science. but its less about what actually is and isnt possible and more about what they think is potentially possible thats of real interest here
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anonymousfog101 · 6 months
An idea for a animated series came to me in a dream last night so now I have to do some minor research on something I've vaguely heard about called little witch academia so that I don't get flagged for copyright, just in case
I know nothing about it
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bawkrya · 2 years
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when your mom wont stop biting and clawing and eating you so you just die but your dad takes your moms side anyways
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dinopuncher · 2 years
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was fighting the night’s cavalry in leyndell when his ai just completely broke. i decided to give up on an easy win in favor of a nice screencap or two
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fake-heroine · 25 days
i spent last night trying to get the big snake to spawn in shaaloani but he didn't. i bet he spawned while i was sleeping though >:(
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protectorcraft · 9 months
cant be trusted with a shovel in lethal company bc the sudden urge to smack others with it the minute i pick it up is immense. ive yet to do it but that makes the temptation more alluring with each time i have to resist
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jetra4ivor · 21 days
You know how you do a Minecraft Movie correctly?
First it’s entirely animated in the texture and style of the game because this is a proven way that works. Everyone loves Minecraft animated videos, it doesn’t need ‘’hyper realistic textures: or real people to get you invested. Just keep it animated.
Story wise: It’s a newb’s first play through.
They wake up not knowing who they are in a Minecraft world.
First thing they do is get wood.
Build a dirt hut.
Survive a stress filled first night with creepers blowing shit up, zombies attacking, and skeletons shooting.
We see them gradually getting better, upgrading tools, getting armor, finding villagers, etc. But through it all they should be making classic newb blunders such as mining with the wrong tool, or destroying a bees nest, or digging straight down, or dropping stuff in lava by mistake.
Also, they can die. They just respawn back home with no inventory.
And the entire movie is just this player gradually figuring out the game mechanics and using them to his advantage until he’s building mob farms.
Then he stumbles into a stronghold and learns how to reach the end.
Final battle? Ender dragon.
And then the end credits of the movie are legitimately the actual end credits of the game. Poem and all.
No other players. No dialogue. It’s all pantomime. Do it Wall-E style.
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