#unshaved mouse
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unshavedmouse · 4 months ago
"Welcome to the MCU. You're joining at a bit of a low point."
Around the midpoint of Deadpool & Wolverine I had a rather chilling realisation during this exchange of dialogue between Elektra and Deadpool. ELEKTRA: Every time one of us has gone up against her, they die. The Punisher,  Quicksilver, Daredevil.” DEADPOOL: “Daredevil? I’m so sorry.” ELEKTRA: (with an indifferent shrug) “It’s fine.” So let’s unpack this joke. Here is everything you, the…
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princesssarisa · 9 days ago
Intersting observation, but i think if i had to rank the different eras of Disney, i would place in a tie both the Golden Age and early Ren, it's both eras where i feel Disney was creating genuine fascinating movies and experimenting with different genres. i feel Revival, Silver Age and Late played it too safe and formulaic at times. How would you rank the Eras?
I don't think I can rank them, per se, because multiple eras contain favorite movies of mine.
But I agree that the Golden Age and Renaissance eras are the two greatest eras, both in sheer artistry of animation and in creating truly good, engaging movies.
I do love the Silver Age too, though, and the first half of the Bronze Age (or as Unshaved Mouse calls it, the Scratchy Era) features some of the canon's most joyful and fun movies, even if they do lack visual beauty and emotional depth compared to others.
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nihilo-sensei · 11 months ago
”An… unshaved… mouse…”
(This might be the most obscure, niche reference I’ve ever made in my entire life.)
Doyle Canon: This is Dr. John Watson. He has managed to have multiple love affairs on three different continents. He is a love machine. A sex god, if you will. Able to woo multiple Victorian ladies.
80% of Sherlock Holmes Adaptations: This is Dr. John Watson. He looks like a hamster.
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wrongydkjquotes · 3 years ago
all girls like horses
“Dreamworks? My cousin's a five year old girl. If you can't sell a five year old girl a cartoon with horses, you have FAILED. You have failed more totally than it should be possible for human beings to fail. You have created a masterpiece of ineptitude. You broke the damn scale.”
- Schmitty
(Source: Unshaved Mouse, on his daughter getting bored by Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
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joemerl · 3 years ago
I'm about to watch Disney's Dinosaur. I've seen two different lists that rank it at the very bottom of the Animated Canon.
This should be interesting.
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lexxicona · 8 years ago
The movie began in Australia (the nation where Britain had put convicts too dangerous for polite society and God had put animals too dangerous for the jungle)
From The Unshaved Mouse’s review of “Mary and Max”
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princesssarisa · 1 year ago
The Unshaved Mouse reviews of the complete Disney Animated Canon calls this era's Disney films "the Tar and Sugar Movies," for their blend of sugary sweetness with pitch-dark horror. That would be a good term for all the similar movies from every studio.
Does anyone else has a name for this very specific aesthetic that consist of American children's movies from 1930 and 1940?
Things like Disney, Fleischer, The Wizard of Oz. Vintage American children's media from before WWII.
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@ariel-seagull-wings @mask131 @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie
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shloodles · 2 years ago
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ID: several digital drawings of characters from Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. 1) strange with a manic expression holding up a dead mouse by the tail, eye twitching, saying "THIS IS A GREAT IDEA." he has red-brown curly hair and wears a brown coat. 2) a sketch of emma pole looking dead tired. she has messy ash-brown hair, purple circles under her eyes, and written next to her is "#girl." 3) stephen black polishing a spoon, and the gentleman with the thistledown hair behind him monologuing. stephen is a black man wearing a black coat, white necktie, and white gloves, and closely cropped hair. his expression is deeply haunted and disturbed. thistledown is a fairy gentleman in a green coat. he has fluffy white slicked back hair, long white eyebrows, long pointed ears, an angular face, and turned up nose. he is grinning devilishly, one long-clawed hand raised in emphasis, as the parts of his monologue that are visible read, "dearest stephen...feel...killing...some...hell...blood...skin." 4) a black and white sketch of childermass, a disheveled looking man with long greasy hair, a pointed nose, and a stubbly face. a speech bubble from someone offscreen (presumably norrell) reads, "WHAT SHALL I DO I HAVE NO ONE-" and childermass looking annoyed says, "I'm right here." 5) a 3 panel black and white sketch of childermass looking to the side, then seeing something and narrowing his eyes in recognition. the last panel is the raven king, a young man with a pointed nose and long hair falling into his face and flowing in the wind. he has leaves and twigs in his hair and ravens circle about him. written next to him with an arrow pointed at him is, "just childermass but more goth." 6) a sketch, colored in yellow, of strange lunging to the side and peering up from under one arm, shirt open, tie hanging loose about his neck, unshaved and unkempt. he has a crazed smile on his face. on a messy table beside him is the mouse tincture and a half-eaten apple. he is saying, "sO yOu HaVe To GIVE Me SOMETHING?" 7) a sketch of thistledown, colored in a light green, staring at strange with a bewildered and agitated expression. written around him is an ellipses, a "wtf" and a "how." end ID
jonny weird and mr normal sketchdump
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years ago
👏🏼dad azriel👏🏼
👏🏼dad azriel👏🏼
👏🏼dad azriel👏🏼
👏🏼dad azriel👏🏼
or as i like to call it dazriel
okay so first of all, dilf me thinks
but we already knew that
I don’t think he’d want too many kids, I think he’d be happy with two or three that he can devote all his attention to
unlike cassian and nesta who i’m 90% sure are gonna have like 8 kids
but he’d be such a good father; picking the best presents for birthdays, always having spectacular advice, ensuring his children always feel safe
while he is a knife husband himself i don’t think he’d let the kids near weapons
they’d have basic self defence yeah, but unless they wanted to learn warfare or how to be spies, he would never force that upon them - instead choosing to cherish their talents and interests
and while he’d be a generous father he wouldn’t be a pushover - in fact you were the easy parent
so if the kids wanted something and you were willing to give them it, sometimes it was up to Azriel to talk sense - but he struggled saying no to you the way you struggled saying no to your babies
and that’s how you ended up with kittens for each child
he would grump about the cats at first, complaining when you insisted on getting them colour coordinated collars to match the childrens bedrooms
but my the time solstice came about he too was buying the kittens presents and asking your opinion about which kitten would prefer the mouse toy and which would want the scratching pole
he ended up buying them all each
when the kids were really young you would having family nights every Friday, cuddled in your shared bed with the kids in between you as you took it in turns reading them the book of the week
they would usually fall asleep within a couple chapters and you would carry them to their beds, falling asleep content once you returned to your own
this man is a night owl and a morning person somehow, which means you get to wake up to find him cooking breakfast and brewing coffee with unshaved stubble and children around his feet most days
aka ur favourite sight
and he always has your perfect cup of coffee ready for you as i believe he lives by the saying “happy wife happy life”
anyway that is all i just love him very much
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unshavedmouse · 10 months ago
Once upon a Studio (2023)
The Walt Disney Corporation is very good at some things, and very bad at others. And, personally speaking, the one thing they’ve always been worst at is making me like the Walt Disney Corporation. I love the movies. I hold them dear to my heart. But whenever I see one of those corporate promotional videos where everyone is wandering around Disneyland in a state of wide-eyed joy like they’re the…
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princesssarisa · 2 years ago
While I understand why people call this "The Golden Age," I also like the blogger Unshaved Mouse's name for it: "The Tar and Sugar Era," because these five films alternate darkness and terror with sweetness and light in a way that few later Disney films do.
The big five. The ones that started it all. Happy voting! ❤
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princesssarisa · 8 days ago
I agree with Unshaved Mouse when he categorizes the 30s-40s films as Tar and Sugar. Disney themselves likes to market the old films as too cutesy and silly, but a lot of the imagery in the Golden Age can tense up even a seasoned adult. I kinda wish Walt had pushed more with the ideas and styles in the Golden than the Silver (Silver feels more restrained in comparison).
Yes, Unshaved Mouse was very apt when he nicknamed the Golden Age the "Tar and Sugar Era." Those movies are cutesy and silly in some ways, and that's all that pop culture seems to remember about them, but in other moments, they're darker and more terrifying than anything that came afterwards within Walt's lifetime.
The Silver Age is definitely a more restrained era, which makes its films easier for children to enjoy (I know I much preferred the Silver Age movies to the scarier Golden Age movies when I was little), but lacking the same artistic boldness and emotional punch that the earlier films had from an adult perspective.
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ihopesocomic · 3 years ago
Tbh I’ve always preferred Watership Down over Felidae sense the former had better writing and characterization even if it is somewhat traumatic for anyone under the age of 10. Felidae went over the top with it’s shock gore and s*x scene. (Bobsheaux and Unshaved Mouse explained it’s problematic elements in they’re respective reviews better than I could honestly) keep in mind I only read the book Watership Down was based on and not Felidae’s and I have not seen or read The Plauge Dogs sooo. :/
tw discussion of sex and just general adult themes
While I don't approve of the random sex scene in the middle of the movie either, it did serve a purpose in the essence that it allowed Francis to realise how wild and dangerous the new breed of cat he had encountered was.
The book goes into more detail but, in the book, he describes how weird the behaviour of Nhozemphtekh is as opposed to other female cats he had courted in the past. So, while it's a bit tmi and random in the film and doesn't make for comfortable viewing, it is there for a reason. It's just not very well explained in the film and that is why it’s pretty problematic on its own.
There's also the fact that Felidae is essentially a psychological thriller but with cats. It's very much an adult book and movie. You could argue that children could maybe read Watership Down: I would never recommend Felidae as a book to a child. Not because it's violent but because it's very adult in its writing. Francis is a complex and thoughtful narrator and he tends to go on for paragraphs and paragraphs. This strange, rambling narrative works because... he's a cat. Cats are very proud, intellectual creatures in the world of Felidae and perhaps our world too, if you want to look at them in that way. They are philosophers.
Akif Pirinçci didn't just want to write a standard detective story with a cat but he wanted to construct an entire world and lore of the cats as a stand-in for our world. So, unfortunately, sex is part of that world.
Especially when eugenics is an important part of the killer's motive. It's ultimately unavoidable. I wouldn’t have minded the sex scene getting cut or obscured but then you still have the problem of the characters talking openly about things like sex, selective breeding and so on. Which still makes for awkward viewing.
As gross as it is, the sex scene is part of a mature, complex and violent story anyway. One that children should not watch. For God's sake, there's one scene where kittens are sliced out of the mother's womb so yeah, I feel super bad for anyone who got this in their Youtube recommends and thought it was going to be a Warrior Cats-style story because that's not the tone. At all.
Unfortunately, there wasn't really a ratings system on Youtube when this movie was first uploaded there so many kids were free to watch it and be traumatised. I remember one uploader putting an annotation before the movie started warning its viewers of graphic content but 1) it's not like kids are gonna listen and 2) annotations were eventually phased out some time ago.
This is why adult animation is a thing and why 'animation is just for kids' belief needs to die a quick death already. That hasn't been the case since the 60's/70's. lol
As adults, we can theorise why the scene was put in there like it was but children? Yeah, they're just gonna be grossed the fuck out and I don't blame them.
So, it’s a hard one for me because, yes, I feel it is there for a reason but, on the other hand, the movie was too easily accessible for those who were not its intended audience and it’s never a good thing when that sort of thing happens with any sort of adult content on the internet.
As for The Plague Dogs, I don't find it any more disturbing than Watership Down (which is quite a bit). Is it desperately sadder? Yes. The book at least has a nice ending that many prefer to hold as canon over the movie's ending because... damn, it's depressing as all hell. - RJ
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friendlyneighborhoodamara · 1 year ago
I've been tagged! Thanks @thatsleepymermaid
Three ships: Lumity, ZeLink, AmiMako
First ship: probably me x Daphne from Scooby Doo
Last song: Agora Hills, by Doja Cat
Last film: Thor Ragnarok
Currently reading: Waging a Good War - A Military History of the Civil Rights Movement, by 1954-1968, by Thomas E. Ricks
Currently craving: Nothing in particular
Favorite color: green
Relationship status: Single
Last thing Googled: "taran wanderer 2" unshaved mouse (don't ask)
Current obsessions: the American Civil War era, Legend of Zelda, Spy x Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, Breaking Bad, my desire to finally read Witch Hat Atelier and Bloom Into You
Tagging: @bluetulipanes @isaaccastlevania @douglysium @opiaa @the-corvid-queen @ninjahijabimuse @mads-haus @risingphoenix87 @douglysium
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Tag Game, thanks @mad-of-all-trades
Three Ships: Hannigram, Xehaqus, Eleine/Fretia
First Ship: IDK, 3x4 maybe? IYKYK
Last Song: Signal by Sylvan Esso
Last Film: I saw the first half hour of Oppenheimer before something came up, haven’t gotten back to it yet
Currently (Re)Reading: Tax forms and paperwork for my job :(
Currently Craving: Salmon Sashimi or Poke
Favorite Color: Blue or Purple
Relationship Status: No (as in I don’t want one)
Last thing Googled: The number of a local teriyaki joint that still does phone orders instead of just food apps
Current Obsessions: OC stuff mostly, not feeling very inspired for fandom stuff atm
Tagging: My last nine new followers. @royalberryriku @keybladeciel @night-o-sphere @haveievermentioned @puterboy1 @little-boats-on-a-lake @closet-trumpet-monkey @fskies32 and @ardenigh prove to me that you're not bots lol
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 4 years ago
I was reading a bit of Unshaved Mouse’s review of the Little Mermaid sequel. He pointed out that Eric was voiced by Rob Paulson in that one which lead to him showing an amusing scenario of Ariel being married to Yakko Warner.
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musemelodies · 5 years ago
the unshaved mouse’s review of ralph breaks the internet is so good, though. he really nails the issues with modern disney and why it’s more focused on getting the dough and those sweet, sweet brownie points while doing the bare minimum instead of telling a good story. it’s like, people can point out the problems of the older movies until they’re blue in the face, but at least they’re memorable. at least they stay with you. i just watched ralph breaks the internet the other day and aside from the princess scene/s, i can’t really remember anything from it. i’m sorry to fans of that movie, but it didn’t do much for me. :/
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