#unprompted callout actually
bitchdafuqyousay · 4 months
just got ate tf up by my mama i started to replay dragon age ii today n when she saw me playing she went “oh are you gonna get with that white haired one again?” like… yes….
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sunnyvaiprion · 1 year
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Senti syndrome
Instead of brain there is Herrscher of Sentience
Like this
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vemaro · 9 months
under these circumstances
[PART 2]
Here’s a link to PART 1 if you haven’t read it!
Pairing: Astarion x Tav (female Tav) // also minor Karlach x Dammon
Word count: ~2900
Notes: Sorry this one’s a bit longer. Couldn’t find a good spot to end it so I just left it as is. Man, I am soft for how Astarion approves of you helping children in Act 3. So soft. And in this house we stan Dammon!
Astarion got roped in by the tieflings to come and see their former leader. And by roped in, Karlach literally dragged him up from the Underdark. Against his will. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see Tav. Of course he wants to see her. He wishes she never left his sight. Astarion just has absolutely no desire to see the woman he’s madly in love with living a lavish life with someone else . Sure, he understands it’s his own fault. The vampire made no shortage of mistakes along the way; holding her at dagger point upon introduction, plotting to seduce and manipulate her, telling her he hoped she died screaming because she stopped him from completing the ascension ritual, the list goes on. His biggest mistake, however, was not confessing when he still had a chance. That or screwing up his manipulation plan so spectacularly he ended up developing feelings in the first place.
On second thought, both mistakes are equally stupid on his part.
Tav irrevocably changed Astarion’s life and his worldview. She made him a better person, a better man, an upstanding citizen of society who’s willing to help others without a second thought (sometimes). If not for her, he might’ve ended up dead, still under the control of his now dead master, or, worse yet, he could’ve turned into Cazador. For as long as he’ll live, no one will ever mean more to him than that kind hearted woman. Which is why it hurts to see her here and now. She’s married with a child, albeit an adopted child and the marriage was for purely political reasons.
To add salt to his wound, there’s also the matter of said child, Callum himself. Astarion is not immune to the boy’s charm. He’s actually quite fond of him. Hells, he would kill for Callum. By some cosmic fluke, the boy seems to share the sentiment (just to be clear, the fondness, not the killing). He can’t help wondering if Callum gets this excited seeing Tav’s husband. It would be rather uncouth to ask, right?
Astarion smirks, perfectly masking all of the rampant thoughts clouding his mind. “I was wondering when you’d notice me,” he says. “I was starting to feel neglected.”
Callum charges at Astarion like a horse wearing blinders, who then scoops him up with practiced ease. The vampire gets a small poke from the sword for his troubles. “Ah, do mind the blade of your weapon, Mr. Monster Slayer,” he tuts. “This monster is on your side and won’t require any slaying, thank you very much.”
The little boy gasps. “You’re not a monster, Asty! You’re so nice!” He throws his little arms and hides in the man’s neck, ironically on the side with the bite marks. “I love you!”
Astarion isn’t too proud to admit he’s grown to have a soft spot for children (and cats), but Callum has him wrapped around his little finger. That doesn't make the unprompted proclamation any less nerve racking. Gods below, he is so much like his mother, ready to befriend almost anyone. If they were alone, he would’ve waxed poetic about his odd friendship with Callum, but today there is an audience, a very particular audience. “Thank you. I … I love you too, Callum,” he says back, refusing to make contact with anyone but the boy. For fuck’s sake, he has a reputation.
Karlach takes this prime opportunity to tease the vampire. “Awe, is that a faint blush coloring big bad Astarion’s cheeks?”
“No,” he’s quick to say. Too quick. Even if he really was blushing, he knows the callout would’ve caused more blood to rush his face and ears. But he is not blushing. Curse Karlach for bringing him here. “For your information, I haven’t fed in a while so that’s not possible.”
Tav, amazing and kind and sometimes alarmingly generous Tav, frowns. The crinkle in her brow oozes concern and it makes his undead heart ache. “Oh no, are you okay, Astarion? Later I could let you …” She lets her words trail off, but the implication is obvious. No one’s hidden the fact that he’s a vampire from Callum. They do tend to spare the gorier details for good measure.
He shakes his head. “Thank you, dear, but I simply couldn’t.” She’s only offering because her husband isn’t around. He’s also aware of Astarion’s condition and gets this pinched look on his face whenever Tav invites through the front door. Or perhaps he’s aware Astarion is in love with his wife. Who’s to say?
“Yes, you can, Astarion, because I’m offering.”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”
“But I insist.” He wants to accept, not only to be close to her again, but he’s genuinely thirsty. Most of the blood that crosses his path these days goes to the many ravenous spawn who followed him and siblings after the fall of Cazador.
Karlach snorts. “It’s either her or me, Fangs.”
Astarion blanches at the tiefling. “Er, no. I’ll have to pass, Karlach. Despite fixing your overheating problem ages ago, your blood is still much too spicy for my taste.” It’s the equivalent of biting directly into an Altheian chili pepper. Walking directly into the sun would burn less than stomaching her blood.
Tav shrugs. She puts on an airs of nonchalance since she thinks she’s won this argument. “That only leaves you one choice then, doesn’t it?”
He has a comeback though. “Ah ah, incorrect, my sweet. I also have the choice of not eating at all.”
Callum jerks back suddenly, a devastated expression on his face. “You have to eat, Asty. You have to. Food is good for you.”
Tav has crossed the room so she’s standing on his opposite side. Fantastic. Now he has both mother and son staring him down. “Exactly, Callum’s right. You need to feed.”
And, of course, Karlach, the loud mouth, has to throw her two gold pieces in. “Yeah, Fangs. We can’t have you starve to death.”
His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head. “That literally can’t happen—” Which all the adults in the room are fully aware of. Fuck you, Cazador. Burn in whatever level of the Hells he got shoved into. “—but alright, fine. Later.”
Relieved, Tav smiles and places a hand on his free shoulder. “Thank you.”
Astarion scoffs. “You’re thanking me? You’re the one offering bl—” A quick glance to the child makes him remember to rethink his words. “Food . You’re offering me food when you absolutely don’t have to. Thank you, Tav, you stubborn, selfless woman.”
Her hand slides from his shoulder to his back, finding the space between his shoulder blades. She rubs soothing circles there. “Of course. You’re one of my best friends. I worry about you.”
The contact sends goosebumps all over his body. Hold it together, Ancunin. “The concern is appreciated, darling, but I can handle myself.”
“I know, Astarion,” she says. “But still. That’s what friends do. We look after one another.”
He both loves and hates the title. It causes his stomach to do a somersault and also drop like a heavy stone.
“You’re my best friend, Asty!”
A better distraction couldn’t have come along. “Am I now? Well, I feel honored.” He tosses a cheeky grin at his competition. “Hear that? I’m his best friend.”
Karlach’s jaw drops. The next few minutes are about to get interesting. “I thought I was your best friend, Callum.”
The little boy taps his chin in deep thought and points between them respectively. “Um, Asty’s my best friend. And Karlach’s my best friend. And Dammon’s my best friend.”
The blacksmith shrugs. “That’s fair. Though I’m just happy to be included.”
Astarion swivels so Callum’s back is to the rest of them. “Yes, of course, we’re all your best friends. How sweet and diplomatic. But I’m your favorite, right?”
Karlach rushes over, and is it suddenly a little warmer than it was a second ago? “I’m his favorite.” She tries to place herself in Callum’s line of sight, but Astarion swivels away again. And again. And again.
At this point he’s spinning in a circle. “Excuse me, you saw how utterly delighted he was when he saw me.”
Never one to back down from a challenge, Karlach starts walking in a circle too, following Astarion and Callum’s rotation. It’s officially a game of keep away with Tav’s son. “What? He didn’t even notice you at first, you said so yourself.”
He waves her off. “It’s hard to miss the large, exuberant, bright red tiefling smack dab in the middle of the kitchen.”
She sticks her tongue out. “Whatever makes you feel better, Fangs.”
Who cares if she could throw him and Callum over her shoulder like it’s nothing; he’s going to throttle her. “If you don’t believe me, ask him.” Astarion abruptly stops, grabs the boy under the arms, and holds him out. “Callum, dear sweet and so very brave, Callum. Tell that wretched Karlach I’m your favorite best friend. Also, you’re very adorable. And a great swordsman.”
Karlach elbows the man none too gently. “No, Callum. Tell yucky, stinky Asty I am your favorite.”
Meanwhile, Tav and Dammon stand back, amused and entertained. “How is my four year old more mature than these two full grown adults?”
“Baffles me as well,” he says. “Still love them though, right?”
Tav has to look away, hoping he doesn’t notice the blood rushing to her face. “Mhmm. Still love them.”
“Tell him, Callum!”
“Stop,” Callum shouts, shocking both of them. He points his sword to the side. “I love you both. But … Mama’s my favorite.”
Dammon barks out a laugh at the plot twist. Tav glides in and takes her son into her arms, even does a little twirl. “Awe. You’re my favorite too, Callum.” She pulls him in for a big kiss on his chubby little cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Mama.” Tav peppers a dozen more kisses all over his face, resulting in a fit of giggles and squeals.
Astarion averts his eyes, trying so hard to ignore the roil of yearning churning in his gut. Is he really jealous of a toddler? Pathetic. Someone clears their throat, making him look back up. Karlach is staring at him, hard, and she flicks her eyebrows. What’s this about? He narrows his eyes trying to discern her intentions, to which she smiles knowingly then looks back at Tav. She makes eye contact again then silently mouths tell her now.
As if it’s as easy as that! As if Astarion could just walk up to Tav and just tell her he loves her with every fiber of his being. He’s fucked up way too many times for that to ever happen. He’s fucked up too many times for her to ever return his love. And even if by some miracle she did love him back, she’s in a publicly favored marriage. (To be honest, he’d be perfectly content as the mistress, but he would never put her in that position.)
Karlach’s support, however well-intentioned, is ultimately pointless. The pale elf and the sunny druid are not meant to be, much to his chagrin. Because he apparently can’t help it, his gaze drifts towards Tav again. Mother and son glow with love, affection, and warmth, something he was forced to leave behind when they’d finally rid themselves of the parasites. It’s too much for his heart to take. Without a word, Astarion turns on his heel and heads for the front door. Best to commiserate in solitude, maybe back in his fortress in the Underdark, but …
“Asty? Where are you going?”
Shit. So much for being a stealthy rogue. Now to have a go at persuasion. “Just stepping out for a moment, little bird.”
Callum pouts in the most irritatingly precious way. “You’re leaving?”
Great, now he feels bad. He really is wrapped around the boy’s finger. “No. I was in need of some fresh air, is all. I’ll be right back.”
The boy wiggles until Tav places him down. Then he runs over and grabs Astarion’s hand. “I’ll go with you. I’ll protect you from the scary monsters.” He punctuates the statement with a slash of his new sword.
Tav can sense something is wrong, though she has no idea exactly what it is. “Um, Callum, perhaps you should wait here with me.”
Right on cue, the dramatic, overconfident facade slips back into place. “But what if there’s a monster, dear? You would leave poor little me defenseless? Now who’s the monster?”
As always, she sees right through it. “Are you sure?”
He keeps at it. “Absolutely, darling. He’ll have me back within the hour.”
“Okay.” Tav has that wrinkle in her brow again and she crosses her arms. He is in for an interrogation later. “Be safe. Both of you.”
“Bye, Mama!”
She waves back. “Bye.”
Astarion catches her eye and gives a playful wink before speaking to Callum. “Let’s go, Mr. Monster Slayer. I think I saw a vendor in need of saving on our way in. He might give you some sweet treats as a reward.”
The pair leaves as Astarion goes into some tall tale of his adventures since he’d visited last. Tav is left trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. They’re friends. Tav and Astarion are friends, nothing more. He made it abundantly clear in the past that he has no romantic interest in her. And she insisted they be friends. Not to mention she’s married now. To a widely known public figure. It can never happen. Never ever. As much as she wished it could.
And yet the druid can’t rid herself of the image of Callum’s face when he laid eyes on Astarion. He doesn’t even get that excited when Terrick, the man raising him, returns from his business trips. Not that she can blame her son. She definitely prefers the company of the vampire over her husband. She prefers any of her friends’ company over her pretentious husband.
Not that she’s ever voice that out loud.
She roughly has half an hour to get herself under control. When they return, she’ll send Dammon, Karlach, and Callum outside for the ‘sparring session.’ Inside, she’ll allow Astarion to feed then question him about whatever seems to be a bother. She won’t be able to focus properly if she’s too busy staring lovingly into his beautiful ruby red eyes or imagining herself dragging her fingers through his soft hair or—no, stop it. Stop it.
It’s been years. Get over it. Focus.
Tav suddenly claps her hands together, starling her remaining guests. “Okay. While you get settled in a guest room, I’ll put together some snacks. Dinner won’t be ready for another hour or so.”
Karlach opens her mouth to say something, but Dammon grabs her by the hand and starts pulling her out of the room. “Sounds perfect, Tav. Thank you for letting us stay the night.”
She’s too preoccupied with forcing herself to compartmentalize her feelings to realize she missed something. “You’re welcome.”
In their room, Dammon shuts the door and looks at his partner disapprovingly. He’s got his arms crossed and one foot tapping a steady rhythm on the rug. Karlach hates it. “What?” she whisper-yells.
“You know what.”
She begins to pace because she is not a fan of standing still. “They’re my best friends, Dammon! And they’re totally oblivious to each other's feelings.”
“I know, but it’s not your place.”
She smirks, hoping to lighten the mood. “Isn’t it?”
He pinches the ridge of his nose and sighs. “No, love, it’s not.”
She pouts. “Why not?”
He rolls his eyes. “Because they’re both adults. If they wanted to express how they felt for one another, they could do it themselves.”
Karlach throws her arms out, but keeps her voice at a whisper. “But they won’t express how they feel because they both think the other thinks of them as just a friend because of all the shit that happened when we had worms in our heads.” Miscommunication, manipulation, and misinformation. It was truly a mess back then. Still is, apparently.
Dammon sits down on the bed and leans forward with his elbows on his knees. “That may be true, but it’s still not your place to speak on behalf of either of them.” He cocks an eyebrow. “Need I remind you that Tav is currently married.”
It’s her turn to roll her eyes. “She doesn’t love that soggy sponge, Terrick. She only did it so she could help the city. Bloody hells, she held her wedding outside, at night just so Astarion could attend.”
She makes a fair point. “I know, I know.”
The big red tiefling sits down next to him. “I want them to be happy, Dammon. They’re not happy.”
“Under these circumstances, they can’t be together.” Karlach lets out a frustrated growl. “Things can change though. Circumstances can change. There’s hope that one day those two will finally wake up and see what’s right in front of them with no obstacles in the way.”
“You really believe that?”
He straightens up and reaches for her hand again, this time meshing their fingers together. “That’s what I want to believe, love.”
She huffs. “Me too.”
He gives her hand a squeeze. “Promise to leave them be during our stay?”
And there’s that pout again. “Ugh, yes. Promise,” she grumbles.
“Thank you.” Dammon tilts towards her and places a light kiss on her cheek. Their tails intertwine behind them. “Now come on. She may not be happy, but I think having friends around makes things better.”
“I think so too.” They both stand up and head for the kitchen again. Just before opening the door, Karlach blocks it and grins wickedly at her partner. “But I know what would make her even happier .”
She relents. “Gods, kidding. Just kidding, Dammon.” Mostly.
Thank you so much for reading!
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mikkeneko · 7 months
Tagged for the 'fic writer interview' by @veliseraptor!
I feel like I may have seen this meme going around before? Some of these questions strike me as familiar, particularly the 'thoughts on foreign language dialogue?' one, since I'm puzzled as to what this question is asking and I remember being stymied by it before. I think that I want to fill this one out with any answers that have changed since last time and any questions I like to talk about, and skip the questions that don't have interesting answers.
Fic Writer Interview
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
207 as of current!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
2,939,672. Getting close to the 3million mark there -- possibly, as with Lise's case, this year's MDZS big bang may put me over the top. (If not, that + other current project probably will.)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Without even looking I'm pretty sure that the top two spaces will be Loki fics and the third will be Ceru's fic, lmao. *checks*
Close! Loki fics take up first, third, and fifth place, and Ceru's fic is in second. However *yakety sax arrangement for guqin and xiao* has crept into the top five, at place 4, making it the first of my Untamed fics to do so. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, usually. There are some factors that may lead me to not respond including 1) too short or had no content for me to reply to (i.e. a string of emojis), 2) it's on a fic from a fandom I don't really consider myself part of any more, or 3) too negative, such as when people for some reason have chosen to use the comment box as a space to rant about how much they hate a character, oftentimes with little to no connection to what I actually wrote.
On the other hand, I will almost always reply to a comment that poses a direct question, also incl. requests for permission to translate or podfic. I love when people ask questions. It used to be an ongoing source of angst to me when people would leave comments with questions on Fanfic.net, but without any way for me to reply. ╯︿╰
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Probably Rise From Ash, a downer ending Loki fic where Loki got caught in a timeloop trying to prevent Ragnarok from happening. More recently, probably nostrum. In both cases though the Bad Ending is simply a reversion to canon mean, so it probably could have been worse.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I do love happy endings! There's usually at least some element of melancholy or bittersweetness, but the ones I'd say are most happiness-loaded with that regard would probably be either One Elegant Solution (which was literally written for the purposes of giving the characters the happiest possible ending) or the coda ending of the refrain series (where I literally spell out at the end what I think the ideal ending for each character would look like.)
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not in the old-school understanding of the term crossovers, where the characters and settings of series A and series B literally meet and interact, but I write a lot of fusions, where characters of series A are placed in setting of series B or are otherwise remixed together. Modern fandom seems to have largely elided the distinction.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A few times. I'd put these into three buckets: 1) people who didn't like what I was doing with the character/story and told me so, but were civil about it and merely stated they were not going to continue reading; 2) people who write unprompted character hate in my comments, usually unrelated to whatever's going on in the text, which I don't enjoy but don't really take personally; and 3) people actually writing callouts or otherwise putting me 'on blast' for a specific fic. That last one has only happened once (that I know of) and while it wasn't particularly upsetting to me either then or now, it sure was A Trip. This is already a long post, so I won't elaborate here unless someone asks.
9. Do you write smut?
Occasionally. It's one of my less favorite things to write, but I'll do it if the story seems to call for it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
This rings a very very faint bell, possibly sometime in the aughts I have a vague recollection of encountering one of my own stories on some geocities site under someone else's name, but I don't recall who it was or which fic. Not since then that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Enough times that I have lost track of all the specific instances, but I think maybe once or twice a year I'll get a request by someone to do a translation or podfic. I do not recall any instance where I said no, but I do prefer to be asked first.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! With @faux-fires, a Tsubasa Chronicle sci-fi AU, many years ago. Alas the currents of life took us in different directions before we could write the next part.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Don't have an interesting answer for this.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I do have lingering regrets over my abandoned WIPs from Critical Role fandom, Molly's Moving Castle and Fjord Mustang's YEEHAW! Fun and Pony Ranch, both of which fell victim to the march of canon and my eventual departure from the fandom. The latter fic in particular was going to go some wild places.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think my pacing is excellent, my character voices are usually solid, I can do humor very well and action competently. I can spin a coherent plot and an exciting adventure. I both enjoy and am good at AU worldbuilding and can convey exposition without infodumping, and can do melodrama and angst that packs a solid punch.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Mostly those of career fanfic authors everywhere: I'm weak at developing original characters and largely unmotivated to write plots that don't shadow or mirror the original text in some way. I've also noticed a recurring and growing difficulty with romance; I like romance, but when trying to write a romantic story, often fail to move the romance arc convincingly forward. (See also above answer re: smut.)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Don't have an interesting answer for this.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Gundam Wing, baby! I feel like there was a bit of a GW revival on tumblr recently? Man, now there was a fandom whose fanon vastly overshadowed its canon.
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Fandom - I have a half-written draft for an Encanto fanfic lying around somewhere, if you can believe it; I'd also like to do some ZhanChengXian work, but haven't figured out an approach for it yet. If a romance with two principals is hard for me, imagine how much harder adding a third participant must be!
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
Not gonna pick one! I like some fics more than others, for various different reasons, but none of them stand out as an All Time Favorite.
And that's it! For tagging people... @cerusee, @faux-fires, perhaps @tavina-writes or @nyoomerr?
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sebdoeswords · 9 months
you rb something from my art account and mentioned some marina, and not to be nosy but who the hell is that
oh boy, strap in for a loooong story. I was gonna answer this privately because i just know she can sniff her name out in a crowd and will come for me, but I saved it as a draft and because tumblr is such a marvel of technology now there's no option to answer privately anymore so 🙃 Gonna put this under a cut. Fandom drama ahead.
Basically Marina is a a user who has been involved in a lot of fandom drama (that she keeps starting). She ships Roche with Ciri, and I assume she's a monoshipper (or whatever you call the opposite of multiship) because she can't get it into her head that other people ship different things. She insists that Ciri is the one true partner for Roche, and has been going around harassing people who ship Roche with other characters, mostly Iorveth, because that's the most popular pairing for him, but I've also gotten some flak for shipping him with Geralt. On the other side she goes around to people who ship Ciri with other characters as well, most prominently whenever people have wlw ships for her (Marina is homophobic, it's clear from some of the asks she sends).
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Lots of people are uncomfortable with Roche/Ciri (Or VernonCiri, as is the ship name she uses) because of the big age gap, and more specifically the fact that Ciri is only barely out of her teens (I've got some age gap ships myself, since that's just a thing that happens in a fandom with characters that reach supernaturally high ages, but where I get uncomfortable is when characters that aren't quite settled into adulthood are involved, and Ciri is shown throughout especially the third game to still be quite immature in a lot of aspects)
Anyway, this aversion some people show really grates on Marina, and she keeps insisting that people's refusal to ship something equals harassment and "throwing shit" at her ship, when really I've not seen many instances of people actually talking badly about her ship outside of trying to explain why they don't ship it.
Marina has a habit of stalking the tags of Roche and Ciri, as well as rorveth, cirys, vesiri, many of the ships she doesn't like, and then sending hate to the people who post things she doesn't like. I assume this is what happened on your art blog, since when i went down it and found the old ask she sent you, you'd posted a picture of Roche and Iorveth before that, and I think she just assumes it's ship art whenever those two are shown together, regardless of context. She'll often say things about ships not being canon (funnily enough neither is hers, but whatever), Roche or Ciri not being gay, or asking why X ship and not VernonCiri. She also keeps insisting that her ship is not pedophilia, which none of us ever claimed it was, so.
She's also sent explicit modded screenshots of her ships to people unprompted (and by explicit i mean nsfw), has taken credit for other people's mods, as well as plagiarised a friend of mine's edits by recreating the set of images exactly except with the models swapped out, with no mention of any "inspiration" or credit. Over on twitter she quote retweeted a fic summary i'd tweeted, copied the summary and swapped out the character names, then blocked me so I couldn't see, and when called out for it tried to claim that wasn't plagiarism and that I shouldn't take it so seriously.
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This whole thing got to the point my friend made a callout post because there was just so much harassment going on across so many different throwaway blogs, anon messages, and even different platforms. If you want to see everything she's done (or did up to the point that post was made) here's a masterpost with all the receipts.
I've left out a huge chunk of happenings, but if you wanna know more, or want to chat, feel free to DM me. Also sorry you got involved in all of this 💀
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just-antithings · 2 years
Antis argue that fanfic simply existing is enough to trigger people and thats why they should be forbidden meanwhile they harass proshippers in hopes of triggering them... Do they have any self awareness...? Like someone enjoying weird but harmless shit in private is worse than harassing someone about their trauma?? the hoops they must go through to feel morally justified in doing that.
theres someone who is somewhat vocal in the pro-ship tag that ended up in a callout post and the callout post had screenshots in it of the person saying that because they're a victim of csa they dont want shipcourse brought up to them unprompted since it can be very triggering. The callout post was made by a popular blogger on here.. no anti shipper out there can convince me that they didnt attempt to trigger her ptsd. The victim begged the person who wrote the callout post to leave her alone but they persisted... I actually used to be anti-leaning but that debacle is one of the things that made me become a pro shipper. Thats so fucking awful. these people wouldnt hesitate to give you anxiety attacks.
yeah that’s really fucked up
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heywhatdoido · 2 days
hi um i really need advice rn.
im worried im in an abusive friendship right now. the friend (who ill call A) has been straight up ignoring me for 2 days because theyre mad, they refuse to talk to us and won't reply to texts but are active in other chats
heres a list of things they've done, idk if i'm being dramatic but i just want to know or have advice for how to talk to them or if i should end the friendship. weve been friends for almost 3 years and they're usually a good friend but they do these things often
I'll probably delete this blog soon i just need help
- genuinely threatened to hit my other friend (B,) when me and her backed away they snapped at us and said it was just anger issues (this is actually the reason they started ignoring us, because i was afraid they would hurt her)
- has threatened multiple times to break our things (specifically cell phones)
- whenever A gets mad, they ignore us and will literally treat us like we don't exist
- constantly trauma dumps on us unprompted, we've asked them to stop but they won't
- can be really passive aggressive. once made an entire callout text on me when I didn't show enough concern for them (i was on vacation away from my phone)
- ignores me whenever theyre with other friends, literally will just say to me "uh huh" and brush me off
- ignores cues when me and B are upset, yet gets really mad when we don't notice they're upset
- makes a lot of jokes about killing us or telling to to kill ourselfs, mostly does this to B
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lorbanery · 8 months
The thing about only engaging with Tiktok via Youtube videos talking about the drama du jour is that then I have the problem where, when I have strong opinions about something happening, my only outlet is yelling about it on Tumblr
so here we go, subtweeting about Tiktok drama: Episode 9876
NO ONE is responsible for the business decisions you make except for YOU. Unless they are speaking to you specifically and telling you to do the specific thing??? NO ONE. IS RESPONSIBLE. FOR THE BUSINESS DECISIONS YOU MAKE. EXCEPT FOR YOU. No, not even if you made them based on something that person said in some post or conversation that had nothing to do with you!
If you want an influencer to review your product? The LEAST you can do is give them the product for free. If you want to play Big Boy Influencer Brand? Then you should be PAYING the influencer for their reviews. But if they agree to do it for free? Then it's a VERY GENEROUS FAVOR and you need to accept that that, while it's good manners for them to actually post a review eventually? Frankly, they're under no real obligation to post that review and also? You have absolutely no say in how quickly the review is posted.
If you have expectations or needs around how quickly the review goes up? Then you need to discuss that with the influencer DURING THE INITIAL DISCUSSION. You need to EDUCATE YOURSELF on how much time and work would be required to review your product so that you have a realistic expectation for how easy or hard it is for them to get it done.
DON'T TAKE LOANS FROM COMPANIES THAT AREN'T FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS?????? Like it blows my fucking MIND that someone saw Shopify sending them completely unprompted emails like "HEY SHOPIFY CUSTOMER, NEED MONEY? TAKE OUT A LOAN WITH US ;D" and was just like "*shrug emoji* sounds legit!" Like do you know how much junk mail we've gotten from mf Paypal BEGGING us to take out a loan with them? BUT WE DIDN'T, BECAUSE WHY WOULD WE TAKE A LOAN FROM A COMPANY THAT CAN'T DECIDE WHAT ITS RETURN POLICY IS FROM DAY TO DAY????? Like you can just search for Shopify loan reviews and every single result has at least one blaring red flag about the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY around how they make all of their decisions! Also just the fact that the loan can even be processed WITHIN A SINGLE DAY is a BLARING RED FLAG!!
You know fake tans so well you claim you can clock one from a single still photo . HOW ABOUT BEING ABLE TO CLOCK A PREDATORY LOAN FROM MULTIPLE COLD CALL EMAILS??????
Posting a callout video that you wrap up by declaring the person lied to you and the only evidence you can provide is some dubious claim that "[product] NEVER does this!"????
Then responding to their response video where they tell you they didn't lie and you say you're "not gonna double down" but then immediately follow that up with "i can tell cuz of the pixles"??????
Fucking toddler behavior.
Fucking rejected on a dating app and replying "ur ugly neway bitch" behavior.
Anyway TikTok drama continues to be a fabulous place to learn how to NOT run a successful business in a professional manner.
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kickshell · 1 year
#𝙆𝙄𝘾𝙆𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙇 an independent & private & selective blog for michelangelo hamato from teenage mutant ninja turtles. ROTTMNT influence heavy + a mix of canon / headcanons. written by reynard, 25, he / they. personnals dni !
rules under the cut .
#1 - mun . reynard, he / they, transmasc , 25. i am from france so english is not my first language and i may not share the same timezone. activity will depend on a day to day basis. discord is available for mutuals on request !
#2 - content . primary verse is based off rottmnt for the most part, with influence from other iterations as well as headcanons. there will be aus / verses such as the last ronin.
content warning applies for any verse. there will be themes such as body horror, violence, blood, angst, mental illness and disorders, difficult childhood. not everything will be tagged but if you need anything specific to be, do come to me so i can tag it ! i use the following format: " cwname // ".
as for posting style, i use small icons, a small font, bold, italics and colors. trying to keep it to a middle-ground, however i can change it up for our interactions if you have troubles with any.
regarding other's posts, i don't care whether you use icons or not, nor about fancy formatting. just keep it readable, aka cut your texts, and don't use overly whacky fonts. i'm not big on purple prose, either.
#3 - following & interacting . crossovers with dc / marvel, other iterations of the turtles as well as any modern verse muse will be welcome ! duplicates are a-okay with me, i just don't follow these first. ocs are fine too, provided you have at least a basic bio. i am mildly selective in my following, keeping to blogs i wanna see on my dash and / or interact with.
i will interact with mutuals only ! as long as we follow each others, feel free to send in memes, unprompted asks or starters or anything, really.
personal blogs can follow, but will be blocked if interacting with any posts. it just messes things up.
#4 - shipping . i am open to shipping. and that includes all sorts of dynamics ! love to explore a bunch of these. i am fine with pre-established stuff too, provided we discuss it beforehand. though, it must fit into the other present rules.
romantic ships are not off the table. however i'll only romantically ship mikey with muses into his age range ( and again, that don't go against other rules ) and will stay selective about it.
any ships require chemistry foremost. including betweens muns, as i would much rather be able to discuss things out !
#5 - no-nos . anything in this section is not up to debate. nor will i feel the need to justify myself.
no suggestive content or lemon. michelangelo is a teen so don't get weird ! absolutely no incest / tcest.
no tolerance for drama, and i'd rather stay away from callout posts unless they serve more than petty purposes.
no bigotry, queerphobia, racism, or any sort of hate or what have you. general etiquette and common sense applies: don't be a douche.
#6 - mains & exclusives . well, i don't actually deal in exclusives. i am down to interact with multiple version of a single muse, though they'll be independent from each others. on the other hand, i may consider affiliates later down the road.
mains are a thing. it needs to be discussed first ! once we are mains, you basically allow me to break into your inbox anytime, tag you, post unprompted interactions, yell about our muses in dms. and vice versa.
#7 - credits roll . for all graphics i use the psd zone 6 by andsaintsources with some tweaking. icon caps are from the shows or comics.
0 notes
dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
The main problem with the whole mal vs the darkling thing in regards to being possessive (or really when it comes to any of their traits) is the fact that throughout, the darkling is clearly framed as the villain and his actions reflect that, whereas Mal as supposed to be the good guy and best romantic partner for Alina, and yet he has all these awful character traits and tendencies. So its less about how awful the Bad Guy is (since he's supposed to be), and more about how awful the person that we're supposed to believe is the best option for Alina is. I don't ship either, just my two cents.
Okay well... two things. First, your comment about "its less about how awful the bad guy is, since he's supposed to be", takes every comment I've made about Darkles out of context, which seems fitting since everything Darklina's spout about Mal is out of context. Him being the Bad Guy is fine, and if you like him AS A VILLAIN, and acknowledge all the bad shit he does, then my posts aren't for you. I think he's a very interesting villain, and a lot of the terrible shit he does that I have to keep making posts about make him a good villain, the problem is when the terrible shit the "Bad Guy" does is romanticized and viewed as the reasons why Alina SHOULD have picked him. So, don't assume everyone gets that "hes supposed to be awful". The point my post was making is that Darklina's love to call Mal possessive, but then turn around and act like Darkles literally enslaving her in somehow sexy and romantic. It's fucking not, and it's transparent as hell that y'all romanticize and sexualize the actually possessive character, and then project false character traits onto Mal. It's so transparent, it's almost funny.
But, more importantly, to your second, very wrong point, I wonder how much of the narrative about Mal having "awful character traits and tendencies" is actually a commentary on Mal as a character, or is it just Darklina's lying about things Mal has done and everyone accepting that misinterpretation as canon. Because, if were making a list...
Fuck boy - False! Mal was not a fuck boy! He was an attractive teenager who hooked up with consenting girls his age when he could, and he was not in a relationship during that time. Alina had never told him how she felt, so he is not beholden to her. (Also, nobody seems to have an issue with the fact that Darkles hooked up with Zoya in the show, that doesn't make HIM a fuckboy... interesting) (also also, nobody seems to discuss Darkles literally sexually assaulting Alina, and lying and manipulating her to get her to be physically intimate with him so he can use her... double interesting).
Slut Shames Alina - FALSE! The ever favourite callout line from Darklina's "He's all over you" isn't him slut shaming her. First, he has no idea what their relationship is like at that point, but more importantly, he is making an observation of her status in the little palace and how she has become his tool. He has dressed her up in his colors, made her put on a show for his benefit, and has created a situation where Alina appears to be his. Mal is noting that after months of searching for her, believing she was being hurt, tortured, or worse, when he arrives to save her, she looks like the Darkling's pet. (and, even if he WAS angry because he perceived them to be romantically involved, boy just spent months fighting for his life, lost multiple friends, and almost died to find her, all while coming to the realisation that he was in love with her, and then he shows up, after not hearing from her for months... I'd be pissed as hell too.) Important Note: He even acknowledges that what he said was wrong and tries to apologise, before Alina tells him that he was right. (Shadow and Bone, pg. 286). He also then apologizes, completely unprompted, for what he said. (Shadow and Bone, pg. 297).
Fat Shames Alina - False! This one is particularly laughable to me, because its one of the Darklina arguments that falls apart the second you actually read the scene. They are running for their lives in the forest, and Mal has to hunt and gather to feed them. He is noting that Alina's appetite has increased since he last saw her, and he makes a joke (ya know, how you do with friends) about how it would be easier to keep her fed if she still had her more meager appetite from before. He makes no comment on her weight, or her size, and he is not actually commenting on her appetite in a negative way, he is just acknowledging that it's a lot more work for him now that she eats more. Right before he says the line, the quote even proves that he isn't shaming her or thinking badly of her: "With a bemused expression, he watched as I gobbled down my portion and then sighed, still hungry". He is noting a change in her, and complaining that its made more work for him. If you think thats the same as fat shaming, well... thats a you problem.
Hates Alina's Powers - FALSE!!!! How to begin... do we talk about it was Mal's idea to hunt the stag in S&B, because he knew she needed it to be more powerful so she could stop the darkling? Do we talk about how he vowed to find the firebird for her, even though he was terrified of what all that power would do to her? Do we talk about how he literally died so she could achieve the power she needed to save the world? Or maybe we could talk about how he believed in her power more than anyone else, like when everyone was making bets about her abilities with the Cut and he knew she'd go further and better than anyone else expected her too, or when he tells her that he was never afraid of her powers, only what seeking all that power would do to her (which is literally the theme of the books, that power corrupts and seeking unmatched power can destroy you)? Mal being afraid of what is going to happen to Alina, being protective of her and worrying over her, is not the same as him hating her powers. He exists to help remind Alina of the themes of the story, and to guide her into maintaining her humanity.
Abusive - ... Do I even need to explain this one? Must I deign an explanation as to why this favourite Darklina lie is so fucking stupid, and also totally hypocrisy? No? Because we all know Darkles is actually the abusive one and they're trying to project their own shit onto Mal to further their abuse apologist agenda? Cool. Moving on.
Possessive of Alina - False! Throughout the entire series, Mal is quite literally the opposite of possessive, but yall just cant read. Not only does he quite literally step out of the way and allow Nikolai to court Alina without argument, which is the most direct example of him not being possessive, he also spends two full books believing, and repeatedly saying over and over and over, that they can't be together because he is not good enough for her. Mal believes, fully, that Alina deserves more than him, better than him, because he's just a tracker and a soldier, just a regular man with nothing to offer her but his love and his protection, and she is a Saint and should be a Queen. Possessiveness is the wish to own and control someone, it is literally the opposite of Mal believing that he's not good enough and doing everything he can to ensure that Alina achieves everything and gets everything he believes she is owed. A possessive character would not tell her to tell him to leave because he has nothing he can offer her, no title or land or country or crown. A possessive character would not promise to be the blade in her hand, because he believed he had nothing but the blood he could spill to offer her.
Angry - True! Yeah, omg, you caught us, Mal is ANGRY! Heaven forbid a teenager who is traumatized beyond belief and has to give up everything in his life, his position in the military (he deserted for her), his friends and the job he loved (Mikhail and Dubrov died for him, and he can't be a tracker in the army... because he deserted... for Alina), and, most importantly, he has to give up Alina (she should be Queen, he believes, and he has to give up the future he imagined with the girl he loves, who he was pretty sure loved him back, because she's a saint and queen and he's just a man), and more, is ANGRY. He has to be the one to find the amplifiers that he knows will end up hurting her, because thats what she needs to save the world. He has to sit by while Nikolai treats him like the dirt on his shoe and tries to woo Alina for his own personal gain (because Nikoalai did not love Alina. Maybe he came to care for her, but he proposed and spent all of S&S trying to get her to marry him when it was obvious they were not in love. He straight up says its so that the next King of Ravka can be married to the Sun Summoner. It's a power grab.) and he can't do anything about it. So yeah, Mal is angry. And yeah, sometimes he's even angry at Alina, just like sometimes she's angry at him. But they always find their way back, always apologize and try to be better for each other, and if you think anger is a toxic trait, and not simply a natural human emotion, might I suggest touching some fucking grass?
Idk why you thought I'd stand for Mal slander on my blog, cuz I will not. So, I'm gonna stop there, because I have shit to do today, but I really do wonder how much of Mal's 'toxic' or 'terrible' traits, that make him such a 'bad' love interest for Alina, really comes from Darklina's who refuse to actually read the text critically at all, and instead take everything he does and says out of context to further their agenda that Alina should have ended up as the Darkling's fucking slave forever, because thats the "girl power feminist" ending somehow. Mal supports her, loves her, sacrifices for her at every turn, and does everything he can do, to the point of literally dying for her, to ensure that she can defeat Darkles and save the world. He protects her, and when they end up happy and safe together on the orphange that they've rebuilt to help the children that were victims of Darkles war and genocide, he spends his days bringing her tea and cakes and flowers, kissing her silly under the stairs in the view of all the teachers, and calling her names like beauty, beloved, cherished, my heart for the rest of their ordinary life together, if love can ever be called that.
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satanfemme · 2 years
Hi! May I ask why you dont identify with the term queer? I'm just kinda confused, sorry
why is this like the second ask I've gotten mentioning this subject within the past 24 hours. it's been months (at least) since the last time I've actually mentioned not id'ing with that word. like genuinely is there a callout about me getting passed around lgbt discourse tumblr rn, hello? I'm not intending this response to be standoffish towards you btw, just confused why people I don't even know are suddenly so interested in this personal detail about me, a real life gaytrans person, who you don't know? also maybe it's the paranoia speaking but I get the sense this is a bait ask. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt rn, and assuming you've just genuinely never heard of anyone disliking the word before, but please understand why I don't really feel comfortable getting asked this by a complete stranger unprompted.
and to be frank it's no one's business why an lgbt person might prefer one word or dislike another. no one needs a moral reason to not identify as a label? you might as well start going up to binary trans people asking them why they don't id as agender. like, cause they aren't. lol. and I'm not queer.
but to answer your question, here's a quick history: "queer" was a word that historically (and still in the present!!!) means "weird", "strange", "eccentric", etc. basically "not quit right; a little off-putting". at one point (in the ~late 1800s) cishet people began using the word to describe feminine and gay men (who are, to them, very weird and wrong). it was used especially with reference to gay men's "sexual deviance", and alongside other 'fun' pejorative words like "fairy" and "faggot". it became a slur invented by cishet people, and used by cishet people, to describe gay people as something other, different, strange, not-like-us. as fucking WEIRD. said in the same breath as calling us faggots. and said in conjugation with homophobic harassment, oppression, hate crimes. over time, lgbt people began to reclaim and adapt it into our own slang, just like we have with similar words like fairy and faggot and etc. and in the ~1980s there was a notable movement of people reclaiming the word en masse -- because lgbt people needed power and there's a power to slur reclamation! "you think I'm fucked up and disgusting? ok, watch me!!!" is a political message with bite to it. "not gay as in happy, but queer as in FUCK YOU" was subversive and radical as hell. instead of assimilating to what pop culture wants from you, stand your ground and turn whatever terrible thing they see you as into something you're proud to be! when fighting oppressive institutions for rights and respect, why beg those oppressors to see you as a respectable "keep it in the bedroom, blend into normal crowds, never ever mention your perverse homosexuality in front of any impressionable children" kind of gay person, when you could instead DEMAND the respect you deserve not "in spite" of who you are but BECAUSE OF IT.
however the point of slur reclamation, such as described above, imho is that the slur has teeth to it. and despite modern liberal movements attempting to file down and smooth out and commercialize "queer", it was picked out for it's teeth and those teeth are still there. even if they've been shoved away under the rug for a lot of people. the slur never left cishet people's pejorative lexicons. so I get that in some areas, in lucky contexts, it genuinely does just mean "lgbt" in the most neutral sense possible. but outside these hyper-specific settings, it's still a slur. for a lot of people, it's still a slur they get called by homophobes/transphobes/etc. it's still used by cishet people, for irl harassment and irl hate crimes. and its history is still embedded into the word itself (you can't separate the word from "weird and strange" when dictionaries still define it as "weird and strange"!)
I'm not explaining to you why I, personally, as a real life femme homosexual with a job and bills to pay don't want to get called a queer by anyone.
but if you use your critical thinking skills, I'm sure you could take a fucking guess????! :)
also, on an ending note: "why don't you id with the word queer?" why would I. I have no reason to reclaim a slur that so many people want to ignore the history of, both past and present. there's hardly anything revolutionary about a word Target™'s trying to sell us on fast fashion t-shirts. if I'm gonna stab myself to prove a point, I'm not doing it while goddamn corporations cheer me on.
at least when I call myself a FAGGOT cishet people WINCE! but if I call myself a queer... they just nod their head and agree.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
mcytblr red flags, according to mcytblr themselves (mainly dsmpblr)
(Disclaimer that this A) is not reflective of my personal opinions and B) doesn't cover all responses; I tried to focus most on trends !)
General -
Twitter users (x6)
Having a superiority complex about your blog (x5)
Taking stuff too seriously (x5)
People who add mcyt stuff to posts not about mcyt (x4)
Mcytblr superiority (x4)
People who don't rb art (x4)
Trying to apply irl concepts to mcyt (x3)
Having an mcytblr blog (x2)
Hermitblr (x2)
Not tagging triggers (x2)
People who insult ND traits (x2)
Not disclosing if you're white or poc
People who call mcyt haters "antis"
People with that "mcytblr supremacists dni" banner in their pinned
People who refuse to tag/untag things
Intense kinners
Excessive complaining
People who act as though headcanons are canon
If you're under 14
People who understand MCC
People who break their own DNIs
Blog content -
X-reader writers (x8)
Truthers (x7)
People that got mad at mcc15 (x5)
Blogs that are too into the darker parts of the lore (x4)
DNF shippers (x3)
Shipping blogs (x2)
People who only post lore (x2)
Real people analyzers (x2)
People who only post analysis (x2)
People who post Michael angst (x2)
Making more callout posts than actual content
Blog structure -
"c!dream apologist" in bio (x2)
"[character] apologist" in pinned/bio (x2)
Has any dsmp member's fanbase in their DNI
Gogy pfps (x18)
Irl cc pics as pfps (x4)
Dream pfps (x2)
Sad-ist pfps with no credit (x2)
Inniter pfps
Ranboo pfps
Karl pfps
Irl Dream pfps
Picrew pfps
People with Pintrest edits of ccs as pfps
Header is an irl pic/gif
Uncredited art as an icon/header
Icon unrelated to a blog's content
Essay-length pinned post
People with too much info in their bio
Canon urls (x2)
"Fandom" urls (x2)
Soot urls
Innit urls
DNF urls
Dream urls
Techno urls
Phil urls
"Trash" "nerd" urls
"Gogy"/"notfound" urls
[sexuality][minor creator] urls
[sexuality][creator] urls
Based on enjoyment -
Beeduo mains (x5)
George mains (x5)
Dteam mains (x3)
BBH mains (x2)
Ranboo mains (x2)
Eggpire mains
Emerald duo mains
Rivalsduo mains
Allium duo mains
Benchtrio mains
George-only blogs (x5)
SBI-only blogs (x3)
Benchtrio-only blogs
Emerald duo fans (x3)
Inniters (x2)
Beeduo fans
Ranboo fans
Based on negatives -
Karl haters (x9)
Constantly disclaiming that you like the dsmp but hate Dream/the Dteam (x5)
Dream haters (x3)
People who dislike Puffy (x3)
Being mad at Scott for Ace Race (x3)
Being mad at H for MCC (x2)
Getting mad over MCC (x2)
People who love George, but hate Dream and Sapnap (x2)
People who don't like Sapnap (x2)
Calling Karl "annoying" (x2)
Tommy haters (x2)
SBI stans who hate the Feral Boys
People who think Wibur is a control freak
If you don't like Sneeg
Mcytblr people who hate the dsmp
Dream SMP -
c!Dream apologists (x14)
People who hate c!Tommy (x5)
Supporters of doomsday (x3)
"c!Niki is a girlboss" (x2)
"c!Wilbur is insane" (x2)
Calling L'manberg "colonizers" (x2)
c!Techno haters (x2)
People who call c!Slimecicle a child (x2)
Ignoring the exile arc (x2)
Calling c!Niki and c!Puffy lesbians
People who act like c!Tommy's done nothing wrong
Ghostbur infantalizers
People who call c!Phil a bad dad
People who think c!Dream is pure evil
People who say that c!Sam is a cop
People who think c!Sam has done nothing wrong
Calling c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo bad dads
Ranking c!Ranboo as a better dad than c!Tubbo
People who insist c!beeduo are romantic
Only talking about c!Puffy as a mother/therapist
Blaming c!Tommy for what he's been through
c!Techno + c!Phil apologists
People who hate c!Phil
People who call them "manipulated minors"
People who say the enderwalk is evil
Oddly specific -
If they talk like they swallowed a dictionary
Unironicly relates to Your New Boyfriend
Creating kinnie accounts to flirt with ccs on Tumblr
Sending asks about piss to imposter blogs
Georgeburs who hate Dream
People with strong feelings about Karl
If you tagged the "red flags" post with "c!dream apologists"
People who say "icb"
Tickle fetishists
Anyone who's made a post that got over 834 notes
Benchtrio fans who post unprompted George neg
If you have the username whoregnf
Maining punz but misspelling bttv emotes
They follow @/off-and-odd-again or are @/hearty-an0n, @/sally-salmon, @/sajdd, or @/thesmpisonfire (all self-nominated)
Regarding discourse -
Posts too much discourse (x7)
Crits non-villain characters too much (x2)
Posts neg a lot (x2)
Doesn't tag crit (x2)
Karl-crit blogs (x2)
"I don't do discourse"
"I do discourse"
People who post too much twt neg
Puts c!crit in the main tags
People who crit anarchism when criticizing c!Techno and c!Phil
People who deflect crit as ableism
People who post ableist crit
Regarding content creators -
People who post random cc neg (x3)
People who make hating ccs a personality trait (x2)
People who're too defensive about their fave cc (x2)
People who like one cc but hate their friends (x2)
Trying to boss around ccs
People too invested in ccs' sexualities
People overly invested in ccs' hair
People who break cc boundaries
People who call ccs republicans
People who rank ccs' attractiveness
Community -
People who dono about alt pronouns (x3)
People who cant separate lore from real life (x3)
Interacts with the big inniter blogs a lot
Rb-ing posts from too many inniters
If you only read recaps and still make analysis posts
People who complain about the fandom making tommy too soft
People who send hate to big blogs
If you take apologist labels too seriously
If you call yourself an apologist
"I'm never listening to Dream's music"
People too into crimeboys
Art -
Drawing anime Techno
Drawing Ponk with straight hair
Drawing cc!Ranboo without a mask
Zombie Wilbur fanartists
People who draw fat people skinny
People who draw c!Tubbo completely blonde
Having a Steven Universe art style
Artists who refuse to stop drawing with MD with the Mexican flag
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eldritch-elrics · 3 years
svsss: binghe callout party + the system’s punishment
so much happened in these chapters oh my god. i can’t believe i’m on chap 74 of 81
tldr: sqq needs to stop procrastinating on his sexuality crisis, also yay for cqms protecting its own but oh no for binghe discovering the truth about his parents, also COOL system penalty. oh and fake internet drama my beloved
zzl my poor, poor boy. i hate that he killed gongyi xiao but :((( he’s trying so hard to be nice to sqq!!! sqq’s making it so hard for him!
it’s also really interesting how fixated on repaying debts/revenges he is. i know it’s demon culture being different from human culture but i am going hmm… neurodivergence momence….
tlj, completely unprompted, once again: huh, so sqq likes threesomes does he? very interesting…
sqq saying he trusts binghe <3
seems like sqq believes binghe will change. i also believe in him! though seeing what lbh’s been like, we’ll see how fast that change happens lol.
sqq also says later that most of the tension between him and lbh has been a misunderstanding, which… yeah that’s fair enough. but sqq is very much at fault for a lot of that misunderstanding! because he is (or used to be, at least) shit at communication! at least he’s been taking responsibility
always astounded by how much effort liu qingge goes through to rescue sqq, whether that’s just his body or his actual person. sqq is really just drowning in men who want to do things for him
sqh confessing everything and babbling at lqg <3 and oh my god he fought mobei-jun?
binghe: only two rooms thanks :3 i don’t have money for more :3
liu qingge: i’ll fucking kill you
i really do want to see the scene of lbh and lqg trying to share a room. i was hoping maybe they would do some enemies-to-friends bro bonding but it seems like it’s too early for that… grudges like that can’t be fixed in one night...
we’re almost at chapter 70 and sqq still thinks he’s straight.
funny that the system says it needs to save resources? that feels like a bad excuse. there’s never been a problem like that before… and doesn’t it make sense for the system to just have infinite resources? i’m very interested in this statement. maybe it’s just bluffing to make itself seem less powerful than it is / delay sqq’s gratification
the fact that it’s not giving him any new coolness points is probably a good thing, since he spends all of them a couple chapters later. maybe sqq will gain back all those he lost in a rush at the end of the month
binghe serving him breakfast waaaa
as far as i recall, binghe’s the only one who’s been able to make the system give sqq prompts with multiple-choice answers. protagonist power! one more piece of evidence for the idea that lbh’s subconscious is what influences the system most
lqg kicking doors down is so normal that sqq doesn’t react
poor zzl for the dozenth time: gets used as a seat cushion :(
this entire next part is just Hurting Binghe Hours
this scene felt super mdzs. it’s like… stirring up a giant crowd against someone, with the intention of ruining their reputation? reminiscent of jinlan city too of course but that theme of reputation is so central to mdzs that it made me think. also the whole thing about lbh being a bastard/otherwise outside the cultivation world norm... hmm.....
“tianlang-jun is not my father. i don’t need a father.”
fucks me up…
lqg and yqy: *knocks ten angry cultivators away from sqq* oops my hand slipped
lbh ran away… bingqiu separated once more :(
ohhhhh my god the system penalty. i had totally forgot about the whole “sending him back to his original world” thing but i’m so glad it got brought up again. all the peak lords must be worried sick haha... hopefully he’ll wake up in his bed in qing jing peak or something later and it’ll all be ok
meeting og!lbh… god i got chills. that part was so good
i can’t help but notice he lost his right arm and left leg….. just like edward elric……
that’s such a good system punishment tbh like.. it’s not sending him back to HIS original world, but it’s sort of like sending him to sqq’s original world, for just a few minutes…
yay meng mo saved him!
not surprised at how bad shen jiu’s situation was. i will have to read more about it later!!
i’m so close to the end holy shit. i expect we’ll get some more bingqiu development soon but it’s so funny that sqq hasn’t even realized he’s not straight, let alone that he likes lbh! i guess this novel is really their getting-together story more than anything (we’ve got the extras for established relationship stuff) but i feel like there’s still so much left to resolve!
speaking of extras… there’s an extra chapter plopped right in the middle here? thanks mxtx lol
ok my take is: reading fake internet drama is so FUCKING funny
i do not know anything about chinese webnovel internet culture but this scene still rings so true to me… people on web forums just be like that huh
airplane is so excited about all the arguing sjkdhsjd
the fact that peerless cucumber is labeled an expert.
peerless cucumber up in here with his fantastic takes like “the monsters are so much more interesting than the endless wives” and “the only good bit is binghe’s arc”
the person who comments “cucumber bro wrote so many words just to hate on it, must be true love”
the person who comments “hey guys wanna read my bingqiu slash”
the handful of comments that are like “the romance between binghe and the women is terrible but the relationships he has with the male characters are emotional and moving” just go to solidify my “airplane is gay and knows jack shit about women” theory
again, araki jojo vibes
what a way to die, airplane
and he was thinking of sqq too! just like sqq was thinking about him when he died :) it’s fate!
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kuromichad · 4 years
like tbh at this point i think the general sort of Anti Movement has accomplished basically all it’s ever going to and maybe it’s time to like. not ‘calm down’ as in ‘i’m condescendingly telling you not to be upset that abusive/exploitative content exists’ but just like... at least... stop actively hunting for it!!! stop making it such a huge part of your identity and what you do online!!! stop lying your way into people’s private accounts and servers just so you can spread around the content that they obviously know is not something that should be spread around??? like it just does not have to be this way... 
the thing that i wanted to accomplish when i was actively identifying as an anti, the whole reason i started being that way, is that at the time 5+ years ago fandom culture was still extremely “always be nice, never ever criticize or ‘shame’ anything, we’re all oppressed loner geeks here and being ‘mean’ to each other would be the worst social crime possible, worse than racism, worse than anything!!! boo hoo hoo!!!” and THAT is what created a really unhealthy passively-grooming environment. because expressing discomfort with things it’s literally normal to be uncomfortable with was met with “how dare you be shaming people, you’re a bad person.” 
there wasn’t the same kind of content warning culture we have now, the edgy problematic shipping was literally just mixed in with everything else, people would presume comfort with all sorts of subjects and bring up edgy shit unprompted in response to non-edgy works. that’s the kind of shit that creates normalization, that’s what i grew up with: “i hope ron and hermione will be married with babies in the epilogue <3” and “it would be hot if snape sexually abused harry <3” were literally both just What Shipping Is and there were too many spaces where they were talked about side by side. the casual attitude was what was actively dangerous and unhealthy. 
things are a lot fucking different than they were 5, 10, 15 years ago now!! there’s CONSTANT discussion of which subjects are harmful and why, there’s well-understood pressure to tag and warn for things, a lot of nsfw fandom accounts actively block any minors they encounter. there’s like, an actual divide now between ‘normal’ shipping and nsfw content and ‘problematic’ content. wahoo we won!! literally just this amount of separation wouldve resolved massive chunks of what was bad for me and so many others as a kid/teenager in fandom! 
but like i have to be honest bro a lot of antis are on a fucking power trip and they dont want to stop getting that constant reward of righteous anger being validated. it was obvious to me like, immediately, only a few months into me being actively an anti i would see people all over who would parrot talking points without actually understanding them, invent new ‘rules’ tailored to ridiculously specific situations so they could ‘call out’ a person or ship they didnt like for petty reasons, arbitrarily enforce standards based on their own preferences... not everyone is righteous, not everyone is a wounded person trying to protect others. a whole fucking lot of antis are just people who love the thrill of Being Right at all costs. (and like, obviously also a lot of proshippers/anti-antis are just people who love being contrary, edgy, obnoxious. i’m not like coming out as anti-anti here i’m just expressing frustration with the side i’ve been involved in.) 
and i just think it’s getting really fucked up and overboard and awful that people are so addicted to this War they think theyre in, and Being Right, being the Safe and Righteous ones, that they have to constantly escalate the dialogue and make everything so absolutely fucking urgent and awful, it’s not fun enough to have a thoughtful discussion about how tropes in media (even fan-created media, because fandom can encompass literal millions of people, and you literally spend more time socializing in fandom + consuming fanworks than you ever would just straight up rewatching/rereading the source material over and over) can contribute to abusive and exploitative relationships irl, what’s fun is the adrenaline rush of calling someone a literal pedophile over suggestive art of an anime 17 year old (with the same face and body of another character that’s 25, and another character that’s 13, and another that’s 21, etc etc), what’s fun is self-righteously insisting that the fandom term made up to say “i don’t care that you think reylo is destroying society” is actually a secret code name for “out and proud literal irl pedophile.” it’s fucking absurd. i’m so sick of it dude you’re not helping anyone. 
we are so, so, so far past doing anything actually helpful for protecting kids from media they’re not ready for and people who aren’t safe for them. if anything i think it’s just its own new brand of deeply unhealthy to constantly be going LOOK, look over there, inside that locked account, there are horrors i’m going to describe to you in great detail, and that person is a bogeyman who wants to hurt YOU, personally, you the 14 year old reading this callout, you are never safe, even when people are purposely locking their accounts to keep you safe from the content they acknowledge is triggering to people, those people are deeply inherently sinful and evil and they are GOING to hurt you, look at the evidence right now, they’re hurting you. like. anti culture is sick, it’s decaying and poisoned and fucking obnoxious. i’m not saying that that means all proship people are perfectly innocent or morally in the right or whatever but i find it acutely more upsetting when the side that’s claiming to be all about Protecting The Children and being the ones that are morally good is behaving fucking absurdly and escalating conflicts on purpose. trying to shock people into agreeing with you by throwing out the word Pedophile every five seconds is not the fucking way to do things. cut it out.
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nxtheromoved · 3 years
8, 13, 18, 22 for the rp mun meme !
[ @apokryfur | munday memes ]
8. Do your friends outside the internet know your roleplay?
Not really. I used to have friends irl that I wrote with online, but of that small group they all either no longer role play or are no longer a close friend of mine simply due to us growing apart in our teen years. As for my current friend group, I mean, I don’t see a reason why it would ever come up tbh? Roleplay is one of those hobbies that gets misjudged too much, and I feel like if you don’t get it, you don’t get it, y’know? If anyone were to ask about it I would have no problem being like “hey yeah I do this and it’s pretty cool” but it’s not information I’m eager to volunteer out of nowhere because of public misconceptions lol
13. Is there one trope you can’t stand?
I don’t know about tropes per se and nothing immediately comes to mind, but if there’s one recurring plot thematic that’s happened way too often over the past decade it’s these weird, half-assed redemption arcs for characters who have done nothing to deserve them and don’t actually show any sign of a desire to change outside of a singular “aha!” interaction with the main protagonist. I LOVE redemption arcs, that shit is my favorite, but I hate when they’re poorly done and have no depth or reasoning behind it. It’s so unfulfilling, and the weirdest thing is that it seems to happen a lot for villains who are specifically coded to be f*scist like??? That’s really insulting and softens any potential narrative critique around that rhetoric. You can’t fix f*scism with some tears, a hug, and a “please stop being mean uwu” and it’s so...ew. Wish we could stop coddling people with shitty behavior in media please and thanks.
18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
Dash interaction! People commenting on each other’s stuff! Asking unprompted questions about mutuals’ characters (especially their OCs)! Random compliments and positivity! People being friendly to each other again in general. Feel like a lot of the RPC has gotten more closed off than before, and that’s a damn shame.
22. Are there any red roleplay flags for you that make you back off immedately?
Usually most of the red flags I look for, I find in people’s rules. For me, I get more from how someone talks ooc than ic, tbh. For example, how someone talks about “callout culture” or “fandom drama” is a section I always try to read over carefully. The biggest red flag I always find is when someone rages on for a long time about how people can write what they want without judgement, and then also don’t list which topics they *won’t* write. Like...take it from my personal experience, usually when someone has that combination in their rules, 9/10 times they later get busted for writing gross shit and trying to hide it. Bonus points if they use r/w political terms like “sjw” and simultaneously talk about how much they hate politics too lmao.
Other things that are red flags for me: no age listed anywhere, multis with barely any poc, signs of mlm or wlw fetishization, the “female muses aren’t treated badly anymore so shut up about it” club, if their response to someone calling out another person’s abusive behavior is along the lines of “I hate drama I wish the rpc would chill :\”, exclusively uses k-idol faceclaims, using diverse cultures as an “aesthetic” for white muses, and probably a bunch of other things I subconsciously watch for tbh. Had too many run-ins with too many shitty people; I try to be careful about who I follow to avoid getting in those situations again.
Oh, also if someone says they hate cats. Biggest red flag right there.
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In the spirit of my previous headcanon post, here are my muses as patients in my day treatment program
I’ve been hospitalized numerous times before and day treatment was a Trip so here you go. Inspired by real events, some headcanons are inspired by real people I’ve met.
Basically treats it like a prison
The guiet guy who has the worst mental breakdowns imaginable
drama queen
comes there dressed either like a runway model or like he just crawled out of a dumpster, no in-between
the weirdo everybody talks about during breaks
group therapy is his stage and boy does he monologue
if you befriend him? nicest person you’ll ever meet
will bring you coffee unprompted and hug you when you’re feeling down
DOMINATES art class
overall just an unstable ball of trauma and anxiety
If this was a class he’d be the class clown
The popular one everyone flocks to
Doesn’t know when to shut up, has a habit of talking over other people during group
Is down to party 24/7, always participates every activity with the energy of a 4 y,o on cocaine
When he is down he’s DOWN. EVERYONE notices.
A bit of a fuckboy but a friendly one
Will not tolerate backtalk, claps back, even at staff
Probably tried sneaking alcohol or drugs into the hospital once (and succeeded)
Thresh (Classic):
Literally the oldest no matter who you put him with so he’s constantly surrounded by people he views as literal children
The only one immune to Kayn’s sass simply because he is sassier than him
Generally cooperative with staff until he just doesn’t feel like it and causes a huge scene
Laughs at other people’s expense, earning him a lot of callouts and complaints
Likely picked himself one or two people to hang out with and sticks to them if he’s not isolating himself fully
The most likely to skip days or be late because he just didn’t care enough to come
Is extremely petty and spiteful and will get back at you for the tiniest things
Doesn’t understand why he was even referred to this dumb as shit program
Thinks his psychiatrist is overexaggerating- Well, everything.
Goes there regardless because arguing with his psych led to a dead end.
Cooperative with staff but only out of pure etiquette.
Does not bond with ANYBODY save for maybe ONE person.
Judges everyone to their face, not behind their back.
Keeps his diagnoses and medications a pentagon-level secured secret.
Comes there early just to be alone for an hour before everyone else arrives.
His mental breakdowns/triggers are silent and withdrawn.
Jock jock jock jock jock
Seriously he and the hospital gym go hand in hand
Also a major showoff
Anger issues 100%
The laid back type who hangs with his own crowd but won’t really be opposed to mingle with yours if you asked
Can snap in the blink of an eye
Gets physical real fast
Cries in the psych’s/nurse’s office after
Teases Swain often but is also best buds with him
Has a weird ass hobby that’s OOC as fuck like gardening or painting
Is there because the alternative was a locked ward
Is basically on probation
Problem Patient
Appears quiet but he’s snarky and cynical as fuck
Leaves in the middle of group, fucks up classes, skips days/comes in late like Thresh, pisses all over the rules
Getting him to cooperate is like herding cats
Has a major crush on Shen
Probably got into fights with Darius
The only one Kayn listens to
Will never admit he needs the help or talk about his own feelings
Actually fucking behaves
Follows the rules and listens to staff
Absolute wreck after one on one therapy sessions but is a ray of sunshine during group therapy, happy to be helping other people with their problems and offering insight
Oblivious to Zed’s crush on him
Sometimes throws the occasional tantrum during which he acts very childlike
The ward’s favorite but also the ward’s laughingstock at the same time
Very polite and composed but laughs at the dumbest shit
the one with the braincell
Right there with Zed and Thresh, Akali often comes late but she makes an effort to come anyway
Besties with Kayn, helps him tease the fuck out of Swain and everyone else
VERY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT HEALING OKAY. Aggressive positivity for EVERYONE, participates in all classes like a grunge/punk cheerleader
Not the “aww it’s ok bb here’s a cupcake” but “YOU’RE A BADASS NOW PULL YOURSELF UP BITCH YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS”
Is all “eugh” at Shen to be honest but also kinda friends with him
Zed is 50/50
She’s the angry type of depressed
When she’s having an off day she’s snappy and mean, but after she feels better she will apologize
Is eating ALL the time. SHe ALWAYS has a snack in her hand, be it a bag of chips or a sandwich she made. And yes, she will share.
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