#unpack your shit
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katiefratie · 7 months ago
Crawford Mutner..... you need to unpack your shit please god.....
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crazycatsiren · 2 years ago
Some of y'all apparently still don't seem to realize that I am, in fact, a Christian.
And I think cultural Christianity is fucking annoying. And obnoxious. And colonialist. And I still don't want to be fucking "blessed" by random strangers, when I sneeze or when I take a dump.
It's not that hard to understand, people.
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mymidwestheart · 2 years ago
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notalostcausejustyet · 7 months ago
RB for this brilliant add-on
I think a lot about how, if the glorious violent revolution happens, every kid with significant medical needs in a hospital where power gets cut will die.
You can decide you're willing to sacrifice your own life, but you don't get to tell everybody else on the planet that they're acceptable collateral damage.
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traegorn · 2 years ago
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@cityvillagewitch195 -- Everything I know about you is what you've shown me in your comments, and hon, you are so full of red flags I could use the material to hang curtains.
And you showed up on my post -- so you made it my business. You came to me, not the other way around. You don't get to claim I was making something my business when it wasn't when you are the one who entered my space.
(My space being clearly defined as a post I made on my tumblr -- I'm not making some weird territorial claim for anything else. I want to be clear since you seem so willing to misrepresent anything I say)
I do commentary on the modern witchcraft movement on social media and on a podcast, a community I've been a part of for over twenty-five years. When I see trends in the community, I say something. No one is forced to listen to me, and you certainly could have just slid along by and chosen not to engage.
Maybe examine why you didn't do that before making it my problem.
Doubt is GOOD actually
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meteor752 · 8 months ago
What the fuck is up with Hook
Why is he at some random prep school? He’s already got the hook hand, so Peter Pan has already cut it off meaning he’s been to Neverland, also he says he’s a captain so like why the fuck are you here
I hate this movie so fucking much, nothing about it makes sense to me, why is Hades a teenager, why did they make some fankid of a Sofia the first villain instead of using one of the many Disney Villains that exist, why is Maleficent a lackey, why am I devoting so much of my time to try and make sense of this movie
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queernoctis · 10 months ago
i say angeal is the most normal of the firsts but pls understand this is solely in contrast to genesis and sephiroth. i think he is also kind of a weird dude
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isuggestwishcraft · 6 months ago
yall probably already guessed it but today is my decompression day where i dont play isat because its stressful and i dont wanna be stressed for a day
the only thing ive been doing is reading fluffy fanfics and playing minecraft and building a house via tutorial with calming music and its very therapeutic
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reality-detective · 6 months ago
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surfium · 20 days ago
I don't want to hear a man's opinion of Yellowjackets, actually
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ollieflopkins · 11 months ago
hope dom and darwin and mo and lucho and especially jarell all slept real good last night and didn’t give a single thought to all the stupid shit ppl have posted on socials (including this website) 😴😴
we keep going, 71 points 🤷🏼‍♀️
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kingcunny · 1 year ago
Viserys x Lyonel interactions are sooo underrated. I especially love the "good king" conversation when Viserys tells him he's "right as always." The entire season, Viserys keeps trying to get Lyonel to play his flirty petty ego slap fight games like he does with Otto, and Lyonel just does not know how to respond. He's aware and observant enough to know that Viserys is just being a Targaryen, and none of his interpersonal relationships are normal. But it's very, "I don't know, man. I just work here," energy from Lyonel. And Viserys gets so visibly disappointed when he won't play along.
god yes please i need to convert more people to my lyonel x viserys agenda. its probably the closest viserys comes to a healthy relationship. but viserys is still his BOSS so its not like lyonel can. directly reject him.
viserys shows such a vulnerability to lyonel that he doesnt show with anyone else. the “good king” conversation the “truly great targaryen king i am” during the hunt. even coming to him for advice about who he should marry (and viserys acting very different from how weve seen him act around anyone else…). he doesnt share these anxieties he has about his legacy with anyone else, just lyonel. and lyonel could very easily use this to his advantage, but he doesnt. but he also refues to stroke viserys ego about it. he just continues to give him good, honest advice. and thats probably why viserys feels so comfortable opening up to him…
and yeah you almost get the sense that as perplexed as lyonel is about viserys targaryenisms toward him, viserys gets just as perplexed about lyonels refusal to take advantage of him, like otto, or fluff him up, like daemon, because thats all he KNOWS.
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studyinglavender · 2 years ago
sorry! but i am never going to be okay with the covert unless it is reformed significantly. maybe it doesn’t fit the ‘technical definition’ of a cult but it is nonetheless a harmful creed. the person being baptized in 3x01 was a child no older than 16. if you are being asked to follow the way or leave, sure- you’re given agency. but if it’s the only community you know? you’re staying. for din, especially pre-grogu, it wasn’t a choice. if he took off his helmet and became an apostate, he would lose the only family he has ever known. do you not see how fucked up that is?
it’s unfair to compare it to a religion which requires full covering at all times, because even those religions allow you to be unclothed in private, among your family members, and in emergency scenarios such as a life-threatening head injury. there is no inaccessible repentance process if you do not abide by those rules. whereas the creed requires the helmet to remain on at all times (in s1, din said it could not be removed in front of a living creature, but that exception wasn’t specified in the armorer’s questioning in bobf or in the baptism from 3x01). bathing in the living waters isn’t like going to confessional or praying. it is something that was considered impossible by the members of the covert. redemption for apostates was not a reality until din proved them wrong.
the covert also reminds me too much of mormonism to ever feel comfortable defending it. i felt sick watching the first episodes of s3 when din kept talking about how he was an apostate who needed to be redeemed. a fucking apostate. for taking off his helmet to save the life of his child. for letting his child see his face. for that, they were prepared to exile him from the covert, knowing full well it is the only community he has ever known. you know what’s so scary about leaving the mormon church? if you’ve grown up in it, most of the time your social network is comprised only of other church members. you’re encouraged to avoid making friends with people who may lead you astray—because they drink coffee or alcohol, smoke, swear (i’m not kidding). you remain in this small bubble, and after you are baptized at age 8 (which is the age they decide you have agency and are capable of sinning), you second-guess every choice you make. i cried because i could never remember to say my prayers or read my scriptures and i knew i needed to repent for my sins. and when i started questioning my beliefs, i was so terrified of facing the truth because i thought my mom would no longer want me in her life. i distanced myself from many friends to avoid their judgement. i knew if i left, there was no going back. i would be inserting a wedge between me and the other people of my faith with whom i had grown.
for much of his life, din has known only the covert. he was brought up as a foundling and he knew only of the creed. he was taught that the mandalorian armor belonged only to those who followed the creed and rejected the idea that there could be a mandalorian who may not hold the same beliefs. we know he was a very lonely person before grogu. the covert was the only family he ever had. how is it a choice, then? “you may leave at any time you wish,” but if he takes off his helmet, he is an apostate and he must find a new home, a new family, a new belief system. he would have no one. what kind of a choice is that? in what world would he ever want to take off his helmet?
so yeah, the covert is not just a religious sect hiding from persecution. they are, at best, a high-demand religion, where allowing your child to see your face is an unfathomable act that necessitates redemption. if din djarin remains part of the covert as it stands, that’s extremely disappointing.
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dimonds456 · 10 months ago
Hey, guys?
People on the opposite side of the political spectrum can be good people too.
It's starting to make me really uncomfortable how divided everything is. People have adopted an "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality when talking about the other side, and it's so jarring going from online where that's the norm to being in an Uber and your driver is the other side.
Online parties make the other side out to be monsters who want nothing more than to watch the world burn. And while that is absolutely true for some people (on BOTH SIDES), most people are far more sane than that.
Everyone's actions make sense to them. Everyone thinks they're in the right, at least to some degree.
Left-wingers aren't monsters under the bed out to kill and eat kids or something.
Right-wingers aren't shadows on the wall that stalk their prey at night.
But holy fuck the way they talk about each other, you'd think they are.
I'm not saying you gotta switch sides. What I am saying is that you're not helping out anything by "us vs them"ing the other half of the population in your head.
Most offline people either don't think some issues are as prevalent as they are, or just don't see how it applies to them and focus on their own lane. This (the second half) can be a bad thing, absolutely, but it can also be a good thing, too. Mostly it's neutral from what I've personally seen. The first half just means they should do more research, but if someone doesn't see why it matters then convincing them to do so in earnest will be hard.
That doesn't make them bad. Just means they're focused on other things. Just because someone doesn't get it doesn't mean they're the scum of the earth. There's plenty you don't know about, either. How dare you not know about every tiny conflict happening out there right now, y'know?
Love thy neighbor n all that. We're all just trying to live as best as we can at the end of the day.
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nothorses · 2 years ago
re: “even if it’s tongue in cheek…” post you reblogged: GC stands for group chat in this context, not gender critical. it’s a group chat of people who talk about transandrophobia. op also has an edit offering a correction on the context of the post
lmao thank you, I think I've been in the woods too long. need to touch less grass or something
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