#Facilier could have been cool
meteor752 · 2 months
What the fuck is up with Hook
Why is he at some random prep school? He’s already got the hook hand, so Peter Pan has already cut it off meaning he’s been to Neverland, also he says he’s a captain so like why the fuck are you here
I hate this movie so fucking much, nothing about it makes sense to me, why is Hades a teenager, why did they make some fankid of a Sofia the first villain instead of using one of the many Disney Villains that exist, why is Maleficent a lackey, why am I devoting so much of my time to try and make sense of this movie
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tocomplainfriend · 9 months
Hey, hear this!
I'm not black and don't know that much about voodou. There are lots of people ready to talk and explain their concerns about their representation in HH. Please hear them! (the amount of disrespect done by a bunch of non-black people upon the topic is disgusting!)
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The demonizing and villainizing of this religion has existed since the time of slavery. Using this symbols and closed religion to make a character more "edgy demon evil" is awful. This was Viv doing exactly. I do not believe Al was even supposed to be black/mixed until Viv got told about the use of the religion she was using. All of her main black characters have 0 features. They are just black to profit of "diversity" while she makes no effort to show it or be respectful.
To the people being like, "Aren't you also mad about her representing Christianity wrong???" Based on the fact of how she has talked about Christian people before... YES (I have a whole post about worrying it). But the point brought up is about a religion that's under discrimination based on racism and colonizer mindsets. About a problem that existed when slavery started. Viv is not making a critique or tribute of Voodou she is just using it to make Alastor seem "COOL AND EDGY".
I also do worry of the point she is trying to make about Christianity and believing in it. Specially cause that means her story about heaven and hell could be the blandest immature criticism someone could make. -and sell more people into the idea of "all believers of Christianity are bad people". Which I still hope, it doesn't happen directly in the show. Btw, I'm not Christian! I'm queer and have faced a lot of discrimination that a lot of people justified in their Christianism, I know the level of frustration people feel relating to that. But I have grown to realize, not every person that believes in God and Christ is a bad person. And that I don't get to throw all of those people under the umbrella of "bad" because of how I have been treated.
BTW, this person got blocked by Viv:
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You are crazy to say this. They are many criticisms of Disney, specially this movie. You just didn't see it and decided to tweet this without even thinking of searching for this? Like, have you never heard of people complaining about how Tiana as the first black princess becoming a fucking frog for most of the movie.
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Dr. Facilier is a demonization of voodou! Also, Mama Odie is the "Good magic" but realize how she doesn't use the symbols or African masks. But only the bad magic, has it? Most of the representation of the religion is Facilier too, and it's wrongly represented.
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Love your stuff man, can I get audrey bendy susie allison and carly(the ghost girl) x a reader that is a living shadow like dr facilier's shadow and can manipulate people through there shadows, Again love your stuff.
Audrey,bendy,susie,allison and carly x shadow reader that can manipulate living matter
Of course u can!
Has been proofread!
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Considering the fact that shes been bothered by all sorts of things since shes entered this inky hell,I think it's safe to say she would be somewhat surprised apon initially finding you
That's until she finds out that you can interact with people through their shadows
Shes honestly terrified once she finds you practically playing ping pong with some stray searchers
The ink around the place dosnt help,it becomes harder to locate you when your against a almost pitch black surface
Once befriended you though all the things that were a issue before became an uperhand
If shes ever in trouble,should a searcher get to close you can pull it back and just hold it there
She finds it funny when you hold one back and it has no idea what tf is going on
After friending you she finds your powers cool and not as terrifying
You can create little puppet shows for her and manipulate shadows to dance and do stuff
Audrey finds you a massive help when navigating through the place
When she manages to escape you bet shes taking you with her
Once in the real world you can have alot more freedom and it's easier to find you now that the hallways have colour.
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He knows of all the weird creatures that live in the studio,its his realm
Yet he hadnt seen you before
A shadow,that can manipulate living matter by using their shadows?
How interesting
Would probally take a similar approach with you like he did with audrey
If your even made out of ink
He likes to watch when you mess around with people's shadows,tripping up searchers and fucking around with the lost souls
If you ever manage to trip up Wilson you'll definatly get on bendys "do not kill yet"list
He dosnt know how you can even exist because your literally a shadow,do you perhaps have a seperate body somewhere in the studio?perhaps only your shadow appears
He trys to find a logical explanation but cant so he kinda just goes "well if you dont help Wilson or audrey then u stay away"
He dosnt care about you if your not a threat,hes annoyed he cant talk telepathicly or controll u though
Once he bonds with you though you can be a pretty nasty duo
If anybody tries to run away I dont think theyll get very far,
The studio is abit slippery today,or maybe it's the fact that you tripped them over
Well either way they fell head over heels,just like bendy did for you
Anyways,intruders dont get far as you drag them to wherever the ink demon is to take care of them
If you play with his shadow he will get annoyed so dont do that
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Shes been around the studio for God knows how long,so of course she knows about the things the ink creates
However she had never seen a being quiet like you
Shes not bothered by you until you pull on her arm and mess with her,she thinks it's a lurcher trying to annoy her at first until she comes to the realization that shes alone
After that she dosnt like to see you
She thinks that your always gonna pull on her hair or something and since your a shadow she cant do anything,so she just leaves,not being bothered to deal with you when more important matters are at hand
She eventually talk to you when your both in the same room,although the conversation starts out rough,she dosnt like being messed with,especially when she cant do anything to stop it
After eventually getting over her grudge she speaks to you...passively?
Relatively passivly
Eventually a friendship starts to bloom though
Theres a very high chance you could bond over a common hatred for the ink demon
Definatly asks if you can fuck around with audrey and Wilson
You can both be quite scary when in the same room,especially if one of them has something against you
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Shes a survivor,she knows the things that lurk in the shadows of the ink but shes also not afraid to stand her ground against them
Once coming across you,allison will immidatly deem you as a threat,nothing is as it seems in the studio
When she finds out that you can move people through their shadows etc,shes not surprised,like mentioned previously,the things in this realm are made to deceive you
If you become troublesome for her and Tom then she will light candles everywhere or choose lit up areas,only venturing into dim ones when shes sure your not lurking around a corner
Once she somewhat friends you,you can be a massive help,she found out that you can also interact with stuff like bacon soup,so sometimes you go out getting supplies so they dont get injured by the ink demon or anything
Tom warms up to you surprisingly quick(its because you spoil him)
She does eventually admit that maybe she judged you to hard to being with
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Considering the fact that shes a ghost aswell she'd be very intrigued by a shadow like you
Shes probally the only one on this list who isnt surprised that you can interact with peoples shadows,shes just not that surprised anymore
That's not to say she isnt impressed
She cant really "interact" with the living
Although she can scare people,moving things etc isnt really her forte
You two get along amazingly almost immediately
Its probally due to the fact that you both dont have a physicall body
The two of you could probally cause most people a heart attack
Both of you are very annoying towards audrey
And no audrey will get no breaks from your antics
You both mess around with the butcher gang alot alswell,one time accidentally causing a fight to break out amongst themselves
Wilson gets alot of problems from the both of you
If the old man needs to sleep hes not getting any,at all
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cosmiconix · 10 months
🦃Happy Thanksgiving everyone!🦃
Onix: *taps glass with spoon* I would like to give a speech about what I'm grateful for, & don't judge me cause I know I suck at public speaking. But besides the friends I've made both here & in other worlds, & all the fun little adventures I've gone on, I'm especially grateful for my three dads, Hades, Shan & Facilier, without them I'd still be in that cold dark cave, wandering & with only Twinkie to keep me warm. Without them, I never would have been able to meet all these amazing people & their families, without them, I wouldn't have been able to make all these cool gadgets & inventions that we use to do awesome stuff with, without them, I would be lost. So since the day I first met them, that glorious cavern chase through the dark, I've been absolutely grateful for them having found me, & choosing to bring me into their lives. Thank you dads, for being the most wonderful found parents I could ever have. I love you guys! ☺️
Hades: Ah great...*sniff* here come the water works. Shoot don't let anyone see me like this! *turns away* 😭
Shan: She's stabbed my heart, not with a physical weapon, but with genuine affection, she's come so far in the arts of combat. *sniffles* I've trained her well! 🥹
Facilier: AWW! Baby come here! *pulls Onix into a hug* We love you too sweet heart! And we're grateful that us three were the lucky ones to have found you. 😚
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Do they drive?
Ben, Audrey and Chad have personal drivers.
Audrey is continually drived crazy because the pirates refuse to ride with them, stating „We don't trust him.“ This is made worse by the fact that most of Isle kids can't drive, yet insists on driving anyway. (Ehm, Anthony Tremaine.)
Jordan has never once driven a car in her life and it's probably a good thing.
Ally isn't allowed to drive for safety reasons. She doesn't have the attention span to focus on the road properly and Alice doesn't want to risk it.
Fairy Godmother has the vibe of magicking a vehicle into working itself, pretending she is driving it and being really smug about it. So yeah, Jane doesn't know how cars work.
Lonnie is the driver when the AKs need to go anywhere. Well, her or her brother.
The fact that Ben has a driver will not stop Beast from attempting to make one of the Li siblings the driver and the other the bodyguard. (Joke's on him, the siblings would start a war if they were allowed to work together.)
The designated drivers for the Isle kids are Evie, Uma and Harriet.
No one is sure if Uma and Harriet even have a driver's license. No one is going to ask.
Harry Hook doesn't have a license. This will not stop him from driving, even when Audrey just told him and Uma that they could just call her driver.
„I didn't know you took driving lessons, CJ.“ „A what?“ „Driving lessons? The thing that you need to drive in Auradon?“ „Oh don't worry about that, I have a permit!“ *CJ pulls out a sticky note with „I can do what I wanna!“ scrawled on it. It is signed by King Ben*
None of the de Vil cousins is legally allowed to drive. By that I mean they will be arrested on sight.
Ivy doesn't believe in brakes. Or speed limits. Or red lights. And neither does Diego.
Any vehicle that Carlos would drive is tuned so much that it is a considered a danger to everyone around. He also doesn't believe in red light.
Hunter is red/green colourblind and never learned the order on traffic lights because he only ever rode with his family.
Jay just catches a ride to whenever he works. It works. For Jade, too. They might be stopping by the road or stowing away if Evie and/or Harriet respectively refuse to drive them.
Facilier sisters also do not drive. They just ask for the drive, you see. (The people driving them might have been going to completely opposite direction before, but past is past, forgive, forget...).
Mal drives her scooter and thinks she is really cool.
Lonnie is about to snap soon because she has been assigned to Mal as her bodyguard sometimes too. She has a motorcycle and hates slowing down to keep up with High Queen's scooter.
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trizy0 · 1 month
Descendants- Entry #2: The Villains
I'm going to make a quick analysis of the Villains as parents and of their character in Descendants
The Villains
Maleficent's character is quite solid during D1, her being based off in her counterpart of the animated movie, even when we see her in Merlin Prep we can see that counterpart of hers.
What I don't understand is why they didn't use her counterpart's past from the Maleficent movie (2014) that would've been even more gut wrenching since it would've added depth for both her versions. But, utilizing her version of the Maleficent movie wouldn't make sense for her to be a bad mother (given that we see her being like a mother to Aurora).
Evil Queen
For me, the best interpretation of the Evil Queen was Regina from UOAT, she was misunderstood and had a stronger affinity with magic (and better character development).
We don't see that much of her during D1, but the little we see about her, I interpreted her as a mother that tried to do her best, who tried to get past that 'fairest of them all' thing to be a better mother to Evie, even tho we later learn that Evie was scared of her mother.
For me, the Evil Queen was the best parent between all the villains, who was proud of her daughter because of everything she could do and become, but thought that her daughter would only gain success if she married someone with royal lineage, which made her the kind of mother who a daughter would think that she'd never make proud.
The biggest mistake that D1 made was making him have a kid (even tho I love Jay and his fantastic) and that he could live in a house with two teenager girls (I think that everyone was weirded out by the scene where Jafar kissed Jasmine).
But other than that he would just ignore the existence of a son and would just use him to make his dirty bid.
Cruella De Vil
Cruella being one of the big bads in D1 didn't make any sense, she isn't considered a fairy tail nor had magic to make others so afraid of her (but the , só having her as one of the 'absolute rulers' of the Isle of the Lost didn't make sense.
Hades being the CEO of daddy issues is so funny to me (since his dad literally ate him), and he didn't even apologize to Mal for draining her magic.
Other than that he was a fantastic character and was really coherent with his animated version (plus the way he was portrayed in D3 was super good, because that was exactly how I would imagine Hercules' Hades in a modern setting)
With what we know about Ursula (basing in her tentacle appearance in D2 and Uliana whole personality and actions) is that she's someone that both her daughter and her sister looked up to her, wanting to be her (Uma wanting her mother's influence and Uliana wanting her sister's power).
We cannot determine if she was a good mother to Uma, but we can determine that she had that sisterly relationship with Uliana where both of you are a pain in the other ass.
Captain Hook
Same goes with Hook, we don't know if he was a good father, but we can speculate that Harry looked up to him (since he tries to act like his father) and that he was a rather ambitious man (D4 Hook).
As a character, younger Hook having already lost his has was like "where TF is this kids parents", my man already had beef with Peter Pan (and the probability of Peter being a goddamn baby is too funny for me).
Dr. Facilier
Facilier being a good dad to Celia is cool as fuck, I, personally, can't think of him as a girl dad, but is rather good his relationship with Celia.
And his character is not consistent when we compare him with his animated version. I just hoped we saw more about him.
Drizella and Lady Tremaine
Drizella not appearing was a crime and Lady Tremaine trying to be a good grandma (D3) did make sense, but them trying to redeem her in D3 didn't make sense.
Lady Tremaine character was consistent in ROR, but in D3, it wasn't that much.
Mr. Smee
Him being a good dad made sense, we know shit about his version in Descendants
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House of Mouse AU: Yuu and the Princess and the Frog Characters
*bangs fists on table* Mum Tiana! Mum Tiana! Mum Tiana!
I always see Tiana as the mum friend of the princesses and that is absolutely correct. She sees Yuu and is like: is anyone going to mother her? *Minnie and several other characters are about to raise their hands* No? Okay! Here sweetie, have some gumbo and beignets 😊
She just sees how hard Yuu works in a world where all odds seem to be against her and she’s still  smiling and making due with what she has when all she has is literally nothing just so touched. Besides she knows a thing or two about the restaurant business - if Yuu looks like she needs a hand, Tiana will be there to help and to remind her to take a break. And nobody is going to interrupt that break if they don’t want to answer to her.
Yuu definitely has a job offer for Tiana’s Place 
She’s not going to let Yuu get bullied by anyone either. When she first found out about Sam and his friends from the other side, alarm bells started ringing but Yuu was quick to comfort her by saying how Sam is like a cool protective older brother and how he gives her discounts and stuff and would never let harm come to her so she reluctantly lets it go. But don’t worry, she’s friends with an alligator and is a master at knife-wielding (and she has many knives) and as Ralph Breaks the Internet has taught us, she is not afraid to use a rolling pin.
Dr Facilier literally gave Yuu a grin and before he could open his mouth, Tiana had gently taken Yuu’s hand and guided her away whilst giving the shadow man a deathly glare.
Charlotte adores Yuu. She’s like the fun aunt that always brings super expensive presents every time she visits. Every time Yuu stops at her table, she’s just bursting with happy energy, ready to hear about all of the boys at NRC.
Also, side note: 
Prince Naveen/Charlotte La Bouff 🤝 Kalim Al Asim
*Willing to buy a country for Tiana/Yuu’s happiness*
When Naveen isn’t busy giving his wife the biggest heart eyes ever, being chaotic with Aladdin and Eugene or getting too invested in the Yuu ship war, he’s just ready to give Yuu all of the appreciation in the world because damn, he was worried when his parents cut him off as a grown man but Yuu is literally a penniless teenager living in a dangerous, broken down, abandoned building with no way of contacting her friends/family/loved ones and she has no magic in a world where literally everyone else has magic and she’s an only girl in an all boys school (and yeah, Naveen might have been an ignorant, carefree party boy who flirted with literally everyone but he knows that there are guys out there who are dangerous. Just because he’s very big on consent doesn’t mean the rest of the world is).
Like he literally sees this sweet, kind girl and he and Charlotte are already making kidnapping adoption plans.
Tiana: *right when she and her husband are about to enter the club* Now honey, I know that you think that Yuu would be happier with us but remember she has her friends and sort-of adoptive father back at her school and kidnapping is illegal here. And yes, it is still considered kidnapping even if she comes willingly.
Louis and Ray love Yuu. They work with Naveen to compose the most incredible song for when it’s time for her and her suitor to dance together (the PatF gang all ship KalimYuu by the way)
Dr Facilier thinks Yuu is cool. Both of them are living with disadvantages and don’t really have that much control over their lives - only instead of living with resentment like he does, she just marches on. She knows better than to make a deal with him though *Azul memories intensify* but he’s a really charming and charismatic guy. He’s fun to hang around with when you watch out for him trying to swindle you. Yuu always talks about Sam and how cool she finds him and his shadows and the two of them talk about voodoo and hoodoo and yay *new friend unlocked*
He teaches her card tricks so that she can show off to Ace
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snowivyimconfusi · 3 months
Nobody asked but I'm doing it anyway.
OUAT ships and my ratings :
1.OutlawQueen - 8/10 - I liked it, it was good, it had potential. It didn't fully realize its potential. And Robin's death killed me.
2.CaptainSwan - 1/10 - sorry it's just one of those I don't see, I just didn't see any chemistry between them, which is sad because I like Killian.
3.CharmingSnow - 10/10 - I do love them, they're so sweet and wholesome. Yes.
4.Rumbelle- 0/10 - Boring. Toxic, and not in the fun way.
Kinda canon I guess? :
5.GoldenQueen - 11/10 - I like this ship in all its iterations, Rumple and young Regina, Mr.Gold and Regina, Rumple and the Evil Queen, Roni and Weaver. It's so good. The potential is *chef's kiss*
6.DragonQueen - 9/10 - this is kinda canon. Fight me. I like it as a past relationship for Regina. It's good.
Not canon:
7. SwanQueen - 100/10 - perfect. Amazing. Incredible. Meant to be. I could go on.
8.CaptainQueen (Killian/Regina) - 8/10 - yes.
9.GoldenCaptain (Rumple/Killian) -6/10 - It's cool, it's not something I think about, but in theory it's not bad.
10. Killian/Belle - 9/10 - YES. this would've been so much better than CaptainSwan 😭
11.GoldenSwan - ?/10 - I have never thought about this ship, it just literally never crossed my mind.
12. SnowQueen - 0/10 - no. Sorry. That's weird.
13. WickedQueen - 4/10 - I guess...whatever floats your boat? Not for me, but I get it.
14. WickedSwan - 7/10 - I get it. I'm not into it. But I get it.
15. StepQueen (Ivy,drizella/Regina) - 10/10 - Give me all the master-pupil dynamics, and all the Evil to Good teaching Evil trying to make her good 😭 I want more fics of these two tbh.
16. Alice/Robin - 10/10 - I love them. No notes.
17. Ivy/Henry - 9/10 - they had so much chemistry!!! And it would've been so fun to see Henry fall for a villain 😭
18. Facilier/ Regina - 8/10 - you know I love any ship with Regina (if that wasn't obvious) I just wish we'd known a little bit more!!
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Queen In 5 Minutes
This is one of those videos where I'm gonna have to remind myself to not talk about the music, because Queen is awesome, I know quite a decent amount of their songs, and this arrangement/performance is really freaking good. But the video itself certainly isn't boring either (Freddie would be proud), and I'm very excited to talk about this one, so let's go! (Yeah this one's a long one, you have been warned)
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Apparently this video (released on the 24th of November, 2018) was at least in part inspired by a health scare that Earl had while touring with Voiceplay, which no doubt was very distressing for all of them, but he obviously was fine or got better, which I'm glad about, and this video is creative as heck!
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Won't talk about their appearances just yet, but of course I gotta point out the iconic Bohemian Rhapsody diamond configuration thing!
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Cool necklace! I don't know the exact meaning of it, and whether or not it was just acquired for the video, but I do know that the album/track image for this cover on Spotify takes inspiration from it!
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(Also this song is split into two parts on music streaming platforms, idk why)
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*(clapping my hands together)* character time!
I have no clue what mythological being Layne's character is meant to be based off of, if any - "Guardian" is a bit of a vague name after all - and the main thing that popped up when I typed "mythology sentinel of the underworld" into Google was Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog from Ancient Greek myths. And well... it'd check out actually. Layne doesn't talk/sing in this video (not counting vocal percussion of course), he's wearing a big furry grey coat, and none of the other 3 are from Greek (or even Roman) mythology, so it's entirely possible that "Guardian" could just be a human-form Cerberus (minus the two extra heads).
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Apparently "Yama" is the Hindu god of death and justice, though he was also adopted into Buddhist, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, and Japanese mythology as the king of hell, so-
A 19th-century painting of Yama on his mount depicts him as completely blue, so Eli's blue face paint definitely fits.
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("Dark angel" definitely sounds fitting)
Geoff is based on Baron Samedi, who is a spirit (Iwa) of the dead in Haitian Vodou, as well as of course the more well-known Louisiana/New Orleans Voodoo. Fun fact: Dr Facilier in The Princess And The Frog is partly inspired by Baron Samedi!
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I'm sure most if not all of us have heard of Anubis, but regardless, Anubis is the Ancient Egyptian god of funerary rites, and he's also a protector of graves, and of course, a guide to the underworld. He can take both human and animal form, and in artwork is often depicted with the body of a man and head of a jackal/canine animal (which Voiceplay subtly refers to in this shot here with the little Anubis Shrine statue sitting next to J)
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Cool and Normal! 😆
(Also really love that jacket/blazer)
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"Anubis" is of course weighing Earl's heart against a feather to see whether or not he is worthy of ascending to the heavenly afterlife. And since the heart appears to be slightly lighter, he's good! (Not that he's actually ready to pass on, though)
(Also, from a production viewpoint, I'm guessing they had some small stones or counterweights hiding underneath the feather?)
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...Not gonna say anything, just putting this here
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Love how "Baron" glances at his cane as if to check for any dirt or smudges from Earl 😆
(Geoff still has that cane I believe; when he did a few Q&A/"how to sing low" videos on his channel back in 2020, the cane was just chilling in the background, behind where he was sitting in his home office/workspace)
(Also obligatory he's so handsome/pretty aaaaaaa)
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The body language of "Anubis" here when Baron starts talking (i.e. when Geoff starts singing), and the way that he, "Yama", and "Guardian" are all at one end of the stage, while "Baron" is on the other, says so much in such a small way! (Geoff once again getting to be Special(tm), love that for him)
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"I've done my sentence, but committed no criiiiiiime!"
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Cool necklace! (Also really love the subtle red edging/trim on his blazer/coat, very cool and gives me Crowley vibes)
While I'm talking about Geoff, time for another hair study!
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(This one I actually used separate screencaps for the outline and for the colour grabs)
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Wasn't even trying to pause in this shot but pfft Eli/Yama and J/Anubis doing the 🤏 thing
(Also kinda sorta another Eli Eyebrow raise?)
Baron: *(evil laugh)*
Anubis: OHKAY it's getting a little tense in here, time to lighten the mood a little bit!
Baron: wow rude
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Anubis: here hold this for me thanks!
Guardian: wait what am I meant to do with this?
(Though I'm pretty sure that's meant to be his sword anyway?)
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"Nooo time for looosers"
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Fight! Fight! Fight! (Eli/Yama: "I'm three ounces of whoop-ass")
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Love the facial expressions here, Anubis/J looks like he half-wishes he had popcorn! 😂
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Thumbnail moment! (Or close enough anyway)
Yama singing "I don't need you" to Baron and Baron doing a sort of sarcastic "haha very funny" head motion in return, love it
Not talking about the arrangement but I'd like to thank the Good Omens fandom, because I wouldn't have recognized/known the bridge of Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy in this medley otherwise (I didn't first see this video until like a year or so after it first came out)
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If you ever wind up in hospital, don't actually try to rip out IV drips or cannulas or any other tubes connected to your body!
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If I had a nickel for every time a different member of Voiceplay played air guitar in a video, I'd have at least four nickels! (Earl here, Cesar in Hellfire, Eli in Top 10 Sitcom Themes, and Geoff in at least three or more videos (maybe 5 if we count J None in the Frozen 2 Medley))
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Full-body group shot! (Also Eli, those shorts and those shoes are... an interesting combination that's for sure 😅) Also check out the body language of Baron/Geoff and Guardian/Layne!
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There's a comment or two that sums up "Guardian's" body language as "I don't actually want to hurt you, but I will if I absolutely have to"
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Love "Yama's" expression right before he's turned into a puff of smoke 😆
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Baron was on Earl's side the whole time!
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It would have been cool to have Baron bow out himself and be like "you did well, you can go on living now", rather than being poofed away like the others, but eh I'm sure Voiceplay had their reasonings
I would post a pic of the final shot, but Tumblr isn't letting me (I'm guessing I hit an image limit, rip). But still, it's very cute and sweet.
There's a reason why so many people adore this video/cover. The arrangement is stunning, the vocals are great, the costumes are cool, the makeup is really well done, and the whole plot/direction of the video is such a creative and original concept! Shoutout to Layne and Eli, who were in charge of both the video and the arrangement!
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merakiui · 2 years
Hey Mera! This may be a bit random but I was wondering what your fave type of villain is? I was watching some old Disney movies and I have to say that my fave villains are probably Ursula and Hades. I think they are a perfect balance between animated and imposing villains. They have such distinct personalities and are such memorable characters, in my opinion. (My fave part of the little mermaid has always been Ursula, I always found her to be so cool).
Hello!! :D aaaa favorite type of villain! Ursula and Hades are very good choices. Recently I watched Hercules and so I completely understand Hades's appeal as a villain. He was very funny and I liked his banter with Meg, especially when she was trying to tell him that Hercules was different and he says, "he's a guy!"
Ursula was also another favorite from my childhood, so your taste is very immaculate. I have always loved "Poor, Unfortunate Souls" and I liked how clever she was when making deals (surely this love for Little Mermaid won't lead to my love for a certain trio in a Disney mobile game known as Twisted Wonderland). Her lair always unnerved me as a child because of the garden of polyps she had. Knowing that those polyps were once merfolk who made deals with her and couldn't repay debts was so eerie to me!
Another villain I absolutely love is Dr. Facilier omg!!!! Princess and the Frog is one of my favorite Disney films and I love how cunning he is. So charismatic and casual!! It was really too good. orz his death scene frightened me as a child. It was wonderfully creepy, and I loved how ruthless he could be when it came to tricking others.
I also really liked Claude Frollo in the Hunchback of Notre Dame because he's done so well. He is so unsettling and horrifying and monstrous! When I watched it many months ago, I wasn't expecting to be so genuinely disturbed. He really is a villain in every manner of the word. I was rooting for his demise as the film reached its climax and aaaa it was so satisfying to watch him fall to his death!
This isn't Disney, but I liked Jack Horner in Puss in Boots 2. He was really refreshing because he was a genuinely evil character and he embraced that nature. Of course I also greatly enjoyed Death. He was so eerie with the whistling and the way in which he stalked Puss. Every one of his scenes had me at the edge of my seat. >0<
As for my favorite type of villain, it would have to be the kinds who appear friendly at first and seem like they might be on your side before it's revealed that they are, in fact, terribly evil. I like the concept of luring a person in with disarming behaviors, only to bring your jaws down when they're right where you want them. It's always so haunting when a character you think is sweet and good turns out to be vile and cruel.
I also enjoy villains who play the most complex mind games. And I also like villains who are very cute and appear innocent but turn out to be downright horrible. The contrast of cute and creepy will always be one of my favorite things! And then there are also villains with tragic backstories. I like those kinds of villains because I get to peer into their past and wonder what may have shaped them into a villain.
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wondermadeleine · 1 year
Thoughts on the Miraculous movie:
Tumblr media
I'll go into details and spoilers under the cut but here's the meat of it:
Too many songs that weren't even that good
The dialogues often felt forced and empty
The animation was so pretty, like???? Their hair? All the time? So cool
We get it, the power of love and listening to your heart, you don't have to say it in every scene
Lots of changes compared to the show, some of them were great and it could have been even better BUT:
It was so fucking rushed wtf? Which kind of explains my second point
In conclusion:
I consider this movie as an alternative universe, a "what could have happened" simply because it derives from the TV show canon so much
I also would have enjoyed it a lot more if it weren't for the songs, they really ruined it for me
Spoilers ahead, I'm gonna tell you the WHOLE plot, you have been warned
The songs
Like... Why would they do that? Were they trying to give it a Disney movie vibe? Because it sure felt like it. Marinette/Ladybug felt very Frozen-inspired, and Hawk Moth's song (yes, Gabriel has a song, several in fact) was very Dr Facilier/Rasputin
And the songs themselves were just... Not Good. There were too many and they were so cheesy. We were maybe 20 in the room, most of us adults, and let me tell you after the first few songs the general reaction to a new one were groans. I ended up saying "please don't sing, please don't sing" several times during the movie but of course my prayers were never answered. And I usually love musicals
Cut out all of the songs, they have 0 emotional impact anyway, replace them with some dialogue and more interactions between the characters to make their relationships feel less rushed and it could have been a really good movie
The plot
We basically get a speedrun of 5 seasons in 1h40min: Marinette and Adrien get their miraculous, learn how to super-hero, we get a time skip with lots of fights against akumatized people, Hawk Moth loses his mind because of "the butterfly" (don't ask me, I don't get it either) and because he can't get LB and CN's miraculouses, so he akumatizes himself, which somehow makes him super powerful and he destroys Paris, manages to get Ladybug's miraculous and right as he's about to get Chat Noir's, he realises that that's his son under the mask and.... purifies? himself? because The Power of Love. So everyone learns who Hawk Moth is but they don't seem to realize who Chat is? That's unclear to me. They definitely don't know about Ladybug though, since the "last" scene of the movie is Marinette telling Adrien who she is and this surprises him somehow, even though Marinette de-transformed and re-transformed in front of everyone during the fight against Hawk Moth, but okay
In the background we of course get the love square, which doesn't stay as "CN/Adrien → LB LB/Marinette → Adrien" very long:
Chat Noir and Ladybug sing a whole ass duet together when he tries to confess but at the end she says no and then we're supposed to believe that she's torn between Adrien and Chat Noir all of a sudden. Marinette then tries to invite Adrien to a ball and he refuses (since he just got rejected by the girl he likes) so they're both dejected and heartbroken. But after the boss battle, as I said, Marinette reveals herself to Adrien and they kiss
Have I mentioned that this movie is 1h40min long?
HOWEVER. The scene cuts to Nathalie going into the basement where Emilie's body is because Gabriel asked her to, and we see that Emilie is wearing the peacock miraculous
So, I guess they're teasing a sequel? But Master Fu got the butterfly miraculous back so idk what they'll do and idk if I'll want to watch it if it's another musical
Also, about Hawk Moth/Gabriel: they tried to explain why he wants to destroy Paris by saying that the butterfly miraculous is evil and corrupts your mind the more you use it but... I don't buy it. I just don't. I'd rather have a Gabriel that is so hurt by the death of his wife that he's willing to hurt people of his own free will because he loves her that much and would do anything to bring her back than whatever the hell it is they tried to do here. It could have worked if I hadn't watched the show I think, but since I have...
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buzbu · 1 year
I’m watching ‘Ladybug and Chat Noir: Awakening’ (you can watch a really bad quality bootleg recording on most pirating sites right now), these are my reactions while I’m watching . A lot of the points won’t make sense unless you’ve seen it too I’m sorry 😭
If you don’t want to watch the movie but want a vague idea of the plot, here u go
- master fu is soo dramatic
- whoever the singer is for marinette sounds so noticeably different to her it is throwing me off
- the character designs are so cute
- brand placement: 1
- Adrien is brooding so hard with his headphones. I bet he’s listening to something emo
- omg gabriel agreste backstory right away
- Luka cameo
- whyd they make plagg a fart monster
- there are more than 4 background character designs this is crazy
- whyd they make gabe kinda fine
- gabes first musical number as hawkmoth is so insanely Dr Facilier
- they made him such a good villain omfg I’m actually rooting for him he’s got the whole ‘a villain who would sacrifice the world to save her’ thing going for him
- oooo they have the mime villain from season 1 (?), and they are actually showing how op his power is. He could create literally anything and he just made a wall and a gun, he couldve done so much more. They did him justice they made him kinda fine too very Danny Bailey from Schmigadoon
- chat noir calling himself a sidekick is my villain origin story
- didn’t know how much I needed an action montage with a rock cover of the miraculous ladybug song until now
- a slither of adrienette in the montage
- brand placement: 2
- I’m an hour in and chat noir hasnt called ladybug milady ONCE
- oh my god they have the play fighting trope where they end up pinning eachother against a wall this is so them
- I don’t think the songs are very movie like, the words are pronounced like radio songs so you can’t really understand what they’re saying a lot of the time without captions (I don’t have captions 💔)
- the romance feels a lil rushed. Because they spent the first half hour almost exclusively on marinette and setting up her character/insecurities/etc and all the romantic development was in a montage. Now there’s a love song and theyre in love and it feels very underdeveloped to be at this stage already
- this song is cute though I can’t make out the majority of the words but in-love ladynoir content has my heart
- no marichat so far . Waiting patiently
- they haven’t set the love square up to its full potential 💔💔
- ok nevermind they kind of have, ladybug rejected chat noir for adrien, she asked adrien out and he rejected her for ladybug. But there has been no ladybug + adrien interactions or chat noir + marinette interactions yet
- omg gabriel adrien angst omg gabe is so much less of a dislikable character, they actually gave him some depth . Adrien is full on yelling at Gabriel and gabe actually looks like he cares about his son
- this bootleg is terrible quality but even with the bad quality the quality is so obviously good
- I’ve gotten used to the marinette singing voice and now I just love it
- this movie is so dramatic with the love songs and songs about insecurities, I feel like it’s that movie ladybug made fun of in the show
- adrien just said ‘the less interested you are, the more they run after you 😒’ because ladybug called him for help after she rejected him😭😭😭😭 bro rlly said all girls are the same
- idk if this bootleg is just clipped together but it keeps randomly turning french with no subtitles and it’s confusing me so much. I don’t know french, why must they be in paris
- these boss fights are so well animated
- chat noir is so bitter god damn
- ladynoir angst but it’s actually high stakes im loving this
- gabe just turned the water they fell in into lava this is crazy
- they just turned french again I have no idea what they’re saying
- nevermind
- I’m sorry marinette would pick this dialogue to shreds it’s so corny
- this is what ppl wanted for the show . adrien being resentful at first, Gabriel hit in the face with his own guilt and mistakes, having a genuine moment of self reflection, adrien forgiving him and gabe changing instead of getting his wish and being remembered as a hero, plus all of paris finding out hawkmoth was Gabriel, etc. I love this
- brand placement: 3
- omg there’s a masquerade ball everyone looks so good
- so marinette knows that adrien is chat noir but he doesn’t know shes ladybug yet ? That better change in the next 2 minutes
- marinette is so pretty I’m actually so happy with this
- oh theyre talking in french again I have no idea what this ending means
obvs it isn’t canon but I love this adaptation. The superpowers are portrayed as powerful as they actually are, there’s more drama and angst which I needed, the timeline is VERY different to the show. Marinette stands up for herself to chloe the same day that ladybug and chat noir reveal their identities, so it’s like the origins episode of season 1 mixed with one of the various identity reveals from season 4. Also she’s not friends with any of her class other than alya, adrien and nino, so it’s also kind of pre-origins vibes. Idk, it was really good and I can’t wait to watch it in better quality, with captions, and without ads playing every half hour
Also I’m forever thankful that there was no lila rossi storyline
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Wheezy's face was absolutely slack, and his fingers twitched at his sides; Shiny (Scratch that, no one-) had ever seen him so beside himself as he came to the realisation that she... was the one who brought him back.
(For context this is meant to be about that idea that Shiny turned Wheezy into a ghoul ^^ But you can make it whatever you want!)
As soon as those words 'Is it even a girl??' came outta Buckman you only had one important question for him as he straightens up and immediately startles at your extremely dubious expression aimed directly at him; Because, sorry sorry, but- Would that make a difference???
(For context, again- I've been thinking a lot about that one bit in 2001 Maniacs with Lester and Jezebel, and Buckman leaning down to check if Jezebel was a female sheep- as if that would might make thus union better somehow 😂😂😂 I dunno its just so ridiculous it cracks me up XD )
Poppy absolutely positively could not feel her legs in that moment, that the Evil freaken Queen took up her paw in her hand and shook it, saying how she (Grimhilde, the Evil Freaken Queen- ) enjoyed the cartoons that she starred in years ago; All Poppy could think was that she's just as pretty in person!-
"Y/N, darlin', take me back, please cher, I- I'm begging you- one more chance; Just one more, sweetheart, I promise I wont mess it up this time." - Dr Facilier
Some random ones for you to pick from! If none of them do it for you, that's totally cool; Just giving you some options!
Aaaahhh thank you so much anon (who I totally don't know the identity of)! These prompts are absolutely amazing! I've been thinking about 1 and 3 all day honestly XD
Also, gonna go with paragraphs and not sentences again because I can't restrain myself to just five sentences. I think in general I'm just gonna go with paragraphs XD
Warnings for mentions of... Uh... Well, if you've seen 2001 Maniacs, or read the prompt, you know what's going on between Lester and poor Jezebel. I didn't direct that movie, anon and I are just making comedy from that scene. And cursing.
"You... 'Yer the one that did this to me?"
For the first time in a long time, Shiny felt the skin on her back crawl from the ice cold glare in the ghouls eyes alone. If it weren't for the fact that she could very easily make him combust if he made a move towards her, she would have been scared for her life. Not that she'd admit that out loud, "Ok, Wheeze, I know I screwed up. How 'bout we talk this out over a couple of dri-"
"Talk? You- You can't just talk this out." His tone was below freezing, and one hand at his side balled up into a fist. But he didn't take a step closer to her like she was preparing for. Instead, the other hand pointed an angry finger at the witch, "You brought me back when I was at peace! What the hell were you even tryin' t'do out there!?
"I'll tell you if you can calm yourself." The woman fired back as she got one of her personal jars and a couple of glasses out. She tried not to sound too harsh, though; she couldn't exactly blame Wheezy for freaking out over this discovery. Especially since witches usually only summoned the dead to try to use them in some way, "Look. I can assure you, I had no nefarious intentions that night. But I can't explain if you start losin' your head. So sit down, have some moonshine, and listen with your ears and not your emotions. Kay?"
Shiny kept a straight look on her face as she offered one of the glasses to him, while Wheezy continued to glare at her for a moment... There was no sign of teasing or trickery that he could see, "..."
Finally, the ghoul just grabbed the jar- not the small glass she offered- from her hand and took a good swig out of that before silently making his way to her couch. He could hear her mumble, "I guess I deserve that." Behind him, and rummage for a separate jar before following him.
(Shhhh this is totally five paragraphs. Five plus one is still five in writers world XD)
When your oh-so-beloved mayor looked at you like you just sprouted two heads, it took everything in you not to smack him upside the head when he asked innocently, "What? What'd I say, darlin'?"
"What did you- George, why would it make any difference if that poor sheep was a 'girlie'!?" You exclaimed in a huff. You've been a citizen of this town for literal centuries, witnessed many horrific jubilees all these years, yet this was possibly the most disturbing thing you've heard in a long while. Next to finding out what Harper kept under his bed, "Lester should be kept away from all our animals! No matter if they're boys or girls!"
"Hey! I ain't hurtin' Jezebel! I wouldn't even dream of it!" Lester insisted, and you couldn't help the pursing of your lips and the roll of your eyes as you slowly look towards your sweethearts' unfortunate son.
"Lester, you're the accused. Not the lawyer. You don't get to make any objections." Lester just stared at you slack jawed, looking like he was struggling to wrap his head around what you said. When he and neither of his brothers- who had just been standing back watching this shit show go down- didn't say anything, you turned back to Buckman, "Now-"
"Well, can I be my own lawyer?" And at that, you just threw your hands up and stormed off to help Boone in the kitchen. Honestly, you were this close to joining the northerners. They have made some pretty good points over the years...
Poppy's eyes were wide as she stared back up at the fellow toon- The Evil Queen! Was shopping at her store!? And she knew insignificant her!? If this was a dream, she didn't want to be woken up! Realizing she was just staring, the rabbit shook her head and hoped to god that her stutter wouldn't rear its ugly head now of all times, "Y-You are? You're a f-fan of mi- my work?? I... Wow! I-I have no idea wh-what to say! Th-Thank you so much Miss Grim- I mean my lady!"
... She must have sounded so stupid to the Queen. But if she did, the woman made no indication of that. In fact she- oh lord, was that a smirk?? She felt like she was going to faint! "There's no need for formalities. Now, would you care to assist me? I haven't been to this shop before."
Ok. If she was shot dead right now, Poppy could die happy. Grimhilde wanted her help??? "Y-Yes! I-I'm more than happy to a-assist my la- Miss Grimhilde! You mentioned y-you wanted velvet, right?"
Poppy had no clue how she managed to hold herself together for so long- especially since Grimhilde wanted to enquire about her previous career! But once the queen left the store, she knew she couldn't go back to her station right away. She had to tap out, "Um... H-Hannah? Could you t-take over measurements for a moment? I-I need to... F-Fetch something from the back."
Thank the lord. Her coworker was willing to help. Though that knowing look really didn't make things any better. Nevertheless, Poppy rushed to the nearest door that led to the stock room, continued on until she reached a far corner where she was certain no one would hear her... And then let out all the excited squealing she had been holding back for so long, "She knows me!!!"
You sighed as you remembered those last words from your love. The last time the two of you had spoken in a long time- if you can even call it that. You had been so enraged with Facilier that you just packed your things and left.
You couldn't believe him at first. How he took advantage of innocent people. How he trapped them to feed their souls to his friends in exchange for granting their wishes. Sometimes, in ways that they never even wanted in the first place. You knew he practiced voodoo. You knew he didn't much care for the higher class, and you did agree that they needed to be knocked down a few pegs- but not like this! Just how many lives did he ruin that had nothing to do with his position in life?
But... You miss him. Facilier wasn't just the love of your life. He was your friend. You two hadn't known each other all your lives, but you had been with each other through thick and thin within the comparatively short period you two were together. It felt like the two of you knew each other in ways nobody else on Earth could. You had let the shadow man in, and you couldn't push him out. No matter how hard you tried.
Which was what led to you here. Walking down the still familiar alleyway, passing by the still dead tree in the center of this hidden space in the city, knocking on the chipped purple door, and tearing up at the sight of your other half as he looked so shocked to see you, "Sweethe-... Y/N?"
"Hey there... Cher."
(What happens next? You decide~)
I hope you like these! I think this'll help a lot with the writers block. Thank you! ^^
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
Pro’s of having certain villains as your parent!
Dr. Facilier (suggested by @cleverqueenchild)
- Congrats on having one of the most fun parents! 
- I agree with the movie’s approach of having as a good parent, he doesn’t strike me as an unnecessarily cruel person (he can do it, not saying he can’t but only in times it will push him forward)
- He’d teach you all sorts of tricks and schemes, making your time on the isle easier on you
- While his friends on the other side might still have a bone to pick with Facilier they wouldn’t bring you into it, even protecting you if you’re respectful to them
Honest John (suggested by @lamplily1998)
- He isn’t the smartest on the isle but he does rank higher than the average person, I feel like he also values intelligence and would do his best to see his children educated
- He has also been seen as to having moral limits (or at least fears the law but that can also keep him in line) so you don’t have to worry about being treated like utter garbage
- He is a master manipulator and schemer and if you want something he’ll find a way to get it for you
Gideon (suggested by @lamplily1998)
- Gideon is described as a loyal person and would definitely have loyalty for his own family
- Whereas John has moral limits Gideon does not and this can still be in benefit, he won’t think twice about protecting the people he’s loyal to
- A very relaxed parent, as long as you don’t bother him too much you’re free to do whatever you want
William Clayton (suggested by @shouldwemaybe)
- He is very good at protecting and likely do to so
- Has interesting stories to tell! I’m willing to bet his jounrey with the Porters wasn’t his first time out in the wild. You’ll never grow bored!
- Like most villains he has a short temper but is shown being able to control it most of the time, you won’t be constantly berated
- He’d teach you how to hunt, this ensuring you’ll be both safe and fed most times
The Ringmaster (suggested by @shouldwemaybe​) (I haven’t watched the live action so this is purely the 1941 version)
- He is one of the most reasonable villains imo, I wouldn’t even call him evil (especially not compared to others on the isle) so he’d be able to treat his children kindly and with respect
- He could teach you cool circus tricks, it’s almost a guarantee you’d have some general circus act training/experience which could make navigating the Isle easy (ex. acrobat training could help you parkour)
- I could see something like a circus still being a thing on the Isle so likely the show still goes on! People wouldn’t be likely to mess with you bc the circus is like one of the few fun things on the isle and they don’t want to get thrown out bc they messed w the owner’s kid
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.72--Episodes 15-16
I have watched through S7E16; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Flynn’s Barcade. Love me a TRON reference. Those movies were brilliant.
—Also, now I know that Hook apparently plays pinball.
—Woulda been funny if Rumple had the high score on Galaga. Can I really see him playing video games? Probably not. Would it be funny anyway? Yes, yes it would.
—I adore Drizella’s fashion sense. She’s very chic. The miniskirts are fun, and they’ve got cute patterns and different textures. And I love how she wears black tights and black shoes together, it looks great.
—I don’t think I really believe that she could fend off a killer like that, but as long as she and her sister get to be together in another world I can excuse the bogusness that got them there.
—Zelena’s last name being West in Hyperion Heights is almost as stupid as Belle’s last name being French.
—The second episode 15 ended, I galaxy-brained and realized that Nick/Jack was Hansel. I’m glad I’m finally getting back my intuitive touch—I should hate for it to be predictable, but I feel honestly brilliant whenever I accurately forecast a plot twist in this show.
—Having a piratey adventure was fun. Even if most of it was fake. Also, it was really considerate of Hook to set up that entire venture just to help Henry find a ring he thought was worthy of Cinderella. I didn’t think about it before, but it must be hard for him to be compared to original Hook. He’s a good guy in his own right, though, and it’s about time Henry figured that out.
—Hook is totally gorgeous with his hair all wet and sticking to his face. Storms look good on him.
—Considering Davy Jones was a pirate, wouldn’t it be fun if Hook was like a long-lost legacy of his?
—Rumple telling Henry that Henry Mills was his favorite character in the book was sweet. Sad, too, because he had to skirt the truth, but he was still trying to bolster his grandson’s spirits, but it was terribly sweet.
—Actually, it’s really sad how so many people have to keep the truth from the others around them. Regina can’t talk to Henry mother-to-son. Zelena can’t tell Robin the truth, even though it’s hurting their relationship. (At least they know they’re mother and daughter, though. That’s a bonus.) Even Lucy has to keep secrets from her mom and dad, despite the fact that she’s trying to either get them together or keep them apart. And Rumple has to withhold the truth from Henry, *and* he knows that Alice is Hook’s daughter and he can’t tell, even if he does try to help their relationship along.
—Rumple gluing the teacup back together made me sad.
—It’s hilarious that Hook made Alice get a job because she ate everything in his fridge.
—The string of lights in Tiana’s food truck being chili-shaped is awesome. I wonder where, if at all, one could find those fr?
—Alice is adorable. I love the way she pronounces beignets. You know what, I don’t have all the details on their relationship before the curse, but it would just slap if Alice and Robin broke the curse with True Love’s Kiss.
—Gosh, Rumple’s even kinda got the bi sitting thing down.
—I love that Rumple is committed to being good now, even with Belle gone. That light in him is beautiful.
—See, it’s nice to see Regina being happy in her relationship with Dr. Facilier, but I don’t even trust him as far as I can throw him, and honeys that ain’t far.
—I want neither Henry nor Zelena to kick the bucket. That would be 0/10, not at all cool.
—Regina was wearing a real gorgeous pair of magenta boots. I like about half of her new wardrobe, and those boots totally make the list.
—Maybe Henry and Cinderella should stop focusing so much on whether or not the signs are telling them to be together, and instead take a good long think about why they want the signs so desperately. I mean, I love soulmates and destiny and that kind of stuff, but sometimes you have to get off your keister and get it done yourself.
—Pardon me for saying it, but this season has got me feeling some kind of way about Hook and Rumple. A shipping kind of way, if you catch my drift. I don’t care if it’s a popular opinion or an unpopular one, but their dynamic is pretty different in this season, what with Rumple being good and Hook not remembering that he hated Rumple back in the day, and they’ve got some tension but they also get along pretty well....Idk, if you don’t like it, then feel free to ignore this particular opinion, because it’s only one of many I have and it’s not exactly the kind of hill I want to die on, but I do find myself enjoying this new perspective.
Little off-topic, but today I watched episodes of 7th Heaven and ER with Raphael Sbarge (Dr. Hopper) in them, and boy am I living. He’s just been cute his whole goshdarn life, hasn’t he! (Tho it kinda threw me for a loop the first time I saw him without glasses.) I’ve gotta find a way to watch Star Trek: Voyager, because he’s in like five episodes of that, and I just adore him. And, as an added bonus, the episode of ER that came on after the one with Raphael Sbarge had Eion Bailey (August/Pinocchio) in it, which is yes.
Also, I’m annoyed at Prime Video, because I would love to watch The Full Monty (my mom even said she would watch it with me) but it’s only available for pay. It bothers me how we pay for streaming services, in order to get access to a whole load of stuff, and then there’s still stuff locked behind a paywall. I guess it’s a better business model, but still. And yes, I would be watching that movie for Robert Carlyle and Robert Carlyle only.
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Heey! Loved the Poly! Hades and Hook x Reader, but I can request some Poly! Hades and Facilier x reader or Poly Hook and Facilier x reader ((you can choose which one you like don't worry, I love the three of them)) thanks!!
Heyo! Facilier isn't on my list of characters but honestly I am LIVING for the idea of Poly Hades, Facilier and Reader, so we're going to town on this!
Poly!Hades & Dr. Facilier x Reader:
So I'm just going to open with this: time is weird and the afterlife dimensions sometimes overlap.
So yes, it's entirely possible that a 20th Century soul gets yeeted into the ancient greek Underworld, though the Jury is out on whether that was a genuine accident vs the Loa's idea of creative punishment or they simply ran out of patience for the guy after he died and they collected his debt.
Either way, Facilier ended up in the Styx, and coincidentally fucked up Hades' entire organisation system.
I'm going to headcannon that you as the Reader in this case actually works for Hades - at least initially - but on a way more lenient lease than Meg ever was. More like an employee than a soul-bound slave.
So you're the one who fished one poor unfortunate Doctor out of the river and plonked him, shivering and wide eyed, in Hades' throne room. Pain and Panic were out attempting to catch his shadow with a torch and a net, which you left them to.
Hades is slouched on his throne, boiling mad yet attempting to play it cool, as he attempts to parse where the fuck Facilier came from and where to send him. And in panic, with no powers and at the mercy of a strange god, Facilier falls back on his greatest talent: talking.
You notice Hades' eyebrows uptick as soon as Facilier opens his mouth. One smooth-talker instantly clocking another, and you allow yourself to smile slightly as Facilier lays out his case and the Lord of the Dead's posture goes from irate-overworked-desk-bound-administrator to the sort of relaxed yet focused lounging that lions adopt when starting to get hungry.
Eventually, you suggest that - while a fitting location is thought up for the Doctor - he could stick around the main palace for a while. You'd keep an eye on him.
Hades eyes smolder as you put a hand on the shade's shoulder. Your own relationship is already Polyamourous as he's married to Persephone, so ground rules for a new partner of interest have been agreed between you all for a while. Facilier cathces onto a hidden meaning in your looks, but wisely decides to keep his head down for the minute and see how this goes.
It barely takes a week before you two are flirting.
It barely takes a month for Hades to join in.
It barely takes a year for Facilier to once again be among the living his shadow has free reign in the Underworld he's met Persephone and charmed the socks off her enough that he gets to join your previously exclusive girls-nights (RIP Hades) and you have no idea how you've managed to land Both of these men but you sure as hell aren't complaining-
Reader you're in voice kink heaven ok for god's sake batten down the hatches these two sound sexy just reading the admissions paperwork and they know it. The teasing is a nightmare.
Shadow sometimes feels everything is getting a bit too chummy and will initiate prank wars to sabotage any dating activity going on in the immediate vicinity. He has bets going with Pain and Panic.
Facilier is an extremely thoughtful partner. More than once he's appeared to help with your work, with dinner and a gift that he remembered you offhandedly mentioned last week. More than once you've found him subtly helping Hades get breaks from the eternal grind that is Underworld maintenance, initiating affection and cuddles that you've realised Hades needs way more than he asks for.
The bed has been expanded and group sleeping piles are forever.
Honestly, Reader, you've landed in an actual gem of a relationship.
It's just that every few decades they both attempt to usurp the cosmic powers that be and it becomes your job to unpeel them from the stonework where the other gods smote them into non-existence. C'est la Vie.
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