miracleghast · 18 days ago
mcyt fandom so deprived rn that we stanning parkour civilization now, iconic truly, anyways evbo is the gen alpha’s tommyinnit send post
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moe-broey · 2 months ago
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Back to what I do best (bare minimum Putting My Guys In Situations shitposts) 😌
Inspo under cut!!!
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#fire emblem#feh#got so mad at my other thing i finished this one out of spite.#this shitpost is also what spurred on my recent fairy posts! really really funny and unironically cool#how shitpost redraws can just. help you get a better feel for a chara and/or their dynamics w other charas#or in this case makes you REALLY think about them like!!! yeah haha funny plumeria hatemail#but like how am i gonna draw her actually? how am i gonna portray her? i need to figure these things out as i go#which led to my redesign and oops! uh oh! she's in my brain now. she's taking on a life of her own.#i def needed the break/detour though... if i ever want to get to my fairy lore i have to. develop the fairy lore.#also kind of fucked up and evil i think i finally hit a point where i was tired of drawing alfonse. insane.#to be fair... that other project i've been working on.... has hands.#again just a much needed break/shifting of gears. it was a lot of fun!!!!!#this was a rush job though i will admit that. again. finished out of Spite.#okay okay now that i'm done complaining. about the piece itself i feel like i have to say#THE CHARACTERIZATION... IS SO PEAK SILLY HERE I LOVE IT SO MUCH. ESPPP SHARENA#sharena just being a yes man to moe. bc they're besties she HAS to be in its corner and defend its good name!!! 😤😤😤#moe just. being oppositional just for the sake of it. guy who loves to just Say Things so long as it gets a good reaction.#(CAN GO. SO POORLY FOR IT.)#alfonse.#i just loooove... putting guys in situations... it's soooooo fun#fe plumeria#sharena#fe alfonse#moe tag#summoner oc#my art#my comics
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thegreatyin · 2 years ago
darkstalker wings of fire is one of my favorite characters ever because he's so awful and i love seeing him get so much worse
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blujayonthewing · 1 year ago
thinking once again about how my desire to present my silly little gnome OCs as definitely being goofy little guys but still also capable of being seen as desirable or being treated with respect or even just taken seriously at all feels like self love even when said OCs don't have anything specific in common with me
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silverzoomies · 1 month ago
hello !!! i was just wondering if you think there are any other bands peter would like besides nirvana, pink floyd, and rush ?? he gives me classic rock (& just rock in general) vibes tbh !!
anon you just opened up a can of worms !!
i once did extensive research into this. way more than anyone should for a character way past his relevance. and i'm still discovering new tunes i think he'd be into all the time !! i'll try not make this long winded (it will be). but for now...
🎶👾 peter maximoff's (potential) favorite tunes 👾🎶
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we already know pink floyd, rush, and nirvana are included. they're shown through the shirts he wears !!
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rush is a major one. because unlike the other two, apocalypse era peter has rush all around him !! the rush posters in his basement. the leg cast with "i luv rush." it's safe to say he's kind of a rush fanboy (and he's so real for that because rush is rad as hell).
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i have a list of bands/artists i can confirm he canonically likes, as they've been referenced before. whether it be through background clues (posters, background music, etc), or because they were explicitly mentioned by people involved in making the films.
🎶 yardbirds 🎶 the doors 🎶 led zeppelin 🎶 buffalo springfield 🎶 alice cooper 🎶 jim croce 🎶 neil diamond
and while we know he listens to eurythmics (sweet dreams), i don't necessarily include them as a band. just because i personally feel this has less to do with the artist, and more about whatever was mainstream in 1983 (but you can choose to include them if you want !! after all, people mostly listened to whole albums back then).
peter definitely enjoys rock overall. but he doesn't seem averse to mainstream pop either. so we can probably assume he'll listen to anything, as long as it's catchy !!
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here's some bands/artists we can assume he likes based on what we already know:
🎶 jimi hendrix 🎶 cream 🎶 the beatles 🎶 fleetwood mac 🎶 queen 🎶 david bowie 🎶 tom petty 🎶 ac/dc 🎶 bon jovi 🎶 journey 🎶 guns n roses 🎶 the eagles 🎶 joan jett & the blackhearts 🎶 deff leppard 🎶 tears for fears 🎶 michael jackson
and if there's some other classics i missed (from the 60's/70's/80's) you think he might like - please feel free to drop me an ask !! i'd love to add more to the list !!
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lastly, i'm gonna drop some bands/artists i personally like to think he might listen to. mostly because it's fun to imagine so:
🎶 iggy pop 🎶 bee gees 🎶 thin lizzy 🎶 toto 🎶 a flock of seagulls 🎶 elton john 🎶 u2 🎶 redbone 🎶 madonna (i 100% believe it, you can't convince me otherwise) 🎶 pearl jam 🎶 radiohead 🎶 red hot chili peppers 🎶 green day 🎶 my chemical romance 🎶 beastie boys 🎶 smash mouth 🎶 nickelback (fight me, i dare you)
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if you're looking for any specific songs, there's a really awesome playlist i listen to religiously. chai_vibes's "songs peter maximoff would unironically listen to" is so peak !! and i'll go ahead and drop my own peter maximoff playlist too, just because i worked really hard on it !! lol
happy listening !! thanks for hearin' me out !!
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the-selfinsert · 10 days ago
wait wtf, why is Parkour Civilization unironically kind of peak???
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hey-its-danny · 3 months ago
Your lbmr art is based asf please infodump any and all opinions about it if you'd like
(also are we okay to use some of your lbmr art as face claims cause we're a system w/potty and placid as a subsystem. Ofc no pressure but we thought we'd ask :] )
hey there, absolutely go use my alfendi!! it feels like an honor to know my art was able to accurately depict him for you 🙏🙏 and for thoughts on the game im just gonna write them because my artist hand isnt working today LOL
so the game was great, super cool, in retrospect i think the adage of the layton franchise actually kind of benefited this story in the long term (provided some cool parallels, hooked the player through subversion the entire way through, also i just like any mention of layton what can i say). Lucy is adorable and while a little underbaked her tailspin in case 9 and the latter half of the ending felt really freaking good to play. i’m usually a huge bastard about any storyline set in a foreign country but this game did a good job of staying sensitive enough about its portrayals of foreign characters while still maintaining the raw edges that kind of define this game for me.
alfendi’s ambiguous multiple personality disorder is best understood by reading jekyll and hyde, go do it, im making you. also read house of leaves and the picture of dorian gray NNNNEEEOOOWWWW they’re classics for a reason and parallel kind of cooly with the profs characterization. side note that kind of ties into the unpolished quality of the game, i love how weirdly crass it is. like yeah, blood and whatever, but also so many sexy women??? it feels like this game took the ‘all of these old ladies are flirting with layton’ quality of the og trilogy and turned it up 10 notches (this is a good thing i think). i loved dolly like i’ve said, dolly and lucy definitely talk after her case- i imagine theyre not friends, but they catch up sometimes over coffee or at her concerts ^_^ i imagine any stories lucy would tell get turned into songs later, which makes her kind of weary lol
and roscoe if only because of his similarities to raymond shields, but i’m also a huge sucker for the “pull a person aside and ask if they scored it with the love interest yet” trope such a normal amount…… im so glad they did it twice..!
TLDR; great game, not even trying to be layton but succeeding at being ghost trick lite. pacing is a little bogged down by the excess cases near the middle of the story, but the characters and mysteries are cool enough that i forgive it. everybody needs to play cases 6-9 now they are unironically peak. also cant believe i got harry dubois’d by the layton protagonist (im not clarifying what that means)
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oh one more note, since im not expecting a sequel to explain it my opinion is that alfendi was either adopted as a teen or is layton’s actual biological son
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papercute · 11 months ago
i unironically enjoy mystreet!gene as a character. don’t get me wrong he’s absolutely disgusting in high school (black-mailing and i think tryna kiss a 14yr old), even though i do enjoy him as a villain. but i also like that he’s introduced in my street as being way chiller now. he’s just some guy down on his luck who needs a job. he really struggles to stay afloat (as we can see when aphmau literally has to get him a house cause he doesn’t have one) and i think it just shows that he peaked in high school, which, in a way, is a punishment for his past actions — as he deserves.
but it kind of takes a dip into tragic when he’s discovered rummaging through garroth, laurance & zane’s bins for food. or when he’s visibly exhausted working as a bin man. sure working a tiring job is one thing, but having to steal from your neighbours in order to eat is just depressing. and the fact that he hides it when garroth and laurance question him; he’s clearly ashamed of his financial situation compared to the way more well-off protagonists of mystreet (namely the people on the street itself), who, to my knowledge, never have to worry about such a thing.
i also like how, immediately upon sasha and zenix moving in to his home they spray paint the shadow knights logo, and do so on all the bins on the street. idk what it is but to me it shows how zenix & sasha are clinging to their high school days, because it was the best time of their lives too, compared to gene who isn’t. it shows to me that he has grown past that while they have not.
and we can tell gene’s experienced growth rather than just suddenly changing because when ivan insults him he immediately takes on the ruder tone he had in high school (“no one takes that tone with me,” etc). so it’s very clearly still in him to be horrible, but he chooses not to be.
idk i just really like the growth he demonstrates even if it’s subtle or just me interpreting things weird.
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funhouse-mirror-barbie · 3 months ago
I’ve seen people on Twitter talk about how Hazbin Hotel was snubbed since it wasn’t nominated for an Emmy and talking about how people who don’t like the show are happy about it and like.
Idk I can only speak for myself, but tbh I’m kinda sad that the show, from the beginning, just…wasn’t good. Not Emmy good, at the very least. (more below)
There’s this weird expectation that, if you are at all critical or dissatisfied with what the Hazbin show ended up being, that you’re a horrible person who is obsessed with seeing everyone who worked on the project fail, and have just hated the show and its creator since the beginning of time and like…
I did not want the show to be bad!! I was really hoping that I’d be wrong, that I’d be pleasantly surprised, that the show would be entertaining and well written and paced. But, for me, it just wasn’t.
I have tried to be very forthcoming about the things I liked and what I wished the show would have focused on more. I wanted to like the show!!! I would have LOVED the show if its writing and animation were on par with other adult animated shows.
However when it came out, it had a LOT of problems, and it seems really clear to me that the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences picked up on them, just as I did.
It’s so odd to me that a lot of Hazbin “super-fans” think that if you’re critical of the show you must hate it, because the majority of people I’ve spoken to who are very critical of the series ARE fans of the series who felt disappointed by it when it actually came out.
Switching gears a bit—It’s genuinely kind of disheartening to see so many people prop the show up as if it was the best most perfect best show ever when, in reality, Hazbin is a perfectly serviceable and fun show, but is not as deep or as well-crafted as it claims to be, and as a lot of other adult animation that’s out right now.
Recently, I’ve seen this belief develop in some fandoms that what you love needs to be somehow validated or “proven” to be good by winning an award or receiving accolades.
And while I definitely understand the desire to see something you love be recognized for the artistry that’s put into it, the truth is that sometimes there are really really good pieces of art and media that don’t get the recognition they deserve, and there are really really bad pieces of art and media that are treated like holy grails.
Like I’m saying all of this as someone who’s favorite movie is fucking Tron: Legacy. I LOVE Tron Legacy. It’s so fun and I love the characters and environment. But it’s also bad!!! It’s a very convoluted plot, and characters don’t get a lot of development and it has the “born sexy yesterday” trope which I hate and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time!!! I love it!!
But it doesn’t have to be a perfect masterpiece for it to be a masterpiece to me personally. I can recognize that while I love it, it’s not particularly amazing by any means. It’s kind of a shit show. The story and writing and cinematography don’t deserve any big awards. But I love it and that’s all that matters!
I do not think that Hazbin Hotel deserves any awards for being an excellent television show, and I can also really see why the people who decide Emmy nominations did not nominate it.
But who cares what I think!! My favorite movie is Tron Legacy! And I completely unironically love the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie!!!
The point I’m trying to make is that, while yes, it can be disappointing when something you love isn’t recognized, but that shouldn’t take away the value the show has to you if you love it.
Hazbin Hotel can be a bad show, and it can still be your favorite show that you love more than anything. Tron Legacy can be a bad movie and I can still love it and think it’s peak cinema. It’s okay. It’s okay to like and love media that isn’t perfect. It’s okay to criticize the media you love.
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gyunglitter · 11 months ago
the losers club !!
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summary: just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: doja cat fandom slander, mentions of soobin's feet, mentions of bullying, cursing
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contrary to your group’s self-appointed nickname, you guys are actually well known (and liked!) on campus!! :D
you guys have NO IDEA as to how so many people on campus grew to like you and want to hang out with you
especially since you guys had a hard time in school before
but woohoo to not peaking in high school right?!
tbh, you guys are testaments to that second round of puberty nobody talks about
ya know, the glow up that happens after you graduate high school and get away from all the pricks you were forced to see everyday?
yup, you and your losers are finally thriving
besides when you’re dying bc of all your classes and tests
but yeah
while other ppl really like your group’s personalities
i mean, just look at y’all!
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[choi yeonjun]-
‘99 liner//junior
took a gap year before getting dragged back to go to school so he could learn to be a normal human being
did someone say IT BOY??
literally the girls and the gays are in love with this man
dance major and student athlete who unironically does zumba every saturday morning
had no social life in high school because kid was NEVER there
he was a bored only child, while his neglectful parents were filthy rich and figured their kid could do whatever he wanted to entertain himself
so what he wanted, they got it—including vacations
with him being gone so much, his classmates always wondered who this choi yeonjun guy was and how he could miss so much school while still passing
though the intrigue kind of stopped when he pulled up to school with the ugliest shoes to walk south korea
him and his obnoxious shoes gave a lot of people the ick :(
but never fear, yeonjun and his footwear are just ahead of their time!
(you can't say they are in quite yet, but they probably will come around some day!!)
yeonjun typically spent his days doing sports, travelling, and running away from talent scouts lmao
no idol life for him in THIS lifetime
but as life would have it, the man is too scrumptious to be out of the spotlight for too long
bc he became a model not too long after college started due to a school project photoshoot went viral on twitter!!
his twitter is a minefield while he reserves his insta for the wholesome content :)
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[choi soobin]-
‘00 liner//junior
glue of the group despite insisting how much he HATES y’all
broadcast and entertainment major so he can get into the entertainment industry and get the bts of moviemaking!!
(really just wants to meet all of his favorite voice actors tbh)
known for being the Ultimate Boyfriend™ despite never actually being in a relationship lololol
in middle school he got into anime, which was COMPLETELY normal! he actually made a ton of friends that way!!
at least until one of his friends came over and saw his body pillow collection
yikes :/
unfortunately didn’t take long at all for the whole school to find out, and then they never let it go
all the way up until he graduated high school :(((
it’s okay tho!
he had tons of online friends from going to conventions and stuff!!
but making irl friends was definitely hard for him when he got to college
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[choi beomgyu]-
01’ liner//sophomore
absolute MENACE to your little society
he’s the guy who gets whoever is in his company to unironically admit “last night was a movie”
music major studying composition while playing guitar in a band
the girlies are FAWNING
ppl are so in love with him because he’s so pretty
but then the kid opens his mouth :/
he was the most extroverted kid
which worked perfectly bc with his good looks and personality, everyone wanted to be his friend!! :D
but with high school, friends, and all his 100 extracurriculars
kid burned out by senior year :(
his last year of school, he totally ghosted his friends and stayed inside all day playing video games
(he actually got diamond 1 on LoL, boy is nothing if not determined)
eventually rumors went around that he got dropped and turned into a social outcast
but he didn’t really care since he was fine with rotting away the rest of the school year
by the time he got to college, he wanted nothing to do with things that would suck his already nonexistent energy
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[kang taehyun]-
02’ liner//freshman
the one that always has the braincell
and really wishes he didn’t so he could escape yall
stem major for engineering, which is just another one of his controversial choices (being second only to befriending yall)
everyone on campus knows him as that one guy you go to when you need the answers to your homework or your final
yeah, he’s selling the test answers on the black market :P
what? he’s in DEBT
he never gets suspected tho bc he alrdy knows all the answers, so why would he be involved with that??
but the rest of the town?
well, the town knows him as terry
mans is always seen at the gym and the club pulling without even trying
this is TOTALLY contrasting to his high school life, where he literally only gave his time of day to his studies
mans did not have TIME to hang out with anybody
bc of this, he became a bit of an easy target to the one-dimensional jocks that tried to use him to get them better grades :(
he was a small kid, so he got picked on and tossed around a lot :(((
it’s okay, since he’s buffer than them now!! >:)
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[huening kai]-
‘02 liner//freshman
maknae that’s more mature than ALL OF YOU
he acts like he isn’t, but kid grew up a MIDDLE CHILD between TWO SISTERS
they’d managed to craft the most perfect and thoughtful angel to grace south korea
except for his demonic laugh :/
he’s coasting through college, wishing he could tell you what major he was
but boy is constantly changing it LMAO
he just loves learning about different subjects!!
not to mention he’s good at most things he tries
so he makes tons of friends!!
but he didn’t always :(
from middle to high school, he was THE band kid
he could play the guitar, percussion, trombone, and piccolo!!
so when little kai walked home in his minecraft hoodie carrying his giant instrument case
8/10 times kid would get pelted by eggs or something on the way home
good thing he had his trombone case to shield him!! :D
kai would also be insanely awkward and didn’t have good icebreakers besides his plushie collection
too bad that didn’t become socially acceptable for another few years
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[y/l/n y/n]-
‘01 liner//sophomore
ladies and gentlemen i give you
the group's resident photographer, despite the fact that you're SO HOT
you are beauty
you are grace
well, you are now
high school: not so much
you were LOSER #1 girlie ://
you were just a little slow to pick up on a lot of social cues and what was "cool" or not, making you prone to awkward situations and bullying
for example: pinky promises and saying “on god” was quirky and acceptable, but spit shakes were not
neither were bowl cuts
or pretending to drown at the school pool and see how everyone would react
like i said, you were behind on a lot
but what took you the longest to learn—the people you thought were your friends were no longer laughing with you and your unfortunately timed puns, but at you (and your unfortunately timed puns) :(((
but you digress, because your overactive imagination worked to your advantage of getting clout and a full ride scholarship!!
you’re an art major with a minor in photography, winning a national photography contest that got the attention of your college
your genius piece of "different kinds of falls in public", where you purposefully tripped people walking by you and taking photos of them, had won the heart of the public and the school board over to the point of them begging to have you!
your parents and teachers just wished you had the same genius outside of cameras--as you slacked off in every other academic aspect
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notes: enjoy me being unfunny but having a blast anyway! feel free to send in asks/requests regarding this fic. can't guarantee i'll respond to it, but i'd love to see what you guys think/want!
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bloodsbane · 11 months ago
man. yeah. i really try not to talk about the SU crit shit too much these days, because it's been ages and most people have moved on and (hopefully) grown up. but finally getting some idea of what these 'SU is garbage' youtube videos were actually SAYING is just reminding me of how fucking weird the level of hate and vitriol directed at this show really was. i honestly, truly believe that the SU Crit scene that sprang up in mid-to-late era of the show had almost nothing to do with people actually caring about the show/fans/criticising art. imo it mostly had everything to do with the fact that SU had peaked in terms of popularity, which meant the Inevitable Backlash was due, but because of how CN mishandled the show, this severely exacerbated some of its issues (pacing, ability to tell the story as intended due to cancellation, etc).
like, to me, SU crit was always a movement of people who didn't actually give a shit about the show or making good points in critiquing it. surely some of them did make some worthy arguments, probably, somewhere, but anything relevant was always going to be lost in the deluge of petty cinemasins DING level gripes about shit that either didn't matter or a child with even the most basic level of media literacy could understand. the truth of the matter is that SU simply became The Show To Shit On. i wouldn't even argue that it was an easy target, but that it was the most popular one, which meant a huge group who could circlejerk about all the petty reasons they didn't like the show
i could go on but i wont lol, i need to be working, but man hearing these dumbass arguments interspersed with such blindingly obvious bigotry and knowing that millions of people unironically watched and AGREED with it just because someone was validating their hatred of this cartoon is like... kind of depressing ;lsdkjf;ljlkfj could yall not have been normal. anyways this is why i don't fucking respect people who 100% genuinely think SU is a bad show
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enemyoflactose · 1 year ago
I rate Yu-Gi-Oh characters fit 2 because Tumblr said no to more that 10 images Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò
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This is what everyone in the Midwest looks like. He is the perfect representation of America. Every time I see him I feel 0.01% more patriotic.
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This is what peak character design is. He looks not only like a zombie, but like he unironically listens to Ayesha Erotica. Perfection at its finest.
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His clothes and glasses are great, don't get me wrong, but my friend said his hair made him look like Aloysius O'Hair and I can't unsee it.
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Where is his dino fit? Where is his inflatable dinosaur costume? This is boring! Love his hair though.
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I love the 90's punk look. Her deck holder-thing being a garter is smart and looks great. If this were her season 4 outfit though, it'd be a 10
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Takahashi didn't need to give us a woman this beautiful and stunning, but he did. He did that for all of us. Everything about her is fantastic.
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He is the definition of badass. The purple compliments his eyes, the double belts are aesthetically pleasing, he is wearing arm wraps. Need I say more?
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What the fuck happened? Who let him walk out of his house in that? The jewelry is nice and looks good on him, but the shirt. The shirt is so ugly. The shirt does not look good on him, it would look better on literally every other character. His final outfit was a massive improvement, but I will never forget that none of his mindslaves stepped out of bounds to tell him he looked goofy.
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Everything is better now. Why didn't Marik just wear this? This is so much better! The jewelry is still the best part, but at least my eyes aren't melting at the sight of his shirt. The cape is a little random, but I think it suits him. His also kind of has the same shape as Yami/Yugi's, and that's a nice parallel.
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hottoepecker · 5 months ago
It's known among everyone that Bloo has many, many, many toxic traits. But...
....Bloo's most toxic trait is that he's totally the kind of guy who thinks Family Guy is the peak of comedy unironically and is the only friend in the house who still keeps up with the show regularly even into the 2020s and still thinks it's hilarious.
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months ago
The secret to my really high content output on here for aus is that I'm actually usually an oc roleplay person on discord. But like, a chronically online oc roleplay person who is so active to the point that I very very rarely miss a single message.
Like contender for most messages in the server online kinda person
But I've been experiencing serious burn out honestly since like, covid lockdown started dying down
Somehow my wires got crossed and I've turned from frantically posting on discord about my plots and characters to now frantically posting on tumblr ab Naruto AUs and characters
But specifically with the kind of manic energy that had my 15 year old self pumping out 50 different 5-10+ paragraph roleplay replies in 10 separate ongoing roleplays a day
(I accidentally helped to kill an entire server once during my rp peak because I lost cell service for a week and literally every single rp interaction in the server minus like three was with me so it all just ground to a halt)
I'm like picking that specific brand of energy off the floor going 'omg I missed u,, where have u been bestie it's been so long' as it thrashes and screams something incoherent about Hatake clan aus and niche sealing lore headcanons
Unironically tho rp is definatley why I'm able to bounce off of / expand on others ideas and piece together an AU out of a handful of buttons and some straw like I can. There's real skill required in roleplay, it's basically improv but like in writing form and expectations for long term plot
To those who want to expand their writing horizons or get ideas for ways to practice writing flexibility, I highly reccomend it
Also it's just fun
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the-rogue-that-goes-stab · 3 months ago
Wow, I looked at the player content coming in the new Lancer module (Operation Winter Scar) and it's amazing.
Despite my grievances with my Gilgamesh overflow, I think its unique limited weapons are really clean and it's simplicity allows it to basically act as an Everest+. Also the legion nexus is amazing (I love summoning support bees after firing my big fuck off bee cannon).
In specific, Gilgamesh is a simple mech. It loves limited systems. It loves chewing through them for tasty tasty free accuracy. It also gets an extra limited charge. Again, Gilgamesh is just Everest+, having the ability to equip any limited system or weapon and go hog wild. Even more similar to Everest, its passive allows it to skirt around using its repair points on health or armor by allowing it to restore itself in a fight or do so for free in a rest.
I love the Lycan, the new Manticore alt frame, I think it provides a good risk and reward play style that works really, really well with a lich that can kind of just be ignored if desired (either by immediately popping armor off for a rushing fight or by choosing to stay tanky for the sake of self and other pilots). As a side note, I think players can really go nuts for flavoring their Lycan's transformation (I can already think of how cool a snake-esc Lycan peeling itself to reveal an arcing kraken).
Oh also its 3 speed while shelled means nothing when it can use Beckoner to swap with a target 8 spaces away.
hehe, we love a 3d6+6 (or 4d6+6 if you wait long enough) AP weapon with accurate and not heat cost so you can spam Executioner cleave attacks all willy nilly.
Amber Phantom, the new Metalmark alt, is also really cool because it adds a further strategic element to strikers by making its player focus on and manipulate turn orders for cheese. The ability to cause a double player turn allows for some real combo potential. Just imagine movement manipulation on the Amber Phantom like Beckoner or Feros Lash right before an ally uses an aoe attack against the sudden clump.
I thinks its a whee bit simple but has incentives for strategy so no mindless unga bunga. Definitely a good mech for someone who wants to mess with big braining lancer but can't be bothered to use a Lich properly or really intricate combos that controllers like Minotaur or Hydra are capable of at peak bullshit.
For the last alt frame, the Kutuzov, the reverse of my Gilgamesh situation. In April I thought of a funny: "hey what if I used Calendula to drop a Blinkshield on some fool and run away" Turns out that Intangible is included in BS's "any action or effect", who could have guessed. But that still gave me the idea of using Napoleon's systems on an Intangible mech so I made the Massena (will post eventually).
Regardless of the fact my players now have a fucked Napoleon license, the Kutuzov is an amazing mech that I couldn't criticize for existing. I personally think it is unfortunately just better than Napoleon. So how Kutuzov works is its a more of a support spin of Napoleon that trades raw defense for support capabilities. It also trades Napoleon's extremely funny but kinda weak core power into a less funny but good efficient core power that allows you to full protect a teammate from an enemy and vice versa. Unironically just the default frame if you want to maximize Napoleon's worth as a teammate without having to rely on a powerful gimmick once or twice a mission that really only works to make a enemy shoot your teammate instead of you.
In conclusion, YIPPEEEEEE MORE LANCER CONTENT. I'm so happy Lancer has basically free DLC oh and if you want to get the art for these mechs, y'all are literally on the website where you can go see the artist (be free and go to theogm-art)
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strbymacaroon · 2 years ago
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Spider-Man Eren! x Reader
An alternate universe where Attack on Titan and the Marvel Universe collide! Where the Spider-Man universes collide!
Where the new spider is the one and only nerdy, Eren Yeager. Who happens to have a world stopping crush on you.
Attack on Titan Marvel crossover, Spider-man and Eren Yeager crossover. Multiple parts.
Word count:
22.7k Words.
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『 VOLUME ONE: ORIGINS 』: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
Eren Yeager. 
Your average senior college boy. 
Charming, attractive, rich, and popular. A different lady at his luxury apartment every weekend. Star quarterback for the college football team. You know, the average. 
Eren was living the life. Peaking, even. The it-boy if you will. 
Okay, enough lying. 
Eren was absolutely none of that. Like, not even in his goddamn dreams. Was it sad, it could be. But, he didn’t let it bother him. He was pretty content with his best friend Armin and Harry. Along with his stunning camera. A beautiful 18th birthday present. 
Yet, that had absolutely nothing to do with the situation he was currently in. 
Currently, Eren was trying to silently exit the situation started by the person in front of him. Ignoring the phones out recording him and Jean. Of course, out of all the days Jean wanted to bother Eren, it was on the day he had a very, very important interview. 
A rude mantra of curses left Jean’s mouth as he placed a hand on Eren’s chest. Shoving him back with every step he took in the man’s direction. 
Yelling things at him like, Stupid cunt or Nerd. Eren didn’t even know people other than himself and Armin used the word nerd, unironically. Looks like he owed Armin ten bucks. Then another twenty to Harry. 
Honestly, Eren couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that Harry and Jean were brothers. He could never wrap his head around the fact that one of his closest friends was brothers with his tormentor. He can’t even fathom how the two are related! 
They’re polar opposites. Actually, this was somewhat debatable, they’re pretty similar in the looks department. But, when it came to interactions with Eren… Harry was one of the few people that actually liked Eren. Enough to deal with him and be his best friend. That’s why they’re so close now. Purely because they’ve known each other since high school.
In all honesty, Eren was just trying to distract himself right now. He really, really didn’t want to fight Jean. He didn’t know how to fight for his life. Let alone a boy who was the star quarterback of the school's football team. He didn’t even know people actually fought until he saw one in the middle of the subway train. Over a sandwich of all things. 
It was very clear, Jean was the worst person in Eren’s perspective. A person who thought with their dick rather than their head. 
Jean was even worse when he was with his best friend Flash. 
Jean has a full scholarship, because of football. He was honestly nothing without it. No smarts or distinct personality, nothing that makes a person unique. He was someone who was destined to be in the NFL, an athlete ready to go pro. 
Someone everyone was dying to be friends. Not because he was a cool person, because he was going to be famous. It was a given with his looks, and skill on the field. People just wanted to boast about being friends with a pro when they were in college. Something to talk about when they were all grown up. A story for friends, or maybe kids of their own. 
But, Jean is the type of person who would kindly– no, disrespectfully, ask you to fuck off. Because, that’s just who Jean was. 
And, of course, like always, a certain someone was here to witness it all. Someone Eren really didn’t want to see get his ass beat. 
Which wasn’t out of the norm. Well, it kind of was… He’s never been in a fight with Jean, just kind of expected it to happen at some point. So, there was that. Yet, he couldn’t help but think– What did I do to deserve this? 
Which was absolutely nothing, Eren had been nothing but kind to Jean back in their youth. So much as kissed his finger when the two of them made a pinkie promise back in freshman year of high school. But no, Jean was just a huge dick and loved to flaunt it. 
You know, how every boy with a small dick is. 
Still, this was a situation he didn’t want to be in. Let alone, really know how he got in. 
So. Let’s start from the beginning, maybe that’ll help: 
Eren was your typical guy. 
Poor college student. Although, that's always been the case for Eren. He’s always had to deal with poverty. He wasn’t homeless, but he knew from a young age he had to do something to help pay the bills. 
If he wanted to eat something sweet, or treat himself to something unhealthy, he’d probably have to babysit the kids from the nice neighborhood across the town for a few hours. Technically an hour, but he always liked bringing something for his Dad. 
It didn’t bother him too much. Eren still feels like he had a great childhood. Sure, he had to worry about the random loud ‘bangs!’ in the middle of the night. Or, the odd noises coming from a dark alley when walking home. Maybe even the intense stares he got when he brought his backpack with him to the convenient store a few blocks down. 
But, other than that it was pretty great!
He was a smart, nerdy, and an awkward boy. Honesty, the typical nerdy boy. Yet, he didn’t necessarily have the completion of one. Being staggering in height, –Although, no one could tell by the way he hunched his shoulders– piercing green eyes, and the body of any girl's dream. Although, it was always covered by his baggy clothing. Something he bought from the local thrift shop or Goodwill. 
Luckily, growing up in an environment like that– he learned how to adapt, and dress himself with the money and clothing he had. Although, he didn’t really try to. He just stuck to his normal bummy outfits. It was easier this way. And, so, so, so comfy. 
Yet, Eren didn’t like to consider himself a nerd. 
Did he like anime, yes.
He did love Star Wars, yes. 
He did build the DeathStar with his best friend, yes. 
He did have a huge gaming setup in his room, yes. 
Did he have the grades and smarts, yes. 
Did he love science, yes.
Did he not know how to communicate with women, yes. 
Did he–okay, you get the point.
But a nerd?! Psh, yeah. Wrong guy. 
Eren didn’t consider himself such. He didn’t spend hours upon hours watching porn or hentai. Let alone anime for too long. He’s watched superhero movies for far longer.
Although, Eren did sometimes wonder if he was in an anime, what it’d be like. He always imagined a cheesy Slice of life anime, where a bunch of girls were fighting for his attention. You know, the average romance anime. Nothing too special. Yet, like every other anime– he was as dense as a rock, and always ended up picking the worst option. The tsundere girl who got on everyone’s nerves. 
You know, the usual horny boy fantasy. 
Eren wore normal things, at least that’s what Eren likes to think. Converse, jeans, random graphic tees, and denim jackets. His glasses held together in the middle with some clear tape. Which had whitened due to the amount applied. Being a broke college student wasn’t always the best thing out there. And finally, his hair. Which was always tied in a man bun with his pink hair tie. 
It was actually what he was wearing today. Who would’ve thought?
Eren could dress better, sure. But, sometimes it was hard. He didn’t have enough ‘nice’ clothing to wear throughout the week. So, you could only really catch him looking good once a week. If he felt like it. So, he never really stuck out. 
Although, Eren was tall, so there was that. It was something he was quite proud of. Hell, he would randomly call his Dad, explaining how thankful he was for his awesome genes. Anyways, no more appearance talk, it’ll go to his head. 
Eren wanted to work at Stark Industries. An establishment where intelligent people –such as himself– would be given jobs that would help with The Avengers. 
It was also owned by the one and only Tony Stark. Sometimes Levi Ackerman when he felt like it. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, as Levi and Tony like to say. Which were also the guys in the iron suits. Surrounded by hightech weapons, and technology. Once helping allied forces in World War ll. 
Which happened to be taking interns at the new building within New York. It was specifically made for students within NYU. And Eren was getting an interview there. 
This was the thing Eren dreamed about doing at some point in his life. 
It was an opportunity to get a jump start into a career within science and technology. Maybe, even get a good paying job as a student. Which could snow-ball into a full time career within Stark Industries. 
Which was amazing since his major revolved around that. 
And maybe, he could even see Levi Ackerman or Tony Stark in action. Not on video, not in the news, and definitely not late at night when he should be studying. So, that was the very, very important interview he had today. Eren wasn’t going to miss it for the world. No matter what.
Back to why Eren thinks he’s going to get his ass beat.
The only thing that comes to mind, which wasn’t even that bad. Was probably his obsession with his camera. Which stemmed from the obsession he had with his phone. Well, it wasn’t his phone he was obsessed with, it was what he was doing on his phone. 
Eren was usually nose deep into his phone, and always typing something out. Writing down something more specifically. I mean, he just likes writing things down. It wasn’t obsessive, –maybe it was– but, it was enough to send concerned looks from his fellow peers. It wasn’t often. Just happened enough times to make him aware of it. 
So, maybe two or three times. Maybe even four, he can’t really recall. So, not too often. 
It started back in elementary. It was cute, just little notes on small pieces of paper to remind him of what he had to do later. Wash the dishes, wash the car, walk the dog –you know– normal things. The stuff you’d show your mom and get a head pat for. A little praise of, ‘You’re being so productive!’ And, a little treat if she was in the mood. 
Cute and simple things, really. 
Then, it became slightly different when he hit middle school. Once he got a cheap and practical cellphone. One that was able to take poor quality pictures and write small entries on the notes app. Eren soon started to ‘snap!’ photos of things. Then, write his notes under them. Which wasn’t weird either! It was actually really tame, and kinda’ of healthy. From what his father told him at least. 
A picture of his dog, a note below it saying–
-walk the dog. (Extra soft and fluffy today.) 
Or maybe, 
A picture of his best friends Armin and Harry
-call Armin at 6:30, (Changed his glasses to a different color.)
See, nothing weird!
Eren didn’t do it for every note. Just ones he felt like needed one. Ones that stood out to him, or he just wanted to capture the moment and write what was going through his head. It helped with a lot of stuff that happened when he was small. He just liked capturing the moment. Just like everyone else. Eren just had a slightly different way of doing it. It wasn’t anything bad either. It was just something cute and sweet. Like capturing the moment in his head. 
Then, high school happened. The sudden development of high tech suits, technology, and weapons happened. Along with many, many lawsuits against The Avengers. 
Suddenly, just like everyone else. He had a reason to be on his phone. Watching videos, and reading blogs about the hero made him a big fanboy. In fact, it shaped what he wanted to do for his future. Made him love Stark Industries. 
Which only worsened when his Father gifted him a nice camera for his birthday. Along with an expensive laptop to match. Which was a birthday and graduation gift. Then suddenly, Eren was taking pictures of everything. 
And I mean everything. 
‘Snapping!’ photos, and adding a mental note to each one of them. Excited to go home and upload them to his expensive laptop, ready to write the note out on paper. Or screen per say. Then, with pictures he really liked, he’d print them out and post them in his bulletin board. Connecting them to other photos that were similar. 
Eren’s room was decorated in beautiful photos. Some pictures of people with their loved ones, laughing away about something he had no clue about. Others of plants or scenery, showing the beautiful limelight of the world. The images TV’s played when you're not watching a movie or show, it was just displaying photos because it was on. 
It was wonderful. A cute hobby really. 
Until, it kind of wasn’t…
Suddenly, he was taking pictures of people he knew, or teachers. Adding notes that relate to education and his personal opinions about the person. Like how they looked that day, what they were wearing, how much it cost, things like that. Commenting on the brand of clothing they were wearing. What type of material and color. Where he could find something similar and the price listed next to it. 
Which he knew he could and would never buy, but he just liked writing it down.
At this point all his pictures held notes below them. All of them. That was in high school. He was now in college and still dealing with this… habit. 
So, that’s what he did today. Just like every other day. ‘Snapped!’ a photo of the most beautiful thing in the world. Like, he usually does! Making sure to take a moment to adjust the lenses, making the lighting shine down perfectly, and get the right angle. 
Of course, he was being discreet. He usually didn’t like the idea of taking pictures in public. Unless, it was authorized by a school event, where he was assigned to take pictures for the school. Other than that, Eren always made sure to be discreet when taking photos. He didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable after all. And, that's what he was doing now. Once the photos were taken, he brought the camera's screen to his face. Squinting his eyes and trying to view the photos. Which was a little difficult due to the strong rays of the sun. 
Despite that, he adjusted his thick framed glasses and clicked through the new collection of photos. Smiling as he tilted his head, satisfied with the new group of colorful images. A small blush on his cheeks while he adored each picture. 
Now, what was in this beautiful new collection of photos? 
Well, it was you. 
You had worn something particularly cute today. A black skirt, black stocking that covered your legs from the cold weather of New York. A white tight fitting long sleeve turtleneck, which sort of looked knitted from a distance, and a light brown luxurious double breasted overcoat. Your boots reached just above your knees, heels to give you some needed height, –he didn't mind you being short nonetheless– and black gloves that covered your hands. 
You had a gold necklace wrapped around your covered neck. Sporting a single letter representing the initial of your first name. Hoop earring to match, and a black scarf to add to your already defined look. Light make-up and clear– maybe, tinted pink lip gloss. Holding a pencil between your index, and middle finger. A pair of sunglasses pushing your curled hair out of your face. 
You looked good today. 
Well, to be fair. You always looked good. Maybe that's why everybody knows you. Well, that wasn’t the only reason why. 
Not only did you have an amazing fashion sense, but you were the sweet, kind, and helpful person that everyone liked speaking to. You also sported a really pretty face, which only helped with your bubbling popularity and personality. 
Now you, unlike him– were the ’it’ boy. Or rather, ‘it’ girl so be it. 
You were part of clubs and activities. You were appreciative, and participated in almost everything. You helped organize a lot of school events too. 
Although, Eren’s heard mixed reviews about the people you organized with. Someone saying you would never reply to messages, calls, or in person meetings. Always with a string of excuses, often related to– Art. 
Nevertheless, everyone wanted to be friends with you. But, unlike the typical popular girl– you loved making them. Loved talking to people and hearing what they had to say. Gaining names, upon names, of people that you had to remember. 
Eren doesn't know how you do it. He knows he’d never be able to do it. 
Don’t get it wrong! You were a good person! What felt like the only good in the world. Always trying to help, and willing to see other people's perspectives, and assisting them off that. With a happy and sincere smile on your face. 
You switched your legs, crossing the right one over the left, then vice versa. Resting your chin on the palm of your hand and leaning to the group of people sitting around the table. Another group of known students. That being the infamous Connie, Sasha, Annie, Hitch, and her boyfriend Marlowe.
Along with another person who wasn’t currently at the table. Someone, Eren absolutely hated. Take a wild guess who. All those people being known around the campus for different reasons, whether that being good or bad. They all loved your attention and friendship, just like everyone else. Dying to know what you had to say or do. 
A kind smile on your lips as the person who spoke had your whole attention. An airy laugh leaving your shiny plump lips when they said something that particularly tickled you. 
Only, there were two, small problems. 
You, the beautiful Y/n L/n, didn’t know Eren Yeager. 
Like.. at all. 
Which– he didn’t even blame you for. 
Eren always chooses to be alone, and not be too sociable. It’s not like he really needed to be everyone's friend. He had Armin, Harry and.. Okay, he only had Armin and Harry. Sometimes that Mikasa girl, when she wanted to talk to him. But, that was only when she wanted notes for a lecture she missed, or a pencil. He could point her out in the lecture room, and… Okay, so, maybe not Mikasa. 
However, Eren was pretty content with the friends he had. 
Okay, it would be nice to have more friends, but that was proving to be extremely difficult when Jean absolutely hated Eren’s guts. And, with Jean being an absolutely power hungry person who everyone desperately wanted validation from, it was kind of hard to do that. People just followed what Jean thought, coping with his actions and emotions. 
Sure, Eren didn’t have to deal with bullying from others as bad as Jean’s. But, sometimes just standing by and talking shit –or recording in this instance– didn’t make them or the situation any better. 
That’s why Eren liked you. You never let Jean influence your opinions. That’s why you were so close to many of the people Jean hated. Like Floch or Marco, actually best friends with the both of them. You genuinely didn’t care what Jean –let alone anyone– thought.
The problem with you and Eren were your social dynamics. You were known, like known. Everyone knew you and loved you. He couldn’t put it into words, so… imagine Regina George, –if she wasn’t fake, and ‘such a good– slut!’ as Cady liked to say– that was you. 
Actually, maybe– just maybe, you had one flaw. Which Eren didn’t even think was a flaw.
You were an absolute Air-head. 
But, you were an Air-head who wanted to help people! Which were the best type of Air-heads. 
So, maybe not Regina George. Karen Smith suited you better. A cute bimbo. An idiot with a cute smile. But, Eren didn’t think you were a complete idiot. 
And, Eren was– well, he was Eren. No–one to be honest. Except for the average football bully’s punching bag. The weird guy in the back of his class engrossed on what was on his computer. His classmates too scared to check what he was doing– or… watching per say. 
With a black hoodie and matching face mask not helping his case. 
Then, there was problem number two. 
Circling back Jean. 
Jean’s hand came to the top of your back, resting his phone on the table as you looked up at him. Smiling and saying something he couldn’t hear. –He was like 30 feet away from you– Jean smiled at you, putting his thumb on your lip and whipping something away. Grabbing a strand of your hair, and pushing it behind your ear. 
You just giggled, putting a hand on his chest, and shoving him away playfully. 
If anything, that should be Eren pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. Seeing your adorable smile as he smiled back at you. His cheeks dusted with pink from being so close to you. Maybe, you’d even agree to a quick photo shoot in the park. 
You got up, grabbing your bag and waving a kind hand at the people at the table. With everyone returning it back to you. Grabbing your headphones, and placing them into your ears, picking out some music to listen to. Then, turning to Jean and walking with him. Your right hand on your bag and the other one within his. Skipping every now and then to make him speed up his pace. Eager to get to your destination. 
Eren was pretty sure you were dating the one, and only –jackass– Jean Kirestein. Eren honestly didn’t know why. Despite being with Jean, Eren just couldn’t help himself. You were just too cute. 
Eren bit his lip and watched the way you gracefully walked, the wind blowing your hair perfectly and– Eren did what was second nature to him. Almost like walking or breathing. He brought his camera up to his eyes, and adjusted the lenses again. Seeming to forget he was in public. Trying to get the best angle before snapping a few photos of you walking. 
Sighing blissfully, and bringing it down from his eye. Looking down adoringly and sliding through the photos. His blush deepened with each one. He was so utterly infatuated with you. You were such an idol in his eyes, a beautiful piece of art.
Adjusting his glasses he raised the camera again, aiming it at you only to be startled by Jean’s face completely covering yours. Staring directly at the camera and more importantly Eren Yeager. He flinched, letting out a quick, ‘Oh shit,’ as his hand quickly shut the camera's flap, letting go of it and letting it hang around his neck. 
“Were you taking photos of Y/n, creep?” 
You stood a few feet behind him, eyebrows crossed and head tilted slightly. Your headphones tucked away in your pocket. Your hands held behind your back while your left foot was pivoted behind the right one. Lips in a small pout as you tried to figure out what was happening. Your eyes moving from Eren to Jean, curiously examining the situation. 
Oh shit, was Eren’s first thought. Followed by, Holy shit she caught me taking a photo of her. 
Jean laughed, loud and obnoxious. “Holy shit, Yeager–creep was taking photos of Y/n.” He scoffed, an amused smile on his lips as he tilted his head. Showing off a proud smile, sharp canines shining at him. “Is that why you always carry your camera around? I always knew you were a pervert, but didn’t think you had the balls to actually take photos of a girl.” 
Eren shook his head, slowly taking a step back. Only to be followed by Jean with two steps closer. “What? Were you going to jack off to them?” Jean was getting off on this, he loved to taunt Eren. He shoved Eren backwards. “Huh?”
“It’s not like that Jean–”
You let out a soft, “Jean?..” trying to pull him away from the boy he was pestering. You weren’t necessarily a fan of watching Jean bother people. Random innocent people at that. People doing what they love, and minding their own business. 
Jean looked at you scoffing, “After taking pictures of you?” He said, a hand on his hip. “Please, this is why people walk all over you, Y/n. You need to stand up for yourself.” He turned back to Yeager, glaring at him. 
“Back to this piece of shit.” 
So, that's how Eren got here. 
Awkwardly smiling as he took another step back. Jean just cocked an eyebrow, glaring at him. Feeling a tiny hand on his back, making him freeze on the spot. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to touch him right now. Not in the middle of bothering Yeager. 
You tilted your head, peering from behind Jean and looking directly at Eren. Eyebrows furrowed as you spoke, “Yeager?..” You slowly asked, wondering why that name sounded so familiar. You bit your bottom lip, “..Yeager?..” you whispered. Trying to understand what about that rang a bell. 
Before, your eyes widened, taking in a huge gasp. A big smile on your face as you poked Jean, turning his attention to you. Watching as you slowly walked in front of Eren, and looking up at him. Eyes wide with astonishment, and excitement. Eren could feel his face burning, your body was so close to his. Your sweet perfume, and small body inches from his. Eren could feel his heart beating out of his chest. His mouth opening, and closing like a fish out of water. 
Eren was trying to talk to you. But, he just couldn’t. He couldn't say anything.
You smiled at him, “You mean that one guy who takes all the cute photos of the school?” You were now directly in front of him. Standing on your tippy toes and getting closer to his face. Causing his breathing to completely seize. “You know, with his little– uhm?..” Your eyebrows furrowed together, trying to recall the word. 
“Camera?” Jean said, taking a step back. Finding it odd how intrigued you were by Eren. 
You smiled, nodding your head quickly. “Yeah, that!” You said, “That person is him?” You said point a finger at Eren. You were so cheerful and happy, it was almost… blinding. 
Eren blinked a few times at you, trying to breathe again. However, when he did, all he could smell was you. Your shampoo mixed with your sweet perfume. Maybe, some lotion on your neck. He thickly swallowed, his mind blanking and slowing down. 
Eren felt dizzy, like he was going to pass out. Holy shit, was he going to pass out?! His eyes were trained on you. Holy shit she’s right in front of me. Eren just ended up slowly nodding his head. It wasn’t even a strong nod, it was a pathetic weak one. 
You squealed, jumping up and down and turning to Jean. You honestly loved his work. His photos were always so stunning! You absolutely adored the way he could capture the essence of the moment. Which happened to include a lot of events organized by you. He somehow always made them look absolutely stunning. It just really helped getting some publicity when you didn’t know how to. 
It didn’t matter what the event was, it just always looked amazing. Honestly, Eren was really cool for that! That’s why you had his name memorized by heart, just in case you ever ran into someone with that same name attending your university. Well, his last name at least.
But, you were pretty sure you knew him. Somehow. Or, somewhere.
You turned to Jean, smiling at him like an idiot. “Jean, he was obviously taking pictures of the school!” You said, pointing to the scenery in the background. With a ‘duh!’ tone of voice. “I mean, this place is literally gorgeous.” You turned to Eren, grabbing his camera and ducking under the camera strap, and pointing it at Jean. Unknowingly pressing your back to Eren’s front. 
Caught in the middle of the camera strap in between both of your heads. You continued, “He probably needs to point it in our direction, or something.” You squinted at the camera, “Like what camera people do.” 
“Photographers.” Jean said, “They’re called photographers.” He said again, slightly annoyed. God, you could really be an idiot sometimes. Jean thought, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
You nodded, “Yeah, those people!” You pointed at him playfully, smiling. You didn’t notice that you were practically pressed against Eren. Just ducked your head, leaving the confined space, and placing the camera back in Eren’s hands. Saying a soft– “Thank you!” While giving a final smile of blissfulness, causing his heart to absolutely melt. 
You looked back at Jean. Raising your shoulders and smiling. “If we’re lucky, we might even land in one of the school pictures!” 
You’re way too optimistic, and naive to really see what was happening but, Eren wasn’t complaining. If anything it was really in brand to who you were. You literally just made the perfect lie for him. One he was definitely going to piggyback off of, if he could find the courage to speak. 
And, now Jean didn’t have to fight him so– win win!
Jean slowly looked at you, then to Yeager. Jean wasn’t convinced, in fact, he was quite literally the opposite of convinced. Maybe, he just wanted a reason to bother Yeager. So, he said the next best thing. “Alright.” He slowly said, “Can we see them?” 
Eren was still trying to collect himself from the close contact he just had with you. Yet, he didn’t even need to, you were already speaking for him. 
You quickly shook your head at Jean. “No Jean!” Your voice was so cute and sweet. “That'll ruin the surprise, Babe!” You said, hands helping express your statement. You were always very animated. You turned your head to Eren, smiling at him and winking. “Right, Eren?” You put a thumbs up. Waiting for him to give one in return, it took him a second but it slowly –and weakly– happened. 
You nodded, turning back to Jean and grabbing his hand, pulling him away. Hushing him as you said, “C’on, I’ve been wanting to try this adorable candy place! Just forget about it!” You were so lucky Jean liked you. Because sometimes, you honestly just got on his nerves. He liked the version of you when the two of you were alone. 
In the end, Jean just scoffed and turned away, glaring at Yeager. You just pulled him forward. Distracting him away from the tall boy. You slowly turned to Eren, smiling and sticking out your tongue playfully. Scrunching your nose and waving ‘good-bye!’ Before, continuing the walk you were having with Jean.
Eren stood there for a minute, before finally feeling his knees cave. Making him drop down to the ground and sit on the green grass. His bulky camera pulled against his neck from the sudden movement. His heart pounding in his chest as he felt his ears, cheeks, his whole goddamn face burned up. 
His eyes were glossy and wide. A goofy smile on his clear face. 
God, he was so in-love with you. 
Maybe, he didn’t say a word. Maybe, he didn’t even breathe, but that didn’t matter. What did was– he finally got to be near you. Eren finally got to see you up close, rather than the picture he took. Yeah, he was infatuated with you– yet hadn’t uttered a word near your presence. Despite knowing you for years.
He even got to see you up close. He got to see what he admired from afar a few inches from his face. And, he was so happy with that. It was enough, he was happy with this interaction alone. Eren could die right now, happy and content. 
Even if… he didn’t say anything. 
Because, that was enough, you were more than enough. Despite this, a part of him does wish he just could speak around you. Even if that was just a few words. How? Eren has no clue. Maybe, if he had an alter ego. One that covered him head to toe with something to hide his identity. A cooler, and more confident version of himself so that he could just talk to you. 
Something utterly unrealistic. Something like that would be nice. Really fucking nice.
But god, he was so done for. 
Because, Eren learned one very important detail about himself. 
Despite how much Eren absolutely adored you. He could not, –for the life of him– utter a word around you without feeling like he was going to explode. How the hell was he supposed to start talking to you if he couldn't do the fundamentals of talking?!
God. He just wished he could. Eren really does. 
          Location: Eren’s Cheap, Raggedy, Apartment…
Eren was wearing the best things in his closet. 
A nice dress shirt which he bought at Ross, and a black tie he borrowed from Armin. Along with some semi-formal black pants. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find nice shoes –in his size– in enough time for the interview. So, he just had his black converses. Luckily, he stopped into a store the day before. Finding a black trench coat for him to ‘borrow.’  
Eren’s hair was somewhat tied back, the majority of his hair out and complementing his face. And, a part of him hopes that Stark Industries gives their employees a uniform to wear for work. If not, he was seriously going to be struggling with looking presentable in a place like that.
I should take a picture. Eren shook his head. Not now. 
Eren was staring at himself in the mirror, and smiling lightly. Still feeling you near him. Still able to see the innocent smile on your lips. His camera in his hands as he scrolled through the new collection of images. Smiling like an idiot, and leaning on the restroom counter. His foot placed on the cabinets below it. 
Maybe, just maybe– Eren was a little stalker-ish. Just a little. But, he didn’t have any bad intentions. He just liked to capture beautiful things in his photos. Which was perfect considering you fell into that category. Perfectly.
Honestly, the interaction between you two was just the thing he needed before an important interview. Something to get his heart pumping, and his nerves ready for the unexpected questions he was going to be asked. Eren placed his camera down on the counter. Shutting the flap and sighing. Looking at himself again. Adjusting the thick-framed glasses he had. The clear tape holding them in the middle almost taunting him. 
He really needed to buy a new pair.
Eren adjusted his hair one more time, making sure it was slicked back, and walked out of his small restroom. Ignoring the creaky boards with every step he took. Again, living in New York as a college student was hard. Eren was lucky enough to have a decent scholarship that covered a lot of his expenses. 
Did it cover everything? No. Yeah, absolutely not.
But, it was took care of enough.
And sure, maybe he had to deal with his neighbor’s loud arguments at the ass crack of dawn. And maybe, he had to buy an extra lock for his door, because he didn’t truly trust the locking system already there. Or the weird stained window curtains that barely covered the outside from inside. He didn’t care, it was cheap. Eren didn’t have the money to be picky, let alone sad about not having money. 
Despite this, he always knew how to make his apartment look presentable. It was decorated in his artwork, pictures he took when walking around the streets of New York. Having some furniture and decorative items to make it look more presentable. –You should’ve seen how it looked when he first got here– Now Eren could confidently say this was his home. A good representation of himself as well. 
He shook his head, adjusting a photo on his wall, and glancing at his skateboard. Eren quickly grabbed it. Tucking it under his arm, and looking for the keys to his house. Soon finding them, and leaving his small apartment. Making sure to lock the door and pull it a certain way so the door is fully locked. Which was something he had to learn the hard way. 
Then, he was off. 
Walking through the plain hall, decorated with the peeling light green paint that had been there for god knows how long. Weird stains of dirt or blood… giving it some decoration. Eren grabbed some of his wired headphones, looping it through his shirt and up to his ears. Connecting it to his phone and scrolling through his music list. Trying to find something he was fond of. 
He ended up choosing the song, ‘Gone, Gone, Gone.’ A song he’d grown quite fond of. Only, to be stopped by his phone ringing. He awkwardly searched his pockets, his free hand going to his back then front pockets. Finding where it was located. Of course with his heavy skateboard in his left hand. After some time, Eren just placed it on the wall, deciding that would be more practical. Then grabbing his phone, looking at the caller ID. 
He smiled then, slid his finger on the screen of his phone, and answered the call. 
Eren flinched at the loud tone of his best friend. Pulling the headphones away from his ear, and waiting for Armin to stop shouting. He could hear him shouting even without his headphones on. He wasn't even listening. Just waiting for his friend to calm down. Grabbing his skateboard and continuing his venture to Stark Industries. 
Soon, it bubbled down to silence. Making Eren lower the volume and return the headphones to his ears. He took a deep breath, and wearily asked– “Okay, are you calm?” 
There was a moment of silence. Followed by an indefinite, “Yes.” 
Eren huffed out a laugh, nodding his head and stuffing his phone back into his pocket. Grabbing the mic of the white headphones and raising it to his mouth. “Okay, that’s good.. What happened?” 
Armin took in a deep breath, taking a moment to collect himself. “You know how I said I was going to get interviewed a few people before you?” He paused then spoke again, “And, how I could help scout the area out for you?”
Eren pushed the apartment complex doors open, entering the streets of New York. Pushing the hair that got into his eyes behind his ears. Walking by the groups of people getting to where they needed to be. “Yeah? I remember.” He softly said, “I mean, I was kidding.. but, sure. Yeah.”  
Armin scoffed, finding it rediculous Eren would joke about something that involved Stark Industries. “Okay, well.” Armin sang, leaning on a wall and peering from the side. “Mr. Ackerman is here.” He quickly informed, “So is Tony Stark.” He held his breath for a second before speaking again. “And, they're now interviewing the students.” 
Eren froze in his spot. Blinking mindlessly. 
Levi Ackerman was going to be interviewing me. Tony Stark was going to be interviewing me. His heart was pounding, his hands shaking. A sudden boost of adrenaline. 
Armin flinched, hearing the call end abruptly. His eyebrows knitted together, saying a soft— ‘Hello?’ Before finally checking the screen, and seeing that Eren ended the call. He let out a small laugh, dropping his phone by his side. A charming smile on his lips as he looked at the ceiling. Letting out a small, “Huh.” of acknowledgement. 
This wasn’t going to be good. 
Sure, Armin told Eren what wanted to. Partially. Yet, he’s pretty sure he should’ve started the conversation differently. Maybe, said something along the lines of– ‘Not only that, but–’ to keep his best friend on the line for a bit longer. 
So, he was a little guilty. And, what could possibly invoke this feeling in Armin you ask? Well… Tony Stark and his brother Levi Ackerman were going to be the interviewers. Armin knew Eren was going to freak. Maybe even die by such people colliding within the same time period, and goddamn room. But luckily, he already warned Eren about that. 
But, that’s not worrying him. Something else was making him worry.
What? You may ask?
Well, the third person that was going to be interviewing him alongside Levi and Tony was…
          Location: Outside of Stark Industries…
Eren was out of breath, lifting his skateboard off the ground and grabbing it with his free hand. Taking a moment to catch his breath, and stare at the huge building in-front of him. 
This was it. He was here. 
About to get interviewed at Stark Industries by the one and only Levi Ackerman himself. Aka, Ironman.
Eren felt like he was going to faint, maybe even throw up. Possibly scream with excitement. Something was about to leave his mouth, and he honestly couldn’t tell what it was going to be. Good or bad. 
Eren thickly swallowed, looking directly in-front of him and staring at the doors leading into the building. Okay, maybe the nerves were coming back.
Eren thickly swallowed, shaking his head and walking inside. The automatic doors opened almost instantly. Fresh and cool air hitting his body. Which wasn’t too pleasant considering how cold it was. Yet, he didn’t mind for two long. His breath was stolen by the establishment in front of him. All the technology, and innovations within. 
A digital display of Levi Ackerman and Tony Stark placed back to back in the middle of the large room. Showing off their Iron suits, and displaying some of the mechanics and offensive moves. 
A limited number of people were actually walking around, but the ones who were seemed to have purpose. A reason, and their confidence shined through. If not, they were sitting down in conversation with someone else. 
The place was so futuristic. It almost looked fake. Things you’d see in movies, and only movies. Elevators and staircases, a lot of staircases. People wearing things he didn’t even know existed. Let alone want to know the price of. Eren was astonished. He’s never seen so many pieces of technology and plants in one room. 
Jesus! Are any of these real?!
Both his hands went to his neck, trying to grab his camera and capture the moment. Thoughts bubbling into his head to write down. Information entering then leaving, because of how much he was taking in. 
Shit, my phone. Where’s my– 
“Excuse me?” 
He stopped frantically checking his pockets. Turning his head to the side, eyes meeting the women who called out to him. She was a sweet looking girl with red hair and kind eyes. “Can I help you?” She had a casual outfit, more casual than the other people within the building. Which made her stand out. 
Did I stand out?
Eren cleared his throat, standing up straight and walking towards her desk. Slightly tripping over his feet as he inched closer. He looked down, trying to see what he tripped over. Only to see his now scuffed shoe. 
He tripped over nothing. God, I look so bad right now. 
Eren gave an awkward chuckle, looking forward and leaning on the counter. “Yeah, uhm. I’m headed for the Ackerman interviews.” He sheepishly said. 
She looked to the side, like she was thinking. Only for her eyes widened with excitement, “Oh! You’re one of the students!” She said cheerfully. Turning away from her computer, and giving Eren her full attention. “Great! Your interviews are taking place on the sixth floor.”
Pepper, as her name tag said– turned over her shoulder. Pointing at an elevator, “Sixth floor, and the door all the way down. Room number seventy two.” She looked back at the computer, typing something. “I’ll tell Levi and Tony that another one of his interviews are here.” 
Eren bit his lip. “Wait, how many interviews is he doing today?” He tilted his head slightly. 
Pepper tapped her foot a few times, clicking something on her computer and scrolling. “Uhmm..” she drawed out. “Around three to four hundred.” 
Eren could feel his heart drop. He was going to need to stand out from four hundred other students. Students who also passed the most difficult micro-technology, and fringe-science test given to even get an interview, ever?! 
Eren just forced a smile, which didn't look too pretty. He huffed, nodding his head. “Alright then.” 
Pepper looked at him for a second. A smile on her lips, “I promise you– it’s really nothing to worry about.” She leaned on the palm of her hand. “It’s just you’re competing with other extremely intelligent students your age that share very similar characteristics.” She shrugged, “But, you’re special in your own type of way, I’m sure!”
Eren felt his eye twitch, another forced smile and laugh. As he seethed, “Thank you, Pepper.” Looking at her name tag again.
Her eyebrows itched together for a moment. Clearly showing her confusion, before she scoffed. Looking down at her name tag for a moment then back to Eren. Choking out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh, please.” She said, “Call me Petra, only Levi and Tony call me that.” 
Along with Pepper herself. 
Both of them usually got mixed up at the establishment. It just turned into an inside joke between the four of them. Levi, Tony, and Pepper. Enough to the point where Tony would purposely switch their name tags. 
Eren nodded again, ignoring the anxiety put in him. Grabbing his skateboard, and resting it under his arm, holding into his backpack strap for comfort. Walking towards the elevator. 
His phone vibrated, a small ‘ding!’ ringing through the small room of the elevator. 
I should mute that. Woah, this is a nice elevator. I could probably get a cool ground shot if I– Not today, Yeager.
He shook his head, grabbing his phone and looking at the notification. Seeing it was from his best friend Harry. Definitely what he needed to distract himself, considering how nervous he was getting. 
Harry Osborn
Tell me how your interview goes
Since your such a FREAK for things like this
That's the plan
Eren silenced his phone, slipping it back into his pocket and sighing. Leaning on the clear wall behind him, because of course the elevator was made of glass. Allowing Eren to observe the establishment as the elevator went up. This felt so surreal. There was no way this was really happening. 
The door opened, revealing the huge floor. It was mostly marble, and windows. Considering it was just a massive hall leading people to different rooms and secured areas. Only granting access to those who held key cards of their identification. 
Maybe, that would be Eren one day. 
Eren shook his nerves out, smiling and walking forward. Reaching the waiting lobby. Or, what Eren thinks is the waiting lobby. It was quite, more fake —or real— plants decorating the room. Some chairs and pieces of technology displaying something to entertain the guest. 
What surprised Eren was the other receptionist sitting in the corner of the room. He just slowly walked to her, being extra aware of the floor to not trip over nothing this time. There were a bunch of other students in this room. 
The woman behind the counter had a somewhat similar complexion to the girl downstairs. The only thing being really different was their outfits. Her outfit being more mature, and fitted. Like she did work here. A formal working coat, and her hair straightened. Nice light makeup, and a name tag. Eren couldn’t help but notice her name tag. He laughed, seeing it read, ‘Petra.’ 
“You must be Pepper.” He said, a small smile on his lips. 
Pepper laughed with him, hand covering her mouth as she nodded, “Yes, I’m Pepper.” She got up from her chair, reached to the end of her desk and grabbed a few papers. “I’m guessing you met Petra.” She grabbed a pen, placing the two things on the counter. Ready for Eren to grab. 
Eren put a hand on his neck, “Yeah, I kinda inferred your name tags were switched.” 
Pepper smiled, nodding her head. Sitting back in her chair, and rolling back to her computer. Grabbing her mouse and clicking something. Saying a small, “Smart,” as she typed in a few things. “Actually, believe it or not. You’re the only person today who’s made that connection.” Pepper clicked on the interview times, causing a scroll of names to pop up. “Which is weird considering how many mini-geniuses we have in this room.” 
Pepper bit her lip, her eyebrows knitting together. Saying a small, “Guess that makes you special.” She took a moment to really look at her screen, before opening her mouth again, about to ask Eren a question.
“Eren Yeager.” He quickly said. 
Pepper blinked at him for a second, before smiling. Nodding her head and looking back at the computer. Clicking onto the name ‘Eren Yeager.’ Pepper, winked at him. “Thank you, just the thing I was about to ask you.” She pointed at the papers again. “Just fill this out, and once your name is called..” she looked at him. Smiling excitedly, “It's show time!” 
Eren nodded, looking at the papers and grabbing them. Then, looking around the room, trying to find a place to sit down. Which was a little hard due to the scary vibe everyone was giving. 
Which, he couldn’t even blame them. Everyone in this room was competing for the single space. 
Eren settled with the seat next to a.. fake.. real?… plant. Far enough to get some personal space, yet close enough to the interviewing room. Which was currently closed. Eren placed his backpack and skateboard to the side. Grabbing the pen and filling out the form. Seeing it was an equation on nanotechnology, along with some other form of physics. A combination of the two and some other things along those lines. 
God, not another test. Jesus Tony, you’re killing me. 
“Yes, I promise to be back before the next interview.” 
A sweet, and really familiar voice spoke. A girl? No shit it’s a girl Eren. 
“Yes, I know, I know.” 
Eren looked up, feeling his heart stop. Cheeks are heating up with a red color. Holy shit. Holy shit. 
You closed the door silently, shaking your head and giggling lightly. Catching the attention of everyone in the room. I mean, who wouldn’t want to look at you?
You took off your coat, placing it on a plant. Okay, yeah, they’re all fake. Then grabbing your name tag and pressing it on the door next to the one you just exited. Taking a moment to look over your shoulder and peer at the students. Wanting to know the other people you would be interviewing with the Stark brothers. 
When your eyes locked with Eren’s. Your body froze, hand horror-struck on the doorknob as your eyes widened for a second, which— Eren could confirm, wasn’t excitement. 
You quickly changed your expression, smiling and scrunching your nose. Thickly swallowing, and waving goodbye. Walking into the room and closing the door behind you. Tense from seeing a person you were familiar with. Sure, you were happy to see a familiar face. Even if you didn’t really remember his name, it was always good to see someone you were familiar with. 
Just not in this situation. Not when you were at Stark Industries. Something you desperately wanted to keep separate from your college life. You could feel yourself cringe. 
You softly sighed, looking at the ground. “Crap.” 
Eren’s face was burning. Ears tinted red and his heart beating out of his chest. Why the hell is Y/n here?! He could feel his throat drying up, he needed water– air, Wait shit! Am I even breathing right now?! He quickly inhaled, seeing he was indeed holding his breath. Eren closed his eyes, before getting up and placing the papers down on his seat. Leaving it behind to try and get some –needed– air. 
Eren left the waiting room. Pushing the doors open and stumbling forward. Making sure not to trip and then walking around the sixth floor. Exploring the area as his heart slowly returned to normal. Which wasn’t helping considering how nervous he was to see you, and you being here. 
Eren sighed, leaning on a wall not too far from the waiting room. A locked door right next to him, another room where an ID card was needed to enter. Eren just needed to turn the corner to walk back to the waiting room. Something he didn’t know if he wanted to do just yet. 
Eren did have one more problem to solve from the test Pepper had given him. So, he really should go bac–
“No, Jean.” Your voice rang out, “I already told you I can’t go to your game today, I’m already doing a–“ you paused, scrunching your nose. Taking a moment to think, looking at your surroundings and sighing. “An art thingy.” You said, slowly looking at the ground. The black heels that Jean bought for you, clicking against the marble ground. 
Eren pressed himself behind a corner, staying there to collect himself. Holding his breath like you could hear him. Debating on whether or not he should walk past you, or just go around. I’m just going to walk around. But, before he could leave, Jean's voice replied to you. Catching his attention. 
“C’on, you’re always doing some shitty art thing.” He said, his tone obviously annoyed. “Your art, Y/n, isn’t going to get you anywhere.” He insulted. 
You furrowed your eyebrows together, softly sighing. Closing your eyes, and dropping your head. Eren couldn’t see you, but he could feel your emotions. 
He was an empath like that. 
“But. I can.” Jean continued.
You opened your eyes glossy. Your nose a darker hue as you sniffed, awkwardly laughing as you spoke. “Jean, you know I’m–“ you sniffed again, sighing this time and giving up on explaining what Jean already knows. “I– I’ve gotta’ go.” 
Jean said something, but you ended the call. Leaning on the wall and softly groaning. Looking at the ceiling and biting your bottom lip. Blinking rapidly as you tried not to let tears fall. 
Eren was at the opposite side of the corner, feeling a part of him hurt.
If only I could say something. 
If only I could say something.
The same thought traveling through both your heads. Desperate and calling. Both similar goals with different routes and outcomes at the end of them. 
You sighed, pushing yourself off the wall and walking away. Going towards the waiting room. Wiping your eyes lightly with your sleeve. 
Wait, you were walking towards him. Shit! Shit!
A panic shooting through his body as he looked around. Watching as people passed him and shooting them a panicked look. Almost as if they knew what was happening and we’re going to somehow help him. 
Now, what Eren did next– he isn’t very proud of… Eren done worse, sure. But still, it was definitely something he doesn't like to admit, or even think about really. In fact, every time he recalls this memory, he always tries to force a different way these set of events happened. 
Eren grabbed the ID of the worker walking past him. Pressing it on the screen lock, and entering the locked door right next to him. Quickly shutting the door as quietly as possible. Holding his breath, with his back pressed to the door as you passed by. Heels clicking with every step you took. Which made the situation way more dramatic than it actually was. 
You stopped for a moment, staring at the door and raising an eyebrow. Looking at the person who just passed by. Noticing a few odd things about them. Something’s not right. 
You put your hand on the doorknob, before shaking your head, and pulling away. You needed a break. You just needed sleep. You just turned on your heels, waving ‘hello’ to whoever passed you, and continuing back to a different room. 
You didn’t feel like going back to the conference room, just yet. The interviews with the Stark brothers could wait. 
The people applying for this job were intelligent. A very simple way to put it. And, intelligent as in– Why the hell are you in college, and not working for NASA. Just some smart place like that. 
One thing that all these people had in common was– the lack of friends. It was to the point where all of them were closed off, it looked like a lot of them haven’t spoken to someone in awhile. It just didn’t sit right with you. 
That's why you made sure to be very engaged with everyone. Nodding your head and smiling when they brought up something familiar. Grabbing their hands and giving them your full attention. You know some people want to be heard, so you always make sure to give people that feeling that they were. 
Eren sighed a breath of relief once he couldn’t hear you anymore. Closing his eyes and shaking his head. Feeling his hands shake. God, I’m so pathetic when she’s near me. Eren pushed himself off the door, looking around. 
Wait, why is she here?! That thought didn’t last. What did, was the next one. Wait, where the hell am I?
Eren looked around the room. Noticing all the chemicals and computers were in this room. Along with glass beakers and paper filled binders. Okay, I definitely shouldn’t be here. 
Eren turned back to the door, ready to press the ID card to the sensor when he heard some talk. Like, right outside the door. Well, he could always wait for them to pass by. It's not like– The lock turned green. Unlocking the door for them. 
Oh shit. 
Eren looked around the room, finding no place to hide. God, this is bad. Eren just groaned, finding another door and thinking– good enough. Before he pressed the key-card to the screen, and shoved himself inside. Shutting the door the exact same time the other door opened. 
He thickly swallowed, closing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. Back pressed to the door as he tried to listen. Seeing if he got caught, or if the people heard something. 
“You think John’s coming?” The mystery person asked. Sounded like a male, maybe an older gentleman. 
“No, I just told him I’m grabbing my laptop. Told him to just wait for us.” A female voice responded, she sounded around the same age. 
“Where is your laptop?” He asked. 
She moved some papers, “In this room..” she said. Grabbing some beakers and moving it to the side. Causing the glass to loudly ‘clink!’ against each other. “Ah!— found it.”
Eren sighed, relaxing against the door. Hearing the couple make some small talk, and thankfully it seemed like they were going to leave soon. Which meant, he wouldn’t have to panic for too long. Actually, maybe he should. What was this room?
Eren was in a dark room. That was a lie, it was illuminated by the blue light on racks. Racks of what? You may ask. Well, even Eren didn’t know. From this distance, it sort of looked like racks of– Cotton?.. Strings of cotton, maybe?
He squinted his eyes, seeing some black dots on them. Moving neon dots. 
Wait, what is that?
Eren pushed himself off the door, and walked forward, squinting his eyes and pressing his glasses to his face. Trying to see what the hell was in front of him. Unfortunately, the 5 racks were moving in a circle. Making it even harder to see what it was. 
He walked along with him, staring at the small neon dots. His nose a few inches away from one of them, only to stop dead in his tracks. His stomach dropped. 
“Spiders.” He whispered, eyes widening. His body tensed. Eren took a step back, his mind blanking in fear. “Spiders.” Another step, “Spiders.” He said, absolutely awed. 
For the worst reason.
Now, the one thing Eren was terrified of. Even more than you, –despite you being his favorite thing in the entire world– was spiders. 
He genuinely could not stand them. At all. 
Eren didn’t hate them. No, in fact, he wished he did. Eren was just deathly afraid of them. That’s why he couldn’t stand them. The long legs, bunch of eyes, and fast speed. The shits can climb walls, and have weird super strength?! Are you kidding me?! God really fucked the world over when creating those little devils. 
Eren can’t express how terrified he was of them. Couldn’t look at them, scared. Couldn’t kill them, scared. Once moved out of a house because he saw a tarantula, scared. Which, who wouldn’t?
That’s how scared I am of them. Fuck the little scary devils. 
He bit the inside of his cheek. Taking a bunch of steps back. Bumping into the wall and falling on his ass. His glasses fell to the floor, shattering one of the lenses. Which he couldn’t care about right now. He just needed to get the fuck out of this room. Like, right now. Maybe even kill himself if he couldn’t leave. 
Almost instantly, his skin was crawling. Were the devils on me?! He swatted at his skin, trying to remove the feeling. Despite nothing being on him. A common thing once he sees the horrible creatures. Even if they were feet away from him.
He looked back at the door he entered, forcing himself up and rushing outside. At this point, he didn’t care if the people were still there, he just needed out. Unfortunately, during that crazy flight-or-fight reaction, he ended up running through the cobwebs. 
Oh my god. I'm killing myself. 
Eren forced himself through the door, shutting it behind him and grabbing the cobwebs in his face. Peeling it down and muttering, “Gross.” Then tossing it to the floor. Shaking his hands as the cobwebs still clung to his fingers. Strings of stickiness dangling from his fingers. 
Eren shuttered as he removed the rest. Watching the webs slowly peel away from his skin and clothing with every movement. It felt like they were still on him. I mean, they still were. Strings or cotton decorating the floor and his hands. 
This was disgusting. 
Eren finished removing them. Shaking his head for the last time, and walking to the door he entered. Pressing his ear to it, trying to hear if anyone was near before existing. Then closing the door and dropping the key card on the floor before discreetly walking back to the waiting room. Pushing the doors open and walking back to his seat. Ignoring the looks from the other people in the room. Along with Pepper’s. Just staring at his seat like he wasn’t gone for half an hour. 
He needed to finish one more problem before–
“Eren Yeager?” You smiled at him, putting the clipboard under your arm. “It’s now your turn.” 
Eren put his hands to his face, shutting his eyes and taking in a deep breath. God just really hates me, doesn’t he? Eren grabbed his things, awkwardly shoving them all together and making his way to the door. 
What’s this weird sensation.. What’s on my hand?-
A spider. 
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Seeing as he froze in his spot. Staring directly at his hand. Almost like he was entrenched by it. You took a step in his direction, trying to look at what he was staring at. “Uhm, are you.. Okay?..” You softly asked, tilting your head at him. Looking at what used to be his glass covered eyes. 
Then, it bit him. 
Eren let out a pathetic and weak laugh, I’m going to pass out. 
Eren wasn’t even joking. He was literally going to pass out. His head felt heavy, and his eyesight slowly turned into static. Oh my god, I’m going to pass out. He staggered forward, blinking rapidly. His ears ringing and block out the noise in the room. His head is leaning forward from the impossible heavyweight of his head. 
Your voice rang through his head. Causing his eyes to instantly go to your frame. Before he could even register it, his body was leaning on your small one. Easily holding up his weight. You looked at him, readjusting your hands to better support him. Your nose is almost touching his. 
Your cherry lip gloss overcoming his senses, sweet perfume and innocent eyes. Curious and filled with worry as you looked at him. You hand lifted to cup his cheek. Eyes wide and on him, and only him. “Oh my gosh! You’re– You’re burning!” Despite the situation, your voice was still cute and innocent. Filled with desperation. 
You hand pressed against his chest, the other one on his face. Making him look directly at you. God, you were so close he could feel your body against his. Your chest pressed against his chest. Making his skin deepen in color. 
In that second, Eren gained all the energy he needed. His face flushed, as he pushed himself away from you, everything that he was holding falling to the floor. Due to it being a momentary strength, he lost it almost immediately. Falling to the floor. 
Your eyes widened, going on your knees with him. “Levi! Tony!” You hurriedly shouted, “Get some help!” You looked at him, your eyes glossy brimming with hot tears. Eren couldn’t help but think, You were always very sensitive, and so caring when it came to people. You grabbed his face again, placing the back of your hand on the top of his head. Feeling his temperature, again, you repeat yourself. “Oh Honey, you're absolutely burning.” 
“What’s happening?” Levi spoke, his sharp gaze landing on Eren. His brother, Tony, followed behind him, lifting the glasses he was wearing to the crown of his head. They were probably reading glasses.
Of course, this had to be Eren’s first interaction with the brothers that owned this very building. Just great. His literal heroes were watching as he burned up on the floor. With his crush trying her best to comfort him. 
You turned to him, “I– I don’t know! He just fell on me, then–”
“Passed out on the floor, right.” Tony said, he closed his eyes for a second “Get up. Y/n, help him to the– the..” He snapped his fingers a few times, trying to think of the word. 
Pepper smiled, shouting, “Health-room!” from her desk. 
Tony pointed at her, “Ah, yes. Health room.” He forced a quick smile at her, “Thanks, Pepper.” Tony looked back at you, “Take him there for me, yeah?” 
You nodded, looking back at Eren and cupping his face. “Oh Love, where are your glasses? Aren't you blind without them?” You tilted your head. 
You weren't wrong, but Eren knows that's not how that works. Like, at all. Sure, he had thick lenses, but– he wasn’t blind. Yet, Eren didn’t have the energy to correct you. To be fair, he never had the energy or the balls to correct you. 
You wrapped his arm over your shoulder, picking him up –with surprising ease– and leading him to the health room. Making sure to say soft praise for each step he took. If Eren was more aware of the situation he would’ve been freaking out. Your small hand on his body, forcing weak steps out of him. Then, praising him with sweet words. 
Levi looked at all the stuff on the ground, letting out a small scoff. “I just had this floor cleaned yesterday.” He softly said, making Tony look at the mess with him. 
Tony let out a small chuckle, “Yeah, well…” He grabbed Eren’s backpack, tossing it on a chair, and looked at his skateboard. “God, did he come here on this?” He shook his head, leaning down to grab the skateboard only to stop. Looking at the small thing near it. 
“Levi.” Tony’s voice was stiff, like he forced it out of him. Closing his eyes and sighing heavily. Levi looked at Tony, glancing at what he was looking at. Then, he kneeled near the ground. Almost instantly, Levi was groaning alongside Tony, looking away and rubbing his temples. “Don’t tell me that spider came from the kid.” A rhetorical question, one that Levi wanted to roll his eyes at. 
Tony reached inside his pocket, pulling out a tissue. Grabbing the spider and bringing it closer to his face. Looking at it, almost sighing with annoyance. “And, it’s one of ours.” Tony grabbed the skateboard, putting it along with his backpack and papers. 
“Send someone to go check–”
“On it!” Pepper shouted, a smile on her lips as she pushed herself from her desk and walked out the door. Grabbing some of the staff and walking toward the ‘situation’ room. 
Tony shook his head with amusement. Looking back at Levi saying, “This is why I love her.” Before getting up and handing the tissue to Levi. Letting his glasses drop over his eyes, turning over on his heel and walking into the room. 
“Tell Pepper to cancel the rest of the interviews, we have our guy.” 
Levi’s eyebrows furrowed together, not convinced by what his brother was telling him. They’ve done at-least a hundred interviews, and now he’s choosing to be lenient when picking someone? After regarding a student because he didn’t like how they sat? Yeah, Levi wasn’t convinced. “And, what if he’s not what we want?” He expressed, his hands crossed over his chest. 
Tony laughed, shaking his head once. Raising his eyebrows and turning to Levi. Straightening his posture and saying, “Well, we’re going to make him what we want.” He said cooly, pushing open the door he exited and walking into the room. “No matter how far from it he is.” 
Levi rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue and followed Tony. “You just don’t want to deal with a lawsuit.” Shutting the door behind the both of them. 
Tony nodded his head nonchalantly, “That too.” 
          Location: Stark Industries Infirmary…
Eren’s eyes adjusted to the light, a soft groan leaving his lips. He was laying down on a scratchy surface, which felt slightly cushioned. Was it a bed? A really uncomfortable one? For some reason, Eren could also hear people talking– was that a beeping noise? Eren let out a soft groan, stirring in the uncomfortable bed. 
Wait, where am I? 
Eren quickly sat up, hearing the beeping noise get louder, only to see it was a heart monitor. It took him a moment to process, confused about the situation. When it hit him like a truck. 
Oh. That’s right. He's still at Stark Industries. He passed out, if he can recall correctly. He raised a hand to his temple, rubbing it. His head was pounding, something that only worsened his weakened state. He was thirsty, tired, and mostly embarrassed. Eren didn’t even want to think about what happened. If anything, he couldn’t even think.
But he shamefully couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
How Eren practically fell on you. He probably looked so stupid. Eren tried to ignore that thought, he was way too exhausted to think about that. He thickly swallowed, lifting his head and looking in front of him. 
Yet, for once in his life— he really, really, didn’t want to see the person in front of him. Not like this. 
You were sitting across from him on a plastic chair, typing away on your phone. Your lips pressed together, and eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Right leg crossed over the left one as it bounced. Your eyes went up, looking directly at Eren. Feeling a pair of eyes on your frame. 
You smiled at him apologetically, getting off the chair and placing your phone down on it. Looking at him with concern. You bit your bottom lip, awkwardly resting your hand on top of your heart. Somehow pressing your chest together perfectly. Eren would have appreciated the view if he was more awake. And, if he had his glasses. “Are you feeling any better?” You softly asked. Tilting your head at him innocently. 
Eren sighed, leaning his head back and nodding. His hands gripping into the white sheets that covered him. Lips pressed together tightly in a straight line. He really didn’t want to talk to you looking like this. 
You got closer, standing in-front of him. You were about to speak when Eren beat you to it.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, eyes trained on you. It’s been forever since the last time he actually spoke to you. This was probably the worst thing he could’ve started with, but this question was killing him. Why were you here?
Your eyes widened, surprised by his question. Surprised he even said something. Since Eren had a habit of staying quiet when you were near. You thickly swallowed, “Why are you here?” You asked, smiling at him. “Are you gonna’ be one of those white lab coat people?” 
You pointed at him, nodding your head in agreement. “Yes, scientists.” You said, turning away from him. 
“Why are you here, Y/n?” 
You giggled, “I’m just like a receptionist. I write things down.” You softly said, waking to your seat. “My Dad works with Stark, and managed to help me get a job here.” You grabbed your phone from the chair and turned to him. Your face burning with embarrassment, “I don’t even know what a receptionist does, pretty stupid, huh?”
You weren’t looking at him. 
Which was good, you would’ve seen the absolute confused face Eren had. He didn’t even want to ask more questions. Because he knew he wouldn’t like the answer. Eren didn’t want to know how an air-head like you got a job like this. 
An adorable air-head. Although, a part of him was slightly salty with the amount of connections you had.
You grabbed your bag, “Anyways!” You said gleefully, “I think you're big enough to handle the rest of the way home.” You walked to the door. Leaning on it. “Or, do you need me to walk you?” 
Eren shook his head, trying to release the hold he had on the white sheets. Only to find them.. stuck to his hands?.. 
You took a step backwards, looking at Eren. “Alright then, c’ya!” You pivoted on your heel. Eren just watched the way your skirt twirled with you, flipping up and flashing him your panties. Eren looked away, his ears red. 
He didn’t need his glasses to tell what just happened. 
Once you were gone he looked back at his hands. Eyebrows furrowed as he tried to pull the sheet away from his hands. Feeling himself grow antsy, and panicked. Why couldn’t he?– Let go!
Eren sighed, relaxing his shoulders. Closing his eyes and just thinking. Which was probably the worst possible thing to do given his situation, but it’s all he could do. He hated being alone in his thoughts. Eren finally felt his hands pull away. It allowed him to look at the sheets, then his hands. He slowly breathed out, “Oh-kay.” Eren leaned back in the bed. Looking at the ceiling, processing what happened. 
“That’s– new.” 
          Location: Your Comfy, Comfy, Apartment…
It was night when you finally made it home. And, it was time for your daily facetime. You placed your phone on your restroom counter, washing your face with makeup remover. “Okay, look.” You said, grabbing a towel and patting your face. “Harry’s a cute boy, tall, nice, and awkward. So is his brother Jean, I know that.”
You propped your phone up. Looking at your best friend Gwen. “And, I mean, really nice.” You had a small blush in your cheeks. “But, he’s like–“ you tried finding the words. “Weird? Different?.. I don’t know, it just feels like he’s forcing himself around me.” Or, it feels like he shouldn’t be around me. 
Gwen nodded, “Weird as in, he hates you? Or weird as in he likes you?” She said, raising an eyebrow. “When people like someone, they tend to be awkward or rude to that person.”
You paused, looking at your reflection and blinking innocently. “Likes me?” You said, feeling butterflies swirl in your stomach. Your friend laughed, making your face heat up again. “Gwen, I’m being serious here.” You softly wined. 
“No, no. I’m sorry, s’just you’re really cute.” She shook her head, “I get why it can be confusing, usually guys don’t act like that when they like someone.” She said, “I can’t remember the last time someone was awkward around me, because they liked me. I’m almost jealous.” She waved her hand dismissively. “Anyways, please continue..”
You sighed, kneeling to the floor. Looking directly at your phone, “He’s… I don’t know.” You tilted your head to the side, resting it on the counter. “I don’t even know what to say about him. There’s nothing about him that would make me feel like this. It’s just… it’s uncomfortable.” You whispered that last part. 
Maybe, this is why you’ve never been in a relationship. 
You sighed, getting up and grabbing some face cream. “It’s weird, I just feel like he… he’s hiding something. Or, is trying to hide that emotions are changing. I just— I don’t know…” You felt your chest tighten, “That type of weird.” 
“I don’t think I follow you.” Gwen shrugged, “Nevermind that. But, Y/n, I don’t know if you know this, but– you two work at enemy corporations.” She said in an obvious tone.
You let out a small, “Oh yeah.” Making her loudly laugh, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. 
She shook her head, continuing. “He’s literally the son of the CEO of Oscorp Industries.” She laughed, “While you’re working at Stark Industries. It’s a given that he’s going to start acting different since he recently started to work there.” Gwen noticed how you got uncomfortable. You didn’t like speaking about your work. She didn’t like saying it but, she guessed it was because you felt guilty about how you got it. She heard a few rumors.
Gwen didn’t believe them. 
“So, he’s acting weird?” Gwen said, changing the subject back to what you were more comfortable with. “Is this a one time thing? Or, something that’s been constantly happening?” Gwen laid down on her bed, and propped the phone on her desk. 
You sighed, taking a moment to respond. “I don’t know, he just– it's been happening for a few days.” You pouted, “He was always distant from me, so I didn’t really know him until recently. And, when I first met him he seemed fine. Then– then this started happening.” You sighed, leaning on the wall. 
Gwen raised an eyebrow. “Seemed?” 
You sighed, grabbing your phone and walking into your bedroom. Your bedroom mostly dealt with whites and pinks, a good representation of who you were. A cute girl who was kind and soft. Your bedroom was decorated in drawings and paintings. Maybe some pictures you printed out of friends and family. 
The ground was dark hardwood, covered by a fluffy, big, and pink carpet. Your bed was decorated with a white sheet, a small cream blanket over top. Fluffy white pillows on top, and tossed around. It was almost like Eren’s, just way more organized and girly. And, you know, instead of pictures it was your artwork. 
You placed your phone on your desk, and searched for your computer. “Yeah, seemed,” you quickly remarked. You found it in the middle of your sheets. “And, now he’s just acting like everyone else.” You looked to the side, slightly saddened by it. 
You nodded, opening your computer and shutting the windows that were open. You were doing homework. Then, opening a website. 
“The same as in?…“
“Same as in..” you sighed, trying to think of the words. “It feels like he doesn't see me as a real person anymore.” You pouted lightly, “I'm sure he sees me as this perfect, pretty girl.” You sighed, “When I’m really just a normal boring girl.” If only he knew who you really were.
“Do you like him?” Gwen asked, watching the way you hesitantly shook your head. She bit the inside of her cheek, “I mean, is that necessarily a bad thing?” She said, “I mean, I would want the guy I like to see me like that.” 
You wanted to send a jab at her so, you quickly said, “Just say Peter Parker.” You said, sending an adorable glare at her. You could never look mean. 
Gwen suppressed a laugh, shaking her head. “Y/n, you know me and Peter aren’t anything.” She said playfully. “I’m just saying, I wouldn’t mind that.” 
“Gwen.” You said, slightly whining. “You and Peter are destined to be together. Don’t you think I don’t hear the way you talk about him.” You said, accusingly. A finger up and pointing. “It seems Peter really likes you.” You looked down at your hands for a second. “The real you.” You turned your head to the side slightly, sighing. “The worst part is, the two of you have only been talking. I don’t know how the two of you aren’t in a relationship yet.” 
You stood up, grabbing a picture above your desk. Taking it down from the bulletin and looking at it adoring. It was a picture you drew of Gwen and Peter. “You guys have been talking for a few months, I honestly don’t know why the two of you aren't dating yet.” 
Gwen quickly responded with, “It’s complicated.” She took a moment, collecting herself and sighing, biting her bottom lip. “And, like I said. Peter and I aren’t anything.” She pointed a finger back at you, “But, back to what you were saying. No one in the world is going to know the real you. Only you can.” Gwen said. “Even then, you don’t entirely know that either, we’re still figuring out what we are. Who we want to be, things like that.” Gwen smiled at you, “You can only get comfortable with someone. Comfortable enough to act more like yourself.” 
You sighed, “I guess.” You looked to the side for a moment, trying to recall something. “Wait, didn’t you date Harry for a little?” 
Gwen’s eyebrows furrowed, “What? No?!” She shivered, “I mean, he liked me and we were talking. But, that ended forever ago. Like I said, I’m pretty sure he’s into you.” 
You blinked a few times, “Oh.” 
She laughed, leaning on the palm of her hand. “Uhg, Y/n.” Gwen groaned playfully, “You’re such an idiot.” 
You sent her a glare, making her raise her hands up. Still, a playful smile on her lips. 
“Sorry, is bimbo the better term here?” She rested on her hand, ignoring the rude glare you were giving her. “You were the one who started it by calling yourself that.” 
You groaned, typing something on your computer, “I didn’t even know what that meant.” 
Gwen giggled, “Then, I think that makes it even more ironic.” She smiled, “Definitely not one of your proudest moments.”
You just muttered a small, “Be quiet.” The call went silent for a moment before you spoke. “A boy passed out on me.” 
You giggle softly, nodding your head. “Yeah, It was a surprise but, I didn’t really mind.” You pouted, “Well, I did but– I could’ve been worse. He could’ve thrown up on me, he literally turned white.” You looked to the side smiling, “And, he was kinda’ cute.” You whispered that last part, your cheeks burning. 
“Y/n?” Gwen said playfully, surprised. “That’s a first? I can’t remember the last time you’ve called a guy cute.” She tapped her lip, “If I recall correctly, I think it was high school guy.”
You shook your head, clicking onto a picture on your computer and grabbing your thick sketchbook. Flipping it to a blank page, and grabbing a pen, clicking the button a few times. “Shut up, Gwen. He was just– awkward..” You laughed, scrunching your nose cutely. “And, the good type of awkward.” 
“Oh, you’re so in love.” 
“Oh my god, Gwen.” You whined, “This is why I don’t tell you anything revolving guys, you always assume I’m in love with them.” You crossed your arms over your chest, “I could tell you they killed my parents, and you would still think it’s some weird enemies to lovers situation.” 
“Hey, to be fair, I never bothered you about Harry!” 
You glared at her.
Gwen laughed, nodding her head. “Yeah, whatever you love me.” She tilted her head, wondering what you were doing. “And, what are you doing now?” 
“Some artsy thingy.” You sighed, leaning into your palm. “I love drawing.” 
“I know.” She had a smile, watching you relax into yourself. Lip jutted out in a pout as you tried to think of something to draw. Then, you were drawing on the blank paper. Ignoring Gwen. 
She just laughed, shaking her head. She always envied how you could lose yourself into your art. Block out the entire world with every stroke of the pencil. She smiled, saying a small. “I love you,” before ending the call. Knowing full well you didn’t even hear it.  
You sighed, hearing the phone end. Putting your pencil down, and leaning back in your chair. Grabbing your computer and finishing what you were typing from before. Clicking onto the Email Mr. Stark sent you. Which wasn’t common, since he insisted on calling or texting you. Eyebrows met together as you stared at what was in front of you. 
You were actually going to have to do something different at work. You signed, placing your head on the desk and closing your eyes. You were going to be a tour guide. For someone that shouldn’t even know you work for Stark Industries.  
“God, I’m so screwed.” 
         Location: Eren’s Comfy, Raggedy, Apartement…
Eren loudly sighed, getting his keys and squinting at the door lock. Trying his best to see the keyhole, as he inserted the key into his lock. God, he really needed his glasses. Then, forcing his door a certain way to unlock it. Prying the door open. Internally cringing at the loud rumble of the door scraping against the floor.
Eren walked inside his creaky house, and shut the door behind him. Some of the pictures he strung up fluttering due to the movement, then locking the door, placing the keys on the counter. Hearing them clang against the ground, of course they fell to the floor. He really needed his glasses. The worst part being, he probably couldn’t even afford another pair. Not for a while at least. 
He could try calling his Dad, but…
Eren bit the inside of his cheek, shaking his head. How am I supposed to take notes? He tried not to think about it right now. He just really needed a nap. Maybe, an eternal one. 
“Where have you been?” A voice rang out, “Your interview should’ve ended six hours ago.” 
Eren softly groaned, shaking his head and looking down at the floor in defeat. “You’re right, it should’ve.” He looked at his unwanted guest, smiling, “I’m pretty sure I didn’t get the job.” He let out a small chuckle, leaning on the counter. Hell, he didn’t even get a chance to do the interview.
Eren looked at the door, then to his friend. Feeling his eyebrows mush together for a second, displaying his confusion, “Wait, how’d you even get in?” He pointed at the door, then his guest. “Wait, Harry.. Did you steal my spare key?” Eren let out a sarcastic laugh, putting a hand to his temple. Trying to recall the last time he tried looking for it, then saying to himself, “So I didn’t lose it.”
Harry shook his head, pressing his lips together. “Actually you did, I just happen to be the one who found it.” he flashed a charming smile, winking at Eren. “Pretty convenient, right?” 
Eren rolled his eyes, knowing that Harry probably found it around his apartment and decided to take it. Like what he did with his camera, and sometimes computer. He’d always return it yet, the damage was done. The porn was already found. Not a fun thing to come home to when you know you didn’t exit out of the tabs.
Eren sighed and reached up, opening his cabinet and grabbing something to drink with. Picking out a pink color changing cup, an item he got for free when buying an icy. Turning his head to his unwanted guest and saying, in the most strained way possible, “Thirsty?” 
Harry squinted his eyes at him, crossing his arms over his chest and quickly saying, “Eren, stop deflecting.” He stood up from the couch, “Just, tell me what happened.” He didn’t mean it to be hostile, it just came out the way. Harry felt he couldn’t correct his tone, so he just dealt with the small guilt in his stomach. 
Eren leaned down, resting his hips against the counter. Trying to stabilize himself. “I–“ he sighed, leaning his head back. “I didn’t get the job, Harry.” Eren put the cup down on the counter, trying to breathe. “I didn’t get the job.” Eren said it again, knowing he was just trying to process the sentence in his head. 
I didn’t get my dream job. 
Eren cut him off, “Harry, I had such a shitty day today.” Eren laughed, looking at Harry. “This day is my thirteenth goddamn reason.” He shook his head, “Like, if I randomly die. It’s because I killed myself.” He shook his head, reaching for his fridge. Grabbing some cold water he stored earlier that day. 
Harry laughed, but quickly covered it with a cough when Eren glared at him. “Hey man, if it ever comes down to that. I’ll jump off the cliff with you.” He obnoxiously sighed, “My fathers been up my ass–” He paused for a second, like he was thinking of something. Soon enough Harry’s eyes lit up, “Wait, you didn’t get the job, right?” He said with a smile.
Eren squinted his eyes at him, putting his water back in the fridge. “Way to rub salt in an open wound.” Eren suppressed a laugh, “Yeah, I didn’t get the job.” 
Harry smiled, “That's good!” Eren quickly sent him a look over the small fridge door, making Harry instantly realize what he did. “No, not good.” He quickly corrected, “I mean, good for you– me.” Harry pressed his lips together, deeply inhaling and exhaling. 
“Take your time, Love.” Eren said coolly. Waving his drink in the air. 
“Shut the fuck up, Eren. I’m trying to help you here.” Harry suppressed a laugh and smile, trying to stay composed and ‘mad’ at Eren. “Since, I am working at Oscorp. I could –I don’t know– get you an interview for a position of some kind?..” Harry sighed, leaning into himself. “I know it probably won’t be something like Stark Industries, but–” 
“No thanks.” Eren said, a smile on his lips as he looked at the drink in his hands. “As much as I appreciate it, Harry, I prefer to work for what I earn. Makes the reward way more satisfying.” Eren felt his eyebrows meet together, his head suddenly booming with pain. Worse than before. “But, thank you Harry. I sincerely appreciate it.” 
Harry smiled, shrugging his shoulders. “Of course.” 
Eren pulled the cup to his lips, drinking the cold liquid. Feeling his headache soften for a second then quickly return. God, this is hell. Eren sighed into the cup, placing it down and deeply inhaling. Trying to relax. “How’s you and Gwen going?” 
Harry sent him a look, “How’s you and Y/n going?” 
Eren raised his eyebrows, quickly inhaling through his teeth. Grimacing. “You wanna’ go first?” He laughed, pushing himself off the counter. Walking towards the living room and looking at some of his pictures. Reminiscing about when he took them.
Harry sighed, “Things just happen and people fall…” He closed his eyes, “..people fall for other people.” 
“She likes someone else now?” Eren said, a smile on his lip. He tried to suppress it. Trying his best not to display his amusement. Something Harry picked up on immediately. 
“No, she doesn’t.” He quickly defended, “Well, I– I just don’t know.” Harry sighed, leaning his shoulder on the wall. Looking at the picture Eren was. “It feels like she’s talking to someone else, or just likes someone else altogether.” He kept his eyes on the pictures in front of him. 
Eren looked at him, “I don’t think so. Gwen seemed really set on you the last time I spoke with her.” He smiled, “So, you could just be over thinking it.” 
“No, I’m not.” He waved his hand, “Besides, I’m talking to another girl now.” Harry took in a deep breath, before releasing it. “Besides, I’m pretty sure Gwen’s talking to–” Harry shook his head, “Yeah, but– enough about me.” He said, a smile on his lips. “What’s happening between you and Y/n?”
Eren sucked in air through his teeth, “Honestly, I think I’m going to bed. My head’s killing me.” 
“We can talk about this tomorrow, or in class–” he said, twirling around slowly. 
He stopped moving, smiling at Harry. “When we’re going out to eat and–”
“Eren, what happened?” He said, smiling at him. “You always want to talk about Y/n. So, tell me. What happened?” Harry had a sympathetic look.
Eren took a deep breath, smiling and pulling away from the wall. Grabbing the picture he was looking at. Then laughing, accepting the situation he was in. “If I had any chance with her, I threw it down the drain.” He shook his head, laughing sarcastically. “Dude I– I ripped it up, and threw it in her face.” He smiled again, looking at the ground and sighing. He fell on top of you, there’s no coming back from that. So embarrassing. 
Harry scrunched his nose, nodding his head. Looking at his friend's face, “Dude, where’d your glasses go?”
Eren gave him a look that can only be described as, ‘really?’ before speaking, “Now you notice?” He just put his hands into his pockets, walking to the couch and sitting down. Letting his legs spread, and leaning his head back, trying to get comfortable. “It’s a long ass story.” 
Harry shook his head, walking to the couch and sitting next to him. Trying to think of something that would help his friend's mood. “Eren, I know you already said no, but me and Armin are going out to a comic con..” He slowly said, “Do you want to come? Help you get your mind off things?” 
Eren smiled, bringing his head forward and looking at Harry. “I think I’m going to rest.” He laughed, feeling his head throb. “I wasn’t lying when I said my head was killing me.”
Harry nodded, pushing himself off the seat and standing up. Looking at the pictures of you, and then Eren. Feeling himself close his eyes, then sigh. “Alright, I’ll talk to you later?” 
Eren smiled, nodded his head and reached his fist out. Waiting for Harry to hit it. It took him a second, but once it was done he was out of the house. The door creaking shut behind him. 
Eren let his head drop. Closing his eyes, and sighing. Feeling his eyes pearl with tears. Looking up at one of the pictures of you. 
Eren pulled up his phone. Trying to distract himself with YouTube, or some weird video from Instagram that his friend tagged him in. He practically groaned looking through his feed. They were decorated in videos of Jean taunting him. Showing how you needed to get involved. How you, a tiny girl, needed to step into an altercation between two men well over six feet. 
Eren could feel his cheeks burn in embarrassment. Yeah, you definitely didn’t like him now. Eren turned off his phone, placing it face down on the couch. He wished he could just… talk to you. Like a normal person. Like when you two spoke in the beginning of freshman year of college. When Eren wasn’t so– so.. Bleh! 
Actually, he’s pretty sure that was the year Jean’s taunting began. No wait, it was freshman year of high school. How could he forget the years of torment? Freshman year of college is when things got worse.  
Believe it or not, the three of you went to the same high school. But, you were always reading in the library. While Eren was pressed against a locker, getting taunted by Flash and Jean. The two of you lived in different worlds, so Eren had to admire you from afar. 
Which he did enjoy! In fact, you looked unrecognizable from what you did back in high school. Maybe, that’s why Eren didn’t recognize you right away. But, after hearing your voice and kind words, he immediately knew it was you. 
However, Eren misses that version of you. Purely, because it was easier for him to talk to you. Was it selfish? Maybe. But, it was true. 
It started when he was taking a small tour. Walking on this huge, and new campus. 
Thick framed glasses, and a black face mask over his face. A gray hoodie, and black sweatpants covering his body. His hoodie over his head as he looked around. His camera in hand and snapping photos of buildings, scenery, people, and small animals. The natural essence of the school. 
From afar Eren looked kinda’ scary. He assumed that’s why students did their best to keep their eyes to the floor when they passed him. Some even crossed the street to avoid him. He didn’t mind though, Eren was busy doing own thing. 
Eren was adding photos for the school’s freshman collage. Something that people would look at and admire for a few seconds, then return back to their day. Maybe even stare a little longer. Wondering if they were in the background of any photo. Only to walk away when they weren’t. 
Eren didn’t care. He just liked taking photos as a hobby. It was his passion after all. 
Then, he saw you. A girl he had adored since the fourth grade from afar. Someone who kissed his bandaid covered scrap. Someone who drew him flowers when he was down. You were like an angel from above. But, this was how you treated everyone. 
You were walking alone, phone in hand and pressed against your ear as you spoke to someone. Wearing the most fashionable clothing on the market, walking in heels he didn’t even know were possible to shimmy in. Yet, there you were. Strutting like a model. 
A skirt which would become your thing as time went on. A plain white T-shirt, and plain zip-up jacket. Some simple silver jewelry and black gloves. Another article of clothing that seemed to be your thing. You were about to walk past him, before you flashed him a soft smile. Stopping and pointing at his camera, titling your head in curiosity. 
Eren blinked at you, confused. 
One, Eren literally looked like he stole things for a living as of right now. Two, why were you pointing at him?
You noticed, and quickly said, “Let me call you back, Honey.” Ending the call, and putting your phone in your purse, smiling at him. “Your thingy,” you said, pointing at his camera. “Are you one of those people who take cool snapshots?” You innocently asked, pressing a few strands of hair behind your ear. Tilting your head at him. 
Eren let out a small laugh, trying to recall the last time he spoke to you. High school graduation, maybe?.. “My camera.” He said, pointing at it. “And no, I’m not a photographer.” Eren gripped his camera a little tighter. “It’s just a hobby.” He added.
“That’s so cute!” You smiled at him, “Can I see some of your photos?” You asked, hands coming up to pretend you were holding a camera. Taking a few pictures of your own, as you took a step closer, looking back at his hands. 
He didn’t say anything, just stared at you. Confused on why such a –stupidly– cute girl was talking to him. Most importantly, why you, of all people, were talking to him. And, of all the things in the world, his pictures. His embarrassing hobby. 
It took you a moment, maybe a bit longer than it should’ve to realize how invasive your question was. “Wait!” You raised both your hands in the air. Expressing your distress, “That sounds really weird, I mean–“ you cleared your throat. A black gloved hand over your mouth as you did so. A small embarrassed laugh while you scratched your cheek. “When I was younger,” you started, “I always wanted to try and be the thing you said–“ 
“A photographer?” Eren asked, raising an eyebrow. “They’re called photographers, Love.” Where the hell did Eren get the confidence to say that?
You felt your heart flutter at the nickname, a feeling you haven’t felt in awhile. Before smiling and nodding your head. “Yeah, a photographer!” You sighed, rolling your eyes. “I always forget what they’re called…” You whispered that last part. “It’s like a dead dream at this point, but I’m still awed by the profession.” You had an awkward smile. Your index fingers fiddling together. 
You placed both of your hands behind your back. Your head tilted up to look directly at Eren. “And, it’s such a beautiful day.. It would be horrible not to take some pictures of the scenery.” You pointed at his camera. 
Eren nodded, “So, you want me to show you my photos?” He looked around, then back at you. “And, take some pictures with you?” 
You had wide eyes, a beaming smile as you nodded. “Yes, exactly.” You clasped your hands behind your back.  
Oh my god, this is literally the cutest girl ever. Was his first thought. The second was, Oh my god. There literally isn’t a single thought behind those adorable eyes. 
Eren looked to the side, his hand coming to the back of his neck. Thinking about it. I haven’t taken any bad photos, I think. Eren nodded, still unsure before answering. “Uhm, sure?” He took the strap off his neck, lowering the camera to your eyesight. Clicking on his collection and recents folder. You got closer to him, pressing your shoulder to his arm. 
Eren could smell you. Vanilla, and something sweet— almost fruity. He forced a smile, trying to hide the slow blush on his ears. He flipped the screen to your face, “These are some I took today.” 
Your eyes were fixated on the images in front of you. Wide and astonished by the images he was showing. You looked at him, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Woah! You did this?!” 
I mean, it is my camera. Despite that thought circling his head. It sounded like you were in disbelief. Smiling as you looked back at Eren with an adoring smile on your face. 
“You’re so talented.” You quietly whispered.
Eren could feel the tension in his face relax. His lips parting ever so slightly, his heavy heart lifting with admiration. It felt like someone somehow threw him in his elementary body, making him relive his first interaction with you. His cheeks burning with embarrassment as you softly kissed his palm. Explaining that; It heals faster with love!
This was you. Y/n standing directly in front of him. He almost didn’t recognize you. 
Eren shook his head, and straightened his posture again. He had a kind smile, nodding at you. “T-Thanks.” He could feel his mouth slowly turning into mush. Unable to speak properly with every word. 
You felt your body freeze for a moment, staring at the kind giant in front of you. Your hands holding onto each other behind your back as you smiled at him, nodding your head. 
Suddenly, it felt like Eren watching you– change?.. Only for a second.
“Don’t thank me for telling the truth.” You softly said, turning your face away. You reached your hand out, still turned away from him. “I’m Y/n.” You softly said, “L/n.” You added. 
I know that, Eren thought. “Well, I’m–“ 
Your phone rang, causing him to stop talking. You gave him an embarrassed, and apologetic look. Grabbing it, and looking at the username. You bit your bottom lip, shoving it back in your bag and ignoring it. “My bad,” you softly said, but you quickly cleared your throat. Pointing at his camera, “Uhm, if you don’t mind.” You slowly said, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Could you take some fancy photos of me.” You looked to the side, then back to him. 
Eren hesitated, blinking at you. 
You flinched, “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to! I mean, I just thought it could be fun or–“
“Yeah,” Eren quickly said, his camera close to his face, and clicking through the storage. “I have more than enough room, and time to kill.” He looked back up, smiling at you. “It seems like a fun way to burn time.” 
You smiled, nodding your head. “Yay! I get to–” you slowly trailed off, not knowing the word. 
Eren laughed, “Model, you get to model, Love.”
You giggled, nodding your head. Walking closer to him and asking, “Alright, now.” You said, leaning to the side and looking around. Trying to find a place for pictures. 
“How about there?” Eren said, pointing to an open field. A beautiful flower tree in the middle. “It’s shady, and a pretty location.” He slowly walked towards it, checking behind him to see if you were following. 
You were nodding your head in approval. Trying to speed up due to how fast he walked. Probably because of how tall he was. “Hey, what are you studying?” You asked, standing in front of the tree, and looking up. Seeing the pretty flowers on display. 
Eren brought his camera to his face, trying to fix the lenses. Clicking a few buttons with his thumb. “I’m majoring in Biophysics.” He said, smiling once he got the lenses where he wanted. 
You leaned on the tree looking at him. “What’s that about?” You held your purse between your legs, swinging it back and forth slightly. 
Eren furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think of a way to explain it. “It’s science, and physics.” He said, raising the camera up, and pointing it at you. Adjusting the way he was standing to try and get a better angle, “Uhm, could you try to pose?” 
You nodded, leaned back into the tree and placing your hand into your hair. Grabbing a strand, and looking to the side, trying to pose. 
Eren suppressed a laugh, clicking the button and capturing a few photos. 
“So, what is physics?” You innocently asked. 
Eren lowered his camera for a second, his eyebrows together. “Wait? You attend this school, right?” 
You blinked, lowering your hand and nodding your head. Slightly confused, “Uh, yeah?..” 
Eren slowly nodded his head, “Don’t you need like a 3.7 gpa to attend?” 
You blinked at him, shrugging. Muttering out a small, “Maybe? I don’t know?” You removed your jacket, placing it on the floor and sitting on it. “My Dad helped me get into this school.” You reached for the hair-tie in your hair and removed it. Letting your hair fall around your head, perfectly framing your face. 
Eren paused, feeling his face heat up. His heart beating, you definitely didn’t look like that before. He couldn’t even recall if you wore fitted shirts in high school. He blinked a few times, raising the camera to his face and saying, “You’re pretty.” 
You blinked at him. Feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach. Opening your mouth to speak, but finding your throat dry. You just forced a sentence out, “Uhm, you too.” You thoughtlessly said. You could feel your mind mentally slap yourself. You too? You wanted to jump off a building from your stupid mouth.
Eren blushed, hiding his face. Nodding his head and whispering, “Thanks.” Trying his best to ignore the feeling building in his chest. 
You just nodded, looking away. Making it look like it was part of your pose. You continued from where you left off. “My Dad has a few connections to the school, so I didn’t need to do much to get in.” You posed your legs, placing your hands on them, and leaned forward. Taking a moment to look at Eren. 
Once you did you smiled at him. Trying to get a good photo. 
Eren nodded again, snapping the photos and then lowering his camera. Then, checking the two different images. Trying to see which one was better. 
You stood up from the ground, wiping the dirt from your legs and ass, before standing close to him. You didn’t notice how good he smelled. You leaned on his arm, your chest pressed against him, as you looked at the photos. Trying to see which of the two poses you liked best. You sighed, pouting and looking up at him. “I don’t really like them.” 
Eren flinched, surprised by your bluntness. “I’m sorry, I probably should’ve–“ 
“No, no!” You quickly cut him off, “I just don’t like the way I look in them.” You softly said, “But, the actual photo is beautiful.” You grabbed his arm, leaning closer to the camera. “The scenery, flowers, and lighting.” You smiled, “I just feel like I’m out of place.” 
“You’re not.” Eren said, suddenly losing his capability to speak. “I think you fit perfectly. In fact, I think you look so perfect, the world looks out of place when you smile.” He was looking at you now, his face red. 
You looked up at him, eyes wide. Looking to the side then to his green eyes. “I think you’d fit…” you found the words stuck in your throat, so you switched them with something else. “..really well, too.” 
You don’t know what was more embarrassing. The nonsense you just said. Or, the way you didn’t know what to say. Actually, it was both. “You should let me take some pictures!” You said, way louder than you intended. You suppress a face, trying not to obviously cringe. “Of you.” You added. 
You couldn’t even see what he looked like with his mask, and from his silence it couldn’t be good. Right? Goodness, why would I say that? You thought. 
Eren had the same thought but in a different font. It was something more like, I look like shit, but I appreciate the thought. 
You pressed your lips together. Feeling your face heat up as he just looked at you. Suddenly, you felt really embarrassed. Shutting your eyes, and trying to keep calm. 
“Uhm, sure.” Eren looked at the camera. 
You were surprised he said yes. You perked, a huge smile on your face as you jumped. “Oh my gosh! Really? I was just messin’ around, but!..” You stopped talking, just letting out an excited noise. Making Eren smile with you. 
His heart melted at the way you eagerly explained what type of pose you wanted him to do. Eren just nodded, removing the camera strap from his next and placing it in your small hands. Trying to follow what you just told him. Eren’s heart was beating as quickly as possible as he did so. Butterflies swarming his stomach. 
Eren awkwardly leaned on the tree, while you placed the camera strap around your neck. Holding it as you tried figuring out how to use it. Eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, just observing the delicate item. Trying not to touch anything in fear of breaking it. 
You just ended up pointing it at him, and gesturing at the button on top. Looking at Eren and asking, “This is the button I press, right?” 
Eren smiled, nodding his head. Letting his right leg go in front of the left, and putting his hand on his lower hip. Letting it dip under the hoodie he was wearing. His head tilted to the side, and slightly pointed down. Looking at you through his glasses. 
You blinked a few times, feeling your face heat up as you pointed the camera at him. Wanting to give him a small warning before you took the photo. So, you said, “Smile.” And snapped one singular photo. You paused for a moment, letting your words sleep into your head. Smile?… He’s wearing a mask, Y/n. You thought to yourself. 
Eren snorted, trying not to laugh as he looked away. Unfortunately, he was failing miserably. Making your face worsen. It felt like it was on fire. 
You pouted, lowering the camera and pointing at his face. “Actually take off you face thingy–“ 
“Mask.” He said through laughs, making you playfully giggle. 
“Take off your mask, so I can actually take a picture of you.” You paused for a second, “Actually, take your hoodie off too!” You said, pointing a finger at him. “We’re modeling, you can’t model with things covering your face.” 
Eren shook his head, letting out a small, “Fine,” and lowering his mask. Removing his hoodie to reveal his long, and slightly messy hair to you. 
You could feel yourself blink, captivated by the man in front of you. Who happened to be very attractive. Strong jaw, stunning emerald eyes, and long shiny hair. Strong shoulders and a kind face, one that made you melt in your spot. 
He was so pretty. 
“I love your hair.” You mindlessly muttered. You could feel your hand twitch at your side, wanting to caress his face. Maybe, move a strand in front of his eyes. 
Eren gave you a goofy yet faltered smile, saying a small, “Thanks?” You watched as he pushed a strand of hair. Only for it to fall back into place. 
You giggled, dropping the camera to let it hang from your neck and getting close to him. “Wait! No, I have an idea.” You raised your hand, motioning to yourself. Silently telling him to get closer. He did, standing in front of you. You pouted, doing the same motion from before, and making him lean down to your height. 
You smiled, leaning forward and grabbing all his hair. Bringing it to the back of his head, and trying to fix it up for him. Biting your lip in concentration as you used your left hand to grab the pink hair tie around your wrist and tying his hair up. The specific pink hair tie you were just previously using. 
You, while doing this, didn’t know what you were putting Eren through. While you oh so kindly were putting his hair up, you were also forcing his face directly in the beautiful sight of your boobs. Practically smothering him. 
His whole face was red when you were done. Pulling back and grabbing a few of his baby hairs to frame his face. Smiling once you finished. Still oblivious to what just happened. You raised your two hands, making your index and thumb form a box. Closing one of your eyes, and raising it to him. Making the border come around his face.  
“Okay, perfect!” You exclaimed, walking backwards and smiling. Bringing the camera to your face and pointing it at Eren. “Pose, Love!” You shouted, waiting for him to follow the command. 
Eren blinked a few times, hoping he still wasn’t blushing and going back to the tree. Posing like before. He found himself even more embarrassed than before. In fact, it felt like he was posing even more awkwardly, than before. 
You smiled, snapping a few photos and giggling. Saying softly, “You should be a model,” as you lowered the camera. “Okay, different pose!” You pointed at him dramatically, “Go!” 
Eren felt his eyebrows mush together, any thoughts in his head blanking. As he clumsily moved his hands in front of his body. Trying to make a pose with that. 
You giggled at his graceless movements, but waited for him to settle on something he was comfortable with. He looked up, trying to gain your approval for the pose he was doing. You nodded your head, giving him a thumbs up as you crinkled your nose cutely. Bring the camera to your face and adjust the way you stood, before your gloved finger clicked on the button. The camera shuttered as it captured the image in front of it. “Now…” You said thoughtfully, “Fake– like?.. A laugh! Fake a laugh.” 
Eren’s eyebrows came together quickly, before he chuckled. Trying to fake a laugh. You shook your head disapprovingly, “No, like– laugh, laugh.” You forced a big smile, then obviously faked a laugh. 
Eren scoffed playfully, obviously faking a laugh like you did. 
You quickly raised the camera up and captured the sight. You couldn’t help but grow warm at the smile that spread across his face. You nodded, lowering the device and bringing it to your eyes. Trying to glance at the photos. 
Eren walked up to you, trying to see the photos. He just decided he’d glance at them once you handed him the camera. It’d be too much of a hassle to crane his neck to look at them. 
You raised your gloved hand, trying to block the sun from the screen so it wouldn’t produce such a glare. You laughed, “Oh my gosh! You look so cute!” You looked at him, jumping up slightly. Hands clapping together. 
Eren forced a smile back, feeling his ears heat up again. He didn’t like how often he was starting to blush. “Thanks.” He voiced, lifting his hand to the back of his neck. 
You looked at him, feeling your face heat up. Seeing the way his ear and face was dusted in a light pink. You just simply nodded. Playing with the cotton of your gloves. “Yeah, whatever.” You whispered. You bit your bottom lip. Wanting to suppress the words bubbling in your throat. “Uhm,” you sheepishly said, pulling both of your gloved hands behind your back. Clasping them together in an act to comfort yourself.Trying to hide the way they were shaking. “I– Would you want to go on a–“
“Y/n!” You flinched at your name. Caught off guard by the loud noise, before turning and seeing Jean not too far away from you. You immediately pulled your hands in front of you, waving in the most obnoxious way and shouting “Hi, Jean!” In a happy light voice.
Eren noticed how immediately you changed back to the person that first approached him. You probably just got embarrassed. It happens to the best of us. And, it was kind of cute. You could be the most intelligent person in the world, and still freak out about a cute girl. He would know.
Wait, does that mean you found him.. cute?..
You looked back at the Eren, conflicted for a moment. “Let me get your number, so we can ta–“
You were cut off by an arm wrapped around your neck. “Y/n, we’ve been looking for you.” 
You turned to Jean, blinking at him innocently. “But, I was gone for like a second.” You playfully mumbled, poking Jean’s cheek. 
Jean’s eyes went to Eren, tilting his head at him. Looking at you and asking with a kind smile, “Who’s this?” Eren didn’t miss how Jean’s energy practically matched yours. Up-beat and inviting. 
Where the hell was the guy who tormented him back in high school. And, how the hell did an Angel like you, know a devil like Jean?
You looked back at Eren, your skin heating up slightly. “Uhm,” You pressed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Just some boy I was talking to...” Jean didn’t miss the way your hands fiddled together when you said that. 
Jean’s eyebrows raised, looking at him again. Biting the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t recall the last time you’ve spoken to someone, and not introduced them to him. 
What was so special about this guy?
Jean hid his scowl, finding himself growing… jealous. Why were you getting so flustered over this piece of shit? You never reacted like this around him. What was so special about the gross nerd in front of you two? 
“Y/n, pretty sure Sasha was calling you.” He said, smiling at you kindly. “You should probably go tell her you’re okay, she’s by the fountain.” That was a lie, he had no fucking clue where Sahsa was. 
You parted your lips, looking to the side and thinking. You didn’t hear your phone ringing. You ended up just nodding your head. You turned back to the tall boy, “Here.” You softly said, removing the camera from your neck, and handing it back to him. Smiling and wrinkling your nose for a second. “C’ya!” You turned on your heel, and waved goodbye. 
Quickly telling Jean you were going to look for Sasha, before walking to the fountain. A place you couldn’t seem to remember for the life of you. Did this school even have a fountain? You grabbed your phone checking your notifications, seeing that you didn’t have any missed calls. You let out a small, “Hm.” While continuing your way to the fountain. You mind still on the boy who took your picture. 
You could feel yourself pout. I didn’t get his name. 
Jean glanced over his shoulder, watching as you walked away. Almost bumping into a trash can. Bless your heart. But god, you were something else.
Eren continued looking at you, a smile on his face. Maybe, he liked you a little more than he liked to admit. With how kind, and almost airheaded you were. He strangely found it cute. Your name echoed through his head. 
It felt like he was back in elementary. 
Eren was sure everyone would know your name before the semester ended. You just had that aura. That magnetic pull that people liked. 
Jean‘s eyes darkened as he looked at Eren. “What’s your name?” 
Eren’s eyes went to Jean, “Don’t pull that shit on me, you know my name. Eren Yeager.” He said. Putting the camera strap around his neck, and bringing the screen to his face. Trying to look at the photos you took. A part of him was excited to see them. Even if they didn’t look the best. 
Jean watched, scowling slightly. He thought back to you. Seeing the way you placed both hands behind your back, looking up at Eren and smiling sweetly. You didn’t do that with him. So, he just forced the words out. “She likes you,” Jean’s eyes landed on Eren. Searching for a reaction, “It’s obvious.” 
Eren thickly swallowed, shaking his head. Finding his heart speeding up at the idea of you being interested in him. “I– I really doubt it.” 
Jean laughed, shaking his head. “God, you’re almost as bad as her. She does, believe me.” He sighed, putting a hand behind his neck, “Which sucks when she’s my girlfriend.” 
Eren grimaced, even if he hated Jean. He wasn’t a home wrecker. Eren took a step back and immediately spouting, “Sorry, I’ll make sure to–“
Jean scoffed, licking his teeth and harshly stating, “Don’t make sure to. You will.” Jean said, taking a step in his direction. “Or, I’ll make your pathetic lonely life, hell.” 
Eren flinched, caught off guard by the male hostility. Seeing that his whole personality changed while you were gone. 
Jean gave a charming smile, turning on his heel and walking to the fountain. He slowed down, leaning his head back and peering over his shoulder, dimples taunting Eren. As he gave a taunting wave, “C’ya.”
Eren blinked in shock. Watching the dirty blonde male walk after you. Placing a hand on your lower back and laughing at something you said. Passing a hostile glance in Eren’s direction before looking back at you. Disappearing behind a building. 
Eren sighed, looking back at his camera and pressing his lips together. Feeling his eyes close for a moment. A heaviness in his chest. He pressed a button on his camera, glancing at the pictures you took. Walking to a bench and sitting down on it. His left hand going up and blocking the sun from the screen like you once did. Trying to glance at the new collection of photos. 
Eren scoffed at the bad pictures. Some of the images weren’t even focused on him, or were just awkwardly blurry. They were so bad. Eren laughed, looking at the sky and shaking his head. 
So, why was he smiling? Why was Eren still flipping through the camera's photos? Smiling fondly while his face was beat red. Feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach as he looked through the photos of you. 
He felt his finger pause on a photo of him. 
When he was fake laughing. When you told him to fake laugh. Now, this was a good photo. The camera was focused on him, the background slightly blurred. A hand over his mouth as he laughed, the corner of his eyes crinkled. His ears and nose were tinted in red. His cheeks are a similar color, displaying his blush quite proudly. 
He actually– really liked the photo. 
He smiled, shutting the flap on his camera. 
Actually, Eren had really, really, liked you. 
A girl he knew since 4th grade. 
A girl he never even thought he could talk to. Until now.
Eren glanced at the ceiling, the sky of the sunny day turning into his apartment’s shelf. A shiny necklace hanging off the edge. Actually, it was just a cheap beaded one. He laughed briefly, closing his eyes and sighing. Trying to relax.
Eren felt something… odd?.. 
Like, his brain was tingling? Maybe, vibrating softly? It was uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. Jesus Christ what the hell was happening? It felt like he had his eyes open, like he was aware of everything in the room. He felt his hand raise, stopping right in front of his face and catching something. 
Eren slowly opened his eyes, peering at his fisted hand. Seeing he caught an award in his hand. The award was on the edge of the shelf. Wrapped around the shiny beaded necklace. “I caught it?..” he muttered, “With my eyes closed.” He laughed briefly, placing the award on the couch. Looking at it, then back to the shelf above his couch. 
“Okay, this is fucking weird.” He whispered, standing up and turning to the couch. Running his hand through his hair. When suddenly, the sensation returned. Unfortunately, this time it wasn’t to the top of his head. It was the left.
His window. 
“Okay,” he softly said, “is the window going to fall or?..” he would’ve laughed at himself, but it felt like this was a serious situation. Eren really didn’t know if his window was going to fall or something. 
He flinched when he heard a knock. On the window?.. Eren slowly walked towards it, pulling back the thin cheap curtain and looking outside. He could feel his heart stop when he saw who it was. 
Tony fucking Stark. 
Eren clumsily pulled open the window, holding it up while he freaked out. His thoughts scrambled while his mouth went dry. Question upon question filling his head. “I– what are you?— Why are you here?!–“ was the only thing that came out. 
“Clam down, kid. Promise this will go by quickly.” Tony said, raising his hand and trying to calm him down. In his ion suit, flying in the middle of a run down apartment, speaking to a random college student. God, this was so weird. 
“What will..” Eren felt his head blank. Holy fuck, Tony Stark is at my apartment. “Go by quick?..” he slowly said, using his whole willpower to muster the words.
Stark tilted his head, and looked inside the small apartment. Pointing at it and saying nonchalantly, “Can I come in?” 
Eren just nodded, sliding his body to the side and holding up the window. Allowing the ironed man to enter his living room. Tony nodded his head and entered the room, placing his feet to the floor and clicking his chest. His iron suit reversing. 
Eren watched diligently, whispering– “Nanotechnology.” 
Tony turned his head, letting out a small, “Hm?” Before nodding his head, “Oh yeah, good eye kid.” He hovered his hand over his chest, “I wanted to upgrade, had some friends in Wakanda help me make it.” He looked around the room, looking at the photos. “But, uh..” 
When suddenly his eyes landed on a picture of you. 
“Oh, you know L/n?” He laughed, walking to the picture and holding it. “Interesting girl that one is, right?” He turned his head up, looking at the rest of the photos of you. Suddenly rethinking his words He knew kids took photos of things they liked, but this was excessive. “Or?.. should I be asking if she knows you?..” 
Tony felt his eyebrows furrow, maybe this isn’t a good idea..
“She knows me..” Eren slowly admitted, cheeks burning in embarrassment. “Just.. not as well as I know her.” 
Tony would’ve laughed, but found himself forcing a smile and nodding. “Uh-huh. Right.” He confirmed. “Anyways, I’m not here for your weird obsession with my right hand man. I’m here for you.” He reached into his pocket, grabbing something. 
Eren watched Tony’s hand reach into his pocket and pull out his glasses. His eyes widened, reaching out for the thick lenses. “My glasses..” he slowly said, taking them into his hands and looking at them. The lenses cracked. He cringed. That was going to be a major financial drain. Which he really didn’t have the money for. 
Eren nodded and raised them to his eyes, seeing as his vision worsened under them. He squinted his eyes, surprised. Before removing them and looking around. Seeing as his vision was… perfect without them. 
Wait, when did that happen? He was literally struggling to open his door not too long ago…
“But, I’m guessing you don’t need them anymore.” Tony tilted his head, and raised his eyebrows. “Right?” 
Eren slowly nodded his head. “Right.” He slowly confirmed, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Utterly confused by why Tony Stark was in his living room. And how the hell his vision was somehow perfect. 
Tony didn’t let Eren comment further, just sat down on his couch. “So, they’re yours?” Eren nodded, confirming. “Good.” Tony then glared at him, “So, you want to tell me why they were in a restricted area?” He tilted his head, “Hm?” 
Eren felt his mouth go dry, his mind blanking. For like the millionth time today. Trying to desperately recall the events that took place at Stark Industries. “I– uhm.” Tony nodded, staring at Eren with his hand supporting his head. Not saying anything, and waiting for Eren to give his response. Eren closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and speaking. “I was hiding from someone.” He admitted.
Tony nodded his head, not saying anything so Eren would continue. A trick he learned from Levi not too long ago. Eren continued, “And someone that worked there was passing by, so I grabbed their..” He looked to the side sheepishly. “Then, I went inside.” 
“And, was that it? Or?..” 
“Some people were entering the room, and I went into what I thought was a closet or something, then I was met with racks of…” he shuttered. “..Spiders.” Eren raised his hand up, showing Tony the bit mark. “Then, I got bit by one and –you know– passed out.” He laughed, but it soon turned into a grimace. 
Jesus Christ he passed out on you.
Eren walked to the couch, taking a seat and sighing. “Then, my hands got stuck to the bedding and I had this weird.. awareness?” He raised his hand, gesturing to his head. “My head got all tingling like some weird–“ 
“Spider-sense.” Tony sighed, closing his eyes for a second. “It’s called Spider-sense.” He opened his eyes, looking back at Eren’s hand. “The spider that you got bitten by wasn't a regular one.”
Eren shuttered again. “Oh my god, don’t even remind me.” He closed his eyes, trying not to think of the small parasite running over his body. “I’m sorry, I just hate spiders. Can’t stand them.”
Tony stifled a laugh, finding the irony in his statement. The next Spider-man hates spiders. “Eren,” he started calmly, not wanting to freak him out. “That was a radioactive spider.” 
Eren’s eyes shot open. His heart pumping quickly, mind racing as he rushed his words out. Almost choking on them. “Am– Am I going to die?!”
Tony shook his head, suppressing his smile. He didn’t want to embarrass the kid. “No, you’re not going to die.” He reassured. But, he still wasn’t completely sure. He was hoping for the best of this situation, a hero. 
Eren laughed, slowly nodding his head. Trying to ease his tension. “No– no, you know what. Let's forget about it.” Eren waved his hand dismissively. “I’m– I’m sorry, but..” He smiled, “Why are you here?..” He said, trying to desperately change the subject.
Tony loudly laughed, “Oh yeah, forgot.” He smiled, extending his hands slightly. A blue projection emerged from his hand. Displaying a few words. “You got the job!” He smiled, “Yay.” 
Eren blinked. Eyes moving from the small projection and to Tony’s face. 
Tony raised his hand dismissively, removing the projection and shaking his head. “Jesus, kid. You got the job, you’re going to be the new intern.” Tony placed his hand on his hip. “I can’t remember the last time we actually had an intern, actually, I think it was with Bambi.“ He shook his head, waving his hand. “Anyways, you got the job. We’ll have you moved in by like..” his eyes drifted to the side, thinking. “By tomorrow, that works, right? Of course it does.” Tony pushed himself off the couch, rolling out his shoulder. He clicked his chest again, his suit gliding over his skin. It was fascinating to see. Eren wished he had one of his own. 
Eren shook his head, Tony’s finally processing. “I got the job.” He was saying it more to himself than anyone. He turned, placing his hands to his head. “I got the job!” He laughed, leaning on his wall. Smiling brightly as he looked at Tony. “I got the job!” He felt his smile loosen, his eyebrows mushing together. “Why did I get the job?” 
Tony laughed. His mask settling over his face, “Circumstance.” His voice changed due to his mask. Something that was found to be iconic by the public. He walked to the window, “I’ll have my man Happy contact you tomorrow.” 
Eren’s eyebrows came together. “Tomorrow? I have class– Why are you contacting me tomorrow?” 
Tony laughed, “We’re moving you.” He said in an obvious tone. “I can’t have my workers working in–“ He paused, his head moving around the room slightly. “Something not approved by me.” He opened the window, “See you at work kid.” He was about to fly away when he snapped his fingers. “Oh! Also..” he paused, thinking for a second, “You’re, superhuman now! You got powers.” He put a thumbs up and winked. 
And like that, he was gone. 
Eren blinked, “What.” 
Chapter 2: Relieved Tension.
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