illuminatedquill · 1 month
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Sabine throws a fit, Ezra seeks refuge, and Shin wisely closes the door.
(More under the cut)
It has come to my attention that today is the one year anniversary of when Ahsoka premiered. Crazy to think that it’s been just the one. So much has happened since then.
I’ve shared my criticisms of the show here from time to time. If you’ve been following me for a while now, you’ve probably seen my posts. It was far from perfect.
And yet . . . here I am, continuing to talk about it. Something about it continues to compel me and I am certainly looking forward to Season 2.
I apologize for only having this silly Twitter meme to celebrate the anniversary of the show that reignited my interest in Star Wars. Despite my many attempts at writing about how I feel about the story and characters - Sabine and Ezra especially - I still feel like my efforts so far are inadequate to convey how much I love this show.
If you have liked or interacted with any of my posts, I appreciate you. Thank you for reading and feeding into my delusions.
I also met a bunch of cool people who share the same interests as me. Which is incredibly awesome. Discord server gang, if you’re reading this, thanks for putting up with me.
I have more fanfics to write, silly memes to think up, and art to commission in the meantime. Thank you for reading this, if you got this far, and I’ll see you all for the next season.
“A shared joy is a doubled joy.”
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ali-mart · 11 months
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Being so incredibly normal about the BTS photo drop on instagram- leaking this 1000% authentic, not edited photo from it
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pussysidon · 1 year
"I don't have power but I do have this glock I found."
-Sabine Wren, probably
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cmbdragon98 · 1 year
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Do you ever get obsessed
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
This is fine for the WIP Wednesday ask? ✨
Here you go! :D
“It’s none of your business,” she said, standing up and walking the length of the Phantom, crushing the gentle tone that had settled over both of them and replacing it with brusque annoyance. “None of my—it’s completely my business!” “Why?” She turned around to face him He jumped up, throwing his arms out in frustration. “YOU KISSED ME!” …well, it was hard to argue with that.
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illustratingari · 1 year
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yueasuka · 8 months
Hmm... Many people say Reverse!Gabriel doesn't pay attention to Emodrien but is it true or is it him giving Emodrien a space for griefing? I'm more to the later actually. 🤔
This is because I saw their relationship like Adrien and Gabriel relationship but reversed situation. In canon, it's Gabriel who refused to move on and in the reverse, it's Emodrien who refused. So I think just like how Adrien give Gabriel space to grief while also doing what he can for his father, the same thing happened in the other world but role reversed. That and the fact Griffe Noire's rant about how reverse!Gabriel just continue designing, came off as the same thing with Gabriel's reaction in Felix episode when Adrien give him his blessing to pursue Nathalie just further proof of it for me. The kind of "How dare you move on this fast!! Did she meant little to you?????!" Type of rant.
Since Emodrien finally decided to move on thanks to Adrien's pep talk, I'm sure if these son and father talk things through, things will get better and perhaps this time the Agreste will be the one "adopting" Marinette and save her from the tower of loneliness.
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jedi-nurse · 2 years
In honor of Rebels Remembered day here is my unhinged list of headcannons, thoughts, questions, etc. from my multiple rewatches:
•Is kanan originally from lothal
•Kanan knew about jacen as he died
•Chopper will do anything jacen asks without complaining
•Chopper is allowed to babysit
•Could hera have left jacen with sabine on lothal during the war
•Did bendu warn kanan about his death before the wolf does
•Cave drawings forshadowing the story of rebels or what will happen to kanan
•Sabine and/or ezra keeps a journal during his time in the unknown regions
•What did ahsoka do after the duel with vader/wbw
•Did ahsoka look for ezra during that time before she went to sabine
•How old was sabine when she went into the imperial academy
•Jacen's middle name caleb
•Ezra first lightsaber breaking a sign that his "childhood" is over
•Was kanan ever tempted by the dark side
•Kanan carrying his lightsaber in one piece instead of 2 after he is blinded
•Is there a closet on the ghost full of disguises
•Did sabine take the tracker out of ezras comm
•Sabine sitting on and kicking bendu
•Why does rex let kanan fly the ship
•Chopper saluting
•Lothcat licking zeb's head
•Jacen and chopper as bffs
•Did kanan ask chop to go to tattoine w ezra
•is the lasat drawing still on the floor
•is yoda's home in the unknown regions
•did sabine teach ezra binary
•wbw ezra says he wants to see his parent's again and then in finale he gets to see them one last time
•does the darksaber have training mode
•when Ezra talks about the sith holocron there is always a shadow on him
•3x11 ezra and sabine going on a solo mission
•3x11 sabine doesn't hesitate to run after him
•is chava force sensitive
•how many mouse droids has sabine sabotaged
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
Chopper should be BB8's godfather. The sheer level of mischief, shenanigans, and absolute bonkers borderline psychotic behaviour would be exponentially increased by their collaboration.
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armoralor · 9 months
[TW: homophobia, threats of physical violence, SA, gun violence]
IMPORTANT: do not interact with the person mentioned below. please do not send hate or harass ANY of the accounts mentioned. the point of this post is to warn the community of a serious threat, not to dog pile or stir a hate mob. his accounts have been reported and local authorities have been made aware of his potential for harm. Last updated: 01/30/2024. New information begins close to the bottom, starting at the red text.
Some of you may already be familiar with the homophobic incel that was previously filling the Ahsoka & Sabine Wren tags with vile misogyny. He's gone by many names due to banning and deactivations: @sabezrastan01, @longlivetheemporer, @imperialloyalist01, @standorando, and @imperialsycophant. Here's the guy that gave us this classic:
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Now, as meme worthy as that post was- it's unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. Despite his exile from this social media site, he continues to be active on Instagram and TikTok. He also continues to get support from some of the same folks that have been painting sapphics and wolfwren shippers out as vicious bullies.
I didn't intend to find everything I did, but this man constantly comments under official Star Wars media posts calling queer women "degenerates" and "beasts," so it's been hard to miss. It honestly hurts to reread this shit again, but I want to warn anyone who 1) may interact with him without realizing he's a incel neo nazi 2) may be harmed by his continued harassment.
First thing to remember about him- he doesn't just complain about shipping, he has wished death and harm upon multiple people. On top of the two screenshots below, he also discussed wanting to put a bullet in Dave Filoni's head (the alt account was taken down before I thought to screenshot):
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He wrote "these people need to be beaten" on a dozen anti-wolfwren posts before his most recent account was taken down. He has embraced the common anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric of queer people being pedophiles and rapists:
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He repeatedly brings rape up unprompted, especially when talking to nonbinary folks and women:
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Plus buys into the "woke agenda" causing queer relationships to happen in media:
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You'll notice the irony of him "worrying" wolfwren shippers are going to threaten the actors, despite him previously threatening to kill Dave Filoni and beat wolfwren shippers. He seems to be projecting a lot of his own desires and wishes onto other people, which will become even more obvious further down this post.
Now, thankfully his last tumblr account was taken down for inciting violence, but as i mentioned before, it's hard to miss him on other platforms:
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Out of morbid curiosity I clicked on his account, and it's unfortunately what you would expect for from an incel. His follower and following list is littered with white nationalists, militia groups, tactical gear stores, weapon vendors, alt-right religious orgs, and 4chan neo nazis.
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Instagram Followers:
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Instagram Following:
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It's clean he's unhinged and a danger to those who don't share similar interests. He seems to make allowances for anyone who ships sabezra, but otherwise is a diehard supporter of alt-right Christian nationalist beliefs.
One of his previous account names on Instagram was @cajunminuteman, with a confederate flag as his pfp. In current alt right groups, a minuteman is a person who is ready to pick up a gun and fight on a minutes' notice, typically in a militia against the government. His previous account also followed a number of Christian Southern Nationalist accounts:
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There are a number of shippers that continue to interact with this man. Most sabezra shippers I've chatted with are very sweet, some of you even share discord servers with me and have so much love for this fandom. I'm only asking those of you who choose to ignore this man's threats of violence to revaluate how far you are willing to go to support a fictional ship.
Wolfwren shippers have bore the brunt of fandom hate and harassment since Ahsoka started airing. We continue to get called degenerates, rapists, pedophiles, and threatened with physical violence. This is not the same, or in any way equivalent, to silly jokes made about fictional ships being made canon. It's exhausting to get constant harassment in real life AND online.
Are there mean wolfwren shippers? Absolutely. I'm sorry queer people sometimes cheer on cishet ships not becoming canon, I know it sucks when it's over something you like. No, enjoying cishet ships doesn't make you any less queer, and I'm sorry there was an asshole out there that said that shit. But can we PLEASE stop acting like sapphics and wolfwren enjoyers are ALWAYS bullies? That we're somehow always the ones threatening people? It plays into the alt-right rhetoric of the LGBTQIA+ community being predators and I'm so sick of it, especially when there is so much outright vile hate for queers.
If there are any wolfwrens sending hate and/or threats, I am begging for an example or name so they can be reported properly. None of us condone any of the nasty shit that's been sent, we deal with enough hate irl. This man's closest friends aren't much better, joking about wanting to hurt wolfwren shippers and how the LGBTQIA+ community is a bad thing:
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The most recent return to tumblr was under account @imperialsycophant where he tried to pretend he wasn't the same incel loser:
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He eventually went mask off, realizing that most people weren't foolded:
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On January 24 2024, his most recent Instagram account (@imperialloyalist01) was taken down. Less than 24 hours later, a sabezra shipper DM'd me asking me to delete this post. I explained to the shipper that the point of this post was to warn the fandom as a whole of this guy's behaviour, and at multiple points I make it clear everyone should stay away + not engage any of the accounts involved.
Everything included in this thread is public information taken from public posts or public accounts. The shipper who DM'd me still demanded I remove this post, as it could "hurt their friends."
The context of who the incel associates himself with is helpful when conveying the severity & underlying motives of his actions. There are approximately two non alt-right/neo-nazi accounts in the following/follower lists I shared. Those who were following @imperialloyalist01 up until January 24th were both privately and publicly made aware they were following a person threatening harm against others, but they continued to like, comment, and follow the account. This does not mean any of them should be harassed or bothered. It simply provides additional context to the situation and will hopefully aid others in forming their own opinions on who they wish to befriend.
When I reminded the shipper who DM'd me that their friends were continuing to make jokes about hitting/hurting wolfwren shippers, AND tagging wolfwren in those edits, I did not get a response. However, what I did get was mass spam reported.
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Shortly after I sent the above message and the sabezra shipper realized I would not be taking this post down, my account was hate reported and temporarily terminated. Tumblr has an automated feature that bans accounts immediately (out of safety) if they are reported by a large group of people at the same time (which is fair, say someone posts torture or something terrible). Thankfully, after I emailed the abuse support team and explained the situation, they reinstated my account:
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I will not be sharing the name of the sabezra shippers who tried to take down my account. I already get harassed enough, and I don't want anyone to go through the same shit. Please remember that a small group of bad people do NOT represent an entire community. There are plenty of sweet sabezra shippers that do not support this kind of disgusting and hateful behaviour.
Key takeaways: don't send hate or threats. Let people have their fun online while they attempt to avoid the Horrors of real life. Please don't support people spewing vile hate JUST because they like the same fictional ships as you.
Other posts related to him: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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Shin Hati is 100% an unhinged She/They that bleaches their own hair with boxdye at 3am while listening to Deftones and fantasizing about kissing killing Sabine. (she also completely ruined their hair the first time they tried bleaching it themselves, so Tired Dad To A Goth Child™ Baylan had to teach her how to do it properly)
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illuminatedquill · 3 months
A Series of Events
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Ezra’s version
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Sabine’s version
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The aftermath
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ali-mart · 11 months
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Sabine Wren [Commission] - request was Sabine in “that poncho” in “that pose” and maaaaan did I love making this. Truly a delightful comm.
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foldingfittedsheets · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 41,750 notes - Sep 22 2023 (Jazz and Sabine Part 1)
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2. 36,179 notes - Aug 5 2023 (Two Witches and a Baby Part 1)
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3. 34,087 notes - Sep 22 2023 (Jazz and Sabine Part 2)
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4. 26,523 notes - Oct 8 2023 (Leda and the Swan Princess)
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5. 20,221 notes - Aug 5 2023 (Two Witches and a Baby Part 2)
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6. 5,173 notes - Nov 25 2023 (The Seventh Score)
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7. 4,400 notes - Jan 27 2023
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8. 3,879 notes - Aug 10 2023
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9. 3,624 notes - Feb 12 2023
When I was a child I loved pickles. Not a normal amount. I loved pickles so much that my mother had to institute a pickle limit....
10. 1,997 notes - Dec 26 2023
So several years ago I was in Taiwan with my betrothed and two of our other friends, one of whom was Taiwanese. One morning we...
Created by TumblrTop10
I was so hoping that my unhinged pickle post didn’t make the cut… alas…
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cmbdragon98 · 10 months
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I couldn't post a Shin compilation, and Not be prepared with a set of unhinged Sabine Wren silliness too.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Got Calvinball'd by @kanerallels and @singswan-springswan, so here's a bit of the TLC/Rebels AU I started writing this morning instead of just rambling about the plot idea like I was supposed to *side eyes my bad impulse control*
Sabine yelped in surprise as a blur of orange vaulted over her table, and a voice hissed “Please don’t tell them I’m here!” It didn’t take long to figure out who the “them” was, because a second later, three angry boys shoved through the marketplace, looking around. One of them approached her stall, and the kid who’d thrown himself over the countertop crouched as low as he could, so the guy couldn’t see him over the table. Sabine didn’t like bullies. And those boys looked like bullies to her. “Can I help you?” Sabine asked. The guy glared at her. “I said,” Sabine repeated, standing, meaningfully resting her hand on a wrench. “Can I help you?” He scowled and stormed off without a word, and Sabine sat back down and then swiveled in her chair to look at the kid and demand answers. And Sabine froze. He was dressed in casual clothes, but they couldn’t disguise him from her. The net connection in her mind whirled, flashing up lines of information in her bionic eyes as her brain put the pieces together. Ezra Bridger. Age—15. Royalty. Orphan. Under the guardianship of the Prince Regent up until his 18th birthday— She realized with a jolt that he was staring right back at her, and she gulped down her disappointment as she wondered what she’d done to give herself away. Maybe one of her sleeves had ridden up when she stood, revealing a glint of metal wrists. Or maybe he’d somehow already heard about the cyborg mechanic in the marketplace. Or maybe— Still staring goggle-eyed at her, he grinned and whispered a breathless, “Hey.” Or maybe, Sabine realized, a little bit relieved and a little bit amused, he just thought she was cute.
No-pressure tagging @seleneisrising @jedi-nurse @better-call-mau1 and anyone else who wants to join!
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