Rewatching Star Wars Rebels and I've made it to Sabine's Mandalore arc and the entire thing is literally just:
(1) Sabine and Ezra lowkey flirting the entire time.
(2) Ezra reaffirming his decision that he only loves one (1) Mandalorian and accepting that the rest of em are batshit crazy
(3) Kanan in the background like "is this what I was like with Hera?"
(4) Fenn Rau being Sabine's biggest supporter
(5) Ursa and Alrich being the Badass Warrior Wife™ and Loveably Unhinged Engineer Husband™ duo.
(6) Bo-Katan Kryze (sister of The Late Duchess Satine Kryze) watching yet another female Mandalorian ruler have a very passive aggressive fling with a sarcastic Jedi.
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Ain't this the emperor's nephew or am I crazy?
Why is Jabba the Hutt in the Ahsoka show if he died in Return of the Jedi? Is he stupid?

#star wars#ezra bridger#star wars rebels#pretty sure I saw a missing photo of him once#the emperor must be glad he got him back
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Saw a post about every Assassin knowing Cassandra Wayne was Cassandra Cain and I just need to know what the hell they think about Damian. Like the post said they all think Batman placed Cass with Bruce Wayne to keep an eye on him but what about Damian?
Like isn't it commonly known among anyone in the League of Assassins that Damian al Ghul was the son of Batman? So what do they think seeing him on TV as Damian Wayne?
Does the League know Bruce is Batman and they just don't ask questions? I'd like to think the older members remember Bruce being trained in the League, like they remember he was supposed to be Talia's consort. But what about the rest of the league?
Oh what's that? Damian is the Son of Batman? Makes sense. Damian is actually the son of Bruce Wayne? The airhead billionaire? Alright we've got some questions.
I need to know what Talia ans Ra's are telling people because Bruce Wayne is like worldwide famous, there's no way Assassins aren't going to realize that Damian is from the League. Is it like an open secret then? The League just knows Damian is Batman's son and Batman is Bruce Wayne but no one says anything about it because they want to protect Damian.
Furthermore, is no one going to question that airhead Bruce Wayne has custody of David Cain and Lady Shiva's daughter, Talia al Ghul and Batman's son AND his own son Jason Todd was also in the League? Do they think he's still somehow affiliated with the League? Like I need to know what kind of gossip passes around the league, I need to be part of it.
#dc comics#batfam#bruce wayne#damian wayne#damian al ghul#cassandra cain#cassandra wayne#jason todd#talia al ghul#ras al ghul#dc I need answers#someone write a fic about this#I need to see how it plays out#because what do you mean the league just knows bruce is Batman
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Dick Grayson is a hyperfixation I'll never get over and him being prepared to be the next Batman is something I physically can't get over. Let's get into it.
Dick's filled in for Batman before, whenever Bruce needed to make a public appearance or when Vicki Vale starts her whole "never seen Mr Wayne and Batman at the same time" thing. And you know he's pretty good at filling in for Batman, criminals and villains can't really tell the difference when he does, but the Bats can, because Dick is Dick and they know him.
But this was different. Bruce was gone (dead, maimed, lost to the world, take your pick) and Dick picked up the mantle. And at first no one really batted and eye, he's been in the suit hundreds of times by now, this isn't gonna be very different.
Except it is. Because even in the cave, there's no smiles, no quips, puns or jokes to make them groan, no stories about things he remembers doing as Robin when dealing with a certain villain. There's none of the Nightwing left in him. There's just Batman now. And you know they thought things wouldn't be so bad, they thought they could laugh with him, talk about how he's "like the old man now, huh Goldie?" but they can't.
Because seeing him in the Batsuit looks right and that feels so damn wrong. This isn't who he is, this isn't what he wants. Nightwing may be like Batman in theory but ask anyone who's fought them both, they're different entities. One of them still has hope.
And it's borderline freaky because he even acts like him. The JLA and their teams love to tease the Bats about how they all have the same mannerisms, like a creepy bat cult. But this is weird because Dick's acting exactly like Bruce, like he's freaking possesses by him.
He sits the way Bruce would, he stands in the shadows the way he would, he fires his weapons the way Bruce would. He has the goddam gravelly bat-voice down the way Bruce perfected it. He is Batman, and it's so wrong.
It's also a moment of realization for them, because even though they're all fast learners, they can't perfect being Bruce the way he does. This isn't something he perfected over weeks or months, this had to be in practice for years.
For years Dick Grayson trained himself to not only embody his own persona as Robin and then Nightwing, but to also be the ultimate clone of Batman. It makes their skin crawl, Dick was the eldest, he was the first Robin. Jason liked to say that Bruce may have been the ring leader but Dick started the cult. But this? His ability to be Batman, to turn himself into Bruce? Into their father so easily? It's a transition that sets them all on edge.
The Bats are quite that first night on patrol. Damian's with Dick because duh Batman and Robin. But the baby bat keeps shifting, his eyes darting back from the streets they're watching to Batman's shadow in the corner of his eyes. Because he feels like throwing up. He's partnered with Nightwing before, and secretly he loves it because Nightwing in Blüdhaven is like breathing in fresh air after Batman in Gotham. But now Nightwing is Batman and like always, Batman dominates all. So he remains silent, silently wishing and praying Dick will crack a joke once they're alone, make him laugh the way only his eldest brother could.
The rest of the Bats are shocked when Dick's voice comes across the comms. Because he sounds just like Bruce and he isn't asking for help or suggesting what they do, he's telling them where to go, how to handle something and where he wants them to reconvene. And yeah Dick's a great leader, by now they've all either seen him with The Titans or worked with them before. But this is different, he's a hasn't got that Nightwing charm on.
Oracle's hands shake as she types back at the cave. She knows better than anyone how much Dick hates this. He's prepared for it since he was like nine when Bruce took him in but he still hates it. No son ever wants to truly be his father, and Dick never wanted to be Bruce and he's long since stopped wanting to be Batman. The cowl comes with a price he hated to bear.
When they return to the cave, everyone kind of lingers. Usually, once they've given their reports, everyone goes their separate ways. Tim and Steoh have to get back to college, Duke and Damian head upstairs, Cass and Babs leave to help Cass pack for wherever she's going, Jason and Dick head back out, one to Park Row, the other to Blüdhaven. But instead of that they all kind of linger in the cave, they're expecting Dick to break character by now, to say something so unbelievably ridiculous that they can't all help but laugh along with him. He does no such thing.
Instead he takes off the cowl, confirming that he's not their dad but rather their brother, and sits at the computer to work through the open cases Bruce left. When he dismisses them and they all leave, Kate and Luke hang back. They too, know how much he hates this. How much he wants nothing more that to scream and break down. They linger for about a half an hour, finally leaving when Dick says he's going back to Blüdhaven. Thank the gods he isn't staying here, they don't think they could leave him alone if he did.
When Dick gets back to Blüdhaven, he scrubs himself down after the Gotham patrol and finally puts on his suit. Its the later half of 4am almost 5, but he doesn't care. He needs this. So he goes on patrol, he flips and flies in the sky, as the gods had always intended for him and he makes stupid jokes when he takes down the criminals who thought they got away when he didn't patrol around 2am as usual.
The next morning, the Bats all let out sighs of relief when they see Nightwing's blurry figure on the online news articles. They never wanted him to give up who he was for Batman. Bruce, emotionally constipated as he is, never wanted them to give up themselves for his mantle.
When Bruce is either revived, wakes us or returns from whatever hell he's been in, the Bats hug him a little tighter, but its his second eldest who lingers. Jason stays in the cave when the rest of them filters out, Dick tried to stay, but eventually left when Jason promised not to cause an argument. "You can't do this again, Old Man." Jason says, he sounds so exhausted so hurt that Bruce wants to hug him. But that action would result in him getting shot so he refrains. "I don't plan to," Bruce responds, "But even without me, you all managed to keep your heads on straight."
"Because of him." Jason responds, he doesn't need to clarify who, they all know who's the one aside from Alfred making sure they stay in touch, stay a family. "You can't do this to him ever again." Jason finishes and Bruce nods, placing a hand on his son's shoulder, "I won't."
And if Bruce does managed to catch a stray tear falling from Jason's blue-green eyes, that's no one's business but his.
“The Batkids probably gave Dick so much shit when he first put on the Batsuit.” No. The Batkids all saw Dick in Bruce’s suit and all secretly felt nauseous about how wrong it looked. How wrong it felt.
#dc comics#batman#batfamily#dick grayson the work of art that you are#I personally will never get over this character#If he ever dies you'll have to sedate me istg#the hug that Bruce gives Dick when he returns is unmatched#I'm talking limbs tight faces scrunched into shoulder tears in eyes#Bruce loves his son so much#He almost cries thinking of what he did taking up the mantle#But he had to right?#No one else needed to bear this burden when he was the oldest#He's the original robin#seemed fitting he'd be the next Batman#The Bats really hate that#If Bruce ever dies again they'll break rhe no kill rule to see him turn in his grave#(assuming he dies normally and gets a grave)#anyways enjoy my mind running overtime thinking about this
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So recently on tiktok I saw that one scene from the Titans show where Rachel accuses Jason of drawing crucifixes on her mirror and the others essentially start adding on to it when HE DIDN'T DO IT BY THE WAY and I was reminded of why I have a love hate relationship with the show.
And one part of that is Kory and Rachel's characters. The show really took two badass besties, made them have a mother/daughter relationship and then have them be absolute assholes to any and everyone they didn't vibe with. When in the comics or other shows they're calm and collected and nice and bubbly.
And yeah Kory's beautiful and to this day I'd die for Anna Diop, but wow I hated her character when she interacted with Jason. She was always so patient with Gar and Rachel but never Jason. Did you really decide to stop being a mentor after two kids? And no one else was there. Hank was the being the bitch he is, Dawn was just there and Donna was just like "why Jason?😕" and Dick was well a dick.
I mean I get it, not a fan of his replacement, got the issues with Bruce, figuring out his relationship with the team yada yada yada. But you mean to tell me Jason had no one's support on that team?? (Aside from Gar theire little bestie moments were so cute). And when strange things happen when Rose shows up why are we looking at Jason? Why aren't we using critical thinking and looking at the new person? The daughter of Deathstroke?? Did we loose all ability to use common sense?
But the one that actually made me stop watching for a couple weeks was when Kory was talking about Jason's death and was like "this is an example of what not to do" knowing goddamn well if anyone said such a thing about Rachel she'd go ballistic. And nobody said anything? Like hey, let's maybe not indirectly call the dead KID incompetent right after his death, I know you're new to earth but its called decency.
And then to AUDACITY for all of them to act surprised when he comes back as Red Hood and wants to kill them? Hell I would've gone to Bruce, grabbed his contingency plans and put them to use because ain't no way I'm the bad guy after you assholes assholed a little too close to the sun.
Like the show really ran with "we made him the villain but its still his fault". Part of the reason Jason's death was a tragedy was because he was HAPPY, and I think the show forgot that.
Like I would've killed to see Rachel, Gar and Jason as a little trio doing shit together, perfect opportunity to be besties. And then see them mourning him when he dies and Dick would have to convince them not to go after the Joker, yeah I'd love to see that. Not this.
In conclusion, Titans Jason deserved better, I hope Kory slips down the stairs, I'm praying Rachel has a migraine and I'm still pissed they didn't even apologize when they found out it wasn't Jason messing with them. AND THEY DID IN FACT FIND OUT.
#dc titans#titans tv#jason tood#koriand'r#rachel roth#I'm still really pissed about this#Like he deserved so much better
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I love fics when the JL meets the Batfamily randomly because (1) All of the bats have Bruce's mannerisms when wearing the mask so its basically 8 batmans (with varying colours) roaming around the watchtower but two or three are nice and one might shoot you if you aren't Wonder Woman and (2) The family of detectives are all so oblivious to the fact that the JL doesn't know them.
And yeah they know The OG Robin runs the Titans and the Zombie one runs the Outlaws but they're so different and the same?? Like you genuinely don't know who is who but the one with the sword is related to Ra's al Ghul and the one who doesn't talk is related to Lady Shiva so sometimes things get awkward.
But then you have the fact that the blue one calls Superman Uncle Kal and the red one calls Wonder Woman Auntie Di so there's that. And at least 1 bat is dating someone else's protégé so there's really no saving them.
The Justice League seeing the Bats and seeing them bagging their previous sidekicks ladies, gentlemen and non binary individuals:
Green Arrow watching The Crime Lord Bat pick up Lian from Daycare and then pat Roy on the back promising that he'll make dinner tonight.
Wonder Woman and Flash watching Cassie and Bart flutter around the stalker Robin who's doing the Bat thing with his cape and looking so much like his dad Barry thinks he might faint.
Barry flabbergasted because Wally is lying on Acrobat Robin's lap while he talks to one (?) of his wives who herself is eyeing the first Wonder Girl.
Superman watching his cousin flock around Batgirl (Acrobat Robin's wife?) while she's dotted on by Zatanna and the other wife (+Donna).
Wonder Woman watching Yara be in awe of the silent bat,the purple one and the yellow one (who apparently works the day shift??). Donna's flocking around both of Dick's wives and Cassie is still with the stalker Robin.
Half of the JL completely stunned because Superboy (the little one who is still little) is fluttering around sword Robin and hanging onto every word he says. The older superboy is carrying stalker Robin around like its a normal occurrence. Bruce and Clark don't even bat and eye about it.
#dc comics#batfam#the justice league#the batlings having Bruce's mannerisms is so important to me#and the justice league losing their shit over it#the bats can pull any and everyone one#they get it from daddy dearest (half of the gotham rogues are his exes)#now clark and diana know like the first three robins personally but they love pretending they dont to mess with the rest of the league#they are genuinely surprised their protégés are down bad for them though#cant imagine why when one of them is always listening to Bruce's heartbeat and the other is always checking up on him#again the bats can pull ANYONE and if given the chance they'll pull EVERYONE#and yes I did fix the “who does Dick marry?” debate. he marries both#theyre his wives and their each other's wives#idk why dc is acting shy they just date each other duh
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Oldest Daughter Dick™ is probably one of my favourite things ever. And it always will be and here's why:
Of course Dick loves his siblings and of course he loves that they know Bruce as the father he is. But it won't stop the jealousy he feels. And no one gets it, not even Jason. They were all raised by Bruce Wayne, he was raised by Batman.
When Dick came to live with him, Bruce had no idea how to he a father. How to handle normal kid stuff like sicknesses and school events let alone the fact he was an acrobat. He was Batman and Dick was raised to be not just his successor but the only contingency plan he had against himself.
Bruce never held his punches ("That was a good block but I still got you, didn't I?" Bruce had said, rubbing cream into the blossoming bruise on Dick's side. "I'll get you next time," Dick had promised, young eyes challenging. "You better." Bruce had grinned back.) All attacks were to remind him that he was at a disadvantage strength wise and thus needed to re-evaluate his lines of defense and offense.
Dick was raised by the paranoid-in-his-late-twenties-probably-shouldn't-be-a-dad-despite-what-Marisol-said Bat. A fun game of catch? He was dodging Batarangs. Learning to drive? It was the Batmobile and he was age 14 (and a half). School events? He was fumbling, awkward and did not want to be there (but still was because he'll be damned if his boy didn't have his support.)
And you know that's fine, Dick was fine. It wasn't Bruce's fault he didn't know how to be a proper dad, despite Alfred's parenting books and videos. And he did try, he was always there. But it just really hits a sore spot everytime he sees Bruce hold a punch before he knocks Tim out cold or when he's behind the wheel with Steph telling her what not to do. Or even when he's at school with Damian and Duke making Marjory and her cupcakes look ridiculous compared to him and his coconut crumble cakes.
It also irritates Dick beyond senseless whenever the topic of sparring with Bruce is mentioned. ("We can all beat the old man Goldie, he's ancient." Jason shrugs off and Dick wanted to scream.) The only one who even tries to sympathize with him was Cass. More than likely because she'd seen him fight as Batman The Dark Knight before seeing him fight as Bruce The Father of Six-Almost-Eight.
And it just really stings because he can't relate to being raised by Bruce the way the others can't. Bruce changed for them, not him. And maybe that kind of hurts. But maybe he's overreacting.
What he doesn't realize is he's the reason why Bruce changed. Bruce saw the hurt and anger in Dick's eyes when he fired him from Robin (Think Shifu denying Tai Lung the Dragon Warrior scroll). He knew the second he saw the betrayal in Dick's eyes after seeing Jason as Robin, that he'd have to change. (The same way Shifu should've changed for Tigress but I digress, not that fandom).
Bruce pulls his punches because he hated seeing Dick limp away from their sparring matches—despite the fire and promise of a rematch in his eyes. He teaches them how to drive regular cars before the Batmobile because the one time Dick crashed (while trying to avoid some of Poison Ivy's vines) his heart rate skyrocketed so high Clark had called him up demanding to know if he was okay. He shows up for Duke and Damian and Cass and Tim because Dick's smile whenever he saw Bruce in the parent's lounge never failed to make him melt.
Bruce stands firm on the fact that while he may have made a hero out of Dick, Dick Grayson made a father out of Bruce Wayne.
#dc comics#batfam#dick grayson#bruce wayne#batman#dc robin#Marisol was Dick's social worker#Yeah Bruce had to spend a half an hour reassuring Clark that he was fine and Robin just scared him a little#(half to death#he saw the light)#I stand firm on the headcannon that Bruce's contingency plan for himseld has and always will be Dick#The rest of the batfam don't know why since Dick's the only one who takes fhe no kill rule harder than the old man himself#but whatever#Bruce and Dick angst is my favourite flavour#I hate it cuz I love it
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Yeah but then Dick and his petty ass would be like "so you're only apologizing because you need me to work for you?" and it starts all over again (Jason: that's what it sounds like to me Goldie!)
Headcanon for the Batkids:
When one sibling is mad at Bruce, it automatically means they all have to be mad at him, collectively:
Tim, just chilling on his phone:
Jason: Pack your shit T. We’re leavin’ the manor.
Tim, already packing: Sure? For how long?
Jason: Till the old man apologizes, for whatever reason Dick’s upset.
Tim, grimaces: So, a while.
Jason: Y’know the drill.
Jason: Now hurry up so we can grab Duke, on our way out.
Tim: And the others?
Jason: Dick’s got Cass, Steph and Dames waiting for us, back at his.
Bruce: Alfred, have you seen the kids?
Alfred: They’ve already left, sir.
Bruce: Again?
Bruce: I’ve asked them all to stop leaving together, whenever one of them is mad at me.
Alfred: I believe their last words from last time were, “Birds of a feather flock together”, sir.
Bruce: *sighs*
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It's our little angst minds love <3
Anyways, I've been inspired to write Bruce getting to his kids to comfort them.
Breaking into Dick's apartment wasn't hard, that would be alarming if Bruce didn't know his son. Dick left all the difficult alarms off, it was his way of seeing if anyone cared to come find him. If Bruce cared to come find him.
Dick's curled up in bed when Bruce finally finds him (after putting away the dishes and clearing up the living room). His boy is buried beneath two weighted blankets and surrounded by pillows—just how he used to do when he was little.
"Hey chum," Bruce says softly, gently brushing away the fringe of Dick's hair. Bloodshot blue eyes snap up to him and Dick's jaw is clenched, more than likely to prevent it from trembling.
"B, I—" Dick's voice is rough and it cracks, followed by him fully breaking down, "Please don't leave me," he finally mumbles out and Bruce immediate pulls him into a hug. It doesn't matter if he's in the suit, he climbs into the bed and let's Dick fling himself across his chest and let's him bawl his eyes out.
He read a few articles a while back and soothes Dick by stroking his hair and promising that there's nothing in the world he could do that would make Bruce leave him.
"I killed someone." Dick sobs. "You're my son." Bruce replies and Dick only cries harder.
After 25 minutes of nothing but tears, Dick calms down and Bruce presses a soft kiss to his forehead. "I need your help chum," he murmurs, "Your brothers are a little lost too."
That ticks off all the bells in Dick's mind because in about 7 minutes he's in the Nightwing suit, white lensed domino blocking off his teary eyes and he follows Bruce to the Batmobile. Next up: the apartment in Park Row.
Dealing with Jason is a lot more difficult than dealing with Dick. Purely for the fact that while Dick might entertain you to make you feel better, Jason would leave you stranded on the roof.
Nightwing waits in the Batmobile, ready to assist while Bruce works his way around the apartment looking for a weak spot. It takes about four minutes but in no time he's in the bathroom and opening the door to find Jason.
Jason isn't in the bedroom, he's in the living room on the couch clutching something to his chest with his eyes screwed shut.
"Jaylad," Bruce says and green hazed eyes snap open. At first there's confusion then shock, then full blown panic. Jason fights to push himself to the very edge of the couch, dropping what he was holding in the process. It's a copy of Anne of Green Gables that Bruce remembers getting him a few weeks after he moved in. It's in pristine condition because it's Jason's and Bruce's heart can't decide between melting or breaking.
"Go away," Jason whispers, and he sounds absolutely terrified. "Never." Bruce says, "Never again." He promises and reaches his hand out. He waits patiently, like you'd do for a cat, and waits for Jason to make the move. Hesitantly, Jason reaches for him and let's Bruce pull him in.
Jason doesn't cry, from the tear tracks down his cheeks, Bruce assumes it's because he can't anymore, but then he hears Dick's voice.
"Oh Little Wing," Dick's voice does that thing where it goes all gooey and the recipient can only melt in response, but Jason tenses up instead. Dick's having none of it though, he launches himself over Jason, hugging every inch of him he could get ahold off. Jason trembles and Bruce coos at him. He promises Jason that he'll never leave him again, no matter what.
Jason tries to mention the man and the little girl but Bruce shushes him, assuring him that he knows and that it doesn't matter. Then Dick turns to Jason and mumbles something Bruce can barely make out, "Baby bird needs us." Jason's eyes turn back blue.
While Jason suits up, Dick explains that he saw the coordinates and knows that Tim and Damian need them too. Five minutes later, Bruce is driving to the condo on the east coast while Jason and Dick remain huddled together in the backseat.
Bruce doesn't even need to find Tim. As soon as he enters the place he just follows the uncontrollable sobs. This time, Dick follows him inside with Jason and the three are left speechless at the sight.
Tim is sitting on the floor, broken glass all around and he's bleeding. "Timmy." Bruce says and the second Tim's blue eyes see him he starts hyperventilating. The three of them jump into action, Dick grabs a broom to sweep up the glass while Jason rumages around for bandages. Bruce simply picks Tim up and sets him back down on the couch.
He holds him to his chest as Jason cleans up his forearms and listens to Tim's sobs, each sounding more painful than the last. He's muttering apologies while Bruce tries to calm him.
"Why are you here?" Tim asks when Dick returns to sit at his side, gently coaxing him to accept his hug, "You shouldn't want me." Before Bruce can assure him that he is very much wanted, it's Jason who answers, "Always gonna want you Timbo." He promises, pecking the bandages across Tim's arms.
The younger launches himself into Jason's arms and he clings to him. Jason looks shocked for a moment before tugging Tim closer and clinging onto him too.
Tim has about 15 minutes of more tamed crying before Jason let's go of him, holding him by the shoulders. "Baby brat's loosing it." He says and Bruce rolls his eyes at the name. Tim looks to Bruce for assurance and seems to find it because he gets up and heads to the bathroom to reapply the mask.
Jason's sniffling a little and Dick looks at him, "Jaybird," "Shut it Dickie." Dick places his arma around Jason's shoulders and pulls him in. When Tim comes out, Bruce pulls him aside before they head out.
"You're my son." He tells him, "I don't just want you. I need you around." Tim swallows and nods, but Bruce isn't satisfied until he's pulled into a hug and relaxes.
Tim is cocooned between Jason and Dick in the backseat as Bruce drives to the abandoned warehouse.
Jason's description appears to be accurate. Damian isn't crying, fighting or meditating. He's just hunched over with his katana blade facing him. Bruce isn't sure what he was expecting but it certainly wasn't this.
The boys hang back as Bruce walks forward. "Damian?" He calls out and the young boy looks up at him. His mask is off but his eyes betray nothing of his emotions.
"Oh. Hello Father." Damian says stoically and Bruce tries not to flinch. Father, not Baba— Father. "I've already called Mother, she'll be here for me in mere hours." Bruce's heart speeds up and in the corner of his eyes he sees the boys go rigged.
Jason walks off—presumably to call Talia and tell her not to bother while Tim holds onto Dick's arm to prevent him from walking over.
"Is that what you want?" Bruce asks carefully, "To go back with your mother?". Damian tilts his head ever so slightly to the side, "What I want is irrelevant." He answers, "This is what I deserve."
Bruce narrows his eyes and inches closer, "Is this what you think I want?" Bruce asks, "To send you away?" Damian looks guilty then, but doesn't object and Bruce's heart aches. "Azizi I would never send you away." Bruce sees the facade crumble at the nickname and he kneels infront of him, "You're my son Damian. I'll never send you away."
"Even after all I've done?" Damian asks and his voice holds none of the learnt stoicism. "You're my son. Habib baba. There's nothing you could do to make me stop loving you."
"Baba." Damian says before he collapses into Bruce's arms. Apparently that's the moment Tim gives up because seconds later Dick is pulling Damian for a hug, chastising him for ever thinking that anyone of them would let him go. Damian looks over to Tim and the two seem to be having a silent conversation.
"Even you?" Damian asks aloud and Tim sighs before he steps closer, holding his hand out, "Even me." Bruce thinks his heart gives out when Damian rejects the handshake in favor of hugging Tim. Its at that moment Jason comes back.
"Alright she's not coming but—oh shit." Damian huffs but doesn't pull away, though it looks like even if he wanted to, Tim wouldn't let him. "They're hugging." Jason says dumbfounded and Dick snorts, "No shit."
Its a comfortably silent drive back home to the manor. Somehow the boys fit together in the backseat to what Bruce decides must be pure spite and he keeps sneaking glances at them.
Everyone is emotionally exhausted by the time they head up from the cave. Which is why Bruce is shocked to see that Alfred is up in the kitchen with hit chocolate and chocolate chip cookies.
"Ah Master Bruce, welcome back." He says, "Everyone wash their hands please. Poor hygiene will not be tolerated." It's when they boys are cuddled up in the TV room watching a movie when he talks to Alfred alone.
"I see you have worked things out Master Bruce." Alfred notes. "I think so. I hope so at least." He replies. Much to his surprise, Alfred places a hand on his shoulder and says, "For what it's worth, I think you've done an exceptional job." Bruce offers him a small smile, "I am proud of you, Bruce."
Dick having to kill somebody on duty because his (and or someone else’s) life was in danger and him being absolutely terrified Bruce will revoke the adoption or disown him (“he will never forgive me. I’ll be alone all over again.”)
Jason in a kill or be killed moment freshly after reconciling with Bruce (he’s being personally invited to family outings by Bruce, being steps) and already grieving his relationship with his father. (“It was great while it lasted. I’ll miss having a family.”)
Tim being revealed to have killed 500-1000 people when he was with the league, and immediately moving around all him finances. Because he’s convinced Bruce will never let him step foot in the manor or WE again. (“Fück, would he let me get my personal items from my office? From my room? The cave? I should replace them all anyway… oh and there goes the trust fund too.”)
Damian being in a very similar situation as Jason when he was accused of murder, except he actually killed a man and absolutely freaking the fuck out because he knows Bruce would never forgive him for it. (“He almost disowned Todd, a son he chose because of this. I was basically left at his doorstep, as if the manor was a firehall. He didn’t want me, didn’t chose me. He will never want to see me again.”)
My brain ladies and gentlemen [and others :) ]
#dc comics#dc universe#batman#batfamily#hurt and comfort#angst#bruce wayne#dick grayson#jason todd#tim drake#damian wayne#daddy issues#alfred has called him bruce before nobody panic#I can have a peaceful night knowing I finished this#tw blood#I think thats all that requires a trigger warning#ignore the spelling mistakes#english is my first language I just don't act like it
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Not to be a dumbass but isn't this how the world wars started? With different countries having their own wars?
Harm Happening Around the World

Please note that there are actually more humanity crisis situations happening about the world.
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First of all, I hate you for making me think about this. Secondly, I love you for making me think about this. I mean come on, the possibilities!!
Dick sitting alone in his apartment, because he refuses to go back to the cave. Why? Because Bruce is his dad and Dick won't be able to stop himself from telling him everything. How the the world froze when he pulled the trigger. How the man looked terrified at the bullet came straight towards him. How his partner looked shocked because Officer Grayson never shot someone before, let alone killed them. And he's the eldest, he's supposed to set the example. What kind of example has he just set? That he's a hypocrite? No. He refuses to go to the cave after patrol. It doesn't matter if he's got an infected stab wound, or if he's been dosed with fear toxin or anything. Nothing is worth seeing the look of disappointment on Bruce's face. It's been years since Bruce had ever expressed his disappointment in Dick, when they fell out after Jason's death. Dick doesn't want to relive that. Worse yet, what if Bruce expresses that he regrets adopting Dick? What then? How can he live on after losing his family–his father? Again. One thing alone is clear, he isn't strong enough.
Jason locks himself in a safe house. He won't go to his apartment because if Bruce even begins to think that something's bothering Jason, he'll show up to talk, boundaries be damned. Instead, he locks himself in a safehouse, shuts out all communication with the bats, Steph already agreed to cover his patrol route so he's in the clear. He just can't face him. Bruce. He can't face Bruce. They just started back talking. He's getting invited to the manor for stupid shit like family game night or movie night or breakfast. He's wearing the god damned Bat symbol. He's a bat again. And he just went and fucked it all up. It didn't matter of the man had the little girl hostage. It didn't matter that he threatened to put a bullet in his head. It didn't matter. All that mattered was there was blood on a bat's hands. And Bruce would never forgive him. Bruce would never. Not after all that's happened. He has to keep this to himself. Jason's selfish, he knows it. But this is his family. And he loves them. But now he can't face them. Or Bruce. And Dick. God, he was just getting used to having a brother again. The one he always wanted, dreamed about. Who protects him and annoys him. Dick will never forgive him now. The golden boy maintains the no kill rule stronger than Bruce, and he'll hate him. His brother is going to hate him, and what can he do? He's not strong enough.
Tim doesn't know where to go. He ends up at one of the vacation-turned-safehouse belonging to the Drakes. He notifies Orcale that he needs to work a case undercover and he has to do it alone, its the easiest way to get her off his back. In reality, what he's doing is alternating between panic attacks, crying and destroying whatever he can get his hands on. He throws a glass vase against the wall and its shattered pieces cut his hands. It should hurt but all he can see is blood. Blood of the people he killed so easily. Because that was the worst part, he did it easily. Effortlessly. He compartmentalized it so well that their lives didn't even register as something important to him. That realization is what starts the water works and next thing he knows he's ugly crying on the floor, sobbing and hiccuping through apologies, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Some of those apologies are for the people he killed, some are for his family. Because Bruce is going to disown him, he never even wanted him in the first place. He was just the kid he took pity on, he has Jason back, there's no use for Tim. And Jason. God Jason's going to be so disappointed, all this hard work to make Robin good, to do his predecessor proud, just to mess it up by killing people. Killing more people than Jason did when he was in the league and as Red Hood. And Dick. The one who believed in him, what's he going to think? He'll probably be disgusted, but'll try to mask it because it's Dick. Doesn't matter though, he'll feel the disappointment anyway. And he's not strong enough.
Damian ends up at an old shadows base. His mother showed them to him when she was last in Gotham, said he could use them to work through his struggles without Father breathing down his neck trying to get him to open up. Father–not Baba, he'll never let Damian call him that again–found out about one of Damians assassinations from when he was still in the League. It stings and burns like poison, destroying himself inside out. Damian left before Father could get a word in, before he could express his disappointment. Or before he offers to send him back to the League. The League isn't the problem, the problem is if Father sends him back, them he's truly given up on him. If Father sends him back then Damian will have just proven to everyone that he was nothing more than a conditioned killer. Cass killed less people than him, and she could easily give it up. Maybe because she never liked to kill...the same can't be said for him. Violence was always his peace. He'd figured that out when he was eight, watching Mara scream on the floor after he cut her face, so badly she almost lost the eye. Killing made him strong, made him feared. And an al Ghul had to be feared. Except....he kind of liked being a Wayne more than being an al Ghul. A Wayne doesn't kill, a Wayne doesn't demand respect through violence. But it doesn't matter, because once Father finds him and send him back to Mother, he'll no longer be a Wayne. And the worst part? His brothers will allow it. Dick would be so disappointed, he tried so hard with Damian. And Jason too, he took on a majority of the assassinations in the League so Damian wouldn't have too. And now he's gone and done this. Even Tim. Especially Tim. With him gone, so will half of Tim's problems. He's only ever been a nuisance to his predecessor. He's only ever been a nuisance to the family who welcomed him and that realization hurts. Because he isn't strong enough.
Bruce sits alone at his desk in the cave. Its quiet, sickeningly so. Only two of the four children living with him are asleep upstairs. Steph went home with Barbara, Luke and Kate are long gone, even Alfred has retired for the night. But Bruce can't sleep, not when his failure hovers over him. He's messed up. Two room upstairs are empty, they shouldn't be but they are anyway. Two other rooms have been empty for years but Bruce still knows this distance isn't normal. He's gone and ruined his boys. His sweet boys, his Robins. He's gone and made them so terrified that they won't come to him. So terrified that they would rather self isolate, from him, from each other. He needs to fix this. He stares at the four different tabs he had open, with four different locations. A pent house in Blüdhaven, a small apartment near Park Row, a condo on the east coast and an abandoned (not really) warehouse on the very outskirts of town. He needs to fix this now, before something happens and he loses one of multiple of them. Blüdhaven first, it might be the farthest but he needs to deal with the eldest first. As Bruce pulls out of the cave, hands gripping the steering wheel, all he can think about is the tears he knows he's going to see on his sons' faces. And he isn't strong enough.
Dick having to kill somebody on duty because his (and or someone else’s) life was in danger and him being absolutely terrified Bruce will revoke the adoption or disown him (“he will never forgive me. I’ll be alone all over again.”)
Jason in a kill or be killed moment freshly after reconciling with Bruce (he’s being personally invited to family outings by Bruce, being steps) and already grieving his relationship with his father. (“It was great while it lasted. I’ll miss having a family.”)
Tim being revealed to have killed 500-1000 people when he was with the league, and immediately moving around all him finances. Because he’s convinced Bruce will never let him step foot in the manor or WE again. (“Fück, would he let me get my personal items from my office? From my room? The cave? I should replace them all anyway… oh and there goes the trust fund too.”)
Damian being in a very similar situation as Jason when he was accused of murder, except he actually killed a man and absolutely freaking the fuck out because he knows Bruce would never forgive him for it. (“He almost disowned Todd, a son he chose because of this. I was basically left at his doorstep, as if the manor was a firehall. He didn’t want me, didn’t chose me. He will never want to see me again.”)
My brain ladies and gentlemen [and others :) ]
#dc comics#batfamily#angst#batfam#dick grayson#jason todd#tim drake#damian wayne#bruce wayne#this is a masterpiece in my eyes#the repeat of “he isnt strong enough”? my english teacher would be proud#but enough about me#lets appreciate the endless possibilities of angst we can get from this#and the fact that the boys think of their older siblings#and how theyre disappointing them#its hitting a lot of sore spots for me#but slay anyway
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You guys ever think about how Bruce feels when one of the batlings call him Dad? Or refer to him as their dad? Or how he feels when he steps into a fatherly role for a bat?
I mean yeah its mostly done in public, Dick has always called Bruce Dad or refer to him as his father since he was old enough to go to galas. And yeah at first the word felt like nails scraping down a chalk board because Bruce isn't worth being a dad, not in his head at least. He was still in his twenties, and Dick already had a dad. One who loved him. But he tolerates the word anyway, because its just to keep up appearing right?
Nowadays, having repaired their severed relationship, Bruce wants to hear the word. He misses it but he doesn't dare ask. But when he reveals that he officially adopted Dick and he hugs him and says "I love you Dad." Bruce can't help but cry, sob quietly as he clutches his son in his arms. "I don't want to replace your father." He says, begging his voice to not waver, it doesn't listen. "You're not," Dick responds, "You're just standing on the same level as him. My dads and my mom. My parents."
When Barbara becomes Batgirl Bruce is terrified. He knows the kind of sick freaks out there, who ogle her in her Batgirl suit. It makes his blood boil the way any father's would. Except he isn't her father. She has Jim for that. And even if she's dating Dick, Bruce can't seem to figure out why he's treating her like this, why he's keeping her patrol limited, why he's texting Commissioner Gordon in panic whenever she's late. Jim laughs and says its like they're co parents and something in Bruce's heart jabs.
When she's paralyzed by the Joker Bruce isn't sure what to do. He pays her medical bills and has a back and forth with Jim, "Its my fault he found out she was Batgirl!", "He didn't, he did it because she's a Gordon! It's my fault!". Bruce crues over her in the comatose state, apologizing over and over, its his fault, his minds been made up. When she becomes Oracle there's nothing he wouldn't do to accommodate her. Barbara may not legally be his daughter, but she kind of it his first daughter.
When Jason comes around and starts calling Bruce dad at galas, he's more comfortable around the word. He can be a dad to Jason, Jason didn't get to have a good dad but Bruce bought a parenting book (What to Expect when Moving from Raising One Kid to Two) and he's handling it. But then he dies and Bruce is met with the guilt of knowing that he failed his son. Because even though Dick was his ward and first born, Jason was the first one he was okay with referring to as a son.
And then he came back and Bruce is no longer dad. He's B or Old Man. Its better than "the asshole who let me die" so he'll take what he can get. Except once at a gala Jason has a bit of a Freudian slip and refers to Bruce as his dad and he leaves the room to burst into tears. Jason doesn't hate him and while he's grateful part of his mind knows he should. He deserves to be hated, Jason is just too much of a good person to do it. But it doesn't matter, Jason's still his son and his heart still stutters whenever he's reminded of that. Jason is his son, his boy.
When he meets Tim, Bruce is scared all over again. He doesn't want to be Tim's dad. Tim already has a dad—and in Bruce's self loathing mind, a neglectful father is still better than whatever impersonation of a dad he could be. But Tim is stubborn, he latches on and somewhere along the lines after his emancipation, Bruce realizes that he's Tim's dad. And he wants to be Tim's dad. And he won't fail Tim the way he did Dick or Jason, he made too many mistakes with them.
Tim sometimes feels out of place. Bruce doesn't know why, he belongs into their family (cult as Jason says affectionately) and Bruce will always remind him of that. Tim is his son and Bruce will never get over that, he gets to see this boy grow up to be great. And maybe when Tim's sleep deprived he calls Bruce dad, but thats between him, Tim and the tear stained pillow on Bruce's bed.
And then there's Steph. Stephanie Brown forced her way into the Batfamily by dating Tim and even after they broke up, she's not leaving. And Bruce doesn't want her to. She's made it clear she doesn't want to be a Wayne officially, she's fine just being Steph. Except, Bruce kind of thinks Steph is like his daughter too. She's not just some random girl he finds overly bubbly, her bubbliness reminds him if Dick, her street smarts remind him of Jason. But despite that Steph is so unique. And even if she has a dad, Bruce can't help it. He personally decorated a room at the manor for her, had it painted purple and everything. Steph might not be a Wayne by name, but she is in everything else. And Bruce is kind of okay with that.
And then there's the two kids who refer to him as their dad all the time.
Cassandra Cain becomes Cassandra Wayne and she never looks back. She rarely speaks, she's content with sign language and you best believe the rest of the family learns it to communicate with her comfortably. But something in Bruce's heart flutters when she refers to him as Dad. When she signs about one of her dance recitals, Don't forget dad! Or when she's bragging and boasting at a gala about him, My dad's not like that! He's really nice!
And then there's Damian. He couldn't run away from being his father if he wanted to. Which he doesn't. Damian called him Father, rather stiffly for the first two years together. But then one day he's talking to Jon and Bruce isn't trying to eavesdrop but he's not perfect do he does and he hears Damian refer to him as Baba and he almost trips over his own feet. Damian, ever the observer, notices him immediately and then he's suddenly calling him Baba more often, Baba I'm going to walk Titus or Baba, Grayson is trying to hug me again. Doesn't matter the context, hearing Damian utter the endearment makes his heart melt every damn time.
But when Duke rolls around, heartbroken and unfairly orphaned, Bruce is terrified all over again. He's not ready to force Duke into accepting him as a father, Duke has a dad. Bruce doesn't want to replace him. But Duke, much like Tim, latches on. He needs a father. He needs one to guide him, to help him forge his own path. And Bruce can't help himself. He's a father. He's Dukes father.
Bruce being a dad but hating himself for it while loving his kids but hating that he's forced to be their dad because the world was cruel to them.
#dc comics#batfam#bruce wayne#dick grayson#jason todd#barbara gordon#tim drake#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#damian wayne#duke thomas#Bruce was made to be a dad#and hes a damn good one#i dont care what canon says they can kiss my ass with their abusive bruce bullshit#this man is a PROUD father#the only person in his family he hates is himself#seriously his self esteem is absolute shit get this man a therapist my god#bruce hating himself bc he thinks hes an unworthy father is such a huge hyperfixation for me
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This makes my mind go wild because I have so many ideas about it.
Like obviously when Bruce was growing up he was taught by socialites (not Alfred of course, he would've pulled up with a gun) that these kinds of comments were just compliments and he had to take them as such.
So he bites his tongue. He can handle old women calling him sweet and pretty. He can handle that 40 year old auntie eyeing him up at the ripe age of 18. He can take a deep breath, go home and vent to Alfred.
Wanna know what he can't handle? The 50-something old man staring at 14 year old Dick like he's at a strip club and a dancer just walked by. And Bruce tries. Really he does. He's dealt with this his whole life, Dick can too right? Wrong.
Dick doesn't have many tells, having been Robin for roughly four years but Bruce notices it because he's his son. He sees the way Dick's left brow twitches, how his smile falters if only for a second. His heart aches and his mind screams when he sees Dick's eyes glance around the room, finding Bruce before relaxing, forcing himself to withstand the inappropriate advances because Bruce is right there so nothing bad will happen right?
Bruce comes to the conclusion that No, Dick with not be going through this. He will not force his son, his sweet boy to withstand this sort of behavior. He's there in seconds, gently pushing Dick behind him and setting himself right in front of the man's face.
The old asshat doesn't immediately realize he's in danger so he goes on to compliment Dick. Bruce is disgusted beyond measure, not only because he's having flashbacks but because he's worried how this would psychologically influence Dick. Dick's only a kid but he's nearing the age when its socially acceptable to say looks matter. But since Robin deals with a lot of criminals, most of which are men twice and thrice his age, it's a dangerous precedent to set.
Bruce is trembling, his fists are clenched so hard his knuckles turn white. It's when the man sees how hard Bruce's jaw is clenched that he realizes what's up. He nervously meets his eyes, surprised to see that gone is the Brucie Wayne persona and in its place is a man—a father—who is furious at what's being said about his son.
Some people are realizing what's going on but no one makes a move to step in. Brucie Wayne is Gotham's sweetheart, he'd never cause a scene...right? But Bruce doesn't care. He's freshly 30 and trauma bonded to his son and God help the bastard who disrespects his boy.
Bruce is about to knock the man out when a woman—finally someone with a heart—interrupts. She rudely asks the man to leave and he wastes no time in making his escape. The woman follows behind to make sure that he's actually gone and Bruce takes a breath, trying to calm himself.
Dick witnesses everything and its what I'd like to call a negative core memory. He'll remember this moment his whole life. But instead of dwelling on that, he simply tugs Bruce's hand along, willing him to move because people are staring. Bruce doesn't care, he's just gazing ahead, he only looks down when he hears Dick say, "Come on Dad."
Dick rarely calls him that so he knows its serious. He excuses himself but before he can make it out the door where he can process what just happened, Dick's slender arms wrap around him in a hug and he mumbles out a "Thanks B." Bruce's heart warms, "I'll always protect you chum." He replies and his heart clenches because by standing up for Dick, he's doing himself Justice for when he was younger.
a random socialite at a fundraiser: you know Bruce, that boy of yours is getting to be a little too pretty. heh.
Bruce Wayne, who was also "too pretty" at fourteen and is absolutely ready to castrate anyone who even looks at Dick directly: oh?
#dc#batman#bruce wayne#dick grayson#dc comics#I can go on for hours about how things like this ruin a child's psyche#the confirmation and realization that your looks can be dangerous to you#the way interactions like this ruin your perspective on life because every adult you meet now could potentially think like this#and given how attractive dick is i can 100% see him having to deal with this#it makes your stomach sick and i just KNOW that by the time Tim and Damian are around Dick's not letting anyone near him#Cass and Steph too we all know how thise old ass gotham men are and Dick will die before he lets one of them NEAR his sisters#this kind of angst has so much potential#i need more fics on topics like this#its self destructive to my own psyche but its characters i love so slay anyway#yall know me by now the woman was Selina undercover
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The second one is my absolute favourite because I can literally see Jason barging into the cave and interrupting everything to go "I want to live."
He says it so deadass serious that Dick's heart drops. What does he mean he wants to live? Does he have a disease? Do they only have limited time? Bruce is hyperventilating and clawing at the suit to pull off the mask and shakily asks, "How long?"
How long? Jason's brain hasn't begun braining quite as yet so he mumbles out, "A few months." It has been really pissing him off the past couple of months that he can't be seen with his siblings in public. He doesn't notice Dick's unshed tears or Bruce's oncoming panic attack.
Tim and Steph, ever the middle kids, rush up to him and starts patting him on the back. They apologize for how difficult it must be, how they have no idea what he's going through and how they're gonna make these next few months enjoyable.
Duke's already pulling up his notes app and planning any and everything he can think of that's remotely fun to Jason. He can skip school if his brother is dying right? Cass and Damian are shaking their heads solemnly. Cass is patting Bruce on the back, trying to calm him down while Damian uses all his strength to keep Dick from bawling and clawing at Jason.
Barbara, bless her soul, takes one look at Dick and Bruce's distress, Jason's obliviousness, shares a tired look with Alfred and then orders Jason to explain.
Finally Jason looks up and sees Bruce and Dick just about ready to grab him into a hug and it clicks. "Shit! No—wait—oh my God you people are crazy. I mean I want my life back! I want to be Jason Todd legally again!"
Dick still hugs him and Bruce tries to school his expression back to the facial paralysis he's known for but no one in the cave misses the stray tears slipping out.
Fast forward to about three days later, Bruce Wayne invites half of Gotham to a Gala and only answers with a clipped smile when asked what's the event for.
Cue Jason Todd—who's supposed to be deteriorating six feet under—waltzing in with his sister Cassandra Wayne on one arm and pseudo sister Stephanie Brown on the other (re)introducing everyone to their big brother.
Jason isn't quite sure if this was how he wanted to be reintroduced to society but he takes one look at his siblings and knows it'll be fine. Dick and Barbara are threatening reporters to stay six feet away from him at all times. Tim and Damian are glaring at everyone making comments about the death. Duke's distracting Bruce from going Batman on a snobby old man talking about how Jason looks. Steph and Cass are gliding his everywhere and laughing about how much they love and missed him (even if they didn't exactly know him when he "died".)
The next day when Jason goes down to breakfast (because Bruce forced all his batlings to spend the night at the manor) everyone's smiling at him and he rolls his eyes. Dick just shoves his phone at him where the Gotham Gazette has numerous articles and reports about last night.
"Wayne Manor Haunted as Second Son Returns to Life"
"Bruce Wayne Reveals Son to be Alive, Wayne Family Conspiracy?"
"Richie Wayne Threatens Reporters at Gala with Younger Brother"
"Jason Todd Back from the Dead and Hotter than Hell, New Eligible Bachelor?"
"Wayne Family Reveals Dead Son to be Alive, Could There Be More?"
There's always people theorizing how the Batfamily hides Jason disappearance and reappearance, but I literally haven't seen anyone use the best explanation: Witness Protection.
Like this literally answers every question. The Death Certificate? They had to fake his death. The empty grave? Obviously it had to be believable. The time when Wayne Heir "Richie Wayne" refused to step foot in Gotham and talk to his father? He was pissed about Jason's (non) death. Brucie Wayne's very real depression after his death? Well he lost contact with his son and he was under immense stress from the government.
Like this literally answers every question I can come up with. Why has no one said he was in witness protection? And if people have done it, send me fics and prompts because I'm obsessed.
And the best part is, the Waynes are so stupidly rich that they could pull it off. Lex Luther could try and conduct his own investigation but somehow he can never find anything concrete. And if he gets too close either Babs hacks them or Tim just calls up Conner for a distraction.
One time Jason gets cornered and asked how he felt about returning to his life after being in Witness Protection. Unfortunately, him and Bruce weren't on the best terms to explain the whole story but he comes in clutch. He spins the tale about how heartbroken he was to see his brother, father and grandfather grieving and how honored he was when he learnt his new little brother idolized him. Tim got ahold of a copy of the interview and will never let Jason live it down.
The media doesn't ask Bruce questions about Jason's death because last time they did he broke down and a suddenly furious reporter chastised them and reminded them that while Jason may be alive Bruce still mourned his death. The picture of Bruce in tears at the interview is currently one of Jason's favourite lockscreens.
Same goes for Dick. Any questions of his brother's death results in (1) Richie Wayne ready to throw hands at any and everybody, (2) his wife (well one of them) Barbara Gordon threatening the reporters or (3) That same Metropolis reporter chastising the whole community again.
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There's always people theorizing how the Batfamily hides Jason disappearance and reappearance, but I literally haven't seen anyone use the best explanation: Witness Protection.
Like this literally answers every question. The Death Certificate? They had to fake his death. The empty grave? Obviously it had to be believable. The time when Wayne Heir "Richie Wayne" refused to step foot in Gotham and talk to his father? He was pissed about Jason's (non) death. Brucie Wayne's very real depression after his death? Well he lost contact with his son and he was under immense stress from the government.
Like this literally answers every question I can come up with. Why has no one said he was in witness protection? And if people have done it, send me fics and prompts because I'm obsessed.
And the best part is, the Waynes are so stupidly rich that they could pull it off. Lex Luther could try and conduct his own investigation but somehow he can never find anything concrete. And if he gets too close either Babs hacks them or Tim just calls up Conner for a distraction.
One time Jason gets cornered and asked how he felt about returning to his life after being in Witness Protection. Unfortunately, him and Bruce weren't on the best terms to explain the whole story but he comes in clutch. He spins the tale about how heartbroken he was to see his brother, father and grandfather grieving and how honored he was when he learnt his new little brother idolized him. Tim got ahold of a copy of the interview and will never let Jason live it down.
The media doesn't ask Bruce questions about Jason's death because last time they did he broke down and a suddenly furious reporter chastised them and reminded them that while Jason may be alive Bruce still mourned his death. The picture of Bruce in tears at the interview is currently one of Jason's favourite lockscreens.
Same goes for Dick. Any questions of his brother's death results in (1) Richie Wayne ready to throw hands at any and everybody, (2) his wife (well one of them) Barbara Gordon threatening the reporters or (3) That same Metropolis reporter chastising the whole community again.
#dc comics#batfam#bruce wayne#jason todd#yes the reporter is clark#hes ready to fight for b and dick#vicky vale wonders if jason todd wayne was in witness protection due to something involving the red hood#jason goes on twitter and bashes the red hood's whole persona#dick grayson retweets that red hood is trying and is just a little lost#the official batman twitter likes that tweet#it causes a huge mess for both barbara and jim gordon to clean up#they knew they shouldn't have gotten involved with gothams pet billionaire and his weird kids
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A character's biggest flex has to be being so pretty that animators quite literally can't get them down right.

I mean the Harley Quinn show has got the whole personality right in a way.

Wayne Family Adventures has his down in a sitcom way.

Most people like him in the DCU movie, I personally find them atrocious. The personality, voice, movements are all perfect but the design? I was heartbroken.

Young Justice has been my favourite portrayal. They've got the perfect character development, season one he was the epitome of Boy Wonder, in season two he had his lil emo phase and in season three and four he became the Nightwing we all know and love. I love his design here, Young Justice Nightwing is the perfect animated Nightwing for me.

A lot of people hate Titans and I agree the writing was a little strange and the execution wasn't all that but the actors?? Slay. Brenton Thwaites was phenomenal as Dick Grayson and as Nightwing. A lot of issues with DC actors are that they're either good at the civilian part or the hero part but Brenton was good at both.
My only issue is that he wasn't as playful as I expected but they got everything else right. I think they portrayed him really well.

But despite this, no one gets him as perfectly as the comics. He's just that good?
#dc comics#dick grayson#hes my greatest hyperfixation#the only hyperfixation ive never lost interest in
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Thinking about the Bats' reactions are sending me.
Jason would be so pissed off too. Like yeah he's currently strangling one of the captors but he's also like, "Loosing your touch, huh old man?". And he's complaining about how he's missing a good episode of Chopped for this.
Dick is honestly trying not to laugh, he's the eldest and the Oldest Daughter Syndrome™ is kicking in and he has to force himself not to comment on how Batman should be able to get out of here. Oracle is threatening him to stay quiet through comms.
Tim is pissed off because he was actually relaxing by watching a movie instead of solving a case, Steph is pissed because she drugged Tim's tea and he was supposed to pass out and sleep for the first time in 3 days.
Cass and Duke are actually untying their dad. Damian is chiding him for getting caught and making him drag Batcow into all of this.
Kate and Luke are an exasperated aunt and uncle duo and currently don't know how to fix this. Take the gun away from Alfred? Tell Superman to calm down? Call an ambulance?
Thank the gods no one told Harley her med school bestie was here.
Selina is hyping Clark up. "Yes, tell them off for taking our boyfriend!" Clark's in the middle of a lecture so he doesn't really process what she said.
Harper and Helena are rolling their eyes. They thought that this was serious. Like the people were going to unmask the giant furry serious. Instead they kidnapped him just to keep him busy while they try and smuggle cargo at the docs.
Thank the gods Damian didn't have time to call his Mother because Talia would not find this funny. Jason is seriously debating on telling her just so Bruce could get chewed out by her.
Alfred was truthfully about to loose his shit. And Gotham ain't ready for that.
If Clark is kidnapped, he knows without having to ask that Bruce is going to hunt him down with the help of the entire Justice League. They’ll find him! He’ll be fine!
If Bruce is kidnapped, he’ll just sit there — maybe getting lightly tortured — and dread the arrival of all 17 of his kids, one angry Kryptonian without his emotional support human, Alfred having a RED moment, the Batcow, and all of the active JL members who don’t hate him right now (Hal Jordan will probably still come with, but he will complain the entire time)
#dc comics#batfam#dick grayson#bruce wayne#jason todd#damian wayne#cassandra cain#selina kyle#stephanie brown#tim drake#duke thomas#helena bertinelli#harper row#kate kane#luke fox#batcow#alfred pennyworth#clark kent#the bats are truly a family in the sense that they're pissed at bruce but still saving his ass#talia would have to listen to both her son's versions of the story#she pouts because she was bored snd she could've come#jason promises to invite her next time because there WILL be a next time#who de‐escalated the situation? the kidnappers#it wasnt worth it#not when dick looks like hes about to ask them what part of their childhood led them to this#and jason looks like hes gonna make em regret it#eldest daughters being the eldest daughters what can i say
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