#unfortunately i have adhd
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archerbeans · 2 months ago
talking about the art style for this show because I am lowkey (high key) obsessed with it and how unique and genius it is.
Warning: this is sort of a long-ish post. Everything here stated is purely subjective lol
S1’s style has a certain charm to it but personally doesn’t actually give me that wave of “nostalgia” (I started watching the show in 2023 summer) but it does have a certain aura to it. I personally love experimental styles and for the time this came out I still consider it to be very unique. Noting the experimental phase of it where things look less polished and the line weight isn’t as well executed as it is in the later seasons.
Using rigging for the time this series came out was certainly a bold choice with the realism and complex designs that this show used while also having a perfect balance with well done cartoony style. Archer is one of the most well known cartoons when you look into rigged animation! Floyd County’s process of using Illustrator and After effects together at the time was certainly bold as well. The team for this show was not as big as most people might think, as it states in the Art of Archer book that there were around 70 artists, illustrators, etc.. that worked on production. Compared to the average Hollywood animated movie, it’s surely a small crew. Using multiple levels for character movement, as the usual storyboarding that’s essential for any animated project (you cannot have a quality animated series without story boarding!), having to design an entire new model when the state of any character changes (scars, scrapes, torn clothes, etc..) which becomes a lot of extra strain, along with the actual design process in illustrator and using skeletal positioning as well. It’s truly impressive imo!
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The backgrounds and settings throughout the show were also very cleverly executed. Using 3d modeling and royalty free assets to paint textures and the amount of detail was insane. Apparently Adam had a good eye for everything.
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I really admire the effort that goes into all of the details in the show’s settings, along with the painted scenery. Which only improves over time. As you can see the quality difference between the earlier seasons and the latest.
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S1 Malory’s office and S2 Tunt Manor
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S6 Office and Tunt Manor. Notice the different in light fixtures and textures, the marble walls moving away from more of a tile texture, and the lighting in Malory’s office is much more smooth, the texture of the chairs, etc.. I love the improvement.
The more obvious and interesting part about all of this is the actual character design changing over time. I will always wonder what those first season 1 and 2 storyboards looked like. (If anyone ever finds any info on that please feel free to let me know! Ik there’s a few artists portfolios out there that are more easy to find and I’ve seen S12/11/etc..)
As with S1, it had a certain charm to it in which I love. The funny looking experimental angles, I wish we got to see more of, just for the silliness alone. Im glad they tried their best with dynamic poses. </3
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I’d say there’s definitely even just a difference between the line weight in S1 vs S2, it’s slightly more smooth in S2 depending on the pose. Depending on the show you’re watching, I noticed line weight is sort of an underrated and mostly overlooked technique upon other people I’ve seen talk about art styles. It adds a lot of depth. Dynamic poses are not easy.
Not all line weight is used for dynamic posing though
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I love this shot in particular. From what I remember and notice the most is that this is the first shot in the show where there’s much detail like the card reflection of the characters, they’re flipped like proper mirroring (obviously the modelling is not perfect for Ray, he still looks a little janky which isn’t a huge shock since we only saw him a handful of times in previous season) But the line weight for Malory’s thumb is something I appreciate very much and just thought this was a cool shot and shows a huge step up. The text boldness and format is also well done.
I guess the last elephant in the room surely is the actual style for the characters changing over time. There are about 3 different changes throughout the series, based on looks, clothing and movement. I wont get into specifics but it is always going to be entertaining to me how stiff and wonky certain shots looked. Not everything looked super goofy though.
I will never hate you scoliosis Lana </3
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It’s very entertaining to see the changes through out the show.
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(Malory’s hair was a tragic mess. Bless her cold heart <3)
First two seasons are where its flip flopped the most. Models were more stiff, tho on the brighter side the movements were still up to par with the action scenes. It’s still perfection. Some of the one-offs had funny designs (Krimenski, Uta, Mannfred, etc..)
Fast forwarding to S3 is when the improvements finally come in,
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Noticeably mostly with Archer, Malory and Cyril (though he still has his old glasses. I much prefer his post S5 ones)
Lana and Ray still look a little off but certainly different in face shapes and Lana is much less- “S” shaped lol. Pam has improved looks as well.
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The side profiles have had an improvement as well up to this point. But it doesn’t change much going down the line. The side profiles are very rarely shown. Krieger’s head finally looks less stiff as well. Cheryl looks completely different, with her hair being much more consistently styled. Also, notice the clothing saturation specifically, it’s much more toned down. The colours tend to match better more than they did before in S1 nd 2.
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Completely new character…. Hah.
Moving on past S3, since the character models stay pretty much the same, everyone at this point has their new looks leveled out, notably Ray and Lana
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This style pretty much remains the same through out the next few couple seasons. The models and settings have a new flair, the lighting improved immensely, especially with Vice. I dont wanna drag this on for too long but the modeling stays the same until the coma seasons.
One of the biggest reasons I love the coma seasons is that it brings a lot more to the table for the show as I played around with 3 different completely new environments. It mostly likely brought a lot of new people to the production crew as it cover a lot of architectural different and themes (jungle islands, temples, spacecrafts, etc.. )
Going forward past the coma seasons straight to S11 is where the style gets a little harder to explain the huge differences. Backgrounds and shots look very polished and none of the characters look stiff in any way anymore.
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We’ve also gained more soft lighting on the characters compared to mostly pre S6, dynamic lighting was improved immensely. In the Art of Archer book the majority of the animation process that is presented is mostly BTS for S6 and so on, though it does go into the works of Vice, its mostly with the musical production though they do delve a bit into the music video, which is a whole other level of its own. The environmental feel excels greatly with the lighting changes and also background ambience. Much of which was actually visible in the Danger Phone mobile game (RIP </3) I’ve always thought the sound design in this show was clever enough but it got significantly better over time.. Atmosphere makes a big difference. I’d love to add more specific examples but tumblr DOES have a limit on media that can be in one single post. But I can recommend going back and rewatching the show wearing headphones/earbuds and you will notice the difference.
Just a few extra things I wanted to point out is that as much as the animation has improved there are little quirks I do miss about the older seasons, for example the clothing colour changes. It really added more depth and realism to the show and I think despite it being subtle it was something that the majority of us fans enjoyed. But assuming they needed a different model for every colour worn, I could see why it was weeded out. Maybe it helped with the polish! That’s just personal bias.
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The difference is subtle, but it’s there! The faces shapes and body proportions have been “improved” slightly. But I genuinely think thats due to setting changes and having higher quality animation tools. But lighting makes a huge difference.
I don’t have a lot of cons for the art style improvement besides really that “nostalgia” feeling a lot of ppl have for this show. I personally believe pre- S11 is when the artstyle was the best, of course with having a few sacrifices
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Not sure how I feel about this one. He looks less like an ocelot in the right panel. The colours do look better but Babou’s eyes are eyes extremely different, not a fan of it. Some things just look better than before!
I would also like to take a moment to appreciate this gal’s glow up.. Not to drive too far from the point of this post but Im glad they kept Trinette relevant.
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Not 3, but 4 different improvements. Even though she has 3 completely different hairstyles there’s still the difference in quality..
Anyhow, I’ve run out of gas for this post and I’ve pretty much covered mostly everything I wanted to go over. I definitely would like to cover more on this topic but unfortunately tumblr has different plans.
Anyways I love this show so much and everything a bit and probably has one of the most compelling art styles out there with a very passionate studio. I think Floyd County is unique on its own and even just outside the art style there’s a lot more to be said about this show’s greatness. If you read this far and actually enjoyed reading my word vomit… well- thanks! Hoping to write more someday if I get any more literate than LOL
If i missed any details or got anything wrong then plz let me know! Most of everything here is subjective and I may perhaps be a bit biased with some things, but thats just me
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blanketforcas · 2 years ago
i think what saves me from a lot of discourse is that i'm simply Not Reading All That
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kayvsworld · 5 months ago
tony stark stans need 2 acknowledge the very real damage that their toxic fave has done. for example i watched im1 recently & now i can only get any fucking work done if i'm listening to metallica
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gemharvest · 8 months ago
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projecting my ADHD experiences onto this idiot part 1 of a potential one million
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aworldofendlesswonder · 6 months ago
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oh hama bead sg-1 we're really in it now
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thorntopieces · 4 months ago
mood swings post | possessiveness post | psychosis post
I think a lot about Genesis and how I relate to him as a person w/ BPD. How he's possessive of his friends' love. How despite his best efforts he never really learnt to manage his symptoms alone long-term, because Angeal and Sephiroth were always there to help him out of a spiral if he couldn't do it himself. They were attached at the hip and each one of them made the others' better. So when Angeal's dead and Sephiroth's still at Shinra playing loyal little thing, he stews in his own paranoid ideation, thinking on the past and over-analysing every single action. Devoting himself wholly to his Goddess and the pursuit of her Gift doesn't help entirely. He needs Angeal's loyalty and Sephiroth's love to feel better
Genesis, pre-desertion, sees Zack as a threat. Post-desertion, too, but at that point he's already made up his mind on Zack. Because Zack, wonderful, energetic, charismatic Zack that has issues hidden just below the surface, is essentially just waltzing in and not only occupying Angeal's time when they're training, but also outside of it. Genesis can't go a Goddes-damned day without Zack coming up in conversation and he hates it because it feels like Angeal is spreading himself too thin between all of them, and in the end Angeal was his first. And it's not any better with Sephiroth, because everyone worships Sephiroth like he's the Goddess' gift to the Planet and Shinra. Zack sees Sephiroth as the hero he is, and looks up to Angeal as his mentor and ... and Genesis, like usual, is discarded
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conceptuma · 10 months ago
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quick mark study from 2mths ago
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fivveweeks · 2 years ago
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(ishmael voice) faust our manager and guide are being unprofessional again can you do something. please.
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4chtungb4by · 1 year ago
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Tomothy Selleck for my drawing classssss sketchbook woohoo
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aloonaram · 2 months ago
Okay so im debating on writing a oneshot for jayvik in the hp universe and i have a couple of questions for people who remember more of the books than me bc its been way too long:
Do wizards use physical crutches and braces the way jayce and viktor do? Ik theres like an ick amongst wizards for muggle sciences but i remember there being one disabled character with like a peg leg? I think? Idk i want to write like a “jayvik enters the world of hp” rather than them already existing in it so trying to figure out how they’d manage their disabilities and if theres some magic alternative.
What’s like a really concise summary of events after prisoner of azkaban? I really can’t remember shit LMFAO
What’s that secret like club dumbledore made with a bunch of professors? It was at likeee sirius’ brother’s or dad’s place? And what book did that even happen in?
Hopefully i can get around to writing this :)
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prokyon · 20 days ago
The way things are going I will not be able to pay for my ADHD assessment for another year at least. All my money got eaten by bills that turned out to be triple what we expected.
I've never asked for help like this before please help me reach my goal: ko-fi.com/prokyon
if you cannot afford it, please do not donate.
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endivinity · 8 months ago
If you're comfortable with answering, where did you start on the path to getting your diagnosis?
A lot of what you described sounds rather similar to what I've felt/went through, but I'm a bit anxiously paralyzed by it all and don't know where to start
Started through my GP! I'd imagine it varies depending on where you are in the world, but I couldn't go through with a diagnosis anywhere without a basic assessment from my GP and a referral, since in NZ the medications are heavily regulated. First I asked for resources for a diagnosis and was given a number of places to choose from, most of which were haphazardly picked out (some of them were specifically for ADHD... in children. Others were physical appointment only, way off on the other side of the country. For some reason one of them was listed as being in the middle of the ocean. It was an interesting time). I emailed the ones that sounded plausible, asking specifically for availability, cost, waitlist, and whether telehealth was possible. From there, I chose a place and had the referral done (I also dragged my heels on it for a solid two months lol). There was no waitlist for this one and it wasn't too expensive. Since ADHD is pretty easy to self-diagnose these days there's a chance of answer bias if you're a milder case, so they did require input from outside parties, a friend and my mother, as well as school reports to try and pick up on a pattern of inattentiveness. There was a bunch of general wellness checks as well but that was discussed and arranged in-appointment, so be prepared for maybe getting those? Mostly it's for medication compatibility and concerns.
I think that covers everything?? best of luck if you decide to go for it! and remember even if you aren't diagnosed (it's natural to second-guess whether you're struggling enough. that anxiety is very hard to shake) adhd-specific coping strategies will always do you some good.
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eustacedekolta · 11 months ago
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preview of what i am workin on. . .. no you have not been violently transported back into 2014 but yes these ARE feastings pixel edits here's fig & baron cause they look the best so far TeeHee
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bluesidez · 8 months ago
Nicola Coughlan is probably one of the few white women I'll go up for. Love her down.
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the-wereraven · 3 months ago
Hypothetically if I somehow muster the consistency of learning how to use a game engine, would there hypothetically be an interest in a TBD fan game?
Edit: Forgot a poll
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spitblaze · 1 year ago
Gold and Silver are good kids and Gold likes to show up unannounced to Lance's house post-game to bother Silver and Silver is like 'ugh great just what I need a loud annoying weirdo' but they are neither loud nor annoying while they hang out they just quietly sit on the floor reading magazines abt pokemon or playing video games and sometimes Gold will shove something in Silver's face like 'WHOA CHECK THIS OUT' and Silver will be like 'can you quiet down. What stupid thing could possibly get you that excited' as if he wouldn't also be equally excited about the very cool article about Sharpedo Gold just found
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