#underwater utopia
dmdunamancer · 7 days
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From the Deep: In the Wake of Drexciya with Ayana V. Jackson
"Artist Ayana V. Jackson creates an undersea realm honoring those who jumped or were thrown overboard during the trans-Atlantic slave trade." (Smithsonian Magazine, 8 June 2023)
Where There Is No Origin But Memory I
The Self-Forgetfulness of Belonging Will Never Be Mine I
Consider the Sky and the Sea
Some People Have Spiritual Eyes II (featuring the dress which also appears as "Use the Stars to Fix a Celestial Navigation Point," with materials including Ghanaian currency, paste, cotton, raffia reed fans)
When the Spirit of Kalunda Comes So Does Kianda
Some People Have Spiritual Eyes I
Reliquary: The Sea Has Nothing to Offer but a Well-Executed Grave
It is Only When You Lose Your Mother That She Becomes Myth
I Summon the Voice from the Deep I
[images from the official exhibition website]
Also -- for those interested, many of these garments and models appear in video-works in collaboration with other artists! Very cool.
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nestedneons · 6 months
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By jilt with stablediffusion
Cyberpunk art commissions
My free ai workflows
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libelelle · 6 months
what if silver saved the future but he goes back and everyone is living underwater with submarines and shit would he like that
Hmmm good question. He would be thrilled there are people but the fact they are living under water... something made it so they had to i assume so he wouldnt be too happy about that. That would be a big problem for him. This being said i think if Silver could solve that issue in that time he might, since there are so many people. I do also think he'd find zooming around in the water fun : )
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stefy-giuggiola · 2 years
Title: Utopia
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thankskenpenders · 3 months
One question that's been haunting me since I binge-read most of the blog whilst doing testing is: in your opinion, what is the primary difference in the worlds of Archie Sonic and IDW Sonic? Obviously part of that is Penders' influence vs. Ian's influence, one's obviously based more on the games than the others, etc... but I feel like more than that, the two comics have a vastly different feel in terms of how their world generally just works in-universe. I'd like to know if this makes any sense, or if I'm just crazy.
I mean, the IDW world literally is the game world now, so yes, there are some pretty huge differences that are immediately apparent.
I'd say that where both incarnations of the Archie universe were much more of an "anything goes" sci-fi/fantasy world with all these different factions and kingdoms and whatnot, the IDW comics depict a more mundane modern/near-future setting that just so happens to have some highly stylized scenery and be inhabited by cartoon furries. (And off-screen humans, now that the two worlds have been reunited, I guess.)
I mean, it's right there in the names of the planet. Archie was set on the fantastical world of Mobius, but the IDW comics are just on a fictional version of Earth. Most of the sci-fi elements are Eggman's creations. There are still plenty of fantasy elements, but they tend to be hidden better. They're a thing for Sonic and his friends and enemies to discover on their adventures, not an everyday fact of life for the normies. In the Archie comics you had people living in medieval kingdoms and underwater societies and Mad Max wastelands and floating utopias and all this other stuff, but in the IDW comics they tend to live in pretty normal modern cities. I'd argue that this makes Sonic feel like more of a larger-than-life hero in the IDW comics, since he's always seeking out adventures in these corners of the world that the average person doesn't know about. Joe from Station Square's never been to somewhere like Sky Sanctuary or Little Planet
I know some Archie fans think this means the worldbuilding in IDW is "bad" or "boring" since there aren't a bunch of high-concept fantasy locations being introduced, but it's just different. The way they did things at Archie was fun, but this matches the vibe of the games much better
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inklings-challenge · 2 months
Since we're less than a month away from sign-ups for this year's Inklings Challenge, it's time to address what I call:
The Team Chesterton Problem
The Inklings Challenge divides writers into three different teams, which are each assigned a type of fantasy and a type of science fiction, and writers can choose which one they want to write. The fantasy categories are easy: Team Lewis is portal fantasy, and Team Tolkien is secondary world fantasy, which leaves intrusive fantasy for Team Chesterton. Intrusive fantasy gets by far the least stories written for it, probably because people are intimidated by fantasy with a real-world setting, but that would be okay if the science fiction category drew in people.
In three years, we have had two stories in the Team Chesterton sci-fi category. Both last year.
With Team Lewis having space travel and Team Tolkien having time travel, the first two years, Team Chesterton had a technology category. Since that covers everything from steampunk to mad scientists to robots to cloning technology to cyberpunk, you'd think there'd be a lot of story potential for any type of writer. Not one. The third year's category, Adventure, tried to make this wider story potential clearer, so people didn't think they had to be technological experts to write in this category. We got only a couple of stories.
I'm beginning to wonder if it's too broad of a category. Space travel suggests a specific genre. Time travel provides a specific inciting incident. Technology and Adventure have a kind of "everything else" vibe, which could make it difficult to come up with a specific story in a short time frame.
So I'm considering other options:
Pro: Chesterton-related, specific genre that can be applied to a fantasy or sci-fi setting
Con: Not inherently a sci-fi genre; requires a lot of thinking to apply it to a speculative fiction setting
Pro: Specific genre with specific vibes. Chesterton-related
Con: Vibes are depressing and people may not be drawn to it
Pro: Less depressing than dystopia. Could even be combined with dystopia
Con: Who's willing to admit that they think they've invented a perfect society? Outdated genre.
Pro: Fits with time and space travel. Would suggest planet-bound adventures--finding hidden lands, journey-to-the-center-of-the-earth, underwater cities, you name it--while providing a specific event to base the story around, so it's less broad than adventure.
Con: Would take a lot of explanation to get to that definition. Has a lot of the same "too-broad" problems that Adventure has
Cyberpunk or steampunk
Pro: Specific genre with specific vibes
Con: If people don't like those vibes, they're out of luck. People could think they need to know a lot about technology or history to write in this category.
Pro: Fun genre! Specific genre trappings and tropes to easily base stories around. Can feel very Chestertonian. Nothing that would make people think they need to stick to real-world science
Con: People might be burnt out on superheroes. Might turn to fanfic instead of original fic. Not a great companion genre to time and space travel
I had been hoping to end this with a poll, but there are too many options and variables here, so instead I'll just ask for general feedback and ideas on what genre would be most appealing and the best fit for this challenge.
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Horror Game Protagonist Bracket: Round 1 Match 11
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Character Info:
James Sunderland: The protagonist of Silent Hill 2. An average store clerk, James is a depressed man who lost his wife, Mary, 3 years ago to a terminal illness. He received a letter from the assumed dead Mary, telling him to go to the town of Silent Hill.
Source: Silent Hill Wiki
Jack: The faceless protagonist of BioShock. After being the sole survivor of a plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean, he finds himself in the underwater city of Rapture, where it's utopia-seeming entrance quickly turns out to be nothing but a façade.
Source: BioShock Wiki
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Clancy Jarvis (Resident Evil 7: Banned Footage) - Clancy was the newest member of the Sewer Gators, a paranormal investigation group responsible for a moderately successful Internet series by the same name. As his first assignment, he was to work as the cameraman for the group as they investigated the Dulvey Haunted House, only to lose sight of his coworker Andre within the abandoned building. After finding Andre's corpse, Clancy awoke in a room with his other coworker, Peter, only to then witness Peter be decapitated. Afterwards, Clancy awakes in a basement and is hunted by Jack Baker and monsters made of a mold-like substance, then he awakes in a bedroom where he is forced to escape from Marguerite Baker, then he awakes in a shed where he is forced to play a life-or-death game of blackjack, before finally awaking at a birthday party scavenger hunt, where he is brutally burned to death after the cake explodes. Most notable trait: The ability to eat rotten meat and mold until he dies, if you so wish.
Simon Jarrett (SOMA) - Simon Jarrett was a Torontonian comic book store employee who, after sustaining severe brain trauma in a car accident that cut his life expectancy down to mere months, volunteered for an experimental form of brain scan that had the potential to vastly extend his life, or at least improve his quality of life for the time he had left. The scan, while being fully comprehensive and effectively a form of cloning, ended up putting Simon in critical condition. This created a divide, where "Simon 1", the original Simon, lived the last months of his life, eventually dying on his death bed, while "Simon 2", the brain scan, lived on. 100 years later, "Simon 2" awakens within the PATHOS-II facility, an underwater research facility, and has to do "Some Amnesia shit idk the game is a spiritually successor" with the help of another brain-scan person named Catherine, who resides in a handheld device that Simon 2 carries around. At one point, Simon 2 transfers himself in what he believes is going to be a "brain" transplant, only to realize he has effectively cloned himself once more, and is now "Simon 3." Simon 3 is given the option to either kill Simon 2 or spare him (undertale) and Simon 3 eventually does one last brain scan to effectively clone himself aboard "The ARK", so that Simon 4 may live in a utopia. Simon 3 is forced to spend the rest of his existence underwater, and Simon 2 is either dead or alive depending on player choice, while Simon 1 died 100 years ago in Canada. Most notable trait: Based on his appearance, personality and profession, he really seems like he would have been a YouTuber in 2009.
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realmsofgames · 9 days
Bioshock 1 and 2 Review
Underwater is one of the best themes for any setting or story. The best X-Com game is terror from the deep. Because its underwater. Building an art-deco late 19th/early 20th century American planned city at the bottom of the ocean is so supremely wicked and should be impossible to fuck up. In BioShock you fuck around in the most mediocre repetitive levels engaging in the most mediocre repetitive gameplay while you're told a mediocre story about the contradictions that led to the downfall of a libertarian utopia and your role in it. Repeatedly. They made a mostly unfun game with a novel setting that is used to, we ESTIMATE, 20% of its maximum potential. They got a second chance and made the exact same game. 16 hours of the same thing. In two they push a more engaging anti-utopian angle which could have been good, but rather than presenting an interesting idea about what might be done to better society or pointing out something interesting about people driven by utopian ambitions, you get some actual utopian hippy shit about like, being a good person I guess. The other message people definitely discern from this sort of empty, seemingly, anti-utopian shit is just some TINA capitalist realism garbage, which is evil. What the fuck is up with the parental angle? It lacks any substance that I can discern at all. There's also some shallow drivel about free will and self-awareness. What am I a 14 year old?
High Minded Take of the Review: A bunch of kids (including adult gamers(kids)) who were unloved by their parents were enthralled with the idea of being the parent that they didn't have. They didn't know about foreshadowing yet so the dumb plot points the developers presented as twists were moving. They were moved by extremely vague themes that they'd never experienced before. Free will, utopia, forgiveness, family, and anything else those idiots thought they could jam in there. They got to be a wicked guy in a suit using magic and murking fuckers with firearms in a cool city. Those kids loved this game for those reasons so as an adult you might get tricked into thinking these games were more than they are.
Rating: This game is fucking gay and the setting should have been used in some CRPG made by a homosexual man or woman born in the 60s. We give it 4 Mario mushrooms out of 10.
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pix4japan · 2 months
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Ubara Island: A Diver’s Destination
Location: Otaki Town, Chiba Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 09:49・2024/07/10
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP + 10-stop ND filter 73 mm ISO 100 for 3.0 sec. at ƒ/5.6
From the scenic vantage point at the end of the Ubara Utopia Trail, you can gaze out over the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean to the tiny Ubara Island. This idyllic spot off the coast of Myojin Cape is a popular destination for scuba divers and snorkelers alike.
Whether you're a seasoned diver or new to the underwater world, Ubara Island offers a delightful blend of beauty and biodiversity that promises to captivate and inspire underwater adventurers.
Access details and sources for further reading available in my full write-up, (1-minute read): https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20240710-dive
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darkmaga-retard · 22 days
Ben Bartee
Sep 05, 2024
In the urban centers of Eastern Europe, you get the occasional hijab on the street; the nations of the region are not pure-as-the-driven-snow ethnostates.
However, the hallmarks of sacred Diversity™ are few and far between here in a sea of Europeans, which, for the few “migrants” there are, I believe helps keep any of their more violent jihadist impulses in check; they are aware they are an extreme minority surrounded by people who might not hesitate to deal with them appropriately if Allah compels them to get stabby or rapey or otherwise transgress.
A Senegalese illegal migrant in Poland, for instance, was recently caught on video wading naked into a popular swimming hole, squatting, pushing one out, and wiping his anus with his hand underwater in the traditional manner of his motherland into the water while some Poles played water polo or whatever in the background.
The metaphorical implications abound.
Via Remix News (emphasis added):
“A Senegalese man has been deported from Poland following a shocking incident in the Valley of the Three Ponds in Katowice where he was caught on camera entering the water and relieving himself in front of onlookers.
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Had this occurred in, say, the UK, I think we know what would’ve happened: the native recording the video would’ve been hunted down and tossed in prison for a hate crime while the migrant would be invited as the keynote speaker at next year’s diversity festival/stabbing orgy.
Sadly, Poland — and Hungary, and Romania, and others — are among the only truly European nations left in Europe, despite the hardened intentions of the EU to turn the entire continent into a diversity utopia — to “ensure fair burden sharing between member states” related to migrant quotas.  
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is the greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
Everything has been split into groups of 32 that I think are of similar levels of notoritiy, but likely not popularity. Seeding within the groups decides the matches. At the end of the round groups are paired up and mashed together to do it all again.
What that means right now is the order the matches below are listed in has no baring on what they'll be against in the next round
There will be 16 matches a day with Fridays off
Lastly, you can still submit propaganda for posts here
Day 16
The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did vs Alien Avatar
The Last Oak Tree vs Dead Man Walking
Black Hunger vs Dream-Eaters
From Out of the Rain vs Detained
A Day in the Death vs Nightvisiting
Fragments vs Taphony of the Time Loop
Lost Library of Ukko vs The Custodians
Sirens of Ceres vs Children of Earth
K9 and Company vs Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
Mutant Copper vs Reset
For Tonight We Might Die vs The Lost
Miracle Day vs The Cambridge Spy
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/Last Precinct/Hound of the Korven/Eclipse of the Korven vs Fear Itself
Exit Wounds vs Something Borrowed
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart vs Oroborus
The Fall of the House of Gryffen vs The Curse of Anubis
previous and future days under the cut - unfortunately i've had to get rid of the links because there were too many and the post broke, however they are all tagged #round 2
Day 1
The Mind Robber vs Galaxy 4
The Moonbase vs The Daleks' Master Plan
The Evil of the Daleks vs The Space Museum
The Gunfighters vs The Macra Terror
The Dalek Invasion of Earth vs The Celestial Toymaker
The Reign of Terror vs The Daleks
The Rescue vs The Ice Warriors TIE
The Ark vs the Romans
The Tenth Planet vs The Web Planet
An Unearthly Child vs The War Machines
The Invsion vs The Keys of Marinus
The Underwater Menace vs The Aztecs
The Edge of Destruction vs The Massacre
The Sensorites vs The Seeds of Death
The Chase vs Marco Polo
Planet of Giants vs The Time Meddler
Day 2
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Love and Monsters
Human Nature/The Family of Blood vs The End of the World
The Waters of Mars vs The End of Time
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit vs Fires of Pompeii
Blink vs The Unquiet Dead
Boom Town vs Utopia
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday vs Father's Day
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks vs Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Dalek vs New Earth
Rose vs Planet of the Ood
The Runaway Bride vs The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
The Girl in the Fireplace vs Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Partners in Crime vs The Christmas Invasion
School Reunion vs The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
The Unicorn and the Wasp vs The Sound of Drums/Last of Time Lords
Tooth and Claw vs Midnight
Day 3
A Death in the Family vs The Eleven
Ship in a Bottle vs Blood of the Daleks
Albie's Angels vs Phobos
No More Lies vs UNIT Dating
Horror of Glam Rock vs Companion Piece
The Grey Man in the Mountain vs The Love Vampires
Human Resources vs The Widow's Assassin
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story vs The Side of the Angels
Day of the Master vs The Crucible of Souls
1963: The Assassination Games vs The Red Lady
Stranded vs The Sonomancer TIE
The Doomsday Chronometer vs The Silver Turk
Absent Friends vs The Eighth Piece
Paradox of the Daleks vs Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Inside Every Warrior vs Robophobia
Stop the Clock vs To the Death
Day 4
The War Games vs The Abominable Snowmen
The Sea Devils vs The Time Warrior
The Time Monster vs Fury from the Deep
The Tomb of the Cybermen vs Terror of the Autons
The Three Doctors vs The Ambassadors of Death
The Highlanders vs The Power of the Daleks
Doctor Who and the Silurians vs Carnival of Monsters
The Faceless Ones vs The Daemons
The Enemy of the World vs The Monster of Peladon
The Mind of Evil vs Frontier in Space TIE
The Claws of Axos vs Inferno
Spearhead from Space vs The Ark in Space TIE
The Horns of Nimon vs The Seeds of Doom
Planet of the Spiders vs The Web of Fear
Colony in Space vs The Green Death
Invasion of the Dinosaurs vs The Curse of Peladon
Day 5
Vincent and the Doctor vs Closing Time
The Snowmen vs The Beast Below
The Doctor's Daughter vs The Rings of Akhaten
Vampires of Venice vs The Doctor's Wife
Gridlock vs A Town Called Mercy
The Wedding of River Song vs Amy's Choice
The Girl Who Waited vs Time of the Doctor
Hide vs Smith and Jones
The Eleventh Hour vs Curse of the Black Spot
A Christmas Carol vs The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
A Good Man Goes to War vs Name of the Doctor
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship vs The God Complex
Day of the Doctor vs Asylum of the Daleks
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood vs The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel vs 42
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS vs Turn Left
Day 6
The Lumiat vs A Spoonful of Masters
Nightshade vs Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Solitaire vs Paradise 5
Serenity vs The Last Post
No Place vs The Hollow King
Warfare vs Square One
The Cars that Ate London! vs Out of Time
Iterations of I vs A Full Life
I am the Master vs Forever Fallen
The Creeping Death vs Expiry Dating
Peshka vs The Forgotten Village
First Days of Phaidon vs The Scorchies
Gallifrey IV vs The Queen of Time
Wink vs Death and the Queen
Too Many Masters vs Peri and the Piscon Paradox
The Concrete Cage vs The Fifth Citadel
Day 7
City of Death vs The Creature From the Pit
The Key to Time vs The Ribos Operation
The Keeper of Traken vs The Masque of Mandragora
Image of the Fendahl vs The Brain of Morbius
The Horror of Fang Rock vs The Armageddon Factor
Terror of the Zygons vs Mawdryn Undead
The Sunmakers vs The Androids of Tara
The Sontaran Experiment vs The Pirate Planet
Genesis of the Daleks vs Destiny of the Daleks
Warriors' Gate vs The Invasion of Time
The Stones of Blood vs The Hand of Fear
The Leisure Hive vs State of Decay
Logopolis vs Robot
Full Circle vs The Face of Evil
The Deadly Assassin vs Pyramids of Mars
Meglos vs The Robots of Death
Day 8
Heaven Sent vs Cold War
Under the Lake/Before the Flood vs The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion
Flatline vs The Return of Doctor Mysterio
The Angels Take Manhattan vs Dark Water/Death in Heaven
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar vs Empress of Mars
Smile vs Extremis
Hell Bent vs Knock Knock
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People vs The Husbands of River Song
Mummy on the Orient Express vs The Power of Three
Twice Upon a Time vs Listen
Face the Raven vs The Eaters of Light
Robot of Sherwood vs The Pilot
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang vs The Girl Who Died
The Pyramid at the End of the World vs Oxygen
Time Heist vs Deep Breath
The Lodger vs World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Day 9
The Bekdel Test vs The Blood Cell
Human Nature vs Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
The Book of the War vs The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street vs The Stranger
Mad Dogs and Englishmen vs The Crooked World
Anachrophobia vs Alien Bodies
Harvest of Time vs Interference
The Blue Angel vs Vampire Science
Lungbarrow vs The Turing Test
Oh No It Isn't vs The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
Living Legend vs The Gallifrey Chronicles
Engines of War vs The Year of Intelligent Tigers
Scratchman vs The Scarlet Empress
Psychodrome vs Camera Obscura
This Town Will Never Let Us Go vs Unnatural History
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 vs A Photograph to Remember
Day 10
The Caves of Androzani vs Warriors of the Deep
Revelation of the Daleks vs Paradise Towers
Snakedance vs The Mysterious Planet
The Visitation vs Ghost Light
Survival vs The King's Demons
Black Orchid vs Battlefield
Planet of Fire vs Frontios
Attack of the Cybermen vs Enlightenment
The Curse of Fenric vs Mindwarp
Terror of the Vervoids vs The Mark of the Rani
Kinda vs Trial of a Time Lord
The Two Doctors vs Earthshock
The Five Doctors vs The Ultimate Foe
Terminus vs Vengeance on Varos
Castrovalva vs Ressurection of the Daleks
Delta and the Bannermen vs Remembrance of the Daleks
Day 11
Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane? vs Kerblam!
Flux vs The Caretaker
Eve of the Daleks vs Revolution of the Daleks
Praxeus vs Last Christmas
Village of the Angels vs Revenge of the Slitheen
The Ghost Monument vs War of the Sontarans
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror vs Resolution
The Tsuranga Conundrum vs The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Demons of the Punjab vs Eye of the Gorgon
The Halloween Apocalypse vs Rosa
The Woman Who Fell to Earth vs Once, Upon TIme
Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children vs Spyfall
The Power of the Doctor vs Can You Hear Me?
Invasion of the Bane vs Fugitive of the Judoon
It Takes You Away vs The Witchfinders
Arachnids in the UK vs Thin Ice
Day 12
Downtime vs Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor
Dalek Weetabix advert vs The Fallen
Divided Loyalties vs The Land of Happy Endings
Summoned by Shadows vs Space in Dimension Relative and Time
More than a Messiah vs Step Into the 80s/On Through the 80s
Famine Appeal vs The Devil of Winerborne
Unnatural Selection vs Lepidometry for Beginners
Ground Zero vs Merry Christmas Doctor Who
The Zero Imperative vs When to Die
Fear Itself vs 12 Doctors, 12 Stories
Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough vs The Room With All the Doors
The Terror Game vs Eye of the Beholder
Old Friends vs In Memory Alone
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advert vs Nothing at the End of the Lane
Something Borrowed vs The Flood
The World Shapers vs The Star Beast
Day 13
The Chimes of Midnight vs Minuet in Hell
The Holy Terror vs Spare Parts
The Happiness Patrol vs The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
Dragonfire vs The Company of Friends: Fitz's Story
Doctor Who and the Pirates vs Singularity
The Condemned vs The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
The Girl Who Never Was vs Neverland
Other Lives vs Caerdroia
Scherzo vs The Company of Friends: Mary's Story
Jubilee vs The TV Movie
The Harvest vs Seasons of Fear
Terror Firma vs Storm Warning
Zagreus vs Arrangements of War
Master vs The Natural History of Fear
The Marian Conspiracy vs The Apocalyse Element
Loups-Garoux vs The Kingmaker
Day 14
Death of the Doctor vs The Gift
Lost in Time vs The Mark of the Berserker
Small Worlds vs Secrets of the Stars
Sleeper vs Everything Changes
Countrycide vs To the Last Man
They Keep Killing Suzie vs Out of Time
Cyberwoman vs The Nightmare Man
Combat vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith vs The Empty Planet
Random Shoes vs Adam
Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith vs The Mad Woman in the Attic
Prisoner of the Judoon vs Ghost Machine
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs The Lost Boy
The Last Sontaran vs Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Sky vs The Day of the Clown
Mona Lisa's Revenge vs Captain Jack Harkness
Day 15
Time Crash vs Tardisodes
Dreamland vs Dr Who and the Daleks
Shada (webcast with 8) vs The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
Ronald Rat Continuity Announcement vs Pond Life
P.S. vs The Shrink
The Daleks' Invasion of Earth 2150AD vs Doctorin' the TARDIS
Farewell, Sarah-Jane vs The Infinite Quest
Shada (1992 version with linking narration) vs An Adventure in Space and Time
Night of the Doctor vs The Doctor's Meditiation
Real Time vs Dimensions in Time
Clara and the TARDIS vs The Great Detective
Rain Gods vs Scream of the Shalka
Doctor in Distress vs Space Time
Night and the Doctor vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
Shada (2017 animated reconstruction) vs Born Again
Search Out Space vs The Curse of Fatal Death
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constellaj · 10 months
hey do u have some kind of list of the major variants in your multiverse au? It’s super cool and I really like it :3 (btw I am the original anon who asked you about it and the anon who was praising your Gwen, Courtney and heather art lol. just call me spiral anon)
also do u have any like, horror variants. Not horror necessarily, more so just tragic ones (the sillies have been through the trenches). Thanks :D
OOH I've been meaning to get a list of my favorite multiverse guys together and this is the perfect excuse!! thank you spiranon!! I tried to trim this wall of text down best I could but it's SO LONG. buckle up!! as always mega thanks to @crystalfloe for developing and brainworming these fellas with me!!
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I'll divide them up by the original character, and clarify their pseudonym; because the 'verse is populated with the same characters over and over, many end up choosing pseudos for themselves that they go by! I'll also elaborate on the ones that have some particularly horrifying aspects, but off the top of my head some who have really been through the ringer are ZombieMike (haven't given him a pseudo yet), Two-Inches-Taller Trent, Indigo (Jose), Mortal Bat Heather and Sea Bridgette. please note that I loooove duncan (and also dunhar) so a lot of these fellas are, well... dunhar :)
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LOTS of Duncans! Let's get started! (duncans pictured above are not any real multiverse duncans) Zero rules the Duncan Underground with an iron fist. He has the power to up the "asshole levels" of any Duncan, spreading it like a zombie virus.
Declan comes from an Actor AU dimension, and has to rapidly adjust to a world where all his coworkers' fictional characters are real. He manages to settle down with a very stereotypical Courtney, and they're so mushy-in-love it's like a Hallmark movie.
Concorde is also known as "Normal Duncan". He's so abnormal that he actually spends most of his time hiding out at Club Vaquero, an underground nightclub exclusive to the multiverse's "weirdos". (more about club vaq later!)
Helix or Badger is also known as "Cop Duncan". He works with some powerful multiversal agencies to lock up and detain dangerous immortals. He has the ability to generate handcuffs and chains out of nowhere. He's an asshole and nobody likes him.
Fox is our newest addition to the multiverse! He's your standard Duncan, except he's accepted his soft side and lets it play out alongside his more punk-rock edgy end. He's got a huge multiversal network, with Bridgettes and DJs bringing him orphaned baby bunnies every other day to look after.
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Harolds: Harlow Princeton Orange is the other side of our newest multiverse addition. An actor on Camp TV before he was thrown out into the multiverse, he thinks of everyone as an annoying coworker who won't ever break character.
Samurai Bloodshed is the platonic ideal of a Harold. He ran the Harold Hub-City with his epic anime powers, until he was cursed by a Justin to be... a jock. Stripped of his nerd swag, he's now doomed to wander the multiverse as a mere shell of his former self. (or IS HE???)
Matrix, aka "Punk Harold", is another frequent patron of Club Vaquero. He hangs out in the dirty punk scenes, plays awful music, and causes problems everywhere he goes. The only person who might be able to stand up to him is... Concorde?
Invisible Harold is Harold, but invisible. That's it I just think he's neat.
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Alejandros: Siren is, well, a siren. With the help of Sea Bridgette, he flooded the entire Alejandro Resort, and turned it into an underwater, mermaid-filled utopia we're calling Alelantis. Unfortunately, he forgot to return a favor to Sea Bridge, so she turned her curse on him next. Transmuted into a scaly sea monster to match his powers, he ran (swam) away to hide in shame. Fortunately, this didn't perturb Marathon Tyler, who offered him a place to stay...
When most Alejandros were forced out of the resort, Silk fell into an open dimension (Angel Lindsay's dimension). Stranded in the empty wastelands below the angellic clouds, he's resorted to manipulating any other immortal who falls in on accident.
Naturo (yes we know that's not a real spanish word, we just think it sounds cool) controlled nature itself, using that power to enslave dimensions and threaten a total overtake of the multiverse. At least, he used to! His incarnation was killed, and he reset into someone we affectionately call Autistic Alejandro. This incarnation of Ale was carefully monitored since birth to prevent another Naturo situation; monitored by someone who he thought was his brother... (more on Indigo later!)
There's one more important Alejandro to mention! That's the Alejandro who's one half of Vaquero, the owner of Club Vaquero. Vaquero himself is a living fusion between an Alejandro (he's a pairhunter, more on them later!) and a Geoff. Yes this is the alegeoff fusion I've been drawing all along!!!!!! I fucking love Vaq!!!!!
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McLeans: Gold lives in a massive penthouse in the bougiest part of the multiverse, living his ideal celebrity life, with his fake and real Gemmys so thoroughly intermixed you can't tell which is which. He's not a bad person per se, but he doesn't quite understand what's wrong with doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
Silver (no relation), on the other hand, lives on a cursed island and is a classic whistle-blowing camp counselor. He spends his time recruiting multiversal campers onto his island, to compete in death-defying challenges. Seems nasty, but if you win, you get the ultimate prize; he has the ability to grant wishes.
Meanwhile, out on True Wawanakwa, something very bizarre is happening. Chrises coalesce on this island, all fighting for dominance over a place they're convinced is "theirs". Every week, each Chris's team competes- and the losing Chris has to lose one of his carefully cultivated cast members. One of these Chrises is Lake, a granola-crunching, ADHD-ridden, dadbod-having hippie. Lake never executes members of his team, and instead hides everyone in a mystical glade; everyone on his team actually treats him like a genuine team dad. Just, y'know, be careful when dealing with him on the full moon-- he is a vengeful lake spirit, after all, and sometimes he loses control. I mean, how do you think Geoff turned into that tree? (Don't worry, Bridgette pours a cold one onto the roots once a month to keep him healthy.)
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Everyone else! These are characters that we really only have one or two instances of.
Mildred (Blaineley) is a bit of a horror villain shut-in. She keeps pocket dimensions full of contestants and harvests their essence, essentially selling it on the black market.
Carmine (Blaineley) is another horror villain, but more composed and some would argue more sinister. Her facility allegedly works to rehabilitate former dangerous immortals, but what she actually does is manipulate (and if she has to, mind-control via magical contract) them into working for her. Indigo (Jose) had this unfortunate realization after he took her up on her blackmailed job offer. Autistic Ale's original Jose was removed from the dimension and locked in a cryo chamber, while Indigo encouraged Ale to avoid nature, making his own decisions, and saying no. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the exact right mix of traits to allow Carmine access to the nearly omnipotent Naturo...
Rehab Hatchet runs a small island full of lost and confused McLeans. He wields a magical machete that can cut open your mind; it helps him perform reconstructive brain surgery, but it's fucking terrifying.
Shadow Gwen is a loner with a sentient shadow. Well, she used to be a loner, until a mermaid Lindsay and an annoyed Noah show up explaining how she might be the only person who can save Alelantis from crumbling away forever. Will she accept the hero's call??
Sea Bridgette, unfortunately, is paired with an Aftermath Geoff. Pairing is an obscure but dangerous concept. Two magical beings with their auras intertwined; this makes them both more powerful, but also more vulnerable. She's a mutant fish person, and he's at the peak of his asshole arc and only cares about appearances. Siren offered to humiliate her pair on international TV, and she was thrilled-- but then he was a no-show.
Angel Lindsay and Bat Heather are two halves of a coin. Lindsay reincarnated as the only magical immortal in a dimension full of mortals. When Heather betrayed her on the island, Lindsay let out a burst of magic that split the world in two. Above the clouds, in a polished city, all of the "nice people" with beautiful fluffy angel wings. Below, in a wasteland without food or water, all of the "mean people" with dragging, scraggly bat wings. While Lindsay lives her life as Her Hotness Admiral Princess Angel Lindsay, Heather is left to scrape together a band of post-apocalyptic survivors, and try not to think about the friend she lost.
Two-Inches-Taller Trent is a Trent who is slightly taller than the average Trent. He lived a happy mortal life being best friends with Mike-- until he was ejected out into the multiverse, sucked through a rift in spacetime that traumatized both him and Mike. Separated from someone he had nearly paired with, Trent became what's known as a pairhunter; an amorphous, unstable ball of energy that can't survive without their pair.
ZombieMike is the collective term for a set of alters who, at one point, hated each other so much that they physically split apart from each other to form their own dimensions. Mike, Vito, Mal, Manitoba and Svetlana each led their own individual lives (as different supernatural creatures)-- until they were pulled back out into the multiverse, and slammed together into the same body.
Contract Titan Courtney is desperately pretending she's not a pairhunter. So desperately, in fact, that she lures Duncans into signing autonomy-overriding contracts, pretending that her pair never left. If the contract breaks, though, she snaps and enters titan mode...
Mirror (Dawn) works for a containment agency, and has a very skewed view of how to treat people. She genuinely thinks she's doing you a favor, molding you into your ideal self, but in actuality she's warping you and shaving off anything that makes you unique.
Evil Zoey is, well, Evil Zoey. Sent to an immortal jail alongside a Mal who didn't know why he was there, she tried to manipulate him into being even worse... and then the two ended up breaking out together.
Punk Courtney sings lead for the cover band Court's in Session, and she mostly sings about how much she hates everyone. She has a massive following of Gwens... I wonder why?
Marathon Tyler is a recurring Tyler who is just, always out on a jog throughout the multiverse. His jogging route encompasses every location you could possibly imagine. I'm not sure he's ever completed a run.
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CONCLUSION: This isn't even a fraction of the guys we have LMAO so sorry for the long list and the long paragraphs. I've cut it down as much as I can so if you have any questions about anyone, please ask-- I probably left something out!
Also feel free to ask if there's any variants of [character] I left off-- I'd be more than happy to ramble some more!!
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rittzbuilds · 5 months
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Freckles' underwater utopia~
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vanillashusband · 6 months
✨ wehehehe any dynamic is cool!! >:3c
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Street Urchin Cookie or Abyss Monarch Cookie!
🌊 Street Urchin Cookie is a rough-looking bike rider who keeps to herself in the alleys of the Cuckoo Town Square. A troublesome group called the Pointy Punks idolizes her as their "boss" (despite her protests against it).
🦑 They are a seclusive Cookie who see's the fall of Sugarteara as something that was inevitable due to their disdain for the underwater city. To them, they were always an outcast from there—understanding the city was always flawed from the start and never was a glorified utopia. Following the events of Sugarteara's ruination, they now reside in Wandercrab, heavily obscured with their incomprehensible mysteriousness.
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partywithoutsmiling · 5 months
what headcanons would you apply to the trolls world building or characters?
Pft well I already talked about my headcanons for the various trolls anatomy here, so it's no use to repeat that XD
I also talked about Brozone and their immediate family here (Part 1 and Part 2), and those posts also touched briefly on my ideas for the Pop Trolls, but I will try to summarize those here as well.
Do expect sort of messy answer, but I will try my best to make it somewhat coherent! I will try sort the headcanons by General and by each Tribe individually (Trying to include character headcanons in the tribe ones)
Buckle up lol, it's going to be a long one!
(EDIT: Sorry I took so long to answer, the headcanons just kept coming and I spend hours on editing and trying to make it coherent enough to read lol)
(EDIT2: Also most of my headcanons are focused on World/Lore building, sorry XD;)
Early Trolls history is largely innacurate; before the Theft of the Strings by Pop, neither Tribe seen a particular reason to keep 'written' records of what happened, until it was deemed too important not to. All their recorded history Starts with the String's creation, but for all the Tribes it's more of a cautionary tale for future generations, with different level of faithfulness to the real events. Funk focused on the most factual history; Rock talked about betrayal and the terrifying powers of the strings combined; Country simply cautioned against other Tribes- if one ached for power, so did the others; Classical stressed the importance of keeping the String safe from everyone; while Techno didn't go to any details, and just talked about the importance of their string for their music. Pop Tribe actually has the most accurate retelling of what happened, but that Scrapbook is kept for Royal eyes only- the one that Peppy showed the gang is actually crafted Propaganda, and I will explain more about why Peppy showed that one later in the Pop Tribe Headcanons
The Strings were not created at the same time; going off our own musical history, the creation went in this order: Classical > Country > Rock > Pop > Funk > Techno; before this point, the tribes were mostly differentiated by their lifestyle and the habitat they adapted to, with plenty of intermingling in between. All of them were capable of making music, even though back then it mostly included only humming and primitive musical instruments, usually drums and flutes
The trolls themselves are more like Fae in their origin; beings of flesh and bone but at the same time sort of also full of magical, musical whimsy, their outward appearance reflects the habitat they attuned themselves to. Which is why, even though their looks are so wildly different, they have no issue intermarrying among tribes; starvation is also hardly a big issue, as eating a meal can sustain them for weeks, and all non-aquatic tribes are able to 'breathe' underwater for brief period of time, but only if sort of subconsciously preparing for it. If thrown into water suddenly without preparation, they can and will drown (unless they are able to swim); the opposite is also true for aquatic trolls
The Trolls used to be more widespread in the world; as shown in the updated map of the Troll World (I attached the map to this post), the actual world is rather huge; going off the fact that the Troll Tree was situated in the middle of the Bergen Town, and the Bergens build their town around it on purpose, it hints at the Troll territory spanning more than just their little corner in the north of the map. This would explain the awareness large beings like the Vacationers and Mount Rageons being aware of Trolls Existence- specifically Pop (expand on that later)
The Troll Tree used to be Capitol for all Troll Kind; and ancient effort to create Trollstopia, as exotic in looks and different habitats as is Zootopia in the same named movie, it used to be considered the hub of cultural and technological advances, a perfect Utopia where all Tribes could co-exist in peace and equal. It was also where all the Strings were housed, in the Lyre of Harmony, put on display for all Trolls to see- untill the Pop King took possession over it, causing the Rift and forcing the other Tribes to eventually flee, and the Tree changed to fully attune toward the Pop Tribe only
It was the Trolls Tribe presence that influenced the world around them to change to suit their needs; while at first it was the world that influenced their anatomy so they could adapt the best to their surrounding, now, with the Strings' existence, it was the Trolls who had more palpable influence. Which is why, when setting up shop in their corner of the world, the Troll Kingdoms seems surprisingly diverse considering the position. This ability is not lost with the Strings' destruction, as all the trolls are now infused with their power, as being born under them generation after generation
The Strings are tangible manifestation of music and will; a purified and distilled foci of power, alone they are awe-inspiring, together they are terrifying. No troll alone can hope to use the Strings for long, not if their goal is to focus them only towards one genre of music, getting rid of harmony and instead sharpening their focus towards one note. Their mere presence had wild reaching influence on the Trolls of their representing tribe. When used in disharmonious manner- like when Ancient Pop and Barb used them- the Strings of the Opposing tribes compensate by leeching the User's life force and talent, undected under the euphoric rush of unlimited power, until the user eventually drops dead- something which happened to the original Pop Royal and was avoided by Barb only by pure luck
There is even larger world beyond the updated map; and it's from where the Vacationers originated from, arriving from the east; Vacay Island is actually just a claimed colony which they turned in a holiday resort. Their species name is most likely something else, but being so chill, they don't mind being called a Vacationer.
Vacationers don't venture into the world of the shown map; compared to other large species of habitants, they are actually very fragile- smaller then most of them as well, they keep to themselves, and only feel comfortable around similarly sized species or similarly fragile ones
Vacationers are actually another type of Fae like creatures similar to Trolls; but they are what Trolls would be if they never discovered their Musical Strings- influenced by their surroundings over generations. Their similarities, however, is enough that they can freely intermingle and have children without issues. Similar to Trolls, they are eggborn species
Vacationers are used to having large families; Brandy herself probably comes from seven siblings. It is a sign of happy life and prosperity, and thus considered a good luck to be able to support that many children
Mount Rageons cannot thrive in warm/hot temperatures; going off their plastic-y looks, their skin is actually thick and hardy, insuling them away from the chilling temperature of their homeland but putting them at disadvantage in more tropical settings.
Mount Rageons were the 'dominant' large species of the current Troll world map, and the ones the Trolls interacted with the most during their ancient days; still keeping to more temperate and mountainous regions, they encountered trolls on fairly regular basis- this changed when their culture became too technologically advanced and secluded themselves to their current position
Mount Rageous is not a single city, but an actual Mountain Range, representing the whole country; they have no differentiating settlements- their whole country is build to from bottom up in layers, joined in connecting carways, with the less fortunate living at the bottom and the elite on top.
Mount Rageous is the most technologically advanced of all of the large species, but their society fell largely into consumerism cut throat fame culture; with the glamour and bright polished life reserved only for the most fortunate, which is why Velvet desired that life, to actually have the chance to see the stars; thanks to the negligence of the elite, the lower levels of Mount Rageous are largely carpeted by mist and smog, depriving them of the little natural light the Rageons can 'enjoy'
Rageons are not actually eternal teenagers; but years of chasing the ideal and attractive beauty standard had the whole species 'suffer' from the perpetual infant-like looks (I cannot remember the scientific name for it now XD), making it seem like at one point, Mount Rageons just stop aging, untill they just drop dead from old age at one point.
Velvet and Veneer are legally of age; yes, still technically in their teens, being freshly 18, but that was the earliest they could take control of their own life. Contrary to what it seems, Rageons don't allow minors to become Pop Stars without their guardian's approval, and V&V's parents were against their choice of career
There was a record of trolls being used for their talent in Mount Rageous before; and it is now considered banned and serious crime- not for the talent stealing itself, but because Trolls were seen as good luck and harming one was seen as the most disgusting thing one could do
Neither Velvet and Veneer were actually talentless at the beginning of their career; yes, the movie shows them singing terribly off-key in one of their scenes, but that actually is actually a consequence of them using Floyd's talent as their own. Both siblings had a vested interest in music since very early on in their life, and were able to rise to a wider audience's knowledge on their own merit- enough that they employed Crimp as their manager through purely legal and non-nefarious means. It was only after their rise to fame stuttered to a stop and stagnated just below widely known sensation that Velvet got desperate and greedy- and learning about the way to steal a Troll's talent, decided to kidnap Floyd who has been in Mount Rageous as a guest lecturer, talking about his Brozone days. Using Floyd's talent came with the hefty price of dulling theirs, which is why they realized they need a steady supply of trolls to keep this charade going as they no longer could continue on their own
Crimp was bullied into compliance, but it came with hefty sum of money to convince her; it was easy for her to turn blind eye towards what was happening when money was involved- it was only after Velvet decided to cut her off ("Now I don't trust you") that Crimp decided to cut her losses and try to get out squeaky clean- a ploy that didn't work when futher investigation into Floyd's kidnapping revealed her involvement.
The Bergens at first were a nomadic tribe but forced into being one; coming to the map from the west, they first settled in the area around where the current Golf Course is. Even back then the land was largely inhosbitable and most of their efforst were at trying to pretend they are doing well even as they weren't
Bergens probably originated from colder north woods, dominated by large conifers and plenty of mountain range; a catastrophic event- most likely a doing of another yet unknown species- forced them to traverse from their original land into their current
Bergen's 'offputting' looks are a direct result of said catastrophic event; something that alienated them for sure in the eyes of the Ancient Mount Rageons, who considered their hunched misshaped forms an abomination, and forced them to flee even further north and away from Mount Rageous
Bergens have never met a troll before, untill that fateful day when they devoured one; their goal wasn't actually to find a way to feel happy- they were part of the refugee tribe, led by their 'Gristle' (Gristle Jr.'s father) and they have been starving. Eating the troll was a sign of desperation that turned into something more.
The Bergen's idea of royalty was an influence both from the yet unknown species and the Pop Trolls they encountered; back then, Gristle's father has been just 'Gristle' first, as it was just a title that named the chief of the tribe- but seeing the reverence the Pop Trolls had for their Royalty, his father decided to adopt the King as well, with Gristle thus becoming and inheritable name of the Bergen Kings
When a Bergen achieved an important position, their birth name became obsolete and disrespectful to call them as such; which is why Chef as only ever adressed as 'Chef', and as mentioned above, any Bergen king is only ever addressed as 'King', 'Gristle' or 'King Gristle'; while Chef called Bridget a scullery maid, it's not considered an important position of note- at the same time, however, she also butchered her birth name, offering her the highest insult
Chef was after the throne for decades; born with a cunning streak mile wide and more clever than most, Chef still experienced the strife and hardship of her tribe even as a small child, being already alive when they were nomadic and on the run from any perceived threat. Growing up rather resentful of the Gristle leading their people, as in her eyes his refusal into standing his ground against their adversaries and rather fleeing was a sign of a weak link. She never aspired to try and get to the throne the 'easy' way- to present herself as willing mate and mother to the future Gristle, detesting the idea- but when the Trolls existence became known, along with their effects, it presented her with the perfect oppoturnity to rise to the top and become the whispering viper standing behind King Gristle's throne, enjoying luxuries and power no Bergen ever enjoyed before. It was a slow and insidious overtaking, as the King got older and his successor was born with physical disability that even the Bergens looked down upon (his low stature), while Chef was quite content to slowly build up her image as the one and only source of happiness and prosperity- something that crashed and burned hard with the Trolls' escape
Unable to make peace with her plans getting ruined, searching for the Trolls became Chef's sole purpose; not only for the desperation to return to her previous prestigious position, but also to enact revenge on the little rats that dared to play against her rules. She was also aware that she was not getting any younger- though in her madness spent in the wilderness, the reason started escaping her, and she was just hyper-focused on getting her position back- but not what to do to keep it
Bergens of Bergen Town were actually dying out; thanks to Chef's powerhungry efforts, the whole tribe was desperate to live in Bergen Town, around the Troll Tree- but the Town was not big enough to contain them whole. It most likely came to blows in the past, and perhaps ended with many deaths, with the perpetrators banished into the wilderness- a punishment that remained to be the most used one, as Gristle refused to build a prison as it would deprive them of already rather limited resources they can scrape together.
Even in Bergen Town, the chance to enjoy Trollstice was actually based on lottery; only select few were able to enjoy the treat if their name was drawn, and after that they couldn't participate in the Trollstice Lottery for at least 3 consecutive rounds. The only one able to enjoy Trolls every Trollstice and outside it was the King- a rule that Chef whispered to him, knowing the unfairness would silently grate at the populace. Chef herself never participated in the public Lottery, wanting to be seen as being one of the common folk; any time she was seen plucking up a Troll outside Trollstice, it was believed she did so on King Gristle's orders
The Lottery was rigged; entirelly in Chef's hand, she kept tabs on who was connected to 'troublemakers'. Bridget's parents were most likely one of the early advocates for Trolls' freedom and were banished for it, and thus Bridget's name was never in the running
Most banished Bergens were guilty of either murder or feasting on Trolls in secret (this is why the Cage has been build eventually, to keep those greedy Bergens out)- some, however, were banished for 'disrupting the peace'; Bridged was not the first one to find her moral compass and treat Trolls as living, sentient beings; they were some Bergens before her who tried to do the same and tried to advocate against Trollstice- something that Chef put a direct stop to. Now that there is peace between Trolls and Bergens, those advocates for Trolls' rights returned to Bergen town or started building settlements around Bergen Town.
Not all Bergens were happy with the peace, especially those previously banished for eating a troll outside Trollstice; however King Gristle Jr. goes through the grim effort to make sure those are kept in check, and probably made it clear to up the severity of punishment to execution if needed be- something they don't advertise to their Trolls friends
With their dependance on trolls stopped, Bergens are starting to experience a technological boom; especially after TWT, when the other Music Tribes started to offer their own advancements
Used to be called Mertrolls;
While gaining their String last, they were actually the first to sepparate from the general 'ancestor troll'; it was this separation that it took a while for them to develop a String of their own; while they became the most changed of the Troll Tribes anatomically
Their first homeland weren't the Seas, but rivers and lakes; it was only after the String Theft that they decide to completely seclude themselves away for protection
It was only after they moved to the Sea that they gained their bioluminescence; and also when they started adding more actual electronic sounds into their music
Techno Trolls eggs are the only ones who do stay in the Trolls' hair to finish their grow cycle; they sepparate as soon as they bud, and are kept in hatcheries, overseen by the Egg Keepers. The hatcheries themselves are kept near hydrothermal vents that supply the necessary warmth, and also the neccessary nutrients for the eggs to finish their growth and eventually hatch
Each hatchery has section reserved for the specifical bonded couple; this reserved spot remains for the whole of their life and is only passed to another when the original pair either renounce it or passes away
Much like other Tribes' trollings take comfort in snuggling into their parents' air, Techno Trollings like to press their face to their Parents' pulsing hearts;
Techno Trolls are the only Tribe to have never a large species in the past; it was only after TWT that they became more curious and were introduced to Bergens, while they found the Vacationers all on their own
To them, their String became a sacred artifact, a single source of their music; and their history murals warned against anyone ever laying their hands on it, all the other Tribes described as alien like creatures from the land
It was the role of the Techno Ruler to keep their String safe and if needed, sacrifice their life for it- and the lives of other Techno Trolls if it came down to it; something Trollex refused to do, chosing to rather give up the String rather than going over corpses to keep it
This most likely caused some discord among the Tribe; where it was the more conservative Trolls butting heads against the more liberal ones, arguing if Trollex's choice was a correct one
While Techno never feared danger from larger people, they have enough sea predators trying to devour them; something that caused Trollex's parents to perish early in his childhood and the Tribe was ruled by a regent untill recently- the opening party in TWT was actually his Coronation party, and for this reason Barb chosed to attact, knowing it would be the most opportune time to do so
Used to be known as Crested Trolls;
Even in ancient times, they considered themselves to be the the most cultured out of all Tribes; being the first to really start building their settlements instead of living wild, they first focused on producing food for themselves instead of gathering. This lead to them having firmly assigned roles and routine in their lives, leaving free time which they used to polish their musical skills and gave grounds for the creation of their String
Being a largely nectar and fruit eating species, they consider killing and eating another living thing barbaric; something that put them at odds even in the past, when all Tribes lived in Harmony. They were the most reluctant to keep their string along with others on display in the Lyre- a reluctance that became justified when Pop tried to steal all the Strings
Well aware of the power the String possesses, it became their goal to keep it safe from everyone else; not because it was sacred, but because they know that it could lead to destruction. Encasing it in the Conductor's baton seemed to be the most incospicuous choice of placing
They pride themselves on being the original String makers and always harboured a little sense of superiority towards other tribes because of this;
They have no King to rule them; considering the ancient's King folly to give up their string for the Lyre of Harmony, they went away with the whole monarchy concept and are futhermore ruled by the Conductor- which is a job title rather than a leadership title. Conductor's main role is to be the Warden of the String, and it is a prestigious position that a Troll trains hard for
Conductors never bond and never have children; they refuse to make it inherritable position
Trollzart is the oldest of all the current Tribe rulers; being in his late forties, and holding the position of a Conductor for over ten years now
Used to be called Humpback Trolls; nearly all of them were quadrupeds, untill more bipedal Funk Trolls started being born
Well before creation of the first String, their prime focus was knowledge and thirst for it; living seemingly inhospitable deserts and steppes, they became largely invested in seeing how the world ticks, and what to do to make their tribe live and thrive. It was only after witnessin the powers of the Rock and Pop Strings that they started to entertain the possibility of researching them. Knowing, however, that asking the Other tribes for one would be stupid, they went on to create their own
Realising the destructive power of the String early on, they didn't see danger in it but hidden potential; their own String in particular became not only representation of their music but also a tool, one that allowed them to power their early machine and syntetize new metals and alloys. They shared this with the other Tribes when the effort to instill harmony started, and it was thanks to their help that the troll tribes started leaping in technological advances. They were also the ones to build the Lyre of Harmony, as a way to house all the Strings safely, unaware of the consequences that could bring that
After the String Theft happened, they were the first to clear the premises, with Techno following close second; they saw no point in contesting the Pop Troll territory that even after the death of their mad King was rather large, and instead looked to the skies. Their first ships were at first gas and steam powered behemoths, before they started to explore more fantastical options of anti-gravity and magnets
They keep their String under lock and key, grimly aware of the events that took place, and vowing to never let history repeat itself;
Up until Cooper's return, they considered Pop Trolls to be extinct, as they havent seen a hair of them for over 30 years; and even then, they didnt hold them in the highest regard. When Cooper told them about the Pop Trolls turmolous history and the way they accepted him and cared for him as one of their own, it was enough leeway that Quincy and Essence were wiling to give Poppy an audience
Contrary to other tribes, Funk trolls are the most open towards evolution of genres, as shown in Prince Darnell's Hip Hop core, and celebrate this evolution joyfully, seeing it as natural progression of things;
Gold and Silver tinsel are only reseved for the royal family; Silver for the Consort and Gold for the main ruler and the Throne Heir
Quincy and Essence sort of unofficially adopts Branch, though he is very unaware of it; encouraging Darnell to be his friend- which is no hardship to the Prince- Branch is often hanging around in Vibe City, when not with Poppy that is. They can just see he is starving for familial love- especially after Cooper tells them more about him- and can sense that Branch is more gender-fluid than it shows
Used to be Dasher Trolls;
Country Trolls were the second to separate from the 'ancestor troll', and their chosen territory was the most inhospitable out of all; with no cover as far as eye can see, their only option to protect themselves from birds of prey and other various predatory fauna is to run away. Combining that with scarcity of edible vegetation, they too needed to become more hunters than gatherers.
With gaining of their 4 legs, most Country trolls lost their ability to use their hair at all; it is still thick and able to stay upright, but right now all they use it for is for keeping their eggs safe as they develop
First Country trolls were nomadic; it was only after the creation of their String that they started becoming settlers, leaving their hunter lifestyle behind to instead get into farm-raising animals
Country Trolls are the only ones who are unable to 'breathe' underwater, even for a while;
With their nomadic lifestyle, they have been considered a myth at first by the ancient troll tribes; and when met for real, not accepted as wholeheartedly, thought to have too many limbs
In recent times, after Pop Trolls, Country Trolls are the only Tribe whose numbers have diminished greatly; forced to free from well established settlements and setting up new ones in Lonesome Flats took their toll, especially as new dangerous fauna and flora cut down their numbers from inexperience. It wall all very trial and error, and too painful even for them- so it's not something they talk about
Country trolls are used to seeing wandering trolls from other major tribes (like Rock) or smaller ones (usually bounty hunters); they don't mind offering their settlement as point of respite, but often they have to deal with unruly visitors- thus every town has a jail
They have no royalty, but their Mayor position can be considered semi-hereditary; Delta Dawn took over the position of Mayor from her Uncle, however in every 5 years there is a chance to vote in someone else- Delta has already been re-elected once
Country trolls were the only one not completely horrified to learn Pop Trolls were regularly eaten; after all, that's the daily risk in Lonesome Flats- something is always trying to eat them
Delta Dawn and John Dory met in the past; specifically after JD followed the escape tunnels' direction from the Troll Tree in hopes of finding any sign of Pop Trolls- instead he overshot and wandered into Lonesome Flats, Grey and Depressed
Delta's job before being a Mayor was Jail Guard; it was her task to guard JD who accidentally mixed up with pair of Rock Trolls causing havoc- she failed this task as JD managed to escape, causing Delta to habour a minor grudge
Tunneler Trolls;
Rock and Pop Trolls share the same closest ancestor; before the creation of their Strings, one could hardly distinguish each Tribe troll apart, as their colours were muted an earthen, their only differences influenced by their lifestyle
Are definitelly more nocturnal than other trolls and dislike going out in full sunlight; their eyes are sensitive, so most of the day is spent either napping like lazy cats or expanding work underground
Longstanding rivalry with Pop Trolls, even before Pop Tried to Steal their String; definitelly had some territory disputes while their musical styles clashed with each other the most
Rivalry started after Pop Created their String; before that the Tribe traded frequently and intermingled
Young Rock Trolls posses Wanderlust; it is considered 'rite of passage' to go on a 'World Tour' after reaching 18yo, thought one can choose to go later. This Tour can happen within the Rock Troll territory or outside of it- and can be done in group or solo
They are ruled by King and Queens, but don't use the title of Prince/Princess; instead they are simply called Heir/Throne Heir
With the exemption of Pop, they are the only Tribe whose Royal line comes directly from the Originator of their Rock String; Whenever a heir with is born with red hair, it's seen as good luck.
The future King/Queen is determined by using their Rock String; if Winged Skull and Lightning Bolts appear on their chest after, they are considered blessed by their ancestor to rule the Rock Tribe (King Thrash never had it- it is a carefully guarded secret, as the original heir, Thorn, abandoned his Tribe in favour of his mate and his sons-> this is connection to my headcanon about Brozone's parents XD;);
Barb's tattoo faded after her failed World Tour; it is still there but not as visible as before- she can't decide if it is because the Strings were destroyed or because she tried to steal them
Rock Royals don't wear crowns; instead all wear Skull belt, which only Rock royal family can wear
After Funk Trolls, Rock Troll civilization is the most developed and advanced; they are also the only one minting their own currency, in the shape of guitar picks (Steel > Brass > Copper)
This currency is adopted by the Minor tribes living in the Unclaimed territories, and is the only currency the various Bounty Hunters accept contracts for;
Canopy Trolls;
Rarely ever ventured down from the trees, generally kept to the highest branches of the trees; it was from there where their incredible hair control and shaping developed, though those skills grew stronger and sharper only after they gained their String
They used to have more earthen, mossy colours, until their Pop String; they also used to be taller and more wiry, compared to their Rock Troll relatives
Pop Tribe had the largest population boom after they gained their String; they are the only Tribe where any Troll can have an egg, male or female or other. Also, many minor Tribes joined willingly or were coerced to join
Even within the Tribe, there are distinguished clans; the glitter trolls hailed from now extinct Disco tribe
The Troll Tree Utopia has been a plan from dominance from the start; while alliances were agreed upon and made, the at the time Pop King knew the only way to get his hands on all the Strings was to convince all the Tribes to live together
"Poppy" is a heritage name; it is usually given to the younger daughter, who is not meant to inherit the throne, in honour of the Queen Poppy the First who ruled over the tribe after he mad brother the Pop Emperor died after overusing the Strings
Peppy is not of Royal Blood; his Wife was. His full tittle is King Consort but no-one is going to call him such. This is also why he never knew the real history of what happened with the Strings, and only knew the Propaganda version, that laid blame at all their feet
Pop Trolls were always loud and fearless; they interacted freelly with the ancient Mount Rageons and lived in their settlements all Borrower style- habit they never grew out of, becoming incredible crafters, able to make something out of nothing, but focused on their scrapbooking and artistic efforts
They used this skill especially while caged in the Troll Tree; while full on escape was not possible, they were able to send small scouting parties into Bergens' homes and basements, bringing back scraps and materials that supplied their much starved economy while giving them the tools to continue crafting their escape tunnels
The escape tunnels were started being build as soon as the Bergens encircled their Tree from all sides; the Pop Royals were not blind towards their people's plight, but the project was both delicate and time consuming
'Sad Book Club' was a covername for rebelious Pop Troll faction; especially while at the Troll Tree before their capture by the Bergens, there were plenty of trolls whose ancestor did not heed the Queen Poppy the First's orders to not keep records of what really happened with the Strings and passed it down. The Goal was to not only keep the truth alive but to also have contingency plans in case another Royal goes mad
They did have appreciation for sad books that wasn't a cover-up however;
Majority of them are within the Putt Putt Clan; Clay has been accepted into the co-leadership position partially because Viva chose him, but mostly because it would mean Clay was the closes to watch her for any signs of madness, as back then they were convinced they were the only Survivors from the escape
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