#underrated jedi
sabellart · 2 years
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mama ti
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eobe · 17 days
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First clone drawing! Captain Keeli appreciation. It was hard to catch the right moment to get his shave pattern. Absolutely underrated character in my opinion. Currently rewatching TCW and TBB.
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The Only Rules You Need To Worry About Now:
When there are only two characters remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
This is all for fun. Don’t take it too seriously ;)
Well I'm mad, so imagine me pouting with angry steam coming out of my ears as I type this :(
In any case...
...so it's come to this.
Cast your votes one last time to decide, once and for all, no takesie backsies...
Who is the Best Underrated Star Wars Character of all time?
Will it be Bail Organa?
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Or will it be Finn?
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Happy voting!
-Jesse xx
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yogar-un-lyste-d · 9 months
‘I am what Cere made me’
ITS SO CRAZY THAT THIS BANGER OF A LINE WAS USED OUTSIDE OF A CUTSCENE IN JEDI: FALLEN ORDER(2019). I totally understand why they used it again in Kenobi(2022) with Anakin and Obi-wan’s ‘I am what you made me’. IT GOES SO HARD!!
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legendsliveon · 3 months
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I was getting references for a friend of Micah's lightsabers for some artwork and I realized the crops of the sabers themselves are uh... environmental storytelling of sorts. 🥲
Jedi Council: Acts of War -
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bolithesenate · 9 months
you know what there isn't enough of?
aggressively social jedi
you think mandos are bad with all the adoption? well too bad, your cousin gred looks real padawan shaped. no it doesn't have to do anything with the fact that gred is having a hard time and cannot legally leave the planet under his own name because of student debt. also it is padawan gred now and he has been a valued member of the jedi order since years. no mister border control guy, you didn't not see him when the jedi delegation landed because he wasn't there, you didn't see him because he is shy.
or that nice little cafe that's been having a hard time paying rent because of a property tax increase? well sure would be strange if there was a sudden increase of patrons with all the same religious background.
not to speak of the children. you can't afford to pay tuition for a regular school? well, here's a full on praxeum ship that doubles as a mobile academy and there's always space for more students and never enough helping hands. no this offer doesn't come with hooks, apart from that these nice EduCorps people would sure like to have a look at the custom modifications on that land speeder of yours because by all known laws of physics that should have exploded long ago and they have already founded a new field of research over it
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thechaoticfanartist · 1 month
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The first time Han saw Grim ignite her lightsaber was so funny 😂
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @andorlorian @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @keoxus @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @it-was-rose @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon @shrinkthisviolet @thebrainofocto @forloveofcodywan @mandalorian-general
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alexeithegoat · 2 years
jedi ladies i would die for
day number two — bultar swan
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aiscard · 5 months
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Clone wars my beloved
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mjlegacy · 2 years
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Greatest Jedis of All Time:
1. Luke Skywalker
2. Yoda
3. Obi-Wan Kenobi
4. Qui-Gon Jinn
5. Mace Windu
6. Anakin Skywalker
7. Jacen Solo
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winglssdemon · 2 years
Mace Wind deserved more screen time and he deserves way more screen time in New Star Wars media.
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jedi-starbird · 7 months
Alpha-17 and Obi-Wan being friends (derogatory) on 17's part and friends (threatening) on Obi-Wan's part is such an underrated dynamic
They could be so funny and terrifying, like Obi-Wan went through a soul shredding experience with Alpha-17 as his only company. They're friends because what else are you gonna be after you witness each other at absolute rock bottom from torture.
It's like 'dog put in cage of cheetah who's threatening to go crazy', except the dog is a grizzly bear and also threatening to go crazy.
Emotional support trooper except the trooper in question has never done any sort of supporting in his life and is actively an emotional distress trooper to a great number of the CC batch.
I want them texting everyday, I want Obi-Wan mailing handmade BFF bracelets to Alpha and Alpha sending pics back of him flipping off the camera but still wearing them, I want Alpha using Obi-Wan to keep track of and occasionally terrorize his cadets, I want 17 ending problems in the GAR (like Krell) before they begin because Obi-Wan has him shipped out on a personal transport at the first opportunity, decked out with slug-throwers Obi-Wan got him for his decant-day.
Natborn officers think this is all just an odd indulgence of General Kenobi, the Vode, however, correctly identify it as a goddamn threat and their danger assessment of Obi-Wan ticks up significantly.
When Alpha arrives on Kamino, Shaak Ti presses a shiny new comm into his hand. It has the Jedi Order symbol painted onto it alongside a smiley face sticker, and it pings immediately with a new message: Hello! I hope you're settling in well!
Alpha stares at the message, stares at the singular contact named 'OWK' and then stares Shaak Ti in the eye as he pitches the comm straight into the ocean. Shaak Ti's serene smile only grows larger as she calmly reaches into her robes and pulls out an identical comm, only this one has a frowny face sticker, and presses it into his hand. It lights up: I'm afraid we've bonded, Alpha :). Alpha shuts it off and pockets it with resignation.
Cody arrives on Alpha-17's personal recommendation.
A-17: He's the most difficult little bastard I have. You're perfect for each other. OWK: Thank you, he's very handsome :3 A-17: No. Stop.
The first thing he asks once he gets comfortable is who his general is texting so much that has him swinging his legs and twirling his hair. Cody assumes it's Anakin, given they seem joint at the hip anyway, but little does he know Obi-Wan's ability to consistently have the Weirdest Relationships Ever.
"Oh, it's Alpha-17, I understand you're familiar with each other?" Hmm. OK. Cody.exe is experiencing a processing error, please hold. He exits the room instead of answering. The next day he peeks over the General's shoulder when he's texting and sees walls of rambling messages from Obi-Wan. Alpha-17 replies every hour with a single text: Lose this number. Obi-Wan giggles. "He's so funny." he says.
When Obi-Wan meets the rest of the CC batch, Cody makes sure to stand perfectly angled so that he can record the reactions when his general cuts off their introductions with "Oh, no need, Alpha-17's told me all about you." It's always immediate FEAR.JPG followed by a slow spiral of What The Fuck.
What do you mean by that General. What does that mean Cody. What do you mean they text. No. Cody. What the fuck is happening, Cody. Alpha-17 doesn't have friends he has enemies and enemies he tolerates enough not to shoot on sight.
OWK: Wolffe reached for his vambrace? when I mentioned you A-17: That's where he keeps his spare knife. OWK: Hm that does explain the way he eyed me up, ambitious. A-17: Clearly not enough, he should have followed through. I taught them better.
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anoray · 2 months
Not your "average" Jedi
It irks me sometimes whenever Kanan gets underrated as a Jedi despite having proven his wisdom and strength time and again.
For example, comparing Kanan to Grogu over the "holding back the explosion without dying" thing without seeming to take some rather glaring differences into consideration.
Was standing on solid ground.
Only had to maintain a small Force bubble because Mando and Bo were, like, on their knees right next to him.
Is a baby, too cute and adorable to die. Fandom would rightfully revolt.
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Was standing on an exploding fuel pod that's cracking apart beneath his feet.
Had to shield a frigging gunship that's hovering several meters away.
Had to lift and toss Hera to safety while still holding back the growing inferno with one hand.
Made zero attempt to protect himself when he Force shoved that same frigging gunship skyward because the safety of his loved ones was all that mattered to him.
Is a Jedi Knight and canon says he can't exist once the OT begins. In other words, doomed.
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So, yes, Grogu is wonderful and impressive and I absolutely love him, but my blorbo Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight, is no slouch.
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The Rules:
Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the character in last place will be eliminated.
If there are multiple characters tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every character in last place will be eliminated, even if all the characters have tied equally.
When there are only two characters remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
...and now for something completely different! Rather than voting for options that have already been chosen by me, you get to pick the options that will be included in this poll from Round Two onward. Please reply or reblog this post with the underrated character you'd like to include in this poll.
This is all for fun. Don’t take it too seriously ;)
This poll is all about underrated and underappreciated characters! Whether it's a great character that you feel was underused, or a recurring or main character that never got the fandom they deserved, now is the time to show them some love!
Happy voting!
-Jesse xx
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spiralingemptyness · 1 year
Clone wars hc
Been lurking on tumblr for a bit (while) and decided to throw my own clone wars hc cause the hyperfixation be hyper fixated (sorry for any spelling errors).
Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan are bffs - They both lose their robes and seem to flirt with anything that walks. meaning they have get togethers and give each other flirting advice.
Jocasta Nu and Admrial Yularen are BAMF, and are severly underrated. you don't get away with hurting someone they care about unpunished.
Rex's first thought of ashoka was "that's a child" followed by "that's a child on a battle field" and then "that's a child on a battle field with no clothes, what the kark".
One of the shinies from Monnk's battalion definitely asked Fisto (while high on pain meds) if he lactates and monnk and fisto lost their shit and couldn't stop laughing for 5 min straight.
Kix (and other medics by default) have tranq/hypo guns for any vode or jedi that try to leave med bay when on bed rest.
Fox and Amidala gossip and constantly talks shit about Palpatine
Kit Fisto Smile Supremacy, this man win's best smile, it never fails to cheer someone up.
Rex definitely twirls his guns before putting them in his holsters when he's done using them
Bly is obviously in love with Aayla, and he tries to hide it (and fails miserably) but he's so respectful about loving her and swooning, that Quinlan couldn't even give him a shovel talk.
the clones were absolutely baffled when they met the jedi's
Wolffe and Fox are twins, they might be at each others throats 90% of the time, but if you talk shit about the one of them, the other won't hesitate to beat your ass.
Monnk says the most off handed shit in a dead pan tone (ex. Monnk: well I'm not gonna live, laugh, love this. Fisto, laughing his ass off: I-I'm Sorry? Monnk: I'm just saying this is gonna be a bitch)
Plo Koon is Plo Buir, He's at least adopted the Wolf Pack and Ashoka
the 501st and Ashoka are siblings
Grey adopted Caleb Dume
The Iron Battalion/13th battalion took one look at Cal and immediately adopted him
Ponds isn't dead (cause fuck canon), he found Boba before his schemes could go off and made him a deal, He helps Boba plan the assassination attempts on Windu (he trust his general won't die, but he gave him more headaches) so there's no casualties, but slowly the attempts stop and now Boba just lives in the 91st venator's vents.
The first time Cody picked up Obi-Wan's lightsaber he thought it was so cool, and now he just wants to glue the damn thing into his hand
Hound spoils Grizzer, he absolutely adores the massif
Jesse make sure Kix is actually taking care of himself, and make sure he's not over working (and when necessary, he uses a hypo to make sure Kix sleeps, cause Kix will hold that over his head and pay him back for it)
Fox and Thorn are opposites but they are really close
The corrie guard has a list of all the good and bad senators
The most forms that Monnk and Cody (and occasionally Ponds) fill out are forms for more robes
Cody's name is Kote (but goes by Cody cause so many nat borns mispronounce it) and Obi-Wan randomly asked if that was his name, and Cody was just utterly shocked
After Umbara, Fox say a very traumatized trooper (it's Dogma) who is facing shitty consequences for doing the right thing and adopts him into the guard
After Kix woke up from his stasis and found artoo's (again, fuck canon) he would stay up on nights he couldn't sleep and watch videos of him and his vode from artoo's memory bank
Clones using their Jedi's lightsaber - Cody using Kenobi's lightsaber after he loses it for the millionth time, Rex using it to back ventress away from ashoka, Fox finding quinlan's in a dumpster (with quinlan in said dumpster)
Hound let's grizzer purposely tackle people when he can easily apprehend them because it's funny or because whoever he's chasing pissed him off and he's petty
Yoda is the ultimate menace (like srs palpitine hates his ass, but yoda -and everyone else- hates him even more)
Yoda still keeps in touch with Rys, Jek, and Thire (mainly Thire) after the treaty or smth
The Corrie found Quinlan Vos in a dumpster and now he won't stop bugging them (expecially Fox)
Fox is a walking encyclopedia of every republic laws, you do one minor thing wrong and he can quote every law you broke, word to word
A trooper (let's call him Sharks) from Fisto and Monnk's battalion can just get a group of sharks to gather around, at every planet, every time, without fail
Plo's disappointed dad sigh can make a separatist army fold into defeat
Kenobi absolutely loathes caf, he hates it with a passion
Each high ranking clone officer has to deal with something of their jedi - Cody has to deal with Kenobi flirting with seperatist and losing his lightsaber, Rex has to deal with his general constantly crashing ships, his batshit crazy plans and his general continuously using the force to throw him, Monnk has to deal with his general randomly "shedding" clothes, and all the clones have to deal with their generals and commanders not wearing armor (Except for Jaro Tapal, HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO WEARS ARMOR)
Corrie Guard can sleep standing up, very useful when guarding in the pods during senate meetings
The nice Senators (mainly Chuichi, Amidala, and Organa) and Vos very often get things for the Coruscant Guards, and whenever the guard see's the gifts they are baffled and bamboozled
Rex called dibs on Domino squad after the moon mission
Echo and Fives without hesitation took Tup and Dogma under their wing
Fives, Hardcase and Jesse started a prank war in the 501st that accidently evolved into a GAR wide prank war (with Coruscant being neutral ground, cause the guard doesn't need to deal with that shit, doesn't mean they don't help out)
Fox holds ALL the blackmail, and has multiple informants in every battalion, plus he has the power to withhold caf shipments
Fox also regularly reads his batchmates mission reports to mae sure their ok
The Corrie guard accidently adopted a stray tooka and a loth cat, now they're the guards emotional support animals
Rex keeps complaining about his brothers flirting with their jedi's that he didn't even realized that he third wheeled between Anakin and Padme that he joined their relationship
every mothers or fathers day without fail, shaak ti and plo koon always gets presents and gifts from their children (troopers and cadets.... and ashoka)
Coric is Kix's Ori'vod, he didn't admit it at first but Kix grew on him and well medics stay togeth
Coric purposely avoided being CMO of the 501st because they are hellions, Kix wanted to strangle him after he realized what being CMO of the 501st meant
Rex was on the 212th with Cody when Anakin was still a padawan
Rex hates evals, natural blonde plus Kamino is a recipe for hell. Also he was shocked at Skywalker being nonchalant about his hair, Anakin just though it made him cooler
That's all I have for now, if you see any you've seen before my bad, I honestly just typed the first that came to mind and kinda spiraled from there. I'm just now starting to interact with tumblr, so I might upload more and maybe even some art if I can stay focused long enough.
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kalak · 2 years
Luke and Yoda? Very underrated master-padawan duo. I feel like their force presence would be extremely similar. Like they would have been vibing so hard with each other in that swamp meditating and floating rocks and shit,
I bet yoda didn't even eat the weird root leaf stew until luke came along. He actually was eating like a king but then he met luke and was like, hmmm troll this kid, I will. Feed him frogs and leaves, I should. And then Luke was like oh master yoda likes weird food... but nothing worse then ration bars I guess and then actually cleaned the bowl and yoda was like hmmm a kindred spirit, I have found
Yoda would have been so proud of Luke. Like I bet he bragged all about his polite whiny padawan to his force ghost friends like a proud grandpa. Laughs at all my jokes, he does. Keeps up with all the bullshit I throw at him. Most powerful in the force, he is. Then he'd turn around and look at luke struggling to do a handstand and poke him with a stick.
A mischievous side hidden beneath the calm jedi veneer, Check. Gremlin cryptid energy, Check. Very attuned to the force, check. They're so similar
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