#uncle Klaus
fandoms--fluff · 4 months
hi! if your still doing requests could you please do rebekah and her daughter reader? literally anything haha just rebekah and her daughter❣️
Rebekah Mikaelson as your Mom
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You guys would be very close, like best friends close
You could tell her everything without feeling judged, she'd always be there for you
Watching cheesy rom-coms together all snuggled up on the couch with blankets and popcorn
^kicking all your uncles out so they don't disturb you guys
You'd have a special bond with your mom
She'd spoil you rotten and no one could stop her
Would be just as lost as you if you ever needed help with homework
^that's an uncle Elijah question
"Mom! Uncle Kol won't leave me alone" You groan. You walk into the library, arms crossed. Kol is following right behind you. "I am not, I'm just asking a couple questions" He also crosses his arms.
"Last I checked, I had only one child" Rebekah puts her magazine down. "Kol, if you keep bothering my daughter, you're getting a time-out."
"What?! H-how is that- What? You-you can't do that!" Kol sputtered at being talked to like he was a child and his sister's acting as his mom.
Rebekah raised an eyebrow and gave her signature glare to her younger brother. "Fine" Kol huffs before trudging out of the room.
"Thanks, Mom" You sit next to her on the couch. You cuddle up to her and she wraps her arm around you. "Anytime, Sweetie" she kisses the top of your head.
"Are you sure Uncle Kol isn't adopted?" You look up at her from where your head rests on her chest.
"I wouldn't be shocked if he was" Rebekah smirks, making you chuckle.
"What are you two laughing about?" Klaus comes into the room and heads over to the alcohol cart. "Nothing," You both say at the same time.
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maerenee930 · 1 month
when they asked the cast what fans can expect from season four and Robert said “fans, expect nothing and you will gain everything” that’s when i knew.
i knew right then and there i wasn’t going to like this season.
in that moment, i had this very strong and very intense gut feeling that this season was going to be something else… and i was going to feel a very specific way about it. and i was not going to be happy with it.
like for real i felt like Rob was saying don’t get your hopes up because it’s not going to live up to those expectations and you’re just not gonna like it.
honestly, it felt like he was trying to tell us we were not going to be happy about so many things in the season and to just set the bar reeeeeal real low now so we won’t be so disappointed with how it was all going to be or end.
he tried to warn us. he really tried. 😢🖤
(side note- was i already unsure of it because it was the final season and i just didn’t want it to end? yes, of course. i love this show, adore klaus and the hargreeves so much and don’t want them to go away and i always want to watch more of them and their crazy stories 🥺🖤 and i mean, was i also already unsure of how it was going to be or if i would like it because season three wasn’t quite what i was expecting and didn’t end up loving it as much as i loved the first two? again, yes. of course. so like the feeling was already there, but when i saw that, when i heard Robert say that, it really cemented it in for me that it was not going to be what i not only wanted for a finale season with these characters that i’ve grown to love and adore so much, but also it was not going to be something i would really enjoy or would be satisfied with how they were ending this story. him saying that stuck out to me and it stayed with me for a very long time.)
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klausinamarink · 1 year
(saw this post and laughed at everyone’s tags and ended up writing this instead of my actual wips i should really finish whOOPs)
Eddie bopped his head lightly along to Mötley Crüe on his Walkman as he scribbled his ideas for the Thanksgiving oneshot. He managed to finish the gruelling biology homework and his English essay tonight, so he deserved a treat.
As he tapped his pencil against his desk, he looked up and happened to catch one Steve Harrington’s face at the window.
Eddie perked up, taking his headphones off. Steve grinned, gave his dumb finger wave, and pointed at the window. Eddie gave him a ‘wait a second’ gesture and hurried to close his door, peeking first at the living room where Wayne sat on the couch and read his newspaper. Then he swiftly moved his Mötley Crüe tape to his radio and cranked the volume up that would cover any discreet noise.
He lifted the window open, taking a moment to closely observe Steve’s face in his goofy awestruck glory. “What brings you to my balcony, Romeo?”
Steve shrugged playfully, “Doesn’t Juliet yearn for his lover to come at unknown hours under the moonlight?”
Eddie gave himself a second to turn away and cover his delightful shriek with a palm over his mouth. Goddamnit, his boyfriend is a perfect Shakespeare romantic. He leaned back in with a low whisper, “Sounds like Romeo needs an excuse to see Juliet.”
“That’ll be great since I’m literally tiptoeing on this box right now.” Steve laughed and heaved himself up with a ‘hup!’ Eddie stepped back to let his boyfriend shimmy in, but then his eyes widened in horror when he realized what was under the window in his room.
“Wait, Steve-!” Eddie cut off as Steve landed elegantly onto the small bookshelf instead of the bed because he had switched their places the previous week because his brain was on a weird day and Eddie had thought doing so might shut it up, so he has yet to reverse them.
The bookshelf toppled over on the floor, along with the lamp and other figurines. Steve himself pretty much crashed and rolled before he stopped himself on his side. He looked up at Eddie in bewilderment.
Before either of them could say anything, Wayne burst into the room. Out of instinctive reflex, Eddie threw his bedsheets right on Steve, covering him but not really hiding him.
“What’s going on?” Wayne asked. His gaze landed on the mess and the very obvious Steve blanket lump on the floor.
“Nothing!” Eddie answered, too cheerily. “I was just dancing a lot and, uh, did this. By accident, sorry.”
Wayne stared at him, clearly not believing his ass. “…Right.” He said slowly. “Does Steve want to stay for breakfast in the morning?”
Eddie blinked innocently and, because he was the best liar in the entire world, said, “Who’s Steve?”
Steve made some muffled guffaw sound. Eddie subtly kicked him in where he hoped was in the shins. Wayne gave him another stare before coming to Steve the Blanket Lump and lifted the sheet up where Steve blinked just as innocently back.
“What’s your name, son?” Wayne asked matter of factly.
“Steve, would you like to stay for breakfast in the morning?”
Steve looked over to Eddie, who quickly shook his head no, then back at Wayne with his parent-rated charming smile. “Of course, I wouldn’t mind, Wayne.”
His uncle nodded and dropped the blanket, covering Steve again. He turned and walked out of the room, calling out, “Better not hear any more noises again!”
Eddie practically dropped to the ground, his face in his hands, and groaned aloud. This was so embarrassing. He felt Steve’s arms hugging his chest. “Eds, babe, I’m sorry but you know I would die for your uncle’s buttermilk biscuits and jams.”
He glared at his boyfriend half-heartedly. “Stealthy like a ninja, you say?”
Steve pointedly looked down at the fallen bookshelf. “Welllll, I could’ve sworn there was always a bed there-”
Eddie kissed him. “Well,” he said after they broke apart, “maybe I’ll let Romeo help me clean up and all shall be forgiven with our usual duties.”
Steve wiggled his eyebrows with a shit-eating grin. “Clean up, you say, Juliet?”
Wayne hollered at Eddie to close his bedroom door.
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ambrosia-ghostie · 3 months
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HELLO ????????
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rowancries · 5 months
Hii, could i make a request? Theres not enough klaus x reader headcanons out there. Could you make some headcanons where reader is uncle monty's assistant and klaus and her slowly start to fall in love?
srry if this didn't make alot of sense
klaus baudelaire x monty’s assistant ! reader
  ⌦        ⿸        🎧        .        💌         .       🎀
okay so firstly when i imagine it, i imagine them a little older when they arrive at monty’s bc he was like 11…
anyways when they first arrive they have their cake nd monty shows them his reptile room that’s when they first see you
“Who’s that?” Violet asks, nodding her head towards you
“Oh I almost forgot, that is my assistant, [name]!”
when klaus looks at you i swear that boy is seeing stars
because not only do you look gorgeous, you also must be super smart to be monty’s assistant at such a young age
“Hello! nice to meet you!” you say smiling at them
klaus rn : 😦😻😮‍💨
and thus blossoms a beautiful your friendship w the baudelaires
Violet loves how versatile your knowledge is with reptiles, Klaus is star struck, and Sunny loves watching her brother act like a fool around you
okokok so now let’s get to before you and him get together
klaus LOVES listening to rant about reptiles!!!!!!
He loves hearing you talk about something you’re so passionate about & he loves learning new things
you guys spend hours together reading and talking about anything!!! i swear you could bring up anything and you both would be talking about it for hours
klaus knows he likes you and finds you amazing but is scared to do anything about it
so violet talks sense into him ofc
“are you going to do anything about it?”
“about what?”
“about how you like [name].”
Eventually he works up the courage to talk to you abt it…
“Hey [name] i need to uh talk to you about something” you look up worried, wondering why he’s so nervous. “Yeah of course, is everything alright klaus?”
I swear he almost evaporates. one of the things he loves abt u is how caring you are towards him and his sisters
“So we’ve known each other for a bit and I think I um, kinda like uh like you? so i was wondering if you’d wanna do something but I totally get it if you don’t wanna do anything i mean i don’t expect anything—“
you cut him off w a kiss
he almost dies 😭😭
and the next weekend monty drives you two to the movies and you watch a fun movie
and then u guys live happily ever after 😍😍😍
so in my imagination soon after that olaf comes and kills monty and then you all separate
eventually you see them again at the academy but so much had changed
you think he likes isadora but spoiler alert he doesn’t
also when you see him again you notice he’s gotten more attractive
you guys are again separated for a bit until you meet up on the mountain because you were going for VFD
then you stick w them for the rest of the season
and you go with them on the island too
THEN you guys end up happily ever after
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firstpersonnarrator · 3 months
The Hargreeves
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And a shot of Klaus’s bits being breezy
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echosdevil · 2 months
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hd still of allison, klaus and claire bear 😕💞
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
Uncle!Klaus x Niece!Reader | Recommended by: @popfishjr
WC: 688
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It was a dark Saturday evening, your father, Diego, was out doing... whatever Diego does on a dark Saturday evening. So, you decided, what better to do than hang out with your favourite uncle, Uncle Klaus. You rolled out of bed and reached for the phone. Klaus was never busy on a Saturday, usually he would spend his Saturdays with you, so you called him and told him to come pick you up. He agreed, excitedly talking about what he had planned.
"Oh my, dear, dear (Y/N/N), you will LOVE what I have planned today!"
Intrigued, you questioned what he meant however he refused to tell you. Excited to find out what he meant, you rushed to get ready and waited to hear the honk of the horn to tell you that Klaus was there and ready to collect you.
As you finished doing your hair, you heard the HONK and rushed to put your shoes on and get out of the house. As you shut and locked the door, you turned around to be greeted with the sight of your uncle sat in his car with a child-like smile on his face. Quickly, you walked up to the car, pulled the door open, and sat down next to your uncle.
"Will you tell me what we're doing now?"
"Nope, no chance, you'll find out soon enough!"
As you drove further into the city, you were greeted with bright, fun-coloured lights and you felt the car slow down. Finally, you realised what Klaus had planned. He was taking you to a carnival. You grinned happily, and looked over to Klaus. As you pulled into the parking lot, you got hit with memories from years back when you went to the carnival with Klaus and your dad.
You got out of the car and Klaus grabbed you by the sleeve and dragged you to some of the rides. You screamed from the thrill and held onto your uncle on the rides. Laughs and shrieks of happiness were all that emanated from you and your uncle. Dizzy from the rides, you stumbled over to the cotton candy stands, you giggled as you shared it with your uncle. He reached into his pockets and realised quickly he didn't have enough money to keep paying for all the fun things the both of you wanted.
"Hey, (Y/N/N)? Don't tell your Dad about what I'm about to do."
You looked at him, perplexed, as he stood from the bench and walked over to a wealthy-looking man. You sat there, staring at him, unknowing to what he was about to do. Sneakily, he reached into the mans pockets and pickpocketed some money. You gasped but as Klaus held a finger to his lips playfully you couldn't help but let out a small laugh. You knew Klaus shouldn't be doing that but you were used to a lot of his illegal shenanigans.
Before he could get too far from the man, the victim of the theft realised what had happened and turned around to see Klaus with his money. You heard the man shout and he began to chase Klaus and you. You shot up from the bench, hearing a string of 'Shit!' fall from Klaus' mouth. You ran as fast as you could with your uncle, you ran through some attractions, hoping to lose the man. The man hadn't lost you and Klaus but he had been significantly slowed down so there was now quite a bit of distance between you and the man. You managed to make it to the car and threw yourselves in and sped off before the man could reach you.
As you slowed down, realising the man couldn't get to you anymore, the panic wore off and you and Klaus began to laugh hysterically. You laughed about the incident all the way back to your house. After a long day, you both stumbled into the living room. Too tired to change or even go up to your room, you and klaus collapsed onto the couch and fell asleep quickly.
As chaotic as it was, you deemed it a pretty successful day.
A/N: Really hate this but hope you enjoyed reading!!! <3
Taglist: @shefollowedthestars @book-place
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theseancekid · 2 months
okay also like. even though i don’t want to write anything having to do with s4………….i would kill for a thread with claire bear
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rogers-attic · 2 months
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symphonyofsilence · 2 years
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❝Aren't we a pair?❞
Luther: "So, Klaus is still Klaus, in case you were wondering."
Allison: "You know, after all these years, I find it strangely comforting."
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burnmyloveaway · 24 days
I was thinking about Franz as one of the very first people with Capek who saw the twins as newborns and there's something, idk, so intimate in seeing those newborns for whom he, in his own way, felt the strangest form of love, for the first time again in years as adults.
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hello-mystery · 13 days
Saddest Asoue Char death(hero/"good" side)
gotta be uncle monty man he just wanted to chill with tha kids bro :(
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justelib · 4 months
Guys, guys, guys, how does a fanfic for Asoue sound? The oc being the BIO child of count Olaf and kit? They live with Olaf and at first it’s kind of a rapunzel vibe, the kid is kept in the house, never aloud to leave unless accompanied, and Olaf keeps them around so he could feel love or something? But when Olaf escapes after trying to marry Violet, the kid is also transferred to live with Monty and is dragged to all of the other guardians the Baudelaires go to? I’m thinking possibly a female x female, Violet x female!oc? (Im literally inlove with malina weissman!)
I’m also currently planning a free rein fic and stranger things fic! Along with my Percy Jackson fic and possibly a love, Victor fic!
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captain-krow-drozdov · 2 months
Perhaps Watching The Final Season Of The Umbrella Academy While Sick Was Not My Smartest Move...
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