#uncle Dagur
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sarnai4 · 8 months ago
As An Uncle
This isn't quite my Tumblr trailer yet, but here's an idea I've been thinking about. I was thinking of a fic where something happens to Mala. Somehow, she ends up passing away and it's before she and Dagur can have a kid. Then Heather comes back from having been traveling for a while and she's pregnant. She found somebody she liked, but he didn't want a kid, so she went back home and delivers. Unfortunately, she dies in childbirth. So, Dagur's just crushed because both she and Mala are gone now. He has to stay strong for his new niece. He ends up taking care of the baby and there will be various threats and issues (probably because he's going to need to eventually tell the kid that he killed her adopted grandparents on her mom's side). I'm not sure what else will happen yet, but I want to do something with this.
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useless-moss · 2 years ago
Since it's been a hot minute: Trans Hiccup Headcanons(with some bonus trans Astrid)
He started experimenting with more masculine clothes at around 4-5 years old and expressed an interest in using male pronouns shortly after
Stoick was always very happy and supportive of Hiccup, though this was mainly because he always wanted a son to begin with
The 'I think you brought me the wrong offspring' rant in httyd 1 was born of both the other insecurities Hiccup had about being a viking in general and also him feeling 'incorrect' and like he wasn't really a man (which, same bro)
He struggled with trying to be the perfect son for his dad for most of his life
Valka had a hunch from the minute Hiccup was born. She often made jokes about how Stoick already had a son, he'd just show himself a little later. When she saw Hiccup in httyd 2 she recognized his face and the scar and was very proud that he'd grown up to be who he is
Gobber was the one who taught Hiccup how to bind
Gobber would also physically fight any village kids and/or adults who tried to bully Hiccup for being trans, which was rare to begin with since most people were more concerned with Hiccup's lack of general viking-ness
Hicstrid t4t supremacy bitches
Speaking of Astrid, her family followed more traditional last name culture, which is why her last name is Hofferson. She high-key hates this fact but the name 'Astrid' draws attention away from it, and unless told people assume it's some classic irony that a woman would have a last name that essentially means 'Son of Hoffer'
Part of why Hiccup and Astrid get along so well is because they understand the self doubt and the internal and external struggles of being yourself while also trying to be who everyone expects you to be
Hiccup has tried to DIY his top surgery at least five or so times. He was usually stopped by Gobber, other times he managed only one small cut before backing out
Being accepted into 'the guy group' was one of the best days of his life
As mentioned in my first trans Hiccup post, Dagur got the news when they were kids and, even though he didn't fully understand, he started religiously calling Hiccup 'brother'
Dagur's tormenting was also a way to try and help Hiccup 'man up'. It didn't really work as intended, unsurprisingly
The only villains who would be mean about Hiccup being trans are Drago, Grimmel, and Johann. Johann in secret because, you know, undercover/traitor stuff yada yada 😒
Also Spitelout. Spitelout would be mean about it
Gothi knows how to make what is essentially HRT gel, which Hiccup is immensely grateful for
Okay, all I got for now. Will add more as my brain continues to just stew on this fandom.
BTW, I HC Hiccup as trans masc in the first place because I'm trans masc and he's a comfort character of mine so, like I do with all my comfort characters, I'm projecting. This includes but is not limited to the trans-ification.
It's pretty much the same thing with Astrid, but reversed
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violet-moonstone · 1 year ago
aahhh this is adorable!
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The second Snoggletog is on the New Berk, which is celebrated with dragons... And with old friends! Viggo, Heather and Dagur decided to visit the riders at the festivities, but they were not the only ones who arrived. Stormfly, Windshear and Marauder arrived with Toothless and Night Lights to see old friends. And Zephyr and Nuffink have found new friends - Vikar and Sigrun Grimborn (the Viggo and Heather kids) Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to all of you!
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httydfanatic · 7 months ago
A little overlook I dreamed up of the gang’s relationship with Hiccup’s kids
Fishlegs- He tends to have a way with kids overall, but with Zeph and Nuffink, he really loves them. Whenever he’s helping Hiccstrid by watching the kids, he’ll teach them the history of berk, dragons, and tells them stories about his time as a dragon rider, and stories about their parents.
Snotlout- He’s what you would call their "Uncle Giuseppe”. He tells them stories about the riders and the academy, and of course can’t tell half the truth. He’s kinda like the cool but stupid uncle.
Ruff/Tuff- The twins like to steal the kids and take them for little joy rides. They like to relive their days as zipple-scout leaders and teach them about the mystery class dragons. They also tend to try and teach the kids the "ways of the truly disturbed” and try and turn them into honorary Thorstons.
Dagur and Heather- The kids always beg Hiccup to take them the Berserker island to go see uncle Dagur and Aunt Heather. They love Winshear and Dagur’s dragons, and love spending time with them through one on one combat training with their favorite Vikings. Headcannon that Nuffink gets his hardheadedness from Dagur, and Zephyr gets her warrior skills from her mom and aunt.
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tenebrius-excellium · 9 months ago
How does Viggo find out about baby Zephyr??
a) he kidnaps pregnant Astrid and wonders why everyone is going feral, including her
b) Zephyr is just chilling in someone's pouch during a raid
c) Dagur goes protective uncle on Viggo
d) Viggo has the gang cornered in a burning building on Dragon's Edge and suddenly Zephyr, who had been carefully hidden until then, cries. Viggo goes "wait a minute - SHIT" and angrily gives in to rescue them, delaying his revenge plans once more
e) Snotlout fails miserably at babysitting. Maybe it's Snotlout and the twins. Independently, they are all amazing at babysitting. Together? Not so much lol
f) A dragon fails miserably at babysitting
g) Stoick goes protective grandfather - my man Viggo is DEAD
Okay but can you envision Hiccstrid defending her???? With both their bodies and their every decision???? Wow
@elshe @colorfulmusicgardener
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noctusfury · 5 months ago
Who Ruled the Berserker Tribe in Dagur's Absence During His Subsequent Imprisonment and Outlawry? (DreamWorks Dragons)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Once again, we'll dive into another Berserker article/theory/question.
So I'm not sure about you guys, but I've always wondered who was managing the Berserker Tribe while Dagur was enjoying a 3-year vacation in Alvin's dungeons. Granted, different production companies made Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge. And since the Dreamworks Dragons series usually doesn't get into details of external family and stuff, we can only speculate.
But hey, that's why you guys are here, right? lol 😂😉
But anyway, while Dagur was sipping the ale of losers in Alvin's dungeons, just who was leading the Berserkers? We know Captain Vorg was in prison with Dagur and the others. One possibility is Savage, since he was able to escape; and this could explain why he was able to rally a coup d’état against Dagur when he turned traitor and became soft for dragons and Berk in particular. However, with Savage the way he is, I doubt it. Also, we see that after Dagur's absorption into Viggo's camp, and then eventual desertion, Savage wasn't anywhere to be found.
Eventually, we see him in "Darkest Night" when he captures Hiccup, now as a mercenary/bounty hunter/still-Outcast. So it's likely that's what he was doing before he broke Dagur free. Of course, we don't know why or how he ended up returning to Outcast Island to free Dagur. Due to the unfortunately added "Traitor Johann Arc" (I can't STAND that arc!), it could be assumed that Johann had led him there or even hired him and a team to free Dagur. After all, I highly doubt that Savage would've bothered doing it by himself if he hadn't tried to free Dagur sooner. Three years is a long time, you know.
Again, though, we can't know for certain. It could be that Savage had tried several times but couldn't get past the defenses; or maybe he wanted to wait for the right moment when the Pro-Alvin Outcasts had their guards down; or maybe there's another reason we're not aware of.
And we know that, with Osvald dead, Heather living peacefully with her adopted Tribe, Great Uncle Haggard long dead as well (probably), there wasn't any other family member that we know of who could've taken over the Berserker Tribe after Dagur's defeat. That we KNOW OF, at any rate.
It's also possible that some subordinates were ruling as de facto, temporary substitutes until either Dagur came back or somebody else took over. But that's also very unlikely.
However, there's an important clue that Seasons 1 and 2 give us: After Dagur is freed, he doesn't return to Berserk! Why? Besides the fact that he's deranged, he should know better than to fight the Dragon Riders without the support of his Tribe, right? What's interesting to note is that his ships and men are significantly less than during his war against Berk 3 years before! Also, he had to "P-A-Y" for new ships after being released, since he only had the one ship that he stole after escaping imprisonment.
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Again, why? Why would he do that? Was he that desperate for revenge against Hiccup? I mean, yes, but there's more to it than just that. Why would he not return to his Tribe and reclaim his authority and rally his fleets and warriors to attack Berk again? Why did he have to buy ships, only have his men that escaped with him and some outcasts/mercenaries, and had to turn to the Dragon Hunter power in order to defeat Hiccup? Did he realize he couldn't win by himself or by his Tribe's strength? No, because Dagur is stubborn and is a Berserker supremacist.
Don't forget this important detail: Dagur is an OUTLAW. A CRIMINAL. A WANTED MAN. As such, several Tribes will want his head and won't stop until they do. Even if he was able to return to his Tribe, they won't have the strength. As such, when he couldn't defeat Hiccup by himself, he turned to the Dragon Hunters for sanctuary and to help him defeat Hiccup and the Riders.
Also don't forget that Dagur is a LOSER. He was DEFEATED. In Viking society, no matter if you're the leader, if you are known to lose a lot of battles, no one's gonna want to follow you. Vikings want to follow leaders who are generous, charismatic, ambitious, and, most of all, VICTORIOUS. Nobody wants to join a loser. Berserkers most of all. That's just not the done thing. It's not common sense. Remember that they lost to Berk over 50 years prior and had to have a non-aggression treaty with Berk for that long due to Osvald's passive stance and preference for peace. For Berserkers, there's no greater shame or weakness than losing battles or refusing to take part in them. Raiding, after all, is in a Viking's nature. Dagur was popular because he promised to bring back the Berserker traditions and to go back to raiding. He was aggressive and pro-war. And he had many victories. However, once he started losing to Berk repeatedly until his eventual complete defeat at the hands of the Berk-Loyalist Outcast Alliance, he lost his popularity and his support after that. Even if they ignored his outlaw status, just the fact that he had failed his people and had too many defeats under his belt was enough to justify not reinstating him as Chieftain.
But there's also one other important and possible clue: there's a possibility that someone who's plausibly a family member of the Berserker Royal Family has taken control of the Throne — like, say, a cousin or uncle or whoever. It makes sense since a Tribe without a legitimate leader wouldn't be very good. And a subordinate can't do as good a job as a proper leader would, usually.
Of course, you might wonder why would that supposed family member then relinquish his rule for Dagur to take over again? Good question! I haven't a clue either! That family member would have to be as agreeable as Osvald to let a deranged person like Dagur to take control again. Even if he is "reformed" or "enlightened", there's no way in helheim that I would've let him back into the fold. In fact, I would've killed them then and there. But blame that on Netflix scriptwriting. Realistically, Dagur reforming, when he is a deranged being, is impossible (unless he was an excellent actor and pretended to be deranged). And he was rather great as a villain, but then to just... "reform" him like this is just lame.
So in my headcanon, Dagur is still Dagur, and thus, if he had a family member ruling the Tribe in his stead, and since he's still an Outlaw and a Wanted Man, it stands to reason that he wouldn't be able to have the strength to survive let alone defeat the Dragon Riders, and couldn't return to his Tribe and resume being their leader; thus, Dagur had to turn to the aid of the Grimb(j)orn Tribe led by Viggo and Ryker, as seen in the first 2 seasons of RTTE.
A new leader, like said unknown relative, could've risen up to lead the Berserkers if Dagur had died in "Twinsanity", had Stoick gone through with his assassination plot as I detail in my article (here).
Another possible death scene was when Dagur lost the battle against Alvin, and after the war, Alvin ends up executing him with his head put on a spike in quite the treacherous fashion. 💀
Personally, I think it would've been cooler if, after Dagur's death, Heather traveled to Berserk Island to become its new ruler. "High Chieftess Heather" just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? 😏😉😂
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Hail Heather Iron-maiden, High Chieftess of the Berserker Tribe! O Hear Her Name and Tremble, Ugh, Ugh! Long may she reign! 🤣
What do you guys think? Is it a plausible theory?
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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violet-moonstone · 2 years ago
Headcanons and opinions on Httyd/Rtte relationships
Hiccup and Astrid are in an open marriage. Hiccup also dates Dagur and Astrid dates Heather. Dagur and Mala are either not together or it's a political thing, idk. Tbh I don't think about that pairing very often. Nothing against Mala, I just don't see them together at all. I think Mala would be better with someone less intense and probably more shy and sensitive.
I think Hiccup and Dagur spend long amounts of time away from each other doing their own thing, but when they finally meet up again, it gets *intense*. They all need to plan carefully though because Heather and Dagur do NOT want to run into each other while with their partners. Also, I think "Aunt Heather" and "Uncle Dagur" would be adorable af with Zephyr and Nuffink. Heather is especially good with Nuffink, who is very nervous. Zephyr absolutely adores Dagur and loves getting tossed in the air, play fighting, etc, but Nuffink is a little intimidated by him for a couple years. Dagur learns to be more gentle and play with Nuffink without scaring him.
I'm surprised by this (because I generally dislike most characterization in THW) but I'm actually good with Ruffnut and Fishlegs together. I'm a sucker for any relationship where one is a chaos goblin and the other is a nervous wreck. This may or may not be the dynamic of my own relationship. (I am the nervous one).
Snotlout's "rivalry" with Eret was a cover for his huge crush on him and at some point, they start dating. Snotlout learns to be more vulnerable and realizes that his constant desire to be masculine played out in performatively hitting on women. (He's literally Mac from Always Sunny, you can't convince me otherwise). He hates the height difference at first (Eret is almost an entire foot taller, jfc) but genuinely enjoys that Eret can just hoist him up over his shoulder and carry him around, tease him by holding things over his head, hold him down and tickle him, etc. And honestly, same. Nothing wrong with being smol and portable.
Tuffnut is asexual. Also very big uncle energy with the kids. He shows them how to pull pranks and Hiccup and Astrid watch with growing concern as their children (especially Zephyr) become absolute menaces under Tuffnut's tutelage.
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sea-owl · 10 months ago
I have a headcanon that Dagur is good with kids and is the default babysitter / favorite uncle but he also needs a babysitter when watching the kids. That's where Aunt Mala comes in. They have to babysit as a pair, no exceptions.
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revive-the-fandom · 11 months ago
I just want you to know that your drawings of Zephyr being born earlier were the first things I saw when I opened the app today. I screamed, fell off my bed, and now have an uncontrollable onslaught of scenarios of the crew on the edge with baby Zephyr chilling in the midst of a war zone.
Im going CRAZY thank you
I love "what if there was a baby" AUs so muchhh! and Hiccstrid has canonicaly babies so baby + rtte (best show) = fun?
zephyr demanding to hold the dragon eye and nearly blinding everyone, dagur calling himself her uncle and her his niece, heather eventually calling herself her aunt, fishlegs being amazing support for hiccstrid bc hes done the whole uncle thing before, snotlout letting her practice writing in his books and publishing it under both their names, the twins teaching her how to prank, zephyr pranking them on loki day, zephyr getting her own dragon and flying around the edge (hiccup leashing said dragon and building the most secure saddle so she cant fall out), the hunters storming the edge and zephyr popping her head up and staring at them like a cat until they back off bc "why tf is there a baby in a military base?"
also stoick getting to meet his granddaughter.
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asherbakugou · 4 months ago
Background Information for HTYD Next Gen Story
Night Fury Redesign - Peregrine Falcons, Panthers, Cats, Bats
- Long, pointed wings (Similar in shape to a Peregrine Falcons)
- Secondary 'wings' for stability and lift (The fins beneath his wings)
- Phalange on wing for manueverability
- Long bodies, with relatively short legs; Can be between 25 and 30 feet long
- Large keel for more powerful wing muscles
- Large chest to hold larger lungs that let them fly higher, and large airsacs
- Wings connected to forelimbs; Powerful shoulder and leg muscles to allow for taking off from the ground
- Three foreward facing toes, and two backwards facing toes on hind legs for grabbing fish
- Retractable teeth
- Powerful neck muscles to hold head steady when diving, and to hold the head still when flying in place
- Tails fins for stability, balance, lift generation, steering and air braking
- Extended spine plates that split to relax the spine and allow for tighter turns
- Nocturnal
Scale color is dependent on the color of the sky when they are in their eggs, such as if the sky is cloudy for a majority of incubation the hatchling will be grey rather than black or blue.
Eats fish, whales, sharks, deer, yaks, and sheep
Light Fury Redesign - Albatross, Thresher Shark, Fishing Cats, Axolotls
- Long, narrow wings for active soaring (Shaped like an Albatross' wings, but a little bit longer to hold them up)
- Short, rounded 'secondary' wings for stability in long flights; Capable of folding flat against the body
- Longer ears for better echolocation
- Small wing muscles because they 'lock' their wings in place to fly
- Large chest for large lungs and airsacs so they can fly high
- Sealable nostrils for when they swim
- Stocky, muscular build with short, muscular legs; Can be between 20 to 24 feet long
- Partial webbing between toes for better swimming
- A long, sickle shaped tail fin with the upper part being longer; Whips prey to stun them, both in and out of water (Like a Threshers tail)
- Shark-like fins on the tail, in front of the fin to help them swim quicker
- Slightly hooks claws, and inwardly curved teeth for catching fish; Retractable teeth and slightlt retractable claws
- Wavy, short sail fin down the spine, starting behind the wings and ending just path the secondary 'wings' and on the forehead
- Opaque scales; Thinner, but when heated mirror surroundings for short periods
Scale color is dependant on the warmth of the egg during incubation, such as being warmer leads to having darker colored scales while being cooler leads to lighter colored scales
Mainly pescetarian, sometimes feed on sharks or whales
Light Furies and Night Furies are close enough relatives that they will gather in small Prides when they feel threatened or their is not enough territory. Surprisingly Stormcutters can often be seen in these 'Prides' as they are gentle giants, and fiercly defensive.
Grimmel is actively hunting down Night Furies, so they stay hidden, not joining any nests and continuing on the move.
Chief Hiccup and Astrid had three children together, before disappearing on a rescue mission with the other Dragon Riders.
Hakkon, Frigga, and Skathi Haddock were then raised by Valka, Stoick and Gobber. (Stoick having survived Toothless' plasma blast by sheer luck but lost all feeling and motion in his left arm.)
Calumn, Dagur and Mala's son was raised by Mala with the help of the Beserkers and the Defenders of the Wing.
Asgeir and Sindri, Snotlouts son and daughter respectively, were raised seperately. Sindri was raised by her mother, Mindin with the Wingmaidens while Asgeir was raised by his grandfather, Spitelout.
Bragi, Fishlegs and Heathers son, was raised by Mala as well, having been taken in when she realized that Stoick and Valka were raising the three Haddock children.
Alva and Anja, identical twin daughters of Ruffnut, were raised by their father, Eret Eretson on Berk.
Bard, Tuffnuts son was raised by his Uncle, since his mother was unknown.
Hakkon - Female Thunderdrum (Kólga)
Frigga - Male Deadly Nadder (Spear)
Skathi - Several
Calumn - Triple Stryke (Viper)
Asgeir - Monstrous Nightmare (Wildfire)
Sindri - Razorwhip (Belladonna)
Bragi - Thunderclaw (Stormlight)
Alva - Boneknapper (Graveyard)
Anja - Armorwing (Armory)
Bard - Hobblegrunt (Borealis)
TBC . . .
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issy5316 · 1 year ago
httyd incorrect quotes 185
hiccup: anyone free tonight?
dagur: yeah.
dagur: what do you need?
hiccup: to take out my uncle for hurting my feelings.
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sarnai4 · 9 months ago
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Okay, so I was thinking about Dagur as a friend and how he's such a cuddlebug. Now, I'm wondering...was he always like that or did it just happen when he turned good? Honestly, I love the thought of him just desperately wanting somebody to hug as a kid, but no one wanted to hug him. It's very possible. Maybe Oswald wasn't a hugger or just wasn't that warm towards him. We already know the other Berserkers didn't think highly of him. The only one who might have given him hugs apart from the poor mom who never even gets a name is his Great Uncle Haggard since he seems to have had a nice relationship with him. At least they had a good enough relationship for the guy to tell Dagur stories that he still thought back on fondly in adulthood. Sadly, it's pretty clear that Haggard is dead and I'd like to imagine he would've gotten involved during DoB if he had been alive then too. He might have been gone for a while, taking with him the final person who was really there to offer warmth to the boy. So, Dagur just gradually gets more bitter towards the others since he feels rejected by all of them. Then when he turns his life around, he finally gets to have all those hugs he's been wanting. His love language definitely seems to be physical affection, so that's something he gets to experience now.
If we had more episodes he would have hugged each of the riders at least once. Hiccup and Heather have definitely had their fair share of embraces. I wanted some Snotlout hugs too. I don't even think the Berkian would mind. He'd just be happy to have it confirmed that they're friends. Of course Dagur then ruins the moment by calling him another variation of his actual name.
Here are some more hugs because I find them cute and/or funny (Hiccup's expression right here for instance. He did not sign on for this.)
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ashleybenlove · 3 days ago
Dagur jokingly makes a joke about Hiccup being his uncle.
Maybe they have an ancestor(s) who they're both related to?
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krikunjayvoice · 5 months ago
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I live in a place where Viggo is alive and after Heather found him. And then their relationship could grow into something more. And here are the sketches of two babies. Vikar and Sigrun. I think Vikar could have a Razorwhip dragon like his mother, and Sigrun would be a Deadly Nadder rider. I also think that Sigrun didn't speak until she was three years old, but she was very quick-witted and learned quickly. She played Maces and Claws with her father. And Vikar is very similar to Uncle Dagur and he could well have passed on the madness of berserkers
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dragonmasterhiccup · 9 months ago
Did Dagur and Mala name you a godfather of their children?
Also, did you see how Heather looks at Eret? I think that there might be a marriage you'd be attending again. Besides yours ofc.
If Dagur doesn't kill Eret first.
"Godfather? I'm not familiar with that term...their kids do refer to me as Uncle Hiccup, though, if that's what you're asking?"
"You know, actually, I'm not good at picking up on those things. Astrid mentioned something too, though. She's better at those things than I am. You have a point though, Dagur is very protective of Heather...but, we all know she can protect herself."
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evilwriter37 · 2 years ago
Rated: teen
Warnings: none
Relationships: none
Word Count: 263
Summary: Dagur is a great uncle, but a bad influence.
Wrote this while video chatting @knowerofuselessfacts. Twas his idea.
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