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un77404 · 3 months ago
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hiii, happy halloween if you celebrate! if not, just consider this as a regular fuuta doodle 😭
i drew him in the outfit from the original salamander song! he has a lindt chocolate for you since the wrapping looks pretty cool and matches his color 🍬
eating you eating him eating you YES lindt chocolate it looks very on-brand for him
rahhh thank you so muchhhh i loveit so much aaaa eeee hiii have this doodle of witch!hinako i drew...
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had to rush a bit so its messy but hopefully you'll enjoy it
happy halloween!!!
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dontforgetukraine · 2 months ago
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Graphic 1: russia began its war against Ukraine in February 2014 with the occupation of Crimea, the first step in undermining Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. 8 years later, Russia would use the militarized peninsula as a base to invade the south of Ukraine. russia used its regular armed forces to invade Donetsk and Luhansk regions in 2014, at the same time trying to destabilize other places in Ukraine – Kharkiv and Odesa.
Graphic 2: Before February 24, 2022, russia had already occupied 7% of Ukrainian territory, an area larger than... -Slovenia -Denmark -The Netherlands -Switzerland -the US state of Maryland. In 2014-2021, according to the UN OHCHR, russia killed almost... -4,000 civillian people in Ukraine -and injured up to 9,000 The actual number is likely to be higher.
Graphic 3: One of the most heinous crimes russia committed in Ukraine before the full-scale invasion was the downing of flight MH17 in the sky above the Donetsk region. 298 passengers, including 80 children, were killed.
A more detailed timeline of events from February 2014 to present can be found HERE.
Source: MFA of Ukraine
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gobcorend · 1 year ago
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"(...) it must be shown to American Jews that the choice between Israel’s survival and Palestinian rights is a false one; that it is in fact Israel’s denial of Palestinian rights and reflexive resort to criminal force that are pushing it toward destruction; that it is possible to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict so that everyone, Israeli Jew and Palestinian Arab, can preserve their full human dignity; and that such a settlement has been within reach for decades, but that Israel—with critical U.S. backing, largely because of the Israel lobby—has blocked it."
--- Norman G. Finkelstein in the book 'Knowing Too Much'
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eretzyisrael · 2 months ago
by Peter Baum
Apart from financial corruption there was moral corruption in terms of indoctrination of children being part of the Arab political agenda and Islamic ideology and all knowingly facilitated by UNWRA for all those refugees under their responsibility.  Terence Prittie and Bernard Dineen noted this in their 1973 report entitled The Double Exodus as did the noted Guardian correspondent at the time, Peter Niesewand. The 1973 report is clear and unambiguous in exposing the education curriculum’s vile antisemitic indoctrination in UNWRA run schools.
“Unfortunately, children have also been systematically taught in their schools to hate Israel and the Jewish people; UNWRA officials have admitted that there is much virulent anti – Israeli and anti -Jewish propaganda in their school text books . Five- and six-year-olds have been taught in their drawing classes to depict Israelis as monsters of cruelty and ugliness. UNWRA have not prevented the perverse political indoctrination of the very young refugees which has made a powerful contribution to the bitter and frustrated state of mind of much of the hard core of the refugee community”.
Lt. General Sir Alexander Galloway’s brief spell with UNWRA came to an abrupt end in 1952 when he was fired by the UN at the request of the Jordanian Government for saying – “The Arab states do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it an open sore, as an affront to the United Nations and as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders don’t give a damn whether the refugees live or die’’.
If we study the financial contributions made to UNWRA, the results are startling. As at 1972 six Western nations had contributed US$ 735 million, the chief donor being the USA whereas all the five richest Arab nations combined had contributed US$ 8.5 million, a tad over one percent. Twenty-five years of western taxpayers contributing all and Arab Muslim countries ignoring the plight of their own and yet with the financial means to do so. If we extrapolate funding trends since the 1970’s to date then the percentages are not so extreme but still quite staggering. The USA is by far the largest contributor at 30 percent, the European Union, 25 per cent and Saudi around 20 per cent of total funds. Very recently many nations temporarily halted funding as a direct result of UNWRA’s contribution to terrorism in Gaza but have since, wrongly in my opinion, reinstated funding, the exception still being the USA.
In order to understand the financial perspectives of all this, a friend on Twitter or X now, who goes by the ‘Ebluemountain’ post name, statistically calculated, using the most recent UN data, that the actual UN budget is US$3.6 billion and UNWRA’s budget is US$1.6 billion. As one outstanding example the budget for Sudan is US$145 million which equates to US$2.80 per Sudanese whereas the Palestinians receive US$298 per individual – a multiple of nearly one hundred times. Palestinians are receiving 45 per cent of the UN budget Sudan less than one percent.  In reality the United Nations deems the life of a Palestinian to be one hundred times more important than a Sudanese.
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years ago
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La Mode, Pl. 298, 27 avril 1833, Paris. Chapeaux de crepe ornes d'un oiseau. Robe de crepe a corsage boutonnée pardessus une robe de satin. Pelerine et Echarpe de blonde. Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library
The woman on the left is wearing a pink dress with a black tippet and a pink ceinture (sash) around her waist. She is wearing white gloves and earrings and is holding a white handkerchief in her left hand. She is wearing a pink hat decorated with bows and a feather. The woman on the right is wearing a blue dress with gigot sleeves and buttons running down the front of the bodice. She is wearing white gloves and a black stole around her neck and is holding a fan in her hands. She is wearing a white hat decorated with bows and feathers.
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camisoledadparis · 3 months ago
saga: Soumission & Domination 298
Gwen -2, recrutement Escorts hétéros
Gwen fait du bon taf avec mes clientes. C'est mĂȘme au point que mes autres Escorts font " fade " quand ils passent aprĂšs lui. Il faut dire que mes jeunes sont plutĂŽt des homos Ă  tendance bi que des hĂ©tĂ©ros avec la mĂȘme tendance ! Si je veux garder ma clientĂšle fĂ©minine et ĂȘtre en mesure d'Ă©tendre ce secteur, il va falloir que je recrute. J'en parle Ă  PH qui est d'accord avec moi. J'en discute aussi avec Gwen et StĂ©phane. Je leur demande si, parmi leurs collĂšgues il n'y aurait pas des mecs intĂ©ressĂ©s pour gagner 4 SMIC par mois Ă  raison d'une soirĂ©e par semaine. Si StĂ©phane rĂ©flĂ©chit, Gwen nous dit en connaitre une bonne demi douzaine que le salaire miteux d'interne condamne au minimum vital. Il pousse du coude StĂ©phane et lui dit que ce serait peut ĂȘtre le moment de se lancer lui aussi. Notre StĂ©phane passe pivoine ! Et comme il s'empĂȘtre dans des arguments fallacieux, je tranche le dĂ©bat et disant Ă  Gwen que son pote apprĂ©ciait plutĂŽt le petit cul de notre Maxou et de pas le faire chier avec ça. Il revient tout de suite Ă  la liste des collĂšgues qui serait probablement prĂȘt Ă  taffer pour moi. Avant qu'il ne les approche, je prends la liste de noms et l'envoie pour enquĂȘte rapide Ă  mon contact ex RG.
Ce n'est qu'aprĂšs avoir lu leurs dossiers que j'autorise Gwen Ă  contacter certains. J'en Ă©carte deux qui ont une consommation rĂ©guliĂšre, bien que faible, de shit. Les seuls produits que j'autorise sont : le gel, les poppers (pas tous), et la crĂ©atine pour la partie dĂ©veloppement physique. Les quelques fumeurs ont Ă©tĂ© priĂ©s d'arrĂȘter. Il n'y a que dans les films que l'haleine de chacal que ça donne est romantique.
Je reçois les trois premiers de ma liste. Ils sont tous plus ĂągĂ©s que ma bande d'Escorts " homo " et tapent plutĂŽt les 25-27ans que les 19-22. Physiquement ils ne sont pas trop mal foutus, sans ĂȘtre aussi sportifs que les autres. Manque de temps ! Deux blonds peu poilus et un brun au torse bien couvert (enfin une ligne remontante du pubis et rejoignant des pecs un peu couverts, avec bien sur le corolaire, bras et jambes velues. Si les deux blonds ne font pas de difficultĂ©s Ă  passer Ă  l'Ă©pilation (c'est vrai que ça ne les changent pas beaucoup), je dois user d'arguments avec le brun. Il a l'impression de perdre sa virilitĂ© si on lui retire le surplus de poils disgracieux. Les couilles rasĂ©es, il comprend que c'est plus agrĂ©able de ne pas se prendre des poils entre les dents. Je profite de cette remarque pour lui demander s'il prĂ©fĂšre les meufs avec un tablier de sapeur et le cul plein de poils ou celles qui s'entretiennent et rasent leurs chattes. Il convient que c'est effectivement plus agrĂ©able de baiser une meuf bien entretenue. Il ajoute aussitĂŽt que pour les hommes c'est pas pareil. Je fini par lui poser le marchĂ© : soit il accepte de se faire Ă©piler et il va gagner dans les 4 000 nets/ mois soit il garde ses poils et ses capacitĂ© financiĂšres rĂ©duites.
Je crois que c'Ă©tait lĂ  le seul argument capable de lui faire accepter la chose !
Vu le travail Ă  effectuer, je l'envoi chez une esthĂ©ticienne avec pour instruction de ne revenir qu'avec un tapis ras entre le dessus de sa bite et son nombril. Tout le reste doit disparaitre et j'insiste bien lĂ -dessus. Je tĂ©lĂ©phone mĂȘme devant lui au cabinet pour donner les instructions. Je le revois deux jours plus tard. C'est parfait. En plus je m'aperçois que ses pecs sont bien Ă©pais, tout comme ses bras et ses jambes oĂč les muscles deviennent visibles. Quand je le fais tourner devant le psychĂ©, il doit bien en convenir. Sa bite, dĂ©jĂ  consĂ©quente : 20 x 6, circoncise, parait un tiers plus longue qu'enfouie dans les poils hirsutes.
Pour le test sexuel, j'ai l'idĂ©e de rĂ©utiliser la mĂšre de Jean. Ça la changera des dĂ©pucelages de lycĂ©ens ! Pour l'aspect pratique, je loue une chambre dans un hĂŽtel Ă  carte et y convoque mes nouveaux Escorts. Ils ont renĂąclĂ© quand je leur ai dit que je serais prĂ©sent lors de la rencontre. Le brun me certifiant qu'il aurait mĂȘme du mal Ă  baiser devant moi. Sachant qu'il avait participĂ© Ă  des partouzes, je lui faisais part que je connaissais ce dĂ©tail et que j'Ă©tais sĂ»r qu'il saurait honorer la dame.
Le jour prĂ©vu, Ammed me conduit pour rejoindre mon initiatrice et nous installe Ă  l'hĂŽtel. Je tĂ©lĂ©phone Ă  mes Escorts le n° de la chambre et le premier blond  (Blond 1) arrive. Il ne fait pas de maniĂšre. Il se dĂ©shabille et rejoint la meuf dĂ©jĂ  nue sur le lit. Il commence par bien l'exciter. LĂ©chage de seins et mordillements des tĂ©tons alors que je vois ses doigts s'enfoncer dans la chatte. Je note qu'il bande dĂ©jĂ . Il ne met pas longtemps Ă  trouver comment la faire jouir et il joue entre le clito et ses 4 doigts enfoncĂ©s dans le vagin pour faire durer ce premier orgasme. TrĂšs " clinique ", je commente sa technique et lui demande mĂȘme comment il rĂ©alise ce tour de force. Avec Emma on y arrive mais on s'y met Ă  trois avec PH et Ernesto !
Il m'explique qu'il joue sur la capacitĂ© qu'a le vagin de se dilater fortement. LĂ  il n'avait enfoncĂ© que 4 doigts mais me dit que sur ce type d'organe, trĂšs " ouvert " il pourrait facilement enfoncer sa main entiĂšre. Et de le faire aussitĂŽt devant moi, dĂ©clenchant une derniĂšre secousse violente qui tĂ©tanise le corps de ma testeuse. Il se retire et me dit que le seul inconvĂ©nient c'est que, dilatĂ© comme cela, le vagin met un peu de temps Ă  retrouver ses " marques " et du coup il va " flotter " quand il va la baiser. Je lui dis de passer par l'arriĂšre. Il me dit qu'en levrette ce sera pareil avant de rĂ©aliser que je lui disais de l'enculer. Il passe aussitĂŽt Ă  l'exĂ©cution. A 4 pattes les seins Ă©crasĂ©s sur les draps, elle cambre les reins et mon Escort l'encule aprĂšs s'ĂȘtre enkpotĂ© la bite. Il y va hard mais m'explique qu'il s'Ă©tait rendu compte Ă  la vue de son anus qu'elle avait l'habitude de cette pratique. D'ailleurs il avait rĂ©ussi Ă  lui mettre ses 19cm sans problĂšmes. Je demande Ă  la mĂšre de Jean qui me dit que c'Ă©tait bon de se faire mettre par un vrai mĂąle. Je le laisse faire. Il a le coup de rein impĂ©rieux et long. Il aime profiter de sa longueur de bite pour faire sentir tous les centimĂštres. Il ressort rĂ©guliĂšrement complĂštement du cul sodomisĂ© avant d'y retourner jusqu'aux couilles.
Il la baise plus hard. Les mains accrochées aux hanches larges de la mÚre de Jean, il lui défonce la rondelle. A chaque fin de pénétration, les chairs se collent et les hanches de Blond 1 claquent sur les grosses fesses de la meuf. Puis, conscient qu'il est là pour donner du plaisir à madame, il se penche, la redresse sur ses avants bras et passe ses bras dessous pour lui pincer les tétons. Effet immédiat garanti. Elle hùlette et ne tarde pas à jouir de nouveau. Blond 1, coincé dans son cul explose à son tour et avec trois furieux coups de rein, rempli sa kpote.
Au débriefing, la mÚre de Jean nous dira avoir apprécié sa façon de lui pilonner le fond de son vagin et aussi la façon qu'il a eu de la faire jouir la premiÚre fois rien qu'avec ses doigts.
Le temps que mon " banc de test " se refasse une beauté, je fais venir Brun 1 (mon futur Escort brun bien épilé).
Quand il arrive elle est de nouveau, nue et allongĂ©e sur le lit. Il a moins de gueule que la derniĂšre fois oĂč nous nous sommes rencontrĂ©s. Il se prĂ©sente, et de dĂ©shabille un peu gauchement (je note ça dans un coin de mon cerveau). Il Ă©vite de me regarder mais je sens bien que mon regard le trouble.
Il attaque le morceau. Sa technique est rodĂ©e. Il joue bien avec les seins, ses doigts pincent bien les tĂ©tons, fort mĂȘme ! Mais la mĂšre de Jean en a vu d'autre et ça les lui fait bander. Quand il pratique  pareil sur le clito, elle en dĂ©colle ses fesses du lit. Il en profite alors pour enfoncer trois doigts dans sa chatte.
Puis il se positionne en 69 et je le vois bouffer la chatte. Elle en profite pour engouffrer sa bite qui ne bande que mollement. Je vois que, mĂȘme avec sa science du sexe pourtant bien Ă©prouvĂ©e, elle peine Ă  lui donner sa raideur maximale. Elle y arrive dĂšs qu'elle lui rentre deux doigts dans son cul. Je le vois se kpoter alors trĂšs vite et s'enfoncer dans son vagin. Je le trouve un peu trop rapide dans son limage de chatte, comme l'impression d'en finir vite. J'interviens et lui rappelle qu'il est en service commandĂ©, qu'il doit en donner pour l'argent de la cliente. Ça le fait dĂ©bander direct ! Sensible mon beau brun ! La mĂšre de Jean ne s'embarrasse pas de dĂ©tail et lui remet aussitĂŽt deux doigts dans l'oignon ce qui refait le mĂȘme effet, en l'occurrence il rebande direct.
Louche tout ça !!
Il ne se tient bien raide que tant qu'il se fait chatouiller le trou par les doigts de la meuf. Par contre, Ă  l'enculage pas de soucis. Sa bite de 20x6 reste bien dure et finalement donne satisfaction.
Au débriefe, ma testeuse lui envoi carrément que pour un Pd, il s'était pas si mal débrouillé que ça. Il devient tout rouge alors qu'elle continue en me disant que ses doigts étaient rentrés dans son cul comme dans du beurre et qu'il n'avait bandé à mort que lorsqu'il l'avait enculée.
Je me tourne alors vers lui et lui demande depuis combien de temps il se connaissait ce penchant et pourquoi il ne m'en avait pas parlé.
AprÚs une vaine tentative de dénégation, il accepte de me parler alors que la mÚre de Jean est dans la salle de douche. Il me dit que depuis sa puberté il se sait attiré par les mecs mais que dans son milieu, c'est inacceptable. Il s'est donc forcé à baiser des meufs pour pas attirer l'attention et que ce n'est que dans l'intimité de son studio qu'il ose se faire réellement plaisir à l'aide de godes conséquents. Quand je lui dis qu'il m'avait été conseillé comme étant un bon baiseur de meufs lors des partouzes, il sourit et me répond que c'est de voir les bites et les culs des autres mecs participants qui maintient sa bandaison.
Je lui propose alors d'intĂ©grer mon programme mais avec des clients plutĂŽt que des clientes. Je le vois hĂ©siter. Je le rassure et lui dis que cela peut se faire de façon Ă  ce que personne ne soit au courant. Il n'a pas l'air convaincu. Je l'assure que s'il le veut je peux mĂȘme dire Ă  Gwen et StĂ©phane qu'il est recrutĂ© pour mes clientes. Car comme c'est eux qui m'ont dirigĂ© vers lui, ils risquent de demander. J'ajoute que je ne l'obligerai pas Ă  assister aux divers entrainements physiques de mon Ă©quipe d'Escorts homo. Cette derniĂšre prĂ©cision emporte le morceau. Je lui demande de passer dans la soirĂ©e au Blockhaus pour en discuter.
Le passage du troisiÚme nouvel Escort (Blond2) est sans surprise. Il réussit le test sans émotions particuliÚres.
Le soir mĂȘme, Brun 1 passe me voir. Je le reçois au 4Ăšme, j'ai la flemme de me faire descendre au premier ! PH est Ă  son cours de danse et j'ai demandĂ© Ă  mes deux beurs de nous laisser seuls.
Devant une biĂšre, je le fais parler. Je ne sais si c'est la dĂ©co franchement " homo " de notre sĂ©jour ou la possibilitĂ© d'ĂȘtre Ă©coutĂ© sans risque, mais une fois lancĂ©, il me dĂ©balle tout. Enfin,  tout est un bien grand mot pour me raconter ses frustrations devant les corps de copains de sport, ses dĂ©chainements sur les meufs lors des quelques touzes auxquelles il avait participĂ© et les intromissions rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es et jouissives de godes dans son anus. Sans en avoir l'air, je lui demande la taille des engins, pour info. Je suis quand mĂȘme Ă©tonnĂ© quand il me sort qu'ayant commencĂ© avec un gode de 16x3, il Ă©tait passĂ© quelques semaines plus tard Ă  la copie du sexe d'un acteur porno connu pour ses attributs plus que gĂ©nĂ©reux (25x 5,5 Ă  7). AprĂšs un sifflement Ă©logieux, je lui demandais quand mĂȘme s'il s'enfonçait ce dernier entiĂšrement dans le cul. RĂ©ponse : aprĂšs quelques essais et beaucoup de vaseline, il avait rĂ©ussi Ă  coller les couilles en plastiques contre les bords de sa rondelle. Je lui dis alors qu'il me rassure. Comme j'ai principalement des clients homo mais actifs, j'aurais Ă©tĂ© un peu en peine de l'utiliser s'il n'avait Ă©tĂ© qu'actif.
C'est de lui-mĂȘme que vient la proposition d'effectuer un essai avec un homme. Comme il est puceau dans ce type de relation, il me dit craindre de ne pas assurer et surtout de ne pas savoir s'y prendre. C'est tout gĂȘnĂ© qu'il me demande si je n'aurais pas quelqu'un Ă  lui prĂ©senter pour sa premiĂšre fois. J'ai failli Ă©clater de rire. Mais son air embarrassĂ© m'a retenu.
Je suis prĂȘt Ă  chercher qui pourrait me rendre ce service quand je pense qu'en tant que " vierge ", il pourrait se faire un max de blĂ© pour sa premiĂšre prestation.
Je lui explique de quoi il retourne : la mise aux enchĂšres, parmi une sĂ©lection de mes clients, de sa premiĂšre fois. J'ajoute que cela pourrait lui rapporter un bon paquet de fric et lui prĂ©cise les montants auxquels, jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent, mes clients s'Ă©tait arrachĂ© les premiĂšres prestations de mes Escorts pourtant loin d'ĂȘtre vierges. Il n'en revient pas qu'un mec puisse offrir autant pour se faire un mec.
Un peu fier, je lui dis que ce n'est pas " un mec " mais un Escort de chez moi !
Je le rassure en indiquant que ma sélection écarterait les mecs un trop bien monté, les brutaux et les trips spéciaux. Je connais bien mes clients et sais ceux qui sauront prendre soin d'un puceau.
Il renonce à son idée de " s'entrainer " avant sur du " matériel " vivant.
Il accepte de faire quelques photos supplémentaires pour l'opération. Je demande à Ammed de les faire avec le mur blanc du salon comme fond.
Il repart avec l'assurance que je l'appellerai bientĂŽt.
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guardianasdelrpg · 2 months ago
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Estamos en el 298 y Poniente se encuentra envuelto en una guerra que sacude los cimientos de los Siete Reinos. Desde Desembarco del Rey, el Niño Rey Joffrey Baratheon se sienta en el Trono de Hierro, queriendo acabar con sus enemigos. El mayor de estos se encuentra en Aguasdulces, donde Robb Stark ha ganado cada batalla que ha luchado pero sigue sin estar cerca de cobrarse la venganza que ansía. En el sur los hermanos Baratheon chocan sus astas para demostrar quién debe ser el rey, Stannis Baratheon o Renly Baratheon. En el Mar del Ocaso Balon Greyjoy se ha coronado a sí mismo una vez mås. Solo el Valle de Arryn parece mantenerse al margen pero incluso entre sus señores se comienzan a escuchar voces disidentes. Mås al sur todavía, los Martell han recibido noticias sobre el nacimiento de unos dragones que ahora pertenecen a Daenerys Targaryen y la aparición de Aegon, hijo de Rhaegar.
Cinco reyes coronados se enzarzan en una cruenta guerra, los oportunistas aparecen por doquier y las traiciones surgen entre las sombras de la desesperaciĂłn. Y todo eso no importa en realidad porque, MĂĄs-AllĂĄ-Del-Muro los Caminantes Blancos empujan a los salvajes que, liderados por Mance Rayder, quieren sobrevivir a la Muerte. La Larga Noche se avecina pero nadie parece notarlo. Todo el mundo estĂĄ pendiente del Choque de Reyes.
Celebra con nosotros nuestro primer mes en línea. 
El CapĂ­tulo I, el Primero de su nombre  ya estĂĄ en marcha pero aĂșn sois bienvenidos a participar, ÂĄno lo dudĂ©is! 
Tenemos aĂșn un montĂłn de personajes canon libres asĂ­ como muchas bĂșsquedas de mano de nuestros usuarios asĂ­ como muchos personajes y regiones en oferta para llenaros los bolsillos con unos cuantos dragones. ÂĄVosotros decidĂ­s!
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ifeelgeek · 2 months ago
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Estamos en el 298 y Poniente se encuentra envuelto en una guerra que sacude los cimientos de los Siete Reinos. Desde Desembarco del Rey, el Niño Rey Joffrey Baratheon se sienta en el Trono de Hierro, queriendo acabar con sus enemigos. El mayor de estos se encuentra en Aguasdulces, donde Robb Stark ha ganado cada batalla que ha luchado pero sigue sin estar cerca de cobrarse la venganza que ansía. En el sur los hermanos Baratheon chocan sus astas para demostrar quién debe ser el rey, Stannis Baratheon o Renly Baratheon. En el Mar del Ocaso Balon Greyjoy se ha coronado a sí mismo una vez mås. Solo el Valle de Arryn parece mantenerse al margen pero incluso entre sus señores se comienzan a escuchar voces disidentes. Mås al sur todavía, los Martell han recibido noticias sobre el nacimiento de unos dragones que ahora pertenecen a Daenerys Targaryen y la aparición de Aegon, hijo de Rhaegar.
Cinco reyes coronados se enzarzan en una cruenta guerra, los oportunistas aparecen por doquier y las traiciones surgen entre las sombras de la desesperaciĂłn. Y todo eso no importa en realidad porque, MĂĄs-AllĂĄ-Del-Muro los Caminantes Blancos empujan a los salvajes que, liderados por Mance Rayder, quieren sobrevivir a la Muerte. La Larga Noche se avecina pero nadie parece notarlo. Todo el mundo estĂĄ pendiente del Choque de Reyes.
Celebra con nosotros nuestro primer mes en línea. 
El CapĂ­tulo I, el Primero de su nombre  ya estĂĄ en marcha pero aĂșn sois bienvenidos a participar, ÂĄno lo dudĂ©is! 
Tenemos aĂșn un montĂłn de personajes canon libres asĂ­ como muchas bĂșsquedas de mano de nuestros usuarios asĂ­ como muchos personajes y regiones en oferta para llenaros los bolsillos con unos cuantos dragones. ÂĄVosotros decidĂ­s!
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
The UN’s International Court of Justice in The Hague on Wednesday rejected Ukraine’s allegation that Russia violated the violated International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism during the conflict in eastern Ukraine that has been ongoing since 2014.
But the ICJ did rule that Russia violated the terrorism convention “by failing to take measures to investigate facts and information received from Ukraine regarding persons who have allegedly committed an offence” in eastern Ukraine.
Ukraine had alleged that Russia was responsible for “supplying funds, including in-kind contributions of weapons and training, to illegal armed groups that engage in acts of terrorism in Ukraine”.
It also alleged that Russia failed to take appropriate measures to “detect, freeze, and seize funds used to assist illegal armed groups that engage in acts of terrorism in Ukraine”.
Ukraine’s case referred to armed Russian-backed separatist units that seized areas in the country’s east – the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics – before Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022.
Ukraine further claimed that Russia failed to “investigate, prosecute, or extradite perpetrators of the financing of terrorism found within its territory” and did not take measures to “prevent and counter acts of financing of terrorism committed by Russian public and private actors”.
It urged the court to declare that “the Russian Federation bears international responsibility, by virtue of its sponsorship of terrorism and failure to prevent the financing of terrorism under the convention, for the acts of terrorism committed by its proxies in Ukraine”.
These included the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 by Russian-backed fighters in July 2014.
In November 2022, the District Court of The Hague sentenced two Russians and a Ukrainian separatist to life imprisonment for causing flight MH17 to crash, killing 298 people on board. One person was acquitted.
However, the ICJ ruled that Russia’s “alleged supply of weapons to various armed groups operating in Ukraine and the alleged organisation of training for members of those groups fall outside the material scope” of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, which focuses on financial rather than material support for terror groups.
The ICJ on Wednesday also rejected most of the allegations made by Ukraine against Russia under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The claims related to alleged discrimination against the ethnic Tatar minority and Ukrainians in Crimea, which Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014.
Ukraine alleged Russia was responsible for “systematically discriminating against and mistreating the Crimean Tatar and ethnic Ukrainian communities in Crimea, in furtherance of a state policy of cultural erasure of disfavoured groups perceived to be opponents of the occupation regime”.
Kyiv also claimed that Moscow organised an illegal referendum for the secession of Crimea “in an atmosphere of violence and intimidation against non-Russian ethnic groups”.
It said that this was “an initial step toward depriving these communities of the protection of Ukrainian law and subjecting them to a regime of Russian dominance”.
It also alleged Russia was responsible for “suppressing the political and cultural expression of Crimean Tatar identity, including through the persecution of Crimean Tatar leaders and the ban on the Mejlis [representative body] of the Crimean Tatar people”.
Ukraine further claimed Russia was responsible for “perpetrating and tolerating a campaign of disappearances and murders of Crimean Tatars, harassing the Crimean Tatar community with an arbitrary regime of searches and detention, silencing Crimean Tatar media, suppressing Crimean Tatar language education and the community’s educational institutions”.
Other allegations made by Ukraine under the racial discrimination convention included claims that ethnic Ukrainians’ education in their own language was suppressed in Crimea by Russia, which also shut down Ukrainian-language media.
However, the court only accepted Ukraine’s allegation about education, ruling that Russia violated its obligations under the racial discrimination convention “by the way in which it has implemented its educational system in Crimea after 2014, with regard to school education in the Ukrainian language”.
In Wednesday’s ruling, ICJ president judge Joan Donoghue noted that Russia also violated provisional measures ordered by the court in the case in 2017.
Donoghue said Russia “violated its obligation
 to refrain from any action which may aggravate or extent dispute between the parties”.
She said that after the court imposed the provisional measures, Russia recognised the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics as independent states and “launched what it called a special military operation against Ukraine”.
“In the view of the court these actions severely undermined the basis for mutual trust and cooperation, and thus made the dispute more difficult to resolve,” she said.
The ICJ on Friday will also deliver its judgment on preliminary objections raised by Russia in a separate case brought by Ukraine, shortly after the full-scale invasion began, arguing that Moscow abused the Genocide Convention to make its argument for war.
In parallel to the ICJ cases, there are multiple international initiatives to probe and prosecute war crimes and aggression in Ukraine, including an investigation by prosecutors at the International Criminal Court, which issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin in March last year over the abduction of Ukrainian children.
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year ago
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Storia Di Musica #298 - X, Under The Big Black Sun, 1982
Le due voci di oggi, nel percorso mensile di scoperta dei gruppi in cui la voce leader Ăš maschile e femminile, rappresentano il duo piĂč spettacolare, piĂč estremo e piĂč stupefacente (in molti sensi). Furono agli inizi degli anni ’80 la nuova sensazione della musica punk americana (che ricordo aveva caratteristiche molto diverse da quello europeo, musicali si, ma soprattutto ideologiche). La storia parte con John Nommensen Duchac, un musicista statunitense cresciuto nei dintorni di Los Angeles. Nel 1978 in piena stagione punk insieme ad un chitarrista rockabilly che collaborĂČ con Gene Vincent (quello di Be-Bop-A-Lula) e Etta James, Billy Zoom, e un batterista che ama il country e il blues, D.J. Bonebrake, inizia a suonare nei locali alternativi di Los Angeles. Nel 1979 l’incontro con una poetessa beat (definizione sua) Christene Lee Cervenka, che viene convinta a cantare. Lei cambia il nome in Exene Cervenka, John in John Doe, che Ăš il nome usato negli USA per indicare un uomo la cui reale identitĂ  Ăš sconosciuta. Scelgono un nome per il loro gruppo del tutto coerente con la loro idea di apparire enigmatici e “qualunquisti”: X. Con questo nome incidono i primi due singoli, Los Angeles e Adult Book, che comparivano in una compilation dal titolo Yes L.A., la risposta sarcastica ad un progetto simile sulla new wave newyorchese, che si intitolava No New York prodotto da Brian Eno. L’incontro decisivo avviene al Whisky Club di Los Angeles dove li vide suonare Ray Manzarek, colonna dei The Doors. Con il suo aiuto firmano un contratto discografico e nel 1980 esce Los Angeles. Album epocale anche per la iconica copertina (una X in fiamme su sfondo nero) la band mostra il suo lato alternativo allo stesso punk: mini storie nichiliste (Your Phone’s Off The Hook, But You’re Not), inni alla malinconia (The Unheard Music, Nausea, costruite anche con il Farfisa in stile Doors di Ray e usate recentemente in documentari e in famose serie TV), la ripresa di Los Angeles e una cover arrabbiata di Soul Kitchen come omaggio al maestro in consolle. Critica e pubblica sono estasiati e gli X iniziano ad essere la prima vera sensazione del punk californiano. Sull’onda di Los Angeles, nel 1981 la band replica con Wild Gift. Stavolta la copertina Ăš a colori accesi, sempre con Manzarek in produzione, il disco Ăš tutto dominato dai duetti acidi di John Doe e Exene, e musicalmente il punk rock si alterna a momenti dove l’amore di Zoom per il rockabilly ha la meglio (In This House That I Call Home), con due dediche speciale alla cittĂ  degli angeli, mai cosĂŹ decadente come in Universal Corner e Beyond And Back. Anche questo disco Ăš un successo di critica e pubblico. Alla prova del nove del terzo album, arriva l’atteso capolavoro.
Under The Big Black Sun esce per la Elektra (la casa discografica dei Doors, ultimo regalino di Manzarek) nel 1982: in copertina un disegno del famoso Alfred Harris. Under The Big Black Sun Ăš un album che sulla solita base schizzata e veloce del punk innesta altri stili, per un disco seminale per le generazioni successive: la meravigliosa Hungry Wolf e Motel Room In My Bed sono super rock e tutte giocate sui duetti vocali tra Doe e Exene, e dominati, soprattutto la seconda, dalla stupenda chitarra affilata di Zoom e il drumming di Bonebrake. La poesia del duo si districa tra sbavate storie d’amore, finite spesso in adulteri (Riding With Mary) o nella desolazione di una metropoli che Ăš nerissima e maledetta (Because I Do). La sorella della Cervenka, Mary, morĂŹ durante le registrazioni, e a lei Exene dedica la toccante Come Back To Me (dove compare addirittura un sax). Zoom giganteggia anche in Real Child Of Hell e nella famosa How I (Learned My Lessons). C’ù spazio anche per una “ballata” (The Have Nots) e per una ripresa di un brano blues (passione profonda di Doe, che con i due maschi della band farĂ  due dischi di country blues con il nome The Knitters) Dancing With The Tears In My Eyes, di Dubin e Burke, nel repertorio di Leadbelly. Il momento magico continua con il successivo More Fun In The New World (1983) in cui si vira piĂč verso tematiche sociali e non piĂč solo personali, con due canzoni che diventeranno famose, The New World e una cover di Breathless di Jerry Lee Lewis, usata nella colonna sonora di All'Ultimo Respiro, remake americano del 1983 del classico di Godard Fino All'Ultimo Respiro, con Richard Gere protagonista. Di questi quattro dischi la celeberrima e mai troppo ringraziata etichetta discografica Rhino ha ripubblicato tutti i dischi rimasterizzati, con l’aggiunta di numerose chicche, anche live. John Doe ha affiancato alla carriera musicale anche una da attore, con ruoli anche in film famosi (Il Duro Del Road House, L'Ultima Volta Che Mi Sono Suicidato, Boogie Nights - L'Altra Hollywood tra gli altri) e ha partecipato a due serie TV molto famose qualche anno fa come Roswell e One Tree Hill. Exene Cervenka invece ha pubblicato diversi libri di poesia. Fino al 1985 i due erano anche sposati (poi la Cervenka sposerĂ  Viggo Mortensen, da cui si separerĂ  a sua volta), e non mi sembra un caso che dopo la loro separazione quel mix speciale e imprevedibile di punk e poesia di cui erano capaci sia diminuito. Date un ascolto ai loro lavori, tra l’altro in pieno stile punk durano pochissimo (Los Angeles in versione originale 27 minuti).
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thylaniusrpg · 2 months ago
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Estamos en el 298 y Poniente se encuentra envuelto en una guerra que sacude los cimientos de los Siete Reinos. Desde Desembarco del Rey, el Niño Rey Joffrey Baratheon se sienta en el Trono de Hierro, queriendo acabar con sus enemigos. El mayor de estos se encuentra en Aguasdulces, donde Robb Stark ha ganado cada batalla que ha luchado pero sigue sin estar cerca de cobrarse la venganza que ansía. En el sur los hermanos Baratheon chocan sus astas para demostrar quién debe ser el rey, Stannis Baratheon o Renly Baratheon. En el Mar del Ocaso Balon Greyjoy se ha coronado a sí mismo una vez mås. Solo el Valle de Arryn parece mantenerse al margen pero incluso entre sus señores se comienzan a escuchar voces disidentes. Mås al sur todavía, los Martell han recibido noticias sobre el nacimiento de unos dragones que ahora pertenecen a Daenerys Targaryen y la aparición de Aegon, hijo de Rhaegar.
Cinco reyes coronados se enzarzan en una cruenta guerra, los oportunistas aparecen por doquier y las traiciones surgen entre las sombras de la desesperaciĂłn. Y todo eso no importa en realidad porque, MĂĄs-AllĂĄ-Del-Muro los Caminantes Blancos empujan a los salvajes que, liderados por Mance Rayder, quieren sobrevivir a la Muerte. La Larga Noche se avecina pero nadie parece notarlo. Todo el mundo estĂĄ pendiente del Choque de Reyes.
Celebra con nosotros nuestro primer mes en línea. 
El CapĂ­tulo I, el Primero de su nombre  ya estĂĄ en marcha pero aĂșn sois bienvenidos a participar, ÂĄno lo dudĂ©is! 
Tenemos aĂșn un montĂłn de personajes canon libres asĂ­ como muchas bĂșsquedas de mano de nuestros usuarios asĂ­ como muchos personajes y regiones en oferta para llenaros los bolsillos con unos cuantos dragones. ÂĄVosotros decidĂ­s!
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un77404 · 7 months ago
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ow wut the fuck- OMG GAY FISH!!!! :DDD
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YOU get hit also and everyone who sees this. get hit by wet trout
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piratewithvigor · 1 year ago
Regal The Professional: Chapter 2
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It isn't professional to smoke indoors, lie or cut another man's dope. Leon The Professional AU but make it found family
Chapter 1
Outside of the horrifically cold winter months, everyone in Blackpool biked everywhere. Biked up the pier, down the pier, home, to town, just about anywhere someone could think of. Every summer, there’d always be a story of so-and-so decided to bike clear to the east coast for a week, camping along the way. The only reason someone may not bike was if they were getting groceries for the week, where they’d need two hands. So they’d walk instead. Biking was the one thing he’d been so certain would follow him across the ocean. How wrong he’d been.
Cars were the big thing here. No matter how near somewhere was, if a car was available, a car was taken. Tony explained as best he could that a bike would simply get stolen, no matter how heavy-duty a lock was put on. Regal shrugged off the fretting as typical Tony anxiety and swore to never shrug off a warning after his fourth-hand shit-cycle was stolen less than seven hours after it was purchased. Regal hadn’t wanted to relent, but his finances simply couldn’t handle buying a new bike every seven hours. It could, however, handle a $10/month subway pass, so subways became his preferred method of transportation.
Frequent, convenient, somewhere that being recognized was and forever would be a rarity. No one questioned a man in a suit with a briefcase on the subway. At the right time of day, there would be another dozen men wearing the same ensemble, just in the same car. It didn’t clear his mind as well as pedaling up a hill might, but it only took a few weeks for the rhythmic clunking and frequent squealing of brakes to be as soothing. If he really needed to think of something besides an upcoming or recently completed job, Regal challenged himself to the ever-popular game of “What’s That Smell?”. On the day he’s sitting in the pretty-much-empty car, wiping Double J’s strangely sticky fake tan off the blade of his knife, he decides the smell is ‘human existence’ and resolves to play a new game.
Between the station he gets off at and the bodega underneath his apartment, he plays another game called “How Many Steps Is It To The Milk Section?”, in which he makes a guess of how many steps it might be to the milk section (285) and then counts, starting from the station exit and finishing right in front of the fridge doors. On the one hand, Regal resents himself a little for playing games like these. He’s a grown man and should just be going about his day as a grown man does; going to work, getting groceries, making himself dinner and then going home. These are the games he could play if he were still a child trying to skip every second plank on the boardwalk or only walking on un-cracked squares in the sidewalk, but not now. On the other hand, games like these are the only kind that keep him from thinking too much about his work when it does him no good to do so, the games hurt no one, and he’s only got 16 steps left to cross a distance probably closer to taking 40, so maybe a longer step here or there won’t make too much of a difference.
The milk section at the bodega (297 steps from the subway station) is right beside the bottled beer section on one side and the canned beer section on the other. Hanging over top of the door that he opens close to every day is a sign that suggests out of the three beverages, pregnant women may only want the one and should refrain from the other two. Pregnant women, children and him. Likely the only three groups of people living in the building who preferred milk to beer. Not that there were an awful lot of pregnant women or children. Regal would be the first to admit he probably counted for most of the milk sales at the bodega. He picks up two quarts and almost labels them 298 and 299 mentally before slipping them into his briefcase. He used to bring them up to the counter, but once the owner figured out exactly what he bought, when and how much it cost, a wordless transaction could be carried out; a five-dollar bill placed in the middle of the counter, two shared nods and the little ringing of the bell above the door.
The door to the actual apartment complex sits right beside the window of the bodega. It doesn’t lock anymore, if it ever did. Regal has a key on the chain he was given that supposedly opens and closes the lock, but it’s gone more unused than the rusted-through cast-iron railings that lead up to it. On the other side of the door is a lobby just big enough to host mailboxes for all 35 apartments in the building and a winding staircase that goes to every floor. 70 years ago, when the building was built, it probably seemed majestic, even luxurious. Now, with it being the only method of getting to the top floor, the value of the building isn’t quite what it was. It used to be a great place to raise a family, as a number of the older ladies will recount if Regal stands in the lobby for too long. Now, there’s really only one left, up on the fifth floor.
There’s about three places that Wheeler Yuta can go that are considered a reasonable place to spend his time when at home: the tiny bedroom that used to be fine before it got a second twin bed added to it, the kitchen which doubles as a living room now that they’ve got a portable tv to sit squarely in the middle of the table, and the hallway of the fifth floor, right outside the apartment. The third is the place Wheeler’s found is the least frequented by the rest of his family. If he’s quiet, no one will notice he’s out there for hours, feet through the old railings and dangling over the five-story drop to the lobby. The smell out there is also bad enough that no one notices if he’s stolen one of his dad’s cigarettes from the pack that leans up against the toaster most mornings (god forbid his old man go the full three-minute toasting time without lighting up).
It’s also the place where he can see the most people. It’s solitary, but also busy. A nice little paradox that keeps Wheeler’s mind occupied outside of school. Most people who come up the stairs live on the first four floors, so he never gets to actually meet them. The only real option is to come up with stories about them and imagine what their lives are like. Every so often, someone passes the landing for the fourth floor and Wheeler’s heart flutters a little. Like this guy in a suit and coat that looks almost too nice for a building like this.
He sets down the cigarette beside his leg and leans back on his palms, hoping that the man will just look past it. Never can be too careful about who might secretly be friends with his dad. The man walks past Wheeler, almost like he’d just keep going without even acknowledging him.
Only when Wheeler pipes up does the man look down. He looks stern, like the guys who come to give presentations about drugs at school. Wheeler can’t tell if he’d be the police officer telling about how he busted someone for dealing drugs or if he’d be the addict who got clean and now makes a living talking about his darkest days. He doesn’t exactly seem like an openly kind man, one way or another.
“Why did you hide that cigarette?” The man asks. Not scolding like Wheeler was bracing himself for, but more like he’s curious. Like he’s never caught a nine year old smoking before. Like he’s never been the nine year old getting caught smoking before.
“The building’s got two kinds of rats; couldn’t tell if you were the kind who’d tell my old man,” Wheeler shrugs, quietly wondering if the polite thing to do would be to put it out. There’s a protocol for smoking around people, but his dad hasn’t exactly been the one to demonstrate it. “Got enough problems.”
The man takes a step closer, definitely curious now. For a moment, Wheeler wonders if he really has never seen a kid smoking before. That’s before he remembers what made him come out to the hallway in the first place. The bruise on his forehead he’d been keeping covered with his hair thus far that had become uncovered when he shifted positions.
“What happened?”
How far back did he want the story? Chuck and Orange met on the other side of the 78, crossed it for some damned reason, had a happy little honeymoon while they followed their dreams, started taking pain pills, started making worse decisions. Then Trent came into the picture and the decisions got worse. Somewhere along the line, Wheeler had gotten roped into their little fairytale against his will. Five years later, Kris was suddenly around and even though she was the best person in the world, she kept getting pushed back to the shadows while their parents tried to work their way backwards through all the bad decisions and made worse ones in the process. Now they live here, maxing out the last credit card on rent, boarding school and the bills for doctors who only advertise in magazines that get stashed under beds.
Or was that too far and he only means what caused the bruise? Simple, Trent’s back was hurting from being hunched over the table last night working, so he took some of the powder medicine and when he did, every missing item was instantly Wheeler’s fault. Ergo, the TV remote biffed at his face from across the table.
“I fell off my bike.”
His answer satisfies the man, who turns and continues down the hall to where Wheeler is pretty sure he’s seen him open a door before.
The man stops and looks at Wheeler, a little less curious than he had been.
“Please don’t tell my dad about the cigarette?”
He won’t. He doesn’t say so, but Wheeler can tell he won’t.
Apartment 5D’s heavy wooden door opens a few feet down the hallway. The door is only heavy because Wheeler’s pretty sure it’s just metal with a wood paneling over it. And not a good metal either; just a heavy one so the overworked hinges creak every time it opens or shuts. It’s the door that indicates that Wheeler should probably toss the cigarette away. A quick crush against the metal edging of the floor and then into the abyss it goes.
There’s three men arguing inside the apartment and another one who slowly strides out in leather shoes probably worth as much as the building itself. They shine brighter than any lightbulb that’s been installed and the cows who made them probably ate better than anyone who lives there could ever afford.
“I don’t know why you’re doing this to us.”
“I don’t–”
“Funny how many people get memory problems these days, Ang. Must be the sun. They say that hole in the ozone, y’know? Can’t be out in the sun as long anymore. Man’s gotta know when to get out of the sun.”
As if Trent actually went out into the sun. The only time he was ever even awake during the day were the days that these men came by. Not often enough for Wheeler to remember their names or for them to actually acknowledge that Wheeler lived there too, but often enough that Wheeler could probably pick them out of a lineup by judging their shoes and pants.
“I don’t know how it happened, I mean, what’s my job? I’m just a holder, you give me the stuff and I hold it.”
The hide and seek game that Trent insisted they play sometimes. He’d give Wheeler and Kris 20 seconds to hide a brick and if Trent couldn’t find where they put it after ten minutes of looking, they got to share a popsicle. If he did find it, they played again. And again. Sometimes for hours until a new spot could be found. Then Trent put his work supplies wherever they had hidden the brick.
“You hold it.”
“I just hold it. I don’t look at it, don’t touch it, I stick it somewhere and forget about it. I don’t even know how to cut it.”
They’re all walking out of the apartment one by one, none of them looking all too happy to be there. Wheeler’s sure he should probably just sneak by and go back into the apartment if he can, but seeing them all argue together like this is so much more fun.
The man with the nice shoes isn’t watching at all. He’s got his back turned to them and something on his head that Wheeler can’t quite make out from this far away. What he can make out is Trent flanked by two other men in leather and purple and enough grease in their hair for a fish fry.
“Try ‘n follow me. At the start of June, we came here and we delivered you a shipment that tested 100% pure, right?” The shorter one starts.
“Now it’s July and we’re only seeing 90 here,” the taller one concludes. “Now Trent, buddy, we know accidents happen, a couple points down here or there, we know that, comes with the business. But somewhere in the last 30 days, we’ve got a whole 10% missing.”
“10% don’t just get up and walk away.”
“It does not, not unless it’s been turned to cut.”
The two of them seem like mean versions of Ernie and Bert, Wheeler decides. Trent’s obviously in trouble with them for doing something wrong with his work. Something missing. Great, something else he’ll blame Wheeler for.
“I mean it, I don’t know what happened. You gave me the stuff, I put the stuff away, it hasn’t been touched since I put it there. It’s not my business to touch it more than that. That’s all I know.”
Well, at least Wheeler’s not getting blamed to these guys.
 Trenty Trent, lemme tell you a story,” Ernie swings an arm over Trent’s shoulder. “You know why they call him-” he gestures with a pointed finger to Bert, “-Cool Hand?”
“No, no, not really. Circulation problem?”
Ernie and Bert both laugh, but it’s not the funny hissing kind like on Sesame Street. Just the kind where the joke isn’t actually funny and they’re not actually laughing.
“No, they call him Cool Hand cause he does this real cool thing where he gives folks a hand.”
“Oh. Well, that makes sense.”
“It’s what I’m tryin’ to do here for you, Trent, buddy. Tryin’ to give you the chance to be honest with us, cause us? We’re reasonable guys. We got into the force to help people, y’know. Can’t help people if they don’t help themselves, but if you’re not gonna help yourself, if you’re gonna be stubborn about this, then we’re gonna have to disturb him.”
Wheeler had almost forgotten that Nice Shoes was there. He’s still facing away from the others, mostly motionless, like he’s thinking of something else. When Wheeler squints a little, he can finally see it: headphones. He’s ignoring them and listening to music. It doesn’t seem very professional, but with shoes like that, he’s probably rich enough that it doesn’t matter.
“You’re not gonna want us to disturb him,” Ernie promises Trent, lowering his voice a little bit. “When he’s into his music, he hates being disturbed.”
“I’m telling you the truth,” Trent insists. It doesn’t seem to make either Ernie or Bert happy.
“I hope so. For your sake,” Bert sighs. “He’s got a talent for sniffing out lies. Like one of those carnies who guess your weight. It’s kinda scary. “You sure you don’t wanna change your tune, make it so I don’t have to interrupt his?”
“I swear it’s the truth.”
Ernie lowers his hand from Trent’s shoulder and shares a look with Bert. Neither of them are all too excited to disturb him for any reason. The only person who is is Wheeler. Nice Shoes has been standing there this whole time, ignoring everyone to listen to his music. It’s all Wheeler usually ever sees him do. Nice Shoes only comes on pickup days, so it’s only the third time he’s ever seen him, but the first where he’s been able to tell what he’s doing. And he’s certainly never seen him disturbed.
Ernie takes a step in his direction and pats Nice Shoes’ shoulder gently.
“Chris? Sorry for disturbin’, he says he didn’t do it. He wasn’t the one who cut the dope.”
Wheeler can’t really place the tone. He doesn’t sound surprised. Just
 disappointed? Like he expected better from Trent? Like he’d been counting on Trent to win the big game and Trent twisted his ankle on the way to the field?
Bert may have called him Chris, but Chris sounded like a person’s name. The look in his eyes and the way he slinks his way up to Trent makes him feel like anything else. So Wheeler decides he’ll stay Nice Shoes. Nice Shoes seems like the type of individual who would circle a man like a snake, going tighter in, sniffing as he goes like he’s a snake and is trying to figure out if Trent is worth eating or worth keeping alive. Even when he gently hugs Trent, Wheeler feels sick in the lowest pit of his stomach.
“No, of course he didn’t. Just
 do me a favor,” Nice Shoes murmurs, leaning his forehead against Trent. “Find out who did by tomorrow, okay? Noon.”
He lets go of Trent and starts making his way to the stairs and, coincidentally, towards Wheeler. Calmly. His nice shoes clicking on the old linoleum. They almost make the linoleum sound nice too. Ernie and Bert follow after him, just a step or two behind. Trent’s frozen in place until they reach the old carpet that doesn’t serve much purpose besides keeping the stairs from getting slick in the winter. It’s as though the clicking held him in place and when it subsides, he’s able to rush to the staircase railing with the last of the confidence he ever had.
“Jericho, I didn’t cut your shit. I didn’t
 so you can find out yourself!”
None of the men acknowledge him. They’ve dealt with enough tough guys that they can tell false bravado when they hear it. The desperation to still be seen as someone with any kind of power.
Unfortunately, as one of Wheeler’s legal parents, it means the last of his power is over him.
“What the hell are you doing out here anyway? Get inside and do your homework.”
Showed how much he’d been paying attention. Wheeler hadn’t brought home any homework in two weeks now.
“I finished it already.”
“Oh yeah?” Wheeler tries to move, but the slap still connects with his cheek hard enough to echo. “Well you can get inside and help your sister clean up! And quit smoking!”
From the peephole in his apartment at the end of the hall, Regal can see the boy scrambling from his sitting place to the apartment where the family lives. They’ve been neighbors ever since he moved in, but they haven’t seemed like the neighborly type thus far. Only the boy’s ever said a word to him. Regal doesn’t exactly mind it this way, it helps him keep a low profile if fewer people know him. But every so often, he does get the quiet urge to chastise this man for being stupid. Putting his family in danger for a measly 10%? He didn’t get a chance to actually see the shipment from the peephole, but it must be enough to be worth throwing a fuss.
There’s nothing else he can do for the boy once the apartment door is closed. Though he probably wouldn’t have done much when it was open either. Gun to his head, he can’t explain why he watched the whole scene unfold. He’s not in the business of calling cops (though from the looks of those men, he wouldn’t have done much good doing so anyway) and busting down his own door, guns blazing, wasn’t any more of an option. He’s certainly no caretaker. The only thing he’s ever watched over is the ficus on the windowsill.
Regal slides the peephole cover down and pulls off his coat. One of the few things he brought over from Blackpool and hasn’t thrown out yet. It holds up against New York winters without being too warm over the summer and gives him more than enough mobility to wear the grenade belt and two holsters undetected. Or perhaps detected and no one cares to ask why he’s wearing enough grenades to take down a building at the yank of a single pin. It is New York, after all; people mind their business likely more than they should.
The harness balances the weight across his back pretty well, but disrobing from everything is still a welcome relief. The same gentle relief of an addict giving into a vice. Where his body is no longer aching when he had never realized it had been in the first place. The shower (as lukewarm and low-pressured as it is) feels even nicer.
They’d promised noon, but Regal would have had to have been born yesterday to believe they’ll keep a strict schedule. The more than man shitily lied, the more Regal could count on him having been enough of an idiot to actually cut the dope. A full ten percent, what had he been thinking? How could he have believed it would go unnoticed? Just blindly written away as a testing error? He’s probably even stupid enough to keep his family in the same spot and not get them to a safehouse before noon and take his punishment like a man. Hopefully not enough of an idiot to not have some kind of gun in the house, but certainly enough to try and use it come noon.
Regal’s quietly grateful that the easy chair in the living room is cozy enough to sleep in as he settles down with his own 9mm on the side table. The nitwit next door may not be ready, but Regal will be damned if he makes the same mistake.
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claudehenrion · 1 year ago
A faux problÚmes... mauvaises réponses !
L'actualitĂ© va trop vite, on en perd le sens du temps ! Et pourtant, un courageux ministre de la soi-disant Ă©ducation qui n'a vraiment plus rien de nationale souhaite enfin, en paroles, la peau –si j'ose dire-- de la nouvelle cĂ©lĂ©britĂ© pour les mĂ©dias ''main stream'' : l'abaya. MalgrĂ© son insupportable maniĂšre de parler avec de continuels petits sauts de la tĂȘte et du buste, il l'a, pour singer une expression populaire, ''abaya'' pour l'hiver. Ah ! Mais c'est qu'il n'a peur de rien, notre jeune chouchou prĂ©sidentiel... ce qui, il faut bien le dire, fait de lui une exception : pour un peu, on serait d'accord avec les dire et les faire d'un ministre macronien, ce qui serait une grande premiĂšre !
Certains se sont mĂȘme demandĂ© si ce ne serait pas qu'une trouvaille des communicants de l'ElysĂ©e : grĂące Ă  l'abaya, on a arrĂȘtĂ© de parler, pendant presque deux semaines, des vrais problĂšmes qui se posent au pays. Ils cherchaient porte de sortie... ça a Ă©tĂ© l'abaya : on ne parle que de ça depuis que la derniĂšre tentative du PrĂ©sident de ''faire le buzz'' (sic !) en rĂ©unissant tous les partis politiques dans une zone de ''non-droit'' (NDLR : on se demande Ă  quoi peut bien servir une AssemblĂ©e nationale'', dans cette rĂ©publique bananiĂšre !).
Car imaginez-vous que, une fois n'est pas coutume, tout le monde est d’accord : toutes tendances politiques confondues, 81% des Français (mĂȘme un peu chez les Verts et –encore un peu moins-- chez LFI) sont pour l'interdiction de ce phĂ©nomĂšne ultra-minoritaire : Ă  cette ''rentrĂ©e'', 298 Ă©lĂšves se sont prĂ©sentĂ©es en abaya et 67 ont refusĂ© de l’enlever, soit 0,001% des collĂ©giens/lycĂ©ens de France. Et pourtant, aujourd’hui encore Google Actu recensait 96 000 articles sur l’abaya
 soit 5 fois plus que d’articles consacrĂ©s au "niveau scolaire français", a calculĂ© l'excellent site ''TTSO''. Moralité : Semez des ''clashes'' artificiels et vous aurez un vrai bordel.
Une chose me frappe, ces temps derniers –qui, pourtant, ne donnent pas facilement envie de se marrer Ă  propos de... quoi que ce soit. Mais comme c'est Ă  propos de Gaza et de la guerre du Hamas et bientĂŽt du Hezbollah contre l'Etat d'IsraĂ«l (et vice versa), je vais commencer par plaider innocent : ''C'est pas moi qu' a Ă©crit ça, M'sieu l'Agent, c'est l'autre''. C'est que nous nous trouvons devant un conflit encore plus ''fabriquĂ©'' que celui de l'Ukraine (NDLR - 
 qui, soit dit en passant, suit presque au mot prĂšs ce qui avait Ă©tĂ© annoncĂ© ici depuis son origine, ce qui n'est une bonne nouvelle que pour ma capacitĂ© Ă  ''Comprendre demain'' : dans cette triste histoire, la morale ne pouvait que perdre sur tous les tableaux, quel que soit le vainqueur, entre celui qui devait objectivement gagner, ou celui que les honnĂȘtes gens croyaient prĂ©fĂ©rer --aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© ''remontĂ©s'' pour ça avec un soin tout particulier, et dĂ©sinformĂ©s sans pudeur !).
Mais revenons Ă  l'autre sujet du jour : Gaza. Chacun des 2 ou 3 belligĂ©rants, plus leurs commanditaires plus ou moins dĂ©clarĂ©s, n'a qu'une seule idĂ©e en tĂȘte : Ă©liminer l'autre Ă  tout jamais. Moyennant quoi, tous les idiots utiles prĂ©sents dans toutes les capitales dĂ©filent en rangs plus ou moins serrĂ©s pour exiger ''la Paix'', dĂ©guisĂ©e en ''Salam'', ici, et en ''Shalom'', là : c'est la mĂȘme chose que nos ''Salut, salud, salve'', comme si le phĂ©nomĂšne ''Paix'' Ă©tait un truc qui se dĂ©cide ou se gagne en dĂ©filant dans les rues derriĂšre des banderoles sans la moindre signification, et comme si il ne fallait pas ĂȘtre deux (au moins !) pour faire un petit pas dans cette direction. Mon Dieu, qu'ils sont cons ! (Excusez-moi, mon Dieu, c'est plus fort que moi !).
Et en plus, tous nos hommes politiques (qui ne sont le plus souvent ni l'un, ni l'autre, mais qui refusent de s'en rendre compte) passent leur temps Ă  se gargariser avec le syndrome gauchiste du ''Pas d'amalgame'' : en France, depuis le stupide Cazeneuve, il est interdit de constater que le Hamas et le Hezbollah ne sont rien d'autre que des terroristes fous furieux aux mains sanglantes, sans ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'ajouter, totalement hors sujet : ''mais tous les gazaouis ne sont pas pour le Hamas''. C'est un peu comme si, Ă  chaque fois qu'on dit ''il pleut'', il fallait se ruer pour ajouter, Ă  temps et surtout Ă  contre-temps : ''mais il y a des jours oĂč il ne pleut pas !''. C'est ridicule, et cela ne correspond Ă  aucune analyse sĂ©rieuse. Depuis le 8 ou le 9 octobre, en ai-je entendu, sur nos chaĂźnes complaisantes, des gazaouis victimes --ou parents de victimes-- des catastrophes collatĂ©rales causĂ©es par le rouleau compresseur israĂ©lien.
J'ai dĂ» tomber Ă  chaque fois sur les plus mauvais, car jamais je n'ai entendu un seul de ces pauvres gens bien Ă  plaindre, dire ''le Hamas nous a pris en otages, et c'est pour ça que nous souffrons tant de la part d'IsraĂ«l'' ! Bien au contraire, je n'ai entendu que ''ma mĂšre (mon pĂšre, mon frĂšre, ma fille, mon ami, mon voisin...) a Ă©tĂ© assassinĂ©(e) par les juifs et est mort(e) en martyr pour la cause palestinienne''. C'est Ă  croire que la langue arabe s'est rĂ©trĂ©cie aux seuls mots ''shahid, yahoud, philistini''... (= martyr, juif, palestiniens), les derniers citĂ©s persistant Ă  ne penser qu'Ă  jeter les seconds Ă  la mer grĂące aux premiers. Et nos crĂ©tins diplĂŽmĂ©s continuent Ă  voir dans une partition entre frĂšres plus ennemis que frĂšres l'ombre d'une solution possible ! Il faut ĂȘtre Biden, pour croire ça... Ou Macron, hĂ©las ! Pourquoi ne pas admettre que certains conflits ne s'arrĂȘtent que par attrition, par la disparition d'un des antagonistes– ou les deux parfois, ou par l'usure des siĂšcles...
On connaĂźt tous le lieu commun le plus Ă©culĂ© des 30 derniĂšres annĂ©es : ''le Hamas ne reprĂ©sente pas l'ensemble du peuple palestinien'', pendant plus ou moins parallĂšle du ''tous les musulmans ne sont pas radicaux''. Anthony Blinken, le SecrĂ©taire d'Etat US (= ministre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres) a mĂȘme Ă©tĂ© jusqu'Ă  renouveler Ă  Abbas, ''le soutien permanent des États-Unis au peuple palestinien'', puisque ''les terroristes du Hamas ne reprĂ©sentent ni les Palestiniens, ni leurs aspirations lĂ©gitimes Ă  l'autodĂ©termination et Ă  un rĂ©gime de dignitĂ©, de libertĂ©, de sĂ©curitĂ© et de justice''. (NDLR : qu'est-ce qu'il ne faut pas entendre ! Dans le genre ''N'importe quoi'', on fait difficilement mieux !). Mais comment font-ils pour ne pas voir toutes les manifestations et rassemblements de masse en faveur du Hamas, aprĂšs le carnage du 7 octobre (et mĂȘme avant !) et liĂ©s directement aux atrocitĂ©s commises ?
Le mois dernier, un sondage a confirmé que, en cas de nouvelles élections présidentielles, le chef du Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, serait élu avec 58 % des voix (37 % pour Mahmoud Abbas, ''terroriste modéré''). C'est le pourcentage des Palestiniens qui soutiennent la ''lutte armée'' (= le terrorisme, NDLR) contre Israël. En juin dernier, un autre sondage révélait que pour 66 % des palestiniens, Israël ne célébrera pas son 100eme anniversaire et que le peuple palestinien sera en mesure de ''récupérer la Palestine dans le futur'' (c'est-à-dire de détruire Israël). D'ailleurs, 71 % des Palestiniens sont pour des groupes armés pour assassiner des Israéliens). En d'autres termes, entre un sur deux et trois sur quatre des Palestiniens partagent la finalité officielle du Hamas : éliminer Israël, comme il est écrit dans la charte de 1988 de ce groupe terroriste.
Il n'empĂȘche que lundi dernier (le 6), Mathieu Bock-CĂŽtĂ© ayant prononcĂ© le truisme auto-nettoyant ''les palestiniens ne sont pas tous des etc...'', Christine Kelly l'a interrompu sĂšchement : ''la grande majorité ! ''. D'oĂč invente-t-elle les contre-vĂ©ritĂ©s dont elle nous fait le cadeau empoisonnĂ© ? Je suis preneur de toute source qui ne soit pas ''complotiste'' –ce qui veut dire : conforme Ă  la doxa officielle... C'est dans un tel dĂ©ni-par-systĂšme que l'actuelle majoritĂ©-non-majoritaire cherche Ă  nous refiler cet autre cadeau empoisonnĂ© qu'est sa loi pour ne pas rĂ©soudre les vrais problĂšmes que pose au monde entier (et Ă  nous au tout premier chef) une immigration totalement incontrĂŽlable... puisque incontrĂŽlĂ©e. Si nous fermons les yeux assez longtemps... le problĂšme finira bien par disparaĂźtre, tant en IsraĂ«l et en Palestine qu'en France... Gaza ? L'Ukraine ? L'inflation ? Nos fins de mois ? Restons sĂ©rieux, voyons ! Ce qui est important, c'est l'abaya, le tchador ou le khamis... Et nous... continuons Ă  foncer ''Ă  tombeau ouvert'' (c'est le cas de le dire) vers des lendemains sans futur...
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jepsolell · 2 years ago
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✹ Broches transformados en pasador que nos hacen revivir la historia. - ÂĄHoy hemos inaugurado exposiciĂłn! Algunos de vosotros ya os habĂ©is pasado por aquĂ­ y os habĂ©is fijado sobretodo, en el aumento de nĂșmero de vitrinas que ha tenido joyerĂ­a: mĂĄs de 350 joyas, entre antiguas, modernas y certificadas iluminan nuestra sala de DiputaciĂł 278. Entre la joyerĂ­a anterior a 1950 destaca este broche con diamantes en diversas tallas, del cual algunas de sus partes, estan montadas con efecto "tembladera". Inventado en el siglo XIX, este efecto hace que partes de una pieza de joyerĂ­a vibren con el mĂĄs mĂ­nimo movimiento. ÂżComo? mediante enganches soportados por pequeños y delicados muelles. ÂżImaginĂĄis llevarlo pasado como cierre de moño en un baile en la Ăłpera? Estrella de la fiesta asegurada. Le acompaña una importante sortija con un rubĂ­ central de 2,46 cts origen Mozambique, sin tratar y certificado por la AIG. - 📌Si quieres saber mĂĄs sobre estas dos piezas consulta las referencias 251 y 298 respectivamente. (en Subarna) https://www.instagram.com/p/ConGoPmonjj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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J13â–Ș Witzenhausen - Bad Sooden-Allendorf
27,4 km [280,1]▫+1 040 m [+5 690]▫23 °C
Witzenhausen est la capitale, au moins rĂ©gionale, des cerises (Kirsche). La preuve, ils Ă©lisent chaque annĂ©e depuis 1967 la Kirschenkönigin (ce qui a quand mĂȘme plus de panache que l’élection de la reine des Quetsches chez nous en Lorraine). Dans la salle du petit dĂ©jeuner, il y avait les photos de toutes les Königinnen de 1967 Ă  2003, avec leur robe rouge
 cerise et leur toute petite couronne. À 20 jours prĂšs, on Ă©tait en pleines festivitĂ©s !
Et donc, aprĂšs avoir connu le plaisir suave d’enfiler des chaussettes pas tout Ă  fait sĂšches pour les placer dans des chaussures encore franchement mouillĂ©es, les premiers kilomĂštres nous conduisent Ă  travers les fameuses cerisaies (Ă  l’époque de la floraison, le spectacle doit ĂȘtre magnifique dans la vallĂ©e). Les derniĂšres cerises font le dĂ©lice des oiseaux et les trĂšs vieux cerisiers celui des pics Ă©peiches. Deux vigoureux liĂšvres folĂątrent sur le chemin. Puis les choses sĂ©rieuses commencent avec comme Ă©chauffement le Sulzberg (298 m), puis le Schnellerskopf (412 m) et enfin le Rosskopf (482 m) avant de redescendre dans la vallĂ©e de la Werra. Au fil des ascensions, le ciel passe progressivement de gris menaçant Ă  gris trouĂ© de bleu pour terminer franchement bleu. Quel bonheur aprĂšs ces jours de grisaille ! Et une terrasse ombragĂ©e et zwei große Bier bien mĂ©ritĂ©e nous attendaient sur la place du village aprĂšs cette longue et physique Ă©tape. La cerise sur le gĂąteau !
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