#uh oh did someone say dad number 5?????
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Pt: 4 <-- --> Pt: 1
Summary: Leo is begining to grow increasingly suspicous of Raph's whereabouts every Friday night, so unknown to his red clad brother, he it's high time they met Raphs secret friend...
Warnings: swearing.
Requested: N/A
GN Reader!
You clicked absentmindly through the job descriptions on your laptop screen. Clicking on one of the many, 'help wanted' posts on the site, you read through the description, before sending in an application.
This is what you had been doing almost all day, scrolling and scrolling, hoping someone would reach out to schedual an interview.
After your dad had shown up at your previous job, you blocked him everywhere you knew you could, and even changed you phone number, being sure to let Raph know so he could still contact you whenever.
The two of you had grown pretty close since the day he came to your aid, messaging and chatting with eachother often.
He still visited you on the rooftop every Friday night, only now the two of you could talk face to face. It was a nice change.
You phone screen lit up, letting know you had received a message. An unknown number. Your heart dropped.
Was it your dad? Impossible. You had done everything you could to cut him from your life, there was no way in hell he found a way to contact you. It could just be a wrong number situation...
You opened the message with shaky hands, and what you read only made you even more uneasy,
Unknown: "Come to the roof."
What the fuck...?
You closed the message, and called Raph, there was no way in hell you were going up there alone.
"Dude, you are not gonna believe this-"
You told him about the unknown number and the demand to meet whomever they were on the roof, and you heard him groan on the other end.
"Those idiots, I knew they were up to somethin'. Listen, don't go up there quite yet, I'll meet ya on yer fire-escape. Wait for me, ok?"
"Ok, Red. Whatever you say."
The call ended, and you let out a deep breath. Now just the waiting game...
<Raph's POV>
Where was everybody?
Sensei was meditating, but the other three were nowhere to found. Which was weird. The Lair was way too quiet, and I debated calling Leo, untill my phone rang.
(Name) was calling.
I picked up the phone, "Hello?"
"Dude, you are not going to believe this. Some random number just texted me, telling me to go to the roof."
I was silent for a moment, before my brain put two and two together. Those fuckin' idiots.
"Those idiots, I knew they were up to somethin'. Listen, don't go up there quite yet, I'll meet ya on yer fire-escape. Wait for me, ok?"
"Ok, Red. Whatever you say."
I ended the call, and sighed in frustration. These nosy assholes just couldn't mind their buisness. Probably Leo's idea.
But how in the hell did they find out where (Name) lives? Donnie.
"Shit.." I mutter.
That's why Leo went to Donnie last week. He wanted to know where I've been goin'.
After around 15 minutes, I land on (Name)'s fire-escape, then send 'em a quick text to let 'em know I'm here. They open the window, sending a smile my way.
"I take it you know who's on the roof?" They said, following me up the fire-escape.
I sigh, "Yeah. It's my nosy brothers." I reply, now standing on the hard concrete, "Who can't seem TO MIND THEIR OWN BUISNESS!" I shout, making Mikey fall from his hiding place.
"Ouch! Oh- uh, hey- heeyyy, R-Raph! Wassup bro..?"
<Your POV>
You watch in surprise as Raphs younger brother falls from his place on the water tower.
The orange masked terrapin, whom you guessed was Mikey, looked guiltily at his brother, a nervous smile on his face.
Raph scowled, "I can see you, Leo."
Two more turtles landed next to Mikey, albeit on their feet instead. The purple one, Donnie, and 'Fearless', as Raph called him, whom you knew was Leo.
Raph stomped over to his older brother, leaving you to stand awkwardly next to the fire-escape.
"Who do you think you are, huh? Trackin' my friend? What was your thought process there, Leo? Because not only, not only did you invade my privacy, but also theirs. They got enough goin' on without you stalkin' 'em!" Raph roughly shoved his brother backwards, and Leo scowled.
"Well maybe if you learned to communicate, I wouldn't have had to." Leo shoved past Raph, walking over to you, and you felt yourself get nervous.
Leo held an air about him. A calm and respectful one. But one that made you nervous, the way he was looking down at you reminded you a little too much of your dad.
Now don't get me wrong, you knew from Raph that Leo was nothing like your old man. He was serious, but still able to let that go and just be. Something your father could never do. But you couldn't help but connect his gaze to the one your father used whenever you were in trouble.
"Hi..." You said, waving awkwardly, "Uh- you must be Leo..."
Leo nodded, still observing you, "And you must be Raphs friend."
You nodded, smiling nervously, "Uh, yeah, I'm (Name)."
Before Leo could say another word, he was shoved to the side by a very exstatic Mikey, "Wassup, dude/tte? Name's Michelangelo!" He then turned to look at Donnie, "I cannot believe Raph was the first one of us to score a lover."
You felt your cheeks go red, "Oh, no! We're not-"
Raph cleared his throat, "Yeah, uh. We're just friends, Mikey."
You nodded, "Yeah, j-just friends."
Mikey moved his gaze between you and Raph. Once. Twice. Three times.
"Alrighty then. Well, this is Donnie!" He said, introducing his purple clad brother, "And you obviously know Raph."
Raph scoffed, "Obviously. Not like I come to see 'em every Friday night. Matter of fact, I have never met this person in my life."
That caused you to let out a laugh, and Raph mouth twitched up into a smile as the sound pulled from your lips.
Leo moved forward once more, hand out stretched for you to shake, "I apologise for the tracking and stuff. Probably a bit over-kill, I was just worried for my family."
You shook his hand and shook your head, "Nah, I get it. Your brother sneaking out every Friday to meet some stranger you don't know? I'd be worried too. Although, yeah the tracking was kinda over-kill.."
Leo nodded, looking sheepish, but he definitly wasn't as intimidating as before.
You cleared your throat, "So, you guys wanna come in?" you asked, motioning towards the fire-escape, "I can order some pizza."
"Hell yeah, Angelcakes!"
"I wouldn't mind some pizza."
"That would be very kind of you, Mx. (Surname)."
You held up a hand in Donnie's direction, "Oh no, none of that Mx. (Surname) shit. Makes me sound ancient."
With that, you lead the four brothers down into your apartment. Mentally preparing yourself for how crazy fucked up your life was about to be.
I am so so sorry for the for the long wait, I swear I'm working on this series-
@princessmads1820 @leleouwu @dilucsflame33 @pheradream15 @lazyafgurl @allybutton @muamazon4 @push-lennon-off-stage @turtle-babe83 @i-just-like-to-read @lieutenantlashfaz @m1dnyt3-w0lf @bo0tyshak3r9000 @lovelyladylavie @gremlid-the-second @caramelcandykk @phd-in-fuckery @ellie-crow @maladaptiveromantic
Goodness gracious there are so many people to tag now-
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melefim · 1 month
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Shit
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Shit was said a total of 48 times, in all 8 episodes and by 8 different characters.
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Uses Per Episode:
Shit is said in all 8 episodes of the show, one of only 4 words to do so.
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Episode 1: 4
Episode 2: 9
Episode 3: 7
Episode 4: 2
Episode 5: 9
Episode 6: 4
Episode 7: 7
Episode 8: 6
Uses Per Character:
Shit is said by 8 different characters.
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Charles: 5
Crystal: 32
Jenny: 5
Esther: 1
The Cat King: 1
Kingham: 1
Hunter: 1
Twitchy Richie: 2
Percent of Total:
Shit is used 48 times, which is 14.9% of cursing in the show.
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There are 6 variations of the word used in the show, with the most popular being Shit, which was used 20 times.
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Shit: 20
Holy Shit: 12
Bullshit: 11
Shits: 2
Shitty: 2
BS: 1
Total Uses: Shit comes in third for total uses, being said 48 times.
Number of Episodes: Shit is one of only four curse words that is said in all 8 episodes- the others are Fuck, Ass, and God.
Most Uses of a Word in a Single Episide: Shit holds 2 of the top 11 spots
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Total Characters: Shit’s 8 characters puts it in 3rd place.
Favorite Word: Shit is one of Crystal’s favorite words, tied with God at 32 uses each. It is also Twitchy Richie’s favorite- he says it twice.
Shit is the only curse word Kingham says that Litty does not.
Curse Word Variations: It is tied in 2nd place with Hell for most variations, with 6 each.
Episode 1:
Crystal: Holy shit, did you take some of my memories? I don't have some screwed-up amnesia, you took them.
Jenny: Maybe you catch someone on a good day and they care about you for like a minute, and then they go right back to caring about all their own bullshit.
Crystal: Holy shit. (Edwin tells her about girl turned into small piece of plastic)
Charles: Look Edwin, you're the smart one, and I'm the one who does shit like this.
Episode 2:
Crystal: Ok, props for the like, Herculean-level effort, but vandalizing my shit isn't getting us anywhere.
Jenny: Whatever angsty, John Hughes-level bullshit that's going on in here, just do it more quietly.
Crystal: Oh, shit. Sorry. (Almost runs into Niko)
Crystal: Oh my god, holy shit! (Niko collapses)
Crystal: Oh my God! Holy shit, how does today keep getting more disgusting? (Looks at Paranormal Parasitics book)
Crystal: Oh, shit, uh... (Sees sprite-controlled Niko in butcher shop)
Jenny: Just cut the weird shit. Or I'll like evict you
Kingham: For real, it smells like dog shit in there.
Crystal: Niko? Holy shit, your hair!
Episode 3:
Crystal: Holy shit, who knew this town was such a Mecca for troubled ghosts?
Crystal: So ok, if we figure out what sent that piece of shit dad over the edge, we can what? free the family?
Crystal: And if I have to hear that goddamn song one more time, I am gonna lose my shit.
Crystal: Oh shit, yes. (They haven't found a radio)
Crystal: I am done wasting my energy on your fuck-boy bullshit.
Crystal: Holy shit, we actually did.
Esther: Quit loitering you little shits.
Episode 4:
Crystal: Sorry, I've just been dealing with some shitty stuff with my ex.
Charles: I sure as hell couldn't stop my dad from beating the shit out of me.
Episode 5:
Crystal: Holy shit! (Waking up from nightmare)
Hunter: Cops say it was alcohol poisoning at this party, but that's BS.
Twitchy Richie: They were dicks who treated people like shit.
Twitchy Ritchie: She got aggressive, making threats and shit.
Crystal: You walk around acting like the sun always shines, and then you lost your shit while beating the Night Nurse. Edwin and I are walking on eggshells around you instead of just saying 'what the actual fuck?'
Charles: I've got some heavy shit that I need to sort out. I get it. Just… God, I really wanted them to be good guys
Crystal: It's a really shitty thing to have in common.
Crystal: Hey Jenny? Hey, what's with the fl- Holy shit.
Charles: You tossers really hurt some people. You were cruel just for the shits.
Episode 6:
Crystal: So no, I didn't read the stupid tree! … Shit.
Crystal: OK, enough uh, emotional bullshit.
The Cat King: Oh God, the handsome face, the little kiss, bullshit astrology.
Jenny: Stop that bullshit right now.
Episode 7:
Crystal: Holy shit, you're still alive?
Crystal: What kind of bullshit is that?
Crystal: Fucking bullshit, like I can't help.
Charles: Bullshit. When did you go to school here for reals?
Crystal: Holy shit, Jenny. You shouldn't be here!
Crystal: Just cut this shit!
Crystal: Oh, bullshit. A good detective does what he has to in order to close the case.
Episode 8:
Crystal: Am I ever wrong about this shit?
Crystal: My parents won't say shit, they don't even--
Crystal: Yeah, well blame my parents. Holy shit!
Jenny: Fuck that! That is bullshit!
Crystal: Shit (digging Niko out of rubble)
Crystal: She probably put a, like, kill-you-instantly spell or some witchy shit on the door.
Jenny almost says it one more time in episode 5- it looks and sounds to me like she was going to say ‘bullshit’ at the end of her “I will take my wine and murder documentaries over this bu-“ but was interrupted by Maxine.
In episode 8, Esther has the line: Oh, shoot. Or as the French say, merde.
‘Merde’ is French for ‘shit’
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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all-seems-no-well · 26 days
"Testing...Hello? Can you hear me?..."
-Hello. AHEM... Regarding the past events of "Kalloway Kindergarten" , We have decided to hear from the victims 20 years later to get a better insight on what really happened. The following paragraphs will be from our latest interviews with each, separate person. - These will be repeated from what our subjects had said to the interviewers. - Sadly, some people hadn't come to the interview. So please bear with us on this unfortunate mishap. Thank you for listening, Thank you for your patience, and thank you for coming.
-Subject no. 1 (???)
"Subject number one was unable to make it today.
-Subject no. 2 (Lilith (Lily) Prescott.)
"Slow and painful it was. At least, that's how it felt for me. But I can't imagine the more brutal things my brother had to go through. He was missing for a while, and...Nobody knew where he went. Until that very day, I and...someone else, had found him...... Under the school. The principal was doing experiments on him. It was all so... horrific. Too horrific for a child to see... If I could go back in time and give my younger self a hug, I wouldn't think twice. As for my brother, I would've done the same, even at the time. I wish In that moment I could've told him how much I loved him, how much he meant to me... But now I can't..."
-Subject no. 3 (???)
"Subject number three was unable to make it today."
-Subject no. 4 (Jerome Kennedy.)
"Hearing about the awful stuff my dad did after he died, broke me as a kid. If I had known what he was doing before, I would've told someone before it got so bad... Sometimes I still blame myself for everything that happened. I know I shouldn't, but he was MY dad. I can't get over it."
-Subject no. 5 (Buggs V. Mallory.)
"Shit sucked. Those other kids were awful to me. And yeahhh, I may or may not have been awful to them back. But YOU would be a dick too if YOU were constantly bullied! Oh, right...that... Well, I wasn't really a part of the whole thing. All I know is one day our principal died, and then another day our other principal died. A lot of principals died that week, man. So uh. I don't know.
-Subject no. 6 (Cynthia (Cindy) Louelle.)
"Okay, well. Kindergarten was kinda blehh... y'know? I met some decent people there, I guess. But I also met the most rudest girl in the world! Ugh... But yeah, like, I didn't really care about the whole "principal experimenting on us" jig. It was kinda just stupid... and annoying.... And I honestly don't even recall half of the teachers there, sooo...."
-Subject no. 7 (Monty Hyde.)
"I lost a lot at that damn school. I mean seriously, they didn't think to fire the janitor after day two?! I lost my legs because of him! And now I've just been stuck with these unflattering girl legs. But y'know what? Kindergarten was pretty fun at times. Cause' I was a little shit, and all the teachers knew it. I was even smarter than the science teacher, which says a lot about how smart I am now as an adult! ....are you recording this? Yeah? Good. YOU HEAR THAT DR. DANNER?! I'M BETTER NOW. IM A SUCCESSFUL MILLIONAIRE, AND WHERE ARE YOU? PROBABLY IN A RETIREMENT HOME...... Uh- Thank you for having me here..."
-Subject no. 8 (Felix K. Huxley.)
"I say... Kindergarten was certainly quite the experience. Younger me would've said it was horrible, but now that I've matured I see just how dramatic I was being. Though, there were some things I did that....I'm not quite proud of.... But! That aside, the experience looking back at it was quite swell. If not for that place, I wouldn't have met my lovely Cynthia...or what's his face- uh- Monty!... He's helped me a lot with my business, and I tip my metaphorical and imaginary hat to him."
-Subject no 9. (Theodore (Ted) K. Huxley)
"I believe they should've had much better funding, and staff. Because that place was just...awful. The teachers obviously despised their jobs, and the bathrooms... Oh the bathrooms were foul...! And even thinking about Kindergarten brings back horrible memories of what my brothe- actually nevermind... But anyway, thinking about the pain and suffering those poor students before me must've gone through...it makes me sick to my stomach. They could've done so much better for the students and the school itself."
-Subject no. 10 (???)
"Subject number ten was unable to make it today."
-Subject no. 11 (???)
"Subject number eleven was also unable to make it today."
-Subject no. 12 (Ozzy Harrison.)
"I don't have any good memories of that place. Not one. I'm sorry, but I don't even wanna talk about it anymore..."
-Subject no. 13 (Madison Bonneau.)
"It was like one second I was at recess, and then another I was in some sci-fi looking lab! But me and my friends got saved by some randos, so all was well after that I think! But in all seriousness, that mean lady got what she deserved. I'm glad nobody has to put up with her ever again... oh, oh! And also there was a girl there when it happened...and her head freakin' exploded!! I couldn't sleep for days because of the sight!"
-Subject no. 14 (Alison (Alice) M. Claire.)
"I heard Madi from the other room... I am incredibly sorry about her... excitement? She's never been interviewed before, and quite frankly, neither have i- o-oh, yes...my apologies... The whole situation had really put a negative toll on my well-being. I was scared to go back to school, I had a hard time trusting people, and I was overall terrified of everyone and everything around me. It felt like a bunch of eyes had been laid upon my person, and hands were out to hurt me at any moment. I and my friends were kidnapped by the other school's principal, and to say it was traumatizing would be an understatement..."
-Subject no. 15 (Ronaldo (Ron) Duncan.)
"hey do you have any cheese? No? Okay.. Well anyway. What I remember is like.. kinda crazy. So bear with me. I was just on the playground, swinging on the swings, okay? And then suddenly IM KNOCKED OUT, LIKE BLAM! And then, I woke up in some bunker with a bunch of sciencey stuff in it. And I'm like floating around in this giant tube thingy, right? And then these kids come into the bunker and they're like "well save you!!" And then the evil principle lady turns me into a monster and I'm all like "blehghh" and my friends are also like "blehghh." BUT THEN the principal lady also turns into a giant, ugly monster!! And then the kids kill her like superheroes. True story."
-Subject no 16 and 18 (???)
"These two subjects were unable to come in today due to their own plans together."
-Subject no. 17 (Austin Scarrow)
"I don't actually CARE about the stuff that happened in kindergarten! That stuff was a long time ago, and it doesn't matter to me anymore..."
"By listening to our subject's stories, We hope you know how much this means to them, finally being able to speak up about their own experiences from the tragedy. These people are powerful, and strong, and we wish nothing but the best for them."
"...Jesus...these kids are gonna make me a killing. I've got to get in contact with those other subjects... If I don't, this whole jig is gonna go out of business..."
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redflagshipwriter · 7 months
Reassembly 5
(What the frick is the bat guy about???)
They did serious damage to Lexy’s credit card in the form of a cast iron pan, a pot, basic cooking utensils and a four-person set of dishware before they even made it to the grocery store.
Peter tried not to go nuts there. He really did. But Kon had that empty kitchen! And to be honest, shopping was major wish fulfillment. Even though he knew he wouldn’t be eating all of the food he got way into it. They stocked up on easy freezer food like pizza rolls and fries. They got pasta mixes and jarred sauces and they got snacks and sweets. He even got Kon baking basics. It might take Kon a while to get into his fresh bread era, but it was going to happen. Peter was calling it now. Kon was just that kind of guy.
The last thing he got was meat. Meat and cheese and fresh vegetables. Peter ended up putting back half of what he initially put in the cart because, honestly, Kon didn’t have a massive super appetite and he didn’t know how to cook yet. Vegetables were just going to go bad, so he only got what he planned to use that night. He also stocked Kon up on breakfast supplies- bread and jam, eggs, sausage, coffee and tea and juice.
‘I wish I was staying with Kon to eat this. I’m going to be hungry again tomorrow.’
Peter pushed down that greedy little thought where it belonged. He was going to be eating lunch and dinner with Kon tonight, since they were cooking together. That was already really generous on Kon’s part. He couldn’t ask for more.
The boys ended up making spaghetti. Peter wasn’t the best cook in the world, but he could cut onion and garlic to cook meat in, shred in carrots and zucchini, and add a jar of red sauce to make something nutritionally dense that tasted really good. Kon hovered over his shoulder watching this process and making faux sports commentary. 
“Go away!” Peter shoved Kon with his shoulder, laughing. “Go start the garlic bread.”
“...Garlic bread?” Kon asked hopefully. He seemed way younger than he was sometimes. “You can make that at home?”
“You can, if you get to cutting garlic really small.” Peter tossed him a bulb without looking.
They ate dinner while watching some drama that Kon picked out on a streaming service. “Holy shit,” Kon said quietly after his first bite. He put down the plate and took a photo.
Peter snorted. Kon must have sent it to someone because his phone went off constantly after that.
He wasn’t even done eating their late lunch when he first wondered where he was going to sleep tonight. Peter stared down into his pasta like it might have some answers. When should he leave? What would he say if Kon asked for his phone number? He didn’t have one. He couldn’t give Kon the number to the phone he had on him– he was pretty sure that he really should get rid of it in case someone was tracking him. 
He should ask first. If he directed the conversation it would be easier to be normal than if he was just answering questions. So Peter swallowed hard, made himself smile, and said, “This was fun. Wanna hang out again?”
Kon noisily slurped down some sauce and wiggled in place while he chewed and swallowed. “Yeah, we should!” he agreed. “You uh, free later this week?”
He was jobless and homeless with no other acquaintances. 
“I have some time,” Peter said casually. “I’m kinda busy tomorrow, but the day after? Should I come over in the afternoon?”
“Yeah!” Kon bounced up off his seat for a moment. “We can finish the projects. Or work on them, at least.” He screwed his face up with a thought. “Can I get your handle or number, in case my work pops up?”
Peter’s smile turned fixed. “Actually, not now,” he said as casually as he could manage. “I dropped my phone in water. I just have my Dad’s old phone right now for emergencies.” He didn’t need to add that lie, but what if he needed to pull out the flip phone later? He didn’t want Kon to think that he just hadn’t wanted to give his number.
Kon laughed. “That sucks, man,” he empathized. 
Oh thank Thor, he bought it. 
The fabric was dry by then, so Peter helped Kon cut it out and sew it into place. Kon modeled his new look in the living room and then took approximately two hundred selfies while Peter worked on his project. Kon eventually flopped down on the sofa upside down and started sketching out design ideas. Peter glanced over and saw what looked like a boob window cut into some kind of top.
…Kon would look great in it. Peter didn’t comment. He smiled a little more when he went back to cutting out pieces for his own jacket.
Peter looked over on reflex and cheesed. A shutter went off. “Can I send that to my friends?” Kon asked, so casually that Peter knew it mattered a lot. “Cassie says no way did I meet someone without her.”
“Go ahead.” Peter gave a thumbs up for reasons even he did not understand. Good thing he wasn’t a weird little guy! 
Kon looked relieved. There was less tension when he went back to looking at his phone. “Thanks, man. You want to think about dinner soon? You’ve been working for a couple of hours.”
Peter had to blink a few times to process that. Oh yeah, he was pretty stiff. He stretched experimentally. “You’re right,” he said, mildly surprised. “Huh. What did you have in mind?”
Kon shrugged. “Pizza?”
Peter hummed. “We can pull that off,” he decided. “We have… two more jars of marinara, one will do. Cheese, the bell peppers- yeah, that’ll work.” He stood in a smooth movement. “Could you get the flour down from where we put it- yeah, thanks.” Kon hovered back down and handed him the bag.
“I meant that we should order it,” Kon said, but he didn’t protest. “You can make pizza? At home?” He was delighted by this new information.
“You can make basically anything at home,” Peter said, because it apparently needed to be said. “Can you look up a pizza dough recipe?” He got out the salt and tried to remember where he’d put yeast.
Pizza did not go quite as smoothly as the pasta had. Kon brutalized the dough by over mixing it and the gluten developed bonds strong enough to rival the Hulk. But it was still edible! Kon was openly delighted with what he had made. Peter stole sideways glances at him, wondering if he should reassure that it was a great first try.
‘..I’m not sure he knows that it’s really tough,’ Peter decided. He said nothing. They watched one episode of Kon’s selected drama before Peter decided it was time to go.
Kon seemed surprised when Peter said that. He blinked at him a few times. “It felt like I was at the tow- a sleepover,” he said self consciously. He forced a laugh. “Yeah. You wanna leave your stuff here?”
Peter looked around Kon’s surgically clean living room and wondered if Lexy’s cleaning staff would throw away his stuff. “Yeah, sure,” he said, because it wasn’t like he had a place to store a project. “I appreciate that.”
He left not much later, making his excuses and backing out into the night with dread that he didn’t want to face curling in his gut. The feeling intensified as he got down to the lobby of Kon’s apartment building.
It was dark out, even with the streetlights on. The air was cold against his face. Peter huddled into his jacket, hand wound tightly around the strap of the bag with everything he owned in it.
At least he knew the time. It was a little past 10 pm.
He needed a shower and to sleep. The gym should be empty now. He could break back in, shower, and then go sleep on the library couch again. Even if the librarian came in early again, he could get a few hours of sleep.
He woke up again to the sound of keys in the door downstairs. This time he woke up feeling much better rested. Peter wandered blearily until he found a clocktower and realized it was nearly 9 am. Nice. He was working on his sleep debt, then. He surely hadn’t spent more than an hour between traveling to the gym, showering, and getting to the couch last night. That was maybe 9.5, 10 hours of sleep?
He left to a new hotel for a breakfast buffet. This one was particularly sad. He had two pieces of peanut butter toast and a glass of milk before he heard the front door staff quietly phone someone else asking if they had any teenagers staying at the moment. He left pretty quickly after that and walked for a while, heart pounding. The police didn’t descend on him with sirens and lights, so he was probably okay.
‘I can’t go back there.’
Later that day, Peter grimaced and took a moment to indulge in burying his face in his hands. He was overwhelmed and he still felt shitty and dirty and gross despite his shower. Maybe it was getting spotted as a homeless teen eating from the buffet? Yeah. Probably that.
He was in the library again, sitting in front of one of the older computers and hoping he'd get a reply from a potential client who had asked for some information. 
Maybe it was a little weird to spend all day in the library. He was on notice for librarians acting like they wanted him to clear out, just in case.
But, assuming no one had any problems with it, why not spend most of his daylight hours there? He could study computer science, use the computers to do his work, and be somewhere temperature controlled for free. They also had pitchers of coffee and tea for free that he took advantage of. 
He was hungry, though. He was always hungry. Maybe it had been a mistake to go to Kon’s house. It almost felt worse to be hungry again after eating everything he wanted two meals in a row. Peter suppressed despair. He was doing his best! He was taking care of himself.
"Is everything alright?" 
Peter shot up and gave a sheepish grin to the librarian. He hadn't noticed her approaching, but he'd been lost in his head. "It's fine," he said. 
The older woman gave him a sympathetic smile. "Well, let me know if there's anything I can help with. It's what I'm here for." 
Oh. Before she could turn away he blurted out, "College!" 
Her face lit up. "Are you applying?" 
"I need to." Peter wrung his hands together. "But I don't know where to start. I want to go somewhere with a strong sciences program but I think I need to go there on scholarship." 
She sat down beside him, an easy smile on her face like this was a topic that she enjoyed. “Do you care about where it is?”
Peter shook his head. “It would be best if I could stay in NYC since I know here, but I’m willing to go anywhere that meets those conditions.”
She nodded slowly. “There’s a few places I can think of.” She hesitated. “Do you expect to be eligible for testing related scholarships?”
“Yeah,” said Peter, who was so good at tests but would probably falsify the results that he needed if he didn’t manage to take tests in time. “I test well. Very well.”
“That’s great! And you said sciences? Technological sciences?” she didn’t glance at his current computer science book, but she didn’t have to. 
“Yes,” he said, not entirely sure what he should be focusing on. Engineering, to build some kind of portal? Astrophysics like Dr. Foster, to find an Einstein-Rosen bridge? He’d have to get his foot in the door to figure out what was going on in the fields here. Shit, he should have looked into that already. 
“And you would be looking to live by yourself, on campus? Or off? With family?”
“By myself,” Peter said, and wow that was depressing. “And whichever way is cheapest.” He cringed as he said it. That felt pathetic too. He wanted to say he wanted to live on campus since he’d be more likely to meet people that way. But honestly, he had no resources, at all. He couldn’t afford to be picky. 
The librarian’s smile was a bit fixed now. “I… I almost hate to suggest it, but have you considered Gotham?” She continued before Peter had to decide whether or not he should admit he didn’t know that university. “It’s a dangerous city to live in, but it’s very affordable, and there’s extensive funding for the sciences and student support services.”
“...Because it’s a dangerous city and doesn’t get many people?” Peter confirmed.
She was doing her best to keep a poker face. “That’s right. They have a brain drain situation at the moment, so the sciences are really well funded. I think you could probably go there with full support, though that might be contingent on taking an internship or job in Gotham after graduation.”
Huh. He considered it. He’d never heard of Gotham, so it had to be a city that didn’t exist back home. But so what? How bad could it be? It was like, Chicago or something? He could handle that. He was Spiderman. He was an Avenger, sort of. So he directed a real smile at the librarian. “If I could get a full scholarship there, I would go in a heartbeat,” Peter said. “Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll look into the university there.”
The librarian patted the side of his chair as she stood up. “Wonderful! Let me know if you change your mind or have any questions!”
He ended up having a lot of questions, actually, once he started looking into Gotham, but he didn’t think, “What the frick is the vampire bat guy about?” was what she’d had in mind.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 10 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr 🕺🏼
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🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Thanks for all the comments on my latest fic update! Chapter 140 should be up any day now <3
#continue to give me comments! #it makes me so happy! #except for that one person please stop giving comments i’m scared
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🌼 punk-not-dead follow
I am convinced I have found one of the girls in my school’s fanfiction account. I can’t confront her about it because she will never admit it, so I have left cryptic comments on her fics to leave hints that I know.
♻️ 🌟 supernova-number-one follow
So I’m obviously not her, but on my fics, someone has left a bunch of really weird comments and I am so afraid that it’s someone I know irl. I wouldn’t want anyone to know I write fanfiction, as I am paranoid it would lead to my mom finding out, and that could lead to her looking through my fics. And I swear she’d look through every single chapter of my 139 chapter long fic.
Though, it’s kinda funny that you do it to the girl from your school. Hope she gets busted haha.
♻️ 🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Oh yeah, I really get that! Let’s hope whoever it is leaving cryptic messages on your fic is someone nice, or just a troll.
I’m close to busting her… I’ll give an update >:)
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👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant follow
You ever see a girl and you’re just… yeah.
♻️🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Felt this.
♻️✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
Not sure if this is about girls being pretty or not but I choose to believe the gay view
♻️ 👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant follow
Good. That was the intention 😉
♻️😎 rapmiro follow
LOOOL not me thinking it was about someone starting to rap the second they saw a girl
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am follow
Tfw you don’t remember if that thing you recall happening in your childhood happened when you lived in the UK, France or Congo, or if it happened in your home country at some point
♻️📸 felicityfornow follow
OP, respectfully, how many countries have you lived in, and why?
♻️ 🎤 singing-is-who-i-am follow
I have lost count.
Long story short, my dad thought moving to new countries would help him deal with his issues :-)
#he was SURPRISED when I said I needed to go to therapy
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🎨 biamakesart follow
Hi! I just wanted to say, I’m open for commissions! Check my pinned post for more information.
Everyone remember to keep cool and always be yourselves 🌈💖🫶
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Another day of being painfully in love with your female best friend while everyone thinks you’re in love with this annoying boy, because ”you seem so annoyed with him, thus you must care and have a crush on him”. Like shut up??
♻️ ✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
Oof yeah I hate everyone assuming you’re straight. Sadly I was in a comphet field for so long and had this mindset both about my friend and of others.
I also have a crush on my bestie. Everyone says she’s in love with a boy but she herself dismisses it. Hm. Do you think I should ask her if she likes girls?
♻️ 🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Uh!! Yeah!
Please update when/if you did!
Maybe I should confess to my friend too… hopefully it goes well.
♻️ 🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
It’s been 3 days. How did it go? Did anyone confess?
♻️ 🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
So, here’s a funny story…
Turns out @arodarmivida and I know each other irl. I should have guessed by her username, that’s literally my bestie’s favorite song.
♻️ ✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
Yeah guys plot twist we are the two best friends who secretly pined after each other and anyway we’re dating now 💜
♻️ 🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Happy 2 years to this wonderful post
♻️ 😎 rapmiro follow
Am I the only one curious about the boy they thought one of them had a crush on?
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💍 queenoftherink follow
Not my ”mom” trying to shape me to be exactly like her and then becoming surprised when I have the same stubborness and willpower as her.
♻️ 🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Why do you have ”mom” in quotations?
♻️ 💍 queenoftherink follow
There are some things that are too complicated to explain, my dear lesbian on the internet.
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📸 felicityfornow follow
It’s so funny because I’ve had this blog for so long that I forget that not everyone knows that my real name is not Felicity.
♻️ 🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Lol, reminds me of people who wonders why I have this url.
What can I say, it was 2012 and I had a phase. Now I am too lazy to change it.
♻️ 👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant follow
My url’s backstory is so funny because it’s from one (1) conversation I had with a girl where she called me an ant and then it just got stuck like this
♻️ 🌟 supernova-number-one follow
That’s so funny because I called my best friend an ant once. I guess it’s a common thing to call people 😁
My url is self explanatory obviously 😚😏🤩
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
Fell out of my bed again 🤣🤣🤣🤣
♻️ 💍 queenoftherink follow
I’m so glad I decided to stare at you sleeping tonight so I could see that action.
♻️ 🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi follow
Why did you stare at her sleeping?
♻️ 💍 queenoftherink follow
We live together.
♻️ 🎤 singing-is-who-i-am follow
It still does not answer the question?
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🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
Here’s a reminder for @rollerskatingonthemoon to take her adhd meds, bestie I know you have forgotten
♻️ 🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
@ queenoftherink can you remind her if she does not see this
♻️ 🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
I didn’t forget 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆😆😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
♻️ 💍 queenoftherink follow
She ran into the kitchen and said ”WHERE IS MY MEDICINE I FORGOT” and then sat on the counter kicking her feet in the air as she took it.
Needless to say she did forget. Thank you for reminding her.
♻️ 🍓 chico-fresa follow
It’s so funny following y’all, because you sound exactly like people I know irl 😃
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Welcome to the New Realm
Okay I'm having fun with this so have what I am writing out
Ladies Gents and the They Thems or whichever pronouns you prefer I present to you the Realm 14 Borg Siblings meeting their Counterparts!
But honestly writing 2 Cyrus's is a trip ngl
Their Dad's sat in front them, one had a contraption on his legs rather then the usual wheelchair, he was leaned on the desk,
"Okay now that we have over 30 kids let's go down the list to make sure everybody is here" the Cyrus in the wheelchair said
"okay we definitely need name tags" Victoria and Violet muttered at the same time,making the others snort
"I'm Realm 15 Cyrus" he tapped a number on his Lapel"We already came up with this to identify who is who, also the 14th Realm Cyrus has his exo skeleton"
The other waved,.actually pushing off the desk and standing up using a cane
"I built this as an alternative to my wheelchair I just need a cane to keep balance, I just use the wheelchair when they are charging,"
They nodded as his counterpart looked to him,
"Just alert if and when you do need a wheelchair I'm pretty sure my spare would work for you"
"Thank you"
Cyrus 15 nodded and looked back to them, looking at the clipboard,
"It shouldn't be too hard to identify who's who's with us. Siblings I think Quixie Harriet and then Simone, Jennifer and Pixal are the duplicates, but even they have differences," Freida said logically,
"I'm pretty sure I am not like I was years ago a fashionista princess" Simone snorted side, eyeing her counterpart, who was redoing her lipstick and make-up,
She closed the compact, meeting her counterparts optics with an incredulous look,
" But if you're not doing fashion darling, then what are you doing?" She scoffed,"probably ended up on the corner,"
Simone broke out into laughter, her siblings trying not to laugh, as their Mirror Realm Counterparts stared Wesely saying
"No way"
Simone opened her jacket, pulling out a vape
" oh honey you're in for a rude awakening as yes exactly that is what I am. I stopped working on the streets about 5 years ago. Nowadays, I entertain in the most popular strip club in Ninjago or, well, formerly Ninjago," She took a hit, letting out the smoke with a smirk yelping as she got pelted by not one but 2 pens
"No Vaping in the office" Cyrus 15 snipped she grinned tucking the device away,
She then turned around, shimmying her jacket down, showing the brand of Borg Industries on her shoulder, but also all the rest of the tattoos and when she turned around they spotted the blackened skin around her powersource,
Her counterpart was left speechless as Simone laughed,
"I also have a wife. Elora who's in the same field."
Cyrus 14 asked his counterpart dumbfounded "How in the World?"
Simone interupted pulling her jacket back on but leaving it unzipped,
"Oh got into car batteries and the likes Daddy over here disowned me for a bit he did pay for my apartment for a while but wouldn't give me an allowance so in order to feed my habit I went out and got a job that makes money quick"
"Yeah, she's our chaotic one. Former Prostitute and current stripper," Chloe chirped
"Says the Hacker," Violet muttered
" yeah needless to say there's more than one kid of mine that turned out to be quite chaotic"Cyrus 15 shook his head looking a bit exasperated "Kids"
Chloe leveled him with a look,
" well you didn't build me originally to be your daughter you're forgetting to tell them I was originally your fiance"
That made a few of the Realm 14 crew burst out laughing as Cyrus 14s face grew red
"Yeah uh Ginny was the same, only she stuck with being a teacher, unlike Chloe who sounds like went a complete different way"
Ginny nodded,
" I have taught kindergarteners for close to 7 years now. I hoped to someday find someone and have a family after our Cyrus discovered himself during my absence…. by the way where is your husband,"
"What?!" The 15th realms inhabitants shrieked making the 14th realms inhabitants wince
" I was waiting to tell them because it appears here, everything did not go according to how it went in our Realm. I have already done research on him, here and he was a villain outright. Cyrus of this realm did not offer out a hand like I did"
He turned around to the confused appearance of their counterparts
"during the events of the time twins, I offered my hand out to Acronix and he took it, we became fast Friends and I was able to bring him back over to the side of good, he himself took down Krux with my help."
He leaned on the desk shrugging
" for the first couple years, Acronix really showed his intelligence with technology, one day he showed me a security flaw that I had not noticed and only he noticed because he hacked into the system to show me. So he became our white hat hacker to make sure all of our security devices have no flaws
" and I'm guessing over years and years you too fell for each other," Violet carefully said the sheepish grin giving her her answer along with him pulling out a necklace with a ring on it She sighed, "oh dear I best make a call to the chief he's probably already arrested your husband thinking he's our Acronix who escaped,"
" how did you have a direcrt line to the chief" Eris asked raising an eyebrow, but Violet already was talking to someone,
" you are looking at the mayor of our city" Felix said with pride,
Now it was their counterparts turned to be surprised
"Whoa, so instead of a doctor in your guys realm Violet became mayor?"
He nodded
"Yeah, she was a lawyer but after the mess of a situation with the overlord part two she decided to run, she is the most powerful woman in the city"
They turned their heads as they heard,
" yeah thank you chief figured as much glad we could get that sorted out" Violet looked to them as she tucked her phone away "yep they already had Acronix locked up he's already been saying he's not the one they're looking for, Chief will be escorting him here as quickly as he can,"
"Oh thank the first Spinjitzu Master Dad's alright," Harriet 14 said clutching her chest,looking beyond relieved to the confusion of the others,
" he can be a bit dim witted at times intelligence is high, common sense or wisdom however is non existent, so him running around Ninjago, it's like letting a cat out into the streets," Victoria explained to the snorts of the others
"So while he's on the way let's get this head count going"
For the next few minutes they called out names,
"Only the Pixals are missing," Cyrus 15 said
"They're probably at the Monestary can someone try to get to them?"
"On it!" Chloe said as the Elevator asked
Acronix Chromos Identified as wishing permission-
"Granted!" Cyrus 15 called out and the groups barely had moved out the way of the elevator before a giant blur ran past them Cyrus 14 laughing as Acronix picked him up and spun him around,
"Oh thank the first Spinjitzu master you're alright!" He crowed, "I was heading here when I got hog tied,"
They shared a quick kiss, before Cyrus 14 responded,
"Well your here now thanks to my Counterparts daughter,"
As gentle as possible, Acronix set the other back down looking over at Violet
"I heard thank you, Mayor Borg,"
"It was no problem," She responded, watching as he went over to their Counterparts,
"You kids okay?" He started checking them over as the other group stared
"Wow," Chloe finally said, "This is so strange, it's like he's a normal civilian"
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felixcosm · 1 year
Transcript under cut
I do all of these by ear and I have a habit of not always understanding british accents very well, so some things may not be 100% accurate. There's also a lot of stuttering in this scene, which I didn't transcribe to a T
I really like Disneyland Paris, I mean - it's not like 'proper Disney' but it's still 'really fun Disney'? And it's still got the rides and you still get to cuddle Goofy? And I really love Goofy. And…amazingly I told Ty that I wanted a day at Euro Disney and he said 'why not have two? Go and explore, Fe!' - Felix FELIX my name is FELIX, Ty! - 'Go and explore, Fe! Have a lovely time!'
So I did. And, and it was marvelous. Today will be less marvelous. After the M25, I have to drive down the A320 to go past six ways roundabout, down wood lane, and then down a little side road is my mother's house.
And in four minutes time, my mother is going to set out for the news agent. Because she believes the very greatest news is fresh news. She likes to be the first person through the door, getting the paper. And then she likes to call me about it for an hour. And then complains that I haven't read the paper yet.
So I got that to look forward to. But, first. I am six minutes away from Mum's house and she's going to leave the house in three minutes time. So I'm going to call her and tell her I am nearby. Tell her to stick the kettle on. And tell her the news couldn't wait. And we will have a lovely chat. /Oh boy, sure/.
Let's see how we go* (not sure if this is 100% accurate)
8732, good morning?
Oh sorry, I am, I think I got the um, the wrong number. Um, it's- sorry, what number did you say?
8732, hang- hang on, is that Fe?
Fe? This is Felix?
Fe. Fe what are you doing (Felix begins saying 'who' but is cut off), it's nearly six o'clock in the morning, why're you calling so early?
Sorry who's who's that? Who's that?
(incredulous laugh) Fe, Fe it's Dad.
Dad? (he tries to say something else a few times but fails)
Fe, is everything okay? You sound… you don't sound yourself.
I am- I- I am- I've- I've got the… I've got the day off. I'm- I'm nearly home!
Sorry, you're nearly home? As in, as in this home?
I'm nearly- I'm nearly…there with… there with you, Dad! Um, sorry-
That's great, Fe, um, I'll put the kettle on. It'll be lovely to see you, I haven't seen you for a while now, uh… I'm glad you're coming, actually, because I was woken up about five minutes ago by this very odd chap called Ty, I believe his name was-
Ty- TY?!
He said he was your boss? I was hoping you'd be able to shed some light on what he said to me. Very, very odd guy-
He called you- he called you five minutes ago? Five minutes ago, he called you? He called you?
…that's right, yes? …is everything okay?
(after some more stammering) It's fine- no, it's fine, Dad, it's fine, I, um, I… (he doesn't bring the words out)
Fe, do you, you sound very distressed, are you, are you okay, are you driving?
I'm fine I'm five minutes away, Dad … (his dad begins to say something but Felix cuts him off) Is Mum there, Dad?
…Fe, what do you mean?
Mum, is she there? Is she with you?
(sighs) Fe-… Fe, Mum's dead, you know this. I'm very worried about you, you- you really don't sound well. If you're driving, please be safe. Please get here soon.
(more stammering) I- I'll be there- I'm five minutes away, Dad. I- I've got to go, I- Dad, I love you, I'll see you soon, okay? Bye (he repeats this several times)
(overlapping) I love you too, be careful, okay?
(is clearly upset, starts sobbing after he hangs up)
Ty- Ty, what on Earth have you done?!
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sweethibiscustea82 · 2 years
The owl house (if you know about it) or she-ra
God thank you for asking about she-ra I just got back into it <333 (also I will answer your question on my other blog soon I swear, I’m just trying to come up with an answer <3)
spoilers under the cut for she ra and stuff, so if you haven’t finished that. Don’t go down there
favorite male character: absolutely bow, since the very first episode I decided that he was perfect. I will project hard on him he’s great.
favorite female character: Entrapta, she is my highest ranked character she plagues my brain. I want to hear her explain tech to me. I have a lot of favourite character that I’d let explain things to me.
least favorite character: horde prime. Just I hate him sm. He’s the worst.
prettiest character: okay so this is one is a tie between a few different characters. One is she-ra cause oh my goodness she Is beautiful, two is double trouble I am in love with them and as a shapeshifter enthusiast I want to be them and three. Wrong Hordak. I’m sorry everybody but he’s pretty to me.
funniest character: Probably sea hawk or scorpia.
favorite season: this is one is really difficult cause I loved them all but either 3 or 5. 
favorite episode: another hard one, because there is so many and I have a bad memory. But I think it was either the season three like finale episodes with the portal stuff. Or The episode where not only did double trouble tell hordak that catra was lying to him about entrapta, but also told catra what she needed to fucking here. That she was pushing everyone away.
favorite romantic ship: Entrapdak is my number one ship, they plague my brain at all hours of the day and I love them. I have a thing for really angry or grumpy people with issues meeting someone who is one, not even remotely afraid of them and two gets them to open up. These two are so perfect for eachother istg, he blushed when that fucking imp baby replicated him saying her name. He started crying when he found out what happened to entrapta. Entrapta didn’t want him to leave with prime, she wanted him to stay. She cares about him so much, she worries about him and Omfg I love them sm.
favorite family ship: I do not know what a family ship is but I assume it’s like, what’s your favourite like family dynamic, like oh these two are good siblings or this guys a father figure. Or this kid has a good relationship with their mother? I have no clue So anyways uh I’d have to say probably uhh I have no idea. I like glimmer and her dad, seeing her leave bright moon as soon as he got there tore out my fuckinh heart. 
favorite friendship: I love Rogelio, Lonnie and Kyle, I loved that episode where all of them got stuck with those fucking fireflies and Kyle went out there to get the ship fixed and he got so hurt and his friends came to protect him and honestly I’ve always loved those guys. As an added thing I also like scorpia and entraptas friendship with those two and eachother.
worst ship: this one is hard (I’ve said this way to much but whatever) because I really don’t hate a lot of ships, but like I don’t exactly know what to put here. The worst ship can be uh horde prime with fucking anyone.
ship that is overhyped: hmm, I mean I think a the ships get hyped to a good amount, everyone should get ducking insane with their ships but uh I guess catradora??? I have no clue dude I just chose the most popular ship.
ship that is underhyped: I haven’t been in the fandom for a while, but when I first started watching I really liked perfuma x bow &lt;3
an unpopular opinion: I have to check what exactly is considered an unpopular opinion in this fandom, but uh give me a minute. And there isn’t any actually gap In your time cause you’re seeing this all typed and stuff but yk I disappear for a minute In between writing this to go google stuff so uh brb. Anyways I’m back and couldn’t find anything I agreed with enough to talk about so I have to have an original thought about opinions now but uh, I really just love all of the show and think all the seasons and characters were really well written. I also like when they focus on redemption arcs and shipping because I kind of just like seeing that stuff happen a lot. 
Anyways it’s 4:30 am and I hope this was good 👍
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thmgau · 8 months
“Welcome to the Castle of Celestials!”
The group stared in awe at the Castle of Celestials.
“Wow... this place looks beautiful.” “Pretty boring once you’ve been living here for 3000 years. It’s just a big ol’ castle.” “Just wait until you see the inside!!” Spring grinned, twirling over to the entrance of the Castle. The others followed suit, taking their first step into the Castle of Celestials.
It was like nothing they had ever seen before. The walls were glowing white & yellow & blue, their colors ever-shifting. It was almost ethereal, seeing something so bright & gorgeous in the depths of the galaxy.
“Holy shit. We don’t have anything like this on Earth.” “Alright. You 5 have to be quiet when we go to Dad’s room. Fate would be so mad if she ever found out we brought humans to the castle.” “I’m sure this ‘Fate’ would make an exception for the ‘heroes of the prophecy’, yeah?” “Maybe. Just be quiet.”
The 7 of then were silent as they traversed the Castle of Celestials. The Castle seemed bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. It was absolutely awe-inspiring.
After a few minutes, the group found themselves outside of a room with the symbols of the sun & the moon painted upon the door. The heroes could only assume this is where Spring & Storm’s father resides.
Spring knocked on the door a couple of times, in a rhythmic manner.
A moment later, a voice cried out from inside the room, saying “Come in!”
Spring opened the door as she, Storm, & the heroes entered inside the room. The room was fairly large, with a bed in the distance. A few feet in front of the bed were 2 thrones: a yellow one with a sun symbol & a blue one with a moon symbol. The yellow throne was empty (as to be expected), but the blue throne had someone sitting in it.
From the looks of it, they appeared to be around the same height that Sun was. Their hair was blue, & curly just like Storm’s was. The skirt they wore went down to their ankles, sort of representing the water. Based on all of the moon imagery, the group assumed that this was Mr. Moon.
Wiping a tear off of novs face, nov looked up & saw Spring & Storm standing there. The stars in their eyes lit up instantly.
“Spring! Storm!”
Leaping out of their throne, Mr. Moon ran up & wrapped their kids in an embrace.
“Oh, how I missed you two so much! You had me so worried! I thought you’d never come back!” nov sobbed. “Of course we’d come back! We’re not stupid!” Storm chuckled. “We did miss you, though.” “Sorry for leaving, Dad..” “You know leaving the Castle is against the rules.. but I’ll let it slide just this once.”
Releasing from the hug, Mr. Moon caught a glance of the group.
“Oh, & who might these people be?” “Oh, these are the heroes!” “The- the heroes?” Mr. Moon gasped. “Yea, we uhh.. took care of your kids on Earth.” Cherry said.
Mr. Moon approached Cherry & shook their hand.
“Oh, I cannot thank you enough for keeping my children safe!” “It’s the least we could do.” “Anyways, uh.. your kids also wanted us to get you & your ex back together?”
“Oh..” Mr. Moon sighed. “I suppose that makes sense. It’s been 2,200 years since they’ve last seen Sun..” “Yeah, maybe not telling us what happened to Mom until yesterday wasn’t your best move, Dad.” “Yeah, my parents dealt with their divorce a lot better than that.” “It’s just..”
Mr. Moon spun around & sat back in their throne.
“Usually it’s easy to forget someone when their presence isn’t there. But Sun... I could never forget aem now. Not after the mistake I had made. & I don’t think I’ll ever get a proper chance to apologize.”
The group glanced at each other, & then back at Mr. Moon.
“What.. caused the split, if I may ask?” “Well..-” Mr. Moon choked back tears. “When a Celestial dies, they don’t die forever. It’s only for a certain number of years. Sun was dead for around.. 200 years, give or take. I had nearly forgotten about them when they returned, due to having to take care of Spring & Storm, & having to raise & set the sun for them each day.”
The group was listening very intently to Mr. Moon’s story.
“Sun was.. understandably very angry when ae learned ae fell out of my memory. I tried to make it up to them, but... but..” “But they left to go live on Mercury for 2000 years, never to be seen again..?” “..Precisely.”
Mr. Moon curled novs legs up to novs chest. “..& it’s all my fault.” nov sobbed.
Cherry scuffled over closer to the Celestial.
“Listen, dude..” Cherry started. “It’s not your fault. Well.. not entirely your fault, anyway. Sun shouldn’t have gotten mad at you for something that was out of your control, & you shouldn’t have waited 2,000 years to tell Spring & Storm.”
Mr. Moon nodded, for this was the truth.
“It’s not too late to reconcile with Sun, though!” “But.. but they’re on Mercury! No other Celestial is able to withstand the temperatures there!” “We’ll help you, then. Come on.”
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thedomestickitchen · 1 year
san fransisco rice and other hot messes
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San Fransisco rice Hello there, carby, starchy side dish. Who ever thought of combining pasta and rice? It's kind of like combining soup and stew. But; manohman it sure is tasty. I made this the other week when we were "rowing" our Five In A Row book of Grandfather's Journey. In the book, the chronicles of an old Japanese man are recorded as he spends lots of time in San Fransisco and Japan.  The unit study also has a cookbook to go along with each book, so I decided to make the "San Fransisco Rice" recipe. Yes, it's like Rice-A-Roni™, aka "The San Fransisco Treat"... but: Sans the flavor packet and sodium. And, I have to say: I like this one better, and it makes a ton. Yum. But: back to the book- it's a beautiful story, with watercolor illustrations, and it's very "real" not your typical children's book. The same author wrote another book, "Tea with Milk" which actually has a love story intertwined in it about how his parents met. It's refreshing, and sweet. I highly recommend them both. Anyway... remember my post about "Enlarging Our Tent"? We did it again. We have taken in another newborn, this time a preemie. Of course, I didn't know anything except that there was a 10 day old that was being discharged ... and: we said "yes"-and: hours later a social services worker is at our house with the tinyiest baby, and ... once more we are in newborn baby land. Ahh the snuggles, smells and tummy time. So, this is our fifth placement. #1 is still with us, #2 went to live with grandmother, #3 went to a more specialized home, #4 went to live with dad... and here we are number 5. Of course this doesn't include all the temprary respites, I think we are over ten including those. Wow. If someone would have told me two years ago what my life would looks like now- I would have laughed and said "no way!" And, now: here we are- and I wouldn't change a thing. Even admist the terrible toddler tantrums, the biting, the running, the screaming... even in the hot mess fostering can sometimes be, all is well with my soul. There is a peace that comes from God that gets you through the tatrums, sleepless nights, thrown food, uncertainty and anxiety,poopy diaper explosions,  homevisits, therapy visits, parent visits, doctor visits....you just do it. It's a roller coaster, but there is no other ride I'd want to be on. And, here I am on the baby train. I wish I could show photos, but I cannot. Consider this a novel and paint your own image of a blissful hot mess. :) I'm happy. It's been a long time. After the loss of my father, I was struggling. Sure, I have had tons of happy moments, adventures, and fun days... but there was always a hollow longing in my soul that I wasn't doing something. I knew I wanted to impact kids, guide them, and help lead them in the right path. I was a group leader for pre teens for a year at church, later I became director of Children's Ministry at a small church, I was an assistant at a local school... but there was a calling for more. The idea of fostering never really crossed my mind until it was showing up everywhere I turned. I began to ask questions, my daughter began to talk about it, we went to an informational meeting, signed up for classes, got background checked, home visits, and then.... Here we are. Embracing the hectic, happy, hot mess of fostering. So: what's your hot mess? I don't think of the term "hot mess" as a negative thing. Most of the time hot messes comeout of good intentions, and are things we learn from, and can laugh at. Take this San Fransisco rice, for example. The recipe calls for vermicelli pasta broken into 2" segments. Well, I did that part. Then I forgot my broken pasta was in a small bowl on the counter. I grabbed it hastily to put it away, forgettting about the small haystack of  dry pasta it held. Dry pasta all over the floor. That's a mess, and luckily it wasn't hot. So, I call my dogs... to get all four to come without shouting each individual name, I simply say: ""uh-oh!" which, in dog talk means: "Something edible has fallen on the floor" They come, scampering in, excited to find a tasty morsel or two. They found the haystack of dry pasta and, clearly were not interested. At all. So, I grab my cordless sweeper vac.... it proceeds to spin and spit the pasta peices even further. Meanwhile, a baby is crying and my dogs are underfoot, clearly disapointed in the results of the said "uh-oh". Out had to come the broom and dustpan, and thank goodness for those old timey house cleaning aids.... I really loved my broom and dustpan during the hurricane. It was all I could do to keep the house somewhat normal with spaghetti model extension cords running all over the floor. So, it turns out I don't have mush of a hot mess story to go along with the recipe, but I have my life...my hot mess of a happy life. Go embrace your hot mess.
san fransisco rice and other hot messes
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- 4 oz uncooked long grain rice - 4 oz uncooked vermicelli pasta (broken into 2" pieces) - 3 TBS butter - 4 TBS sesame seeds - 2 TBS chopped green onion (scallion) - 1 1/2 cup chicken stock - 1 TBS soy sauce - Heat butter in a large frying pan over med-high heat and toast the rice and pasta, and sesame seeds , stirring often until golden. - Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil, cover and cook on medium low for 20-25 minutes , or until rice and pasta are tender. - Toss with soy sauce, and green onions. - Serves 4-6
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #140
Would you rather visit The Eiffel Tower or the Egyptian Pyramids? The Pyramids, easy. I would LOVE to visit Egypt.
Would you be surprised if your most recent ex called you tonight? Yes, considering her number is blocked and I also know she has zero desire to talk to me, and it's mutual.
Do you need to lose or gain weight? Lose. Trying so fucking hard and have been for years. It just teeters back and forth.
Do you think you have a disorder but haven't been properly diagnosed yet? Yes, and as of a few days ago I'm on the road towards an autism evaluation and potential diagnosis after suspecting myself of being a high-functioning individual for a VERY long time for a novel's length of reasons. I went to therapy and talked about it, and she will be trying to get me to see someone who can perform an evaluation.
What is the population of the city you live in? I'm not comfortable giving like, a super specific number, but according to Google it's a few thousand over 50k. Apparently it's bigger than I thought it was...
How many pairs of jeans do you own? Literally zero.
When did you last vacuum your room? Nothing less than astonishingly, only a few days ago. The next day I cleaned my ENTIRE room, and I've kinda stayed in this restless state where I'm just tidying things up a lot. Like don't get me wrong, it's fucking fantastic, but this behavior is VERY unlike me; like the immense majority of mentally ill people, I tend to have a shitload of trouble with cleaning, especially without my mother prompting me to.
Have you ever put on or lost a significant amount of weight? Both.
On a scale of 1-5, how often do you curse? Oh, "5" just feels like too small a number to rank how much I fucking curse lmfao
What is the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? My late dog Teddy's diaper if he'd pee in it while he also had this very large tumor that would also be closed within it, plus he regularly got insanely potent UTIs. This was towards the end of his life and he just in general had so much going on. It eventually got to where I physically couldn't be the one to change it if it hadn't been for a little while (ex., overnight), like the smell was one that would basically bring you to your fucking knees, I'm talking dizzyingly disgusting and would make me violently gag and heave. Not even decaying animals I've smelled matched this, and I'm sure being in such close quarters to change his diaper played a big role in just how terrible the experience was.
What’s your favorite social media platform? I think Tumblr's the most fun, but I like Facebook for keeping up with the lives of people I care about.
Name someone with brown eyes. Both my parents, both my immediate sisters... a whole lot of people.
Do you know what your next injection will be? No. There's talk going on about TRYING to get me approved for a very well-received weight loss injection since my pre-diabetes news, but the odds are low because of the kind of insurance I have but also because I'm pre and not actually diabetic. Giving you reliable health care only matters when you're basically dying in this country, y'know?
Does anyone call you darling? If so who? Uh I suppose it's possible Girt does sometimes, but that's definitely not one he says a lot. I'm pretty positive I've seen him write "darlin" in Discord, but I'm not positive if he's vocally used that term with me.
If you had to have a cartoon character tattooed to you what would it be? Um, I guess if I HAD to, I'd probably go with a Pokemon of some sort. Maybe a cutesy Charmander.
You have to dye your hair two colours, what do you choose? IF I knew the colors would take, right now I'd probably go with a pastel pink and light lavender to layer.
If you could would you look at your future self? I think I'd be too scared to.
Who was your first serious relationship? Jason.
If you had to cut a parent out of your life who would you cut out? I really, really, really fucking hate this question, but my dad.
If you had to get a piercing right now what would you get done? Right nostril redone.
Who is the #1 person/thing in your life? My boyfriend.
What are two things you wish you never did? Said certain things to Jason and my dad. Juuuust to name two.
Would you rather have three personal wishes or world peace? World peace, fucking easy.
What were/is your high school colors? Red and white.
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?” "Bless you," but I wish I said neither because of the religious implications. It's just become this social expectation that is completely meaningless, but I'm way too concerned about not looking rude. I've thought of just switching to "Gesundheit," but around here? That'll raise some eyebrows and I don't feel like explaining in the Bible belt of all places "oh I'm just not religious and it feels weird."
Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? lol no, even if I was hypothetically single, that is totally not how I work.
What are two things you are excited to do in the near future? Get my tattoo finished, and actually that exact same day I'll be going to Girt's afterwards for the yearly dinner they have to celebrate his late date's birthday; they get together and make his favorite meal. I was there last year and literally cried over panic of being rude lmfao because I physically could not eat it, it was this pasta thing with chicken gizzards and also hearts. I immediately reminded Girt of this and told him I'm going to eat prior, and he said it wouldn't offend anyone but I still worry regardless. Either way I'm still excited to go, I don't see his family enough.
Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? A house.
Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers? In English grammar (or at least, what I was taught), any number below 10 is technically meant to be spelled out, and depending on the context, I usually abide by that.
Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? Either my dad or a Facebook friend. I feel like the latter.
Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I do, and it totally depends. I'd say most days I don't use it at all.
Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? lol no, I'm a grown-ass adult.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no? I think that mix is perfectly capable of being cute. Probably isn't always, but.
Do you think any bands/artists are trashy? So like here's the crazy thing, I know NO celebrities on a personal level!!! and especially with musicians, there is a tendency to develop stage personas that do not reflect who they factually are!!! but even if I knew any personally, they can do whatever they want w/ their own lives if it's not at the expense of others!!!!! hot take right????????
Do you plan your meals in any way? Not really, like I don't do meal prep or decide at the start of the day what foods I'm eating. I just go with what I want in that moment.
Were you in the scouts when you were young? Girl Scouts? Yes, with my older sister and maybe younger. I can't remember how long, though.
How many people could sleep in your home? (Not counting floor space; beds and couches only) Uh, I'm going to go with needing the ability to lie down versus just sit up, because people COULD do that on the couches... My bed and Mom's can comfortably fit two people each, the leather couch someone could just lay out on and be fine, and then our other one actually has a fold-out bed that could fit two people, but I'm doubtful it'd be comfortable. If we're counting all those, seven.
Have you ever made a hole-in-one at mini-golf? Yeah.
What genre was the last song you listened to? Who provided the vocals? Natively Rammstein is considered Neue Deutsche Härte, but if you want a familiar equivalent, some sort of harder rock for this specific song, I'm so bad with the bajillion different metal and rock subgenres. Their vocalist is Till Lindemann.
If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? Only going with the other two "serious" people I dated, and this is just what I think I'd say right this minute; I obviously wouldn't know until I was right in this situation. With Jason, I'm very confident I'd just say that I know and don't blame him. Sara, I would honestly likely point out that a person like her hating me is probably a good thing.
What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? Wouldn't affect me at all.
If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? I mean it really wouldn't matter; they can say it, but it wouldn't change the fact I love and am loyal to Girt.
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? There are memories with Jason that I miss and I miss how well we once upon a time meshed together; we were best friends that really, really loved each other. At least, for most of the relationship, on his end. He was a super, super silly and boldly him person (he was the complete opposite of me in the sense that he was an open book about who he was, things that made him happy, etc., and that was extremely appealing to me), like it'd be great if we could still be friends in each other's lives, but that's just not how it could ever work, and I know that. I don't want to date him again, there is WAY too much hurt over how he left and how he never communicated his feelings regarding my mental health, but in an ideal world, it'd be nice to still be in touch, but the world is rarely ideal. This way is better for me.
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? Me being primarily mentally - and physically - well and having learned to love and be kind to myself, supporting myself decently enough with art, Girt and I living together/probably married by that point, lots of healthy and happy pets. Maybe even a hobbyist tarantula breeder for fun, extra income, and the tarantula hobby could use more breeders anyway.
Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. If you ever meet a SINGLE woman who says she feels safer around men, hit me the fuck up and let me know so my jaw can drop off my face, through the ground, and into the core of the earth.
Who came over last? lol technically Jehovah's Witness. I warned Mom a group of them were wandering around our development (they are so obvious), and so when they rang the bell and then knocked as well, Mom just didn't even answer. They could very likely see me through the window blinds that I have open, but I gave no shits whatsoever. They eventually just left, thank fuck.
Has one of your friends ever tried to "hook you up?" Not exactly "hook up," but Colleen knew I was into Girt (this was obviously the first time, 2017) and she VERY obnoxiously tried to push us together, and I KNOW it made me uncomfortable, and I think Girt as well. There was one time we got together and went to Pizza Hut/Inn (idr) and this completely indecent bitch starts a sentence with (IN A BUSY RESTAURANT) "because I'm trying to get your dick inside her-" and this is THE CLOSEST I have ever gotten to smacking somebody, like I consciously had to stop myself, but the look I gave her should've melted her where her ass sat. She didn't even look at me though, so I know she didn't see it, and I was so pissed off and disgusted by her that I really don't even remember what happened exactly after, but I'm pretty sure Girt just decided to act like she hadn't said that. If you're curious, as a matter of fact no, she is NOT the reason we started dating, he asked me himself without her completely uninvited involvement later. God I am so glad we're not friends anymore, it's hard to even accept I ever was her friend. OH MY GOD WAIT!!!!!!!! She IS the reason Aaron and I got together in middle school, but I'll defend her enough in that back then, I wanted her help kinda getting things across, but we were literal children who didn't even know what "love" really was.
What is your card game of choice? Magic: The Gathering. I'd honestly like to play it again, but I'd need a shitload of refreshers, the amount of rules in this game is MENTAL. Even when I was rather familiar with it because of Jason, there was a lot of shit I still didn't get.
What is your favourite books series? Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. Finally read a good chunk more of the one I'm on the other day.
If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it and what’s your favorite flavor? I HAVE to use milk, and I only ever really enjoyed the apple cinnamon flavor.
Was the last video you watched on YouTube a music video and if not, what was it of? I'm watching jacksepticeye's replay of Until Dawn.
Has anyone you know personally ever won the lottery and if so, how much did they win and would you or have you ever played the lottery? No and no.
What was the last thing someone has sincerely thanked you for? I think Girt, for me letting him have "him" time when he wants/needs it. There are times where I'll invite him here and he just wants to be alone (we're both very introverted), and he knows very well he can always just tell me that and it won't bother me at all. The way he reacts to it I feel like he's had bad experiences with this offending former partners or something, meanwhile I'm just like dude if this was problematic to me then I wouldn't deserve him/a partner in general, his life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around me. Obviously it'd be concerning if this was something he did ALL the time since that would just seem like he doesn't want to see me, but that's not the case at all.
What band, celebrity, etc. do you know the most information about and who would you like to learn more about? Oh it's definitely Markiplier, haha. It'd be super cool to know more about the Rammstein boys, specifically the one (the bassist Ollie) that's always been very mysterious and quiet, he's known for how shy he is, however the older I've gotten, the less and less I've felt the "need" to know everything about celebs I love and/or admire, like they're ordinary people that deserve privacy; their lives aren't our business.
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mysticalreviewblaze · 2 years
So like this morning I asked my mom if I could go home early with my sister (not bragging it always ends with her being in a bad mood-) but both of me and my sisters phones were shut off, Sooooo I had to gather the courage to ask the nurse (yes the nurse and not the office too many people watching me) and asked politely to use the phone to call my mom, so when I entered there uh the lady like asked me why I was there and out of FEAR and ANXIETY I just straight up lied to her face and said (in the most believable tone) "Uh yeah um.. so I'm here to call my mom because my sister is feeling 'sick' and yeahh-" and Oml it worked.... But... I HAD CALLED MY MOM 5 TIMES AND DAMN WOMAN DIDN'T PICK UP... So I called my dad instead and he just hangs up on me the second he couldn't understand who tf was calling him... i literally said " Hi this is your daughter 'So-and so'.... Dad??.... Dad??.... He hung up on me.. -" Istg the lady and the front desk shook her head and one of my friends we're just like 'oh my god' so about and hour later bc like I can't stay in the nurses office all day during one period bc she would've just sent me back anyways so after I get back from my class (keyboarding) I call again and ONE OF MY FRIENDS WHO WASN'T AT SCHOOL SHOWED UP and mind you this girl is at the nurse 24/7 (bc she has mental health problems so makes sense-) but I look at her and she looks at me like I'm in a hot dog costume and then she gives a funny look and says "What are you doing here so-and-so??" And I just say "I'm here tryna go home" I say smiling eventually a lady comes out and asks me why I'm there and I already had interacted with her before so I was cool with being honest with her and Said " Well I wanna call me and my sisters mom to see if she can pick us up" she nodded her head and said I could use the phone. So I'm dialing the number looking all over the damn room with this damn thing ringing in my ear and finally I hear someone pick up and it turns out to be my mom she asks me why I'm calling and I said " well I'm calling bc I'm asking if you're able to pick me and my sister up and that our phones are due" She says 'okay' and is coming to get me and my sister. I say thank you and leave heading to my 6th hour class and I get into the classroom just to hear my teacher already yelling at 2 students. I'm just like "Wtf why did I bother coming here if y'all finna pull this" inside my head so like I'm 15 minutes late but the teacher don't care I start getting my shit together right away and start working on it. Soon I'm called down to go to the office and then I pack up, clean up and leave taking long strides bc I want OUT, I get to the attendance office and sign myself out not having to sign my sister out this time and we walk out of the building like we just achieved something. At least I did I tried being social hooo god it killed me but we did it, I was so glad that the second we got home I thanked my mom and went yo my room exhausted. But I'm surprised it worked so next time if my phone do that again and I'm tryna get picked up I'm doing that and that is if my social anxiety doesn't kick in too quickly and stresses me out. Anyway enjoy my long story. ☺️
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herecomesmk · 2 years
lmk!nezha: cradles child "It's okay, You're safe. You're fine."
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         Strange how once, the mere presence of Nezha sent terror coursing through him... and now it was nothing but comforting, almost as if MK knew who he once was, and had reconnected with a friend from a different life, even if that could never be / never was the case. Perhaps it was a byproduct of his mentor's connection... or purely his innate ability to befriend others. Who could say.
         Well, maybe it still felt a bit ( very much so ) imposing at times, this was Nezha after all... he was, can be, and is still very much scary. The language had changed drastically since they first met, now there isn't a worry, there is no danger, there is no fear. Only peace. Peace he definitely needed and didn't know he craved at crucial times.
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Mayhem | Bob Floyd
Summary: After the first day of training, Bob decides that he needs to talk to you. You run into Hangman along the way, and Coyote confirms some suspicions.
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Mitchell f!reader (callsign: Mayhem)
Content warnings: Cursing, slight angst, Hangman being a menace
Spotify playlist | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
A/N: If you want to join the taglist for this series, all you have to do is leave a comment!
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Training for the day had been over, and you were just getting out of the shower when Bob texted you. All it said was that he needed to talk to you and the number of his dorm. You sighed and put comfortable clothes on before grabbing your bag and heading in the direction of the dorms.
It was just your luck that Hangman was walking in the direction that you just came from.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? Bradshaw's on a food run."
"Well, right now, I'm walking down this hallway. What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Phoenix's room is in the other direction."
"Shut up."
Hangman kept on walking, and you were soon in front of the door to Bob's room. A few moments passed between you knocking and Bob opening the door, but he welcomed you into his room.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" You asked, as you put your bag by the door and kicked your shoes off.
"Why didn't you tell me that your dad is training us for this mission?" Bob asked.
It took everything in you not to let out a laugh. Someone told him and while you weren't 100% certain who it was, you definitely had your guesses.
"Um, because I didn't know that he was going to be training us. You know how it is. No one tells anyone anything. I don't talk about missions with my dad. Deployment, maybe. But missions? We could both lose our careers over that."
"Well, Hangman thinks you'll get selected to fly."
"You can tell Hangman to kiss my ass. I don't know who called all of us back, but I can't fly the mission if my dad flies. It's too risky. Why does he care, anyways? Fly boy thinks he's better than everyone else here."
"Yeah, you're right about that. Uh, I also wanted to ask if you wanted to go out sometime? My treat."
"Sure. I should probably get going, though. I told my dad I would meet him for dinner. I'll text you," you said. Bob nodded his head and grabbed your bag for you before opening the door. You made it to the parking lot before Coyote stopped you.
"Coyote, I would love to stay and chat but I'm running late to dinner and I'm kinda pissed."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It seems like you would rather die than be in the same room as Hangman. What's that about?"
You dropped your bag and turned around.
"You can't tell anyone, got it?"
"Two years ago, we got deployed to Spain. We were there for six months. God, this is embarrassing. While we were there, we had a friends with benefits thing going. That was for, like, the whole time. I caught feelings and let's just say that it didn't end well. This is the first time I've seen him since."
"Is that why you and Bob...?"
"Oh my God, no! I ignored Hangman all of last night."
"Well, he didn't ignore you. He's been trying to put the moves on you since you walked into The Hard Deck."
You wanted so badly to cry. Even though Coyote didn't say it, you knew that Hangman told Bob. Of course he did. I'm gonna kill him. Without a word, you picked up your bag and made it to your car. You sent the, "On my way," text to your dad before starting the engine and blaring your music. You waved to Rooster as you drove by him in the parking lot and really started to hit the road.
"I don't think it's a good idea for me to fly in the mission. Like, at all," you told Maverick as you helped him do the dishes after dinner.
"Why? You've got the qualifications and you did really well during training today."
I'm gonna regret this.
"I slept with Hangman."
"You what?"
"Remember like two years ago when I got deployed?"
Maverick nodded his head.
"It was during the entire deployment. That's basically why I hate him, because it didn't end well. I don't thnk it's even a good idea for me to continue training."
"Listen, I'm not mad at you. It's too early to say anything about who I'm picking for the mission, but I won't put you in the air with him. You should finish training, though. I don't know the consequences of quitting training but I can ask Ice when I see him tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay. Wait, did Ice make you do this?"
"You know I can't tell you that. Oh, and please don't date or hook up with anymore of your colleagues."
You're kind of too late for that piece of advice.
A few hours passed and you laid in your bed, texting everyone. The group chat was talking about who was going to the gym with who, and you were texting Bob about the date.
@peaches-1999 @paintballkid711 @tallrock35
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rustys-lodge · 3 years
Summary : Your father, Dean winchester, finds out you hurt yourself. 
Warnings : Selfharm. Please don’t read this if it might hurt you. 
You've been sitting at in the library table for the past 4 hours. Dean had asked for a favor to which you couldn't say no. The man got you out of so much trouble that when he asked you to thoroughly go through 5 boxes of very old archives, you felt too obligated to say no.
But your mind was forcebly starting to drifted away. It felt like you were out of energy and out of concentration.
You dialed one of the only two repeating number on your phone. No wonder you were feeling like you had no life.
" hey Deaaaaan" you sang the hunter's name in an overly enthusiastic tone.
"What " he only groaned, knowing that a demand was coming his way.
"Can you get me a coffee on your way here ? "
Dean stood silent. He hated those "Douchebag coffee shops", as he called them, as much as you loved them. People there either freaked him out, or made him horny.
"Oh, come on, duude." You didn't need to be present to know that he just threw him arm up. "You know how much i hate -douchebag coffee shops.
You both said in sync.
"DEan, come oooon... and my eyes are killing me"
The man sighed, groaning a "I'm not Dean, i'm dad." Before hanging up; Meaning he was going to bring you your coffee.
You lowered your gaze to your arm as your lie reminded you of it. Your eyes weren't the ones killing you.
The monster that possesed you last night wasn't something you werent very used to. You bit your lower arm. Hard. Various times. You bit yourself so hard it bled. But that didn't stop you. You kept biting and jerking your body as if someone else was hurting you, leaving you with one too many oval shaped fresh bruises and red trails of teeth surrounding them. -explains why you couldn't sleep last night.
Now that you thought about it, you sort of regretted doing it. You always regret it but weirdly, you were proud of yourself, of how hard you were on y-
You jumped out of your seat as the bunker door was closed.
You looked up, ready to hide your arm behind your back but the look on your father’s face indicated that it was too late.
Fuck..How could he even see from that far away ?
" What is that "
You awkwardly stood there as your dad marched your way. You were kind of frozen in the spot. You really didn't know what to say, you hadn't planned a lie yet. No one was supposed to see it this soon.
Dean set the cup on the table and grabbed your arm, raising it up to examine it.
"What. is that,Y/n ?" He asked again, a hint of anger in his voice, now.
"I...um...i g..i had."
You stumbled over random words.
"Did someone bite you ? When did this happen, why didn't i know ? that looks fresh, Y/n wh..."
Dean's voice drowned into silence. All you could do was look into his eyes. He looked worried. He looked like he was ready to fight whoever hurt his little baby. But you did that. It was you.
"Uh.." words wouldn't come out of your mouth. Stupid.. you cursed yourself. Just say it ! Yes !
"Yeah what ? How could someone bite you this hard, y/n ? Did you get into a fight last night ?"
Oh my god ! Dad, i answered so you'd stop . Stop.
"No, i... i didnt...it wasn't really a fight-i-i" You stuttered before pulling your arm away. " it's notthing big, dad, don't worry, Cas will heal it for me " you pulled down the sleeve. "Thanks for the coffee." You said and as you were turning around, Dean took hold of your shoulder, pulling you back to face him.
"Hey ! You're not going anywhere, Y/N. Why didn't you tell me that you got into a fight ? Does Sam know ?" Dean decided that letting go wasn't part of his plans today. He followed your eyes as the latters traveled around the large room aimlessly.
"Wai-.." Your dad whispered to himself when the realization hit him. "You..." He violently cupped your face and forced your eyes to meet his, causing a whimper to come out of your mouth.
You were fucked.
"You did it to yourself." He exhaled in the lowest tone as shock and anger flooded his face. His eyebrows were drawn closer to each other and his nose was craked up in anger
Your heart ached at the fact that you caused that. You really couldn't bare watch him hate you more so you leaned backwards, forcing your face out of his hands. but that only led him to tighten his grip.
"Look at me." Dean commanded, placing his free hand on the back of your head to guide you closer. "You did, didnt you ?"
You were relieved when the tears clouded your vision, blurring his face.
"You...you did. I can't believe it ! You..." Dean's voice rose, which confused you.
"Why are you getting angry at me right now, Dean ?" You managed to yell before bursting into sobs.
"Why ? Because i just found out that the one person i trust the most, my daughter, doesn't trust me enough to tell me things." He yelled back. And you just snorted.
"What is there to say, huh? It's fucking horrible, what is there to say, how would i tell you that i spent the whole night fucking biting my arm like an animal ? how do you say that to people ?"
"First of all, i'm not people. And second." He let go of you. " you could start with "im suffering"
You backed away, defensively crossing your arms over your chest.
"well, you drink yourself to sleep every night, how's that any different from this ?"
"How can you even ask me that ? It’s different because i’m the parent. I'm your dad! "
You stood there quietly, unsure of what to say next or how to defend yourself. What even was there to defend ? You hurt the man who matters the most to you.
"I really thought we trusted each other." He turned around and walked away. "And i better not find anything like that on you again, Y/n. I better not."
Helloo peeps. I'm sort of back ?? Tell me what yall think about this one and if you think it needs a suuper fluffy part two. xo ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
It was a Sunday morning, nothing out of the usual. Birds were chirping and the gentle breeze was blowing. Chucky had been washing the dishes for obvious reasons, (Cough, cough Bride of Chucky) while the kids were in the living room doing God knows what.
"Who made the first move?"
Everything went silent. He felt three pairs of those infamous blue eyes staring him down. OH SHIT. He thought to himself. He looked behind him. Glen, Glenda, and Lottie were all there. Just staring unblinkingly. He cut off the water.
"Um, well, uh."
He took a deep breath.
"You three better not give me shit about this but, it was your mother."
"When did it happen? Where did it happen"
"We just wanna know"
"IF I TELL YOU! Will you three get off me back?!"
They all nodded in agreement.
"Ok, ok. CHRIST! It was the day I had to move away, and that day just so happens to be the day of a school dance. I REALLY wanted to ask your mom, but I was too much of a wuss. But then, my opportunity came! She was talking about how she wanted to go but didn't have anyone to go with. So, she said her last resort would probably be Eddie. And in my head, I was like HELL NO. And I told her."
"I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU GO WITH THAT PIECE OF SHIT! I'll take you! And she actually said yes. Not the more "Romantic" way but hey it worked!"
"Get to the kiss! I WANNA KNOW"
Little did the four of them know that Tiffany was giggling and listening to their whole conversation from the other room.
"LIKE I WAS SAYING BEFORE I WAS RUDELY INTERRUPTED!" All three of them rolled their eyes. "I snuck out of the house when my foster was out. This was after I killed my dad, by the way. I went in my best outfit and straight-up walked there. The school was only 5-10 minutes away, so I was fine. When I got there, they were playing loud ass music that hurt my ears and I just felt straight-up uncomfortable. Until I saw your mom. God, she was beautiful. She wore a stunning red velvet dress, with earrings and a necklace."
Chucky began to get lost in the memory. Smiling and staring out into nothingness. With his eyes twinkling. Tiffany always said you could tell how he was feeling just by looking into his sparkling blue eyes.
"Dad? You, ok?"
"Hm? Yeah. I'm Fine! Um oh right. Anyways she walked over, and I couldn't stop staring at her. And I told her you to look great Tiff. I still remember how she would always grab my cheek and squeeze it. I took her hand, and we danced the night away both of us realizing, it would probably be the last night together for a while. To finish it off we both to a picture together and had it printed. Tiff got to keep it since they took a while to develop, and you had to pick it up at the school a week later. We went to my house since nobody was there, and just looked at each other. We both knew what was gonna happen tomorrow."
Tiffany felt tears start to form in her eyes. She didn't know HER husband would remember all that. He always seemed to never give a damn about anything. A warm smile spread across her face. She ran to the dress to grab her secret box hidden in a corner. It was full of old photos of the two of them. And yes, she did still the photo from oh so long ago. She looked at what was then her best friend. He looked so adorably handsome. His hair was actually short and well maintained. She laughed she knew she was never going to ask Eddie. She knew how jealous he could get. So, all she had to do was mentioned the possibility, and boom! He maned the fuck up and asked her.
"So, we sat on my bed and talked. Tiff gave me her house phone number. AND NO Glenda texting wasn't a thing back then! You actually had to make a call to someone, from a telephone with a cable."
Glenda rolled her eyes and closed her mouth.
"I'm gonna miss you Tiff, I told her and holy shit that pained me to say. I didn't want to leave. I couldn't leave her. Then she just stared at me. Not making a sound. And then scooted closer to me and shut me up by kissing me."
All three of the kids just stared mouths gaping open. Revealing, the twin's razor blades for teeth.
"So, I kissed her back. MIND YOU THIS WAS IN 7TH OR 8TH GRADE SO DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!" He was especially eyeing Glenda and Lottie. Mostly Glenda. " I remember our fingers coming together and one of my hands cupping the side of her face. Then we hugged each other tightly not wanting to let the other go."
He remembered. Then cut himself off.
"SO that's how it happened"
"Are you two like Jack and Rose from the Titanic?"
"WHAA- No! And If a Situation like that did happen. There wouldn't even be any room for me on that damn door. Your mom ass would've been hoggin it."
"Oh my god! Dad XD"
"Wait then how did you get back together? And how did you get the Nickname Chucky?"
"THAT'S A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME! NOW Pull a Michael Jackson and BEAT IT!"
Shortly after, Tiffany came out of the room and kissed Chucky passionately on the lips, and whispered in his ear. "Wanna Play?"
To say his face went red would be a gross understatement. It was the color of his hair but times ten. They both ran into the room giggling and locked the door.
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