#after bonding over their closeness to a certain dummy
jobebello · 3 days
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Summary : After transferring to a new school, you meet your one and only.
He’s the second, but also the last one.
Y/n, an ordinary girl.
You always think your appearance isn’t particularly outstanding. You have a little short-sighted, but you hate to wear glasses, often squints.
Jobe knows it all.
“I especially hate to keep my hair long , and will cut it short as soon as it reaches my shoulder. “
In addition to being sentimental, nostalgia is your biggest problem that you willing to fix but you can’t.
"Why though? I think it's also suitable for you to have long hair." at that time, Jobe stroked your hair softly and asked.
"Hair grows over time, and cutting them off makes me feel like…I can let go of some memories. maybe it sounds stupid, but I want to leave them where they belong, and keep moving on, because I know exactly I'm a person who can easily get stuck in the past."
When you recalls the past, Jobe stares at your eyes, they are deep and blue, like an ocean, once you dive in you’ll be unable to get out.
He cherished and appreciatively listens to every word you say to him.
"You know, Jobe……sometimes you can’t keep every one that passes your life, even you want them to stay. “
Jobe knows your past very well. He knew that your parents were divorced and now you live with your father, he also knew that you’d suffered from depression when you were in middle school, and what happened in the first and second years of high school before you transferred.
You’ve fell in love with a guy before, your first love. After broke up with him, your world falls apart, life started becoming gloomy.
In your heart, it’s always raining.
Jobe doesn’t mind at all. He takes his steps, stable and calmly try to get close to you.
“Jobe, can I ask something?"
“Why do you like me?”
nervous about his answer, your heart beat starts losing control.
"why do you ask that?"
Fortunately, it seems like it’s not a big deal to him.
"Well…..I'm more fragile than other girls, very nostalgic, always with a bitter face, a major weeper as well, my mood is always wavering. I’m not good enough, I’m unstable, I’m not perfect—”
You lowered your head and clasped your fingertips, "Where does a girl with a lot of baggage attracts you?"
You were asking, but only remember at the moment, Jobe gently touched the top of your head.
“You dummy.”
he talks so softly, his touch just like a feather.
“there’s no certain reason. I like you because it’s you”
He said so. Later, in a trance, you heard Jobe took a deep breath.
"Nothing you've said is enough to stop me from liking you. So please remember, when you hate yourself, I'm here. I like who you are, and it won’t change. "
“Even if you want to me quit you. ”
After graduating from high school, you and Jobe were not admitted to the same university. Although you two were not far apart, but it would take at least few hours to take the train.
Jobe said it’s fine that two of you don’t necessarily have to be in the same school, he hopes that you will pursue what you long for, and he doesn’t want you to be hindered by him.
He also said that ‘distance creates closer bond’, which makes both of you cherish the time you can spend with each other more.
"I believe in you and I believe in us, so even if we are not near by each other, the relationship will still be solid, trust me."
Jobe is a very gentle and considerate person, he has almost never quarreled with you, always very rational even when he disagrees with your opinion, he never starts a fight and won’t stop giving you what you deserve.
You two only see each other once a week, but talk on the phone every day.
One time, you heard Jobe asks about the guy who broke your heart before on the other end of the phone.
you replied:
"It is impossible to forget him, he’s the first one who loves me without hesitation. Jobe, you are the second. "
You turned on the hands-free and laid your phone flat on the pillow, as if Jobe was lying next to you and talking to you.
"yeah, I’m the second, and also the last."
As Jobe spoke, you seemed to feel him lightly attach a kiss to your cheek.
“I’m dying to be your last.”
After graduating from university, you began to grow a long hair, because Jobe is always by your side, you started feels that nostalgia is no longer a bad thing.
You want to save all the memories while being with Jobe.
Jobe tolerated your vulnerability, accepted all your past, and endured all your temper.
Knowing that you are just an ordinary girl, but still loves every part of you.
You never thought that you could be qualified to be loved by someone like Jobe.
"Thank you for making me love myself again."
You remember the song went like this:
"and when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and say I was your favorite."
In the simple tune, there are more soft and tenacious voice embellishments, just like the love between you and Jobe.
Maybe It's plain, but it's definitely profoundly memorable.
Thank you all, English is not my first language so if there’s anything wrong about grammar or sth just ignore it 😫🫶🏻
#jobebellingham #jobebellingham x readers #judebellingham #fanfic #jobe bellingham #jude bellingham
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luminousbravery · 2 years
Nice! I'm so glad there are still people here(in this fandom)! Okay, here it is:
I am a 5'6" biological female, I use she/her/they pronouns(god that sounds cringey), I am bisexual(I'm pretty sure, at least), have medium length dark brown hair, and turquoise/greenish eyes(i don't really know what color they are), and I wear black glasses with clear rims. I have what most would describe as the 'hourglass/pear' body shape with larger hips and B cup breasts. I tend to wear baggy, comfort-first sort of clothes with the occasional dress and one piece.
My zodiac signs(If you care) are Virgo(sun), Libra(moon), and Virgo(ascendant). I also have the INTP personality type.
Facts about me:
I have been told than I have a high maturity level for someone my age(but I laugh at dumb jokes so idk if I believe them)
I enjoy cracking jokes about anyone and anything, NO ONE IS SHIELDED FROM MY COMEDIC WRATH
I am kind, polite, relaxed, have a dark sense of humor and generally low self-esteem
I try to be open-minded, and am always looking to improve my talents and relationships with those I care about
Critical and suspicious of literally EVERYTHING (especially myself)
I can be insensitive, petty, and sometimes even knowingly dismissive of my faults, and try to blame others instead
I lie a lot more than I'd like to admit, but try to make up for it and improve
I come from an primarily Christian family, my favorite season is winter, and I would like to create other forms of art other than writing at some point
I used to have what could be considered a phobia of insects/bugs, but it has become a lot mild over the years
I mostly enjoy physical affection more so than verbal, but if worded in certain ways that can touch my heart, I will prefer the latter, and you will have acquired a loyal ally (I respect the power of words, I am a writer after all)
I am what is described as a HSP (hyper sensitive person, look it up if you're curious)
I have a condition called Exotropia (aka drifting eye) in my left eye that has been corrected through 3 surgeries (but I still have to wear glasses in order to maintain it).
A firm believer that nothing is truly impossible, and that people hate most in others what they hate in themselves
Confused by everything 24/7… EVERYTHING
Likely on the autism spectrum
Low self-esteem
Definitely a perfectionist
I try by best not to start conflict(that is my sister's job), and I hate when people put me in situations where I have to make a personal choices... but that also means I mask my own emotions a lot
Likes: Being helpful, alternative, rock, and indie music, order and peacefulness, making people laugh, Sci-Fi media, writing/creating, tarot cards, D&D, anything to do with the diversity of personalities, psychology, cooking and baking
Dislikes: Being a burden, country music, drama and chaos, low effort creative endeavors, hypocrites(ironically), closed minded people, bad grammar, things not going my way, extremely religious people, weird internet trends and phrases (ex: pogchamp, dummy thicc, boomer, etc.), most of tumblr, Twitter
And that should be most of the important stuff (just so I don't get carried away)! I am very interested to see who you match me with!
okay i just woke up so this one is going to be a liiiiittle bit short righto
i pair you wiiiiith jade harley! idk i feel like you two would bond well and balance each other out somehow. like you two would have similar interests and your personalities aren't exactly the same, but you two would work in a weird kind of harmony. so yea!
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herecomesmk · 2 years
lmk!nezha: cradles child "It's okay, You're safe. You're fine."
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         Strange how once, the mere presence of Nezha sent terror coursing through him... and now it was nothing but comforting, almost as if MK knew who he once was, and had reconnected with a friend from a different life, even if that could never be / never was the case. Perhaps it was a byproduct of his mentor's connection... or purely his innate ability to befriend others. Who could say.
         Well, maybe it still felt a bit ( very much so ) imposing at times, this was Nezha after all... he was, can be, and is still very much scary. The language had changed drastically since they first met, now there isn't a worry, there is no danger, there is no fear. Only peace. Peace he definitely needed and didn't know he craved at crucial times.
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Hanging by a Thread: Chapter 3
Rated M: DC canon-typical violence, suggestive threats
Author’s Note: Neither of us are actually American, and DC Fanboy has some gripes with certain American habits.  Please feel free to tell us how uncultured we are in the comments, and try and explain yourselves to non-Americans.
Ships: Jason Todd/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon (side ship).
@aespades​, @neakco, @ladybug-182, @seraphichana, @zalladane, @luminous-carrot, @jayjayspixiepop, @cap-noodles, @livelifeauthorstyle, @thepaceperson, @moongoddesskiana, @vroomtaka, @laurcad123,  @prettylittlebutterflie
Chapter 2 - Chapter 4​
Chapter 3
Dick slumped down on a chair when they returned to the Belfry.  He ripped off his domino mask and let out a sigh. “Damn he’s good, then again he was taught by the best.” 
“Dick!” Barbara gave him a dirty look. They both looked towards their French guest to see her still lost in thought. 
Ladybug transformed back to Marinette, and then slowly walked over to get herself another cup of hot chocolate to cheer herself up. As she operated the multi hot drinks machine in the Belfry, she thought about how incredibly convenient the device was. Barbara and Dick mentioned that unless it was winter, no one else used it for hot chocolate. 
Hot chocolate dispensed from the machine, and as she picked up the paper cup, a shadow loomed over her. She was able to make out the silhouette of an imposing figure with demonic pointed ears. She squealed in shock, spilling her hot chocolate on the figure. 
Dick rolled off the chair laughing, “Oh, better fly away home Ladybug.” “How long have you been waiting to use that joke?” Barbara said without looking away from the screen.
“Since the moment I met her, Babs,” Dick retorted.
After the initial shock, Marinette was able to see the figure clearly and realised she just spilled hot chocolate on Batman. The Batman. Marinette paled at what she had done, she fumbled around looking for tissues. All the while apologising profusely as she tried to find anything to wipe the Caped Crusader clean from this chocolatey mess. Her mind ran at a mile a minute, thinking of what Batman would do to her for spilling hot chocolate on him. She thought of how Batman would squish her like a bug, or perhaps he would break all of her limbs, and send her on the first flight back to Paris while tied to the cargo hold. Her mind was catastrophizing and going into a full panic as she stumbled around the kitchenette. 
Marinette found a damp cloth and began wiping Batman vigorously from head to toe and hoping it would somehow lessen her punishment. She looked up to see that Batman continued to stare at her with his infamous glare. Seeing that her attempts to clean up her mess had no effect, she ran back towards the main room and grabbed Dick, holding him in front of her as a shield. 
Batman slowly followed, without saying a word he stomped into the main room and came to a halt right in front of Dick. “Uh, hi.” Dick awkwardly greeted Batman. Marinette shakingly peeked her head out from behind. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, also known as Ladybug.” Batman’s low voice boomed with authority. “What are you doing here in Gotham?” 
Marinette yelped and went back to hiding behind Dick. Barbara interjected, “She’s here to investigate a recent use of the Lazarus Pit, mainly the Red Hood. From what we gather the creatures that give her power were also the ones who created the pits.” She explained on Marinette’s behalf. 
An uncomfortable silence hung in the room as Batman contemplated her answer. “Fine,” he relented. He turned and walked away. 
Marinette released a sigh of relief as she saw Batman leave. Dick took out his phone and began tapping on it, he just had to notify the rest of the Bat Family of what had just transpired. After a few moments he put his phone back in his pocket and walked away, “I’ll get a mop” he yelled back at Marinette and Barbara. 
Marinette then slumped on the dining table, hands in her head. Completely embarrassed at how she made a fool of herself in front of one of the world’s greatest heroes. Barbara calmly patted her back in consolation. After she calmed down and got herself another cup of hot chocolate, Marinette decided to head home.
On the way back to the apartment she shared with Zoe, she checked the messages that Zoe sent her during the past couple of days.  “Hey, are you okay?” The first one read.  “I haven’t seen you in the apartment for a while now,” she said, followed by a message that said “Please don’t be dead, I can’t afford rent by myself.” Marinette sent a quick reply saying, “I’m okay, I’ve just been busy taking care of some things.  See you tonight.” she said. When Marinette got home, she logged onto her computer to see a few messages from Alya, asking her of how she found Gotham City. Expressing worry for her friend, especially with the notoriety of Gotham's crime rate.
Marinette typed up "Hi Alya! Gotham is all right, I can take care of myself, you know that."
Alya decided to video call Marinette and her face appeared on screen. "Hey!" Alya waved her hand to her friend.
"Hi" Marinette gave a tired wave back.
"Everything okay?" Asked Alya.
"Fine, just tired from moving into the new place." She explained.
"By the way, could you open up a portal with Kaalki to my room?" asked Alya.
Marinette complied with her friend, as she put on the horse Miraculous and opened a portal. Soon a paper bag dropped from the ceiling and landed on the floor. "I had a feeling you might want something to cheer you up, I went to your parents' patisserie earlier."
Marinette opened up the bag to see several treats from the bakery.  She thanked her best friend profusely, and began eating them “How are things back in Paris?” Marinette asked, taking a macaron out of one of the boxes, she smiled as she took a bite out of it.  It was almost like she was 13 again, and her dad had given her a box of macarons for the first day of school.  
“Nothing we can’t handle,” Alya said, winking at her. “So, have you met any of Gotham’s vigilantes yet?” Marinette rubbed the back of her neck.  “Well, yeah,” she might as well tell her some of the things that happened.  “I accidentally spilled hot chocolate on Batman’s cape,” she confessed. “And you’re still alive?” Alya’s mouth hung open in shock. “Well, he does have a pretty strict ‘no killing’ policy,” Marinette told her. “Okay fair enough, how are you still in one piece?” Alya asked, still somewhat shocked.
“He just kinda glared at me, and I hid behind one of his sidekicks.” Marinette told her, “So, that’s how.” “Ah so you’ve met the sidekicks then,”  Alya gave her another knowing smile. “Some of them, Nightwing being one of them.” Marinette told her. “Did you get a good look at his assets?”  Alya gave her a wink, and Marinette rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure his assets were spoken for,” Marinette said, and before Alya could say anything more she quickly added “and no, I am not telling you who the lucky person is.” “You’re no fun.” Alya pouted mockingly, but she couldn’t stay angry at her friend.  Alya noticed the faraway look in Marinette’s eyes at that moment, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Marinette wondered how best to phrase it, “do you know anything about the Red Hood?” she asked.
Alya’s eyes widened in shock, “You’ve met him? Are you and Zoe living in his territory?”
“No, at least not that I know of, I just…” Marinette assured her, “Do you know anything about him?” “Give me a moment,” Alya said, quickly turning away to search for something on her laptop screen, “must have heard something about the guy…” she muttered.  Marinette never really told Alya about her soulmate bond, and she wasn’t about to start now.  “Says here he’s a crime lord that operates in Gotham City, that he took over Black Mask’s crime syndicate not too long ago…” Alya told her, “Pretty brutal to those who cross him, by the sound of things.” “Good to know,” Marinette muttered. “Marinette, are you sure you and Zoe are okay?” Alya asked. “We’re fine, just that Ladybug ran into him while working with Batman’s sidekicks.” Marinette told her. “I should have been there, it would have been a fun interview for Ladyblog.” Alya chuckled, and Marinette raised an eyebrow.  “I mean, after the fight of course, or maybe I should just stop talking.” “Try pitching the idea to Vicki Vale or Lois Lane, I’m sure they would jump at the chance.” Marinette joked.
"Just you wait until I get my Journalism degree, I'll bother you everyday for a scoop." Alya retorted. The two of them continued to laugh and joke with one another before Marinette went to bed.
The next morning, Marinette was woken by someone gently nudging her awake.  “Get dressed dummy, we’re going out.” she heard a voice say. Marinette looked up and blinked a few times before Zoe’s face came into view.  “What time is it?” Marinette groaned. “9am,” Zoe told her, “we are going to go out and get some breakfast together.” Marinette groaned in response, but slowly got out of bed.  Zoe leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms and smiling.  She chuckled slightly at the sight of Marinette’s tousled hair, Marinette smiled slightly in response.  “All right, all right, give me some time to get dressed.” she said and Zoe left, closing the door behind her. 
The two friends sat down to eat breakfast at a nearby diner, and Zoe began telling Marinette all the ways in which America was very different from France.  “First of all, they call the 24 hour clock ‘military time’, I never understood that.” she explained before taking a bite of her pancakes.  Americans made pancakes a lot thicker and fluffier compared to crepes, was another thing Marinette noticed.  “Oh, no more 2 hour lunch breaks, and as a French person, you will get made fun of for having more time off work than the Americans.” she said.  
As the two finished breakfast, Zoe paid the bill and left a tip. Marinette raised an eyebrow at Zoe for paying what was higher than the bill. “Marinette, remember, always tip whenever you go eat at a restaurant or a diner.” She explained. 
“Why? Isn’t there a service charge added? Don’t the servers get paid?” Marinette asked.
“Not at all.” Zoe deadpanned. 
“What?” Marinette exclaimed in shock, she quickly covered her mouth as eyes turned to face her for her outburst. 
 Zoe beckoned Marinette to follow her, “Come on, I’ll show you all the hotspots in Gotham City.”
 The two walked out onto the street and across several blocks.  Zoe stopped as the two reached their destination. She then pointed to an old gothic tower, “That there is the old Wayne Tower, creepy isn’t it? Built in 1888 by Cyrus Pinkey for the Waynes right at the heart of Gotham City. It’s been closed for a few years now, since Wayne Enterprise moved to the New Wayne Tower in the financial district.”
 Marinette’s eyes widened in recognition, it was where the Belfry was located. She remembered the gothic tower, but she had no idea it was the old Wayne Tower. She decided it would be best to keep quiet about this revelation. 
 The two continued sightseeing as they ventured into Robinson Park. “This park is amazing, the biggest park in the heart of Gotham. Also it's very close to Gotham U, I’d love to come here everyday after class to unwind.” Zoe explained. The two calmly walked across the park, enjoying the scenery and stopping by to feed some ducks.
 “Anyway I need to get some things on the way back,” the two then walked to a nearby grocery store and bought groceries. Being on a budget, Marinette eyed the price tags frugally, calculating how much it would cost her. Zoe smirked at Marinette, knowing what would come next when the two went to the cash register. Marinette was thrown into a loop as the total amount did not match the price tags. Marinette tried to ask for an explanation from the cashier, but they were not helpful. The cashier only said that it was tax, “Why isn’t tax included in the price tags?” she pleaded to the cashier.
The cashier gave Marinette a light shrug. “That's just the way things are.” 
Marinette pulled her pigtails in frustration as to why the final price doesn’t match the price tag. “Ok fine, what's the tax in America?”
Zoe took the chance to intervene and explain it to her friend. “It depends, it varies between states, counties and even cities.” 
Marinette banged her head against the counter in frustration. “Why? Why is it so crazy here?” 
Zoe and the cashier laughed at Marinette's antics. The cashier asked “You new here?” 
Marinette did not lift her head up, “How could you tell?” 
The two made their purchase and walked home, Marinette had to do a double take on the loaf of bread she bought. She stopped Zoem and said that they needed to go back to the grocery store for another loaf of bread, because this one had expired. Zoe snatched the loaf from Marinette’s hands and took another look. “Nope it's fine, remember America uses Month/Day/Year here.” Zoe explained. Marinette’s eye twitched as the two walked back to their apartment. 
The semester began the following Monday at Gotham University. As a Fashion & Design student, Marinette had long studio classes which usually kept her busy during the day.  She would have to spend even longer hours in the studio if she had a project due.  When Zoe wasn’t attending lectures, she had a part-time job that kept her busy as well.  So Marinette didn’t see much of her by the time she managed to return to their apartment.
Over the course of the next few days, she would go to her classes by day and go out every night to search for her soulmate. However, the Red Hood had proved to be elusive, always alert to the movement of the red thread that tied them together.  Marinette found that the thread changed wildly.  Some nights she stopped by the Belfry, exhausted and dejected. Barbara had noticed this and decided that she had to know about Jason, it might change her mind or it might not. She deserved to know if she was going to go looking for him every night.
One night when she entered the Belfry, Barbara gestured to Marinette, “Come over and pull up a chair.” Marinette followed and brought a chair to the computer. The two sat side by side, “Mari, you deserve to know more about Jason...the Red Hood.”
Marinette’s eyes widened at the mention of her soulmate, “Please tell me more about him.” she begged.
“Marinette, I’m sorry, we knew more about him but we didn’t tell you.” Barbara apologised.
Marinette was hurt at how they were withholding information about her soulmate from her. “Why?” was all that she was able to say.
Barbara took a deep breath, “Because Jason was the second Robin.” 
Marinette’s jaw dropped at this bombshell, her soulmate used to be Robin. It would explain the skills he displayed out in their last encounter. Marinette wondered how tough his life was, how he suffered at the hands of the criminals of Gotham at such a young age. Some of the things he said back at the dockyards were now sounding like they came from experience.  “What was he like?” she asked, wanting to know what her soulmate was like before his death. 
“Angry, rebellious, Jason always felt like it was him against the world. He was caught trying to steal the wheels off the Batmobile, that's how Batman found him and brought him in.” Barbara explained. 
“How did he die?” Marinette asked.
Barbara grew silent at the mention of Jason’s death. “He tried to pursue the Joker, but it was a trap. The Joker caught him, tortured him for god knows how long. I saw his bruises, it-it was as if he was beaten over and over again with a crowbar.” Marinette covered her mouth and her eyes welled with tears as she heard the gruesome details of her soulmate's unfortunate end. 
“To make matters worse, he locked Jason in the room with a bomb.” “What about the Red Hood?” she asked. “We...we buried a mannequin in a wig,” Barbara explained, “the real body was taken by the League of Assassins, trying to make up for what happened.”
Marinette stood up and rushed to the guest room, she had heard enough.  She could not imagine the pain and suffering her soulmate had been through his entire life.
Jason had been constantly on the move, knowing that his soulmate was out looking for him.  He tried to shut off the part of him that wanted to get close.  He was honestly surprised the Bat clan hadn't told her every horrific story they had about him.  Either they didn't know they were soulmates or she was knowingly walking head first into the lion's mouth.  If she didn't find him, then she might stumble upon a group of his men at work, and they might be a lot less forgiving.   If he was constantly checking over his shoulder, making sure the girl wasn't close by, things were bound to start slipping through the cracks.  
He himself had various safehouses scattered around the city, but he couldn't keep running forever.   It was getting ridiculous, he had faced crime lords, assassins and even gone toe-to-toe with Batman multiple times.  Yet here he was, running and hiding from a girl who was about a foot shorter than he was.  He knew why, of course, he wasn't afraid of her but she should be very afraid of him.  He had hoped that she would give up the search, as she drew closer and closer to finding out the truth about what happened to him.  But life had never been that easy for Jason, and sooner or later she was going to get too close to the untamed monster beneath.  If she got hurt because of him, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.  Not even his old self could forgive that.  He would have no trouble protecting her from other criminals, not that she really needed it.  However, whatever came crawling out of the pits was something else.
After putting a swift end to some people who were causing trouble in his territory,  his mind wandered back to Ladybug.  Specifically, the sad look in her eyes when he explained how brutal and unforgiving Gotham could be.  He tried not to think about it, because that look made him want to hold her close, and reassure her that everything would be okay.  Thoughts of how the idea of her gave him hope all those years ago would come bubbling to the surface.  It made him want to protect her, to ensure that this world wouldn’t hurt her the way it hurt him.  When she looked at him with those eyes, it made him want to believe that she trusted him to do just that.  He shook his head, and told himself that what he was also the very thing she needed protecting from.  
Most nights Jason had nightmares about failing to save her.  There were even nightmares where she died by his hands.  Her blue eyes would become lifeless and vacant, her skin would feel ice cold, and he would end up cradling her limp form in his arms.  Batman would just love it if those nightmares came true.  It would only prove to him that Jason was nothing more than an unhinged monster he couldn’t cage.  It wasn’t as though the Bat had much luck caging the real monsters in Gotham anyhow.  Most days, Jason’s skin crawled as he remembered the feeling of the Lazarus pit’s waters.  The creatures she was palling around with were the ones who made it. They probably didn’t give a damn about the evil they had inflicted on the world because of it.   For all he knew, being around her little fairy friends would make the effects much worse.  Still, when he snapped back to reality, he would see the string glowing red, just as it had always done.  Occasionally moving and twitching as his soulmate searched high and low for him. Maybe the time had come to have a little talk, soulmate to soulmate...
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zenosanalytic · 3 years
Growing Up is Hard; It’s Hard and Nobody Understands
So I noticed netflix has Neon Genesis Evangelion up last week and started watching it front to back for the first time ever(this happens to have coincided with me being in a down-mood for your edification, dear readers u_u), finished it today, REALLY liked it, and I wanted to try my hand at explaining what the hell is even going on in NGE cuz it actl seemed super-clear to me(a person who has been consuming NGE analysis and post-NGE media for literally 25 years) u_u
Surface Plot; Or NERV: What the Hell Is It?
I’ll try to make this as brief as possible: An organization of super-wealthy individuals calling itself Seele(looking this up, it means soul in german) wants to possess the power of God. The final third or so of the series is clear on this; it’s all about power. Ikari Yui, a geneticist, is recruited by this organization, and her husband Gendo(having taken her name which says a LOT given typical Japanese practice) comes with her. In seeking out this power, they discover a hollow sphere underneath Antarctica(”The White Moon”), send an expedition there under the guise of the UN, encounter an entity with this power which they label an “Angel”, and do SOMETHING which prompts it to explode the continent flooding the earth and killing half the population(that Gendo left beforehand implies this may have been intentional, or that a bad outcome to Seele’s approach was easy to predict, tho in typical Gendo fashion, his is the only ass he cared to save).
Afterwards Seele blame the scientists for this outcome and send Gendo on a salvage mission which recovers both remains of the Angel, now dubbed “Adam”, and a device they dub “the spear of Longinus”. Seele creates Gehirn to study these remains for practical use; they clone “Adam” and dub the result Evas(Eves). Having cloned them, they now need a way to use and control them as the Evas are non-responsive. They hit on the idea of injecting people into them via the Entry Plug system, presumably to act as a brain. The first person to try this, Ikari Yui, was absorbed by the Eva(Unit 01); the second(Soryu Kyoko Zeppelin; Asuka’s mother) was partially psychologically absorbed by Unit 02, psychologically and mentally injured by this, institutionalized, abandoned by her shit USian husband Langley who remarried to her LEAD DOCTOR, and eventual kills herself in a hanging which Asuka either is the first to discover or, given her memories of promising to die with her/begging her not to do it, was present for. An important thing to note about this: Shinji and Asuka’s ability to sync with their Evas comes from the fact that their mothers are PART of their Eva’s identity, and all of their classmates are potential pilot-candidates. The implication here is that Seele KNEW this happened when you put adults into an Angel, and they KEPT DOING IT ANYWAY to create more pilots, but there’s no confirmation of that in series.
After the attempt at human adult control fails, Gendo combines Yui’s DNA with Adam’s and creates Rei. At the same time he is doing this another team, under Akagi Naoko, is developing Magi, a biomechanical computer for simulating the human mind(again: certain implication to this re: Evas though the series never says anything). Naoko is romantically interested in Gendo, and they start getting together(Gendo’s too much of an asshole to be said to date, I think). After Rei, a toddler, tells her Gendo calls her an “old woman” in private, not realizing this is insulting, Naoko kills her, then kills herself out of shame over having MURDERED A CHILD, and Gehirn is folded into a new organization, NERV, which Gendo is put in charge of. Rei forms the basis of the second attempt at controlling the Evas; child-pilots.
How they use Rei for this I’m not exactly sure. It could be because Rei is cloned from Yui(she easily syncs with Unit 01 before Shinji bonds with it completely), or because she’s part Angel via her Adam element(Kaworu says Angels merge with one another easily and naturally), or it could be they did something with Rei I’s corpse and Unit 00(I dont see how as it seems to require a LIVE pilot). Regardless, she is raised to be the pilot for 00, the prototype. MUCH later, when the rest of the Angels finally decide to come looking for Adam, Shinji is called in, and after his success Asuka(who like Rei and unlike Shinji has been training to pilot her whole life) is called to Nerv headquarters(under Japan, in the “Black Moon”; a second spherical hollow where they found another Angel they call Lilith) too.
Regardless the child-pilots are only a step in Nerv and Seele’s plans, as Rei is ALSO the template for the Dummy Plug system, the final step in complete control of Eva units. To put it simply, the Dummy Plugs are Rei-clones without her personality or memories, and will just do whatever the heck they’re ordered to. At least once during the series(and I’d argue two, possibly three times) Rei dies and is replaced by one of these clones through some process, which involves what looks like a pre 00 Eva’s spine and probably a Magi-like backup, which transfers her personality and memories into the new body.
So what is Nerv? Well it’s hard to say EXACTLY because Gendo is in some sort of conflict with Seele(and I want to keep my watches of End of Evangelion out of this post; to focus entirely on JUST NGE itself) and Nerv IS Gendo, but as the series states repeatedly it’s an attempt to control the future of humanity by controlling what they call “the power of god” which, given that it’s what most distinguishes the “Angels”, is the AT, or “Absolute Terror”, Field. What is the AT Field? It’s a field that can make or unmake any kind of matter or energy from basically nothing, and it also seems to have a strong tie to what you could call the Ego; to desires and sense-of-self. An AT Field gets stronger when the person generating it is experiencing powerful emotions; Confidence, sure, but also Fear, Abandonment, the Will to Live, and Anger.
That last bit is very important. Why? Strong AT Field effects require a powerful emotional motivation in the pilot combined with high sync-rates with the Eva(basically a lobotomized Angel-clone) generating the Field. The three pilots we meet, the Strongest candidates, are all exceedingly traumatized people, and Gendo is the direct cause of the trauma of two of them. At no point in the series is Gendo ever a good father to Shinji, he is CONSTANTLY unreasonable, neglectful, and cruel to him; he’s kinder to Rei but at the same time her loneliness, the state of her “home”, and her lack of self worth shows that he rarely interacts with her outside of missions or explains what’s going on beyond bald facts; and he COMPLETELY ignores Asuka, a deeply lonely child with a history of abandonment and close brushes with death; he even delegates bumping her from the program. This point is important because it’s important to recognize that Gendo is a bad dad on PURPOSE; that he instrumentalizes his bad dadness to traumatize Shinji(and Rei and Asuka, though sadly the series doesn’t focus on them enough for us to see much) as much as he can, because he thinks that trauma, that emotional instability and anger, MAKES SHINJI A MORE USEFUL PILOT; ie lets him generate more powerful AT Fields. This is never said clearly, but it’s clearly what’s going on as forcing Unit 01(and thus Shinji) into awful, heartbreaking, life-threatening situations is vital to his plan. Gendo’s a piece of shit, and I want ppl to recognize just HOW BIG a piece of shit he is, because I feel this powerfully.
And for what? For Power. To be “God”. To get the highest numbers. To generate the MOST Invincible Invincibility Shield. For Ridiculous, Absurd, Childish reasons. For, you know, the same reasons rich and powerful people do all the fucked up shit they do in the real world where giant magic robots thankfully DONT exist.
And how do they plan to do this? Through “Human Instrumentation”, which will literally kill everyone by turning them all into goo.
Metaplot; Or “SHINJI! Don’t Get in that Robot!!”
So, maybe this is just because(as said previously) I’ve been reading NGE Analysis and consuming media which NGE heavily inspired for ~25 years, but I think it’s old hat at this point to note that Neon Genesis Evangelion is ALSO an allegory for becoming an adult, centered on Shinji. However, it’s just really SO on the nose in this, so PERFECT as such a narrative, that I want to run through it real quick. Also: A Cruel Angel’s Thesis is basically a thesis-statement for this series; please check out the lyrics.
So Shinji is living under the guardianship of a teacher(yup: this series even takes a swing at how our society uses schools to warehouse kids so their parents can waste their lives producing “Value” instead of raising them), when the shitty dad that abandoned him decides he has a use for him after all and calls him up.
On meeting with a child he has not seen SINCE HE WAS A TODDLER LITERALLY ABANDONED HIM ON THE STREET WHEN HIS MOTHER DIED he immediately ambushes him with the command that he get in a huge body(that he grow up) to do what? Whatever Gendo tells him to, but specifically: commit acts of violence for Gendo and Seele’s profit. He tells him this will protect people; meanwhile doing it destroys those peoples’ literal homes. The rest of the series is a series of monotonous, incomprehensible “Tests” judging his, and his peers, worthiness for approval and affection on the basis of how well they can use those giant bodies to do what Gendo tells them(so: capitalist work), punctuated by unpredictable, brutal, traumatizing, and physically dangerous events(so: capitalist work). Every friend, and the one lover, he meets, he is placed in unnecessary, destructive competition with and, when they are male, forced to attack and(in the case of the one lover, Kaworu) kill them; this last comment on homophobia is so stark and obvs I don’t even feel like you can CALL it subtext, even IF it plays out over mostly a single episode(honestly this plotline should have been given more time). And all the time they’re doing this, they must ALSO continue going to school and maintaining the front that they’re happy smiley Heroes, completely normal and not traumatized at all, and Nerv and the government that lets them run this city is a great and wonderful organization. Is this not what becoming an adult, over your teens and 20s, feels like?
And then there’s Seele and Nerv. Able to move state governments as they wish, Seele CAUSED Second Impact(Global Warming). By not returning Adam’s remains, they’re CAUSING the Angel attacks on Nerv meant to retrieve them(the threat of Human extinction). The Angels eventually begin trying to communicate and Nerv’s response? Destroy them before they can; blow up the Evas(and their pilots) if they succeed. And to top it all off Seele and Nerv are actually trying to CAUSE the very extinction(Third Impact) they claim to be preventing! Seele and Nerv are just SUCH good metaphors for capitalism in our modern day.
The transwoman reading of Shinji also seems pretty dang strong to me, though I’ll only deal with it shallowly. Shinji is the only “male” of all the pilots. Outside of command and security, most Nerv staff are women. Being an Eva pilot, being Nerv staff, is marked as “feminine”, and Shinji is an Eva pilot; is a Nerv staffer. The body he gets into, Unit 01, acts as a metaphor for the large, imposing, masculine body he’s expected to have as an adult “man”, yet it’s also spiritually his mom -feminine- and his ability to use it is tied DIRECTLY with his ability to “Sync” with that spirit; with his ease and comfort being feminine. Even at the level of mere aesthetics, Shinji’s plugsuit makes him appear to have breasts! Going a bit deeper, he initially relates to the women around him by relating to their gender. He’s most at ease with Rei because of the personality traits she shares with him which, we know from his gender-policing of Misato from earlier in the series, are traits he considers feminine(ie: he doesn’t feel like Misato has them, so he thinks she’s being a woman “wrong” and gets oddly offended by this in a way that really feels more about him than her). Asuka is constantly expressing her frustration with him for not “being a man”, ie, for being “feminine” in her eyes, and he isn’t really bothered by it(her calling him an idiot seems to stick much more firmly). Misato and Shinji establish a modus vevendi when she accepts him as he is, allowing him to do the household chores and to cook; he’s comfortable and happy when accepted into roles his culture considers feminine, while most of the series is him bucking AGAINST the masculinity forced on him by Nerv, his father, and others. Again: this is a very surface-level engagement with the subject, but even at that shallow level I feel like the case for reading Shinji as a transwoman is pretty solid.
It’s not a perfect series by any means of course.
There’s allot of dialogue that’s pure 90s nonsense, though the series mostly includes it only to shoot it down.
Like I said above, I don’t think Rei and Asuka really get the time or attention they deserve. In general the series treatment of women is ...Weird... especially around the issue of sex. It’s really strange; in many ways it’s far better than most anime(spcl from that period) on this. Women are ACTUAL PEOPLE with psychology, opinions, and pasts; they’re allowed to have emotions of their own, and struggles, and to be damn competent; they are independent and their own selves rather than accessories or “prizes” to men. But on the issue of feminine sexuality it just gets suddenly so weird in this very particular old-school misogynist way. Like: it treats women’s attraction and reactions TO relationships as something devoid of and impenetrable to reason, without belittling the emotions(the desire and hurt) behind those reactions. That’s the only way I can describe it, and it’s so strange to see something that is both so insulting and sympathetic at once. Oh, and the Akagis in particular are done super-dirty for seemingly no reason I can see, tho I can guess, and Akagi Ritsuki is CLEARLY a lesbian(possibly bi lesbian) and also Rose Lalonde(srsl; her Deal should have been an unrequited, unspoken crush on Misato. They openly dealt with queerness re: Kaworu and Shinji they could have done it here too).
The Kaworu storyline should have been a series of episodes or even developed from the start with him as another pilot(maybe replace Toji with him), though they’d have to tone down his weirdness, at least at the start. A deeper dive on Shinji’s sexuality(honestly his attraction to Kaworu is SO much more immediate and believable than anything we see with him and Asuka, which there is basically nothing of beyond the ep where they had to do choreography for a fight, and that’s not developed on) would have really been appreciated, and having Kaworu be a bigger part of the series would have facilitated that.
Also honestly the whole series feels a bit rushed? Spcl the second half. Like I said: I haven’t done any followup reading lately, but I remember there being some budget problems or something, so maybe that’s the cause. Ironically it might actl also be why it’s as GOOD as it is; having to keep it short forces you to write concise and lean, and that’s probably why its themes and message are so clear. But, I’d have liked more rambling for character development, and more time spent on seeing Rei and Asuka react to the stresses we saw Shinji face(also they never really get moments to shine like he does; another negative common to the medium and genre). Asuka in particular, as a Japanese German with a USian temperament abandoned by her parents, already an outsider in SO many ways, coming to live in an entirely different culture where she’s even MORE of an outsider; forced to live with people(Misato and Shinji) she finds it impossible to relate to or connect with; who has literally NO ONE beside a single adult guardian who totally blows her off THE WHOLE SERIES after delivering her; PLUS her awful past: there’s just SO MUCH material I’d have loved to see explored more slowly and with greater depth, detail, and sympathy even if what IS there already is pretty powerful and effecting. She’s SUCH a good Vriska(so I’d also have loved to see her break more shit too >:>)
So Anyway: I really liked this series. It had its problems, there are things I’d have liked to see, but it absolutely deserves the reputation it has. I might write more about this, I might do a watch through INCLUDING End of Evangelion(which actl makes much more sense having watched the series, though having done so makes Shinji’s masturbation scene comPLETELY out of left-field like where the hell did THAT come from); we’ll see.
23 notes · View notes
thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk: RUN episode 130
by Admin 1
A week has passed and it’s time for the continuation of last weeks tennis episode, this time with BTS coming together on a tennis court to decide who the BTS Tennis Champion is, excluding Yoongi who was the MC and umpire due to his shoulder. He was joined by one of the coaches who’d previously given the members lessons at the club we’ve seen them at in last weeks episode. 
Before I truly get into it, and let me tell you, for those who haven’t seen the episode yet but are still reading this anyway (thank you so much for that), there is a lot to get into. Especially when it comes to vmin. It was a feast this week, I can tell you that much (so fellow vminnies prepare yourself to get annoyed and upset with you know who again this week as is tradition whenever we get a lot of vmin, am I being shady/petty?). But the other members were comedic gold as well, especially Yoongi with his amazing commentary, and fellow namjinists, we got a few nice things as well.
Funny thing is about an hour after the episode went live, the following ask appeared in our inbox and, at this point, I hadn’t seen the episode yet so reading this made me giggle but also very curious to see what exactly even happened that led to Jimin carrying Tae, as well as how Jimin did that since I immediately thought back to that moment at MAMA 2019 where he tried yet failed to lift Tae. 
From anon: Tonight's Run episode. Omg. When JM carried Tae and pretended to give him mouth to mouth, Tae gay panicked and said 'Hold on!' and swiftly got up and went back to the court. I cannot with these two. 😂It's always like someone is brave and then the other one panics. Come on VMIN you can both be brave hahahaha
But lets start...at the beginning (and make yourself comfortable because this ended up being a truly long one, also spoilers for who the winner is will be marked):
The episode opens with the members reminding themselves (and the viewer) why they are on that court again (as well as Hobi playing so much with his racket that he ends up dropping it, aww) and also letting us know that a solid 3-5 months have passed since the previous episode was filmed. Furthermore they talk about how, due to their schedules, they didn’t really have time for practice (as in they basically conclude they were bad at keeping up with this project and mostly merely went to practice once while Yoongi commented how they probably should’ve chosen something a little more approachable with a schedule like theirs), seeing as in the meantime Dynamite was released and they also had MOTS ON:E to practice for and perform. I do love how the editors flexed Dynamite’s BBHot100 longevity in the subtitles.
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Since the members all spoke toward the center, mostly turned around toward Jimin and Yoongi, Seokjin commented how they should also talk toward him, which Tae took as funny invitation to stand exceptionally close to Seokjin making him laugh with a big smile on his face. When I tell you I adore their dynamic and bond, I truly mean it.
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Yoongi is announced as MC and joined by Coach Kim, to whom the members apologize for forgetting everything he taught them. Next they move along to explaining the “rules” which basically ends with none of the rules actually being explained and the members making jokes about how headshots are against the rules. Then the order and pairings for the starting matches are chosen by chance by Yoongi and Coach Kim, though Hobi and Seokjin are separated so they won’t end up playing against each other since Hobi is the only one with past experience while Seokjin was the only one who actually went to practice four times between last episode and this one. 
While that’s happening, we get a wide shot of the court and the RUN crew giving us once again an idea of just how many people are involved to film these episodes and how many pairs of eyes are watching them. (this is something some people truly should remind themselves of more often when coming up with...theories.)
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The order is decided as Hobi vs JK, Namjoon vs Tae (can we please talk about how, when Namjoon is pulled as Tae’s opponent, Seokjin quietly comments how he wanted to play against Namjoon? Cute!), and Jimin vs Seokjin. After the pairs are decided there’s this small hilarious moment where Seokjin stands a little further back and pulls out his phone and is promptly snitched on my Yoongi. In his defense Seokjin says that his dad was calling him so it was a completely valid reason to check while the other members complain about him having brought in his phone at all. Namjoon even tells him that he shouldn’t use his dad as excuse to which Seokjin challenges him if he should show him his phone as proof. 
Then, finally, the matches begin. Yoongi and Coach Kim settle behind their umpire desk while Namjoon and Seokjin sit in the stands behind them to the left, thus on JKs side, and Jimin and Tae on the right, thus on Hobi’s. Who starts the match is decided in good old BTS fashion with rock-paper-scissors and we are treated to Yoongi calling Hobi a dummy which had me howling with laughter.
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We also get chaos immediately as Tae pretends to be the ball boy on JKs side, though quickly gives up his job and returns to his place. All signs point toward Tae being in a fantastic, comedic mood once again. We love to see it. As the match is happening, Yoongi comments on how it’s actually surprisingly fun to watch, with which Namjoon agrees (and so do I). They all get so into it making it double fun to watch and even easier to cheer along and get emotionally invested in what’s happening on screen.
During the second half of JKs match with Hobi, Tae asks Coach Kim what kind of player JK is to which he replies that he’s a passionate one, and upon prompting clarifies that JK always stayed longer after practice to practice some more. That certainly sounds very much like JK, and fits with what we’ve seen in the previous episode. Despite that Hobi wins the match!
Next up is Namjoon against Tae. Jimin playfully takes up the role of Tae’s coach, hands him a bottle of water and carries his racket while Tae ties his shoes and then approaches the net for rock-paper-scissors. Upon seeing their shenanigans, Seokjin jumps in as Namjoon’s coach, making sure he has spare balls and that he actually goes to the net as well.
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Before the match even begins we get Namjoon asking first Seokjin, who says he doesn’t know, and then Coach Kim if he’s even holding the racket properly which Yoongi comments upon saying he’s holding it the way you would a knife while cooking. Honestly Yoongi is on fire this episode with funny commentary. Then as they get to rock-paper-scissors, Tae as the most endearing human ever asks upon his angels (with Yoongi asking the editors to add in actual angel graphics for his sequence) to help him win, which he does. He gets to start off the match.
Namjoon is certainly the funniest tennis player among the members adding in little hops and spins making everyone laugh so, so much. Coach Kim comments upon how, because Namjoon was so busy, he didn’t get to learn how to do backhand and thus only knows how to do forehand (please don’t ask me what that means and what kind of effect that has because I have no clue). Speaking of laughter, at some point Seokjin is laughing so much and so hard Hobi turns to him and asks “why are you so happy?” but we never get an answer. Interestingly enough, as they announce a serve change, so Tae serving instead, Seokjin immediately stops laughing and looks focused again.
Also at some point they realize that Namjoon was playing with someone else’s racket, leading to Namjoon switching to his actual one, while Coach Kim says that Namjoon had left his racket at their gym which Seokjin comments by saying “that’s Namjoon”. We’re also treated to Nam-derer (Namjoon + Federer) and Tae-kovic (Taehyung + Djokovic) by Seokjin. Honestly, extra points for creativity. The match ends with Namjoon losing, ending up at the net and immediately being ready to bump elbows with Tae accepting his defeat. Absolutely hilarious match!
Next up is Seokjin against Jimin and it starts with Seokjin promptly loosing three points one after the other with the other members commenting that tennis is a mind game and Jimin’s mind is good. Jimin loses the next point, thus the members idea of Jimin potentially winning a “perfect game” (without Seokjin getting any points) is gone. Although it’s meant teasingly, this is still really cute:
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Upon being prompted by Namjoon to bring out his (Jimin’s) true tennis skills, the game turns around and Seokjin goes into the lead. Soon thereafter the score is 5 for Jimin and 9 for Seokjin which leads to Tae calling out the score to Jimin (saying Jiminie) as 5959 which apparently is both a lucky number and phonetically similar to something you’d say in a cutesy way to a child or someone you love in Korean, and on top of that it’s also 9595 backward. Unfortunately all that soulmate luck doesn’t help since Jimin still ends up losing the match.
Next up is Hobi against Tae with Hobi “teasing” Tae by claiming that he’s certain Tae will win. The match starts off with Hobi winning twice but Tae gets into it soon enough and they actually manage to get a few rallies going, as well as Coach Kim commenting on how you can tell that Hobi has prior training. As they reach 6:7 for Tae, Jimin and Namjoon start chanting KIM TAEHYUNG, with Jimin, Seokjin and Jungkook also doing some additional “cheerleader” moves. Very sweet and supportive! Look at their smiles, look at Jimin’s smile! He does that a few more times as Tae wins more points.
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Then we get to the moment that had everyone, vminnies and non-vminnies alike, in absolute shambles: Tae hurts himself (though I’m still not 100% certain if it was a joke or he actually hurt himself even if just a bit) and falls to the ground, Yoongi rushes in with a big smile while calling for a medic and Jimin runs over saying he’ll carry Tae. Which he does, just like anon said. Look at him! How is it possible that somehow Tae turns so smol whenever he’s in Jimin’s arms? Also just how strong, exactly, is Jimin that he can just pick up Tae like that despite Tae being taller, and therefore also surely a little heavier than Jimin?
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Also can we please talk about how Tae hooks his arms around Jimin, how he nestled his head against him, and also about that barely visible (from our angle and due to Jimin’s shoulder) smile on Tae face as he’s being carried? And also Namjoon’s face. Of course he’s there as well because what would be a vmin scene if Namjoon wouldn’t be there as well haha.
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That’s still not everything (truly this episode is a gift that keeps on giving) since Jimin puts down Tae on the stands and proceeds to give him pretend CPR and acts like he wants to also give him mouth-to-mouth which makes Tae giggle/laugh, but not just any laugh, it’s his Jiminie laugh. Catch me crying. After that Tae gets up and ends up winning the match giving us the following (it’s not too visible in the gif but my heart melts at Jimin’s happy/fond smile):
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And thus the final match is Kim vs Kim, place your bets now before continuing on. I do love how seriously Jimin is taking his “coach” job as he once again stands by Tae’s side before the match begins and carries his racket. 
Since this is already getting outrageously long (and there are still 16 minutes left) I’ll just mention a few highlights instead of a detailed commentary. Also, if you don’t want to know who wins, I’d recommend skipping this part. I’ll add a bold Match Over at the end so just scroll until you see that.
Tae and Seokjin tease each other which Seokjin delivering the following line “I’ll prove that the underdog can’t make it to the top”.
Tae fails his first attempt at a serve, but upon second try, wins his first point. 
Tae asks for more balls so he can keep some in his pockets which is commented by JK as Tae being greedy for balls because his mom didn’t buy him the toys he wanted as a kid. Another member, though I can’t for the life of me figure out which, asks what he’s talking about, and then Namjoon puts an end to the antics.
Seokjin rolls up his sleeves (things are getting serious serious) and Namjoon wishes him good luck (we love a supportive leaderbf). This is followed by Namjoon wondering if Seokjin is Shapovalov and Seokjin wins the point.
Seokjin wins the first set and they switch sides.
Seokjin tries to pick up the ball by hitting it with the racket just like they’d been taught in the previous episode but hits the ground instead. Yoongi wants to give him a yellow card but only has a yellow pen which he holds up instead.
They get a fantastic rally going but unfortunately Tae loses because he hits the ball too hard and it goes OUT. JK says it was so good there should be a slo-mo to commemorate that rally which makes everyone laugh.
Tae hits the ball into the OUT and nearly hits Jimin and JK which prompts Jimin to chant something in Busan satoori along with JK but Namjoon stops them by saying that they’re in Seoul.
The ball gets stuck in Tae’s racket, something that happens very, very rarely and thus the members decide to give him that point simply because of that. Namjoon also tells Tae he should buy a lottery ticket.
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Finally, because “hard work never betrays”, Seokjin wins! He also wins, according to me for the cutest smile because honestly LOOK AT HIM, how can anyone not be endlessly fond, endeared and enamored with him? That’s scientifically impossible and should be a punishable crime. Am I exaggerating? Who cares!
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Also Hobi gently, so very gently, dabbing away Seokjin’s sweat with his sleeve. 
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Seokjin receives a skinny little gold medal, which Tae sneakily steals from him like a little squirrel while Seokjin gives a speech while being the most humble and very Seokjin. 
After the game the members gather at a restaurant with the bill being paid by Seokjin, which is something the members simply decide upon though Seokjin makes a joke about having forgotten his wallet at home. What a nice prize for winning, makes it totally worth it, right? The first dishes that are served are seafood which Namjoon comments on by saying that he can’t eat them, but he needn’t worry because there was plenty, and I mean plenty, more food to be tried and eaten.
Overall the dinner featured some funny and interesting moments such as:
Hobi, Tae and Seokjin playing the “tangsuyuk” game which Namjoon calls childish and yet makes a game out of him saying “child” and Jimin “ish” with a laugh and smile on his face.
Jimin and Seokjin having a funny/cutesy conversation in a mix of Korean and English which is followed by Seokjin saying they should now only talk in English, which Hobi accepts. The only ones who do it are Hobi and Seokjin (who shows off two sentences with great pronunciation) and then it’s over and they switch back to Korean.
JK saying “I wanna be a lobster” to the tune of “I wanna be a rockstar” from Interlude: Shadow.
An extreme closeup shot of Jimin trying Peking duck including some ASMR for those who like it.
JK and Seokjin reaching for Seokjin’s drink at the same time with Seokjin telling JK he should order his own instead of trying to take his (later we see JK still drink from Seokjin’s glass). Jimin also asks for a sip (though he might be talking to Hoseok since there’s a glass standing between them as well from which we see Jimin drink).
Tae wonders what they’ll be going through in the next episode of RUN which gets commented as “reasonable doubt” by the editors in the subs. 
Jimin tells the story of how he went to a hair salon with Yoongi though at first he can’t remember when it was. Tae and his vault of Jimin memories though does, saying that it was for their profile pictures before debut. The story goes that Jimin got an asymmetrical haircut which apparently was so bad/funny Yoongi couldn’t look at him and left him behind to meet with his friends instead. Once Jimin arrived at the dorm, Hobi woke up from his sleep yet, upon seeing Jimin, “fainted” because he laughed so hard.
As final dish they get mattang which reminds them of the mattang JK made in an older episode of RUN which ended up basically being completely immovable and stuck to his plate. “First is cleanliness, second is cleanliness, and third is adhesiveness.” I’m not surprised that we remember these things, but looking at how much they do, see, and have to remember, I’m always amazed by the fact that they remember such small things as well.
Jimin asked how long they’ve been doing RUN for to which JK says “10 years” making everyone laugh. Yoongi though comes through saying that they started in 2015, which is correct.
In the end they get some coffee and Tae asks if they should leave for their next shoot now, something it seems they’ve been stalling on doing since Tae already asked that twice before and they came up with things they should/need to do or eat before that.
And that concludes the episode! Wow, this turned out way too long. If you actually made it this far, I truly applaud you and also thank you sincerely. I loved this episode and I just had a lot to say, I suppose. This might be one of my new favorite episodes, which I have a feeling I’ve been saying for the last couple of episodes as well, but what can I say, these episodes have really been amazing recently.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
farran rereads lost lagoon: chapters 9-10
it’s been a hot minute! previous installments here, in case you’d like to refresh your memory first.
- this chapter opens with rapunzel observing that cassandra is angry and concluding, correctly, that it’s because rapunzel followed her. i think this is a very interesting choice for howland to make. tts rapunzel is not like this. she often, particularly in s1, fails to notice when cass is frustrated with her and is startled when that frustration erupts into anger after repeated pushing. she is also generally quite bad at linking cause and effect together like this; she might recognize that cass is angry, but miss why. she stomps all over cassandra’s boundaries in large part because she doesn’t know any better. she can’t see how her behavior is hurting cass. but lagoon rapunzel does know better. she’s far more emotionally intuitive, and she can see right away that sticking her nose into cassandra’s business upsets cass, yet she will continue to do it. part of me wonders if this change is to facilitate the character growth lagoon rapunzel gets (which tts rapunzel does not)? it’s much easier, after all, to fix poor behavior if you’re able to see how it’s hurting people you care about.
- rapunzel here also observes that cassandra’s “eyes were wide and vulnerable,” indicating how afraid cass was of the water situation. cass denies that she was afraid when rapunzel asks her. this has a lot of similarities to how cass acts in fanon, cassunzel fanon in particular—outright denying her feelings, even when rapunzel accurately identifies them. and i know i’m beating a dead horse here, but tts cass is not like this. tts cass readily expresses her feelings to rapunzel—except when she thinks rapunzel isn’t willing to listen to her. in COTB, her reticence with rapunzel comes on the heels of rapunzel doing something cassandra pleaded with her not to do. in RATGT, rapunzel outright tells her to ‘be okay with’ the way rapunzel treats her, and in RDO cass bottles up her feelings and refuses to talk until rapunzel forces her to. actively hiding her feelings is a behavior she develops after becoming friends with rapunzel, because rapunzel continually dismisses or ignores her feelings. this is probably not the last time i am going to harp on this over the course of this little reread. it’s a huge pet peeve of mine.
- re: romance novel: “I hadn’t seen Eugene since the night before. After Cassandra left my room, I sent Pascal to follow her. I instructed him to come get me if she went anywhere.” ksdkjf
- cassandra, of course, wants the lagoon to be their—or rather, ideally, her—little secret, because she’s decided this is the thing that will prove she’s ready for the guard. her approach to getting rapunzel on board with this secret-keeping is to imply that frederic and arianna might compromise corona’s national security if they are informed. i think this is very funny.
- (again, contrast this to what happens in tts: when cass begs rapunzel to keep their midnight excursion a secret, she explains her reasoning in detail, because tts cass knows how to communicate like an adult.)
- “It’s so…blue” jksdfl cass has a way with words huh
- i do not think ms howland knows what a lagoon is, because what she is describing is absolutely not a lagoon. it appears to be a cenote. i suppose ‘rapunzel and the lost cenote’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, though, does it?
- cassandra reveals that she doesn’t know how to swim. i will get into this in a moment.
- corona has 315 miles of coastline, according to ms. howland. for purposes of comparison, rhode island has around 380 miles of coastline. now! in addition to those three hundred odd miles of coastline, corona has 212 lakes, 121 ponds, 67 rivers, of which 17 are significant in size and let out into the sea. with some cursory research i haven’t been able to get a precise count of the number of freshwater bodies of water there are in rhode island, but wikipedia tells me that about 90% of the inland freshwater in the state is contained in 237 lakes and ponds, which is a bit less than corona’s 333 total lakes and ponds, so… assuming the other 10% of rhode island’s inland freshwater is contained in a few dozen smaller lakes and ponds, those numbers are quite close as well. and according to wikipedia, rhode island has 59 rivers, of which 17 are ‘considered major rivers either geographically or historically.’ 
there is not really a point to this digression except that i think it is interesting. rhode island is 1,214 square miles in size and based on the general closeness of these numbers i have decided to tentatively conclude that corona is meant to be roughly similar in size. let’s call it a nice even 1,250 square miles for the sake of ease and to account for the greater number of lakes and ponds. 
this is quite a bit larger than the kingdom appears to be in tts—unless the kingdom is very lopsided and island city is situated within a couple dozen miles of the nearest border—but it’s also quite small for a country. (europe has a few very small microstates and city-states, but excluding those, the smallest country in europe is almost twice the size of rhode island). 
for my own writing, i decided that corona was quite a bit larger than this—bitter snow corona is in the neighborhood of 13,125 square miles, of which about ⅓ was formerly saporia and another ¼ is the disputed territory/province of malinar, meaning saporia is/was about 4,375 square miles, malinar is about 3,288 square miles, and pre-conquest corona would have been about 5,462 square miles—but, if you’re writing fanfiction and looking for an approximate ‘canon’ size for corona, 1,250 sq miles is not a bad guess. just remember that that big old wall rapunzel’s so eager to get to the other side of has to be within about twenty miles of the island capital in order for horses to be able to comfortably get there and back in less than a day! so either the island has to be very near the nearest border, or the wall isn’t actually corona’s border but rather a defensive wall around the capital or something like that. 
- now back to cassandra, and the matter of her inability to swim. i think, given that they live on an island and the generally high standards to which he holds his daughter, it beggars belief a little that the captain did not force the issue of her learning how. it’s a safety matter. if you live near water you need to be able to swim.  but, fine, she has a phobia, whatever. it’s for the romance novel™
- but i hate this. i hate it. ms. howland expects me to believe that:
1 - cassandra hasn’t been in swimming lessons since she could walk
2 - cassandra’s phobia was so severe that the captain never forced the issue of her learning to swim, while living on an island
3 - rapunzel magically knows how to swim, because the three or four minutes she spent almost drowning in a slowly flooding cave and then being spat out into a river and dragged to the bank by eugene was sufficient for her to become a great swimmer.
4 - all it takes for cassandra to overcome her debilitating phobia of water is for rapunzel to spend maybe ten or fifteen minutes gently coaxing her into the water and teaching her how to tread water
5 - swimming in the lagoon with rapunzel then becomes one of cassandra’s most treasured pastimes, and
6 - merely a few months after this, cassandra is a strong enough swimmer to (in fitzherbert pi) DIVE INTO THE FUCKING OCEAN FULLY DRESSED WITH HER BOOTS ON in order to rescue shorty before he drowns.
now i get it. i get it. this is a romance novel and the symbolism of rapunzel liberating cassandra from her fears and teaching her a valuable new skill that they bond over and becomes their shared special secret thing to do together is obviously powerful and a staple trope for the genre. but it makes so little sense for this to be a skill that rapunzel has but cassandra does not. it feels almost infantalizing of cassandra and aggrandizing of rapunzel. like… rapunzel is an exceptionally competent young woman, yes. but no she can’t fucking swim you can’t learn to swim from that one time you almost drowned in a FUCKING cave. fuck!
- i’m still on the first page of chapter 10 and i am steamed.
- “It’s amazing how fast you can pick something up when your life depends on it.” FUCK you, ms. howland. you don’t learn how to turn sommersalts or swim laps by almost drowning. at most you might teach yourself how to doggy paddle.
- this scene would have worked just as goddamn well on the romance novel front if cass were the one who knew how to swim and rapunzel desperately wanted to learn and made big sad puppy eyes until cass caved and agreed to teach her. like! ffs you could even squeeze in the phobia stuff - rapunzel freaks out when she gets to a certain depth because it throws her back to being in that cave and cass, who has plenty of experience dealing with her own panic attacks, is able to gently calm her down.
- but that would require ms. howland to allow rapunzel to be bad at something. grumble.
- i don’t think rapunzel is qualified to give cass exposure therapy.
- this is nitpicky but i’m annoyed. this is not how you clean plate armor. “First you hang your suit of armor up to make sure every piece is properly aligned and that there’s no rust” WHAT? it’s not… like, it’s not like a onesie. plate armor is a bunch of individual components tied or buckled to an arming doublet or, in some cases, to other pieces of plate. you can’t ‘hang up’ a suit of plate armor the way you’d hang up, like, a jacket. you can put the pieces together on an arming doublet that you’ve hung up on a dummy, but… why would you do that in order to clean it.
“Then you attach the foot coverings” gjksdfjk just… the mental image of cassandra painstakingly putting a suit of armor together on a fucking mannequin and buckling the sabatons to the greaves or what the fuck ever she means by this and trying to clean the set that way is destroying me
“Then you need to polish the chest plate, with a soft cloth, work in circles, going outward” okay yes but you’d do the cuirrass separate from the rest of the set and you’d do the inside too and cass ought to know the proper name for all of these pieces please it’s not hard
“The arms can be tricky because the joints” WHAT. for arms you’ve got, like, a pauldron (or spaulder and rondel), rerebrace, couter, vambrace, gauntlets. these are separate pieces. you clean them one at a time, inside and outside. does howland think you just… don’t need to clean the inside of a set of plate armor? does she think the inside isn’t just as if not more susceptible to rust as the outside? does… does she realize that you can take plate armor apart i am CONFOUNDED
WHAT is a “mouth cover” in this context. is she refering to a visor. hinged pieces like on an armet? does she mean a bevor? the bevor isn’t even part of the helmet aljksdflkjsfdj
cassandra refers to cuisses and greaves as “thigh plates” and “shin [plates]” respectively i’m die. she also completely skips the poleyns. i do not think this cass has ever cleaned a suit of plate armor in her entire life.
i am losing. my. mind.
- in the immediate aftermath of cass learning how to tread water i think rapunzel asks her more personal questions than she does in the entirety of tts itself. like, it’s almost jarring how much more interested both rapunzel and eugene are in cassandra as a person in this book than they seem to be in tts. compare this conversation to the way cass opens up to rapunzel in beginnings - here, it’s prompted by rapunzel asking questions, expressing interest in cassandra’s feelings and encouraging her by telling her she’s brave. in beginnings, rapunzel builds a pillow fort in cass’s room because she wants to force a bonding moment and cass, after initially trying to kick her out, relents and volunteers some personal information as a kind of apology for being hostile. the vibes are completely different, so different that it feels like i’m not even reading about the same characters.
- like can you imagine tts rapunzel saying something like “it’s your story, that makes it important” to cass? lmao
- cass reveals that she’s afraid of water because she got dragged out by the undertow at the beach when she was small, and her dad saved her and then got so mad at her that she remembers being as afraid of him as she was of the water. this is not unrealistic per se, but… if cassandra was as scared of her dad that day as she was of drowning, then… shouldn’t that have more of an impact on her relationship with him? like…he screams at her after she almost drowns and she walks away with this debilitating phobia of the water but zero lingering fear of him?
- this chapter has given me a headache
- re: romance novel: “Rapunzel gripped my hand. This time I didn’t flinch.” snrk. 
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Shackles 9: I’m sorry
[Warning: Blood and Extreme harm] [part 8]
“Let her go!” The cries of a young boy echoed, struggling against his captors as he and his sister were dragged through sickening white halls. All attempts to reach out for her failed as he watched Jasmine get tossed into a room. Sobek continued walking his way however, guiding the men to a separate correctional room. Rajah did his best to struggle but his weak body was thrown harshly into a cold metal chair; the exit door shut tightly with him and Sobek inside. Rajah didn’t even have a chance to move before the feel of mangled fingers pressed against his neck as he was strapped down.
“I told you to keep her under control. Now look at what you’re making me do? Should’ve known better. A beast can’t control another beast.”
“Don’t…hurt her.” He gasped. Sobek finally released his hold. Rajah gasped and coughed for air while the man walked away to a tray of various tools. The light in the room went out except for the wall in front of him, which acted like a screen.
“ Oh I’m not going to hurt her. Not physically with my hands anyways. The guards she hurt might have a thing to say to her but we both know that’ll solve nothing.” Sobek drew up a syringe. “You and I, however, we’re gonna fix you right up and then see how sister dearest acts. Hopefully she’ll become more agreeable. If not…well, it’s a big siblings job to look after the little one.”
Rajah began to panic. Try as he might, he couldn’t shake his restraints as the scientist approached, injecting him in the neck.
“Let’s make you a model big brother…”
Across the world, helping hands were reaching out. Blake ran across rooftops to the port in a desperate attempt to get on a leaving ship before it was too late. Out of practice, she took a misstep and nearly lost her balance. Fortunately friends followed closely behind her. Blake felt two hands rebalance her as she continued forward. “Thank you.”
Ilia nodded, “Don’t mention it.”
Blake looked left. Yang didn’t say anything. All she gave was a small nod. It wasn’t much but it made Blake happy. “I’ll make it up to both of you later.”
“Oh that’s a given. Let’s focus on what’s important right now. That ship is already leaving port and that Jacquelyn lady already has a head start. Missing this ship could be bad.”
“So we won’t miss it.” Yang said with conviction. Her gauntlets propelled herself forward and launched herself in the air ahead of others. Yang turned around midair and reached out. “Well!?”
She didn’t even have to say it. Blake grabbed Ilia’s hand then threw Gamble Shroud. Yang grabbed the gun and yanked them so hard they flew by her. Still holding on, Yang felt Blake pull her. She timed a shotgun blast with the tension of the pull to soar ahead as far as possible; yanking both girls again. This rendition of their favorite move cut out a lot of time. It only took a few minutes before all three reached the point of free falling over the boat. Yang lets go of the gun so Blake can anchor to the boat. Ilia took the first opportunity to escape that jarring movement she got, running down the taut ribbon to the ship and pulling it to bring Blake down from air.
Yang realized she might be in a bit of a situation and so did Blake. Tucking and rolling might be pushing her luck when it comes to movement options while she’s expecting. “Uhh Blake?”
“I got you.” Blake didn’t want to jossle her anymore than necessary. She jumped up and caught Yang safely before the blonde could fall any faster. “You okay?”
“Put me down the moment we land!”
Blake didn’t bother arguing. She let go as soon as she touched the floor and watched Yang speed over to the side of the boat to lean over. Thankfully Yang held back whatever tried to come up and everyone was spared the sounds of her puking.
“Jaune was right. Motion sickness is a big deal. Ugh…”
“Don’t you mean, Vomit Boy?”
“I’ll never call him that again. Too cruel.” Yang walked back over to Ilia and Blake to sit against a wall. “Please tell me this was the right boat? I don’t wanna do that again.”
“Of course it is. It’s the one always going back and forth to Vacou. Sun and I might as well live on this ship.” Ilia pulled out her scroll. “We’ll see port a little after daybreak, so we should all rest and be prepared. I’m going to speak to the captain so nobody thinks we’re a bunch of stowaways.”
“You don’t have to worry about that.” A voice called from the front of the boat. The trio looked and gasped to see Jacquelyn walking towards them. “Gunshots aren’t the quietest thing in the world. Also one of you literally lights up, so there’s that. I thought you would’ve tagged out by now.
“And I thought you would’ve been long gone by now.”
Jacquelyn rested on the railings to watch the waves. “If it were up to me I’d be there already, but I don’t control boat schedules now do I? Good thing. Not entirely sure what I’m walking into. So yeah, thanks.” Jacquelyn turned to Ilia. “Hey. You’re the chameleon right? Ilia, was it?”
Eyes widened instantly. “Adam spoke of me?”
“When it was relevant, but yeah. Said that you’re pretty capable at what you do. Glad you’re tagging along.”
“Wish I could say the same. I have lots of questions and I have a feeling the answers are with you.” Ilia crossed her arms. Being out of the loop was a pain in the ass she couldn’t stand.
“As much as I love stories, now isn’t the best time. However…” her attention turned to Blake. “I think the two of us might need one. A brief, but important one. Alone.”
Blake looked around. “It will just be a moment you two.”
“Take your time.” Yang added.
Jacquelyn took Blake by the hand to lead her to the front. “I could tell from a glance that you’re troubled. Spit it out.”
“…I’ve learned about what we’re dealing with. Ilia told me what we might face and why. Back in the desert I told you my beliefs run to my core.”
“Don’t tell me that’s changed?”
“I’m telling you sorry. Apparently my efforts as High Leader haven't even scratched the surface. I thought things were progressing steadily but we’re heading to a place that’s about to prove everything is still the same. Spite is alive and thriving.”
“Hehe, and? We both know you were aware of that. So why don’t you come out and just ask-”
“How?” Blake said, balling her fist. “If what you claim is true, then how do you do it? How are you changing someone who’s that spiteful when I can’t reach people like him at all? I’m not sure if I’m reaching anyone right now. I feel…”
“Stupid? You’re not. Naive? I’d say more optimistic.” Jacquelyn put her hand on Blake’s shoulder. “Impatience, that’s what’s got you. Don’t look at me for guidelines because frankly I’m selfish and never bothered looking at the bigger picture when it comes to humanity. You’re different. You know what path you want to take but hesitate to get pushy with it, compromising without realizing it. A flexible leader is good but if you are certain about the way you want things then Blake Belladonna, don’t you dare compromise.”
Blake felt Jacquelyn’s grip tighten. The woman’s eyes went cold and Blake knew her next words would be the most important.
“We’re heading to a place that can only be hell. Blake, you’ll find the real answer to all your questions soon enough. Don’t run from it.”
The meaning to those words reached her, yet Blake knew she’d only truly grasp it in the moment. “Understood.”
“Good. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow. I should probably rest but I’m sure it’s in my best interest to give your friend at least a little bit of info.”
“I can handle that.”
“No, worry about Yang instead. I want all of us at least a little bit at peace.” Ilia walked back over to the other two. “Changed my mind. Story time, squirt.” She took Ilia’s hand.
“Don’t fight it. I’m too tired for resistance. Yang?”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good. Uhh thanks, I guess.”
Yang watched them leave and Blake came back seconds later to sit next to her. The two sat quietly, the sound of waves crashing on one another. “I won’t pretend I’m suddenly okay with all of this. But…I want us to be okay. So I’ll put in the leg work.”
“Heh. Yang, you’re always okay with me. Leg work or not, following me is your choice. Don’t think you owe me anything.”
“Stop being a dummy. I swear you’ve always been like this. How many people gotta say it? You don’t choose what your friends do.”
“Then you should choose to be okay with me.”
Blake looked at Yang’s unblinking face with a smile. Deep down, the bruiser's heart felt as if a weight was lifted. A sense of overwhelming joy couldn’t be contained. “So, we’re okay then.” Yang lifted her fist. “Partners forever.”
Blake bumped her fist. “Forever.”
Frayed bonds may be fragile, but as long as strings remain linked, mending was an outcome. Blake and Yang were living proof, and with a little luck…so would Adam. Life wasn’t always a fairytale unfortunately. One bond may have strengthened tonight, but it wasn’t the only one being tested. There was another, fraying from unseen eyes; until it snapped.
Hours passed underground. Jasmine couldn’t tell when the beatings stopped or started anymore. Every single nerve had been screaming, her ears ringing. The sensitivity drug she had been injected with during her first round of correction never wore off, so the second dose they gave only fueled the anguish. The lights of the labs have prevented her from seeing. Not that she wanted to look at anyone or herself for that matter. All she could tell was she was moving. What was bright became dark rhythmically. Jasmine’s vision, as blurry as it was, made fuzzy images that could only be people. One blob was raised higher than the rest. Had to be Adam. Strange, it wasn’t moving like the rest. It didn’t move at all. However, Jasmine could faintly make out yelling. “Get up!” She didn’t know if it was for her but it chilled her all the same. Loud creaking accompanied moments after. Jasmine suddenly felt weightless until a pulse of pain shot through her back; followed by more creaking and a loud metal thunk.
Jasmine did her best to move. It took time, a lot of it, but she eventually got to her knees. The lack of light helped her vision sort itself out; as well as slightly dwindled her senses. Enough to think without too much pain. “Why hurt me just throw me behind bars?” An attempt to stand only led back to her face deep in dirt. “O...ow”
“Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this tired.”
Jasmine’s body stiffened. She turned her head towards the inside of the cell with all her strength. Deep in the shadows reeked blood, but beyond that… “Rajah? Rajah is that you?” There was no mistaking that scent. “Rajah! You’re here. I’m so hap-h..happ…” her heart nearly stopped. Every fiber of her felt cold. Jasmine’s very soul trembled while her eyes remained fixed on Rajah as he got closer. His eyes looked glassed over. And his ears…they weren’t on his head, but mangled tightly in his fist.
“Need help? I can sit you up.” He approached closer.
“What’s wrong? Throat dry? Oh…this?” He dropped his ears on the floor, ignoring them and the fresh blood that still leaked down his face and soaked his hair. “No big deal.”
“You’re hurt.”
“Not as much as you. Honestly I feel a lot better. Hehe, weird right?” He smiled, chuckling ever so slightly. “He won’t hurt me anymore. Sobek won’t hurt you either. I promise.”
She wanted to run. Jasmine didn’t know where but she wanted to run as fast as possible, but all her legs did was shake as Rajah kept getting closer with his smile on full display. Tears welled up, her ears folding down. “Pl..Stop it.” What did Sobek do to her brother? “Rajah you’re scaring me. You’re- ah!” His hands reached her throat faster than she could blink. Jasmine gasped as her brother pinned her onto her back and began to squeeze. His vacant eyes stared deep into her own terror filled and weeping ones, kicking frantically underneath him the whole time.
“Aww it’s okay. Sobek’s not gonna hurt us anymore! You see I figured it out! The pain stops when there’s nothing to look at. Hahaha! Sobek wasn’t mad at me. Just my ears! Once I ripped them,he wasn’t angry anymore Jasmine! He said he’d never be angry at me again.” Though vacant and laughing, Rajah’s own tears started falling. “He finally stopped hurting me…! And when you stop kicking, you won’t hurt me either. You’ll wake up like me and be left alone, so listen to your big brother okay? Okay!?” Clenched teeth gritted against one another, drooling with spit and blood. Rajah wasn’t smiling anymore. “Why couldn’t you listen to me?” His bloodied hands dug in.
Jasmine’s nails broke the skin of his wrists. Her lungs burned and vision became blurry again, but she could hear him perfectly. The laughter, the ragged breathing as hearts raced. Her head spun but all her mind could think of was his words. Why didn’t she listen? The thought turned into wondering why this happened? The beatings, torture, seclusion; it wasn’t his fault. Rajah didn’t deserve this. It was all her. Why couldn’t it just be her? The caring eyes she loved, they weren’t staring back. Only her reflection looked back, and Jasmine couldn’t stomach the sight. Narrowed eyes and clenched jaw, Jasmine shut her eyes and let a guttural noise of pain and immense rage while the world as she knew it faded into dark.
“I’m sorry…”
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padfootagain · 4 years
A Very Rose Mistake (VI)
Part 6: How You Almost Did
 Here I come with a new chapter for this series!!! I'm sorry the posting schedule is a little bit more hectic than usual, but depression is kicking my arse pretty badly, and it's harder to write then. BUT here is a new chapter!! Things are… evolving. A lot of this chapter is the flashback, because it's an important scene.
I hope you like this chapter, and don't forget to leave a little comment if you read, cause that really helps motivating me into writing, and I need that extra piece of motivation now more than ever, sadly.
No warnings here, it's pretty fluffy :)
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Word Count : 4283
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Holmes Chapel, 2010
 "So… do you have everything?"
"Yeah, it's all ready."
"Did you take your inhaler? I won't be here to save your distracted arse this time."
"I do have it. Thanks, Lambkin."
"Fuck you, Chuckaboo."
You laughed as you helped Harry carry his suitcase down the stairs. He was leaving to take a chance at X-factor. It was already crazy that he got through the first round of auditions, but now he had to travel across the country to start the first steps of the show.
Whenever the two of you talked about it though, he insisted that he would be back in the blink of an eye. He hadn't even expected to successfully get two 'yes' from the jury during the auditions, and now his purpose was to learn as much as he could from the experience, and enjoy it while it would last. It was a crazy adventure, but one he was certain would simply end in a flicker. He had asked you to get all the lessons for him that he would miss, so he wouldn't struggle too much when he would come back in a couple of weeks.
And to be honest, you thought the same about the whole thing as he did. It wasn't that you didn't believe in him enough, because you did. If there was one person that you trusted and believed in on this Earth, it was Harry. And you had heard him sing before, you knew he had talent, even if it was a little raw for now. You did not doubt though that he was full of potential, and with some hard work, could definitely stand a chance. But he was also a sixteen-year-old boy, from this little English town you called home where nothing happened, and he was your best friend. You had known each other since you were five. It was almost impossible for you to imagine him as anything else but the goofy teenager he was when around you. So, a professional singer? It was improbable up to a hilarious degree.
Still, you were nervous and sad at the sight of Harry checking the content of his backpack one last time, checking if he had everything. He would be leaving early the next morning. It was the last evening you would share before he was off for an unknown period of time, and even if you both assumed it would be but a short one, it was still scary to think about how you didn't know when you would next see him. Maybe it was simply because it had never happened before, you guessed so, at the very least. Anything unknown was scary, after all.
Harry was trying to keep a calm façade, but you were far from a fool, and knew perfectly well that he was, in reality, terrified about the whole endeavour. After all, he was going to be leaving his home for some time. Any sixteen-year-old would find the mere thought terrifying.
After you brought all of his bags to the hallway by the front door, ready for his journey the next day, you settled for a while in the kitchen, where you prepared some toasts and sandwiches for your dinner. Anne was working late, and would not be coming home for another hour or so, which meant that Harry and you could enjoy some quality time together for a little longer.
You both laughed as you almost burned down the kitchen preparing the toasts, both of you pretending for that time that everything was normal. It was almost as if you had both silently came to the agreement that for that evening, while the two of you were alone cooking in the kitchen, his journey of the next day was but a reverie, and instead, the next morning would simply be the beginning of a normal day.
You talked about video games, and TV shows you found funny but stupid, and school. You couldn't really describe why talking with Harry was so different to talking to anyone else. It was just so easy. Fluent. It came without an effort, and it seemed that the two of you could have been left there for hours on your own and would still have found some things to say to each other, some new topic to discuss. You had always attributed that trait of his to the fact that he was your best friend, and had been so for such a long time. Knowing him so well meant that there wasn't much you didn't dare to do in front of him. You weren't afraid to be yourself when he was around, never had been.
And for a long time, you reckoned that it was simply explained by you seeing a brother in him. A twin of sort that you had never had. But as puberty started its work, and your mind embraced new possible explanations and understood new kinds of relationships, you wondered if a brotherly bond was really what united so closely the two of you.
Because you weren't sure that it was all there was to it, really. Maybe, it wasn't the reason why you didn't like his girlfriends. Maybe it wasn't why you were so sad to say goodbye tonight. Maybe it wasn't why you trusted him so blindly all the time. Why you always forgave him.
But you were young, and you weren't quite sure yet of what you felt meant. Maybe you were just trying to figure yourself out, and were making a fuss of nothing.
Or maybe, Harry meant something else to you than a brother.
All you knew was that when the conversation finally quietened, slowing down to reach a full stop that filled the room with silence, his departure on the tip of both your tongues once more, you were sad and afraid like you had never been before.
"We should wash the dishes," Harry threw one last attempt at avoiding the floating threat hovering in the comfortable silence. One last ammunition used to keep his fear at bay for a little longer, and instead, bathe in your presence for a little longer.
He couldn't really explain how he felt about you. It wasn't something he had felt with the few girls he had been with before, and it wasn't either a level of intimacy that he had ever reached with any other of his friends. You were in that special box in his heart, that had only your name on it, and no one else's. More than a friend, but not a girlfriend either. Somehow, you were more than that to him. You were family to him. But he didn't see you like a sister either. Maybe he had for a while, but it slowly yet irremediably changed along the past few years. He wasn't sure to understand what that box your name lived in inside his heart was, but he was okay with that, for now. Sixteen was young after all, to understand matters of the heart.
For now, he simply wanted to be with you whenever he could, and that was enough.
He started to wash the plates in the sink, while you grabbed a clothe and started to dry the cutlery.
You didn't notice the glances he threw towards your direction, and he didn't notice the way your eyes lingered on his features as if to carve them into memory either. It was an unspoken, halfway type of zone you had settled in. It was hard to escape it now.
"Are you worried about tomorrow?" you asked, breaking the long silence that had settled in the kitchen, broken only by the distant murmur of cars passing by the street, and the water running from the faucet.
Had it been anyone else, Harry would have probably lied and pretended that he was perfectly fine.
But then, it was you, standing in that special little box of yours, and despite how fragile it made him feel, he answered you anyway.
"Yeah… I'm a bit nervous."
"I mean, I reckon it's normal to be so."
"Yeah… I mean, it's all new and I don't really know what will happen. And… huh… I think… It's gonna be hard to be away, I guess. I think I'll miss my mum a lot. And… and you too."
You stared at him for a moment, yellow photons from the lamp above your heads getting caught in the wild curls of his hair. He seemed a little lost. He was just a boy, after all.
You nudged him, trying to make him feel better.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you'll be alright. Besides, you'll have fun, and make new friends over there, I'm sure. You will barely notice I'm not here."
He frowned, looking hurt at your statement, and you wondered why.
"You really think I would forget about you?" he asked, his voice a little too low, a little too deep, a little too fragile.
You shook your head, but he could see in the way you fidgeted with the cloth that you were not completely earnest with him.
"Of course not. I know you won't."
He turned off the water, the silence becoming deafening while he took his time to turn fully towards you, drying his hands on his worn-out jeans. Meanwhile, you were drying a plate, or at least, faking to do so, for there was no more water to sweep away across the porcelain. But it was easier to rub the white plate than to look at your friend at that moment.
"Hey, look at me."
When you stubbornly kept your eyes on this plate you kept on drying, Harry gently rested his hands upon yours, successfully interrupting your movements.
"Y/N. Please."
You let him take the plate away from you, putting it away before taking your chin in between his fingers to force you to turn to him. He wasn't surprised to find withheld tears glimmering in your eyes, yet the sight broke his heart all the same.
He couldn't see you cry. Never had been able to. He would have done anything to make you smile, and it had been so since the two of you were five.
He gave you a tender, reassuring smile.
"You're stupid sometimes, you know that?"
You frowned at that, taken aback. If anything, you weren't expecting that kind of response from him. But it wasn't all that he had to say.
"I could never forget you, you dummy. You're my best friend. You're… You're special to me. And whatever happens, I will never ever forget about you. Okay?"
You looked down at your feet, fleeing his green eyes that seemed to pierce right through all the pieces of armoury you had built around your soul. You nodded, slowly, your throat too tight to speak. But you weren't so worried anymore.
"You're not gonna forget about me either, are you?" he asked, his voice fragile again too.
You smiled one more time, looking up to find yourself trapped in the green hues of his irises.
"Now, you're being the silly one. Of course not. Besides, you'll be back in two weeks, tops. You're not half as charming as you think you are."
"Aren't I?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows in a ridiculous way, making you laugh.
"No, you're not."
As you both fell quiet again, you suddenly seemed hype-aware of Harry's hold on your chin, that hadn't wavered throughout your exchange. He brushed his thumb across the soft skin, making you gasp.
And all of a sudden, there was a shift between the two of you. The air across the room seemed to be filled with electricity, growing denser, and maybe it was why both of you found it harder to breathe. Or maybe it was the way you both lost yourselves in each other's eyes in a way you never had before.
You caught him as he glimpsed down at your lips. You noticed the way his eyes travelled across your mouth, as if he was hesitating, weighing his options. You saw his Adam's apple jumping as he struggled to swallow the lump that was growing in his throat. When his gaze flickered back to meet yours though, both of you could barely breathe at all, your two hearts stomping under your ribcages.
His hold on your chin had become more of a caress than a hold: gentle, brushing of fingertips against your skin, giving you back complete freedom of your movements. Yet, you didn't want to move away at all.
And when Harry leaned closer to you, it was your turn to glance at his lips, watching the two lines barely parted fall towards yours. And when you realized what he was doing, you stopped breathing altogether.
Because Harry was about to kiss you.
But then he stopped, merely an inch or so away, his breath fanning and brushing your lips, warm and staggering, uncertain through uneven pants. And he was absolutely sure that he had never felt anything as intense as this moment in his entire short life.
But he stopped, because it was you he was about to kiss. His best friend. And even if you lived in that special box in his heart, even if, to him, maybe it meant that you were more than just a friend to him, you were way too important for him to take any uncalculated risk. So instead of closing the gap between your mouths, he stood still, in his kitchen under the yellowish light of the lamp, fingers still a little wet from washing the dishes, or maybe it was more because of how nervous he was. He needed to give you a chance to step back and stop him.
So, he blinked a few times, staring at your eyes with a silent question in his green irises. To which you answered by leaning closer to him too.
So… you didn't want him to stop?
He moved his hand up your jaw, cupping your cheek instead, closing his eyes and focusing on how warm the air leaving your lungs was against his face, breaths mingling together halfway between your parted lips.
And you were about to meet when the front door of Harry's house loudly opened.
"Harry! Y/N! I'm home!"
Both you and Harry jumped away from each other as Anne was ruffling in the hallway, probably taking off her shoes and coat.
In the kitchen, you both shied away. The moment had passed, broken, and you both knew that there wasn't going to be any other moment for you to be alone before Harry would leave.
Harry looked over his shoulder, and before his mother would appear, he hurried to take your hand in his.
He seemed frightened, and a little frantic. A little desperate too, still struggling to catch his breath.
"We'll talk about it when I come back."
You stared at him intensely, and he took your other hand in his as well.
"It's a promise. We'll talk about what just happened when I come back, okay? Cause… that… that was a thing. Right?"
"Yeah… yeah I think it… was a thing."
He struggled to swallow, stuttering a little as he let down his armour before you completely, and with a shaky voice asked one more question.
"Will you… would you wait for me?"
You gave him a reassuring smile, and to his hands you gifted a tender squeeze.
"I will. I'll wait for you."
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Loch Lomond, 2020
 Harry was pretty when he slept.
Not that he was ever not pretty, you reckoned that Harry was a very handsome man in general. But there was something soft in the way he looked when he slept, peaceful, that you really loved.
Maybe it was his parted lips, or the soft sound of air leaving his lungs in a perfectly regular rhythm. The occasional little crease between his brow that appeared and vanished at the rhythm of his dreams. Or the way his eyelids trembled a little sometimes before growing still again, eyelashes perfectly bent in the most graceful curve barely disturbed by the movement at all. Or perhaps it was how messy his hair became as they rubbed against the pillow.
But you could hardly deny that the main reason was that Harry always grabbed whatever he could during the night and held onto it for dear life throughout the rest of the night. To ensure that he would not disturb your sleep – and knowing Harry, probably also because he was worried it would make you uncomfortable – he had hold onto a pillow for the first evening, making sure that he would not end up curled around you instead. And it had worked, the two of you waking up peacefully on each side of the bed.
But not today.
This morning, you opened your eyes to find that the reason why you felt so warm and snuggled up was because you were safely tucked in Harry's side, his arms wrapped around you and his nose almost brushing yours, face resting at the edge of his own pillow, legs tangled in a mess of limbs. A quick glance across the bed revealed that the pillow he was hugging when you went to bed the previous night was nowhere to be seen. You guessed that Harry had dropped it to the floor during the night, turned around, probably wearing across his features a grumpy little pout as he tossed and turned while still mostly asleep, until he found your form sleeping soundly on the other side of the mattress. And then, well, the rest was easy to guess given your current position.
There was a little voice in your head that kept on telling you to pull away. That you should have felt uneasy with your current position. And had it been anyone but Harry, yes, you guessed that you would have been uncomfortable right now and would have freed yourself with little regard for the other person's sleep. But the thing was, it was Harry.
It was Harry all cuddled up around you, holding you close, and you didn't feel uncomfortable at all. You felt safe and warm and taken care of. Because it was Harry holding you. Harry who had always been here for you, since your early childhood. You felt so safe with him all the time after all, this morning waking up in his arms wasn't different. It was safe, the same way you always felt whenever he was around.
It was barely dawn and the orange light of the rising sun bathed the room a colourful hue. It was still quite dark, despite the deep orange shades of the beams licking at the walls. Particles of light were caught in his wild curls, brown tainted with orange, and you spent long minutes studying the changes in the colours, the way the light made his cheeks look a little pinker, the way it seemed to hug his jawline, and was left stranded across his eyelashes and the stubble that coloured his skin. It took all of your strengths to refrain yourself from running your fingers across the swallows tattooed on his upper chest, but you were too scared of waking him if you did so. You couldn't help but stare at them though, the black ink rising and falling with his regular breathing. He was still wearing his cross necklace around his neck, the gold reflecting the morning light. It wasn't the first time that you saw him with a bare chest, and it wasn't the first either that he hugged you without a shirt on. But it didn't stop you from shivering in the best way when he moved his arm around you ever so slightly, his bare skin sliding across your own bare arms. Because you were trapped in his arms, your arms folded between your two bodies, your hands were pressed against your chest. But now that your eyes were settling on his skin again, a little tanned and looking so invitingly smooth, you really couldn't summon enough willpower to not reach across the inches-long gap between your hand and his chest, and you gently rested your palm against his heart. You could feel the organ beating under his skin and muscles, little rhythm pulsing through your skin. Regular, soothing, safe. Just like Harry.
After a long while staring at him, with a smile across your lips you hadn't even noticed, your gaze moved across the room to settle upon the window instead, and you watched the quiet waters of the loch as it reflected the bright gold and orange of the sky. With the trees alongside the shores also covered with autumnal hues, it looked as if someone had painted the entire scene in shades of ochre. It was peaceful, a landscape still barely awake, that only the wind carrying freshly fallen skeleton leaves seemed able to disturb.
You didn't know for how long you had remained like this, staring at the landscape outside, safely tugged in Harry's warmth, when he finally started to stir and wake up. You turned to him again just in time to catch his eyes fluttering open, green irises appearing in the early morning light that fell upon your face instantly, as if they had been looking for you as a reflex. A bright smile appeared on his lips at the sight of your dishevelled and freshly awaken form in his arms.
"Morning," he mumbled, sleep making his voice deeper than usual, raw and warm.
"Good morning," you answered with a smile of your own.
He snuggled closer to you, until you were tugged under his chin, so he could bury his face in your hair, inhaling the addicting fragrance of your shampoo.
You were so warm against him. He could feel your hand pressed to his chest, and the mere touch was enough to set his whole body on fire. Your smell was reassuring, so reassuring, like the scent of something familiar, the scent of an old memory. And he felt so safe like this, with you in his arms. Invincible. Yes, that was the word. He felt invincible, like nothing bad could ever happen while he held you as close as he did now.
Why hadn't he done that sooner? It felt amazing.
His eyes snapped open when the thought finished to form in his mind.
Why hadn't he done that sooner? Because you were just a friend.
He quickly unwrapped his arms from around you, pushing himself away and in his haste to put distance between your two bodies, falling from the bed and onto the wooden floor and the pillow that had grown cold after he had lost it during the night. He let out a loud 'ouch', and when you peered beyond the bed, Harry was rubbing his arse cheek through his sweatpants. And you couldn't stop yourself from laughing at him.
"You alright down there?"
"Oh shut up!" he fought back, looking all pouty and grumpy, and you found the sight so ridiculously adorable that you had to laugh to stop yourself from melting instead.
"Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?" you asked a little more seriously.
"My butt and my ego will be equally bruised by the incident for a few days," he replied, but he couldn't refrain a smile of his own as the situation was rather hilarious.
You laughed at that, but grew silent again when he finally looked up at you. He seemed uncomfortable, running a hand in his hair. Embarrassed, even. And for some reason, it hurt to see him react like this.
"I… I'm sorry."
"About… how we woke up," he apologized, stumbling on his words and stuttering a little. "I… I must have lost my pillow during the night."
"I had figured that much."
"I… I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."
"You didn't. It's okay."
He gave you a hopeful stare.
"Yeah, really," you nodded. "I mean, you were just hugging me, not much to say about it."
Nothing much to say about it? Then why was your heart still beating this fast just thinking about it then?
"I… you sure you're okay?"
You rolled your eyes at him.
"Yes, I'm sure. It's fine."
"Oh. Okay."
Harry had to admit that he was surprised that you were taking this so… well. As if it didn't have any meaning at all. When he had woken up cuddling you, holding you as close as he could.
As he finally stumbled back to his feet, he had to admit that he was not just surprised, he was also a little disappointed. Because he didn't take the situation as lightly as you did, and that was because…
He pushed the thought away before it could finish forming in his mind. He didn't need to think about this at all. It was all something from the past. He was over it. Had been for a while. No need to think of it again.
"Right. Well, still, I'm sorry."
"You were asleep, it's alright."
"You should have woken me up."
"I… I was barely awake myself, hadn't really processed what was going on yet."
It was a lie, but he seemed to buy it.
"Oh… okay."
"Besides, I've noticed by now how clingy you can be!" you joked, making him chuckle.
"Right… uhm… I'm gonna go take a shower, and then we can go grab a bite for breakfast, yeah?"
"Sure, you can take the shower first."
And indeed, Harry was grateful that you granted him access to the bathroom first. Because he could hide how much he was blushing in there.
Taglist :  @emcchi​​​​ @fishstick-knows​​​​​ @eldahae​​​​​​ @just-damn-bored​​​​ @retrouvailessx​​​​​ @marvelstudies2020​​​​ @boxofteenageideas​​​@ponycake27​​​​​​​​ @horsesreign​​​​​​​ @xinyourdreamsx​​​​​​ @jbluevelvet​​​​​@notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​​​​​ @stuckupstucky​​​​​​@snek-shit​​​​​​ @suchatinyinfinity​​​​​​@i-padfootblack-things​  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​​​​​​​@jigsawlover10​​​​​​ @emyyjemyy​​​​ @addictedtofictionalcharacters​​​​​​​​ @staringmoony​​​​​​​@madamrogers​​​​ @cronias13​​​​​ @stylesfics-xx​​​​​​ @mellamolayla​​​​​​ @mariaenchanted​
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ulec-elec · 4 years
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Chapter 1
"Aaaand now we're a couple." Ra finished the story, while pulling Mantha closer. She was giggeling. "I always knew it! Best couple! I was already wondering what took you so long." Casper laughed excitely while the three made their way back to Ra's and Casper's room.
Ra told the ghost about their date in Dis, a city in the underworld. "Cool what are you doing then?" The ghost asked. „Well we'll go to the most expensive and fancy restaurant I could find." Ra joked. "Yeah, we'll go to Mc Donald's." Mantha explained. "Like I said, expensive and fancy." The prince repeated. Casper giggled. "And when?", the ghost wondered. „I guess in like an hour." Ra answered, when Casper opened the door. Mantha stepped in, then Ra followed and Casper shutted the door.
They sat down on Casper's bed. Well Mantha sat on Ra's lab, while the mummy wraped his arms around her waist. He hid his face in her shoulder, while she giggled. She pulled his face near her's and immediately both started kissing and giggeling.
Casper was just sitting until Ra proceeded to slid his hands underneath Mantha's hoodie. "It's not that I'd like to interrupt but that's my bed and I'm sitting right in front of you." The ghost laughed akwardly, which let both freeze and stare at their best friend. "Sorry." Mantha laughed nervously after a while. "Nah, I don't really mind. It's more embarrassing for you than it is for me." He teased grinning. The couple smiled embarrist.
In the following two hours they chatted about anything, mostly about the new dream couple of Scare School, but Ra and Mantha had to leave since they wanted to go on their date. Casper took them to the door and smiled. "Have fun you two and don't forget to use a..."
"Casp!", Mantha hissed blushing, while Ra laughed. "I just don't want to become an uncle yet, you know.", the ghost teased. "Shut up.", Mantha muttered and crossed her arms infront of her chest.
Ra winked."Don't worry dude I'll be carefull." He asured. Casper smiled, while they left. Hearing clearely how Mantha lectured Ra, while the mummy laughed and playfully apologized. The ghost closed the door and sighed.
Ra was the winner. The ghost had already expected that, but it really hurted, now that it happened. He wasn't mad or anything. The boys talked about this before. If one of those two would get her, then the other one wouldn't be mad. It needs two lovers for a relationship and it was a important part, that Mantha had to find out about her own feelings.
Anyway his best friends were a couple now and would probably spent the first days or weeks of their relationship together, as just the two of them. Especially since the schooltrip was coming. He would hang out with Wolfie, maybe Flyboy. The ghost shook his head.
He needed to distract himself. He decided to grab some soda and search for Wolfie or someone. He grabbed some money and flew trough the door, out of the dormbuilding and trough the halls to the janitor's room. The place where the vending machine was located. Some good things about the highschool building. Could almost let you forget about the broken doors, which were thin as fuck.
Finally. He passed the door wich lead to his goal quickly. Casper didn't mind the rumbling sounds, since at Scare School it would always rumble something somewhere.
Immediately he could see what, or rather who caused these sounds. A certain vampire was standing in front of one of the shelves, one of the planks was broken and a few tins layed on the ground. "What?" Thatch yelled, when he noticed Casper. Usually the ghost would've asked politely what was wrong but first of all he guessed he knew what was the problem. Dummy and Slither recently became a couple and Thatch wasn't really known for his inner peace.
In addition to that: Thatch wouldn't let him help anyway. So he just flew throuh him and landed infront of the drinks dispenser. While the ghost trew two coins into the machine Thatch sank down to the ground and leant his hand against the shelv he just broke.
Casper stopped and sighed. "You want something too?" He asked rather monotone. That vampire looked confused at the ghost but the sighed. "AB+." He muttered. Casper threw a third coin into the machine and pressed the buttons. Thatch could hear the tins falling out of the dispenser and few seconds later Casper threw one of the cans at him. The vampire caught it without really looking, before the ghost sat down next to him and opened his soda. "Love is hard." He smirked with a dull voice. "Oh what do you know? You know no shit about my problems." Thatch hissed immediately. "Yeah sure." Casper answered sarcasticly bevore taking a sip. "What do you even want?" Thatch asked angrily and got up.
The ghost did the same to show all his confidence, even though Thatch was bigger and stronger than him. The ghost snapped: "Listen Mate, I was just beeing nice, like always, uh you're welcome by the way. I thought we could bond over the fact, that we're kinda in the same situation." „I'll never be in the same situation as you. I'm not a loser.", the vampire hissed. The smaller one roled his eyes. "Oh get a load of yourself, you've lost the girl and you're butthurt about i-" Thatch pushed Casper against another shelf, which caused some tins to fell onto the ground. "Shut up you piece of shit!" Thatch yelled.
"Oh insulting me won't get you anywhere just saying." Casper smirked. "Yeah and annoying me won't change the fact that Zombie-Girl chose Toiletpaper Boy. Well I understand that. He's rich and attractive. Well I'd generally say everyone is better than you." The taller one yelled. That one hit hard.
Usually things that Thatch said stopped bothering him. Troughout his afterlife people were pretty mean. Thatch was completely harmless against that.
But this one did really hurt. He shivered bevor angrily grabbing one of the cans that were laying on the ground. He was ready to throw it, when a big hand grabbed his wrist from behind.
Casper looked at Thatch who stood in front of him, completely shocked. Then he turned around and flinched facing Franken Gym Teacher glaring at him. He then started yelling. "What is this mess?! Clean that up immediately! Oh wait til Alder and Dash learn about this!"
The boys trew mad looks at each other. Casper was annoyed. What was this vampires deal? He was acting like he would care about Dummy Girl. He never cares about anything. He was Thatch Manora, he could get anyone really. He probably just started to care when Dummy Girl prefered Slither over him. Casper tought about this and concidered this as amusing and idiotic at the same time but a little bit more amusing. He had to grin but snapped out of it when the coach complained about it.
After the cleaning and a way to long time spent in Alder's and Dash's office, they were free. For the rest of the day at least. The punishment was pretty okay though. Well at least Casper thougt that, he never really wanted to go on that trip anyway. Three days with a couple in the 'puppy-love-phase? Thanks but no thanks. Thatch didn't seemed that disappointed about it either.
Neither of them dared to speak. The silence bothered the ghost. He opened his mouth but was interruped. "Casp! Are you alright? What happened! Wolfie said you were taken to the headmasters! I bet you have something to do with that Batboy!" Mantha hugged the ghost. Each of her sentences was spoken in a different emotion.
His friends glared at the vampire with a very angry expression. Thatch rolled his eyes. "Guys I'm fine I promise. It's not Thatchs fault." Casper asured and added: "Buut bad news." "What news?" Ra asked suspicoiously. "No schooltrip for me." he explained. "What? For real?" Ra gasped. "But what about the adventures and remember we wanted to draw funny stuff on statues" Mantha whined.
The ghost snickered. "Oh guys. It'll be alright. Now you'll be able to spend quality time together. You know, as a couple." Casper smirked. His best friends sulked. "Come on guys. It's fine." the blue eyed boy repeated. "That's not cool." Ra complained. The ghost felt sorry for them, they really were looking forward to this. "I know Ra but that is what the headmasters said. Sadly I can't change that" he explained.
His friedens stayed quiet. "Hey how about you two get us a table I'll follow you in a few seconds." Mantha and Ra nodded and glimpsed angrily at the vampire before leaving.
"Hey, I'm sorry." Casper apologized to Thatch who'd whatched them. "It's okay I guess. This trip would have sucked anyway." He muttered. The ghost smiled and agreed: "Yeah probably." They froze for a few seconds. They just agreed on something. They stared at each other. After a few seconds Casper clreared his throat and stepped back, turned around and flew after his friends.
Get sum fanfic
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 4 years
Moon River 2.0
If you prefer to read on ao3 the link is here
Butch had undoubtedly sprained his ankle; the mild caution in his step had given it away.  Dedicated to making matters worse, he  kept his usually flippant mouth shut about  the pulled joint even with Grayditch, by then, miles behind them.Viola deferred his much needed chiding in favor  of hammering her fist on the door to her  happy place, a dream land where she didn’t have to deal with his screw ups.
Frustrated was too gentle a word to describe her feelings about their predicament.  Sure, no one wanted to admit that the first thing they did when they saw a fire ant was shriek then ragdoll fling themselves in the opposite direction—But that was the most common reaction. Those incendiary pests made even the most skilled Wastelanders wet their pants, so a trembling valutie was no surprise. Most people understood that.  But Butch? No, not him. Of course not. Most blowhards had a problem admitting to their shortcomings and he was no exception. He was a dummy and thought that his wounded pride mattered in the Waste.
Instead of pressing him for a confession, she opted for the sit back and watch method.  If he wanted to suffer in silence like an obstinate little turd, then far be it for her to break her back trying to lend a hand.
With the way his nostrils were flared his breaking point had to be soon.
“Whys the crapshoot settlement got to be so far?”
“Yeah, got to admit—I don’t remember the walk being this long.”
“Map’s probably all wrong. Makes stuff appear to be where it ain’t.”
Viola stopped. Not hearing her steps behind him, Butch followed suit and glanced over his shoulder.
“ If the directions and the destination don’t match then maybe you’re on to something.”
He raised a brow, urging her to go on.
“Maybe Megaton got so sick of hearing you whine about it that it got up and ran.”
Butch gave a hard roll of his eyes and went back to walking, no, shuffling ahead.
“I ain’t got no time for games, girl.”
“Girl, Nosebleed, Poindexter, Wet rag. I love the  variety, but I’m sure you know I’ve got a name,” She started walking again and met his pace, “and a gun.”
She’d been threatening him with a bullet ever since she was old enough to traipse the lower parts of the Vault with Sister Beebee. Much like her single barreled friend’s Bbs, the constant shots she and Butch fired at each other could pierce through skin;often times it did. Arguments ended with balled fist and gnashed teeth. He tried to steal her sweet roll so she spat on it. He yanked her hair and called her ugly, so she got a hold of some hair removal product, walked right up to him and poured it all over his head. He ran a rumor about her and Freddie, so she told Wally about all the trips he and Susie took to closets when they thought no one was looking.  
The only reason why she hadn’t tried to kill  him was because he would try to do her in the moment he saw her coming.  Of the little pre-war history she had been taught, she remembered that something called the Nuclear Deterrence Theory followed the same  notion. One nation  would hold off on blasting another to bits for fear of a full and equal retaliation. Given the fact that they were trekking through radiated rubble, a couple of somebodies screamed “screw that” while pounding on their respective shiny red button.  Regardless, her and Butch’s civility with one another had always come down to survival, and that sentiment doubled once they no longer had the Vault’s fortified walls to protect them.  
Butch looked as if he was going to say something smart but it came out as a grunt instead.
“I think that thing back there bit my ankle.” He croaked.
“If that were the case you wouldn’t have a leg and I would’ve had no choice but to leave you to die.”
Before he could spit his usual venom, Viola offered him her shoulder to lean on. He seemed startled by it. This wasn’t the first time he’d been injured but it was definitely the first time she’d voluntarily offered to allow him to use her as balance as oppose to him just pressing his weight on her after getting fed up with the tough guy act.
He eventually gave in after she reminded him of the type of mutants that stalked around once the sun set. They made some advancements. And by some that meant none at all. She considered finding a raider camp and telling Butch to hang back while she took care of them.  The shot gun was empty so it wouldn't be an easy task. She rarely used her sniper rifle though it would be useless in close quarter combat, plus there was a reason why she didn't use it much.
She had a bat and rusty pipe. Using them in each hand would…
“Hey, Nosebleed?”
“ Whatever it is,  shorten it. Trying to figure out where we’re sleeping tonight. ”
“How long did you know about my ankle?”
“You’re an open book, Deloria.” She snorted. “Wide open.”
“Did your old man teach you how to spot stuff like that?”
Viola chewed the inside of her cheek as she eyed the dilapidated overpass ahead of them. No respite.
“Sorry.” He said sheepishly.
"No, you're good."
It wasn't like she hadn't done something similar. During her first day of her little vault rescue mission, she'd asked him about Paul.
The next few minutes of silence was unnerving. She'd rather hear Butch's mouth than to go down the rabbit hole that was her father and the pain he had inadvertently caused those in the vault.
“Why do you ask? You’re not one one to care about my home life unless it’s for ammunition.”
“Just thinking.”
“Quit that will you?  The Wastes are as  hellish enough as it is without the universe folding in on itself.”
“ Oh ho ho! You’re a real  walking stand up show ain’t you? You’ve really missed your calling. Maybe you should drop the guns and plant yourself in the Rudder. That place is rough, they could use a clown.”
If anyone was a clown it was the guy limping the way home.
She peered across the large expense to the left of her. Maybe they would be more likely to find a camp if they veered off the main path.
"I get it. Scarecrow has a  brain now and wants to think and be serious."
"What do you think our lives would be like right like if the door never opened?"
" The GOAT  sorted that out  didn’t it? You'd be a hairdresser and I'd be in Vault Management.”
“That’s not what the GOAT said.” She playfully sang.
"Forget that stupid test. If I say I'm a barber then I'm barber." He sounded like he would've shouted that if he had any energy to do so.
"Looks like you’ve got an answer to your half of the question."
"No, wait. I'm not a barber."
"You sound very confused. I’m guessing the great Oz put that brain in backwards or something."
" Forget everything. Act like the door never opened and the GOAT never existed. Where would you be?"
Viola fell into silence again, in search of an answer to his question. With putting nearly all she had into surviving the Wasteland, she only ever had time to think about lost friendships and broken bonds not the normal, ground level what could have beens. Where would she be? Not helping Butch for starters. Also, working with her father as receptionist for his medical office. After that she might have taken a part-time job helping around at the diner. There wasn't much variety in the Vault, and with certain jobs being limited to only one or two people what little options she had dwindled even further.
Butch had taken the reigns of the conversation after she had assigned herself back to searching duty. He gave a response she didn't think she'd hear: An officer.
"Don't go shooting me funny looks," He said, eyeing her as she gave him a sidelong glance.
She decided to leave that as it was, looking for a resting place and holding a serious conversation as he called it proved to be harder than she thought.
Their trek eventually led them to an abandoned campsite. There was blackened wood and a smoky aroma that indicated there was a fire not too long ago, a backpack with some sugar bombs, and canned pork and beans inside, and a note with barely legible scrawl stating to a Ben that a Ricardo, she learned from the closing statement, was going to go ahead to the old scrapyard without him, and that he should eat something before meeting up with him later and that if someone had taken the food before he got there it was his fault for not hurrying. She wouldn't touch the food left for Ben, however, the  junkyard peaked her interest. Most of the items would be picked over but Viola discovered a while ago that few Wastelanders knew that if you accumulated enough junk you could earn a decent amount of Caps.
She’d been deciding whether or she should drop Butch off at Megaton and get Dogmeat first, or try to make the quick stop to the Scrapyard before Megaton when Butch started taking dinner out from his backpack. The rotten smell of Yum Yum Deviled Eggs was enough to keep her present.
She picked up the conversation where she left it. “You rebel without a cause  types wouldn’t even waste the spit it would take to put a fire out if the thing burning happened to be some type of authority or institution. I doubt you’ve experienced any type of growth since you’ve stumbled out of the Vault.”Her gaze trailed over the length of his frame,taking in the relative newness of the jeans and white Tee he procured from Seagrave, shocked that they weren’t filthy yet.   “Imagining you willingly wearing another uniform is enough to induce  a fever dream.”
“Says you. I’ve grown plenty,”
“In the ego department, maybe.” She muttered at first then brought her voice back to a level tone.” Is this  some type of kink in your psyche? You hate what you secretly desire?”
“You calling me a boot muncher?”
“I’m saying that your sudden  judicial interests are suspect.”
“ They’re untouchable. People don’t mess with them. If someone’s stupid enough to push their luck they’ve got  three other officers there to back them up.” He managed through half chewed up deviled egg chunks.
She added her own items to their little spread: Muttfriut, Peaches,and Pinto Beans.  With his eggs and Sugar bombs they  almost had the four basic food groups, albeit the poor man’s version.
“So,” She paused, thinking, “you wanted to be a big man with legal backing, huh?  Gives credence to that one saying.”
Notwithstanding the obvious dig, He asked easily, “Yeah? What saying?”
“Bullies seek out positions of authority. Typically, the guys try to be officers and the girls go for nursing jobs. I’m a little surprised you didn’t get that as a result on the GOAT.”
Butch’s lips quirked into a stupid grin. “What’s all that make you miss Vault Managament?”
“ I’m only a partial bully and that’s thanks to you.”
“ Everything’s my fault. Right. I forgot.”
She shrugged. "You said it. Not me."
The conversation lulled as they fell to the rest of their meal. Gingerly holding a piece of Muttfruit under the fading sunlight, Butch shifted from his lazy supine  position to a full on crouch and put his nose to it. With that litmus test out the way, he nibbled on it like a molerat, sampling bite after bite, until the  full flavor zinged on his tongue. He spat the chewed mush  past his puckered lips.  Viola had gobbled down her cheekful of sugar bombs to free up space so she could tease but went for a subtle side eye last minute. Leave it to Butch to turn his nose up at something good for him.
“People move for them, you know?” He  admitted, jumping back into their intial conversation. More so to not have to take another bite than eager a need to continue their chat.
Narrowing her eyes, she said, “So you fantasize about the badge because  you have a naive fantasy about power and control.  Is that it?  You’re idea of  law  enforcement  and people in leadership explains your past behaviors a bit too well. ”
“Christ, way to miss a point. That ain’t it at all. Security has guns and stuff.”
“Weapons intimidate.  Intimation  can lead to power or control. Use your head for something besides hair gel for once.
“No, no,no-You brought up the badge, right?  That’s it.  That’s all it is.”
“I’m still not sure about what ‘it’ is.”
Butch huffed.
“Say I draw pretty picture.  Cogs in a circle. A winged sword jabbing through. You’d think..?
“Oh, an inkblot test almost.”
“A what? Quit stalling, Nosebleed.”
“The Brotherhood of Steel.  Resourceful. Altruistic. Tech-savvy. A bit frigid when it comes down to the more human side of things. Order, Structure, Chain of command—That’s them. Forming an order  and plotting ahead is smart of them. I don’t like their...well, steel but I respe--”
Butches eyes went wide and he pointed. “There.”
Viola chewed on that for a bit.   " I think I get you." She said, nodding.
Butch’s expression grew soft for split second but smoothed out and eventually went back to it’s normal wise guy grin.  
" How come I'm the only one sharing?"
" I honestly don't know what my answer would be."
" You never wanted nothing?"
She rolled the deviled egg she pilfered before Butch demolished the rest of them between her fingers.
"I remember wanting to do things that would make my father say that my mom would happy."
"And being a receptionist would have done that?"
"It did. He would tell me all the time that she would be happy that I'd taken to the working around the office. I think my mom and my dad valued my safety. That's what made them both happy. But out here safety’s luxury."
"Well, you’re not dead, stiff as a board, but not dead. I’d say you’re doing a good job of keeping yourself safe."
"Not for long. Not with all these curve balls."
They each took their turn taking watch as night fell and passed. Viola made Butch promise to wake her in case something happened and either through guilt or some form of pride he asked her to wake him if she ever got too tired.
A blinding sunlight woke Butch up.  Since she’d been out of the vault longer than he had she’d already adjusted to the wastelands rays, and simply took her pair of shades from her backpack and tolerated it on her skin.
"Wish we had something to drink." He said with sleep thick in his voice.
"I brought some purified water from home."
"Something stronger."
"That's not a good idea outside of any settlements," She shot him a withering glare," for you, I personally don’t think that's a good idea at all."
Butch grumbled, "Gimme the water then."
Butch took a three huge, loud gulps.
"I thought of something Mr. Brotch said."
Butch's crumpled his face up like she just told him she spat in his water. "Why?"
"I talked to him after the GOAT. I wasn't happy with my results—“
"—He never told me nothing like that."
"That's because he didn't like you. Look.  He told me the whole thing was a joke. And if  it is actually is joke, and we we could forgo those results then why not here?"
"No one really knows who we are out here. As long as we're not blowing towns up, we can do anything. And if we get bored we can do something else."
"Something tells me the Officer thing is a pipe dream."
“You don’t have to be an Officer. That’s not what you want. Just make some noise and people will associate you with it. I know I do.”
"Yeah, I like that. And you can make your folks happy then."
Viola decided to take Butch to Megaton first. They gathered their belongings from around the camp and continued their journey. This time Butch leaned on Viola from the start.
“Hey.” He said a little too quietly.
“Is your ankle bothering you?”
“What is it then?”
“Would you really have left me behind if I lost a leg?”
She let silence past so he would sweat some.
“No, but I would’ve given you one heck of a nickname.”
For the first time she made him rumble out in that snorting laughter only his friends back in the vault could.
*                                                  *                                                         *
A bit sentimental are ya? You might like my Young Justice(animated) fic, Game Plan, starring Wally West, long roads and glaring insecurity.
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Musical Bonding
Ru’Yi stared up at Brian in astonishment. He was genuinely afraid that Tom might hurt someone. When the blind man turned and looked their direction, he froze like a deer in the headlights!
“I know just what to do.” She hurried away from the young officer, faster than he could react, and took off jogging. “Tom!”
Tom turned to her direction in surprise. “Ru’Yi? What are you doing here”
“Listening to music of course. Turns out, the friend I was meeting tonight had the same idea as you!”
“Oh!” He blushed a little, looking around but of course, seeing nothing. “Who’s your friend?”
Ru’Yi beckoned Brian to come over.
Her ruse worked. Brian didn’t want to approach Tom, but he couldn’t just leave her alone either! He walked up. 
“You can’t see him and he’s being kinda shy right now. This is Brian. We knew each other in high school.” 
She turned to him. “Say hi! He can’t see where you are.”
“Hi.” Brian stared at Tom in suspicion, holding out his hand.
“He can’t see you dummy...” She grumbled, pouting.
“I’m holding out my hand to shake...” He said, still staring at him.
“Um..”  Tom just blinked, reaching out until he felt the tips of Brian’s fingers. He suddenly grinned. “Hey! You play guitar!”
“What?” Brian withdrew his hand in shock.
“The callouses on your fingers. You play guitar. I do too!”
Ru’Yi looked up at Brian who was rendered speechless. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. He was actually in this band before he joined campus security!” 
Tom gave a bit of an admiring smile. “You must be pretty good then. This band is great!”
Ru’Yi grinned up at him from ear to ear as Brian rubbed the back of his neck, flustered. 
“How come I never hear you play?” Ru’Yi wondered, tapping Tom on the shoulder.
“Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring my guitar with me when I came here.”
She suddenly had a thought. “Do you have an extra guitar Brian?”
“Ru’Yi, it’s fine, I’m not going to take his guitar...” Tom objected
“But... you enjoyed playing. Didn’t you? You can still play now? You wouldn’t need to see to play... right? It might be something fun you could do at home!” Ru’Yi was looking at Brian as she said this.
Brian stared at her with a serious expression. “I’m sure I could dig out something dusty... but I’ll do you one better. Show me how well you play and I’ll get you a new one.”
“For real?” Tom said, amazed. “I... I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t mention it.” Brian said. “Would you like to meet the band?” 
Ru’Yi’s eyes immediately lit up. He understood her intentions!
After the band finished playing, Ru’Yi sat back and watched as Brian introduced them to Tom. The lead guitarist offered him his guitar to play and after some hesitation, Tom accepted.
It wasn’t hard rock, but classical guitar. Even though, he couldn’t see, he closed his eyes and the music flowed from the music like a gentle breeze.
Ru’Yi met Brian’s eyes and smiled.
Tom and Ru’Yi went home together, but she was sure that Brian wasn’t far from them, tailing them as they walked.
As soon as she got in he texted her. “Hey, sorry about earlier. If you knew how they talk about him in the Exec Department, If you ever dealt with unstable hybrids, you’d understand why that situation was dangerous. As far as some of the older Agents are concerned, this guy let a Dragon on Campus.
She responded back to him. “This Guy. You mean Mr. Baldwin?”
“Yeah. Do you know why he’s letting him stay here?”
She explained to him how he survived a car crash that killed his parents. And the same car that caused that wreck, killed his sister. “He’ll be killed as soon as he gets off Campus.”
“The same vehicle?”
“According to him... yes.” She lay back in her bed, her face illuminated by the blue light of the phone.
“Is that connected with the attempt on your life earlier?”
Her eyes widened slightly. “Maybe?! I don’t know.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some connection.”
“Do you think the head of the ED would let a guy like that stay out of the goodness of his heart?”
“Don’t tell me that’s what the pie was about.”
Her mouth turned down. “Yes.”
“Oh give me a break.”
“ :( “
“You’re cute.”
“That doesn’t feel like a compliment.”
“I don’t agree with how your Dad keeps you in the dark about certain things, but its his business. I think it puts you in more danger.”
“If I knew what you did... you think I would have let you call the agents at the bar?”
“Hard to say. Somehow... I don’t think so.”
Her smile returned. “It’s kinda like finding a lost child. Even if its a little troublesome sometimes, it becomes your responsibility. You have to stay with them until you find their parents. Leaving them behind... even if its to go get help... who would do that?”
“I think I get it. Get some sleep Ru’Yi. If anything happens, just call and I’ll come.”
“Like Superman?”
From the roof of her apartment, Brian settled down, pocketing his phone and looking over the campus. He raised his hand to his ear. “All clear. Go to sleep mode.”
From the roofs surrounding Ru’Yi’s apartment, he spotted two out of the three positioned snipers lower their weapons and pack up.
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ezrisdax-archive · 5 years
searching for the answer
Dorothea’s just trying to find out what Ingrid likes to catch her interest. Ingrid’s just trying to find out what Dorothea likes to catch her interest. Sylvain and Petra turn out to be pretty good wingmen of sorts. (also here on ao3)
Somehow dinner with Sylvain became a weekly tradition that Dorothea hadn’t expected to enjoy so much. The harmless flirting was always fun and Sylvain certainly understood her position on nobility and being fed up with it but what she enjoyed most of all was Sylvain’s childhood stories of what he, Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid all got up to.
 “…for all she lectured us on thinking with our heads Ingrid sure didn’t when she was hungry. We got back from being lost in the woods all day and she bowled over Felix’s father just trying to get into the kitchen.”
 “Nothing wrong with a girl with an appetite.” Dorothea sipped her tea, hiding a smile behind the rim of the cup.
 Sylvain smirked at that and opened his mouth but Dorothea kicked him under the table to cut off any inappropriate comment he was about to make. “Ouch,” He said, exaggerating the pain with a pout.
 “What is her favourite dish anyway?” Dorothea asked, pointedly ignoring the pout.
 It was a mistake, Sylvain might have played the idiot card often but she knew he was clever and sure enough his eyes narrowed at her and a new smirk bloomed on his face. “So is that what these dinners are really about?”
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
 He stared at her, waiting her out.
 “Oh fine. I really did just want to spend time with you, I just…”
 “Also wanted to know what one of my best friends likes so you can sleep with them?” Sylvain added with a grin.
 She kicked him under the table again, “So I can get to know her better.” Dorothea sighed, “I might have made a mistake our first conversation, now she thinks I only want to talk to her to get her in a dress and take her to the opera.”
 “You don’t?”
 “Well…” Dorothea paused. “I don’t mind it but there’s plenty of other date options.” She allowed herself a smirk, “Like getting her out of the dress.”
 Sylvain laughed loudly, drawing far too much attention to them but Dorothea didn’t mind it and merely beamed at everyone staring their way.
 “But did you even tell her it was a date?” He teased when he calmed down.
 Dorothea blew out a sigh, “I didn’t think I needed to, I thought it was obvious.”
 “Look, Ingrid is a lot of things but picking up subtle hints has never been her strong point.”
 “I’ve noticed.” Dorothea rested her hand on her cheek in thought. “But she does have so many strong points. Including being so strong, she’s no Dimitri I know but still…” Dorothea’s mouth curled up in the memory of Ingrid slamming a training lance through a practice dummy. “And she looks...”
 “Angry? Annoyed? Dismayed?” Sylvain offered.
 “Oh that’s just at you and you deserve it.” Dorothea retorted, “I was going to say she looks graceful.”
 Sylvain choked on his own spit, gasping a bit for air.
 “Ingrid?! Our Ingrid?”
 “My Ingrid.” Dorothea threw back. “Well. She’s her own girl but I might like to call her that again someday. And yes. Graceful, in her own way. She may not see the beauty she holds but I do.” Her tone held some warning that Sylvain caught on.
 “All right, all right. But what are you going to do about it? We’ve all seen you lingering outside the Blue Lions classroom and how Ingrid hurries past.”
 “I know. I can’t believe I’m doing this…” Dorothea sighed, “Help me?”
 He clapped a hand on her shoulder, grinning, “You’ve come to the right place. No one knows how to pick up girls like I do.”
 “I regret this already.”
 Ingrid considered herself lucky. For all that the three drove her insane she was glad to have Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain in the monastery with her. There was still a bond between the four of them, frailer now but there. She had her childhood best friends with her regardless.
 She could not say the same for Dorothea however.
 The girl had a lot of friends of course but a best friend? Ingrid just couldn’t pinpoint who that might be. Which was a shame because she deserved someone close to her that she could talk to freely. Dorothea deserved a lot of things but Ingrid would start with figuring out a way to talk to her without getting so tongue tied all the time.
 She was still trying to decide who to ask, watching Petra idly as she went through several training dummies in the yard, when Linhardt dropped to the seat beside her.
 “Dorothea’s prideful.”
 Ingrid jumped at the sudden intrusion, twisting herself sideways to stare at Linhardt. “What?”
 Linhardt yawned and leaned back to rest on his elbows. “You’ve been looking for information about Dorothea, right?”
 Her face felt like if it got any hotter that it could be used to grill the meat she enjoyed so much at dinners. “I…”
 “Don’t bother denying it. I already figured it out.” Linhardt waved her concern away and Ingrid spluttered a little at it.
 Her shoulders sank. “Has Dorothea?”
 “Oh no.” He assured her, “She’s been too caught up trying to ask you out to notice that you’ve been avoiding her due to your attraction towards her.”
 As it turned out her face could get warmer.
 “She’s been what?”
 Linhardt didn’t answer though; the soft snores coming from him were enough to understand he was fast asleep.
 “Are you all right, Ingrid. Are you in need of assistance?”
 For the second time that day she jumped at the sudden voice next to her and turned now to see Petra standing over her looking concerned.
 “Your face is… it is my understanding the sun does not have friendliness towards some in Fodlan.”
 Ingrid laughed a little, wishing that it was a simple sunburn that was affecting her. “No that’s true, I’ve never been able to stay outside as often as I’d like. But that’s not this, Petra.”
 Petra tilted her head, the curiosity in her gaze growing. “Then you are having sickness?”
 “No no,” Ingrid shook her head. “I was just…embarrassed. That’s all. Linhardt told me something I wasn’t expecting to hear.”
 “Ah, I am having understanding.” Petra sounded relieved. “Linhardt has spoken to you about Dorothea.”
 If she had felt like her face was cooling off that was gone in a second.
 “We had been asking him to.” Petra continued on, oblivious to Ingrid’s internal distress.
 “We?” Ingrid asked, somewhat miserably and dreading the answer.
 “Yes.” Petra nodded, her braid swinging behind her as she did. “Bernadetta and I.” She looked a little remorseful at her next sentence, “I was unsure I would be able to explain it and Bernadetta…”
 “…Is Bernadetta and probably a little too scared of me.” Ingrid conceded with a wry smile. “I had hoped she was feeling better around me since our talk…”
 “She is.” Petra said and dropped to the ground next to Ingrid, “But it is still hard. She has much afraidness in her.”
 Ingrid drew her legs up to rest her chin on them. “So you all figured me out then?”
 “It was not hard. You were most obvious.” Petra smiled a little at that, taking the sting out of her words.
 She sighed, “I just don’t know what to do. My father would prefer I court a noble for one thing, and a man for another. But I just…would rather get the choice myself.”
 “And your choice is being Dorothea.”
 Ingrid couldn’t help the smile then, “I wasn’t expecting it. After she helped me with that engagement offer the other month I just kept thinking about how nice it was to have Dorothea at my back. Someone who supported whatever decision I wanted to make wholeheartedly and looked out for me…and then there was the opera.”
 “She has a lovely voice.” Petra said, sounding slyer than Ingrid could have ever imagined.
 “She does.” Ingrid agreed, her cheeks heating up again. “I’ve never been good at being fancy though. Dorothea…she deserves someone who could.”
 “Dorothea deserves someone she likes.” Petra cut her off bluntly. “And she has chosen you.”
 Ingrid squinted at her, suspiciously. “Are you certain she did?”
 “Two days ago you were training and Dorothea came to watch. She talked about your sweat at the dinner table.” Linhardt interrupted them, sounding annoyed both by being woken up and the memory.
 “What was the word she used, Linhardt?” Petra asked, her brow furrowing as she clearly was trying to remember it.
 “Glistening.” Linhardt deadpanned.
 “Ah yes, a glistening goddess.” Petra snapped her fingers. “She was most admirable, no, ah – she showed most admiration.”
 “That’s…almost sweet.” Ingrid tugged a little at her hair, hiding herself from view as she smiled at the idea of Dorothea saying that.
 “Then it has been decided.” Petra announced. “We are to be going hunting.”
 If Linhardt hadn’t fallen asleep again Ingrid might have exchanged a worried glance with him.
 Dorothea regretted it.
 She was going to kill Sylvain. And then Felix. And then maybe Dimitri for good measure. And then with no one in her way she was going to somehow elope with Ingrid far, far away from Fodlan and Garreg Mach Monastary and this awful horse she was trying to ride.
 “You’re doing…well, honestly, not great.” Sylvain commented from atop his own steed as he watched Dorothea wobble on her horse.
 Dorothea gritted her teeth and pulled on the reins in her hands. “Normally I ride with Petra when we go into battle.” She admitted, “Riding has never been my strong suit. There wasn’t much of a chance to as an orphan.”
 Sylvain nudged his horse to sidle up beside her and pulled the reins from her clenched hands, repositioning them so it was both more comfortable for her and the horse.
 “Are you sure this will impress her?” Dorothea asked skeptically, scowling down at the reins.
 “Look, Ingrid appreciates anyone who works hard and showing her that you can in something she loves is just a guarantee. Trust me.” Sylvain grinned, “Besides, don’t you want to be able to ride off with her in the sunset.”
 “Well that is a pretty nice idea.” Dorothea agreed. “But when I thought about it we were sharing a horse and Ingrid was in charge of it.”
 “Pointless.” A voice said on her other side and Dorothea turned her head to glare at Felix. “Daydreaming’s hardly going to help your skills. Not that much could.”
 “Charming as ever Felix.” Dorothea sniffed at his attitude. “Why did we need him again?” She looked back at Sylvain.
 Sylvain scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, “The horseback riding was Felix’s idea.” He admitted. “He knows Ingrid pretty well too.”
 “When I said you could recruit help I was more thinking Mercedes…” Dorothea sighed.
 “You’re sitting wrong.” Felix said in response. “For someone surprisingly adept with swords you’re terrible at keeping your balance.”
 Dorothea preened a little at the compliment from Felix. “That’s when both my feet are on the ground where they belong. Unless of course Ingrid cares to sweep me off them.”
 “She will.” Sylvain assured her.
 “Not if you don’t stop fidgeting she won’t.” Felix said at the same time.
 “At least she’s worth it…” Dorothea sighed to herself and adjusted her grip again.
 “This isn’t how I pictured hunting.” Ingrid said from where she sat in the chair. Petra was behind her, her fingers weaving through Ingrid’s hair as she braided it.
 “It is a type of hunting.” Petra said, “A hunting for Dorothea.” She sounded amused and at least one of them was in this situation.
 Annette hummed in agreement and would have probably babbled on more but her tongue was stuck out in concentration as she carefully applied the make up on Ingrid’s face. Petra had hardly even needed to ask her for the help before Annette had bounced off to grab her makeup kit.
 “Dorothea has appreciation when someone is trying something she enjoys.” Petra stated, her finger nimbly pinning another braid up. “She has expressed much desire in seeing you – how is the expression?”
 “Dolled up.” Annette chirped, grinning. “Don’t worry Ingrid, we’ll make you look amazing for Dorothea.”
 “Well you don’t need to worry about the blush.” Ingrid muttered mostly to herself. “I’ll take care of that, I’m sure.”
 She hated being sweaty and tired. Dorothea was beginning to see why Linhardt was so into avoiding it and taking naps all day, she was tempted to grab one herself. She ducked her head when she saw Petra near the dorms, letting her hair cover her face which probably looked terrible just then.
 Her hat had been knocked off her head and trampled on and she pouted at it in her hands. She’d have to get Bernadetta to help fix it for her where it had torn.
 “Same time tomorrow?” Sylvain had asked as she left and Dorothea had made a noise that might have been agreement but she wasn’t sure.
 “What’s the good in magic if you can’t make a private bath wherever and whenever you need it.” Dorothea sighed, talking out loud despite that she was alone in the dormitory halls.
 Or mostly alone, the shuffling noise alerted her someone was coming and she glanced up to see who it was, hoping that she could conjure up an excuse for her disheveled state that seemed reasonable but stopped as soon as she looked at them.
 Blond hair had been braided into two plaits and then pinned back up into a braided bun with loops on both sides. A turquoise dress that just barely brushed against the floor was complimented by the eyeshadow the same colour, making pale green eyes glow even in the dim light.
 She looked like every woman that Dorothea had sung an opera about; a muse born to life that Dorothea would easily devote a life composing songs to.
 She looked like-
 The dress wasn’t completely uncomfortable but it certainly wasn’t Ingrid’s first choice. She’d argued just for a simple tunic with pants but been over ruled and she couldn’t deny the results made her look nice. Perhaps nice enough to make Dorothea take a certain notice.
 “Would you care to go to the opera?” Ingrid muttered under her breath, “No too simple.” She cleared her throat, “Dorothea Arnault, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the opera. The singer won’t hold a candle to your voice but I would appreciate the company.”
 Ingrid made a face, “Too much, I sound like Sylvain…”
 She was about to start practicing her lines again while pacing when the sound of footsteps caught her ear. Petra she knew had been keeping watch and agreed to ‘not let any but Dorothea in’ so there was only one person it could be.
 She took a deep breath and walked forward, nearly tripping over the hem of her dress and she wished she was more graceful. If she was on a horse this wouldn’t have been a problem, but on the ground her feet just didn’t seem to want to listen to her.
 Ingrid came to a stop however, blinking in surprise at the person in front of her. Brown hair was matted with sweat and dirt compared to it’s usual soft looking appearance, all the make up that Dorothea usually had on had been scrubbed off but whether it was from grime or water Ingrid couldn’t be certain. She looked like she’d just run a marathon the way her shoulders shook a little from exertion, so unlike the composed Dorothea that Ingrid was used to but if she wasn’t lying to herself then Dorothea looked like-
 “A glistening goddess.” Ingrid said without thinking and then realized what she’d said and backtracked a little, “Oh! That isn’t to say you don’t always look like a goddess Dorothea. Is that blasphemous? I should ask Mercedes. Right now. Not here.”
 Her plans were falling to pieces looking at Dorothea this disheveled. It wasn’t fair how beautiful she still looked but Ingrid couldn’t stop staring if she tried.
 Dorothea felt warm in a way that had nothing to do with the work she’d just put herself through. “Well now, that’s quite the compliment.” She quickly caught herself, falling back to her flirting with ease. “I was about to say the same thing about you Ingrid, you look…” Her breath stuttered a little as she took in Ingrid again, “I’ve already used bewitching haven’t I?”
 “Ah.” Ingrid’s cheeks were a red that matched Dorothea’s own now. “Yes, I believe you have.”
 “But why are you all dressed up Ingrid?” Dorothea swallowed and forced herself to say, “Off on a date?”  
 “I was trying to be.” Ingrid said and fidgeted a little with the sleeve of her dress, a nervous tick for someone not used to be wearing such elegance Dorothea was sure but it just made her seem cute. “Dorothea Arn- no, uh, Dorothea. The opera. You like the opera.”
 “Yes?” Dorothea agreed, somewhat questioningly.
 Ingrid sighed, “I mean to say, would you like to see an opera.”
 Dorothea blinked for a second before the implications caught up on her. “Oh!” She grinned widely, “Ingrid did you get dressed up all for me? I thought you weren’t about to get gussied up to attract someone.” Now that she knew what was going on she couldn’t help but tease.
 Sure enough Ingrid’s face grew redder. “I just- I wanted to make the effort.” Ingrid admitted. “It seemed important because…you’re important.”
 It wasn’t the first time Ingrid had made her speechless but it usually wasn’t accompanied by a tightness in her chest that was gratitude and awe all in once. “Me?”
 “Yes, you.” Ingrid smiled at her softly, “Is that… a yes?”
 “Yes, yes, yes!”
 Dorothea’s smile could outshine any opera Ingrid would ever see, she was sure of it. And the fact that Ingrid had caused it made her echo it with her own.
 Ingrid cleared her throat, trying to get some of her composure back. “I’m not sure you’re dressed for it though, I’m surprised Dorothea.”
 “Ah.” Dorothea looked down at her own appearance. “About that… I was trying to learn how to ride a horse.”
 It was Ingrid’s turn to blink in surprise. “A horse? I thought you just rode with Petra in battle?”
 “I do.” Dorothea said as she tried to smooth out her skirt, “I was just trying to make an impression on someone.” She looked up at Ingrid with a crooked smile, “I’d been told that hard work and dedication would catch her eye.” She scowled right after however. “I had always thought horseback riding would be easier somehow.”
 “That’s…” Ingrid couldn’t keep the amusement out of her voice. “It’s a tough discipline.”
 “I’ve noticed.” Dorothea deadpanned.
 “You don’t have to do that though.” Ingrid said, shaking her head, “You already caught my eye. It’s why I was avoiding you.” She admitted, “I wasn’t sure how to handle it.
 Dorothea’s gaze softened. “I don’t bite Ingrid.” She winked then, “Unless asked that is. And speaking of asking.” Dorothea took a step forward. “I think I once said I’d ask permission before pouncing. Is that still not granted?”
 Ingrid took her own step forward to meet Dorothea halfway, “I’ll allow it.”
 She’s hardly gotten the words out before Dorothea had pulled her in for a kiss, one Ingrid had trouble keeping up with with her own little experience but certainly tried to. Dorothea’s usual perfume was covered up by the smell of horses and hay but Ingrid didn’t mind that at all, dragging one hand through Dorothea’s hair and delighted it was still as soft as she had imagined. She only pulled back when she need the air, giggling with Dorothea when their eyes met.
 “I think the opera’s out for tonight.” Ingrid said once they’d calmed down.
 “Oh I can put on a private show anyway.” Dorothea laughed, her voice teasing again.
 “How about dinner first?”
 “Do we have to go anywhere on horseback?” Dorothea asked, making a face.
 Ingrid tried to hold back a grin and failed, “I was thinking a ride out somewhere private would be nice.”
 Dorothea paused in consideration, “On second thought, I’m in.” She leaned in to rest her forehead against Ingrid’s, “But I’m not taking the reins.”
 “Don’t worry Dorothea, I’ve got you.” Ingrid assured her and was pulled in for another kiss.
 Dorothea put her hands on her hips and straightened her back, standing before Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain with a steely gaze. “I’ve called you all here for some help. I want to propose to Ingrid and you three happen to know her best. Aside from me of course.”
 “You’re dating Ingrid?”
 “They have been for five years, try to keep up boar.”
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 4
New episode, new post!
This was the other post I had written out that got accidently deleted so I'm writing it all again.
1993? And Lila was 4? TOO MUCH COINCIDENCE! I still stand by my theory that Lila is one of the 43.
Yes, she has a father but that could just be her mother's husband. It's just too coincidental that the show would make her exactly the same age as the Hargreeves for no reason.
Ah the red heels. Hi Handler. These heels are really pretty though, very wicked witch with the ruby slippers. Even that outfit kind of screams wicked witch meets Cruella de Vil 😏
Kill parents, adopt child. Interesting MO, Handler. Like an evil Bruce Wayne (does this make Handler Owlman? I know, I'm not funny).
Oh, Handler pulling a Reginald with Lila!
Except, you know, she actually gives Lila positive reinforcement and affection, unlike Reggie. But her training seems just as brutal and inhumane for a child (and possibly even more violent) as Reginald's...
It's curious and interesting, a nice foil. Handler succeeds where Reggie fails- creating a loyal and effective soldier will into adulthood- because she was willing to give the kid affection and compassion. Reggie saw himself as some sort of hero creating heros but he failed at the most basic and human thing that even the villain understood.
-The filmography in these training scenes is brilliant.
-Ah, that prom look is the same as half of my classmates when we graduated 🤣 down to the blue makeup.
I'm guessing Lila's "prom"/"graduation" was her first solo assassination?
Wait, Handler wants to protect Five...? What the hell is she up to now?
Talking about killing people like it's a fun hobby 🤨
Oh, so the Swedes are triplets? I suspected but I like the confirmation.
Oh, Handler is lying ~~~~ 🎶
She's definitely following her own agenda here and she's leading Lila into danger. The question is if she's going to undermine the Commission for revenge of if she wants to prove her ability to get promoted back into administrative ranks of the Commission.
Either way, this will not end well for Five.
Lila is going to end up having to choose between Diego and Handler, isn't she?
Five stays in the car to give Luther space... No matter what Five says he actually cares about his siblings' feelings, doesn't he? He's the most overprotective of them all and always has been. It's sweet.
Ah, Luther and Vanya bonding over Five being an asshole. ☺️
"very warm and cuddly father" 🤣
Of course Vanya figured out Five was sparing her feelings, because she's not dumb
Oh, thank you for the honesty, Luther! Gotta love that.
I'm actually really happy to see Luther owning up to his mistakes instead of trying to act like the flawless leader. I think he grew a lot after accepting that Reginald wasnt perfect and I'm glad to see that growth still happening as he learns how to be an independent person. I just hope his guilt doesn't turn into even more self-hatred.
"you had kind of a bad childhood" -understatement of the century, Luther!
Luther, you have pissed off the mobster, you moron. You're on big trouble now.
Dramatic wall punch! 🙄
"when you get angry shit blows up" 😂😂😂
"you're our sister and a member of the umbrella academy" - oh, now you want to include her? The irony of this is that it's the one thing Vanya wanted for the first 29 years of her life and if anyone had said it then, the apocalypse would probably have never happened.
"I wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted" -ah, you know you love them, Five
Honestly, Allison actually keeps her cool really well, if I went through that phone call I would have broken something.
Why the hell does Klaus want menudo first thing in the morning?? Ew...
Klaus butchering "the frog and the scorpion"... You were doing so well but ended up completely missing the point of that story, dummy.
Diego's stab wound is healing really quickly...
Wait, he's healing quickly and Allison doesn't have a neck scar... Plus Klaus is immortal... Hmm, I wonder if quick healing is an ability they all share? Though that would put Diego's scars (and maybe Ben's death) into perspective...
Does Diego wax his chest? Those pecs are real smooth for someone who spent over two months in a 60s mental institution. 😆
"we've all had the urge" 😂 and Diego's sarcastic laugh 🤣
Who's the 12th of the Magestic 12? Oh, I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE??? Maybe a certain monocled asshole?
"Mamie pink" is Klaus's new nickname, I don't make the rules.
Klaus, you are freaking the boy out with all this new information...
Oh no, the homophobia 😡😡😡
You know what's more heartbreaking about this homophobic disaster? Dave is likely in the closet and this whole situation here and the hate his uncle is showing must be so painful to him, it would probably bury him even deeper in the closet...
Klaus... The punch... Oh, baby... 😢 Oh no, I'm going to cry 😭😭😭
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Is Raymond really implying that Allison is a spy? Damn...
Just tell him the truth, Allison! How do you marry a person without telling them something so big about yourself??
Oh, so Klaus has been sober for 3 years... Interesting.
No, Klaus! Don't start self-destructing again! 😢😢😢
It must be so painful for Ben to watch this and not be able to stop it...
Oh shoot, the cult found him.
"prophet"? "holy wanderer"? Interesting.
Poor Klaus just wants peace.
They seriously couldn't get a suit for Five too? Is he not allowed to wear anything else?
Five is onto Lila 🎶
Luther, are you stress eating? Well, at least you're not going on a bender again.
Awww, Luther- Allison reunion. Cute. Please don't make it weird.
Oh God, the awkward small talk is back 😩
I'm glad Luther is being so mature about this. I like this dynamic better.
"Vanya is on a farm. And happy" and Allison finds the happy part weird. Diego in the "nuthouse" and Allison doesn't find that weird at all, even does that 'yeah, ok makes sense' face. Klaus "cult leader" and Luther isn't surprised at all, that little "eh" was so funny.
Lord, this family is mess.
"Doomsday" *awkward chuckle* -you guys are getting way too used to this.
"Diego, try not to do anything too stupid" 😆 ah, brothers.
Lila in red heels, like mommy... 😏
Reggie taught them ballroom dancing? And Handler had the same idea?
Um.... Ok, so new theories! Do Handler and Reginald know each other? Could Reginald have been in the Commission? I'm going to be thinking about this for a while...
Just let the girl lead, Diego. Stop being a little bitch.
So mom!Grace is either a cyborg or she was modeled after this woman... Makes curious about Reggie's relationship with this lady.
Diego going through the universal horror every kid goes through when realizing that mommy and daddy are "together". 🤣🤣🤣 "I can't picture it on my head. That's nasty"
She didn't tell him her name was Grace but apparently it is.
Am I the only one getting weird desperate and co-dependant vibes from Sissy?
Oh no! Save the baby!
Holy shit! HOLY SHIT! Vanya's powers are incredible! The special effects in this scene are unbelievable!
Save the child!
How did his lips get blue so quickly?
Ok, I need to pause to gather my thoughts... Ok, things I hope don't happen-please don't magically "fix" the disabled boy, and please don't make the powers transferrable (that's just lazy writing, don't rehash "Misfits").
However, other than that I'm just very curious what those lights will do to Harlan. Will they just save his life? Will he gain powers? Will he have some weird connection to Vanya now? I'm dying to find out!
Anyway, back to the ep.
Baby boy is ok!
Luther, did you think pissing off the mobster would end well?
Elliot just starting up at Luther in awe and visibly fighting not to poke him. 😆
Oh, Sissy... Poor woman.
There going to kiss, aren't they?
Melancholic music kicking in. Sad emotional talk. Sitting way too close. Yeah, they're going to kiss.
Aaaaaand there's the kiss! ☺️
But now I need to pause and digress again...
Yeah, Sissy's feelings for Vanya are not healthy at all. In fact they mirror Vanya's feelings for Leonard- she's unhappy with her life and clinging to the first person that gives her attention. She wants help, she wants to be rescued, she's touch and attention starved. She's co-dependant and emotionally manipulative.
I'm not saying Sissy is a bad person, she's not, she's a sad person stuck in an unhappy marriage, terrified of being abandoned (almost paranoid) and exhausted under a lot of pressure dealing with a disabled child. And then in comes Vanya, who is perfect with Harlan, so loving and kind and has nothing else to pour all her attention towards. Of course Sissy sees salvation in Vanya and is desperate to keep her.
I'm not saying Vanya and Sissy can't have a beautiful healthy relationship, they can, but not like this. Sissy is clinging too tight and using Vanya to make herself feel better and make her life easier. They both deserve better than that and I hope they get it.
I'm starting to think that all relationships in this season might be doomed to fail:
-Sissy and Vanya have a co-dependant and emotionally unhealthy infatuation and Sissy is married to a man that, while not great, still clearly loves her;
-Raymond and Allison have too many secrets between them that are causing a major rift, they can fix it but there's also the chance that Ray might not be able to accept the truth about her;
-Lila is a double agent using Diego to get close to Five, she seems to be developing feelings but the fact that she's lying about who she is and working for Handler is obviously toxic;
-Klaus is pining over a person that Dave has not yet become and while he only wants to save Dave's life, it's obvious there's too big an experience and culture gap between them for a relationship to flourish;
-Luther and Allison have become one-sided and less innocent and puppy-love than before, now it really is just creepy and unhealthy (whereas before it was understandable because they grew up together under an emotionally unavailable father and isolated from the real world, naturally they became attached and confused their feelings, their attachment wasn't healthy but it was justified and almost innocent... Not anymore though);
-we have no concrete proof yet, but it seems Ben MIGHT be pining over a girl that might not even see him, he's dead, it might be an interesting dynamic storywise, but it's not going to happen, it's unhealthy and unfair;
Some of these couples might still survive and become great, it's still really in the season after all, but they have a lot of growing to do before they get there.
Anyway.... Back to the episode.
Oh Klaus... Off the wagon...
Allison being a good sister and taking care of her brother. My heart ❤️
Luther, you idiot... Well, at least you're getting high in a safe environment.
Luther and Klaus are self-destructing, my poor boys.
"you are super weird" - Luther, you have no zero right to call anyone weird, have you looked in the mirror??
"the woman I love loves someone else" -the woman you love is. your. SISTER!
I really like poor Elliot, I hope nothing bad happens to him.
Jesus, that's creepy, Luther.
Didn't I say Reginald was the 12th? 😏
Roswell? Reggie probably has a vested interest in that.
Blink out of there, Five.
I love that Five's main move is always 'teleport onto their backs and go for the throat'.
Wait, why did Five's teleportation glitch???
The music!!!!
Wait, did Diego's aim just glitch too???
Could these power glitches be connected to Vanya's magic lights going into Harlan? Or could it be something about the Swedes? Or about Reginald's presence, seeing as he dodged Diego's power before? Hmm...
Oooh, Lila has to choose between Diego and her mission already? Interesting... Of course she chooses to save Five.
Badass Lila is amazing!
So she could have helped Diego after helping Five but instead she just walks away? Huh, unexpected.
Diego, you adrenaline junkie. Good moves though.
The ancient Greek is a surprise! I really want to know what Five said to Reginald!!! What did he say? I need to know!!!
Another great chapter!! Very emotional too!
I want more!!!
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scoundrels-in-love · 5 years
The Chariot, pretty please?
I could never say no to you, even without pretty please.
Additionally, there’s Easter Egg (certain House words and what they allude to) in this fic, courtesy of @slipsthrufingers and her The Tides which you should definitely go and read. She also technically spawned this AU, so there’s that. Also a thank you goes to  @aliveanddrunkonsunlight for one of the scenes.
The Chariot: victory, animals, awareness, arrows, aggression
Fortunes from Arranged Marriage/Enemies to Lovers/Soulmate AU I will probably never write in full. Except I guess I sort of did? Also on AO3.
Their marriage is a war of subtler kind.
Not quite as covert as games played at court, for they meet in the yard almost daily to take up swords and leave bruises as tally marks on each other, but on this battlefield, most bleeding is done from one’s soul.
Jaime prides himself in doing so rarely, collects each glare and sneer, every time blankness frosts over her face to hide the hurt, wraps them up in bundles of victory with the red of her angry, splotchy blush. Stockpiles them in neat rows within the room he has made just for his hatred of this union - and the self-righteous wife of his, too.
But somewhere along the way, between all the fighting they do back to back (even when they are miles apart) out of sheer necessity, among truths that pour out of him like bad blood and leave him drained but almost healing, his goals gradually change.
He begins to yearn for another nod of approval, a glance that’s not seeped in disdain like bitterest tea known to man, for corners of her large mouth to not turn down as deeply and so often. A smile is earned through an entire campaign.
But the ground he tries to advance on is littered with rocks he threw at her. The gold chain of his old victories wraps around his throat, slowly chokes out the life of tender shoots of something else that tries to sprout between the two of them. And sometimes he goes back to old cruelties because it’s familiar, if uncomfortable armor against impossibilities. Changing the direction of rivers in her heart seems too monumental a task even for him.
(Yet he tries, tongue tripping over the insult he said yesterday painting her gaze just a little colder than three days before.)
At first, she sleeps with her sword close, listening for any noise on the other side of door that separates their chambers. Just because she intends to honor the vows and alliance hatched from them, vulnerable and trembling like any other newborn, does not mean Kingslayer will. What is one more oath cut by a sword in vulnerable back of someone you’re meant to protect? Aggression simmers in air between them both, as intangible as heatwave and as sturdy as fortress of dislike they’ve build for each other.
But their personal enemies become their common ones, then some they earn jointly and at one point, she realizes they only fight together these days. There is almost (not almost, there is) safety in it and definitely trust - which she doesn’t know when she surrendered, but she can only hope it will never get thrown bloody and battered in her face. With each passing month, it grows a little sturdier, able to weather even stronger storms of doubts.
Sometimes he even shoulders his way into battles that are only her own - when someone japes about her looks, he incinerates them with a word or two (and there is that story of a golden punch she’s yet to confirm with him).  When men sneer at her Brienne of the Rock as if she’s become part of it, part of Westerlands. Part of his family. Jaime corrects them, reminds that she’s of Tarth and she wishes there wouldn’t be a pang of something unnameable (but frightfully alike hurt). But why would he not, if it isn’t one of the few things she brought to this union?
On those evening, she beats the training dummy with more vigor than usually.
When Jaime was a child, he thought the Houses with beasts in their sigils were certainly the most impressive. He didn’t loathe the Lion of Lannisters yet, hadn’t grown into the image either. And what is a wheat field to dragon? It had seemed to him as if some Houses wanted to announce they were lesser.
After meeting Brienne, he decides Tarth sigil is as unsightly as its only heir. It is childish, especially considering how he holds no love for lions anymore, but truly, Tarth is trying too hard, with the suns and crescents on the rose and blue reminiscent of dawn. Which makes sense with their House words, too - First Light in the Dark, they promise to be.
When he jokes about it, his wife explains that it stands for the lighthouse Evenstars have maintained for centuries in a tone that would make a lesser man feel chastised. It’s one of the first times she speaks more than a sentence to him, even if it is dripping in restrained disdain even more than the rest. And somehow, he keeps thinking back to her House words from time to time.
Perhaps because he starts to see the light of the line, ironically. Her face is the first he can discern when he comes to after losing his hand, and her pale head bobs above the murky waters of fever and pain, leading him onward. Her honor and righteous nature makes the dishonor surrounding him feel even darker, yet gives him just enough light, direction to chase it like Galleythat guides to west. He cannot even blame their soulmarks for this (like he blames it for the restless pattern of his heart around her these days), it is merely who she is, and he isn’t only one led by her.
Jaime’s opinion changes on other matters, too - he had thought what is wheat field to dragon, but what is a wolf or a lion to the sun or the moon? Even a dragon pales into comparison. He has seen skulls of those, in the depths of Red Keep, but the sun shines on him still as it shone on the beast’s hide.
The sigil, he decides in the end, is as magnificent as Brienne and sometimes, he dreams of a lion-gold painted child who bears it. Another late and unforeseen side-effect of their soulmate bond, surely. (That fills him with such soft longing he wonders if she’d taste it on his lips, should she kiss him.)
Through the first months of marriage, Brienne is more aware of her body than she has ever been in her life. Particularly when she is around Jaime Lannister. Every inch of skin seems to be prickling with reminder its stretched over limbs that are too long, blood pumps hot with anger through her body that’s too tall and too broad and her face often burns with blushes, highlighting her ugly features which cannot hide her emotions.
He greatly delights in pointing all of it out, if not with words as sleek as a blade, then with a twist of his mouth or cocked eyebrow. She wants nothing more than to remind him this mannish body might not be made for songs of love (something she’s come to terms with, Brienne insists in the dead of night as she lays awake in her bed, married but barely kissed), but it’s perfectly fine for a warrior.
And then she does. Brienne doesn’t win the bout, but what she gains instead is reclamation of her comfort in her husband’s presence. Maybe because the next time she sees Jaime, she knows of bruise she rightfully placed on his shoulder or because something shifts between them - their marriage is still a raging storm they weather separately, but the wind is angled just a little from the side now. (She hates the thought Jaime’s attitude might control such a force of nature.)
Much later, the awareness comes back, but with the flavor of heady, sweet wine that sends ghost of dizziness through her, a lot like his proximity does now. Part of her doesn’t even think of her ugliness, would believe that heat of his shoulder almost burns hers when they sit too close. The sane half of her laughs at her, in a voice that sounds just like her lord husband’s. She isn’t sure which makes her think of her soulmark more, not in the betrayed anger of initial discovery, but wistful sort of resignation.
Brienne wishes she could be angry still.
Jaime is not fond of archery - he is not terrible at it, but nothing about it entices him to train enough to excel. He prefers the straightforward honesty of a sword, face to face with your opponent. He knows Brienne does, too, long before he even meets her.
So, he thinks it is ironic that arrow may be the thing that takes her away from him, even before she is his. (But he has been hers for ages, she just doesn’t know. He didn’t. Now she never may.)
It’s just a rumor, a throwaway line about one of generals being perhaps mortally wounded by archer. He should be concerned, of course, because any such loss is a complication they don’t need, but there is no other name that comes to him, only Brienne Brienne Brienne in a damning chant, as if he had entered mourning already. No, they would tell him if his wife was dying, if she had perished already. But no raven has come yet and his night is haunted by thought of her dying alone, dying.
So the very next morning, he rides out, duties be damned. In fact, he is merely picking different oath to honor now, the one he said in the Sept truly a lifetime ago. The man that stood there perished years ago along with his right hand, but there is a Jaime Lannister breathing still and he pledged himself, his love that had not taken root yet, to her with the only kiss they have shared. And if he has to claim second one from bloodstained lips, willing his life into her somehow, then so be it.
When he rides into the camp at nightfall, unrest ripples through it as if he had plunged himself into a pond. He doesn’t stop until he comes to her tent; the chest with the gem that lured him beneath the surface.
He hurries in and then freezes two steps later, because she is there, looking up alarmed from where she has been pouring over letters. Perhaps even one to tell him of her state and whomever might be injured in her stead. “Jaime?” She asks and he tries to remember how to breathe, even the sigh of relief hasn’t got past something dislodging in his chest, wobbling there and looking for an edge to fall over.
“Jaime, what are you doing here? Are you alright? Did something happen at the Rock?” Brienne stands up, frown on her face, but one of concern, and her eyes ask for an answer to riddle his presence has brought. He shakes his head and she makes her way toward him, only slightly more at ease.
Jaime sways in the small space between same and change, between the waterfall of feelings that could take him crashing on the rocks and safety of playing it off with a joke, something neutral. Anything but the truth.
He has jumped cliffs for lesser things.
“I heard you were hurt,” he offers, lamely, feeling as if he’s ten again, telling truths that make for shoddy excuses to get out of scolding.
“The rumors of my injury are greatly exaggerated, though sadly same cannot be said of Ser -”
“You are injured?” His voice breaks on the jagged truth and he looks her over again for a sign of harm, but sees nothing obvious.
“Just a scratch that should be healed by next battle. Nothing that will impede our victory. Jaime, why are you here? Are there news from the Starks?”
He thinks of when he asked her a month ago if she hadn’t dreamed of love from songs before agreeing so simply to their union of convenience. She had thought him mocking once more, her face darkening, and reminded him nothing about her choice had been easy. And then, soothed by something in his expression, told him she knew she was neither the maid nor the knight of legends old. I am made for war, Jaime, but no one will ride across the battlefield just to hear my voice.
He could not tell her different then, could not risk to breach the peace warmed by morning sun, but he cannot stop his free fall now. (Unless she doesn’t want him, not even want to want to him. Then he will collide with the rocks below where water turns to foam and never speak of it again.)
“I thought my wife was injured, perhaps dying, and had to hear her scolding me at least once more.”
Her face is blank, flimsy lace of confusion around the edges, and then he can watch the dawn in her blue eyes, as light of realization begin to shine in them, but just as Jaime starts to smile, the sun sinks back into the oceans and her gaze dims.
“Brienne.” He hopes he doesn’t sound like he’s pleading, because he doesn’t want to beg anymore, not even her. Especially not her. She wouldn’t want him to and it’s one of the things he loves about her. But as Brienne takes a step back, shaking her head, he thinks he would do just about anything to have her hear him out.
“No,” her voice is small, almost comically so, as her shoulders hunch as if Brienne is trying to hide from herself, from him (he hates it), before she straightens up and sets her jaw mulishly, staring him down. “No.”
“No because you do not feel the same or no because you think this cannot be true?” There is challenge in his tone as he chases her deeper into the tent. Her silence is an answer, one he can chip away at with an almost patient hand. They sat in their personal castles, bridges up, for so long, but now meeting in neutral grounds isn’t enough for him anymore, he wants to live in her fortress, to be present in every room and fill it with love. He will do just that, infiltrate the depths of the keep gently and with persistence that rivals her stubbornness, if only he knows she would want it, if she dared to.
“I did not ride for an entire day just to make a cruel joke, wife. I thought we were past that, that you trusted me.” Jaime catches his own hurt before it taints his tone too deeply - this is not about him, not in this way. He wants to soothe her instead, reaches out and cups her cheek gently, Brienne’s exhale soft and trembling.
“I do,” she tells him quietly, with firmness and sincerity that buries itself right into his chest, the force of it finally freeing the half-stuck something and he pushes himself up on the balls of his feet, their eyes on even level now. There’s sunlight lighting up the blue once more, tentative but no less blinding and he feels drunk on it.
“Then trust me in this, too. Like I trust you.” His whisper caresses her lips, just a moment before his own follow suit.
In the end, she catches him mid-fall as she always does.
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One Song
It is my real-life Tiny one’s birthday in a few days and as many have already worked out I married a real-life Yuki. So here is a little short I wrote based on her birthday last year. I hope you all enjoy it ^^
Warnings: Fluff, Dad Yuki, father worries. 
One Song
Ueda Castle had been overrun. Everyone had thought that since their Lord had brought home an enemy Princess for a bride that things would get a bit interesting and naturally, they had been. Regular visits from the enemy happened as warlords came calling at staggered intervals to see the Princess. She called them family and it was clear they all doted on her in their own way. Lord Yukimura for his part was always a little nervous when the Oda visited. Well, nervous was perhaps the wrong word. He was definitely on edge. Just because he had their “sister” for a bride didn’t mean they weren’t out to get him. If anything, the fact he was the one to steal her away from them probably gave them more motive to try it.
Even when his allied Daimyo’s came to visit it was clear that whilst they did indeed have business with Lord Yukimura, they were also taking advantage of the fact that they too could see the young woman. Shingen and Yoshimoto had her surrounded while Kenshin watched over them and occasionally liberated her from their clutches under the guise of wanting to talk to her without their sickening behaviour interfering.
Still, nothing that transpired during those first few years could have prepared Yukimura for this. This was the worst case of assault on a fortified building he had ever seen and he HAD seen plenty of battles. Wave after wave of people arrived fully burdened with expensive and intricately wrapped ornate bundles. Everywhere he looked there was something placed in the castle and he even considered the possibility he would have to build some new rooms to gain space if this continued. He felt grateful for the kindness but completely overwhelmed as he looked around the main hall and scratched his head. How did this all happen exactly?
“That’s some more just arrived.” Sasuke called out from the door as he entered the room a large wooden crate draped in cloth in his arms.
“What!? Seriously what are they trying to do to me here? It’s like they took the word ceasefire and decided to turn it into a totally different kind of battle.” Yukimura heaved a heavy sigh, knitting his brow as he looked around the room again. It already felt crowded and there weren’t any people here yet.
“It does seem that way doesn’t it?” Sasuke balanced the crate and adjusted his glasses as he joined his best friend looking around at the piles of coloured gifts. His expressionless face was as unreadable as ever but Yukimura could tell that he was in fact very happy.
“You are such a weirdo you know that? Who’s it from this time?”
“I think this is from Kenshin. But I shall go and place it in a different room.” Sasuke looked down at the cloth covering the delivery in his arms as if pondering something.
“It might be better suited in the armoury.” His tone was conflicted as he gave the contents of the box a shake. Heavy sounding metallic clunks came from within. Sasuke was a pacifist to his core but it was clear there was a kind of nostalgic amusement underlying in his words as he remembered his former Lord and master.  
“Oh, for the love of—I don’t know what’s worse. The fact he buys her those things of the fact that she seems to adore them so much.” Yukimura brought his large hand up to his face, covering his own mouth with his palm and dragging it down to his jaw. He could feel his agitation building as he remembered a few years ago when Kenshin had presented the Little Princess with a fine decorative dagger and the little one’s eyes had practically popped out of her tiny head.
“To be fair Lord Kenshin has a rather keen eye for craftsmanship for weapons and swords in particular.” Sasuke interjected. He had received his own weapons from Kenshin after he was told he was finally good enough to be one of his ninjas. He remembered how the weight of a real blade was different from the training weapons, or maybe it was the fact that they came with a higher chance of certain death.
“I didn’t say they weren’t good. Put them where you think best Sasuke, she can have them when she’s old enough.”
“Well, I never thought I’d hear the day when you’d say something like that. Although something tells me you are never going to believe your little Princess is big enough to handle a weapon.” The familiar happy voice of his beloved came from behind them and they both turned towards her. The smile on her face lit up a room just as easily, if not better than any lamp or candle.
“Don’t be an idiot I’m not going to raise a defenceless dummy. I just don’t want her hurting herself before she can get her coordination together.” Yukimura attempted to strongly outline his future plans in an effort to ignore how his wife still had this hold on him. One where he could just feel his words becoming lost.
“He’s really not honest.” Sasuke smiled leaning towards the Princess conspiratorially. Yukimura felt a rush of childishness run through him watching his best friend and his wife whispering to each other. Her laughter that brought him so much peace rattling him to his core as she giggled with her friend.
“Did you say something Sasuke?” His voice came out frigid, as cold as a north wind promising snow in February.
“Me? No nothing at all. I’ll go put these weapons of potential accidental harm away safely. Excuse me.” Sasuke maintained his smile, teasing his friend as he left the room leaving them alone.
“That guy…” Yukimura’s eyes followed the ninja as he left. His expression seemed to match that of a brother observing a fleeing sibling. They loved each other, there was a bond. But that didn’t mean that they would never attempt to punch their lights out if they had too.
“Hey now.” His wife reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder that nearly made him jump. Tilting her head, she looked up at him. “You know you should relax more you’ll live longer.”
“Relax? How am I meant to do that? The castle looks like its been turned into a festival market, someone managed to order the wrong things for the kitchen so they’ve had to try to change the menu. And on top of all of that, we have everyone arriving tomorrow and you just know that’s going to be like watching a Kabuki performance made up entirely with tigers and wolves.” Yukimura was flapping his arms about and counting things off of on his fingers as he ticked them off from a mental list he had been formulating.
“Cats and dogs”
“Same thing.” He spun on his heel and faced her. His eyes were betraying the flustered mess he knew he was deep down despite the calm exterior he was attempting to maintain.
“Sweetheart.” His wife chuckled placing both of her hands this time either side of his face, forcing him to hold her gaze. “We have this same pantomime every year and every year it's fine. All of the guys from Azuchi make some sort of snide comment at the others and before swords are drawn, we point out that the last thing Hoshi wouldn’t wish to see is her Uncles killing each other on her birthday. What is really the problem?” He felt his heart slow from a gallop to a trot as her words sunk in.
“Nothing…” He muttered shaking himself free from her hands and looking back at the ever-growing pile of gifts.
“That isn’t the face of someone with a nothing kind of problem.”
“She’s –”
“What was that?” She pushed knowing he was embarrassed by something and this was the only way to get the stubborn man to tell her straight. Shingen had once told her Yuki needed a strong hand and a strong woman to guide him and she had experienced first hand how true those words had been many times. He was the most loyal and honest man she had ever met. He was her best friend and she knew she was blessed to be able to say she had married him. Still, there were times he was like a frustratingly childish boy and he could enter the Olympics if they had them for his ability to put his foot in his mouth.
“She’s five. She’s already five and every time I go away, I hardly recognised her when I come back. She just grew so much.” His ears were turning red as he elaborated. It was probably cruel to do it but she couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.
“Ha-ha, that’s kind of what kids do.”
“I know that Dummy! I just… I wanted a bit more time with her before she forgets me.” He bent to pick up a wooden toy, distracting himself with it as he twisted the different parts on it. He usually looked tall and strong and right not it was beyond endearing to see him seem so small and unsure over something so totally adorable.
“Forgets you? Yukimura how could she forget her own father? She adores you.” She shook her head not daring to step closer to him again at the moment. If she did that he was very likely to get defensive.
“That’s what girls do right? They grow up and then forget about their dads. Just go running around with their friends and that’s it.” He replaced the toy stroking it with his fingertip. His kindness and affection had always been a little clumsy.
“Who on earth told you--? Mitsuhide… I wondered what he had told you the last time he visited. No wonder you looked like you had just sucked a pickled plum.” She knew he loved his daughter. From the moment she had placed her in his arms and he had panicked he was going to break her. She knew he was the proudest and happiest father. Ignoring her previous idea to stay back she just wrapped her arms around him from behind hugging him close. “Yuki… She won’t just forget you. Yes, she will have friends and go play with them and hang out with them but while she will have a lot of those. But she only has one Daddy and you are her hero.” She could feel him tense for a fraction of a second inside her arms. “And mine too. How could she forget about you when I can’t?”
“Why you—come here.” He gruffly turned enveloping her in his arms and scent, pressing her head into his firm chest.
“Eh… I would kind of like to breathe you know?”
“Shut up.”
Later that night as he returned to their shared room, he passed the door to his daughter’s room. He could hear a faint song and drew closer to the door to listen.
“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. How I wonder what you are…”
He smiled recognising the song his wife had taught her that apparently came from the future. It fitted their little star perfectly. She was so bright and happy. He knew he would do anything to protect that innocence and smile just as he would do the same for his beloved.
“…Up above the world so bright. Like a diamond in the night. Twinkle, Twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are.”
“That was beautiful little one.”
Yukimura had considered moving on as the song was over but the sound of his wife with their child made him stop. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop and he had already told Hoshi several times it was not polite to do so. Still, he just couldn’t help himself.
“I’m sure all your Uncles will love it.”
“What’s wrong? Are you sleepy?
“That is exactly the kind of thing sleepy Princesses say right before they fall asleep.” “Goodnight sweetheart. Tomorrow is a big day, get some sleep.”
“Ok mummy.”
Realising his wife was about to leave he quickly back-peddled so he was hiding behind a pillar. It was bad enough he had been listening in but to be caught in the act would have been worse. He watched as his wife left the room checking the door was closed securely before walking a little further and entering theirs. He gave it a few minutes before quietly following.
As predicted the gathered men had attempted to start a fight several times since arriving and greeting each other at the castle. For today at least it was considered to be completely neutral ground and after a few reminders, interjections and minor threats from Sasuke, his wife and himself things had settled down.
Hoshi was sitting in the centre of a mountain of gifts. New kimono, tea sets, calligraphy equipment, art supplies and games were scattered along with piles of sweets and candies. Yukimura made a mental note to move those to the higher shelves in the kitchen just in case.
Whilst they are shared a drink and smiled watching the little girl the newly 5-year-old stood up. Her back was straight as a spear and she cleared her throat in a way that made a few laugh as it resembled Shingen moments before he said something so smooth it made you wonder how he kept a straight face.
“I think the little Princess would like to thank you all for her presents now. She prepared a song.” His wife spoke out in a subtle call for silence and attention over the group. Something only she seemed capable of doing, because the moment anyone else tried to wrangle the men into formation all hell descended.
“How delightful.” Yoshimoto commented as a few approving nods were exchanged.
“I’ll allow it.” Nobu had that regal smirk on his face. The one that looked like a lion that had just been given a bag of catnip. Something Shingen couldn’t let go.
“Allow what? It’s not your castle.”
“Let’s let the little one give her performance shall we?” Mitsuhide smoothly interjected taking not of the little girl’s growing nerves.
“I for one can’t wait to see it.”
“It has to be better than watching Mitsunari spill everything.”
“If you are having a hard time remaining silent, I could assist you.” Kenshin slid his hand to his katana.
“No Lord Kenshin. No swords.”
“Go on Sweetheart.” Encouraged by her mother the little girl took a deep breath and began to sing.
“Twinkle, Twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are.” Her small voice was clear even if it did waver a little out of key.
“Oh gosh, she’s so damn cute.”
“Masa are you going to cry?”
“Of course not!”
“Up above the world so bright. Like a diamond in the night. Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Thank you for all my gifts.” Hoshi gave a small clumsy bow that almost looked as if she was going to topple forward and land on her head.
“Such a charming little girl.”
“That’s my niece.” Nobunaga declared.
“Why do you get to lay claim to her?”
“Easy her mother is my lucky charm.”
“That lucky charm happens to be MY wife and that is my daughter.” Yukimura’s voice carried even over Nobunaga’s in the room. Suddenly every sound vanished and all eyes had turned to him. Realising all too late that the agitation her had felt building up in him for that last few days had reached a snap point he wanted nothing more than to have the ground open up beneath him. But showing weakness was dangerous. It cost lives not just your own but of all those around you and he was not stupid enough to allow that to happen. He held his original glare against the devil king in the silent room wondering who would break the silence.
“Yeah?” Yukimura looked at his little princess who had come to his side and was gently tugging on his sleeve.
“Did you like my song?”
“Of course, I did kid. I love it when you sing. I also love it when you’re smiling and laughing too. Why do you ask?”
“B’cos. I don’t really mind if no one else likes my song as long as you do.” Her words were fragile like thin ice near an open fire. But they were more than loud enough for everyone in the room to hear them.
“C’mere Princess. You can sing for me any time you like.” Yukimura scooped up his daughter. His previous embarrassment forgotten along with those seedlings of fear and doubt for the future.
“I only know one song though.”
“That’s fine. I like that one song best. Because it’s yours.”
A/N: Hoshi got her name thanks to the desire of both parents wishing to name their firstborn after their mutual best friend. However after the birthing when it was revealed to be a daughter and not a son a suggestion was made to name her Star instead. As you can imagine the resident astrophysicist ninja was very happy as were both parents.
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