chhvmpcnge · 5 years
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“i guess we won’t know until you make the first move.’’ he knows the answer to her question very well, if she were to make the first move, christian would response back of course. it’s not like he doesn’t want it, he does, he just not brave enough to say it out loud.‘’good thing i’m a quick learner then.’’ looking her in the eye seems easier, now that he is sure she’s flirting back. christian doesn’t move at all for a second, enjoying the feeling of her hand dragging across his body. and when he can’t feel her touch anymore, he misses it immediately. he purposely stands in front of her when she sits down on his bed, making sure his knees touches hers softly.’‘vodka. but im down for anything.’‘ he kneels down in front of her, gently pushing her legs to left to reach the bottle of vodka under his bed. his hands linger on ankles as he finds the bottle as he speaks.’‘oh, by the way —’‘ he slowly, maybe it’s too slow he’ll admit, gets back up on his feet, his hands touching all the way up to her knees,’‘i would like you to teach me.’‘ he whispers before dropping himself next to her on the soft bed.’‘ you know, to teach me how not to be gentle.’‘
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"i guess we won't." olivia replies, though her words are far more quiet than she'd anticipated them to be. she has a feeling they both know the answer to her question, has a feeling that they both are on the same page right now.. that's what causes her to become more touchy, to keep herself as close to him as possible. "we'll see about that, babe." she teases ever-so-slightly. though there's no doubt in her mind that his words would ring true in the future. she's hoping that future is more near than far at the moment.. and with the fact he places himself in front of her, making sure there's some sort of physical contact between the two of them, she's beginning to believe that it will be near. "vodka works for me." she hums out, brow raising as he kneels, pushing her legs to the side only to fish out the bottle from beneath his bed. she stays silent for a moment, her gaze following his hands as the stop at her knees. still quiet as he starts to admit the one thing she'd wanted to hear from him from the second she'd laid eyes on him. "i can teach you far more than that, baby." olivia replies, quickly shifting her body to completely face his, hand reaching out to rest gently on his thigh, right above his knee. "still need that liquid courage or would you like to gain some of it in other ways?" she asks, leaning forward to press a kiss to his jaw.
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chhvmpcnge · 5 years
◜olivia◞ — vana.
vana: you're not wrong, no
vana: i make them too often tbh
vana: ooh.. really??? why did i think it was a bunch more steps??
olivia: thank u for fueling my ego, love that for me.
olivia: uhhhh you're gonna have to start bringing some to me whenever you feel like it!!!!
olivia: bc it looks more complicated on paper than it does in reality. i thought it'd be horrible the first time i wanted to try and then i did it and was like... oh
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
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sooyoung chews on a few pieces of popcorn as she thinks about the movie choices. “i’m not that scared of horror movies!” she laughs a little as she walks closer, setting down the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. “well, romantic movies are cute but i’m not ready to cry. so, comedy it is!” she takes the collection of movies, choosing a comedy and pops the disc inside the dvd player. sooyoung tosses olivia the remote and smiles. sooyoung looks at her outfit, probably a little much. red silk shorts along with a matching tank-top. sooyoung always dressed for little things, even if it was to walk around the house. “i always do. maybe it’s problem.” she took the bowl of popcorn and settled next to olivia, getting comfortable against her. “hmm, what about some gossip? i’m always busy so i’m out of the loop.”
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olivia had been teasing the other when she made the comment about horror films, so she can't help but to burst into laughter as well. "yeah, yeah. whatever you say!" she continues to tease, picking up a few pieces of popcorn before popping them into her mouth. "not all romantic movies make you cry, but comedy sounds good to me." she shrugs, completely okay with simply going with the flow of the evening. that's always how she'd been though, comfortable and open for whatever the day may throw her way. the second that the other decided to look over her outfit, olivia's eyes scanned it over once more, playfully rolling her eyes. "don't get too cocky there, soo." she teases, relaxing into the couch as sooyoung joins her on the couch, a gentle hum falling past her lips. "gossip.. hm. well, not that i can think of at the moment. or at least nothing out of the usual for mulberry. i did meet someone new though, he's... intriguing."
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
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 if christian was brave enough, he would have already made the first move. at least that’s what he thinks being brave means, according to the movie’s he’s seen before. but he is not brave, he wishes he was though. he wishes he could just look her in the eye for more than two seconds without feeling like a complete mess. ’’looks like i did, or i ’m waiting for someone to make the first move.’’ he lets out a deep sigh as he feels olivia’s fingers between his hair, as if he’d been waiting for her to touch him. he cannot help but lean into her touch a little more. ‘’i am ready,i know i am it’s just —— i don’t know what to do. i literally have no idea.’’  his eyes search around to find something interesting to look at, at anything other than olivia when he sucks in a deep breath, expression of shock on his pale features. he tries so hard to keep a straight face — mostly because he doesn’t want to admit that a kiss on his wrists effected him this much.’’uh — yeah, i would love that.’’ he softly touches the skin where she just kissed.’’i usually wake up middle of the night and feel like i need a drink, which is exactly what i’m feeling like right now. i need a drink. or two.’’
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olivia isn't even sure what it is about christian that seems to have her wrapped around his finger without him even realizing it. sure, the thoughts in her mind were thoughts of her taking charge over the entire situation, he still somehow had her just as intrigued as he was over her. perhaps she'd need to act on those thoughts and feelings sooner than she expected. "oh?" she asks, taking another step towards him. "and if i were to be the one to make the first move? how would you react?" olivia asks, gently tugging at the hairs on the back of his neck as a slight smirk. the sigh that passes through his lips causes her brow to raise lightly. if she were honest with herself, she would know she's completely forgotten about the real reason she'd shown up to his apartment at all. "you don't have to know what to do right away, baby. you learn as time goes on." olivia explains with a shrug of her shoulders, a small laugh falling from her lips. "considering you're as responsive to me touching you as you are, trust me, i'll be showing up at least twice a week — if not more." she breathes out, turning to glance at him as he explains why his alcohol is in his room. though she's quick to gently brush past him, purposely letting her hand drag across his back and waist as she does so to place herself on the end of christian's bed. "what's your poison? vodka, whiskey, tequila?"
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
◜olivia◞ — declan.
declan: baby i was born this way :/
declan: idk what you want from mE you KNOW i'm like this
declan: choke me daddy 😩😩😩😩
olivia: did you come with a return warranty ? i'd like to cash that in now.
olivia: just kidding, i love u the way you are. even tho you can be a pain in the butt.
olivia: you're not the first person to call me that, probably won't be the last. 😉😏
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
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olivia was as prepared as she ever would be for a movie night, dressed in her favorite pair of silk pajama pants and an old t-shirt she'd owned for years as her slipper clad feet make their way towards sooyoung's place. a walk she'd made plenty of times and one she knows for a fact she'll make many more due to the fact they were as close as they are. a quick knock is all it takes for the door to swing open in front of her, a grin puling on the edges of her lips at the other's greeting. "you sound like you haven't seen me in years." olivia teases, reaching out to boop sooyoung's nose before entering and making herself right at home on the couch. "what genre are we feeling?" she calls, loud enough for the other to hear it. "horror so you end up clinging to me, comedy so we can laugh or some cheesy romance movie?" she continues, shuffling through the selection of movies in front of her. "i literally did nothing today, so it's been a decent as hell day. hey! what's wrong with them! i know the shirt's old but damn!" she laughs, brow raising. "you look marvelous yourself."
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sooyoung grabbed a few movies as she waited for the popcorn to finish in the microwave. olivia was coming over. olivia and sooyoung go way back, all the way to high school. olivia and sooyoung have always been close, maybe too close. close as in, taking your gay v-card. it never affected their friendship though, because they both are still great friends to this day. sooyoung heard a knock on the door and she opened it, revealing olivia. sooyoung smiled wide, “hey!” she closed the door as olivia walked in. “okay, a have quite the selection of movies so choose one while i get the popcorn.” sooyoung made her way to the kitchen and poured to popcorn into a bowl for them both and walked back out. “how was your day, liv? you look as beautiful as ever, even in those pajamas.” sooyoung laughed a bit.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
◜olivia◞ — declan.
declan: i won't
declan: i know :/ i can't even IMAGINE what it must be like to live through the pain and suffering......of me not liking u.........i'm getting chills
olivia: yeah wbk.
olivia: why are you like this honestly?
olivia: do you just want me to strangle you, is that it?
olivia: bc you don't even have to ASK at this point.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
◜olivia◞ — vana.
vana: OH
vana: yes thank you i think so too
vana: it just seems like a LOT of work cause don't you have to do all this stuff with the butter??
olivia: am i... wrong?
olivia: i haven't actually had brownies in like a month what is wrong w me??
olivia: its really not that much work, just have to infuse the butter. which is fairly easy. only thing that takes a ton of time is waiting for the buds to be done in the oven.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
are you happy with where you are in life right now?
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yeah, absolutely. i’m surrounded by amazing people who allow me to be myself and not judge me for it. everyone in mulberry has been really nice to me and it’s made me feel welcomed and wanted so i’m extremely content and happy with life right now.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
If you had sex with the last thing you googled how would it go?
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well the last thing i googled was ‘ryan reynolds’ so honestly, i think that’d go pretty damn well if i do say so myself.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
When was the last time you cried and why?
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last night. i couldn’t sleep so i decided to scroll through my instagram and ended up finding a bunch of videos about rescued puppies and kittens and before i knew it, i was bawling my eyes out.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
favourite luxury brand?
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buy me anything cartier, chanel, louis vuitton or fenty and i’ll love you forever. that answer your question? i can’t chose just one, sorry if that’s what you were expecting.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
what is an opinion you would say out loud and not care what anyone would think?
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any and every opinion i have that is my own, honestly. yes, i try not to force my opinions on others or shove them down people’s throats, but i also don’t really care if people agree with mine either.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
what's something you're terrified of but know you "shouldn't" be?
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thunderstorms. don’t really know when my fear of those started, probably when i was young due to something that happened that involved one.. but they terrify me.
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
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athena. that’s my go-to girl when it comes to having emotional nights. she gets me and lets me vent and rant about still stuff all the time. she’s a great friend and i probably don’t deserve to have her as one. ( @athcnaprk )
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chhvmpcnge · 6 years
what's a fun fact about yourself that most people don't know?
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i was the head cheerleader at my high school for all four years that i attended but i was also a straight a honors student and helped out a lot with proms and events like that.
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