Adventures of tiny clone troopers
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"Can it really be....?"
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"Just like on Nirauan. I love you, Mara."
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Together again, at last!
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Every toy Crosshair this winter...
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I wanna took his helmet off just because I love this face 😘
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Return of the Mushroom
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Fawkes has been here before. Months ago—before he even got his paint—he found this Magnificent Mushroom.
more #kel's tiny troopers
Also... Red is not great at taking selfies 🤭
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Defoliator aftermath
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"I'm sorry. I know I should be happy. Everyone made it out in time, it's just..." Fawkes almost whispered. "This forest used to feel so... alive. Now it's all gone."
"I know," Red said and pulled Fawkes into a tight hug. "If you want, we can plant some of those seeds we found. Maybe it'll grow back. I heard nature is persistent that way."
More #Kel's tiny troopers that are definitely less sad. This was just a harvested and plowed corn field, but it made me think of that shitty bioweapon T_T and I had to make your problem too. Sorry.
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Watch Duty
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more of #Kel's tiny troopers
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I Karking Hate This Planet
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I think we all know what Echo‘s face looks like under the helmet.
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Taglist: @padawancat97 @starrylothcat @pb-jellybeans @littlefeatherr @sunshinesdaydream @the-bad-batch-baroness @antoinettesb @the-rain-on-kamino @neyswxrld @elephantwoman4 @proteatook @goblininawig @kometqh
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Baby Dunky Snail
Inspired by Dunky Slug
Fawkes: Red, look how tiny it is.
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more Kel's tiny troopers
Red: Cute. And to think it'll be big enough to ride soon.
Fawkes: Yeah, they grow even faster than we do. You want to hold it?
Red: Ummm... I don't know.
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Fawkes: I think it likes you.
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Snail: Can I go home now, weirdos?
And look at Red riding a grown Dunky Snail
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Let me give you a hand
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It's not easy trying to keep up with a mountain goat Fawkes. Especially when the heavier ARC Trooper gear slows Red down quite a bit.
more #Kel's tiny troopers
Bloopers - visit from my Doggo:
"What are you looking at? Is this squirrels? Can I has squirrels? That's not squirrels! Why no squirrels? Booooooooooriiiiiiingggg!
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"Wait ... did I hear squirrels?"
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As I mentionned a few days ago, Fox got a Droid and I'm so excited to show her to all of you :D
Her name is Fox'ika and we match :D she is the absolute cutest!
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She was a birthday present from my friend @goran-alrune who does customs and we worked on her together :D
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The birth of the little brother! For the birthday of @corrie-guard-things Made with him
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Fives…a Fox behind you
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Kit: Whoa he’s not gonna fall, is he?
Sarge: Nah, he pulls these kinds of stunts all the time.
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Sarge: Careful Luck, you remember what happened last time.
Luck: Yeah yeah, I know, feet first. 🙄
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Luck: heh heh there you go, Kit! Like a natural!
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Luck: Whoa! You good?
Kit: Yup, just hangin’ in there.
Wing (from below): Heh heh, good one 😏
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Hey Sarge can I get a hand up?
Welcome aboard Wing.
Hey -- umphh! -- little help here??
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He insists that the only reason he is visible at all here, was him being ordered to pose for a holo pic. He's much better at camouflage on real missions. He needs you to know that. It's important. He does not suck at camouflage. And it absolutely still bothers him that a little girl once thought he did XD
more #Kel's tiny Troopers
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"Oh, Red look! It's a Klaa fish! Did you know that they're so fast they can even outswim a Bongo?"
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Here’s our CO, Dice (CT-5757, for those wondering). He uh… what shall we say… lacks a bit of humor-- but good thing we don’t, right Luck?
He’d be livid if he knew you posted this.
Yeah, well, good thing he doesn’t. 😉
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An adventure from last summer. These are all my own photos. I maintain an action figure photography account called Tiny Tech Adventures, which I use mostly as a teaching tool, but sometimes I use it when there's feelings to be expressed.
Since it's still Wrecker Wednesday, we'll take a look at when the Batch is introduced to a cream puff, a beloved treat in my neck of the woods.
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