#ugh I didn’t even notice but it’s 12:30
brainman1987 · 6 months
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A little teaser and/or sneak peak! For Of vagabonds and vagrants >:3c
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
Stray Gods - Chapter 25
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Pairing: Gods!OT8 x !F!Reader
Genre: romance, friends to lovers, polyamory, mystery, supernatural, angst, fluff, smut
Wordcount: 3497
Chapters:  [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] -  [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20] [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] -? MASTERLIST
Summary: With no memory of who you  were, you wake up in the woods, only to be found by eight unusually  handsome men. With no information of the past, the guys decide to take you in and take care of you for the time being. But that time becomes  years, and as time passes, you start to notice that there is something  different about them... and something different about you...
Warnings: angst, praise, thigh riding, kissing, fingering, overstimulation, lovebites, bad/miscommunication, low self-esteem, swearing, name-calling, dry humping, college, degradation, gods, special powers, vaginal sex, oral sex (f&m), mentions of contraception (condoms&thepill), injuries, mentions of death (but no character deaths), virgin!reader, teasing, daddy kink, orgasms, poly relationship, semi-public sex. I've probably forgotten some so let me know if I did and I will add more as the story progresses.
Taglist: @eastleighsblog @tangerminie​ @speedybagelmongerpasta
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You felt like you were starting to develop a split personality. On one hand, there was the part of you which writhed and ached for more and more intimate relations with the boys, your head constantly wandering off and ending up in the gutter, fantasising about what might happen next and with whom. You didn’t feel ashamed about this anymore, but as it was still relatively new to you, the unfamiliarity of it made you feel slightly awkward. On the other hand, there was this calling, a gut feeling that repeated itself over again and again. You were not human. You were like them. But wherever it may be that was like them, you weren’t sure about. Whenever you were not daydreaming of laying in Changbin’s arms, kissing Han’s soft lips or cuddling with Jeongin, your mind would try to recall the dream that you had had. But it hadn't been a dream. If only you could grasp it…
‘You alright?’ Adam asked as the two of you walked through the corridor of the school towards the cafe to get lunch. 
‘Yeah, why?’ you said quickly, pulling your face into a smile. 
‘You’ve been quiet lately,’ Adam remarked. ‘Everything’s going alright?’ 
You smiled at him reassuringly.
‘Yeah, it’s just that my mind feels like it’s been kinda overloaded lately. I guess I just really need a vacation,’ you sighed. It wasn’t a lie. You really did feel like getting away for a bit would be nice and might help you clear your mind or even get some answers. Either way would be good with you.
‘Ugh, tell me about it,’ Adam sulked. ‘I can’t wait till exams are over and the break starts. I know it’s only like a week, but I need it so bad.’ 
‘Do you have any plans for your break?’ you asked, interested.
‘I do, actually,’ Adam replied, pulling an even grimmer face. ‘My parents have asked if my sister and Icould fly over to visit them. Honestly, I’d rather lock myself in my room for the entirety of the break, but I couldn’t turn them down,’ he spoke.
You clicked your tongue at his words.
‘Yeah, and what’s even more annoying is that by the time I get over my jetlag, it’ll be time to come back again. And then I’ll have to start the new semester with the new jetlag.’ Adam pulled a face like he was biting into an especially sour lemon. 
‘Shit, man, that sucks,’ you said empathetically.
‘Thanks,’ Adam sighed. ‘But what about you? Will you be going anywhere for the break?’ 
‘To be honest, I’ve never been on holiday,’ you replied. 
‘Seriously? Not even here in Korea? Camping? Overnight hotel?’ Adam asked in disbelief. But you shook your head at all his options. His incredulous face made you laugh. 
‘What about your parents? Won’t you visit them?’ Adam asked with a slight frown. You knew what he was thinking. You had purposely always avoided revealing too much about yourself. Never talking about your parents or anything. You weren’t sure before if you were ready to tell him the truth, or at least the “safe” truth. But as you had gotten to know him better, you decided Adam was a good friend, and he deserved to know.
‘Actually,’ you began as you sat down on one of the benches in the cafe that had a nice view of the awful weather outside, ‘I don’t have any parents.’
Adam blinked a few times as he sat down opposite you. You smiled calmly at him to let him know it was alright.
‘So, you know I live together with some guys, right?’ you said.
‘Guys? More like supermodels,’ Adam huffed incredulously, like the world had been unfair to him.
You chuckled.
‘Yes, well,’ you said, taking a breath, ‘They found me three years ago in the woods.’ 
You paused for a moment for Adam to take in your words, and with every second, the crease between his brows got deeper and deeper.
‘I actually don’t know where I come from. I don’t know who my parents are or what my real name is,’ you explained.
‘Holy shit… I’m…,’ Adam began. It was evident he wasn’t sure what to say. It seemed like he wanted to say he was sorry but was unsure  whether he shouldas he saw you smiling calmly at him. 
‘Did you get in an accident or something?’ Adam whispered, his voice lowering unconsciously in shock. 
You shrugged.
‘Maybe,’ you said simply. ‘All usual skills were intact, and I could read, write, talk, walk, count and knew all the standard school educated knowledge. I just don’t have any memories about myself before that time.’ 
‘Wow,’ Adam said silently, staring at you with big eyes. You waited, giving him time to ask the questions you knew he would have. 
‘Are you now- Don’t you wanna- Like, have you looked for your parents or family? Like, did you go to the police?’ Adam asked worriedly.
‘Of course we did,’ you replied as Adam nodded along, completely taken aback by your story. ‘But they couldn’t find anything useful. So, I decided to let it go,’ you said calmly but resolutely.
‘What? Wai-What? How can you- Don’t you- But- Why?’ Adam stammered in disbelief. His mouth opened, probably to add more arguments, but you cut him off politely.
‘I can spend the rest of my life trying to discover who I was before this, but I’d much rather live in the moment and be who I am now. The boys took me in and they’ve been taking good care of me. They are my family now, and I love them. I don’t really need anything else,’ you said with a shrug.
Adam thought a moment about your words, and you could see them sinking into his brain as he stared at you.
‘But… A person’s character is made out of memories and experiences. You can’t, like…be; you can’t have character if you don’t have any memories. So, there must be something… anything,’ he said intensely.
‘Hmm,’ you hummed. ‘There are, but they’re too vague to grasp now,’ you said thoughtfully, not wanting to reveal too much. Adam’s face instantly became eager, but you quickly shut him down. ‘But all those vague things give me more of an understanding of who I am now than they paint an image of my history, if that makes sense.’
Adam frowned, thinking over your words.
‘Anyway,’ you spoke again, ‘I’ll figure it out sometime. In my own time and pace. Alone,’ you added, hoping he would get the message. 
‘Right,’ Adam said with a nod, understanding that you didn’t want nor need his help to figure this out. ‘One last question, though,’ he added.
‘Shoot,’ you said, friendly.
‘You seem so… chill with all of this. You know you don’t have to pretend with me, right? You don’t need to act though or anything,’ Adam said carefully.
You chuckled, and you could see the surprise on his face.
‘I know it might be unthinkable for you, but I am genuinely not bothered by it,’ you said, but then corrected yourself. ‘Well, maybe “bothered” isn’t the right word, but I'm not sad or hurt or anything. I’m fine talking about it, and you don’t have to evade the topic of “past” or “memories” or “family” or anything. It’s fine. I’m fine.’ You gave him a reassuring nod.
Adam didn’t seem to think you were fine at all, however, you could see the questions burning in his eyes, but thankfully he didn’t press on. Instead, he quickly changed the subject to the dreadful weather and how the current heavy rain would probably cause another leakage in his room again.
You went along with it, not wanting to have to convince him any more than you had already tried to do. 
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Although your conversation with Adam had kinda left things a bit awkward between the two of you, it had given you an idea. 
‘Lino?’ You began as you sat comfortably in the backseat of the car that Minho was driving, with Han sat next to him in the passenger seat.
‘Hm?’ Minho hummed.
‘Can I borrow some money?’ you asked him. You know you didn’t have to feign sweetness or bat your eyelashes at him to get it, as they all had made clear to you that they had more than enough money to spare if ever you needed it. 
‘Sure, how much do you need?’ He asked casually as he took a left turn. 
‘Oh, erm,’ you said, suddenly coming to the realisation that you hadn’t completely thought this through as you had been too excited about the idea itself. ‘I don’t know yet,’ you admitted honestly.
‘What’s it for?’ He asked. It wasn’t a question of which he would judge your answer, you knew this, but it was simply to see if he could possibly help you calculate the cost of whatever you would need the money for.
‘Erm, well,’ you began, not sure why you were hesitant to say it but deciding to spill the beans anyway, ‘I would like to go on a trip during the next break. Like a vacation,’ you explained.
Both Minho and Han turned around to face you at the exact same moment, speaking in unison.
‘Alone?’ their voices doubled. 
‘Watch the road!’ you shouted, startled that Minho would act so carelessly while operating a moving vehicle. Instantly there was an odd tingle in the air. The sound of the rain clattering on the roof stopped, and the cars that had been passing by suddenly seemed frozen, like odd statues in the middle of the road. Minho let go of the steering wheel and turned his body towards you to see you better. 
Ever since you had discovered what they were, they had been using their powers more and more freely around you. Although you were happy that they were finally able to be their true selves around you, you were still getting used to it. 
‘Right,’ you said dryly as you observed the paused surroundings. 
‘You wanna go on a trip alone?’ Han asked with big eyes. There was a mixture of shock, disappointment and worry in his bright greens as he looked at you. 
‘I just wanted to go on a trip,’ you shrugged. ‘I’ve never been on holiday before. I know you all have jobs and obligations and-’ 
‘You really think we’d let you go alone?’ Minho said almost scornfully. 
‘Yeah,’ you said defiantly. ‘I’m not a child and-’ but you were cut off once again.
‘I never said you were,’ he interrupted, arching a brow. You raised yours as well.
‘Darling, we know very well that you’d be fine on your own, except Chan maybe,’ he added and then shook his head, ‘this isn’t about your safety,’ he spoke. A small smile played around his lips as he looked at your confused face.
‘Do you really think we’d be able to go a week without you?’ Minho sighed with a chuckle. You blinked. ‘Chan would be worried out of his mind, Changbin would be bored to death and probably start to set fire to things just to have something to do, Seungmin would probably complain nonstop, and Hyunjin would probably be so lovesick that not even Felix would be allowed to enter his room.’
‘We’d all be,’ Han said, looking pained at the thought of it. Your heart was beating in your chest, and you could feel your stomach fluttering.
‘Baby, I don’t think we can do without you anymore,’ Han said softly. Minho nodded silently in agreement. ‘But if you really want to go alone…,’ he spoke, the words seeming difficult to leave his lips. ‘We… Of course, we will let you go alone,’ 
Of course, after their speech, there was no way you could bear to leave them behind. Nor did you want to. It wasn’t necessarily that you had wanted to go on vacation alone, you just had expected them to be too preoccupied with other things. It was always hard to really plan stuff out, because, other than the communal meals and the weekly movie night, they all had jobs with their own schedules that never seemed to coincide. But as soon as you told the guys during dinner that evening that you wished to go on a trip, they instantly agreed to come. Whenever you tried to express your concerns regarding their own obligations, they waved them away instantly, like flies on their food. 
‘It’ll be fine,’ Felix said with a reassuring smile. 
‘I could definitely use a vacation, yeah,’ Hyunjin said with a stretch. 
‘Where would you like to go?’ Jeongin asked.
‘Erm,’ you said, once again realising that you hadn’t thought it through completely. ‘I don’t have to go to Europe or anything, jetlag and all,’ you said, remembering Adam’s complaints. ‘I guess somewhere here in Korea would be fine. It’s only for a week anyway,’ you said with a shrug. 
‘We could go to Jeju Island,’ Chan suggested slowly, looking thoughtfully. 
‘Oh, yeah, I haven’t been there in ages,’ Seungmin agreed immediately, teeming with enthusiasm.
‘Jeju would be cool,’ you said in agreement. ‘It’s only an hour’s flight from Busan, right?’ you asked. 
Some of the guys raised their brows at you, and you looked at them confused.
‘Teleportation, my dear, teleportation,’ Hyunjin said, patting you on the back as if you had just said something incredibly stupid. 
‘Riiiight,’ you said with a slow nod. ‘But can you bring suitcases with you and such?’ you asked curiously. 
‘We can bring anything that is in contact with us and that we consciously want to take with us. So, like clothes, suitcases, and people,’ Felix explained. ‘As long as we like, take into mind that it needs to come along, it will. That’s why the ground underneath our feet isn’t like accidentally teleported along or anything.’
 ‘Makes sense,’ you nodded understandingly.
‘So, Jeju then?’ Han asked hopefully. 
You all agreed. 
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You didn’t have much time to be involved with the further planning of the trip, as your exams were coming up soon. You hadn’t even had a moment to think about your status as a Goddess either, as every minute of the day suddenly seemed crammed with study time. In the mornings, you often skipped breakfast to read through your notes once more before Han or Minho would call you out to the car. Adam shared your stress, and instead of the usual free time you spend between classes and in breaks where you sat and chatted, you now raced off to the library to study together in silence. The conversations consisted of the bare minimum.
‘How many left today?’
‘One, it’s a paper,’
‘Well, good luck, bye!’ 
‘You too, bye!’
And you’d both rush off to your respective classrooms.
It was Friday afternoon when you finally turned in the last of your exams and walked out of the classroom feeling like you could finally breathe again. Although you were sure none of your grades would be top marks, you were confident you had at least passed every single subject. 
You stepped into the hallway and took a deep breath. It was done. You took your phone out of your pocket and turned it back on. Instantly a few messages came in from Adam.
“Hope your last exam went well. I’m already done but had to rush home to pack. Flight leaves at 11 tonight. Have fun on your first trip! See you back at school in two weeks!” 
You smiled at his text. His exams must’ve gone well, too, as his manner of texting seemed quite cheerful. You knew Adam well enough to know that if it had gone badly, he’d never had used as many exclamation marks as he did. 
You texted him a:
“Thanks, you too! Take care!”
And made your way to the bus station. It was a pity that you couldn’t drive back with Minho and Han today as you finally had time for them. The past two weeks, you had barely had any time for any of the boys, and it broke your heart. You knew they wanted to spend time with you, but they also realised you needed your space to study. Now and then, they had knocked on your bedroom door, shuffling in silently with snacks or tea, petting or kissing you on the head softly or speaking words of encouragement before tiptoeing their way out again. There had been several occasions where you had woken up in your bed, still wearing your clothes, while you had been sure you had been sitting behind your desk just moments ago. But then, whenever you checked the alarm clock on your nightstand, you realised you must’ve fallen asleep, and one of the guys must’ve carried you to bed and tucked you in. 
It wasn’t until you sat down on the bus that you realised how tired you actually were. It washed over you like a tidal wave, dragging you down. You had been sleeping far too little, probably competing with Chan for insomnia, although you didn’t think anyone could ever win from the poor man. You yawned as you stared out of the window, blinking ferociously in an attempt to stay awake until you made it to your stop. The first thing you would do when you arrived home would be to go straight to your room and sleep, finally catching up with the hours your body was only now telling you had missed.
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But when you arrived home, your little plan was instantly wiped out from the moment you stepped inside.
As soon as you set foot in the house, you could tell something was going on. There was a lot of shouting going on. Not the angry, annoyed, or aggressive manner, but more the rushing, inquiring one. 
You quickly kicked off your shoes in the hallway and hung your coat before stepping into the living room. All of the boys were flitting in and out of rooms, running up and down the stairs and shouting away with their arms full of stuff. 
‘Got the sunscreen?’ Hyunjin called. 
‘Yep!’ Jeongin’s voice shouted from the stairwell.
‘Has anyone seen my pocketknife?’ Minho shouted.
‘It’s in the bottom drawer in the kitchen!’ Seungmin called back.
‘Erm, excuse me?’ You said as Felix was running by, his arms filled with neatly stacked, freshly washed clothes. Felix instantly stopped and looked over at you.
‘Ah, y/n,’ he said with a smile, ‘are your bags packed yet?’ 
‘What? Bags? I-what?’ you asked, confused. Felix raised an eyebrow.
‘Your bags… For the trip…You packed them already, right? You had said you would…’ he said, unsure. 
‘Everything alright?’ Chan asked as he passed and saw both your and Felix’s faces. His arms were filled with chargers of all kinds. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at you concerned. 
‘I-erm,’ you began, trying desperately to remember when you had promised to have your stuff packed already but drawing a complete blank. 
‘Uh-oh,’ Felix said with a soft worried click of his tongue. Chan pressed his lips together. 
‘What’s going on?’ Hyunjin asked as he walked over, brand new hair dryer and styler in his hands. 
‘She forgot to pack,’ Chan spoke for you, not looking away from your pale, startled face. Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
‘You do know we had set to leave at 5.15, right?’ Chan asked you slowly as if you were not quite there. 
‘Erm,’ you said again. Your eyes flitted to the clock on the back of the kitchen wall. It was a quarter to 5. You gulped. 
‘Can’t we- erm- can’t we just, like, go later? It’s not like we have a plane to catch, right?’ you tried. Hyunjin let out a loud exasperated sigh before turning around and strutting away. 
‘Y/n, we explained this like last week,’ Felix said patiently. ‘We need to be careful with the teleporting. We can’t just all arrive at the same place at once; we need a safe spot and time where we won’t be seen.’
Felix’s words sounded vaguely familiar as an incoherent memory drifted to the surface, which also spoke of “testing time and locations”.
‘Right,’ you said hesitantly. 
‘If you need more time, I guess we can stay behind and go in at around 12,’ Chan suggested thoughtfully. 
‘You can’t; reception closes at 6, so you wouldn’t have a room. You could wait until tomorrow, though,’ Felix suggested. ‘We could scan the place, and you could apparate into our room to-’
‘I’ll just pack now quickly’, you interrupted Felix. You didn’t want to be more of a nuisance. After all, how long could packing take?
‘You sure?’ Chan asked worriedly. You nodded quickly before dashing off.
‘Need any help?’ Felix called after you. 
‘No thanks!’ you called back quickly as you were already halfway on the stairs.
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suguruverse · 4 years
OKAY I HAVE AN IDEA! can you do a scenario with tsukishima, yamaguchi, kageyama, and kuroo where their gf is wearing a tank top and you can like see her cleavage? like she grabs something and his face just accidentally goes right between her tits LMAOOOOO
✿ haikyuu boys when their gf’s tiddies accidentally get in their face
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includes - tsukishima kei, yamaguchi tadashi, kageyama tobio
a/n - OMG THIS REMINDED ME OF THAT ONE OHSHC SCENE WITH HIKARU AND HARUHI SO I HAD TO WRITE THIS!! also my new character limit of hcs is 3 so you’re more than welcome to request again with kuroo!! thank you for understanding <33
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- poor bby wants to act like it doesn’t phase him but he’s secretly so flustered
- you were lying on his chest, cuddling while watching a movie
- you noticed your boyfriend’s small snores from above you and got a little upset
- i mean y’all were only like 30 mins into the movie tf
- but you noticed how peaceful his face was
- and the small smile that appeared on his face when you gently brushed your fingers against his face made your heart wanna burst
- his glasses were slowly falling off of his face so you decided to be a good gf and take it off for him
- so that’s what you did, trying not to accidentally wake him up
- you folded up his glasses and moved slightly to try put them on the small table next to the couch and behind your bfs head
- but in order to do that, you would have to move over him
- i feel like tsukishima is a really light sleeper so when you started moving, he wasn’t really awake, just super super groggy
- so what he wasn’t expecting, was for your tits to be squashing his face, first thing when he wakes up
- i mean he wasn’t complaining (yes he was), but he was more confused than anything
- you almost winced in pain with how roughly your boyfriend pushed you off of him
- you were about to yell at him until you saw the huge blush on his face
“dammit y/n what are you doing, if you’re trying to seduce i don’t think this is the right way to do it”
“babe, what do you mean seduce you? i was trying to put your glasses away because you were falling asleep?”
“well did you have to do it while your tits were in my face?”
“wait i’m so confused, are you actually upset at me?”
“well no”
“so you liked it”
- well just because he liked it, doesn’t mean he didn’t tease you about it for the next month
- he also apologised for pushing you 
- okay so what if you were a klutz, you’ve only broke like 3 vases?
- whatever, either way, your beautiful and kind boyfriend thought it was adorable
- anyways, you were at home, trying *emphasis on trying* to cook a nice meal for your boyfriend for dinner
- yamaguchi was currently at work and therefore is not there to help if anything *everything* goes wrong
- yamaguchi loves you more than anything, no matter how many plates or cups you end up breaking, he’s always there to leave a tender kiss on your forehead and reassure you that everything was going to be okay
- but unfortunately for you, today was just not your day
- while you were at the stove, cooking up some food. you failed to notice the overflowing sink behind you that was just spilling water everywhere like it was no ones business 
- it wasn’t until the water reached your feet that you realised the tap still running with water and soap filling up the sink
- in a panic, you tried to grab as many paper towels as you can and turned of the sink
- however it seemed like the world was turned against you when the ringing of the fire alarm, making your already huge mess into a bigger one
- you frantically turned off the stove and opened all the windows
- in that moment, yamaguchi had just entered your shared apartment, shock evident in his face and he saw water and suds running down the cabinets, you  basically climbing over the kitchen counters, trying to open the windows and smoke that quickly filled his nose
- in a daze. yamaguchi just looked at you in horror as you noticed his presence at the entrance of the kitchen 
- excited to see your boyfriend after 12 long hours, you ran up to him, seeking his comfort and warmth
- but what you failed to realise was the water still on the tiles, after you abandoned the spillage to opened the windows
- and yes, you fell
- and yes, it was into your boyfriends arms
- and no, he was not prepared for you to fall into his arms so yall fell to the ground together
- it took a little while for you to process the past 5 seconds and it wasn’t until you heard your boyfriends muffled yells did you realise that you tits were suffocating him
“mmhmm... MMMM.. tits...off...face”
- you quickly climbed off of him and sat beside him as he tried to catch his breathe
- a strap of your tank top had fallen off in the process of your falling face first into your boyfriend
- combined with the adorable guilty look you had on your face, yamaguchi couldn’t help but become a blushing mess, covering his face with his hands, acting as if you you couldn’t see him
“baby as much as i love your body, you suddenly doing that kind of thing so suddenly, and without telling me, is very much uncalled for”
- you knew your boyfriend was flustered, so what’s more fun than teasing him about it
“i’m sorry yams, it was an accident, did you not like it?”
“like what?”
“my tits in your face”
“is that no?”
“well well well, i didn’t know that my boyfriend was a perv”
“y/n, stop it, plus you need to clean up this mess, and i’m not helping you this time, i’m gonna go take a shower”
“can i joi-”
“no. clean”
- he was lying he totally help you clean after his shower
- he even made dinner for you both
- it was also decided that he will do all the cooking in the house
- it was right after they lost against aoba johsai and you were just trying to comfort your dear boyfriend, kageyama
- you arrived at his house with a bag full of his favourite snacks, drinks and some meat buns
- you rang the doorbell, but there was no answer
- so you being you, just decided to come in the house
- the entire house was dark which made you wonder if your boyfriend was even home
- you entered his room to find him watching his game with aoba johsai on his phone, in bed 
“babe? babe? tobio? you there?”
- he continued to watch the game as you set down the bag of snack beside his bag
- you sat next to his figure, watching him as he silently critiqued his performance from the day before
- even after feeling your weight on the other side of his bed didn’t phase him
- you decided to get into bed with him, not wanting to bother him too much while he was focused
- you went on your phone for 30 minutes before you decided to take a little nap, facing your boyfriends back
- kageyama released a huge sigh as he finished the video of the match and turned around to the other side, to avoid stiff muscles
- but what he didn’t expect when he turned around, was to be squashed into your tits
- he stayed there for a solid minute, his brain short-circuiting
his brain:
“ what is this”
“am i dreaming”
“did i die”
“these kind of feel like boobs”
- and with that he immediately got up, stressing about the possibility of his face being in the tits of a girl that isn’t you
- but when he sees your resting face, he instantly relaxes but till has a slight blush on his cheeks
- he lays back down next to you, praying that he didn’t startle you until your voice called out to him
“did ya enjoy that tobio, you stayed there for a while?”
- it was almost cruel, the way you tease your swkward boyfriend
“w-what do you mean, i didn’t do anything”‘
“so you mean you weren’t the one who stayed between my tits for like 5 minutes?”
“its okay tobio, i didn’t mind”
“o-oh. you didn’t? your not mad?”
“mhm, your reaction was worth it”
“of tits?”
“no i got scared because i thought it might have been some stranger that broke into my house trying to seduce me”
“tobio what?”
“ugh whatever, shut up, now come cuddle me”
“needy aren’t ya tobio”
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restapesta · 3 years
hi emina! happy last week of no school ♥♥
15. “Finally. Missed you so much.” but make it sort of in front of other people??🙏🙏🙏 if u want. it's okay if not, too!
ian (1:11 AM): it's hot as fuck here. can't sleep.
ian (1:12 AM): also, lip snores
mickey (1:12 AM): that's what you get for leaving me
ian (1:13 AM): drama queen, i only left this morning. be back in just a week.
ian (1:13 AM): why are YOU awake?
mickey (1:14 AM): fuck you, just a week. 🖕🖕🖕
ian (1:14 AM): 🙄
ian (1:14 AM): go to sleep
mickey (1:15 AM): you woke me up???
ian (1:15 AM): doesn't matter. just go to sleep.
mickey (1:15 AM): probably not
ian (1:16 AM): ???
mickey (1:17 AM): can't sleep without you
incoming call from ian (1:17 AM)
mickey (11:22 AM): college bitch still pissed at us for waking him up?
ian (11:25 AM): isn't speaking to me. bitched about it to fiona the entire morning.
ian (11:25 AM): "can't go a night without him." blah blah
mickey (11:25 AM): fuck him. wyd right now?
ian (11:27 AM): helping Fi with the moving shit.
ian (11:27 AM): you?
mickey (11:28 AM): lunch with tami. bitching about lip.
ian (11:29 AM): 😌
ian (11.29 AM): that same lip is currently screaming my ear off to get off the phone.
ian (11:29 AM): keep bitching, my love
mickey (11:30 AM): tell him to fuck off.
mickey (11:30 AM): also, call me when you're done
ian (11:31 AM): 😘
mickey (11:31 AM): 🙄🖤
(12:57 PM) incoming call from ian
(16:44 PM): incoming call from mickey
(21:44 PM) incoming call from ian
mickey (09:06 AM): come back home, im bored.
mickey (09:06 AM): Fiona doesn't need you for an entire fucking week.
ian (09:10 AM): 😬 just five more days
ian (09:10 AM): Fiona says hi!
mickey (09:11 AM): I'm horny, this is stupid.
ian (09:12 AM): handy-dandy hand 😁
mickey (09:12 AM): 🖕🖕🖕🖕
mickey (09:13 AM): ...something to work with?
ian sent a link (09:14 AM)
mickey (09:15 AM): you did not just send me the benefits of a cold shower, you bitch.
ian (09:16 AM): loveeeeee youuuuuu
mickey (09:16 AM): 🙂🔪
incoming call from ian (12:33 PM)
incoming call from ian (17:29 PM)
incoming call from mickey (00:12 AM)
ian (08:12 AM): I'm horny.
ian (08:13 AM): mickey
ian (08:13 AM): mickey
ian (08:13 AM): mickey
ian (08:13 AM): MICKEY
ian (08:14 AM): babyyyyyy
ian (08:14 AM): pleaseeeeee come on, you're not sleeping rn
mickey sent a link (08:16 AM)
ian (08:16 AM): i deserved that.
mickey (08:17 AM): handy-dandy 🤛
ian (08:17 AM): hate myself at this moment 🙂
mickey (08:17 AM): 🤭😘
ian (09:44 AM): coffee on facetime?
incoming call from mickey (09:45 AM)
ian (14:22 PM): sorry for the ghosting
ian (14:22 PM): Fiona's been killing me with the whole apartment cleaning shit
ian (14:23 PM): And Lip's hiding from her so he's always with me.
ian (14:23 PM): i know it's been a day.
mickey (14:25 PM): well, well, look who decided to text their husband finally
mickey (14:25 PM): it's been a whole day, ian.
mickey (14:26 PM): we are no longer on speaking terms.
ian (14:26 PM): 😲😨
ian (14:26 PM): i'm sorry.
ian (14:26 PM): i miss having breakfast with you.
ian (14:27 PM): i miss sleeping with you
ian (14:27 PM): i miss kissing you
ian (14:28 PM): and doing other things with you 😏
ian (14:28 PM): miss you so fucking much.
ian (14:28 PM): mick?
mickey (14:30 PM): ugh fine, you sap
mickey (14:30 PM): call me
incoming call from ian (14:31 PM)
incoming call from mickey (18:55 PM)
ian (19:24 PM): phone sex is cool, but we should try sexting 😳
mickey (19:26 PM): i don't need a reminder of your disgusting ass dick anywhere on my phone.
ian (19:26 PM): hm? 🤔 not what you were saying ten minutes ago.
ian (19:27 PM): you sure you ain't ready for round two? 😏
ian (19:27 PM): bet facetime sex is even better.
incoming call from mickey (19:28 PM)
ian (02:22 AM): i miss you. i really fucking miss you.
ian (08:02 AM): flight is at 10
mickey (08:04 AM): i'll be waiting for you when you land.
It had only been a week. A week filled with phone calls and text messages and a whole bunch of facetime—but, fuck, it had been a week.
Did Ian really have to go on and visit Fiona alone with Lip? Was it really that necessary for him to travel all the way to the alligator land just so they could help Fiona switch apartments? Mickey didn't see the point of the long-ass trip to Florida just so Ian could complain about how humid it was and how it was a blessing he didn't share a room with Lip anymore.
Mickey missed him. He missed him a lot more than he thought he would, and he really should've considered the fact that he and Ian spent most of their time together. They may have been apart before for long periods of time, but it was hard to tear them away from each other nowadays.
So maybe it wasn't that much of a surprise he'd had a hard time adjusting to the empty space of their apartment and the coldness of their bed. The lack of dad jokes during their long rides at work and the unmistakable scent of Ian that had been slowly fading and was almost gone now.
That was Mickey's excuse for not doing laundry. He didn't wanna lose Ian's smell from their home. The sappy excuse would probably work with Ian, he thought.
And even if it didn't, Mickey could distract him from his annoyance in other ways.
Airports sucked.
Being in an airport, waiting on Ian and Lip with their family of twenty thousand—or six, whatever—sucked even more.
But the plane had already landed and it would be just another couple minutes before Mickey saw his husband for the first time in a week. Before he wrapped his arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. He didn't even give a shit if anybody saw him and thought how big of a fag he was.
Husband. That was the only thing on his mind currently.
"They should be here already," Tami said, bouncing Fred up on her hip.
Debbie shrugged from beside Mickey, one hand tightly holding onto the redheaded girl between them. She was fisting the fabric of Mickey's jacket, and it made Mickey smile. It eased the anticipation a little.
Who was he kidding? There were swarms of bees in his stomach, poking and stinging. He felt slightly nauseous.
"I think I see Lip!" It was Liam who exclaimed.
Mickey didn't see Lip.
But he did see the redhead trailing right behind him, a suitcase in his right hand, recently bought for the trip. His hair was ruffled, and his eyes were sleepy, the jet lag probably hitting him in full swing.
Still, the green orbs Mickey missed so much lit up the moment he noticed Mickey, the corners of his mouth twisting up into a wide smile.
Mickey wasn't any better. He could feel the grin stretching across his face involuntary, yet he did nothing to hide it. Nothing to stop it from spreading. He didn't care to hide the excitement he was feeling upon seeing Ian for the first time in a week.
A week.
His legs moved on their own accord, and in what felt like no time at all, he was engulfed into a hug, Ian's long arms circling him—it was familiar; comfortable, and warm.
"Fucking finally," Ian choked out against Mickey's hair, his lips pressed to the top of his head, cradling his body gently. "I missed you so much."
Mickey tilted his chin up and their lips connected in a brief kiss. Just a peck that turned into a couple more, all loud on the pullback, their limbs still wrapped up in each other.
"Missed you more."
They stared into each other's eyes longingly for a couple of moments—it was probably too soft and sappy for them, but who gave a shit? They hadn't seen each other in a week.
What interrupted them eventually were a few short coughs, as if somebody was clearing their throat.
Mickey glared at Lip, practically forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the man he was holding.
"We done with the reunion or you guys wanna continue making out in the middle of the airport...?"
Ian was the one who flipped him off, finally disentangling himself from Mickey so he could greet his siblings properly and pick Franny up into a long hug. It made Mickey frown, the loss of contact. He forced himself to endure it, though—half an hour of a ride longer and they'd be home alone, free to do whatever the fuck.
Still, as soon as they were done with the obligated reunions and the questions about Florida and Fiona, Ian found himself next to Mickey again, gripping Mickey's palm and intertwining the fingers with his own.
Who gave a shit if anybody was looking? Who gave a shit if Lip was rolling his eyes at the obvious display of affection or if Carl was making obnoxious kissy faces at them as if they haven't been married for a while now—Mickey saw none of that shit.
All Mickey saw was Ian.
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poisonedapples · 3 years
Patton’s Home for Traumatized Kids - Chapter Three
New School and Friendships
Chapter Summary: Roman has his first day in a new district while some bonds are strengthened.
First Chapter Previous Chapter Story Masterlist
Warnings: Past abuse mentions, mentions of hidden cameras, anxiety, some bullying, crying, and food mentions
Chapter Word Count: 5,860
Taglist: @shade-romeo, @grayson-22, @pixelated-pineapple, @acrobaticcatfeline, @astrozei, @edupunkn00b, @princey-7258
“Hey, dad?”
“Yeah?” Roman’s dad turned to face him. Roman felt his whole body start to shake.
“You know how you said that…I could ask for anything from you? Since, uh- since you didn’t know what present to get me last time?”
His dad smiled in a way so normal it was disturbing. “Got an idea?”
“Yeah, uh…I want a canopy bed.”
His dad’s face dropped, and Roman could feel the anxiety and regret bloom through his chest. “You know why I can’t do that, Roman.”
“Please? I know it’s probably a bit much to replace my whole bed frame, but I could make my own canopy for cheaper! I’ve already looked at a bunch of ways online how, I just need you to buy the materials-”
“It’s a no.” Roman’s dad looked angry, and Roman would’ve done anything to run the other direction at that moment. To burst out the door and never come back. “Nice try, Roman, but I’m not stupid. Come back when you have a better idea.”
Roman blinked to fight back the tears. “…I’m sorry.”
“Go back to your room.”
Roman ran up the stairs as fast as he could, wishing more than anything that there was a lock on his door. Instead, Roman took his desk chair and propped it against the knob for some kind of security, curling into the corner of his room as he shook and tugged at his hair.
He tried to block out the knowledge of the security camera on his shelf, hidden well but not well enough, pointed right at his bed.
Several fast knocks came onto Roman’s bedroom door, waking him up with a jerk. He groggily pushed open the curtain in front of his head to grab his phone and look at the time. Six o’clock on the dot, it read. Ugh.
The knocking on the door didn’t stop, and Roman whined. “What?” He called out.
“Get dressed, we need to leave the house by 6:30.” He heard Logan call back.
“Fine, fine.” Roman pushed the curtains out of the way and practically rolled out of bed, grabbing the clothes he’d organized for himself the night before. He put on a pair of jeans with a white and red t-shirt, nothing fancy but fancy enough for a first day surrounded by strangers. He grabbed his backpack and put his phone and some earbuds in his pocket before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
“Morning, kiddo!” Patton chirped as he made breakfast, “Didja sleep well?”
“Yes, I did.” That was a lie. He had some strange dream where his dad was also there, and he only managed to calm down and fall back asleep an hour ago. He still couldn’t stop thinking about it, even if the dream was hazy now.
“Good to hear! Be ready by 6:30 so I can drive all of you to the school. Then once you get there, you can ask about your schedule at the office.” Patton laid down a plate of bagels with cream cheese and strawberries in front of Roman, so Roman began to eat.
Once he finished his breakfast, Roman rushed back upstairs to style his hair and brush his teeth before they had to leave. As he brushed his teeth, he stared at the shower to the left of him and sighed. He touched his hair, feeling the grease slick onto his fingers.
He really needed to shower. He hadn’t showered since he got here, and with how thick his hair was it was really starting to gross him out. He hated feeling greasy and grimy, but Roman hadn’t checked the bathroom for cameras yet and he refused to shower until he did. Though, he knew that was also just an excuse. Roman also felt too tired to take care of himself.
Just brush your teeth, he thought, they told you that if you can’t shower, at least brush your teeth. Greasy hair can be fixed, cavities are expensive.
He spit out the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed out his mouth. He grabbed some face wash and decided to use it as quickly as he could to hold back the gross feeling he felt. It would help him feel a little cleaner, at least. A little more presentable for the first day.
A loud bang came onto the door. “Roman, hurry up!” Virgil called out, “Some of us need to piss!”
“Just a second!” Roman vigorously splashed water on his face and quickly dried it with a towel, rushing out of the bathroom so that Virgil could run in. He sighed again, walking downstairs to wait on the couch until it was time to go.
“Alrighty, everyone got everything?” Patton eventually asked, making Roman crack open the eyes he didn’t even realize he closed. Patton smiled and clapped his hands together when his response was tired hums of agreement. “Perfect! To the car!”
All three kids bunched themselves together in the back of Patton’s car, Roman and Virgil at the window seats while poor Logan was squished in the middle. Roman squeezed his legs together so he could fit his backpack between Logan and himself, acting as a barrier so Logan couldn’t touch him. It was uncomfortable, but it was what Roman had to do.
“So, Roman, are you excited?” Patton asked, making Roman open his eyes again to look at Patton through the rearview mirror. Roman leaned his head against the window.
“More nervous. I’ve never been to a new school before.”
“Well, hopefully you can make lots of friends here! The school is pretty big, so there are certainly lots of options!” Patton laughed at himself and Roman closed his eyes again.
We’ll see about that.
Eventually, after a failed attempt of getting in some extra minutes of sleep before school, Roman felt the car come to a stop. He opened his eyes and looked out the window to see the front of the large school building, kids with smiling faces talking to each other as they walked inside while others looked tired yet excited. Roman wasn’t feeling it.
“Alright, kiddos, have fun!” Patton exclaimed, “Remember to check in with the office for your schedule, Roman!”
All the kids started to pile out of the car, grabbing their bags off the floor to rush inside. Once they were all out, Patton’s car drove away to head for work.
Roman looked at the building as Logan and Virgil walked inside. It seemed huge compared to his old school, where the county was much more rural than here. They still had twenty minutes until school started and kids were already swarming in from multiple entrances, both from the main entrance and other doors connected around the building. Roman walked inside and held his arms close to himself, desperate not to be shoved around by the other students. 
The office was fairly easy to find, considering there was a giant sign over the door in bold, white letters reading Office. Roman opened the door and stepped inside to get in line, feeling a little bit better that he wasn’t the only student having first day issues. The line shrank very quickly until it was Roman’s turn to ask questions, being faced with an old lady who could either be very sweet or the rudest person in the building. Roman could never tell.
“Uh, I’m a new kid at this school, and my guardian told me to come here to get my schedule?” Roman asked.
“Name.” Okay, well, rude it was, then.
“Roman Goldsberry.”
The desk worker didn’t respond, only typed something on her computer and didn’t make eye contact. “Next door to your left of that entrance is the counselor’s office. Your counselor is Mrs. Walters and she’ll call for you shortly.”
“Okay, thank you.” Roman had never scurried out of an office so quickly in his life. So much for a great first impression.
In the other office, Roman sat on a waiting chair and awkwardly glanced at all the college items they had hung up on the walls, waiting until his name would be called. The school day hasn’t even started yet, what’s taking them so long?
Roman drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair and waited. There was a lot of college stuff in this room. Granted, high school’s whole thing was trying to take you to college, his old school was the exact same. And he should really start thinking about that stuff since he’s a sophomore now. He only had two more years left after this, but it’s not like he could go anyway. He wasn’t even supposed to graduate high school, let alone college.
Besides, his dream was stupid anyway, so it didn’t matter.
“Roman Goldsberry?” A voice called out, taking Roman out of his thoughts. Roman stood up to follow the counselor into her office.
“I’m Mrs. Walters, and it’s nice to meet you Roman!” She said cheerily as she sat at her desk with Roman sitting right in front of her. “Your schedule was a bit last minute to pull together, but I tried my hardest based on your last school’s transcript and your test scores from last standardized testing. All I need is to schedule some extra electives for you. You have advanced English 12, advanced geometry, advanced biology, and world history. You can also choose Spanish 3 here if you wish to continue that. You also still need your gym credit, so you can take regular PE or strength training. I also have a list of other electives here if you want to look at that.”
“Yeah, I can look.” The counselor handed Roman a paper of all the electives organized by their subject. Well, Roman definitely wanted to continue Spanish, so that choice was easy. Strength training sounded like a fun way to do gym class with less dodgeballs to the face, but it was only a semester long, so he’d need to pick another semester class for the second half of the year. And he could join another painting or drawing class as his last elective, but he’d already taken those at his old school…
Roman gazed at the arts section of the packet, trying to find something he might like. His eyes lit up as he noticed the names of two classes: set design, which was a semester long and sounded magical, and something called sculpture. “What does the sculpture class teach?” Roman asked.
“It’s an art class that teaches you how to sculpt with different things. Like clay, wood, things like that. It’s a very hands-on class if you’re interested.”
Roman smiled. “I want that one then.”
The counselor typed something into her computer. “Have you chosen your other classes?”
“Yes, Spanish 3, set design, and strength training.”
“I’ll put you in strength training for this semester, but next semester you can join the set design class. I’ll email your elective teachers to inform them you’ll be joining their classes, but for now…” The counselor printed off a piece of paper and handed it to Roman. “This is your new schedule. Your first class is English with Ms. Fritz, and her class should be up on the third floor at room 316. Do you think you can make it there?”
“I can, thank you.”
The counselor smiled. “Have a nice first day.”
Roman walked off to head toward his first class, going up two flights of stairs and wandering across half the floor before he finally found his classroom. Thankfully, the halls were full of students desperately trying to locate their classrooms, so Roman didn’t feel as weird. He eventually stumbled upon the correct room number after checking multiple hallways and trying to follow their scattered number system. He looked at the door with a paper rabbit and a book with a phrase reading hop into a good book, and could guess immediately what type of teacher this would be.
Roman pushed open the half-cracked door and stepped inside.
The dozen kids who were already sitting stared at him when he walked in, but quickly resumed their conversations shortly after. Roman glanced at an empty seat off in the middle row near the other end of the class and moved to sit down in it. He looked around at the other kids off in their own worlds, with no one to get excited to see him and strike up a conversation. He was sitting alone in a class where it seemed like no one else was.
Roman got bored quickly with no one to talk to, drumming his fingers on the table and starting to daydream instead.
The long lost princess with the power to see into the future is forced to hide in protected wilderness, Roman thought, picking up from an old story idea he’s had for a while. Can’t have a teen novel without an orphan, so she lives with a guardian healer instead. Then, she needs a trusty companion to not only start her adventures, but to assist her alongside them. Perhaps he could be a peasant boy born with more magic power than the normal peasant has? It sure would be interesting. Or maybe, he’s not a trustworthy companion at all! What if he’s using the princess to promote his own selfish ideals? But as the story goes on, they actually become close friends and he has an intense internal conflict as he turns into the antagonist! Then maybe-
“Alright class, I think it’s been late enough for us to start!” Roman tried not to be aggravated at the teacher for interrupting him. The teacher stood at the front of the class with a wide smile. “I’m Ms. Fritz, but of course I’m sure a lot of you already know that since you had me last year. I teach all grade levels for advanced English, so if you keep down this path you might stick with me until graduation! Now normally, teachers will start their first day with class expectations, maybe a rubric or a supplies list, but I have a better idea! How about we travel across the class and try to get to know each other better? I can pass around a ball, and if you catch the ball, you have to share three fun facts about you!”
A sense of dread filled into Roman after hearing that. He usually didn’t mind games like this since it was a mindless way to pass the time, but he didn’t have any friends to pass him the ball anymore. Was he just going to sit there until the end? Sounded awkward, no thank you.
“I think,” Ms. Fritz said with her hand gripping her chin in thought, “I’m going to start with the new kid.”
Roman perked his head up as all the other kids turned to him. Well, that was unexpected.
Ms. Fritz tossed Roman the ball, and thankfully he caught it without making a fool of himself. The teacher smiled at him encouragingly as he stood up, looking around at all the kids waiting for him to talk. What should I even say?
“Can you say your name first?” Ms. Fritz asked.
“Well…I’m Roman. Uh, I like to paint, I’m half french, and…” Roman tried to think. What else was interesting about him? Something that shared a lot about him as a person?
Quickly, it dawned on him. One idea that I could possibly share, he thought. Well, it’s a bit invasive, but they’re all looking at me. So whatever.
He took a deep breath in. “…I’m a foster kid.”
When Roman admitted that, all the kids seemed to be more interested in him, leaning closer as their eyes widened. It was the first time Roman ever said it aloud, and it was so strange to hear coming from his mouth. He was a foster kid. That was an important part of his identity now.
He didn’t know how he felt about it.
“You’re half french?” Ms. Fritz pulled Roman out of his thoughts with that question. “Do you know any french?”
“I’m fluent.”
“That’s so cool! Can you say something in French for us?”
Roman seemed to think about it. “Quelque chose.”
Ms. Fritz blinked. “Well, I hope it was appropriate to say in a classroom. When did you move here, Roman?”
“Like…four days ago. Very recently.”
“You only got added to my roster last night, so I believe you! How about you pass the ball to another kid now?”
Roman looked around the room awkwardly before making eye contact with a random girl and tossing her the ball. He sat back down and only paid half his attention to what the other kids were saying. Well, at least he didn’t have to wait awkwardly anymore.
The rest of the class went like that. It seemed like a lot of these kids were students that Ms. Fritz had in the past, as well as being students that were also close friends with each other. They talked a lot and made lots of jokes with the teacher, and they seemed really close, which Roman understood since he was the same with his old group of advanced kids. The extra conversation dragged the game out longer than it probably should have been, but Roman didn’t mind. He didn’t want to actually work or anything anyway.
Eventually, the game ended, and the last kid tossed the ball to Ms. Fritz. “Alright,” she said, “That game dragged out longer than I thought it would, but that’s fine! The bells are shorter the first few days anyway. We only have a couple minutes left, so talk amongst yourself if you want, I don’t care. The assembly should be after your fourth bell for the sophomores, so don’t let your teachers forget!”
All the students turned around to talk to the kids around them. Roman simply watched their conversations with no one to talk to himself, realizing how all the new kids at his old school must have felt. It was like looking in from the outside, where no one else could see you. Roman was just…there.
“Hey,” the kid in front of him turned around to face Roman. Roman almost jumped at the sudden attention. “What’s your name again?”
“Oh, Roman. Roman Goldsberry.” Roman turned to sit properly in his seat and leaned in closer. This was a good start! He seems nice, maybe I can make a friend!
“Roman Goldsberry!” He mocked, turning to his other friends to laugh. “That’s such a pretentious name. And very American sounding, by the way. I thought you were French?”
Roman’s shoulders sagged. Nevermind. Eight in the morning on my first day, and apparently I’ve made an enemy before a friend. “I’m half french, not fully french.”
The kid turned to his friends and made a face at them before they all laughed. Roman felt his blood boil.
“So your dad is the American?” The kid asked.
“Yes.” Roman hoped his sharp tone would help them realize not to mess with him.
“Are you close with your dad?”
Roman froze, and the group of kids turned to each other to make faces at each other again. He really didn’t see what was so funny. Who asks a complete stranger a question like that out of the blue?
Before Roman could snap and tell the kid to mind his own damn business, another kid from the other side of the room scoffed. “Mitchell.”
“What? I’m just asking!”
The other kid opened their mouth to retaliate, but a loud and obnoxious bell went off before they could. Kids started to get up to rush to their next class, and Roman joined them. The sooner he got away from Mitchell (who had no right to bully Roman for his name when he was called Mitchell), the better.
Roman rushed out into the hall and hyper focused on the schedule in his hands. World history, room 203. The next floor down.
Roman was so occupied in trying to find a flight of stairs, he didn’t notice the kid trying to catch up to him.
The rest of Roman’s day wasn’t half as eventful as his first bell. History class had a chill teacher, which was nice, then next was his strength training class. His teacher was a little confused when he showed up but was happy to have Roman on board. He seemed very strict with his class rules though, and Roman hated that considering one of his rules was they had to change into gym clothes. Which meant Roman had to wear gym shorts.
…Well, guess he’d have to get used to wearing multiple pairs of boxers again.
Besides that, he also got lost on his way to sculpture, so he showed up ten minutes late telling this random teacher he was her student now. At least she didn’t seem bothered. After that, they all went to the sophomore assembly where they were told the school rules and updates, which Roman’s pretty sure he was the only kid who actually listened. Then, after the assembly, Roman went to the cafeteria to eat a lunch that Patton packed him. He hadn’t actually brought a packed lunch to school in years, so the sentiment was…strange.
Not that Roman would complain about an edible lunch, though.
Roman looked around the cafeteria for a place to sit. The place was starting to become crowded as more students got out of line for buying lunch, so Roman needed to find a spot fast. It’d be easier if he made a friend to sit with, but after the morning Mitchell incident, Roman hadn’t cared to try again in his other classes.
That’s when Roman spotted him. A kid with thick glasses eating a fruit cup as he worked on some papers next to him, completely ignoring the world to finish some homework. Roman wasn’t exactly close with his foster brothers, but hey, maybe Logan could prove himself a little useful. He had to be lonely too, right?
Roman took his chance and sat across from Logan. Logan didn’t look up from his papers. “Hey there, nerd!”
Logan glanced an eye toward Roman. He focused back on his work. “Hello.”
“How’s your first day of high school going?”
It took Logan a solid minute before he responded. “It’s going alright. I got unlucky with a teacher of mine, who already gave us a homework packet for the week, so I’m trying to get a head start on it.”
“Really? What teacher?”
“Mr. Owens, he’s the more strict teacher of the two that teach medical technology.”
Roman’s eyes widened. “Medical technology? That’s a class here?”
“Yes. I had to do a lot of things last year to get into it, however. It’s part of the intensive medical learning path. However, the extra work is necessary.”
“…Right. What other classes are you in?”
“Advanced biology, advanced geometry, advanced English, medical tech as I just mentioned, German 2, health, and painting.”
Roman tilted his head to the side. “Wait, I thought most of those were sophomore classes?”
“And I took freshman classes my eighth grade year. Your point?”
Roman blinked. “…Fair enough.”
Roman brought out his own sandwich and ate it in awkward silence. Logan seemed so focused on his paper that he wasn’t saying a word, and trying to spark conversation with him when he was like this was next to impossible. He felt like he was intruding by sitting next to Logan, the air feeling thick for a reason Roman couldn’t quite place. Once he finished his sandwich, Roman had enough.
“I think…” Roman said, “I’m going to sit…somewhere else.”
Logan didn’t react. “Alright.”
Roman stood up and awkwardly shuffled to an empty spot at a table on the other side of the cafeteria, placing down his lunch box and trying again. Well, he thought as he opened up a cheese stick wrapper, better get used to being alone, then.
“Hey, excuse me?”
Roman looked up at the voice while he was mid-bite. It was the same kid who scolded Mitchell back in his English class, tired circles under their eyes and a gray sweater on despite it being August. Though, Roman had been freezing in most of his classes today, so maybe this person had the right idea.
“Oh- I’m sorry, were you sitting here?” Roman asked.
“No, you’re fine, I just…” The kid looked side to side anxiously. “…Mind if I sit with you?”
“…Oh! No, I don’t mind at all.”
The kid smiled and set their lunchtray across from Roman. “Thanks. I’m Elliott by the way, they/them pronouns.”
Roman’s brain took a minute to process what they meant. “Uh, hello! I’m Roman…he/him?”
Elliott seemed to get happier when he said that. “Nice to meet you. How’s your first day been so far? Besides for you-know-who this morning.”
Roman laughed. “Well, aside from that uncalled for mess, it’s been quite normal. I got lost a few times, but that’s not new for me. My teachers seem quite alright so far.”
“That’s good to hear. We have a lot of good teachers, I think, unless they teach calculus, then they have some serious issues. But so long as you don’t act like an idiot it’s easy to get past those teachers.”
“I’ll keep that in mind! Hopefully I stay on this hot streak, though.” Roman took out a water bottle from his lunch and started to drink it. “But it’s the students I’m more worried about. They all seem so off on their own. Or just outright rude like that guy this morning.”
Elliott groaned, leaning his head on his hand and slouching. “I’m really sorry about him. He can be a huge jerk for no reason. I think he’s just itching for a fight.”
“You seem to know him quite well. Old friend or something?” Roman asked.
Elliott groaned again. “…He’s my ex.”
“…No offense to your type or anything, but…ew.”
“Oh no, yeah, dating him was definitely an ew,” Elliot sighed. “We broke up like, four times in the span of a year and a half. It was a mess. Eventually, over the summer I broke up with him for good. I think he’s still upset about that and taking it out on the first easy target he finds. That, and he’s a jerk.”
“Well, he’ll soon learn I’m not one to be described as an easy target.” Roman gave a cocky smile and posed.
The bell sounded off again, and all the students stood up from their tables and started to swarm the trash cans and cafeteria exits. Roman and Elliott gave each other a look as they also stood up.
“So…what class do you have next?” Elliott asked nervously.
“Let’s see…” Roman pulled out the schedule from his pocket and looked at it. “Advanced biology with Mr. Weber.”
Elliott’s eyes lit up. “Me too! Uh…wanna walk together then? I can show you where it is.”
Roman smiled. “Of course!”
The two kids headed down the stairs, talking more and laughing long after they sat down in the class and the bell rang. Roman continued to whisper to Elliott during class until the teacher gave them both a warning glance, shutting their mouths but smiling at each other.
Even as Roman tried to pay attention, he felt a weight lift from his chest.
He’d obtained a friend after all!
The entire bus drive home, Roman spent it texting Elliott’s number that they’d given him right after biology ended. He talked about his last two classes and listened to Elliott ramble about his bad luck with classmates this year, grinning to himself with his eyes glued to his screen until his stop came. Virgil banged his fist on Roman’s seat to get his attention, making him jump and stand up to get off with Virgil and Logan.
During the walk home, no one said anything. Roman was off in his own world and Virgil just looked tired, with Logan staring intently at his own shoes as he walked. Virgil unlocked the door for them all to come inside, and they all branched off into their different directions. Virgil got a snack from the kitchen while Roman and Logan ran up to their rooms.
Roman spent a lot of his time in his room now that he’d gotten the curtains around his bed. Lying there was a lot softer than hiding on the bathroom floor with his legs propped up, and Roman was still confused as to how he managed to get away with installing this. He’d have to make sure Patton never entered his room again in case he planned to rip the curtains off their hooks.
He’d have to make a plan to effectively keep him out.
But for now, Roman actually needed to talk to Patton as soon as possible. He needed to ask for gym clothes, since that was the only thing Roman still needed to get for class, and he wanted to get it over with so Roman wouldn’t need to keep worrying about it. He was almost certain Patton had come home half an hour ago, but Roman just ignored him and stayed in his room. But he had to take advantage of the fact that he was remembering to ask for the clothes, so there was no time like the present to go find him.
Roman hopped out of bed and exited his room, making his way downstairs to the living room. He figured Patton would be either watching TV or doing something in the kitchen, but when Roman looked around, he didn’t see him anywhere. Virgil was sprawled across the couch on his phone, but no one else was around. Roman put his hands on his hips.
“Where’s Patton?” He asked Virgil.
Virgil didn’t look up. “Upstairs. In his room I think.”
Roman groaned and stomped back upstairs. He hated going into an adult’s room, so he instead opened the door and poked his head in so he wouldn’t have to step inside. But before he could get a word out to Patton, Roman stopped himself.
Patton was sitting on his bed with the lights dimmed, his back resting in the headboard, but what shocked Roman was that Logan was there also. He had his face hidden in Patton’s neck as Patton rubbed his back and played with his hair, holding him tight to his chest while Logan sniffled. Roman had never seen Logan emote before, so watching him cry was…disturbing. Roman wanted to run over and rip Logan from Patton to protect him.
Patton looked at Roman in the doorway and smiled. “You gotta remember to knock before entering, kiddo. What do you need?”
Roman forgot the main reason he came here. “Is Logan okay?”
Patton looked down at Logan and whispered something in his ear. Whatever Patton said, Logan agreed with a quiet nod of his head. Patton rubbed at Logan’s neck in a way that made Roman’s skin crawl as Patton began to speak. “He’ll be okay, kiddo. He’s just a little overwhelmed from school today. Do you need anything?”
Roman took a step inside Patton’s bedroom. It made his whole body shift into fight or flight, but he couldn’t leave Logan alone with him in good conscience. “I just wanted to say I need to buy gym clothes by next Wednesday. I’m in a strength training class this semester.”
Patton smiled. “That’s fine, we can go shopping this weekend.”
Roman looked down at the floor. “Well…I was more thinking, like…I go into the store while you wait in the car.”
Patton raised an eyebrow at him. “I need to buy the clothes, kiddo.”
“You can just give me the money. I’ll stay within the budget and give you any left over, so…please?”
Patton’s face dropped a little, but he didn’t get angry, so Roman considered that a win. “Sure, kiddo. We’ll do that Sunday.”
Even after the conversation seemed to end, Roman still stood near the door, shifting on his feet awkwardly. Patton shifted his eyes between Logan and Roman as if he was analyzing both of their mental states, but Roman’s throat felt stuck as he tried to bring out the words he wanted to say. He was so scared, but he couldn’t force himself to ask the question he knew he needed to ask now. Yet his feet refused to make a run for it out the door despite his fear.
“Do you need something else, kiddo?” Patton lightly prompted. Roman attempted to swallow the rock he felt in his throat.
“Can I…Can I stay with you and Logan?” He hated it, but he had to do it. He didn’t know what Patton would try when Logan was vulnerable.
Patton looked down at Logan, and Logan nodded. Patton turned to smile again. “You can if you want, Logan doesn’t mind.”
Roman carefully walked to the other side of the bed, sitting as far as possible from Patton but keeping his eyes glued to Logan. He knew he wasn’t helping much, not saying a word and not even being close, but it was something Roman had to do. Just because him and Logan weren’t close didn’t mean he’d leave him in danger. Even if Roman felt stuck in his head and couldn’t find the power to move his arms.
Roman sat there for a while, watching Logan’s chest rise as Patton rubbed his back. It felt like ages before Logan’s chest slowed and he fell asleep on top of Patton, somehow not caring at all about being asleep in Patton’s presence. Roman’s heart ached for him. He was too trusting and innocent for his own good.
“I gotta do some chores,” Patton whispered, “So I’m gonna tuck him in and let him nap. Do you still wanna stay with him?”
Roman nodded, not being able to get the words out himself. He felt stuck as Patton lifted Logan up gently, petting his hair to soothe him when he stirred. Roman helped by tugging the covers back from his end of the bed so that Patton could tuck him in and let go of him sooner, his hand on the back of Logan’s leg making Roman anxious. Patton tucked Logan under the covers and watched his reaction. After a few seconds, Patton grabbed a squishy stuffed frog from his bedside table, handing it to Logan who curled around it in his sleep. It’d be cute if Roman wasn’t so worried.
“Tell me if anything happens, okay kiddo?” Patton said right as he was halfway out the bedroom door. Roman nodded, only finally relaxing after Patton left and slowly closed the door. 
Roman immediately ran over to lock it. He didn’t have his security bar, but this would be good enough. Hopefully Patton wouldn’t test anything when he knew Roman would be by Logan’s side.
Despite all of Roman’s worries, Logan slept peacefully on the bed. He didn’t shift or seem distressed at all, just snuggling closer to Patton’s stuffed frog and resting. Logan was calm.
Roman sat on the floor to block the door and watched to make sure no one took that away from him.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
HELLO I'M HERE TO POST SOME SMUT FOR EREN BECAUSE I'M FILTHY LIKE THAT. this was inspired by this post, so i'm here to feed y'all. i hope you guys enjoy! <3
Zip it Up
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW
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Eren's body lay still as he slept in his bed comfortably, the boy had been sleep deprived the past three days due to exams and finals in school. He'd stay up past 2 A.M. working on different assignments to boost his grades and it was taking a lot from him, he'd sleep at odd hours and stay up the whole night.
His body shifted around as the sudden ringing from his phone broke him out of his slumber.
Groaning, he grabbed his phone off the nightstand, he stared at the screen noticing it was his girlfriend (Y/N). His eyes squinted as the bright light burned his vision slightly.
He sighed, clicking the accept option. "Hey baby.. what's up?" Eren asked, voice still groggy and deep.
(Y/N) was in her car, driving back from her day at school. "Eren? Were you sleeping? I'm sorry if I woke you babe, I just wanted to call and check in on you," she said.
Eren smiled a bit. "Yeah you woke me up but don't worry, I don't mind." he said, sitting up against the bed frame. "Are you in the car?" he asked, hearing the soft noises in the background.
She giggled a bit. "Yeah I am. I actually wanted to come and see you, unless you're busy." she said, smiling a bit.
Eren checked the time on his phone, seeing it was 12:30 in the afternoon. "Yeah you can come over (Y/N), I just gotta look a little less scary." he said, running his fingers through his chocolate brown locks.
(Y/N) sighed. "Alright babe, that's fine. I'll text you when I get to your place okay?" she said.
He sat up. "Sounds like a plan," he replied, looking around his room.
Eren heard the click of the phone call ending, he tossed his phone onto his bed and stood up. He didn't really have anything nice to wear, but he was in his own house and it was just his girlfriend, so he decided to dress in a casual outfit.
A black zip up hoodie and some grey cotton shorts.
Eren walked into the bathroom, he stared at his dark circles. He was still tired, even after sleeping in almost half the day.
After a quick shower, he got dressed and tied his hair into a low messy bun. The zip up hoodie he had was zipped open, exposing his abs and his chest. His girlfriend had seen him like that before, Eren was always dressing bummy. He just wanted to be comfortable, who could blame him?
He exited the bathroom and reached for his phone, reading the messages he got from (Y/N).
(Y/N)🖤: i'm outside
Eren sat up, exiting his room and heading towards the door. He opened it and saw his girlfriend standing there, she eyed him and a smile grew onto her lips.
"You seem comfy," she said, stepping into his apartment.
Eren chuckled, putting his arms around her waist. "Mm.. why not?" he replied, pulling her closer to his body. He rested his chin on her head "It's good to see you," he added, smiling a bit.
(Y/N) smiled, taking in the scent of his body wash. "I missed you a ton," she said, looking up at him.
He kissed her cheek. "I missed you more princess," he replied, smiling down at her.
The two talked for awhile, Eren talked about his shitty sleep schedule and how he's been juggling assignments for the past few nights. Of course (Y/N) didn't necessarily think that was a good idea, she was always that type of girl who would want her boyfriend to make good choices for himself. Reminding him to sleep or drink water, but sometimes Eren didn't listen. Finding it funny when she would slap his arm about not sleeping properly.
"I'm still tired," Eren groaned, rubbing his eyes which were droopy.
(Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest. "That's what you get Mr.Nightowl," she said, playfully tugging at his hair.
Eren chuckled, walking towards his living room. He lied down on the couch, his hoodie falling away from his abdomen, exposing his abs and his chest. The sight made heat rush onto (Y/N)'s cheeks, Eren had the nicest muscles.
"Baby!" Eren called from the couch. "Come here! Let me hold you," he yelled, reaching his arms towards her.
(Y/N) laughed, taking off her shoes and approaching him. She stood in front of him as he grabbed her arm, forcing her down on top of him. She yelped a bit as she straddled him.
"Lay down.. I wanna cuddle," he said, with a slight pout of his lips.
She giggled, leaning down onto his muscular chest. "Okay fine! I'm here babe," she replied, smiling hearing his heartbeat by her ear.
Eren's arms wrapped around her torso tightly, he squeezed her a few times. "Ugh.. I've missed cuddling with you all damn day. You never fail to make cuddles great," he said, kissing the top of her head.
A few minutes went by, no words were spoken between them as they just sat in each other's embrace.
(Y/N) sat up, staring down at her boyfriend under her. "You need some sleep," she said, brushing the few strands of hair out of his face.
He laughed, taking her wrist into his hand. "Nah I don't need sleep baby. I just need you," he replied, running his fingers up her thighs.
(Y/N) smirked as she moved her body further back towards his hips. His abs were now in sight, she decided since she was on top of him, to take advantage of the situation.
Her fingers ghosted over his abs as she began to poke and tickle at his stomach. Eren started laughing, trying to push her hands away.
"Babe! What the fuck!" Eren yelled, while trying to push her hands away. His breath was uneven as he felt her fingers in his sides.
He took her wrists into his hands. "Your face was priceless!" she said, laughing.
Eren smirked as he grabbed her waist. "You're gonna regret that," he said lowly.
She felt a shiver go down her spine as Eren lifted her up, placing her down on the couch as he hovered over her. He took in her beauty, smirking as he leaned down to press a kiss onto her lips.
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Eren got in between her legs, grabbing her thighs as he brought them around her waist, a print was starting to show in his shorts.
"Eren.." (Y/N) said quietly, staring up at her boyfriend who was staring down at her. Her eyes widened a bit seeing the print formed in his pants, bubbles of anticipation formed in her stomach.
Eren fixed his bun, leaning down to put both of his hands by her head. "Lay down for me," he said, eyes filled with desire.
She nodded, laying her head down against the couch cushions. Eren nipped softly at the flesh of her neck, his hand running down to meet the hem of her leggings. He slipped his hand underneath to feel her clothed clit, which was already soaked with arousal.
"You're so wet for me already.." he groaned, taking his fingers out of her pants.
He hooked his fingers around her leggings, taking them off along with her panties. The cooler air hit her skin causing shivers to go down her spine.
(Y/N) opened her legs a little wider for him. "Eren please.." she pleaded.
Eren chuckled, leaning up to kiss her again. "Don't worry beautiful I got you, I'd hate to leave my princess needy." he said, smirking.
He moved down in between her legs, savoring the view of how wet her pussy was. The sight alone made his mouth water. He ran his finger down her folds, sending a few shivers throughout her body.
(Y/N) gripped the sheets as she felt his tongue against her pussy. A loud moan came from her mouth as the contact was made, Eren wrapped his arms around her thighs spreading her apart even more so his tongue could explore deeper into her.
"Eren! Yes! Like that.." she moaned, putting her hands into his hair.
She suddenly felt two digits enter into her, the pleasure making her feel dizzy.
"You take everything so well.. you're such a good girl for me," he said, rubbing circles in her inner thigh. "I'm gonna fuck you so good," he added, looking up at her with lust filled eyes.
(Y/N) whined as she felt his fingers disappear from her pussy. "Babe! I was close.." she said, watching as Eren stood up.
He smirked, licking her arousal off his fingers. "I didn't want you to cum yet. You only cum on my cock," he replied, tossing his shorts off leaving him in just his hoodie.
He sat down beside her. "Come sit.." he said, patting his lap.
(Y/N) nodded, standing up and maneuvering herself onto his lap. Eren took his cock and began to rub his tip along her folds, the area was slick with arousal, she felt pleasure coming from her core causing her to moan a bit.
"Eren... don't tease me.." she moaned and put her hands onto his shoulders.
He smirked. "I saw you eyeing my abs earlier... I thought I'd give you a nice view," he said, leaning into her ear. "Beg me." he ordered.
She felt the tip of his cock slowly rubbing along her dripping core. "E-Eren.. please! Please baby... please put it in," she cried, gripping his shoulders.
"Beg me to do what princess?" he asked, nibbling on the shell of her ear.
"Fuck me please.. I want your cock inside of me," she replied her breathing deep and heavy.
Eren positioned his cock at her entrance and eased her down slowly onto his cock. He groaned feeling her tight walls surrounding him, her core was hot and wet. (Y/N) cried out in pleasure feeling his cock thrusting deep inside of her. The position giving access deep into her core.
"Fuckkk.. your pussy is so tight," Eren groaned, putting his hands on her hips. "You like my cock deep in your pussy? Hm baby?" he asked, smirking at her.
She barely could get words out as her head was clouded. "Yes! Yes! I fucking love your cock baby..." she cried, digging her nails into his shoulder.
Her words only encouraged Eren to go faster, he wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her chest towards his. He began to thrust into her quickly, his balls slapping against her pussy filled the room.
"Fuck! Eren.. just like that! Right there!" (Y/N) moaned, rolling her hips a bit to feel his cock.
Eren put his hands onto her waist and bounced her on his cock. "Like that baby.. bounce on my fucking dick. I wanna see your pretty face," he said, putting his hand around her throat giving a small squeeze.
She looked down at Eren who had a slight pink to his cheeks. "Eren.. fuck!" she cried out, feeling his cock thrust into her.
She felt the band in her stomach beginning to loosen as his thrusts continued, Eren felt her walls beginning to slowly tighten around his cock.
"You gonna cum baby? I wanna feel your little pussy cum all over my fucking cock," Eren said, a slight growl coming out of his mouth.
He used his thumb to rub circles in her clit, she leaned down kiss him as she felt her orgasm take over her body. Her legs shook as her pussy creamed around his cock, her walls squeezing his cock.
"Good fucking girl princess," Eren said, a sly smirk on his face as he continued to thrust into her.
His cock twitched inside of her as his own orgasm was approaching.
"Cum inside me please.." she cried, kissing at his neck. "Fill my pussy up baby.." she moaned.
Eren's thrusts grew quicker, suddenly he reached his orgasm. Thick hot ropes shot into her pussy, a loud groan erupted from his throat as he came inside of her pussy.
"Oh fuck (Y/N)!" Eren yelled, throwing his head back as his nails dug into her hips.
The two sat there for a second catching their breaths, a layer of sweat was on Eren's head. He pulled his cock out of her pussy, watching as the mix of his and her cum leaked out of her pussy onto her thighs.
"I love to see that.." Eren said, smirking as he looked up at (Y/N).
She stood up on wobbly legs. "I enjoyed the view," she said, eyeing Eren's abs that had a view scratch marks from her nails.
Eren looked down, rolling his eyes playfully. "Should I zip it up next time?" he asked raising a brow.
"Uh absolutely not! I like the view," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "I think I wanna see more though," she added, smiling at him.
His brow quirked up at her words. "Say.. I need another shower.. you can see more there," he said, standing up and hovering over her.
"Oh? Really? I'd love to see it," (Y/N) said, running her fingers down his abs towards his v-line.
Suddenly, Eren picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. "You're gonna see a lot more then baby," he said, going towards the bathroom.
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mayraki · 4 years
“the adventures of babysitting” - jj maybank
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-> hvitstark’s gif!
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summary: when the cute boy who mows the lawn for the kook family you babysit shows up, weird and unexpected events start to happen.
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Babysitting wasn’t something you planned to do when summer started, but when you saw that lonely dollar that you had in your pocket you decided to change that. And what better way, than to take care of the rich kids when their parents are too focused on their golf sessions?
It didn’t took you long to find a parent like that, since in Outer Banks, 90% of the parents had the stupid necessity to go golfing every day, leaving their poor kids on the house. Well, “poor” is a matter of speech, because if you had a pool the side of your entire house and free WiFi to play any game that ever existed, you wouldn’t complain.
“The food is in the refrigerator. Maybe start making it at 12 pm, she likes to eat early.” Mrs. Johnson was saying while she had her big bag on her shoulders, ready to leave the house. “Lily!” She yelled so loudly that you squint your eyes for the sudden scream. “Oh, and before I forget, in a couple of hours the boy that’s going to cut the grass is going to show up. But you don’t have to do anything, he already knows his way around the front yard.” You nodded with a little smile.
“Lily! Get down here, now!” She yelled so firmly that you could tell the fire on her eyes, making you feel a little bit intimidated by the rich house wife. As soon as she went back to you, a smile appeared on her face again changing her expression completely in a matter of one second, making you feel a little bit scared. “Do you have any more questions for the day?”
“No! I’m fine, we’ll be fine.”
“Y/n!” You heard the little girl calling your name while she was running to welcome you with a hug.
“Lily! Come here you little angel!” You picked her up so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders.
“Lily, behave.” Mrs. Johnson said and Lily nodded.
“Yes, mommy, like always.”
“No cookies until lunch is over, got it?”
Lily nodded again, this time more quicker. “Got it.”
Not trusting her daughter, Mrs. Johnson turned to you. “Got it?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Mrs. Johnson gave Lily a kiss on the forehead before walking towards the door. “See you later Mrs. Johnson!” You waved until you saw her outside and she was no longer in your sight.
“Do you want to see my barbie?” Lily said once her feet touched the ground.
“Cool! Let me look for it.” She grabbed your hand to walk you to her room. “I did a makeover that took me the whole week. Because when I got her she was so ugly, the change was necessary.” She was saying like a professional fashion icon. Her sass was one of your favorite things about her. “That’s what my mom says all the time. If you don’t like something, you change it so it fits you.” After a walk that seemed to took forever since the house was bigger than the whole frontyard itself, you arrived at her room. While Lily was looking for her barbie to show you, you went over her room like it was the first time your eyes were seeing it. The wall colors looked like an unicorn had throw up in them and then a fairy had her glitter thrown at it. The main color was pink, her bed, her night stand, her desk, even her TV was the color pink. You never hated that color, but her room was making you feel nauseous. It was all so colourful and an interesting thing to look at, but the thing that always caught your attention was the thousand posters of the movie ‘Frozen’. Elsa, Anna and all of those characters you couldn’t remember the names where in her wall smiling. They were so many of them that you started to feel creeped out by them. “Here she is!” Finally, Lily found her barbie as was already walking towards you with her toy in her hand waving it like she was trying to get something out of her. She handed the barbie to you with the biggest and proudest smile ever, but the moment you grabbed the toy the smile disappeared from your face for a second.
“Oh my-” the normal long hair that Barbies have isn’t longer in this one, it was short and it looked like some punk girl from the 80’s with he hairs all lift up. You didn’t even know if it was punk, she looked like she touched a wire with a fork! She had a short dress that looked like it had been on dirt, washed but then she fell on grass, making it look even more dirty and destroyed. Her skin was painted red and blue with some pink dots all over her body. She definitely didn’t had a good day. You looked at Lily and noticed the proud smile and the excitement on her eyes as you were watching the barbie, so you put your biggest fake smile on your face not wanting to break the poor girl’s heart. “She looks wonderful!”
“I know! I’m good at it!”
You quickly nodded. “Yeah!”
“Maybe I can be a fashion designer when I grow up!” Lily started clapping and grabbed the barbie from your hand while you were nodding non stop not knowing what to say.
Models from the future; I’m so sorry and good luck.
You thanked the Gods for Lily not wanting to show you anymore of her creations, instead she wanted to watch a movie, and as soon as she said that, you already knew what she wanted to see.
“Let it gooooo! Let it goooooo!” You heard Elsa sing while Lily’s eyes were glued to the TV, her body was slowly moving while she was whispering the song. You knew she loved the movie so much she never wanted to outsing Elsa, and deep down, you were grateful for that.
“Yes, please Elsa,” you said in a whisper not wanting Lily to hear you while you were sitting down in the couch behind her “let it fucking go. Stop it.” As soon as you tilted your head backwards annoyed, a sound came from the front yard. “What was that? You asked with your eyes glued to the door, but there was no response from Lily, since her little mind was too focused on the movie. You headed to the window to cheek what it was while all the horror movies and serial killers documentaries went through your mind. With your heart beating a little faster you opened the curtains and wondered with your eyes your surroundings, but nothing was there. You were calming down until you heard your phone rang in your pocket, making you jump from the scare.
“What’s up bitch?” Your best friend, Hannah, said on the phone once you picked up.
“Hi, I’m babysitting.” You said still checking the front yard.
“Oh, got it, you have to watch your tongue.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think this kid is listening to me right now, Elsa has that covered.” You did quick look on Lily, who’s eyes were still glued to the TV.
“Ugh, I hate that movie.”
“I don’t. But the amount of times I watched it here isn’t helping on that.”
“What are you doing right now?”
“Checking if the guy- oh my god.” You stopped as soon as your eyes noticed a boy standing in the front yard. Because he was too far away you could only see clearly his blonde hair and his dark brown boots. He had a white shirt on and some light brown shorts, he was far, but the way he was moving and carrying himself was what attracted you and made your eyes stare at him twice, making sure you were seeing correctly.
“The guy that cuts the grass for this family is...” you did a quick turn to Lily to check if she was listening, but she was still too focused on the movie. You turned back to see the boy, but before you could continue your sentence, Hannah spoke before you.
“Oh, more than that.”
“Who is it?” Hannah said intrigued.
“Can’t see, he’s too far.”
“What is he doing?” You saw how his arms tensed when he grabbed some machine you never saw before. They were so strong that you suddenly got the need to walk towards him touch them, but that would be extremely weird.
“I don’t know, turning the machine I guess.” You tried to focus more on his face and try to figure out if you knew him, but he was too far for your poor sight.
“Go talk to him.”
“What? No!”
“Why not? He’s hot, you’re hot. Perfect match.”
“He is definitely a...” Again, you turned around making sure Lily wasn’t hearing. Even if she wasn’t, you choose your next words carefully. “major babe.”
“Major babe?” Hannah let out a tiny laugh. “What are? 30?”
“The kid is still here!” You whispered loudly.
“What is a major babe?” Fuck.
You turned around to see Lily standing there with her Barbie between her hands. The movie was still playing but it looked like your conversation gained her attention even more.
“What? Oh, nothing.” You shook your head with your phone still against your ear. “Don’t worry about it baby. Keep watching Elsa.”
“I want to know what that means.” Lily said with her firm tone, letting you know she wasn’t going to let it go.
“I think you’re in trouble.” Hannah said on the other side, and you knew she was trying to not laugh at your current situation.
“Bye!” You ended the call before leaving your phone in your pocker to kneeled down and be closer to Lily’s face. “A major babe is someone who is... cute.” You said trying to choose the perfect words. Explaining something like this to a six year old isn’t something that you would ever choose to do.
“Cute?” Lily asked confused.
“Yeah, pretty.”
“Like Elsa?”
“Yeah? Yeah!”
You thought the conversation was over when Lily let out a giant smile and nodded convinced. But then, she opened her mouth: “So you think the guy who cuts the grass is pretty?”
“Well-” You got up trying to take those thoughts out of her mind, but before you could say anything Lily started clapping excited.
“You do! Y/n and JJ sitting in a tree-” She started singing but you stopped hearing once you heard the name ‘JJ’.
“Wait, JJ? The guy’s name is JJ?” You said confused, hoping it wasn’t who you thought it was.
“Yeah! He comes every week since last year!”
“JJ? JJ Maybank?” You were praying Lily was going to shake her head and say it was another JJ, but deep down you knew there wasn’t any other guy with that name.
“Yeah!” Lily said happily, unaware of your thoughts and your not so happy face.
Well, fuck.
“Oh my god.” You said when it finally hit you. “Sweetie, I think Anna is dying.” You said gently turning Lily towards the TV.
“Oh no!” She went back to the movie. You turned to the window and moved the curtain while a sigh came out of your mouth.
JJ Maybank. The guy that was known for being the life of the party, getting into trouble or starting a fight. He would almost every time leave the party with some girl around his arm. You weren’t going to lie, you wished sometimes you were that girl. Having a crush on a boy that doesn’t know you exists isn’t... the best. You met JJ at school when you were a kid and that’s when it all started, when he defended you from some Kook kid that was annoying you at lunch. The crush didn’t grew more, the opposite, it went down passing the years. But that didn’t stop you from looking at him when he showed up at the party you were at or feeling nervous when he was around. You weren’t the type to do so, but there was something about him that made you feel as awkward as you could ever be.
The fact that he was in the same house as you made you feel something inside your stomach, making you move uncomfortably in your sit while Lily was watching, for the second time, Frozen. You don’t have to talk to him, there’s nothing to worry about. You were thinking over and over again trying to calm yourself down. Or maybe this is your opportunity to talk to him. You thought in Hannah’s voice, since she knew about your crush she would often say that you should start a conversation with him, or at least introduce yourself.
You didn’t know if he knew who you were. You only talked once, back when you were kids and you thanked him for defending you. That was it. You remembered it, but you were sure he didn’t.
C’mon, what are you waiting for? Go offer him some water! Hannah’s voice was saying in your head like she was next to you giving you the courage you needed to do so. And somehow, it worked. After making sure Lily was safe while watching the movie, you walked towards the kitchen and poured water on a cup to bring outside.
As soon as your hand touched the door to open it, you felt the heat of the sun touching your skin and you heart beating faster, already knowing your next moves.
You saw him getting ready to cut the grass with the same machine you saw before. His skin and hair were glowing under the sun making your heart beat faster than before and him looking more beautiful than he already was.
“Hey!” You said loudly once you were a couple of steps away from him.
JJ immediately turned to you making your heart drop to your stomach. He furrowed his eyebrows confused while trying to figure out who you were. “Hi? Are you the babysitter?” He pointed at you and you nodded with a smile.
“Yeah. Y/n.”
“JJ.” He let out a tiny smile. Fuuuuuuck.
Silence came between you two while your brain was trying to remember what you came outside. “Oh! I bought you some water, it’s pretty hot out here.” You handed him the cup which he took gratefully.
“Yeah, I don’t want you passing out. I don’t want to deal with that.” You said and immediately regretted it, why would you say that? That makes you sound like a terrible babysitter!
But as soon as he let out a genuine laugh, your mind gave you a break.
“Sure. So, since when did you started working with this family?” He said before giving a sip to the water.
“Last week.”
“I haven’t seen you around much. You live in the Cut, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I do. My dad owns the store across the beach.”
JJ didn’t respond immediately. He stood there watching your eyes carefully, so much, that your heart started beating faster once again. “Really? He has some good boards, dude.”
“Thanks. He’s really proud of them.”
“Make sure to tell him. Thank you for the water.” He gave you the now empty cup and you shook your head with a little smile.
“Don’t worry about it. If you need anything just tell me.”
JJ let out a tiny laugh. “You take care better of me than Mrs. Johnson.”
You smiled back while on the inside you were freaking out. “It’s no-” you were saying but the water hitting your body cut you off.
“What the fuck?” JJ said as soon as both of you noticed the water feeling like rain against your body. You looked up to see if it was, but the sky was as as clear as you last saw it.
“Where is that water coming from?!”
“It’s the automatic water for the grass!” JJ said looking down and pointing at the tiny machine going off behind you. You turned around and looked at it confused, trying to not get hit in the face by putting your hands in front of your face.
“But it never turns on during the day! Do you know how to turn it off?!” You asked at JJ with the hope that he did, and luckily, he nodded turning around and leading to some part of the front yard you’ve never been before. When you arrived to where he was you noticed he was kneeled down and with a quicker twist of his hand, the water was off. “What the hell was that?” You said turning to where the water was coming from.
“I don’t know.” JJ said and looked down to his body all wet. You turned to him and did the same, but not to your own body, to his. The way his shirt was glued to his torso would mark his abs and let you nothing to the imagination. You immediately looked down once you realize you were staring, you felt so embarrassed like you weren’t supposed to see what you just did. “Maybe this will help with the sun and I won’t pass out.” He said with a smile once he looked up at you and you smiled, thankful he didn’t notice you staring at him and his fit body.
“You’re dripping.” You said. “You have to dry yourself otherwise you won’t be able to work with those heavy clothes. C’mon.” You pointed at the house and started walking, but his voice cut you off.
“I’m not sure I’m aloud to go in.”
“Do you want to get your work done or not? Because I don’t think you’ll be able to.” You did a quick look to the drops of water goind down. “It’s your decision, but I think Mrs. Johnson won’t be happy if she comes back and her grass isn’t done. Do whatever you want.” You said knowing that it was going to convince him to go with you. You did this tactic with Lily sometimes, making it their choice and having the control over the situation. Like you suspected, as soon as you made a couple of steps away from JJ, you heard his feet moving and getting closer to yours. Seconds later, he was already next to you.
“Maybe we should go to the bathroom, I don’t want to make a mess.” You said the moment you stepped inside the house. Lily, who was now sitting down on the couch, looked at you two with an exaggerated surprised face and walked to where you two where.
“Oh! What happened?”
“The water of your front yard went kinda crazy.” You said grabbing your sticky shirt and trying to get it away from your skin.
“Really?” Lily asked and then turned to JJ, who nodded.
“Lily I want you to stay here watching the movie, ok? We need to get dry.” You said leading the way to the bathroom. “Don’t open the door to anyone, did you hear me?”
“Yes!” Lily said while quickly nodding and then leaving to continue watching her movie. “Stupid Hans!” She yelled at the TV.
“She really likes that movie doesn’t she?” JJ said with a smile once he turned around to follow you.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “we watched it three times today.”
“Ouch.” You let out a laugh before entering the bathroom and quickly grabbing the towel and turning around to face JJ.
“Here, have the towe-” You were saying but once your eyes noticed JJ’s naked torso, your tongue went completely numb. “Oh.”
“Is everything ok?” He asked noticing your shook face, but then a little grin escaped his lips while he grabbed the towel from your hand.
“Yeah. Yeah! Everything’s fine.” You said quickly shaking your head a little bit, trying so hard to not let your now red cheeks make you feel embarrassed.
“Aren’t you gonna change?”
“I’ll wait for you to be over and then I’ll do it. Don’t worry about it.”
He nodded and the continued drying his body. “I still don’t know what happened with that.”
“Maybe the clock failed?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe. Anyway, thank you.” He handed you the towel. “I have to continue with work.”
“Yeah!” You quickly nodded. “You go.” You watched how he turned around letting you have a perfect veiw of his back, which made you feel like when you saw his torso naked without any warning. You looked away once he left the bathroom and slapped your forehead with the palm of your hand, already overthinking everything you just did.
As soon as you were finished you walked towards the living room to check on Lily who was now finishing the movie just one more time. You grabbed your phone from your pocket to see the time and realized it was lunch time, so trying to focus every thought of Lily, you called her so she would follow you into the kitchen. You grabbed everything that was on the refrigerator like Mrs. Johnson has told you while your mind was making the recipe for Lily’s meal. You were trying so hard to keep your mind focus and not thing of the cute guy that was still working on the front yard, a couple of steps away from you.
“Did you really fell for Hans because I didn’t. It was pretty obvious.” Lily said while watching you prepare her lunch.
“You think? I didn’t see it coming.”
“I didn’t like Hans since the beginning.” Lily nodded proudly of herself.
“You didn’t? I thought he was really cute and charming, maybe that what’s wrong with princes.” As soon as you said that, a thought came into your head. You stayed still like everything in your life just made sense and you understood it in that exact moment. “And maybe that’s why I like the boys I like.” You continued, talking more to your lard than to Lily. “They’re charming and sweet, but then they forget about your face even if you’re wearing a tiny mask, or they kiss you without even consenting it.” You were saying while your head was inside the refrigerator, looking for the mayonnaise to complete Lily’s lunch. “Or they even think because they have money we will automatically fall for them!” The moment that you said that you realized that you were babbling all to yourself about boys while Lily was listening to you, so you turned around shaking all your thoughts away. “Anyway-” you were about to change the subject but when you opened the water from the kitchen sink it all exploded and went all over your face and clothes. “WHAT THE HELL?” You yelled putting your hand in front of your face to prevent the water hitting your eyes.
“I’ll call JJ!” Lily said once she noticed the water wasn’t stopping.
“What- no! I got this!” You tried to stop her but it was too late, she was already out of your sight. “What’s the fucking problem with water today?” You asked trying to turn the water off, but no matter what you did with the switch, it wasn’t stopping.
“What happened?!” You heard JJ asking once he arrived next to you.
“I turned it on and it went crazy!” You turned around to see the water all over the floor. JJ kneeled down and opened the doors down the sink and just like before, stopped the water. You let your hands rest beside your body and let out an annoyed sigh at the feeling of sticky and wet clothes against your skin.
“Just like before?” JJ asked getting up to lock eyes with you.
You nodded. “Yeah. I think the thingy is broken.” You pointed at the sink looking at it confused but when you heard JJ let out a tiny laugh, you turned to him. “What?”
“The thingy?”
“Yeah, where the water comes out.”
JJ nodded still with a funny smile on his face. “Do you know how to fix it?”
“Do you?”
“Dad has tools!” Lily yelled, appearing on the conversation for the first time. You turned to her and she had a big smile on her face while her fingers were playing with each other. “Maybe Y/n can show you where they are?”
“Oh, yeah,” you nodded remembering the time you helped Mr. Johnson fix something for Lily. “I think they’re next to the bathroom. C’mon.” You said looking at JJ but then you turned to Lily. “While we repair that finish your lunch.”
She quickly nodded before you left her behind. “Ok!”
Even if you had JJ behind you, you felt his eyes on you as you were walking. Maybe they weren’t on you, but somehow, your mind had convince you they were making you feel uncomfortable under them. You were hearing his steps behind you, they were so close you could feel the air he was pushing with his arms while walking. The hallway was darker as usual since having JJ in your mind you forgot to turn on the light, but you knew the house like the palm of your hand.
“I think this is the room- yes it is!” You said entering the room next to the bathroom. “Tools tools tools...”
“Here.” JJ said behind you while grabbing a big dark brown box.
“Oh, ok. Better get that thing fixed so you can get back to work.” JJ nodded so you walked to the now closed door. You looked at it confused since you didn’t remember closing it. “What? Did you close the door?”
“No I didn’t.” JJ said.
“Then why the hell is it closed?” You asked before grabbing the handle, but it wasn’t opening. “And locked?!” Your heart dropped to your stomach the moment you realized you were locked and Lily was outside alone. “Oh my god, Lily? Can you open the door please? Lily?!”
Your heart started to beat faster but then, luckily, she spoke from the other side. “Are you guys locked?”
“Yeah! Can you open it from the outside?”
“I don’t know!”
“Can you check sweetie?”
“She’s a six year old? What can she do?” JJ asked behind you not faced by the situation at all.
“Well? Do you have any ideas genius? Lily is out there on her own!”
JJ lifted the box of the tools and let out a grin. “We have tools?”
“You can’t use them! Do you want to break the door?!”
“Do you want to get stuck in here until Mrs. Johnson comes back? Because I don’t think she’ll be happy to know that you left the little girl outside all by herself.” You let out a tiny sigh when JJ used the same tactic you used on him moments ago. You hated when they were used against you.
“Lily, are you still there?” You asked turning to face the door.
“Yeah. Are you two fighting in there?” She asked softly.
“No, sweetie, why would you think that?”
“I don’t know...”
“Do you want me to break the door then?” JJ asked lifting his eyebrow.
“Maybe you can do something without breaking it?”
“I’ll try. But I’m not a magician.” He said getting closer to the door to grab the handle. You noticed he put a lot of strength in it, but you didn’t understand what he was doing. “I think I got it, but I need your help.”
“What do you want me to do?” You walked to stand next to him.
“Grab the handle and pull it really hard when I say so.” You did as he told you and then looked at him, waiting for his words. “Ready?” You nodded. “Go!”
You pulled the handle with all your strength just like JJ told you while JJ was pushing the door to open, and before you could think of something else the door opened. You and JJ had so much strength into it, that the sudden movement of the door opening, made you two lose balance. JJ tried to grab your waist and prevent you from falling, but it didn’t work since your body was already half way to the floor, it only managed to turn you around by twisting you from your waist and not fall on your face. Once your back hit the floor, you felt a body algo hitting yours.
You opened your eyes once the pain in your back passed enough for you to move, to see some blue eyes staring at you. JJ’s face was so close to yours that you were feeling his heavy breathing against your skin. You felt like his eyes were casting a spell on you since you felt like you couldn’t move, and not because you had his body on top of yours. Even if would be normal for you to feel crushed under a body, you weren’t feeling his. You were so lost in his eyes that you forgot everything around you, it was just him and his breathing gently hitting your face.
“Guys-” Lily said softly next to you. That made you return to the moment and realize in the position you two were. He quickly got up and walked back nervously, like he didn’t know what just happened either.
“Lily! Are you alright?” You walked towards her and hugged her body.
“Yeah, I’m good.” She broke the hug to look at JJ, who was still standing in the corner nervously. “You two looked like Anna and Kristoff there.”
“What’s that?” You asked quickly, feeling your cheeks getting hot.
“Yeah, when they looked at each other. With so much looooove.” Lily said and then let out a silly laugh. You wanted the floor to eat you and throw you whatever it wanted, as long as it wasn’t there. Silence surrounded the hallway for a couple of seconds while you were trying to think of something to change the subject and pretend that what just happened, didn’t. But JJ spoke before you.
“Maybe I should get back to work.” He said and you nodded.
“Maybe you should.” The second you said that, he quickly walked passed your body to leave you and Lily behind. You watched his back and noticed he was looking down, maybe you weren’t the only one who got embarrassed. But what did happen?
The moment that you two locked eyes with each other you felt like there was nothing else around you, like you were melting under his eyes. You never felt something like that, and you never wanted to do it again. So lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realize Lily has taken you to the living room to play with some of her new toys. You were hearing her voice talk but non of her words were entering your body. You tried to keep your eyes on the toys but the second that you looked up, your eyes met with his. He quickly looked down and walked away, leaving your sight from the window. You sighed, disappointed.
It wasn’t that you wanted to stare at him... well, maybe it was. But you didn’t want to distract yourself from your work and taking care of Lily, the girl that had to be your number one throught until you left the house. So erasing your unwanted thoughts, you focused your mind into Lily’s game, who seemed to be super invested in.
“Barbie and Ken are going to get married tomorrow, I already planned everything.” Lily was saying the second your mind started to pick up her words. “I’m so excited!”
“I’m pretty sure Barbie and Ken are as well!” You said with a smile, playing along with her.
After a couple of minutes playing with Lily you were glad JJ wasn’t consuming your brain, playing with Lily did helped you get your thoughts straight and focus on what was important. It all seemed to be going back to normal, you weren’t thinking of what happened earlier, Lily and her funny game with her Barbies were definitely making you laugh, and the clock was getting closer to the end of the day, so you were definitely going back to your normal self, until you heard some steps getting inside the house.
“Hey, can I have another glass of water?” JJ asked standing next to the door. You looked up and him and slowly nodded, not opening your mouth. Without giving the opportunity to anything else to happen, you got up from where you were and walked to the kitchen. You heard the door closing and you sighed, glad that JJ didn’t followed you to the kitchen. You didn’t want to talk to him, you knew you were going to be your awkward self and probably embarrass yourself like you usually do, so better to avoid him and forget he even excited... if that’s even possible. You looked at the glass of water that you had now on your hand and stared at it for a couple of seconds. You didn’t want to go out and give it to him, so a better idea came into your head.
“Hey, sweetie,” you called Lily and seconds later she was in front of you with an innocent smile on her face. “can you take this to JJ?” She nodded and grabbed the glass of water before leaving the kitchen behind.
While waiting for her to come back, you closed your eyes when the last time you had JJ in front of you came back to your mind. Well, on top of you is the better choice for words. Your heart dropped to your stomach and the memory slowly came back to your eyes and the feeling of his breathing against your face. Not wanting to have that on your mind, you slapped yourself on the forehead with the palm of your hand. But that didn’t work at all, and what you saw when you opened your eyes didn’t help either.
“Hi.” He said while standing next to the kitchen entrance.
“Hi.” You said, surprised he was inside the house.
“My water?” He asked looking to your hand and noticing they weren’t holding anything.
You furrowed your eyebrows confused, trying to not think you telling Lily about JJ’s water was all your mind playing tricks on you. “I just sent Lily with a glass of water for you.”
“She said that you had it here.”
“What? Lily?” You called her but there was no response. “Lily!” You walked to the living room but she wasn’t there. Feeling your heart beating faster you walked outside hoping she was there. Once your eyes went over the entire front yard while your heart was slowly beating faster passing the seconds, your eyes finally landed on Lily, but that didn’t calmed you down, since she was standing right next to the pool. “What are you doing?”
“I want to take a swim!” She yelled once you started to walk towards her, followed by JJ.
“You don’t know how to swim! Your mom doesn’t let you in if she’s not here! Come back!”
“But I want to swim!”
“Lily you can’t! I’m pretty sure you will when your mom comes home.” You said but Lily didn’t respond you, instead she turned towards the pool. “Lily?” The moment she lifted her foot your heart dropped to your stomach. Your eyes followed her body falling inside the pool once she jumped and threw some water drops into the air, you saw it all like it happened in slow motion. “Lily!” You yelled like you never did before. You started running towards her ready to jump and grab her, but JJ being faster than you, with quick moves took off his boots and jumped into the pool.
Once inside, the water was making it difficult for you to fully see their movements. That was making your hands sweat and your heart to beat faster, it felt like it was going to jump out of your body. But then, you saw JJ’s head above the water, followed by Lily’s.
“WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?” You yelled once JJ left Lily’s body outside the pool. “Oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack!” You patted her back while she was getting all the water outside from her body. You felt your heart getting heavy and slowing its speed while your breathing was letting out relief breaths.
“I’m sorry.” Lily said, once she stopped cuffing.
“Why- why would you do that Lily? You know you can’t swim!”
Lily looked up and JJ, who was breathing heavily with his body covered in water and his clothes sticking to his skin, but then she went back to looking at the floor. “I wanted- I wanted to be Anna.”
“What?” You asked confused.
“And I wanted JJ to be Kristoff.” As soon as she said those words you locked eyes with JJ, who seemed to understand the same thing as you on the same moment. Lily wanted to have a love like the characters of her favorite movie.
“Oh... Sweetie,” you kneeled down to be closer to her face. “And you thought that jumping into the pool when you can’t swim was going to make JJ your Kristoff because you wanted him to save you?”
She slowly nodded. “Yeah. And I- I also turned on the water earlier.”
“What?” You and JJ asked at the same time.
“The water for the grass- I did it.”
“Why?” JJ asked once you got up.
“And I broke the water tap. And I locked you two in the closet.” You opened your mouth surprised before looking at JJ, who was just as surprised as you.
“How?” He asked.
“Why would you do that?”
Lily shrugged her shoulders and that made JJ let out a tiny laugh while shaking his head.
“At least we know the house isn’t haunted.” He said, turning the conversation into something funny.
“You little devil.” You said, after letting the funny in the situation hit you.
“Are you gonna tell my mom?” Lily asked softly once she locked eyes with you.
“Lily, do you promise you won’t do it again?”
She quickly nodded with a smile. “I do.”
“Then this will be out little secret.”
“Thank you Y/n!” For the first time during those long hours, you felt like there was nothing else that could go wrong. You didn’t felt uncomfortable under JJ’s eyes, Lily was completely fine and JJ didn’t seem to bother that a little girl almost drowned for him... it all felt just alright. “And you calling JJ a major babe will be our little secret too!” Lily yelled and quickly added, noticing your cheeks go red and JJ letting out a grin once he locked eyes with you. “Oh, sorry.” Lily said softly.
Well... it had to happen, just another thing going completely wrong.
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491 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 16]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, dom!seungcheol, oral(fem receiving), a little overstimulation, some hair pulling, dirty talk, possessive!seungcheol makes an appearance, sex toys, seungcheol riskin’ it all in this one 😏😳 yall!!! only 4 more chapters after this 🥺 it’s so crazy, I don’t even remember when I started this series but omg, my longest one yet! 💕 thank you so much for the support on cherry bomb, as always!! I love yall 💕💕 also my god has it been a week 😭 gonna do an inbox roundup tomorrow!💕 But for now, enjoy ch16 and have a good, safe weekend!! 💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - x - x - x - x
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“Let me get this straight… She asked you if you considered her your girlfriend and you said what?”
Seungcheol grimaces for the third time, brows furrowed when Jeongguk blinks at him incredulously. “I’m sorry, I just---I need to hear it from your lips again, hyung.”
“Ugh, I said ‘sure’, okay!? I got nervous! That was a big fuckin’ question!” Seungcheol tugs at his own hair, groaning as he slams his head down onto the concession stand. “Don’t even get me started on the look she gave me after. I had to sleep next to her, you don’t know how horrible that was after my fuck up.”
Jeongguk pats Seungcheol’s hair; shaking his head as he gently tries to comfort his hyung.
“What did she say afterwards?”
“She just said ‘oh, okay’ and then she changed topics.” Seungcheol lifts his head from the countertop, hair mussed as he stares back at Jeongguk who shoots him a pitiful look.
“And that was it? The two of you went to bed?” Seungcheol nods, “We ate a little and she started talking about work so I thought everything was okay? But the more I think about it the more I’m thinking ‘oh, okay’ isn’t really okay? Listen, I haven’t been in a relationship in a while and the last thing I ever expected out of meeting her was for her to be my girlfriend!”
Jeongguk laughs in return, “I can tell. You’re fuckin’ rusty as hell, hyung.”
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“He said what?”
You groan as you pick up another plate. “He said ‘sure’ and then it got awkward. We ate dinner and then went to bed and this morning when he dropped me off, I felt like---weird? I was all shy all of a sudden, maybe even awkward.” Jun helps you clear off the table, taking a couple plates of his own before turning to face you.
“Like, ‘butterflies in my stomach’ kinda shy? Or, like, ‘that wasn’t really the answer I was looking for’ kinda awkward shy?”
Grimacing, you start to wipe down the table as Jun watches. “I’m not even sure. I mean… He didn’t say no, right? But I guess I was just expecting a little more than just ‘sure’. Nothing like, grandiose but… a little more than ‘sure’? It’s like he was replying to me asking if he wanted a piece of chocolate.”
Jun laughs, fingertips on his chin as he thinks of an appropriate response. “He might just be… awkward. I mean, what was the preface of this question? What conversation were you two having?”
Your lips press into a firm line, cheeks hot as Jun stares you down. “Okay… maybe you’re right. I didn’t really… work up to that question. I kinda just… asked it. I mean, you guys were asking about it in the comments too so I just thought--”
“Ah! There’s the problem though. I don’t think hyung was even in the chat at that point. So, just because all of us were talking about it doesn’t mean he knew, y’know? He might’ve just been caught off guard.”
“Ugh... fuck, you’re probably right.”
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You and Seungcheol don’t talk about it.
Even though you can feel the tenseness between the two of you during dinner and even when he drops you off and picks you up from work Friday afternoon. It’s all clipped conversations and shy, awkward smiles like the two of you had met for the first time, all over again.
It eventually comes to a head when you’re only an hour away from needing to start your cam show, Friday night, and you realize that you weren’t sure if Seungcheol was going to be part of it or not. “Hey, ‘Cheol?” You ask, voice small as you stare at the back of his head. The male turns from his place on the sofa, eyes wide as saucers at your shy voice.
“Are you, um, going to cam with me tonight or…? I mean, I can do it alone, I just--I wasn’t sure if you wanted to, tonight.” Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek; he really wanted to talk about it and he didn’t understand why this, out of all the things, was so difficult for him to talk about.
“I--I don’t know. I just, I’m sorry, can I just... apologize first?” He groans as he gets up from the sofa and rounds it until he steps in front of where you sit atop the bed sheets. “It’s been so awkward and I know it’s because of me, so you don’t need to say anything. I just--I should’ve said more than ‘sure’, I was just nervous!” His cheeks burn red; wide eyes avoiding your own as you stare up at him. “I really want you to be my girlfriend, if I didn’t already make that clear. I was just thinking about how I never really expected you to like me that much, much less start a relationship with me, so the first thing that came out of my mouth was just… that. It was dumb, I should’ve said something else, but I think my brain was just mush by then.”
Your own cheeks feel hot at his confession; trying to hide the beaming smile that threatens to paint your features. “No--no, I should apologize a little too. I asked you that out of nowhere and made you panic. I should’ve worked it up better than that too.”
“I guess we’re both a little dumb, huh?” He laughs under his breath as he scratches the back of his head in embarrassment. “We can talk about everything else under the sun but that was just… harder to talk about in the moment.”
“Yeah, but we’re okay now, right? We’re an official c-couple?” You bite your lip, looking up at Seungcheol who seems to be staring off into the distance. A grin finds itself painted on his lips as he meets your shy eyes.
“That’s right, babygirl.”
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Seungcheol decides to let you do your cam show alone tonight; watching from the sofa as you get settled on the bed before nodding at him and starting your stream.
“Hey, everyone! Happy Friday!”
The comments and donations flood in as soon as you start and you already hit your donation minimum before you even open your mouth to speak again. It catches you off guard momentarily as your eyes go wide and your lips part in a shocked expression.
“Whoa, that was so fast! We already hit the donation minimum!”
sleepy_wonu has donated $75
sleepy_wonu: your channel has grown so much in the past few weeks im not surprised lol
universe_WZ: yea seriously, i remember when it took us like 30 mins before we hit minimum
artist8hao has donated $75
artist8hao: now theres ppl we’ve never even seen before in the comments lol
angelhan has donated $50
tangerine_kwan has donated $50
“Oh I know! Remember that one cam show where it took me, like, almost an hour to reach minimum? If it weren’t for ‘dom.cheol’ then, I don’t think that one would’ve taken off at all!” You giggle at the memory, eyes momentarily flitting to Seungcheol who smiles back at you.
kitty_junjun: speaking of? No loverboy tonight?
therealchan99: oh yeah i didnt even notice he was gone 😌
chwenon: lmfao
“Ah, he said he wanted to take a break tonight so it’s just me! Hope that’s okay with you guys?” You pout at the camera, fingertips roaming your lingerie clad body as you read off a few more comments. “I’m so used to his hands all over my skin though… He gets me to cum so easily, y’know?”
You pick up a dildo sitting next to you on the bed; bringing the silicone toy to your lips as you moan. “This is the biggest toy I have and it’s not anywhere near the size of his cock...” Wrapping your lips around the tip, you start sucking on the toy, imagining it was Seungcheol’s cock instead when it fills your mouth.
Your eyes flutter shut when you start grinding against the bedsheets underneath you and Seungcheol feels his throat going dry at the way you take more and more of the toy into your mouth until you’re gagging on it. Tears spring to your eyes when you feel your throat constricting around the silicone and you repeat this action a few more times before you’re pulling the toy from your mouth and sputtering to catch your breath.
gentleman_josh95: god youre so fucking pretty choking on cock
alphagyu97 has donated $50
alphagyu97: fuck i know
Setting the toy down, you immediately work to get your lingerie off; tossing it to the side before spreading your legs for the camera. “Mmh, I’m already so wet thinking about this toy filling me up…” You tease yourself with the toy, dragging the tip through your folds and collecting the wetness on it as you mewl.
xcaliburDK: but is it gonna be enough for you?
hoshi_tiger_xx: probably not, we all know the toys arent as good as the real thing lolol
You let out a whimper as you circle your clit with the tip of the toy. “I know… But I really want something inside my pussy…”
Seungcheol feels his cock throbbing in his sweats at the way your words only sound sweeter to his ears now that the two of you had cleared the air. He bites his lip, palming himself through the material as he watches you from his place on the sofa.
alphagyu97: is ur tight lil cunt ready to take it?
therealchan99: why dont u use your pretty fingers to get yourself ready hmm?
You nod shakily, setting the toy down again before bringing your middle and index fingers to your lips to wet them properly before snaking them down your body. “Ah, my fingers aren’t as big either…” Mumbling, you pinch and tease your clit, moaning out loudly before dragging them down and sinking them into your soaked entrance.
“Fuh--fuck, mmh!” Regretfully, your fingers aren’t as thick or long as Seungcheol’s but you curl and scissor the digits inside of you to prep yourself for the toy.
The sound of your moans and cries mix in with the pinging on your laptop from donations and comments and for once, Seungcheol realizes how weird it is to be on the other side and not with you. Admittedly, he’d gotten quite used to being on cam with you that it seemed awkward to just be doing nothing on the other side of the room.
“Oh, ngh, I--I want the toy n-now…” Mewling, you pull your soaking fingers from inside of your pussy; bringing them to your lips to clean them off of your wetness before grabbing the toy again. You run the silicone through your folds as you get it covered in your slick before positioning it at your entrance and slowly sinking it in.
It was definitely smaller than Seungcheol and didn’t have the same girth, but you still whine and whimper when it fills you up to the base of the toy. “Ngh, feels g-good…”
universe_WZ: i just kno that toy is noy as satisfying as the real thing huh princess?
xcaliburDK: right? Her pretty lil pussy is probably so used to being stretched by a big cock 
You thrust the toy into your pussy, soft cries spilling from your lips as you try to imagine it’s Seungcheol instead. In all honesty, you would’ve wanted him to film with you but you respected his decision to stay on the sidelines for tonight.
“Ah, it--it’s not the s-same… I--I need h-help…” You whine; shaky fingertips still working the dildo in and out of your soaking pussy. 
“P-please, ah… the toy’s not, mmh, enough to make m-me feel good...”
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In the time between you picking up the toy and you actually sliding into your wet cunt, Seungcheol internally argues with himself on what to do.
And it’s not until you start begging to the air for more that he mentally says ‘screw it’ and gets up from the sofa.
Your eyes are clamped shut as you try to chase the pleasure and soon you feel the bed dip; confused eyes peering back at Seungcheol who’s entire body, including his head, is in the camera’s shot. “W-wait, you---”
“Me, what? You asked for me, right?” He turns his head, eyes staring directly into the camera as he smirks.
“Hi. I’m her boyfriend. But I think the rest of you know that already, right?”
The comments go wild with Seungcheol’s sudden face reveal, even though you and him are already lost in each other as he grips the base of the dildo and starts pumping it inside of you, angling it as best as he can to graze against your g-spot.
xcaliburDK: i think i need to quit my job tomorrow
chwenon: ??? didnt u just start
angelhan: damn i knew this dude was gonna be hot as hell
kitty_junjun: whoa nice to see ur face
kitty_junjun: i take it u lovebirds made up
xcaliburDK: yea i did but i think ive embarrassed myself enough for one lifetime
xcaliburDK has donated $150
xcaliburDK: for my shame
Your entire body is aflame with Seungcheo’s confidence and you feel the pleasure building up even quicker now that he was here with you. “Ah, f-fuck…” Whining, you bite your lip to prevent yourself from calling out his name; something you were used to by now.
“What’s wrong, baby? Call my name. Let them know who makes you feel this fuckin’ good. Let them know who’s cock you always crave and who’s cock fills you up better than this toy ever fuckin’ could.”
“Fuck, S--Seungcheol!”
Your orgasm hits you out of left field; thighs clamping shut around his arm as he continues to fuck you with the dildo as you ride out your pleasure. He turns to face the camera yet again, winking at it cockily before he turns back to you. “That’s right, baby. Now I’m gonna eat your ‘lil cunt out and make you cum on my tongue while you let the entire world know who gets you this fuckin’ wet.”
He doesn’t give you a second to come down from your high before he’s nudging your thighs apart and sliding the dildo from inside of you. A shaky breath falls from your lips as he readjusts you on the bed; this time giving the camera a side view as you turn your head to face the camera.
The comments and donations continue to flood in, except now it seems like they’re going twice as fast.
xcaliburDK: kjdkjghsdkhg fuck
sleepy_wonu: well can i say at least hes not an old weirdo lol
sleepy_wonu: ❤️
chwenon: im like, pretty sure ive seen this dude come to the convenience store i work at
chwenon: bruh i met a celebrity and i didnt even know it
xcaliburDK: dont even get me started
Seungcheol pries your shaky legs apart before he eases himself down between them. “I want you to be as loud as fuckin’ possible. Understood?” He smiles at you warmly, but his words have a certain edge to them that has you nodding profusely.
He wastes no time; skilled tongue flicking at your swollen clit as you jolt and immediately tangle your hands into his hair. “Oh, god, Seungcheol I’m--I’m, ah, sensitive…” He smirks against your skin, noting the way you already start to grind against his tongue despite your words.
Resting your thighs against his shoulders, it allows him to eat you out easier as he flattens his tongue and drags it from your soaking entrance to your clit; alternating the pressure as you whine and whimper above him.
When he notices you trying to keep your noises in, he pulls away slightly, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue before speaking.
“I thought I told you I wanted to hear you, baby? Don’t get shy on me now.” He smirks, watching as the goosebumps rise on your skin. “In fact, why don’t you tell your lovely viewers how good I make you feel, hmm? Or tell them about the time you made me finger you in the restroom at work ‘cause your ‘lil cunt couldn’t wait.”
xcaliburDK: THE RESTROOM? At woRK?
artist8hao: ah one of the originals huh
gentleman_josh95 has donated $75
gentleman_josh95: for backstory
tangerine_kwan has donated $75
tangerine_kwan: seconded!
You bite your lip when you catch the comments, shy eyes flitting from the screen to Seungcheol who resumes eating you out. Your thighs tremble and threaten to snap shut around his head; body already on the edge of another orgasm. 
“I--S--Seungcheol was at, ah, w-work… and I--I couldn’t wait so--so I made him finger m-me in his work’s restroom…” You whimper, hangs tugging on Seungcheo’s hair harshly when his tongue dips into your entrance. “Fuck, I--I couldn’t stop thinking about, ngh, his--his fingers afterwards e-either… They fit my p-pussy so well…”
A garbled moan floats through the air when Seungcheol’s lips envelope your clit, sucking it into his mouth as your cry out his name.
Your back bows off of the bed, fingertips locked tight into his hair. “Fuck, Seungcheol, please… please…” You grind against him, toes curling against his back when your sensitive body gives into the pleasure and your orgasm washes over you a second time.
Cries of his name are all you can manage when your body goes rigid; head fuzzy when he starts to dip his tongue into your pussy again. He smiles against you, calmly continuing to eat you out as your orgasm continues to wash over you.
kitty_junjun: is it just me or is it nicer to hear her actually calling someones name
artist8hao: honestly i was just thinking that too
artist8hao: its more organic idk  
alphagyu97: ~organic~ ok nerd lol
chwenon has donated $50
therealchan99 has donated $50
When the  overstimulation starts to bite, your soft cries of Seungcheol’s name turn into hurried, jumbled noises and only parts of his name as you squirm and tug on his hair.
“Ah, ‘Cheol it’s, ngh, too--too m-much…!” He drags his tongue against your clit a few more times, relishing in the way you still grind against him. “I c-can’t cum again…” You cry, teeth chattering when he gently laps at your folds and collects your wetness on his tongue.
Seungcheol repeats this a few more times; letting you tug and pull at his hair as he licks you clean.
“Ngh, Seungcheol…”
He finally pulls away, using a hand to pry your fingers from his hair as he smiles at your tired body. “Cute.” Mumbling, he eases your shaky legs from his shoulders before he sits up; lips covered in your wetness as he grins at the camera.
Seungcheol picks out a few comments as he chuckles under his breath; already wondering what work was going to be like on Monday when he had to meet Seokmin. 
universe_WZ: u look like a dude that could fuck someone up 
kitty_junjun: he probably would too
chwenon: come thru the convenience store bro, I'll hook u up 
xcaliburDK: should I quit? be honest
Your tired groans bring his attention back to you; eyes trained on the way your tired eyes threaten to snap shut. 
“Okay, I think I need to go take care of my girlfriend now. It was nice meeting you all, finally.” Seungcheol grins, taking care of your stream before thanking your viewers and ending the stream. 
He turns to you, a genuine and caring smile on his face when your hazy eyes look up at him. 
“Ready for a shower?”
“Ugh, carry me, boyfriend~”
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410 notes · View notes
rickybowensfever · 3 years
When Josh Missed The Halloween Party
Josh gets sick before they’re supposed to go out for a Halloween Party
Summary: Josh oversleeps for Kelsey’s Halloween Party and misses everything, waking up with a sore throat and fever.
 This is a long one! 
After a long week of classes, finally it was the weekend. Josh yawned as he walked into his vacant apartment. On Fridays, his classes got done around 1:30pm giving him time to prepare for the night’s activities.
After pulling an all-nighter to finish up his 12-page Philosophy essay due that afternoon, Josh was exhausted. The caffeine had worn off from the large espresso that helped fuel him through the night and up until the morning for his 9am class.
He kicked off his shoes and curled up into his warm bed checking his phone before taking the long-awaited nap he dreamt about all afternoon.
K: Hope your day is going well! See you tonight 😉 Don’t forget the party starts at 7pm!
Josh nodded his head at Kelsey’s text and started typing a reply.
J: got my paper in and gonna take a nap. can’t wait to see you Y
He hit send and placed his phone on top of his night stand, clicking the side button to turn it to silent and set an alarm for that evening.
“Siri, set an alarm for 5pm” he said aloud, in a hoarse tone. He coughed trying to get rid of the hoarseness in his voice.
 After his first class of the day, Josh noticed his throat was scratchy. The weather was changing and getting colder which usually meant his seasonal allergies were beginning to act up. So, he passed the feeling off as he noticed his classmates sneezing, coughing, and hoarding tissues.
At last, he shut his eyes and fell into a much-needed deep sleep.
  Josh woke up in a panic, sweat stuck to the back of his shirt, pulling the covers off of him despite the shivers going through his body. His head was throbbing, and his nose was full of congestion.
He picked up his phone quickly to read the time.
9:00 PM
“Fuck!” he muttered, wincing at the pain coming from his throat when he spoke.
His phone was full of messages from Kelsey.
7:00 PM
K: Hey, are you on your way?
7:45 pm
K: Babe? Haven’t heard from you. Everything okay?
8:30 PM
K: Figure you’re still sleeping…
8:55 PM
K: Trey just got here. He said you were still asleep.  Call me when you wake up 😊
He read her final message and quickly hit ‘Call’; the phone rang in his ear.
“There you are! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Trey tried to wake you before he came over” she said over the loud music.
Josh sniffled into the phone, making a mental note to find where his roommate kept their extra tissues.
“I know. I set an alarm, but I guess I snoozed it” he explained, feeling his head for a fever.
“No worries! The party doesn’t end until midnight. You still have plenty of time” she suggested.
“Ugh, Kels. I feel super sick. I don’t think I’m going to make it tonight. I’m sorry” he said letting out a harsh cough, wincing as the pain shot through him.
“Josh. You don’t have to lie to me. If you didn’t want to come, you could just say so” she barked.
“What? No. I wanted to. Really, I think I caught something. My throat hurts and my head feels hot” he said trying to make her less angry with him.
“Fine. Get better, I guess” she said, and the phone clicked.
Josh looked up at his phone Kelsey Wolff ended the call.  He put his head in his hands, feeling the heat coming off his face and sighed.
He was too tired and worn out to fight with Kelsey. So, she could make up her mind about him and he would deal with that in the morning. For now, he was determined to get some medicine in him and blow his nose.
He walked out into the apartment living room and looked around hoping at least one of his roommates hadn’t left yet. Then, he heard keys giggling and the front door opened.
“Hey! Just got off work. The Student Center is hell right now for the Pumpkin Carving and Costume Contest” Drew said closing the door behind him in his Saladworks uniform.
“Dude, thank god you’re here” Josh said, relieved. Drew’s eyes lit up and his eyebrows furrowed. “Uh, are you going in sweatpants?” he asked studying his roommate’s attire.
Josh laughed, “Nah. I’m not going. Got a fever” he said and let out a train of coughs.
“Ah, shit. That blows!” his roommate said putting his bag down and hanging up his keys.
“Yeah, I know. But I need your help” he said walking toward the kitchen.
Following his lead, he nodded, “What’s up?”
“I need you to tell Kelsey that I’m actually sick. She didn’t believe me on the phone” Josh told him coughing into his elbow.
“Ah. You got it! Not a problem. I’m gonna go change into my costume and I’ll be right back” he said, jogging toward the back of the apartment where his room was located.
Josh took a glass of water, filling it up with their Brita and sorted out their medicine cabinet. With a Mucinex box, thermometer, and tissues in hand, he started making his way to his bedroom.
“Alright, how do I look?” Drew said flexing his tight Spiderman outfit.
Josh smirked at him and frowned, knowing how bummed Kelsey had to be that their couples costume wasn’t fully complete. A Lois Lane without her Clark Kent.
“Ana’s being MJ. How cool!” he said, honestly grinning big. “I’ll show you pics. Rest up and I’ll handle the rest, man”
“Thanks. I owe you one” Josh said, sniffling as he passed his roommate.
 In his bedroom, Josh turned on his favorite Halloween movie, Scream and let the medicine do its magic. If Kelsey wouldn’t believe him, hopefully some proof would do her good. He turned on the digital thermometer and placed it under his tongue as he shivered under his comforter with a blanket on top.
 The opening credits of the movie started, and he settled in for the night. As soon as the thermometer beeped, he heard the front door open and heels cackling on the floor. He shook his head thinking nothing of it. Probably people upstairs, he thought and yawned looking over at the movie.
Continuing his task at hand, he looked down at the thermometer, reading it to himself.
101.0. “Figured” he said, coughing into his elbow.
Suddenly, his door opened, and a white blouse came into his view.
“I’m so sorry” Kelsey said, her Lois Lane badge strung around her neck.
“Kels. You didn’t have to come” he cried, still holding the thermometer in his hands.
“No. It’s my fault. The party had me so stressed that I wasn’t thinking like myself and for that, I’m truly sorry” she said walking toward her boyfriend.
Josh coughed again, “I forgive you” he said, “But I really don’t want you to catch this. If I have strep, I’m contagious”
Kelsey shook her head, grabbing the thermometer from his hands and winced.
“Ugh, that’s not good” she said, “And I deserve to catch it for not believing you”
“Hey! Don’t say that. I just took some medicine; I should be alright for a bit” he explained, sniffling.
“Seriously, let me help. I feel really bad” she said pouting. Josh turned toward the TV and back at his girlfriend.
“Fine, but really I’m okay for now” he said. “We can just hang out then!” she said, enthusiastically.
Josh nodded, silently deciding to stop talking as the pain in this throat got worse.
Kelsey looked around the room and at her boyfriend’s flushed complexion, pulling up a swivel chair next to him.
“I swear this is the last time I’ll offer to help but, a cold rag might help that fever?” she offered.
Josh nodded, curling back into his position. “I’m good. I think I’m just gonna go back to sleep” he whispered, letting out yawn.
Kelsey frowned once again. “Okay. Let me know if you need anything. I’m going to go change” she said holding up her bag of clothes.
Josh looked back at her confused. “Huh?”
“I’m staying the night. No way am I going to let you stay here alone” she said opening the bathroom door.
“Alright” he said yawning and curled up with his pillow and dozed off.
Josh woke up to light flickering into the room and his head throbbing. He sniffled which immediately made his throat pain heightened.
He groaned, hoping Kelsey was still here. He grabbed his phone and sent her a text.
9:00 AM
J: Hey, you up?
K: Yup!
 Moments later, his door opened, and Kelsey walked in. Her slippers hitting the wood floor of his bedroom.
“Any better?” she asked, hopeful.
Josh nodded, holding his throat. “Nope. I’m super cold” he told her.
Immediately, she put her hand out to feel his forehead.
“Babe, you’re burning up” she said feeling the heat radiate from his head.
She immediately took the thermometer from his night stand, placing it under his tongue.
“102. Josh, that’s not good” she said pouting and ran toward the kitchen.
Josh let out a series of coughs, groaning in pain from the soreness of his throat.
Kelsey returned with a cold rag and placed it on top of her boyfriend’s forehead.
“Let me check your throat. You could have strep…again” she said, sounding annoyed now. Josh was prone to getting strep throat every Autumn aside from seasonal allergies and it was getting worse as he grew older.  
 She turned on every light in the room as Josh opened his mouth. Kelsey looked in his throat, examining it. “Let’s get you to the Health Center. I’ll drive” she said.
“Do we have to?” he pleaded. Kelsey looked back at him, scowling.
“Fine” he whispered putting his hands in the air like he was under arrest and slipped on his sneakers and grabbed a coat walking out of the room with her.
 After waiting in the cold office, and getting an uncomfortable strep test, the doctor diagnosed him.
“Mr. Brooks, your results for strep throat came back positive. I’ll give you a prescription to fill and a note for school. You need to rest, take the antibiotic for 10 days and drink plenty of fluids. Once you’re fever free for 48 hours and feeling better, you can return to classes. I’ll give you a week’s notice for the note” the doctor advised.
“Thanks” he muttered, trying not to strain his voice.
Josh walked out to the waiting room where Kelsey sat waiting for him, her eyes lit up. Josh walked over to her with the prescription and note in his hand.
“Strep” he said handing her the papers.  “Let’s get out of here. Please” he begged.
 Josh was relived when they picked up his prescription and walked inside of his apartment. As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by his roommates.
“Hey! How’s it going?” Drew asked, sitting at the breakfast bar eating his Chipotle bowl.
Josh groaned, opening the door to his bedroom conveniently it was across from the kitchen.
“Strep. He’ll feel better after this” Kelsey said softly holding up the antibiotic bag.  
“Again? What a bummer!” Drew said through a mouth full of lettuce and black beans.
 Kelsey waved goodbye to Drew as she entered her boyfriend’s room to the sound of coughing.
“Take this” she said opening the antibiotic bottle. Josh nodded, sitting on the edge of his bed with Gatorade in hand. He took a swig of the red liquid, chasing down the large pill and sighed loudly.
“Now, you need to stay in bed and rest” she said, glaring at him.
“I will” he said rolling his eyes, “I already told Carol I’m sick. She got someone to cover my shifts this week until I feel better” Josh informed her, coughing into his elbow wincing.
Kelsey’s shoulders slumped with relief. “Good. No work. Just rest, please” she said picking her nails out of worry.
“Babe, go to class. I’ll be alright now that I have meds” he said shooing her away with his hand.
“Okay, I love you. Feel better” she said kissing him on the head.
“Love you” he said and curled into his bed turning his back toward her.
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
7&ME - Chapter 5 - Vacuum
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Pairing: OT7 x F!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut, idol AU, straight, bisexual, gay, threesome
Wordcount: 1228
Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20]   [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] MASTERLIST Wanna read all the chapters right now? You can find the complete story for free on WATTPAD
Summary: Miracles do happen! Somehow you've finally managed to secure a job at a big company! Even though it'll be a 24/7 job, they promised you a fat paycheck, so you don't care what the job is... But what if the job is managing 7 grown men? Seven men who all have needs...
Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, size kink, oral (f&m receiving), dirty talk, gay sex, threesome sex, bisexual sex, implied masturbation, this is super vanilla compared to most of my stories, let me know what I missed.
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J I M I N   P E R S P E C T I V E
'We want you to feel at home? Call us Oppa?' Jin scolded me. He looked at me incredulously.
'Have you finally gone insane or are you really only able to think with your dick?' he almost shouted at me.
'Ssshhht!' Yoongi hissed, looking at the door anxiously. 
We had all gathered in Jin's room while y/n would vacuum the living room. 
'What!?' I whisper-shouted back at him obstinately. 'What were we supposed to do? Laugh at her?'
'Of course not! But objectifying her? Really Jimin?' Jin hissed back at me. 
I rolled my eyes.
'Jimin's got a point Hyung,' Namjoon said, his arms crossed across his chest.
'That's only because you have a kink for maids AND being called Oppa,' Jin spat at him. 
Namjoon pulled a face.
'What should we have done?' Yoongi said seriously. 'I mean, it would've been awkward if I had said, hey y/n, you're wearing my costume I got as a joke from the boys?'
'As opposed to her letting wear the costume forever?' Jin interjected.
'Ugh Jin, stop being so self-righteous,' I said agitatedly and I got up from the bed. 
'Look, here are the facts,' I stated simply. 'We all have the hots for her. Let's not deny it, I saw your face when she said Oppa,' I told Jin off when he opened his mouth.
'We all do,' I continued. 'And we all know we hired her to help us out, yes, but also because we all crushed on her hard. None of us can say we don't wish something would happen between us and her,' I said truthfully. 
'We can either keep tiptoeing around it for months, which will cause a lot of sexual frustration and tension between all of us. This in turn will eventually result in us screwing the shit out of each other, which I promise you she will notice,' I predicted.
'So instead, why not use this situation to our advantage? Why not try and see what happens? We can try and... you know make a move, see what happens. If she doesn't want us we simply fire her,' I shrugged.
'How can you be so harsh?' Hobi said, looking at me frowning. 
'Hobi, honestly, we all want her. If we don't fire her when she doesn't say yes to us, or one of us, like I said: we'll get frustrated and we'll start on each other instead. How can we keep that a secret when she lives in the same house? I don't want to risk that information getting leaked,' I said, a shiver running down my spine at the thought of it. 
'Can't we just... not like her? Like, bury our feelings?' Jungkook asked innocently. 
I turned to him lazily, stroking his soft cheek.
'Kookie,' I sighed, 'have you ever been able to get over a girl you were around 24/7?' 
Jungkook crinkled his nose. 
'Exactly,' I said triumphantly.
The boys were quiet for a while as we listened to the humming of the vacuum in the other room.
'We fucked up by hiring her didn't we?' Namjoon said gravely. 
All the boys nodded. 
'Come on, I mean, who would've thought she would be even prettier than in her picture? I certainly didn't expect that. And I mean, a maid costume? I'm sorry but we've all been "dry" for too long not to go bananas for that,' I spoke, shaking my head.
'I guess, we're in this mess now,' Yoongi sighed deeply. 
Taehyung got up. 
'Where are you going?' Jin asked him.
'Wank,' Tae said shortly. 'I gotta if we want to survive this mess,' he groaned.
'Wait for me!' Hobi said, getting up too.
Y O U R   P E R S P E C T I V E
The door opened and closed and Taehyung and Hoseok appeared. Both of them smiled and nodded at me as they went into their own rooms. 
Something felt a little... off.
The door opened again and the rest of the men came out of the room, all of them nodding and smiling politely at me as I vacuumed the room and they all went their own way.
A sudden tap on my shoulder started me. I hastily turned around. It was Seokjin. I quickly turned off the vacuum.
'Yes, Oppa?' I asked him. 
He cleared his throat before speaking.
'You've been working hard,' He said looking at the clean living room. 'I can finally see the floor again,' he joked. 
I smiled. 
'Oh, it was nothing,' I lied. 
'Have you had lunch?' Seokjin asked.
'Erm,' I hesitated. I hadn't even had breakfast yet now that I thought about it. I had been so busy with the stupid costume and cleaning the room to impress them, that I had completely forgotten about it. But now, at the mention of food, I could feel my tummy rumbling.
'No, not yet,' I answered him.
'How about we could get some? I know a nice little coffee corner nearby,' Seokjin suggested.
'But the floor,' I mumbled, looking around. There were still quite a few leftover pieces of chips on the ground, not to mention the mess the bucket of chicken Namjoon had dropped for some reason. 
'It's fine,' Seokjin laughed. 'It will still be there when we get back. Besides didn't we tell you not to overexert yourself on the first day? It's far more important to take good care of yourself,' he said friendly. 
I felt an odd light feeling in my midriff. I looked into his dark eyes and friendly face.
'Alright, Oppa,' I smiled at him. 
He turned his head away from me, looking out of the window.
'You should probably get changed. I'll wait for you here,' he said.
I quickly dashed off to my room, feeling quite hungry now. 
Lunch with Seokjin was nice. The cafe has calm and we weren't disturbed by anyone. Seokjin asked me a lot of questions about myself, and I got the chance to ask about him too.
It was so easy to like Seokjin, to be comfortable around him. He was funny and clumsy, but could also be very serious when speaking about certain topics.
Seokjin was one of those people everyone could instantly be friends with.
But there was something...
'Oppa?' I asked.
There it was again. I could see it. His reaction to this particular word.
Every time I said it, we would look away from me.
'Do you not like it when I call you Oppa?' I asked hesitantly. Calling your boss something that would make them uncomfortable was not a good way to start off a working relationship.
Seokjin looked at me, a hint of... was it surprise in his eyes?
'Erm,' He said.
I could see his hesitation.
I had been right. The word triggered something, whatever it was.
'It's just, I'm not used to it,' Seokjin said a bit awkwardly.
'Would you like me to stop calling you that? Or maybe call you something else?' I suggested.
Again I could see him hesitate.
'No,' he decided finally. 'No, it's fine. I just need some time to get used to it,' he grinned at me reassuringly.
I could see no lies in his eyes. No hesitation. He meant it.
'Okay then' I nodded.
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sasstrash · 3 years
Please forgive me I've been super focused on school
The Silent Queen 6; A Royal Morning
Raven woke up the same she always did - quietly. No one ever really noticed her until she was outside her room and hallway back in the castle but at school, people smiled and waved at her the second she left her dorm with Maddie. She guessed that the news of her arrival had spread and a lot of people wanted to know the daughter of the Evil Queen. Raven grimaced at the thought, she would have preferred not to be known at all. To just be a minor character in a smaller story. With a happy ending. But that wasn’t who she was, she was Raven Queen and this was her life.
Walking down the corridors to the castleteria was mostly uneventful aside from all the other students who continued looking at her and pointing things out. It was times like these that she wished she could hear. But then again she wasn’t sure how well she’d adjust to suddenly being able to hear. The castleteria itself is big and crowded with white lighting that made everything look brighter than what Raven was used to, many eyes looked over to her and Raven felt herself subconsciously tug at a lavender streak in her hair. This was going to be a long school year.
Cerise stood up and waved over at the pair of newcomers from her table where she sat with Cedar, Hunter, and a few girls who Raven vaguely remembered from yesterday who had been with that blonde- Apple, Apple White. The next Snow White, the one Raven would eventually have to poison. Raven stopped moving for a second at the thought of her destiny. Eyes wide she almost started to shake until Maddie lightly poked her shoulder, pointing to the castleteria’s food table. Raven straightened and followed her roommate and best friend to grab breakfast.
At home, she usually just walks into the kitchen. Chef made pancakes most mornings with berries from the nearby forest and honey on top. Raven always loved those pancakes, even if she had them almost every day. Raven quickly put a few slices of bacon on her plate smiling at the staff before grabbing some fruit salad and a couple of waffles and left to follow Maddie over to Cedar’s table. Most people moved out of the way to let the two girls pass through in order to get to their table. If Raven was being honest she had expected more students to run away from her when she arrived, and yet they all seemed to be completely enamoured by her. Weird. Maybe it was because she hadn’t shown up for regular school until this year, or because no one knew what she looked like (she avoided mirror phones and rarely left the castle grounds), or maybe none of them knew much about deaf people. Or maybe all three. By the time she and Maddie sat down, Raven was already exhausted, and she hadn’t even gone to class yet!!
‘Morning Rae, how was your first night at EAH?’ Cerise signed over to her childhood friend. Raven smiled at the nickname, Cerise had given it to her when they were about six, very soon afterwards Raven and Cerise began talking more over chats with their mirror phones as Cerise started elementary school while Raven began to be castleschooled. The two would work on video chats every now and again to keep sign language in Cerise’s vocabulary, (usually with a little help from Ramona too, but it’s not like they could talk about that it was a secret!) so the two stayed connected no matter where they were.
‘It’s been good Cher,’ another nickname that had come from their younger years ‘you know after the whole Headmaster situation me and Maddie set up our dorm. It was definitely different from the castle or your place’ Raven concluded before picking up her fork. She really was hungry after skipping dinner last night. As the others smiled at her she felt a warm fuzzy feeling wash over her, these were her friends, some through childhood, some through the others and they all loved her. She was loved, at least she was now but once she became, that she wouldn’t be. Her smile began to dim just a tad as she bit into her waffle. She shook it off before looking at the three girls she didn’t know the names of. ‘Oh sorry I almost forgot, I’m Raven, and you guys are?’ she asked the brunette in pink, the platinum blonde in white and the ginger with green eyes. Each one smiled at her as brightly as her friends, if not a bit brighter, they were probably princesses, Raven thought to herself before each one signed their names.
‘Briar Beauty’ The girl in all pink signed with slightly tired eyes. Raven immediately made the connection to the Sleeping Beauty Story, it took a lot for her not to frown, that was always such a sad tale, sleeping for a hundred years would mean losing the people she loved. Even still Raven could see that something else was turning in her mind, maybe she’d get to see what that was.
The ginger signed after ‘Ashlynn Ella it’s nice to meet you!’ she had the brightest smile that Raven had seen from the trio. Cinderella’s daughter her mind added in, another story with a happy ending but a tragic beginning, she couldn’t imagine losing both of her parents. Then again it was better than being imprisoned in a mirror, or being forced to dance in hot iron shoes until death, or being crushed by a boulder after falling off of a cliff. Raven’s thoughts were broken as she saw that Ashlynn was sitting very close to Hunter, who seemed to be completely focused on her, the dork had a crush, which seemed to be mutual. If Raven could speak well she would have laughed.
‘I’m Darling Charming but you can call me Darl for short’ The Platinum Blonde signed last as she gave a simple polite smile. Like the one that Raven had been taught to use for visitors and knights when she was younger. A female born Charming? She had heard of it before but it wasn’t common, most of them became small-time princesses with small kingdoms, or took over for the Charming Kingdom when the time came. It would be interesting Raven thought to see where her destiny leads her, after all, Darling definitely had the most open book story out of all of them.
‘It’s nice to meet all of you’ Raven signed before continuing ‘So.. has anyone gotten a schedule, I still haven’t’ It hadn’t been a big surprise to her though, she supposed no one had accounted for her deafness and they might have had to remake her schedule. After she mentioned it though she saw Cedar hit her head with her hand. “Ugh, I almost forgot,” she muttered to the group before pulling out a piece of paper. ‘Here Raven, I passed the headmaster and he asked me to give this to you, don’t worry he only had to reschedule two subjects!’ she finished passing the note over. Raven sent a grateful smile to her friend thank goodness for Cedar on the top of the paper a note was written with a schedule underneath. It read:
Dear Ms. Queen; first of all, I’d like to apologize for not being aware of this sooner, in the short time we’ve been given I was able to find some students to help you translate in each class. However, just in case most classes have an extra student who understands sign language. Below is your schedule, I hope you enjoy your time here at Ever After High.
Headmaster Grimm
Breakfast: 6:30-8:30
Block one: Geografairy with Professor Jack B. Nimble (assisted by Cerise Hood) 8:45-9:30
Block two: Beast Training and Care with Professor Poppa Bear (assisted by Dexter Charming) 9:35-10:20
Block three: General Villainy with Professor Badwolf (assisted by Ramona Badwolf) 10:25-11:10
Block four: Math with Dr. King Charming (assisted by Ashlynn Ella) 11:15-12:00
Lunch: 12:00-12:45
Block five: History with Professor Rumpilstilskin (assisted by Madelyn Hatter) 1:00-1:45
Block six: Spellcasting and Potions with Professor Baba Yaga (assisted by Cedar Wood) 1:50-2:35
Block seven: Grimmnastics with Coach Gingerbreadman (assisted by Darling Charming) 2:40-3:25
Block eight: Art with Professor Card (assisted by Meshell Mermaid) 3:30-4:15
Dinner may be had at any time after this, as can counselling with Baba Yaga or Mother Goose. Lights out is at 10:30
Raven smiled at the schedule she only didn’t know two of the names on here. She was nervous to start her time at EAH but as long as she had good grades and a clear head she was sure she would do fine.
I am really sorry this took so long, I kept forgetting about it because of school and COVID. btw if anyone knows how to make a master post and pin it could you please let me know? I would like to be able to do that. I also just got an AO3 account so I might post on there.
Taglist For The Silent Queen:
@virgil-is-a-cutie @justafanwarrior @bee-a-garbage-shipper @spicybelladonna @starrry-nites @tired-butterfly @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @themagicmistic @a-star-with-a-human-name @futursworld @pepelachanel @me-with-a-z-and-double-the-e @wolf-for-life
@iz-bell-saiah @thebookwormfairy @fantasiame
76 notes · View notes
shinonometrash · 3 years
💕🍄The 12 Days of Ayumu 🍄💕
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AYUMU 😭💕😭💕😭💕 Doing all this translating has done nothing except make me miss him even more 😭 But!!! Today is the big day!! And so we have the thing I’ve been saving for last!!!! The absolutely cutest Ayumu story I think I’ve ever read !!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wanted to cry when I read it it was so sweet I love him so much sdfgnkjkjnfg
I was a lot more creative with translating this story to make it sound more fun and natural, since I’m finally getting comfortable enough to start doing that, I really hope you guys enjoy it !!
it’s pretty long, so I’m putting it under a readmore
Ayumu Shinonome: Happy Birthday ♡
technically this story is about Ayumu celebrating our birthday, rather than about celebrating his, but...
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In the S ward is one of the most popular downtown areas in Tokyo.
2PM —
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Middle schooler: Hey, look at that guy over there
Middle schooler 2: Oh my gosh, yeah!
Middle schooler: He’s a host, don’t you think?
Middle schooler 2: He’s definitely a host!
(…No, you’re wrong.)
(I’m just wearing a formal suit.)
Middle schooler: Eek…this is the first time I’ve seen a host in real life!
Middle schooler 2: I guess that’s the norm around here, we are in Tokyo after all!
Thanks to the middle school students who seem to be in the middle of a field trip, I now see the passersby struggling to contain their laughter.
(This couldn’t get any worse. Ugh, this sucks.)
(Really. I was already reluctant enough to do this as is…)
Speaking of which—
MC: Ayumuuuu~!
At last, the reason for all of this torture has arrived.
MC: Sorry! Did I keep you waitin-…
MC: !!!
(Uh…is she okay?)
MC: Ayumu, you…you look…so hot…
MC: Ahh, you look amazing!!
Ayumu: Dummy!! Keep your voice down!
(If she says something like that too loudly…)
Middle schooler: Oh no, look! He’s got a customer…
Middle schooler 2: She must be a huge regular…
Ayumu: …gah, come on, let’s go.
MC: Huh? Already?
MC: I haven’t changed into my pumps yet…
Ayumu: It’s fine, come on! Hurry up!
MC: Ahh, hold up! I came all this way so at least let me put my arm around yours…
MC: Gahh, slow down! You’re walking way too fast!
MC: Ayuumuuuuuu!
This all started about two weeks ago.
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MC: Ayumu! Look! This is what I was talking about!
Ayumu: Eh…? Scary…
Fresh out of the bath, my girlfriend suddenly plops down on the ground.
Ayumu: …What
Ayumu: Don’t tell me you broke my limited edition Tyrannosaurus mug…
MC: No, no, that’s not it!
MC: It has to do with this year’s KappaMC Birthday Celebration!
Ayumu: Gross
Ayumu: You’re creating your own birthday celebration…?
MC: It’s a great idea, isn’t it!
MC: I see this kind of thing a lot on social media!
Ayumu: Even so, you’re not supposed to post that about yourself
Ayumu: That sort of tag is made by enthusiastic fans…
MC: Well then, I’ll ask you to do it, Ayumu! Since you should be my biggest fan!
MC: Pleaaase do it with me~?
MC: Take me on a date in a formal suit please!
Nonsense, I thought. At the time.
However, at a later date…
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Toru: Ahh~ This seems to be real popular these days! Suit men
Ayumu: …what?
Toru: If you search anywhere on social media sites, you’ll get tons of hits~
Toru: Guys uploading selfies in suits
…I don’t get it.
What’s so fun about showing off a suit?
(Although, she did say something the other day about wanting to go on a date with me in a formal suit..)
Ayumu: Frivolous. Completely.
Toru: Noo, you just need to choose the right place to go!
Toru: Shall the Great Toru offer you some guidance~?
Ayumu: No thanks. There’s no way that’s ever happening…
Toru: Hm, well I don’t know what kind of person your partner is, but—
Toru: Sometimes it’s important to spice things up a bit so that you don’t fall into a rut!
Ayumu: …
Toru: Again, I really have noo idea who your partner is buuuut
Toru: I think women who like that sort of thing would be really happy~
Ayumu: …
(…bah. He’s probably right.)
(She does seem like she’d like that sort of thing…)
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That’s why I decided to title it “The Extraordinary Production”
I end up regretting this as soon as we start stage one—meeting up downtown.
(Ah, well, at least I won’t feel as out of place at the next stage.)
Yes, and the next stage is—
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MC: Look! Look! Ayumu! The view outside is sooooooo pretty!!
Ayumu: Ah, I see.
(Naturally. We are on the 38th floor.)
By the way, the seats here are filled almost full.
Of them, about half are reservations.
MC: Whoaaa, did you see?? This afternoon tea set!!
MC: The tea stand! It has five tiers! Five!!
Ayumu: Ah, I see.
MC: Hey, at least act more surprised!
MC: Fives tiers? This is the first time, for me at least, that I’ve ever seen anything like this!
(…yeah, I suppose it would be)
I say this because—
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Toru: How’s this place look?
Toru: “Enjoy some luxury afternoon tea on the top floor of a high rise tower”
Toru: Whoa, the tea stand, it’s got five tiers!
Ayumu: Ah, I see.
Toru: Ugh, what kind of response was that!
Toru: Are you even listening?? The tea stand has five tears!!
Toru: Isn’t that alone pretty much a win right there?
Ayumu: I don’t get it.
Toru: In a date, it’s either a win or a loss…
Soma: But doesn’t it seem likely that it would make his date happy?
Ayumu: !
Soma: Women who are particular about food will also care about how many tiers of sweets there are, will they not?
Soma: Glutto-no, women who eat everything with enthusiasm,
Soma: I think they would be very pleased with a five tiered tea stand.
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Ayumu: Haa…
MC: What should I do?? My heart is beating so fast, I’m so excited…
MC: I don’t think I’ll be able to eat all five tiers…
Ayumu: If it’s you, you’ll be fine.
Ayumu: …since you’re a glutton.
MC: Huh? What did you just say right now…?
Ayumu: Nothing, don’t worry about it.
Seeing the waiter passing by, I raise my hand to get their attention.
Waiter: Did you decide what you would like to order?
Ayumu: The afternoon tea set for two people, please.
Ayumu: The original black tea blend.
Waiter: Understood, thank you.
As soon as the waiter walks away, I purposely sigh dramatically.
Ayumu: So noisy
MC: Wha-…I didn’t even sa-
Ayumu: Your stare
Ayumu: It feels like you’re trying to stare into my soul or something since a while ago.
MC: …hey, b-but that….
MC: I mean! I can’t help it…
MC: You just look way too amazing today, it’s like my eyes are being sucked in…
Ayumu: …
(…what is she even saying, this girl)
Ayumu: This isn’t the first time you’ve seen me like this though, is it? In a suit?
MC: That’s true, but…today is special…
MC: You wore the suit for me, didn’t you?
MC: That automatically makes you look, like, 30% hotter!
MC: I’m just so happy, I can’t stop looking at you
Ayumu: ….I see.
There was a strange pause before I replied.
Probably because I was remembering the advice that Toru gave me.
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Toru:  You definitely need to be sure to always compliment your date’s outfit~
Ayumu: …wha?
Toru: Well, if you’re wearing a formal suit
Toru: Then your date should also be in formal wear, right?
Ayumu: that…well…
Toru: And so, you need to be sure to give your date lots of compliments!
Toru: Cause girls always put several times more effort into things like their makeup and hairstyle!
Ayumu: No, no, she doesn’t have me beat there
Ayumu: If we’re talking hairstyle, it’s definitely me…
Toru:  Bah, well, saying things like “that looks great on you” or “you look pretty” is always a safe bet
Toru: And then…
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Ayumu: You don’t—
MC: “I don’t”?
—“you don’t look too bad yourself, either”
That’s it. All I have to do is use what she said as an opportunity to compliment her back.
(So, come on. Say it.)
(Just light and natural.)
(Sound genuine about it…)
Ayumu: You don’t—
MC: Ah!!
Suddenly, my girlfriend jumps out of her chair as if remembering something.
MC: Sorry, is it okay if I go to the restroom for real quick?
MC:  It’s…my shoes, I’m still wearing my sneakers
Ayumu: …
MC: No, I know already, you don’t have to tell me
MC: “You should’ve just worn your pumps from the beginning”
MC: That’s what you were about to say, right?
MC: But these shoes don’t quite fit right…
MC: “It’ll be fine if just change into them right before I meet up with Ayumu”…is what I had told myself
Ayumu: …
MC: I’ll just change into them real quick!!
Ayumu: …
(…This sucks.)
I just let a perfect chance that I’ll probably never see again slip by.
(No, it’s fine though.)
(It’s not like I absolutely HAVE to give her a compliment.)
That was just Toru’s opinion.
She didn’t specifically ask me to do it, or anything.
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And so, from there, while I’m with my girl…
MC: Ahh, that was so delicious!
MC: The cake and the scones and the tea, they were all the best! Ayumu: …
MC: Oh, and the clotted cream too!
MC: It was the first time I’ve ever had it but it went surprisingly well with the scones~
MC: I wonder if they sell it at that other shop…
(…this is it.)
Her head is probably full of the afternoon tea we just had.
I want to make her happy…more than anything.
(But it’s impossible to compliment her when things are like this.)
I’ll just start by making a statement about what she’s wearing, but it’ll have a compliment at the end.
“I noticed your dress has lace on top of the turquoise fabric. It’s not bad.
“Those pumps must not be comfortable to wear. But they go nicely with the dress.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you wear this much makeup. It looks nice.”
(I’m psyching myself up too much, aren’t I?)
I guess it just goes to show how much I’ve been looking forward to this day, though.
MC: So where are we going next?
Ayumu: Anywhere is fine, as long as it only takes about an hour.
MC: Hm? What does that mean?
Ayumu: This.
I pull two tickets out of the breast pocket of my suit.
MC: Whaa…the opera??
Ayumu: It’s in about an hour from now. So we can’t go unless we go at that time.
(The idea wasn’t mine, though.)
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Yes, this idea…
Toru: Hmm, what other places would be good to wear a formal suit to…
Toru: What about a luxury brand store?
Ayumu: Huh?
Toru: If you wear a businesswear vs a formal suit to a shop, the staff will treat you differently, right?
Toru: Because they’ll be acting even more polite to you
Toru: There’s no doubt that your date will feel like a celebrity!
Toru: Right, Goto?
Goto: Don’t touch me, I’m not responding to that.
Toru: And after you can take her to a fancy restaurant inside a hotel or a bar with a gorgeous night view!
Toru: Sure it might be a little cliche sounding, but it’ll certainly be something out of the ordinary that you won’t forget!
Toru: Hey, Gotooo!
Goto: Look, even if you touch me, I’m still not going to respo-
???: Aww, aren’t you guys sweet
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Toru: …huh?
Tsugaru: Don’t you know this is the perfect time to go watch the opera?
Ayumu: ..……good afternoon. How long have you been there?
Tsugaru: Now that hardly matters, does it?
Tsugaru: More importantly, if you’re going to put all that effort into a date, you should go to the opera.
Tsugaru: It’s like a date specifically meant for formal wear, is it not~?
Tsugaru: Hmmm, but…
Tsugaru: It’s possible the person you’re planning to take on a date doesn’t understand the opera, though.
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Ayumu: …I should first confirm whether that’s true or not, though
Ayumu: Hey, have you ever watched the opera?
MC: Uhhhh, that’s…
MC: Well, I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera…
Ayumu: That’s not the same thing
Ayumu: That’s just a musical.
MC: …well of course I know that much!
MC: So, this is a first
MC: It’ll be my “first time”!
Ayumu: Wait…do you hear that—
MC: I want my first time to be with you, Ayumu!
MC: So please, take my opera virginity—!
???: Ahhh!!
A sudden scream drowns out her playful chattering.
Woman: A purse snatcher…!!
Woman: Somebody, please! My bag!
(Seriously? A purse snatcher?)
Before I get a chance to confirm, she jumps into action.
She starts chasing the purse snatcher.
(Dummy! What is she doing??)
Purse snatcher: Damn it…!
The criminal escapes to the back alley at the end of the road. Of course, my girl isn’t the type to give up so easily.
MC: Stop right there!
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While she chases after the purse snatcher, I enter the next alley. 
If the criminal turns the corner here, I’m pretty sure I can cut him off.
Sure enough—
(…he came.)
MC: Ayumu!
Purse snatcher: Shit…!
I’m in front of the criminal, blocking his path, while she’s at his back. He turns around and rushes at her.
Purse snatcher: Move it!
MC: Just who do you think you are!!
Her next move is quite something. As the criminal charges at her, she swiftly grabs his right hand, twisting it behind his back and shoving him to the ground, planting her body weight on his back.
Purse snatcher: Ouch! Ow ow ow!
From there, we hand over the criminal to the authorities and all live happily ever after—
Or not.
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MC: The interrogation took longer than I expected…
Ayumu: Yeah, it did
MC: But if we leave now we should be able to just barely make it in time…
???: Oh my gosh, look at her
I hear a whisper from a woman passing by.
Woman: Yikes, look at her, did she get into a fight?
Woman 2: Maybe she fell? There’s a hole in her stockings
The innocent exchange seems to have reached her ears.
MC: Oh…
There’s no denying that she looks beat up right now.
Her dress is dirty and the knees of her stockings have holes in them. 
(Of course.)
(She had to straddle the criminal on the ground to secure him.)
However, her stockings aren’t the only thing that tore.
MC: I-I’m sorry, I’lll go change them right away…
Ayumu: The lace
MC: Huh?
Ayumu: The lace part on your dress, too
MC: !
Ayumu: Did it get caught on something? Like a nail?
Ayumu: When you were chasing after the purse snatcher
MC: …ah, yeah…
Seems I probably guessed right.
MC: I’m so sorry, I’ll go change into a new outfit…
MC: Ah…but, the time…
Ayumu: …
MC: Please just wait a second…I’ll figure it out someway or another…
MC: To change…I’ll just, I’ll go buy some new clothes…
Ayumu: It’s fine, the way it is now
Strangely, the words seem to just flow out of my mouth on their own accord
Ayumu: You don’t look bad
MC: Uhh…?
Ayumu: It doesn’t look bad, does it? How you look right now
It’s still the outfit she put so much effort into, just a bit worn out now.
Either way, it’s still very ‘KappaMC’-like.
(Really, it’s not bad.)
I run my hands through her messy hair to smooth it out.
She looks up at me, confused.
MC: Um…Ayumu…?
Ayumu: Let’s go
MC: Wait, I can’t go to the opera looking like this…
Ayumu: We’re not. Going to the opera, that is.
MC: What! No! Don’t say that!
MC: You already bought the tickets and everything…
Ayumu: Don’t worry about it, really, it’s okay.
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Just a slight change in schedule.
Truthfully, I had planned on bringing her ‘here’ after the opera, anyway.
(Ah, but this timing actually isn’t bad at all, it works out well.)
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Ayumu: Aren’t you coming?
MC: But…I look like a mess…
Ayumu: You look fine, don’t worry about it
Ayumu: I rented out the place
MC: Rented out??
MC: Here??
Startled, she looks around at the surroundings.
(Ah, well, it makes sense. Reacting that way.)
If I was in her position,  I’d probably react the same way,
Ayumu: Your hand.
MC: Sorry?
Ayumu: Your left hand. Give it to me.
MC: Oh, um, alright…
I grabbed her nervously outstretched hand and led her to middle of the stairs.
Now we just need to stand here for five more seconds.
Honestly, this is the most nerve wracking part of the whole day.
(But, well, it’s her birthday.)
(And it’s special.)
Ayumu: 3…2…1…
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At the exact moment I point, balloons float up into the sky.
MC: Balloons??!
She watches as the balloons float upwards, eyes wide in surprise.
I use her distraction as an opportunity to pick up the bouquet I had hidden.
Ayumu: Happy birthday
Her mouth falls open wide in shock.
Yeah. It really isn’t like me to do this sort of thing.
But, the one who thought of this surprise, make no mistake, was me. I came up with it.
(This is a once in a year occasion, after all.)
(And I thought she would like it, if I did this.)
Ayumu: So? What do you think?
MC: … Ayumu: MC?
No reply.
(Uhh, what’s the status here?)
(Maybe I messed up…)
MC: A-a…yu…
MC: A-yu-muuuuu…!!
(Whoa wait just a-)
Ayumu: Oof
Sniffling, she throws her arms around me.
MC: I-I…j-just…nnnf, I’m…I’m so, nnnnff, so happy…I, nnnf, love it…s..so much..!!
MC: T-th…! This…surprise, nnnf, it…it’s…!!!
Ayumu: …
MC: P-plea…zz…please sta…stay with, nnnf, with me…fore…forever, nnnf…!!
Ayumu: …dummy.
Ayumu: I can’t understand what you’re saying.
That’s a lie. 
Truthfully, I understand perfectly what she’s saying.
(“Stay with me.”)
I’ll stay with you, for the rest of our lives.
In return, don’t ever let go of me.
I did something today that I never would’ve even dreamed of doing before, all because you’ve changed me.
Ayumu: Happy birthday
MC: T-thank you…
Ayumu: So, what shall we do from here?
First, I have a room for us to stay at.
But after we check in, we can spend our time however we’d like until dinner time. 
(Ah, no, but before that we need to change.)
(As you’d imagine, going to the restaurant looking like this would be…)
MC: …iss…
Ayumu: Hm?
MC: Kiss…I want to kiss you…
MC: From here on…with you, forever…
Ayumu: …
Ayumu: …dummy
I was asking about later today, but…
Is she asking for a kiss with a runny nose and a tear soaked face?
There’s a lot of things I want to say to that, but—
(Ah, well, it’s her birthday…)
Her lips taste salty, as expected.
But…I don’t hate it. Maybe I’ve gone crazy too.
MC: Thank you…
As we pulled away from the kiss she sniffled loudly.
MC: I, um, I feel like I’m dreaming…
MC: My head feels all fuzzy…
Ah, I see.
MC: I’m gonna…just you wait…!
MC: Next time it’s your birthday, I’m gonna think of an amazing surprise…!
Ayumu: No need to.
I have nothing but a bad feeling about that.
Ayumu: Seriously, don’t. Hard pass.
MC: …hmph, meanie!
MC: If this is how you feel, now I’m DEFINITELY going to plan something!!!
MC: Like making dinosaur balloons, or dinosaur 3D pancakes, or…
MC: Maybe I’ll rent out a whole museum…
MC: Mmph, mmm…
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It’s really not necessary. Coming up with some sort of surprise.
(If you’re here with me.)
As long as you stay here next to me—
If we can kiss like this, then that’s enough for me.
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-The End-
Isn’t that CG gorgeous??? And wasn’t that story soooo frickin adorable??? sbkhgkjadbf I have so many feelings about this 😭💕😭💕
And thank you so so so so sooo much to @world-a-to-z​!! Like I’d mentioned at the start, I was never part of the Peach fanclub because I only started reading Ayumu’s stories almost exactly a year ago now. And so, I didn’t have access to this story. So what did this absolutely wonderful person do?? Transcribe this entire story in Japanese!!!! And then was kind enough to send it to me, along with the screenshots of the backgrounds (which were pretty necessary for all the scene changes, I think) and the CG, so that I could translate it. So please give her a HUGE HUGE thank you for making basically almost the entirety of this birthday celebration possible!!! 💕💕💕
Thank you guys so much for celebrating with me! I hope everyone had a lot of fun!!! I can’t wait to actually sleep again now...I spent sooo much time doing all these translations whoops ><
In case you missed a day, or want to reread anything, you’ll find links to all the posted content here!
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enigmaticxbee · 3 years
13 Weird Facts About Me
1. My parents are professors and I swore when I was a kid that I would never get a PhD (writing a whole ass dissertation, nope!) or become a teacher (standing in front of a class and talking for an hour straight, nope!). I kept my promise on the PhD but I do teach tap dance one evening a week - turns out when it’s something you really like and are good at it’s fun to share with people! (Also it’s a lot more dancing than talking, which helps)
2. I have one short stubby thumb and one normal thumb (it’s ~3/4” shorter, so it’s definitely noticeable) - my mom says my great-grandmother had tiny hands with short stubby thumbs so I guess I inherited one of them!
3. I was born almost a month late and breech - my poor mom!
4. I was born in Japan but neither of my parents are Japanese. I have twice been asked out of the blue by a stranger if I was Japanese and I didn’t know how to answer in a non-confusing fashion. I don’t think I look Japanese at all but 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. I won’t eat red grapes because they remind me of the grape flavored cold medicine I took as a kid. Yes, I know they taste nothing alike. I love green grapes though!
6. I’m pretty sure I’m a “supertaster” which means you have a high number of taste buds and are more sensitive to certain flavors, especially bitter ones (like broccoli, ugh) - I also hate carbonation because it hurts my mouth and alcohol.
7. I was such a bookworm as a kid that my mom made up the word ‘translitephobia’ for me - fear of being on transportation without reading materials. I took books everywhere with me - I was also really good at reading while walking 😆
8. I was obsessed with names as a kid - I used to fill up notebooks with lists of names. Sometimes I was planning stories and making up character names - other times who knows, just names I liked I guess!
9. In college other students were always confused that their math tutor and calculus TA was an Art and Italian major. But now as an architect I think I found the perfect blend of artistic/creative and structured/rigorous work for me.
10. The best job I’ll ever have was as an Italian TA in grad school for a summer architecture drawing program in Italy. I got paid! to go to Italy! and draw!
11. I’m a shy introvert and I hate dating so thankfully I’m pretty happy being single. I didn’t have my first kiss until I was in my mid-20s and I’ve never had a long-term relationship. I’m in my mid-30s now and single and I got a puppy this year and I think I’m good!
12. I discovered The X-Files when I was 13 around the time FTF came out. We didn’t have cable so my grandmother started taping reruns off tv and sending my sister and I the vhs tapes. For awhile we had a whole cabinet full of them and I created an elaborate filing system because the episodes were random reruns out of order. That’s how I caught up on the first 5 seasons - my grandmother had no idea what this weird alien show was, but she was so sweet to send us those tapes.
13. I started reading x-files fanfic as a teenager and I never really stopped. But I never interacted with anyone in txf fandom until last year and I’m so glad I finally did!
Inspired by @darwin-xf and @sigritandtheelves - I won’t tag anyone but you should do it, it’s a fun excerise to try to come up with interesting things about yourself 😅
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ladecena · 3 years
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May 14,2020
11:15 pm
There are 45 minutes before my birthday. I got out of bed, holding my phone, because I couldn’t sleep no matter what I did.
I slowly opened the door and tiptoed out of my bed, taking care not to let it creak. Everyone in the house is still sleeping, so I can’t make any noises that would wake them up. Since my throats were dry and I needed to remain hydrated, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. After all, I can’t be dehydrated because I’m supposed to be hydrated all the time.
I walked out of the house wearing my oversized T-shirt and night shorts, leaving my glass on the counter. Since there were some torches, the whole subdivision was quiet and dim. The sky was lovely, but the boy who had just entered with his silver bicycle was even more so. I told myself, “Shut up, all boys are gorgeous.”
“Are you ready?” Miguel stated as he brushed his long, silky golden hair back with his lovely fingers. I grinned and walked over to my pink bicycle in the garage. “Where is your gear?”
“Where is your gear?” I questioned as well after noticing that he had not brought his. He squinted and raised one of his thick brows. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Especially because you’re here with me.
His lips curled into an endearing grin, exposing his charming dimples. I got on my bike and pedaled down the road first, hoping he’d be close behind.
The cool night breeze caressed my face and caused my hair to fly, making me happy. I took a left and later realized Miguel was standing right next to me. He hasn’t changed since I first saw him with his hair flying and his aesthetic dark eyes. He is still the boy I loved and admired, still admire, and will still genuinely love.
11:30 pm
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Just don’t breath—“
“Do you want me to die horribly?” When my eyes accidentally went down, I exclaimed. I screamed and turned away, my eyes closed. Miguel sighed and his hands rested on my shoulders, which helped me relax a little. Only a little bit. I’m in a panic, crap.
“What I mean is, don’t breathe too quickly; instead, breathe slowly. Exhale slowly after taking a deep breath, then repeat. I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to die, okay?” He said calmly, which made me feel bad for screaming at him while he was simply trying to help me from panicking.
I followed his instructions and, to my surprise, it succeeded. When Miguel wrapped his handkerchief around my knee to cover the cut, I slowly opened my eyes and yelped in the quietest way possible. When he kissed it after tying it, I bit my lip and felt my face flush. He got up and extended his hand to me, which I gladly accepted.
“Are you all right now?”
“Thank you very much, Miguel.”   I smiled, and he smiled even more. God, I love that face.
“Oh, if you weren’t so stubborn, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” He said it with a little frown on his face, which made me laugh because he’s so sweet when he’s upset.
“If you hadn’t been there, I would have passed out in the middle of the road right now, but I’m still standing and breathing.” As I smiled, his frown vanished, and all he did was shake his head before walking to get his bike.
 “You’re stubborn as hell. As he grasped the handlebars of his bike, he uttered. “Instead, let’s go for a stroll.”
“If I’m right, give me 500 pesos.” Your favorite shirt right now is the blackpink t-shirt I gave you.” Miguel muttered something and smirked as he looked at me and the path we were walking on.
“Wrong my favorite shirt is the other black pink t-shirt which I bought last Saturday. “I confidently replied and smirked back at him. Aw, you don’t love me anymore?” he pouted and gave me that cute puppy look. My weakness.
“oh my gosh, stop that. You look like an idiot.” Yes I’m a great liar.
“ugh, darn it.” He huffed and continued walking, which made me chuckled because of his cuteness.
It became quiet after. Enjoying the peaceful and satisfying cold wind with each other’s company was already enough.
I know in my heart that he has a problem but he didn’t want to share it with me and I respect his decision.
“ Has the thought of leaving me ever cross your mind?” I asked out of nowhere to cut the silence while we’re walking down the silent road with our bikes.
“Yep.” I pouted and glared at him immediately when he said but he just laughed. That hurt right into my heart. “ What, if I am be pooping, you wanna watch?”
“Gross, of course not.” I cringed which made him laugh harder. His laugh is annoying but also cute but its pissing me off but I still love it.
“How about you? Ever thought of leaving this handsome boy?” he raised his eyebrows up and down while staring at me, waiting for my answer.
“I don’t wanna promise that I won’t because we never know what will happen in the future but I assure you that no matter what happens, even if the worlds screwed up, we’re screwed up, I will always stay with you.” Miguel stopped walking so I did too and looked at him. He smiled at me before starting to walk again.
His smile didn’t reach his eyes.
11:45 pm
“Don’t go yet.” I whined quietly while softly pulling the sleeve of his hoodie. I know that its late and he might be tired but I wanna be selfish even just for now.
“Alright then, my princess.” Miguel smiled and pulled my hand going inside our house silently. Miguel being Miguel, he didn’t make the slightest noise even in closing closing the door. It was dark but with Miguel’s hand holding mine, I know that I shouldn’t be afraid.
When we reach my bedroom, he gently pushed me inside and slowly pushed the door behind him while his sexy dark eyes were staring into my soul, dominating me. He took little steps going towards me, not cutting eye contact, and as if I’m frozen, I stood still staring back into his beautiful dark grey eyes until I could feel and smell his strawberry scented breath.
“Let’s go stargaze even if I know to myself that gazing at you is better.” He huskily uttered before smiling and pulling my hand to go out the window. He assisted me to climb up the roof carefully before he followed.
He gently guided me to a spot between his legs where I could sit comfortably. As his arms wrapped around me and his big hands devoured my tiny hands, I laid my back on his chest.
Nothing beats sitting on the roof with the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with, gazing at thousands of sparkling stars in the midnight sky, which isn’t quite midnight yet, but let’s call it that anyway.
 “Did you know that the sun is a star?” Miguel said as he rested his chin on my left shoulder. Our eyes glued on the sky full of stars above us. 
“Personally, I think that stars don’t appear only at night because if it only appears in the darkness, the isn’t it unfair that it doesn’t appear during bright days?” he said in a serious expression which made me laugh a bit. 
“That doesn’t make any sense. And the sun is a star because science shit.” I replied which made him laugh as well.
“Yeah I know, I didn’t know what to say so I just wasted my saliva for bullshit.” He said while chuckling because of his darkness. What he said didn’t really make sense but he’s still cute so never mind.
“but let me tell you something, my princess.” He sat properly so I faced him to give all of my attention.
“if all the stars disappears, that doesn’t mean that its over. Darkness is everywhere already. No, don’t forget that the moon is still there, there to light up the darkness. And it lights up the most. So don’t ever think that you’re alone and your life is pure darkness just because the stars disappears.” He smiled for a while before continuing.
“the stars will appear again. But they may not be the same stars from before again.”
11:55 pm
When I got tired of watching the stars above the sky. I faced Miguel.
Miguel had the same dark grey eyes. The same dark grey eyes I used to always stare at since when I was six. He had the same small nose. The same small nose I used to always poke when we were toddlers since it was cute. He had the same chubby and soft cheeks. The same cheeks I used to always squish whenever I’m ecstatic, annoyed, sad, or normal. He had the same sexy pinkish lips. The first same sexy pinkish lips I kissed when I was ten. He had the same long golden hair. The same long golden hair I used to braid or play with when im bored though I always envy his hair since its straight and silky more as hell than mine. And lastly, he had the same effect on me.
Only realizing it now, his face was only an inch away from mine. His deep breaths made me look hotter.
“Advance Happy Birthday, I love you my princess.” Miguel said.
I slowly shut my eyes as tears started forming in my eyes. Seconds have passed and sobs started to come out. I slowly opened my eyes to look at the time.
12:00 AM 
May 15, 2021
“It was all a dream” I told myself.
Miguel died because of the car accident. If only I hadn’t been selfish and let him go home that night, maybe he’s still with me right now celebrating my birthday.
It’s been exactly a year since my star vanished.
It’s just unfair that among billions of stars out there, he’s the one chosen to be vanished.
I held onto the shirt he gave me a year ago on my birthday while crying hard. It will never not be painful as hell.
His smile, his eyes, his dimples, his long golden hair, my Miguel that I will never get to see anymore.
“Wherever you are right now, I hope you’re happy.” I sobbed while looking above the sky full of stars. “I don’t do promises but I’m doing it now. I promise that I will continue living the nights with different stars. Only for you, baby. I miss you so much.
 - meng✨
June 09, 2021
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
happy birthday pocket!
i had no energy to make this a genuine fluff drabble it's 12:30 am here
Groaning, Diluc runs his hands up his face. Tf was he gonna do on your darned bday when his freaking schedule is full of ABYSS ABYSS ABYSS ABYSS ABYSS MUAHAHAHAHA
He mumbles something about perhaps gathering a small bouquet of small lamp grass before discarding the idea, thinking that it wouldn't be enough to resemble all the love and adoration he had for you. He unties his hair, letting the crimson locks rest against his back as he picks up the quill once again, writing away. 'Perhaps a letter will work for now. After I return from my duties, all my time will go to them for sure.' Smiling, he begins to pour his heart into each words written down on the parched paper.
Flopping down on your couch, you flip through a magazine of advertisements. Man, you were hungry. And what's better than grabbing some leftovers from what Diluc had cooked for you two the other day? You smile at the thought of the sight of your husband in the kitchen with an apron on, hair tied into a high ponytail as he works his magic. Gaze shifting to the ring on your finger, your eyes soften at the ruby gem, reminding you of his beautiful crimson eyes.
He quickly slips the letter into your mailbox, yes the two of you do not live together(yet), rushing off elsewhere. Probably outside of Mondtsadt's walls to make some abyss mages perish. He first starts with Brightcrown Canyon, moving from area to area- Man, this guy is traveling all across Mondstadt, excluding Dragonspine, with the image of your smile on his mind at all times. I mean, what can I say? He's obsessed with you. If you got injured? In the blink of an eye he'll be hurling a freaking phoenix at what, or who hurt you. If someone insulted you? "Sorry, did you say something to my lovely wedded partner here?" he questions, ticked off with a very concerning smile on his face. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, opening his eyes which send a chill down the insulter's spine. "That's right. We're married, got a problem? Call them a hilichurl on drugs, they're my hilichurl on drugs. A random, dumb idiot? My random dumb idiot. Back. Off."
Shuffling over to the random fridge in the kitchen, you look around the kitchen before giggling and taking out the leftovers from "Once Upon a Time in Mondtsadt", his specialty. You slip the plate onto a rack, placing it on the stove, somehow warming up the meal.
Diluc jabs the hilt of his claymore into an abyss mage, twirling his weapon around and stabbing the monster right in the face. He opens the map, noticing that he's already in the second to last area. A new motivation! A small hum of satisfaction is heard before he proceeds to massacre the popularity of abyss mages in Mond.
You slip the plate of warmed-up "Once Upon a Time in Mondstadt" onto the counter, hopping onto a high stool and rubbing your hands together excitedly. Grinning, you cut off a piece of the steak and let it enter your mouth, the texture and flavor instantly making you float up to heaven.
It's.. Raining... Diluc is soaked. Soaked.
Setting down the fork and knife, you get off the stool and walk towards the front door. 'Perhaps mail has arrived already..' Opening the door, you check the mailbox and are met with a nice looking envelope. It's a pastel scarlet-ish color, with a white lacey pattern along the edges. Slowly scooching back inside, you close the door and open the envelope, unfolding the letter.
Dear (Y/N),
Happy birthday, dearest. I would've had something planned for today, but unfortunately the abyss has eaten up my schedule once more. But if the sun hasn't sunk when I get back, would you like to spent some quality time together? Perhaps we could eat out at Sara's, or go sight seeing. Perhaps the sun going down would be nice, stargazing sounds fun. Many ideas have circulated around my head while I was writing this, however do be prepared to accept a bouquet.
'Oh honey I'll make sure to have the bouquet somewhere on display in my house, fosho.'
You mean a lot to me, and since Father's passing, you've been here for me at all times. When we were younger, when Kaeya was taken under Crepus' wing, when all three of us had those good times.. Ah, it's always nice to recall the kind moments we shared.
You stifle a laugh, remembering how Kaeya had accidentally frozen Diluc- But then the ice slowly started melting with an angered Diluc underneath.
My entire heart is dedicated to you. If you have a wish that I can grant within my power, please ask for such. Even if it counts as spoiling you rotten, I'll love you no matter what. You've made my life so much easier, and whenever you can you also help me out with the abyss. Not that I'm fully supporting such, since you're putting your life into danger which is what I do not want.
'And you are too, fighting the abyss as well,' you chuckle. 'My love, please take a break for once.'
Now I must end this short, due to me being behind schedule already. I need to set out ASAP. See you soon, I love you.
Your heart flutters at the last three words, oh how it always does so. But your cheeks can't help but blush at the words written down.
Trudging up your doorstep, Diluc knocks on the door. The sun.. had already fallen. You open the door by a crack, peeking through and immediately swinging it open at the familiar redhead. Wrapping your arms around him, you sigh contently and rest your head on his chest. "I missed you..," he mumbles, pressing a light kiss to the top of your head. "Why don't we head inside? Ah, before that.." The darknight hero takes out a bouquet, as promised in the letter, the flowers glowing a wonderful blue. Small lamp grass. So, he went with his original plan. Lovely. He hands it to you, patting your head before making his way inside.
carp i am so tired it's now 1 am
well uh
gn pocket hope you enjoyed this <3 <3 <3
Hello Pocket! I'm here to wish you a quick Happy Birthday!!
You've become a year older! How sad.. But nonetheless, congratulations on making it this far! Both me and Moth are very proud of you, even if you're technically the bigger one here, and we're always encouraging you!
Thank you for being a wonderful writer, and person in general.
It’s official :’) I am Diluc’s hilichurl on drugs
On a more serious note, thank you so much Moth!! You didn’t have to do this, but you did and it makes me very happy! I really appreciate it💖💖 this was definitely my bedtime story lol even though I have I think one more! This was adorable, I got to be married to Diluc- UGH IT MADE ME SO HAPPY!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Just the thought of this made me tear up😭😭 you’re awesome, thank you my friend!
And Cicada, yes I know I’m getting older 😔 I’ll be ancient soon enough- but thank you. To you both! Your words mean a lot to me too💖💖💖
I hope you both have a wonderful day/night💖
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Head Case (S2, E6)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:03 - This clip of Malcolm in the car is from the pilot episode. I was so betrayed by this clip. Full disclosure - I’ve always had a thing for Malcolm’s jacket from the pilot episode. I just love it and I think Tom Payne looks cute in it. BUT - I was betrayed because Malcolm isn’t wearing my favourite jacket in the next scene (I was disappointed but not surprised). Rant about wardrobe over. 
0:20 - This is weird to me. In the clip right before this, when Malcolm was coming to Claremont (wearing the awesome jacket) - Malcolm is clearly in emotional distress. He’s not in a good mood. BUT right here, when Malcolm is chatting with Mr. David he seems like he’s in a good mood. Not one of his manic good moods - just a regular good one.
0:32 - Anyone else notice how visibly uncomfortable Jessica AND Malcolm are? This whole Ainsley situation is literally going to destroy them both. :(
0:34 - sooooo Mr. David knows by now right? He has to? ALSO when the European FBI guy shows up in a few episodes this is going to be bad for Malcolm and Jessica right? The FBI guy will probs talk to Mr. David who will be like - oh yeah, they’ve had more ‘family meetings’ in the past 6 months than in the past 20 years. 
1:22 - Sooooo this whole family honestly thinks Ainsley’s going to become a serial killer. From the tidbits of her childhood that we’ve seen, the way she treated Malcolm in Q&A, and generally how she acts when she wants to get a story - I’m not surprised. Read my thoughts on older episodes (1x7, 1x20, 2x5), I’ve always thought Ainsley was a sociopath or psychopath. The girl doesn’t show a lot of moral backbone or sympathy for anyone. 
1:33 - Wait. Does this montage of Malcolm’s erratic behaviour mean that Malcolm killed someone as a kid? And doesn’t know it? Or is this just a reference to the whole ‘girl in the box’ trauma arc from last season?
1:44 - “I wish I didn’t know that you were a killer.” Anyone else get major flashbacks to the movie Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause? “I wish I had never become Santa at all” then we get an AU for 40 mins? Just me? Cool - excuse my bad taste in Christmas movies. 
1:50 - hahaha Martin is so bitter.
2:25 - You know, as much as I love to hate Martin - he has a point. Malcolm loved his Dad (still does whether he wants to admit it or not) in 98′ - why is Malcolm chill with Ainsley killing but not Martin? Is it because with Martin, he found a poor girl tortured in a box but with Ainsley he saw her kill a man that was threatening their family? Or was it because Martin tried to kill Malcolm but Ainsley hasn’t (yet?) **honestly - that would be such an interesting episode - if Ainsley tries to kill Malcolm**
2:33 - THANK YOU. Someone finally thanks Malcolm for trying to protect Ainsley (and in extension Jessica) from the emotional trauma he’s been dealing with since the age of 10. EVEN THOUGH PROTECTING THEM IS MAKING HIS MENTAL STATE WORSE. Seriously - Malcolm is going to snap soon I honestly won’t be surprised if we get some suicidal ideation from him this season (especially if things don’t improve). Look at those big sad puppy dog eyes when Jess thanks him.
2:38 - hahahaha that side-eyed glare directed at Martin. 
2:53 - I know Jessica had good intentions here - she’s trying to protect both of her children but honestly, this whole interaction was probably super upsetting for Malcolm. Think about it - BOTH of his parents haven’t tried to have a serious discussion with him at the same time since he was at 10 years old or younger. This interaction is probably bringing up some memories for Malcolm and making him grieve for the childhood he lost all over again. 
3:06 - “You’re gross.” followed by a very regal wave at Mr. David. YES. Queen Jessica. <3
3:25 - Malcolm startling JT is pretty freaking cute. Look at how JT’s expression immediately changes from startled to concerned. I don’t blame him. Malcolm gives off major manic energy in this scene. The visit with the parents did not leave him in a good place. Also - Malcolm straight up admitted that he’s had a ‘rough morning’ this boy almost never tells the truth when he’s struggling. He’s fine. He’s always fine. 
3:30 - “Rough month.” IS THIS IT? IS THIS ALL I’M GOING TO GET? JT had a baby THREE EPISODES AGO. ‘rough month’ is a reference to the fact that he’s a new dad and he’s struggling with lack of sleep, leaving Tally alone with the baby while he’s a work, being a good husband, adjusting to dad life, ect. RIGHT?!? We’ve literally had no mention of the baby since 2x3 and I’m losing my mind. I just want someone to say, “Hey JT, how’s the baby?” that’s it. I want 5 seconds of dialogue. Just an acknowledgment that the child exists. 
3:54 - “Sooo bring me up to speed.” OMG. That smile is both extremely manic and completely adorable. Seriously - why is no one on the team more concerned about Malcolm during this episode? AND WHERE THE EFF IS EDRISA IN THIS SCENE?!? We’ve been robbed. 
4:21 - “What? I liked math class.” OMG. JT is a closet math nerd. You can’t take this headcanon away from me. 
4:24 - hahahaha look at Malcolm absorbing the new information about JT. He’s like.....yes. I will keep that information for later. Very good. Will pry further. 
5:04 - I love Dani. She’s perfect. She can see that Malcolm just checked out into his own horror of a memory. So she gently teases him to bring him back to reality. <3 This is true friendship. <3
6:00 - Was I the only one who thought it was weird that Gil asked Malcolm to help with the canvasing? Like - doesn’t Malcolm always help? Isn’t that part of what he does to build his profile?
6:12 - “KGB agent” Yes. Malcolm is still annoyed that Ainsley was so competitive about a literal murder last episode. I promise you. Ainsley’s probably still annoyed too. 
6:26 - This is why Malcolm is considering telling Ainsley the truth. He’s already losing her. May as well rip off the band-aid. She might not react as badly finding out from him as she would finding out by herself.
6:51 - “That is my vagina.” hahahahaha OMG. As a woman I must say: HOW?!?! As someone who adores JT:  hahahahahahahaha OMG. 
7:23 - “You’re getting a lot of mileage out of that tidbit”. lol. JT gently teasing Malcolm is one of my favourite things. Hands down. Especially since they’ve reached a point in their friendship where Malcolm doesn’t seem scared or offended when JT makes fun of him. They’re acting like brothers and I LOVE IT. <3
7:25 - “That’s the tip of the iceberg my man.” I have no idea why I am so amused by someone calling Malcolm “my man” but I am. 
7:36 - “The Bowery Ripper” hahaha the look that JT and Dani exchange when Malcolm starts nerding out.
8:00 - Wendell is kind of creepy. But like a weird, non-threatening creepy?
8:22 - OMG. JT let the vagina sculpture go. hahaha Look at how grossed out Dani is hahahaha she’s like, “Ugh. Men are gross.”
8:30 - This is why I love JT. He knows that that elevator is sketchy as hell. Plus it’s some (less than subtle) foreshadowing for what’s to come in this episode. 
8:41 - How did Dani find out he was at Claremont?! Does Mr. David call Gil every time Malcolm visits?!? ......this is my new headcanon. You will have to pry it from my cold dead hands. 
9:00 - This is a really cute moment between Dani and Malcolm. Regardless of whether or not you ship Brightwell - it’s really sweet to see Malcolm interacting so honestly with someone. He’s telling Dani the truth about something and she’s not making him feel bad about how messed up his family is or how weird his situation is. She just listens and teases him to make him smile. That is a good friend. IDC how you feel about Brightwell - right now - this is a GOOD FRIEND moment and Malcolm deserves more of them. 
9:10 - Annnnnnndddd this is why Brightwell shouldn’t happen (right now). Dani is still hurt that Malcolm doesn’t trust her enough to tell her everything. She still doesn’t completely trust him after what happened last season. A romantic relationship without 100% trust will fail. End of story. They’re great friends but right now they can’t be in a romantic relationship. It’ll end poorly. (Damn, I hope Brightwell is endgame though).
9:38 - hahaha Greta Swan is a perfect comedic relief for the Dani/Malcolm tension we just witnessed. This girl is a little nuts and a lot funny. 
10:00 - “Dad’s lived here his whole life” - wow. The writers really left us some big bread crumbs. We go from the scene where someone mentions a serial killer who killed someone (who was abducted from this hotel) in 1963. THEN we find a strange, gossipy woman and her grumpy father who has lived there his whole life. Coincidence? Nah. 
10:17 - SERIOUSLY?!? The Whitly home is ENORMOUS. WHY IS JESSICA LETTING AINSLEY WORK IN THE MURDER BASEMENT?!?!?! We literally just found out that Jessica has a SOLARIUM somewhere in this house. 
10:40 - “The guy definitely seems like he kills people.” Oh the irony here. 
10:55 - “Are you upset with me?” This is soft and I love it. Malcolm is being vulnerable with his little sister and it warms my heart. 
11:07 - “Insomnia sucks.” “Who knew?” Again. Irony. 
11:18 - “Anything you want to talk about?” This is precious. Malcolm loves Ainsley SO FREAKING MUCH. He has major Dad/Big brother/concerned school counsellor energy here and I’m here for it. 
11:38 - Malcolm’s soooo going to replay this conversation in his head about a million times. He’s going to blame himself for Ainsley’s murder victim of this episode. He’s going to play the “what-if” game. What if - he told her the truth here? Would she still have killed someone tonight? 
11:52 - Look at Ainsley’s face here. She seems sort of confused and comforted? Like maybe the fractions of memories that she’s admitting to having are making her believe that she killed Endicott and it scares her. Malcolm telling her otherwise is probably comforting on some level. It’s helping her convince herself that she’s done nothing wrong. 
12:25 - According to IMDB - this isn’t the episode LDP directed SO WHY IS THERE SO LITTLE GIL CONTENT IN THIS EPISODE?!?!?!
12:27 - What the hell is the puddle on the floor btw? Is it paint? Tar? Blood? I thought construction hadn’t started on the hotel yet?
14:14 - Malcolm. You. Are. A. Moron. Why go towards the creepy elevator that opened by itself? Why did you think that was a good idea?
14:29 - The Bowery Ripper is pretty strong for an old guy. I mean, Malcolm isn’t that big and he was caught off guard but still.
14:38 - I wanted this scene to be reality SO SO BADLY. I don’t even care about the Brightwell interaction in this scene. Malcolm is on a hospital bed. With an ice pack. I could’ve watched 45 minutes of “Malcolm in the hospital” content. The fact that this boy didn’t spend longer than a 30 second scene in the hospital is a CRIME. Why does Fedak hate giving us the whump aftercare?!? WHY?!?! Doesn’t he know like half the fandom LIVES FOR IT?!?
14:40 - You know how I knew this was the start of Malcolm’s AU dream? 2 reasons: 1) Dani has her hand on the ice pack on Malcolm’s head, even though he totally doesn’t need her help to hold the ice pack to his head. 2) GIL ISN”T HERE. .....although this episode did us dirty with the lack of Gil content (I miss Papa!Gil so much)
14:46 - There’s something about dream JT. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Real and dream JT are almost identical. But dream JT seems to be more open with Malcolm? IDK - he’s more relaxed around Malcolm? I can’t quite describe it. Did anyone else notice that there was just something a little bit different about dream JT? Not even in a bad way. Just different. 
15:15 - “Noooo she said it could’ve been worse. Not the same.” hahaha YES DANI. Good looking out. Call out this boy for neglecting his health. 
15:24 - This whole scene where Dani and Malcolm do a joint interrogation was awesome. They were talking pretty fast which I found a little distracting but JT said it best, “They were on FIRE”.  One thing I REALLY liked about the scene was the dynamic between Dani and Malcolm. Neither one of them was really taking a lead in the interrogation. They were equal partners and I think that says a lot about Malcolm’s romantic desires. He doesn’t want to dominate anyone. He doesn’t want to be taken advantage of. He just wants someone he can trust and respect. Someone who will trust and respect him. He wants a partner. An equal partner. I think that’s a really healthy desire for anyone in search of a relationship. 
16:12 - an affair? Did we know that Lyle and/or Katrina were married?!? If they weren’t married it would just be a relationship. Not an affair. 
17:01 - Is this honestly the first time Dani has called Malcolm by his first name? In 26 episodes? It must be right? Because I swear I was so shocked my heart skipped a beat (also my Brightwell heart melted but that’s a whole different thing). 
17:06 - .....so in Malcolm’s dream does he still work for Major Crimes? Is JT running the department? I need some more details here. 
17:12 - Soft!JT <3 <3 <3 How cute is it that in Malcolm’s AU dream, JT (and Dani) don’t actually change (in terms of personality). Their roles in his life just intensify. Dani becomes his significant other and JT becomes a much closer friend/brother. It’s precious. <3 <3 <3 
17:52 - Something about the fact that Jessica isn’t drinking liquor in the AU is hilarious and depressing to me. It’s funny because, well, it just tickles me. It’s depressing because Malcolm understands that Jessica drinks to dull the pain. In this AU, she isn’t in pain. She’s happy. Therefore, she doesn’t need alcohol. I don’t know about you but the fact that Malcolm’s subconscious wanted his mom to be happy so badly that she became (more or less) sober - is heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. 
18:11 - “No one in this family is scared of a little blood right?” The irony here is THICK.
19:23 - The fact that Ainsley is a doctor just like Martin in Malcolm’s AU is terrifying and hilarious. This whole “I watched Ainsley kill a man” thing is really destabilizing Malcolm’s questionable mental health.
19:27 - “Please Ainsley is the talented one. I’m a distance second.” ....does this mean that Endicott isn’t the first person Ainsley has killed? Does this mean subconsciously Malcolm somehow thinks that Ainsley is a better serial killer than Martin?
19:56 - “No phones at dinner okay?” Something about the way Martin is looking at Malcolm at this moment and Martin’s tone of voice made me think - “Shit. Martin’s still a serial killer in Malcolm’s AU.” Especially since they Ainsley literally just announced to the room that he’s getting a from Claremont. 
20:06 - Yep. That’s a nightmare. From the back, Claremont!Gil probably looked like Martin circa mid-2010s for Malcolm. 
20:09 - Look idc who you ship on this show. But I will fight you if you don’t think that Malcolm being comforted after a nightmare by someone he loves is the sweetest thing ever. Look at how Dani gently rubs his arm and back. Ugh. This is the kind of safety Malcolm DESERVES. 
20:43 - Dani lying on Malcolm’s chest. <3 It just makes me so happy. Not even necessarily because it’s Dani (although I do ship Brightwell as end game) but because Malcolm’s subconscious is showing us his ideal relationship and we don’t see anything wild or questionable - we just see G-rated cuddling. And damn if that doesn’t say a lot about how much Malcolm just wants to be loved. 
20:53 - .......Can we have a full episode’s worth of footage where Malcolm is unconscious on the floor? I know I’m a basket case but it would make my whump heart so happy.....even happier if that footage was immediately followed by 40 mins of hospital care/comfort footage.
20:59 - I know that time has sort of slowed down for the purpose of plot in this episode but ngl - every time we saw the elevator approaching passed out Malcolm all I could think was “this is the slowest elevator in the world.”
21:26 - Malcolm is so so relaxed and comfortable in this scene. I want him to be this happy forever. 
22:07 - “You deserve all of it.” Malcolm subconsciously just wants permission to be happy. He doesn’t think he deserves to be happy (especially after Endicott). That little revelation broke my heart. Also the Brightwell kiss was adorable. Dani takes control because, Malcolm wants to feel wanted and this is how his subconscious is manifesting that desire. I will argue that Malcolm doesn’t necessarily want a relationship where his partner takes charge or dominates him. He made coffee of both of them. They’re living in his apartment. They’re having calm, mature, adult conversations. They are both equal partners in his dream relationship. 
22:45 - Dani isn’t scared of Malcolm when his hand starts shaking. She isn’t judging him. She’s just concerned. <3
22:47 - “Existential ennui”? Soooo much french in this episode. Damn. “Jamais vu”, “Quelle suprise”. Now “ennui”. 
23:35 - “I don’t fit your profile.” ....am I expected to believe that Malcolm didn’t realize this was a dream until this moment? Dani calling him “Malcolm Whitly” in the last scene wasn’t a red flag? Or the fact that Ainsley is a doctor. Or that Martin isn’t in Claremont? Or that Jessica isn’t drinking booze by the bucket? I mean, I know he has a head injury but these are big red flags. 
24:15 - Sooooo is Wendell dead irl? Because this is technically a dream. 
25:02 - “I thought we were looking for an inexperienced psychopath. A first time killer.”......this is him projecting about Ainsley right? Am I overthinking this? And now he says, “I was wrong”. Is that supposed to suggest that Malcolm thinks Ainsley has killed someone before Endicott?
25:07 - “The blows are confident. They were having fun.”.....couldn’t the same be said about how Ainsley stabbed Endicott? They were definitely confident stabs (plus a confident throat slitting). 
25:14 - “We’re looking for a serial killer.” Istg the writers are hinting that Ainsley is a serial killer (or will become one soon).
25:27 - Mr. David appears in the AU but Edrisa doesn’t. We were ROBBED.
26:07 - I’m not the only one who thinks that beard makes Gil look like a werewolf right?
26:33 - Claremont!Gil is creepy. LDP’s performance here is really really good. Also - I hate it. Because serial killer Gil is just not my Gil and it upsets me to see Gil chained to a wall. 
26:56 - Sooooo in the AU “The Surgeon” is still at large right? ....you’d think Malcolm would be trying to solve that case with Dani and JT. You know, an active prolific serial killer in New York?
27:34 - The way that Martin, Gil, and Malcolm interact in this scene is really interesting to me. In a lot of ways, this isn’t an AU. Think about it. 
In the dream: Gil is frantically trying to convince Malcolm that Martin is a serial killer. In a way, Gil is trying to protect Malcolm from Martin.
In reality: Gil just shoots Malcolm disapproving looks when he mentions seeing Martin. Gil desperately tries to protect Malcolm from Martin.
In the dream: Martin is trying to convince Malcolm that Gil is a monster. He’s trying to convince Malcolm that he’s a Good father. That he would never hurt Malcolm. That he loves Malcolm. 
In reality - Martin is the same. 
The only main difference between AU!Martin, AU!Gil, and their real counterparts is their temperaments. AU!Martin has Gil’s calm, comforting, and rational temperament while AU!Gil has Martin’s angry, manic, and controlling temperament.
What is the same between the AU characters and their real counterparts? 
Martin is still a manipulative killer.
Gil still shoots Malcolm looks of concern (27:45). 
Gil and Martin still hate each other. 
28:30 - Even dream Martin tries to gaslight Malcolm. 
28:56 - “You can always count on Dad.” ....is this how Malcolm really feels about Martin subconsciously? It kind of makes sense? Who did Malcolm turn to when Ainsley did the unthinkable? Not Gil or Jessica. Malcolm said it in 1x12 - (I’m paraphrasing) “The child in me thought he cared. Loved me even.” I think there’s still a part of Malcolm that believes that. Or at least a part of Malcolm that desperately wants to believe that. 
29:17 - “I’ve never been to a crime scene before.” That’s because you create the crime scene, Martin. In all versions of reality. 
29:20 - annnnnnd AU Martin shares regular Martin’s weird fascination with Dani. 
31:00 - JT being buddy-buddy with Martin is hands down the most horrifying part of the AU. 
31:10 - “I think he’s having a psychotic break.” ......I want this to be foreshadowing so so so badly. I think it would be so interesting to see how the team, Jessica, Ainsley, and even Martin deal with Malcolm just having a total breakdown. Maybe not a full psychotic break. Maybe a nervous breakdown? Or he succumbs to his suicidal ideation? Probably a little too dark for network TV though.
31:34 - “I’m very protective of her and her boots.” Does Malcolm see himself as the Bowery Ripper, trying to protect Ainsley as opposed to his daughter? Or is the Bowery Ripper supposed to be a metaphor for Martin protecting Ainsley? Is Malcolm going to take the fall for Ainsley and all her murders?!? 
32:45 - “Why did you kill again? After all these years.” istg this is hinting that Ainsley killed someone as a kid and Martin knows about it.
33:00 - “I can’t let my daughter know what I was.” .....is the Bowery Ripper supposed to be Ainsley? Is Ainsley killing people to try and protect Malcolm? Ugh. I’m totally overthinking this.
33:02 - Even in his dream, Malcolm can’t bring himself to kill his father. Wether that is by cutting off contact with Martin irl or letting the Bowery Ripper kill him in the AU.
33:07 - Actually though - why doesn’t Malcolm carry a gun IRL? We know he’s trained to use one. We saw him use one in the pilot on a case for the FBI. Is there some sort of NYPD rule about consultants carrying weapons? Is it a rule that Gil has imposed on Malcolm? Is it a rule that Malcolm has imposed on himself? A mixture? I want to know. 
33:38 - OMG. Is Malcolm going to try and kill Ainsley?!?! What a twist that would be. AU Malcolm just killed a killer. He doesn’t seem to feel bad about it and he agrees with Martin that “everything is okay now”. 
33:55 - This hug deeply moved me. Malcolm is fully aware that this hug isn’t real but he looks so content to be hugged by his father. Malcolm is finally getting a proper hug. <3 It honestly makes me wonder what Malcolm would do IRL for his father’s approval though. He’s clearly sooo desperate for Martin to love him. Who knows what Martin will be able to convince Malcolm to do in this season? Malcolm’s not all that mentally stable right now and he’s really vulnerable emotionally. I’m worried.
34:26 - “Not that it’s a competition.” ....yep. Ainsley wants to be better than Malcolm even in Malcolm’s own subconscious. 
35:00 - Heart. Breaking. Watching Ainsley, Martin, and Jessica tell Malcolm how good they think Dani is for him breaks my heart. Look at how happy Malcolm looks. Look at how desperately Malcolm wants this to be real. Ugh. My heart is shattered. 
35:20 - “You’re the best, big brother.” Even Malcolm’s subconsious knows that he’s an excellent big brother. Seriously, I love my younger brother but I don’t think I could ever cover up a murder for him. Never mind dispose of the body. Maybe I would? IDK the situation has never come up (thankfully).
35:25 - .....aaannnnnndd we’re back to the Girl in the Box.
35:58 - “Why would you ever want to leave?” “Because it’s all a lie.” Isn’t Malcolm living a lie IRL too? He’s pretending that Ainsley is a law-abiding citizen. He’s pretending that he isn’t an accomplice in a murder. He’s living in constant fear because of his secrets. They’re going to destroy him. This is why I think a suicide attempt is a possibility for this season. This trauma is a lot bigger (in some ways) than last season’s. Plus - Malcolm has a lot of pre-existing trauma. This could be the metaphoric straw that breaks the camel’s back.  
36:45 - “Even in my wildest dream. I’m still a detective. I need to seek the truth. No matter how painful.” That’s it. That’s Malcolm’s character in a nutshell. “Traumatized boy who intentionally puts himself through more trauma for the sake of seeking the truth.”
37:01 - “You’re right. I need to work on that.”.......if Malcolm tells Gil and/or the team about Ainsley next episode I will lose my mind. 
38:21 - Look, I’m a mechanical engineering student (not an expert) but if that was a wooden stick like I think it is - that would’ve NEVER stopped an elevator (at least, not long enough for Malcolm to escape). But I’ll overlook it for whump. Because Malcolm has a head wound and I’m loving it. 
38:33 - I’ve rewatched this clip of Malcolm with a bloody face meeting JT and Dani about 50 times (wish I was exaggerating that number). There is something so gorgeous about this scene. I mean - the fact that Malcolm is clearly in physical and emotional pain is enough to make my whump heart sing but it’s more than that. Listen to the genuine concern in JT’s voice when he says, “You okay?”. Look at Dani’s concerned face. Listen to how soft and desperate Malcolm’s voice is when he says, “When was the last time I talked to you?” Look at how concerned and confused JT and Dani are when Malcolm says, “I know who the killer is.” They’re not scared of Malcolm. They’re scared for Malcolm. Malcolm just showed up covered in blood, he can’t walk straight, he’s clearly confused, and now he’s claiming that he’s solved the case. They’re worried about him and they have every right to be. Listen to how broken Malcolm sounds when he says, “Long story.” <3 <3 <3 I’m in love with this scene. 
39:19 - “Are you sure about this?” “I have no idea.” This. Is. Important. JT and Dani have every reason to believe that this old man isn’t a killer but Malcolm’s head injury is making him confused. BUT they choose to trust Malcolm (or at the very least, humour him). They trust him enough to take a risk on him and I think that’s beautiful. I think that’s exactly what Malcolm needed after his nightmare of an AU dream. He needed to know that they care about him IRL. I hope he notices their behaviour despite the head injury. 
39:35 - Malcolm puts the skull down with his ungloved hand. I’m blaming the head injury. 
39:55 - Look this was a really moving scene. The parallel of Malcolm arresting a serial killer in front of the serial killer’s child and Martin being arrested in front of Malcolm is haunting. HOWEVER, when that old man stood up from the wheelchair my stupid brain went “THAT ASSHOLE NEVER EVEN NEEDED THE WHEELCHAIR?!?”.....even though he literally wasn’t in a wheelchair in Malcolm’s dream. 
40:47 - “That man will be buried in a turtleneck.” hahahahahaha OMG. Iconic. 
41:27 - “Goodnight Malcolm.” <3 <3 <3 She called him Malcolm IRL. Excuse me while I go and stoke my slow burn Brightwell fire. 
41:36 - “Goodnight.” This is the face of a man who just accepted the fact that he will never be happy. Malcolm honestly doesn’t think he deserves to be in a relationship. Especially with someone as beautiful, kind, and talented as Dani.
41:40 - THAT HAT. Was this really in Season 1?!?! I don’t remember it? But holy hell - I want to see Malcolm wear it. Like now. It’s going to make me laugh. I can feel it. 
41:53 - Immediately you can hear that something is wrong in Ainsley’s voice. She sounds distracted, dissociated, and scared. 
42:14 - Give. Tom. Payne. An. Emmy. Listen to his voice breaking here. He’s so close to tears and it’s genuinely beautiful. Such an astounding performance. 
42:51 - I honestly think Ainsley is shaking her head because she realizes that she made a mistake. She came to Malcolm because she thought he killed Endicott. She thought that he’d be able to understand. That he’d be able to help her because he had committed the same crime she just committed. She was wrong. He can help her - but legally, he really shouldn’t.
43:08 - Look. A new scene for Malcolm’s night terrors. 
43:15 - Yep. This is going to drive Malcolm into a mental breakdown. This is bad. 
43:20 - There’s a part of me that wants Malcolm to tattle on Ainsley. Just so he doesn’t have to keep the secret any longer. The secret is killing him. Telling won’t make the situation any better though. Gil and the team will react horribly and it’ll make Malcolm feel like garbage. Plus I can only imagine how the press would scrutinize the Whitly’s again. It won’t be good any way you slice it. 
I have a love/hate relationship with this episode. On one hand - it’s the cannon AU episode that every fanfiction lover dreams of. It’s also a really compelling episode complete with some excellent acting and great insight into Malcolm’s psyche. HOWEVER: 1) not enough Gil, 2) WHERE IS MY WHUMP AFTERCARE?, and 3) I wanted to see Malcolm at the base of that elevator for longer. The whump wasn’t prolonged enough for my sick soul. 
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