#uganda bills
akonoadham · 1 year
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pretty-roach · 2 months
the hilarious thing about how often white mfs whip out “you’d get beheaded in palestine” to me specifically is my acute, intimate awareness of non-western cultural homophobia. like okay word. My country has a kill gays law. Ive had uncles threaten to stone me to death. I gotta time my visits home to the whims of its political climate, and haven’t gone back in a while. None of this will convince me to ignore Palestinians, especially the queer ones, suffering at the hands of colonial brutality. Something something their racism lens don’t allow them to recognize the true full realized queer stories of all cultures and backgrounds something something
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
In addition to being the dictator party and the abortion police party, the GOP is becoming the "kill the gays" party.
In a little-noticed Oct. 8 speech in Uganda, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) urged that nation to stand behind its new Anti-Homosexuality Act, which includes the death penalty. Walberg’s remarks came at Uganda’s National Prayer Breakfast. His trip to attend the event was paid for by the secretive U.S. group behind the National Prayer Breakfast, congressional filings show. As the keynote speaker of the Entebbe event, Walberg advised Uganda to “stand firm” on the new law. Walberg can be seen in video of the event listening to, endorsing, and associating himself with the remarks of other speakers. Speakers called LGBTQ+ advocates “a force from the bottom of Hell” and urged government officials to adopt “Christocracy” over democracy. Walberg explicitly encouraged Uganda’s leaders to resist opposition to the law from the U.S., the UN, and other global institutions. His audience included President Yoweri Museveni, who signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act into law in May. Museveni afterwards said Walberg’s presence showed his people that there were Americans who “think like us.” Walberg justified his Uganda trip as related to his official duties in part because of his role as co-chair of the Feb. 2 U.S. National Prayer Breakfast.
Yep, Rep. Walberg went on a junket (taxpayer financed?) to the most homophobic country in Sub-Saharan Africa just to "pray" at breakfast — presumably for the death of gays. And he got to do so alongside the country's longtime authoritarian president.
Yoweri Museveni has been mis-leading his country since 26 January 1986 – the same day the Chicago Bears won Super Bowl XX. He's one of those corrupt de facto presidents for life who plague a number of countries in Africa. It's natural that Republicans would gravitate towards such a figure.
[L]ast year’s Ugandan National Prayer Breakfast also served as a rally to resist international pressure for LGBTQ+ rights. The latest version of the Anti-Homosexuality bill, commonly known as the “Kill the Gays Bill,” was introduced shortly afterwards. The law provides penalties of lengthy prison sentences and even execution for “aggravated homosexuality,” including “serial offenses.” Even advocating for LGBTQ+ rights can mean years behind bars under the new law. Just attempting to engage in same-sex conduct can draw a sentence of ten years. According to Human Rights Watch, Ugandan rights groups have seen a spike in anti-LGBTQ discrimination and persecution since the bill’s introduction. Advocates in Uganda report government crackdowns on rights organizations and, since the law was enacted in May, hundreds of individual acts of violence, discrimination, and even evictions. As recently as Dec. 11, the Biden administration reiterated its demand that Uganda repeal the law and stop its official persecution. The White House cited U.S. visa restrictions and sanctions of Ugandan officials. The U.S. has suggested further economic consequences may follow.
Walberg seemed to imply that he's not on the side of the United States of America. Well, that's not unusual of House Republicans.
Referring to himself and the Ugandans there as “we,” Walberg asked, “Whose side do we wanna be on? God’s side. Not the World Bank, not the United States of America, necessarily, not the UN. God’s side.”
Somebody should ask Rep. Walberg if he's going to introduce a "Kill the Gays Bill" in the US House. Knowing how self-hating the Log Cabin Republicans are, they'd probably lobby in favor of such a bill.
A fascist mindset permeates the Republican Party. If you support the continuation of democracy in this country, Vote Blue No Matter Who. People who claim that both parties are the same are either stupid or too lazy to pay attention.
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wejustvibing · 1 year
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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commiepinkofag · 1 year
Pepe Onziema, human rights advocate. May 31, 2023, Democracy Now!
So, as much as I welcome President Biden’s condemnation, I think there needs to be a lot of work done back home within the United States to make sure that these, you know, exporters of hate into a country like Uganda — because Uganda seems to be geographically positioned for, you know, for these people to come into our country and to test everything negative that they want to test in our country. So, that needs to be stopped from the backyard in the United States before it comes this side.
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kasiitamark · 1 year
The Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill Is A Dark Moment For LGBTIQ People.
By Mark Muganga (@Kasiitamark) On 3rd April 2023, Ugandans living in Canada, at the weekend, demonstrated against the recently passed anti-gay Bill, as they called upon human rights activists to dissuade President Museveni from assenting to it.According to press statements from the organisers, the demonstrations were held at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario – Queen Park in Toronto. Among the…
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trilzmedia · 2 years
Police probe woman over sodomy claims
Police probe woman over sodomy claims
Police are investigating a woman, who posted an audio that went viral on social media claiming that her husband had sodomised their children.Police say they suspect the woman is fabricating information to taint the image of her partner with whom she is battling a divorce case in court. In the viral audio, the woman severally alleges that the husband sexually abused their two children, but the…
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hicginewsagency · 1 year
M7 Signs Anti-Gay Bill Into Law
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has signed the anti-homosexuality bill into law. According to Attorney-General Kiryowa Kiwanuka, who is the chief legal adviser to the government, the new law provides for a mandatory death sentence for a person convicted of aggravated homosexuality. Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among confirmed that the president executed his…
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ladyorlandodream · 2 years
According to the bill, the death penalty can be invoked for cases involving “aggravated homosexuality” – a broad term used in the legislation to describe sex acts committed without consent or under duress, against children, people with mental or physical disabilities, by a “serial offender,” or involving incest.
“A person who commits the offense of aggravated homosexuality and is liable, on conviction to suffer death,” read the amendments, which were presented by the chairperson for legal and parliamentary affairs Robina Rwakoojo.
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evildilf2 · 7 months
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Hey guys, my friend Ayiko recently got diagnosed with colon cancer and needs help paying for his cancer treatments.
“*grey freeze frame* i’m sure you’re wondering how i got here—and for those of you who don’t know, i’m Ayiko, a 22 year old queer artist and musician. I’ve always been a creative, from theatre to a film major. My dream is to keep creating, to keep telling stories, to keep sharing my art with the world and with your help i’ll be able to continue with what i love, with my passions. On the night of February the 6th, what was thought to be a routine doctor visit for severe stomach pain turned into an in-patient hospital stay. A CT-Scan revealed the source of the pain was from a rare telescoping and entanglement of the intestines, known as Intussusception. After a successful colonoscopy relieved the pain, it also revealed a lump that was removed during the procedure. Further testing by the pathology department discovered that not only was the lump cancerous but there were additional tumors that were inaccessible without open surgery. The cancer had grown into 5cm tumors and had spread to some lymph nodes. On February the 17th i went under the knife(or in this case a laser) for a robotic colectomy to remove the remaining cancer. There was very little risk in it spreading and it was one of the least aggressive cancer of its type(Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Gastrointestinal Tract). After the surgery, i will be unable to lift more than 10 lbs or walk for long periods of time, which has left me unemployed. Now in post-recovery, i gently ask the community to rally behind my family and i as we face the financial burdens of hospital bills. As a first generation immigrant i am also aware of the family back home that my parents have to look after too(in fact my father is going to visit Uganda in less than a week). That’s why we would greatly appreciate donations of any amount, as i continue my recovery and face the possibility of chemotherapy. Just sharing the link can go a long way. Thanks for reading!” -Ayiko @pretty-roach
Currently donations are at 1.2k out of a 20k goal- any & all help is appreciated, please reblog to circulate.
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fenrislorsrai · 2 years
Giraffe by Dick Latuchie Via Flickr: Murchison Falls NP, Uganda
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Mira Lazine at LGBTQ Nation:
A House committee just passed a bill that would forcibly out trans students. It was introduced by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), who previously advocated for Uganda’s gay death law, the Anti-Homosexuality Act.
The bill, H.R. 736, also known as the “PROTECT Kids Act,” would require elementary and middle schools to forcibly out trans kids to their parents if they ask to go by new pronouns or a new name or use the facilities associated with their gender. If schools failed to comply, they would risk losing all federal funding. “As a condition of receiving Federal funds, any elementary school… or school that consists of only middle grades… that receives Federal funds shall be required to obtain parental consent before— (1) changing a minor child’s gender markers, pronouns, or preferred name on any school form; or (2) allowing a child to change the child’s sex-based accommodations, including locker rooms or bathrooms.” The bill was introduced in February of last year and was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce. It was voted out of committee on a 22 to 12 vote this week and will now be going to the House floor for a possible vote. H.R. 736 was introduced by Walberg in the House and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) in the Senate.
Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI)’s federal anti-LGBTQ+ forced outing bill HR736 (aka the “PROTECT Kids Act”) would require elementary and middle schools across the US to enact student safety-endangering forced outing policies. The bill passed the Education and the Workforce Committee 22-12, and could be set for a full House vote.
The bill has NOTHING to do with “protecting kids”, but an excuse to harass LGBTQ+ students, especially if they do not have supporting parents.
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
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alanshemper · 10 months
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There are other reasons why environmentalism might have looked like a bourgeois playground to Said. The Israeli state has long coated its nation-building project in a green veneer – it was a key part of the Zionist ‘back to the land’ pioneer ethos. And in this context trees, specifically, have been among the most potent weapons of land grabbing and occupation. It’s not only the countless olive and pistachio trees that have been uprooted to make way for settlements and Israeli-only roads. It’s also the sprawling pine and eucalyptus forests that have been planted over those orchards, as well as over Palestinian villages, most notoriously by the Jewish National Fund, which, under its slogan ‘Turning the Desert Green’, boasts of having planted 250 million trees in Israel since 1901, many of them non-native to the region. In publicity materials, the JNF bills itself as just another green NGO, concerned with forest and water management, parks and recreation. It also happens to be the largest private landowner in the state of Israel, and despite a number of complicated legal challenges, it still refuses to lease or sell land to non-Jews.
The JNF is an extreme and recent example of what some call ‘green colonialism’. But the phenomenon is hardly new, nor is it unique to Israel. There is a long and painful history in the Americas of beautiful pieces of wilderness being turned into conservation parks – and then that designation being used to prevent Indigenous people from accessing their ancestral territories to hunt and fish, or simply to live. It has happened again and again. A contemporary version of this phenomenon is the carbon offset. Indigenous people from Brazil to Uganda are finding that some of the most aggressive land grabbing is being done by conservation organisations. A forest is suddenly rebranded a carbon offset and is put off-limits to its traditional inhabitants. As a result, the carbon offset market has created a whole new class of ‘green’ human rights abuses, with farmers and Indigenous people being physically attacked by park rangers or private security when they try to access these lands. Said’s comment about tree-huggers should be seen in this context.
But this only scratches the surface of what we can learn from reading Said in a warming world. He was, of course, a giant in the study of ‘othering’ – what is described in Orientalism as ‘disregarding, essentialising, denuding the humanity of another culture, people or geographical region’. And once the other has been firmly established, the ground is softened for any transgression: violent expulsion, land theft, occupation, invasion. Because the whole point of othering is that the other doesn’t have the same rights, the same humanity, as those making the distinction. What does this have to do with climate change? Perhaps everything.
We have dangerously warmed our world already, and our governments still refuse to take the actions necessary to halt the trend. There was a time when many had the right to claim ignorance. But for the past three decades, since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was created and climate negotiations began, this refusal to lower emissions has been accompanied with full awareness of the dangers. And this kind of recklessness would have been functionally impossible without institutional racism, even if only latent. It would have been impossible without Orientalism, without all the potent tools on offer that allow the powerful to discount the lives of the less powerful. These tools – of ranking the relative value of humans – are what allow the writing off of entire nations and ancient cultures. And they are what allowed for the digging up of all that carbon to begin with.
2 June 2016
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sparkledbun-random · 1 month
This need to be taken seriously please.
There's a refugee currently in kenya called David Kato ( he/him ) in kakuma refuge camp buh originally from Uganda and came in kenya after a long run away from persecution, death penalty and imprisonment that was put in place by the government of Uganda after the signing of the anti homosexual bill. After going to Kenya, the place he went to run for help in a Red Cross Kenya he was taken to a refuge camp in turkana west called kakuma refuge camp where he found many of people which were also lgbtq but we were living together, aroud 200 plus lgbtq folks. staying together boosted the starting of them suffering from a lot of injustices like hatred, discrimination, segregation, denial of human rights like right to study, to access medical aid, food, safe water, children to enjoy their childhood due to continuous death threats from the straight community that left them full of fear. As of speaking now he's currently suffering for a very severe disease of ulcers that is cause by not eating in time and also having no food due to the fact they stay inside to dodge the attacks. This is truly disgusting and inhumane. Please if you have the accessibility to, donate in this gofund me, it's important and will help a lot.
If the link doesnt work for any reason, here it is to copy paste:
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