#u dont understand )
ecstarry · 21 days
i need james pulling regulus closer by his belt and then teasing reg because he’s blushing but regulus is stubborn so then he fixes james’ collar and now that gets an undeniable reaction from james, like comically clearing his throat and then someone passes by so they both take a step back and they go on about their day constantly playing that interaction on loop and hoping to run into each other again
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disneyprincemuke · 10 months
is it killing you like it’s killing me?
alternatively: we haven’t spoken in almost a week (prev)
in which she and logan try to navigate the worst part about dating your literal coworker
(series masterlist)
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logan sits in his seat, leaning forward to prop himself up on his elbow as he tries to type away on his phone in the least awkward way possible. he hears the heels clicking against the gravel first before he catches a whiff of a familiar floral scent.
he doesn't turn his head directly, just shifts his eyes to his side, watching his literal girlfriend walk right past him without even stopping by to greet him. he can almost make out the sound of her sweet voice amidst the noise around him, her shocking choice for a dark motif outfit contrasting against the pure white of the person next to her.
only then he realises that his girlfriend is quite literally walking around the paddocks with mercedes personnel. she engages in casual conversation with susie wolff every once in a while around the paddocks, but never has he seen her out and about with her. mick trails behind them, looking down at his phone as he matches their pace.
upon simply walking past the williams patio, mick looks up at the lack of the younger driver's acknowledgement of the guy in blue sitting very obviously in the white chair. mick cranes his neck back, shooting logan a questioning stare.
to which, logan only shrugs. mick is one of the few friends that she decided to tell; by that, he means that they got caught sneaking around the paddocks last year right by the haas racing home.
"still walked right past you?" a british accent makes logan tear his eyes off his girlfriend, meeting alex's brown eyes as he approaches the table. "how bad was the fight that you guys had?"
"pretty bad," logan mutters with a small smile, putting his phone down gently on the table. "did george tell you anything? did she tell them anything about the fight we had?"
alex frowns, shaking his head. logan came out and confessed that they, in fact, have been in a relationship for about two years. at first, alex was a bit appalled that logan was able to lie to him so fluently for the majority of the season.
after he processed his initial reaction, which only took about a minute or so, alex cheered and congratulated logan. as far as alex was concerned, it physically hurt to watch this young man be head over heels for someone he presumed to not be as interested in him as he is with her.
with his new-found knowledge of their involvement, alex went on a mission to pry george and lando - the people she's consistently stuck with all week - to try and figure out if she's said anything to them. or, has at least told them what's running through her mind.
alex did immediately run off. he was not glad to find out that his friends found out before him, but was very excited to share his new discovery.
he ran to the mercedes' racing home about an hour ago, squealing and giggling as he yanked george away from toto to talk. they were shortly joined by lando, spewing detailed accounts of the night he caught them in japan on a date.
then lando dropped his giggles, shaking his head at the assumption that their fight looked like it had gotten pretty bad. george then perks up, whispering very softly and incoherently about how bad it had seemed two nights ago during the opening ceremony rehearsal.
"they said she's been quite reserved since the first night," alex explains, lips pursed as he tries to remember everything that had nothing to do with the fact that he disappeared for a hot half hour because they derailed from the original topic of conversation.
alex found themselves talking about how they saw her crying in max's arm the other night, then concluding the conversation with what hair colour he should get next. "they said she's been with max a lot. hasn't even really talked to oscar, lando said."
logan scoffs, locking his jaw. he's not saying he's jealous of max verstappen, though it does seem to be that way to the naked eye.
okay so he's jealous of max verstappen. but in his defence, who wouldn't be? logan finds himself consistently at the back of the grid race after race, and there is his girlfriend sharing simple celebrations with the two-time world champion.
more often than not, on a race weekend, when she has to force a little distance from him to avoid partaking in the rumour mill, she's adopted by the older drivers to shower with information and a lot of love.
"yeah, she was walking with susie earlier," logan gestures at the long stretch ahead of them in the paddocks. "and she's wearing black."
"black?" alex repeats, raising an eyebrow. "like full black?" logan nods. "oh, you guys have got to talk soon. how long haven't you talked?"
"about a week."
"god," alex cries, rubbing his eyes. "okay, okay. we'll find a way to make you guys talk, okay?"
"how? she's been avoiding me all week. and i think this is something we need to come together on our own and figure out."
logan does have a big ego, but it all seems to fall apart when it comes to her. it's always been a topic for shits and giggles growing up though that seemed to change after they went on their first date.
almost immediately, everyone could tell how head over heels he was just for her.
"yeah, but neither of you is even trying?" alex points out, tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows. "are you serious?"
"i can see how i worded that wrongly."
alex pushes his chair back, heading straight for the building behind them. "i will consult the madman. wait right here."
"whoa!" logan calls out, throwing his arms in the air. "you told your girlfriend that i have a girlfriend? dude, you were sworn to secrecy!"
"you're not as convincing as (y/n), from what i heard," alex purses his lips together, shaking his head. "and, lily knew before me, anyway. oscar's girlfriend whispered it in her ear when they went to the club last night when (y/n) refused to go out on the dance floor."
"fine. but come back with good news only."
"i'll try my best."
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"it wasn't easy, i guess," toto shrugs, his office chair being manoeuvred around his small office by his feet planted against the floor. he stirs the coffee in his cup and looks at the girl curled into a ball in the chair on the other side of his table. "you need to put each other above the results of a weekend. you should not have let that get to you."
"but i guess it is kinda hard watching your girlfriend achieve the things you want to also be achieving," susie mutters, fingers pressed against her lips as she thinks.
for susie to know of her relationship with logan, you'd have to date back to over two years ago. susie had been fully vouching for her, trying to get her opportunities in a higher level to help her progress. so, of course, she had to excitedly tell susie about it.
if there was anyone who would be supportive, it's her. and susie didn't find a problem in their relationship, only claiming to tread carefully since they are always racing against one another.
susie is just more surprised that the difference in performance and the pressure of it all only just got to them now. racing alongside one another in f2 should have been the one that did it, but she guesses it's because they used to be a lot closer in the results back then.
"basically," toto sighs, blowing cold air into his cup of coffee. "put your relationship first if you want to make this last. and i know logan means a lot to you, so i am sure you will find a way around this."
"but why did it feel like it was my fault that he wasn't achieving the same things as me?" she sighs, throwing her head back into the wall with a soft thud. she looks at the ceiling of toto's office, knees to her chest as she hides away from the cameras and the prying questions of those who know of their relationship.
"you need to come together in the moments of hard times," toto mutters, shaking his head. "he's not doing well; you are doing well. find a middle ground."
"how am i supposed to do that, toto?" she yelps, melting into the seat, legs and arms spreading as she scratches the top of her head. "we literally just had the biggest fight of our relationship. two nights ago, i didn't even think there was no other way out of this but a breakup until max made me talk to susie."
the reason she's been following max instead of sebastian around all weekend is because she thought that he would be able to figure it out with her. alas, they were both stumped that night of the rehearsals, sipping on beer in a nearby bar.
she found herself hopeless, bracing herself to admit defeat to the pressures of dating someone within the sport. until max perked up after chugging half his glass of gin and tonic, eyes shimmering as the greatest idea he's had all night finally came to him.
"you know who i bet had to navigate a tricky situation?" max asked her, pointing a finger to her face knowingly. "susie and toto."
she hesitated, but max did make a compelling case. all he had to say was: "she used to race and he was an investor in the motorsport."
"i think," susie speaks, then pauses as she flutters her eyes to think for a moment, "that you're both great kids."
"thanks, that's exactly what my mum said," she answers flatly, unamused at the answer.
"so it might not be as difficult to resolve it," susie smiles. "i'm sure you can find a way."
"i'm here because i don't know a way," she repeats, throwing her arms around in the air. "you can't just say that to me and expect me to come up with a resolution instantly. i've avoided my boyfriend for almost a week because i thought there was only one solution!"
susie exchanges a smile with her husband, who is quietly giggling to himself at his table. then she looks at the young driver with a smile that emits less ridicule. "i can't do that for you. you have to figure it out with him; not us."
"are you saying i need to go and talk to him?" she frowns, folding her arms over her chest. "like i have to go up to him and talk to him? in person?"
"you can't do it over text message," toto frowns in confusion. he lifts his eyes to look at susie. "right?"
"she can," susie laughs, sitting on the armrest of his seat. she looks at the driver again. "but she shouldn't."
“handle this like an adult.”
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logan was simply minding his own business in his driver's room when alex barged in (he's been doing that for the past week because he knows there's no possibility of a girl inside) and dragged him out.
he wasn't going to ask questions, he just followed alex blindly, dropping his head low in confusion.
right by the steps that lead into the william's racing home, their small group is huddled into a makeshift circle. they're leaned in with hushed whispers and excited giggles with lando even getting a bit loud with every couple of words he said.
she likes to call them the elite group that's somehow managed to find out about her and logan, though everyone argued with her that they didn't make much of an effort to really keep it under wraps.
"okay, so we came up with a plan," alex says, finally letting go of logan's sleeve.
max lifts his head, hands on his hips. "i wouldn't trust any plan you come up with."
"hey, i came up with that plan," lily.m scoffs, holding a hand against her chest. "excuse you."
"oh, then that's better," george agrees with a smile. "so what have you come up with?"
"really? you trust a plan that had alex's input on it?" lando cries, scratching his head. "you're gonna break them up! that's not the outcome we're trying to achieve, people! focus!"
"highly offended, actually," lily.m frowns. "like you can come up with a better plan."
alex waves his arms in the air in an attempt to hush the chatter that his friends are in. "no, listen! it's a good plan!"
"i also have a plan," mick speaks up, reaching his arm out into the middle of the circle to get their attention.
"i'd trust him more than whatever you two have come up with," max mutters, pointing at the couple accusingly.
logan actually appreciates the banter that's going on and it almost makes him forget the real reason they've all gathered here today. it's refreshing to be the one in the middle of older drivers' conversations.
this must be why his girlfriend has grown quite fond of them. but it's hard not to feel like an outsider.
"hey, we spent the better part of our alone time in my driver's room scheming!" alex defends himself, reaching out to push mick's arm away.
"hey, don't do that!" george laughs, smacking the back of alex's hand. "apologise!"
"guys," oscar finally speaks up. "i think we should address the problem at hand?"
"we will, but max says my plan would never work!" alex squeaks. "take that back!"
"i'm only speaking the truth!"
"but mate-"
"what are you guys doing?"
"hold on, (y/n), max is being- (y/n)!" alex screams just as everyone turns their head to find the smaller girl looking up at their group with a weird stare. she holds a pepsi tightly in her hands, pressing it against her chest as she takes an innocent sip.
logan feels his heart drop at the sight of his confused girlfriend standing there staring at them with wide eyes. but he also just feels an overwhelming surge of relief finally being this close to her again.
oscar is right: this is the longest they've gone without talking since they all met during karting. even his months-long trips back to florida never kept them apart from one another for this long. a couple days at best before they start falling back into old habits.
"we're having a," max trails, turning his head back to desperately search for somebody who can finish his sentence for him. "a..."
"we're discussing what to get for supper after the opening ceremony later," lily grins, elbowing oscar beside her to push him forward slightly.
oscar stumbles a step forward, clearing his throat as he meets his best friend's eyes. "yeah, we haven't found a place yet. we were just about to find you to ask you if you had any ideas!"
"and you're all going together?" she asks suspiciously, her eyes slowly scanning the participants of the circle. she momentarily meets logan's eyes before she settles for oscar's gaze again. "all of you?"
lando looks around, realising how weird their group has grown to be. he takes the initiative to answer her: "yeah. why not?"
she presses her lips together, moving her head to the side slightly to show him that she's not entirely buying the lie. "really?”
“yeah,” max nods excitedly. “we couldn’t find you so we discussed first.”
“but i’ve never seen you,” she points at oscar, then at logan, “and you hang out with george before.”
logan raises his eyebrows, taken aback by her sudden verbal acknowledgement of his presence. he shrugs, then turns his head to oscar for help.
“what, we can’t get to know each other over dinner?” george calls out with a scoff. “all this criticism — do you even know of a place we can go to to get some late-night food?”
“can it wait?” she asks sweetly with a small smile. “i kinda need to talk to logan alone.”
there’s a moment of silence.
“you’re making dinner plans without us, aren’t you,” mick jokes, furrowing his eyebrows at her. “why would you do that?”
she laughs, walking towards her boyfriend with a hand held out to his arm. “i just need to steal him for a little while — i promise we’ll head out to supper with you guys tonight.”
her hand lands on logan’s arm, wrapping itself around his arm. “we’ll catch you guys later?”
“okay,” max answers hesitantly. “don’t forget to think of where to eat.”
“max,” alex says through gritted teeth, hitting his shoulder.
“what?” max asks innocently, throwing his arms in the air as they start to pull away from the group.
she barely takes two steps away from them before she whispers to him, “can i talk to you for a bit?”
“yeah, of course,” logan nods, putting a hand on the small of her back. “your room?”
she nods with a small smile, then picks up her pace. she reaches back for his wrist, making him flinch at the first feel of her skin he’s gotten in the longest time. but he doesn't pull away, just lets the sliver of skin he can feel past the cuff of his fireproofs warm him up.
she rushes up the stairs leading up to the door of her racing home, head hung low as they navigate an all too familiar route. a route he hasn’t taken all week, but has been wanting to, and coward away from.
they’ve only got 15 minutes to figure this out in one sitting before it’s considered suspicious. they never stay in for too long to avoid suspicions within her team. just like a teenage couple would, they eventually keep the door open to prove that they're definitely not doing anything suspicious inside.
she greets her team principal with a small smile before she disappears into the stairs with logan still letting himself be dragged in by her. she makes a quick sharp turn into her room and closes the door behind her.
she faces the door, her heart racing in her chest and her hands start to sweat at the thought of confrontation over their intense fight. she came straight from toto's office and went to find logan, only to be told by james that he was dragged out by alex a few minutes prior.
she takes a deep breath and turns around and barely has the time to process just how much she's missed her boyfriend because she's being pulled into his arms in a tight hug.
"i'm sorry," logan mutters into her hair, his arms desperately clinging to her smaller frame.
she slowly lifts her arms, wrapping them around his torso to return the tight grip. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean what i said - i'm sorry."
"no, you're right. it's not my fault that i can't deliver for races. i shouldn't have taken it out on you," logan sighs, pulling away. "it's- oh, please don't cry."
"i'm sorry," she repeats, starting to heave heavily out of guilt. just the sheer thought that breaking up might have been the only way has been eating at her all day. "logan, i-"
"please don't cry," logan whispers, his lips pressing as a knot forms on his forehead. great. now they're both crying. his thumbs swipe over both her cheeks in an attempt to dry her tears but the new ones just keep undoing his efforts. "you can cry but don't make me cry. only one of us can cry at a time."
and then she couldn't hold it in anymore. she breaks into a louder cry. "i'm sorry i thought breaking up was the only way out of this. i'm sorry - i just didn't see how we could have moved past something as big as what we were fighting about. i love you, logan, but i didn't know what else i could do. i'm sorry."
suddenly it felt like someone had thrown a knife directly into his chest. the entire week, the thought that she might have considered breaking up with him came up many times. he was good at keeping those thoughts at bay, but hearing it directly from her lips just felt different.
it hurt differently when it came from the person you think is your soulmate.
she stifled a sob when he straightened his back and dropped his hands from her cheeks. "i didn't know what to do. i'm sorry. i didn't know how long more we could go on walking on eggshells every race we would have. i hated hurting you like that every weekend. i hated seeing you force smiles, laughter and neverminds just to accommodate to me.
"i," she cuts herself off, forcing herself to swallow the sob that's bubbled up from the deepest part of her chest. she tries to blink her tears away, but it falls anyway. she turns away from him momentarily to wipe it away on the cuff of her fireproof. "i couldn't keep doing that to you."
"you," logan sighs, throwing his head back, palms covering his eyes. "you really think that i care about any of that? i contemplated; i told you, two years ago every single outcome our relationship could have on us! you knew this was bound to happen and now you're telling me you thought about ending it over this?"
"because i saw the way you would look at me every weekend! you didn't look at me the way you did in singapore when i was up on that podium when we were in bahrain at the start of the year. you can say you love me and that you're happy for me, but i can tell!"
"tell what?"
"i can tell that however much you loved me wasn't going to be enough for you to push away the growing feeling of-" she sighs, and tears her eyes away from him. she settles for the teddy bear sitting on her bean bag. she presses her lips together, jaw locking as she hates herself for what she's about to say. "of eventually hating me."
"why would you ever think that i could grow to hate you?" logan rubs his face roughly, then runs his hands through his hair. "i- god, i'm so in love with you! i was - i am - happy for you, but i could also see the pity in your eyes every weekend that i would finish behind you! you're sorry for me! i don't need that from you - everybody already always looks at me that way."
"because i know you on the track! i've raced against you my entire career - i know what you're capable of!"
"then why do you keep looking at me like i'm always just going to crash out every race?"
"i want to see you succeed! i hate seeing you like this! i hate having to go everywhere and watch and listen and look at people speaking about you like this! you're nothing like what they say!"
"i don't need your pity! i need you to be my girlfriend - i put you above what happens on a race weekend. if you succeed, then you succeed and then you can go and celebrate! but i never minimised any of your achievements just because my race went haywire. if i crash out and you've somehow managed to break a record, that's okay! it's doesn't fucking matter, because your achievements obviously mean the entire world more than that.
"stop trying to think of what i will feel when you succeed. i'm your boyfriend - i am always going to be happy for you. separate our results from our relationship. if you keep letting it get in the way, this will never work."
she straightens her back and snaps her head to him. "you want to break up with me?"
"no," logan sighs, shaking his head tiredly. he takes a step forward, her eyes dropping to his feet then lifting it to meet his eyes. "i don't want to break up with you, i'm just- i didn't speak to you very nicely before we left for vegas. i think i didn't word myself appropriately and i'm sorry."
"you were right about some points, honestly, it doesn't-"
"i didn't mean to blame you for the way i was feeling, and neither was it my intention to back you into a corner because i couldn't get a grip in an f1 car. it's not right."
"but, logan-"
"stop trying to take care of me and my feelings. i promise i always literally get over it when i see your team throwing you around when you make history."
"that's not fair," she says softly, leaning into his touch when he lifts his hand to cup her cheek. "you can feel feelings too. i don't want you to deprive yourself of that."
"i can be sad about it another day that doesn't interfere with you. it doesn't matter what i'm feeling retiring from a race when you never fail to deliver results."
"that doesn't solve my problem, logan. i don't want you to hate me."
"i'm never going to hate you," he laughs softly, throwing his arms around her for another embrace. "why would you ever think that?"
"because i've seen this happen to friends in the same field. one succeeds more than the other, and the latter can't cope. it almost always ends up falling apart."
"emphasis on 'friends'," logan smiles slightly, bending down to meet her at her height. "you're my girlfriend. we're always going to have to find ways around shit like this. we knew that when we started dating. right?"
"yeah? but it just doesn't sound like a solution i'll be okay with."
"i promise i'm trying to get better so i can redeem that one deal we made in bahrain at the start of the year."
"god, logan! you're disgusting!" her hand comes down to land a smack on his shoulder.
he bursts out laughing and leans down again to make their noses touch. "we're going to be okay."
"really?" she grins shyly, her hand resting above the back of his hand that's pressed up against her cheek. "you really think we'll be okay even if we're in f1 for the rest of our lives?"
"i know so. i know that because my mama didn't raise no quitter - i'm never leaving you."
"why'd you have to ruin it?"
"it was getting too sappy."
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"maybe i preferred you guys when you were fighting," max scoffs, walking away from the seat he's just been evicted from. "you were able to act like two normal human beings."
"everything about this week is normal!" george cries, shaking his head. "she wore sunglasses indoors after making fun of me for it! how is that fair?"
"i literally told you i'm sitting next to logan," the younger driver states, glaring at max. "you went and sat next to him anyway. you did this to yourself."
"we're in america - it's called first come first serve."
"i literally don't think that's how it works," alex sighs, turning to look at max. "be better, max."
"trust me, i'm trying."
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liked by logansargeant, blythe.yln and 73,482 others
kidy/n guys we’re still friends i promise i just can’t stand him when he makes me go fish with him because huh
view 13 comments…
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logansargeant no cuz why did u post this
logansargeant i thought you were joking
kidy/n learn to take me seriously every once in a while idk
oscarpiastri appropriate picture to end the us races imo
sebastianvettel ?
yukitsunoda0511 i’ll go fishing with u logan :/
lilyzneimer i’m going to have to disagree on this y/n
kidy/n please say jk right now i know you’re not defending this fish murderer
georgerussell63 hahahahahahahaha
kidy/n ?
williamsracing can we borrow these pics? asking for a friend
kidy/n merch with these photos?
williamsracing we’ll deliver it straight to your doorstep
logansargeant ???
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@littlesatanicassholebitch @what-is-happening-helpp @myxticmoon @gentlyweeps-world @nerdfromanotherworld @n7ytiri @alliesreblogs
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abiissart · 3 months
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Sleepy alucard 💤
307 notes · View notes
mushtoons · 1 year
okay but golbetty thoughts 🤔
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shes silly 💕
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thewindaroundme · 3 months
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51 notes · View notes
sapphireluci · 7 months
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PERISH YOU FOOL (if you know you know)
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wikitpowers · 8 months
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kremechihihi · 1 year
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garam beat bestie tingz
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sun-stricken · 5 months
Hello! On the 19th of December 2023 you said in a tag that you ought to make a gray and gajeel hc list. I’m here to also ask you for that because you have a lot of wonderful headcanons and yeah <3
(also sorry for coming across as demanding or rude or anything, you seem very cool and tbh I’m interested in your ideas just sorta in general, idk how exactly to express that while also kinda asking for something so. Apologies for that, and no pressure to respond to this)
ngl u scared me by pulling out reciepts
thus literally took two months and its so short and i have my excuses but please just take it
the post they and i refrence is this one (i think)
* their friendship goes from cordial to feral in two seconds
* They work fairy decent together, but they prefer to do their own thing if they get paired for smth
* Fairy Tail has a very mutual distaste fpr the magic council, after the guild finally got back together (after Gray and Gajeel stopped ‘working ‘ for avatar and the council respectively), Gray would often tease him by treating him as if Gajeel still was with the council
* “Oh shit!! Move its the opps!” “you think ur so fuckin funny, dont you” “i dont know what youre talking about, sir officer sir”
* Gray yells at Gajeel and Levy to get a room anytime they do absolutely anything with each other
* Slayers (dragon, god, demon, etc) always grow fangs and watching it happen is like watching a baby teething, but it usually happens early on (within a few years of learning) so one of ft first times witnessing it was Gray (and Laxus but this aint abt him)
* He would grind his teeth or bite various items bc the pressure felt good
* but yk what wasnt good?? the fucking sound, also it was damaging his teeth
* so Gajeel, the generous soul he clearly is, let him bite his arm so he would stop
* it worked, Gray did stop grinding his teeth but the sound was no better, and now Gajeel is constantly cold and gets no personal space at the guild for weeks
* They agree with each other and have a fair amount of the same hobbies and interests (and shops they go to) and it both pisses them off and weirds them out to no end (“is this guy stalking me rn?? wtf is going ON”)
* They originally bonded over their mutual rivalry with Natsu
* “what a dumbass” “im gonna punch him” *sound of friendship forming*
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anonymouslyel · 8 months
something something jwds hanahaki au with dongsik catching it and immediately knowing what flower does the petals he's vomiting belongs to cz he is the son of two florists and that makes it worse cause then there's two kinds of petals from two different flowers in his hands and one means unrequited love and the other means rejection and what a laughable matter this is because he hasnt even thought about actually confessing to juwon yet the universe is already telling him its unrequited and rejected and then juwon gifts him a bouquet of flowers with an unfamiliar crimson flush on his cheeks and does juwon even know the flowers meant i cannot live without you and love secretly treasured? does juwon know how much dongsik is hoping against hope that the bouquet of flowers now sitting on his couch could actually mean something for them two? because now juwon would not know that the added petals in dongsik's own buoquet seated and growing inside his chest meant unfulfilled love and then juwon gives him another buoquet of flower that meant first love and dongsik is coughing and wheezing, trying so hard to make the petals stuck on his lungs to stop making it hard for him to breathe, to stop making him hope, and juwon is so worried, ever so kind juwon, then he's at the hospital and being briefed about the solutions for his predicament and jihwa's angry that he's not agreeing to the surgery while yuyeon smiles sadly at him, understanding why dongsik is against the surgery and juwon visits him with another buoquet of flowers that meant never changing love and this time, dongsik actually laughs because why didn't he realize that juwon have been basically confessing to him through the flowers he's given dongsik because of course juwon relied on the fact that lee dongsik is the son of two florists and since he's basically on the verge of dying, dongsik threw caution to the wind and confessed to juwon and juwon says "i'm sorry" and oh okay and juwon continues to say "if only i told you how i feel earlier, you wouldn't be so hurt like this. i'm sorry. i love you too. i'm sorry" with tears forming in his eyes and dongsik pulling juwon into a hug and he can feel the rough stems and velvety petals in his chest and throat recede and he can finally breathe again
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rask · 1 year
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fla vs car – game 4 [5/24/23]
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finnsfunworld · 3 months
everybody shut up do u hear that? *stozier picking up the broken pieces of each other after everything*
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currentlyraining · 2 months
i honestly started doctor who for the tenth doctor but ur telling me that there are people?? who dont like?? the ninth doctor?? he was sooo great i loved watching him 😭
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mushtoons · 1 year
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k9wa · 4 months
jiaoqiu propaganda on my dash i am eating this up more give me MMMOREE
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io-lu-art · 8 months
totally not me being very influenced by the media I am consuming while writing this fanscript
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Something in Finch's manner of talking gives me C-3PO vibes sometimes. Idk what it is, but the way he walks because of his stiff neck probably adds a lot to it hahah
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