#tyrias library
madame-cookie · 2 months
Cadivostellus (he/him) Rank: Legendary
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Cadivostellus is the oldest Sylvari member of the Astral Ward. He has long-since forgotten the exact nature of the tree from which his pod bloomed, other than that he was the sole survivor, and recalls meeting Mabon shortly afterwards.
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He is a powerful Mage of the Celestial, and a dedicated scholar for the Astral Ward. He routinely makes visits to the surface of Tyria in search of rare magical texts, or artifacts with magical inscriptions. Understanding and applying the magic within the glyphs and symbols they come across is how Cadivostellus has served the Ward for years.
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He has a cheery personality that is somewhat unbecoming of his reputation as a ruthless and lethal defender of Amnytas. He is often walking around the library and talking with himself or anyone who will listen about the nature of his interests.
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His fascination with the heavens is passionate and true. And no matter where his mission has taken him, Cadivostellus will always find the time to lay back and watch the stars go by above.
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mysticforger · 8 months
A little Before and After
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A milestone post to which I was looking forward too ever since I started! I now have four edits done and I really enjoy doing them. Here are the before and after for the four images already online. Let's start with my favorite boy!
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My first edit, the one that started my new hyperfixation. On the picture as actually the tree that gave birth to him (wow, this is so weird to say honestly). During the first months in the Maguuma Jungle he found out he had an unhealthy relationship towards Mordrem, which made him question the reason why he was on Tyria in the first place. Why he was allowed to be here still.
I mostly just changed the lightning and added a shadow underneath the tree and underneath Jojo. I also added some lightning on him because he deserves it.
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I probably took the longest time thus far with an edit. I removed some of the lights near her left arm, and also toned down some of the green. I darkened the area near her hand to enhance the glow showing around it. She is also opening portals to literal hell, so... I could've gone harder on the dark thing!
I also heightened some of the glow on her leaves. Loving the fact that even though she is now corrupted by the Kryptis, during the nights there is a hint of what she was (vibrant blue with hints of green).
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This is one where I maybe went harder than I should, but it is closer to her backstory than the original somehow. The first backstory I wrote for her was one where the tattoos would turn into literal fragments of the night sky, and she would grow in size. In that form, she could actually let the tattoo take her over and Altrados would change into an avatar of the night sky (much like the druid. Guess what build she still has to this day!). Letting her wield Astralaria is just... /cheffskiss. Love.
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I think this one hit me different. Dallas is the one character that changed the most. I used the most kits on her out of all my characters! And after every kit, she looked more like me.
Her backstory also changed a lot, and for some quests I found myself in the library more and more. But I just went through those quest bits mindlessly clicking through the pages. Why? I'm hella dyslectic! And so Dallas wasn't actually reading the books as well. She would literally grab the book, go to the person giving her the quest and throwing the book down at the desk like "here, read yourself.".
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gglitchshit · 10 months
omg hi, I didn't know you before today but please give me as many of the numbers from the gw2 ask game for gliaster as you want. I am fascinated.
HIII finally after more than half a year. I am here. With all of the numbers. Thank you so much for the ask and the interest in my lil rat. 🥺❤
GW2 ASK MEME 3: Back and worse-er than ever (accepting still I guess. Just slow.)
Putting it under a readmore because. Long. (Also cw for some animal cruelty mentions, dark topics implication and the usual spoilers for LWS4E3 long live the lich~)
1.) Your character is now the leader of their species, whatever that looks like for them (Arcane Councilmember, Imperator, Royalty, etc). How do they govern and what sorts of changes would they make if any?
They would certainly reform education in some way. That's all I can think of rn... :')
2.) What class would your character just absolutely blow at?
(CW: Animal cruelty)
Ranger. They would use any and all animals they find/come across for some kind of fucked up experiment. None of them would stay alive.😞
3.) What person impacted them the most?
*Shows a picture of them surrounded by 500 Joko statues. Surprisingly.*
*Coughs* Anyway, yeah, the moment the asura first learned about Joko in a corner of a library, the impact was made. Gliaster cares about nothing but necromancy and seeing that there was this powerful lich out there was just the cataclysm of everything. Like a god. That man was so otherworldy for Gliaster in everything, even decades later they can't let go of him. Ever.
4.) Assuming they're a commander, how close were they really to Destiny's Edge? To Trahearne?
5.) What would they look like as the side character in someone else's story?
IDK I can only think of as a trope, like in general. Cuz yeah they're kind of a side character for Joko but it's Complicated.
Anyway, they would be the type of side character that's like always around in the background, kind of like as a running gag. Not even them personally always but like a picture of them. Just always there in the corner of your eyes... Always watching.....
6.) They're now a heart NPC/part of a string of quests. What does that involve?
Hhh I have way too many ideas for this. One that would be similar to the Vabbi heart at the Necropolis (Help the living and the dead at the Necropolis) with processing and honoring the dead but also one where they're in Tyria in disguise (they're a wanted criminal in there so gotta be careful lol) spreading Joko propaganda which would be just the opposite of a heart in Ebonhawke. 😭 (Help the people in Ebonhawke). I'm sooo original.
Something other I can think about is some generic asura stuff helping around the lab or with experiments, possibly again involving animal cruelty or even worse, but I already wrote a similar heart for Rikka. 😞
7.) Do they have any skills or abilities that their class wouldn't normally have/just go about their class differently in some kind of way?
Ohhh boy yes they do. 😈 So, they're a necromancer, but with some sub-abilities similar to other classes/specializations' abilities.
For example they CAN "manifest sand shade" like an in-game scourge, but it's actually sand manipulation. They can use sand to lift or carry objects, for example caskets or even themself. They like to make themself taller this way hehe.
They can also summon fire in/around their left hand due to a Djinn's blessing, but can only use it as a light source and can't attack with it.
But most importantly, and also the most powerful of them all, they can manipulate other living beings' blood in their veins, essentially controlling them like puppets. This costs great energy though, so they only use it as a last resort. Later however, when they themself become a lich, this limitation ends and this becomes their main way of practicing necromancy.
8.) How willing are they to bend/break the rules for their cause (be it selfless or otherwise)?
They will literally commit murder for it so yes, very willing.
9.) What's an AU for them you think could be fun to explore?
I do have two AU ideas... one of them fun, one of them just fucked up (and fun. for me.)
The fun: Inquest AU sort of, but so far it's only in the Mists because Inquest member Gliaster is my WvW toon, and haven't really explored it much. Only fashion-wise. Yet.
The fucked up: An AU where Joko somehow has remains. For Gliaster to keep to themself and do whatever with it. And probably prevent any future tragedies that exist in their main verse because of this... :') Exploring dark/taboo sides of my OCs like my life depends on it...
10.) Would/does knowing their backstory change how people (in general but also Tyria at large) view them?
Probably not, it's not like they have a tragic backstory and that's why they are "evil", why they like necromancy or are siding with Joko. Even when they become a lich and seek revenge against Aurene and the Commander, their past doesn't really redeem them.
11.) How accurate is their reputation/image compared to how they really are?
Quite accurate. They don't really show a fake image and are very honest. Their reputation is basically "murderous traitor" in Tyria and "weird little cruel guy who's also Joko's lover" in Elona, so yep.
12.) Have they "completed" the map? What does that look like in your canon?
In-game they do have full map completion of core Tyria and every other map as well because they're my main and I do every story with them, but in canon... A bit of here and there in core Tyria. They used to have a travelling era before they permanently moved to Elona. But they surely have the Crystal Desert and Elona "completed." But they don't explore every tiny bit of areas like how it is done sometimes in-game to get map completion.
13.) What is the worst/funniest/dumbest article that could be written about them in Tyria's trashiest gossip mag?
In Tyria...some big dumb lie of how they betrayed and murdered the Priory excavation team on their way to Elona. People would blow it out of proportion for sure.
Then in Elona.....people would probably distastefully curious and disgusted about their sexual life with Joko.
14.) Biggest misconception about them?
Not quite a misconception but their looks are quite misleading; they're small and have quite a high pitched voice. Probably nobody would assume from first sight that this little creature tortures and murders people on the regular. First, for science/knowledge, then in Joko's name, and later, their own satisfaction.
15.) What is their favorite and least favorite part of being the commander (or whatever role they play in your canon)?
While they enjoy the privilege of being close to Joko, they also love the luxuries that come with it. What they don't like...hmmm...Head empty no thoughts, so nothing comes to mind, but might edit later if I think of something. :^D
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Because why not, here's Rugan's arbitrary ranking of each bastion in Amnytas:
1: The Bastion of the Obscure
In the top spot we have the Bastion of the Obscure, a place filled with mysteries and dangerous research what's not to love about it? As one NPC who's name I forget says "The Bastion of the Obscure creates knowledge" And Rugan, being an engineer who's always looking to improve his craft, really vibes with that.
2: The Bastion of Knowledge
It's got a big-ass library filled with likely more knowledge than anywhere else on Tyria, what more is there to say?
3: The Bastion of Nature
while it's focus of life isn't exactly Rugan's thing, it's by far the prettiest Bastion and He can appreciate a good view
4: The Bastion of Strength
While Rugan definitely appreciates the straightforward approach and focus on Battle magic, it's, too spellcraft focused for him. And besides, it's where [story event redacted for spoilers] happens, so it has some bad memories
5: The Bastion of The Celestial
Some of the systems they use to record the stars are impressive, he hasn't really gotten a good introduction to it as during his stay in Amnytas so far it's been fully taken over by the Kryptis, so it ranks low mostly by default
6: The Bastion of Balance
Sorry Lyhr, but Rugan's spent a decade worrying about the balance of Tyria, so this bastion loses by default. Honestly his eye twitches a bit when someone brings up the word balance. This Bastion's focus on debate doesn't score it any points either.
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resonatingfern · 2 years
If you see me reblogging on @tyrias-library again it’s a test. To see if I have time again finally. I genuinely don’t know the state of fic anymore here since I’ve been so out of the loop.
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ravens-lodge · 1 year
Finally a post about my ocs If you're ever curious about my art and characters feel free to send an ask or something
Just a bit of background or little interesting bits about my characters, some are still a WIP and a lot of backgrounds and stuff will change around since this is where I just dump some info I’m working with until im satisfied lol
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Name: Cyn (in game: Cynidic) Race: Human (male) Relationship: Trahearne Profession: Necromancer Notes: Priory scholar, retired Pact Commander, member of Dragons watch Originally the Pact Commander until giving that title and responsibility to Vrixsif after the death of Trahearne. He continued to stay apart of the group and help fight against the threat of the elder dragons but had begun to distance himself from everyone, leading to his biggest regret in becoming one of Jormags champions along side Ryland, although his corruption wasn't as strong. He was freed from jormags grasp on his mind before the dragons final fight and was found under the rubble alive with injuries to his arm and part of his face was rebranded by Aurene. After the defeat of Jormag and Primordus he has stepped away to continue his studies at the Durmand Priory library. 
oc tag: cyn
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Name: Kyrus Fane  (in game: Kyrus Fane) (usually my main) Race: Human (male) Relationship: Verriks (its complicated, a slow burn since end end of pof) Profession: Thief, Deadeye/specter Notes: Bounty hunter, ex-Whispers agent, a loose member of dragons watch who soon became commander, Wayfinder Great at getting in and out of places without a trace, as well as getting information that he really shouldn't know. A Krytan nuisance and thorn in Logans side before he was asked that him and his small group help in the fight against Zhiatan, he agreed and stayed along side Cyn and Vricsif since, he would lend his daggers and rifle but staying distant from any sort of big team leading role as he preferred to do most of his work solo. Since Cyn left and despite his reluctance at first, he has become someone the group tends to look towards when Vrixsif isn't around to help smooth things over and stepped away after injuries. Shares the “commander” role/title with Vrixsif but hate’s being referred to as such.
oc tag: kyrus
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Name: Verriks  (in game: Verriks) Race: Human (male) (Not from this Tyria) Relationship: Kyrus (its complicated, a slow burn since end end of pof) Profession: Revenant Notes: Dragons watch member, a skilled weapon/armoursmith He doesnt talk much about his past to others or where he’s from, only that he was found in the mists by Rytlock but the two haven’t said much about their time together while there. Verriks has helped out the commander and Rytlock whenever he can since. A big part in the PoF storyline with commander Vrixsif and Kyrus and during the fight against Balthazar. (Usually stays out of the main issues the commanders face but ended up with Kyrus in during SotO)
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Name: Vrixsif Hrafsdottir  (in game: Vrixsif) Race: Norn (female) Relationship: Braham Profession: Thief, Deadeye/Specter Notes: Pact Commander, member/leader of Dragon's Watch, Champion of Aurene She and her sister Vivrein were were born to an owl Havroun mother and a raven shaman father. After slaying Issormir, cutting down Svanir and proving herself she was recruited into the order of whispers and soon undercover as a vigil member, and rising up in ranks. She soon met with an old acquaintance, Cyn, who she befriended during her short time gathering information from the priory. From there her future became mixed with the pact and was someone others relied on. She became pact commander when Cyn handed the responsibly over after Trehearnes death. She's been with Dragons Watch and by aurenes side since. Has been taking it easy back in the shiverpeaks after receiving serious injuries during the fight against the void and soo-won
oc tag: vrixsif
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Name: Vivrein Hrafsdottir  (in game: Vivrein)  Race: Norn (female) Profession: Elementalist Notes: Traveler, Wanderer Left her home behind after hearing a call in her mind to head north, deeper into the far shiverpeaks. She stayed and helped the Kodan in the Bitterfrost and Bjora marches where she has lived most of her life. She had been trying to track Jormag and Drakkar until she was met with the Commander, Vrixsif, (during Icebrood saga), reuniting with her sister after many years and helping to take down the dragon together. oc tag: vivrein
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Name: Morbrek  (in game: Morbrek) Race: Sylvari (male) Profession: Elementalist Notes: Vigil member
Laithian’s and Vennric’s pod twin, tallest of the three(wip)
oc tag: morbrek
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Name: Vennric  (in game: Vennric) Race: Sylvari (male) Profession: Thief Notes: Whispers agent, ( AU Pact Commander, member/leader of Dragon's Watch, Champion of Aurene (wip)
Morbek’s and Laithian’s pod triplet (background wip, still needs to be edited)
oc tag: vennric
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Name: Laithian  (in game: Laithian) Race: Sylvari (male) Profession: Warrior Notes: Vigil captain
Morbek’s and Vennric’s pod triplet (wip)
oc tag: laithian
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Name: Dee  (in game: De Doss) Race: Asura (female) Profession: engineer Notes: Dynamics researcher Passionate about her work with portals and gates as well as the mists. Inspired and deep into the works of past researchers and engineers, she has taken over an old lab after some research on its whereabouts, she’s usually in there trying to fix an old mist gate or messing around with new gadgets and tools. A friend of Dion’s
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Name: Dion (in game: Dion Venn) Race: Human appearance (Usually Male) Profession: Engineer Notes: A human like entity from the mists, his first interaction in years was with Dee, stepping out from the mists into Tyria from the broken gate in her lab. Spends most of his time with Dee, some days he disappears for hours only to be back at her side ready to help with whatever she needs. Questionable morals and mannerisms but has been under a watchful eye from Dee since he arrived. Has his own little lab room in a corner with permission from Dee He never removes his helmet
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Name: Niev  (in game: Vricsif) Race: Sylvari (female) Relationship: Garrick Freysson Profession: Mesmer, Mirage Notes: Traveler, born from a different tree Niev is a sylvari who emerged from a secluded tree in the shiver peaks. She wandered through the snow for weeks only to be found by a norn, Garrick, on his long hunts up north. He helped her get her bearings after being nearly frozen stiff and after a few days she was fully ready to travel and experience the world she had seen in her dreams.
oc tag: niev
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Name: Garrick freysson  (in game: Krivvis) Race: Norn (male) Relationship: Niev Profession: Ranger Notes: Hunter, Traveler A strong hunter and an amazing chef, although young he was respected greatly as a hunter by many He found Niev almost frozen solid deep in the shiver peaks on one of his long trips, after helping her, he brought her back to hoelbrak for extra care. He made a promise to her about her dream to explore all of tyria, it was something he had wanted to do but never had the reason until now, with an interesting new friend.
oc tag: garrick
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Name: Viksion  (in game: Viksion) Race: Asura (male) Profession: Mesmer Notes: Inquest assassin Wants to watch the world burn. His hatred for most living on Tyria is painfully well known amongst those who've worked with him, especially to those he tried to use as test subjects. He was forcefully persuaded into the inquest by an old colleague and suffered under their heel after trying to leave when he was suppose to be used in a new experiment. Doesn't like to talk about himself much.
oc tag: viksion
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Name: Evea rune (in game: Evearune) Race: Human (female) Profession: Elementalist Notes: Wanderer She has a habit of stumbling upon major events across Tryia by coincidence. She is usually deep in the study of any old book she can get her hands on, magic the gods and the elements are all she can focus on. Resolutely seeking something.
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Name: Syvia Bloodgrace  (in game: Syvia Bloodgrace) Race: Charr (female) Relationship: Vivric Mistriven Profession: Necromancer Notes: Priory explorer (wip)
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Name: Vivric Mistriven  (in game: Vivric) Race: Charr (female) Relationship: Syvia Bloodgrace Profession: Revenant Notes: Mercenary, Whispers lightbringer (wip)
oc tag: vivric
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Name: Aenya  (in game: Gothic priestess)
Race: Human (female) Profession: Guardian Notes: Priestess of Grenth (wip)
oc tag: aenya
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
🖊 + Nisha!
For sure for sure, ty!! :D
🖊 - Nisha's gotten at least a couple things written/published (something fictional, short, and aimed at children, and the first part of the history xe's trying to write down of a bunch of Tyria's major events in the past 10-ish years) by the time EoD starts. Xe eventually gives the library in Arborstone a couple of copies of the historical one, upon request of one of the librarians.
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the-mystic-dragon · 1 year
so i completed the main arborstone masteries while i was out doing various activities in cantha. i didn't go back into arborstone each time to look at the changes, but i've been going back there more since i'm doing a couple of the collections in there
and i discovered A WHOLE LIBRARY?? IT'S BEAUTIFUL THERE'S EVEN PERSONAL STORY NPCS THERE IT JUST MAKES ME GO ;-; our progression through the story and how we've come to this point so far. i mean, we're in freaking cantha right now and to see these core-tyria npcs here just brings back memories of simpler times when the commander was just a simple traveler helping out people in need
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khorren · 2 years
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Since I've retconned my Canthan gals...
Aesa - Age 30 time of EoD
Works within Xunlai Jade as an engineer, tinkerer, inventor. She loves “old-timey” tech (modern charr style gadgets), as she calls it, and her team is researching ways to improve it with Jade Tech. Loves holo dramas. Has built way too many unofficial zip lines across the city. Regularly goes to high places to watch the neon fish.
Astrid - Age 26 at the time of EoD
Works in Ministry of Archives in New Kaineng, and has a keen interest in assisting school kids with research projects. She’s part of a team who does an outreach program to kids in Seitung Province and makes sure they have age-appropriate reading material. Every month she boats over to the Seitung Harbor for a book swap. While there she checks in with her grandparents that still live there.
When the borders opened up she took passage to Tyria to see the fabled Durmand Priory library.
Astrid and Aesa’s paternal grandfather was born in a remote village north of the Jade Sea in what’s now called Great Turtle Highlands.
Their ancestors fled to the hills when the Ministry of Purity came into power and tried to chase out all non-humans from Cantha. 11 years after the Ministry of Purity went into hiding, the grandfather's family moved from the remote hills to Seitung along with some other villagers.
Seitung was a peaceful and prosperous life for the family, and a few years before Aesa was born, the parents moved to New Kaineng City.
The grandparents are still alive and witnessed the events of the borders being re-opened when the Commander crash-landed there.
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the-elven-star · 2 years
Evie is now a heart NPC/part of a string of quests. What does that involve? 😄
The first thing that came to my mind. This is a task where you will have to drink alcohol and dance with everyone. The second is where it is necessary to fight with her. Although she can still give a task to search libraries in search of unknown places in Tyria.
Although she will become so. Further along the plot of my story, she will cease to be the main character and will sit all day playing games and giving various tasks.
But this is very far away
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I wrapped up the finale of the "Speaker of the Dead" phase of "The Orders of Tyria," complete with a very important choice!
When Gwen reached the Salma District, Josir was still agitated about the possible loss of Queen Jennah, "the last of the royal line." Ihan hinted that she's not, actually (????? is this ever explained?), but that she is critical to the peace with the Charr.
I think that's the most urgent point for Gwen. Her parents were fervent Ascalonian partisans who left her and Deborah with their grandfather to go fight against the Charr in the Fields of Ruin, which is where they died. Deborah resented it (all the more after they ended up on the streets), and though proud of their people, became committed to Kryta. But Gwen is more sympathetic to their parents and Ebonhawke looms large for her. So the possibility of losing it would have a particular oomph for her—she accepts the peace, painful though its concessions may be, because it means the survival of Ebonhawke and human Ascalon, but also because it makes her parents' choice and deaths mean something.
Hiroki, meanwhile, remarked that Kryta would lose hope without Queen Jennah. Maaaaybe? There's a lot of dissent tbh.
Logan, predictably, wanted to rush off to protect Jennah, but Gwen quite justifiably pointed out that they can't just think of Jennah's welfare. If Kellach leads his army to Divinity's Reach, he'll devastate every town from Lion's Arch to Divinity's Reach. IIRC, none of the orders' plans actually account for this in the end, but it's been a long time.
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Yeah, I know. Everyone knows.
This time, at any rate, each order had a plan. Hiroki wanted to go in with brute force, Josir wanted to neutralize the threat with the Priory's enchantment, and Ihan wanted to lure Kellach into a trap. Each order also wanted Gwen to formally join their ranks, which Logan strongly encouraged: "You've been a boon to Kryta, but you can do more with one of the orders."
Since the orders are working to fight the dragons and not specifically concerned with Kryta, I feel like this actually represents character growth for him.
He gave a rundown of each order, including the hilariously in-character line "I have no use for libraries," and a kind of tepid "They certainly know a lot of secrets" about the Order of Whispers. He's such a Vigil type that it's honestly funny to see him trying to be neutral.
But as one might guess from the user name, Gwen chose the Order of Whispers!
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the-three-idiots · 2 years
Tales of thedas: Epilogue #4 Last Push
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Alakess Ledge is the old gateway to Caledon, it was shut by the Tyrian alliance  long ago but my ancestor’s Master Lyrisa and her twin, Y'vana, managed to excavate a way through. Took twelve years but they managed to open a way back to the Caledon wastes.
Even though it is only the afternoon, I feel that we should wait until the morning before we head towards our final destination.
“Why did they close the portal?” Master Raim asks
“In the final days of the war with the shadows, shortly before the calamity. The Tyrian alliance had a plan to save the land using something called the last beacon. They needed time to finish building it. Now I'm not sure why but the shadows had trouble getting over large mountains. So they blocked it off the entire area.” i explain
“Like the Faolain peaks?” Master Raim asks
“Not exactly, while that was a feat of pure magical skill this was achieved by simply blowing up the portals and any way that it could be opened. The armies of Tyria did not expect to come out of Caledon alive, so they left nothing to chance.” I state
I grab one of my old journals out , open it and pass it to him. Master Raim looks at the pages intently.
“The Faolain peaks stopped shadows from getting in from the land but they didn’t stop the shadows from coming by sea but the remaining nightmare court sealed the portal to Caledon, so the Shadows wouldn’t be able to get into the rest of Caledon. They put a curse on the land so that the shadows would burn if they stepped foot in Caledon.” I clarify
He looks at the journal, he looks confused.
“Burn? How did that happen?” he asks
“From what I have been able to deduce, the shadows were basically anti-magical energy. They were not able to touch lands or people with large amounts of magical energy, A revenant called Voroni said to have felt the touch of a shadow and it was described as like touching an infinite  ice glacier.” I try to explain
“So they knew they would die and so put all their magical energy into the curse so the shadows couldn't or at least had trouble getting into Caledon.” Master Raim figures out
“Exactly, the shadows consumed it but they couldn’t take on large amounts at any given time. However, the bigger the shadow, the more magic it could consume at any given time. ” I showed him the journal “But the very thing they consumed could kill them.” i explain.
He looks through the journal and nods.
“Will we encounter any of these shadows?” Master Raim asks
“No, they perished with the calamity. I'm not sure how but they are most certainly gone, do not worry.”  I try to say in a reassuring tone
I am not completely sure how the creatures who ended the world vanished, by means of their biology, they could have easily lived off the land. Everything has some form of magical energy imbued into it, the elder dragons of old may have been conduits of this energy but everyone and everything has it in them.
One of the main issues the Tales of Thedas and indeed the great Tyrian alliance faced when fighting the shadows was that they could consume the very magic they fought them with. The only way to defeat a shadow, to my knowledge, was to overwhelm them with enough energy to ‘burn’ them out of existence really.
By the accounts of revenant Voroni, the shadows even had the power to effectively shut off the realms of mist from our own realm. They stopped people's souls from passing on or even coming back to become new revenants. 
From what I have gathered over the years, I can only assume that shadows are a dark collection of energy from one of the other realms or even a counter balance to the amount of magical energy from our realm.
So how did they enter our world?
In short? I have no idea.
The Tales of Thedas main reliquary and library in the lost halls of Caledon have long been lost to me and my predecessors. Wherever it is, could tell me how this all started.
I'm sure if the original Thedas guild could have seen this tragedy occur before it did, then maybe the world would have been in a better place than it is now.
“I must warn you master Raim, we may be heading towards our final push but i have to warn you, when we get to the last beacon, you may not like what you find.” I warn
He nods.
“I’d rather find something that I don't like than having to live my whole life wondering what it was I should have found out.” he states
The words of a true scholar.
“If i may ask, how come you never taken me to this last beacon?" He asks
"I'll be honest with you, it scares me." I reply
He looks at me in a confused way.
"My father took me to see it when I was seven years. You just look at it and it feels like it staring back at you. This tower of crystal just stares right at you as if it has a mind of its own. Then there's the echo's." I explain
"Echos?" Master Raim asks
"It was I call them, my father called them the burned. They are impressions of people and animals burned into the very ground itself. You could dig up a hole 10 foot deep and the echo would still be there. I have no idea how something like that happens but that's not the worst part." I explain.
I take the journal from Master Raim, flip a few pages back and pass it back to him. He has a read-through.
"The echos feel wrong, like there was a person wiped from existence. I haven't actually touched one, I just look at them and I get shivers. Like someone just walked over my own grave." I remark
"Scared by something you can't explain? that's not like you." Master Raim remarks 
Master Raim is hearing me but he doesn't understand what I’m saying.
I grab a small wooden box from my bag, I open it and show him the inside. In the box are six of the weirdest dirt samples. I take bottle three from row one, I present it to Master Raim.
Inside the bottle is a black substance I had scraped from one of the echos when I first went to the last beacon. I’ve tried every type of test on it to determine its chemical composition and it has none.
“What’s wrong with it?” He asks
“What makes you think there’s something wrong with it?” I inquire
He takes the bottle, he shivers before putting the bottle down on the floor.
“There’s nothing there, I can see it and touch it but there isn't anything there.” He replies
I take the bottle off the floor, the effect it gives off, numbs my hand a little.  I put it back into its box. I look 
“I’m not sure what we will find at the last beacon but promise me that as soon as we find out what the message, we get out of there.” I request
“You really dont like that place do you?” Master Raim asks
I shake my head.
“Sure but you promise me, whatever we find, please keep and open mind, okay?” He requests 
I nod and he smiles. I can guarantee much, The sylvari are all dead so i have no idea how Ashal Tieran managed to contact Master Raim but whatever we discover tomorrow, it cant be good.
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knight-of-the-thorn · 2 years
a prompt for you, should you choose to accept it: “i kept it from you, but this knowledge will get you killed!” -kerra-and-company
A very old one for you today, This has been finished for ages but apparently I was nervous to post it at the time!
I really like Caithe, I think she’s an incredibly interesting and nuanced character, but god did Arceidai had really complicated feelings towards her after Trahearne died.
This short piece takes place during LWS3 Out of Shadows, during the story step “A Shadows Deeds” _____________________________________________________________ Suffice to say, she was the last person Arceidai wanted to see.
They’d been avoiding Caithe since they left the jungle. It hadn’t been hard, she had been making herself scarce, but it had still been quite deliberate on their part. But she was here now, investigating the same thing as them. Whatever the odds of that were, Arceidai hated that it was even in the realm of possibilities.
“Theitia asked after me while I was in the Grove.” And there it was. One of many things they did NOT want to talk about. “The wardens said you two have been exchanging letters for some time now.”
“Mmm hmmm.” They kept their focus on pulling bloodstone shards out of the earth.
“After everything that she’s done, are you sure that’s the best idea?” She sounded tentative.
“I don’t remember the discussion where we decided that my mail was any of your business.” 
“See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about Arceidai! She’s dangerous, you know that better than anyone. I’ve done the exact same thing, and I know how it feels but you need to trust me, you are going to get yourself-”
“Oh, trust you! So I’m supposed to trust you now!” Arceidai stood up abruptly. “That is absolutely rich coming from you of all people.”
Caithe grimaced and sighed. “You’re upset with me. And you have every right to be.”
“Upset with you? I can’t possibly imagine why you’d think that.” They rolled their eyes and shouldered their way past her as the cavern shuddered again. “This should be enough bloodstone. Let’s head back up to the platform.”
“Will you please just let me speak before we go any further?” 
Arceidai kept their back turned to her as she spoke, but they stopped their march. “What else is there to say?”
“I can't take back what happened, but I can tell you I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry.” She sounded genuinely remorseful. That wasn’t the level of vulnerability they were used to from her. “My Wyld Hunt, Mordremoth's voice...they were tearing at each other and sometimes I didn't know which was which. I was very confused, and I felt like the only person I could trust was me.”
“The only person you could trust.” They echoed, almost laughing as they turned sharply to face her.”You want to know the worst part about all this? I never doubted for a second that the egg was safe with you because I trusted you. But this isn’t just because of the egg. This is because I don’t particularly like being lied to, this is because nothing I knew about myself was ever true, this is because there is no one left that I know I can actually trust, not even the ONE PERSON I thought would always be on the same side as me!” 
“We’re still on the same side-” She tried to interrupt.
“You LEFT ME Caithe.” They hissed, not done with their tyraid. “I thought that we were a team. You and Tr- You were my family. I wanted to be just like you! And no matter what happened, what secrets you kept, what means you justified with ends, I believed that you would never do anything to hurt me and that we were always going to fight together. Maybe that was stupid, I’ll be the first to admit that I was naïve but I still thought that everything we’d been through counted for- for something. But you still lied to me my entire life! You knew we were going to fight Mordremoth, long before you got the egg, long before you got to the jungle, and you didn't think to tell- tell either of us! You didn't think that was pertinent? That we were going to walk right into a slaughter?”
“It was not a decision I made lightly. You have no idea how much I wished that I could have told anyone about this. I kept it from you because that knowledge would've gotten you killed. It would've gotten all of us killed."
"Trahearne is dead anyways." They said flatly.
Caithe looked like she had been slapped. That was a step too far, and Arceidai knew that the second they said it, but they almost found it hard to care. “Is that what you think? That Trahearne’s death is my fault?”
“I think I shouldn’t have had to run my brother through with his own sword. How you choose to interpret that is something I’ll leave to your discretion.”
“That isn’t fair, and you know it. I understand that you are hurting, but you are not the only person who cared about him so don’t try to pretend that you are. I lost my brother, Arceidai. You have every right to be mad, but don’t put that on me.”
She had a point, and it was incredibly frustrating that she did. “I know, I know that! But if I don’t blame you then who am I supposed to blame, Caithe? If it’s not you, and it’s not Endiena, and it’s not me-” 
She held up a hand for them to stop “Hold on! That human we fought Mordremoth with? What does she have to do with this?”
“Who cares!” Arceidai cried “It isn't anyone’s fault and Mordremoth is dead but that doesn’t make me feel better, so who am I supposed to be angry at!”
 "I don’t know. Sometimes there's no one to be angry at. Sometimes we’re just hurt.”
"And what are we supposed to do then?" 
"If I ever find the answer to that, I'll be sure to tell you first." Caithe sighed.
Arceidai looked away from her, surveying the terrain and shifting their hands uncomfortably. “You did what seemed right in an impossible situation. Rationally I know that.” They paused before adding, with extra emphasis “Rationally.”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me right away. I just want you to think about it.”
“...Okay. Cherry. Let’s just, We have an experiment to complete.I think it best if we focus on that.” Arceidai changed the subject, and raised one of the bloodstone shards to emphasise their point.
Caithe hesitated, then nodded, gesturing to the floating structure. “Right, of course. Lead the way Commander.”
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where-is-caithe · 3 years
Just thinking about a Bug in the System.
LWS4 spoilers ahead, if you haven't played that far yet. Mentions of anxiety and descriptions of a panic attack as well.
“Tight fit, but I shouldn’t raise any eyebrows walking around in this thing.”
The doors closed with a heavy thud behind her, the finality of it sent a jolt down her spine. Her hackles raised and she felt her heartbeat quicken. She knew she wouldn’t be in this golem long, but the sight of an Inquest lab directly ahead of her was still unnerving.
Get through undetected.
Easy for Braham and Rox. They weren’t stuck in a golem.
Piloting was easy. She’s been around Asura tech enough to know how to use it, and Taimi gave her a small overview when she started, and she was smart. The controls were easy. Sneaking was easy too. She’d made it through Orr and Maguuma, her closest friend was Caithe, a well known thief. This is easy. This should be easy.
Why did she feel so tense?
She trudged through the facility, the heavy footsteps of her golem the loudest thing she could hear.
Keep going, keep going. She was almost there, right?
No, Taimi said she’s got a ways.
Why does it feel like she’s been walking for hours?
Thorns, that Asura is staring. Does he know? Can he tell? Is she doing something wrong?
Shit, shit, shit, she’s got to get out of there. He’s coming closer.
What if they catch her. What if they catch her. What if they catch her. What if they catch her.
Oh, he passed, okay, fuck, a little too close. Be more careful.
How much longer, how much longer. It’s got to be close now, right? Pale Tree, that’s a lot of golems. Sneak past them, don’t get caught. Don’t get caught. Fuck what if she gets caught? So many needles, so much poking, prodding, what are they testing? Why is she here, why doesn’t anyone know what they’re testing? What if they need a sylvari?
Yden felt a jolt of anxiety, felt her own heart quicken. She looked up from the table she was sitting at, the book she was reading falling from her hands.
Her hands shook on the controls and she could hear herself breathing in the tight space. Thorns, it’s cramped in here. Have to get out. Have to get out. Her heart was racing. Why is she in this damn golem? Have to stop. Have to get out of here.
“Taimi, how’s Rhowan doing?”
The Asura looked over at her, her brows creased in concentration, ears dropped, “I don’t know, I haven’t heard from her in a while.”
Yden felt another spike of fear, “give me the comm,” she stood from her chair, knocking it to the ground behind her, and walked swiftly to Taimi, “right now, give me the comm right now.”
She snatched it from her and pressed the button to talk, “Rhowan, can you hear me?”
Static on the line for a moment. Yden waited with bated breath, the communicator close to her lips, staring into the distance, waiting, waiting, waiting.
Silence for another minute. Yden tightened her grip and pressed it to her forehead, gods, she better be okay, she better just be busy. It’s not going to be like the last ti-.
“Yden.” Her voice crackled over the comm, she sounded strained, Yden could hear her breathing hard. Still, the sound of her voice calmed her immediately.
“Rhowan, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, I-,” a long, shaking sigh, “I have to get out of here, Yden, they’re gonna catch me and then they’ll-.”
Oh. The Inquest. Rhowan was one of the secondborn captured and tortured by the Inquest. Gods, why did she let her go in alone.
“Rho, listen to me. Listen to me. Take a deep breath. You’re going to be okay.
“They’re not going to touch you.”
Yden bit her tongue, ‘cause if they do, I will be there.
“Alright? You’re going to be okay. They won’t catch you. You’re the best there is.”
“Take a deep breath, okay? And let it out slowly. Close your eyes, listen to my voice, darling.
“Breathe in... and out... breath in... and out...”
She could hear shaky breathing on the other end of the line, but she obeyed.
“You’re going to be okay. You’re almost through, and then you’ll be out. And they won’t find you. They’re not going to touch you, Rho. You’re going to be okay.”
Her breathing was steadying, quieter. Yden felt some of her nerves ebbing away.
“Breathe in... and out... you’re okay. You’re okay.”
She sat with her in silence for a moment, listening to Rhowan’s steady breathing, calming Yden as well as herself.
A jostle on the other side of the line, “thank you, Yden.”
“You would do the same for me,” her voice a quiet whisper, “keep scaring me like that and I’m not going to let you out of my sight again.”
She heard Rhowan chuckle, “well, I can’t make any promises,” she cleared her throat, “do you think you could keep the line open? Until I reach the gate.”
Yden smiled softly, “Yes. I’ll be right here for you.”
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Sarro: where have your travels taken you? What have you recently seen that taught you something or inspired you? Or was it the people that you met?
Sarro looks up from his campfire, where a freshly caught fish is being cooked, held suspended above the flames by a gust of wind.
"Asking about my travels ey? Well gather 'round because I've been all over Tyria. My first destination was the priory headquarters in the ol' Shiverpeaks. Coulda spent years in their public library alone and there I learnt to use the ever-flowing and changing power of water to shift my form to something I found more natural to me. Beyond the Shiverpeaks I've been up and down Metrica and Caledon, climbing the floating rocks and communing with the local elementals. After seein' the tree children's home of the Pale Tree I hitched a ride on the restorationists barges to see the human ruins in Orr. Helped outta bit nourishing the soil for the plants an' clearing out the unchained before searching for secrets in the sunken libraries. Centuries under th'sea did little to spoil the scrolls there! Then I took a trip up to Garenhoff and telling you more would be breaking several promises so sadly Sarro's story ends here."
With a flick of his wrist he levitates the now cooked fish away from the flames, offering a piece as an apology for the incomplete tale. "Want some fish?"
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brax-was-here · 4 years
Excerpt - Amaranda’s Journal 1328 AE - Part 12
Ceara has been gone most of the day. She finally returned with the rifle she used against the doppelganger (is that what I call it?) we fought in Lion’s Arch. I asked her what she planned to do with it. She is going to repair it, make it better, and use it as “insurance” against the Nightmare Court and the red hylek. She seemed quite happy to have it in her possession.
We received word today that the Pact launched an attack against Mordremoth and…it didn’t go well. We hear many of the Pacts airships were lost, and many of the soldiers killed or disappeared. What is even more disturbing… sylvari members of the Pact have fallen under the dragon’s sway and turned against their friends. It frightens me to the core of my being learning such a thing has happened. What is to become of us? Will we all fall under control of the beast? What will happen to mother? My understanding is as long as we remain distant from the jungle dragon, his will is weak. But…what if it grows stronger? I cannot bear such thoughts.
Ceara was talking of the ley line that feeds the jungle dragon. If there was a way to stop it, then the dragon could be weakened, and possibly put back to sleep. She spent much time going over notes and calculations, but the answer seems to elude her. She has become very frustrated with herself, blaming herself for all of this. I had to calm her down, which was not easy. I fear these this recent news of the pact loss has put a larger strain on her more so than any of the rest of us sylvari. I hope that she does not decide to do something foolish.
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