#type: reminder.
ichore · 11 days
since i gathered a few new followers and mutuals, i want to put out a little reminder/content warning about this blog
i read, reblog and write dark content. criminology and the twisted minds of violent people have always interested me, and i like to write about these things sometimes. however, i think it's completely understandable if you're not comfortable with following someone who often puts these topics and types of content on your dash.
i want you to know it's okay to unfollow me, block or soft-block me if my content makes you uncomfortable. your feelings are valid, and you should ALWAYS put your own mental health first.
with that being said, i'm also very grateful to every follower and mutual that i've been blessed to gain over the last couple of weeks. i appreciate all of you, and i wish every single day treats you well!
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fairycosmos · 2 years
remember when tati westbrook said Sucking dick and cock! and ya did it at my birthday dinner!
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organophone · 2 years
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paper-mario-wiki · 22 days
in case you're wondering what the greatest AMV of all time is, it's this one from 2008.
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daclium · 9 days
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transvampireboyfriend · 7 months
i think "it takes a village" shouldn't be just "to raise a child". we should understand it takes a village to do literally everything we do. all day every day. without our communities we would not have drinking water or electricity or clean streets or food or shelter or anything. we cannot do any thing alone. we just can't. and with that comes the fact that you are not alone. you already have a community, seek to be an active part of it, you will feel better. reach out and thank them, they're happy to have you too. i promise. it takes a village to live.
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atalana · 7 months
the curse of adhd:
i will remember with absolute clarity, when the thought strikes me that i have a text to send someone, that this is the fourth time in three days i've attempted to send this specific text
i will forget, in the time it takes me to pick up my phone, that i picked it up intending to send a text
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bisexualvader · 6 months
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their-we-go · 10 months
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Full caption:
Macklemore cancels his show in Dubai to boycott the UAE in solidarity with the people of Sudan:
“At the end of the day I have to ask myself what is my intention as an artist? […] Although dismantling systemic oppression might not fully happen during my lifetime, our collective analysis is evolving. That is where it starts. When we realize our individual liberation IS Palestinian liberation. Is Sudanese liberation. Is Congolese liberation.”
He also writes:
“The last 10 months l've been learning what factors/motivators feed genocide and global systemic oppression. I keep getting led back to self interest over collective interest at the root. Capitalism is the glue that holds this ideology together. And if I take the money, while knowing it doesn't sit right with my spirit, how am I any different than the politicians l've been actively protesting against?”
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01010kom · 5 months
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my single contribution to the fandom.
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soul-from-another-era · 4 months
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dimonds456 · 4 months
Hey, guys? Make peace with yellow teeth. I'm so serious right now.
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lesbianralzarek · 8 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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androdragynous · 4 months
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can we please be more productive with our online time
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year
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i made a variant of [link: two cakes] to illustrate a related principle
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