#type 1 diabetes insulin
bugdreamland · 1 month
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It has not been a good week my dudes
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Hello all diabetics out there I wanted to bring to attention these beautiful websites curated for people with diabetes who are struggling to afford their supplies and or lost insurance recently
This first one is a program dexcom offers to t1d's who need help or can't afford their cgms
This second one is a $35/m for insulin coupon for people who have no insurance or their insurance is shit
For Lily⏬
For sanofi⏬
Please spread this so all diabetics are aware it exists and is available
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fairydropart · 1 year
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I’ve finally gotten to try my first insulin pump! So far it’s been really great, although there’s a lot to learn and take into consideration, but I’ve always found it interesting to learn more about my illness and find ways to improve my treatment, so I don’t mind at all. Though I’d share something a little more personal, since it’s something I’ve been looking forward to for over a year now, and, well, I’m pumped to see how this will impact my day to day life! ☺️
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themooncreature · 6 days
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I swear guys all I did was eat a normal amount of animal crackers and be stressed out. This shit is ridiculous.
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trek-tracks · 9 months
Being a Type 1 diabetic Trekkie means that sometimes your two autocorrect suggestions are “insulin” and “I, Sulu”
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chronic-harmonic · 1 year
My favorite brand of diabetic tumblr is when someone is posting low blood sugar memes while they’re clearly fighting for their life
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penelopepitstopp · 9 months
Ed Gamble tweets that really speak to me on a personal level
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anderswasrightt · 2 years
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these insulins are Regular and NPH insulin, NOT fast-acting like Humalog or Novolog and long-acting like Lantus and Basaglar. If you don’t use these properly, you can still die or end up hospitalized.
if you attempt to switch to R insulin on your own, YOU MAY VERY WELL DIE. they DO NOT work the same way as fast-acting insulins. You need to consult with a doctor ideally, or if you can't do that, RESEARCH THE SHIT OUT OF THESE INSULINS AND THEIR EFFECTS.
I took R insulin for several years as a very small child before fast-acting insulin was created, and the way you eat is STRICTLY regimented. you can’t just shoot some R insulin and go ahead and eat like you can with humalog. my blood sugar levels were frequently anywhere between 40 and 300 (normal is 100-120 for a diabetic) on R and NPH, which is dangerous and causes long-term damage
here is a tragic story of a man who switched to relion R insulin and died because of it: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/09/man-dies-otc-insulin/1942908001/ – from 2019
The fact that diabetics are having to use 30+ year-old insulin because we can’t afford modern insulin is a fucking travesty.
These insulins are not miracle alternatives; they're a last resort.
Every diabetic who dies because of insulin rationing or because they had to switch to R and NPH insulin is blood on the hands of pharmaceutical execs and the government.
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immortalratking · 3 months
sometimes I look at new diabetes advancements and how quickly they're coming and actually working good, it feels like we're close to a cure and, like an idiot, I have hope, maybe I could eat and drink whatever and not have to worry about anything. I don't remember a time before it but I've spent nearly my whole life daydreaming about what I would do after I was cured. I knew it wasn't going to happen but I hope i can survive until I can live. I'm about to cry from stress seeing a new pump that does basically everything for you
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t1d-culture-is · 3 months
T1D culture is...
having days where it doesn't matter what you eat, your blood sugar is okay. and it feels like your body decided to be normal for once
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diabeticyborg · 4 months
Forgetting to refill your cartridge before bed and waking up over 300 is like a hangover. Everything hurts and I'm chugging water
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diabeticgf · 6 months
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on this day in history
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dazedasian · 2 months
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yosweetandlow · 1 year
So it’s been 4 million years since I last posted but I’m so hyped about the Barbie movie I had to make myself as a T1D Barbie!
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monkepenguin · 21 days
Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), just an injection for today to save my life please I beg.I was diagnosized with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. Am sorry if am sending you again this request, kindly donate any amount please. My donation link is in my pinned post🇵🇸
I currently have no money, but I'll share your question to help you, I hope someone can.
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can-of-pringles · 8 months
No one ever talks about how hard it is being autistic and T1D
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