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entropificiationer · 3 months ago
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step 1: develop hyperfixation on coding with R
step 2: ??!!??!? (for three weeks straight)
step 3: fully interactive LCARS inspired website that does CGM analysis for the minuscule audience of diabetic star trek nerds
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needlepokes · 11 months ago
how to write a diabetic character: CGM edition
is your diabetic character wearing a CGM? do they have to? CGMs these are Continous Glucose Monitors that can detect how much sugar is in your bloodstream.
How are they different than tradtional fingerprick (blood) tests? they take blood sugar readings 24/7, and provide you with how your sugars are doing at all times, rather than just at that moment. This leads to tremendously better control over blood sugar.
The way they work is that they can "sample" your blood sugar by testing your subcutaneous tissue for sugar levels then adjusting that value.
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However, they're less accurate than a fingerprick (blood) reading and will often "lag" behind by about 15 minutes.
SO if you have a character who is expereincing low or high blood sugar - they'd get an alarm on their CGM, and then they might take a fingerprick reading to make sure. CGM false alarms DO exist and it can cause some very annoying situations.
A less careful/depressed/struggling/burnt out character might A. not care or "sleep through" alarms B. not double check with a finger prick C. not care that they're wearing a CGM - pump into stuff or just rip it off (although they are very expensive!).
can you mute them? yes, and a character might choose to do this while they're sleeping, having an exam, or if they know they're about to fuck up their blood sugar.
how long do they last? the libre ones last 14 days. the dexcom ones last up to 10 days.
can you shower with them? yes
can you swim with them? yes
can you have sex with them on? yes, and i've read very funny anecdotes from diabetics having to pause during sex because their cgm was beeping
are they expensive? yes! sometimes, they're covered by insurance, but not completely. If a character is in poverty, or do not have insurance, they likely would have to rely solely on fingerpricks.
Who usually uses CGMs? they are very widespread between T1Ds and are increasingly being used by T2Ds as well.
can you share the readings on multiple devices? yes! your character might share their info with their SO, parents, roommates, close friends...etc. It is genuienly one of the most telling signs of a close relationship between people - because those people will see your "mistakes" and decisions.
where do you stick them? the libre ones (circular ones) officially just go on the back of your arm. The dexcom ones can go on just about anywhere that's "soft" - stomach, thighs, back of arm, chest...etc.
does putting them on hurt? sometimes! the way they are installed involves a needle going into the skin then sitting in the subcutaneous tissue. This can sometimes cause some bleeding, and soreness for a few hours.
Often times the process is completely painless, but this is not the case for everyone. A thinner character might struggle to find a place "cushy" enough for a cgm.
can you put them on your own? yes the process is made for one person to stick it on, but i've seen some couples on instagram act all romantic and sappy about applying it together, so that should give you some ideas for your diabetic characters' budding romances ;)
Some CGMs are just naturally faulty, i'd say about 4 sensors is a busted one, and in that case you'll have to replace them - which most companies just do without any hassle.
do they work with insulin pumps? some insulin pumps can work in tangent with CGMs and provide feedback for the user to automatically generate the correct doses of insulin, depending on their current blood sugar.
do they come off easily? depends on who you're asking. some people swear up and down that they never last and have to put on patches, which are admittedly very cute. Weather, clothing, and how clumsy a character is all factor in this. For me personally i just put them on raw and keep them together by sheer willpower.
CGMs can cause anxiety in diabetics. The constant flow of information can easily burnout people, and this can possibly be the case for any diabetic character you might write. Seeing arrows going down or up can be very distressing, especially knowing how painful some of the consequences are. I personally take breaks for both myself and my wallet from using CGMs to avoid burn out.
nonetheless, CGMs are WONDERFUL pieces of technology that have personally made me much happier as a diabetic, freer and a lot more independent.
does your character want their CGM to show? lots of people, including myself don't like revealing their CGMs - but your character might like showing them off!
and lastly - my favorite thing about CGMs - taking them off and having a "naked" shower once a month where i dont have to worry about it coming off. - They look like this:
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simswithdisability · 7 months ago
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OMG! Look at these! Dexcom and Omnipod accessories for TS2 by cfranck8 on MTS.
As a diabetic who is currently wearing a Dexcom G6 (the one in the last two pics) this makes me so happy!
Get them here!
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thatbitchwhohyperfixates · 1 year ago
Hello all diabetics out there I wanted to bring to attention these beautiful websites curated for people with diabetes who are struggling to afford their supplies and or lost insurance recently
This first one is a program dexcom offers to t1d's who need help or can't afford their cgms
This second one is a $35/m for insulin coupon for people who have no insurance or their insurance is shit
For Lily⏬
For sanofi⏬
Please spread this so all diabetics are aware it exists and is available
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transgender-brimstone · 2 years ago
beautiful women named "dexcom g6 app" keep texting me on my phone
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kinkykinard · 13 days ago
my gf: hey, your dexcom is sending me signal loss warnings
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gtzgoblin · 1 month ago
Should be illegal to have to change your Dexcom on a Friday night
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zurko48 · 1 year ago
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thewolfwaitsbelow · 4 months ago
Hey peeps with a dexcom cgm
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I look at this graph, especially the choppy area between the lines, and go ‘wow my new sensor is having some issues and probably isn’t super accurate’ (confirmed 5 minutes later when it said I was 44 and I tested at 72)
If you saw this graph would you have similar thoughts?
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imaginingmoonlight · 9 months ago
Sooo for those of you that don't know I have type 1 diabetes and I wear a dexcom (a lil thing with a filament that sits under my skin to measure my blood sugars). I just ran up the stairs and whacked it on a picture frame and it really hurt so I checked it and like- I ripped the whole thing out my arm?!?! Just had to put a new one on but I'm dreading tonight cos dex change nights always go really badly and I get no sleep AND I HAVE A GCSE PAPER TOMORROW. So that's super fun 😻
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nepja · 1 year ago
Baby will come running into the room, and walk around/on top of me if she hears the Dexcom beep for a high or low.
ONLY if it's the two beeps for high, or three for low. She doesn't do that for the charge battery, sensor change, etc. alerts.
I say hi and pet her while taking care of the problem, she hangs around until it gets better. Never expects treats, only petting.
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the-vegan-muser · 2 years ago
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Just found out that the CEO of Dexcom (the company that makes my constant glucose monitor) made $15 million last year. I’m glad my incurable disease is funding his yacht.
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penelopepitstopp · 4 months ago
Ed's little post he's done for Dexcom for this year's World Diabetes Day
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lesbiansandco · 3 months ago
40 days until I can get the g7…… the countdown continues….
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randomthoughtsnoorder · 1 year ago
Happy diabetes awareness month . Some of you may know I'm a type 1 diabetic and this month i plan on making several posts about living with diabetes. If you wish to show your support for diabetics this month wear blue and grey. And if you yourself is a diabetics reblog this post with your diagnoses story.
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agambleaday · 1 year ago
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