#tybalt x juliette
darklinaforever · 1 month
Your favorite incestuous ships ? Tell me !
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elden-hicks · 5 months
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decided to revisit my au
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professor-plummm · 1 year
Romeo and Juliet art dump
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theghostparty · 8 months
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okay, made one for all the tybalt/mercutio shippers to bark over too
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ptashenka · 10 months
a little deviation from my usual content:
i've heard this song for the first time two days ago, blacked out and woke up to this
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arancialarosa · 7 months
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dystopianam · 8 months
Ok, we're all talking about ViolEtte (Viola x Juliette) and Brandina (Brandi x Dina) but can we stop for a second to think how cute the two ships Brandtonio (Brandi x Antonio) and Mirola would be??? (Miranda x Viola)
They are both widowed parents.
They both like to cook.
They both are stressed for their kids.
They're both "poor" (well, not Antonio, but I have always imagined that Antonio has argued with his father and therefore does not use the family money)
They're both cute lil babies. They need love. Well, Brandi likes bad boys but she can also feel in love for a italian man who curses while cooking. Antonio can become very fearsome if he fails to cook what he wants to cook or if Romeo touches something in the kitchen.
Imagine how cute a Brandtonio child would be.
Bonus: Antonio Is a good dad, Imagine him taking care of lil unborn baby Broke as his own son 🥺
Imagine the scene: Antonio manages to open a small restaurant after many sacrifices. Job-seeking, Brandi is desperate, Don Lothario tells Brandi that he knows a family of cooks who could hire her. Don goes to meet the Montys on weekends, so he suggests Brandi tò go with him. Brandi asks Antonio if she can work there. The two fall in love after some times working togethet but Brandi is afraid to confess to Antonio that she is pregnant by her late husband, Skip. At a certain point, however, she is forced to admit it and Antonio tells her that it's fine with him and that he can be a father to that child too and Brandi is like 🥺🥺🥺🥺
They both have complicated lives. Viola doesn't have a canon story but you can make up anything, Miranda lives under the constant pressure of her mother who wants her as a perfect heir when Consort doesn't consider her a possible heir at all and Miranda DOES NOT WANT to be part of the Capps. She would like to escape from her family. She wants to be a normal teen, with her hobbes, her wishes. She wants to make her errors, be free, not a doll on a shelf.
I have the headcanon that Viola is a very hyperactive and sociable girl, while Miranda hides her insecurities under a rebellious, annoying, spoiled girl personality. I like to imagine if by meeting Viola she could finally find a shoulder to cry on, first a friend to let off steam with and then slowly begin to discover her bisexuality and discover herself in love with her.
Bonus: drama. Imagine creating a situation where maybe for reason X Miranda believes that Viola might like Tybalt, so out of spite Miranda tries to seduce Mercutio but Mercutio likes Tybalt and Tybalt like Mercutio. Imagine if Viola and Miranda have been secretly friends for a long time (secretly because of the feud) one day Viola disappears and the police accuse Tybalt precisely because someone believed that Viola liked Tybalt. Boom. Drama in the family. Miranda hating Tybalt. CHAOS.
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sirensskai · 2 months
ripp x johnny x ophelia x tank x tybalt x mercutio x miranda x puck x hermia x romeo x juliette x dustin x angela x dirk x lilith
How many asks have you got 😭
Yay polyamory ig (I just hope the relatives aren’t touching each other)
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little-dikdik · 1 year
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Juliette wants to get a car for her 18th birthday. And a house renovation because their house has no parking slots.
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Hermia's now a D- student. They kinda suffer from the "middle child syndrome" despite being the youngest. Tybalt is known as a narcissistic prick hiding his true feelings nah because ACR made him straight and an unofficial heir. Juliette is the golden trouble child in a secret love with a boy from an enemy family. Hermia... No one really knows.
Hermia has some school presentation to do for their Simlish class.
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Consort has found himself a woman interested in him and his money. Not named Dina Caliente. Before his meeting he went to the bakery to buy a cake for another meeting but did not bought any because the bakery has not been set up.
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He found in a old people's newspaper a woman to go on a date with, named Betty Goldstein. She described herself as a retired teacher from Riverblossom Hills, childfree, suffering from lonelyness.
Starting off their date with a prank. A lady on a level. Somehow they got along but it was hard. Unsupervised they got into a fight.
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Hermia, being the only vegan in the family technically they have a vegetarian trait but in that timeline vegans weren't as known as they are now. And I want to relate to some sims okay? has to make their own meals (Consort doesn't care and thinks 'it's a phase'. They have some avocado toast.
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Tybalt and Juliette went on a prom. She was with Romeo but Tybalt by accident went with Justin Cleveland because I forgor I could click X to go alone. Somehow the mod got bugged and popups were empty.
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Tybalt befriended Josh Russell (from Riverside). Not a kind of a teen I imagine him to like (Josh is like, from poor/low status household, a nice guy who wants to live a simple life) but he wanted to.
Juliette is a gamer gorl. Her main hobby is bowling but it didn't prevent her from playing the best game ever, The Sims 4. Maybe she'll become a streamer?
Hermia enjoys mainly watching various series on Simflix, but recently likes learning new skills. They keep rolling wants to learn, despite not being Knowledge.
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00ff00 · 3 years
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love language
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szep-tybalt · 3 years
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so I probably won't do inktober this year either, but rnjtober tho? maybee
Anyways, have some szpsz Tybalt for your entertainment
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artsyanarchist · 3 years
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anddd heres my piece for the RetJ Fanzine! Please go check it out !!
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Tybalt: what if I was evil and ran at you at very high speeds?
Benvolio: my arms are very strong
Benvolio: I'd catch you and hug you
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arielovessims · 4 years
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The Von Capp Family 
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significant-fig · 5 years
i would bet the ten dollars in my wallet that mercutio would know all the words to lizzo’s truth hurts
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siichees · 4 years
/something new, written specially for @une-reine-du-monde 💙❤️/
Ship: Tyvolio
It was always the same time, the same hour, even the same minute - sound of the piano, soft but somehow still easy to hear from the outside, filled every evening.
Tybalt jumped over the wall, noiselessly landed on the grass – he had something of a cat, indeed – and sneaked closer to the opened window just like he had done so many times before.
This was his way to escape from all the thoughts which were screaming in his head in his Uncle's voice; they were saying him that he's not worth to be a Capulet, he's not strong enough to defend family's name – so he had been fighting Montague's to prove them wrong, to make his family proud of him.
But this day the sound of the piano stopped in the middle of a beat and so did Tybalt's heart. He moved nervously, ready to run away, but a quiet voice froze him at the halfway point.
"I know you're there, Tibby."
But he stood still, unable to reveal himself – being here was weak, wasn't it? He jumped and turned around when something touched his shoulder. No, it wasn't something – it was someone, it was him.
Fair-haired boy was sticking out of the window, half-smiling because of Capulet's reaction, but still worried about him – because Tybalt would never let anyone get that close to him without noticing them.
"Is this about your Uncle again?" asked Benvolio. Normally, Tybalt would just go away, maybe yelling to stop asking him questions like this, but this time it was different. He looked like as if he wanted to leave yet there was something that made him stay.
However, he didn't answer, it wasn't that easy. He turned his head on the side, staring at the wall and avoiding Ben's glance as well as an answer.
"I know it is."
There was a long moment of quietness in the room, but filled with Tybalt's inner fight, making it dense, almost substantial.
"I don't understand what he wants from me," Tybs said quietly and then clenched his fists.
"I'm trying to «be Capulet», as he says," he mocked his Uncle's voice, "but he keeps telling me that everything I do is wrong."
Something strange could be heard in his voice – as if he was about to cry, but cry with anger and frustration. Still, he didn't let himself shed any tear, he would lose his battle in a second if he did.
Instead, Tybalt kicked the leg of the desk and growled quietly, but his rage was nothing but a coping mechanism of everything that was happening inside and around him and he was just sick of it. He sat on Ben's bed with heavy sight. Benvolio wanted to hug him - he had been wanting to since he remembered - but he knew that it wouldn't be the best idea – this Capulet didn't like being touched, especially like this. Or maybe he was scared, 'Volio thought. Scared of getting closer to anyone, that's why he had been fighting them his whole life. And by "them" he meant also Tybalt's family, that was a different kind of fight. But then, this boy sitting on his bed seemed defended and tired of keeping his guard up.
"I shouldn't be there." Tybs stood up, wanting to run away from this uncomfortable situation.
"Why?" Benvolio was given a suprised look.
"You're a Montague," Tybalt said slowly, it was obvious, wasn't it?
"This time surname doesn't matter." Ben sat on window sill, giving Capulet boy space but also cutting off his way of escape. "Your family is hurting you."
"No, they-..."
"Yes, they are."
"It's my-..."
"It's not your fault!" Tybalt had never seen Ben so angry and worried at the same time and, what was weirder, both of those feelings were about him. Someone cared about him, Montague cared about him - that shut Tibby's mouth, letting Benvolio to continue his outburst.
"It's always their fault!" Understanding came with his next words, how hadn't he noticed before, why did he need to see Tybalt in that state first? "They, they keep telling you, me that we should hate each other, defend our surnames, but from what, for what? They want power, position, they want to be admired, but is this what you really want? Tell me, do you want it? Do you need it?"
Even if he didn't hear any answer from Tybs, he knew. He saw his eyes.
"I don't care about my surname, about your surname, they don't define us. «Be Capulet», what is it even supposed to mean? Fight Montagues. You can't have any other interests, you have to fight us, me, just because you're born as Capulet, you see how stupid it is?"
'Volio shaked his head, he had much more to add, but he couldn't put it into words - or he wasn't brave enough to voice some of those things.
"You don't have to... Don't have to fight, but don't let them control you like that. Don't let them be the ones who choose what's good for you, because that's definitely not good for you - they're hurting you. You're hurt, you're scared..."
He couldn't go on, he got pushed away in a blink, when Capulet jumped in his direction and then through the window. Yet before disappearing in darkness, Tybalt stopped at no more than an arm's reach and stared at Ben for a while - his eyes shined oddly as he tried to say something, but remained quiet. And scared. And even though, he didn't take back his hand when feeling gentle touch of Benvolio's fingers on the top, not right away.
Then he fleed.
Ben knew he would be back.
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