#ty for sending me the prompt!!!
sae-mian · 1 year
❛ just relax and let me take care of you. ❜
For the writing prompts, for whomever comes to mind. <3
aaaa thank you!!! now i have to figure out how i want to actually.. format these...
TIMELINE: ballad WHEN: patch 5.5 WHO: nira'sae/g'raha SUMMARY: a moment after they returned from paglth'an sporting some fresh injuries.
They thought they'd done pretty well, all things considered.
It was their first real taste of combat outside of sparring since they'd recovered from their... incident, at the tower. The Scions had done everything they could to ensure they were prepared - geared them, lectured them, subjected them to hours of training - but the world wouldn't wait forever.
Fandaniel didn't seem eager to wait at all.
But no amount of preparation could make up for almost a decade of missing experience. So... they took a few hits.
It was nothing major, by their standards. The "Lunar Ifrit" had been mean as all Hell, but, they were sure they'd fought worse before. An errant swipe had come out lower and faster than they expected, catching them across the thigh - shaken for just a moment too long, they stumbled, and one swipe cascaded into two, giving them a matching gash across their hip and abdomen.
All of which had led them here, to the room they'd been given in the Hourglass, getting ready to dress down and address the damage. They could very well have done more on the journey over - but as they'd told Alisaie - keeping Arenvald stable was the priority, at the time. They should have known better than to think she'd let that slide.
There was a knock at the door.
Hurriedly grabbing a robe to throw on, shirtless as they now were, they braced themself for a renewed lecture.
"Uh- come in?"
It wasn't their little Elezen friend that opened the door, however.
Instead, G'raha Tia made his way through the threshold, looking about as pleased as Alisaie had been.
"Nira'sae." he greeted, sounding far more stern than they were used to.
They wrapped the robe a little tighter.
"H-hi-- um. Is everything alright?"
"It was brought to my attention that you didn't return entirely unscathed."
Ah. She'd ratted them out.
He was before them, now. Arms folded with the manner of one scolding a child.
"Well, no, b-but..."
"Let me see."
"I-it's okay-- I'll deal with it."
For someone that had just fought through a veritable legion of tempered Imperials, and bested some new amalgamation of Primal, they found they really had no backbone at all.
They slowly untied and shrugged off the robe, letting it hang from their elbows. It was blood-stained, now. Oops.
G'raha's face immediately softened into gentle concern. He stepped closer, leaning in to get a better look - it took all their resolve not to take a step back in turn, cheeks starting to colour.
They stared pointedly at the wall until he tutted, straightening.
"Sit down. I'll handle this."
It wasn't a question. He was already taking off his gloves. They opened their mouth to argue, but he cut them off.
"Oh, and take those off."
He was gesturing to their pants. Without the robe, the tear in them was fairly obvious. Their ears pinned back, a mild sense of panic and anticipation mixing in the pit of their stomach.
"I don't-- you don't have to, I can--"
"No, but I'd like to."
His hand found one of theirs.
"Honestly, Nira..." his voice was quieter now - chiding but gentle, "...just relax, and let me take care of you. Okay?"
Their heart was racing in their chest, all nerves and butterflies, but when he squeezed their hand...
They found themselves nodding anyway.
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tethered-heartstrings · 7 months
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mintjeru · 2 months
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i'm team haravatat ⚾🖤 thank you @/bubblelaine for your donation to @hkvthm-action!! (this gotcha is accepting donations until august 9! your support is appreciated 🍉)
open for better quality | no reposts
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red-flagging · 7 months
💛 seb/lewis :-)
(kiss fic prompts!)
a little epilogue to rabbits are chasing :)
Lewis's flight lands at 8:02PM, which means that by 7:31PM, Seb is parked outside the airport arrivals door, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel and scanning the sky for approaching planes.
It's quite silly, getting here so early, but it's not as if there's much left to do at home. There's roast vegetables waiting in the oven, the cauliflower steaks that he started marinating earlier this morning chilling in the fridge. Mina and Ellie are safely ensconced in their duck coop with the heater turned on for the night. The sheets on the guest bed are freshly washed.
The car parked behind him starts up. Its headlights illuminate Seb's cabin. For a moment, he catches a glimpse of himself, harried and too-bright, in the rearview mirror. He scrubs his hands down his face. Christ. Get it together, Sebastian. He is a full 39 years old. Far too old to be getting the same jitters that he did the first time he invited a girl over at age 17, agonizing about what album to have playing when they came back to his room. Lewis is far too old for Seb to be doing all this. Lewis might not even be gay.
His phone buzzes. Seb nearly jumps out of his seat.
just landed
getting my luggage now
hows it so freaking cold here
The inside of the car is already fogging up. When he'd asked Lewis to send dates he could come visit and Lewis had said just so you know the next few months are kind of crazy for me, Seb had expected late fall, maybe the holidays. Not the middle of slush season, when all the roads up the mountain have a 50/50 chance of being so muddy that they're undriveable.
I'm outside, in the blue Infiniti :)
He glances back up at himself in the mirror. The scab from where a wood chip caught the corner of his eyebrow while he was sanding the new planter box is almost healed over. His hair looks as good as it's ever going to. If Lewis asks whether he's been using conditioner, he's fucked.
It shouldn't feel like this. Seb beat Lewis to Senna's record, and Lewis still laughed at all his jokes the next season. Lewis watched Seb DNF twice in five races and still said in the media pen that he was waiting for the day Seb would be back up on the podium with him. When they inevitably auction off Lewis's Le Mans racesuit, it'll have to be with Seb's snot all over the front of it, because Lewis let Seb sob all over him and then laughed as he wiped sweat off of Seb's cheek with the sleeve. After all that – the fact that he's about to be in Seb's house for the next week shouldn't make Seb feel like he's standing in front of Lewis naked, without even the promise of a fast car or a good competition to distract Lewis from looking right at him.
His phone buzzes again.
outside i think
Seb peers through the windscreen. Lewis – or rather, the blurry figure lugging a giant suitcase behind him that he assumes is Lewis – waves at him from the sidewalk. Seb flashes his lights at him twice.
The back door opens and Lewis's head, along with a burst of cold night air, pops in. "Hey," he says, a little breathlessly. "I don't think this is going to fit in the back."
It does, eventually, but not without a fight that involves Seb having to climb into the trunk alongside Lewis's suitcase and physically wrestle it into place while Lewis shoves from behind. They're both out of breath by the time they finally climb back in the front and slam the doors shut.
"You know, there are beds at the farm," Seb points out. "You didn't have to pack your own."
Lewis shakes his head, tugging off his gloves. His coat collar is turned up around his neck. He's wearing an an ear warmer headband, held in place by two butterfly pins. Every other bit of uncovered skin is pink, even with the heat in the car up at full blast. Lewis shoves his fingers in front of the vents and sighs with relief, closing his eyes. "Ugh, thank God," he says. He sounds exhausted. "Listen, you're lucky I fit everything into one." It sounds far less like a joke than Seb would hope. The fact that the fondness in Seb's chest still manages to outweigh the exasperation is probably a sign that Seb's beyond salvation.
"Next time I'll bring a trailer so you can fit your bathtub and toilet, too," he says, reaching for the keys. The engine purrs to life as he flicks the lights back on, then leans forward to scrub the worst of the fog off the windscreen. The thermometer on the dash says it's still 3 degrees outside. They might still be able to make it back before the slush freezes over. "Okay," he says, sitting back down and twisting around to reach for his seatbelt. "Ready to go?"
Lewis doesn't say anything. When Seb looks over, he's staring out the front window, playing with one of his rings.
"Lewis?" Seb asks.
Lewis's head jerks around. "Hm?" he says. "Oh. Yeah." He doesn't move to put on his seatbelt.
Seb frowns. Kills the engine so he can properly turn in his seat. "Lewis," he says. "Is everything –"
Lewis leans across the console and kisses him.
It's barely half a second. Seb still hasn't moved by the time Lewis sits back down on his side of the car.
"Uh," Lewis says, after a second. He clears his throat. "Sorry. I just – Shit. Sorry. The whole way over, all I could think about was – I had to get it over with before I chickened out."
He's fiddling with his rings again, but his eyes stay fixed on Seb's. His jaw is set. He still looks half-ready to bolt through the door behind him, out into the night.
"Well, you don't have to make it sound like taking your medicine, Christ," Seb says hoarsely, and drags Lewis back across the console to kiss him properly.
Lewis's lips are still cold. When Seb opens his mouth, Lewis sighs, pressing in closer with a soft sound that makes Seb want to go twenty years back in time and kick himself for not figuring out how to make Lewis make that noise sooner. His hands settle on Seb's wrists, holding him in place. Seb slides his own hands up, cradling the back of Lewis's head, to return the favor.
When he finally pulls away just far enough to catch his breath, Lewis follows him, close enough that their noses bump. His eyes are wide. This close up, Seb can see the dark circles under them more clearly.
He closes his eyes. Lewis is still there when he opens them.
"How long have you been awake?" he asks.
Lewis blinks. "What," he says. "Are you talking about."
"Sleep deprivation," Seb says. His heart is pounding hard enough that he feels it in his throat. "People start to get delirious when they're tired enough –"
"I was awake for 24 hours and I didn't kiss you at the end," Lewis interrupts, his eyes sharp and bright. "I'm not making the same mistake twice."
Seb opens his mouth and nothing comes out. He tries again. Still nothing.
"Fuck," he says, closing his eyes. "Okay. Okay." He drags himself back upright and reaches for the keys. "We can – tomorrow. But we should – you need to shower. And sleep." Lewis's hand settles on his leg. Seb rests his own on top of it; after a second, he squeezes Lewis's fingers gently. Lewis flips his hand over and laces their fingers together.
"Yeah," Lewis says. His thumb traces over Seb's knuckles. "That – tomorrow sounds good."
The slush crackles under the tires when Seb starts to move. Ahead of them, the headlights carve a path through the darkness. Lewis's hand is a solid, steady weight against his leg. "Okay," Seb says, to himself, to both of them, to no one. Lewis hums softly from his side of the car. He squeezes Seb's knee gently.
Seb closes his eyes for a second. "Okay," he says quietly. "Yeah. Let's go home."
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necrotic-nephilim · 27 days
For the new ask game
"If I have to force you I will"
send a ship and a quote and i'll write a a short fic!
this is so inspired, anon. here's 2.7k of BruDick whump. warning for non-con somnophilia, but it's very brief. the whole fic is very non-con/dead dove in nature tho. this takes place during Jason's Robin era. enjoy <3
Dick could feel Bruce’s eyes on him from across the room, even without looking. He made a point not to look. Instead, Dick focused on helping Jason set his dislocated shoulder.
“How does that feel?” Dick asked. He pressed his fingers against the bone, just to double check for any breaks.
“I’m fine,” Jason insisted. He hopped off the medical gurney and pulled away from Dick’s touch. An immediate wince came out of Jason when his feet hit the ground. His ankle was at best, swollen. At worst, sprained.
With how hard Killer Croc threw Jason into that brick wall, he was lucky to walk away with a dislocated shoulder and sprained ankle. Dick still couldn’t get the noise of Jason’s small body slamming against the hard brick and the noise he’d made when he fell to the ground.
“You should take a couple weeks off patrol at least,” Dick said, putting away the leftover bandages. “To let it heal.”
Jason made a face at Dick, his mouth screwing up like he’d eaten something sour. “I said I was fine!” He didn't look fine. He was pale and a little sweaty from the pain. “Right, B?” Going right above Dick's head, Jason turned to Bruce with an expectant look.
Dick finally let himself look at Bruce. He levelled Bruce with a deadly glare. Now though, Bruce was the one avoiding his gaze.
“We’ll talk about it later, chum.” Bruce walked over to them and ruffled Jason’s head with disgusting affection that made Dick’s lip curl.
He had nothing against Jason. But he damn well knew Bruce was doing it to get a rise out of Dick. The worst part, it was working remarkably well.
“Get to bed now,” Bruce said, patting Jason’s good shoulder.
Jason gave a nod that was a little too serious, like he was facing a war general giving an order. Given who he was talking to, Dick supposed it wasn't far off. Jason ran off to the stairs, almost managing to hide his limp. Dick watched him disappear up the steps.
He was a good kid.
Too good for this life.
“That could've gotten him killed.” Dick didn't look in Bruce’s direction, but there was no one else in the cave he could've been talking to. No one else on the planet Dick would speak to with such an icy tone.
“You would've stuck that landing at his age,” Bruce said coolly, pointedly avoiding the hostility bleeding from Dick.
Dick whipped his head around. “I had more training at his age.” So many insults sat on Dick’s tongue. He managed to swallow all of them without choking. “Take better care of Jason.” With that, Dick turned on his heel and walked toward where his motorcycle was parked in the bay of the cave.
“Where are you going?” Bruce asked. Like he had any right to know.
“Home,” Dick snapped. He wanted his bed and shitty take out from the only place in Bludhaven open this late.
“This is your home.”
Dick’s hand curled into a fist, itching to hit Bruce. He wouldn't stoop that low. “Not since you kicked me out, it isn't.”
“You still have a place here.” Bruce’s voice was as even and emotionless as it always was. He could've been talking about the weather.
Emotions were weakness to Bruce. And there was a time Dick naively believed Bruce trusted him enough to share that weakness with Dick.
What a joke that was.
“No, I don't,” Dick spoke through grit teeth. He just needed to keep walking to his bike and leave Bruce and his rotting city behind.
“Then why are you even here?”
Dick spun around fast enough to make his hair fall over his face. He really should cut it, but he liked the length. Bruce had always made him keep it short. For practicality. Now, letting it grow just past his shoulders, Dick’s hair was one of the few pieces of self expression he had.
“Because I made a promise to Jason,” Dick’s words dripped with all the anger he could muster, looking into Bruce’s cold blue eyes. “I would be there if he called. Unlike you, I keep promises.” It was a cold insult that hit below the belt.
“You think I couldn't have handled Croc?” Bruce arched an eyebrow. He was trying to back Dick into a corner and Dick knew it. Drag some kind of confession out of Dick that he'd come to see Bruce for some hopeless romantic reason.
Bruce could keep hoping. Dick was there for Jason and nothing more.
“Clearly you couldn't,” Dick pointed out. “Jason got hurt.”
For the briefest second, real emotion flashed across Bruce's eyes. It was something, at least. A small proof he really did care about Jason.
“He just wanted to see you.” Bruce regained his composure. “He looks up to you. He's been talking about training with you.”
Dick shook his head with a cold laugh. “I’m not falling for that. If he wants to train, he can come to me. Don't use him to get to me.��� He gave Bruce a final warning look before turning back around.
“No.” Dick didn't look back. His bike was within arm’s reach when a hand grabbed his arm.
“Dick,” Bruce was trying to sound soft. The command in his voice ruined the illusion of kindness.
“Don’t.” No matter how much Dick knew Bruce’s kindness was a ruse, he couldn't stop himself from mirroring it. The anger left his tone and was replaced by something softer. “It’s late and I have a shift tomorrow.”
“Call in,” Bruce said. Easy for him to say with his billionaire pockets.
Dick shook his head. He tried to pull his arm free. “This isn't happening again. It's especially not happening now.” Jason’s face flashed across Dick’s mind. In Dick’s Robin suit.
That betrayal was still a raw wound.
“Dick, I…” Bruce trailed off. “I'm sorry for how I- for how things happened.” Just as he almost took accountability, he skirted past it. A vague, half-assed apology that wasn't going to fix anything now.
“You should've said that and a hell of a lot more over a year ago,” Dick just shook his head. He tugged his arm harder. Bruce’s grip was a vice.
“Please stay.” Despite the words, it sounded like an order, not a request. Bruce’s brow hardened.
“Bruce,” Dick said, setting his jaw. “Let go.”
Bruce raised a hand and for a second, Dick almost flinched, expecting to be hit. Instead, Bruce's fingers hovered in the air before cupping Dick’s face. He was still wearing his suit, but Dick could feel the gentle body heat through the glove. He gasped.
A thumb stroked Dick’s cheek. And for a part of him, it was hard not to give in to. There was comfort in the familiarity. How easily Bruce slotted back into a role he used to perfectly fill in Dick’s life.
Dick didn't need Bruce in that role, though. And he definitely didn't want him there.
“Just the night,” Bruce offered, still stroking with his thumb. “I’ll order from the Chinese place you like.”
“I said no.” Dick took a half a step back.
The gentle, loving hand holding Dick’s face shifted to a brutally possessive grip without warning. Bruce held Dick by his jaw, fingers digging in enough to make Dick hiss.
“If I have to force, you I will.” It was dangerous, how matter-of-factly Bruce said it. No violence or threatening nature to the statement. Just a plain coldness.
Dick flinched. His full body recoiled.
“Are you out of your mind?” Dick hissed.
Bruce has been rough with Dick, before. But only when Dick asked for it.
Never like this.
The only thing Bruce had ever forced Dick to do was leave. At the time, it had been the worst thing Bruce ever did to Dick.
This was worse, now.
“You can't force me to do anything,” Dick said when Bruce didn't answer. He just started at Dick with those empty eyes. “I’m not under your thumb anymore.”
“I want to know you're safe,” Bruce spoke so calmly, like he wasn't trying to force Dick to stay against his will. Like he was practically doing Dick a favor. “Someone needs to look out for you and make sure you're taking care of yourself.”
“I have people,” Dick said, and it wasn't a lie. He had the Titans, his friends and coworkers in Bludhaven. “I don't need you. I never did, Bruce. You never understood that.” Dick’s heart was beating too fast in his chest. Bruce had to be bluffing. Trying to fake Dick out or something.
The grip on his jaw was going to bruise if Bruce kept it up.
“I need you, though,” Bruce’s voice was low and quiet. “That's what I was wrong about when I kicked you out. I thought…” he didn't finish the sentence. He just shook his head once. “I didn't know how much I needed you. And I need you now, Dick.”
Dick leaned in close to Bruce’s face. “I don't care what you need.” He pulled back and twisted his head away to wrench it from Bruce’s grip. A single well aimed strike to Bruce’s inner wrist forced his hand to open, letting go of Dick’s arm.
For a second, Dick was free.
It was a short second.
Dick didn't have time to step back. He didn't have time to think before Bruce lunged.
It was a brutal and effective pin. One that Dick had always struggled to get out of during training. Bruce grabbed Dick’s wrist and twisted him around, forcing him to his knees. Bruce’s own knee pinned Dick down, pressed between his shoulder blades while Dick’s arm was held at a painful angle.
He had one arm free. But it was difficult to grab Bruce from where he was standing. The shock of being pinned in the first place slowed his reaction.
“What the hell has gotten into you?” Dick gasped. He reached back to grab an escrima stick. If Bruce wanted a fight, Dick would give him one.
His hand was stopped before he could reach the weapon. Bruce just grabbed that wrist too and hauled Dick back up to his feet like he weighed nothing. He pinned Dick against his own body, Dick’s arm painfully trapped between the two of them.
“I’m giving you one last chance,” Bruce said into Dick’s ear. His breath was warm on Dick’s skin in a sickly way. “Stay with me for the night.”
Instead of answering with words, Dick lifted his foot and kicked Bruce as hard as he could in the shin. Bruce stumbled and Dick dropped into a crouch, ready to flip Bruce off of him.
Before he could, something sharp pinched against his neck and Dick gasped.
The psychotic bastard.
His body slumped, weightless in Bruce’s arms that shifted to cradle Dick. Gently, like a lover.
Then, Dick slipped away.
Once he was drugged, it was easy to pull compliance out of Dick.
Bruce just had to carry him up the stairs and into Bruce’s bedroom. He carefully stripped both of their suits, laying them out for Alfred to wash in the morning.
Dick wasn't quite unconscious.
But he was groaning and sluggish, unable to hold his eyes open or form real words. When Bruce touched him, his body yielded and gave in so sweetly.
The way he was supposed to give in to Bruce.
Dick wouldn't remember any of it when it woke up. But his body would.
His body, warm and beautiful under Bruce’s hands. There were new scars Bruce didn't know about. He made sure to show attention to every one with gentle kisses and colorful hickeys.
But he felt the same when Bruce was buried inside of his right warmth.
Even in a drugged state, Dick reacted beautifully. Soft moans and twitches as Bruce fucked him. Slow and gentle. It was so easy to manipulate Dick’s body into the right positions. He was just as flexible as he’d always been.
Bruce liked the long hair, he decided, when he buried his fingers into it to pull Dick into an embrace while Dick whimpered.
Beautiful. Perfect.
With a hand curled around Dick’s cock, they both came as Bruce groaned Dick’s name into his sweet skin.
Bruce licked Dick’s cum off his sweaty skin. Glassy eyes watched him, struggling to say something. It almost sounded like Bruce’s name.
After finishing, Bruce cleaned both of them up and climbed into bed, arranging Dick in his arms the way they used to cuddle in bed. He closed his eyes.
Dick was home now. Where he belonged. Bruce was stupid for ever sending him away. But he was home. That was what mattered.
They would figure out the rest later.
Dick came back to awareness in a warm bed with a sore body. The sheets and pillows were familiar. They smelled familiar. His body ached in familiar places too.
Before Dick even opened his eyes, he knew where he was.
He sat up. His body was still slow and stiff. Whatever Bruce had drugged him with was a hell of a thing.
Bruce drugged him. And fucked him.
Too many feelings flickered through Dick at once for him to parse out. Anger. Confusion. Shock.
Dick tuned them out. He needed to take stock. Stay focused. At least until he was out of Bruce’s home.
The sunlight filtering through the windows marked the time as late morning. Bruce’s side of the bed was empty, but Dick could hear the shower running from the ensuite bathroom.
His suit was nowhere to be found. Which left Dick stuck in Bruce’s bed, naked and vulnerable.
He tried to keep his heartrate steady. The sheets got bunched up in Dick’s first.
The moment Bruce came out of the shower Dick was going to break his goddamn-
“Bruce!” The bedroom door flew open and Jason skidded into the room. “Bruce, Alfred wants to know where he should put-” Jason froze like a deer in headlights when he saw Dick. For a moment he just stared, wide eyed and open mouthed.
Dick look down at himself and swore. He snatched the blanket that was pooled around his waist, pulling it up tight to his chest. It was too late. They both knew Jason had already seen all the bite marks scattered across Dick’s skin.
“I-” Jason stumbled over his words. “I’m sorry, I didn't know-”
Like some kind of divine timing, the bathroom door opened. Bruce stepped out in nothing but loose boxers, drying his hair. He saw Dick, then Jason. His expression changed for both of them, settling on a coy smile.
“We’ve talked about knocking, Jason,” Bruce said calmly.
Jason’s face was so red it looked like it was about to catch on fire. “Sorry.”
“Head down to the kitchen for breakfast,” Bruce just gave him a fond look. “Dick and I will join you in a few minutes.”
“You’re staying for breakfast?” Jason’s eyes lit up looking at Dick.
Dick couldn't openly scowl at Bruce with Jason’s eyes on him. But he knew what Bruce was doing. And he had no choice, backed into a corner like this.
“Yeah.” Dick forced a smile. “Just for a little while.”
Jason whooped with excitement and ran out of the room as quickly as he’d came into it.
Dick whipped his head around and leveled Bruce with a deadly look.
“After breakfast,” Bruce said, before Dick can speak. “We’ll discuss this then.”
“You had no goddamn right-”
Bruce cut him off with a chaste kiss. Dick choked against Bruce’s mouth. All of his protests forced away. Dick’s heart was pounding. Too many emotions at once.
He swallowed his pride and kissed Bruce back.
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courtmartialme · 3 months
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did u know i have a tip jar where you can send me a motivational push 2 draw things >__o only valid for ideas i'd already draw by myself, like hc or au's i've talked about but never drew, or stuff i've drawn before that you'd like to see more of etc..! if you wanna try your luck at getting me to draw something else you think i'd like to feel free to as well but there's the risk of me adapting it to my tastes until the original prompt is unrecognizable lol my ko-fi !
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whump-queen · 2 years
whumper shoving their fingers into whumpee’s mouth, digging their other hand into the sides of whumpee’s face so they can’t bite and just have to sit there and take it
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team-118 · 2 months
58 for the prompt game? -💙
hiiii @igarbagecannoteven ily
58. You don't have to say anything.
935 words • pre-relationship, buddie • s3e12 missing scene
Eddie is about to ring the doorbell when his phone buzzes.
Buck (118): doors open for you! let urself in when u get here :)
He laughs as he twists the door open, walking into Buck's loft. "Do I need to close my eyes, too?" Eddie teases.
There's a pause while Buck deliberates. "I mean..."
"Buck, Jesus -"
"Okay! Just wait two seconds," Buck huffs from the living room.
Eddie makes himself at home on one of Buck's barstools, fiddling with his keys. Buck's loft is becoming more and more familiar to him. He sees its vaulting windows and Buck's pristine tabletops as often as Pepa's, maybe even his own, at this point. The box of pizza he, Buck, and Chris had demolished just two nights ago rests against the recycling can. If he walked over to the fridge, he's sure he'd find the half-empty bottle of Pepsi Chris had left behind, because Buck has a weird superiority complex about Cola.
Eddie's about to risk Buck's wrath by knocking on the wall next to the living room when Buck emerges, covered in sweat and grime, red in the face from exertion.
"Hey, thanks for coming!" Buck greets him brightly, oblivious to his own appearance. With his sunny smile and sparkling eyes, any anxiety Eddie might've felt about Buck's secrecy today washes away. Eddie can't help but smile back.
"Of course. Wait, don't -" he gestures, but Buck's already wiping tire grease off his palms and onto his jeans.
"Whoops," Buck grins.
"You're actually twelve," Eddie tells him.
"What's that make you, old man?" Buck retorts, and before Eddie can tell him how little sense that makes, Buck's grabbing his hand and dragging him to the living room.
Buck crosses his arms in front of the doorway, blocking the view with his wide, wide shoulders. Eddie really resents the two inches Buck has on him, in moments like these.
"Okay, before you see it, you need to know I wanted to do this," Buck starts.
"Uh, okay," Eddie says, trying to peek. Buck blocks him easily.
"And I don't expect anything, okay? You don't even have to, like..." Buck trails off, choosing his words carefully. "Follow through. Totally up to you, yeah? But I promise it's safe. I'd swear it on my life."
"I trust you," Eddie reassures, automatic. As he says it, he realizes he really does mean it. He would be confused or even worried if it was anyone else, but with Buck, he's just...not.
Buck exhales. "Yeah, okay. Alright." He sidesteps, finally letting Eddie into his living room.
Inside, Buck's entire toolbox is in shambles across the hardwood. Rags covered in black grease are pushed into the corners, clearing a path to the centre of the room. Buck's laptop is open on a side table, whirring with the hundreds of tabs it has open. The light filters through the windows and lands on...something. A contraption in the middle of the room, tall and metal like some kind of barebones Eiffel tower. There are handholds on the sides and a net of ropes at the base.
Buck steps gingerly around it, so Eddie follows.
"What exactly...am I looking at here?" Eddie can feel his eyebrows twisting in confusion.
"Oh, I forgot," Buck says, grinning wickedly like he definitely didn't, "the secret ingredient." He reaches behind the mess of the toolbox and pulls out a skateboard. It's bright red and decked out in colourful stickers. On the top, Buck has pasted the letters "CHRISTOPHER DIAZ". 
Eddie's speechless.
"I just didn't want him to miss out," Buck says, rushed. "You know, when I was little, I taught myself how to skateboard without my parents around. Banged myself up good. I don't want Chris to think he has to do it on his own, or that he can't do it, because he can, and-" he trips on his breath, stumbling. Eddie still can't make his stupid mouth move, and he can tell it's stressing Buck out.
"You don't have to say anything," Buck tells him, nervous.
"I don't - know what to say," Eddie breathes around a laugh. "Buck, you - I can't believe you did this for him. No one's ever - how much do I owe you?"
"Nothing, man, come on," Buck brushes him off. "You owe me nothing. I told you, I wanted to do this."
"Yeah, but," Eddie exhales. "Nobody's ever really...wanted to."
"Well," Buck says, tone intentionally light. "I did."
"No, I'm serious, Eddie. He's a good kid. I wanted - just let me do this for him, please."
"Yeah. Yeah, of course. Buck, I can't thank you enough," Eddie stresses.
Buck gives him a small smile. "You don't have to thank me. Just let me be there when you show it to him?"
"Of course."
They stand in silence for a while, Eddie watching the sun light up the accessible skateboard like some kind of treasure chest in a video game. He can feel Buck's eyes on him, but he doesn't turn to meet his gaze. He just lets Buck look while he sinks into this feeling. Eddie can't quite believe it, but maybe he and Chris could have this. Maybe.
He clears his throat. "Let me help you clean up your living room, at least."
Buck laughs easily. "Yeah, okay."
It takes until sunset to scrub the grease off the hardwood, and maybe they're not as efficient together as they could be, but Eddie doesn't mind. He could do this for something like a lifetime.
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zukkaart · 1 year
For the ships prompts 5 and 14
Y'all are being Tyzula WHORES today (I love you anyway)
Couple #5: Ty Lee x Azula
Prompt #14: “You’re hurting me!”
For the prompt game!
An untold meeting with the gaang, the Spring before Sozin’s comet
The three young women peered over a rock, the Avatar and his little group were seemingly setting up camp for the night.
“Alright ladies here’s the plan,” Azula side eyed them both as she spoke, “It seems like they each have tasks, we’ll wait for them to split up, then pick them off one by one,” The two women nodded in acknowledgment.
“Mai, take the water bending peasant, Ty Lee, you take the boy. The avatar is mine” With that, they parted ways.
Ty Lee crept along the tree line- staying silent and patiently waiting for the avatar and girl to leave.
“Okay, I’ll find something for us to eat, Aang do you want to get fire wood?”
“Sure thing Katara!” The Avatar zoomed off in to the woods, seemingly lifted by nothing. Ty Lee had never seen an air bender before- well- almost no one had nowadays. She was mesmerized.
Soon after the bender (Katara?) left as well. Finally.
Planting her signature dazzling smile she all but waltzed in to their camp. No need to be stealthy when her charms worked just as well.
“Hey cutie, long time no see,” She leaned over him where he knelt- laying out his sleeping bag,
“Aaah!” He yelled and turned around, reaching for that weird weapon he kept strapped across his back. She did always wonder what it was, it looked like someone attempted to make a sword, but did it very wrong.
Ty Lee danced around him casually as he tried to pin her down.
“You never told me your name cutie,” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, he wiped it off but didn’t look entirely appalled. She noted that,
“It’s Sokka, water tribe”
“Well Sokka water tribe. I’m Ty Lee” she cartwheeled a safe distance away from him. “Nice to meet you”
“I wish I could say the same, what are you doing here? I thought you were after that pony tailed freak,”
“Oh we are,” She folded her arms behind her casually, Sokka held his…knife? In a defensive position, “But the avatar is an even better prize”
“You think I’m here alone? I’m just the distraction silly!” Realization passed across the dark boys face, he turned on his heel to take off in the direction that the avatar left, but Ty Lee stepped in front of him. “I don’t think so Sokka,”
With a few quick jabs she disabled his dominant leg, he collapsed to one knee.
“Sorry about that gorgeous, I can’t have you interrupting her highness, can’t we just sit and chat?”
“In your dreams circus freak,”
“Yes,” She replied with a giggle, “since we’re here, why don’t you tell me what that is?”
“What what is?” He glanced at the blade still in his hand, “You mean boomerang?” She saw a thought pass across his features, and before she knew it- he threw it towards her. She simply side stepped and it missed her.
“Well that’s not terribly effective, is it? I expected more from the Southern Water Tribe” She taunted. What a ridiculous weapon. “But dont worry, you’ll get your leg back in a few hours. We’ll be long gone by then, but hey, if you’re ever in the Fire Nation look me up,” She winked
“Ty Lee!” Azula’s voice came from the edge of the woods. She ran up to her as smooth as ever. “The Avatar got away, I couldn’t follow him without setting this whole forest on fire, Zuko is too close- we can’t risk tipping him off,”
“Okay Azula!” But just as she turned to leave, the world went black
Azula watched in horror as that weapon the boy was so fond of came seemingly out of nowhere and slammed right in to Ty Lee’s back. She crumpled, blood quickly beginning to run down her back.
“Ty Lee!” Azula rushed forward and caught her before she could hit the ground, pressing their fronts together, The smaller girls head lolled on to her shoulder.
“Sokka!” The water tribe girl came rushing from the tree line, seemingly to her brother’s aid, but froze in her tracks when she took in the scene before her.
“Sokka, what did you do?” Katara had yet to fully grasp the reality of war, she of course wasn’t dumb enough to think they had never caused any casualties, but she did her best to avoid it when possible, and Sokka always made a point to shield her from the direct kills. So seeing this… she didn’t know how to react in any way other than her nature.
Katara took a hesitant step forward, reaching out a hand. “Azula I can help, please let me,”
“Get away from her!” Azula snarled, tears beginning to flow freely down her face. “Ty Lee, Ty Lee wake up!” She began to shout desperately. She reached for the thing sticking out of her back.
“Azula don’t!” Katara moved closer, something like genuine concern splayed across her face. “If you just rip that out you could hurt her more, even sever her spine. You could kill her,”
“She’s already dead!” Azula screamed, slowly losing grip on her rational thoughts,
“No. She isn’t, but she will be if you don’t let me help you,” Azula could do nothing but hold her friend tighter as Katara hesitantly inched forward. She brought water to her palms. Azula braced for an attack, but she couldn’t bring herself to let go of Ty Lee.
“I’m not going to hurt her,” Katara said, finally kneeling in front of her. The water tribe boy hadn’t moved behind them, she wasn’t unaware of him but she was too distracted to ponder too much why he wasn’t attacking. She took the small mercy from Agni as the water benders hands began to glow.
“What are you doing?!” Azula yanked her away, the water splashed around them,
“I’m healing her, please don’t move. You could make it a lot worse.” Azula was hesitant, but she would take any chance for her friend right now. Katara then grabbed the object in one hand, glowing water in the other. She slowly edged it out as she supposedly “healed” her as she went. Azula did her best to keep her breathing steady, which was surprisingly easy due to her training.
The object was finally removed, and a couple of moment later Katara stood and quickly backed away. “There, she’ll be fine,” Azula didn’t have to be told twice as she scooped the still unconscious Ty Lee in to her arms and sprinted back off in to the woods without even a word.
Once she deemed them a safe distance she fell back on to her knees, tears beginning to wane just slightly. She was still hopelessly worried, but she took solace in the fact that at least there wasn’t a weapon sticking out of her and the bleeding had stopped.
Still, she held Ty Lee in to her chest as tightly as she could, and began rocking back and forth and muttering, “please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please-“
“Azula?” Came a broken voice, the princess sucked in a sharp breath.
“Ty Lee? What is it? What do you need?”
“You’re hurting me”
Azula noticed her crushing grip and half-laughed half-sobbed in relief as she loosened her grip.
“For Agni’s sake Ty Lee I thought you were dead!” Once she was sure the little acrobat wasn’t in fact dead- her worry was quickly replaced with anger and frustration.
“What? Why? Were you… crying?” Ty Lee reached up from where she still laid in Azula’s arms to brush her wet cheek with the back of her hand.
“Yes you idiot! I thought I lost you!” Ty Lee should have been startled at Azula’s anger- but she was used to her concern coming out as aggression.
“Hey, I’m okay. I’m right here. I don’t know what happened- but I’m okay,” The next thing she knew- the princesses lips were on hers. She pulled away for a moment, “Now I’m really confused, what is happening right now?”
Azula huffed and rolled her eyes, “Just shut up,” Were Azula’s only words before her lips crashed on to hers once more
Eeek! This one was definitely short and sweet but I kind of love it. I hope you do too!
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evenmyhivemindisempty · 2 months
Now that I have written 18 (!!) Donald Pierce fics, I figure it’s probably time to organize them a bit for tumblr! So here we go!
Your Mercy’s Got Teeth, Baby: Here’s the thing. It’s technically in all of the Reavers’ contracts that they give Alkali-Transigen blanket permission to perform medical testing on their bodies after death. Donald just hadn’t figured that would still apply to someone who got revived. On the run from Alkali, Donald Pierce finds himself short on options and friends. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Logan is none too happy to see him again.
Heart, for a Loss: Five times Donald Pierce thinks he’s in love, and one time he actually is. (CW: non-con, underage)
Stand at Attention: After a tough mission, Donald Pierce and Frank Castle share some alone time.
What Nightmares May Come: The Corinthian reacquaints himself with Donald Pierce. (CW: implied non-con, implied child abuse)
What Good Girls Get: Truth be told he’d been expecting something more in line with ‘power-drunk cop’ or ‘horny marine’ when Gabby had brought up the whole roleplaying thing a few weeks back. But he guesses he can’t begrudge her having a type, even if it means he’s gotta be some butch dyke at the grungiest lesbian bar in Mexico City. Donald figures he can be a good girl. Just this once, and just for her.
Twice Shy: Stranded in the past, Logan expects to spend the next few decades blowing his time and his cash on cheap alcohol in dead-end small towns. He doesn’t expect eighteen-year-old Donald Pierce, pretty, bitchy, smart as a whip, and on the doorstep of the rest of his life.
3AM After the End: While the mutant children continue on to the border, Logan is captured by what’s left of the Reavers. So is Donald Pierce. Turns out, they aren’t all too happy with their old boss. (CW: non-con)
Rinse and Repeat (and Repeat and–): Woulda, coulda, shoulda might as well be on Donald Pierce’s tombstone. Instead of dying, he finds himself continuously repeating the day that started it all, and gets to find out if he would, if he could, and if he should. (CW: non-con)
Colorful Places series (completed: yes)
Friendly Favors, at Cost: Gabby had been expecting a bullet to the back of the head for her role in helping Laura and the others escape. Instead she gets a suite in a ritzy hotel, courtesy of Donald Pierce.
The Marrying Kind: Gabby and Pierce struggle to settle into their new life in hiding. Gabby realizes something’s gotta change.
A Study of Similarities series (completed: yes)
Variations on a Theme: Donald Pierce meets a different version of himself. He’s still deciding if he likes him.
Three and Just Begun: Donald Pierce tags along when Doc Donnie gets a booty call. He has a better time than he expected.
Winning’s in the Way We Lie: For some reason, there's no "Yes, I want to reveal deep and disturbing truths about our shared sexual histories with my clone" answer on the clonefucking poll. Donald wouldn't pick it, but maybe Doc would.
Where Wolves Fear to Prey series (completed: yes)
Good-Time Boy: It’s the first time in ages Donald Pierce hasn’t wanted to be the first guy out of the room. After a month of playing engineer for the Blackguard mercenaries, Donald is actually sorry to leave. Apparently they feel the same way, because he gets a surprise going-away party… and then the surprises just keep coming. (CW: past non-con, accidental non-con)
Like a Virgin: Donald wants to get fucked. He doesn’t want to have to like it.
Perfect Reflection series (completed: yes)
Deja Blues: Ty Shaw sees the taciturn stranger at the bar and sees an opportunity for some fun. It’s a pity the stranger sees something – or maybe someone – else.
Difference of Degrees: Ty thinks he’s just signing up for some sexy, naughty roleplay when Logan asks him to be sorry. Ty may be in over his head.
Belly of the Beast: Ty’s not in the mood. Logan is. (CW: non-con)
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dailydegurechaff · 1 year
time to pester rimu
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this but Tanya and her stash
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choco stash will never be given up.
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tethrras · 1 month
28 for kara and varric 💗💗
Varric is somehow sober enough to make out Bethany's voice through the late night din of the Hanged Man. He pushes himself into a upright position and tries to focus as much of his attention as he can on the sweet Fereldan girl sitting across the table from him.
"What is it, Sunshine?" The words are slurred, even to his own ears. "You wan' another drink?"
"No, it's not that. It's..." She's fiddling with a bracelet. Some sort of matching thing that her and Hawke have. Cute. The two of them are so cute... "Can I ask you something?"
"As long as it's not about the birds and the bees, yeah, you can ask me anything."
He's not too far gone to notice the blush appearing on her cheeks, but she pushes through and leans towards him. "Why did you ask Hawke to join the expedition?"
"Because the two of you needed money," Varric tells her, "and we needed a business partner." The answer comes quick, like he'd already loaded the bolt into the barrel, and he hopes it doesn't sound too suspicious. How many drinks has she had so far? Maybe she won't notice...
"But it's Kirkwall. Lots of people need money. Why did you pick Hawke?"
Because she's Hawke. Because she's the only person in Kirkwall that could've convinced not only Varric but also Fenris and Anders to take shots with her as soon as the group limped through the door. Because she's the only person in Kirkwall that can make the money the expedition needs while also being too inexperienced to know that how little she'll end up with is the cheat of the century.
"Because..." Varric flaps his hands towards Hawke. "There's something about her that... that..."
"That makes you feel like it'll be okay just because she's there."
Bethany is watching her sister with a fondness Varric has never seen from Bartrand. Or from anyone, for that matter. He turns his head to look at Hawke, telling a joke at the other end of a long table with her hand anchored to Fenris's shoulder to make sure he's paying attention, and Varric is sure that he must be looking at her the same way Bethany is. How long has he known Hawke? A month? It feels like he's known her longer than that. It feels like...
"Yeah." Varric shakes his head to clear his vision and reaches for his tankard. "Something like that."
micro prompts
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zukkaoru · 10 months
Hi Grace! I don't know anything about bsd, so I'm gonna stick with atla (if that's okay). Zukka with the fluff dialogue prompt: “I want to spend the day with you doing nothing.” please. 
it's been so long since i've written them so uhhh i hope this isn't terrible 🫣
(prompt requests are still open)
The morning sun filters through the windows, painting Zuko’s bedroom golden. For the first time in months, they’re allowed to stay tangled up with each other in bed past sunrise. Sokka traces his fingers up and down Zuko’s arms as Zuko’s lips ghost against his boyfriend’s jawline. For a brief moment, they are allowed to be nothing more than two boys in love.
“Sunshine,” Sokka whispers, and Zuko lifts his head just enough to let his eyes roam over Sokka’s face. Summer has brought out his freckles, and they dot his face like constellations in the night sky. He cups Zuko’s cheek with one hand, then says, “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
Zuko hums in agreement. It would be nice, he thinks, if they had no obligations. If Zuko were not the Fire Lord and Sokka were not travelling constantly—if they lived in a world where they could hold onto each other outside the confines of this bedroom, if the world were not set up to oppose them.
“Me too,” Zuko agrees, then leans in to steal another kiss. “I’d take even just one day. I want to spend the day with you doing nothing.”
“One day,” Sokka muses. “One day of no responsibilities. Just you and me.” He sighs. “Maybe someday. For one whole day, we’ll lock ourselves in this room and do absolutely nothing.”
It’s a nice fantasy, unattainable as it may be. There are always things that require Zuko’s attention, and there are always people unintentionally pulling him and Sokka apart. But maybe one day, when Zuko has established himself as Fire Lord, when the world isn’t still reeling from one hundred years of war, they’ll be able to find a day of peace.
For now, though, Zuko will cherish the few extra minutes they’ve found this morning. It won’t be long before he’s called elsewhere, but until then, he’ll continue to kiss Sokka slowly, like they’ve got all the time in the world, and he’ll be content to have Sokka in his arms as the sunlight pours over them.
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byanyan · 6 months
soft little inbox call... like and i'll go into ur meme tag & send u a prompt 💜
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daisychainsandbowties · 10 months
not exactly a question but talk about something cool you learned recently! i wanna learn too 🥰
🥹🥹 okay well recently i’ve been learning more about binary star systems to make more gay metaphors about binary star systems and apparently!!! in astronomy there are such things as Spider systems!! 😳😳 and it has to do with pulsars!!!
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so yeah something something having a friend can make the pulsars spin really really fast 🥰🥰 (gay) and then they’re also cannibalistic (gay) and spiderlike (really really gay 😳😳)
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
They should fight people with swords while holding hands like true sapphics
prompt from @scarletlarvesta thank you!!!!!!!
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I um. I accidentally (not accidentally) made them fight each other bc i thought it would be funny
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