#note: none of these will go to ao3 unless they breach 5k
necrotic-nephilim · 13 days
For the new ask game
"If I have to force you I will"
send a ship and a quote and i'll write a a short fic!
this is so inspired, anon. here's 2.7k of BruDick whump. warning for non-con somnophilia, but it's very brief. the whole fic is very non-con/dead dove in nature tho. this takes place during Jason's Robin era. enjoy <3
Dick could feel Bruce’s eyes on him from across the room, even without looking. He made a point not to look. Instead, Dick focused on helping Jason set his dislocated shoulder.
“How does that feel?” Dick asked. He pressed his fingers against the bone, just to double check for any breaks.
“I’m fine,” Jason insisted. He hopped off the medical gurney and pulled away from Dick’s touch. An immediate wince came out of Jason when his feet hit the ground. His ankle was at best, swollen. At worst, sprained.
With how hard Killer Croc threw Jason into that brick wall, he was lucky to walk away with a dislocated shoulder and sprained ankle. Dick still couldn’t get the noise of Jason’s small body slamming against the hard brick and the noise he’d made when he fell to the ground.
“You should take a couple weeks off patrol at least,” Dick said, putting away the leftover bandages. “To let it heal.”
Jason made a face at Dick, his mouth screwing up like he’d eaten something sour. “I said I was fine!” He didn't look fine. He was pale and a little sweaty from the pain. “Right, B?” Going right above Dick's head, Jason turned to Bruce with an expectant look.
Dick finally let himself look at Bruce. He levelled Bruce with a deadly glare. Now though, Bruce was the one avoiding his gaze.
“We’ll talk about it later, chum.” Bruce walked over to them and ruffled Jason’s head with disgusting affection that made Dick’s lip curl.
He had nothing against Jason. But he damn well knew Bruce was doing it to get a rise out of Dick. The worst part, it was working remarkably well.
“Get to bed now,” Bruce said, patting Jason’s good shoulder.
Jason gave a nod that was a little too serious, like he was facing a war general giving an order. Given who he was talking to, Dick supposed it wasn't far off. Jason ran off to the stairs, almost managing to hide his limp. Dick watched him disappear up the steps.
He was a good kid.
Too good for this life.
“That could've gotten him killed.” Dick didn't look in Bruce’s direction, but there was no one else in the cave he could've been talking to. No one else on the planet Dick would speak to with such an icy tone.
“You would've stuck that landing at his age,” Bruce said coolly, pointedly avoiding the hostility bleeding from Dick.
Dick whipped his head around. “I had more training at his age.” So many insults sat on Dick’s tongue. He managed to swallow all of them without choking. “Take better care of Jason.” With that, Dick turned on his heel and walked toward where his motorcycle was parked in the bay of the cave.
“Where are you going?” Bruce asked. Like he had any right to know.
“Home,” Dick snapped. He wanted his bed and shitty take out from the only place in Bludhaven open this late.
“This is your home.”
Dick’s hand curled into a fist, itching to hit Bruce. He wouldn't stoop that low. “Not since you kicked me out, it isn't.”
“You still have a place here.” Bruce’s voice was as even and emotionless as it always was. He could've been talking about the weather.
Emotions were weakness to Bruce. And there was a time Dick naively believed Bruce trusted him enough to share that weakness with Dick.
What a joke that was.
“No, I don't,” Dick spoke through grit teeth. He just needed to keep walking to his bike and leave Bruce and his rotting city behind.
“Then why are you even here?”
Dick spun around fast enough to make his hair fall over his face. He really should cut it, but he liked the length. Bruce had always made him keep it short. For practicality. Now, letting it grow just past his shoulders, Dick’s hair was one of the few pieces of self expression he had.
“Because I made a promise to Jason,” Dick’s words dripped with all the anger he could muster, looking into Bruce’s cold blue eyes. “I would be there if he called. Unlike you, I keep promises.” It was a cold insult that hit below the belt.
“You think I couldn't have handled Croc?” Bruce arched an eyebrow. He was trying to back Dick into a corner and Dick knew it. Drag some kind of confession out of Dick that he'd come to see Bruce for some hopeless romantic reason.
Bruce could keep hoping. Dick was there for Jason and nothing more.
“Clearly you couldn't,” Dick pointed out. “Jason got hurt.”
For the briefest second, real emotion flashed across Bruce's eyes. It was something, at least. A small proof he really did care about Jason.
“He just wanted to see you.” Bruce regained his composure. “He looks up to you. He's been talking about training with you.”
Dick shook his head with a cold laugh. “I’m not falling for that. If he wants to train, he can come to me. Don't use him to get to me.” He gave Bruce a final warning look before turning back around.
“No.” Dick didn't look back. His bike was within arm’s reach when a hand grabbed his arm.
“Dick,” Bruce was trying to sound soft. The command in his voice ruined the illusion of kindness.
“Don’t.” No matter how much Dick knew Bruce’s kindness was a ruse, he couldn't stop himself from mirroring it. The anger left his tone and was replaced by something softer. “It’s late and I have a shift tomorrow.”
“Call in,” Bruce said. Easy for him to say with his billionaire pockets.
Dick shook his head. He tried to pull his arm free. “This isn't happening again. It's especially not happening now.” Jason’s face flashed across Dick’s mind. In Dick’s Robin suit.
That betrayal was still a raw wound.
“Dick, I…” Bruce trailed off. “I'm sorry for how I- for how things happened.” Just as he almost took accountability, he skirted past it. A vague, half-assed apology that wasn't going to fix anything now.
“You should've said that and a hell of a lot more over a year ago,” Dick just shook his head. He tugged his arm harder. Bruce’s grip was a vice.
“Please stay.” Despite the words, it sounded like an order, not a request. Bruce’s brow hardened.
“Bruce,” Dick said, setting his jaw. “Let go.”
Bruce raised a hand and for a second, Dick almost flinched, expecting to be hit. Instead, Bruce's fingers hovered in the air before cupping Dick’s face. He was still wearing his suit, but Dick could feel the gentle body heat through the glove. He gasped.
A thumb stroked Dick’s cheek. And for a part of him, it was hard not to give in to. There was comfort in the familiarity. How easily Bruce slotted back into a role he used to perfectly fill in Dick’s life.
Dick didn't need Bruce in that role, though. And he definitely didn't want him there.
“Just the night,” Bruce offered, still stroking with his thumb. “I’ll order from the Chinese place you like.”
“I said no.” Dick took a half a step back.
The gentle, loving hand holding Dick’s face shifted to a brutally possessive grip without warning. Bruce held Dick by his jaw, fingers digging in enough to make Dick hiss.
“If I have to force, you I will.” It was dangerous, how matter-of-factly Bruce said it. No violence or threatening nature to the statement. Just a plain coldness.
Dick flinched. His full body recoiled.
“Are you out of your mind?” Dick hissed.
Bruce has been rough with Dick, before. But only when Dick asked for it.
Never like this.
The only thing Bruce had ever forced Dick to do was leave. At the time, it had been the worst thing Bruce ever did to Dick.
This was worse, now.
“You can't force me to do anything,” Dick said when Bruce didn't answer. He just started at Dick with those empty eyes. “I’m not under your thumb anymore.”
“I want to know you're safe,” Bruce spoke so calmly, like he wasn't trying to force Dick to stay against his will. Like he was practically doing Dick a favor. “Someone needs to look out for you and make sure you're taking care of yourself.”
“I have people,” Dick said, and it wasn't a lie. He had the Titans, his friends and coworkers in Bludhaven. “I don't need you. I never did, Bruce. You never understood that.” Dick’s heart was beating too fast in his chest. Bruce had to be bluffing. Trying to fake Dick out or something.
The grip on his jaw was going to bruise if Bruce kept it up.
“I need you, though,” Bruce’s voice was low and quiet. “That's what I was wrong about when I kicked you out. I thought…” he didn't finish the sentence. He just shook his head once. “I didn't know how much I needed you. And I need you now, Dick.”
Dick leaned in close to Bruce’s face. “I don't care what you need.” He pulled back and twisted his head away to wrench it from Bruce’s grip. A single well aimed strike to Bruce’s inner wrist forced his hand to open, letting go of Dick’s arm.
For a second, Dick was free.
It was a short second.
Dick didn't have time to step back. He didn't have time to think before Bruce lunged.
It was a brutal and effective pin. One that Dick had always struggled to get out of during training. Bruce grabbed Dick’s wrist and twisted him around, forcing him to his knees. Bruce’s own knee pinned Dick down, pressed between his shoulder blades while Dick’s arm was held at a painful angle.
He had one arm free. But it was difficult to grab Bruce from where he was standing. The shock of being pinned in the first place slowed his reaction.
“What the hell has gotten into you?” Dick gasped. He reached back to grab an escrima stick. If Bruce wanted a fight, Dick would give him one.
His hand was stopped before he could reach the weapon. Bruce just grabbed that wrist too and hauled Dick back up to his feet like he weighed nothing. He pinned Dick against his own body, Dick’s arm painfully trapped between the two of them.
“I’m giving you one last chance,” Bruce said into Dick’s ear. His breath was warm on Dick’s skin in a sickly way. “Stay with me for the night.”
Instead of answering with words, Dick lifted his foot and kicked Bruce as hard as he could in the shin. Bruce stumbled and Dick dropped into a crouch, ready to flip Bruce off of him.
Before he could, something sharp pinched against his neck and Dick gasped.
The psychotic bastard.
His body slumped, weightless in Bruce’s arms that shifted to cradle Dick. Gently, like a lover.
Then, Dick slipped away.
Once he was drugged, it was easy to pull compliance out of Dick.
Bruce just had to carry him up the stairs and into Bruce’s bedroom. He carefully stripped both of their suits, laying them out for Alfred to wash in the morning.
Dick wasn't quite unconscious.
But he was groaning and sluggish, unable to hold his eyes open or form real words. When Bruce touched him, his body yielded and gave in so sweetly.
The way he was supposed to give in to Bruce.
Dick wouldn't remember any of it when it woke up. But his body would.
His body, warm and beautiful under Bruce’s hands. There were new scars Bruce didn't know about. He made sure to show attention to every one with gentle kisses and colorful hickeys.
But he felt the same when Bruce was buried inside of his right warmth.
Even in a drugged state, Dick reacted beautifully. Soft moans and twitches as Bruce fucked him. Slow and gentle. It was so easy to manipulate Dick’s body into the right positions. He was just as flexible as he’d always been.
Bruce liked the long hair, he decided, when he buried his fingers into it to pull Dick into an embrace while Dick whimpered.
Beautiful. Perfect.
With a hand curled around Dick’s cock, they both came as Bruce groaned Dick’s name into his sweet skin.
Bruce licked Dick’s cum off his sweaty skin. Glassy eyes watched him, struggling to say something. It almost sounded like Bruce’s name.
After finishing, Bruce cleaned both of them up and climbed into bed, arranging Dick in his arms the way they used to cuddle in bed. He closed his eyes.
Dick was home now. Where he belonged. Bruce was stupid for ever sending him away. But he was home. That was what mattered.
They would figure out the rest later.
Dick came back to awareness in a warm bed with a sore body. The sheets and pillows were familiar. They smelled familiar. His body ached in familiar places too.
Before Dick even opened his eyes, he knew where he was.
He sat up. His body was still slow and stiff. Whatever Bruce had drugged him with was a hell of a thing.
Bruce drugged him. And fucked him.
Too many feelings flickered through Dick at once for him to parse out. Anger. Confusion. Shock.
Dick tuned them out. He needed to take stock. Stay focused. At least until he was out of Bruce’s home.
The sunlight filtering through the windows marked the time as late morning. Bruce’s side of the bed was empty, but Dick could hear the shower running from the ensuite bathroom.
His suit was nowhere to be found. Which left Dick stuck in Bruce’s bed, naked and vulnerable.
He tried to keep his heartrate steady. The sheets got bunched up in Dick’s first.
The moment Bruce came out of the shower Dick was going to break his goddamn-
“Bruce!” The bedroom door flew open and Jason skidded into the room. “Bruce, Alfred wants to know where he should put-” Jason froze like a deer in headlights when he saw Dick. For a moment he just stared, wide eyed and open mouthed.
Dick look down at himself and swore. He snatched the blanket that was pooled around his waist, pulling it up tight to his chest. It was too late. They both knew Jason had already seen all the bite marks scattered across Dick’s skin.
“I-” Jason stumbled over his words. “I’m sorry, I didn't know-”
Like some kind of divine timing, the bathroom door opened. Bruce stepped out in nothing but loose boxers, drying his hair. He saw Dick, then Jason. His expression changed for both of them, settling on a coy smile.
“We’ve talked about knocking, Jason,” Bruce said calmly.
Jason’s face was so red it looked like it was about to catch on fire. “Sorry.”
“Head down to the kitchen for breakfast,” Bruce just gave him a fond look. “Dick and I will join you in a few minutes.”
“You’re staying for breakfast?” Jason’s eyes lit up looking at Dick.
Dick couldn't openly scowl at Bruce with Jason’s eyes on him. But he knew what Bruce was doing. And he had no choice, backed into a corner like this.
“Yeah.” Dick forced a smile. “Just for a little while.”
Jason whooped with excitement and ran out of the room as quickly as he’d came into it.
Dick whipped his head around and leveled Bruce with a deadly look.
“After breakfast,” Bruce said, before Dick can speak. “We’ll discuss this then.”
“You had no goddamn right-”
Bruce cut him off with a chaste kiss. Dick choked against Bruce’s mouth. All of his protests forced away. Dick’s heart was pounding. Too many emotions at once.
He swallowed his pride and kissed Bruce back.
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