#ty carol!!!
murderballadeer · 11 months
hiii lucy, for the ask: 6, 35 and 41!!!
6 - who's an artist you really like but it's embarrassed to admit it? i've gotten shit abt it from my friends before but i love merle haggard... ultimate dad country but it's so fun To Me. shame free zone tho i refuse to be embarrassed
35 - a song you like in a language you don’t speak
i don't speak ladino/judeo spanish at all but this song (& the whole album) is rly fun!
41 - have you ever been to a music festival? if not, would you like to go? i have been to so many music festivals... when i was younger my parents would take me along when my dad would go on tour in the summer so i attended my first edmonton folk festival at the age of four months. my mom still has a $5 bill that solomon burke gave her at that festival bc as part of his performance he was "blessing" all the babies and small children in the audience and giving $5 bills to all the parents
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danesdehaan · 1 year
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stomarol + iphones (insp) (template)
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filobooster · 1 year
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💥 caroljess and carol commission on twitter
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rillette · 2 years
You think Hal is a he/him lesbian
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my hal isn't but my carol definitely is
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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ive been neglecting my freaky kids. they’re eating the drywall :/
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stevethehairington · 1 year
just,,,,, nancy/carol enemies to lovers college au
i'm thinking about nancy, who has a plan — who has had a plan for years now. to go to college, to pursue her dream in journalism.
i'm thinking about carol, who doesn't have a plan. not really. just sees college as a way to push off the inevitable — a husband, a white picket fence, a house full of kids — a few more years.
nancy is ambitious, she's studious, she takes it seriously.
carol is not. the only thing she's studying are the boys, and the only thing she's taking seriously are the parties.
nancy is shocked to see carol, but she figures that she'll be easy to avoid; after all, they aren't part of the same social circles, and there's no way their schedules are going to overlap.
except, to nancy's annoyance, she keeps running into carol despite wanting nothing to do with her. she sees her in the library, at the campus coffee shop, in the quad. they see each other in the concession line at the football game, they bump into each other in the bathroom, they walk past each other at the club fair.
carol's not surprised to see nancy here — she always knew she'd end up at a place like this, if there's one thing nancy wheeler is its persistent — but she is surprised that in a campus this big they keep crossing paths. it annoys her too.
and the thing is — carol thinks, and has always thought, that nancy wheeler is such a priss. that nancy is so drastically different from her — and not in a good way.
but, really, underneath it all, the two of them are so much more alike than either of them could ever think.
the biggest similarity being that they both have this preconceived notion of what their life is Supposed to look like — a husband, kids, a career as a wife and a mother and a homemaker, not anything else. it's one that's been forced onto them, by society, by their parents, by everyone else around them.
nancy has obviously rejected that. but carol is still very much stuck in that thinking, and she doesn't necessarily see a way out of that expectation (whether it be because of familial obligation and parental pressure or the fact that she just doesn't know what she wants to do with her life in the first place).
that is just another reason why carol is so bitter towards nancy and "hates" her so much — because nancy has done what carol hasn't, what she can't.
and, nancy is the same as she was in high school — driven, focused, precise — but she's also soooo different too — looser, more confident, more self-assured, still sweet but she's sharper with it, like she knows what she wants and knows how to get it now.
and carol is (still) outrageously jealous of that too.
so they keep seeing each other on campus, and i haven't decided how it happens — perhaps there is some sort of confrontation? one that happens at a party maybe? where both of them have had a little too much to drink maybe? — but one thing leads to another and they end up angrily making out eith each other.
carol's not gay — she's never given being with girls much thought, any thought before. not for herself anyways. but theres something so magnetic about nancy wheeler that she just cant help but tug on that thread.
and then keep tugging on that thread. because it keeps happening after that. and it keeps escalating too. kissing leads to touching and touching leads to falling into bed together. only its not anything sweet or nice or lovely. it's fiery, it's clashing, it's rough around the edges.
it's hate sex through and through.
it becomes a release for them both, something to do when the disdain becomes too much and bubbles over. something to get all their animosity out.
there is, of course, some flavor of denial that gets thrown into the mix from carol — an "im not into girls just because im sleeping with you. it's just sex, you're just a convenient body to me" type of sentiment (one she learned from tommy, evidently, because it's one he used back in high school to excuse his attraction to men and the times he'd fool around with them behind the bleachers or in the locker room after everyone went home).
nancy, though, has already gone through her denial -> self acceptance phase — she and robin had a brief fling at the end of high school after they'd started getting closer and robin, who knew she was a lesbian and was pretty secure in it, helped nancy realize it herself and figure it out. things didn't work out between them romantically, but they're still good friends.
and this thing with carol — nancy's just in it to have a little fun. to fulfill that part of her that wanted to be more out there in college, to be more experimental. and, well, carol's a good lay. so she goes along with it.
and maybe they end up hanging out a little more outside of their hookups. instead of leaving right away, carol loiters, going through the things on nancy's desk, because she's always been nosey like that. she sees some of nancy's flash cards, and what do you know? carol's in that class too, just a different section of it. so they end up studying together. and that turns into grabbing lunch on occasion, or sometimes coffee. and they start to talk more, in between the studying, in between the screwing. they start to learn more about each other. they start to peel back the incredibly complex layers.
and, naturally, ✨️feelings✨️ start to get involved — feelings that aren't just hate.
then, of course, things all come to a head at some point. conflict must arise (most likely something to do with nancy going after what she wants (which is carol) and carol having to face the music here — the double whammy of having feelings for nancy wheeler, who is, in fact, a woman.) and it gets resolved eventually (the two reconcile and decide to give things a go).
i haven't thought much further about that part of this yet and how exactly it would play out. but. y e a h. just, nancy/carol.
(also important to note that carol goes in undeclared, but eventually changes to pre-law because nancy helps her realize that she would make a damn good lawyer, and the idea of that sparks a fire inside of carol because she has finally Found Her Purpose.)
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swamplevel · 6 months
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WIP logo for a game I'm making
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gyroshrike · 1 year
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*sobs* omg the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
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wingedwhirlwind · 10 months
The Marvels review
Okay, long, long post. I’ve seen The Marvels thrice now and it’s time I shared my thoughts.
I was funnily enough aware of the plot fifteen months in advance. Someone posted on reddit ‘unconfirmed plot details’ and the same leak was shared on various sites, e.g. the article from July 29, 2022 “Is Captain Marvel a villain in The Marvels? Plot leak hints at yes.” 
I mention this because I want to make comparisons to the early concept and the actual movie we got. First off, the leak was very accurate. Carol being perceived as The Annihilator and Dar-Benn & Co hating her for destroying Hala. But here are some interesting differences.
The movie didn’t make a huge plot twist on Carol being the villain - after all, she was only seen as a villain from the Kree’s perspective, not from her own really. And hey, mistakes happen to even the best of us right? No Big Deal. 
It was even suggested that Carol kinda ghosted on fixing things for 30 years. On top of that, she was constantly trying to inconvenience Dar-Benn, bumping into her Kree squad at every intergalactic pit stop. It's like she's got a hobby: messing with their plans. Meanwhile, Hala's sun is looking like a BBQ pit, and Carol's just chilling like it's not her problem. Bit weird. 
Carol, the Unintentional Walking Disaster: 
“Death seems to follow you”- Dar-Benn
And that brings me to the “Kree-Skrull Peace treaty” between Supremor Dar-Benn and Emperor Drog’e on Tarnax. So, did Carol's intervention send the peace treaty straight into disaster mode? Dar-Benn was untrustworthy, and made last-minute changes to the agreement much to the annoyance of the Skrulls and she seemed very impatient when it came to ‘unnecessary precautions’, so who knows. Either way, Dar-Benn was ready for a showdown with Carol. It's like she knew our Hero™ too well and had her villain defense kit on standby. It's cosmic irony at its finest. Carol shows up to be the hero, and next thing you know, Dar-Benn's activating the bangle, and stripping the colony of its breathable atmosphere without evacuating its inhabitants first. 
In a scene prior to this, Fury tried warning Carol to stay away but she still chose to play into Dar-Benn's hands. 
Which makes the next scene so incredibly flat. Kamala promises a now orphaned Skrull child that Captain Marvel will fix things when 1) Carol has broken her promise to Monica, 2) She hasn’t yet found the Skrulls a new planetary home, and 3) Hala's suffering is apparently just background noise to her.
They could at least have explored the trope Never meet your heroes, or included more flashbacks. Don't get me wrong, the trio's banter and teamwork are cute, but that "lie" following Carol around is like a clingy ex – it just won't let her be. As a superhero journey, there could have been more emotional depth. More stakes. Ahem, more length to the movie, perhaps?
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→ A rumored deleted scene that would have changed everything: 
Captain Marvel had a lot of deleted scenes. Some were featured in  the extras, like Yon-Rogg visiting the Supreme Intelligence and seeing himself, and, Yon-Rogg teaching a class of young students about the Skrulls. And all those scenes which were only mentioned in the interviews :/ 
There was a short frame featured in the official trailer for The Marvels. And I think the scene went something like this: Monica and Carol land on Hala. But there's something different – rain, a phenomenon the Kree survivors have never experienced. It's a celestial celebration, thanks to none other than DAR-BENN, who brought atmosphere and water back to their desolate world. As the rain falls on Hala for the first time, Carol has an epiphany. The Annihilator label isn't just some cosmic exaggeration; it's the bitter truth from the Kree's perspective. She gazes at the struggling survivors, realizing that in their eyes, she's the great villain who razed their home. The weight of her actions hits Carol like a cosmic punch and she grapples with the realization that stopping Dar-Benn might mean destroying Hala all over again. 
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Kamala, the Marvel We All Need:
So, the first time I rewatched the movie was all thanks to Kamala <3 She's like the beacon of hope in the MCU, bringing a fresh vibe that we didn't know we needed. Who wouldn't want her as their superhero BFF?
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Dar-Benn, the Fashionista Villain?:
Now, let's talk about the 'queen', Dar-Benn. This Supremor's got style for days. Three different outfits or more. At least. Earrings, nail polish, rings on both hands – she's like the Empire's fashion icon. Wonder if that was intentional… hard to tell because there was zero backstory on her! Did she know Vers and Yon-Rogg? She was a Starforce operative after all. What about Ronan? In the comics, Dar-Benn had a joint Emperor Ael-Dann. Is that character also gender-swapped? What happened to them? 
But, oh, that villain smile of hers that we loved? Poof, gone. A tragedy that hit me harder than Thanos' snap lol. Now she’ll just be another forgettable tale in the Marvel universe, "Why, writers, why?". But I'm not ready to say goodbye to my Supremor crush just yet. There will be a whole post and a new fic dedicated to Dar-Benn soon.
Now the last act annoyed me. Dar-Benn, exhausted from carrying the weight of saving Hala solo, faces a three-on-one beatdown from Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Monica. Where was her army? Bodyguards? I mean, seriously? The Kree Empire, with all its might, couldn't spare a helping hand? Heck, even her right-man Ty-Rone, who was practically her personal fussing machine? Did they all vanish into thin air, or did Carol perhaps pull another "I'll fly through your spaceship" stunt?
Either way, it's like the ultimate cosmic irony – the most stylish Supremor left to face the music alone. 
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CGI Magic and a Sudden End:
The scene where Carol returns to reignite Hala's sun – pure cinematic wizardry. The first time had me on the edge of my seat, especially since it mirrored the iconic frame from the comic "Captain Marvel: The End." But then, bam! We're abruptly whisked away from the Kree people celebrating to Carol, looking all majestic. Cut to the next scene, and I'm left staring at the screen like, "Wait, what happened to Hala?" Their leader is gone (again), and there's still the looming shadow of famine. I need answers, and I need them now. Did the sun reignition fix everything, or is Hala still stuck in a perpetual struggle? Did the Kree people get the closure they needed, or are they just left in limbo? It's like Marvel handed us a box of questions and said, "You figure it out!"
Closing Thoughts: A Marvelous Cosmic Ride
Great movie. Would I watch it again? Absolutely. Each time unveils new details and new emotions. Waiting for the deleted scenes and the official art book. 
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swamp-chicken · 2 years
My word any of those prompts sound amazing but may I request 14 for ethubs? Thank you! :D
14. I hate singing but I will sing for you // 758 words
“No, seriously, how have you never heard of Auld Lang Syne?”
“I don’t know, it’s never come up!”
The coffee shop was bustling this evening, hermits curled over their warm drinks, quiet chatter occasionally punctuated by the whoosh of milk being steamed at the espresso machine. It was technically open mike night, but no one had volunteered other than Joe, who had been steadily reading through Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” for the better part of an hour.
“It’s a new years tradition, Bdubs.” Etho insisted. He was sitting at the counter, slapping the bar top emphatically. “You gather together with your friends, you sing the song, you cheer.”
“I don’t believe you. What does that even mean? Old lang sin?”
“It’s,” Etho paused. “It doesn’t matter. It’s a tradition.”
Bdubs poured a latte into the shape of a… heart? Well, maybe a pinecone. He handed it to Tango and turned back to Etho. “You should sing it for us, then.”
Etho blinked “Me? No way. You’re the one that can sing.”
“As we’ve established, I don’t know the song, Etho.” Bdubs tugged the clipboard that held the open mic sign-up sheet across the counter. “So I’ll put you down for one rendition of ‘Old man sing?’”
“Bdubs!” Etho hissed, trying to wrest the clipboard away from him. “No way!”
The balcony door opened and Cleo let herself in. She spotted Joe, frowned and made a beeline towards the counter. “I thought we were doing christmas carols?” she asked Bdubs, hushed.
Bdubs grimaced. “You and me both. No, it’s apparently the novel.”
Cleo groaned. “Joe.”
Bdubs smirked at Etho. “This guy, though, he’s volunteered to sing us something! Old sing long.”
“Auld Lang Syne,” Etho corrected offhandedly. Then, catching Bdubs and Cleo’s smiles: “No, I am not singing.”
“Oh, Etho, I think it would be lovely.” Cleo cajoled. Etho swore he saw something dark in her smile.
Bdubs though, was smiling at him genuinely. He covered Etho’s hand with his own. “Come on, you would do great. And it would really liven the place up.”
Against his better judgement, Etho wavered. “Well…”
“Please?” Bdubs asked. “For me? I love to hear you sing, but you never let me.” He pouted.
Bdubs eyes were shining, his cheeks pink from the heat of the room. Etho didn’t stand a chance. “Fine,” he said gruffly. “I’ll do it. For you.”
Cleo nudged him. “Look at you, being so sweet.”
Etho rolled his eyes. He tried to will down the heat in his face.
Bdubs didn’t notice. He had snatched the clipboard back and was scribbling down Etho’s name with a beaming grin on his face. He finished writing with a flourish, and raised his eyebrows at Etho. “Are you ready to go on now?”
“Am I… what?” Etho stuttered.
“Thank you so much, Joe!” Bdubs announced, loudly. The cafe quieted. Joe, interrupted mid-sentence, merely blinked. Bdubs walked around the counter and grabbed Etho by the arm, hauling him behind him. “Thanks so much for that great story! Next up is our very own Etho!”
“Oh,” Joe said. “Well, that’s Dickens everyone. I hope you enjoyed!” There was some scattered applause. Nonplussed, Joe closed the book and sat next to Cleo.
Bdubs lowered the mic. “Like I said, next up we have Etho, singing… what was it again?”
“Auld Lang Syne,” Etho sighed.
“Auld Lang Syne!” Bdubs proclaimed. “Feel free to sing along if you know it. Etho says it’s a tradition but he is frequently wrong, so.” Bdubs stepped back and gestured at the mic. “All yours!”
Etho stepped forward, heart suddenly pounding. Bdubs hopped off the stage, returning to his place behind the counter.
“Right,” Etho said. He tried to re-adjust the mic. “As Bdubs said… wow, this is low. Bdubs, you’re so short.”
“Hey!” Bdubs squawked.
There were a few laughs, and Etho peered into the crowd, relieved to see Scar and Grian giggling in the corner.
“As Bdubs said… he doesn’t think this is a real song. So, please help me prove him wrong.” More laughs. Impulse, Pearl, and Gem were smiling at him from a table.
“It’s absolutely a real song!” Beef shouted.
“Yeah, let’s show him,” Tango agreed.
Etho let out a breath. These were all his friends, here in the crowd tonight. He glanced at Bdubs, was was watching him from behind the counter, eyes bright with affection. “Everyone… on three! And a one, and a two…”
The whole shop joined in.
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marvels-meme · 1 year
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currently… 😭
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paragonrising · 5 months
@wiredcapability sent: " are you new around here ? "
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She’d been too wrapped up in her own thoughts, working on removing the flat her jeep had limped home with to hear someone approach. Everything had changed in the time she’d ventured away from Alexandria, and not for the better. Abraham and Glenn were dead, as was Spencer. All the guns were missing… actually, a lot of stuff was missing, and Rick…
He was broken. It’d been hard to see, so it was something of a relief that she was going to head out again soon. Though now, her search for supplies was more important.
“What?” She asked with a frown, hearing the question somehow not quite catching it. Maybe it was because she didn’t recognise the voice. Carol stood, expecting—well, actually she didn’t know who she’d been expecting but sure as hell it wasn’t the man standing there.
She peered around him to see a lot of people she didn’t recognise. Armed, and not looking all that friendly.
Well shit.
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“Oh,” her confusion evaporated, replaced by thinly veiled disdain, “Our Saviors are here.”
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Whiz Comics (1940) #2
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rillette · 5 months
soup have we considered aro hal
inchresting....... i have not considered it before but now i am!!!
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geminiiviolets · 1 year
I would love to know some of your ocs opinions on Carol and Leroy
Of course!!
Circe definitely doesnt mind Carol, and considers her a friend. She probably helped him at some point with something he was struggling with academically and he appreciated that!
Devona, on the other hand, probably doesn’t have a great relationship with Carol, since she hates not being taken seriously and Devona takes nothing seriously.
Sybil probably hated Leroy when she first met him because she despises when people are clearly trying to be different than who they actually are, but I’m sure once she got to know him a bit, she wouldn’t mind him as much since they both share an interest in manga and also machines and technology!
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stevethehairington · 1 year
i had plans to work on my big bang fic today but then the stommy brainrot got to me and i started working on a "recounting of steve's real first kiss, not the one he tells everyone about" fic and well... here's a lil snip of what i put down today:
Steve tells everyone that asks that his first kiss was Sheila Anderson when he was fifteen years old. But, really, that’s not true. It was Tommy Hagan. When he was fourteen. It was late in the night, late enough that it was starting to be early. Steve’s parents were out of town, and Tommy was spending the night, as he usually did when Steve had the house all to himself. Steve didn’t like how big and empty it felt when he was all by himself, but Tommy did. He told Steve he liked the freedom, liked the quiet — no parents to tell him what to do, no sisters to argue with or fight for the bathroom. So whenever Steve’s parents disappeared (which was becoming more and more often these days), he invited Tommy over.  They were sharing Steve’s bed, Tommy on the left, Steve on the right, heads bent together and bodies curved towards each other like parentheses. All of the lights were off, and the sheets were pulled over their heads. Even though it was just the two of them here, no parents to bust them for being up well past lights out, it felt wrong not to burrow themselves beneath the covers. There was something sacred about hiding away under them, anyways. Just Steve and Tommy and all of their secrets, tucked into their own little bubble, safe from the rest of the world. Untouchable. Steve liked that. Liked feeling that way with Tommy. It was Tommy that started talking about girls first. He was recounting the story that Mike Lewenski had told him the other day about Vicki Carmichael and how she’d grabbed him by the wrist at lunch and tugged him out behind the school gymnasium and kissed him. Tommy told Steve that when he asked Mike how it was, Mike said sticky. Steve wrinkled his nose at that, and Tommy laughed, loud in the otherwise quiet room. His knees jerked forward, bumping into Steve’s, and he hadn’t moved them back into his own space. “Sticky?” Steve repeated. “Yeah,” Tommy said, the ‘duh’ unsaid, but implied. He pointed at his own mouth. “‘Cause of the lipgloss.” Steve’s eyes followed the path of Tommy’s finger, flickering over his lips, full and pink and curved into a wicked sharp smile. His teeth were so white, practically glowing, even in the dark. “Oh,” Steve said, distracted. “Oh,” Tommy echoed, mocking, and laughed again. He continued prattling on about Mike and Vicki, telling Steve that he wasn’t jealous of Mike beating them all to the punch because Vicki was pretty and all, but Mike hadn’t been her first kiss, and Tommy thought it was kind of weird for the girl to have more experience. “That’s just not how it’s s’posed to be, y’know?” He said. Steve was inclined to agree. Not because he thought it was weird for a girl to have more experience than a boy, but because he wanted it to be special. For both of them. He wanted to share the experience with someone.
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