#two old soldiers
rowanisawriter · 1 year
HI for cullen & iron bull maybe? The habit of paying compliments kept a man's tongue oiled without any expense.
hiiii thank you!! i'm taking some liberties with this quote... here's some spy craft, some weird feelings, some suspicious friendliness....
for @dadrunkwriting
wc: 755
Cullen sits back in his straight back chair, dropping his fountain pen and stretching out his fingers. His knuckles crack and fill the sudden silence in his office. Across from him, perched on the chair on the other side of his desk, the Iron Bull tucks some of his reports back into the side pocket of his striped pants and holds onto the others.
“Alright, Commander?” Bull asks. He sounds bright, as energetic as he was when he first entered Cullen’s office hours before, a stack of reports under his arm, and a pair of tankards in each hand. The tankards are long since drained now, although Cullen feels neither quenched nor the least bit drunk. 
“Yes, fine,” Cullen says quickly. He skims through his notes, ignoring the twinge behind his eyes that signals a headache on the horizon. “I’m fine, thank you,” he adds in a lower tone. “Just… a lot of reports we sorted through. Your superiors are very thorough.”
“So are you,” Bull replies. “And organized. I have everything I need to send back to my leaders.”
“Is that surprise I hear?” Cullen asks.
Bull chuckles. “Not at all, Commander. Not surprised that you’re organized. Just that your current circumstances would allow for a little chaos.”
Cullen feels the press of the hard wooden back of his chair and realizes he’s leaned a little too far back. “My… circumstances?”
“Sure.” Bull’s face is open, friendly. But his one good eye is steady on Cullen’s face, unmoving. “You’re leading a makeshift army of recruits who have scarcely held a sword before they joined your cause. I’d estimate one out of thirty of them can write a decent report without guidance. Yet you’re able to whip up all this intel for my leaders in an afternoon. It’s impressive.”
Cullen feels something ballooning in his chest, puffing up like hot air. Pride. A rare enough feeling. He stifles it quickly and clears his throat, going back to shuffling through his notes. “I appreciate you saying that.”
“It’s the truth.” Bull gets to his feet. “This organization is lucky to have you.”
Cullen’s cheeks feel a little hot. “It… doesn't feel that way sometimes. Still good to hear.”
Bull’s eyes lift slightly, focusing on the top of Cullen’s head. “Working through it?” he asks vaguely.
Cullen shrugs. “Some days are better than others.”
“I admire that.” Bull leans forward to collect the tankards, grabbing one and shifting his reports back under his arm to free his other hand. Cullen hurries forward and starts to push his own empty tankard toward the edge of the desk but nudges his inkpot over on its side. He jumps to his feet.
“Shit,” Bull says, dropping the tankard and righting the inkpot. A pool of black ink spreads quickly on the surface of the desk. Cullen pushes his notes out of the way. Bull grabs scrolls of maps just as the ink begins to stain the edges. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright.” Cullen’s head twinges again. He sits back down and pulls out a stack of empty parchment to soak up some of the ink. “No harm done.”
Bull is looking down at the maps in his arms, one of which has unfurled slightly. “Is this the Approach?” he asks.
Cullen squints. He can see his own handwriting on the very edge of the map nearest Bull’s face, the corner of it stained with spilled ink. “I believe so.”
“Mind if I borrow this? I lost my own map in the field. I’d been using it to organize drops for my leaders.”
“Uh.” Cullen frowns at the map. There isn’t much confidential information in his office, nothing especially sensitive that can’t be shared with the Ben-Hassrath. Maker knows the nobles loitering around the castle grounds have gathered enough intel and provide little and less value to the Inquisition than this strange alliance with the Qunari. Still, he hesitates. 
Bull lowers the map. “Something here I shouldn’t be seeing, Commander?”
His face is still open, still as friendly as ever. Cullen feels himself drawing back.
“Not at all, Bull. Go ahead. I will need it back, though.”
“Of course.” Bull tucks the map under his arm with the rest of his reports and gives him a smile. “Much appreciated.”
Cullen tries to smile back. A slow trickle of something slides down his spine. He stays as still as he can so Bull doesn’t see him squirm, but he knows that one good eye has caught this sudden discomfort. 
“You’re very welcome.”
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lienwyn · 8 months
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This is one of the illustrations I did for the @reforgedzine that I can finally show you all! And yes, it's my favourite — warm colours, soft lighting, and tooth-rotting fluff. Plus some really impressive metal texturing, if I do say so myself.
Also, there's a leftover sale that starts on the 10th of February, so head on over to the website if you're interested in buying one of the zines! And you can find the AO3 collection for all the amazing fics here :D
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goblinhound · 2 months
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Girl help I am so far gone
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lefthandarm-man · 4 months
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Steve Rogers // Captain America Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
the way he looks at bucky (part 1, part 2, part 3)
(bucky vers.)
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antontello · 2 months
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No helmets, just em
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alluralater · 7 months
it’s pretty horrifying to know that however this genocide ends, the united states government- my government, will take no accountability for it’s war crimes, the global destabilization, the cultural impact of casually assisting in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. the media outlets will pretend they were non bias and still have journalistic integrity as if they told the truth to the core population. history textbooks will be published with fake reasons this ‘war’ began and how america was somehow heroic in involvement. politicians will use their involvement as a stepping stone to even more power. it literally turns my fucking stomach thinking about the future because i know what the past has been. indigenous people being removed from their lands, brutally murdered and/or tortured for one reason only. greed. however it ends, we cannot just forget and move on. palestinians deserve our fucking support. ‘to the victor goes the spoils’ how about no. how about we take this as the turning point in history that it is and stop pretending things will magically get better if we avert our eyes from the subject. barbaric acts of senseless murder should be met with extreme vocal condemnation by those who are left standing to talk about it. there is no world in which this is justified. however it ends— do not forget that this has set a precedent for governments to begin globally murdering indigenous people en masse and get away with it. the past will always be the future until we decide to change it.
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medicsbigburlychest · 3 months
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Sometimes I remember some the mercs are canonically in their 40s (i think) and when I get sad I picture them letting out an old man groan every time they have to get up to go fight the BLU team lmfao
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habken · 3 months
The fusion AU sounds very fun! If they fused before the exam, does the rest of 1A know they're two people, or is it a complete surprise when they manage to unfuse? I imagine Aizawa would know from their paperwork—he has two names in his PowerSchool app, so to speak—but I wonder if he'd leave it up to the boys to tell the rest of the class.
I'm also curious about what name they use, both family and given.
none of the class know for sure, and idk if my friend and I ever decided if aizawa knew or not? He definitely doesn't know in the two 8 year olds in the trench coat version because the way they're eventually discovered is that he uses his quirk on them and poof. But I think for both versions, it gets revealed to the rest of the class for the first time when they unfuse like halfway into the the school year and it's very chaotic
I think we just fused their names together and were calling him Katsuku Midorigou lol
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p4nishers · 7 months
starting a support group for everyone who felt personally victimized by tiny nobby nobbs in night watch
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mikakuna · 6 months
the way people care more about jason fighting tim than like any other rogue fighting tim during his robin run is...!
"they're brothers! jason is so horrible to attack his little brother."
aside from the obvious twinkification of tim, stop pushing the family narrative on two people who did not see each other as siblings at that moment.
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burtonandtaylor · 4 days
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Richard Burton (18 years old), RAF cadet.
During WW2 Richard Burton served as a navigator in the British RAF from 1944 to 1947.
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tf2-bhs · 2 months
Meet Tavish Degroot
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The most ____ student in all of MANN High school and sixth form. This year 11 student is well known for his high chemistry scores, but also his tendency to be found black out drunk in a field.
An inheritor of his family's 'curse', as he puts it, he was poor with poor eyesight, that has just gotten to the point where he's legally blind. On top of that poor eyesight, he's also missing one of his eyes, due to an incident in primary school concerning another student.
Due to his horrific eyesight he also has a seeing eye dog called Eyelander, who he anthropomorphizes, often talking to him and for him. Eyelander is named after a character from an old british sitcom, which is one of Tavish's favourite genre of shows, in addition to crime shows and the sorts.
Most group activities take place around his house, as, to his friends, his Mum is actually quite chill when it comes to his friends. As long as they’ve gotten permission, they can stay for as long as they like. Sometimes she doesn’t even know that his friends have been round, because they’ve been so quiet, and she’s only known just as they were leaving
In addition to this, he’s also one of the richest people in the friend group, second only to ‘Spy’ before he came over to England. This is mainly because he somehow manages to work 3 jobs at his age, while also balancing a functional social life and his school work. And despite making about 200 quid a week, his mum thinks he should (somehow) be working a more complex job than just glass collecting, paper round and working at the corner job.
Jane ‘Soldier’ Doe: Close as close can get, met when Tavish was in year 8 and Jane in year 7 and were inseparable ever since. Tavish plans on doing a gap year so the pair can go to uni at the same time.
Jeremy ‘Scout’ Sullivan: Tavish is one of the few people who help Jeremy with sourcing his lovely energy drinks as he’s very clearly underage, and so they see each other often
??? ‘Pyro’ ???: According to some unknown source, the pair of them have been spotted burning down an abandoned building late at night, but like it might not have been them so don’t quote me on that
Dell ‘Engineer’ Conagher: Dell and Tavish sit next to each other in science, and so they often chat. It’s actually where most group activities originate because they wizz through their work so fast.
Mun-dee ‘Mick’ ‘Sniper’ Mundy: Tavish was one of Mun-dee’s first friends in England, as he and Miss Pauling pretended to be his ‘School Chaperones.’ They often go around each other’s houses for pizza.
?? Pauling: They’re chill with each other. They often get into trouble and do things like, oh I don’t know, help a new kid miss his first day of school, by pretending to be chaperones?!
Merasmus ‘Murray’ Madigan: Though Tavish doesn’t much like Merasmus for the accident in primary school, he tolerates him as they’re both close friends of Jane’s.
Ludwig ‘Doc’ Koch, Mikhail ‘Heavy’ Ivanov, and ?? ‘Spy’ ??: They all get on well with Tavish, nothing special
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asmoteeth · 8 months
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Anyways take a look at my TF2 backpack
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mfdoompoon · 3 months
yo does anyone want to beta read my tf2 yaoi
Or m/m. Gay erotica. Whatever you want to call it. It's bottom Soldier/top Engie. I've already finished it, I just want someone to give it a good once-over and critiques.
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jesncin · 10 months
Return of two apples tall Ma'al in luv :0
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natjennie · 11 months
just imagining a world where the captain got to move to a little seaside cabin and get comfortable in civilian clothes and adopt a scruffy dog and go bird watching in the mornings and just. be alive.
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