#twitter combusts every. single. time.
christen press photo dumps are better than therapy
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34saveme34 · 2 months
If the SMG4 crew, ESPECIALLY the writers weren't made up of such cowardly people, they already would've made the Gay Arc!
Think about it, the kind of attention that would bring to them, if they just let the gayness prosper into a long satisfying arc as it should, even in our reality
just a beautiful exploration of same sex attraction could make for such wonderful writing, I think it would simply absolve all criticism and reddit users would be screaming in glee as they hear the news of the gay arc and see it happen, seeing it unfold into this beautiful messy thing about same sex attraction, they would be losing both their marbles and balls, I promise you
they would be posting with the devotion of an ant colony and with the frequency of a bee's wing flapping
everyone would be discussing who they did best and there would be such heated arguments about it between people, being neck to neck because everyone would be written perfectly in this arc so they wouldn't have a single nitpick (unless of course they go on to misrepresent a scene, especially thinking about one where 4 would be really mean and rude to 3 about something and pea brains don't put together the idea that previously in the arc, as it would also have beautiful continuity, 3 hurt 4 in a way that he wouldn't be able to ignore without revenge, even if he previously confessed his beautiful gay love for him while dangling to their death because you can't waterboard a confession out of either so easily)
and meanwhile, tumblr would be prospering in interactions and new posts by the minute, the tag would be so busy, even twitter only fans would learn of this place and stare at it in awe too, as if they're thinking "the gay arc was so perfect and beautiful and everything that we wanted that it even revived tumblr"
twitter would have the smg4 tag and several ship tags trend for a long time
people would complain that it's taking up space but then they see what it's about and immediately apologise, reaising their mistake in criticising something absolutely perfect, something that brings tears to your eyes while you laugh yet a bittersweetness still strikes you with warmth as well, you would just be full of soul, even from witnessing a single screenshot from this arc. because every single frame would be so perfect and beautiful
and then twitter would find a problem with it, wanting to free up trending so that it keeps fresh and new but it keeps coming back, stronger and stronger every damn time
and then twitter learns and gets a new skin of sorts, a new look for both the desktop and mobile to honor the gay arc
and then twitter stocks go up but Elon Musk trips really hard on stairs and accidentally stumbles into and perfectly signs a contract to give twitter to an actually better person who knows how to lead a social media
and then it would all prosper, slurs would get removed, and everyone would celebrate the gay arc's influence for it
it would come out that the new CEO would be an old SMG4 enjoyer who still loves it to this day, and also their favourite arc would be the gay arc, as it would be everyone else's as well, which then would combust homophobes all over twitter, and also racists and suddenly twitter would be the greatest place to be in
now, the gay arc wouldn't only have smg34, that wouldn't simply be worthy of a perfect arc
even if they do become a focal point at some point with scenes that people would keep redrawing, making it a lot of people's favourite moment from the arc and also would change the minds of many people who don't like the pairing
the arc would revolve around ALL the gay ships
the SMG4 crew would build the craziest polycule ever that would be the most addicting thing to watch
it would all become instant classics in less than a week as people would keep talking about how amazing it all turned out to be, even the most critical ones struggling to come up with anything to nitpick
it would be so great, yet........ we can't have this beautiful, perfect and totally 100000000000% realistic scenario
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I'm certain that Elon is full of shit at some times, but what good things has he done that deserve recognition, too? And, what are commonly-believed lies about him, that are easily dispelled?
Putting aside that the man is singlehandedly putting human beings on other planets, and thereby doing more to try bring about the long-term survival of the human race than every climate activist collectively throwing soup at paintings, and that he - again, near-singlehandedly - has made electric vehicles both cool and a workable alternative to the combustion engine, with close to 17,000 Tesla Superchargers in the US alone... just the single act of him buying Twitter and removing the censorship and bias has likely altered the future of the entire human world, and for the better.
Because of one man, the entire mainstream media corporate narrative now has an unavoidably public alternative, and every one of their lies now gets community noted into oblivion within minutes of them speaking them. What once was an unquestioned Democrat party line, held by all major TV companies and news sites, is now being laughed at by the entire world in real time. It cannot be overestimated how much this changes the political discourse and narrative of the time we are living through, and everyone benefits from it. Freedom of speech is something everyone should appreciate and applaud, regardless of how they vote.
Maybe the weirdest lie that went viral is that his father owned an emerald mine and so Elon grew up sitting on a golden throne wiping his arse with jewels and dollar bills. Even the woke/left-wing Snopes debunked this, but there are probably millions of people out there still believing it, and vilifying Musk because of it.
I've noticed more girls seem to have believed this nonsense than boys: both a current female friend and my ex-girlfriend would only mention his name with a sneer, but when I asked them to lay out why for me, so I could understand what they were seeing, they both trailed off to a slightly puzzled silence, because when trying to articulate it, they realized it was based on nothing, just an attitude they'd taken on from the tone of media reporting and the groupthink of their peers.
Elon is a flawed human being like the rest of us, and I'm sure there are many things I'd disagree with him on, but he's a genuinely great man in a world of mosquitoes, and we desperately need more great men with vision and courage to get us out of the mess we all agree we're in.
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PPG: The Chaos Of Nature: Bryce Ref/Info! by RacyLightBlueUniverse
Oh Hello Everyone This Is The Individual Reference And Information Of My PPG OC: Bryce, He Is Part Of The Group Known As “The Chaos Of Nature”, This Post Is For Design References And Character Information!
Group Reference: https://tmblr.co/Zjzxzdg7qOT2im00
Name: Bryce
Nickname: None
Age: 6 - 15 (But it can change depending on what story and/or AU he is included in)
Sex/Gender: Male/Boy
Sexual Orientation: Indeterminate
Relationship Status: Single
Team(s): The Chaos Of Nature and Others (depending on what story and/or AU he is included in)
Team(s) Role: Leader And Aggressive
Signature color: Vivid Tangelo
Ingredients: Permafrost, Feathers, Volcanic Rock And The Chemical X
General Powers: Basic PPG/RRB/PPNKG Powers (Super Speed, Super Strength, Flight, Laser, Vision, etc)!
Fire Manipulation: He can create, shape, control, generate and manipulate every form/type of fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light and various reaction products, the flame being the visible part of the material. fire. Depending on the burning substances and the impurities outside, the color of the flame and the intensity of the fire will be different. The user can also fully control the temperature of the fire at will!
Magma Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate molten rock (magma while underground, lava when on the surface), a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids, it can also contain suspended crystals, dissolved gas and gas bubbles!
Ash Manipulation: He can generate and manipulate ash, defined as the solid remains of fires that, as already burned matter, cannot be reburned, allowing the user to overwhelm fire-based powers but at the same time, can contain residual heat, causing temperature damage!
Basic Personality: Bryce seems to be an aggressive boy at first glance, especially during fights or his moments of anger, but surprisingly, he is quite serene and analytical with his way of speaking, he is usually calm to speak in any situation, although there are things that can make him angry with very easily and he is usually inconsequential with most of the things he hears, he prefers to solve things along the way!
Aura Color: Vivid Tangelo
Hobbies: Practice Boxing, Martial Arts, Camping
Likes: Boxing, Camping, Puzzle, Spicy Food
Dislikes: Dried Fruit, Annoying People, Boredom
Back Story (Main): The Chaos Of Nature are a group that were created as a kind of competition against the PPG but rebel against their purpose of creation at a turning point during a battle…..More Coming Soon!
Back Story (Others Stories and AUs): None
Side Details: - He is usually calm although there are things that make him upset very easily! - He has a dislike for Dried Fruits! - He loves puzzle games! - He can be temperamental at times especially during fights but he seems aware of it! - He talks boxing and martial arts because he likes to have different fighting styles! - He likes to spend time alone sometimes! - He sometimes likes to provoke fights!
Notes: -I Only Made Basic References! -I Just Wanted To Show This! -This May Be Updated At A Later Time! -Links Full: Tumblr, Twitter, Pixiv, Instagram and Deviantart
Bryce (The Chaos Of Nature) - Me Art - Me The Powerpuff Girls © Craig McCracken/Cartoon Network
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leadenn · 11 months
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Absolutely adore your fic front and back. The entire concept had me intrigued, and once I started reading, I was OBSESSED. Legit, I would talk to my friends about it, talk to my shower, talk to my Twitter mutuals about it.ALSO ALSO I adore how you write monologues, it's so funny and so descriptive, makes me feel things good things. Every single one of them you write so well, like YES he would say that! I see a lot of Raph and Leo being writen so off, like their manorisms are so yes, I could see him doing that. Casey is so cool and I adore his relationship with Abby, big bro and lil sis, he would give the world for his sister and she would love the world for him. You feel me? Oh and I love how all of them just were like "yes Abby is my favorite little sister, I would kill for her", so fucking obsessed. Casey and Abby have gone through so much shit and I'm so happy for them being around people who love and care for them. Leatherhead and Casey and Abby and Mikey are so sweet. Leatherhead is also a sweetheart, he's so nice and the way you write him makes me melttt, I become a pile of mush 🫠Mikey and Him are soooo sweet too and I swear to god you have changed my ENTIRE perspective on those two as a ship its incredible, like before I ddint even THINK that much about it, but here I am in my notes app with a full on page of how to implement leatherhead in my au AND in my fanfic, the note title is legit called 💥THAMK UOU LEADENN💥 also just read the newest chapter came back to edit this, YAY! FUCK YEAHH!! Those twoooo OUGHHHH!! The inner monologues you write are so fuckin good, like I can read that thing good without getting confused and having to re read, I understand it because you explain well! The scenes play out good and are incredibly funny or incredibly sad or both. Like holy shit. Also the way you write and hint has me going "WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHA WAIT WHA??" like I end up shocked eyes open. I also enjoy your writing so much I usually don't venture off into the collection of other stories unless they still include my favorite character but with how you write I just love everyone so much I'm like eating that shit up, full course meal gourmet food 5 stars. I know you get a lot of Mikey stuff so I left him for last on how much I fucking LOVE HIM HES SO COOL like mental stuff aside his one liners and his kick ass brain lines are awesome oh my god he comes off so damn cool like daaqmnnn who made you king of Antarctica, lord of coolness. I love his inner monologues so much, its so funny and so real like, "Yeah he underestimated how much of DICK the forest would be." Had me HOWLIBG, first thing in and I get hit in tge face with another real as hell Mikey line. That was actually one of the things that keeps me reading, what drew me in when I first found your amazing story. He'd just started spitting facts and a gnarly backstory and in my head I was like "ohhhh shittt!!" I get so excited every time an update comes out, goddamn chapter 5??? I am so goddamn proud of you for reaching 61 CHAPTERS AUGH I can't stress this enough you are doing AMAZING, you're writing so much and it's terrific every single time, every single comment, kudo, fanart, just everything, you deserve it. You're so awesome-sauce! I think I would bite the dust if I wrote as much as you, as much as I love it I am already struggling with getting past 5k words. Anyways, your writing genuinely is my coffee in the morning especially when I've run out of coffee and my phone is the only thing that morning to bring me joy. Also you intimidate me, most fanfic writers do but the moment you interacted with an account, boss music started playing in my head
I think I'll combust if I proof read this so before the guy in my head backs out I'm just gonna send it 👍😩👍
*pukes in joy*
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PPG: The Chaos Of Nature: Bryce Ref/Info! by isrrael120
Oh Hello Everyone This Is The Individual Reference And Information Of My PPG OC: Bryce, He Is Part Of The Group Known As "The Chaos Of Nature", This Post Is For Design References And Character Information!
Group Reference: https://tmblr.co/ZMgalYeHg3Jdia00
Name: Bryce
Nickname: None
Age: 6 - 15 (But it can change depending on what story and/or AU he is included in)
Sex/Gender: Male/Boy
Sexual Orientation: Indeterminate
Relationship Status: Single
Team(s): The Chaos Of Nature and Others (depending on what story and/or AU he is included in)
Team(s) Role: Leader And Aggressive
Signature color: Vivid Tangelo
Ingredients: Permafrost, Feathers, Volcanic Rock And The Chemical X
General Powers: Basic PPG/RRB/PPNKG Powers (Super Speed, Super Strength, Flight, Laser, Vision, etc)!
Fire Manipulation: He can create, shape, control, generate and manipulate every form/type of fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light and various reaction products, the flame being the visible part of the material. fire. Depending on the burning substances and the impurities outside, the color of the flame and the intensity of the fire will be different. The user can also fully control the temperature of the fire at will!
Magma Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate molten rock (magma while underground, lava when on the surface), a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids, it can also contain suspended crystals, dissolved gas and gas bubbles!
Ash Manipulation: He can generate and manipulate ash, defined as the solid remains of fires that, as already burned matter, cannot be reburned, allowing the user to overwhelm fire-based powers but at the same time, can contain residual heat, causing temperature damage!
Basic Personality: Bryce seems to be an aggressive boy at first glance, especially during fights or his moments of anger, but surprisingly, he is quite serene and analytical with his way of speaking, he is usually calm to speak in any situation, although there are things that can make him angry with very easily and he is usually inconsequential with most of the things he hears, he prefers to solve things along the way!
Aura Color: Vivid Tangelo
Hobbies: Practice Boxing, Martial Arts, Camping
Likes: Boxing, Camping, Puzzle, Spicy Food
Dislikes: Dried Fruit, Annoying People, Boredom
Back Story (Main): The Chaos Of Nature are a group that were created as a kind of competition against the PPG but rebel against their purpose of creation at a turning point during a battle.....More Coming Soon!
Back Story (Others Stories and AUs): None
Side Details: - He is usually calm although there are things that make him upset very easily! - He has a dislike for Dried Fruits! - He loves puzzle games! - He can be temperamental at times especially during fights but he seems aware of it! - He talks boxing and martial arts because he likes to have different fighting styles! - He likes to spend time alone sometimes! - He sometimes likes to provoke fights!
Notes: -I Only Made Basic References! -I Just Wanted To Show This! -This May Be Updated At A Later Time! -Links Full: Tumblr, Twitter, Pixiv, Instagram and Deviantart
Bryce (The Chaos Of Nature) - Me Art - Me The Powerpuff Girls © Craig McCracken/Cartoon Network
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Are you both actively running this blog anymore? Seems different to how it used to be... I miss when you were more active! <3 <3
Irina's on holiday, so I'm gonna answer this one.
Honestly? No. Irina's been doing basically all the work for the last 6+ months. Longer, even. And she's been doing an amazing job. She's got literally all my admiration for keeping this blog going despite my lack of contribution.
I might as well level with you, it's not the first time we've received a message like this in 2023. I've been having an absolute garbage fire 7+ months of my life since before last Christmas. Just one thing after another, rinse and repeat for more than 7 months. It's exhausting.
I won't go into detail because that's immaterial to this situation. But I work 5-6 days a week. By the time I get home and try and manage the bare necessities, I barely have time to sleep, let alone contribute to this blog the way I used to when I started it in 2014. I would love, love to be able to make as many gifs as I used to. Or to change the theme regularly, update the tags, update everything. I've been wanting to update the damn #wool tags to #silo for literal months. I cannot do it. I do not have the energy. I used to pour my whole effort into this all the time for damn near close to a decade. But a lot changes in a decade.
We both have full-time jobs. We're both adults with responsibilities and other commitments. Irina's still managing to contribute pretty much every day AND run the twitter solo. I can barely get myself out of bed most days. I'm not well - physically, mentally or emotionally for varying reasons I won't get into.
Maybe in a few months my life will stop spontaneously combusting and I'll be able to commit time to this blog again. But until then, I think the only thing that should be happening is that Irina is commended for her unending commitment to this blog and the twitter.
We thank you for your ongoing support and we appreciate that you've been a fan for long enough to recall beyond this period. We hope that at some point, I will be able to contribute more fully once again. But right now my priority is making sure I get through every single day. Thank you for your understanding.
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nikolastupar222 · 1 month
6 Things You Need to Know About Vaping
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6 Things You Need to Know About Vaping
6 Things You Need to Know About Vaping
In case you  Ace ultra premium price  haven’t noticed the vape pen craze is really catching on! The switch to vaping is long overdue and is partly exacerbated by the desire to find healthier choices to everyday habits such as smoking. Cigarette smoking is on the way out, specially among the younger generations due to the harmful effects on our health. If you are new to this topic and are unsure of how to use a Vape Pen we have gathered some information on our blog to help you with some important facts.
1. Vape Pens Provide Instant Satisfaction
Essentially, a Vape Pen is a battery-powered accessory that heats a substance until it produces a vapour, which is then inhaled. The vapour, also called an aerosol, is a suspension of fine particles, liquid or solid, in air. Unlike smoking, in which cannabis is burned, the product is heated, releasing its cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD. The convenience factor of Vape Pens is high with due to how quickly you can silence cravings, they are are ready for immediate use. Taking a hit is as drawing on the device (automatic draw). While all vapes need a charged battery and e-juice to continue working, the average vape can sustain you throughout the day with no maintenance or upkeep. It’s ready when you are.
2. Vaping is a Huge Trend in Social Media
Nowadays there is an online community out there for you to join, no matter what you like, waiting for you to provide your own experiences and personal opinions. The topic of vaping is a hub on social media as there are hundreds of people talking about it every single day. Just do a quick search on instagram or twitter with the #vaping hashtag and you’ll see what I’m talking about, plenty of groups to join. The best social media to spark up a great conversation about vaping is Facebook, though. When you type in “vape” in the Facebook search bar and press enter, you will find hundreds of results. We can’t count how many vaping groups there are because frankly, there are just too many. And most of these groups have over a thousand members each. Some are even up to 20,000!
3. Vape Pens and Joints don’t Smell the Same
Vaping definitely doesn’t hold the same level of notoriety as joints but vape pens do not have the same aroma that comes with burning cannabis. This is due to ace ultra minis gen 4  the lack of combustion involved in using a vaporizer, which means that the pure cannabis smell does not get mixed with the nasty tang of smoke and it won’t linger on your clothes and furniture. Ace Vape Pens utilize distillate rather than dry herb or flower, which releases less odor because the latter involves a stronger aroma produced during the heating process. Vaping is a viable option for those looking to reduce the smell, although there is no way to get rid of it completely.
4. You can Go Lighter-Free with Vaping
Possibly the greatest fact about vaping is that absolutely nothing inside of them burns. Inhaling smoke from fire / things burning is one of the biggest concerns with cigarettes and other similar products. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Vape Pens function off of battery power and thus create pure vapour. Another plus: you do not need to scramble to find a ACE DUAL GEN 2 lighter 24/7. Even though there’s no smoke, you will still get that beautiful big cloud… it’s vapour, not smoke, but it certainly adds to the overall experience!
5. Vape Pens Come in Many Flavours
When it comes to flavors, there are virtually endless options to choose in Vape Pen oil mixes. There are also new flavors being created all the time, so you’ll never run out of new ones to try. You can choose from an array of different strains and terpene flavoured blends when purchasing your Vape Pens. Ace Pens also offer a natural food terpene addition in some of  gold ace cart  our products. You’ll find that the subtle flavor adds to the cannabis vaping experience.
6. Vape Pens can be Disposable or Refillable
Disposable Vape Pens are one of the most practical ways to start vaping cannabis, especially for your first time. They are also relatively inexpensive compared to refillable Vape Pens and couldn’t be easier to use. Disposable Vape Pens are pre-loaded with THC or CBD containing oil mixture and are designed to provide usually a few hundred puffs before they are depleted. Definitely a practical alternative to Vape cartridges and pods, since they don’t require the investment of purchasing a battery or compatible pod system. They are typically draw-activated, which means it only produces vapour while you are puffing and there are no buttons to figure out.
What is the Entourage Effect?
The synergistic effects of combining various chemical compounds found in cannabis to create unique effects and benefits has been coined “The Entourage Effect”. Most commonly, it refers to the interaction between THC/CBD and other cannabinoids or terpenes. There are many other compounds the plant produces in lesser abundance that seem to play a supporting role Ace of spades cartridges in the overall effects of a particular strain.
Simply put, when we smoke or vaporize cannabis, our bodies take in hundreds of botanical compounds. Each one arrives with unique effects and benefits,  ace ultra premium box  and their behavior may change in the presence of other compounds.
How Does the Entourage Effect Work?
We know that cannabinoids and terpenes can both produce certain effects on their own. But what about mixing different cannabinoids together, or combining cannabinoids with terpenes?
As it turns out, this isn’t a straightforward equation of 1 + 1 = 2. That is to say, combining THC with CBD doesn’t simply add the effects of CBD and THC together. Rather, THC and CBD interact with each other (and other cannabinoids like THCV, CBN and CBG) and terpenes to produce the synergistic effect known as the entourage effect.
Due to decades of prohibition and stigma against cannabis, research into the entourage effect is only just beginning. As such, we know very little about which cannabinoids and terpenes pair best together. That said, some ground-breaking studies have provided insight into how the entourage effect works.
The Entourage Effect with Cannabinoids
One study looked at the effectiveness of THC in reducing cancer-related pain versus THC and CBD combined, and found that the THC:CBD combination showed a more promising efficacy profile than the THC extract alone. These results are intriguing, as they provide further evidence of an entourage effect from combining different cannabinoids together.
Besides potentially amplifying THC’s analgesic properties, CBD produces another interesting cannabinoid entourage effect: it has been shown to reduce the psychoactive effects of THC. The mechanism for how this works is complex, but it is thought that CBD interacts indirectly with the body’s CB1 receptors (part of the ECS) in a way that negatively affects the ability of THC to bind to these receptors.
These are just a couple examples of the entourage effect from combining cannabinoids. It’s important to remember, though, ACE PREMIUM FOR SALE that most cannabis strains have been selectively bred to optimize THC or CBD content. As a result, little is known about the other 118+ cannabinoids – so you can imagine the numerous other potential cannabinoid 510t cartridge liquid diamond  entourage effects that may exist, but have yet to been studied.
The Entourage Effect with Terpenes
No discussion of the entourage effect would be complete without mentioning Dr. Ethan Russo’s seminal research paper, Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid‐terpenoid entourage effects. Dr. Russo’s paper features a compelling summary of studies that have demonstrated the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids and terpenes, providing an overview of some of the best known (and most researched) chemical compounds in cannabis.
Since every terpene is unique in its chemical composition, each one offers something different in terms of effects. Most cannabis strains contain a variety of terpenes, making it nearly impossible to ascertain which cannabinoid-terpene pairings elicit a terpene entourage effect.
With that in mind, research into terpenes provides some clues. For example, Dr. Russo contends that “data would support the hypothesis that myrcene is a prominent sedative terpenoid in cannabis, and combined with THC, may produce the ‘couchlock’ phenomenon of certain chemotypes.”
If THC + myrcene = couchlock, what other terpene entourage effects are possible?
As research into the entourage effect is still in its infancy, only time will tell. But it’s entirely possible that in the future, instead of classifying strains by physical characteristics we will instead think of  cannabis in terms of their chemotype (chemical profile) – a much more accurate predictor of the strain’s effects.
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selfmadebd · 9 months
Teslar Ai Review | Unlimited free Automated Traffic
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Teslar Ai- New A.I App Exploits Elon Musk & ClickBank Every 60 Seconds For $426 + Paydays & Unlimited free Automated Traffic.  The get wired direct to our bank account from ClickBank every week.
Introduction :Teslar Ai Review
Welcome to our in-depth examination of TESLAR AI. In the constantly changing realm of online marketing, keeping ahead of the game is key to triumph. 
Meet Teslar AI a revolutionary system that asserts itself as the pioneer AI-powered solution, utilizing X (Twitter) to produce free traffic and daily ClickBank earnings totaling $426.97. Throughout this review, we'll explore Teslar AI's features, functionality, and the potential advantages it offers.
Overview - Teslar Ai Review
💹Creator: Glynn Kosky
💹Product: TESLAR A.I
💹Launch Date: 18 December 2023
💹Launch Time: 10:00 EST
💹Front-End Price: $17
💹Product Type: Software (Online)
💹Refund: Yes, 180 Days Money-Back Guarantee
💹Support: Effective Response
💹Recommended: Highly Recommended
💹Bonus: Yes  Huge Bonuses
💹Operating System: Web App
💹Skill Level Needed: All Levels
💹Official Website: Click here
💵💵💵>>Get Instant Access Now Teslar Ai✅✅✅
Key Features and Benefits - Teslar Ai Review
✅Integration with Chat GPT and AI:
Teslar AI utilizes AI and Chat GPT-like technology to craft compelling content, build effective marketing funnels, and boost sales conversion rates.
✅Advanced Electric Motor:
TESLAR AI comes equipped with a high-performance electric motor that delivers instant torque and smooth acceleration. This motor ensures a quiet and efficient driving experience, eliminating the noise and vibrations associated with traditional combustion engines.
✅Promotion of ClickBank Affiliate Programs:
The app is designed to endorse a wide array of affiliate programs available on the ClickBank marketplace, spanning diverse niches.
✅Long Range and Efficient Battery:
TESLAR AI boasts an impressive range on a single charge, enabling long-distance journeys without concerns of running out of power. Its advanced battery technology maximizes energy efficiency and employs regenerative braking, enhancing its range and reducing energy consumption.
✅Intuitive User Interface:
TESLAR AI features a user-friendly interface seamlessly integrated with the vehicle’s controls and infotainment system. This interface provides crucial information like battery status, range estimation, and charging options, ensuring a hassle-free driving experience.
✅Twitter Traffic Utilization:
Tailored specifically for Twitter, Teslar AI drives traffic from this platform to affiliate landing pages, leveraging its expansive user base and engagement potential strategically.
✅Enhanced Safety Features:
Safety takes precedence in TESLAR AI, showcasing advanced safety features like collision avoidance systems, adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning, and blind-spot monitoring. These features collaborate to minimize accident risks, prioritizing driver and passenger safety.
✅Done-For-You Campaigns:
The app furnishes users with pre-made campaigns aimed at promoting top-selling ClickBank products, drastically reducing the time and effort needed to create campaigns.
✅Content Creation and Posting for Twitter:
Teslar AI includes functionalities for generating and posting AI-generated content on Twitter, streamlining the content marketing process on social media.
✅Eco-Friendly Design:
Driven by an all-electric powertrain, TESLAR AI significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, fostering a cleaner, more sustainable environment. Its eco-friendly design extends to the use of recycled and sustainable materials in its construction.
✅Done-For-You Campaigns:
The app furnishes users with pre-made campaigns aimed at promoting top-selling ClickBank products, drastically reducing the time and effort needed to create campaigns.
✅Content Creation and Posting for Twitter:
Teslar AI includes functionalities for generating and posting AI-generated content on Twitter, streamlining the content marketing process on social media.
✅Landing Pages Optimization Using AI:
Landing pages provided by the app are optimized using AI technology to effectively convert traffic into sales, thereby enhancing the chances of earning ClickBank commissions.
✅Diverse Traffic Generation Strategies:
Employing various strategies, it directs traffic to squeeze pages and landing pages for list building and affiliate program promotion.
✅Glynn Kosky’s Product Licensing:
Users can obtain licenses for Glynn Kosky’s product range, enabling higher affiliate commissions or guaranteed approval for his affiliate programs.
✅Applicability to Other Social Media Platforms:
Although primarily focused on Twitter, Teslar AI extends its functionality to Facebook and Instagram, catering to users inclined toward a text-based approach.
✅List Building Integration:
The system allows seamless integration with autoresponder services, crucial for effective list building in affiliate marketing.
✅Drag-and-Drop Interface:
With a user-friendly interface, customization and optimization of campaigns become easily manageable, even for users with limited technical expertise.
✅AI-Powered Content Creator:
The built-in AI-driven content creator generates relevant and engaging content tailored to the user’s marketing strategy.
✅Built-in AI Traffic Generation:
Teslar AI offers a source of 100% free buyer traffic, prioritizing high-quality lead generation and enhancing brand visibility.
✅Versatility for Various Affiliate Networks:
While tailored for ClickBank, the system remains versatile for other affiliate networks like Warrior Plus and Digitar 24.
✅Automated AI Traffic and Commission System:
Engineered as a comprehensive solution, it effortlessly harnesses traffic and converts it into affiliate commissions, minimizing user intervention.
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0 notes
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
yakuza kiwami 3 when
11 notes · View notes
seijorhi · 4 years
Outrunning Fate
As promised (though I am more than a little late for Shiratorizawa Week), the soulmate AU
Tendou x female reader x Ushijima
TW stalking, possessive behaviour, implied non-con
Soulmates were supposed to be a blessing.
It was a fairytale that you’d grown up hearing about. One person who was supposed to be wholly yours.
Your parents were soulmates, even if you hadn’t always understood the concept, the proof of that remarkable, unshakable bond was always right in front of you. It wasn’t in the big grand gestures, it was little things - the soft, adoring look in your father’s eye as your mother passed him his coffee every morning, the way she always sought out his touch when they were together, even if it was just to twine her fingers with his, or the way that they always seemed to be able to sense when the other was upset, and wordlessly found the perfect way to comfort them.
Your father never had to tell you that he loved your mother, but he did, every single day. He told her too, just to see her smile.
It seemed effortless, easy, as if their love for one another was as natural as breathing. How could you be blamed for looking at your bare wrist, waiting for the day that name would appear in scrawling black ink, feeling that excited fluttering in your chest because you knew one day you’d meet your soulmate and have that perfect, fairytale love all for yourself.
Except it wasn’t like that.
Something went wrong.
You’re fifteen and barely paying attention in class when your skin prickles uncomfortably. Your heart leaps into your chest as you tug up the sleeve off your blazer, watching wide eyed with bated breath as a name appears on your wrist.
Tendou Satori.
The beginnings of a smile start to curl at your lips, but it freezes in place as more inky black writing appears below the first.
Ushijima Wakatoshi.
A second name. 
And suddenly, it feels like your perfectly crafted world begins to fall apart. Two soulmates aren’t unheard of, but they’re incredibly rare and you can’t deny that there’s a certain… stigma attached to it. 
What kind of a person isn’t satisfied with just one? 
This is supposed to be some magical, thrilling moment for you, but instead all you can focus on is the pounding of your heart and the growing wave of nausea that rises in the back of your throat. Quickly you yank your sleeve back down and before you can even think to stutter an apology to your bewildered teacher, you’re out of your seat and sprinting down the hallway to the bathroom. You barely make it before hurling up your guts. 
After that, you start wearing long sleeves wherever you go.
It’s not that you’re ashamed, you tell yourself as you bite your lip and try your utmost to fade into the background whenever the topic comes up in conversation, it’s just that… other people aren’t always so accepting.
You’ve tried to get used to the disgusted looks, the invasive questions and the insults that follow you wherever you go, but it’s easier said than done. You hate that your cheeks still burn scarlet whenever you catch someone staring at your marks, almost as much as you hate the way you quickly duck your head in shame and race to fix your sleeve.
‘It’s okay, honey. I know it’s not what you expected but… it just means there’s one more person out there waiting to love you with everything they have. You’re twice as lucky as the rest of us,’ your father had told you on that horrible day. You just wished it hadn’t sounded like he was trying to convince himself at the same time.
You’re seventeen and the first boy who kisses you tries to shove your hand down his pants because he knows you’ve got two names on your wrist, and that means you’re up for anything, right?
You run home with tears streaming down your face and when you shower that night you scrub at the marks like you’re trying to erase them entirely.
What did having two names mean really? That one wasn’t enough? Would they be content sharing you? Would they even know of the other’s existence?
You could only imagine how horrifying it would be for them, spending months, years waiting for you only to realise that they didn’t really have all of you…
Would they hate you? Could you even blame them if they did?
Sometimes… sometimes you think it might be better if you didn’t have a soulmate at all, instead of this. It’s easier just to ignore it, pretend they don’t exist, pretend that you’re not gonna ruin their lives. Who knows, maybe you’ll be one of those few who never actually meet their soulmates. You can live with that, you think. You have a family who love you, a bunch of close friends who’d die for you - who needs stupid soulmates?
It’s the morning after your 18th birthday, your head is still pounding from the alcohol and bad decisions from the night before when your curiosity finally gets the better of you. It’s the modern age, most people live their lives online, you figure you’ll find a facebook page, a twitter account maybe.
Instead, the first item that comes up in your search is a video. It’s a news segment about a volleyball game - some high school team that you’ve never heard of, but you listen to the commentator talk and your heart leaps into your throat because they mention the Ace by name and suddenly there he is. Tall, dark haired and imposing - Ushijima Wakatoshi.
But you don’t even have a moment to breathe, to focus on the absolute beast that is your second soulmate and his terrifying spike because the camera shifts and suddenly there’s another player in focus. Tall, gangly with bright, spiky red hair and a too-wide grin, “-not the only player in the spotlight after today’s match; Shiratorizawa’s middle blocker, the so called ‘Guess Monster’ Tendou Satori-”
You close the browser window and slam your laptop shut.
They’re… friends, or teammates at the very least.
It feels like a bad dream you can’t wake up from. This whole thing is already messy enough, but you can’t get in the middle of that, you refuse to make everything worse for them just because the fates have decided to play a cruel joke on you.
If there were any lingering doubt left in your mind that you’re better off burying your soulmates, they’re well and truly put to bed.
That night, you dream of a cheering crowd, the thwack of a volleyball ricocheting off a vinyl floor and two menacing figures looming over you.
With your final exams around the corner, it’s almost too easy to put the video and your soulmates out of your mind as you throw yourself into studying. Months pass in the blink of an eye and suddenly you’re dressed in black robes and holding your high school diploma. You celebrate with your friends, dancing wildly with a care-free grin long into the night because you know you’re finally getting out of there for good. Tokyo’s a big city, you’ll lose yourself there and nobody, not a single damned soul, will know about the two names that grace your wrist. It’s as close to freedom as you’re ever gonna get - and god that makes you so fucking happy.
Your bags are packed and you’re holding your parents as they sob and then, like that, you’re gone. 
Tokyo awaits.
It’s not that easy to outrun fate.
Living in Tokyo ain’t cheap, even for the shitty little shoebox apartment you rent while you’re studying. You manage to find a job at one of the Americanised diner style cafes just down the road from where you live two weeks after moving in. It’s popular with students because it’s open till late, the coffee’s good and the waffles are exactly what the doctor ordered after a long night of drinking with your friends. You’re just happy because the pay’s pretty decent and your boss lets you bring in your laptop and textbooks so you can study when it’s not too busy. You’re not nearly as thrilled about the short, revealing blue dress that serves as your uniform, but you know when to pick your battles.
It’s a little after one o’clock on a slow Tuesday night, the cafe’s almost empty and you’re propped up on your elbows along the countertop, absentmindedly thumbing through one of your assigned readings for class tomorrow when you hear the tell-tale chime of the door opening.
You hastily shove your books aside, plastering a wide if not a little artificial smile across your face, you glance up to greet the customers, only to freeze in place.
Your heart skips a beat.
Of all the cafes in the sprawling city, of course your soulmate has to walk into this one.
With his wild, spiked red hair and easy, sloping grin, Tendou’s unmistakable as he strides through the cafe with two other guys you can only assume are his friends. You suppose you should be a little relieved that he barely spares you a glance as the threesome make a beeline for one of the corner booths, but it’s hard to feel anything other than blind panic at the sight of your soulmate only a few feet away. It’s purely out of habit that you reach for your wrist and the skin coloured bandage hiding your traitorous marks, and you allow yourself to breathe the tiniest sigh of relief when you feel it still in place.
A loud cackle bursts through the quiet atmosphere of the cafe and you dart a glance over to see Tendou with his head thrown back laughing at something one of the others has said. There’s an uncomfortable fluttering in your stomach and your cheeks redden just a touch. It’s not an awful sound (not at all), but your pulse is racing and you think you just might be sick because this is all… too much.
You’d left them in the past along with whatever fairytale fantasies you thought having a soulmate would bring. You… you’re happy being alone and coping just fine without either one of them! They were a dream - a distant possibility you’d long since locked away, you weren’t supposed to ever actually see them!
At least it’s only Tendou, you think you might actually combust if they were both here. Still, there’s a faint tremor in your hand as you brush a lock of hair out of your face and try to regain control of your breathing.
As much as you’d like to run, or preferably, have the earth suddenly open up and swallow you whole, you know you can’t. For one, you’re the only server left until close and your boss might be easy going but somehow you doubt he’d let you keep your job after a stunt like that. More importantly, you have a sinking suspicion that causing a fuss will only draw his attention and that’s the last thing you want. He doesn’t know who you are, your mark is safely tucked away under your bandages, this will be fine.
It’s an hour and a half until close, he and his friends will get some food, eat, drink and chat amongst themselves and then you can kick them out and it’ll all be over. You barely have to interact with him. For all he knows you’re just a server in a random cafe - this will be fine.
Robotically you force your legs to move, carrying you towards your oblivious soulmate. You’re pretty sure that your smile’s a little off and you haven’t quite managed to quell the shaking in your hands as you reach for your notepad, flipping it open.
It’s the best you can do, especially when there’s a voice inside your head that’s all but begging for you to turn around and pretend this whole thing never happened. 
Tendou appears to be thoroughly engrossed in whatever story he’s telling his friends, waving his arms around wildly when you reach their table. Normally you’d clear your throat politely and wait for them to settle down before introducing yourself and asking for their order, but when you open your mouth - nothing comes out. It’s like your whole throat has suddenly dried up and you’re just standing there gaping like an idiot, but Tendou hasn’t even noticed.
The ashy blonde to his left, however, does. His eyes flicker to you and you swear that you can see the faintest trace of amusement as he takes you in. He smirks, quickly shoving an elbow into the redhead’s side and jerking his chin in your direction. 
“Hey loudmouth, pipe down would you?”
Your breath catches as he turns around to look up at you and grins, “Ah, sorry. Didn’t see ya there!” 
The other two have picked up their menus again, but for whatever reason just as Tendou’s gaze starts to slide off of you, something catches his attention and stops him in his tracks. Like a magpie spotting something shiny in the distance, those big, droopy red eyes suddenly widen and zero back in with unnerving interest. Frozen with that fake, half hearted smile painted across your lips you feel strangely like a bug caught under a microscope as Tendou studies you - there’s really no other way to describe it. His head tilts to the side and he makes a low noise from the back of his throat that almost sounds pleased.
He can’t know, there’s no possible way, but if he doesn’t then why the hell is he staring at you like that?
It’s all you can do to remain rooted in place, your heart hammering so loudly against your ribs that you’re sure they have to be able to hear it too. Whatever he’s searching for he apparently finds because his grin widens and he leans back in his seat and chuckles. “Why’d you look so nervous, we’re not gonna bite - promise!” 
The other guy at the table rolls his eyes, “Tendou, don’t scare the pretty waitress, she’s just trying to do her job,” he chastises, offering you an apologetic smile that does little to ease your nerves. “Don’t mind him, he’s an idiot, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
You swallow and hum in faint acknowledgment, and he takes that as a sign to begin his order. 
You were hoping that they were just going to get some drinks and be out of your hair, but as he starts listing off various snacks and appetizers to share and the ashy blonde throws out a few more, it looks like your nightmare is only just beginning.
You nod dutifully, writing it all down. The cook is just going to love you for this, but there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. “Anything else?” you ask in a voice that just barely passes for what your boss deems ‘customer service appropriate’, decidedly not looking towards the redhead who is still staring at you.
He hasn’t looked at the menu once since you walked over, actually you doubt he’s looked at the menu at all, but it doesn’t seem to matter because he pipes up regardless, “Yep, one of those thickshakes, you know - the really good strawberry one, annnd-”
“Y/N, order up!!”
Your soul leaves your body at the exact same moment that Tendou’s pupils dilate and snap to your wrist.
The pen in your hand is shaking, your grip so tight that it’s a wonder the flimsy plastic doesn’t shatter as you turn to glance over your shoulder. The cook is leaning out across the overpass, staring at you with a scowl and vaguely you register the hot plate of food in front of him which can’t have been sitting there for more than a minute at the most. You give a weak nod, earning you a dismissive grunt in response, before turning back to the table.
All three of them are staring wide eyed and open mouthed at you. 
They know. They have to know.
You should have legged it when you had the chance.
Breathe. Smile. Play dumb. This is fine.
“A-anything el-”
“Somethin’ wrong with your wrist?” Tendou asks slowly, eyeing the bandage like he wants nothing more than to snatch it up and rip it away from you. His fingers flex and you don’t even have time to brace before they’re shooting out towards you-
A hand catches his forearm before he can touch you - it’s his friend, the dark haired one with the crew cut, who’s currently staring down the erratic redhead with a distinct frown. 
It’s the blonde who speaks up, “Sorry, he’s had a few drinks tonight. The idiot sometimes forgets his manners in public.”
The music is still playing in the background, somebody laughs at the table a few down from theirs, but in this little pocket, trapped between the three of them with the tension thick enough to slice with a knife, the silence is oppressive.
And then Tendou’s attention shifts back to you and your stomach flips - it’s like the floor has disappeared beneath your feet and you’re suddenly careening through the empty air with no hope in hell of slowing down.
He looks… well, mad is the wrong word. Tendou is technically smiling, but his grin stretched slightly too wide, his eyes a little too intense. There’s an emotion you can’t name etched across his pale features, and it’s unsettling… it scares you a little, if you’re being honest.
You swallow and take a tiny, shaking breath. “I-it’s fine. I tripped last week and sprained it.”
“Clumsy, are you?” he asks, prying himself free of his friend’s grip.
A laugh forces its way out, grating and too sharp to be believable. “Yeah, I guess. Your food won’t be too long, if you need anything else, just- just let me know.”
You don’t give them a chance to respond as you all but flee the table. You’re shaking and almost in tears by the time you reach the kitchen, the cook takes one look at you, a grumpy admonishment on the tip of his tongue, and falters.
They stay until close, and you avoid them like the plague.
Hours later, lying tucked up in your bed your skin still prickles from the thought of Tendou’s piercing stare. Maybe if you’d kept some kind of a level head through it all instead of acting like a flustered school girl, he might have just passed it all off as a coincidence. 
But you hadn’t, had you?
It wasn’t just that he knew who you were to him (and to Ushijima) but that after all your blushing and stammering, the pitiful attempts at hiding your soulmate marks and the way you all but ran from him the very first moment you could, he had to know that you knew as well. That despite coming face to face with your soulmate, you lied - you rejected him.
You mom once told you that the first time she laid eyes on her soulmate the world stopped spinning and all she felt was joy. Maybe there’s something wrong with you after all, because despite the insistent tug in your heart, you just feel sick. Despite being exhausted after your long shift, sleep that night doesn’t come easy.
It’s two days later that you find yourself back in the cafe, working a rare day shift on your only week-days off from classes. You keep glancing up at the door every few minutes, half dreading the possibility that any moment, Tendou and his friends are going to walk in, but they don’t. 
Ushijima does, a little after the lunch rush dies down.
He looks so out of place against the vibrant backdrop of the 50’s style diner, all serious and stoic, that if he were anybody else you might think he was lost. 
But he isn’t lost, because he’s staring right at you.
You don’t notice one of your co-workers sliding up to you until they laugh and playfully nudge your side. “Ah, I see the eye candy is back. Try and pick up your jaw, Y/N,” they tease.
Instead of finding an empty table to sit himself down at (and give you a minute to mentally prepare) Ushijima is making his way straight over to the counter, unsmiling and huge. How was he even bigger in person?! He could crush you with his thighs alone!
“He’s been here before?” you ask quietly, unable to draw your gaze away from him. 
Your co-worker snorts. “Yeah, he came in last night, he even asked for you by name. Seemed kinda disappointed when I told him you weren’t on until today. You holding out on me, Y/N? I thought we were closer than that. You know you’re supposed to tell me when you start dating a hot ass dude!”
They slip away with a wink before you even have a chance to respond and you’re left floundering as Ushijima approaches. Your mouth is dry, your pulse racing. Just like with Tendou, you have no escape, nowhere you can run or hide.
He asked for you by name.
Fuck. You should have quit when you had the chance.
Ushijima isn’t smiling. Where Tendou had been beaming with chaotic energy from the moment he walked in, your second soulmate seems almost stony as he stares at you with serious olive eyes. You honestly can’t tell if he’s frowning or if that’s just the way his face is, but it makes your gut twist regardless. 
It might also be the fact that he’s towering over you without even trying to. He has to be at least 6’3” but it’s not just his height that’s imposing - he’s brawny and muscular and, yeah, huge. Briefly you remember the news clip you’d seen of him, the terrifying brute force behind his spike. 
He seems to be waiting for you to speak, so you swallow down the lump in your throat and try to remember how to breathe like a normal person. “Hi, can I get you anything?”
Something briefly flickers across his face, but otherwise his expression remains distressingly neutral. “… I would like some tea.”
You nod - it’s like pulling teeth. “Yeah, sure. We uh, we actually have a few different kinds…”
He makes a rough noise of acknowledgement and then… pauses. Instead of the menu, Ushijima studies you. His lips twitch into the faintest hint of a… smile? You can’t quite tell, but it looks out of place regardless. “I will have whichever you recommend.”
You can’t seem to be able to form words, so you settle with nodding, gesturing for him to take a seat while he waits. 
His eyes don’t shift from you, nor does he make any attempt to mask the fact that he’s staring right at you. When his tea is ready, you all but beg your co-worker to take it to him. 
“Trouble in paradise?” they ask, waggling their eyebrows.
“It’s not like that,” you mutter, but they take the tea regardless, and you busy yourself in wiping down tables and pretending that you can’t see the scowl from the volleyball player burning across the diner. 
It really isn’t. 
Even after tucking any thought of meeting your soulmates away there was always some tiny part of you - a part you were always so desperate to ignore - that wondered how it would feel to meet them, to be loved by them…
But while your heart squeezes with every glance, it’s not warm, dizzying bliss that floods your system and sends blood rushing to your cheeks. You don’t know what the feeling is that curls in your stomach and claws its way up your spine, but it’s nothing good. 
Something went wrong with you, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
Ushijima stays for an hour, finishes his tea and makes his way back to the counter to pay. 
He's wearing a grey hoodie, running gear underneath, and when he hands you the money, passing it directly into hands, his sleeve rides up. There, plain as day, is his soulmate mark.
Your name, written in black ink on Ushijima's wrist, forever marking you as his.
You jerk, flinching away from him, but he doesn’t make a move to cover it. 
“You cannot run from us, Y/N. We are your soulmates, we’re bound together.” His voice is little more than a murmur, but there’s an edge to it, sharp and pointed. Not so much a statement as a fact, as undeniable as your name on his skin, on Tendou’s.
He says it like it’s a promise, staring into your eyes with that impenetrable gaze and for a moment you forget how to breathe.
“Why are you so determined to fight it?”
You swallow, taking the cash from his hand and punching it into the till. “I’m sorry, whoever you think I am…” you trail off, finally raising your eyes to meet his penetrating stare. You’re quietly proud of the way your voice doesn’t shake, even as your heart races like a hummingbird in your chest and your palms sweat. “I’m not.”
The only sign that Ushijima hears you at all is the subtle furrowing of his brow and a distinctly displeased hum from the back of his throat. 
“I hope you enjoyed your tea.” The cutting barb slips from your lips before you can stop them, but there’s a certain vindictive satisfaction you get in watching his eyes widen, the brief hurt that flickers across his face. 
Of course, it only lasts a fraction of a second before his features school into a blank mask and he nods.
“Perhaps I will try another the next time I see you.”
And with a short bow, he walks away.
You leave your apron behind when you finish your shift at the diner, and you don’t come back.
There will be other jobs.
It’s not enough. 
They start showing around campus. 
The first time you catch sight of Tendou, you’re running between classing, cursing the ridiculous schedule that has you attending two back to back lectures on opposite sides of the campus. It’s just a glance - a flicker of red in the corner of your eye. The only reason you stop at all is because you're so focused on not being late that you fail to see the crack in the path until you’re tripping over it. The books in your hand go flying as you sprawl across the pavement.
“Huh, you really weren’t kidding about being clumsy, were ya?”
A pale hand stretches out before you, and just like with Ushijima, Tendou doesn’t bother hiding the soulmate mark as he grins down at you with those wide, creepy eyes. 
You ignore it entirely, waving it away as you pick yourself up with a grunt. The skin on one of your palms is grazed, and you’re pretty sure that your knees are too, but all in all it could be worse. It’s more your pride that smarts, that and the fact that of all people to see you trip, it has to be him.
“Aw, don’t be like that, baby. I’m only try’na help you!”
You scowl, snatching your textbooks out of his offered hands. “I’m not your baby, Tendou,” you mutter.
You regret the words immediately. His grin slowly widens and he makes a sound, somewhere between a shudder and a moan - it’s almost pornogaphic and wholly inappropriate and it sends blood rushing to your cheeks, but you don’t have time to think about it. 
“I’m already late, just-” you break off with a sigh, readjusting the strap of your backpack, staring resolutely at the ground. “I’m not what you want, what… what either of you want. Just leave me alone, okay?!”
Tendou doesn’t say a word as you walk away, but just like always you feel the burning stare following you until you’re out of sight. 
Somewhat stupidly, you think that’ll be the end of it. The gloves are off - you might not have said it in as many words, but there’s no point denying it any longer. They are your soulmates and it doesn’t change a thing.
There is something wrong with your bond.
But they don’t see it like that. 
They figure out your schedule, take it in turns to wait outside your classes, ambushing you whenever you’re alone. 
“I have a game tomorrow,” Ushijima tells you on a rainy Thursday afternoon as he follows you home. “I would like for you to come.”
It doesn’t seem to bother him that you walk a few steps ahead (or try to at least - his legs are ridiculously long) with your head bent down, ignoring the steady rainfall that threatens to saturate you. Tendou usually fights for your attention, grabs at your hands, your waist, any part he can reach just to touch you, but Ushiwaka seems content to merely be near - so long as you stray too far.
“I have exams to study for.”
He hums noncommittally, “Tendou will be there.”
All the more reason not to go. 
The silence between you two is heavy.
“It would make me… happy, if you came,” he tries again.
Your eyes squeeze shut for just a moment. You hate it when he does this, when he acts like you’re the one being stubborn. Like you haven’t told him, told them both to stop a thousand times before. Like they haven’t ignored it at every turn, blatantly refused to acknowledge that you don’t want them like they want you.
Shouldn’t ‘no’ have been enough?
You’ve considered reporting it to campus security, or even the police, maybe trying to get a restraining order or something like that, but what would you even say - ‘Please Officer, sir, my soulmates are stalking me’? Yeah, that’ll go down a real fucking treat. 
“Why…” you trail off with a sigh, forcing yourself to stop walking.
This time he does reach for you, taking your hand in his. It’s warm and rough from years of volleyball and hard work, and you hate that it’s already so familiar. His expression is as stoic as ever, but there’s a quiet reverence in his eyes as he looks at you, as if he can’t quite believe you’re really there with him. You suppose in another light, it might almost look romantic, the two of you holding hands under his umbrella, lost in your own little world as the rain pours down around you.
He seems to be waiting for you to finish your thought, so you buck up whatever dregs of courage you still have and try again, “Why can’t you just… move on? I don’t want this- this thing, whatever it is between us.” You sigh, tugging your hand back, “I just want to be alone, why can’t you respect that?!”
He doesn’t answer for a long moment, staring at you, his thumb rubbing back and forth along the back of your palm.
But then he shrugs, easily, as if you’re merely discussing the weather and not their continued overbearing and unwanted presence in your life. “We love you. More than anything, and despite your… reservations, we belong together, what other reason does there need to be?” He pauses, his gaze softening just a fraction, “You’ll come around eventually,” he adds.
A tiny part of you crumples at that. What’s the use in arguing with a brick wall?
It’s a minor relief when you walk out of your last lecture for the day the following afternoon. It might be because it’s a Friday and you, for once, have absolutely no plans for the weekend, but realistically it’s more to do with the fact that you know no one is waiting for you outside. Ushijima has his volleyball game, and Tendou will be there with him, cheering from the sidelines. 
You should be happier, really, but there’s a pit in your stomach that’s been there since Ushijima left you at your door last night. 
They’re not going to stop. 
Instead of listening to the professor talk, you’ve spent the last three hours searching university transfers. You love Tokyo University, you love Tokyo - the big, bustling city you’d gladly lose yourself in again and again, but it can’t be your home, not when they’re here too.
There’s a University in Kyoto, it has a similar program to the one you’re already in. It’s a surprisingly easy process to change - your grades are decent enough, all you have to is apply. One simple click of a button. It’ll take a few weeks for it all to go through, which’ll give you enough time to figure out how you’re gonna upend your entire life without them realising - assuming of course that Kyoto university accepts the request.
If you soulmates won’t let you go, you’ll run, and you’ll keep running. Maybe you’re wrong, maybe one day you’ll look back at them and feel that same love for them that you’d seen in your parents instead of that black, cloying unease that twists at your guts, but so long as they don’t give the choice, what options do you have?
You’re not stupid, this… thing that they’re doing, the stalking, monopolising your time, trying to drive your friends away, it’s not the end game. What happens when they get tired of you ignoring them?
“Hey, Y/N wait up!”
For a moment your heart seizes, but it calms almost immediately when you realise the voice isn’t the one you’re afraid of. 
You turn to find one of the guys from your last lecture walking over. He’s kinda cute, in a lost puppy kind of way, and he’s nice, for the three conversations you’ve actually had with him. Honestly you’re a little surprised he actually knows your name (considering you’ve definitely forgotten his) but you smile back regardless. “Hey, what’s up?”
“You doing anything tonight?”
Netflix and crashing early, but you’re hardly about to tell him that, “Not much, why?”
He smiles, and for a moment you’re taken aback by just how utterly endearing it is. He really is cute. “Me and a few friends are having a party tonight, you’re uh, you’re welcome to come. Y’know, if you’re not doing anything,” he says with a laugh, throwing in a wink for good measure.
But his smile fades a little as he catches a glimpse of something behind you. You frown at the odd reaction, turning instinctively to see what drew his attention when a weight drapes across your shoulders and you find yourself being pulled into a sideways embrace.
“There you are, baby! I was starting to think you’d gotten lost,” a familiar voice drawls. “Who’s your friend?”
You can’t see Tendou’s expression as he rests his chin on your shoulder, but from the way your classmate blanches you can imagine that it’s not pleasant. Still you have to give him credit, he only falters for a second before he’s rubbing the back of his neck and offering a sheepish smile, “Oh, hey, uh… yeah, I’m-”
“Punching a little above your weight, dont’cha think?” Tendou cuts him off with a snort, nuzzling in just a little closer. You can feel the warmth of his breath against your neck as he tilts his head to whisper in your ear, “I thought Ushiwaka told you about the game tonight.”
You shiver, although whether it’s from his softly edged words or the kiss he presses against your cheek, you’re not entirely sure. “He did, I-I told him that I had to study…”
Tendou laughs, squeezing you tighter, “Psh, is that all? Baby, we can help you study later. C’mon, or we’re gonna miss the start of the game.”
And like that he’s tugging you away. With Tendou’s arm wrapped snugly around you, you don’t even have a chance to turn around and apologise to the guy. He’s done it purposefully, a reminder you suppose of who you belong to - though for your classmate’s benefit or yours you honestly don’t know. 
Ushijima’s already on the court by the time Tendou and you arrive at your seats (front row of course) but he glances over as you both settle down and his lips quirk into the faintest hint of a smile.
It would make me… happy, if you came, he’d said.
You don’t miss the razor sharp, anticipatory gleam in his eyes, though. 
He destroys the competition. You still remember that brief clip you’d seen years ago of his brutal spike - it seems like time has only served to make it more lethal. The rest of his team is undeniably good, you doubt Ushijima would join a club made up of anything less than the best, but still, he’s in his element and without a single doubt the strongest on the court. 
For every point he scores, Tendou cheers wildly. Halfway through the second set you can see that every player on the other side hates Ushijima - if the scowls and muttered snarls they’re shooting his way are anything to go by. You can’t exactly say you blame them for it either. They’re demoralised and angry, frustrated by the huge Ace and his indomitable force and even though he’s not a part of the team, Tendou revels in it. There’s a song he starts to sing, some inane jig that flows too naturally to have been made up on the spot. You can almost imagine him on the court beside Ushiwaka, singing it after stealing point after point from the other team. The two of them must have made a formidable team on the court.
They still do, you suppose.
You’ve never been one for volleyball, or sports in general, but even you can’t deny the sense of feral anticipation in the air as Ushijima steps up to serve on match point. Tendou has his hand wrapped tightly around yours, leaning forward in his seat to watch the spectacle. You can’t say you blame him.
You might hate him, but you can’t deny that his serves are a sight to behold. Your heart thumps as he throws the balls up, runs and launches himself into the air. His legs are arched, his form perfect and you still can’t quite believe how high he manages to get considering his size -
And then he hits the ball, palm slamming into the leather with a resounding smack - it flies over the net, damn near knocks the poor Libero off his feet as he tries to save it, but even that isn’t enough to stop it. The ball ricochets off his receive, spinning into the crowd and just like that - it’s all over. 
Ushijima roars in victory, and Tendou turns to you, red eyes wild and delighted. You don’t have a moment to breathe, much less prepare yourself before his lips are crashing against your own. 
The deafening cheers of the stadium fade out. 
You can feel his racing pulse as he clutches you close, the unrepentant enthusiasm that pours through him as his tongue dances across your bottom lip, begging for entry. You’re stuck still, frozen in place as your soulmate steals his first kiss.
Somehow when you pictured this moment as a little girl, you didn’t imagine that it would be fear that floods your veins, that the soft, breathless laugh that Tendou gives as he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours would scare you instead of making you feel safe and loved.
They walk you home together. It’s unnerving enough with just one of them, but with both your soulmates flanking you you’re more on edge than usual. 
Or maybe it’s the slightly weird energy you can sense between the two of them. Tendou hasn’t stopped grinning since he kissed you and Ushijima still seems a little wired from his win. He hasn’t said much since the three of you left the stadium, but he’s holding you closer than normal, an arm slung low across your back, his fingers brushing possessively along your hip. 
God, Kyoto can’t happen fast enough. 
There’s a lump in your throat as you reach your apartment. They’d offered to take you out for dinner after the game finished - to celebrate Ushiwaka’s crushing victory over ‘those poor assholes’ as Tendou had put it - but despite the pit of hunger in your stomach, you’d politely refused. The less time spent with them the better.
Surprisingly, both Tendou and Ushijima had taken it in stride without so much as a peep.
But now you’re at the front door, keys in hand and Ushijima still has his arm draped around you. It’s not like they haven’t been in this position before, but despite all their gentle cajoling (well, gentle is relative - Tendou whines petulantly and Ushijhima just seems to hover silently like an overgrown bat) they’ve never actually been inside your apartment. 
It’s your one sanctuary, and you very much want to keep it that way.
“Y’know, ‘Toshi and I’ve been thinking,” Tendou begins, snatching the keys out of your hand before you can stop him, chuckling and swatting at you when you try and grab them back. “Me ‘n the big guy, we really do love you, baby - head over heels, heart racing, butterflies in your stomach kinda love. It’s kinda sappy, actually. You have no idea how happy you’ve made us.”
The key slides into the lock and he twists it, pushing your door wide open. His eyes flash to yours and he grins, bowing as he gestures towards the open apartment. Your open apartment.
An invitation.
You blanch. “Um, I-I don’t think-”
Stupid of you to think you ever had a choice in the matter - Ushijima’s arm is an iron wall against your back, pushing you forward as he crosses the threshold. 
Tendou follows behind the two of you, and the click of the door shutting behind you echoes far too loudly in your small apartment. He tosses the keys into the little dish on the kitchen counter - where they always go when you’re at home - and winks at you.
“I mean we are your soulmates so I ‘spose it’s kind of a given.” He shrugs, leaning back against the countertop, folding his arms over his chest. “But we can’t help but notice that you seem a little… uneasy around us. And I get it, baby, really I do. You’re just a little shy - it’s cool.”
Your heart leaps into your throat as Ushijima’s fingers curl around your jaw and he tilts your face to the side to meet his intense stare, “You’re being unnecessarily stubborn,” he elaborates.
A flicker of amusement dances in Tendou’s eyes at his bluntness. “We tried it your way - taking it slow and steady, trying to ease you in but, well… I think we can all agree your way isn’t working all that great.”
Your eyes snap back to him, “What?”
His grin widens, “So we figured it’s time we try it our way. We’ve been so good, baby! D’ya have any idea how hard it’s been to hold ourselves back?”
Ushijima’s grip is unrelenting, but that doesn’t stop you from frantically trying to fight your way out of it as Tendou pushes off the counter and stalks over to the two of you.
“You’re so fucking pretty,” he murmurs, “Been waiting so long for this. Wanted to fuck you on the tables back in the diner in that cute lil’ uniform of yours.” He smirks down at you, his pupils blown wide and dripping with lust. 
No. No, no, no! You shake your head frantically as he closes in, “Stop, wait! Let me go, LET ME GO! I-I don’t want-”
Your panicked words are cut off as Ushijima suddenly spins you around to face him. His hand cups your cheek, enveloping it entirely, and his broad thumb strokes the soft skin gently. “We’re not going to hurt you, little one. You just need to see - to feel what we feel for you.”
Whatever retort you have is swallowed up as he closes the gap between you and kisses you. He’s demanding - unrelenting - forcing your mouth open so that his tongue can taste yours. Distantly you register Tendou slotting in behind you, the unmistakable bulge that presses against your ass as he attaches himself to your neck. “Shh, baby,” he murmurs between kisses, fingers sliding to the hem of your top. “Let your soulmates take care of you, hm?”
It’s not like you’ve ever had a choice in the matter.
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writteninsunshine · 2 years
Put Your Dick Into It - Fizzarolli/Asmodeus, RoboFizz/Fizzarolli - NSFW
Title: Put Your Dick Into It
Author: Keith
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Setting: Ozzie’s Home, Ozzie’s Club
Pairing: Fizzarolli/Asmodeus | Ozzie, RoboFizz/Fizzarolli, Asmodeus | Ozzie/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Fizzarrolli, RoboFizz, Asmodeus | Ozzie, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Genre: Erotic/Romance/Humor
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 3103
Type Of Work: One-Shot, Day 4 Of 30 Days Of Fizzarozzie
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, AU - Omegaverse, AU - A/B/O, Teasing, Theft, Minor Violence, Minor Injury, Unsanitary, M/M/M/M/M, M/F, Ozzie Has A Dick Balls And Vagina, Fantasies, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Macro/Micro
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except the RoboFizzes
Summary: If nothing else, one of Ozzie's weird poems could probably be put to music.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Tumblr/Twitter!
I had so much fun with this, I hope y’all like it. It was meant to be so much shorter but in the end I just went where the prompt took me.
30 Days Of Fizzarozzie 2022 Fic Masterlist
Put Your Dick Into It
This had to have been the hardest thing he’d ever been asked to do, no pun intended.
Composing jokes and stand-up routines was something he’d always been adept at. He could improvise with the best of them, he’d made all kinds of demons and sinners alike laugh and smile with his creative prowess. Hell, he made Ozzie laugh and smile at least once every day. 
And yet, here he was, incapable of a single. Fucking. Word. 
Scrubbing his hands over his face, his mechanics whirred in their own form of a growl and he thought he just might combust. He’d never hit a creative block in his entire life, and here he was, struggling to put anything down on the fancy, lacy stationary he’d been staring at for the last two hours. The sides were covered in red swirls, dots, and hatched patterns that he’d laid down absently while he struggled to find words. He’d colored in the white lace against the deep red border in a few places, anything to move the pen in his hand. The pale pink lined portion in the middle remained untouched save for a scant few red dots at the top of the page. 
A frustrated grunt left him and he pulled his hands down his face, snarling at the wall across from him as if it was the reason for his upset. Glaring at the ceiling of his bedroom that he didn’t usually use, he strained his ears to hear the telltale scraping of Ozzie’s couch on the wooden floor as he slammed it into the wall. Sure was easy for him to fuck whoever’s lights out while Olli was down here suffering. He didn’t think he was necessarily jealous-jealous, but man did he think a good dicking would help his mood, at least. The demon no doubt getting plowed up there was definitely having a better time than he was.
After a moment, the jester finally turned his attention back to his impromptu art project, and with another growl, he thunked his forehead into the desk. Twice, then a third time for good measure, he gave a deep whine as he turned his head to the side, staring at the bedside table across from him. Usually, the sparse decoration and lack of character in this room didn’t bother him, but he suddenly had the bright idea to look up furnishings and decorations that weren’t so generic. 
Maybe ‘generic’ wasn’t the right word for the different pinks, greens, reds, and blues that covered every surface and made the room pop. The room dripped sex appeal, like any room that Ozzie graced with his creative eye, but Fizzarolli had never really made ‘his’ bedroom his. Almost from the first night he’d started staying here he’d stayed in Ozzie’s room, and that had never really changed. 
The bedroom in the basement housed his clothes, as it was easier than using an Ozzie-sized closet, and he used the bathroom down here most of the time, too. Showers with Ozzie were taken in the en suite bathroom connected to the King’s room, but if he took them alone, he was down here. Most of that was due to this part of the house being, for the most part, imp-sized. Well, imps and anyone else just as small and likely delicate as an imp. Ozzie had probably seen too many demons fall into his toilet before deciding to just get one the right size for them. 
The thought made Fizzarolli snicker, and he picked his head up from the desk, shaking his head. If only he could be spending his requested time sequestered away in the basement of Ozzie’s opulent home not being sequestered away to work. For a moment, he let his mind wander. Who was up there with Ozzie? Knowing his lover, it could be literally anyone, and maybe that was the welcome distraction he needed. 
Verosika, maybe? Nah, he couldn’t hear her moaning. Whoever he had couldn’t be Mammon, either, because he was a shrieky thing whenever he knew Fizzarolli was still home. The power behind whoever was doing the fucking could have been Paimon, he realized, and he screwed his eyes shut to see if he couldn’t hear Ozzie begging for it. That, he was sure, would tell him everything he needed to know, but he also recognized that any number of gags could be employed here.
This was taking him nowhere. He had to have these stupid lyrics done for tonight, and he hadn’t even started. Perhaps smashing his face through the desk and putting himself out of commission for a few days was the only way to make it through this. His hands gripped the burdensome wood firmly, and he raised one lip in disgust at himself. No, no, he couldn’t hurt his dashing clown face. It was half of his ability to make money, and something that Ozzie was intensely attracted to.
Not that he didn’t think that Ozzie wouldn’t pay out the ass (even if he had to make a deal with Mammon) to get him plastic surgery to fix the damage. 
Finally getting up, he figured he’d try a drink and a snack (and a peek into the living room) to see if any of those things helped. He was banking on the peek as good fuel for his work because a sandwich and some soda weren’t exactly sexy, but he didn’t really know. It all depended on the show put on for him, he supposed. If Ozzie caught him staring, it’d only get better, too. He was nothing if not a performer, too, which was why they worked so well, Olli thought. Both of them couldn’t resist putting on a show.
Taking the stairs three at a time, he figured that the faster he escaped his self-made prison the better. Maybe he was just running from it, but he wasn’t going to admit that. He’d never done this before, never had such a hard time with his work, never wanted to hide from it, and it was driving him batty. Rounding the doorway and walking into the kitchen, he closed his eyes and sniffed the air. Omega, he noted almost immediately. From the sounds they were making, he’d guess female, and she was getting absolutely ruined. 
An envious pang of arousal shot through his body and he sucked in a deep breath through his teeth. The Alpha’s scent soured as he stalked to the fridge, extending his legs so he could reach the handles to get his sandwich stuff. The freezer being on the bottom was easier for him to get into, but he couldn’t be fucked with cooking right now. He had work to do and he was already distracted enough. The continued thudding, the quiet begging on her part, and the hushed purr that was leaving Ozzie had him a little more growly than he wanted to think about. 
How many times did he forget his place in making a simple ham sandwich? Hell’s Gates, this was ridiculous. What was he going to see if he poked his head into the living room? Some pretty little succubus on her back? An imp on her side, one leg curled up against her side and the other up and folded back against her chest? Absently, he mused that it didn’t matter what anyone else could do for Ozzie, they couldn’t even dream of being as flexible as he was, even before his arms and legs were removed and replaced. 
Fond memories crashed into him and he just about dropped the jar of mayo onto the floor. As far as he was aware, Ozzie hadn’t noticed he was in the main floor of the house, and he kind of wanted to keep it that way. He heard the thrumming hum of Ozzie’s voice but couldn’t make out his words, imagining the kinds of depraved things he was saying to the Omega no doubt writhing beneath him. He felt his cock flip against his thigh, closing his eyes for a second to relish in the music they were making. He needed a drink and to stop making a Satan-damned mess, and he had to keep moving, but it felt impossible.
Whatever Asmodeus had said brought a gagged cry out of the girl with him, and it perked Fizzarolli up a little more. If he could just get to the vaulted ceiling, and he could do it, a little peek over the wall dividing the kitchen from the living room wouldn’t hurt. Ozzie had liked the gap between the wall and ceiling enough to remodel the damn house for it, and Olli had to admit it wasn’t that bad of an idea. Walking over the center island he’d made his sandwich on, he shot up to place his hands on the wall, watching Ozzie as he moved. 
Regardless of who had the reddish pink leg wrapped loosely around Ozzie’s slim hips, she was getting absolutely destroyed. Anyone Ozzie deigned to bring home, client, fling, or otherwise, typically left with jelly for legs and a dazed kind of crush. A soft chitter left him as he watched the steady pounding of his lover’s hips, and he clenched down on nothing, exhaling until his lungs burned and holding it. If he spent any longer staring, he was going to start stinking up the place, so he returned to the counter to grab his sloppy snack. Putting everything away could wait because he’d decided on going to Ozzie’s room instead. 
With a soda in hand and his sandwich leaving behind a trail of mayonnaise drips behind him as he bit into it, he hung right to take the few steps up to Ozzie’s room. Not particularly into the idea of leaving them behind, he found himself hesitating up each step to the door. There was a somewhat long landing between the two sets of three stairs, and he took it with delicate, small steps like he just might decide to go and ask for a threeway. Like that would go well.
He didn’t recognize the Omega’s scent, which told him that it was most likely a client that wasn’t going to want to pay an extra wad of cash to include him. Ozzie always jacked the price up impossibly high when Fizzarolli joined them, and so many of his johns and janes just didn’t request it. That was mostly the point, really, because Ozzie knew how he felt about other demons.
Opening the door to their room (he was more than ecstatic to call it that in his head), he listened for a moment to see if he could hear them. The robotic voices he recognized as an odd extension of his own chatted away in the side room off the main bedroom, and he made a beeline to them. Maybe one of the RoboFizzes could help him out. They were made for sex, so they could do this, right?
“Hey, guys–”
“Heeeeeeeey, Fizzy~” One of them replied coyly, almost immediately dropping his arms and the toy he held in both hands. For a second, he pressed it lengthwise against his crotch, notably resting it on his dick, before drawing it up to his chest to hug it like it was a plush toy, “We weren’t doing anything.” 
“Yeah,” Another added, the one that looked the oldest of the four. Ozzie had said that his were prototypes, save for one of them that had been the first finalized version off the line. 
“We’re behaving.” The newest one nodded definitively as he grinned, making an attempt at looking innocent despite the way his face was moving into a devious grin.
“Don’t worry about us, we’re just schemi–” The last RoboFizz was hushed by the first three, and Olli just rolled his eyes.
“Shut it, I don’t care. I need your help with something else, though.” His hands shifted from his hips to his chest, arms crossing as he looked away, “I have to write a song to sing at the club tonight, and I can’t figure anything out. I don’t know how to do this shit, and it’s killing me. Apparently, I can’t write a Satan damned song for the life of me.”
Each of the robots glanced between each other, their smiles falling slightly as they whirred and one’s processor grumbled a little. It was something they couldn’t seem to process because they knew that Fizzarolli’s blood was performance.
“Why can’t you do it? You’re usually good at that kind of thing.” One of the older models spoke, the red stripe down his face indicating he’d been the second prototype.
“I don’t fucking know. I’ve been staring at a blank page for two hours, and I can’t get my mind wrapped around doing anything for this.”
“Your brain’s empty?” The newer model asked, taking a step forward and placing a hand on Fizzarolli’s shoulder as an act of sympathy. A green stripe in the same vein as the others reached down his nose to denote which one he was.
“It’s like all my creativity just got zapped out of me. I can compose a stand-up routine easy peasy, I’m the best at improv, I can do anything with a simple prompt, but… This isn’t working for me.” It probably had to do with his lack of interest in sex if Ozzie wasn’t involved. Maybe if he thought more about fucking Ozzie he’d get somewhere, but that felt so personal it was hard to put details into something like that. Everyone knew they fucked, there was no way they didn’t, but letting people think something and confirming the thing were two totally different animals.
The RoboFizz with a purple stripe stepped forward, handing the giant dildo over to the yellow-striped one, leaning forward to catch Fizzarolli’s fallen eyes.
“You can do it, you know. I know you have it in you somewhere.” He paused, suddenly straightening up and snapping his fingers up near his face, “Wait! I have an idea.” A chorus of ‘yeah’s and ‘what?’s filled the room as the other robots crowded around them. Purple’s grin only widened and he preened at being the center of attention, “Why don’t you borrow some of Ozzie’s dirty poetry?”
“His… His what?” Olli’s head tilted and his eyes went wide, “He doesn’t write poetry. …Does he?”
“Oh, he does, and it’s juicy, could probably turn anybody into jelly without getting touched.” All four of the robots moaned in sync and Fizzarolli snorted with amusement. Really, he didn’t get the appeal of them being such sluts, it wasn’t like he was like that. Though Ozzie had a very different opinion on that thought. It didn’t take long before his favorite lay was a begging, whining mess most of the time, Ozzie didn’t even have to try. Just being wet and hard was enough for Olli, and Ozzie couldn’t help but take advantage of that as often as he could.
“Alright, where is it?” Fizzarolli watched as all four bots left the room, some of them bouncing and Green cartwheeling excitedly to the large, heavy wooden desk against the wall with the door to the bedroom. Extending his legs and leaping up onto it, he tugged at a sizable binder, bringing it over to where Olli stood on his elongated legs. 
“Here you go~ This binder has the,” He paused to make a loud kissing sound in a chef’s kiss, “Crème de la crème of his work. This’ll get anyone in the club wet and hard and if it doesn’t, they shouldn’t be there.”
The robot wasn’t even lying. Fizzarolli wasn’t usually one to use their expertise, but the four of them were happy to help him choose a poem and handle what it did to him. He had his lyrics, now all he had to do was get some music to go with it.
That night at the club, he sang his song like it was the most normal thing in the world, only citing that he had a little help with it from an anonymous ‘donor.’ During his spectacular performance, all Ozzie could do was smirk, because he knew who that ‘anonymous donor’ was. He absently stroked himself through his act, unable to find any anger inside his body. It really was hot. When his musical number was over and he’d announced the next act, the whole club reeked of horny Alphas and Omegas, and he knew he’d done a good job. Bounding up to Ozzie’s balcony, he grinned up at him like he knew what he’d done and wouldn’t be repenting for his egregious sins.
Ozzie loved that about him.
“Thought you were above plagiarism, Olli Baby.” He growled playfully, placing a hand on either side of Fizzarolli on the balcony, pinning him down against it. If nothing else, Olli knew he was hard, not just by his scent but the visual as his enormous cock bobbed right in his line of sight, dribbling onto the floor.
“Whose words are better than yours for something like this? It was a fuckin’ hit, too.” And he really wasn't wrong. Asmodeus chuckled darkly as he leaned in, nuzzling the other’s face before nipping his shoulder.
“If you wanted to use my work you should have asked. People are going to think I was the thief when I publish my collection. I’ll be forced to leave that one out.” He almost sounded pouty, and Olli purred loudly.
“You’re not mad at me, right?” Looking up his nose at the other, trying on the cutest face he had in his arsenal.
“No. But you are going to be punished for this.”
“Ooooooh, yes.”
“Turn around, pants off, and bend over Baby,” Ozzie growled, and Olli jumped to do it, whipping around and shoving his ass out with a delighted chitter. Shucking his pants, he whined as his cock slapped wetly against his stomach, no doubt staining his top.
“Good boy,” Ozzie purred into his ear, “See? You can behave. But a little good behavior won’t end your sentence.”
“I’ll accept my punishment like a mo-model citizen.” Feeling Ozzie thrusting against his stomach had his eyelids dropping to half-mast.
“Good. I’m going to ruin you right here, and you better not make a peep.”
“Y-yes, Master.”
Not that Ozzie was going to make it easy for him. No, Fizzarolli was going to struggle, he was going to have to suck on Ozzie’s fingers to keep himself quiet, and Ozzie was more than looking forward to it. If someone stared, so be it; They both loved to be the center of attention, anyway.
AN: For a fic that was meant to be 1k or under, this became a damn monster. I still like it, though, it was so damn fun to work on.
Prompt: 30 Days Of Fizzarozzie Day 4 - Song
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nxmuzluv · 3 years
ariana birthday hcs !! —
it’s september 1st in south korea & japan rn,,,, so you know what that means
26th birthday hcs 👁👁
(this post is long as hell so brace urselves lmao)
on the morning of her birthday, ariana is woken up by either twitter and message notifications or her husband
her fans are blowing up her mentions with birthday wishes and her family & friends are doing the same, so bet that she has about a million notifs
since byakuya gets ready for work before ariana, he usually comes back to wake her up (even if she’s already up lol)
he hands her coffee (a caramel macchiato with a shit ton of cream and three sugars), tells her “good morning” and “happy birthday, love,” and kisses her on the forehead
they usually have a short lil conversation about whatever (what they’re going to do that day, ariana’s birthday, other random topics) before byakuya tells ariana to go to work lol
but before she does, she usually opens twitter and scrolls down her birthday hashtags (which are already trending with about 100,000 or so tweets lmao), and responds to her text messages
three hashtags i came up with are “#AutumnFairyAri,” “#26WishesForAriana,” and “#아름이하트27개” (#27HeartsForAhreum) 🥺
(the last one is because ariana is 27 in korea lol)
guaranteed that she’s smiling like an idiot at those tweets lol
if her fans are lucky, ariana might like their post. if they’re extra lucky, she might even respond-
(cue the combustion of her fanbase)
then she posts a lil morning selfie, thanks her fans for all the birthday wishes, complains about how she has to go to work on her birthday, and then she finally gets ready for work lol
as ariana does, her fanbase is literally in flames lmao they’re screaming at her new selfie (“LOOK AT HER HAIR OMG MNJSHFJFMNGJ” - one of ariana’s fans, most likely), flooding her comment section, and taking over the trending page
ari and byakuya usually leave together, and ariana gets dropped off first, so when she does, they usually say goodbye to each other & byakuya gives her another kiss on the head
ofc they say “i love you” to each other, and if anyone around them has sumn to say about it, then byakuya can just make their jobs disappear !! 😗✌🏽
once ariana gets to work, she’s immediately greeted by another round of birthday wishes and the occasional gift (because oh my GOD she gets so many from her staff)
the best gift comes from her manager of 22 years, yoo miyeon. that woman is literally like ariana’s second mother it’s so cute-
miyeon usually says something along the lines of “remember when you were shorter than me ???” (it is now the other way around lmao)
near the end of her day, ariana sits in her company’s conference room, goes live on vlive, and opens the shit ton of gifts, cards, letters, and bouquets that were sent to her by her fans (and god damn doesn’t she get a lot-)
(ariana loves the bouquets,,, she literally squeals every time she sees that she got another one :(( she’ll be making flower arrangements with all of them later on lol and she’ll probably go live again 👁👁)
her birthday lives are one of the things ariana loves the most. she gets to speak to her fans, speak to her staff all casually, and her fans get to see her again. it’s a win-win :))
(bet, byakuya is watching that live when he has the time and has sent a message to ariana. when she spots his message, knows it’s him, and gets incredibly happy is one of the best moments of the live)
she also speaks to her family (they’re all in korea and america while she’s in japan 😕) during the live !! near the end, ari blows out the candles of the cakes that were bought for her by her staff and her family, and she answers questions from her fans
(lol remember back in 2011 when ari’s fans thought she was gonna finish high school & come back to korea, but instead she met this tall blond mf, fell in love with him, moved in with him, and then ended up marrying him 10 years later so now she’s really not coming back ??? lmao good times 🤣🤣🤣)
it’s a v nice moment & if you miss it, that’s such a loss lol ariana rarely goes live since she’s always so busy
after well over 12 hours, ari’s work day is finally over. on those types of days, she gets home before byakuya at around 7 or 8pm
after work, both of them go to dinner !! :))
while byakuya is coming home, ariana just gets ready. there’s a dress from byakuya that was hung by his staff in ariana’s closet (it’s black and designer, ofc 🙄✋🏽), and all ari has to do is shower, do her hair and makeup, pick out her shoes, and pick out a bag from the literal hundreds that she has
say it with me, y’all !! bag hag
ariana goes live on instagram while she does that as some kind of “get ready with with me” thing. she gets to talk to her fans again (especially her stan twitter ones lol), ask how she should style her hair & do her makeup, and ask what accessories she should choose
she also plays music in the background (especially britney spears, christina aguilera, the pussycat dolls, rihanna, nelly furtado, gwen stefani, lee hyori, or hyuna because they make her feel hotter than she already is lmao) !!
and ari sings to whatever’s playing and she gets haruka-
(am i allowed to put her here ??? i’ll just put here here lol 🤪)
-to say hi & help with her hair and makeup, so ariana’s lives are just a gold mine worth of content lmao
byakuya comes home just a lil while before ariana’s finished, and ofc, she forces asks him to say hi to her fans
lmao all that man does is silently wave with the world’s straightest face, and the chat is just yelling about how fine he is (“GO OFF RICH BOY” - one off ariana’s fans, probably). like HE’S NOT DOING ANYTHINGFGDHMBK
but as they should 😩☝🏽
ariana asks her fans if she should leave or stay on the live for a while longer, and ofc, they usually say that she should stay,,,, but that woman rarely listens tbh ASMNKHJFMNJK
she might stay for like,,, 5 minutes, but usually, she just leaves lmao
a lil while before she and byakuya leave, they talk to each other and to haruka for a while, and haruka probably most definitely takes polaroid pictures of ari and byakuya before they leave lol
(ariana def posts those on twitter later and all byakuya does is retweet them)
(but ofc he’ll tweet out a post wishing his wife a happy birthday,,, okay byakuya, look at you making progress !!)
the restaurant ariana and byakuya go to is of course very fancy and luxurious (it probably serves french cuisine too lmao). ari insists that they get a table on the rooftop, and since it’s her birthday (and since he loves her sm), byakuya complies :))
they talk the entire night, and if she can, ariana reaches over to hold byakuya’s hand most of the time :((
(taking a bit from rae’s hcs on how byakuya would celebrate his s/o’s birthday,,,,, like i’ve kinda been doing the whole time 🚶🏽‍♀️)
after dinner, the two of them will take a walk through tokyo. ariana would love it (well, not really, because she’s wearing literal heels lmao), especially since she and byakuya rarely get to do things like that. she’ll be taking pictures of things she finds interesting and would 100% ask byakuya to take pictures of her (and vice versa)
(she’s posting those on twitter too,,, ariana nation is getting fed well lol)
and then they can finally go back home and stay home, and ariana can finally open the rest of her gifts !!
they’re gifts from her family, her close friends, and of course, from byakuya and haruka !! ari’s literally smiling the whole time as she opens her presents (especially the ones from her family,,, hayley’s homemade birthday cards are always so cute 🥺), and haruka has that polaroid camera out again
(ariana: does anything)
(haru: you’re doing great sweetie !! 😀📸)
idk exactly what ariana would want for her birthday (tmw you don’t even know the preferences of your own character 🧍🏽‍♀️), but most likely, it’s either something homemade or a designer item lmao (mainly another purse-)
fun fact: her aunt josephine spoils the shit out of her lol like ariana could see a bunch of bags from chanel, louis vuitton, and yves saint laurent and automatically think “yeah, that’s my aunt lol”
ariana facetimes her family again, as well !! they get to speak to byakuya and haruka, they sing “happy birthday” to her in korean, they ask her if she liked their gifts, and it’s just a very cute family moment :))
it’s like,,, 11pm by the time ari finishes opening her presents, so she really has to go to bed
before that though, she spams her followers with the pictures that were taken, and posts one last “thank you” tweet before her birthday inevitably ends 😕
(well not really since it’s gonna be september 1st in other parts of the world lmao)
“everyone! thank u sooo much for all the birthday wishes u gave me today! it wouldn’t have been such a great one without y’all, my family, my best friends, my husband (@ByakuyaTogami), and my no. 1 fan, my sister-in-law lmao (@harukaonice). i love each and every single one of y’all with my entire heart, and i’m so glad u love me just as much 🥺 i saw as many of ur posts as i could, and i just wanna thank y’all for reaching over a million tweets! can’t believe y’all think that i’m that important lol (i mean, ofc i am 🙄✋🏻) anyways, once again, thank y’all smmmm! love y’all lots!! <3 ari <3” - ariana’s tweet 🥺 (that she posts in four different languages lol; english, korean, japanese, and french !!)
then ariana and byakuya finally go to sleep (it’s like 1am now jesus christ-), and ariana’s twitter notifications are still blowing tf up lmao
n e ways, that ends this behemoth of a post !! happy birthday to my baby, ariana park and even though she doesn’t exist (😕), i hope she enjoys it to the fullest !!
bonus !!
if she has a public appearance scheduled before or on her birthday, if fans are allowed to attend, they sing “happy birthday” to her whenever they see her !!
like, she could be entering a building and they would sing it, and then she could exit a few hours later & they’ll sing it again lol
ariana’s just like, “babes, you already sang this to me earlier !!”
when it comes to her “more important” birthdays (although her birthdays are always important)—such as her 18th, 20th, or 21st birthdays—ariana will throw quite a big party. like there would be a bunch of celebrities and popular society figures on the list,,, it would be a whole spectacle that the average person could only dream of getting into lmao (like me, ofc 🚶🏽‍♀️)
when ari was a child, her parents would throw a birthday party for her nearly every year lol,,, and while they were living in korea together, they would have dinner with nearly their entire family, too
(she always got two cakes, too,,, like it’s just kinda tradition for the park family at this point lol)
since ariana and jungkook (from bts) share the same birthday, either one of them message each other to wish each other a happy birthday !! ari also sends him a gift, while jungkook posts said gift on twitter and probably fanboys,,, i have a feeling that he would be a fan of her and her dramas,,, as well as the rest of bts
(they have each other’s numbers because ariana is a korean celebrity and they’ve attended events together on multiple occasions,,, ofc she and bts know each other lmao)
and i forgot to mention, but haruka would totally watch ariana’s birthday vlive if she didn’t have practice or something,,, probably sending as many messages as she can & aggressively hearting the live lmao,,, that girl really is ariana’s biggest fan SKJMNNFJMK
i also forgot to mention that JH entertainment (ariana’s agency) releases photos from a birthday photo shoot that they did with her !! they have different themes every year and they’re always so cute :((
they’re also taken prior to ariana’s actually birthday, especially since she’s always in japan now lol (but like,,, how do people not notice her going back and forth between korea & japan sometimes-)
(also, big verified accounts and celebrities on twitter & instagram wishing ariana a happy birthday >>>>>)
(celebrity tingz 🤪)
n e ways, now i’m done !! happy birthday, ari ilysm <3
(the character of haruka togami belongs to @raes-ramblings, btw !!)
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Now that I have time and some motivation let's get down to business.
Paz also has tattoos for you,
One of your name in mando'a,
Second of the star constellation that you spotted on your trip, we love our wiccan king,
He'd 10000% be the guy to get his child's birth date tattooed,
Paz posting his precious doggo on instagram?,
Oh or Paz starting a culinary YouTube channel???,
And also showing his of the grid lifestyle?,
showing his animal rescue and promoting adoptions!,
He is buffy, handsome, funny, loves children and animals, dresses good and is the best chef, so there are many fanboys and fangirls in his comments thirsting over him,
When the comments asking if he is single get too overwhelming, he asks you to tune in for some vlogs,
You'd definitely film a mukbang video!!,
And also these crazy spicy noodle challenges,
Boba accidentally disliking all of Paz' videos?? (we are still onto tech-grandpa Boba? 😂),
You have to make sure that he doesn't post any pictures done by his hand,
He'd retweet funny clips of cats and cute pictures from Jango Investigation company's official profile,
Also him leaving embarrassing comments on your profile?
Or not knowing that there is function to dm you on instagram,
So he comments on your recent holiday trip picture ''you looked good in this swimsuit princess, shame on me I tore it apart'' or ''looking tempting babygirl, be ready, sir will be home soon'',
Din doesn't really care for sm?,
Like he used to be a casual user,
But one day people were flooding his comments and dms, spamming him with @pascalisapunk,
He noticed that you were watching youtube kids with Grogu,
(oh now I hope you will know what is going on) Grogu really likes watching cocomelon,
So Din tricked him to watching PewDiePie instead,
You don't like it tho, thinking these videos are too edgy and stupid for both of them,
''Din you've watched too many of these videos and you became a brain-rotten himbo I don't want the same to happen to our son!'',
Din and Grogu playing Minecraft together? 🥺,
Also Paz has the best town in Animal crossing for sure!,
Surprise, surprise Boba actually likes and knows how to(!!!) play Mafia game (well it's from 2002 so maybe that's why lol),
But he is the king of board games,
Especially Monopoly!!!
Also not to mention cars games,
He made you play strip poker with him 😳,
Paz and you doing a baby shower at his restaurant!!,
Imagine big daddy bear Paz with a little babygirl 😍😍😍, (Bummer that we don't have an official name for the Armorer, could be honored by Paz naming his baby after her 😭),
Grogu telling his friends at school that his daddy is also an actor lol,
Few days later bunch of 5 year olds are asking him if this is the way to the restroom, if he can bring in some hot chocolate, and doing the baby yoda batuu sound at him lol,
Poor Din, but he secretly loves it, he just loves children,
So imagine his combustion when you tell him that you are having a little Djarin 😍,
Paz helping with babyshower??,
And Boba is totally on buying you a new, bigger apartment as a gift lol,
''What, Djarin? Can't have my little nephew and favorite sister-in-law who is pregnant living in your excuse of an apartament'' lol Boba has no chill,
Grogu gets addicted to bubble tea,
And it isn't because of your introduction, you knew better not to let him drink too often,
But everyday, after coming back from the kindergarten Din and Grogu would stop by your favorite bubble tea shop,
Grogu totally wants a little brother!,
And Din is thinking about a little babygirl or better, why not both, or even better two little boys and a little girl and Grogu being their big bro 😍,
You better be ready for some intensive wrestling sessions,
You and Din have no idea why, but lately, he seems to cum A LOT MORE,
When Boba carries out the tradition you are pregnant,
Pregnant with twin boys,
And the look identical, like they were literally cloned 😉,
Boba wouldn't throw a huge babyshower,
He is too afraid after the incident involving you and the rival syndicate,
Actually Boba decided that you should move from the downtown, to live in a more low-key area,
So you are now living in a palace 😉 in the suburbs
Boba gets you a private driver and a bodyguard,
But most of the time he tries to drive you to work since you both have offices in the downtown area,
Your daily commute can get really pleasurable for both of you 😳,
Boba has his own shooting range lol, king of extra right?
One day when you were babysitting Grogu at your place you found out that Boba was teaching the kid about shooting,
You were furious,
''C'mon princess, haven't I told you about me and my father? He showed me how to use a gun when I was even younger than Grogu'',
Srsly, this man,
Giving him a death glare you take Grogu and treat him for some bubble tea
Oh yeeesss let's get to business....
Paz's tattoos 😭😭😭 so cute (kind of reminds me of my dad, he has all of our names)
Paz totally has an Instagram dedicated to Ad'ika
Paz being thirsted after on his YouTube is so cute
But his followers also really ship the two of you, because you both are just couple goals
Paz makes you the cutest anniversary video and posts it to his YouTube
Paz is a total gamer, he absolutely loves Animal Crossing and he makes a whole section of his town dedicated to you
Paz throws the absolute cutest baby shower and anyone and everyone is invited
You both decide to wait until after the baby is born to find out the gender, and Paz has a raffle going on at the restaurant where people can guess the gender
Armorer = Amira? Amara? Andromeda??
He makes you both cute matching sweaters for your characters
Paz is the one that introduced Grogu to minecraft
Boba cause so much havoc on social media
He totally is leaving thirst comments under your pictures on Instagram not realizing everyone else can see them too
You have a Instagram set up for Fennec too because she is just so photogenic, at least when you take the pictures
I think Boba is actually pretty proficient at using Twitter, and its more or less because he uses it to stalk people 9/10
You have a tumblr where you tease and make fun of Boba, mostly posting quotes or the silly pictures that Boba takes
Boba totally dominates at any board game, but especially Monopoly
That game of strip poker did not last long at all, and you think Boba quite literally was hiding aces up his sleeves
Boba makes sure you are always thoroughly satisfied before he drops you off at work every morning
When Boba finds out you're pregnant he celebrates, and its huge
He starts going all out buying anything and everything he can/wants
When he finds out its twin boys he is over the moon
Names for the boys, Jango and Jaster? Rex and Cody??
Boba totally buys some big house outside of town, that has anything and everything you could ever ask for
It also has a panic room and state of the art safety because Boba isn't taking chances with you or the boys
Also, bringing the babysitting saga to the modern au 😭😭
You walk in on Boba handing Grogu a gun and you flip out, yelling at him
He just shrugs and you take Grogu away and say that your kids WILL N O T learn how to do any of that stuff until they are atleast teenagers
Boba pouts because you ruined his and Grogu's bonding time
When Din comes to pick up Grogu, Grogu looks him in the eye and says "cocksucker"
Din has a heart attack and Boba laughs as you yell at him asking where he heard that
Grogu says that he heard uncle Boba say it while on the phone
Din tries to follow Paz’s recipes from his YouTube, and it always turns out badly and you have to come in and save it
Din totally loves Pewdiepie's humor
Din gets frustrated with social media and ends up just making an empty account so he can follow you and watch videos, but after the whole Pedro Pascal disaster he never posts anything
Grogu and you are his profile picture though
When Grogu goes around telling the kids at school he is the mandalorian he just sighs
And when all of the kids start quoting the show, he just starts quoting them back so they will stop bothering him
When Din announced the pregnancy Paz got so excited to have another nephew/niece
Paz lets Din hold the baby shower at the restaurant and he makes all of the food, including little gender reveal cake pops
Paz gifts the two of you a photo album at has pictures of the two of you and grogu, but it is still half empty so you can add more memories of your expanding family
Boba just hands Din house keys a day says the place is paid off and he's covering the bills for the first year (he also had a nice play set built in the backyard for Grogu)
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tyonfs · 3 years
me watching hot sauce for the first time: whoa that was a fever dream
also me: *watches it two more times right after*
I was so worried I wouldn’t like it and while the beat is definitely unique I really like the song it slaps! The pre-chorus is my favorite especially when Renjun sings it 🥰
Also Jaemin is trending on Twitter — makes sense he looks good — and Jeno hair slicked back makes me 🤩🤩
Okay sorry I had to squeal to someone about the album and comeback ahah
I ordered the album (boring ver.) and my sister joked the world will end if I get a Renjun photocard — probably because I will be screaming lmaoo
Also thank you for the Renjun pics I always save them 🥺💓
What do you think about the comeback? I never told you but I missed you too and hope you are doing well 💕
Also can we talk about how WE FINALLY GOT A FULL ALBUM 💿 damn sm took you long enough
gonna rant ♡
also before i simp, will start off with your comment in the end — i missed u too !! hope you’re doing well 🥺🥺 it’s my midterms week again so i’m kinda dead ish but not as much as before LOL
going back to the comeback !! honestly i get that, like i’ve heard a lot of ppl say they were worried ab it LMAOAOA personally i was digging the beat but MAN dream doesn’t disappoint like PHEWWW AND YES OMFG MY FRIEND AND I WERE CRYINT OVER RENJUNS BRIDGE he seriously ate up the vocals in every single song and left no crumbs my god
also i’m jaemin biased so in my eyes he just eats up every single look but he SERIOUSLY ATE THIS UP LIKE GODDAMN WHOEVER WAS HIS STYLIST I HOPE THEY GET PAID HANDSOMELY and omfg i don’t know how the trends look like for you but renjun is the top trend on my twt 😳😳 his POWER
(and jaemin we’re gonna need those pictures later the fuck)
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AND OHMYMGODSH YOU HAVE TO SEND YOUR PULLS WHEN YOU GET THEN ‼️ i impulsively ordered the set oops 😳 so pray i pull a jaemin like i have 6 chances so Pls 🙏 honestly my luck is all renjun and hyuck 😳 honestly insane bc i bought we go up, we boom, reload, and resonance and got renjun pcs in all of them but TBH i really really really really want the renjun pc for the boring version he looks so good 😭 SO I HOPE YOU GET IT SO I CAN LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOU OR WE CAN BOTH GET IT AND TWIN
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also i’m GLAD you save all the renjun pics and even if you do i’m just glad you like them bc yk we all could use a little renjun in our lives as a pick me up 🥰💓
also if you get me here, hot sauce just sounds very nct ?? like it’s just the perfect song for the neos and i think this comeback was just very “we are seven. we are nct dream” yk? idk if that makes sense LMAO but all the members got a chance to stand out like there are parts for all of them that are stuck in my head and just 😰 i’m mindblown
and YEAH honestly pissed that sm didn’t let them get their first album before but i’m just so happy it’s here and i hope sm stops sleeping on them :( they’re already the sm group with the most presale orders for their album so 💆‍♀️ maybe sm’s gonna come to their senses and give us more dream content
and ofc gotta drop the rics (renjun pics) 😽😽
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broadstflyers · 3 years
The Philadelphia Flyers: A Saga, Section IV: Defensemen
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Travis Sanheim, #6
Nickname(s): Sanny, Sandra (TK’s nickname)
Shot: LH
Draft class: 17th overall, 2014
Sanny is a relatively quiet dude. I couldn’t find a single mic’d up clip for him.
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Sometimes, just like the other Travis, he’ll fall into the boards under his own power, but who doesn’t? He and Philly Myers played together in Valley, which is why AV likes the pair for the flyers. Right now, however, because of the current dumpster-fire that’s going on, they are not currently playing together.
Ivan Provorov, #9, Permanent Alternate Home Captain***
Nickname(s): Provy, Workhorse (he doesn’t miss a shift)
Shot: LH
Draft class: 7th overall, 2015
Provy is the glue that is holding this defense together at this point. The poor dude plays over 20 minutes a night. He’s considered an “offensively gifted defenseman (source), and out of every defenseman, we are excited to see him grow and develop. This was evident by him scoring the double OT winner against the Islanders in the 2020 SCP.
I could rant about how this current mess is hindering his development, BUT I won’t.
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Clean shaven Provy and beard Provy are two different people, honestly. You can look at this mood board of Provy faces.
Watch Provy mic’d up here.
Sam Morin, #55
Nickname(s): None, as of right now
Shot: LH
Draft class: 11th overall, 2013
Originally, I didn’t have Morin on the list, but he was called up and surprised us all. Basically, Morin has been through A LOT, to say the least. He’s torn the same ACL twice. Twice. He had to go through rehabilitation twice. On top of that, he was moved to forward this season because of the full defense, that is, until we realized our defense sucks, so he was eventually moved back. So on top of trying to get back into the flow of the game, he was tasked with figuring out how to adjust to a new position. He’s also 6′6, so there’s that toughness, feisty, solid aspect to him. There’s just so much we could say about him. 
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On March 27th, 2021, eight years after he was drafted, he scored his first NHL goal. And it was the game winner against the Rangers. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was extremely happy for him. All his teammates were so thrilled, and all the fans were, too. 
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This goal was so special because it reminded the Flyers that good things can happen to them. They needed a good uplift after the horrible stretch they’ve had. Please look at this gif set because it makes me so happy I could combust. 
The Flyers really needed that feel-good moment. One that made that crappy month of March seem like ages ago. And their faces showed pure happiness that I have not seen in a very long time. Morin also said it was the best day of his life, so.
This is a pretty good article summarizing his career and the events leading up to the GWG. 
PS: Do you see Ghost’s face? We will miss him. 
Justin Braun, #61
Nickname(s): Brauner
Shot: RH
Draft class: 201st overall, 2007
Brauner, our other main shot blocker. He was traded to us from the San Jose Sharks in 2019. Also a relatively quiet guy, so I don’t have much to say about him.
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Honorary mention: Matt Niskanen, was #15
Here comes my Matt Niskanen babble.
That dude was so tough.
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INSANE. He got hit in the face with a puck, but came out with stuff shoved up his nose and a cage to protect it. And then fed Coots for a goal. That was one of two assists listed there. Yes, we miss him.
When he retired, we were all BIG sad.
If you’re wondering how big of an impact he had: Jamey represents all of us right now.
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If you scroll through his name on Twitter, all you will see are Flyers fans begging for his return. Yes, the Flyers defense is that bad. Were they supposed to be this bad? Hmmm.
aNYWAYS, Nisky if you get bored or miss hockey or scoring or being awesome, we have a spot wide open for you. Literally. There were three (3) Rangers players left unattended in front of Carter. Please and thank you <3
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