#twewy fanfic
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black-quadrant · 1 year ago
Silence the Noise — joshneku [AO3]
Just like footsteps in sand or snow, the tracks of the Soul leave impressions of its existence where it goes. If it’s merely passing through, its indent is ephemeral, worn away by the tread of other Souls. But the more frequent the visits, the longer the stay, the deeper the impression. 
Neku’s impression on the Underground is indelible. The influence of his Imagination has reshaped an entire dimension. You’d never know it in the Realground. Shibuya continues to hum; Neku’s the only one who recognizes the song.
But where his Soul’s journey should have ended, it instead extended. Beyond Shibuya, for three years, in a city that fell to the fate of what his city could have. He’ll never forget walking the desiccated ground and breathing what felt like fumes only to realize that the smothering haze was the eternally floating ashes of remnant Souls. Alone with only his thoughts and the ripples of displaced voices echoing the memories of Shinjuku’s last hours. Days dragged on into months. By the second month he’d memorized the entire layout of Shinjuku. By the sixth he’d memorized every crack in the streets. By year one, he could understand every note in the haunted elegiac symphony.
And when he tuned it out (which he’d learned to) the absence of sound rang relentlessly through his ears like a permanent case of tinnitus. Suffice it to say, there's no such thing as empty silence when the dead can talk.
Although things have been restored, Shinjuku never forgot Neku’s Soul, and a part of his Soul still exists there, skipping like a scratched CD, reliving the anguish. It projects into his nightmares, fresh as if he was there again, running circles around the border of Shinjuku, pawing frantically at the invisible walls and clamping his hands over his ears, knowing it’s futile because the noise is everywhere, and it’s pulling his psyche apart at the seams. His strangled moans unable to really scream from the paralyzed vocal chords in this throat, carry over into the throes of a night terror. The sound is almost worse than a scream, and certainly more frightening.
Joshua’s voice is the only thing that brings him back time and again, whispering reassurance. You’re safe. I’m here. You’re mine.
It wasn't Joshua's characteristic possessiveness. Neku knows what that really meant: Nothing can touch you because I have you. He’s under the Composer’s protection, and he trusts that unequivocally.
Joshua holds him until Neku’s completely back in his body again. Neku never talks about it the next day. He wouldn’t know how to approach it and he doesn’t want to give it voice anyway. At least it stays in his dreams where he can cordon off his toxic subconscious from his everyday life.
Until the shock wears off and similar to the Inversion, the two collide and collapse.
It happens as breakdowns do: sudden and violent. Sometimes for no reason at all, just the leftover hypervigilance that carried over from the need to survive. And sometimes it’s triggered. Certain sounds snap mental cords. 
Neku flees into the bathroom driven by panic, the one place in the apartment where he could isolate himself without suspicion. The last thing he’s conscious of doing is peeling off his clothes and running the shower. From there experience is felt more than seen. His stomach churned with dizzying nausea. If only he holds perfectly still, he might resist the urge to retch. His chest clenches as his heartbeat slowly rose and the lump in his throat threatens to send him into hysterical sobbing finally wins over. He hopes the hand clamped over his mouth and the sound of the water does enough of a job to muffle it. He knows this feeling. Knows that the tears will be the last thing he’ll feel before he starts slipping away from himself. That’s almost worse than the buildup. It’s so hard to break out of this level of despair once he falls down the hole. It feels isolating, and hopeless. He’s alone. 
He’s alone. He’s alone again.
In his fading peripheral, something shifts. The curtain’s pulled, and someone enters and in the back of his mind he knows it can only be Joshua. His panic rises briefly again at being caught in the most vulnerable and raw state he could possibly be seen in, but within seconds he’s numb again, too numb to care.
There was no hesitation. No questions. Joshua simply climbs in, fully clothed, and scoops Neku into his arms. Again, he holds him, but this time they’re wide awake. There’s no cover of darkness to store excuses. He’d stopped crying but the lump strangled him again and he burst into another fit of sobbing. And as horrible as it feels, it’s a relief because he feels again. Joshua’s grip on him yanks him back up from the well he’d slipped into. It snaps him back and he’s so grateful because if it weren’t for Joshua, he would have stayed there. Alone and numb to the world around him. Just like when he was back in Shinjuku.
You’re here. You’re here.
Joshua sees him. All the way back to the very beginning, when he first identified him. Neku was seen even when he wanted to be avoided; he was seen when he thought no one was looking. Even after the games he’d been comfortable being alone. But those three years changed that.
Joshua reawakens the rest of his senses one by one, starting with touch by caressing his face and stroking his back and Neku can smell the cologne he got him on his last birthday. Joshua takes his chin in his hand and elevates it to meet his gaze.
“There you are,” he murmurs cheekily, leans in, and kisses him. Neku finally grabs the lifeline that is Joshua, pulls him tight to him and intensifies the kiss, occasionally broken by crying jags. The passion that grows hotter and heavier finally roots him in place and the rush of arousal solidifies his return.
Neku’s hands twist into Joshua’s shirt, realizing it’s waterlogged from his urgency to get to Neku, and that’s… profound. 
He peels back the damp blonde locks plastered to Joshua’s face and falls into laughter that’s still riding the waves of an epic breakdown. Joshua let him dissolve into the near hysterics of giggles with an amused expression on his face.
“A drowned rat of a guardian angel,” he finally manages to sputter as if it’s the most hilarious thing he’d ever said.
“I am no angel.” His wicked giggle and devil’s smile confirm it. “You’re my partner.” His voice quivers on that word, hefting its weight. “I accept every part of you.”
Joshua’s sincerity strikes lightning to his heart, and threatens the return of his tears.
“I’d choose you again, every time.”
It’s Joshua’s turn to be utterly thunderstruck, but they crash together in another half tender half wanton exchange of kisses that Joshua is grateful for, as they wash away his own tears before Neku can feel them.
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beatsskateboard · 4 months ago
Hey guys I started writing a beatneku fic 😛 It’s not going to be super long a and I plan on finishing it in the near future. The first chapter is posted and the second chapter is being worked on!
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taruchinator · 2 years ago
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🎉 General Audiences
🎉 1.9k Words
🎉 For the @twewysecretsanta event!
Shibuya was hosting its very first Pride Parade, and it was doing so in style!
With his feelings affirmed and orientation determined thanks to his sister, Beat had decided to join the group today on a personal mission.
Finding out if Neku was interested in guys.
A little something I forgot to post for my giftee Eddie on the @twewysecretsanta spring edition!
I decided to incorporate the theme of Pride for obvious reasons, plus I thought the prompt was vague enough to have enough wiggle room for something like this. Also love giving my HCs for character's sexualities!
Hope you all like it! 💗
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“Damn, dawg. They really went all out on this, huh?”
“You can say that again.”
The duo of legendary players stared in awe at the display around them, taking in their surroundings as they walked side by side down the street.
Everything seemed to have been passed over a giant paintbrush, bringing out all colors of the rainbow in various forms— posters and banners on lamp posts, food stalls by the usual restaurants now serving strangely colorful samples, not to mention the large groups of people wearing clothing that sported all sorts of logos that Beat had only recently learned the names of.
Shibuya was hosting its very first Pride Parade, and it was doing so in style.
Some months after saving the city and returning to their regular lives in the RG, the Reaper's Game survivors had been hanging out as often as they could, catching up on the time that'd been lost. This also included their new friend group of The Wicked Twisters, which brought a new meaning of chaos to their everyday life whenever they spent time together.
And on one such occasion, Fret had almost instantly jumped out of his seat in excitement as he waved his phone around for everyone to see. It was an advertisement for the Pride Parade that was planned to be hosted the first weekend of June, and the brunet was quick to try and convince his friends to have them all go together.
It didn't take long for most people to agree.
Including none other than Beat himself.
As part of getting back into the rhythm of things, the blond started going through different aspects of his life that he'd never considered before. School, self-care and even relationships, with this last one being of particular interest.
Beat had never dated before. Not because he didn't find people attractive, but mostly because at the time of his teenage years he was more focused on taking care of Rhyme. And later, fell into the death game that consumed him for the following three years.
It wasn't until recently that he started contemplating his love life. Or rather, lack thereof.
“So, Rindo says that Fret and Shoka wanted to check a shop by Spain Hill on their way over…” Neku slows his pace as he looks at the group message on his phone. He then turns to Beat with a soft smile and nods ahead of them. “I say it's safe to say we can start without them. It might be a while.”
The blond could feel a flush going through his cheeks at the expression. He hated how that smile rendered him speechless. “F-Fo' sho! Can get some food fo' the others while we at it!”
With a nod of agreement from the redhead, the duo resumed their walking through the streets, and Beat could only sigh to himself with sweaty palms against his pants.
His crush on Neku had come to a surprise to him, and was something he'd only accepted about a month ago.
In preparation for attending the parade, Rhyme explained to him the meaning behind the different flags of gender identities and sexualities that he wasn't aware of. Of course they couldn't cover everything since there were just so many, but there was a particular one that stuck with him while scrolling through the website his sister and him were at.
Pansexual— the attraction towards all people regardless of their gender identity.
Beat felt like this definition encompassed him the best, since he truly didn't care for things such as gender and simply found people to be either attractive or not. But most of all, he came to the realization that he cared mostly for someone's personality and traits rather than anything else.
And his mind instantly drifted towards the boy he'd been searching for so long in the UG.
The skater boy would've never considered Neku as a potential romantic partner in the past— he was selfish, arrogant, closed off from the world, and overall only cared about himself. If anything, who would even want to date someone like that?
But that was before he got to know the real Neku Sakuraba. The guy who was loyal to the bitter end. The guy who would never give up on you even if you gave up on yourself. The guy who was now probably the nicest person Beat had ever met in his life.
And so with his feelings affirmed and orientation determined, Beat had decided to join the group today on a personal mission.
Finding out if Neku was interested in guys.
If the redhead was anything like him, he probably never stopped to consider his sexuality before. For all Beat knew, the other could be as straight as a ruler. He did care an awful lot for Shiki during their time in the game and wanted to do everything in his power to save her. Anyone on the outside looking in would rightfully assume that the two were an item.
Of course, their friends knew this wasn't the case. But that didn't stop the possibility from being there.
This parade was the perfect way to ease into the conversation without it coming out of nowhere. He'd hoped he could slide the question in while they were all looking at the stands with the rest of the group, but now with it just being the two of them, his previous confidence was starting to dwindle.
“How do ya even ask this sorta stuff, man?” Beat began fiddling with the hem of his hoodie while trying to come up with a new plan. He couldn't just outright ask, since Neku would definitely find it suspicious. But with no one there to support him, he wasn't sure where to begin.
He was never a ‘touchy feely’ kind of guy to begin with.
“Hey Beat! Check it out!” Neku's voice resonated against his ears bringing him back to reality, only to find that they'd somehow walked all the way to O-East without him even noticing.
His companion was standing over a particular stall filled to the brim with what appeared to be pins. The salesperson behind the counter merely smiled. “Welcome! Please, feel free to take a look! We also offer discounts the more you buy!”
Beat walked over to take a closer look, and was pleasantly surprised at what was staring back at him.
These were indeed pins, but nothing like the ones they were used to back in the Reaper's Game. They seemed more like badges that one could place on their clothing or backpacks. And each one featured a different flag, along with its iconic set of colors and different puns or phrases that had the blond chuckling before he could stop himself.
“Figured we could snag a couple of these for the others as a gift. They aren't that expensive anyway.” Neku started sifting through the pile and set a couple to the side. Bisexual; for Rindo and Shoka. Lesbian; for Shiki. Aromantic and Asexual; for Rhyme and Nagi respectively. And gay; for Fret.
Starting to look into his own pile, Beat was pleased to find the now familiar set of pink, yellow and blue on a particular pin. He snickered at the phrase printed on it.
‘Pansexual Pirate: Likes all kinds of booty!’
Turning to his friend after hearing the laugh, Neku chuckled alongside him while reading the comical inscription. “That sounds like you alright.”
Beat was about to retort with fake indignation, only to find Neku roaming through his pockets, most definitely ready to pay for the pins they'd selected. But the blond could only count seven, including his own. Which meant Neku was missing. “Yo, Phones! Ain't chu gonna get one, man?”
The redhead stopped midway through pulling out his wallet, and proceeded to give him a sheepish grin in return. “It's fine, I don't really need one. Besides, I didn't bring that much cash with me, so I'd rather spend it on the other stores with everyone else!”
“Is he sayin' that for reals or…?” Beat's mind instantly went to the worst possible outcome. Perhaps his gut feeling was right, and Neku was indeed only interested in girls. A fear that he thought could be true, but he still didn't wanna give up hope, at least until now.
“Actually, young man!” The cheery voice of the salesperson interrupted their conversation, the sweet smile never leaving their face as they gestured towards the stall once again. “Your purchase qualifies you for a free pin! So please, I insist that you take one!”
Both Beat and Neku stared wide eyed for a moment, but the redhead was quick to get back on his feet as he grinned at the salesperson. “Well, thank you. Guess I can't refuse a freebie.”
At that, Neku started sorting through the pile again, but this time Beat's eyes were glued on him the entire time. Could fate be on his side?
It didn't take long for the legendary player to find his desired pin and add it with the rest of them, paying in full and receiving a paper bag with the goodies protected inside. He reached his hand, and pulled out what he was looking for.
Various tones of greens and blues with a singular white stripe in the middle, along with a funny phrase of its own—
‘Come to the gayside! We have rainbows!’
Before he could stop himself, Beat was already shouting in both joy and disbelief. “You into dudes?!”
His face immediately flushed as he realized what he'd said, even after slapping his hand against his mouth as if that could take it back. Neku was startled, but suddenly chuckled and smiled in that way that had Beat's stomach doing backflips. “Um, yeah! I thought everyone knew! Guess I was wrong about that?”
Then suddenly, the smile on the redhead's lips melted into something softer as he looked at his best friend. “Although to be honest, I have a very specific criteria for my perfect guy.”
Letting curiosity get the best of him, the blond lowered the hand that was covering his mouth and tried regaining any dignity he had left with a smirk in the other's direction. “Yeah? And what would that be?”
Seeming pleased that Beat was playing along, Neku started casually placing the pin on his fleece jacket. “Well for starters, the guy has to be funny. I can't be stuck with someone who can't make me laugh. Also these are personal preferences, but I'd say I'm pretty into blond skaters who love their siblings more than anything else…”
The description only quickened the other's heartbeat in anticipation. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to give it a shot. “What about dudes who got stuck in a Reaper's Game and maybe became a Reaper once or twice?”
Neku chuckled at that, and reached into the paper bag to pull out Beat's pansexual pin. He approached the taller teen and started fixing it into his skull hoodie, the smile never leaving his lips even when Beat stiffened under his touch. And as quick as lightning and as light as a feather, the redhead's lips brushed against the blond's cheek in a gentle kiss. “Especially those.”
Pink spread across Beat's entire face, yet he could honestly care less as he let the grin on his face take over.
By the time the duo reached their friends, cheers erupted within the group as they saw them hand in hand, smiling and blushing as they tried their best to keep up with everyone's inquiries.
He'd never experienced a Pride Parade before. But if this one was anything to go by, Beat could guarantee that he'd be looking forward to the many more to come, surrounded by the people he cared about most in the whole world.
And in his book, there was nothing better than that.
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zirkkun · 1 month ago
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i have been working on one singular fanfic, which is going on 50k+ words atm, since like the beginning of December and this is all i have to show of the plot atm please take my offering
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shitpostingkats · 2 days ago
Twewy is back on the brain. Please accept my humble post NEO drabble offerings.
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joy-crimes · 2 years ago
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Another self indulgent piece... This one comes with a fanfiction One-Shot (I've never written fanfiction before so please check it out and enjoy!)!!
I Favor the Villainess x TWEWY!
(thank you IFTV for the copious art motivation! Now in WRITING!)
#私の推しは悪役令嬢 x #TWEWY
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oveliagirlhaditright · 1 month ago
Building Home - A Destiny Trio Fic for Kairi Day
Summary: So, either when we saw young Xehanort on Destiny Islands at the end of KHUX or beginning of Dark Road (I forget which it was), they showed the paopu tree, but it somehow looked like the tree was backwards to me and maybe a few others on Tumblr when I brought it up. BlueRosesBurnBlue was able to show me that that wasn't the case, but I decided to write a story about that whole thing here for Kairi Day.
What if Sora got a picture of Destiny Islands' past--through the phones from TWEWY that can take pictures of the past, via one Sanae Hanekoma--and he became convinced that Xehanort had flipped their beloved paopu tree for nefarious reasons, and that they needed to figure this out? And what if there was more to Sora becoming so adamant about this than just in need of figuring out that question?
Kairi's PoV
"I don't know about this theory of yours…" Riku was the first to bring up the obvious, as the three of them stood standing in the secret place and he stared at a strange picture of their beloved paopu tree that somehow seemed to be flipped (Kairi still wasn't sure how Sora had gotten his hands on this photo).
And a part of her was definitely glad that Riku had said what he had, because ninety percent of her thought that there was nothing to Sora's theory, while maybe a ten percent did because of Sora's far too good convincing story skills (even if most of it was silly). That was why she hadn't spoken up herself yet.
"Riku, the paopu tree, from years ago, somehow looks like it's going in the opposite direction!" exclaimed Sora.
"Yeah, I'm seeing that," deadpanned Riku, clearly not impressed (though Kairi sympathized with Sora here. It was hard whenever Riku used that tone with someone), though to his credit, he was still very much examining the evidence. "So?"
"'So?' Who do we know who lived here before and messed with our destinies?! Xehanort! He must have altered the tree to somehow change stuff about us… or at least our Play Island. For some reason. We know he time traveled!"
"Yeah, but how would changing the tree on the island—and I'm not even sure that's possible—affect us?" Kairi finally spoke up. "Could-could the picture be wrong somehow?" Kairi had to ponder, though she hated that she felt like she was betraying Sora in doing so. But Riku mouthed a small "thank you" her way as soon as she had done so.
"Oh, c'mon, guys," Sora said with a roll of his eyes. "Master Yen Sid said Xehanort was one of the best Keyblade Masters in the world: one who clearly knew way too much magic—including time travel!—who loved messing with our fates! How wouldn't he find a way to use changing the palm tree against us?"
"What, do you think him swapping the island might have swapped who we are?" inquired Kairi.
"Yeah!" Sora nodded enthusiastically, even going as far as to grab both of Kairi's hands in his own, now that she seemed to be humoring him a bit now. She could just imagine Riku rolling his eyes in the background. "Like, maybe instead of you hitting really hard like you do—and somewhat recklessly throwing yourself into things. Ehehe—you were originally more of a glass cannon like Aqua. And I… well, I guess maybe I could have held the Keyblade differently, than like a baseball bat? Maybe I even used a shield like Goofy. And Riku-"
"Wasn't so graceful, but the tank of our group?" Riku finished Sora's thought—as the trio took that moment to all take a seat in the secret place, upon realizing that this wasn't going to be the short conversation they had maybe assumed it would be when Sora had flagged them down in the hot heat, and that they had better sit down and hash this all out. "Those are some… pretty detailed and specific guesses, Sora. And again, with no proof. I mean, hey. Don't get me wrong. If Xehanort actually did some wrongdoing here and we can correct it without radically changing our lives, I'm all for it. But Sora, until you can prove that… I feel like you're on a crazy ride with this, my guy."
"Are there any spells we could use to try and figure any of this out?" Kairi suggested, because as amazing as her training with Aqua, and recent journeys, had been, she knew that there were still things in certain worlds that Sora and Riku had seen that she hadn't.
"Yeah, there's an unveil spell that Sora and I have both learned," Riku finally relented. "But why don't we go see Master Yen Sid and see if there are any stronger variations of it that he knows of. Or, if nothing else, if he can do the spell for us, so we don't mess it up."
"Yes, sir!" Sora grinned. And both Kairi and Riku had to chuckle at his cute reaction.
And so, with their plans set, they all three headed towards Sora's gummi ship to make their way to the Mysterious Tower.
It was when Kairi was writing in her diary, as she waited for the gummi ship to hopefully get all three of them to the Tower on autopilot (as Sora seemed very keen on chatting), that Kairi found herself very curious about why Sora was so gung-ho about all of this. "But why do you want to know so badly about this, Sora? I hate to say it… but isn't sometimes a “no” answer the better one? What if we find out something we can never forget? Like without Xehanort's meddling, that the three of us would have never been friends. And that if we had met at all in such a scenario, we wouldn't have even liked each other?"
"I get the feeling this might be tied to how you, apparently, so angrily told Xehanort off for messing with your fate, Kai: which lover boy saw through the power of the paopu fruits you shared," Riku snorted.
Kairi had thought that Sora would deny that answer—because as far as she was concerned, there was no way that that could be any part of the truth—but he surprised her when he looked at her and Riku in turn and admitted, "That is some of it. The way you reacted then, Kairi… you were so upset. And you had every right to be. So now that I've discovered this photo from Joshua of all people… well, how can we not look into it?"
"As much as I appreciate things Joshua has done for us, according to Neku, Josh isn't always the most trustworthy person," Riku protested, with his arms crossed over his chest. "…But," he allowed, with a small smile starting to spread out across his face—as he lifted Sora's face up, that had just fallen down with what he thought was discouragement. "You do make a good point with all of this, Sora, so we'll check it out. And even go to Shibuya, if we have to."
"And we may have to," Kairi found herself agreeing. "Because isn't that where you got the new app for your gummi pho—no, just phone—that takes pictures of the past? We may need to get these phones and apps ourselves. Especially if it turns out we need to go back to the Island and take more pictures."
"Definitely a thought," Sora agreed with a nod.
But before any more could be said by the trio on the subject, the gummi ship had lurched to a stop at their destination, causing Sora who had not been sitting in his seat to crash into Kairi, to which Riku tsked.
Under other circumstances, this could have been a romantic moment, like some books Kairi read made such an instance out to be, Kairi thought. But this was not that. The left side of Sora's body had crashed roughly into Kairi's right, and his jaw in particular had smacked into her cheek. It was painful for her, but she imagined it had particularly hurt Sora as she heard his teeth grind.
"Riku? Some help here, please?" Kairi ground out.
"I've got it," Riku promised, with what sounded like the air of an amused older brother in his voice. And not long after that. Kairi saw the glow of a green "cure spell," and instantly felt her muscles feeling better with it, and Riku helping Sora off of her.
Then, without much more preamble, the three of them left the gummi ship and began their march towards the tower.
"Hmm," Master Yen Sid said, stroking his beard as he examined the picture Sora had laid out in front of him on his desk. "It's true that Master Xehanort was far too crafty for his own good—and we now know time travel is one of the ways in which he managed this—but if he had planned something by changing your island, I would hope that those plans have dissipated when he was finally defeated."
Kairi had imagined that Sora would counter Yen Sid's argument like he had with her and Riku, but instead he seemed to shut down right away, which took her aback.
"So… does that mean that you won't give us a spell to even check this out, then? Or even look into it yourself?" Sora asked, with his head down, not even deigning to look at the aged Master, it seemed.
After Sora asked the question, there was a pregnant pause. And Kairi knew they all could have heard a pen drop, if any of them had had one on hand. Finally, Master Yen Sid said, "No, Sora. I will not. You see-"
But Sora did not wait for what was to be seen, because before Kairi could even blink, Sora held out his hand and summoned what looked like all of the junk in Master Yen Sid's room to hand and used it to make a motor bike! (1) Then, he called forth his Keyblade, unlocked the Lanes Between, and suddenly he was gone.
"You couldn't have been nicer?" Riku demanded whirling around on Master Yen Sid.
"You will find, Riku, that I think the issue is Sora is the one who isn't being 'nice' here, as you put it. There's much he hasn't let go of."
Kairi thought maybe she understood what Master Yen Sid was talking about… both Riku and her had had a version of Xehanort living in their hearts. And as horrible as those situations had been, it had strangely allowed them to make peace with certain things. Sora had never had that chance.
"Why do I feel like all of this is my fault?" Kairi despaired, remembering what Sora had said about partly being inspired in this whole endeavor by seeing her bawl Master Xehanort out while she'd been dreaming. He'd seen that… but he'd never seen her reluctantly forgive him within her heart.
"It's not," Riku was quick to assure her. "But if Master Yen Sid is right here… you may be the one person who can reach Sora now. Go to him, Kairi."
Kairi was about to protest that surely Riku could, too, because he'd dealt with Xehanort in his own heart, and had somewhat let their past go at the Keyblade Graveyard, she had heard. But just as she was about to say it, she knew that Riku was right, and it really had to be her.
She was the one who had dealt with all of this the most recently, after all. And according to Sora's own words, it was in protecting her own honor that his feeling of outrage at the picture had been doubled.
She also wondered if, deep down, Riku would always somewhat resent Ansem—and who could blame him?—whereas she could now look at Xehanort with pity for the youth who had lost himself.
"Alright," Kairi relented. "But know that I'm bringing our boy back before you even know it." And Kairi snuggled up in Riku's embrace in a quick hug, before summoning her Keyblade, armor, glider, and heading off to Shibuya.
When Kairi had ended up in Shibuya, she hadn't known where to go. She'd never been to the world, after all. Because of their connected hearts, she could somewhat sense Sora--so she somewhat followed that trail—but she also asked some kind locals for advice, and a lot of them told her that people liked to hangout at the café on Cat Street, so that's where she headed.
And the moment she entered the comfy looking place, that at once looked like it could fit in on her more rural home of Destiny Islands, but also as though it were a few decades ahead of it, she was at once met with a very repentant angel. "Miss Kairi, I'm so sorry I gave Josh that phone to give to Sora. Usually, my apps are spot on, but that one made a mistake. You guys' paopu tree roots were all twisted when it was first planted—but it grew out of it—nothing happened with it when it was fully grown. It's honestly an easy mistake to make... And I wasn't in my right mind when I installed the app, so…"
Ignoring for the moment that this tall brunet, with a serious case of five 'o clock shadow and hipster glasses seemed to somehow know who she was, Kairi zeroed in on the relevant bits of news here. "So, you're the one who invented the phone. Who are you?"
"Sanae Hanekoma, angel barista extraordinaire. If you're looking for some serious tasty beans, kid, then you-"
"Wait. You say the picture Sora took was wrong! Then that means-"
"Uhh, yeah,” this Sanae Hanekoma said scratching the back of his neck now, as he avoided looking at her. “That's kind of the main issue here. The Keyblade's chosen one doesn't seem to be taking that knowledge very well. If I were you, I'd-"
"Where is he?!" Kairi demanded, having to use sheer will to keep her Keyblade from appearing in her hand, as it reacted to her emotions. But Mr. Hanekoma seemed like a nice guy, if not just a little over stressed after whatever had apparently happened to him.
"I think he's heading towards the Shibuya River to chew J out for giving him the phone. It's a sewer not far from her- Hey!"
"Shibuya River, got it. Nice meeting you!" And thus, Kairi was running all over Shibuya again, but this time she was hoping Sora wouldn't do anything stupid.
Thankfully, it didn't take her too long to find him. He was sitting slumped down in front of the entrance to the stinky sewer as it rained, holding the picture just in front of him.
But as Kairi got closer to Sora now, she could tell that at some point since she had seen him last, he had in pencil tried to draw a young Xehanort sitting on their tree—even if the rain was trying to erase it.
"It's hard to believe, isn't it?" Kairi asked as she kneeled beside Sora now. "But once upon a time, Xehanort was just a boy who lived on our island—who probably did sit on our tree, just like that—and had a destiny not too different from ours."
"And I… hate him," Sora finally admitted now, with a grimace on his face, as well as rain sliding down it that made it look like he was crying. "Though I- I'm trying not to now. But the fact that I do- Kairi, what does that make me?" Sora asked his girlfriend, as he looked up at her with real fear in his eyes.
But Kairi could only see the same boy with an open heart, who she had told not to change all those years ago (a boy who hadn’t)—as she pushed his bangs back from his face and sat down beside him. "Someone who's honest, and doesn't let his fears define him, but rather faces them. And someone who is still willing to give chance after chance to someone even like Xehanort.
"And you know… we’re now aware that reincarnation is possible through Kingdom Hearts… maybe one day in facing your fears like you are now, you're overcoming them. And maybe one day, you'll meet Xehanort again. A new Xehanort. But now you won't see him as someone worthy of hate, but of friendship. If anyone could do that, it would be you, Sora."
"Heh. Thanks, Kairi," the Keyblade's chosen said blushing, as he stood up now and pulled Kairi up with him. And then she was taken aback once more for the day as he took the moment to peck her on her cheek.
It seemed that she might have her romantic moment, after all.
“Sora, what was that fo-” Kairi started, with her hand covering up where Sora’s lips had touched.
But before she could dwell on it too much, Sora was swiftly changing the subject. And as Kairi smiled softly, she decided that that was probably the best. For now. "Let's meet up with Riku and go home… but let's use your way, with the armor and everything. I'm done with things being broken today. I want to build." (2)
Now it was Kairi's turn to flush as she took Sora's hand, while she prepared to summon her Glider.
What she said now was something she had said about two years ago, but that time it hadn't stuck. This time, in her heart of hearts, she knew that it would and she and Sora and Riku would never be separated again, no matter what they faced together. "Yes, let's go home."
Author's Note: (1) Sora is using his “Scrap and Build” technique here, as seen from the KHIV trailer.
(2) Though there is, of course, a “build” part of Sora’s “Scrap and Build” power, here he’s saying he wants Kairi to take them back to Riku with her glider (which I’m guessing in this story, Sora never learned how to make), because he’s basically recognizing how Kairi is one who always builds and fixes things here (as she just helped him to do, in repairing his view of Xehanort), as a Princess of Heart and who he always views as home, to be honest. I hope you all enjoyed it. Happy Kairi Day!
Edit: Mr. H has recently gone through Neo TWEWY. That’s his deal.
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happyendingsong · 1 month ago
applying for this jnior scrptwriting role but the only creative writing work i have to show is jn fic from three years ago. :/
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revryebread · 10 months ago
Chance Encounter in the Casino
The casino car is loud. Unbearably loud. Shadow has been pacing the aisles of slot machines dinging, the roulette tables where people are screaming, a cacophony of sound everywhere. All he’s looking for is someone with a red line on their face. A gold mask. He’s been told so little about the Apex, and trying to utilize any of that information is like trying to sate thirst in a desert. He scoffs to himself, watching another poor sap come up empty on a slot machine.
Shigeo is off with his friend. Audrey and Alphonse are busy. Trish is playing that card freak. He sighs. Free time does not become him. People say that idle hands are the devils work, and for someone as fast as Shadow those idle hands are torture. He wants to act. He wants to strike someone down. The last few cars have been rewarding this behavior, and it was wonderful. Combat with Shigeo, killing Diavolo, getting to destroy Black Doom. But now he’s here, and in this busy room there is nothing to do.
He sighs and makes his way to the elevator. The Cat- Samantha. She said there were upstairs, and each of them ostensibly have a room key. Might as well look around up there. The elevator lurches as it goes up, and he watches the casino stretch before him as he gets higher. Passengers and Denizens everywhere, having a good time. Shadow’s arms are folded infront of his chest and he turns away just as the elevator passes through the floor.
The elevator is illuminated by one light in the roof now, and a flash off light from LEDs in the elevator tunnel to convince you it’s still running. He stares down at the ground infront of him. It was blissfully quiet, but he still can’t feel comfortable. He fidgets and taps his fingers. Trish wants to go to the front of the train. He taps his foot as he considers it. The Conductor is there. The Conductor put us on this train.. He pushes one finger and then two into his arm, counting the points. Frowning, he taps his other arm. Unlikely to solve anything. We know what the numbers want. Could be the train runs on its own. Conductor simply directs it.
He sighs, head in his hands and begins to pace. Could hunt the Apex.  He nods to himself.  They’re causing trouble for the Denizens, and we can help them. The argument is obvious. Go forward for nothing or begin the hunt for immediate gain. He looks at his hand, the number sitting there. If we make this place better, it's a net good even if it doesn’t reduce our numbers. 
He jolts when the elevator door opens, he was so lost in his head he didn’t feel the room slowing down and curses himself for it. Bad play. Could have been snuck up on. He steps out into the hotel and looks around. It’s mostly empty, he can see denizens cleaning some rooms, the sound of people talking muffled through a door. Shadow The Hedgehog looks down to his room card. 1015. He picks a hall and begins to walk.
His mind is still focused on the problem at hand, he doesn’t even see her coming. They immediately bounce off each other, crashing down. Shadow lets out a yelp of anger, his obstacle making a similar sound.
“Is it your first time walking, dummy? You have to watch where you’re going.” The girl across from him is wearing a black sweater with cat ears, and she looks pissed. Shadow scoffs and stands on his own, crossing his arms.
“We ran into each other. You're just as at fault.” He does a quick assessment of the girl. She’s got a number. Passenger. No visible weapon, but carrying herself with confidence. Threat. She’s short, like the rest of his friends. Ally for Audrey? Possibly. He focuses on her face now, and sees her eyes flash wide with recognition before fading back to her stern look. Hiding something.
“You’re Shadow the Hedgehog.” He hears her say, and he scoffs again. She glares at this. “Get that checked out, it makes you sound as bad as you look.” A sneer. 
Shadow rolls his eyes. “Name?” It’s her turn to scoff.
“I just said it, it’s Shadow. Is this one of your amnesiac episodes?” The words drip with something toxic, and the familiarity makes Shadow’s fur stand on edge. He doesn’t brush her off this time. “You know what I mean. Name.” 
She can tell she’s bothered him and smiles, mission accomplished. “Wouldn’t you like to know, shortstack? You don’t need my name. I’m busy.” She moves to push by him and he steps in front of her, causing her to flinch backwards, he glares at her sharply, eyes darting back down to her hand. Definitely the biggest number he’s seen.
“Alright cat. What do you know of the Apex?” The girl in the sweater is either too smart to flinch at that or a better liar than Shadow is giving her credit for. She shrugs. “In the grand scheme? I think it’s a game- one of those shooters. Don’t play it.” She has a smile- she’s fucking with him. Shadow growls. 
“The Apex on the train. The group. Do not toy with me.” He spits it out and she laughs. “Toy with you? But you’re so fun! Look at you, you’re like one of those little rabbits.” She smiles and leans in, hands on her knees to maximize how much she’s demeaning him. Shadow can feel his anger boiling up. He can hear the faint sounds of his team trying to calm him down in his head. It’s failing. He pushes past her, and when she tries to get in front of him he speeds up.
He stomps past to his room, not looking back. “Entirely unpleasant. I hope you drown.” he puts up a middle finger behind him, feeling his number tick up as she jeers insults back at him. He consults his mental checklist. 
Threat. True. 
Liar. True. 
Passenger. True. 
I will not be introducing her to Audrey. She can do better.
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taruchinator · 2 years ago
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🌸 General Audiences
🌸 1.9k Words
🌸 For the @neshiki-zine!
“Neku…” Shiki spoke to herself in a whisper as she saw the spiky haired boy approach the duo with a greeting of his own. Everything about him was exactly as she remembered. All the from the purple headphones to the brand of Jupiter sneakers he sported everywhere. The only difference? A large smile plastered across his face, almost as if it had been present from the start, despite the brunette knowing what the boy was like when they first met. But of course, if there was anything that Shiki knew, it was to never judge a book by its cover. That was her mentality the moment she met Neku Sakuraba, and she was very happy to know that she had been right by trusting her gut.
Players of the UG! I come bearing a fic I wrote about a year ago for the Ever-Changing: Neshiki Zine! It was such a pleasure to get to work as both a mod and contributor + interacting with so many talented creators from the TWEWY fandom!
This story takes place in Shiki's POV and focuses on her mentality while heading to meet the gang in Hachiko for the first time.
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Beat's shouting was loud enough to force Shiki to open her eyes. The room felt cold as she lay there on the ground, trying to regain consciousness and adjusting her vision to the world around her. She could vaguely see blurry figures of her friends as they fought the large noise, but it wasn't until she caught sight of her previous partner that she realized the situation they were in.
After being controlled by the strange Reaper Pin in her pocket and forced to fight those she cared about, Shiki had been freed by Neku and was now in a battle against the Conductor for their lives, as well as those of everyone back in the RG.
And Neku was trying to go at it alone.
Beat, along with Rhyme in her noise form, were using psychs left and right to aid Neku against the large dragon-like monster that the Conductor had turned into, but there was little they could do against someone so powerful. Balls of fire and a tail swept and lunged against the siblings, knocking them back to the ground with a loud thud.
“B-Beat… R-Rhyme!” Shiki's voice could barely come out— hoarse as if she had been shouting for a long time and only now was she trying to speak again. She commanded her legs to lift her up, but they were not responding. None of her limbs seemed to want to cooperate with her.
“UGH!” A grunt quickly moved Shiki's attention away from the duo and over to her partner. Her eyes widened in fear.
Neku was severely injured based on the cuts and bruises alone, but the young seamstress could also see the hopelessness and almost defeated look that rested upon those blue orbs. The same orbs that had once held so much hatred for the world, and that one day displayed a kindness she had never seen before.
He turned to look at her as his body was being lifted from the ground by one of the noise's claws. And his expression immediately changed to the one he had given her back at the Underpass. Almost in an attempt of comfort, even though she didn't deserve it.
“Shiki… you're fine just being you…” With those final words to her, the monster that had taken everything from them lifted the teen up and prepared for the final blow.
Shiki couldn't move.
She couldn't scream.
She could only cry once she saw her dearest partner being swallowed whole into the depths of darkness, never to be seen again.
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A loud thud echoed through the brunette's bedroom as she landed on the floor with a grunt. She stared at the sheets covering the lower half of her body and then up at the bed, switching back and forth between them as she registered what happened.
“Another nightmare…” Shiki grumbled as she stood up and began making her bed, all the while realizing just how much she squirmed whenever she was sleeping. A ping from her phone caught her attention, and she quickly leaned toward the counter to see what it was. Her eyes widened.
Meet with the gang at Hachiko @ 10 A.M. Don't be late! :D
The message was displayed in bold letters on her phone's screen as an event scheduled for the day. Now that would explain the recurring dreams she'd been having all week. Shiki lowered her phone and took a look around the room, lost in her own thoughts.
It was exactly the way she left it before joining the Reaper's Game.
It almost seemed surreal how it had already been a week since they escaped that horrible nightmare and saved Shibuya from a destruction it's citizens never knew of, and probably never would. Shiki's family and friends in the RG had been both confused yet elated once they saw her again— alive and well.
And today was finally it. The day she promised to meet up with her new friends over the Hachiko statue in the RG for the very first time.
The brunette checked the clock on her nightstand. Still another thirty minutes to go. “More than enough time to get ready…” Shiki contemplated as she headed for her closet.
It was probably the first time in forever since she couldn't decide what to wear. She would usually choose her outfits based on a variety of factors— anything from her mood, to the weather, to the occasion— but no matter how much she turned the closet inside and out, all her clothes seemed to be too bland. Too basic.
In the end, she finally came up with something decent— A black sleeveless shirt that would be covered by a green sweater, accompanied with a light green leaf-patterned skirt and black leggings. And finally, some pink flats to seal the look. The brunette headed for the mirror and took a long look at herself.
When she returned to the RG, it had taken her a while to get used to her real body again. Seeing Eri was more than enough to trigger some unpleasant memories, but Shiki buried them deep into her mind as soon as she saw her best friend crying in happiness while hugging her with a force that indicated the other never wanted to let go. It was a touching reunion that both of them desperately needed.
As she stared at herself, Shiki couldn't help but frown slightly. Her short brown hair and petite form weren't necessarily appealing, and even though she knew her friends would care less about superficial stuff like that, it was still a worry in her mind. The glasses she put on afterwards didn't help much either.
But as always, Mr. Mew was right there to comfort her, looking at her from his place on the counter.
The small stuffed doll was more than enough to bring back that precious memory she had shared with Neku on their final day together. The moment in which the boy had told her that he wouldn't care what she looked like, and even seemed rather happy with their promise of meeting once everything was over.
Shiki couldn't help but let a smile grace her lips as she reached for the black cat.
“Will you accept me as I am just as I accepted you? I wonder… Enjoy the moment with all you've got, right?”
With that final thought, the seamstress stopped thinking too much and simply grabbed the satchel that was already waiting by the door as she left her apartment.
If she was going to make it on time, she needed to head for the station quickly.
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Shibuya was full of so many people.
Shiki had never really noticed it until just recently when she returned to the RG, and actually needed to be careful where she was walking unless she wanted to bump into several people or get rolled over by a car.
The brunette had arrived just on time— standing near the Hachiko area, but not actually next to the statue itself. This was mostly due to the fact that two of her friends had already arrived before her: Beat and Rhyme.
The pair of siblings seemed to be having an animated conversation based on Beat's expressions alone, along with Rhyme's remarks and constant teasing. Shiki couldn't even tell what they were talking about, but she knew it was something she would love to be a part of.
Mr. Mew was held firmly against her chest as she watched from afar. She wanted to go to them— she was commanding her legs to go to them! Yet they wouldn't budge— just like in her dreams.
Hundreds of thoughts began to fill the girl's mind as she held onto the plush mascot even tighter. “What if they change their mind? Will they think I'm weird? What if I'm not who they're expecting? Will they be disappointed? Will Neku be disappointed? I'm disappointed in myself, so it wouldn't be a surp-”
“Yo, Phones! Over here!”
Beat's booming voice was indistinguishable, and it caused Shiki to snap out of her trance and glance towards the siblings once more, as the older of the two was waving someone over. Someone Shiki would recognize a mile away.
“Neku…” Shiki spoke to herself in a whisper as she saw the spiky haired boy approach the duo with a greeting of his own.
Everything about him was exactly as she remembered. All the from the purple headphones to the brand of Jupiter sneakers he sported everywhere. The only difference? A large smile plastered across his face as he joined in on the conversation, almost as if it belonged there and had been present from the start, despite the brunette knowing what the boy was like when they first met.
But of course, if there was anything that Shiki knew, it was that appearances could be deceiving. Never judge a book by its cover. That was her mentality the moment she met Neku Sakuraba, and she was very happy to know that she had been right by listening to her gut.
And this time, her gut was telling her to go to them without hesitation. So she did.
Time seemed to slow down as she made her way across the sea of people walking by. Her attention was set on the group of teens whom she had shared the most traumatic yet enlightening experience of her life.
Beat and Rhyme were looking in Shiki's direction as Neku faced away from her. The younger of the two was the first to notice her, making her eyes grow wide and a smile appear on her face as she elbowed her brother. It took a bit longer with Beat, but soon he too displayed a grin that had Shiki's worries subsiding slightly.
“What's wrong?” Neku's question was aimed at the siblings as they stopped talking. Rhyme turned to look at Shiki once more and gave a nod of encouragement. It was now or never.
With trembling fingers, the brunette extended her right hand until it touched the fabric of the boy's shirt and gave a slight tug. As Neku turned to look at her, a silent gasp escaped her lips. The confusion in his eyes was evident, but it didn't take long before his brain put the pieces together and the realization showed in his face. It was a rather cute display.
His smile changed into something Shiki had never seen before. A peculiar… warmth, that caused the brunette's worries to melt away and mirror it herself. How could she ever doubt him?
The boy then reached for the headphones he was wearing, and then proceeded to remove them and sling them across his shoulders instead. Extending his hand, he spoke in a soft voice. “I'm Neku Sakuraba.”
Shiki's smile grew even larger, as she held onto Mr. Mew with one hand and extended the other to reach Neku's. His warmth made her skin tingle in a way she had never felt before. “I'm Shiki Misaki. It's a pleasure to meet you…”
“Ya gonna kiss her with those goo goo eyes, yo? Whatchu waitin' for, then?” Beat's voice once again cut through the moment as he teased Neku with a sly grin across his face.
Neku's face quickly heated up as he let go of her hand. “W-What are you talking about, you idiot?!”
Shiki could only giggle as the boys began their rumble— Beat locking onto Neku as the red head struggled against him. Rhyme soon chimed in and tried to separate them to no avail, and all Shiki could do was admire the display.
All her worries were for nothing. No matter what happened, as long as she had her friends by her side, she knew she could learn to love herself the same way they loved her.
After all, the world begins with you, doesn't it?
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mister-e-muss · 5 months ago
There’s a lot of stuff that I love that I will probably never write fanfic for.
Part of it is the pressure of wanting to make sure you do this super special thing justice, but for me the larger part is just feeling ‘Yeah. This thing is perfect. It said what it wanted to say. I’ve got nothing else to add to the conversation.”
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awoothium · 5 months ago
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Addendum: if this pops up on your timeline put some of the creators you love in the tags!!
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 7 months ago
Summary: Mad Rat is certain that he died. He distinctly remembers it, not just a fast end from a bad step during an escape or at the hands of one of his hallucinations, but the slow one from a failing heart. So why the hell is he outside? How is he moving around without a pulse? Why can't the humans seem to see him? Just what the hell is going on? Mad Rat Dead and Neo TWEWY Crossover occurring after the events of both games.
Author: @thedreamparadox
Note from submitter: Horrors upon Horrors, Mad Rat, known Human Hater, has to deal with humans. I love Mad Rat and Heart so SO much. I know nothing about The World Ends With You but the Characters from there are pretty cool too. 
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audrelite · 19 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku Characters: Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Sakuraba Neku Additional Tags: Double Drabble, Experimental Style, Mind Games, Possessive Behavior, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Psychological Horror, Dark, Angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Canon-Typical Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Possessive Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya, Dreams and Nightmares, Sakuraba Neku Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post-Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You, Guns, Eldritch Kiryu "Joshua" Yoshiya Summary:
In which Neku has quite the disturbing dream...
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scramble-crossing · 2 years ago
Genuinely curious about this
I wasn't around for pre-neo twewy fandom and it seems pretty vague/open to interpretation so I wanna know if there was a general consensus about whether the car + vending machine incident did him in
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angelbitezzz · 10 months ago
I was so inspired by something a friend said that I wrote a short fanfic for Neo TWEWY, so if you're a twewy fan stay tuned for that whenever I finish the drawing I'm making for it
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