audrelite · 2 days
Can't Fight the Moonlight: A Cresselia/Darkrai (LunarEclipseShipping) Fanmix
Listen to the playlist on Spotify here or on YouTube here.
I. "Can't Fight the Moonlight" by LeAnn Rimes
If you think that you won't fall, well, just wait until 'Til the sun goes down
II. "My Nocturnal Serenade" by YOHIO
All I ever knew was that you and me were meant to be All I ever knew was the taste of your lips against mine (You are mine forevermore) We were bound for eternity
III. "Wicked Thoughts" by Annaca
Ooh, won't you tell me you're a wreck too Give me everything you've got inside
IV. "We Will Be the Only Sound in the World" by Hannah Schneider
Captured in a shell, all the grains of sand Indented me And we will be the only sound in the world We will be the only sound in the world
V. "Rule the World" by Skott
Come, come away with me Things will never ever be the same When we rule the world Come, come away with me Things will never ever be the same When we rule the world
VI. "Architect of Paradise" by Ad Infinitum
Oh, intimidate you, and persuade you I'll be the one who'll rule the world Your world
VII. "Take Me Over" by Red
See how fast this life can change Take me further, lead me further Take me over, take me over
VIII. "Beautiful Creature" by MIIA
This is how it all begins and never ends No disguise to cover up in self-defense We belong and we collide Where eternity is never wrong or right
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audrelite · 9 days
My one wish for my birthday—besides sweets
My wish for my birthday, besides lots of cold sweets and chocolates, is beautifully-written fics starring any of my lonely rarepairs. I'm sick and tired of reading my own writing.
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audrelite · 17 days
The Birthday of the World
by Marge Piercy
On the birthday of the world I begin to contemplate what I have done and left undone, but this year not so much rebuilding of my perennially damaged psyche, shoring up eroding friendships, digging out stumps of old resentments that refuse to rot on their own. No, this year I want to call myself to task for what I have done and not done for peace. How much have I dared in opposition? How much have I put on the line for freedom? For mine and others? As these freedoms are pared, sliced and diced, where have I spoken out? Who have I tried to move? In this holy season, I stand self-convicted of sloth in a time when lies choke the mind and rhetoric bends reason to slithering choking pythons. Here I stand before the gates opening, the fire dazzling my eyes, and as I approach what judges me, I judge myself. Give me weapons of minute destruction. Let my words turn into sparks.
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audrelite · 19 days
guys can you shutup im making scenarios in my head that will never happen but I'm invested
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audrelite · 19 days
Why I love the Teen Titans episode "Snowblind" and Red Star
First of all, I love that one of the recurring messages throughout the Teen Titans animated series (and New Teen Titans 80s comics) was about how important it is to accept yourself for who and what you are. And I think that this comes off well in the episode “Snowblind” and in a way that I find really moving.
When the Titans meet Red Star, a young soldier who became a shut-in due to his unstable and highly dangerous powers, he’s not looking for help. He’s convinced that he’s going to stay that way forever and that he can never rejoin people again due to how dangerous he is, even though he had dedicated his life to protect the people of his country and allowed them to experiment on him (which made him unstable). However, we also see that even though he does still want to help people, he’s also convinced that he’ll only end up doing more harm than good, so he refuses to leave his sanctuary, even though the Titans need his help. 
He then learns that the monster that has been terrorizing the local village came from him: whenever he would release power (into containers that he found out were not secure), he would also be releasing the fear and anger that triggered that power and eventually it took form as said monster. He felt terrible about it, but still felt unable to do anything about it because he can’t keep his power within him. Starfire then tells him: “Then, do not. The greater the struggle against your power, the more it resists. Embrace what you have inside. Let it become you. And you will find what you are meant to be.” He then resolves to screw up his courage and join his new friends, despite his promise to never return to the village. 
And when he does arrive there, he does get rejected, but then Starfire stands up for him and he receives another chance. Then he fights his manifested anger and fear, determined to defeat it once and for all.
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When we previously saw Red Star glowing all red like that, he was in too much pain to fight and help people, but now he isn’t. He’s finally accepted what he has become and who he is and taken Starfire’s advice and embraced what he has inside instead of trying to hide it, get rid of it, and reject it. And now he’s finally becoming what he was meant to be: a hero. 
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And he succeeds. He faced himself and the problem that his trying to run away from his own problems caused and he beat it. And he did it by accepting himself and the way things were. He could have blamed it all on the people who turned him into a metahuman and refused to help them after they rejected him, but he doesn’t. Because he’s a true hero and he knows that they need his help and finally believes that he can help them. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I really resonate with this, as someone who has refused to accept help from others and let them in and allowed my negative emotions to cause problems and trouble for others, and who feels guilty about just trying to run away because I just don’t think I can be a person who’s worth anything or who can do any real good, even though I want to. So when I watched this episode again, it was like hearing: “If you want to accomplish anything and be what you want to be, the first thing that you need to do is accept yourself for who you are and the world and your situation and other people for how they are. If you can do that, try your hardest, believe in yourself and accept help and guidance and friendship from the earnest people who offer it and who honestly care for you, then there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.” It kind of reminded me of the message of the Starfire’s transformation episode: “No matter how you change on the outside or the inside, you’ll always be you and that’s okay and your real friends will still stick by you,” and the Terra episodes: “It’s your life. It’s your choice. It’s never too late to change.” And finally, if you can do all those things, you will find peace and be satisfied and the people who you’ve opened up to will be there for you. (And I loved what a supportive and accepting friend Starfire was throughout this episode. She pushed him to face what he had been hiding from, but she also stuck by him through it all and did whatever she could to help and show how she believed in and trusted him).  So yeah, in short, I found it really life-affirming. I guess it’s strange to feel this way for a cartoon, but I’ll take this kind of stuff wherever I can find it. 
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“Do not worry, my friends. I have no more need to be alone.”
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audrelite · 21 days
“Like a kind of melancholy mirage, the other withdraws into infinity and I wear myself out trying to get there.”
— Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse
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audrelite · 21 days
Early this morning, I had the sudden urge to check if a book I've been wishing and wishing to read was finally available to obtain, and it was! I have never been so swept away by a book as I have with this book, and I'm only about a quarter in. As well, when I woke up from my nap about forty minutes ago (as I'm typing this) I received an e-mail from Bookshare (a platform and organization where blind/visually impaired people can get books) notifying me that my request for Alice Fulton's first (and only to my knowledge) essay collection has been fulfilled, so I've grabbed that book too! I consider both books to be early birthday presents for myself. I couldn't be happier
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audrelite · 25 days
see writing is funny because sometimes you have to google things like “can the human body survive with every rib broken” and other times you have to google things like “is there an ikea in manhattan???”
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audrelite · 1 month
No, you should read the grimoires that are from before the 20th century actually. They're incredibly useful even if you aren't down for the demonic work in them!
You don't have to be Christian for the magic to work either.
Working with demons is far from something I'd advise especially for beginners and intermediate level practitioners. There's lots of canon about how it ultimately ruins the life of the conjurer. Hell, there's still modern cases where demons will fuck your life up!
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audrelite · 1 month
I love autumn in general. But autumn as a daemonolatry practising deity worker??? What better time could there be
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audrelite · 1 month
I just want to talk about the power of commenting on fics for a minute.
I have my main fandom, but when I read in other fandoms, I don't know many of the writers. So I usually just find fics by looking through the tag I want. And if it's a tag I'm really interested in, I'll read every fic in the tag. And if there's a fic I really liked in there, I'll start reading everything by that writer.
So what this means is I'm sometimes reading fics or writers that don't have tons of hits/kudos/comments on their fics, but I found them through some obscure tag I wanted to read. And so I'll get back some really incredibly sweet replies to my comments.
But then, something even more incredible started happening. I'd be reading WIPs by some of these writers and they'd literally start writing the rest of the fic for me. They started asking me what I hoped to see happen or if I had any requests. And when the fic was finished, one of them said the only reason they kept writing the fic was for me.
Sometimes there can be such a lovely connection between the writer and the reader just because you decided to leave a comment. And sometimes you as the commenting reader can become the lone reason why a fic makes its way into the world for all the other readers who come after you.
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audrelite · 1 month
“She was incapable of setting herself a goal and striving steadily toward it. At least, no goal was appealing or desirable enough for her to pursue it unreservedly. Used in a personal sense, the phrase ‘achieve an end’ seemed to her a small-minded snare. She preferred the word ‘life’, and, on rare occasions, ‘happiness’.”
— Roberto Bolaño, 2666
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audrelite · 1 month
Dejarse salir en la hoja es parirse a uno mismo al mismo tiempo que se derrama la tinta como la sangre que palpita dentro. Y duele, ¡claro que duele! ¿Qué nacimiento es indoloro e insufrible? Dar a luz el alma es un acto de valentía, y éste tiene su grado de dolor. Por eso aplaudo con admiración al alma que se da a sí misma el placer del sufrimiento mientras se deshace en fragmentos sobre la hoja que se bebe sus lamentos, dándoles una forma única y especial; ésa que sólo el auténtico poeta le puede dar.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, To let oneself out on the sheet is to give oneself at the same time that the ink spills like the blood that beats inside. And it hurts, of course it hurts! What birth is painless and insufferable? Giving birth to the soul is an act of bravery, and it has its degree of pain. That is why I applaud with admiration the soul that gives itself the pleasure of suffering as it dissolves into fragments on the leaf that drinks its lamentations, giving them a unique and special shape; the one that only the true poet can give.
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audrelite · 1 month
“Solitude: it’s become my trade. As it requires a certain discipline, it’s a condition I try to perfect. And yet it plagues me, it weighs on me in spite of my knowing it so well.”
— Jhumpa Lahiri, Whereabouts
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audrelite · 2 months
hmm i'll ask audre a question if that is ok!
what's your favorite genre of pokemon media? i know you can really only watch anime dubs for one, and i'd assume another is fic? as well as the games, but i'm curious what your favorite is!
Thanks for the question! I admittedly haven't played past Legends, Arceus—anything I know about the more recent games is from watching YouTube playthroughs alongside analyses and theories. I haven't picked up Masters Ex in years, either; I mainly like the game more for its music and plentiful character interactions more than anything else, though, so I don't think I'm missing too much (although, having Lucian and/or Olympia would be cool!).
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audrelite · 2 months
I've been really wanting to post more on here but honestly I don't really know what to post. I haven't been reblogging or liking much aside from prompt lists, either. (...You know I'm extremely bored when I'm making a post on Tumblr.)
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audrelite · 3 months
do you study at a college? if so, what do you study? i get the feeling that your works idealize academia, but maybe that's because of the characters you write for.
Hi, anon. I'm currently not studying; it's true that the characters I write for bring out a more flowery quality to my writing, though I've always liked writing this way. Thanks for your question!
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