#tweet: 2019
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in-sufficientdata · 2 years ago
Why the Konmari method is pretty useless for people with genuine problems with hoarding and OCD, or OCD tendencies, at least without some caveats and definitions:
Hoarding is defined by a persistent emotional attachment to inanimate objects. Clutterers and hoarders often have an unconscious need to save items, whether for an imagined future ideal use, or just because otherwise they would end up in the landfill.
People with these issues often have difficulty discerning the difference between a truly useful item and something that should be given or thrown away because of their emotional attachment to the item.
They see themselves as the best curator of the items, which may range from useful items like craft supplies, display items, sentimental items, and stuff that is truly just junk.
"Sunk costs" is a term from economics that means that a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered. Although the original term refers to finances, the sunk costs of the time and effort someone has put into an item can influence their decision to keep the item.
Therefore, another factor in this attachment is the sunk costs of money, effort, and time that a person has put into an item. A person may no longer be personally attached to an item, but will keep it because they have always meant to use it or simply because it's not yet ruined.
This is also a reason those with fewer economic advantage tend to be hoarders more than those with a comfortable financial situation. Someone like this realizing they've obtained two of an item will take on the responsibility of curating both instead of getting rid of one.
Because of all these factors, the expression that was translated as "sparks joy" in the English version is too easy for a clutterer to confuse or redefine in their own mind as they work to sort through their items.
In my case, for example, I had a situation where the basement, which was full of our excess saved items, needed to be cleared so the cracked foundation could be repaired. I had to decide what to save in the limited storage space we still had, and what to throw out or donate.
If Konmari had been in vogue at the time (this was in 2004) I'm certain I would have kept far more items than I should have. This language is too easy for a clutterer to massage and redefine in their own mind based on what the item is.
First, clutterers need to be clear-eyed about the fact that they suffer from excess emotional attachment to objects. Flylady's declutter method was in vogue at the time I engaged in this declutter session, and she has a whole checklist of questions to ask oneself about an object:
Do I love this item?
Have I used it in the past year?
Is it really garbage?
Do I have another one that is better?
Should I really keep two?
Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it?
Or does it give me guilt and make me sad when I see the item?
This may seem needlessly complex to someone who is not a hoarder or clutterer but this addresses many of the reasons that a sufferer would keep an item that they shouldn't.
Another factor is that they are perfectionists. This seems at odds with the idea that they may have a huge mess in their home, but what happens is they often can't deal with their persistent need to have a perfectly clean home that matches their vision.
Because of this they put off starting on the project until it can be done perfectly.
This is why methods like Flylady and Unfuck Your Habitat (which is really just Flylady without the cutesy rhetoric) help these people so much, because people with differences such as ADHD become clutterers because they don't know how to regulate their own time or how to organize.
The emotional attachment to their possessions is, incidentally, why decluttering on behalf of your hoarder friend is a very bad idea. The person will need to work through this process on their own, in order for it to stick.
Getting rid of these items can be intensely emotional and difficult for someone with these tendencies.
Time limits, routines, consistency, and persistence are the best tools for someone who needs to declutter. Don't try to do this all in an afternoon. Not only is it a difficult process, it should become a consistent habit.
For resources and further reading please check out Squalor Survivors (archive.org link).
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reunitedinterlude · 2 months ago
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happy 5 years since dan's ominous LA insta story (1, 2, 3)
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havethehappyduometup · 2 months ago
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thearchercore · 8 months ago
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@valyrfia said there's a fic in there somewhere so im giving this to the masses
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random-lil-illing · 1 year ago
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okay so ive decided im not going to do a while 'fake tweets' post for every episode, maximum 3 tweets per episode unless its an episode that has a lot going on, or just one i really like/think twitter would have a lot to say about.
for anyone confused which tweet is for which episode, let me explain :)
image 1: fishy doubloon caper
images 2, 3, and 4: opera in the outback caper
images 5 and 6: chasing paper caper
images 7 and 8: lucky cat caper
images 9 and 10: french connection caper
which means season 1 is done!! cant wait for season 2 :)
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loganslowdown4 · 6 months ago
Found this old tweet in a random search lol
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Pocket-sized sides >>>>>>
Actually, now I remembered we have those little youtooz sides so we really do have pocket sized sides and the prophecy has fulfilled itself lolol
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unreesonable · 2 months ago
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black-deaths-babygirl · 1 year ago
the beef Carman Sandeigo and the british museum must have
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astradyke · 7 months ago
i dont have twit but is anyone on the threesome assumptions grindset over there? did dan and phil get propositioned by taylor swift? did dan and phil have a threesome with joey graceffa? did the fantastic foursome actually happen? i want the drama i want bloodshed
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jessefadenfbc · 7 days ago
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fake tweets are EXTREMELY fun to make klasjdklasj
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garpen · 8 months ago
Im LIVING for the Shrek lore XD
All of yall are being far too nice and encouraging about me dumping four slides worth of Shrek related tweets. DO NOT encourage me. I will info dump so hard I'll annou you all to death.
And some of y'all were coming up with ideas to answer my questions?? You guys are too good to me I love you all sm
I'm literally SO sad Shrek is being taken off Netflix on July 31st because I dead ass watch it like anywhere from 3 to 5 TIMES A WEEK.
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in-sufficientdata · 2 years ago
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Secrets revealed: the narrator of the song American Pie was actually Michael J. Caboose.
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reunitedinterlude · 9 months ago
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the 2019-2020 (dan and) phil secret project
april 2019 | july 2019 | august 2019 | january 2020 (1, 2) | february 2020 (1, 2) | april 2021
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hoovesandfloorpaws · 3 months ago
my inbox ate this ask, so
let's try again with a screenshot:
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Hey dear anon,
I had seen this video about Harry in 2019 wearing Swim Deep's merch of their Emerald Classics album before. Let's talk about it!
What is definitely real is that he did wear that shirt (supposedly in 2019) and he's been acquainted (even friends?) with their bass player Cav for many years.
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(source post)
Swim Deep were going to be "the opening act for [Harry's] postponed London tour dates."
We're talking about tour dates in April 2020, announced in February 2020.
Harry's pic with the shirt came out on Jan 29th, 2020, the band shared their Happy As Larrie song on that same day.
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What is interesting is that they chose to link to that song, instead of the whole album. My immediate question was: well, maybe it was their latest single? No, it was not! They released Happy As Larrie as a single only months later, on May 6th, 2020. Inchresting.
In the later tweet they said they don't know what "dark larrie" means. True or not, we can only speculate (¬‿¬)
The next day, Swim Deep referenced Harry wearing their merch as "the king wore" it and shared a link to the restocked shirt.
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(source by @bluewinnerangel)
It's to be expected that a band would use a publicity/rep push like that to link to their own music or merch, especially if the artist who reps is bigger, and extra-especially if said artist has been friendly with them since years. Also they must've already known they were soon going to be announced as opening acts for a few of Harry's shows in April of the same year.
Just as general info: "happy as Larry / happy as a Larry" is a usual british english saying for 'extremely happy'. And there are other songs with that title, i.e. this one released in 2022.
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Now, their song is called Happy as Larrie, of course.
The things with the other song 0121 Desire and the parallels to his own lyrics and the tracks being 2 + 8 are definitely cool and fun coincidences, but I personally don't think it's more than that. Emerald Classics came out on Oct 4th, 2019 and Adore You came out on Dec 6th, 2019 (the album came out even later, on Dec 13th, 2019). Unless Harry and them are on a deep friendship level, where Harry would share unreleased lyrics with them, they could have no knowledge of Harry's Fine Line lyrics while they wrote their own album. (Please take that with a grain of salt, though, because I don't know how deep Harry's friendship with Swim Deep (or just Cav) goes.)
In conclusion, I am going out on a limb here to say that if Harry had already listened to the album back then, I could imagine that he could have liked to see that one of the songs on it was called that, plus the lyrics about blue and green colours in 0121 Desire. He did wear the shirt in the same year the Swim Deep album came out (2019) and knowing how far in advance tour booking can work for big artists like him, it's very likely he already knew they were going to open a few of his shows in April 2020. So I personally think at least half, if not more-so -when he actually wore the shirt in 2019- it was him repping and supporting a band he's friendly with since years; who had just released a new album and who were going to open for him soon. It's absolutely possible that at the same time he also wore it, because of aforementioned coincidences and knowing we would listen to that album and definitely latch on to a song title like that :D (I think this is unlikely, but there's also a possibility where Harry just got gifted the shirt, is friendly with the band and wore it to support them, without even having listened to the album, yet. I'd need to know on what day exactly he wore the shirt to gauge whether he could've had listened to the album already) The reason for the timing of the publication of the photo could be linked to the band only weeks later being announced as his opening act.
I hope all of this helped! 💖 x
on a personal note: I worked with SD in 2013 and 2015 and while they were very sweet and professional, most importantly they took verbal note of the (let's call it) lgbtqai+ relations🏳️‍🌈 on my things and clothing right away (i was still in the closet then), which is the main reason I still have such fond memories of those days. they were really lovely lads and I'm excited to have learned they received this kind of support and outreach.
additional resources: Debunked or Not? tag by @skepticalarrie Debunked tag by @daisiesonafield-blog Debunked or Not tag by @twopoppies
lastly, the video. (i'm posting it at the end, because tumblr uploading it distorted the quality and i don't want that pixelated mess right at the top lmao)
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tyforthevnm · 2 years ago
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FrankIero: first day of tour: i just ripped my only pair of shorts getting out of the trailer and now my balls are hanging out the side. #sik 👊 [July 20, 2019 | 9:26 PM]
amandaveyart: you really do just smash that ‘send tweet’ button sometimes, huh
FrankIero: it is entirely possible my newly freed testicle swung out and smashed said button. 🤷‍♀️ [July 20, 2019 | 9:31 PM]
[image src]
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random-lil-illing · 1 year ago
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carmen deserves to have twitter, argue with the wall
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