#twee google
wally-b-feed · 8 months
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mapsmonstersamazing · 11 months
*Me, thinking about running a Heart campaign for my group*: I should find some really twisted, visceral gore looking tarot cards to use for it, really fit the theme!
*Me, searching for "heart themed tarot deck*: woe is me, for I am undone!
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arsenal-womens-1 · 5 months
secret 3rd kid
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all the Dutch is from google translate so sorry if it’s wrong
[part 2]
Walking into the locker room where you would be spending the next 2 years of your life felt like a dream. It's all you have ever dreamt of playing with the best, taking after your mama. It's a big name to be associated with; everyone loves her, she is one of the best coaches in the game.
The door opening startles you. Looking at the clock on the wall, you realize you had been standing there for 30 minutes. An English voice startles you out of thought. “Hey, who are you? Are you meant to be here?” Before you can answer, the only real familiar voice responds to that question. “I guess we'll just have to do introductions now. You guys, this is Amalia Glotzbach, she is one of the new girls.”
Looking at the faces of the 4 girls standing not that far away from you, you can tell they were not expecting a new girl at the moment. Looking carefully at their faces, you try to see if any of them recognize your last name. By the looks on their faces, nobody knows, which you kinda expect from the girls that don't know your mama as you play under your dad's last name.
Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you turn to look at your new manger. “Do you want to introduce yourself properly?” Taking in a shaky breath, you nod at him. “Hey, I'm Amalia Glotzbach. I'm 16, I'll be 17 in a month. I've been playing football since I've been able to walk. I'm from the Netherlands.”
After saying the Netherlands part, Viv must have put two and two together. “Het kind van jouw Sarina.” (Your Sarina’s kid.) You smile at her. The other girls look confused. “Ja, ze is mijn moeder, mmm, kun je het misschien aan niemand vertellen? Ik wil gewoon gezien worden als mezelf en niet als Sarina Wiegman, jongen. Ik wil laten zien dat ik hier niet ben, alleen vanwege wie mijn moeder is. Ik weet dat mensen er ooit achter zullen komen, maar voor zover de wereld weet heeft ze maar twee kinderen.” (Yeah, she's my mama. Mmm, could you maybe not tell anyone? It's just I want to be seen as me and not Sarina Wiegman's kid. I want to show that I'm not here just because of who my mama is. I know at some point that people will figure it out, but as far as the world knows, she only has 2 kids.)
Waiting for her to reply, you look at the other three very confused girls. “Sorry about that,” you fake smile at them. After another brief silence, Viv speaks up. “Ik zal het aan niemand vertellen.” (I won't tell anyone.) Sending Viv a small smile, Beth speaks up. “I'm so confused but hey, I'm Beth Mead. Welcome to the team, kid.”
There might be a second part of this I don’t know. and I’m sorry it’s so short I’ve tried my best to make it as long as I can
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leolaroot · 6 months
when i first saw the moopsy that was confirmation to me.that no the star trek lower decks writing is probably Not gettingbetter over time. hace you guys seen that stupid ugly lump people are trying to post about it like idk theyre twee millenials and its pusheen or a drawing of a corgi with an exposed asshole or something.
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it feels literally like it was designed to appeal to middle schoolers the whole thing is that its uglycute and looks So Innocent but LOOK OUT! because it DRINKS BONESSSS AHHHHH! but its cutesies 😝 like idk its just obnoxious to me. yrsh you thought you could introduce some stupid ass mascot animal didn't you. i saw people make one billion gifs of this stupid thing. it looks like the thing from madoka i just had to google and its literally identical to kyubey from madoka.
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air-rising · 1 year
New ellie and daan articles 🥹 can you post it please
Google translated as per usual.
’Ik ga waar zij gaat’
Liefde tussen Daniëlle van de Donk en Australië-ster Ellie Carpenter overstijgt alles
'I go where she goes'
Love between Daniëlle van de Donk and Australia star Ellie Carpenter transcends everything
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Daniëlle van de Donk (r.) straalt op de foto met haar geliefde Ellie Carpenter. De twee kunnen elkaar zomaar tegenkomen als opponenten op het WK.
Daniëlle van de Donk (r.) shines in the photo with her beloved Ellie Carpenter. The two can just meet as opponents at the World Cup.
Het was een geweldige shock voor Australië, donderdagavond in Brisbane. Waar niemand rekening mee had gehouden, geschiedde. De Matildas, outsider op het eigen WK, werden in Queensland pootje gelicht door Nigeria (2-3), waardoor plaatsing voor de knock-outfase een zware kluif gaat worden. Daniëlle van de Donk voelde een paar duizend kilometer verderop in Wellington met haar vriendin mee.
Natuurlijk had Van de Donk na de Australische nederlaag een vreugdesprongetje kunnen maken. Tenslotte: de Aussies zijn net als Nederland een kanshebber voor de wereldtitel. Maar zo zit Van de Donk niet in elkaar.
It was a great shock for Australia, Thursday night in Brisbane. What no one had taken into account happened. The Matildas, outsider at their own World Cup, were lifted in Queensland by Nigeria (2-3), making placement for the knockout phase a tough hit. Daniëlle van de Donk felt with her friend a few thousand kilometers away in Wellington.
Of course Van de Donk could have made a leap of joy after the Australian defeat. Finally: the Aussies, like the Netherlands, are a contender for the world title. But that's not how Van de Donk works.
De liefde voor haar Ellie overstijgt het WK. „Ik hoop dat mijn vriendin ver komt”, zegt de verliefde Oranje Leeuwin na terugkomst uit Wellington, waar Oranje en de Verenigde Staten een waar spektakelstuk hadden opgevoerd. „Natuurlijk wil ik dat. Ellie heeft er keihard voor getraind. Zij is net terug van een kruisbandblessure.”
The love for her Ellie transcends the World Cup. 'I hope my girlfriend gets far,' says the Orange Lioness in love after returning from Wellington, where Orange and the United States had staged a true spectacle. “Of course I want that. Ellie trained hard for it. She has just returned from a cruciate ligament injury.”
Ellie Carpenter is mateloos populair in haar geboorteland. Op vijftienjarige leeftijd maakte de rechtsback haar debuut voor het nationale elftal, een jaar later was ze de jongste deelnemer aan het olympisch voetbaltoernooi. De vonk tussen Carpenter en Van de Donk sloeg over in Frankrijk, waar ze samen uitkomen voor Olympique Lyonnais.
Ellie Carpenter is immensely popular in her native country. At the age of fifteen, the right back made her debut for the national team, a year later she was the youngest participant in the Olympic football tournament. The spark between Carpenter and Van de Donk spread in France, where they play together for Olympique Lyonnais.
In de armen sluiten | Closing in the arms
Ze konden elkaar een paar weken terug in Sydney nog even kort in de armen sluiten, vertelt Van de Donk, die in de uren na het duel met de VS een ware hit was op social media vanwege de zwarte badmuts die ze de laatste paar minuten van het duel moest dragen.
They were able to embrace each other briefly a few weeks ago in Sydney, says Van de Donk, who was a real hit on social media in the hours after the duel with the US because of the black swimming cap she had to wear for the last few minutes of the duel.
Voor aankomst in Nieuw-Zeeland verbleef Oranje negen dagen in Sydney. „Daar hebben we elkaar nog een uurtje kunnen zien”, zegt Van de Donk. Carpenter was op doorreis naar Brisbane, waar de Australische selectie haar tenten heeft opgeslagen. „Ik moest allemaal spullen voor haar meenemen, proteïnes en zo. Het kwam toevallig zo uit dat we elkaar konden treffen. Hoe kort ook, ik was hartstikke blij om haar te zien.”
Before arriving in New Zealand, Orange stayed in Sydney for nine days. 'We were able to see each other there for another hour,' says Van de Donk. Carpenter was passing through to Brisbane, where the Australian selection pitched its tents. “I had to bring all kinds of stuff for her, proteins and stuff. It just so happened that we could meet. No matter how short, I was very happy to see her.”
Staan vol achter ploeg | Are full behind squad
Het is dat Van de Donk zelf actief is op het WK, anders had ze alle duels van haar geliefde op de tribunes gezeten. „Ik vind dat ze ook een heel leuk team hebben. De mensen in Australië staan als home country vol achter de ploeg, de stadions zitten vol en breken records. Daar moet ik ook achter staan. Maar dat had ik vorig jaar op het EK ook bij Engeland. Die zijn ook op de juiste manier aan de weg aan het timmeren. Nou, dan heb je mijn support al. Want ik wil het vrouwenvoetbal ook alleen maar verder helpen”, meent Van de Donk, die na haar loopbaan het trainersvak in wil. „Sommige trainingspapiertjes heb ik al.”
It is that Van de Donk herself is active at the World Cup, otherwise she would have sat all the duels of her lover in the stands. “I think they also have a very nice team. The people in Australia are full behind the team as a home country, the stadiums are full and break records. I have to stand behind that too. But I also had that at the European Championships last year in England. They are also working on the right way. Well, then you already have my support. Because I only want to help women's football further,” says Van de Donk, who wants to enter the coaching profession after her career. 'Some training papers I already have.'
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Daniëlle van de Donk in haar outfit van het Nederlands elftal. Dinsdag wacht de groepswedstrijd tegen Vietnam.
Daniëlle van de Donk in her outfit of the Dutch national team. The group game against Vietnam awaits on Tuesday.
Afgelopen zomer bezocht Van de Donk voor de eerste keer het land van haar vriendin. „Dat was na het EK, uiteraard met zijn tweetjes. Ik had een hele goede reisgids aan haar en heb hele mooie dingen gezien. Zelf komt Ellie uit het binnenland van New South Wales, op vijf uur rijden van Sydney. Ze woonde er op een boerderij en weet zelfs hoe je slangen moet killen. Verder was er daar helemaal niks te doen. Gelukkig wonen haar ouders nu in Sydney.”
Last summer Van de Donk visited her girlfriend's country for the first time. “That was after the European Championship, of course the two of us. I had a very good travel guide with her and saw very beautiful things. Ellie herself comes from the interior of New South Wales, a five-hour drive from Sydney. She lived there on a farm and even knows how to kill snakes. There was nothing else to do there at all. Fortunately, her parents now live in Sydney.”
"’Ellie woonde op een boerderij en weet hoe ze slangen moet killen’"
"'Ellie lived on a farm and knows how to kill snakes'"
Elke dag contact | Contact every day
Natuurlijk heeft ze contact met haar vriendin. Elke dag. Ze gunnen elkaar sportief het allerbeste, weet Van de Donk: „We willen allebei dat de ander ver komt. We kunnen elkaar pas in de finale tegenkomen. Wat een finale zou dat zijn.” Niet ondenkbaar: ze zouden elkaar in het veld zomaar kunnen tegenkomen. Van de Donk, stellig: „We gaan niet voor elkaar uit de weg. Oh nee, we gaan er gewoon vol op. Honderd procent.”
Of course she has contact with her girlfriend. Every day. They wish each other the very best sportingly, Van de Donk knows: “We both want the other to go far. We can't meet until the final. What a finale that would be.” Not unthinkable: they could just meet in the field. Van de Donk, firmly: “We do not shy away from each other. Oh no, we're just going full. One hundred percent.”
En na die, vooralsnog imaginaire finale, zal het vast wel goed komen tussen de tortelduifjes, vermoedt Van de Donk, die zich wellicht ooit nog eens met haar Ellie in Australië zal gaan vestigen. „Het zou kunnen, maar niets is zeker. Het is best gek. Ik denk nu eigenlijk: ik ga waar zij gaat. Ze is een stuk jonger dan ik, dus ik denk dat zij langer blijft voetballen. Uiteindelijk zal ik dus wel mee moeten. Zo staan we er eigenlijk beiden in. Of het nou Australië wordt of Nederland, of van mijn part Italië, we zien het wel. Als we maar samen zijn.”
And after that, for the time being imaginary finale, things will probably be fine among the lovebirds, suspects Van de Donk, who may one day settle in Australia with her Ellie. “It could be, but nothing is certain. It's pretty crazy. I actually think: I'm going where she goes. She's a lot younger than me, so I think she keeps playing football longer. So in the end I will have to come along. That's how we both are in it. Whether it will be Australia or the Netherlands, or of my part Italy, we'll see. As long as we are together.”
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evertidings · 1 year
Hey Kristi! how are you doing today? uwu.
I hope you have enough water thoughout your day.
How did you get into the IF world, and how did you learn how to code (or pseudocode)? What engine are you implementing on your game?
I love your story, and as a person who wants to tell a story, i am struggling with that. (I only speak python for god's sake i'm a poor it student)
Also, a recommendation for fans out there wanting to make a game independently?
When can we hold Blane for a sec really he needs a hug
hi! so, all my advice i've tagged on my blog, but the best post i have for coding and this particular scenario is probably this one.
however, i've said it before and i'll say it again: i'm probably not the person you should go to for coding. i learned (a word i use loosely) everything in the span of two months and promptly forgot it all. ask me anything now and i'll be stumbling through an explanation that might not even be correct so. take all of my coding advice with a grain of salt.
but to answer your question, i use twine (sugarcube) to code my story. for ease of writing, i open my code in visual studio code with the twee extension that colour codes everything to make it easier on the eyes.
in general, my best advice for learning to code is to just go nuts. start with a template, play around with it, look at blogs that are better coders than i am and see if they can answer the questions you have. google things, search up css guides (w3schools was extremely useful for me) and eventually, you'll start to learn the patterns enough to put together what you want. it's very vague, i know, but this is genuinely how i learned and what worked best for me.
good luck !!
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footballlover8 · 1 year
could you write something about y/n receiving hate comments and frenkie helping her deal with it and taking care of her? Being like “don’t worry baby I’m here” 🥹🥹🥹
A/N: Hi! I’m so happy that someone requested for frenkie! He’s so underrated and I just love him so much! I hope you like it!❤️
Warnings: swearing? Google translated Dutch, hate, mentions of unaliving yourself, negative comments on body image and appearance. (Let me know if there is something else)
Genre:Angst & Fluff
(Please remember, English is not my native language)
Tell me you understand||Frenkie de Jong
(He’s so pretty!😻❤️)
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(Gif is not mine, all credits too the owner)
Her and frenkie's love life had been quite private but after a picture of the two together on the beach got leaked, everything changed. Luckily for her, her face didn't show. The only thing they could see was what they knew as a random girl, laying on frenkie's chest as he hugged onto her body.
But once that picture was leaked, everyone wanted too know who frenkie's girl was.
He had neither confirmed or denied anything on social media. If he did comment on it people would definitely find out about it.
But last night he decided too at least let them know that she were not only a random hookup or anything but actually his girlfriend.
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Liked by Pedri, sergiroberto, yori.dejong and 1 253 579 others
frenkiedejong: Some of you may have seen the picture of me and a girl on the beach. And I just wanted too clear things up. She's not just a random girl or anything.
She's my girlfriend. And I really hope you Guys understand that we want privacy in this relationship. She means the absolute world to me and I love her too death, so I hope you respect us both. Thank you❤️
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Liked by frenkiedejong
Fcbarcelona: Our best supporter!❤️💙
Liked by y/n...y/l/n.02 & frenkiedejong
Fan26:He's been so Happy lately! Now I know why, I'm so happy for them!❤️💙
Memphisdepay: Het beste stel! Ik ben zo blij voor jullie twee❤️
Frenkiedejong: Dank je broer🙏❤️
(The best couple I’m so happy for you two❤️) (Thank you brother 🙏❤️)
User5:Why does she look like that?😭
User87:Literally was thinking about the same thing🤣
User46:I'm not even gonna say anything, I think it explains itself😭
Fan59:Who is she!? She looks like such a sweet girl!
Frenkiedejong:She is! We've decided too keep her name out of social media for now at least.
User62:So she's that ugly?😐
User37:Probably just using him for money🙄
User98:I saw her at the beach, and let me tell you, Frenkie definitely just feels bad for her. I almost threw up🤢
User32:Omgggg same🤮
User544:GUYS! I JUST FOUND HER INSTA @y/n...y/l/n.02
Fan33:Why can't you guys just respect they're privacy?
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As soon as she saw the comment she immediately tapped the Notification Center and saw that already over thousands of people had followed her.
No, no, no. That wasn't supposed too happen. She thought too herself, panic washing over her.
While all of this happened frenkie was out for a photo shoot for the new Barcelona kit. But even if he was there it's not like he could've done anything about it.
Was it a good idea too set her profile to private now? Or was it too late? She had know idea what too do so she decided too call one of her best friend Taia, raphinia's girlfriend.
She picked up after three rings.
"Hey babes, what's up?"  Natalia's sweet voice rang through her ears, it was sort of comforting
"Hi taia, have you seen frenkie's post?" She asked the Brazilian as she sat down on her and frenkie's bed.
"No? Let me check it out real quick" There was a little pause of silence as taia checked the post, viewing some of the comments as well.
"Oh babes...I'm sorry. I know you didn't want to be very public" Taia smiled sadly over the camera.
"But...what should I do? I mean, I thought of maybe setting it too private, but I feel like that would be too late now..." She sighed.
"It's not too late, you can just remove the followers, though that might take a while" Taia quickly realized how long that might take.
"But I still think it might be a good idea, you can always take breaks from removing them" Taia shrugged.
"Okey, yeah. I guess you're right. Thanks taia" She smiled slightly at the older woman .
"Of course I'm right, I'm always right" She joked making a light chuckle escape from the other girl.
"Okey, I've got to go, Gael just woke up from his nap"
"Okey, give him a kiss from his favorite aunt"
"I will, bye, love you"
"Love you too"
She hung up and fell down on the bed letting out a big sight.
She put her profile on private even though there was already 26 thousand people that had already managed too follow her.
She knew dating a footballer would be hard, especially when she was just a normal girl. But she hadn't planned on letting people find out who she was. So this was a little unexpected, she wasn't prepared.
She decided too go clear her head a little and took a long shower. Self care never fails too make a person feel better.
But as soon as she was finished with all the skincare as well all she could see was notifications popping up on her Insta. And of course her being her, had too cheek it out.
There was lots of comments on one of her most recent post
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Liked by frenkiedejong, yori.dejong, virgilvandijk, codymathesgakpo and 3625 others
y/n...y/l/n.02: So blessed💛🌟🌞
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Frenkiedejong: Ik hou zoveel van je❤️😍
y/n...y/l/n.02: Ik hou ook van jou❤️
(I love you so much) (I love you too)
Frenkiedejong:Mijn mooie meisje😍
Liked by, y/n...y/l/n.02
(My beautiful girl)
Pedri: Pov:Frenkie was behind the camera🙄
Frenkiedejong:Stop being so jealous🤣
y/n...y/l/n.02:kie! Don't be mean!
Frenkiedejong:He was rude to you🤷‍♂️
Pedri: I wasn't! I was just stating the obvious!
Liked by y/n...y/l/n.02
Y/D_y/l/n: Mijn mooie dochter🥰❤️
Liked by y/n...y/l/n.02
(My beautiful daughter)
Fan51:She's so cute!
User66:What are you even doing...?
User99:Please never ever smile again. I've never seen such a disgusting smile in my whole life😬
User77:Frenkie must feel real bad for you. You look like what I did back in high school, in 2009...😀
Fan1: What the fuck are you doing here then? You're in your 30s, get outta here tf😭
User22:What the fuck does frenkie see in you?😭
Fan:She looks so happy💛
User6:love yourself, because we don't😑
User87:Damn girl, drop the workout routine...like seriously drop it, it's not working😆
User33:Some of these comments are so mean...maybe it's a sign too listen too them
User55:Not even make up can hide your flaws.
Usee65:Aww, it looks like you have a really good heart. I really hope it stops though
User53:God...Ever considered killing yourself?😬
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The comments went on and on about her appearance and that frenkie was probably with her because he felt bad and that he was probably cheating on her. But the worst was probably the ones that told her too kill herself.
She didn't know what too do, everything just felt wrong. Had frenkie seen them? Probably not, he wasn't too active on Insta and since it wasn't under his post the worst comment was, he hadn't got any notifications.
As she continued reading the comments, she hadn't even noticed tears rolling down her face. A loud sob escaped her mouth as she buried her head in frenkie's pillow. It smelled so much like him.
She always felt comforted around him so just smelling his scent made her body ease up a tiny bit. But still she didn't understand why they were so mean. She started questioning everything they were saying.
Did she really look that ugly? Was she not good enough? Was she not good enough for frenkie? Should she really consider killing herself? What did frenkie see in her? After all she was just a normal girl, with a normal life.
All these thoughts flooded her mind, she hadn't noticed the door downstairs had been shut. That wasn't until she heard footsteps coming into the bedroom.
Luckily for her, he couldn't see her face since it was literally buried in the pillow, so she hoped the tears would stop. Sadly Hope wasn't on her side this time.
"Hey prinses" Frenkie's soft voice made her want to cry even more. (Princess)
"Hi kie" She mumbled in the pillow her voice sore. 
"You feeling okey? Are you sick? C'mere let me feel your forehead" He panicked immediately hearing how hoarse her voice was, and he knew how much she hated being sick.
"No,no I'm okey" She mumbled again but it was too late, he had already turned her over so he could feel her forehead.
Once frenkie saw her tear stained face, a frowned made its way onto his face.
"Prinses, what's the matter, why are you crying?" He asked, his voice filled with concerned. He sat down on the side of the bed as his hand moved up too her cheek and caressing it softly. (Princess)
She couldn't say anything, if she did she would just start sobbing. And she didn't want too look so weak in front of him, not that he hadn't seen her cry a numerous times already.
"Baby, talk too me" His thumb rubbed her cheeks gently, as his other hand removed some of the hair that was sticking too her wet cheeks due too the tears.
As soon as she opened her mouth too say anything a sob left her mouth.
Frenkie didn't say anything, he just laid down besides her and pulled her body into his own. He caressed the back of her head into his chest, letting her cry.
His heart broke seeing her so vulnerable.
"Shh, it's okey liefje. It's all gonna be okey" He ran his fingers through her soft hair. (Sweetheart)
"Shh, I just need my pretty girl too breath okey? Can you do that for me?" He asked her softly as he kissed her head multiple times.
He continued his actions as she inhaled his scent deeply before exhaling again, then repeating it until she had calmed down.
"You ready too talk schatje?" He moved her head gently up from his chest so he could see her face. (Cutie)
"I'm sorry" She wasn't quite sure what she was apologizing for, it was just a random habit she had.
"Don't be sorry" His lips brushed her forehead softly his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her cheek. His actions made her sleepy as well as already being tired from all the crying.
She laid her head down against his chest again and as Frenkie continued stroking her cheek she fell into a deep slumber.
The next morning she had just excused herself, telling him that she had the worst migraine ever. And he believed her seeing as she often had those types of migraines. He had just brushed it off until about a week later.
The two were just laying in bed cuddling. Both scrolling through their phone. She couldn't seem too get a break, they just loved hating on her.
Her being her, couldn't just ignore it. It was basically impossible. So while she read through the awful comments about her, she couldn't help the tears forming in her eyes.
Her grip on frenkie's hoodie tightened, this didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Liefje, you okey?" He asked lifting her head up gently being met by her teary eyes. (Sweetheart)
"Hey, what's wrong?" Just as the question slipped from him a single tear fell down her face being followed by more.
"Hey, prinses don't cry. Shh Don't cry" He spoke as his arms wrapped around hers tightly not letting her go. (Princess)
" They're so mean" She sobbed into his chest, he felt his shirt become damp with tears. And no matter how kind frenkie was, he would kill for that girl. So whoever made his girl upset should definitely watch out.
"Mijn lieve meisje, who's mean?" He stroked her hair, wiping her tears away with the pad of his thumb. (My sweet girl)
She didn't answer him though, she stayed silent as the tears slowly stopped falling as he ran his hand up and down her spine, his movements calling her ever so slightly.
"Talk to me liefde" He encouraged, looking into her eyes. (Love)
"Your fans, they're so mean" She repeated, biting the inside of her cheek.
"What do you mean liefje?" He asked confused, not understanding what she meant. (Sweetheart)
She just gave him her phone. He took it and scrolled through the comments. He was shocked too say the least. He didn't expect people too be so rude too his girlfriend, especially not with how sweet she was.
"Liefje, has this been going on since we went public?" A hint of rage could be heard in his tone. She could see the pure anger on his face as she nodded. (Sweetheart)
"Why didn't you tell me liefje? I could've made them stop" He asked her frowning
"I didn't want to bother you kie" she sighed looking down feeling the wetness on her cheeks.
"You have too tell me this type of stuff. You can't keep that too yourself" he scolded her softly before hugging her tightly against him, giving her a slight squeeze as he felt her body tremble.
"None of it is true mijn prinses, they're just jealous okey?" "You are the sweetest human being too ever exist. You're gorgeous, I've never seen anyone as gorgeous as you" (my princess)
"I love you, so so much. If I ever lost you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. So don't you dare listen to what they're saying because it's all bullshit" "they just have a horrible life and take it all out on other innocent people, who have done nothing wrong"
"You're my beautiful girl, with one of the kindest heart and such a sweet soul. Okey? Please tell me you understand me" He looked at her with sorrow in his eyes, he really hoped she understood what he was saying.
"I understand" She sniffed wiping her tears with the sleeves of the hoodie she was wearing.
"Good...I love you so much liefje"  He whispered softly kissing the side of her head and pulling her on top of him earning a small giggle from the girl.
"I'm sorry you had to read all that, but I hope you know that I'm here with you, I'll always be here with you. I'll protect you from all these awful people. I'll protect you from everything" He assured her as she felt her eyes become slightly heavy.
"Even from scary spiders?" She questioned, though it was muffled by frenkies hoodie.
"Even from scary spiders" He confirmed with a little chuckle.
"Thank you frenkie" He could feel her smile into his hoodie.
"Of course baby"
"Ik hou zoveel van je mijn mooie prinses"
(I love you so much my beautiful princess)
"Ik hou ook van jou" She said tiredly, Her voice low. (I love you too)
"Go to sleep...I can tell you're tired" He told her, running his fingers through her hair.
A chuckle released from frenkie once he heard a little moan, meaning she was asleep.  She had a habit of moaning when she slept, frenkie thought it was adorable though.
"Welterusten lieverd, zoete dromen" He whispered, kissing her forehead softly.
(Good night sweetheart, sweet dreams)
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
How to Keep Your Twine Project Safe
It is a tale as old as time. The app crashes, your cache is cleared, your laptop breaks, and hours or days or weeks of work is lost. It's a terrible experience, and you never think about what to do in that situation until it happens to you- and by that time, it's already too late. So here's your prompt to get ahead of things and keep your project protected before something goes wrong.
So here, I'll be going over some layers of security you can use...
1. NEVER use the web app
I know this one's gonna be controversial. I know, a lot of people use the web app! It exists for a reason! But if you do, you're leaving your work very vulnerable.
When you use a local installation of Twine, your files are being saved to local storage. That means that everything is saved on your hardware, and with the exception of a freak event, it's not going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, those freak events aren't rare enough to dismiss (we'll talk about that later), but it's not quite as bad as the web app.
Instead of saving your files locally, the web app saves your progress to your browser's cache- the same thing that saves your cookies and keeps you logged in on websites. If your cache is cleared for any reason, your games will be gone.
2. Write your documents in a separate program
Chances are, if you're using Twine, there's a lot of stuff you can do outside of Twine before moving it into the program itself. A common practice is to write prose in a separate program, and then move it all into Twine when you're finished and write the code in Twine. This is a great way to back up your work, because if Twine has an error, you'll still have all the source files to reconstruct what you had before.
I'd recommend trying to use a stable program to write in. That means something that saves locally and doesn't frequently crash. In other words, do not use Google Docs. Instead of Docs, try one of these:
Microsoft Word (expensive, subscription, but stable)
LibreOffice (free, stable)
Scrivener (one time purchase, stable)
I can not stress this enough. Back up your damn work. Back it up in multiple places if possible.
"Oh, but I'm using Google Docs, it's already backed up!" NO. No it is not. To keep your work truly safe, you need multiple copies hosted on multiple pieces of hardware. If one of those is a Google server, great! But if it's just one, that means that one single failure in that hardware (or the software associated) will mean everything is lost.
You can back up your files from the Twine program by going under the Build tab and selecting Publish to File or Export as Twee. Saving that to your device is already better than having it saved by the Twine app, but you'll be even safer if you back that file up to an external hard drive (or just a cheap USB drive) and a cloud hosting service like Dropbox or Google Drive. To make it extra safe and minimize lost progress, make sure you replace these files regularly.
That seems like a lot of work though, right? Yeah. So here's my final piece of advice...
4. Use Git
Git is how I've been backing up my latest project, Signal Hill. It's intimidating at first, but there are simple and easy ways to use platforms like Github to keep your work safe and fix big errors. To teach you how, I've created a whole separate tutorial, which you can find here.
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tweehearts · 4 months
annika norlins english project, hello saferide, is more well known outside of sweden than her main band säkert! which is a true bummer because everything that hello saferide does, säkert! does better. even if you don't understand what she is saying, the music by itself and her golden vocal melodies make it worth checking out. i would recommend google translating her lyrics though, norlin is one of the best songwriters in swedish pop (or music in general) and a true indie cult classic.
this is THE hit! everytime this song plays on the indie clubs, the floor is filled immediately. one of swedens only twee pop hits!
"we will die at the same time"
i could write more about the AMAZING swedish indie pop scene and its subculture, the pop kids (poppare) but that can wait for another day (im thinking of doing a zine about it actually, more about that later!)
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hometownrockstar · 1 year
this is my full ripped album google doc btw. if anyone care. well its not ALL of my music i rip all my CDs these r just mostly ones i either havent seen anywhere on the internet or ones i was sharing with folks so mostly indie rock or twee pop. I have the other happy happy birthday to me comps on there too, also i recommend baby calendar
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tearlessrain · 1 year
I'm very confused and Google couldn't help but maybe you can.. if rule #2 is don't ever hug a lobster if you see him on the street, what is rule #1 and where do I find these rules please
oh dang I guess it's been long enough people may not know the context. I'm sorry to break it to you anon, but there is no Rule #1 (or any other rules).
a few years back, before "AI" became the plague on humanity that it is today, there was this thing called Inspirobot that was basically a neural net designed to replicate twee facebook/instagram quote graphics, and most of what it spat out was completely nonsensical.
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it was all the rage for a while and there was a blog called @best-of-inspirobot that collected particularly weird/funny ones that it generated.
Rule #2 (more commonly known as just "the lobster poem") was a thing I wrote based on one of best-of-inspirobot's posts that just said "Rule #2: don't ever hug a lobster when you see one on the street" because I noticed it was in perfect iambic heptameter (aka what ballads are written in, not to be confused with iambic pentameter, which is for sonnets. I am clarifying because people have been yelling at me for years because they mistakenly thought I said iambic pentameter. I didn't. Rule #2 is a ballad).
for reasons known only to the inscrutable universe, this poem that I wrote in fifteen minutes and expected maybe five people to ever see breached containment spectacularly and can now be found all over random corners of the internet, usually without the title attached, but Rule #2 was always just a part of the original inspirobot quote and doesn't mean anything else.
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Olive Yarra Nati, 2023
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dengeki-gs · 1 year
a “tag people u wanna know better” game!! its been a while, im very honored. Thank u @occulticsnomajo!!! sorry it took me a minute
last song: french navy by camera obscura! I’ve been on a big twee pop thing recently, and daydreaming about a house in the PNW where we have warm lights on all the time. Back then, someone’s job could be “blogger”. i yearn for those days
favorite color: green as well! It’s going to be hard to not have green hair anymore, when I have to chop the dye out. Or who knows! Maybe I’ll have enough money to keep it maintained forever.
currently watching: umm. seinfeld reruns. also started watching danganronpa 3 with friends. im sorry
last movie: i recently watched high sprits with a friend!! It was not the movie we thought it was gonna be, so we stopped right at the ending. Too much straight ghost sex.
currently reading: i just finished Memories of Amorous Gentlemen and it was so fucking good. Binged the whole thing in like an hour. But I should check out something new from the library!! I think i’m well enough to get started on house of leaves…
sweet/spicy/savory: all three at same time. but watch out
relationship status: if u know u know if u dont im not telling
current obsessions: I’m daydreaming about how to set up an emulation station now that I have a TV in my room! so that? Cause I wanna play retro games in bed.
last thing I googled: i have too many privacy related extensions for google to successfully keep track of my searches, so no idea, sorry. oh wait i have it open in another tab. "alias python on mac"
currently working on: AH!!! so much. but I’m taking my game to a dev meetup on saturday, and I have to get back to that after i'm done writing this, so probably that??
i taggggggg @mevil @snoozaga @gummyache @plaant @keygen @shogas @squigglewitch @silmist @heckmaster2000 @lolbatz and this is a pretty random selection so anyone who wants to do this... or if i somehow skipped you, i didnt mean to >_<
also @occulticsnomajo i have a dress of your header!! i wore it to a wedding recently, it's my fav :00 i know there's no question about that on the tag game...but i like the dress, so thanks for letting me show it off >_<
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fransopdefiets · 2 months
27-7 Repvåg
In de winkel van Sinkel vonden we gisteren tussen alle gezinsverpakkingen met rendier-, eland-, en walvisvlees (en accu’s en winterbanden etc) ook nog twee ingevroren zalmfiletjes en een zak gemengde groenten.
We vroegen elkaar van de week: Waar denk je aan onder het fietsen? En de verrassende conclusie was, aan niks bijzonders. Vooral als je moet klimmen of als je moe bent, denk je nergens meer aan. Dan gaat alle energie naar je benen en is er niks meer over voor je hersens. En dat is natuurlijk ook het doel, in een goede vakantie maak je je hoofd leeg en ga je dat niet vullen met allerlei plannen en projecten. Fietsen met Mayke is trouwens een genoegen, ze heeft een enorm uithoudingsvermogen, ze klimt beter dan ik maar is langzamer in de afdaling, klaagt niet en heeft plezier in kamperen en een potje koken voor de tent. We zitten nu in de zesde fietsdag samen, hebben alle soorten weer al gehad, ruim 460 kilometer afgelegd met al onze bagage en de stemming zit er nog steeds goed in.
Om vijf uur vanmorgen staat de zon al op de tent en tegen de tijd dat we vertrekken, is de temperatuur al weer ruim boven de 20 graden. De camping is ook een missiepost en ik raak aan de praat met een prototype missionaris met een grote witte baard. Hij wil graag een foto van ons maken en zegt zoiets als cycling makes a strong body but also a strong mind. Volgens mij begint zo’n fietstocht met een crazy mind en wordt het daarna vanzelf een strong mind.
We beginnen met een lange gestage klim, daarna een heel stuk over de golvende hoogvlakte en vervolgens een snelle afdaling naar Olderfjord. Boven staat weer een pittige wind van opzij, maar als we lager komen, neemt die gelukkig weer in kracht af. Die hoogvlakte blijft een fenomeen, zoveel verschillende kleuren groen, rotsen, berkjes en die wind.
In Olderfjord kunnen we inkopen doen bij de MatsKroken de volgende mogelijkheid is pas morgenmiddag weer in Honningsvåg. Tot onze schrik hebben ze de belangrijkste zaken, zoals porties havermout (terwijl je die toch echt overal kunt krijgen), granola Griekse yoghurt en witte bolletjes niet. Uit arren moede schaf ik maar een rendierworst aan voor het ontbijt morgen. Wat ze wel hebben is een café met koffie en wafels. Als ik de camping google waar we vandaag ons doel van gemaakt hebben, blijkt dat die geen tenten meer doet. Als ik bel of ze hutten vrij hebben, krijg ik een wat moeizaam engels sprekende Noor aan de lijn. Alles is vol, maar we kunnen voor 1000 kronen in de caravan slapen. Omdat het alternatief 55 km verderop ligt, zeg ik maar ja. Hij hoeft mijn naam niet te weten, alleen met hoeveel mensen we zijn. Later, onder het fietsen, krijg ik een visioen van een morsige oude man achter een roestig metalen bureau in een houten schuur met een bord met het woord camping erop geschilderd in slordige handgeschilderde letters en daaromheen een soort autosloperij met een oude verzakte caravan. Maar als we aankomen, blijkt het tegenovergestelde waar. Het is een gloednieuwe grote caravan met prachtig uitzicht over de fjord. Het hele terrein is trouwens super verzorgd, hier willen we op de terugweg ook wel weer slapen.
Gefietste afstand: 69,7 km
Gefietste tijd: 5,5 uur
Afstand tot de Noordkaap als je hem op de korrel neemt: 40,6 km
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/07/08 Esta catedral se construyó hace muchos siglos y conserva todos los elementos de decoración originales en su fachada. La puerta principal, con sus dos agujas, te transportan con la mirada hacia el cielo.
This cathedral was built many centuries ago and retains all the original decoration elements on its façade. The main door, with its two needles, transports you with your gaze towards the sky.
Google Translation into French: Cette cathédrale a été construite il y a plusieurs siècles et conserve tous les éléments décoratifs d'origine sur sa façade. La porte principale, avec ses deux aiguilles, vous transporte du regard vers le ciel.
Google translation into Italian: Questa cattedrale è stata costruita diversi secoli fa e conserva tutti gli elementi decorativi originali sulla sua facciata. La porta principale, con i suoi due aghi, ti trasporta verso il cielo.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Esta catedral foi construída há vários séculos e mantém todos os elementos decorativos originais em sua fachada. A porta principal, com as suas duas agulhas, transporta-nos para o céu.
Google Translation into German: Diese Kathedrale wurde vor mehreren Jahrhunderten erbaut und bewahrt alle ursprünglichen dekorativen Elemente an ihrer Fassade. Das Haupttor mit seinen zwei Nadeln entführt Sie in den Himmel.
Google Translation into Albanisch: E ndërtuar disa shekuj më parë, kjo katedrale ruan të gjitha elementet origjinale dekorative në fasadën e saj. Porta kryesore me dy gjilpërat e saj të çon në parajsë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մի քանի դար առաջ կառուցված այս տաճարը պահպանում է իր ճակատի բնօրինակ դեկորատիվ տարրերը։ Գլխավոր դարպասն իր երկու ասեղներով ձեզ դեպի դրախտ է տանում։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Построена преди няколко века, тази катедрала запазва всички оригинални декоративни елементи по фасадата си. Главната порта с двете си игли ви отвежда в рая.
Google Translation into Czech: Tato katedrála, postavená před několika staletími, zachovává všechny původní dekorativní prvky na fasádě. Hlavní brána se svými dvěma jehlami vás vezme do nebe.
Google Translation into Croatian: Izgrađena prije nekoliko stoljeća, ova katedrala čuva sve izvorne ukrasne elemente na svom pročelju. Glavna vrata sa svoje dvije igle vode vas u raj.
Google Translation into Danish Denne katedral blev bygget for flere århundreder siden og bevarer alle de originale dekorative elementer på facaden. Hovedporten med sine to nåle tager dig til himlen.
Google Translation into Slovak: Táto katedrála, postavená pred niekoľkými storočiami, si na fasáde zachovala všetky pôvodné dekoratívne prvky. Hlavná brána s dvoma ihlami vás zavedie do neba.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ta katedrala, zgrajena pred več stoletji, ohranja vse prvotne okrasne elemente na svoji fasadi. Glavna vrata z dvema iglama vas popeljejo v nebesa.
Google Translation into Estonian: Selle mitu sajandit tagasi ehitatud katedraali fassaadil on säilinud kõik originaalsed dekoratiivelemendid. Peavärav oma kahe nõelaga viib taevasse.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tämä useita vuosisatoja sitten rakennettu katedraali on säilyttänyt kaikki alkuperäiset koriste-elementit julkisivussaan. Pääportti kahdella neulalla vie sinut taivaaseen.
Google Translation into Georgian: რამდენიმე საუკუნის წინ აშენებული ეს ტაძარი ინარჩუნებს ყველა ორიგინალურ დეკორატიულ ელემენტს მის ფასადზე. მთავარი კარიბჭე თავისი ორი ნემსით სამოთხეში მიგიყვანს.
Google Translation into Greek: Χτισμένος πριν από αρκετούς αιώνες, αυτός ο καθεδρικός ναός διατηρεί όλα τα αυθεντικά διακοσμητικά στοιχεία στην πρόσοψή του. Η κύρια πύλη με τις δύο βελόνες της σε μεταφέρει στον παράδεισο.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Ez a több évszázaddal ezelőtt épült katedrális megőrizte homlokzatának eredeti díszítőelemeit. A főkapu két tűjével a mennybe visz.
Google Translation into Dutch: Deze kathedraal is enkele eeuwen geleden gebouwd en heeft alle originele decoratieve elementen op de gevel behouden. De hoofdpoort met zijn twee naalden brengt je naar de hemel.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Denne katedralen ble bygget for flere århundrer siden, og bevarer alle de originale dekorative elementene på fasaden. Hovedporten med sine to nåler tar deg til himmelen.
Google Translation into Polish: Zbudowana kilka wieków temu katedra zachowała wszystkie oryginalne elementy dekoracyjne na swojej fasadzie. Główna brama z dwiema igłami prowadzi do nieba.
Google Translation into Romanian: Construită cu câteva secole în urmă, această catedrală păstrează toate elementele decorative originale de pe fațadă. Poarta principală cu cele două ace te duce în rai.
Google Translation into Russian: Построенный несколько веков назад, этот собор сохранил на своем фасаде все оригинальные декоративные элементы. Главные ворота с двумя иглами уносят вас в рай.
Google Translation into Serbian: Саграђена пре неколико векова, ова катедрала чува све оригиналне декоративне елементе на својој фасади. Главна капија са своје две игле води вас у рај.
Google Translation into Swedish: Denna katedral byggdes för flera århundraden sedan och bevarar alla ursprungliga dekorativa element på sin fasad. Huvudporten med sina två nålar tar dig till himlen.
Google Translation into Turkish: Birkaç yüzyıl önce inşa edilen bu katedral, cephesindeki tüm orijinal dekoratif unsurları korumaktadır. İki iğneli ana kapı sizi cennete götürür.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Цей собор, побудований кілька століть тому, зберіг усі оригінальні декоративні елементи на своєму фасаді. Головні ворота з двома голками ведуть вас на небо.
Google Translation into Arabic: تم ��ناء هذه الكاتدرائية منذ عدة قرون ، وهي تحافظ على جميع العناصر الزخرفية الأصلية على واجهتها. تنقلك البوابة الرئيسية بإبرتيها إلى الجنة.
Google Translation into Bengali: কয়েক শতাব্দী আগে নির্মিত, এই ক্যাথেড্রালটি এর সম্মুখভাগে সমস্ত মূল আলংকারিক উপাদান সংরক্ষণ করে। এর দুটি সূঁচ সহ প্রধান ফটক আপনাকে স্বর্গে নিয়ে যায়।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 这座大教堂建于几个世纪前,其正面保留了所有原有的装饰元素。 有两根针的正门带你到天堂。
Google Translation into Korean: 수세기 전에 지어진 이 대성당은 정면에 있는 원래 장식 요소를 모두 보존하고 있습니다. 두 개의 바늘이 달린 정문은 당신을 천국으로 인도합니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I kūkulu ʻia i mau kenekulia i hala aku nei, mālama kēia hale pule i nā mea hoʻonaninani kumu mua ma kona alo. ʻO ka puka nui me kāna mau nila ʻelua e lawe iā ʻoe i ka lani.
Google Translation into Hebrew: הקתדרלה הזו, שנבנתה לפני כמה מאות שנים, משמרת את כל האלמנטים הדקורטיביים המקוריים על החזית שלה. השער הראשי עם שתי המחטים שלו לוקח אותך לגן עדן.
Google Translation into Hindi: कई शताब्दियों पहले निर्मित, यह कैथेड्रल अपने मुखौटे पर सभी मूल सजावटी तत्वों को संरक्षित करता है। अपनी दो सुइयों वाला मुख्य द्वार आपको स्वर्ग की ओर ले जाता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Dibangun beberapa abad yang lalu, katedral ini mempertahankan semua elemen dekoratif asli pada fasadnya. Gerbang utama dengan dua jarumnya membawa Anda ke surga.
Google Translation into Japanese: 数世紀前に建てられたこの大聖堂は、ファサードのオリジナルの装飾要素をすべて保存しています。 二本の針を持つ山門があなたを天国へ連れて行きます。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бир нече кылым мурун курулган бул собор өзүнүн фасадында бардык оригиналдуу кооздук элементтерин сактаган. Эки ийнеси бар негизги дарбаза сени асманга алып барат.
Google Translation into Malay: Dibina beberapa abad yang lalu, katedral ini mengekalkan semua elemen hiasan asal pada fasadnya. Pintu utama dengan dua jarumnya membawa anda ke syurga.
Google Translation into Malayalam: നിരവധി നൂറ്റാണ്ടുകൾക്ക് മുമ്പ് നിർമ്മിച്ച ഈ കത്തീഡ്രൽ അതിന്റെ മുൻഭാഗത്തെ എല്ലാ യഥാർത്ഥ അലങ്കാര ഘടകങ്ങളും സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. രണ്ട് സൂചികളുള്ള പ്രധാന കവാടം നിങ്ങളെ സ്വർഗത്തിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ടുപോകുന്നു.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Хэдэн зуун жилийн өмнө баригдсан энэхүү сүм нь фасад дээрх бүх анхны гоёл чимэглэлийн элементүүдийг хадгалсан байдаг. Хоёр зүүтэй гол хаалга таныг диваажинд аваачна.
Google Translation into Nepali: धेरै शताब्दी अघि निर्माण गरिएको, यो क्याथेड्रलले यसको मुखमा सबै मौलिक सजावटी तत्वहरू सुरक्षित गर्दछ। दुई सुई भएको मुख्य ढोकाले तपाईंलाई स्वर्गमा लैजान्छ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਕਈ ਸਦੀਆਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ, ਇਹ ਗਿਰਜਾਘਰ ਆਪਣੇ ਚਿਹਰੇ 'ਤੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਅਸਲ ਸਜਾਵਟੀ ਤੱਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਰੱਖਦਾ ਹੈ। ਦੋ ਸੂਈਆਂ ਵਾਲਾ ਮੁੱਖ ਦਰਵਾਜ਼ਾ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਵਰਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਲੈ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: څو پیړۍ دمخه جوړ شوی، دا کاتډرل په مخ کې ټول اصلي آرائشی عناصر ساتي. اصلي دروازه د خپلو دوه ستنو سره تاسو جنت ته رسوي.
Google Translation into Persian: این کلیسای جامع که چندین قرن پیش ساخته شده است، تمام عناصر تزئینی اصلی را در نمای خود حفظ کرده است. دروازه اصلی با دو سوزن شما را به بهشت ​​می برد.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Diwangun sababaraha abad ka tukang, katedral ieu ngajaga sagala elemen hiasan aslina dina adul na. Gerbang utama kalayan dua jarum na mawa anjeun ka surga.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Itinayo ilang siglo na ang nakalipas, pinapanatili ng katedral na ito ang lahat ng orihinal na elemento ng dekorasyon sa harapan nito. Ang pangunahing gate na may dalawang karayom ​​ay magdadala sa iyo sa langit.
Google Translation into Telugu: అనేక శతాబ్దాల క్రితం నిర్మించబడిన ఈ కేథడ్రల్ దాని ముఖభాగంలో అన్ని అసలు అలంకరణ అంశాలను భద్రపరుస్తుంది. రెండు సూదులతో కూడిన ప్రధాన ద్వారం మిమ్మల్ని స్వర్గానికి తీసుకువెళుతుంది.
Google Translation into Thai: มหาวิหารแห่งนี้สร้างขึ้นเมื่อหลายศตวรรษก่อน โดยยังคงรักษาองค์ประกอบการตกแต่งดั้งเดิมทั้งหมดไว้บนส่วนหน้า ประตูหลักที่มีเข็มสองเล่มพาคุณไปสู่สวรรค์
Google Translation into Urdu: کئی صدیوں پہلے تعمیر کیا گیا یہ کیتھیڈرل اپنے اگواڑے پر تمام اصل آرائشی عناصر کو محفوظ رکھتا ہے۔ مرکزی دروازہ جس کی دو سوئیاں آپ کو جنت میں لے جاتی ہیں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Bir necha asrlar oldin qurilgan bu sobor o'zining jabhasida barcha original dekorativ elementlarni saqlab qolgan. Ikki ignali asosiy darvoza sizni jannatga olib boradi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Được xây dựng cách đây vài thế kỷ, nhà thờ này bảo tồn tất cả các yếu tố trang trí ban đầu trên mặt tiền của nó. Cổng chính với hai cây kim sẽ đưa bạn đến thiên đường.
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salernoah · 4 months
Dinsdag | 14-05-2024 | 24°C | Salerno | Dag 2
Terwijl de Italianen hun schoonheidsslaapje, il riposo, houden, geniet ik van de middagzon vanaf het balkon. Misschien is het een vreemd beeld voor de Italianen, ik die in bikini op een stoeltje zit en een wasrek als bureau gebruik, terwijl zij hier nog gekleed gaan in jeans en blazers (hoe ze het doen, weet ik ook niet).
Vandaag mocht ik gelukkig aanschuiven in een nieuwe klas, een niveau hoger dan mijn klas van gisteren. Hoewel de meerderheid van de klasgenoten toch echt wel in aanmerking kwam voor een veteranenpas, was ik verheugd om een meisje van mijn leeftijd te zien. Het meisje bleek echter een Braziliaanse vrouw van dertig te zijn, die er veel jonger uitziet (dankzij een beetje botox, bekende ze echter).
De les verliep goed. Het tempo lag inderdaad hoger en ik kon makkelijk meekomen. Aangezien we ook een stukje grammatica (mijn favoriete taalonderdeel) hebben behandeld, was het voor mij een zeer geslaagde dag.
Na de pauze van een halfuur, die ik op de lungomare heb doorgebracht (foto’s makend met mijn analoge camera), was er nog een meid van mijn leeftijd verschenen. Een Zwitserse van tweeëntwintig. Het overgrote deel van mijn klas (op mij, de Braziliaanse en een Sloveense oude dame na) bestaat uit vrouwen uit Zwitserland. We gingen met z’n allen naar buiten voor een opdracht waarbij we in twee teams werden verdeeld. De school ligt in het stadshart. We moesten een lijst met vijf specifieke kledingstukken maken (zoals een rode leren riem, een gestreepte broek) en vervolgens uitwisselen. De bedoeling was om alle vijf kledingstukken te vinden en te fotograferen binnen een kwartier. Toen we terug naar het schoolgebouw liepen, raakte ik in gesprek met de Braziliaanse Valeria. Ook zij had meer mensen van onze leeftijd verwacht, in plaats van zo veel senioren. We spraken af om samen met het Zwitserse meisje (ben haar naam reeds vergeten; Eve?) te gaan lunchen na school. Morgen gaan Valeria en ik allebei mee op excursie naar Vietri sul Mare, wat vlakbij Salerno ligt. Vietri is de hoofdstad van de keramiek in Italië.
Het is nu 15:27 en ik voel de zon inmiddels wel branden. Zolang mijn laptop niet oververhit raakt, houd ik het nog wel uit. Mijn huisgenoot uit Tsjechië is nu in Pompeii, dus heb ik het huis voor mezelf. Dat zal wellicht anders zijn zodra het oudere Braziliaanse echtpaar hier volgende week intrekt. Ik denk niet dat ik dan nog in mijn bikini op het balkon zal zitten, alleen als ik zeker weet dat ik alleen thuis ben.
Na de lunch met de meiden, waarbij een bekende (een Zwitserse van negentien) van Eve aanschoof, ging ik op weg naar het kasteel bovenop de berg. Ik wist niet hoe ik er precies moest komen, maar volgens Eve was het lopend goed te doen. Ik volgde Google Maps en probeerde hier en daar mijn eigen draai aan de route te geven door op mijn gevoel af te gaan. Ik liep door smalle gekleurde straatjes en onder bogen door terwijl ik zo nu en dan een foto maakte met mijn camera. Ik kwam langs een bordje met de route naar de botanische tuin, Giardino di Minerva, die jammer genoeg een jaar gesloten is voor onderhoud (ik had Salerno namelijk de voorkeur gegeven deels vanwege deze botanische tuin) en liep het bordje voorbij. Uiteindelijk kwam ik uit bij een prachtige miniwaterval. Een waterval! In de stad! Ik vond het verbazingwekkend. Het uitzicht op zee was trouwens ook bijzonder mooi. Hoewel ik niet wist waar ik precies terecht was gekomen, was ik blij met mijn plotselinge ontdekking. Een paar trappen op en ik stond voor iemands huis met een citroenboom op de kleine patio voor het huis. Een trap verder en ik liep een piepklein bruggetje over naar een huis dat boven de waterval lag. Een adembenemend uitzicht. Ik zou hier ook wel kunnen wonen, dacht ik nog.
Ik besloot mijn bezoek aan het kasteel te verplaatsen naar een andere dag deze week. Ik moest ontzettend plassen en wist de ingang van het kasteel toch niet te vinden. Ook wilde ik vandaag naar il Duomo di Salerno, maar toen ik bij de kathedraal aankwam en aan de man vroeg of ik naar binnen mocht in deze outfit, werd ik vriendelijk afgewezen. God houdt namelijk niet van schaarsgeklede sexy jonge vrouwen wier decolleté te aanstootgevend is voor een plek waar baby’s gedoopt worden en families samenkomen (zo erg was het ook weer niet hoor). Dus zei ik beleefd in het Italiaans dat ik overmorgen wel zou terugkomen. Helaas wordt het overmorgen nog warmer dan vandaag, dus denk ik dat ik het maar naar vrijdag verplaats.
Hoewel het pas officieel mijn derde dag in Italië is, voelt het alsof ik hier al een week zit. Ik voel me erg op mijn gemak in het appartement en op school. Ik ben doodblij dat ik nu in een andere klas zit waarbij het allemaal iets sneller gaat. De oude vrouwen zijn allemaal zo erg nog niet; er zijn er pas twee die ik wat minder graag mag: de Sloveense vrouw, omdat ze traag is; en een van de Zwitserse vrouwen die tijdens de opdracht een beetje kapsones had en zo deed tegen mij (ik hoorde later van de vriendin van Eve dat zij die vrouw ook niet mocht). Verder zijn de vrouwen een stuk beter dan de ongemakkelijke Japanners en heb ik geen last meer van iemands stinkadem om negen uur ‘s ochtends.
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